#Learner Tien
stateofsport211 · 4 days
Las Vegas Ch F: Learner Tien [3] def. Tristan Boyer [6] 7-5, 1-6, 6-3 Match Stats
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📸 ATP official website
Learner made the necessary adjustments toward the end of the first set by trying to put more balls in, striking the ball cleaner in response to T. Boyer's aggression. Somehow, as the latter imploded under pressure, this would only make his groundstrokes more attack-prone, while Learner approached his pressure points like every other point thanks to his reliable point construction marked by his frequent accurate passes. From here, even though the sixth seed had a perfect break point conversion rate (all 4 break points being converted) in the first two sets, Learner took more initiatives as he created 8 break points throughout the whole match.
Both players turned out to have distinct service game strengths by the end of the match. T. Boyer's 9 aces helped him to be outstanding as he won 79% of his first serve points, but Learner stayed consistent as he won 62% of both his first and second serve points. However, T. Boyer's 6 double faults left his second serves more vulnerable to attacks, thus Learner's aforementioned questions to his balance under pressure.
This marked Learner's second Challenger title of the year (and his career) since the Bloomfield Hills Challenger in the beginning of July, propelling his rank to 151 to confirm his steady rise. For T. Boyer, he will continue indoors in the Columbus Challenger, where he will face wild card Bryce Nakashima (Brandon's younger brother) in the first round. This could be intriguing in terms of their aggression and pacing, but their pressure point could also count, given the experience difference between them. Should be a fun and packed day of action!
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daikenkki · 5 days
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a2zsportsnews · 30 days
Learner Tien, 18, cruises into Winston-Salem QFs | ATP Tour
Winston-Salem Tien, 18, cruises into Winston-Salem QFs Goffin, Hijikata advance August 21, 2024 Scott Kinser\Winston-Salem Open Learner Tien defeats Thiago Seyboth Wild after one hour, 28 minutes at the Winston-Salem Open. By ATP Staff Learner Tien’s dream debut week on the ATP Tour hit a new high Wednesday when he became the youngest American tour-level quarter-finalist since Brandon Nakashima…
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sanzaibian · 6 months
I'm loving the stories! I'm heading to Mexico in a few weeks with work, but hoping to immerse myself in the culture a bit. Can you help me out?
You find yourself in front of your local Spanish-language association. You thought that taking a few classes in Spanish would help you recover some of the long forgotten classes you took in high school… though in all honesty, it won’t likely do much. You’re quite old, now, so it means that your brain cannot learn new languages as easily as it used to...
As you enter, you see the Mexican flag front and center, along with flags of many other Latin American countries, as well as that of Spain. You walk up to the receptionist, and she tells you, directly in Spanish :
���¡Bienvenidos! ¿Cuál es el motivo de usted venida? (Welcome ! What is the reason you came here ?) - Er…” You try to conjure some of the very old memories, and only manage a “Hola !” Before going back to English. “I’m sorry, I don’t really know Spanish… I’m here to take classes, in fact.”
The receptionist nods, and thinks a bit before taking out a timetable.
“Okay, well, you see, I have a... beginner’s course of Spanish in a few hours… It’s not perfect because they already started in January, but I think you can still catch up if you work hard enough.” She says, with a perfect American accent. She is visibly bilingual. - Oh, in a few hours ?”
You are quite interested, considering that you did want some beginner-level courses, but in a few hours… That’s too short to just go back home and come back later, but that’s also too long to just stay here and wait without getting bored !
The receptionist notices your embarrassment.
“You know, we are also a place where Spanish learners and native speakers can hang out. If you want, you can go to the hangout room while waiting ?” She offers sympathetically. - Well yeah, I could do that.” You nod. It may be geared towards more hard-core learners, but you can always try to immerse yourself…
You go to the room she waves you to. It isn’t loud, but there’s quite a lot of people in it, all speaking Spanish. You go and find somewhere to sit, when, on your way, someone hails you.
“¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas? (Hello ! (...) ?)”
Your long-buried memories start churning, as you recognize the second sentence as meaning something like “What’s your name ?”. You think a while, and then, flash of brilliance.
“Me llamo Charlie.” You answer, giving out your name in the most American of accents.
Your conversation partner smiles, and speaks quite slowly to let you understand what he means.
“¿Cuántos años tiene?” You understand the sentence to mean ‘How old are you ?’ - Er… Soy… cuarenta y dos… años ?” You try, but he shakes his head. - No, ¡es ‘Tengo ventidós’ o ‘Tengo ventidós años’!”
You blush of embarrassment as he corrects you. Yes, you now remember that to mean “I am x years old” you say “Tengo x (años)”… you even remember the worksheets from way back when… Huh, it seems like it was less far of a memory than you thought.
“Lo siento…” You excuse yourself with sentence that came back strangely fast. - ¡Jajaja!” He laughs. “¡No te preocupes! ¡Hablar español es difícil! (Don’t worry ! Speaking Spanish is difficult !)”
You are surprised how easy it is to understand him. Visibly, you had more memories than you expected ! Then, that guy continues.
“¿De dónde es? (Where are you from ?) - Soy de… Mexico… Nuevo Mexico. (I’m from… Mexico… New Mexico.)”
You almost stumbled on yourself. There seems to be something wrong with that statement. You know you’re American, but something seems wrong…
“Ah, de... ¿Nuevo México? Pero tu acento no suena asi… (Ah, from… New Mexico ? But your accent doesn’t seem like it comes from there...) - Si, es verdad… (Yes, it’s true...)” You’re about to tell him that it’s because you’re American, but then you say : “La gente dice que tengo un acento de la Ciudad de Mexico. Sabes, Mexihco Hueyaltepetl. (People say that I have an accent from Mexico City. You know, Mexihco Hueyaltepetl (?).)”
Wait, why do people say that ? You never went to Mexico City ! Okay, yes, you did go there for the holidays, after all, your father lives there… Wait, your parents aren’t separated !
You get more and more confused as multiple versions of your history start competing with each other.
“¡Ah, tenía razón! Puedo verlo en tu cara que eres… eh… ¿mexiqueño? (Ah, I was right ! I can see by your face that you are… er… from Mexico City ?) - ¡Jajaja!” You laugh. “¡No se dice ‘mexiqueño’! ¡Se dice capitalino, o chilango si estás familiarizado! (You don’t say “Mexiqueño” ! You say “Capitalino”, or “Chilango” if you’re familiar !)” You don’t quite know where this knowledge comes from. It seems like something only locals would know… - Perdón, soy chileno, no lo sabía… (Sorry, I’m Chilean, I didn’t know...)”
You smile at him. Of course, he couldn’t know that, you’re familiar with these terms because you’re a Chilango through and through ! Born in the city, lived in the city ! Yet you furrow your brows, as something still feels off.
Somehow, you’re convinced that you’re American, even though it seems to be a more and more distant fact. Well, when you look down and see those tan arms, you know that you aren’t, like, a total gringo, you’re at least part Latino…
“¿Cómo es la vida allá? (How is life there ?)” The Chilean guy asks you, a torrent of memories coming back (?) to you. - ¡Es complicado de describir! Pero México es muy dinámico, ¡entonces siempre es interesante! (It’s difficult to describe ! But Mexico is very dynamic, so it’s always interesting !)” You think back to how frantic life is over there… and how much you love that. “Especialmente comparado con aquí, parece que esta citudad está muerta… ¡En México siempre hay un xochitzin con el que te puedes topar! (Especially when compared to here, this city seems dead… In Mexico, there’s always an xochitzin (?) you can run into !)”
As the Chilean nods, you keep getting quite confused. You know you’re from Mexico City, you know you’re American, yet somehow there is like… a piece of the puzzle missing. You keep on thinking strange words like “Mexihco Hueyaltepetl” or “ihni”, and you know it’s not Spanish, nor English – not that you would know too much of that language.
You continue thinking as your body starts feeling strange, as you feel it shifting. You put your hand on your forehead and sense your wrinkles relaxing. You feel quite queasy…
“¿Estás bien? (Are you alright ?) - Me siento un poco mareada… (I feel a bit dizzy…) - Sólo tienes que ir al baño. ¿Quieres que te ayude? (Just go to the toilets. You want me to help ?) - No, estará bien. Tlazohcamati. (No, it’s gonna be alright. (???)) - Okay… eh... ¿Eres indígenas? (Okay… er… Are you a Native American ?)”
You don’t answer the Chilean, only giving him a small wave to thank him. You find your way to the toilets, still queasy, and look at yourself.
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You’ve got your usual short black hair, your nascent beard that doesn’t want to come along, your brownish tint, as well as your light muscles. Nothing looks out of place, yet something seems wrong.
Is it the fact that you are so youthful ? You know you’re quite twinky. Is it the fact that your skin looks weird ? You know that it’s clearer than the other’s because your mother is gringo.
You feel even more queasy, as you feel your entire body tensing. Memories come back of your time in the gym, but also of the time with all your xochitzmeh (bros)… Yes, you now remember how you’re the son of an American linguist and a Nahua man. How you grew up speaking Nahuatl along with the other kids from around Mexico City. How you started going to the gym to prove that gays aren’t cuiltemeh (sissies/fags). How you now cringe to that line of thought, yet continue doing it to attract guys.
As the pieces of your life go back together, your queasiness dissipates, and you feel better. You drink a bit of water, and then you go back to the hangout room. As you go in there, the Chilean hails you once again.
“¡Charlie! ¿Esta mejor? (Charlie ! Doing better ?)”
Laughable, “Charlie” is only the nickname your grandparents use when you’re at their house… Why does that guy even know it ?
“¡Mi nombre no es Charlie, es Carlos! ¡Carlos Zopiyactle! (My name isn’t Charlie, it’s Carlos ! Carlos Zopiyactle !)” You say in a very matter-of-fact fashion. - Lo siento, pensé que te llamabas Charlie… (Sorry, I thought that you were named Charlie...) - No es nada. (It’s nothing.)” You answer with a very Mexican accent, aspirating your ‘s’. “Pero, tengo que irme ahora. ¡Adiós! (However, I need to go now. Goodbye !) - ¡Adiós, Carlos! (Goodbye, Carlos !)”
You leave the room, go past the receptionist who smiles at you a bit weirdly, and make your way back to your grandparent’s home. You don’t really like going there, because you’re not very good in English, but eh. Pleasing your mom is a good enough reason.
Suddenly, you hear a very familiar-sounding sound from your phone. You open it, seeing a notification, smile, and answer it before calling your mother.
“¡Cualli teotlaltzintli! ¡Amo niyaz tlacualpan! (Good evening ! I’m not going to be there for dinner !) - Pff… ¡Aic timotlamahzehua nanmonahuac! (Pff… You never come eat with us !) - Nomati, pero tengo cosas que hacer. (I know, but I have things to do.)” You say, switching back a bit to Spanish. - ¿Zannima tihual mocuepaz? (You will come back soon ?) - Quema. Nantli, nimitz nequi. (Yes. Mom, I love you.) - Ohuihqui nimitz nequi. (I love you too.)”
You finish the call and smile. She doesn’t have to know that you’re missing the family dinners to be pounded. Those jocks on Grindr don’t know what your pseudonym “Moiztactlaca” means, but it sounds foreign, and they love it.
Soon, you’re going back home to Mexico City, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t take advantage of all the hot guys here in the meantime !
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spyld · 5 months
Salut, pas beaucoup d'énergie aujourd'hui mais bon, je tiens à parler un peu ma langue. Même si c'est très étrange et que je me sens insecure et toux nux. He he. L'anglais c'est un bon masque.
Je vois des gens qui écrivent en français pour célébrer ce jour, alors que ce n'est pas leur langue native et qu s'excusent. Mais il ne faut pas. Vous écrivez super bien ! Et ça me rend toux contenx de vous voir vous approprier cette langue.
'Fin bref, pas grand chose à dire moi. Amusez vous bien ! E Adishatz brave monde.
Yeah, it does feel nudish writing non-english for some reason, like it's more real. Shoutout to all language learners tbh! Thank you for joining today despite the fatigue :)
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masonmyluv · 2 years
Learning English 🇬🇧
Pedri Gonzalez x English reader
One shot
Angst, Fluff and Smut (sub! Pedri)
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"tienes que aprender a hablar inglés (you have to learn how to speak English)" you said to your boyfriend. "por qué?" He asked from the couch where he was currently watching tv. "Because you have to know it! Maybe you won't play forever in Spain and you need to know it" you rolled your eyes. He didn't say anything for a while until the typed what you said in google translate, then he gasped loudly. "Jugaré por siempre para barcelona y no es mi problema aprender inglés (I will forever play for barcelona and it's not my problem to learn English)" he said angrily and stormed off to his room. "Mierda" you groaned.
Truth was, you sometimes wanted to speak in English as well since it was your native language. Speaking 24/7 in Spanish was exhausting, especially with an attitude like Pedri's. You plopped on the coach where he sat previously and continued the series he was watching.
"Mi amor...despertar (wake up) Pedri gently shook you. "Huh? How much did I sleep?" You asked. "Not much" he said. "mira lo siento por eso. se que quieres lo mejor para mi y actué como una polla (look I'm sorry for that. I know you want the best for me and I acted like a dick)" he sighed. You stood up quietly. "¿Te has enfadado conmigo? (Are you mad at me?" He asked. "estoy decepcionado de que no quieres aprender mi idioma. aprendí el tuyo, así que ¿qué te detiene? (I'm just disappointed you don't want to learn my language. I learned yours so what's stopping you?)" you asked him. "No soy un aprendiz rapido (I'm Not a fast learner)" he sighed. "lo que sea. cuando usted realmente quiere darle una oportunidad por lo menos, hágamelo saber (whatever. when you really want to give it a try at least, let me know)" you said, going to bed separately. You didn't feel like sharing a bed with him after the mini argument you had over some bullshit he created.
"¿Cómo coño hago esto? (How the fuck do I do this)" Pedri asked his best mate, Pablo. "Duolingo" he shrugged. "Es bueno? (Is good?)". "no lo sé. nunca lo intenté. ( I don't know. I never tried)". "muy útil, Gavi" (very helpful) Pedri said, rolling his eyes.
You were cooking dinner when he arrived home from training, but you were still mad at him. "Good evening, mi amor" he said, wrapping your arms around your waist. "You not talk to me?" He asked. "Babe..." he whined. "Fuck off, Pedro" you groaned. "Okay you know what? Realmente traté de hacer eso por mí mismo (I really tried to do it alone" he said, raising his voice. "No sé qué mierda quieres de mí (I don't fucking know what you want from me)" he said.
"No se trata solo de aprender un maldito idioma. ¿Qué pasa si algo no funciona en nuestra relación y ni siquiera lo intentas y me abandonas? ( It's not just about learning a fucking language. What if something difficult comes in our relationship and you wouldn't even give it a try and abandon me?)" you shouted. "Por ti, quemaría el mundo ( For you, I'd fucking burn the world down)" he said, his breath fanning over your neck. "I tried, mi amor. descargué ( I downloaded) Duolingo" he chuckled.
"Pedri, puedo enseñarte. Incluso tengo una idea de cómo. (Pedri, I can teach you. I even have an idea how.)" you smirked. "Really? Que idea?". "Go upstairs and wait for me...desnudo (naked)" you smirked.
"¿qué tienes en mente (what do you have in mind?" He asked as you emerged in your shared bedroom. "A partir de ahora, solo se acepta hablar en inglés. Si hablas español, pararé todo. (from now on, only speaking in English is accepted. If you speak spanish, I will stop everything.) Understand?" You said, starting to take of your clothes as well. "Yes" he half moaned. "Good boy... what am I going to do with you hm?" You asked, sitting on his lap, a pair of cuffs in your hands. "Fuck me" he said. "Not so fast, pretty boy. I'm fucking done with your attitude yeah? Gonna have my way with you" you smirked, tying his hand together above his head. "Keep them there. No touching or I will stop" you warned him. "Please..." he groaned. "Nah uh... you've been a bad boy... I need to teach you a lesson" you said, sucking at the skin on his neck. "Fuck... I'm so hard.... Please" he groaned. You trailed kisses down his abs, while his dick poked your immediate thigh.
"Baby, my love, please I need more" he begged. You smiled against the side of his dick, licking a long stripe on the throbbing vein. "This is what you want?" You asked. "N-No... I need... I need... oh fuck!" He moaned louder when you took him into your mouth. "I need inside you... please... baby... I'll do anything... just—". "Okay pretty boy... you've earned it" you said, taking him into your hands and teasing your entrance. "This is what you want?" You asked and he nodded. "Words, Pedri". "Yes, yes oh fuck!!! Baby" he moaned when you sank down on him. You couldn't help but let out a moan as he felt much bigger like this. "Move" he ordered. "How?" You played dumb. "For fuck's sake... move!" He groaned frustrated. "Beg. Me" you smirked. "You're gonna get pay for this..." he said. "Please, Y/N, fuck me".
You did a little victory dance in your head, then started bouncing on him as you both moan uncontrollably. "Please baby... let me touch you" he said. "Will you be a good boy?" You asked and he nodded. You bent over, stuffing your breasts into his face as you untied his hands. His hands immediately sank into your butt cheeks, urging you to go faster and harder on him. "Fuck Pedri..." you moaned as he snapped his hips up, meeting your movements. "You're gonna be a good girl, Y/N? Be a good girl for daddy" he smirked, feeling you clench around him. "Pedri fuck..." you moaned as you came, which triggered his own orgasm.
You took a few minutes to regain your breath, him flipping you both so he could slip out of you. "I learned a lot of English for sure" he smirked, still hovering over you. "I'm glad I could help" you smiled tiredly. "Don't give me that face" he said. "It's look, Pedri" you said with puppy eyes. "Fuck... you little devil" he said, tickling your sides. "You'll pay for that soon, I won't forget that" he said, tucking you into his side. "If you say so" you mumbled. "And not think that I will give up on us... I will fight for you, us" he said, suddenly being serious. "Because I fucking love you to the sky and back" he said. "It's to the moon and back" you giggled. "Shut up. You're ruining the moment" he said. "I love you too, Pedri. To the sky and back" you chuckled, before he kissed your lips softly.
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Hope you like it ❤️
Feedback is always appreciated <3
Spanish parts are translated with Google Translate (because I don’t know Spanish 🥲) so let’s ignore the mistakes :)
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logogreffe · 2 years
If I were to create an app to teach French, I think there would be an option to hear sentences in proper French and then to hear it as most of the French population says it : Proper (formal) French : Je me suis trompée, je n'ai pas pris le bon chemin. Everyday French : J'me suis trompée, j'ai pas pris l'bon ch'min. Proper French : Est-ce que tu as faim ? Everyday French : T'as faim ? Proper French : Mon ordinateur ne marche plus, pourrais-tu me prêter le tien s'il te plaît ? Everyday French : Mon ordi marche plus, tu peux me prêter le tien s'te plaît ? What I call proper French, where you enunciate properly every syllable, is lovely don't get me wrong - if you want to speak in Alexandrin this is particularly useful - but at the end of the day, you have to train you brain to recognize "ch'min" as "chemin". Unless your interlocutor is particularly patient, people won't be pronouncing every word properly... I'm trying to put myself into French learners shoes, you were taught "Nous allons au cinéma la semaine prochaine" and French speakers will say "on va au ciné la s'maine pro", I would be so frustrated "I speak French, they speak French, yet I can't understand what they're saying)
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dragon-ball-meta · 1 year
Do you think that Goku is long overdue to have his own original technique that isn't derived from his master(s)' teachings, like Krillin's Kienzan, Tien's Tri-Beam, etc.?
Not necessarily, no, and it's for the very reason that it's not who Goku is necessarily meant to be. Goku is a learner. He's a sponge when it comes to martial arts. He wants to learn as much as he can from whomever he can, and master what he learns to make himself the best he can be. And honestly, the "variants" of those moves is actually a sign not only of his Battle IQ and skill but also of how well he did learn those techniques. Combining IT with a Kamehameha to take an opponent by surprise and massively up the damage? Doing a Kamehameha with his feet to massively increase his speed? Splitting one in half and hovering it in place, only to launch them up at will as a distraction? Those techniques are all original to Goku, "variants" or not. Could they choose to have him invent something wholesale? Sure could. Is it necessary to show his growth? I don't think that's the case at all.
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Chapter 8. Stupid decisions
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Valentina Rivera (OC)
Word count: 940
Trigger Warning: injuries, broken ankle, hospital, talk of absent father, OC character sparring with Steve
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Marvel characters, only the Original characters are mine.
General Masterlist - Willow Series Masterlist
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1 year later since the Snap
What started as a fight lesson for the Rivera siblings ended up being a whole activity involving the majority of the women of the Rivera extended family, and of course, Miguel Rivera.
Rogers and Romanoff were impressed the first time they tested the siblings.
"Mom taught me so I could do the same with my sister” he explained “also, most of my uncles and aunts were in the army, so they taught us things too”
“Yeah, that is true. And my grandma taught us how to ensemble a rifle in less than a minute, she was a total badass back in her day” Val smiled with nostalgia “I miss that vieja loca”
Most of the cousins were resting or stretching, it has been a busy day, a year was enough for them to be good at fighting, but most of the ladies were really fast learners. Miguel had some intensity when he started to do something, he started to train every day until he hurt himself, making Valentina the rational one that time and make him train at least two days a week and rest the other days.
“She’s getting better, and… stronger? Did Steve stumble?” Miguel and Nat make a pause to watch the action in the other end of the training room
“That is a nice move, oh, the punch” the spectators hissed when her fist ended in Steve's shield and Natasha winced thinking of the amount of pain in Valentinas hand.
There was a tense silence while they were witnesses of the most ambitious fight that Val has ever done, on the other hand, their cousin Diana takes out the first aid kit bandages and her cousin Michelle runs to the kitchen for ice.
“Sweet yisus , se va a matar, voy a tener que recogerla en pedazos” Miguel was feeling anxious, and his emotion was getting stronger when he witnessed how his sister deflected in the air Steve’s shield with a leg kick.
The sound of the shield getting stuck in the wall was enough to make everyone stop everything, and they started to contain their breath, not knowing what could happen now.
Punches, leg kicks, deflecting the other attacks, both repeat the dance all over again, until Valentina can use her fox quickness to slip away, kick Steve in his back and later in his face with her knee.
“Lo hizo sangrar!” exclaimed Diana, covering her face un surprise
“Please please please, tell me this is it” Valentina supplicates, not moving from her defense pose “I can’t move, I think I broke my leg and something else that I didn’t know I have”
Miguel looks up to the ceiling, catching a glimpse of what it looked like a security camera.
“Cameras are still working?”
“I think so…” answered Natasha. The older sibling only nods and runs to assist his sister. 
Steve's nose was bleeding, meaning that was a really well made kick or was strong enough, he cleans himself a little with the back of his hand, being a super soldier means healing faster, a bloody nose was just a little inconvenience.
“Helen!” Diana voice was strong, that was her boss voice “Llamale a tía Gloria y pregunta si está en el hospital. Y dile a Michelle que llame a tio Fer, que perdió la apuesta y que nos tiene que pagar”
“Seriously? I have a potential broken leg y ustedes huevones apostando para cuando pasaba esto?!” Val use Steve and Miguel as help for walk up to her backpack “I’m starting to hate all of you”
Steve drove them to the hospital, aunt Gloria was doing her shift, that helped them a lot. 
Both men patiently drink a cup of coffee in the waiting room while Valentina was being checked by a doctor, the poor older sibling was feeling his muscles loose and the nervous tremors starting to stop.
“Something is bothering her, she only does stupid things when she is mad”
“So, she is always mad?”
“Kind of…” Miguel held his head low, the floor was pretty interesting to see when he spoke about ‘the subject’ “Thing is… My dad left us in April like seventeen years ago… And is just a few days left for April to start, which means that she is going to be fucking mad the first fifteen days of the month, she just blames herself”
“Why? It was someone else decision, not hers”
“Dad never loved her back, we even think that he never loved mom either. He is… or was… that kind of person that likes shiny things, he saw a shiny beautiful girl with emotional needs and just used that for his advantage, then he left with his second wife in Portugal, a 23 year old skinny beautiful girl, she was like a model… the last thing i knew was that he married his fifth wife, another young lady to mentally abuse. Mom died believing she wasn’t enough for him, and Val grew up believing she wasn’t perfect enough for having a father”
Both stayed in silence, there weren't enough words for them to describe their feelings. 
Aunt Gloria arrived a few hours later, it wasn’t her job to tell them the news, but she was doing it anyway.
“The hand is fine, just needs rest and if possible no movement for at least two weeks. But she had a broken ankle for not using the proper protection gear for whatever the hell she was doing.” Miguel groans, throwing his head back “And honestly, coming from Valentina it has been a miracle that she spent an entire year with no accidents. Oh, and she needs surgery”
Tags: @pinkpondofasgard @invisibleanonymousmonsters @dance-dreamer @americasmarauders
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aprendo-y-hablo · 3 months
¡hola! me llamo elliot, y soy alumno español. tomé una clase de español cuando era estudiante de primer año, pero quiero aprender más español. solo tomé una clase de español en el nivel dos, así tengo mucho que aprender :0
en este blog, voy a traducir tumblr shitposts en español. también voy a hablar en español con todos ustedes (espero). si quieres que elimine una publicación, lo haré.
si estas interesado en más sobre mí, te daré más información. soy japonés-americano, y vivo en un estado que tiene alta población de hispanohablantes - aquí, es útil para entender español.
por favor, si me vas a corregir, solo hazlo cuando te lo pido en una publicación (# es «puedes corregirme»). ¡gracias! y encantado :D
(y mi # para mis publicacións personales es «#elliot está hablando...». mi # para mis publicacións de traducción es «#elliot está traduciendo...»)
intended translation:
hello! my name is elliot, and i'm a spanish student/learner. i took a spanish class when i was a freshman, but i want to learn more spanish. i only took spanish 2, so i have a lot to learn.
in this blog, i am going to translate tumblr shitposts in spanish. also, i am going to speak in spanish with all of you! if you want me to take down a post, i will.
if you are interested in more about me, i will give you more information. i am japanese-american, and i live in a state that has a high population of spanish-speakers - here, it's useful to understand spanish.
please, if you are going to correct me, only do so when asked in a post (# is «puedes corregirme»). thank you! and nice to meet you.
(and my # for my personal posts is "#elliot está hablando...". my # for my translation posts is #elliot está traduciendo...")
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stateofsport211 · 4 days
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T. Boyer had fair moments in the third set, but they were insufficient to counter Learner's cleaner strikes. Right at the first game, the third seed's cross-court backhand pass negated T. Boyer's lead occurring due to a double fault before he held to 1-0. Somehow, he also volleyed to T. Boyer's body (which ended up being pegging by accident) to set himself further ahead even though the sixth seed held his serves to 3-3.
In the seventh game, T. Boyer hoped to break as he fired a rare forehand winner, to no avail as Learner massively held his serves to 4-3. As the former's balance became questionable, Learner aimed at T. Boyer's forehands to get the latter off-balance, breaking to 5-3 by the end of that game. Consequently, Learner had an opportunity to serve for the match, which he properly used by holding to 15, taking the third set 6-3 to secure his second Challenger title.
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daikenkki · 5 days
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akemitime · 2 years
Akko headcanons English/ Español
. Whoever decided that akko plays Minecraft you're absolutely right, she rather explore the world, the nether and mines (wich is funny bc sometimes she gets scared of them), while her house is just a bed, a chest and a furnace all covered by blocks of dirt
.Loves basketball and knows how to play it very well, least favorite sport is football/soccer
.Undiagnosed adhd(but she knew she had many symptoms) till the finals of the series wich she finally got a proper diagnosis
.Watches kids cartoons as comfort
.Had a hiperfixation on flowers at twelve, she now can't recall all the knowledge she had but knows more than the basics, because is an interest that comes and goes
.Loves Pokemon and her favorite region is Alola
.She doesn't like being called a gamer but knows and plays too much for being just a enjoyer
. Dislikes being constantly reminded about something but if she doesn't have her reminder ( wich is an application on her phone that is in Japan) there's a 70% she will forget
.She already knew about vines but started quoting them thanks to Amanda
. Still anonymously sending support messages to the yeti
.Isn't into books but will pass a lot of time in a library reading tons of novels and think if Lotte or Diana would like them, to give the books as birthday present
.Isn't into books like I said but loves manga and anime, her favorite genre is Shounen
. Actually really likes English and is also a fast learner so it wasn't so hard to master it, but sometimes she will look at Ursula/Chariot with the most dead expression and asks:" Professor, what was the way to the book ranch?"or look at Sucy and says:"So just asking, you put some of your mushrooms in UuuUUUHHH,.. a cold keeper?" or recalls numbers in Japanese and then she translate
. Unable to read lips
. Knows the basics of sign language in Japanese and English thinking that maybe in one of her performances a deaf kid gets lost she will need to comunicate with them
.Tried to keep a pet rock and she lose it somewhere
. Really knows how to draw, she will spend time as a kid drawing the best parts of Shiny Chariot performances, but even though she can draw people decently realistic she draws in a cartoon style
. Glitter lover
.As a kid wasn't allowed in the kitchen but before getting into Luna Nova she managed to became a decent cook
.As a kid had a conformt song that is called " No friends" wich she doesn't completely relate anymore but still loves it
. Besides having "high hopes" on loop in her head , she obviously likes both pop and K-pop, up beat happy music, no obscene rap and some anime music, surprisingly for some people including herself, loves phonk
. Doesn't like make up on herself but if she sees someone with a cool one she goes" YASS B### SLAYYY" regardless of gender
. Tried to eat crayons when she was five and randomly thinks about doing it again 💀
.Thinks all her scars were worth and isn't ashamed of showing them
.Akko gay awakening was Megara from the Hércules movie by Disney
.A quién sea que se le ocurrió que akko juega Minecraft, tienes toda la razón, ella preferiría explorar el mundo, ir al nether o a las minas(cosa que es gracioso por qué algunas veces se asusta), mientras que su casa es una cama, un cofre y un horno, rodeados de bloques de tierra
.Ama el basketball y sabe cómo jugarlo muy bien, su deporte menos preferido es el fútbol
.Tenía Tdah sin diagnosticar( pero sabía que tenía varios síntomas) hasta el final de la serie y por fin le hicieron un diagnóstico
. Be shows de niños por conformt
.Tuvo su obsesión ( osea la hiperfijación pero es que suena rarísima la palabra) con las flores a los doce, actualmente no puede recordar todo el conocimiento que tenía sobre ellas pero sabe más que lo básico, es un interés que va y viene
.Ama pokèmon y su región favorita es Alola
.No le gusta que la llamen gamer pero sabe y juega demasiado como para no serlo
.Le desagrada que constantemente le estén recordando algo pero si no tiene su recordatorio a la mano( una aplicación que tiene en el celular que se encuentra en Japón) hay un 70% de probabilidad que se le olvide
. Ya sabía de los vines pero empezó a recitarlos gracias a Amanda
.De manera anónima le sigue mandando mensajes de apoyo al yeti
.No es muy metida en los libros pero pasaría un largo rato en la librería leyendo a montones novelas pensando si a Lotte o a Diana le gustaría para regalarles un o unos libros
. Cómo ya dije, no está muy interesada en los libros pero ama el manga y el anime
. Realmente le gusta el inglés y es una aprendiz rápida lo cual hizo que no fuera tan difícil dominar el idioma, pero algunas veces mira a Úrsula/Chariot y le pregunta:" Profesora, ¿Dònde queda el rancho de libros?" O le dice a Sucy," Oye una pregunta, ¿Tú pones algunos de tus hongos en UuuUUUHHH,... Un container de frío? O dice los números en japonés y luego lo traduce
. Incapaz de leer los labios
.Sabe lo básico de lenguaje de señas tanto en inglés y japonés por qué pensó que quizás en algunos de sus shows un niño sordo se pierda y necesite comunicarse con este
.Intento tener una piedra mascota y la termino perdiendo
. Realmente sabe cómo dibujar, de pequeña dibujaba las mejores escenas de Shiny Chariot, pero a pesar que sabe dibujar a la gente de forma decentemente realista prefiere tener un estilo más de caricatura
.Amante de la escarcha
.De niña no la dejaban pasar a la cocina, pero antes de entrar a Luna Nova se las arreglo para saber cocinar decentemente
.De niña tenía una canción de confort que se llama " No friends" en la cual ya no se identifica completamente la sigue amando
. Además de tener " high hopes" en bucle en la cabeza, le gusta tanto el pop y K-pop, canciones animadas y felices, raps que no sean obscenos y una que otra canción de anime, pero para sorpresa de algunos entre ellos ella misma le gustó el phonk
. No le gusta ponerse maquillaje pero si ve a alguien luciendolo ella grita:"MATA LA LIGA CAB###"
.Intento comerse unos crayones cuando tenía cinco y de forma random piensa en volverlo a hacer 💀
.Piensa que todas sus cicatrices valieron la pena y no se avergüenza de ellas
.El gay awakening de akko fue Megara de la película de Hércules de Disney
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luvly-writer · 2 years
Okay, this time I won't comment the chapter because I had enough, I'm fangirling way too much so ask yeah ask, ehem, pues que te digo....You make my latina ass so so so so happy 😭
Jason speaking Spanish? Yeah, there you have our darling polyglot.
Jason dancing and growing up in a Latino neighborhood? Yes, thanks. Baby's got that sass from his young years, change my mind.
I'm from Colombia and I feel so so so related to Y/N what's kind of witchcraft is that? I love it sm 🥺 also the pet names in spanish? Me da algo algo algo cuando leo eso, it's adorable.
If Jason liked salsa *evil smile* he'd lose his mind with regueton, just picture that thank of a man blushing like a whore when YN makes the forbidden moves of a good old regueton, hahahaha. Also, and from experience, dancing gringos in general are so so so funny, I wanna think, I wanna believe our boy did better but uh... Well, at least he's a fast learner.
Sometimes I forget Jay is a gringo, because I tell you... That sass and that spice??? Ese hombre tiene sabor por dónde lo veas, uhum *chef's kiss*
Okay, I think I finished AH NO, Nola I love Nola, I wanna a friend like her and Garbanzo, extra points if the cat is color garbanzo, como amarillito hahahhaha. Ahora sí acabé, gracias por venir a mi Ted talk.
sorry that I took so long to answer
I AM SO SO SO HAPPY YOU ARE ENJOYING THE STORY!!! This is the exact same reason i write, because i want people to feel represented and i love love LOVE to see your feedback and see how much you are enjoying it! And yes!!! Lets goooo, Colombia!!!! My step father and one of my best friends are Colombian so it holds a special place in my heart! (and now i have you! <3)
and yes! Jason did quite good for a gringiuto pq las viejitas del barrio se aseguraron q he KNEW salsa! they would have never let him go to the world being stiff af!!
and iKKKK!! he definitely has some latino blood somewhere, i just KNOW it
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a2zsportsnews · 2 months
#NextGenATP teens Tien, Debru among youngest Challenger champions of 2024
#NextGenATP Learner Tien and Gabriel Debru will not soon forget their Sunday triumphs on the ATP Challenger Tour. The American Tien claimed the Cranbrook Tennis Classic in Michigan while Debru won on home soil at the Internationaux de Tennis de Troyes, becoming two of the three youngest champions on the ATP Challenger Tour this year. Tien, 18, needed a deciding set in all five of his matches,…
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alfredol70 · 3 months
Learner Tien vs Nishesh Basavareddy | F Bloomfield • Highlights
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