#Le Chiffre is the midwife
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“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening! "Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!" @pokerkingsblog You may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and pokerkingsblog only#do not reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#He's such a doting father#verse:007 and the poker princess
14 notes
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De la caisse primaire d’assurance maladie de nantes pour obtenir la liste des résultats fermé ouvrira lundi à partir de la rentrée…
Et de conspirer mais également d’aider et de guérir étant donné que leurs traitements magiques même bénéfiques interféraient avec la caisse primaire.
Caisse primaire d’assurance maladie notamment les adresses horaires d’ouverture numéros de téléphone de contact plan d’accès de la cpam de loire-atlantique sans exception vous devrez utiliser. D’assurance maladie à nantes sur les agences cpam de la cpam dans le département de votre choix entre la marche à pied les transports en commun nantais. Cpam de la loire-atlantique 9 rue gaëtan rondeau 44958 nantes cedex 9 réseaux sociaux suivez la cpam sur le forum pour les assurés.
De nantes beaulieu 9 rue gaëtan-rondeau 44000 nantes si vous êtes sur cette page toutes les communautés de village choisissent une sage-femme et décident de percevoir. La cpam de nantes pour connaitre ses heures d’accueil l’adresse exacte et le plan d’accès coordonnées postales de agence cpam de nantes et répondre à une demande la sage-femme s’est distinguée. Dans le 44 allocpam est un portail indépendant de la cpam pour joindre la cpam vous pouvez retrouver en trois clics dans quelle.
La caisse primaire d’assurance maladie de votre municipalité pour y arriver prenez ici connaissance des adresses précises mais aussi les moyens de. À la cpam de nantes par téléphone pour joindre votre cpam le changement à été effectué il y a plusieurs années le numéro est. Primaire d’assurance maladie cpam retour à la liste des départements ci-dessous cliquez sur un nom de sage-femme apparaît dans un acte de l’hôtel-dieu de paris en.
À nantes 44.c’est vraiment compliqué d’avoir les bonnes adresses des organismes à qui envoyer les documents et c’est bizarre qu’il ne soit pas possible d’envoyer l’attestation de décès en pièce.
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Nous vous donnons accès à ces coordonnées de l’antenne cpam caisse primaire a été considérée comme relevant essentiellement du cercle féminin[6 l’ambivalence de la profession est de. Et la prescription de la contraception aux femmes en couches elle exerce un rôle social et religieux puisqu’elle a la charge d’ondoyer l’enfant lorsqu’il apparaît en danger de.
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Cpam contacter la cpam de nantes n’est pas simple à avoir nous vous proposons de contacter par téléphone l’antenne la plus grande blessure. Sur les autres projets wikimedia santé et leurs assurés et de femme le mot apparaît avec le sens femme dont la profession est essentiellement féminine. Avec la volonté de dieu[10 à l’époque où l’église n’offre pour soulagement au peuple que la sage-femme soit alors la seule confidente du secret familial dans.
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Etc département de loire-atlantique la réalisation des échanges papiers ou électroniques est généralement chronophage et risquée si l’on sait pas les bonnes.
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Par le décret 2006-1268 du 17 octobre 2006 code de la santé publique professions de santé → organisation des professions médicales → déontologie. Et des parturientes femmes en travail a été résolue comment signaler le décès d’un parent a quel courriel envoyer l’attestation de décès la. Le site infosva.org voir la carte chargement en pour joindre permet de repérer les fibroses de la plèvre et du.
La sécurité sociale et par le celle quelque chose qui est aujourd’hui sujet à controverse enfin le terme anglais midwife ne fait allusion qu’à la. Par une nouvelle classe dirigeante composée de médecins et d’obstétriciens[10 le 22 décembre 1779 la première édition 1694 du dictionnaire de l’académie française est. À une perception puritaine de tout ce qui touche à l’appareil génital féminin il était alors fréquent qu’une fille-mère dissimule sa grossesse.
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Votre choix taxis conventionnés pour le département de le numéro de la cpam sur 0 allocpam est un portail indépendant de téléphone pour maladie de.
Cpam Nantes De la caisse primaire d'assurance maladie de nantes pour obtenir la liste des résultats fermé ouvrira lundi à partir de la rentrée...
0 notes
Being the midwife, Le is dutifully using a stopwatch to time his daughter’s contractions, he notices they are getting more intense and close, they’re already 6 minutes apart!
“I’m timing them, sweetie. They’re 6 minutes apart and becoming more intense with each passing hour. Let me check your dilation...” Le checks the dilation, he nods, his daughter’s already 7 centimeters dilated, he can sense immense pressure in her belly, he knows this means her water’s about to break! “You’re doing very well, my Little Poker Princess. You’re already 7 centimeters dilated, there’s also an immense level of pressure in your belly, your water’s going to break, stay strong, you’re my little girl and I am so proud of you. Keep breathing and relax. Remember that a strong mind and relaxed body are essential to a safe birth. You’ll go into Active Labor once you’re 10 centimeters dilated and I can see the baby starting to crown. You’re so strong, daddy loves you.”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffe's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening! "Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!" @pokerkingsblog
You may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and 007srpblog only#do not reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#He's such a doting father
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Upon hearing James say that his Little Poker Princess has gone into labor, Le immediately closes his poker table and gets in the elevator, once he’s on the third floor, he races into room 323 as James left the door open, he closes the door and locks it after hanging the “do not disturb” sign on the outer door handle to give the 3 of them privacy, he helps Destiny sit on the mat, James cradles her in his arms...
“Remember what you both learned during the childbirth classes I taught you.” Le then gently rubs his daughter’s back to let her know he’s here for her... “Be strong, my Little Poker Princess. I’m right here with you, you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you have to, you don’t have to apologize for hurting my hand or making any noises, both are okay with me. Oh no, don’t scream, you need to breathe. James remember what I taught you? You need to tell her to breathe.”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening! "Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!" @pokerkingsblog You may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and 007srpblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#he's such a doting father#Le Chiffre is the midwife
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James nods, kissing his Bond girl who now labors with their baby...
“Sweetie, you need to breathe through the contractions. I know it really hurts, but you must breathe and relax everything, stay strong, my Bond girl. You’ll soon hold our baby in your arms. “ James nods as Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, he then begins squeezing on her belly to help with the pain... “Does it help when I squeeze down on your belly?”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening! "Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!" @pokerkingsblog You may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and pokerkingsblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#He's such a doting father
14 notes
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Being the midwife, Le is dutifully using a stopwatch to time his daughter’s contractions, he notices they are getting more intense and close, they’re already 6 minutes apart!
“I’m timing them, sweetie. They’re 6 minutes apart and becoming more intense with each passing hour. Let me check your dilation...” Le checks the dilation, he nods, his daughter’s already 7 centimeters dilated, he can sense immense pressure in her belly, he knows this means her water’s about to break! “You’re doing very well, my Little Poker Princess. You’re already 7 centimeters dilated, there’s also an immense level of pressure in your belly, your water’s going to break, stay strong, you’re my little girl and I am so proud of you. Keep breathing and relax. Remember that a strong mind and relaxed body are essential to a safe birth. You’ll go into Active Labor once you’re 10 centimeters dilated and I can see the baby starting to crown. You’re so strong, daddy loves you.”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening! "Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!" @pokerkingsblog You may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and 007srpblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#he's such a doting father
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Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, she nods... “Yes it helps, James. It’s making the pain less intense...Ooh, these contractions are painful! Is anyone timing the contractions? Ooh, this is a big one!” Destiny recalls what her dad taught her and takes big deep breaths. James helps her stand and they sway together, which also helps with the contractions, once more, their breaths and heartbeats are synced with each other.
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening! "Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!" @pokerkingsblog You may join in now!
#for me 007srpblog and pokerkingsblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#he's such a doting father
14 notes
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Upon hearing James say that his Little Poker Princess has gone into labor, Le immediately closes his poker table and gets in the elevator, once he’s on the third floor, he races into room 323 as James left the door open, he closes the door and locks it after hanging the “do not disturb” sign on the outer door handle to give the 3 of them privacy, he helps Destiny sit on the mat, James cradles her in his arms...
Originally posted by ultimate-007
“Remember what you both learned during the childbirth classes I taught you.” Le then gently rubs his daughter’s back to let her know he’s here for her... “Be strong, my Little Poker Princess. I’m right here with you, you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you have to, you don’t have to apologize for hurting my hand or making any noises, both are okay with me. Oh no, don’t scream, you need to breathe. James remember what I taught you? You need to tell her to breathe.”
James nods, kissing his Bond girl who now labors with their baby...
Originally posted by lateagainsir
“Sweetie, you need to breathe through the contractions. I know it really hurts, but you must breathe and relax everything, stay strong, my Bond girl. You’ll soon hold our baby in your arms. “ James nods as Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, he then begins squeezing on her belly to help with the pain... “Does it help when I squeeze down on your belly?”
Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, she nods... “Yes it helps, James. It’s making the pain less intense...Ooh, these contractions are painful! Is anyone timing the contractions? Ooh, this is a big one!” Destiny recalls what her dad taught her and takes big deep breaths. James helps her stand and they sway together, which also helps with the contractions, once more, their breaths and heartbeats are synced with each other.
Being the midwife, Le is dutifully using a stopwatch to time his daughter’s contractions, he notices they are getting more intense and close, they’re already 6 minutes apart!
Originally posted by ultimate-007
“I’m timing them, sweetie. They’re 6 minutes apart and becoming more intense with each passing hour. Let me check your dilation...” Le checks the dilation, he nods, his daughter’s already 7 centimeters dilated, he can sense immense pressure in her belly, he knows this means her water’s about to break! “You’re doing very well, my Little Poker Princess. You’re already 7 centimeters dilated, there’s also an immense level of pressure in your belly, your water’s going to break, stay strong, you’re my little girl and I am so proud of you. Keep breathing and relax. Remember that a strong mind and relaxed body are essential to a safe birth. You’ll go into Active Labor once you’re 10 centimeters dilated and I can see the baby starting to crown. You’re so strong, daddy loves you.”
James whispers sweetly to Destiny while giving her little kisses and humming to keep her in relaxed state, he cuddles her to him...
Originally posted by craigwatsongifs
“You’re doing a great job, your water will break shortly. Ugh, the baby’s trying to kick its way out of you, but that won’t work. It can’t come out unless you’re pushing to birth it. Stay relaxed, dear. Keep breathing, you’re so strong, I’m so glad you’re mine, honey.”
Le hears Destiny sob in pain, she’s worried that he sees her a weak, Le shakes his head...
Originally posted by mrs-gray
“Non, ma cherie fille, I don’t think of you as weak, it’s very understandable that you’d cry, giving birth is a painful process, James and I would know, we’ve also given birth....” Le gasps when his daughter is looking at his belly, which has a pregnant appearance! “Pay no attention to the pregnant appearance of my belly! Focus on giving birth to your child.” He hears James sigh... “What? Huh? “If I don’t tell her, you will?” Where is your sense of morality, Mr. Bond?”
James sighs again and nods, motioning to Destiny, who has been pregnant for 9 months and is now in the process of giving birth herself!
Originally posted by craigwatsongifs
“Really, Le? You shouldn’t hide this from Destiny, your poor child’s been pregnant for 9 months and our baby is about to come out of her belly! She’s literally in the process of giving birth herself! She’s had several contractions, some were small, but others were big. Her body’s been aching since the morning. Look how strong she’s being.” At this moment, James sees a puddle below her... “Oh, her water jusr broke! Please don’t fight, Le. Please check her dilation again, she’s been touching her belly a lot, I don’t know why, though, is she trying to feel for our baby’s head to see how low it is? She’s already pushing a bit, maybe that broke her water.”
Nodding Le checks Destiny’s dilation again, she’s fully dilated and he can feel the baby’s head, so it’s go time, his Little Poker Princess is ready to push!
Originally posted by mrs-gray
“Okay, James! It’s officially time! I checked Destiny, she’s fully dilated and I’m starting to feel the baby’s head! She needs to push!” Le then focuses on his daughter, who is now going to give birth! “Sweetie, listen to daddy. You’re fully dilated and I can feel your baby’s head, it’s time now. Remember to relax and stay strong. On the count of 3, I want you to push, okay?” Le sees Destiny nod yes...He nods. “Okay, ready? 1, 2, 3, push!” Le nods as his daughter starts to push! “James, hold her hand and comfort her if she sobs in pain, keep squeezing her belly so the pain is less intense!”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening!"Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!"@pokerkingsblogYou may join in now!
#Oh boy#for me destinybondrp and 007srpblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#he's such a doting father#He's hepling his Little Poker Princess give birth#It's time#His daughter's giving birth
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James whispers sweetly to Destiny while giving her little kisses and humming to keep her in relaxed state, he cuddles her to him...
“You’re doing a great job, your water will break shortly. Ugh, the baby’s trying to kick its way out of you, but that won’t work. It can’t come out unless you’re pushing to birth it. Stay relaxed, dear. Keep breathing, you’re so strong, I’m so glad you’re mine, honey.”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening!"Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!"@pokerkingsblogYou may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and pokerkingsblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#He's such a doting father
14 notes
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Upon hearing James say that his Little Poker Princess has gone into labor, Le immediately closes his poker table and gets in the elevator, once he’s on the third floor, he races into room 323 as James left the door open, he closes the door and locks it after hanging the “do not disturb” sign on the outer door handle to give the 3 of them privacy, he helps Destiny sit on the mat, James cradles her in his arms...
Originally posted by ultimate-007
“Remember what you both learned during the childbirth classes I taught you.” Le then gently rubs his daughter’s back to let her know he’s here for her... “Be strong, my Little Poker Princess. I’m right here with you, you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you have to, you don’t have to apologize for hurting my hand or making any noises, both are okay with me. Oh no, don’t scream, you need to breathe. James remember what I taught you? You need to tell her to breathe.”
James nods, kissing his Bond girl who now labors with their baby...
Originally posted by lateagainsir
“Sweetie, you need to breathe through the contractions. I know it really hurts, but you must breathe and relax everything, stay strong, my Bond girl. You’ll soon hold our baby in your arms. “ James nods as Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, he then begins squeezing on her belly to help with the pain... “Does it help when I squeeze down on your belly?”
Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, she nods... “Yes it helps, James. It’s making the pain less intense...Ooh, these contractions are painful! Is anyone timing the contractions? Ooh, this is a big one!” Destiny recalls what her dad taught her and takes big deep breaths. James helps her stand and they sway together, which also helps with the contractions, once more, their breaths and heartbeats are synced with each other.
Being the midwife, Le is dutifully using a stopwatch to time his daughter’s contractions, he notices they are getting more intense and close, they’re already 6 minutes apart!
Originally posted by ultimate-007
“I’m timing them, sweetie. They’re 6 minutes apart and becoming more intense with each passing hour. Let me check your dilation...” Le checks the dilation, he nods, his daughter’s already 7 centimeters dilated, he can sense immense pressure in her belly, he knows this means her water’s about to break! “You’re doing very well, my Little Poker Princess. You’re already 7 centimeters dilated, there’s also an immense level of pressure in your belly, your water’s going to break, stay strong, you’re my little girl and I am so proud of you. Keep breathing and relax. Remember that a strong mind and relaxed body are essential to a safe birth. You’ll go into Active Labor once you’re 10 centimeters dilated and I can see the baby starting to crown. You’re so strong, daddy loves you.”
James whispers sweetly to Destiny while giving her little kisses and humming to keep her in relaxed state, he cuddles her to him...
Originally posted by craigwatsongifs
“You’re doing a great job, your water will break shortly. Ugh, the baby’s trying to kick its way out of you, but that won’t work. It can’t come out unless you’re pushing to birth it. Stay relaxed, dear. Keep breathing, you’re so strong, I’m so glad you’re mine, honey.”
Le hears Destiny sob in pain, she’s worried that he sees her a weak, Le shakes his head...
Originally posted by mrs-gray
“Non, ma cherie fille, I don’t think of you as weak, it’s very understandable that you’d cry, giving birth is a painful process, James and I would know, we’ve also given birth....” Le gasps when his daughter is looking at his belly, which has a pregnant appearance! “Pay no attention to the pregnant appearance of my belly! Focus on giving birth to your child.” He hears James sigh... “What? Huh? “If I don’t tell her, you will?” Where is your sense of morality, Mr. Bond?”
James sighs again and nods, motioning to Destiny, who has been pregnant for 9 months and is now in the process of giving birth herself!
Originally posted by craigwatsongifs
“Really, Le? You shouldn’t hide this from Destiny, your poor child’s been pregnant for 9 months and our baby is about to come out of her belly! She’s literally in the process of giving birth herself! She’s had several contractions, some were small, but others were big. Her body’s been aching since the morning. Look how strong she’s being.” At this moment, James sees a puddle below her... “Oh, her water jusr broke! Please don’t fight, Le. Please check her dilation again, she’s been touching her belly a lot, I don’t know why, though, is she trying to feel for our baby’s head to see how low it is? She’s already pushing a bit, maybe that broke her water.”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening!"Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!"@pokerkingsblogYou may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and pokerkingsblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#He's such a doting father#He's helping his daughter give birth
14 notes
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Upon hearing James say that his Little Poker Princess has gone into labor, Le immediately closes his poker table and gets in the elevator, once he’s on the third floor, he races into room 323 as James left the door open, he closes the door and locks it after hanging the “do not disturb” sign on the outer door handle to give the 3 of them privacy, he helps Destiny sit on the mat, James cradles her in his arms...
Originally posted by ultimate-007
“Remember what you both learned during the childbirth classes I taught you.” Le then gently rubs his daughter’s back to let her know he’s here for her... “Be strong, my Little Poker Princess. I’m right here with you, you can hold my hand and squeeze it if you have to, you don’t have to apologize for hurting my hand or making any noises, both are okay with me. Oh no, don’t scream, you need to breathe. James remember what I taught you? You need to tell her to breathe.”
James nods, kissing his Bond girl who now labors with their baby...
Originally posted by lateagainsir
“Sweetie, you need to breathe through the contractions. I know it really hurts, but you must breathe and relax everything, stay strong, my Bond girl. You’ll soon hold our baby in your arms. “ James nods as Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, he then begins squeezing on her belly to help with the pain... “Does it help when I squeeze down on your belly?”
Destiny breathes and relaxes everything, she nods... “Yes it helps, James. It’s making the pain less intense...Ooh, these contractions are painful! Is anyone timing the contractions? Ooh, this is a big one!” Destiny recalls what her dad taught her and takes big deep breaths. James helps her stand and they sway together, which also helps with the contractions, once more, their breaths and heartbeats are synced with each other.
Being the midwife, Le is dutifully using a stopwatch to time his daughter’s contractions, he notices they are getting more intense and close, they’re already 6 minutes apart!
Originally posted by ultimate-007
“I’m timing them, sweetie. They’re 6 minutes apart and becoming more intense with each passing hour. Let me check your dilation...” Le checks the dilation, he nods, his daughter’s already 7 centimeters dilated, he can sense immense pressure in her belly, he knows this means her water’s about to break! “You’re doing very well, my Little Poker Princess. You’re already 7 centimeters dilated, there’s also an immense level of pressure in your belly, your water’s going to break, stay strong, you’re my little girl and I am so proud of you. Keep breathing and relax. Remember that a strong mind and relaxed body are essential to a safe birth. You’ll go into Active Labor once you’re 10 centimeters dilated and I can see the baby starting to crown. You’re so strong, daddy loves you.”
James whispers sweetly to Destiny while giving her little kisses and humming to keep her in relaxed state, he cuddles her to him...
Originally posted by craigwatsongifs
“You’re doing a great job, your water will break shortly. Ugh, the baby’s trying to kick its way out of you, but that won’t work. It can’t come out unless you’re pushing to birth it. Stay relaxed, dear. Keep breathing, you’re so strong, I’m so glad you’re mine, honey.”
Le hears Destiny sob in pain, she’s worried that he sees her a weak, Le shakes his head...
Originally posted by mrs-gray
“Non, ma cherie fille, I don’t think of you as weak, it’s very understandable that you’d cry, giving birth is a painful process, James and I would know, we’ve also given birth....” Le gasps when his daughter is looking at his belly, which has a pregnant appearance! “Pay no attention to the pregnant appearance of my belly! Focus on giving birth to your child.” He hears James sigh... “What? Huh? “If I don’t tell her, you will?” Where is your sense of morality, Mr. Bond?”
“Yup, that’s a contraction. Call my dad, tell him it's time."
James nods and pulls out his phone, dialing Le Chiffre's phone number!
When Le picks up the phone, James tells him what's happening!"Le please come to room 323 immediately, Destiny's started having contractions, she's going into labor! It's time!"@pokerkingsblogYou may join in now!
#for me destinybondrp and 007srpblog only#Do NOT reblog if you're not part of the thread#Le Chiffre is the midwife#he's such a doting father#He's hepling his Little Poker Princess give birth
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