#Law novel
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In light of recent episodes I drew more Law Novel scenes (ft. them seeing the Tang for the first time 🥲)
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Plus the older ones under the cut
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Plus here’s me yapping in the tags of my last Law Novel post cuz I love this man
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aiidenssoup · 8 months
law novel fan translation drive anyone?
so since the law novel got nuked off of ao3, here's a google drive that has EVERY SINGLE CHAPTER! i'm still polishing them but hey, at least y'all can see everything at once.
the original translation was by saratoga3 and imdoneexisting!
it's not done yet, but i want this to be available to anyone and everyone! all i ask in return is you do your daily click on arab.org in order to help palestinians through the genocide in gaza. <3
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supernaturallyginger · 11 months
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little busters
one year on Swallow Island, Law and the guys made their own Sora, Warrior of the Sea costumes for Halloween
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l-in-the-light · 21 days
Hey 👋👀😊, really nice your analysis of Law (he's my favorite character in OP❤️). Why do you think he has a poor self-steem? I mean he must have noticed that he's very good looking 😋. At least he seems to know that he's intelligent making all these plans.
Hi! He's also my favourite! (it used to be Shanks, but he got dethroned. We all know how good Law is at dethroning people haha. But Shanks is still on podium together with Ace <3) Excellent question! I don't think it's very obvious that Law has poor self-esteem, which is why many people believe him to be arrogant. But despite the fact he is smart, he never rubbed it into anyone's face before.
He did tease Kid and Luffy a bit about choosing the directions of their islands after Wano, but that was really just an older siblings type of teasing there. In fact, he usually goes out of his way just to make sure what he says sounds easier to understand. That's actually rather considerate, not arrogant behaviour. My favourite example of that is how he changed one term Luffy misunderstood as food to a simpler one in World Seeker haha.
The first moment I asked myself the question if Law actually has poor self-esteem, was this:
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The contrast here is hilarious, but that's besides the point right now. Why would he be all blue in the face and asking quietly "why me...?" when he scored as second best, podium position? This reaction just didn't fit with the supposed "he's so confident" vibe. Then I also noticed he isn't big on knowing his own bounty. Is it because he truly doesn't care about it, or is it because it actually stresses him out a bit?
Let's look at Law's novel for a bit, because I think that provides an answer (warning for slight spoilers, but mostly only for the beginning of the novel):
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It happens right after Corazon dies, Law is walking to the next town, he finally arrives there, trying to ask for help. At first it takes him a lot of courage to even enter, because he gets reminded of how he was treated in hospitals, and that thought freezes him in place. It takes a while for him to overcome it, but then this situation happens and what is Law's reaction here? To run away, *blaming himself* for it, thinking it's so pathetic, that he is so pathetic that he can't be stronger than his own trauma.
I would say he still reacts this way even when he's older, always expecting himself to be better, stronger, but his trauma always catches up to him and he doesn't blame anyone else but himself. He also doesn't allow himself any sort of understanding and acceptance, he thinks he should be able to trust again, so he ends up self-loathing whenever he fails. How do you think Law felt when Doflamingo grabbed him in their fight at the rooftop and Law's body just froze, not listening to him anymore because of traumatic trigger? How did he feel about himself after Doffy used it to his advantage and cut off his arm? Because I think Law blamed himself, calling himself pathetic and weak, filled with self-hate. It did help him overcome it and get back at Doflamingo eventually, but it doesn't change the fact he achieved that by literally beating himself up mentally over a weakness that isn't even his own fault, because he didn't choose to be sick.
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He often tries to be strong for his friends, despite lacking self-confidence himself.
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And again, it's always for others that he managed to overcome his own fear in the end. He puts a facade, pretends to be strong, so that they don't feel so anxious anymore. He wants to be strong for them.
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Even when he receives a compliment, he can't really take it at face value. He questions whether he truly deserved to hear it, not considering himself worthy of it. He never forgets where he failed (interacting with patients) instead of focusing on what he did right.
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In most stressful situations he actually struggles to keep his calm. And again, what makes him overcome it is the thought that if he doesn't, people will lose their lives. There's almost none of his own ego in his (very impressive tbh) quick decisions and steady hands and thinking.
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And finally, despite having confidence in his battle skills, he still doubts himself. What finally gives him confidence is his steel resolve to not lose or his friends will be in danger then. He takes it very personally, not allowing himself to show any weakness, even going as far as to say "he has no right" to show it.
All things considered, it doesn't surprise he doesn't even accept credit for the good deeds he does. When he saved Bepo, Penguin, Shachi, Wolf, or even Luffy, he always claims it was just "a whim" and that's why he doesn't need to hear thanks. He never wants anything in return for it, because it would be uncool, he claims, but I think he just knows what's unconditional help actually is.
I know Law's novel isn't officially declared "canon", but the author did a very good job at portraying Law. It's very consistent, and even though there are a few things I consider to be a miss, Law's poor self-esteem definitely isn't one.
Logically speaking, why would his self-esteem not take a major blow after Flevance? He lost everything he possibly could, without being able to save anyone. Later Cora-san also sacrificed himself for him, so again, Law took a big blow to his self-esteem, the only person who cared for him after Flevance lost their life and he couldn't do anything about it.
And then there's his sickness, Amber Lead Syndrome. He feels like people are always staring at him and that makes him quesiton whether they can tell he's sick, whether they will scream for him to get out and not come closer, whether there will be judgemental stares and then flinching away from him, just in case it's contagious. Even after visible signs of Amber Lead are gone, Law is still afraid to go back to the town. I wouldn't be surprised if his fear went all the way into his adulthood. Whether Law is handsome or not has nothing to do with it, because as soon as there are white patches on his skin he knows he will be called disgusting, and that stays in your psyche whether you want it or not. Which means it doesn't even matter if he finds himself attractive or not (my bet is on "not really", Law seems like a humble type anyway, never bragging about anything, be it his smartness, looks or skills).
As for his smartness, let's recall his ransom talk with Doflamingo. At first Law sounds very confident, after all his plan was succeeding, but the second talk? All it took for Law to lose his confidence was Doflamingo's mocking tone. That boy might think he's smart, but he knows there are people smarter than him, he doesn't let it get to his head. And honestly, that's probably the sign of smartness as well.
Seems his confidence doesn't come from high self-esteem, but because of his wish to keep people he cares for safe. And perhaps now also because of his faith in a certain Strawhat Luffy. He's kinda the perfect example of "fake it till you make it", because if not for those subtle hints, I would have never doubted he lacks in self-esteem.
In Wano he's even wearing the disguise of a travelling monk. I know everyone makes fun of his "strawbucket", but that's an actual thing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komuso
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"Monk of emptiness" or "nothingness" from my understanding relates to a larger context of buddhism and zen, in which you aim to reach enlightnment by giving up your ego and earthly desires. Well, if that doesn't fit very well with Law, knowing what we know about him, never taking credit for what he does, faking confidence to support his friends and refusing compliments.
If anyone can think of more examples when Law shows his poor self-esteem, please do share! I feel like I'm missing a lot about it, even if (I guess) I made my point more or less clear.
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xraiyax · 11 months
Uh just reading in the novel that law thinks he doesn’t know what freedom is.
Then we have Luffy wanting freedom for everyone.
Makes me think of Luffy taking Law’s hand figuratively and showing him what freedom is.
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analogboii · 11 months
well, i just got my law novel. and lemme tell you, when i bought it, it was the most impulse buy i've ever had. i heard about it and immediately bought it without checking anything. my bitchass didn't realize there is not english translation. and i don't know a lick of japanese. especially not reading it like lmfao. so now i have this book i cannot read but shit, i don't regret it bc this shit looks dope as fuck. a very cool book and looks very good next to my figure. but man if that's not the purest form of impulse buy, i dont know what is lmfao like it didn't even cross my mind to LOOK for an english translation either. i just said "ope this one? this is a novel of my mans? it's mine now" like someone take my wallet from me
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moustawott · 2 years
Law hates pickled plums so much, it’s hilarious
(One Piece Novel Law Fan Translation)
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One day, while Wolf was shutting himself in his workshop, Bepo and I were harvesting vegetables in the greenhouse. Here, one could grow plants that couldn’t be found in the winter, and even control the speed at which they wanted them to grow. Honestly, it was hard to not admit that it was an exceptional invention.
“Say, Law, can I also pick these plums?”
“Especially not, moron! What do you want to make with them? Pickled plums, I bet?”
“Yeah, that’s right. I love pickled plums, they go so well with rice balls.”
“Shut up! I never want to hear the words ‘pickled’ and ‘plum’ coming from you again, got it?!”
“Eeek! Ok, alright, but it’s not a reason to get angry…”
Uuurgh, there he goes being depressed again. This polar bear really lacks a backbone. But it doesn’t mean I’ll apologize. He shouldn’t have told me about pickled plums, that’s all. Honestly, what’s up with that sourness? It stings the tongue in such an unpleasant way. In my eyes, it’s the pickled plum, the real devil’s fruit.
What did pickled plums ever do to you, Law
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ringdabel · 9 months
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Have you ever read or at least know the One Piece Novel Law??? Its my fav novel so far bcs im not rlly a fan of novels except if it has One Piece characs like this oneTho the cover and the art(?) inside are super cool and cool to look at! I bought the novel in a bookstore that has many colourful things like some notebooks, pens, accessories and even mangas, novels, keychains as well! it has many stuff, then i decided to buy the Law Novel, the novel heroines and many other mangas of OP. I've read the Law Novel, its great and heartwarming with all the wholesomeness after that traumatic event for Law, he deserves some love and care :[ In the novel it features how the heart pirates is made, how Law met Bepo, Shachi and Penguin, how they got the legendary yellow submarine Polar Tang and its making, the events that happended after Corazon died, how Law managed to be alive, etc... my fav chapter of the novel is 2, i love the family moments tbh *ugly cries*
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
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Hol' up everybody! Have you heard about the brand new Growing Pains zine? It's free and it's all about your fave One Piece characters as kids. I wrote about the Heart Pirates on Swallow Island (or the soon to be Heart Pirates). It's illustrated with gorgeous art by @ravensa
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and it can be downloaded here!
If you dip into this FREE zine (and why wouldn't you?), please let us know what you think! Hope you enjoy.
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cfserkgk · 6 months
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I imagine them to be a happy family in the modern AU where Fengxian and Lakan are married and Lahan and Maomao are their children. Fengxian would be strict but she very much dotes on her kids (just not as obviously as Lakan, but who can compare with Lakan).
I feel like Lakan would be a lawyer which would put his skills to use, whereas Fengxian would be an academic in mathematics, and of course they're both super good at xiangqi and go in different ways. (I'd like to think Fengxian taught Lahan a lot of maths when he was younger and that encouraged his love for the subject).
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cantagirldrawinpeace · 6 months
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Been reading Law Novel 👍
(super legally and not at all from a Google Docs English fan translation 👀)
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(Handwriting translations under the cut)
Law: Junk-ya this is Bepo. He’s a polar bear and he’s going to live with us now. Be nice
Bepo: He brought me here without explaining anything..sorry….
I like this sad old man :)
Wolf: I swear, I let ONE kid stay - out of pure convenience - and they just kept multiplying!
Dadan: Tell me about it…
Both of them, thinking: I LOVE MY FUCKIN KIIIIDDDDSSSS!!!!
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soukokvn · 1 year
I just want to make a post to point out how Law being a doctor is not anecdotal.
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Like, it’s shown in the anime that it’s his parents profession and he started to learn young and all but the Light Novel made me realize how important being a doctor is to him and how much pride and happiness it brings him.
It’s not just something about him, being a doctor is something that defines him and is very important for his character.
He studies tones when he gets the time, he even worked in a doctor office for multiple years when he was younger after Cora’s death.
He started saving people’s life at a very young age and carried out very complex surgeries very young. He’s literally a genius in this domain and it’s too bad it’s not shown enough in the anime.
The doctor he was working with told him how good he was and how much potential he had at just 13/14yo. He was born for this.
When he saved the lives of the people he loved he was filled with this euphoria that he saw his parents get before him, he understood their joy and felt connected to them and proud of himself.
He founds himself in being a doctor, he loves saving lives and is proud of how capable he is. He is able to make the most of his ope ope no mi thanks to his talent and hard work.
Law may be a pirate but he is also a doctor and he wouldn’t see himself being anything else than that.
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wandering-tides · 4 months
Cale-Wannabe-A-Slacker-Henituse snitching to his grandpa, acting like a grade schooler be like:
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birb-catto · 2 months
I love the wholesomeness of this fandom
Cale sacrificing himself:
DHB sacrificing himself:
TCF fandom: NOOOOOO baby don't die 😭
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xraiyax · 11 months
I want Wolf to see truly free and happy Law so badly now.
And Bebo and Shachi and Penguin too.
I want them all to meet again.
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murasaki-cha · 8 months
Tcf part 2 chapter 232
Cale: *reads message* We need to go back NOW!
Eruhaben: Why what's wrong?
Cale: A dragon is attacking
King Dennis and his ministers: What!?
Eruhaben: It's only one dragon, what's the rush?
King Dennis and his ministers: *turning to him baffled* WHAT!?!?!
Cale: No you don't understand *shows him the message*
"Evil dragon here. Gonna go fight him XOXO -Rasheel"
Eruhaben: We need to mOVE!
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