#LazyTown fanfiction
aleinnilatibae · 4 months
New Update of Things Can Change, everyone!
There's a content warning for this chapter, just in case, read the chapter notes. Sportacus is really going through it with that damn crystal, and the kids who are becoming so reckless. Who knew that Robbie would be his saving grace?
Also...this chapter's end contains a scene that I wrote back in 2017. It was the very very first thing I wrote for this concept, and it has stayed mostly unchanged since that time. To think, I wrote this scene during the original LazyTown Renaissance, and now it is finally up in the chapter where it belongs after seven years. Feels good to finally post it.
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emilythedog661 · 1 year
When you read Lazytown Fanfics...
Which Stephanie do you imagine when you read? the julianna stephanie or the chloe stephanie?
Do you see the kids, the mayor and bessie as puppets or real people?
Do you see sportacus with the backpack he has in series 3 and 4 or the little backpack he had in series 1 and 2?
Do you see sportacus's ship from series 1 and 2 where it had the buttons on the floor to make stuff appear? or the ship in series 3 and 4 where the ship has a AI talking to sportacus?
Do you see robbie from series 1 and 2 where he's skinny and his outfit is more purple? or the robbie from series 3 and 4 where he has a pudge and his outfit is more wine red?
for me it's julianna stephanie, the kids are puppets, i always see series 1 and 2 sportacus and robbie and sportacus's ship is the ship from series 1 and 2
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bananaphone---t · 2 years
SportaRobbie | Sportacus Purring Fic (WIP)
"D-did you just... Are you... purring...?"
Sportacus froze in shock, eyes snapping open. "Uh..." He pulled away from the hug. "N-no?" he lied, even as his rapidly reddening face and continual stream of purrs were giving him away.
Not buying it, Robbie raised a brow. "Really?" "Mhm! N-no purring here! I-if there is, it's... it's probably just the kitten nearby! Which reminds me; I better go make sure the little one is okay! Bye Robbie!" Before Sportacus could walk farther than two steps, he heard a soft, but firm, "Sportacus."
The hero stopped in his tracks. "Y-yes, Robbie?" he asked, tentatively. Robbie took one long stride over to Sportacus, then forced the man to face him.
"Sportacus... Tell me the truth..." he encouraged gently. The blue-clad man searched his eyes to find rare, but genuine concern in them. He let out a sigh, looking towards the ground. A beat and he looked back up at the taller man. "Promise you won't tell the kids...?" he asked quietly.
"Cross my heart," the villain confirmed, making an 'X' across his heart. Sportacus let out another sigh before looking both left and right, then over both his own and Robbie's shoulders. With another sigh, Sportacus kept his eyes downward as he began to fidget with his Crystal's casing. "It... I-it happens sometimes when I'm happy... I-I've done my best to hide it from the kids but... Well, Stephanie knows... but to my knowledge, the rest of them don't, so please, Robbie? Please... Don't tell them?"
Now, this was interesting. Sportacus pleading with Robbie for once to keep a secret instead of Robbie pleading to be rescued? That was new. He might be able to use this to his advantage-
Sportacus mistook Robbie's hesitance as an indirect way of telling him that he'd reveal Sportacus' secret to the kids. With a sigh, Sportacus stopped his fidgeting and began to turn away. "I... I guess I'll just have to leave town... No one wants a freak like me in their town," he mumbled.
Robbie froze for a moment before grabbing the shorter man's shoulder and turning him back towards him, then putting his other hand on the other shoulder. "Now, listen here, Sportakook! I haven't been trying for years to get you out of this town only for you to leave on your own accord! If you're going to leave, it's going to be my doing! Not anyone else's, much less yours!" he shouted, then, with a sigh, brought his hands up to cup the man's face with a small fond smile, "Besides... Everyone already knows you're a freak... A health freak," he finished, lifting the man's hat slightly and placing a kiss on his forehead, earning a small laugh from the shorter man.
Sportacus' face had just been starting to return to its normal color and his purring had quietened, only to have his face flushed pink again and the purring to grow loud enough to sound like a tiger roaring from inside his body.
A laugh escaped Robbie's mouth as he pushed the elf's hat up more so he could ruffle his hair, earning a small shriek from Sportacus at the prospect of one of the kids seeing his ears, though that didn't stop him from laughing as well.
A content sigh escaped the elf as he hugged his boyfriend. "I love you, Robbie." Robbie wrapped one arm around the elf's waist while bringing his other hand up to cup the back of his head, resting his chin on the shorter man's head. "Love you, too, Sportaflop."
[So, I'm a big fan of the Sportacus purring head-canon. This is something I've had in the works for about a month or two now, but I'm still not sure how to continue it. So for now, here's the snippet of what I have... Feel free to comment, reblog, or dm, ways for this fic to lead up to the purring and/or maybe a better ending! When the fic is complete, I'll make sure to give you credit for your contributions. 💕 Anyways, hope you enjoyed! 💕]
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tinteacosplay · 2 years
Sportarobbie fanficon scenerios
Hopefully these could inspire other writers when I can’t find the motivation to write myself. I would be happy to read if anyone wrote something from this :)
Dance practice 
Sportacus is deeply trubbled about Robbie being so isolated and alone while he play with the children. Sportacus then try more creative and calmer activites like yoga or meditation. Soon the elf discovers how Robbie dose seem to do less sculing and dramatic escapes whenever he and the children do some kind of dancing practice. He mangage to have Robbie join him and show the kids how to dance in pairs. Turns out Robbie is a natural and has most deffinetly been practacing before. They end up having a great time as the demonstration turns more advanced and shifts focus to a closed one on one practice. The children gets it and let them be, for now. 
Fear of heights
Sportacus has to save Robbie away from his airship. He dose not know how the villan got up there in the first place but wants to make sure he iisn’t hurt or futher traumatized. Robbie clings onto Sportacus as soon he sees him within reach. Sportacus get him all sorts of saftey equipments, everything he has stored is being presented to Robbie. None of it seems to help until Sportacus stops the airship from moving and sits down to comfort Robbie. Though Robbie is calm he is still holding on to Sportacus. Although Robbie have started his process in overcoming his fear. 
Sportacus decide to be extra harsh on Robbie after he almost had a stroke doe to his bloodsuger levels. He decides Robbie is not allowed any physical contact with him until he eats one sportscandy. Robbie who has really taken liking in snugiling and being hugged by the elf is conflicted. At first Robbie dosen’t believe the hero to be serious and expected him to give in eventually. But when Robbie is being denyaed a cuddle the following night he is forced to rethink. After 3 days Robbie is desperet and eats an apple and dosen’t spit it out. It did take him half a day to finish and Sportacus was there to witness all the way.The elf couldn’t be more proud of him so he treats Robbie by staying in bed late the next morning. 
Time for dress up!
When there is a birthday party, or other fancy occasions Robbie is the one in charge of the costumes and dress codes. He make sure all the kids are satisfied with their costumes and having fun. Robbie is most satisfied with having Sportacus join in as he usually dosen’t change into anything else but his blue sport outfit. Some days they even play discuise time! It is when one of the kids, Robbie or even Sportacus discuise themself as someone else and the others have to guess who they are and who is under the discuise. 
Robbie is having his usual nap on a park bench and his overly energetic boyfriend is running and flipping around the area near by. Robbie have been sleeping for far too long, so the bench gives Sportacus a new idea for a fun exercise! Well, new in how it involves his dear lazy partner. With an effortless front flip he land like a cat on all his libs onto the bench. Robbie wakes up with a start when he is met by Sportacus’s face hovering up and down inches above his own. He appears to be doing push-ups? Robbie is about to ask why but go silent when he revives a kiss on his cheek as the hero do another push-up. Push-up, kiss, repeat. After five push-ups Robbie’s ears and cheeks grow hot and he wonder if he might be the luckiest yet worst villan in the world. 
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elusiveanomaly · 9 months
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"No One Ever"
I am SO excited to finally release this! My first LazyTown fanfic — a Sportarobbie one at that! So, to all my fellow shippers: WELCOME :D
I just really wanted to give Robbie the love he deserves <3 Every character holds a special place in my heart, especially Sportacus himself, but Robbie takes the cake — figuratively and literally. He means so very much to me
This wrestled with me the whole way of the process, but I don't ever regret doing this project. It means a whole lot to me ;w; I hope you can also share the same sentiment. Consider this my last post of 2023, as well — at least to people like me who live in the U.S of the A. Happy New Year!! :D
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silly-lazytown-polls · 7 months
For the purposes of this poll, assume Sportacus is an elf and has been hiding his pointy ears under his hat (as one does).
Today's poll is for @cutecutejames, who requested a scenario in which Sportacus must remove his hat. :)
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atlas-caeruleus · 5 months
Has anyone ever made a fanfic that's like sportacus finding out that Robbie's chin and eyebrows is makeup/prosthetic/fake cause I think that would be an amusing concept (or angst cause body dysmorphia)
Or make a fanfic in which Robbie was in an accident prior and therefore needed the mods as actual prosthetics (like a crash and burn maybe) and sportacus has to consult his vast elf medic knowledge to help Robbie with insecurities, phantom pains, nightmares, etc.
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sleeplower · 1 year
I have so many lazytown edits in my drafts its ridiculous
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calmingcrunch · 1 day
Would you believe I had my first ever sexy dream about Robbie Rotten
But what really matters is I also got in a fight with Trixie and broke her arm.
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lego-ninja-bilbo · 2 years
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I always gasp out loud lmao
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darkwing-katy · 8 months
I have watched so much Lazytown over the last month. I’m nannying two kiddos and they LOVE the show. They’re always paying attention to Sportacus’s jumps and flipping-flipping and I regret nothing
Except now all I want to do is finish my Lazytown FanFiction instead of my BatB FanFiction that I was supposed to be finishing this month oops
At least I’m writing? At least I’m finishing stuff? This shall be the year of completed fics!
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sandutita · 8 months
i have never read a single fanfic in my life
except in 2016-2017 when i was in my lazytown phase and read sportarobbie fanfics on deviantart at night
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jinxwolf34 · 1 year
This might be a long shot but does anyone have a download/ copy of the Cephalothorax series by Scorpius_Wears_Short_Skirts on AO3? (I believe they also went by robbie-and-the-rottens here on tumblr)
Any info helps! I’ve tried Wayback but it didn’t take enough snapshots.
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emilythedog661 · 2 years
My Wattpad Fanfic
So I've been busy on my wattpad writing fanfic and i like to show you my fanfic
First off is my one-shot fanfic of different fandoms, fandom include mlp, doctor who, lazytown, sonic the hedgehog, pokémon, legend of zelda, scooby doo and many others, check it out if you are interested in any of those fandoms
The second fanfic is for the amourshippers out there
Here is some Amourshipping fanfic i did and it also imvolves rocketshipping, i'm writing a fanfic at the moment about the next generation kids that will take over ash as he's now a 30 year old man who's married to serena and has 2 kids so stayed tuned for that
that's the fanfic and i hope you like the fanfic, comment on them, share them with your friends and put it in your reading list for later reads and updates. 😋
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cursed-elo-images · 1 year
Hugh McDowell is my favorite LazyTown character
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degenerate-otaku · 4 months
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Name: Otaku (real name unlocked at LV.5 of friendship)
Age: 18
I'm Muslim! (...not a great Muslim but still)
I'm from England! (But I'm Pakistani)
I'm a fanfiction writer, but I write original works too! It's my dream to create and write cartoons.
I'm a traditional and digital artist who specialises in retro anime styles.
My current interests:
The Powerpuff Girls
Metal Gear
Horrid Henry
(But I'm a fan of loads of things!)
My DMs are always open!
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Bigots (racist, transphobes, homophobes, N*zis)
If you're the type of person who threatens people over fiction/fandom
People who believe in "Narc abuse" and stigmatise mental illnesses in general
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My Ao3:
My tiktok:
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