#Le'Keian Woods
ausetkmt · 9 months
Calls for justice filled Bay Street Sunday afternoon as dozens of people rallied on the steps of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office headquarters after a video went viral showing the arrest of 24-year-old Le'Keian Woods. 
Woods' arrest on Friday was caught on video by a bystander showing multiple officers standing and kneeling over him. At one point, an officer picks Woods up and slams him onto the grass.
Moments later, officers lifted Woods up, revealing bruises and blood across his face. Woods' family accused the officers of punching him during the incident, causing his facial injuries, although this isn't shown in the arrest video.
The family told First Coast Newsthat Woods, his uncle and his friend were pulled over for not wearing their seatbelts as they were on their way to Woods' grandmother's house.
The Sheriff's Office says the incident is under administrative review.
USA TODAY noted the incident is the latest case of alleged police brutality, where encounters with police over traffic violations have turned violent or even fatal. Recent studies have shown racial disparities in policing and experts have said Black people are disproportionately stopped or searched by law enforcement across the country.
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During a rally Sunday afternoon, Woods' mother, Natassia Woods, spoke to the crowd describing how hard it's been to get an update on her son's condition. She told First Coast News her son's attorney, Harry Daniels, told her that Woods was going to and from the hospital to be treated for a concussion. 
“I’m at a point now that I just want answers for my son," Woods told the crowd. "I want justice for my son. No one should be beaten like that.”
Natassia Woods isn’t the only calling for those things — as she was surrounded by dozens of people with signs and posters.
“We were definitely outraged," said Mary Dennis, who attended the rally. "When I saw the video, I just couldn’t believe that it took that many people to take one person down.”
Woods' mother said she did get a chance to speak with her son, but it was a painful conversation.
"When he called me from the jail, he said, 'Mama, what happened to me?'" Natassia Woods said.
"He didn't even know he got beat like that. He didn't even know that stuff had happened to him. He did not know that he had got beaten that bad."
The Sheriff's Office shared the following statement withmedia on Saturday regarding the incident:
"The agency takes all allegations of inappropriate use of force by JSO officers seriously. As such, this incident is now under administrative review to determine if the involved officers violated any JSO policy. Because the matter is currently under investigation, the agency cannot comment further about the incident until the investigation is completed.”
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The Jacksonville Community Action Committee, who organized the rally, called for three things in light of Woods' arrest going viral on social media.
One, for the officers responsible to be held accountable. Two, for the Sheriff's Office to get rid of the gang unit. Three, create a public safety committee made up of community members to review public safety policies.
“Why can’t the city have an institution that can hear the voices of the community in a controlled way that can affect policy in a positive way," said Michael Sampson with the Jacksonville Community Action Committee.
Woods is being held on charges of armed drug trafficking, possession of a controlled substance and resisting an officer with violence.
Police shooting: Jacksonville state attorney deems officer justified in shooting of Jamee Johnson
Attorney Dexter Van Harris represented Woods in court Sunday morning. Van Harris told First Coast News the judge found no probable cause on two of the six charges he is facing, and his bail on the other four totals about $170,000.
Woods' next court date is scheduled for Oct. 24.
Woods was previously arrested and faced a second-degree murder charge in 2018 for an attempted robbery at a Tallahassee apartment complex where his roommate was fatally shot, according to The Florida Times-Union.
Traffic stops across the United States
A number of high-profile cases of police brutality have begun with traffic violations. Traffic stops are one of the most common interactions civilians have with police and while a majority end uneventfully, experts have said people of color — particularly Black people — are disproportionately stopped by police, USA TODAY reported.
These encounters can quickly escalate into violent, and sometimes fatal, incidents. Hundreds of people, including Tyre Nichols, Patrick Lyoya, Daunte Wright, Jayland Walker, Philando Castile, Sandra Bland and Walter Scott have been killed after being stopped by law enforcement for traffic violations.
Police pull over more than 50,000 people daily and more than 20 million motorists annually, according to the Stanford Open Policing Project. Officers generally stop and search Black drivers at higher rates, the study found.
Daniels said Woods' case "bears a striking similarity" to the shooting of 22-year-old Jamee Johnson in 2019. The attorney represented Johnson's family in a federal lawsuit against the city of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office.
"Johnson was also pulled over for an alleged seat belt violation before being fatally shot by (Jacksonville Sheriff's Office) officer Josue Garriga," Daniels said on X, formerly known as Twitter, on Sunday.
Garriga was one of the officers involved in Woods' arrest, according to a newly released arrest report.
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thewwshow · 7 months
Le'Keian Woods Family Fights for Justice
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speak-truth-to-power · 8 months
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MoT# 459 Exposing The Cops Who Brutally Attacked Le'Keian Woods
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mistermaxxx08 · 9 months
MoT# 459 Exposing The Cops Who Brutally Attacked Le'Keian Woods
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leebranden · 9 months
MoT# 459 Exposing The Cops Who Brutally Attacked Le'Keian Woods
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panwolf-blog1 · 9 months
MoT# 459 Exposing The Cops Who Brutally Attacked Le'Keian Woods
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diarioelpepazo · 9 months
La Policía de EE.UU. detiene al joven negro y fue llevado posteriormente a un hospital con una conmoción cerebral con los ojos cerrados e hinchados, cortes y hematomas en la cara y un labio partido. La Oficina del Sheriff de la ciudad estadounidense de Jacksonville (Florida) compartió este lunes un nuevo video que muestra el arresto de un joven afroamericano de 24 años que fue golpeado por un grupo de efectivos en 17 oportunidades, provocando que su cabeza impactara contra el suelo mientras estaba esposado. La detención de Le'Keian Woods, realizada el 29 de septiembre, atrajo la atención mediática luego de que se volviera viral un video del teléfono celular de un transeúnte que mostraba a los agentes arrojándolo violentamente al suelo, lo que generó indignación en la comunidad y denuncias de brutalidad policial. 🇺🇸 La Policía de EE.UU. detiene a un afroamericano golpeándolo 17 veces mientras estaba esposado en el suelo pic.twitter.com/XJOwH9EJrv — Sepa Más (@Sepa_mass) October 4, 2023 El joven fue llevado posteriormente a un hospital con una conmoción cerebral con los ojos cerrados e hinchados, cortes y hematomas en la cara y un labio partido. En las nuevas imágenes, pertenecientes a la cámara corporal de un efectivo, se muestra a las fuerzas del orden deteniendo primero un automóvil y arrestando al conductor. En una segunda parte, se ve a Woods huir de la escena antes de que cuatro agentes le dispararan con pistolas de electrochoque y lo esposaran. Al mostrar el video, el jefe de Estándares Profesionales del departamento policial, Mike Shell, aseguró que el joven había sufrido lesiones faciales cuando huyó de los oficiales que intentaron arrestarlo después de "verlo realizando una transacción de drogas". "Con base en la información actualmente disponible, la agencia cree que los detectives involucrados actuaron apropiadamente con respecto a la ley y la política (de la Oficina del Sheriff de Jacksonville)", alegó, citado por medios locales. El detenido fue acusado de resistirse al arresto con violencia, tráfico armado de cocaína, tráfico armado de anfetaminas, posesión armada de una sustancia controlada, manipulación de pruebas y posesión de una sustancia controlada sin receta. Por su parte, el abogado de derechos civiles Harry Daniels, defensor del sospechoso, señaló que su cliente fue golpeado por varios oficiales después de ser detenido por supuestamente no llevar el cinturón de seguridad. Para recibir en tu celular esta y otras informaciones, únete a nuestras redes sociales, síguenos en Instagram, Twitter y Facebook como @DiarioElPepazo El Pepazo/RT Español
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djsegwon · 9 months
Watch "Le'Keian Woods Arrest Video Goes Viral, Why Are People Hating On Dr. Claud Anderson" on YouTube
Leave the elders alone! #newstoter
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nadiasindi · 9 months
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recentlyheardcom · 9 months
A Florida sheriff released body camera video Monday that he says shows his officers were justified when they repeatedly punched, elbowed and kneed a drug suspect who appeared to resist arrest even after being zapped with a stun gun and pinned to the ground.The suspect's attorney, meanwhile, is calling for a federal investigation of the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and accused Sheriff T.K. Waters of a coverup. Friday's arrest of Le'Keian Woods drew national attention after the release of a passerby's cellphone video showing officers beating him and appearing to slam him face first onto the ground after he was handcuffed.Waters and Mike Shell, his assistant chief for public accountability, told a news conference that the officers knew Woods had once been accused of murder, was on probation for armed robbery and had been connected to firearms and drug trafficking when they gave chase to him Friday after a traffic stop.Mug shots taken after Woods' arrest shows him with both eyes swollen shut and bruises and cuts on his face.“There was force used by arresting officers and yes, that force is ugly. But the reality is that all force, all violence is ugly,” Waters said. “But just because force is ugly does not mean it is unlawful or contrary to (agency) policy.” He said all the officers remain on the street “where they belong.”Woods is charged with resisting arrest with violence, armed trafficking in cocaine and methamphetamine and other felonies.Harry Daniels, Woods’ attorney, said he will petition the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his client's beating.“It's unfortunate that the sheriff believes the beating of an unarmed man is justified,” Daniels said. “It is obvious that he is complicit and an enabler of clear misconduct by his officers. It is not surprising that (the sheriff's office) didn't find any misconduct because they investigate themselves."Body camera footage shows that Jacksonville officers, including Hunter Sullivan, stopped a Dodge Ram pickup in an apartment complex's parking garage. Shell said the stop came shortly after Woods completed a drug sale at a gas station. Officers are then seen pointing their guns at two men with Woods and they surrender without incident. Waters said cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine and a handgun were found in the truck.The video shows Woods, however, bolting from the front passenger's seat and into the apartment complex, with Sullivan giving chase. Sullivan repeatedly yells at Woods to get on the ground or he will shoot him with his Taser stun gun. When Sullivan gets close enough, he shoots him twice with the stun gun and Woods falls face first onto the pavement.Sullivan then jumps on top of Woods and repeatedly tells him to put his hands behind his back. Woods, who is 5-foot-8-inches tall and 160 pounds (1.7 meters and 72 kilograms), squirms and sometimes puts one hand or the other behind his back, but then moves the other beneath him.In an arrest report also released Monday, Sullivan said he repeatedly hit Woods in the head and ribs and elbowed him in the face, fearing that he was reaching for a gun in his waistband. Detective Josue Garriga arrived and said in the report that he kneed Woods in the head and shoulders while another punched him. After about two minutes, they get Woods handcuffed, according to the video.Another body cam video shows officers still accusing Woods of resisting arrest as they try to lift him from the ground, so they slam him back. They then drag him into a sitting position on the ground.Daniels, Woods' attorney, said that the sheriff's office had no legal reason to stop the truck. In the report, the officers said they originally tried to stop the truck because the driver wasn't wearing his seat belt, but he wouldn't pull over.“They had no reason to engage Mr. Woods, none,” Daniels said. He said Woods wasn't resisting arrest as he struggled with Sullivan and the other officers, but was trying to protect himself from an unlawful beating.“Any man who is getting a beating is going to resist that beating or he is going to get killed,” Daniels said.
Woods was being held Monday at the Jacksonville jail. He has been on probation after pleading no contest to a 2017 robbery in Tallahassee in which he and his roommate tried to rob a marijuana dealer at gunpoint, according to court records.The dealer pulled his own gun and fatally shot the roommate as Woods fled. Woods was originally charged with second-degree murder in his roommate’s death, but a plea bargain was reached last year that released him without prison time.In 2019, Garriga shot a man in a traffic stop over an unbuckled seat belt, according to public records. Prosecutors found the shooting was justified, and a lawsuit filed by the dead man’s family was later settled for an undisclosed amount, federal court records show. Daniels was the family's attorney.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
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Jacksonville PD did this - and it's all on camera.
they say he resisted arrest and ran, so they tried to unalive him. now if I'm not mistaken their job is to apprehend people and take them to jail, so that the courts can met out the penalties, right?
wellll that's not exactly how the Jacksonville pd saw it. they tried to catch him when he ran. they tased him, and tripped. he got up and continued running. so they got tired and once again tased him and he tripped so they beat him until he has a concussion, and multiple other injuries.
Harry Daniels is the family attorney and he is making sure he keeps everybit of information pertainant and available. We don't want to see him suddenly die in jail and not know why.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
Mother of man arrested in viral video calls for justice during rally
Mother of  Le’Kian Woods a man brutally arrested in viral video calls for justice during rally outside Jacksonville Sheriff's. Jacksonville wants justice and the dissolution of the Jacksonville Gang Ops. His Mother says this shouldn’t have happened. Sheriff TK Waters is a pure liar because the video shows us what happened and who did it to whom.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating a violent arrest after a video went viral on social media depicting a man in handcuffs with bloodied facial injuries. The family of the man, identified as 24-year-old Le’Keian Woods, alleges that he was brutally beaten by police during the arrest.The incident captured video shows several JSO officers aggressively arresting Woods. However, the video does not provide context regarding the events leading up to the arrest.
Woods had been arrested on Friday, September 29, on multiple charges, including trafficking methamphetamine and cocaine while armed, as well as violently resisting an officer.
The family stated that the incident started as an alleged traffic stop for not wearing a seatbelt when he was with two other people in the car near their grandmother’s home.
After the handcuffs were put on, the video showcases officers allegedly slamming Woods into the ground. Later, you see that officers appear to try and pick him up but Woods emerged from the encounter with visible injuries, including a swollen and bloody face.
Woods’s family has retained the services of civil rights attorney, who released a statement condemning the officers’ actions.
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Daniels stated, “If this video of the officers repeatedly assaulting Le’Keian, slamming his head into the ground and tossing him around like a ragdoll while he’s handcuffed and defenseless isn’t enough to convince you that these officers need to be off the street, just look at Le’Keian’s face. He looks like he just went 12 rounds with a professional boxer. He’s lucky to be alive.”Sheriff TK Waters announced that the case is under administrative review.
“Every allegation of misconduct or excessive force, every single one is taken seriously. We will review the body cams and eventually, you will see the body cams and you’re going to see contextual information start to finish. You won’t see a clip of a video that loops over and over again. YOu will see the video in context but we have to have a full and complete investigation.
Action News Jax’s Dale Carson, a criminal defense attorney and law enforcement expert, who served in the FBI, offered insights into the arrest.
“After he is handcuffed properly, then it’s over. The fight should be over, the resistance should be over, and if you continue to force compliance by actually hurting the individual to assure compliance by slamming into the ground or something of that nature, that’s not in the training manual,” Carson stated.
Woods is currently hospitalized, and the release date of the JSO body camera footage remains uncertain.
Carson expressed doubts about the traffic stop being related solely to a seatbelt violation, suggesting it may have been part of a planned operation.
The investigation is ongoing as the community awaits further information regarding the incident.
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ausetkmt · 9 months
JSO says man seen being punched in viral arrest video was involved in possible drug deal.
They tried to beat this man to a bloodspot. if there was not a person sitting in a car with a camera running we wouldn’t know the reality of this brutal arrest. Le’Keian Woods shouldn’t have ever experienced this - NO ONE Should
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ausetkmt · 9 months
Jacksonville Sheriff T.K. Waters released a statement involving this incident.JSO: Pregnant woman ambushed by masked men, shot in Spring Glen area
“Yesterday, JSO officers were involved in an incident near Toledo Road and Powers Avenue in which force was used taking a subject into custody. The agency takes all allegations of inappropriate use of force by JSO officers seriously. As such, this incident is now under administrative review to determine if the involved officers violated any JSO policy. Because the matter is currently under investigation, the agency cannot comment further about the incident until the investigation is completed.”
Online videos show mental mindset of Jacksonville man shot multiple times by officers Online videos obtained by Action News Jax give insight into the mindset of a Jacksonville man who waved what appeared to be hand gun at police officers, Wednesday.
Online videos show mental mindset of Jacksonville man shot multiple times by officers Online videos obtained by Action News Jax give insight into the mindset of a Jacksonville man who waved what appeared to be hand gun at police officers, Wednesday.
Jacksonville sheriff comments on use of force on man in custody after viral Instagram post Videos and pictures were circulating on Facebook of a man in handcuffs being beaten by police in Jacksonville.
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