#Law and order : SVU fanfiction
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bi-bard · 7 months ago
Taste Test - Rafael Barba Imagine [Law & Order: SVU]
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Title: Taste Test
Pairing: Rafael Barba X Reader
Word Count: 1,075 words
Warning(s): none that I'm aware of
Summary: The SVU detectives go to visit their favorite ADA at his office. They end up finding out more about him than they ever planned to.
Author's Note: I needed something fast and cute to give me a break from some of the longer stories that I'm working on (there is a doctor who oc story and a grimm story in the works right now). I'm also on the tail end of my master's program, so it's all a little bit hectic right now.
I rarely ever had the time to visit Rafael at his office.
Even without considering his frantic and busy work schedule, mine simply never allowed it. I owned the bakery that my dad had opened years ago. I took over after his retirement and I hadn't stopped moving at top speed since. It was always looking at the menu or staffing or some crisis that needed to be fixed right then and there.
But sometimes, just sometimes, I would have a day where I had enough people and a slow enough flow of customers that I could pack a little bag of treats and a few drinks and go see him at lunch.
Today was one of those very lucky days.
Rafael's office door was slightly open when I got there. I knocked on it lightly, pushing it just enough to peak my head through.
"Hello- (Y/n)." he stood up as soon as he saw me. "What are you doing here?"
"Slow day," I replied with a shrug. "Thought that I could tempt you into a break with some food and coffee."
"If there's a day that I say no to that, assume that someone has replaced me with a clone."
"Noted," I chuckled, placing the bag and the drink carrier on the round table in the corner. I handed him one cup. "Here, try this. It's a potential drink for the summer menu."
"Alright." he took a small sip of the drink. He nodded. "It's good. What is it?"
"It's basically a latte but made with rose milk and rose foam."
"How... How do you make rose milk?"
"Shh, don't ask questions," I said as I sat down in one of the table's chairs. Rafael chuckled as he sat next to me. "Do you really like it?"
"It's great," he promised.
"Good," I mumbled. "I was a bit worried about it."
"You have reason to be." Rafael grabbed my hand over the table. "You are a genius when it comes to making up drinks."
"I hope you feel the same way about my ability to make up food," I replied, reaching into the bag that I had brought with me. I put down a napkin and plopped a muffin on the top.
"Oh, absolutely," he let go of my hand to pick up the muffin. I chuckled as he did. He took a bite and hummed. "This is a winner."
"Glad to hear." I leaned over and swiped some crumbs off of his chin with my thumb. "But you do praise all of my food."
He hummed again as he took another bite, nodding before he was able to speak, "Because all of your food is amazing."
I grabbed my drink, taking a sip before changing the subject, "How has your day been? Anything important happening?"
"Not yet-"
We both looked to the door as a group of people walked in. There were three of them; two women and a man.
"Perfect timing," Rafael mumbled to me. I would have chuckled if I hadn't been so caught off guard.
"Hello," one of the women said.
"Hi," I replied, standing up as I did.
The woman looked at Rafael. "I didn't know that you had a meeting."
"It's... It's not a meeting," I explained quickly. I always spoke quickly when I was nervous and having three people suddenly walk into the room with no warning made me very nervous. "I was just stopping by for lunch."
"Detectives," Rafael stood up behind me, touching my back. "This is (Y/n). My partner. (Y/n), these are some of the detectives from the S.V.U. Olivia Benson, Amanda Rollins, and Sonny Carisi."
"Nice to meet you all."
"You too," Olivia nodded at me. "I hope he hasn't been hiding you from us."
I chuckled. "No, no, not at all. I- I own a little bakery and cafe place not too far from here. I tend to be pretty swamped, but I had some downtime, so I stopped by for lunch."
"I thought that I recognized you!" Sonny pointed at me. "I've been by your shop."
"Oh, good, hope you liked it."
"Oh, loved it," he said. He turned to the other detectives. "There was this awesome sandwich thing on the menu during the fall. I've been craving it for months."
"I'll make note of that, so I remember to bring it back this year," I promised. "In the meantime, I'd be happy to treat you all to some food and drinks. I'm starting to sort out the summer menu; you should all come over sometime and test out some of the ideas I have."
"You don't have to-"
"I want to," I stopped Olivia in her tracks. "You guys work with Rafael so much that we might as well be friends. Plus, I need some other guinea pigs than just him. I'm sure Rafael would be more than happy to sort out a night for you and anyone else on your team to join us."
He looked over at me, pausing before he replied, "Over the moon."
"Alright then," Olivia nodded. I glanced over to see Sonny trying to subtly celebrate the good news.
"I should get out of the way," I touched Rafael's shoulder as I spoke before going to grab my drink. "I'm sure whatever you all need to talk about is more important than my seasonal menu."
"I'll walk you out." Rafael guided me to the door.
We walked together to the point where we were just out of view of the windows in his office. I turned around and placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"I'll see you tonight," he muttered.
"Can't wait," I mumbled back. "Don't forget about the little tasting event that we're hosting."
"I won't," he promised, leaning over to kiss me again. He added a second kiss to my temple. "I love you."
"Love you too," I said before pulling away properly.
My phone started ringing as soon as I started walking out.
"I'm already on my way back," I answered before any question could be asked.
"Thank God." I heard from the other end. "Someone is promising to come back and have a stern talk to you."
"Great, sounds fun. I'll be there in a few minutes."
I let out a huff as I hung up and started jogging down the street.
Sometimes these short lunch dates were the only thing keeping me from running for the hills.
Author's Note: The drink I described is actually an actual drink at local coffee shop in my area! I am not clever enough to make it up myself.
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pascalispretty · 3 months ago
the feeling is mutual
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Sonny Carisi x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 4.9k
Tags: pining, idiots in love, cowgirl sex, Sonny's praise kink, only one bed trope
Summary: You've had a crush on your colleague for years. You go to a work conference with him, and fate fucks with you by making sure you get a room with just the one bed.
A/N: Soooooooo I started working on this back in October 2022, at the request of the lovely @misscharlielulu. Life intervened, and I kinda got the writing yips, but when I saw that @storiesofsvu's bingo had an 'Only One Bed' square I was determined to finish it. Unbeta'd like whoa, so please be gentle! (ao3).
You should have been suspicious of Benson’s offer to send you to the conference from the beginning. It had been presented to you nicely enough - a long weekend in Boston, paid for by the department so you could attend the Conference on Crimes Against Women. It hadn’t taken much persuading to get you to agree to go, especially when you found out Carisi was also going. 
That was before the drive from hell. The two of you had left as soon as you finished work for the day, only to almost immediately hit nasty traffic. What should have been a four-hour journey had taken almost seven thanks to an accident just past the Connecticut state line. After swapping driver duties with Sonny somewhere outside of Hartford, you’d found your eyelids starting to get heavy, but had resolved to stay awake. It wasn’t fair to Carisi for you to sleep while he drove. 
You have no idea how long you’ve been dozing when a gentle nudge to your arm wakes you. 
“Hey, I think we’re finally here,” Sonny says as you rub your eyes. So much for not sleeping. You’re relieved to see that he’s pulling into the parking garage below the hotel, but it's short-lived.
“God, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” You roll your neck, wincing at the crick that’s developed from resting your head on the window. 
“It’s fine, I figured you could use it. The Spellman case has us all working late.” He’s right; the case was drawing plenty of media attention, and you’d all been racking up plenty of OT trying to solve it. The two of you had spent part of the drive debating it, and whether there was a way to get the stupid, invasive podcast taken down. 
You both grab your bags and make your way to the elevator. Pressing the button for the lobby, you try and fail to suppress a yawn. 
“Sorry,” you apologise again. “It’s been a while since I’ve had a good night’s sleep.” 
“The feeling is mutual, don’t worry. I can’t even remember the last time I woke up and actually felt rested,” Carisi says lightly, giving you a soft, understanding smile. You try not to think too deeply about the way it makes your stomach twist - or, for that matter, how good he looks in his new camel coat.  
“Tell me about it,” you groan. The elevator spills the two of you out into a deserted lobby, and you do a double-take when you look out of the enormous windows at the front of the building. 
“Oh, yeah. It started snowing about an hour ago,” Sonny says, cutting himself off with a yawn.  Outside, the snow is coming down thick and fast, already sticking to the ground. You can just about see the glow of a few headlights, but beyond that, the world has turned to a soft dove grey. 
There’s a harried-looking woman behind the concierge desk; the Conference attracts cops from all over the country, you wouldn’t be surprised if the hotel was booked out by the various agencies and precincts. 
“Hi, we have two rooms booked for us. Should be under the name Benson?” Sonny asks the concierge, searching on his phone for the confirmation email Liv had forwarded to you both. The concierge types something on the computer sitting on her desk and frowns. 
“I got one room under that name. Any other name you might have used?” 
“No, Liv definitely said she booked them under her name,” you tell her, glancing at Sonny as he turns his phone to show the woman behind the desk. 
“Our Lieutenant definitely booked us two rooms, look,” Sonny tries, and the two of you exchange a frown. The concierge scans the email, then her own screen again. 
“I don’t know what to tell you. The system only has one booking under Benson. It’s the only room left in the hotel; we’re booked solid because of this conference.” You and Sonny exchange another look. 
“I mean - I don’t mind sharing if you don’t?” You tug your lower lip between your teeth, trying to think of another solution that doesn’t involve sharing a bedroom with the colleague you have a very inappropriate crush on. Sonny taps his fingers on the desk and looks again at the concierge as though he’s hoping she’ll be able to conjure another room out of nowhere. 
“I wouldn’t wanna make you uncomfortable.” He sounds so earnest, and you want to pinch his cheeks and tell him he could never, but instead you shrug. 
“It’s fine, you won’t. Unless you snore, or sleepwalk or something,” you tease, and he grins. 
“I’ve never had any complaints,” he says, turning back to the concierge. Is it your imagination, or is he blushing slightly? “Can we get the keys, please?” The woman looks relieved that the two of you have resolved the situation between yourselves, and seemingly can’t press the keycards into your hands fast enough. 
“You’re in 2342; take the elevator to the fourth floor and turn right.” The two of you thank her and pick your bags up again. 
“Should we say something to the Lieutenant?” You offer as the two of you make your way upstairs. “She might be getting charged for both rooms or something.” 
“Yeah, probably. Maybe the hotel thought she meant two beds, not two rooms?” Sonny runs a hand through his hair; the product’s grip on his greying locks has relaxed, leaving it looking soft and touchable. 
“Maybe,” you say distractedly, stopping in front of door 2342. “I think this is us.” You try the keycard and are relieved when the light on the lock turns green. 
“I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get some sleep.” Carisi takes your bag as you push open the door, and you smile quickly at him over your shoulder. 
“Oh no, the feeling is definitely mutual. I feel like I could sleep for a week-” You abruptly cut yourself off when you turn the light on and get a glimpse of the room. It’s a perfectly nice room–if anything slightly nicer than what you had been expecting on the department’s dime. It’s decently sized, with large windows and a flatscreen on the wall. There’s even a comfy-looking overstuffed armchair by one of the windows. 
The only problem is that there’s only one bed. 
Your cheeks burn as you realise your mistake. You had assumed that the hotel had accidentally put you in one room with two beds, instead of two rooms with one bed each. 
“Oh shit, Carisi, I’m sorry-” You start, walking deeper into the room so he has space to enter behind you and see what the problem is. The door clicks closed behind him, and you swallow thickly. 
“Oh. Uh-” he rakes his hand through his hair again. “You take the room. I’ll find somewhere else.” He offers, but you’re already shaking your head. 
“Where? The concierge said they were full, and there’s no way you can get a decent room on this short notice.” You worry your bottom lip between your teeth again, trying to walk the fine line between sounding considerate and desperate. As much as the thought of sharing a bed with Carisi makes you panic, you don’t want to kick him out into the cold. 
“No, it’s fine. I can sleep in the car if I can’t find anywhere; I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable or anything.” It’s so characteristically sweet that you roll your eyes. Crossing over to the window, you pull the drapes aside just enough to see the snow still falling thick and fast outside. 
“You are not sleeping in your car in a blizzard, Carisi. It’s fine, I’ll sleep on the armchair.” You grab a pillow from the bed before he can argue and throw it towards the chair. “Crank the thermostat up and lend me a blanket from the bed, and I’ll be fine.”
“I’m not letting you sleep in a chair,” he says, though he does move over to the thermostat to change it. “I’ll take the chair.”
“You’re like seven feet tall, there’s no way you’re sleeping in the chair.” 
“I’m six foot even, and a night sleeping there won’t kill me. In the morning, I’ll look for a room in a different hotel or something.” You open your mouth to argue with him again, but he cuts you off. “You’re not changing my mind. I have three sisters, I know how to be stubborn.” 
“Fine. Better than you trying to drive around in this storm, as tired as you are.” You throw your hands up in exaggerated defeat, before starting to tug one of the sheets off the bed. Carisi moves to the other side of the bed to help you, stripping the top sheet off and tossing it onto the armchair. 
“You wanna use the bathroom first?” Your bags are still sitting by the door, and you pick up your overnight bag and set it on the bed. For a brief moment you panic as you start to unzip it; what pyjamas did you pack in your hurry this morning? You can’t remember if they’re relatively normal looking, or the grotty but oh-so-cosy ones you usually reserve for being ill or on your period. 
“Nah, you go ahead.” Out of the corner of your eye, you can see him shaking the sheet out to drape it over the armchair. Your hands finally close on your pyjamas, and you take them and your toiletry bag into the bathroom. The bathroom is, just like the room, nicer than you had expected it to be. The little soaps and shampoos are brands you actually recognise, and you’re delighted to see that your room has a shower and a tub. Maybe tomorrow you can have a nice, long soak and pretend this mortifying night never happened. 
It doesn’t take you long to throw your hair up in a messy bun and wash the remains of your makeup off your face. You strip quickly out of your work clothes, hesitating a moment before deciding to keep your bra on. Slipping on the grey tank top you’d brought as a pyjama top, you’re a little relieved that the pyjamas you’d grabbed at random from the drawer were plain and not embarrassingly old or cutesy. 
Your relief is short-lived. When you go to shake out the folded-up black leggings, you realise with dawning horror that they’re not your leggings at all. In your hurry to pack this morning, you’d grabbed a pair of pyjama shorts, black jersey with a little lacy trim. Your face burns flaming hot again as you stare at them. You have no other choice - your only other bottoms are work clothes, and a pair of jeans - but they show off more of your leg than you’re really comfortable with your colleague seeing. 
Cursing yourself for leaving packing until this morning you reluctantly slide the shorts on, trying to tug them down to cover a little more of your thighs. Clutching your clothes to your chest, you take a deep breath before stepping out of the bathroom. 
Carisi has been busy while you’ve been gone. He’s made a makeshift bed for himself on the armchair, and moved the bags away from the door. Your purse is sitting beside your weekend bag, and his own bag is open on the desk. He’s currently searching through it, and you can't help staring a little. His coat, jacket and tie are gone and he’s rolled his shirt sleeves up, exposing his forearms. You swallow thickly and drag your eyes away with difficulty. You need to grow up. 
The bathroom door closes behind you, catching Sonny’s attention. He looks up from whatever he’s searching for in his bag and does a double-take when he sees you. 
“Why are you wearing shorts during a blizzard?” He teases, unable to help the laugh that escapes him. “Did you leave packing til the last minute again?” Your cheeks are probably hot enough to counter whatever cold you might feel from the weather, and you glare at him. 
“Shut up. They were folded, I thought they were leggings.” You dump the clothes in your arms into your open bag and dig around for your phone charger. Sonny chuckles again and shakes his head. 
“You sure you’re gonna be warm enough? You can borrow my hoodie if you want.” You’re sorely tempted to take him up on the offer. The burgundy hoodie he’s holding out to you looks cosy, and it undoubtedly smells amazing, but you can’t. You need to get over this, whatever this is. 
“I’ll be okay.” With your phone charger in hand, you move your bags onto the floor by the bed and set about plugging your phone in to charge overnight. Sonny quietly excuses himself to the bathroom, and you take advantage of having the room to yourself to clamber into bed without showing any more of your legs. You almost groan once you settle down under the blankets; this bed is comfortable. It’s almost enough to make you glad that Sonny insisted on sleeping on the armchair instead of you. Almost. Once you’re suitably snuggled in, you unlock your phone and type out a quick message to Benson explaining the room situation. 
It doesn’t take Carisi long to return from the bathroom, and you let out an inelegant snort when you see him. 
“Why are you wearing shorts during a blizzard?” You parrot teasingly, raising an eyebrow at him. Sonny’s wearing a Fordham tee and a pair of cotton boxer shorts. He has the good grace to flush, and he shrugs. 
“It’s what I usually sleep in. I run warm.” 
“You can turn the thermostat down if it’s gonna be too warm?” You offer. “I feel like a dick taking the bed and making you too hot.” He flashes you that soft smile again. 
“You’re still just in shorts. Sure you don’t want my hoodie?” Carisi sets his folded clothes on the desk by his bag and waits for your answer. 
“No, I’ll be fine. Turn the thermostat down a few degrees.” The room isn’t even that cold at the moment, and you’re sure you won’t feel it if the temperature drops a little while you sleep. Sonny obliges, fiddling with the thermostat again before settling down onto his armchair bed. 
“Is it okay with you if I set an alarm for half nine?” The conference kicks off at eleven; an hour and a half should be plenty of time to shower and find some breakfast before you have to go downstairs. 
“Yeah sure,” Carisi says, his reply trailing off into a yawn. “G’night.” You flip the switch by the bed, plunging the room into darkness. 
“Night, Carisi.” 
You really try to fall asleep. The bed is so comfortable, and you’re so tired. You had fallen asleep in the car, sitting up with the radio blaring. You’re not sure why it evades you now. The minutes tick by, and you can hear Sonny moving around in the chair, trying to find a comfortable position. Perhaps it's guilt keeping you awake, you reason. 
You’re not sure how much time has passed when you break the silence. 
“Carisi?” You half-whisper, not wanting to wake him if he’s asleep. 
“Yeah?” He sounds tired, and the guilt overrides any embarrassment you might feel. 
“Will you just come and sleep here?” The question hangs in the air, and there’s a long pause while you wait for Sonny’s answer. “I don’t have cooties, Carisi, you can sleep next to me.” 
“No, I know, but-” He pauses, and you hear him shift again. “Are you sure you don’t mind?” 
“Positive.” It’s so stupid of you. You’ve had a crush on Carisi since you first laid eyes on him; inviting him to sleep beside you is an unnecessary form of self-torture. But you know you’ll feel even worse tomorrow having to look at the deep shadows under his eyes from a sleepless and uncomfortable night in the chair. 
You hear him sigh softly. A moment later, the mattress dips as he settles into the bed. Sonny’s keeping his distance, but you’re still painfully aware of his body in bed beside you. It’s unbearably intimate, and if it wouldn’t make you look like a lunatic after telling him how fine you were with him getting in, you’d take a pillow and go and sleep in the tub. 
Annoyed with yourself, you roll over onto your side, facing away from him. As idiotic as you might be, at least you won’t have to deal with the guilt of depriving him of a good night’s sleep. Beside you, his breathing is evening out. Maybe at least one of you will sleep well. 
You wake up feeling confused. You have no idea how you managed to fall asleep, or how long you’ve slept for. You’re also very preoccupied with the fact that you and Carisi appear to be spooning. 
Sonny’s arm is slung over your waist and his body is curled around yours from behind, holding you close. His nose is pressed against the hinge of your jaw, his breath warm on your neck.  Your bare legs are tangled together, and you’re so overwhelmed by the feel of so much of his skin against yours that it takes you a moment to realise what woke you. 
Carisi is hard. 
The line of his erection is pressing against the curve of your ass, and you nearly choke on your own tongue at the feeling. You take a deep breath and try to make sense of what’s happening. The two of you must have rolled together at some point in the night, and Sonny’s reaction must just be morning wood. 
Not that being in Sonny’s arms is unpleasant. He’s warm and solid against you, and he smells good; something clean and masculine and him. Closing your eyes again, you try to figure out what to do. Before you can settle on an idea, Sonny’s arm briefly tightens around your waist, only to suddenly slide off. 
“Oh fuck-” Carisi practically throws himself backwards, away from you. Sitting up in bed, you turn to look at him as he tries to extricate himself from the sheets and scramble out of bed. “Oh fuck, I’m so sorry.” You follow him, managing to grab his hand before he can move away from the side of the bed. 
“Carisi, it’s okay. It’s okay, you were asleep-” You start, kneeling on the bed in front of him and holding his hand tightly within your own. He’s shaking his head before you even get the first few words out, those beautiful blue eyes of his wide and distraught. 
“It’s not okay,” he says, refusing to look down at you. “I was practically molesting you in your sleep-”
“Stop, you weren’t molesting me,” you try to argue, but Carisi ignores you. 
“I’ll call the Lieutenant on my way back to Manhattan, let her know. God, this isn’t how I wanted you to find out. But you never have to see me again, I promise,” he rambles, trying to free his hand from your grasp. You don’t let go, giving it a squeeze instead. 
“Calm down, take a breath. How you wanted me to find out what?” You adjust your position on your knees, barely able to breathe yourself. Sonny’s palm is hot and damp against yours, and you can see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows thickly. 
“Find out that I liked you.” Carisi manages eventually, still steadfastly refusing to look down at you. Your heart is hammering against your ribcage, and your blood roars so loudly in your ears that you’re not sure you heard him right. You know he likes you, you’ve been friends for years. But he’s saying it in a way that conveys so much more than that, and you suck in a breath. 
“You like me?” 
“I- yeah. And now I’ve ruined it, and made you uncomfortable-” he starts again, and you roll your eyes. You bring your free hand up to his cheek, and the gentle touch is what finally makes him meet your eyes. 
“Dominick. You haven’t made me uncomfortable. Really, you haven’t.” That finally silences him, your use of his real name catching his attention, though it doesn’t stop his eyes from searching for any hint to the contrary in your face. You take a deep breath, choosing your next words carefully. “And…and you haven’t ruined anything either.” 
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you lean up to kiss him. 
It’s not much more than a peck, a soft brush of your lips against his own ones. You pull back just a little, your noses almost brushing. 
“I’m okay,” you whisper. “You have no idea how much I enjoyed waking up in your arms.” There’s a silence so deep that you’d swear you should be able to hear the snow falling outside. Those lovely eyes of his bore into yours, sending your heart hammering even harder. After a long pause, his free hand comes up to cup your jaw with deliberate slowness, giving you time to move away. 
Sonny’s thumb sweeps gently over your cheek as he lowers his head and kisses you. His lips are soft and full against yours, testing at first and deepening the kiss when you slide your free arm around him to pull him closer. A quiet sound of contentment escapes your throat as Sonny dips his tongue into your mouth, finally letting go of your hand so he can grasp your waist. 
You can’t seem to get close enough to him, even with your chests pressed flush against one another. The kiss turns from careful to desperate as years of pent-up attraction are finally given an outlet.
It’s impossible to tell who moves first to lie down on the bed, whether you pull him down or he pushes, but you end up lying parallel to the headboard with Sonny on top of you. Your mind can barely reconcile that your longtime crush reciprocates your feelings, much less the warm weight of his body pressed against you. 
Wanting to feel more of him, you slip one of your hands beneath the hem of his t-shirt and run your fingertips over his back. He shivers at the delicate touch, a sensitivity you mentally file away for later. Your legs fall open, and you choke back a whine when you feel the hard line of his cock press against you once more. 
It’s so much. You want to feel him everywhere, to keep exploring him with your hands and mouth. 
“Can I?” You ask, grabbing the hem of his t-shirt and pulling gently. He follows your lead, letting you pull the shirt over his head and discard it onto the floor. He was telling the truth earlier; he does run warm, his bare skin hot to the touch as your hands roam his back and sides. 
One of Sonny’s hands drops down to hitch your leg over his hip, his large hand squeezing your thigh. 
“I love your legs,” he murmurs. The kisses have left you breathless, but you still whine when he stops. Your hands sink into his soft hair as he shifts to press kisses down the column of your throat. You don’t mean to pull his hair when he kisses a particularly sensitive spot, but when he groans against the delicate skin you take it as your cue to do it again. 
“Want you, Dominick,” you sigh against his forehead, rocking your hips to grind against him. You feel his breath catch in his throat, his own hips stutter against yours. There are too many layers of clothes between the two of you, and you do your best to wriggle out of your t-shirt without displacing Carisi. 
Like the gentleman that he is, he helps you out. His hands cover yours to take over, pulling the soft cotton over your head. Your hands sink back into his hair almost immediately.
“Why’d you wear a bra to sleep in?” He asks, a soft smile playing on his lips. It’s so infuriatingly handsome that you want to drag him back down for more kisses, but you know that won’t get you out of your clothes any faster.
“Didn’t want to risk you seeing my nipples through my shirt,” you explain breathily as he ducks down to kiss over the tops of your breasts while his hands work at the clasp. 
“Think I’m about to see a lot more than that, doll,” he mumbles against your skin. It makes you giggle, in spite of yourself. The two of you shed your clothes as quickly as you can while still staying as close as possible, too focused on removing the remaining barriers between you to care too much about the undignified scramble to strip. 
“I wanna ride you,” you manage between kisses, and Sonny nearly falls off the bed in his eagerness to oblige you. He settles with his back against the headboard, watching you with hazy eyes as you grab a condom out of your purse. 
“C’mere,” he says softly, holding his hands out to help you get comfortable in his lap. He hisses when you roll the condom down over his cock, the hand he’s resting on your hip squeezing reflexively. 
“You’re so gorgeous,” you tell him, slowly pumping your hand down, then back up. He does look gorgeous out of his clothes, all lean and long-limbed. “You have no idea how long I’ve thought about this.” 
Sonny’s other arm loops around your waist, pulling you just a little closer. 
“I’ve been thinking about this since we met,” he admits, his voice breathless with arousal. You rest your free hand on his shoulder as you line him up with your entrance and slowly start to sink down. It pulls a loud moan out of both of you, the sound echoing around the room, so much louder than the whispers and gasps that had come before. 
“Oh God, so have I, Sonny-” you manage, screwing your eyes closed. It’s been a while, and the lack of foreplay probably wasn’t wise given the fact that Carisi was bigger than you’d imagined. Not that you’d made a habit of imagining this, in trying to deal with your crush. Instead of sliding down smoothly the rest of the way onto him, you roll your hips, taking a little more of his length on each pass. 
Sonny’s a mess under you. His hands clutch tight at your hips, and when you manage to open your eyes again, you see he has his head flung back against the headboard.
“You feel so good, Doll. Christ, you’re so fucking wet and we haven’t even done anything-” he cuts himself off with a shuddering groan as he finally bottoms out inside you. The tip of him is pressing up against that spot inside you that makes your toes curl, and it sends a swell of bliss coursing through you. 
“You have such a perfect dick,” you tell him, enjoying the flush that intensifies on his face as he registers what you said. You lift yourself up just a little, an inch at best, and sink slowly back down, your eyes rolling back in pleasure. 
You’re not sure if it’s the best adjective, but you need to tell him just how good he feels. 
In fact, the two of you can’t seem to shut up. Even when you start riding him in earnest, the headboard bumping against the wall with every stroke, neither of you can stop talking. It’s like every time you’ve wanted to tell him how hot he is over the last three years is spilling out, along with endless praise for how good he feels. He gives it right back, telling you how perfect and sexy and hot you are in between telling you how much he wants to eat you out. 
“I’d be so good at it, please doll, I just wanna show you how bad I want it,” he babbles, his hair damp with sweat at the temples. 
You’re panting with every breath. Sonny leans forward to nuzzle into your neck, kissing and licking and sucking at the delicate skin there. Your nails dig into his shoulders when he drags his teeth over a particularly sensitive spot, and the groan he makes vibrates through your skin and straight down to your core. 
“God, Dominick, yes,” you nearly sob. “So good with your mouth already, want you to kiss me everywhere…” You can’t finish the thought, but it wrenches another groan out of Sonny. You haven’t thought about a next time, whether this is a one-off or if cooler heads will prevail back in New York. 
Later, the two of you can talk for real. You’ll wake up feeling better rested than you have in years, naked in Sonny’s arms, and talk about what happened, you promise yourself. 
Right now, there’s just the two of you discovering how much you enjoy each other, how badly you’ve both wanted each other. The two of you just fit together, like it’s the easiest, most natural thing in the world. And all the pleasure you feel is magnified a thousandfold by the fact that your crush wasn’t unrequited at all, that Sonny wants you just as much as you want him. 
You sink your hand back into his soft hair and ride him faster, utterly drunk on the noises he’s making. Dominick’s mouth wanders, kissing lines up your neck and licking messily at your nipples and nipping gently at your earlobe. In between, he murmurs about how 
A real conversation can wait; right now, you want to see what it’ll take for you to leave him speechless. 
@avengersfan25 @misscharlielulu @apenny4thots @irishavengersassemble
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detectivesvu · 3 months ago
Time and Patience
Rafael Barba x Fem! Detective! Reader Tags: Smut (MDI!!!!). M/F Sex. Handjob. Relationship establishment. Part 2 to this fic. Word Count: 5.5k "But I don't know where to go from here."
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"Hi." She nearly whispered, heart pounding so hard she could feel it in her throat.
Rafael’s heart skipped a beat at the sound of her voice. His eyes never left her face. He couldn't help but notice how pretty she looked under the soft glow of his desk lamp.
"Hi," He said, his voice equally soft as he gestured for her to come in and join him. There was a moment of silence between them before he spoke again. "I’m glad you could come."
“Yeah...I’m sorry it took so long for me to call you,” She said, entering his office. “I was trying to get through the workday.”
Rafael nodded in understanding, his eyes studying her intently, trying to gauge her mood. He wasn't sure how she was feeling. She was here in person, so he figured she at least didn't hate his guts for what happened.
"No need to apologize," He said gently. "I get it. Work can be demanding."
She gave a small chuckle as she sat in her usual chair in front of his desk. A small grin tugged at Rafael’s lips as her anxious laugh. Sensing her unease, he returned to his desk and sat on the other side, both of them in the same positions they had been in earlier.
Rafael’s eyes never left her. He couldn’t help but notice the nervous energy coming off her in waves. He could tell that she was just as uneasy as he felt, but he also knew that they needed to talk about what had happened, and the sooner the better.
"So…how was the rest of your day?" He asked, his voice soft yet firm.
She hated how awkward this was. It was painfully uneasy...suffocating even. They were never uncomfortable with one another. It wasn't natural for their dynamic. Now she felt like she was going to melt right in front of him.
“It was busy. Carisi and I chased leads for a long time on this case,” She said. “Nothing really turned up, so we’ll start fresh tomorrow.”
Rafael listened intently as she spoke about her busy latter half of the day. He was slightly disappointed that she hadn’t addressed the elephant in the room, but he didn’t want to push her into talking about it before she was ready.
"Sounds tiring," He said, scribbling a note onto one of the case files in front of him. "These cases can be draining."
“Tell me about it,” She sighed, throwing the ball in his court. “How was the rest of your day?”
He nodded with a shrug, not overly interested in talking about what he had been doing since she practically ran out of his office earlier that evening.
"Mine was…eventful," He said, his voice a hint more cautious than usual. There was a moment of silence before he continued. "I’ve been thinking about you…"
She swallowed hard, trying to keep the anxiety from rising in her throat. It seemed that he was getting right down to business. After all, they were always straight shooters with one another.
“I’ve been thinking about you too." She confessed, fidgeting with her hands in her lap.
He felt relief knowing she wasn't angry at him or remorseful. After all, he had pushed the whole thing into motion. He hadn't been sure of how she felt about it. The last thing he wanted was her feeling like he had come on too strong.
Hearing her admit that she'd been thinking about him all day sent a jolt through Rafael. It was a small sense of relief knowing that he wasn't the only one who had been consumed by thoughts of her.
"So…we need to talk." He said, knowing it was an understatement.
“Yeah, we do,” She said, unsure of how to start. “Uhm…you go first.”
Rafael took a moment to gather his thoughts, his expression growing serious. He knew they needed to talk about what had happened earlier that day, but he wasn’t sure how to approach it. After a moment, he took a deep breath and started.
"Look, what happened before..." He failed to find the right words, suddenly feeling like he was completely winging this whole thing. "We need to talk about that."
“Right,” She gave a small laugh. “You said that already.”
Rafael couldn’t help but let out a slight chuckle too. He knew she was nervous, and he knew he was too. He ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head as he completely blanked on what to say. The infamous talker Rafael Barba was now speechless.
“Look,” She tried to help him. “I…I don’t really know what to say. But I don’t want what happened to ruin us. I don’t know how it got heated so fast, but…I guess we had a lot of tension explode at once.”
He was taking in her words -- listening to her tone and studying her eyes. He knew her all too well. He knew how to read her, how to know what she was feeling. He knew they were both thinking the same thing -- they didn't want this to ruin their relationship...whatever it may be.
"You’re right," he said quietly, his eyes fixed on hers. "I think it's fair to say we've been...dancing around this for a while."
“I know. I just…didn’t expect it to happen so fast,” She said, her hands fiddling with the edge of her skirt. “You’re my friend first…but we also work together. And I feel like I reacted inappropriately for a work setting.”
What they had done was definitely inappropriate for a work setting...but he hadn't minded it. In fact, he was disappointed they hadn't made it further. He paused for a moment, rotating his pen in his hand before he answered.
"I'm not so innocent either," He reminded her, a sudden shimmer gleaming in his eyes. "But it was...intense, wasn't it?"
She looked at him then, meeting his dark, but playful gaze. She gave a small, almost shy smile.
“It was. And I don't regret it...just if you're wondering..."She shifted in her seat, getting to the meat of the conversation. "But I don't know where to go from here."
His playful expression faded a bit. He knew this had complicated their relationship beyond belief and moving forward was going to be tricky.
"I don't regret it either...but I also don’t know either," He admitted. "I just think it's going to be hard to go back to how things were before. We can't pretend it didn't happen."
“I agree,” She nodded. “I just don’t know what it means for us.”
Rafael looked at her intently, his eyes studying her face as he tried to find the right words to say. He knew what he wanted, but he wasn’t sure how she felt or if she was ready to admit it yet.
"What do you want it to mean for us?" he asked softly, his voice laced with a hint of vulnerability.
Her eyes were soft as she looked at him, her voice honest and true to him.
“I’m not unhappy that it happened,” She said. “But…I don’t know what it would look like for us if we…pursued this. Pursued us."
Rafael nodded, realizing that she was trying to articulate what he couldn’t put into words. Deep down, he had been thinking the same thing. He wanted there to be an "us" between them, but he didn’t know quite what that would look like either. He leaned forward a bit, resting his arms on the desk in front of him.
"You’re right. It’s about what it means for us if we decide to explore this further." He remarked.
She knew it was a bit risky. They worked together and already spent so much time together in a work context. If they officially turned things personal and romantic, what would that look like? Would they be able to handle seeing each other so often? Could their personal relationship be able to withstand their work schedules? There were a lot of questions that she didn't have the answers to. But they were both so involved with one another now, that it felt so wrong to not give it a try.
“I…suppose we can try. Start slow, you know?” She said. “I was just…afraid you would think I had crossed a boundary today.”
Rafael chuckled softly, a small smirk playing on his lips. He couldn’t help but find her concern slightly amusing.
"Crossed a boundary?" He repeated, his eyes never leaving hers. "I don’t think we’ve been particularly respectful of boundaries for a while now."
“I hadn’t thought of it that way,” She laughed. “I just wasn’t sure how you felt about earlier. I wanted to be sure we were on the same page. That I hadn’t totally scared you off today.”
Rafael smiled softly, shaking his head.
"Oh, I wasn’t scared off. In fact, quite the opposite," He said, a faint hint of amusement in his voice. "You’d have to do a lot more than that to scare me off."
“Good to know,” She smiled, a small silence between them for just a moment. “So…does this mean we’re going to take things slow? See where it takes us?”
Rafael nodded thoughtfully, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. He knew that taking things slow would be the sensible option. He wanted to do this right and do it the way that was best for them. But still...he knew they both felt like they had unfinished business from earlier.
"Slow. Yeah, that sounds… responsible." He paused, his eyes searching hers. "But I have to warn you, I’m not exactly known for my patience."
Truth be told, it was going to be difficult for them to “take things slow.” When essentially that’s what they had been doing up until today. Over the last few months, they had been flirting, talking, hanging out…just never in a determined way. Today had been the first day things had turned romantic. It was just that neither of them had realized they had essentially pre-dating the last few months.
“Neither am I,” She returned the same tone. “Some call it a flaw of mine.”
Rafael chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement at her words. He had always known that she was impatient, and this only confirmed it. It was one of the things he found endearing and irritating about her all at once.
"It's a flaw we both share," He said, his voice laced with a hint of humor. "Which, of course, makes things a bit more interesting."
Now that she was really thinking about it, this really did seem like the logical next step. She didn't respond just yet, her eyes slightly squinted as she continued to look him over.
Rafael could see her mind working, and he chuckled again, leaning back in his chair. He knew from the look on her face that she was starting to realize that this had been inevitable for a long time now.
"Are you starting to realize how ridiculous this all is?" He teased. "We’ve basically been pre-dating for months now and it took us this long to realize it?"
“That seems so on brand for us, doesn’t it?” She asked with a small scoff. “Basically dating and we didn’t even know it until things got hot.”
"Oh, definitely. It’s a wonder it took us this long to figure it out," He paused only for a moment. "It’s not necessarily a bad thing, is it? The tension made things interesting...until you couldn't take it anymore."
Her eyes widened, her brows shooting up in surprise. Her lips curled into a smirk.
“Counselor,” She said. “You’re not insinuating that I was the one that broke first, are you?”
Rafael chuckled at her reaction, a cheeky grin spreading across his face. He knew exactly what he was implying, and he was enjoying messing with her.
"Oh, I think you know the answer to that, Detective," he teased, leaning forward slightly. "You may try to deny it, but we both know who cracked first."
“If I do so recall,” She leaned forward. “I remember you saying you were going to take me on your desk. That sure sounds like breaking to me.”
Rafael couldn't help but let out a startled laugh at her words, his eyes going wide. She couldn't throw that back at him.
He quickly recollected himself, his expression turning to one of mischief. He leaned forward, his voice lower now.
"And if I recall, you seemed to like the idea of that… greatly."
“Maybe…” She kept her cool. “But I’m not the one who broke first.”
They could do this all night...and they were just getting started.
"Is that so? Because I remember clearly, you’re the one who started this whole thing. You were practically begging me to take you right there on my desk, Detective." His voice was deep and slow.
“I was just making friendly conversation about a coworker and the conversation so happened to turn into work related things,” She nearly whispered. “That’s not begging, counselor. You couldn’t make me beg even if you tried.”
"Is that a challenge, Detective?" Rafael chuckled, his smile growing more arrogant by the second. He leaned even closer, his face mere inches from hers, his voice a husky whisper. "Because I can think of a few ways I could have you begging very quickly."
She slowly stood from her chair, hands pressed against his desk.
“That’s not going very slow, Counselor.” She said.
Rafael looked up at her, his eyes darkening as she stood over him, her hands resting upon his desk.
"Slow is overrated," Without warning, he reached out and grabbed her hips, pulling her forward so she was standing between his legs. He smirked up at her, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. "And you’re not exactly helping."
“I came by for a chat, per your request.” She tried to ignore the feeling of his hands on her waist. “Isn’t that what we’re doing? Talking?”
Rafael let his hands run gently up and down the sides of her hips as he continued to look up at her, his voice silky and low.
"You’re right, you’re right. We are talking. Just a simple, friendly conversation between coworkers." He tugged her closer still, his hands gripping her hips a bit more firmly, his smirk growing wider. "But your body’s saying something completely different, Detective."
The term coworkers irritated her because she knew they were well past that. They had been past that for a while now. Rafael noticed the subtle shift in her expression when he said 'coworkers.' It was obvious that she was on the same page as him. They were well past the point of mere coworkers, and they both knew it. He released a low chuckle, his hands still on her hips, his fingers gently tracing over the fabric of her skirt.
"What is it? You look annoyed. Does the word 'coworkers' bother you all of a sudden?"
“We’re hardly coworkers, Rafael.” The usage of his first name sent a chill down his back. “That’s putting it lightly, don’t you think?”
He could tell she knew exactly what she was doing. He looked up at her, his eyes dark and intense.
"You're right," he said in a low voice, his hands still on her hips, his grip a bit tighter now. "I've never wanted to take any of my coworkers on my desk. But you…" He pulled her closer still, his voice dropping to a huskier tone. "You're something else, [Y/N]."
Her hands were fiddling with his tie in a calculated and seductive way. Her eyes trailing up and down his body as she looked at the suspenders he always wore.
“Tell me more. What exactly am I?' She hummed.
Rafael swallowed harshly as he watched her hands play with his tie, her eyes roving over his body. Her touch, coupled with the intensity of her gaze, was driving him mad.
He pulled her even closer, to the point where she was standing in between his legs.
"You’re maddening," he said, his voice rough. "You’re infuriating. You’re captivating. You’re everything I’ve been trying to resist for months now."
“Yeah?” She looked at him in the eyes again. “All those months of waiting…sounds to me like you’re admitting that you broke first.”
Rafael’s jaw clenched as she called him out, a smirk spreading across his lips.
"You think you’re being cheeky, don’t you?" He drawled, pulling her into his chest. "I may have broken first, but trust me, you’ll be breaking too."
He backed her into his desk, the very same way he had earlier that day. But this time, it was late at night, and there was no one to interrupt.
The desk pressed into the backs of her thighs as he pushed her against it, his body pressing close against hers, his hands still gripping her hips. He leaned down, his breath hot against her ear as he spoke in a rough whisper.
"No work to be done. No one to bother us. Just you and I," he murmured, his teeth grazing her earlobe. "And we have a lot of lost time to make up for."
Her heart was pounding as she felt him begin to envelop her senses. He was going to have her at his mercy in no time.
Rafael could feel her heart racing under his touch, and he reveled in the power he had over her. He nipped at her earlobe, then trailed kisses down her jawline, his hands roaming over her hips and thighs. He could feel her breath hitching in anticipation, and it only fueled his hunger for her.
He moved his mouth to her neck, sucking and biting at the sensitive skin there, his thumbs rubbing lazy circles into her hips. Her hands were wedged between them, her fingers fumbling to get the buttons of his shirt undone. She had one leg hooked around his, making sure he wasn’t going anywhere.
Rafael felt her hands fumbling with the buttons of his shirt, and he smirked against her neck, his lips continuing to graze over her sensitive skin. He could feel her leg around his, trapping him in place, and he chuckled lowly.
"Impatient, Detective?" he teased, his teeth gently scraping against her collarbone.
“That makes two of us,” She sighed, when he found his way to her lips, her words muffled against his kiss. “Are you sure you won’t get in trouble for this?”
Rafael deepened the kiss, his tongue brushing against hers, his hands roaming over her body with more fervor now. He could feel her need for him, and it only served to heighten his own desire.
He broke the kiss just long enough to speak, his voice a low growl. "I won't get in trouble. We're all alone."
Her mind was reeling. She wondered for a quick moment what Olivia would say if she knew she was here with their ADA, nearly at his mercy. Olivia had always been a bit protective over her, and she knew she would be getting a lecture when Olivia inevitably found out about this. But for now she wasn't worried about it. This was an opportunity she wasn't giving up.
Rafael watched as her hands moved to unbutton her blouse, his eyes devouring her as more of her skin was revealed. He could feel his body growing hotter with each button that came undone, and he knew he was losing his restraint. His hands roamed over her bare skin, his mouth finding its way to her neck again, biting and sucking at the sensitive flesh there. He was all over it once her shirt was open, her hands moving to his waist to get his belt undone.
Articles of clothing were going everywhere. His tie, her shirt, his belt, her shoes. They moved with a careless fervor, discarding all clothing as they went. His hands roamed her body, wanting to touch her everywhere, wanting to possess her body and soul. His mouth found hers in a heated kiss, his hands gripping her thighs as he hoisted her up to sit on the desk. He stood between her legs, his chest pressed against her, his hands pushing her skirt - her only clothing article left between the two of them -- up to her hips. His hands pushed up her legs to get her skirt out of the way, when he made a mouth watering discovery.
Rafael let his hands slide over her thighs, pushing her skirt up to reveal tantalizing amounts of her skin. He was enjoying every second of this and wanted to savor every moment. But then he felt her skin against his fingertips… and he froze. He looked down at her legs, his eyes going wide at the sight of her, his voice dropping to a rough rumble.
"You're not wearing anything underneath." He said, almost flatly.
Truth be told, that was a complete coincidence. It was a longer pencil skirt and sometimes she just didn't bother with wearing anything underneath. But it seemed tonight it was playing in her favor, so she decided to go with it.
"Hm. It must've slipped my mind." She hummed.
When her leg wrapped around his waist, pulling him closer to her, he had to bite back a groan. He felt like he was coming undone, his control being pushed to the limit. He leaned down, his lips hovering over hers, his voice a low husk.
"You have no idea the things I want to do to you right now." He reached for the zipper on the side of her skirt, dragging it down and opening her skirt. She helped him slip it off of her, watching it slide down her legs and onto the floor.
She was spread out across his desk, her legs wrapped around him and keeping him as close to her as he could almost possibly get. She was flushed, but glowing in the dim light of his office. And it occurred to him that he could now have this whenever he wanted.
She was a sight to behold, spread out across his desk, her body responding to his touch, her legs wrapped around him, holding him close. He looked down at her, his eyes taking in every inch of her body. He had dreamed of this moment a million times before, having her for himself and them finally indulging in one another. He had never felt so connected to someone before. He adored her in every way, and now he was going to have her in a totally new way. She looked so gorgeous and so beautiful laid out in front of him, he hardly even believed she was really here with him.
His heart hammered away in his chest as he watched her eyes gloss over him, looking at him with nothing but admiration and desire in her eyes. Her hand hovered as she looked at him, his hand holding the side of her neck to keep her face close to his.
"Can I touch you?" She whispered, her voice sending a whole party of fireworks to explode all inside of him.
"Please," His teeth grazed her lower lip, his words coming out as a stutter when her warm hand wrapped around his hard cock. "Oh f-fuck."
All this time, the feeling of her touching him was all in his imagination...his daydreams late at night when he couldn't sleep and could only think of her. But now it was real and happening, and it felt so much better than anything he ever dreamed up.
Her touch is electrifying as she runs her hand along his length, being gentle and calculated with her movements. He shudders against her when he kisses her again, her hand pumping him to get him worked up. A warmth slips through her fingers and wets her palm, his pre cum layering her hand as she strokes him.
He groaned into her mouth, his own hand finding its way between her legs. He knew his fingers were cold when he touched her based on the goosebumps that erupted all over her skin. She let out a small whimper when he dragged his fingers along her slit, his hand skilled and careful. Their tongues explored each other's mouth, his leaving hers to trail down her neck and stop just above one of her breasts. He gave a bit of an arrogant chuckle against her skin at the feeling of his hand that was now slick from her growing wetness.
"You're soaked, mi amor..." He drawls, voice muffled against her skin. "You're so eager for me, hm?"
She paid special attention to the tip of his cock as she continued to stroke him, his cock filling her hand as she drew more sounds out of him.
"Only for you," She breathes. "Please, Rafael..."
Their hearts are pounding, bodies basically trembling with need and anticipation. They can't wait any longer. The buildup to this moment was too long for them to hold back anymore. He took his cock from her and held one of her hips in his other hand as he positioned himself to her. He looks at her, his eyes dark with desire and body aching for her.
"Yeah?" He asked, giving her one final ditch effort if she had any hesitation about this at all.
She doesn't, of course. Her head nodding and voice soft as she gives him the go ahead.
"Yeah," She whispered. "Please."
Their moans almost harmonized when he pushed into her. They moaned the other's name in pure adoration and satisfaction. It was the most right feeling in the world, like they had been missing this moment all this time. Now it's her turn to shudder as she gets used to the feeling of him, which gave him the chance to get used to feeling her. They share kisses wherever they can get them, his hips pushing and pulling out of her slowly to ease her into it.
They're a perfect fit. He fit into her so exquisitely and she engulfed him flawlessly. He stretched her with each roll back into her, the feeling of her encasing him was so mouth watering that he couldn't stop the noises that were coming out of him.
She began to squirm after a few moments, her hips instinctively shifting to get more friction and speed from him. He started to fuck her at a faster pace, not even interested in teasing her or making her beg for it. He needed this just as much as her...if not more,
He pushed as far into her as he could go, her eyelashes fluttered when he hit a certain spot that made her toes curl. She leaned back onto her palms on his desk, head rolled back as the sounds of their session filled the room. Her waist began to meet his thrusts, their bodies fucking each other and giving the other what they needed.
He felt like he was losing control with every movement, every feeling of her around him. The intensity of their pleasure is almost too much to bear. His cock is soaked from her, spreading it to the insides of her thighs and the tops of his as he continued to pound into her.
There's a slight shake in her arms and legs, both from the adrenaline of this moment and the anticipation leading up to it. She lowers her upper half flat on his desk, her body stretched out and on display in front of him. She's getting rocked into the top of his desk, her moans and whimpers like music to his ears.
He wondered for a moment how much the desk could take. This was a first, and the creaks that sounded from the desk being used like this were loud and proof that it wasn't built for this. He didn't rightly care - if this was how he broke and destroyed his desk, then so be it.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. It felt like a disservice to her and himself to even look away for a moment. She was too beautiful and too perfect not to take in at every moment.
"I can't get enough of you," He gasped, his voice ragged and thick. "Oh, fuck..."
She made noises at every movement and he groaned at everything she did. They were more alive right now than they had ever been. And it occurred to them that this is going to be their new normal. They could have this whenever they wanted.
His thoughts ran wild as they moved together, pleasure and bliss overtook his mind completely. He could hardly think of anything past her — the way she felt and looked beneath him, the sounds she made, the way her body fit against his perfectly. She was everything in this moment, and all he wanted was to make her feel good.
"Raf, you...you feel so good." She could hardly get the words out, her head so foggy and fuzzy as he continued to pump into her.
He studied her face - her eyes fluttering, cheeks flushed, and lips swollen. He groaned at the sight, his hands rested on her hips with a firm grip as he started to guide her movements and pull her onto his cock as he fucked into her. Her back arched off the desk at that point, her body overwhelmed in the best way at this deep kind of pleasure. He watched his cock go in and out of her, glistening and totally pumped full of blood and energy.
His cock twitched inside her when she pulsed around him, a burning coil in his gut growing stronger. He knew that in more normal circumstances, he would've wanted to take more time with her. But for tonight, this was more than enough. He reached for her, yanking her up off the desk and pressing her chest to his. He wanted her close when they hit their highs. He kissed her hard, their noises random and sloppy as they grew closer to their end.
"Shit-" She cursed, her voice pitchy and raw as her lips brushed against his. "Rafael, I'm-"
"I know," He cut her off, catching her in a quick kiss as he feels his orgasm start to overtake his senses. "Me too."
Her hands are on either side of his neck, pressing his forehead to hers as he fucked her into her finish first, her legs tightening around him as she cries out into her climax. Her vision tunnels as she finishes, her entire body tensing into it as he gives into his own release, her name falling out of his mouth in a strained whisper. He held her close, his head buried into the crook of her neck as his spend shoots and spills onto her thighs, some leaking off of her and dripping onto the desk.
Their bodies are still pressed together, their chests heaving up and down as they tried to get their breathing to return to normal. He couldn't believe this was real. He never thought today would end up like this, with her coming off of her pleasure high and wrapped around him like this. Her legs still have a minor tremble to them, completely weak and worn out. She smiled at him when she pulled her head back to look at him, her hands resting on his shoulders.
"You okay?" She asked eventually, still a bit breathless as she looked down at the mess created by them.
"Yeah," He nodded, a grin on his face. "I'm more than okay. You?"
"I'm good," She agreed, their eyes meeting again. Hers sparkled and his were bright - they were over the moon right now. They only looked at each other for a few moments, their minds still racing and thick with ecstasy. "I...I don't know what to say."
He can't help but laugh. Truthfully, they still had a lot to discuss in terms of where they were going from here. But they had a good idea of what this meant for them. This hadn't strained or damaged their relationship in any way. If anything, it was a good first step into being more...official. So for tonight, he didn't mind just enjoying the moment.
"You don't have to say anything. Let's get you cleaned up and just..." He sighed, his grin unbreakable. "Enjoy it."
"You're right," She returned a smile. "Besides, there will be plenty of time for us to talk, huh?"
He nodded, his hands resting on the sides of her thighs as he took in this stunning picture of her.
"Of course. Plenty of time for talk...and much more."
This meant the world to them. This was a long time coming, and now that it was actually happening, it was much sweeter than they could've imagined. They're more than glad to make this a regular thing. For her to be a part of his every day in a new way...a better way for both of them.
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otissbluebearshirt · 4 months ago
Can we get an Only 1 Bed fic- for whoever you first think of
The Motel - [ Sonny Carisi ]
Summary: You and Sonny arrive at your motel only to find out that your room…only has one bed
Word Count: 2435
Warnings: female!reader, fluff
Masterlist | Sonny Masterlist
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It was late by the time you and Sonny arrived in Pennsylvania. Too late to do anything other than check into the nearest, cheapest motel and hopefully get a few hours of sleep before you had to head off again to track down your suspect. Normally in cases like this, you’d have both gotten your own rooms to venture off to sleep in, despite having been partners for years and experienced a hell of a lot more together than a simple slumber party.
However this time, things were a little bit different in that particular department. For starters, the motel you’d come across was small. Like a mere handful of rooms, kind of small, meaning that by the time you had arrived and checked in, there was only a single room left on the entirety of the property.
It wasn’t that surprising honestly, given that it was the time of year when everyone was venturing off on their road-trip vacations and stopping to sleep in every single town they passed through. It didn’t bother you either. You were that exhausted you could have happily slept on a log on the side of the road if it meant getting to close your eyes for even just a brief minute.
Luckily, that wasn’t the case here as you’d managed to secure that last room for yourselves. There was only one slight problem, though. One you didn’t see coming and one the check-in clerk had seemingly forgotten to mention. Or he had simply assumed you and Sonny were a couple therefore neglected to, and that was…
There was only one bed.
“The check-in guy didn’t think to mention that?” Sonny muttered with a minor grievance the second he followed you inside the rather stagnant motel room, closing the door behind him and sliding the safety chain securely into place.
By the time he turned around, you had already set your bag on the large double bed and taken your coat and shoes off, your toes wiggling against the worn-out old carpet as you stretched them out from being stuck in your boots for almost a full twenty-four hours. He glanced around him as you did, his lips falling minutely as he reluctantly set his bag atop the small, barely even a couch, loveseat that he gazed questionably at.
Now there’s something that would be less comfortable than a roadside log, that much he was certain of.
“I guess I’ll take the couch,” Sonny exhaled, slipping his arms from within the soft warmth of his coat as you spun around to face him, your brow furrowing deeply as your eyes landed on the ‘couch’ in question.
You let out a laugh, “Sonny, are you crazy? You’re like seven feet tall, there’s no way that will be comfortable… You take the bed, let me sleep there.”
Lifting your bag from the bed, you moved towards him and picked his up from the arm of the chair, holding it out for him to take. He refused, causing you to sigh exasperatedly as you shook it, widening your eyes to try and encourage his stubborn ass to take it from you.
“Absolutely not,” Sonny protested, raising his hands up as though he were surrendering — when in reality it was simply to stop you from shoving the bag into them. “My mother would smack me upside the head if she found out that I made you sleep there.”
“Who’s gonna tell her?” You tilted your head questionably, finding amusement when Sonny simply frowned in response. He hadn’t thought about that. You set the bag down, its weight from whatever the hell was in it causing your arm to grow numb, and you chuckled, “That’s what I thought. Now move your skinny ass, okay, I’m perfectly capable of sleeping on a couch for a couple of hours.”
Like a child, Sonny shook his head and refused to move so much as an inch away from the couch. He even shoved you away and instead directed you back over to the bed, the back of your legs hitting against it frame and causing you to lose your balance. You fell onto it softly, the springs squeaking beneath you as you straightened and did nothing but watch Sonny lift a blanket from the back of the couch and begin unfold it.
Even the blanket didn’t look big enough to fully cover him, and you knew he wouldn’t sleep so much as a wink tonight if he stayed there. But you also knew it would be pointless to keep arguing with him. He was stubborn, and proud, and you were far, far too tired to keep going relentlessly back and forth with him. So instead you gave in, unzipping your bag with a quiet sigh and grabbing what you needed before heading for the bathroom.
When you ventured back out after doing your nightly routine as best you could, Sonny was already lying rigid on the couch, like he was afraid to move so much as an inch incase the blanket slipped off the small part of him it actually covered. You deposited your stuff into your bag in silence then sat down on the edge of the bed, folding your arms as you drew your eyes along the entire length of his body.
“Sonny, seriously…” You began, gaining his attention and noticing the way he seemed surprised to see you. As though he’d been hoping to be ‘asleep’ by the time you got back in order to avoid the very conversation you were about to begin. “The entire lower half of your legs are hanging over the arm of that couch, will you please let me sleep there?”
“No way, alright? I’m fine,” Sonny replied, almost sternly as he shuffled a little more then sighed contently — which was obviously forced as boy was he uncomfortable. “See, I’ve already got myself settled.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, it really looks like it.”
“Will you just forget about me and get some sleep, please?” Sonny gestured to the bed, “You’re running on fumes and besides, we’ll only be here for a couple hours anyway.”
“Fine,” You sighed, standing up from the bed and rounding it to the side furthest from the door.
You pulled back the covers, giving the bottom sheet a quick once over for any stains or creepy crawlies that may be lurking beneath it. You were honestly tempted to pull out a black light and check it properly, but then again you’d rather not think about what that would reveal and instead, decided to just bite the bullet and get into it. Only, before you could slip in between the cold, crisp sheets, you caught sight of Sonny stretching. He let out a rather rough sounding groan as he did…then nearly wrecked the coffee table by almost falling off the couch.
“If this is how it’s going to be with you all night, then I’m going to go out and sleep in the car,” You said, folding your arms as you peered over at him, watching as he fixed himself back into the cushions and glanced towards you apologetically. He then grew stiff as a board — as though he were afraid to move should you shout at him again. You let out a soft sigh, your shoulders sinking as you dropped your arms back down to your sides. “Sorry, I get cranky when I’m tired.”
“I know,” Sonny said, shifting a little and trying his hardest not to showcase it. But you saw him. He wasn’t at all subtle and you could easily notice the slight grimace to his features when he moved the wrong way and his calf began to tense up.
“Sonny, you’re clearly uncomfortable,” You said, fiddling with the sleeves of the hoodie you always wore to bed at the thought of speaking your next words out loud. But you knew you had to. You wouldn’t sleep at all if you knew he would be spending the entire night like this. “If you’re not gonna let me take the couch, then… Why don’t you join me?”
Sonny nearly choked on his own saliva, “I’m sorry?”
“Sleep in the bed with me. It’s big enough,” You said, gesturing to the large bed that would be far more comfortable for a man of his height. And Sonny knew it. He’d been eyeing it up from the moment he entered the room, yet he still almost looked like he was about to throw up. At that you raised your eyebrow, your tone turning playful so quickly, it almost gave you whiplash. “What? Are you scared your mother might find out you’re sleeping with a girl?”
“My mother? Nah, but my grandma…” Sonny widened his eyes a little as he shook his head, not even wanting to imagine his grandmothers reaction. “She’s a lot more traditional than I am and sleeping in the same bed as a woman I’m not seeing is…
“Against her Catholic beliefs?”
Sonny scoffed, “You have no idea.”
“Well I’m not gonna tell her,” You said, climbing into the bed and resting on your knees. “And I know you’re definitely not gonna tell her, so why not? We’re both adults. We’re perfectly capable of sleeping in the same bed together if it means we both actually get a few decent hours of sleep.”
“I mean… I guess,” Sonny said hesitantly, scratching at the back of his head as he sat up, ignoring the way his stomach fluttered terribly at the thought of finally getting to sleep beside you. He stood up, his heart warming at the unintentionally sweet smile you gave him as he crossed the room towards you in a few long strides. He pulled back the other side of the covers, waiting until you’d settled yourself before he made his move to climb in beside you, where he immediately joked, “You better keep your hands to yourself otherwise I’m arresting you.”
You chucked softly, “I think I can manage that.”
Sonny couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face as he fell deeper into the sheets that covered you both. He already felt about a hundred times comfier than he had been on the couch, exactly like you’d guessed he would be now that he could stretch out fully. Even despite the poor quality of mattress the two of you lay side-by-side atop, the middle of which was completely free of space with the way you both hugged the edge of it, as though you were afraid to so much as brush fingers given the unspoken feelings you both had for one another.
It wasn’t that you were purposely keeping them to yourselves for the sake of misery, it was more of a… Neither of you fully realised that the other one felt the same. Everyone else did, though, it wasn’t hard to. You were both practically a couple already despite your hesitance to share a motel room, yet the two of you were simply too blind to see it. But that didn’t mean you both couldn’t feel it. It was so thick in the air around you that it would be impossible not to, but whether or not you both truly picked up on it whilst conscious was the the sixty-four million dollar question.
Subconsciously, however, well… That was a completely different story and not at all a surprising one.
You didn’t realise it until you woke up about four hours later, but you had drifted dangerously close to Sonny in your sleep. Or he’d drifted closer to you. Maybe even both. You weren’t overly sure who was at fault here. All you knew was that you were both now smack bang in the middle of the bed, your legs somehow tangled together and Sonny’s long arm draped loosely over your body. Even your head was resting on his chest, feeling as it gently rose and fell beneath you with each quiet, slumber-ridden breath he took.
You felt your cheeks heat up the split second you realised what — who — your pillow was. You had no idea how you’d even managed to grow so close to him. You were normally a pretty still sleeper so to find yourself so far from where you’d started was honestly somewhat of a shock to you. All you really knew was that you needed to move before Sonny woke up and found you like this, otherwise you’d never live down the embarrassment you’d get over him realising that you’d all but used him as a teddy bear.
“What’s going on?” Sonny mumbled, his sudden, sleepy voice making you freeze in your attempts at untangling yourself from his long and lanky limbs. He cracked open one eye, glancing down at you with such a softness that you almost melted against him, a wave of…God, literally everything you could feel at once washing over you at being caught in this position. “You tryna escape me, darlin’?”
Darlin’. Fuck, if you hadn’t been melting already, you certainly would be now.
“I don’t know how I ended up so close to you, I’m sorry,” You mumbled almost frantically, attempting to pull yourself away from him only for Sonny to tighten his arms around you.
“Don’t go anywhere,” He whispered, seemingly wide awake now as he raised his hand, drawing his knuckles lightly down the side of your face. “Stay with me.”
“Sonny, I don’t…”
“Stay,” His thumb landed on your lips and you fell silent, his eyes gazing into yours in a way that gave you such intense butterflies. “Please.”
All you could in response was nod your head and smile as you didn’t trust your own voice not to give you away, especially with the thick lump that was currently trying to force itself up your throat and escape out into the air. Sonny’s own lips curled up softly as he easily tugged you closer to him, feeling as your arm tightened across his chest and you positioned your head beneath his chin. He tilted his own down to glance at you, nothing but the top of your head visible to his tired eyes and even in that moment…
Even with him being half asleep and out of his mind, just having you this close to him without him even having to try hard to get you there, was like his entire heart had exploded in his chest. He smiled again, leaning down and without taking so much as a single second to think about it, he placed a soft kiss to the top of your head and whispered,
“Perhaps one bed isn’t so bad, after all.”
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Like Sonny? Apply to his tag list so you don’t miss out on his works!
tagging: @yousigned-upforthis @polkadotpenguin16 @AllAboutFluff @notthatbibble @bvd13
Like my work? Consider buying me a coffee!
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 5 months ago
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Joe Velasco x Y/N - drabble - 1.3K WC
Warnings: undercover, attempted assault, injury to reader (not sexual), Joe being protective af, violence, hospital, medical stuff (stitches), flirty ending (barely)
Joe shoved you forward forcefully, fully embracing his role as your pimp. This wasn’t his first undercover job but it was yours. Your heartbeat was ringing in your ears but you remained focused on the mission. You stumbled a bit before a few sleazy looking men noticed you. They all sat on different chairs and couches in the midst of the loud party. You saw dozens of young girls, no way even half of them were 18. 
“Hey sweetheart, who do you belong to?” one hispanic man, Tony Marco, your prime suspect asked as he grabbed your hand.
You wanted to recoil but you knew you couldn’t “Papi!” you yelled, smiling sweetly at the man.
Joe walked up behind you, “Aww did my girl catch your eye?” he asked the man. 
“In a dress like that she’s hard to miss.” the man said, pulling you towards him.”What colors do you run with?” the man said, looking Velasco up and down, unable to identify what gang he was a part of.
“Bloods, Crips, North side, West side - The only color I care about is the green that lines my pockets. My girls are loaned out to everyone, as long as they can pay.” Joe said, giving you a slight shove so you landed on the man's lap.
The man nodded, letting a smack land on your ass as your already short dress rode up even higher. “I can respect a man who has his priorities straight. Think I can take shorty here upstairs for a minute?” he asked, rubbing his hand up and down your side.
You let your finger trace over his jaw, seducing him just like you were told to. 
“Just don’t tear her up too bad, she’s my top girl. $800 an hour.” Velasco said. He pulled you up as the man gulped down the last of his drink. He leaned in close whispering in your ear, “Be careful, I’ll be close by.” he said.
The man slapped a wad of cash into Velasco’s hands before he grabbed the back of your arm, dragging you up the stairs. He slammed the door shut as you sat on the bed with your legs crossed. The man smiled at you flashing a few golden teeth in his mouth as he slid his hand between your knees pushing your legs apart. “Why don’t you lean back so I can show you a good time baby?” he said, pushing you onto your back.
You felt your heart hammering in your chest, starting to panic. He pulled the skirt of the dress up, tearing at your panties. You prayed Olivia and Fin saw what was going on through the spy cam that was the button on your dress. “W-wait…” you squeaked out.
“You don’t tell me to wait bitch - I paid your man, now I get you for an hour to do whatever I want.” he said, slapping you across the face. 
You groaned, the fat rings on his fingers stung against your face. You pushed against him, trying to make him back up. 
“Oh you’re gonna be difficult?” he said, holding your wrists down before pulling a knife, he held it near your throat, shutting you up entirely. You felt tears leaking out the sides of your eyes. You prepared for the absolute worst, looking up at the ceiling as you tried to dissociate. 
The man ran his hand up your leg before the door shot open. The man quickly straightened up, slicing your leg open on accident as he pulled away. You shrieked at the searing pain.
Velasco stood in the doorway, nothing but hate on his face. “What you want papi? I paid, now fuck off!” The man pulled you by your ankle so your hips were at the edge of the bed. 
“Tony Marco put your hands up - you’re under arrest for sex trafficking, possession of narcotics with intent to distribute, and a whole bunch of other shit.” Velasco punched him twice - hard. You could hear the bones in his face crack with each hit. He cuffed him and shoved him towards the first cop who entered the room. “Get whoever you can downstairs, see if you can get any of them to flip on him.” Velasco said, trying to shield your body from the other police who flooded into the house.
“Baby…” he rushed to the bed. Your hands were held up, trembling. Velasco gently pulled your skirt down to try and make you feel more comfortable. You flinched away from him and as much as he knew it wasn’t because of him, his heart still felt a pang of sadness. When Valsco pulled his hand back up he couldn’t ignore the bright red blood on his hand. He pulled your dress to the side, noticing the large gash. Whatever knife he used was sharp as could be. He didn’t see bone but he did see muscle, it needed stitches ASAP. He took his top shirt off, remaining in his muscle shirt. He pressed the fabric to the gash, asking you to sit up. 
You were so overwhelmed and had lost a good amount of blood all you heard before the world went black was Velasco calling for a bus.
You heard rhythmic beeping before you were able to open your eyes. When you finally did you saw Joe sitting in the chair next to the hospital bed, his hand in yours as he slept. 
“You’re up.” you heard from the doorway, Olivia shutting the door quietly. 
You nodded at her, the memories from the night before were still fresh. You moved the covers slightly to look at your leg, it was wrapped from the knee to the upper thigh in white gauze. “How bad is it?” you asked.
“He got you good, 30 stitches. I’m sorry we didn’t get there sooner, the guys downstairs put up a fight.” she sighed.
You shrugged, “I knew the risk going in there.”
Olivia gave you a tight-lipped smile, recognizing that you needed time to process. “Take a few days. You and Velasco. He hasn’t left your side since you got here.” 
You looked at him, watching his peaceful face.
“You picked a good one.” Olivia said, looking between the two of you before she smiled and closed the door.
You smiled; you and Joe had been together for almost a year but kept it from the squad, wanting work to remain work and private life to remain private. You shook Joe’s hand slightly.
He jolted awake, eyes landing on you immediately before he stood up, sitting on the edge of the bed. He held your hand between his, using the other to stroke your cheek gently. “I’m so sorry,” he said.
Your eyebrows furrowed, “What happened wasn’t your fault.” you said, holding his wrist as his thumb rubbed over your cheek. 
“Doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad. I never should have let you go up there.” he sighed, eyes glancing down at your wrapped leg. 
“Hey,” you said, sitting up and tilting his face towards you, “you are the one who got up there and got that bastard away from me. You are the one who arrested that absolute scum. And you are the one who’s here for me.” you said, pecking his lips. 
Joe leaned his forehead against yours, taking in your presence. “I love you, I’m never putting you in that position again.” he said.
You kissed him again, “I can think of a few different positions we could be in…” you chided with a smirk.
Joe laughed, “You couldn’t wait ten minutes without being an absolute freak?” 
“You have that effect, let's go home.” you said.
Joe nodded, going to flag down a nurse to get your discharge paperwork ready. 
Naboo's Note:
Hello! First SVU fic :D will probably also write for Carisi because I love that Italian fuck. Would LOVE requests for either him or Joe. Send them my way ASAP!!!!!! XOXOXOXOXO
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altsvu · 1 year ago
Congrats on the followers!
🧞Barba + 53 from the smut prompt list (re: tattoo) please & thanks! 💜
tattoo ridden
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pairing: rafael barba x fem!reader
prompt used: “Is that a tattoo?” from the 100 smut prompt list!
wc: 700
summary: your first time having sex with rafael is a magical one, and when he notices a fairly interesting tattoo on your body, it’s almost like he went feral.
cw: dirty talk, smut (oral, teasing)
a/n: anything smutty with rafael is like the best, so thank you so much for sending this in lovely, i’m so sorry it took so long for me to write it! 🥲
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
Rafael wasted no time getting intimate with you. It was literally out the car, out the clothes, and in the bed.
A year back, you and Rafael got together, but you wanted to take things slow, and he agreed.
But now, you felt ready.
It was another long day at the precinct, for you at least. It had gotten to the point where Liv even told you to go home. You liked to get ahead of things because you knew you would dread drowning in paperwork after the fact.
This particular night, however, was a different story for Rafael. He wanted to surprise you. It was you and his’s 1 year anniversary and he wanted to make the day special as can be.
You didn’t forget about your anniversary, you had gotten him a gift, you just didn’t have the time to go drop it off at his office.
So there you were sitting at your desk filling out paperwork when a very familiar figure appeared in your sight. You quickly found out that it was Rafael.
“Rafa.” You smiled, getting up from your desk.
“Hi baby.” Rafael smiled back, pulling you into a hug. “Happy anniversary.”
“Happy anniversary.”
Rafael planted kisses on your lips. You then went back to your desk, and Rafael followed suit, pulling up a chair to sit next to you.
“Paperwork again?”
You nodded. “You know how I am Rafa.”
“I’m staying here until you finish. I wanna take you home tonight.” Rafael said, reaching over to stroke your thigh.
You smirked, knowing what he meant.
“Duly noted, Counselor.”
Rafael finally got you home. Beforehand, you gave him your gift, which was a watch he’d been eyeing for months. He was ecstatic when he opened the box. After, he pulled out his gift, which was a matching gold necklace and bracelet set. He took the liberty of putting them on you.
Out the car.
Out the clothes.
In the bed.
“I know we talked about it, but are you sure about this? About everything?”
“Yes, Rafa.” You responded, helping him out of his suit. The only suit you wanted him in was his birthday suit.
“Okay.” He smiled.
With that, the two of you wasted no more time getting in the bed and each other naked. Clearly the second step was ignored.
Rafael loved your body and he wanted to admire it all night long. When he touched your naked body for the first time ever, you felt chills running throughout your body and you didn’t want him to stop. His hands felt so nice against your skin. In this moment, his hands were creeping up to your boobs and something special resided in that region.
Your infamous side boob tattoo.
To be quite honest, it was a simple flower, but it was your favorite tattoo.
Rafael’s hand reached it and the chills stopped for a moment.
“Is that a tattoo?”
The room light was on, so Rafael was able to take a peek under the covers to look at it.
“It’s beautiful.” He whispered, starting to suck on your nipples. He kissed all around the area, as well as the tattoo, and that made you so much more aroused.
He was good with his mouth. So when he finished with your boobs and went to your pussy without a warning, you knew you were going to fold instantly. He made you feel good, and that’s all that mattered in this moment. His lips touched your clit and he sucked on it softly to get you started. He started using his tongue in all the right places, and pushed a finger inside. His intentions were to get you to come for him.
“Rafa” escaped your lips numerous times while he was doing this.
“I love when you say my name like that, Y/N. It’s so hot.” Rafael mumbled against your thighs. He got up and leveled with you, and pushed his fingers inside you again, all while he planted kisses on your lips and chest.
The next thing you knew, he was inside you, and it felt amazing. He felt amazing.
It was a good thing the two of you waited.
taglist: @storiesofsvu @averyhotchner @ssaic-jareau @detective-giggles @lapaquerette @itsjustmyfantasyroom
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mlmxreader · 2 months ago
Date Night | Elliot Stabler x gn!reader
↳ ❝ Elliott stabler
85"You’re adorable when you’re concentrating"
148"I'm taking you on a date, a real date"
289Person A stealing person B’s clothes and getting caught ❞
: ̗̀➛ You and Elliot rarely get to go on nice, proper, date for once but as usual, something gets in the way.
trigger warnings: ̗̀➛ brief non-graphic nudity, swearing
spotlight fundraiser : ̗̀➛ Help Evacuate Mai for Essential Medical Treatment
The weight of a bullet proof vest still cast a shadow over Stabler as he made his way through the small flat; he would stop every now and then to look into the various animal tanks and see whatever was out. A few snakes, a scorpion, a lizard. It wasn't unusual.
He had grown used to it and, even then, it was one of the reasons why the kids loved coming here; they loved helping feed the animals and getting them out to hold them - so Stabler made his peace with being around them... even if the scorpions did give him quite a jump.
"Dad's best friend", as the saying went, and it never failed to make Stabler smile.
He draped his coat over the bannister, kicking his shoes off near it, and dared to slowly move towards the bedroom door; he could hear a soft grunting, along with harsh breaths, and swallowed thickly.
But then he heard the plastic snap, and allowed himself to cross the room over to you; you were on your back with your head at the bottom of the bed, holding up a little plastic figurine as you tried desperately to fix it.
It belonged to one of his kids, and he appreciated that you were making an attempt; gently, he lowered your wrists above your head, and knelt down to be eye level with you.
"You're adorable when you're concentrating."
You smiled back, welcoming it when he leaned over to kiss you; your hands went to the sides of his head, pulling him slightly closer as you tried to make it last for more than a few seconds.
Slowly, Stabler moved until he was straddling your waist, his hands planted on the mattress either side of your head as he hummed under his breath. "How you been? C'mon, just talk with me for a sec."
You grinned as you let your hands hold onto his shirt tightly. "Not bad, me and Olivia went to get coffee today... how'd your thing go?"
He grumbled, shaking his head. "I don't really wanna talk about it."
"You never have to," you told him softly. "Did you eat yet?"
He shook his head. "Not tonight, I'm taking you out on a date, a real date this time - not a rugby match or a movie or whatever we did last time."
You thought for a moment, trying to remember. "I think our last date we went to the pub, watched a rugby match, and throughout the entire thing I had to explain the whole game... as well as who you're supporting."
He grinned, a warm feeling in his chest for a moment; Stabler always liked to keep things simple and, well, cost effective - and it was just as well. You hated it when he got you gifts, when he offered to treat you like other people treated their significant others and got the flashy, finer things.
But so did he.
It was perfect that you both preferred the quiet and the simple.
"C'mon," he laughed softly, gently patting your cheek. "Get dressed and I'll met you in the kitchen."
You groaned, mockingly protesting as you tilted your head back and pouted. "Do I have to?"
"Yes!" Stabler murmured as he kissed you softly.
He left you with a final kiss, heading to the kitchen and making both himself and you a decent cup of coffee; whatever they served at the precinct was coffee by name, but it certainly didn't taste like it. It was like a mix of cardboard and steamed water.
The good, cheap, stuff that you kept stocked up was far better, and he knew exactly how to make it the way you liked it.
But when you didn't come back to him once he had finished making it, he was a little concerned.
Stabler called out to you as he made his way back to the bedroom, pausing on the stairs for a moment; you didn't answer, and he grew a little concerned.
He continued, pausing by the door and letting his instincts take over; he listened closely, but heard nothing.
He pushed the door open; you were lying naked on the bed, just about to pull on one of his shirts and steal it from him, again. He stole a more than quick look, trying not to grin.
Usually, Stabler would have closed the door and hurried back to the kitchen, but he cleared his throat and tried not to laugh when he heard you rush to put your trousers on.
Once you gave him the go ahead, he entered the room at last, and smiled.
"You're such a perfect gentleman," you told him, tugging the shirt on and letting it drape around your shoulders.
Stabler tilted his head from side to side for a moment. "Oh, I'm not. I snuck a peek, and... wow."
You laughed, shaking your head fondly and gripping his shirt as you hummed softly. "Why am I not surprised?"
He shrugged, putting an arm around you and backing you up against the bed. "Can you blame me?"
You couldn't help it, groaning softly when Stabler started to kiss your neck softly; your hand went to the back of his neck as you spurred him on, whimpering softly when he pulled away.
"You gonna give me my shirt back?" He murmured against your skin softly.
You shook your head, cupping his jaw gently. "You're gonna have to make me, detective."
Stabler grinned, gently starting to push it from your shoulders as he slowly lowered you down completely; your back on the mattress as you told him to keep going. To keep going and going and going.
"You can't keep stealing my shirts," he told you with a soft, playful, growl. "I'm not gonna have any left to wear to work."
"Is that a problem?" You asked, tilting your head. 'It wouldn't be for me."
Stabler shook his head fondly, placing his hand on your chest and feeling your heart rate for a second. "C'mon, we have a date. We can fool around later."
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iwoulddieforher · 2 months ago
Casey cannot speak Latin | Casey Novak/Alex Cabot
Summary: Alex and Casey have been making out for the last couple weeks, this time they encounter a slight hiccup and Alex for some reason decides the issue is best addressed in Latin. Essentially just 2k words of kissing. and emotions. but mostly kissing.
Slight trigger warning for mentions of Alex's shooting & topless women but they're not fucking (rn anyway)
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Casey's lithe fingers traced idle patterns on the lower portion of her ribcage, the copper headed attorney too distracted by Alex's mouth eagerly on her's to pay attention enough to do anything else.
What felt like minutes later, they finally broke apart to breathe, panting, Casey's face flushed from breathlessness in a way that made Alex laugh softly and land another soft kiss on the bridge of her nose. The copper headed attorney slid her fingers along the edge of Alex's shirt- a real shirt today, not a blouse as usual. It was a nice shirt, sure, but Casey thought to herself it would look much better on the floor.
"Can this come off?"
Alex hesitated, hard, as Casey toyed with the hem of her shirt. She never let anyone see her bare-chested- not in the past years, anyway- even with the men she fucked on occasion, she just undid the top buttons of her blouse, and they were normally satisfied with that degree of cleavage.
And she wasn't fucking Casey, no. After difficult cases they simply needed a little reassurance and they'd lock themselves either one of their offices, Casey would yank the blinds while she turned off the lights, and they'd tangle arms and lips and occasionally tongues and find some sort of solace in despite depravity of the world they were constantly reminded of. It was hard to wallow in misery and pity with a woman as ethereal as Casey pressing a line of kisses down the curve of her neck, hard to think of anything at all when the redhead's hands were cradling the base of her skull in desperation to kiss her deeper. She assumed Casey felt the same, lest be confused why she allowed this to keep happening. It was always Alex who pulled her in first, pushed her gently up against a wall or a couch or a chair or a desk, and although Casey sometimes made to switch the position so she could feel the blonde arching against a wall, Alex was always somewhat the reason it had started and was continuing. It gave her some degree of control that Casey apparently did not mind indulging her in. Evidently Alex was the needier of the two, and Casey resigned herself to serve.
Casey had never requested anything similar before- actually, Alex was unsure if she had ever asked anything of her at all. Alex felt mildly guilty- she had stripped the younger of her dress shirt before so that she could run her fingers along the muscles of her back and her arms and lavish her body in gentle attention, and she wasn't sure she had even asked or if she had went for it and Casey complied automatically as a natural progression, but now Alex was shifting in her seat and not in the good way at her request.
She had never thought twice about what Casey had previously been doing- running her fingers along the costal cartilage of her lower ribs, tracing the patterns of the anatomy beneath Alex's skin, and she did immensely enjoy the feeling, so there was no need to. Casey had done it before, too, and it was a staple in their interactions now.
"Qui prodest?" She questioned weakly, without thinking, hearing her own voice raspy, "Hoccine quid opus est?"
Casey's hands dropped immediately, before raising just enough to tug Alex's shirt back down where it had been ridden up on her hips, smoothing out the fabric delicately. God, Alex missed the feeling of her fingertips the second she felt them leave.
Who benefits, Alex had just asked her, before following it up with a murmur in Latin that translated roughly to 'is this what is needed'. Casey's head reeled slightly, a crease appearing between her brows as she grew slightly concerned.
Casey had absolutely no idea why the elder had said that in Latin- maybe the shame and the panic she could see in the curves next to Alex's eyes and between her eyebrows felt less real if she spoke in a language that no longer really existed. Maybe she just wanted Casey to understand how stressed she felt. Maybe she was using the language of scholars to emphasize the importance she felt this had. Regardless, Casey's heart ached to console her.
"No," Casey said slowly, wishing she had paid a bit more attention to her highschool English teachers, "non opus- not at all, Alex. Not needed." She bit her lip hesitantly. In the back of her mind she hoped Alex would not continue speaking in Latin because if she was honest she didn't really understand that much of it, let alone be able to formulate intelligent responses in the dead language.
"Nisi quia," Casey started, 'unless because', hesitantly, noting how Alex wasn't meeting her eyes and momentarily panicked she wasn't saying the right thing, "voluntas tua." 'It is your will.'
Alex didn't respond, but her eyebrows softened after hearing Casey's low hum, so Casey tried to continue. "Your pleasure is my priority, Alex." She breathed, in English, because very honestly she had no clue how to translate that, "I don't want to do anything that would be only for my benefit. I only feel good when and because you do-"
The blonde attorney cut her off by pulling her into an embrace, her arms lacing around Casey's shoulders to bring her head to her collar. She made a small strangled sound that was entirely unlike her usual demeanour, and Casey felt like this was probably as close as Alex would come to crying in front of her.
Casey immediately returned the motion, her hands interlocking with each other behind Alex's body while she left the other woman's hands balling the fabric of Casey's shirt in her fists. Alex's head rested on top of Casey's shoulder, Casey's forehead in the crook of Alex's neck, intentional because Alex did not want to feel Casey's eyes on her but lord she needed her close.
"Casey, I'm-"
"I hope you're not about to say you're sorry, because you shouldn't be, there's no reason to be. You never have to feel sorry with me." Casey soothes, lifting her head to kiss the side of Alex's face softly. "You're okay."
"It's just-"
"You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want too-"
"Hush," Alex interjected, overriding her notion to cut her off again, and Casey obediently relaxed with an apologetic exhale against her neck, letting her continue with a "volo te scire hoc."
I want you to know this, she meant, so Casey stayed unmoving against her, although she did suck her bottom lip into her mouth to toy with it.
"I haven't let anyone other than my doctors see the bullet mark," Alex breathed simply, burying her head in Casey's hair. "Previous partners unbutton the top of a button-up enough if they want to see my breast. You can do that. But I know you don't want something as shallow as that. You want skin, and to explore me, and mine is- mine is broken."
Her words end in a loose sigh and she pulled Casey impossibly tighter, and Casey returned the pressure, now, much more gently in comparison to the desperation in Alex but tight enough to comfort her.
Alex held her tightly for a long moment, before she relaxed slightly, still in the embrace, for a longer moment, eventually leaning backwards with a sigh, allowing Casey to let go of her.
"Where is it, Alex?" Casey hummed, eyes flickering down to her clothes torso. Alex grimaced, hesitating, but Casey shook her head.
"You don't have to show me it. Just show me where."
Alex then understood what she meant, so with another flicker of anxiety she reached with one hand up, slowly placing her index finger on the fabric of her shirt, clenching her jaw as her mind wandered back to the trauma the place she indicated was lasting evidence of.
Casey caught her before her mind traveled too far, though, catching Alex's wrist to interlace her fingers with Alex's, Casey's other hand coming up to cradle Alex's cheek in a way she knew she liked to press her lips against the blonde's. Alex relaxed, returning the kiss, the hand not held by Casey traveling to rest on the crook of the copper headed woman's waist. Casey permitted Alex into her mouth, which the blonde reveled in, feeling a bit of power return to her blood at the small movements the redhead was making to accommodate her when she pushed forward just slightly.
Casey broke the kiss, a small strand of saliva connecting her lips with Alex's for a fraction of a second, before tilting her head to the side and connecting her lips to the edge of Alex's jaw, then again a few centimeters below, and then again in a pattern. Alex, caught slightly off guard, sighed a half-amused laugh.
"Perfectus es in oculus meis," Casey breathed, very proud of herself for remembering that one, in between peppering the column of Alex's throat in little kisses as the older attorney squirmed just slightly beneath the attention. It meant, and she echoed the translation in English regardless, "you are perfect in my eyes."
She paused, before realizing she didn't know enough Latin to really formulate anything else, so she just said, "You are not broken, Alex," and continued with her line of kisses down, reaching Alex's pulse point, which she kissed a bit firmer to feel the thrum of life under Alex's skin. "You are not broken." She echoed, her hand slipping down to the base of Alex's spine, encouraging her to arch her torso upwards so Casey wouldn't have to move away to continue the path she was running over, over and over again, in her mind, because she knew even thought she could take as long as she wanted (to a reasonable degree, the realistic part of her brain chimed) when she was done she wouldn't have had enough of her.
Alex paused her when Casey began kissing above the fabric, writhing slightly in a way that pushed Casey slightly off, and with shaky fingers fumbled for the hem of her shirt. Casey tried to shoot her a look that conveyed the fact she was not asking for that, she didn't need it, and if Alex only was providing her with what she thought she wanted she really didn't want that, but Alex shook her head.
"Plus quam dolor sit fiducia," Alex breathed, and at Casey's momentarily blank expression, she tilted her head back and laughed. "Trust is- it's- I trust you, and that's worth more than pain. Please. I want you to do this."
Casey did not need to be asked twice, although she refrained from helping Alex with her shirt so that if the blonde at any second decided she was done with this interaction she could hesitate, or pause, or stop, but in one fluid motion Alex tugged her shirt over her head and let it fall off the edge of the couch, leaving her panting in a modest bra. Casey nearly swooned, yes at the sight of the expanse of skin, but more so the triumphant and almost breathless look on Alex's face, the way her eyes lit up as if she was immensely proud of herself, and Casey broke her previously unbroken path of kisses to claim Alex's mouth once more because she couldn't help it, although kissing while smiling so much was rather hard for both of them. Alex felt nearly giddy.
The copper headed woman's fingers found Alex's ribs again and it was as if the previous tension had never happened in the first place, Alex leaning forward and up, pushing herself further into Casey's light touches and using her hands to cradle Casey's skull.
"Angelus," Alex sighed when Casey broke the kiss again to return to the original task, kissing briefly and impatiently along the length of Alex's collarbone before becoming immensely soft, tender kisses along the small scar that had almost claimed Alex's life.
"Okay, I know that one- thank you-" Casey paused, looking up at Alex with a teasing expression, "but please, I really don't know Latin. Why do you know so much Latin? Don't answer that, actually, I'm busy kissing you."
She was rewarded for the lighthearted jest with a small cascade of giggles from Alex's mouth, as much as an attorney as esteemed as her was capable of giggling, smiling into Alex's skin as she kissed a bit more firmly. Alex's hands never left Casey's head, encouraging, rewarding her for her service by tangling in her curls gently in a way she knew Casey was fond of.
Her brain was fixated on Casey- she didn't have the space to share her mind with self-consciousness, or occupation-based misery, or the trauma of being shot and being in witness protection or any of the other things wrong with her life or her past or the world. She was in being kissed in the DA's office like a giddy rebellious teen, and it was warm, and she was shirtless, and Casey was so impossibly attentive with her kisses. Casey...
"Oh, wait, Casey-" Alex stopped, being hurled out of her bliss by a sudden realization, her voice immensely serious, and Casey startled, immediately shooting backwards. "Yes?"
Alex moved her hands out of Casey's hair, her fingers finding the buttons of the younger woman's blouse, and gave her a pointed look, although playful lights shone behind her eyes.
"Can *this* come off?"
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collecting-stories · 5 months ago
Not in Chronological Order ch. 5 - Orange Magic
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setting: Central Park// Saturday morning
summary: Reader and Sonny are watching his niece's softball game on Saturday morning and he is interrupted by a series of work calls.
A/N: This takes place 13 months into their relationship. Also, I mentioned on the series page that I've taken some creative liberties with Sonny's nieces and nephews, which still stands. I'm giving his sister Teresa three kids, including a daughter named Sofia.
<- Not in Chronological Order Masterlist | Lie Like This ->
...divider by @saradika
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“Thought ya weren’t gonna make it,” Sonny called his tone light and teasing. It was still cold for the middle of March and he had his Fordham hoodie on, hands in his front pocket though he took them out as you approached, pulling you into a hug. You were careful of the coffees in your hands as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pressing your face against the collar of his hoodie and kissing the side of his jaw. 
Once you’d extricated yourself from his embrace and handed him one of the coffees you said, “And miss a softball game for six year olds?” You asked, “doesn’t sound like me.”
“Yeah, alright, I don’t appreciate the snark,” he joked. 
Dating Sonny had just been dating Sonny until about three months into the relationship when he decided he’d waited long enough to introduce you to his family. Now, over a year into your relationship, you felt like you were dating the entire Carisi clan. Dates turned into family parties or Sunday night dinner or watching his nieces and nephew play sports early on Saturday mornings and it all felt bizarrely more domestic than any of your previous relationships. Maybe that was simply because the last time you had a serious boyfriend was ten years ago when you were twenty. 
Today you’d gotten yourself out of bed early and taken the subway into Manhattan to see Teresa’s youngest daughter’s softball game. You’d been invited by Teresa before Sonny could even remember the date. She’d texted an entire schedule for each of her three children’s sports and school activities to you at the beginning of their school year when you’d only been dating Sonny for six and a half months. 
“Just FYI,” you mentioned, shifting your coffee to balance between the crook of your arm and your body so you could clap as Sofia came up to bat, “I’m mad at you.”
Sonny’s eyebrows furrowed, looking at you with a mix of concern and confusion, trying to wrack his brain for a reason that you would be upset with him. Between both of your busy schedules you’d managed to keep any dates that you scheduled and he’d been on time to every apartment tour for the last two weeks. 
“What? Why?” He finally asked, unable to think of any particular reason you had for being mad at him. 
You turned your face toward him, that sly smile creeping over your features, causing him to realize that you’d been teasing him. “Because you didn’t tell me about that Italian place on Locust.”
“Near my parent’s house?” He asked, not concerned anymore but twice as confused. The two of you had been over the bridge almost every week for Sunday dinner but he couldn’t think of another reason for you to trek to Staten Island, at least without him. 
“Yeah, I went last night with your mom." 
"You went to dinner with my ma?” Sonny was more than positive that you hadn’t mentioned a Friday date night with his mom at any point during the week. 
“She said she wanted to take me to dinner for my birthday, just the two of us,” you shrugged. 
“Ya went to dinner with my ma?”
“Yes. She texted me like, two weeks ago, and asked if I wanted to have dinner,” you explained, “anyway…the point is, why didn’t you ever take me there? The food is so good!" 
"I can’t believe you went to dinner with my ma and didn’t even tell me about it,” he replied, “I can’t believe she’s texting you.”
“Jealous?” You joked, bumping his hip with yours. “Where’s Teresa anyway?”
“Paul’s got the kids this weekend,” Sonny replied, nodding his head in the direction of the bleachers on the other side of the diamond where his ex-brother-in-law sat with two small children. 
“Oh fun,” you muttered. Teresa had introduced you to Paul only once but that had been more than enough for you to get a measure on him. 
“So, what did you and my ma talk about?” Sonny asked, looking at you over the rim of his disposable cup as he took a sip. 
“Well, she spent a good half of the time asking me when I was planning on making her a grandmother again,” you replied, “although, at least your mom has more of a filter than you do." 
Sonny had ungracefully blurted out, halfway through dinner on your second date, that he wanted to have kids someday and he was looking for a serious relationship. As if two dates in a week was enough to know whether you were going to devote the rest of your life to him. You were planning on it, in fact, though you had avoided saying so two dates in. 
"What’s that supposed to mean?” He asked, looking incredulous at the accusation. 
Before you could answer, his cellphone went off and Sonny stepped away from you to answer it, already falling into ADA mode. You turned your own attention back to the game, scanning the game to see where Sofia was and finding her in the dug out, waiting for her turn to bat again. 
“…I can email it to ya first thing tomorrow morning. I’m not in the office right now,” Sonny said, looking back toward the Little League diamond, his gaze softening as he watched you clap for his niece. “Yeah, yeah…I’ll talk to ya later, alright, bye Liv.”
Sonny made it over to you after hanging up, wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and kissing your cheek. 
“Do you need to go?” You asked, turning your head to meet his eyes. 
“Nah, just some paperwork. Nothing I can’t get in the morning,” he replied. 
“Are you sure?” You knew you sounded surprised as he looked over at you, the beginnings of an apology already forming on his tongue.
“Yeah, ya just got here and we’re supposed to look at that apartment after lunch.”
“I know,” you turned back to the game, “but if you have to-”
“I don’t." 
A year and a month into dating Sonny, you knew that his job was more than important. It was demanding on a good day and soul-draining otherwise. The work he did was necessary and hard and you understood. Yours wasn’t an easy job either, though you had more structured hours than Sonny sometimes got. Both of you had brought up jobs and relationship expectations somewhere around the three month mark but neither of you had really gotten anywhere solid and the discussion had been shelved for later. For further down the road when things were more serious. 
Talking babies with Serafina Carisi and apartment shopping seemed like the time to unshelf that conversation but neither of you really wanted to. 
"So, dinner with my ma?” Sonny asked, trying to get back whatever you’d had before Sonny had answered the phone.
“Oh yeah, we covered all the topics. Jobs, children, future wedding, why you haven’t proposed yet,” you laughed at Sonny’s expression, “her question, not mine.”
“She’s something else,” he muttered, pressing his face into your neck. 
You reached up with one hand to pat the top of his head, running your fingers through the soft, salt and pepper, waves. No work meant no hair gel. “She told me that we should move to Staten Island so when we have kids she can babysit and we don’t have to worry about work or daycare.”
“We just have to worry about commuting back into Manhattan?” Sonny asked, slightly muffled by your sweatshirt. You could feel his mouth against your neck as he spoke, breath warm in the cold morning air. 
“What, you don’t wanna sit in hours of traffic every day?”
“Dream come true,” he hummed. 
Sonny’s phone rang once more and he groaned against your neck, giving you a gentle squeeze before he pulled away. You heard Liv’s name leave his lips as he stepped further away from you and the game. Serafina had referred to the relationship as a test of patience. You wouldn’t put all the blame for busy schedules on Sonny though, there were plenty of dates that you had interrupted with a phone call or times when you’d brought work to his house when you were supposed to be having dinner together. 
“Are you sure you don’t need to go in?” you asked when he made his way over to you again.
“No,” he pocketed his phone, “sorry.”
“No you aren’t,” you laughed, stepping away to throw out your empty coffee. When you came back over he was frowning. “What?”
“I am-”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” you sighed, wrapping your arms around his waist and tucking yourself into his side. He slung an arm around your shoulders instinctively. “I just meant, I’m not mad that you have to work when you’re off the clock. You know I get it, I just…wish you wouldn’t apologize. It gives me false hope that maybe next time you won’t go into the office or answer the phone and I know you won’t.”
“It’s just, the case we’re working on-” Sonny started to explain.
“Dominick,” you huffed, cutting him off, “I literally just gave you an out, you don’t have to explain. I’m not mad.”
“You seem a little mad.”
“Well…” You turned into Sonny more, fiddling with ties on his hoodie for a moment before meeting his eyes, “it’s 10am on a Saturday and I’m watching your niece play softball and thinking that maybe your mom wasn’t so crazy for asking me about kids cause I could totally rock being a ‘soccer mom’ someday and then I just spiral further into my head like…will Sonny answer the phone when our future children with Italian names are running around playing baseball and then I realize I’m being totally irrational because half the time I’m the one on the phone and then-”
“Hey,” Sonny cut you off this time, pulling you closer to hug you, kissing the side of your head, “we both have crazy jobs and we knew that getting into this and I know you are more than understanding about my schedule but that doesn’t mean I’m not sorry that I gotta answer the phone when I’m with you." 
"I know,” you replied, “I just feel like, the interruptions happen whether you make excuses for them or not…I just don’t want us to be those people that like, make the excuses. I don’t wanna lie and say that next time I won’t pick up a second shift and I don’t want you to say that you won’t stay late at the office cause then we’re just lying to each other.”
Sonny looked contemplative as he considered what you had said to him. Finally, he nodded, “I agree…I just feel guilty sometimes hassling you with interruptions when we’re supposed to be off.”
“I don’t think this is a compromise we can figure out over the course of one conversation,” you replied. A Little League baseball game probably wasn’t the best place to be hashing out your feelings as it was but there was certainly no easy end or compromise to the situation at hand. Down the road, you imagined, it would have to evolve into other conversations too, more nuanced, about family instead of just you and Sonny. “But if you do have to go in to the office…”
“Just for like an hour tops, I promise we’ll make the open house." 
"We better,” you tried to sound threatening but it was hard to do when you were smiling, “cause I showed Serafina the places we were looking and it’s the only one she likes.”
“She’s not living in it,” Sonny pointed out.
“Yeah but she said it’s got three bedrooms so that’s at least two grandkids.”
“With Italian names,” he teased.
“Depends,” you replied, detangling yourself from Sonny as his niece ran over to say hello. 
“On what?” He asked, though he was looking at Sofia and waving, a massive smile on his face.
“I’ll tell you when little ears aren’t around,” you joked. 
Sofia made impact with his legs before he could answer you and Sonny lifted her up, settling her against his hip despite her being six and all limbs, happily kicking him as he hugged her. She launched into a recounting of the game, as if neither of you had been there and seen most of it. You couldn’t help thinking that maybe Serafina was right when she told you that a year and a month was not too short a time to already be thinking about kids of your own. Interruptions be damned, you’d spend the rest of your life with Sonny if you were given the opportunity.
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huunni · 1 year ago
[HTTPS.] detective carisi using his cuffs on u!! [.ORG]
warning ! this url contains: unprotected $3X, drunk $3X, b0nd4ge, nd cussin! you've been warned!
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at first, it was a passing joke after one (four) too many margaritas at a rooftop get together for the department. just something you thought was something your little group of girls (liv, amanda, kat and alex) and only them heard, something everyone giggled a bit and even agreed with (but liv, she complained that "getting taken control of is overrated").
at first, it was something you were almost 100% sure nobody else had heard, and even if they had, it wouldn't matter! everyone knew you and carisi were dating. and even if they didn't know for sure, the way you two lingered around each other, or the way you knew how the other liked their coffee, something was up, something.
at first, it was just that statement.
"i'd let carisi handcuff me."
and boooooy, did he plan to!
at first, when you hear the metal clinking tighter around your wrist, your blood runs a little cold. usually, you would be putting your cuffs on someone else. someone who did something foul. but now, in the comfort of your own home, your own bedroom, it felt good. it made that split second of freezing blood worth it when your boyfriend pecked your shoulder and your entire body warmed, your thighs rubbing together as you arched your back just a little bit more, enough for you to feel this tip (which was covered in pre) tap your clit ever so slightly.
when he slips inside your slick cunt, he groans just like always before gripping your restricted arms and pulling you flush against him.
"fuuuuuck, doll.. 's the shit.. fuck yeah." his accent is thicker, his voice low and sultry as he whispers into your ear. the room starts to smell like sweat and carisi's cologne as he keeps rutting into your wet pussy, not stopping until you cream around his cock and shake, begging him to let up, to give you a break.
once he unlocks your handcuffs, the brunette massages your wrists and kisses you. knowing that that little passing statement you made will now make a lasting affect in the bedroom 🫶🏾
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teamhappyme · 6 months ago
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
aka the four times you save mike dodds + the one time he saves you
mike dodds x female!reader
word count: 9.3k
a/n: me? keeping mike dodds alive and well in every universe? absolutely. a good old fashioned 4+1 for you folks! this was another labor of love that has been years in the making because I could never string enough good things together - until I did! it's not my best, but it's one of my favorites, and i love writing for this guy! it's a niche character, but one near and dear to my heart. (I refuse to give up my Taylor swift lyric titles so fight me)
The first time you saved Mike Dodds, it was from the awful coffee in the squad room. 
It was his first week with SVU, and, let’s just say, everyone is adjusting. He stepped over you while getting the victim’s disclosure, he pursued a lead not pertaining to the disclosure without telling Liv, and to top it all off, Rollins’ sister was behind the whole situation. 
So, it’s been a tense week for everyone. 
After Kim was remanded to Rikers, and Amanda was released from the hospital, everyone could let out a sigh of relief.
You were wrapping up some paperwork in the squad room after getting back from the courthouse, Liv talking with the chief in her office. You could only assume the accolades he was giving his son, while Liv just had to sit there and bite her tongue. You don’t envy the position she’s in right now.
To keep your eyes open a little longer, you made your way to the breakroom to grab a soda. Much to your surprise, you found the sarge at the coffee machine, ready to pour a heaping cup of old coffee.
“I wouldn’t drink that if I were you,” You warned him as you fed a dollar to the vending machine, pressing for a coke to come out. “I guarantee it’s been sitting there since this morning, maybe even last night.”
He nodded, placing the styrofoam cup back on the table. “Thanks for warning me. I’m pretty sure everyone else would’ve let me suffer the consequences.”
“Rollins and Fin would’ve watched the whole thing, but Carisi would’ve ran in to save you. We’re not too fond of perpetuating the newbie pranks, especially on a sergeant.”
You offered him the coke once it came out of the machine, and he took it, giving you a nod of gratitude. He didn’t open it right away, taking a few seconds to fiddle with the tab. 
He looked up at you, looking quite defeated for the confident man that walked in here three days ago. “I’m not trying to step on any toes here, detective.”
“Dodds,” You started, but he cut you off. 
“I’m the new guy, the new second in command here, and I understand that it’s going to take some time for you guys to warm up to me,”
“Dodds.” You held your arm out in front of you, hoping he would stop talking. “First things first, stop interrupting me.”
He had a sheepish grin, and hung his head. 
“SVU isn’t like the rest of the department. It’s not as simple as getting the statement, arresting the perp, and going to trial. We have to connect with the victim, make sure they feel safe and supported enough to tell their story. And most importantly, we listen to Liv. She gives a masterclass everyday in being an SVU cop.” You paused for a second, taking another look at him. Of course he looked defeated, the welcome into special victims is never an easy one. “Listen, we’ve all been in your shoes. There’s a learning curve, and it takes a minute to get there, but you will. You’ve got good instincts, you’ve got the rank to prove it. You’ve just got to think in another way now.”
You saw the chief exit Liv’s office, and heard the dejected sigh leave Dodds’ mouth.
“I’m not worried about the learning curve. I know I have a lot to learn. What I’m worried about is not being taken seriously.” You looked over at him, and saw that he was locked on his father’s figure, following him out of the precinct. “I know everyone’s worried that I’m the boss’s son, thinking they have to watch themselves around me. But I’m not his puppet, and I’m not here to report back to him. What happens at SVU, stays at SVU.”
“I appreciate that.” He gave you a pointed look, not sure whether or not to believe you, but you only smiled. “Listen, we’re all straight shooters here. I’m not worried about who your father is or how you got this position. Everyone deserves a fair chance, and after these last few days with you, I think you’ll be just fine here.”
Honestly, you were never worried about his placement here. Sure, the rest of the squad was a little suspicious, and maybe gave him a hard time, but he’ll learn his place. And hopefully, they’ll see this guy, honest and vulnerable, instead of the shadow of his father the next time they look at him.
“Thank you. I know you could’ve chewed my head off after that disclosure, so I appreciate your patience.”
You laughed while moving back to the vending machine, getting a coke for yourself this time.
“It was your one free pass.”
“Technically two, since you saved me from the burnt coffee.” He added, walking back to the bullpen. 
“Yeah, next time I’ll let you drink it.”
The second time you saved Mike Dodds was after the Lily Evans case. 
It was never easy losing a kid, no matter how many years you have on the job. After three months with the unit, he felt like he hit his stride.
All until today.
It was late when Dodds and Liv came back from the Evans house, looking particularly jaded after informing the grieving parents they closed the case. 
It was business as usual for the next thirty minutes, paperwork was finished, a celebratory job well done for solving something in a timely manner. And just like that, we move onto the next one.
Once Liv emerged from her office, the rest of the squad started to pack up. 
“You going to see Amanda?” Fin asked.
“Yeah, I thought I’d stop by.”
“You know what, she’s been living off takeout. How about we all go up there, and I’ll cook us a real meal.” Carisi interrupted the Lieutenant, Fin in agreement to eat some real Italian food.
The smile on your face was automatic, loving the small moments in your day where there was a little room for happiness. 
“Hey Sergeant, you wanna join us?” You all looked to Dodds, slouched in his chair, the weight of the world resting on his shoulders. 
You’ve all been there before.
“Uh, rain check. Paperwork.” He sat up straighter in his chair, pulling a random file from his desk.
You exchanged a look with Carisi before setting your things back on your desk. 
“I’ll meet you guys up there. And don’t let Fin eat all the garlic bread,” you teased, trying to keep the happy moment alive.  
Once the rest of the squad left, you walked back over to Dodds desk. He continued to comb through the files on his desk, pretending to look busy.
“I know being a Sergeant is a big deal, but there’s no way you’ve accumulated this much paperwork since you’ve been here.”
“Well with all the joy rides you and Carisi go on, you’d be surprised how quickly those car change requests pile up.”
He said with a smile, and you resisted the urge to roll your eyes. 
“As appealing as that pile of paperwork may be, it’s got nothing on a home cooked Carisi meal. So,” you paused, giving him the opportunity to speak first if he wanted. 
He didn’t.
“Why are you beating yourself up over this case?”
“Lily Evans could still have been alive when we first got to her parents house. If I had taken this seriously, we could’ve got to her and maybe she’d be alive right now.”
“And I know I should have listened to Liv, she’s got this down to a science. But I just wanted to-“
“Dodds, what did I say about interrupting me?” You chided, and he held his hands out to you in surrender. “I know you don’t want to hear it, but she was gone the moment she got in the van. It’s not easy to accept that at first, but some of these cases, you have to believe it if you want to get through it.”
“I thought it was going to be an easy transition to SVU. Major Crimes was high stress, kidnappings, negotiations, terrorism, all while having the eyes of the media and the city on you.” He shook his head. “I thought I was doing okay. I was listening to the Lieutenant, I was really learning from her, from all of you really. I thought I was bringing something to the table. But Lily, she was just a kid.”
You placed your bag down on the floor, moving to sit in the chair next to his desk.
“My second case with SVU was the Johnny D take down. I transferred from Brooklyn Homicide, so I thought I’d seen it all. Until I walked into that basement, and found four teenagers and kids locked in that basement as sex slaves. I threw up as soon as we got out of the basement, just barely missed Rollins. I couldn’t sleep for the next week, and when I finally cracked, Liv was there to center me. She reminded me why we did this job, of all the people we help, despite the most gruesome cases we catch. It takes a special cop to work in SVU, and you don’t stick it out, you don’t feel this guilt if you’re not cut out for it.”
He looked at you for a few seconds, not saying anything as he took your words in.
“How do you get up and come back to work every day?” He asked and let out a long breath.
“I took Liv’s advice: go home, talk to someone you love, and don’t make this job your whole life. Easier said than done.” You said with a laugh and he joined in. “But you’ve got your dad, he’s been on the job your whole life. He knows what it’s like.”
“He’s not really the talking type. And I’ve never… failed at something before. He expects a lot out of me here, and I want to prove to him that I’m cut out for this.”
“You’re not failing here, Dodds. Trust me, you’d be hearing an earful from Rollins and Fin if you were. I’m actually really impressed with how you’ve adjusted. We’re not an easy squad to assimilate to.”
“You can call me Mike,” he started, a small smile on his face. 
You felt your cheeks get warm, and you hoped to god they weren’t bright red. 
“Okay, Mike. Then pack up your stuff, cause you’re going to eat the best Chinese food of your life tonight.”
“What about Carisi’s fantastic meal?” He joked as he closed whatever files were open and shrugged his coat on.
“He’ll understand. Now come on, we don’t want them to run out of egg rolls before we get there.”
“Alright, alright,” he joked, running to catch up to you. You waited in silence for the elevator, and you felt a shift in the dynamic between you two. A good shift, one that happens when you finally earn the trust of your partner. 
Mike spoke your name as you stepped into the elevator, and you looked over at him.
“Thank you for listening. It means a lot, to know that you have my back, in the field and otherwise.”
You smiled, gently clapping his shoulder as you responded, “Anytime you need an ear, I’m there. You’ve got a squad of incredible listeners surrounding you now. All we ask is the same in return.”
“You’ve got it.” He added without hesitation.
Mike Dodds was going to be just fine here in SVU.
The next time you saved Mike Dodds wasn’t exactly your finest moment.
Mike accompanied you to Gary Munson’s house on what was supposed to be a quiet Sunday afternoon. But after a call from his wife Lisa, saying she was finally ready to leave, your Sergeant graciously offered to accompany you to the house.
No one wanted to be back in the presence of Gary Munson, the rogue corrections officer accused of assaulting dozens of female inmates. The case hadn’t even gone to trial yet and it was already causing a lot of tension in the department, not to mention the DA’s office.
“Dragging me out on a Sunday is pretty cruel, even for you Detective.” Mike commented as you walked up to the Munson house. “I smell egg rolls and fried rice in the near future.”
“Hey, I paid last time. It’s not my fault you have a bleeding heart almost as big as mine and agreed to come along.” You said with a grin as you knocked on the front door.
Dodds had been at SVU just shy of a year now, and since the Lily Evan’s case it sort of became tradition to celebrate the closing of a case with that same greasy Chinese food. Even as the cases took longer to close, the two of you could be found there at least twice a week. It became your place, somewhere to meet when it was two a.m. and a case was keeping one of you awake; on a Saturday afternoon when the two of you had nothing better to do with the time off work; and of course, as a reward for helping each other out whenever they asked.
You waited for a minute before knocking on the door again as Mike walked around to the side yard.
“She calls and says she’s ready to leave, and when we get here there’s no answer?”
“What was her exit plan?” Mike asked, joining you back on the steps.
Before you could answer, Lisa opened the front door.
“Hi,” she began, “sorry for keeping you guys waiting.”
“Is everything okay?” You asked, attempting to take one foot in the door when Gary stepped out into view.
“Everything’s fine here.” He answered for his wife, her body stiffening at his voice.
“Mr. Munson, we're here at your wife’s request.”
“I… overreacted when I called you guys. We’re handling things.”
“That’s good to hear. So, you don’t mind if we come in?” Mike asked, trying to get some control of the situation.
“Do I need to call my lawyer?”
“We’re not here to talk about the case.”
“Oh right, you’re here because Lisa wants to leave me. Forgive me, I’m just a big, dumb CO.”  Gary commented as you shared a look with Dodds. 
He was already spiraling.
“Mr. Munson, we don”t want any trouble.”
“Great,” he replied, opening the door further for you to enter. “Neither do I.”
Lisa let out a deep breath as you entered the house behind her. You watched as Gary talked to their kids, trying to convince them everything was normal, but they were too smart for it.
“Why don’t I go upstairs with her and start to pack.” Lisa suggested as she moved towards the stairs, motioning you to follow.
“No.” He commanded back, causing you both to freeze. “She can stay down here with the kids. You go up.”
This was going to be the power struggle of all power struggles. You walked over to sit with the kids as Mike and Gary went into the kitchen. You exchanged another look with him, and he gave you a small nod. It was okay.
The kids slipped their headphones on as you tried to listen in on the conversation in the kitchen, but you couldn’t hear much. You took out your phone to text Liv, a gut feeling telling you this wasn’t going to end easy or as you planned.
You waited for a few more minutes as Lisa packed a bag for her and the kids before coming back down the stairs.
“Alright, Tommy, Annie, backpacks.” She handed her children their bags as they hugged their dad goodbye.
“Ok kids, let’s go,” you started, trying to shuffle them and Lisa out the door.
“Wait, I don’t get a goodbye hug from Mommy?” Gary asked, now cornering Lisa on the stairs. “Isn’t that the jacket I bought you for your birthday?”
“Okay, we’re going to go now,” you ushered the kids onto the stoop, still keeping one foot in the house as you saw Lisa throw her jacket on the floor.
In one motion, he grabbed Lisa off the stairs, pulled a gun from his waistband, and slammed the front door in your face, kicking you onto the step.
“Gary! Open the door!” You yelled out as you got to your feet, banging on the door. “Right now Gary! Open the door!”
After thirty more seconds of incessant knocking with no response, you turned to find the kids huddled together on the sidewalk.
“Ok guys, it’s okay. My sergeant is just going to talk to your parents for a couple more minutes. While we wait, can you go into your nice neighbors house until I come get you?” You noticed the older woman two houses down standing on the stoop, a young girl and a dog with her.
You walked the kids over quickly while calling this in over the radio. You checked your phone to see Liv had answered your earlier text, and that she was already on her way for backup. She should have just come along in the first place.
Instead of going back up the front steps, you ducked under the bay window to try and get a look inside the house. You could see Munson holding Lisa in a headlock, his gun pointed at Mike as he handed over his own guns.
“Shit,” you breathed out, knowing this was going to end with a gunshot from someone.
You backed away from the window and called Mike, hoping to god that you could try and talk Munson out of this before any patrols showed up.
“Detective, you’re on speaker.” Mike said when he answered, the sigh you let out when you heard his voice was a little too loud.
“Dodds, what’s going on in there? The kids are asking for their mom.”
“Tell them she’s not going anywhere.” Gary piped in, his voice beginning to shake.
“I’ve told Gary that we can talk this through, get him what he wants, what he needs.”
“That’s right, I’m here, listening to you, my Sergeant is listening. Do you want me to call a family member, or your union rep?”
“No, I’m done talking. I want you to get my kids somewhere safe, that is all I need. Now, hang up the phone.”
“Mr. Munson-“ the line went dead before you could finish.
“Dammit,” you ran your hands through your hair, trying to think of a way to slow this down. You ran to the back door, then to the storm door, both locked. He had planned this from the moment he came home. This is always how this was going to end.
Back at the front of the house, you saw Liv pulling up and you ran to meet her.
“What’s going on? I got the radio on the way over.”
“Munson’s holding Dodds and Lisa in the house, he’s armed.”
“You didn’t search him?” She asked, and you tried not to take the agitation in her tone personally.
“Lisa told us there were no weapons in the house, we confiscated his piece already. I was getting the kids in the car when all of this went down.”
“Okay. Is anyone hurt?”
“I spoke to Dodds five minutes ago, and they both seemed fine for now. But he doesn’t want to talk anymore.”
You heard the distant sirens, and you could only imagine the escalation Gary was making inside the house.
“Is there another way in?” Liv asked as the first of the patrol cars made their way down the street.
“Back door and storm door are both locked, I haven’t checked for anything else.”
“Okay, I’ll be right back.”
She ran over to the first patrol car, getting ready to set a perimeter around the street and then the house as the rest of ESU began to roll onto the street. Liv kicked it into gear, ordering everyone around and trying to come up with the best plan of action.
It wasn’t until Finn got out of his car that you ran into action to. You began to debrief the hostage negotiators on your last phone call, and to describe Gary’s demeanor through the entire duration of this visit. You stressed to them that he was no longer in the talking mood, but they were still going to try.
“ESU is going to try to plan a route in. You know the layout, what’s the best way in.”
“Fastest and clearest is through the back door. But, Lieutenant, give me two more minutes to find another way in. If I can get in there, one female cop is better than twelve SWAT guys taking him down.” You asked, trying to prove yourself in an attempt to earn her forgiveness quicker.
She thought about it for a moment before slowly nodding her head. 
“You have a minute to sweep the perimeter again for a secondary entrance. Go.”
You wasted no time in running back through the driveway, past the back door and into the backyard. All the shades were drawn except for one cracked piece, giving you a clear shot to the living room. Munson had a tighter grip on Lisa, his gun still pointed at Mike.
You had to get in there. 
The back windows were locked as well as the doors, but you weren’t going to give up. On the side of the house, you noticed the top window opened the slightest bit, and prepared to go in. 
You pulled a lawn chair over to give yourself a boost, and took a deep breath in. The window opened quietly at first, and you could begin to hear Munson’s voice again. Slowly but surely you got the window open in silence, and you swung one leg in to the kitchen.
You froze for a second, stuck without a view of what was going on in the living room, praying no one could hear you. After a few seconds, you swung your other leg in, quickly getting to your feet and grabbing your gun.
“… maybe your lawyer will plea out, 9 out of 10 corrections officers cases don’t make it to trial.” Mike was still trying to talk him out of it, even with a gun to his face.
You peaked around the corner quickly, making sure no one had moved since you looked through the window.
“Munson, drop the gun!” You yelled out as you entered the room, catching him off guard enough for Mike to make a move. 
Lisa slipped out of Gary’s grip and ran over to you as Mike struggled for Munson’s gun. 
“Put it down, Munson!” You yelled out again, but before you could move closer, a shot went off and Mike went down.
Gary froze, putting his arms up as you ran into action. You kicked the gun away from him as SWAT barged in, all guns pointed to Munson.
“Take him.” You yelled out to them as you turned to Mike, finally able to give him your full attention. You knelt down next to him on the floor, watching as he applied pressure to his shoulder. “Hey, can I take a look?”
He nodded, breathing heavily through his nose. You pulled his hand away as blood continued to pour out, but it was a through and through, thank god.
“It’s a clean shot, Mike.” You said as you placed his hand back over the wound, covering your hand with his to apply more pressure. “Hey, stay with me. The medics are on their way in.”
“You shouldn’t have done that.” He got out with a grimace as Liv led the medics into the house.
“I wasn’t just going to leave you in here.” 
You moved out of the medics way, your hands covered in Mike’s blood as they treated him.
“He’s right. What the hell were you thinking climbing in through the window without any view?” Liv asked, slightly less agitated than earlier.
“I was thinking I’m the one who left him in here.” Her eyes softened the slightest, the way they always do when she cares for someone. “And I think you would have done the same thing.”
“Careful,” she replied, a small smile crossing her face. “You don’t want to end up like me.”
“There are worse people to be.”
They finished wrapping Mike up, and you two followed him out to the ambulance. 
“Detective,” one of the medics called out to you as they loaded him in. “He’s asking if you can ride along.”
You looked to Liv for approval who gave you a nod.
“Keep us updated.” She added as you hopped in the back of the bus, sending her a thumbs up before they shut the door.
Mike fell asleep almost as soon as he got in the ambulance, but the medic assured you he was stable. He had lost a good amount of blood, but given the position of the shot, they were confident he would be okay.
The surgery was quick, and the doctor said it was a routine procedure. He’s been sleeping and recovering in the ICU for a couple hours, and the rest of the squad would be on their way over once he was awake.
“Detective, he’s awake.” A nurse came out to find you, escorting you to Mike’s room.
He was sitting up straight, arm bandaged from shoulder to elbow, but he looked completely unfazed.
“I come out of a workout class looking worse than you do right now. How is that fair?” You said as you walked into his room.
“Well, I regularly go to the gym, so that helps.” You rolled your eyes, resisting the urge to smack him on his bad shoulder.
“Ok, hotshot, we get it.” You let out a breath, taking in his hospital state again. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I got shot. I know it was a through and through, but God, it hurt pretty bad.” He said with a laugh, only to grab at his shoulder, moving too fast for his new injury.
You thought about what he said earlier, how you shouldn’t have gone in the house on your own. Maybe he and Liv were right. If you hadn’t gone in, without telling anyone, without any backup, he may not have been shot. It could’ve ended peacefully, without any harm to anyone.
“What you said earlier, you were right. I don’t know what I was thinking going in by myself. I put you and Lisa in danger, I got you shot. If you didn’t get the jump on him he could have hurt you two even worse-“
“Stop.” Mike interrupted you, placing his hand on your forearm, gesturing for you to sit down on the side of the hospital bed. “I didn’t say that because I was mad at you. I don’t blame you for me getting shot. You shouldn’t have come in because it could have been you in this hospital bed, with a gunshot wound much worse than mine. And I wouldn’t be able to have that on my conscience, you getting yourself shot for me.”
You didn’t say anything for a few seconds, instead you just sat there, looking at the man that you most definitely would have taken a bullet for. And you’re pretty sure he would do the same for you; how terrifying to know someone cared for you like that.
“I’m really glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I would’ve done…” you trailed off, not wanting to think about what could have happened.
“You shouldn’t have come in, but if you hadn’t, I don’t know if I would be sitting here, relatively unscathed.” he reached over, grabbing your hand in his. “Thank you for that.”
You squeezed his hand in recognition as your eyes began to water, not knowing what to say next.
“Are you sure you want to stay with us in SVU? You get shot twice in one year, that would have most people running away.”
“And let you drink the squad room out of coke on your own? Not a chance.” He replied.
“Good. Joint Terrorism would be too boring for you anyway.” You said with a smile.
“In all seriousness, I feel like I can make the biggest difference here. There’s time to move up the ranks later. Right now, I want to be at SVU, with you by my side.” He admitted, as his hand held onto yours tight.
There was a shift in the air, a conversation the two of you had been avoiding for a few months. It wasn’t the time now, and it may not be for a while, but now it’s out there. And neither of you are going anywhere.
A knock on the door pulled you out of your bubble, dropping Mike’s hand as the rest of the squad came into the room. They greeted Mike, lightly ribbing him about having nine lives.
A hand fell on your shoulder, and you looked up to find Liv behind you. She had a knowing smile on her face, but you knew she’d never ask. At least, not yet.
Instead, you focused on your family in the room, and how grateful you were for everyone to be here, safe and sound.
The fourth time you saved Mike Dodds happened off duty.
You agreed to be his date to an NYPD fundraising gala that his father was dragging him too. Mike warned you that they were a long night of politics and fake smiles, but you’d be lying if you said you weren’t a little curious to see how the brass lived.
Unfortunately, Mike hit the nail on the head with the political atmosphere. You’d been at the gala barely an hour and you’d already spoken to two people running for district attorney. If you weren’t listening to someone’s campaign pitch, then you were hearing from the brass how much trouble the SVU squad caused the department, despite the “good work” we all do.
“I hate to say I told you so, but, I told you so.” Mike said while handing you a glass of wine. 
“How many of these has your dad dragged you to?” You asked as he took a sip of his beer.
“Too many. And now that I’ve ruined his dreams by staying at SVU, he’s going to continue to drag me to them as punishment.”
“Well, if the drinks and the food continue to be free, I’ll come to as many of these as you need me too.” You offered.
“First I’m paying for Chinese food, now I’m paying for galas, you’re an expensive date.”  Mike joked as you shoved his completely healed shoulder. He hasn’t let you pay for dinners since he got shot.
“That’s the price you pay for greatness.” You said with a smile, making him laugh. “Is he really still pissed at you for not going to JTTF?”
“The Five-Year Plan has been officially ruined, I’ve been told. I must have really pissed him off if he’s calling Matt and begging him to come home.”
“Your brother?” You asked.
The little brother that Mike had spent his whole life looking out for. He was responsible for him since he was a kid, and every one of Matt’s failures was considered one of Mike’s in his fathers eyes. The last time Mike talked to him was last year, after he picked him up from rehab. He was catching a plane to Mexico City with no plans of coming back.
“He called me last week, asked to help get dad off his back. I guess I’m the new disappointment in the family.”
“Hey, if your dad wants to go play savior with your brother, let him. But don’t let him and his agenda get in your head. He’s no better than these political puppets surrounding us.”
“Speak of the devil,” Mike muttered under his breath, nodding his head behind you.
You turned to find his father, Chief William Dodds, approaching the two of you.
“Hi son,” he greeted Mike with a firm handshake, then turning his attention to you. “Detective. It’s nice to see you.”
“You as well, Chief.” You shook his hand next, resisting the urge to squeeze too hard.
“Don’t you two clean up nice. Most cops that come to these things have no idea how to dress, they’ve spent too much time in the ranks to know what life is like outside of it.” Chief Dodds commented, and you gave a polite nod of your head.
If you didn’t care so much about Mike, or your career, you would’ve chewed his head off right here, right now.
“Well, we don’t have time for all the show business like you guys do, we’re busy keeping the city safe.” Mike added.
“My son, he gets so defensive, takes every comment personally.” His father said and turned towards you. “Mike didn’t tell me you were coming tonight, or else I’m sure he would have asked me to be on my best behavior.”
“Dad,” Mike tried interrupting him, but it was no use.
“But I never thanked you, for acting quickly at the Munson call. If it weren’t for your quick thinking, Mike could have been hurt a lot worse.” You took the compliment from the Chief, but waited for the other shoe to drop; you knew when you were being set up. “Although if you didn’t leave him in there alone with an armed perp in the first place, we could have avoided all of this. Nevertheless, it was handled, and I’m sure you acted just as your Lieutenant trained you to.”
It was no secret that Chief Dodds was not Liv’s biggest fan. He undermined her every chance he could, and he never tried to understand how SVU was different from every other department. Mike being placed as the Sergeant was his way of getting an inside scoop, but boy did that backfire on him.
And once you piss off Olivia Benson, you piss off her whole squad.
“Our Lieutenant is the best commanding officer I’ve had in my time at the department. Ask anyone that has served with her in SVU and they will tell you the same thing. It’s a shame that you didn’t get the opportunity to learn some things yourself. A lot of people hold her in high regard, so I’d be careful what you say about her around here.” 
“And if I were you, I’d watch my tone around your District Chief, Detective. Especially with your Sergeant standing in ear shot. It’s clear to me that SVU has no respect for the chain of command, and it would be a shame for you to learn this the hard way. Mike has already had to deal with the repercussions of being tied to SVU.” Chief Dodds threatened, and you actually had the audacity to scoff at him.
Mike began defending you, but you stopped him, holding your hand out in front of him.
“I don’t scare easily, Chief, and it's going to take a lot more than threatening my reputation to get me to turn my back on Lieutenant Benson and Special Victims. As for your son,” you looked back at Mike, his eyes steady on you the entire time. “Sergeant Dodds has been an incredible asset to our squad, so much so that our Lieutenant wanted him to stay in permanently, which I know is a sore spot for your ego. So you can continue to take shots at me, and my character, because you don’t really know me. But I’ll be damned if you think I’m going to stand here and listen to you drag Mike’s name, and his stellar reputation through the mud because he decided to make his own path. One that doesn’t involve all these fancy parties and pictures that you so thoroughly enjoy.”
Chief Dodds was stunned into silence, running a frustrated hand through his hair. He looked at Mike who also had a stunned expression on his face, but a smile was starting to show through.
“Excuse me.” The Chief removed himself from the situation, moving on to the next party goer with a smile on his face.
Once he was out of ear shot, your shoulders deflated and you turned around to apologize to Mike. 
“I am so-“
“Do you want to dance?” He interrupted you, his smile now fully covering his face. 
It took a few seconds for you to actually hear what he said, and when you did, you couldn’t help but laugh. Clearly, he wasn’t mad about you going off on his father. 
“I’d love to.” 
Mike took your hand and led you to the small dance floor, weaving in and out of older couples dancing the night away to the orchestra. You quickly took in your limited audience, including two Sergeants from your precinct, and the deputy commissioner of communications. He wrapped his arm around your waist drawing your attention back to him.
“You alright?” He asked as you curled your hand around his shoulder.
“Just a lot of people here, watching,” you said as Mike began to laugh.
“You just chewed my dads head off, a district chief, in front of these people, and now you’re scared of them seeing you dance with two left feet?”
“I don’t have two left feet.” You replied, squeezing his shoulder in jest. “I just don’t want people talking about me, that’s all.”
“Cmon, they’ve got better things to talk about than me and you.” 
“If they heard anything I said I’m sure they’ll be talking about the crazy SVU detective for ages.”
“Hey,” he squeezed your waist, drawing your attention back to him. “No one has ever stood up to my dad like that, not for me.”
“Well someone should have. I know he’s your dad and you love him, but that doesn’t give him the right to control your life or talk down on you.”
He shook his head as you continued swaying together, slowing down a bit to match the tempo of the music.
“It means a lot for you to do that. And if I wasn’t so impressed with your outburst, I would’ve done the same for you. I should have.” 
“I’m not worth getting into a fight with your Dad, Mike. Like he implied, I’ve got no real future outside of SVU, not that I’m really looking.”
“You’re worth it to me.” Mike said, eyes locked on your own. “If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have made it a week in the squad. You’ve changed my perspective on a lot, both on the job and off.”
You smiled, lightly ducking your head as you felt the blush creep onto your cheeks. 
“Well you’re not so bad yourself, Dodds. You’ve taught me a lot too, maybe too much. One day I’m coming for that Sergeant’s shield of yours.” You joked, and he threw his head back in laughter. 
It was so nice to see him like this. It was rare to get a moment of pure happiness on the job, and you weren’t sure how honest you wanted to be about changing your relationship outside the precinct.
“As soon as you pass the Sergeants exam, you can have it. You’d be better at this job than me any day.” 
You moved a step closer to Mike as more people stepped onto the dance floor. You’d never seen this many cops dancing in your life. 
“I meant to tell you earlier, but, you look beautiful tonight.” Mike said, trying not to be obvious in looking you up and down. 
You were blushing now for sure.
“Would you take it back if I told you I had to borrow this dress from Liv?” You had panicked last night, not knowing what to wear to a gala, and not wanting to embarrass Mike. 
“Not a chance, extra points for trying so hard.” You laughed as he put some space between you. 
“Mike, I know you’re a show off, but you better not be doing what I think you’re doing.” You warned, but it was too late as he lifted up your arm, gently spinning you underneath him. He smoothly pulled you back into him as a few people cheered for you. “Do you have to be good at everything?”
“Unfortunately, I do.” You hid your smile in his shoulder, not missing the way his hand slid comfortingly over your waist and lower back.
And unfortunately, you fear you could get used to this feeling.
The first time you were saved by Mike Dodds was in the middle of a bar fight.
This wasn’t your finest moment, yet you rarely seemed to be on your best behavior around Dodds.
The two of you were undercover in a joint operation with Vice. The bar had been home to an underground gambling ring for years, and a few weeks ago you got credible intel that they may be branching out into sex trafficking.
Three other Vice detectives were in the bar with you as their Captain and the rest of their squad surveilled from an unmarked van outside.
“You want a refill?” Mike asked as you finished your second club soda, trying to hide the sour look on your face from all the bubbles.
“And pretend I’m not choking on this awful carbonation instead of a smooth vodka? No, I’ll pass.”
He got the bartender’s attention and ordered himself another alcohol free beer and a Diet Coke for you.
“Thanks.” You tipped your glass to his and took a refreshing sip before conducting another once over around the space. 
“Simmons is still situated by the door, Ruiz and Lawrence have been under for an hour now.” Mike stated into his earpiece, updating the team outside. 
There was no timetable on this, and as far as Liv was concerned, we were on our own in terms of conducting our investigation.
“This whole joint investigation thing is feeling a little one-sided to me.” 
“Well give it a little longer before doing a lap to check-in with Simmons. If they don’t want to help us, they can tap in two of their guys from outside. Lieu already made that clear to their Captain.” Mike said before taking a sip of his non-alcoholic delight, his face scrunching in discomfort.
“Looks delicious.” You said with a smile, earning a laugh from the Sergeant. “I’ve been meaning to ask you, have you talked to your dad since the gala a few weeks ago?”
“Oh, you mean since that SVU detective tore a Department Chief to shreds?” He joked as you rolled your eyes. “I have, and he was extremely talkative thanks to the fact I avoided him for a week after.”
“Do I owe you Chinese food for the rest of the year in order to keep my job? I should know that my outbursts don’t come cheap.”
“He told me that he was impressed by you.” Mike started, a smile slowly appearing on his face. “He was mostly upset about your blatant insubordination, especially in such a public place, but he was impressed. I think he may even like you.”
“Are you messing with me?” You asked, not fully trusting the relaxed smile he was giving you.
“He asked that I bring you along to the next gala, all of them actually, ‘if it wouldn’t be too much trouble’,” he finished in air quotes, signifying the direct words from Chief Dodds. “My father is impressed with you, and probably wants you to be his next conversational opponent.”
“And what did you say, you know, about bringing me along?” 
You hoped you didn’t sound pathetic, or eager, or anything other than an inquiring friend. But it was hard to act normal when you felt the butterflies in your stomach and your heart rate increasing over the fact that Mike and his dad were talking about you.
“I said I’d have to ask her. Not sure how she feels about spending so much of her free time with the Dodds.” He said before turning in his chair to face you. “But I told him I had a good feeling you would, you don’t just tell off a Police Chief for a work friend. And of course, as long as Liv lets you keep borrowing her clothes.”
“Funny,” you said while shoving his shoulder, earning another laugh from him. It was then that you saw Ruiz head up the stairs, subtly motioning for you to meet her in the bathroom. “Ruiz is back up, I’m gonna go check-in with her.”
You walked straight to the bathroom, having to dodge a noisy bachelorette party on your way. Ruiz was washing her hands when you walked in, and you quickly cleared all the stalls before she began talking. 
She kept it short so that she could get back to the game, but they weren’t getting far on the sex trafficking front. Apparently the boss was going to be here later on, but even then there was no guarantee he would offer anything up. Their investigation, of course, was going to be handled by the end of the night, but there were no promises for us. 
You waited a full three minutes to exit after Ruiz in case anyone was watching her. When you left the bathroom and started making your way back to Dodds, you saw a Blonde woman sitting in your seat, cozying up next to him at the bar. As you got closer, you recognized her from the bachelorette group, a sparkly pink sash giving her away.
“Hey, everything okay?” Mike asked as you joined the two of them.
“Yeah, just a bit of a line in the bathroom.” You said, watching as the new girl continued to look Mike up and down. “Did you make a new friend?”
“I’m Alex!” She jumped in, big smile covering her face as she moved to place a hand on Mike’s arm. “I came up to get a round of shots for my group of friends. It’s Lizzie’s last weekend as a single woman, and we cannot let her be sober for one second of it. But then I got distracted by Mike over here - a guy as handsome as him shouldn’t be sitting alone at a bar.”
“Well, luckily I came back in the nick of time.” You said, hoping she would order her shots and be on her way. 
“I was telling him about our weekend - we’re down here from Albany, we’re not city girls. We’re headed down the street for our next stop, apparently there’s a popular karaoke bar that all the famous people stop in at. I told Mike he should come with us, invite a few of his cute friends along too to keep the party going.”
“I don’t really see him joining you for the rest of your night, Alex, but thanks for the invite.” You replied while taking a step toward Mike, lightly wrapping your arm around his shoulder, hoping she would take a hint. 
“Okay.” Alex said with a chuckle before continuing, “But you should be careful, leaving your man alone in a bar with those pretty brown eyes of his, cause someone’s gonna come up and take him away.”
“His eyes are hazel, actually, they’ve got a little bit of green in them depending on the lighting. I know it might be hard for you girls from upstate to differentiate colors, so I can help you out.”
You never considered yourself to be a jealous person, especially over someone who wasn’t even yours to have. But something about this girl coming up to Mike on this night, after the recent events that have gone down between the two of you, you felt a little protective over him.
“Everything alright over here Alex? Where are those tequila shots?” Another blonde woman with a pink sparkly sash came over to us, checking in on her friend and drinks.
“Yeah, they’re coming. Just trying to tell my new friend here to keep an eye on her boyfriend or he may decide to join the group of pretty out of town girls for the night.”
“Listen, Alex,” you remove yourself from Mike, taking a step closer to the girl who was really ruining your already shittiy night of undercover work. “I don’t know how bar etiquette works at your little townie spot up in Albany, but us city girls like to take the fight outside.”
“Alright, why don’t we just continue our night and let you girls go back to your party.” Mike interjected, feeling his hand on your lower back, steadying you out as Alex only laughed.
You took another step toward her, not knowing what your next move was, before the bartender stepped in.
“You,” he pointed to you, then to the door. “Fighting’s gonna get you thrown out any night lady. You’re done.”
“Thank you, sir,” the girls replied.
Before you could open your mouth to say anything else, Mike was standing behind you, arm wrapped around your waist to lead you toward the exit. Simmons eyed the two of you as you walked out, shaking his head with a smile on his face. You weren’t going to live this down.
The two of you made it down the block before breaking away from each other, looking back to see if anyone followed. When you looked back at Mike, his hands were on his hips, a growing smile on his face. 
“Don’t,” you warned while running a hand through your hair. “Don’t say anything.”
He didn’t, but he couldn’t keep his laughter in any longer. You wanted to yell at him, tell him it wasn’t funny, that there was still an investigation going on, and this was completely embarrassing for you both. Instead, you joined in his laughter.
“Were you really going to fight the innocent bachelorette party from Albany?” He asked through his fits of laughter as you rolled your eyes.
“Of course not. But how else was I supposed to get the drunk bridesmaid away from you so we could continue our surveillance? Offer her more sparkles?”
“Or offer to buy the next round of shots.”
“Now you tell me,” you said as you leaned against the side of the building. “At least we didn’t mess up the whole op, then I’d be in really deep shit not only with Liv but with Vice, and there’s nothing I hate more than owing a favor to a Vice cop.”
He nodded, agreeing with you as he settled in next to you. You knew you should go check in with the Captain, confirm they don’t need you for anything else before leaving the investigation, but you weren’t going to move until Dodds did. And the way he relaxed next to you, you had a feeling he didn’t want to leave any time soon.
“No one ever notices that my eyes are hazel, you know. It’s kind of weird how you hit the nail right on the head with the fact about them turning green.”
You turned to look at him, a little smirk on his face as he leaned his head back against the wall.
“As weird as talking to your dad about your close friend’s gala availability?” You hit back, watching him laugh and nod along with your point. You smiled to yourself for a second, remembering the conversation from earlier. “You’re sure I don’t owe you, he does like me, or at least tolerate me?”
“Do you want to talk about how much my dad likes you or how much I like you? Cause let me tell you, I’ve got him beat by miles, I like you more than I’ve ever liked anyone.”
“Mike,” you started, watching as he pushed himself up to stand in front of you.
“Are you really going to look into my hazel eyes and tell me you don’t like me? That you weren’t going to get in a bar fight with a random girl for me?” He asked, and you let out a shaky breath.
“You know it took me a while to figure out your eyes were hazel, I thought they were brown for a while. I’m not some crazy person who just studies people’s eyes all day.” He nodded, trying to hide his smile as he let you finish, “and I wasn’t going to get in a fight with her. Maybe, maybe I would have shoved her, but I wouldn’t have thrown a punch.”
“Well that’s reassuring.” Mike added, and you couldn’t deny him now. Not when he was listening to you ramble on about his eyes, and his father, and all the weird things you two knew about each other.
“I like you too.” You confessed. “And you’re right, I wouldn’t attend galas and tell off police chiefs for just anyone. I’d only do it for you, Mike.”
“I’m glad to hear that.” He said while wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you close.
Mike’s eyes flickered down to your lips, taking his time bringing his gaze back to your eyes. You felt yourself nod the slightest bit, gently guiding him closer to you. His lips were soft against your own, slow and gentle as you kissed him back. He pulled away for a second, another check-in, before you leaned in again. You let him take the lead as you ran your fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck, trying not to smile as you felt his teeth graze your bottom lip.
“Sorry,” he mumbled against you, lightly pecking your lips a few times.
“Don’t be, I’m not going anywhere.”
Hours could have been spent lazily kissing Mike Dodds, feeling your stomach slowly build with butterflies. But you caught the smile he was trying to suppress, and it became contagious.
“Well,” he said with a laugh, gently resting his forehead against yours. “I guess you do really like me.”
“I guess so.” You leaned back to kiss him again, not wanting to let him go now that you know how good he feels. His tongue danced across your lips for a few seconds, and you relished in the feeling before slowly pulling back. “I don’t mean to be a total buzzkill, but we aren’t exactly going to be able to hide this for long at the station.”
“We’ll figure it out.” He assured you, gently kissing your forehead. “If some shuffling needs to be done, or conversations need to be had, we’ll take care of it.”
“So your dad may get to move you around after all, how nice.” You said with a laugh, as Mike nodded. If it meant you could be together, and Mike was happy with it, why the hell not. 
Before he could say anything else on the subject, his phone began to ring.
“Please don’t be Liv, please don’t be Liv,” you begged as Mike pulled away from you, quickly answering his phone.
“Hey Lieutenant,” he greeted Liv on the other end of the call and you closed your eyes. This was going to be good. “No, the Captain got it wrong. She got us thrown out for threatening to fight another woman.”
You rolled your eyes as he continued to talk to Liv, pacing the sidewalk trying to set the story straight and wrap up this godforsaken joint investigation.
Mike pulled the phone away from his ear now, walking back over to you.
“She wants to talk to you.” He said, trying to hand you his phone.
“No, she’s going to yell at me in that Liv tone, when I didn’t really do anything wrong!”
You caught his small smile before he gave you a quick kiss.
“Then you can explain that to her.” He said, holding out the phone to you. He kissed you one more time, for good luck and courage, before placing the phone in your hand.
You tried to hide your smile as you took a breath and placed the phone to your ear, ready to plead your case.
“Hey Lieu, I did not get into a bar fight with the bridesmaid from Albany.”
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pascalispretty · 2 years ago
Take The Edge Off
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Nick Amaro x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Wordcount: 3464
Warnings: dirty talk, discussion of sexts/sexting, swearing, car sex/sex in a semi-public place, unsafe sex, biting.
Summary: You and Nick have been trying to find the time to hook up for days. Eventually, you resort to desperate measures to take the edge off. Written for the 'I can never seem to get enough of you' square of @storiesofsvu's bingo. This one was entirely @misscharlielulu's fault. (ao3)
The first photo felt a little silly. You had gotten all dressed up and ready for Nick to come over after work - which had really involved undressing, save for some thigh-highs - only for him to cancel on you. Major case, couldn’t get away from the precinct, short staffed, the usual interruptions. In your frustration, you had wanted some sort of payback. 
Which had led to you propping your feet up on the headboard so you could take an artful shot of your legs, clad in your stockings. You know all too well how much Nick likes them, how distracting he finds it when you wear them around him. So you sent the photo off without much thought and went and had a cold shower.  
You had come back to a flurry of text messages on your phone. 
N: You can’t just send me stuff like that
N: I’m at work. 
N: Once I get done here, I’ll come over
N: You’re in so much trouble 
Smirking to yourself, you had sent a quick reply. 
I hope so.
Your hopes had been dashed again when your phone had rung less than an hour later - instead of Nick, it had been your editor. Some socialite causing havoc uptown, he needed something for the Ledger’s website. The stockings had come off, you had taken the train uptown, and Nick had gotten an apologetic text trying to reschedule for the next night. 
It had been the pattern of the last few days. You had gotten bolder in sending Nick photos - never with your face visible - and downright filthy texts, and he had responded with plenty of dirty messages of his own. Neither of you had been able to find the time to get together all week, and judging from the texts, he was feeling the frustration as keenly as you were.
Tonight, blessedly, your schedules aligned. Nick was on a late, so you spent more time than strictly necessary getting ready; picking out nice lingerie, making sure your aesthetician hadn’t missed anything when you went in for your wax last weekend, shaving and lotioning your legs. It’s going suspiciously well, and you’re beginning to wonder if your luck has finally turned when you hear a key in the door. 
Luckily you’d dressed, despite an agreement that you’d have the place to yourself for the evening. Your roommate barges into the apartment, looking as though she’s run all the way up from the subway station, her boyfriend in tow. 
“Sorry, sweetheart. I know I said I’d stay out, but Ned got the train up to see me, isn’t he so sweet?” Hannah manages, barely pausing as she passes you in the lounge. “Doesn’t your friend have his own place you can go to?” You want to argue back, but her bedroom door slams before you can get a chance. 
Not that you have much room to argue with her, since her parents pay half the rent on the apartment. Instead, you return to your bedroom to find your headphones and turn your music on as high as it’ll go before any noises start up from Hannah’s room. 
Yes, Nick had his own place, but the whole point of him coming to you was because you lived closer. Less time to wait, after days of dancing around one another. In good traffic, it was barely a ten-minute drive from the precinct to your apartment. From your place to his would take over half an hour, even without accounting for traffic. Frustrated, you flop back onto the couch. 
You could text Nick and tell him about the change in plans. The last thing you want to do is reschedule. Whatever you have with Nick might be casual, but it’s still been far too long since you last had sex with him. Before you can do anything, your phone vibrates against your stomach. 
N: I’m downstairs, can you buzz me up? 
You must have missed the sound of the intercom thanks to your headphones. Instead of buzzing him into the building, you grab your bag and head downstairs, only taking your headphones off once you’re safely out of earshot of Hannah’s bedroom. 
Nick is standing right outside when you open the door of your apartment building. If he’s surprised that you came downstairs, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he crowds you back into the lobby and kisses you. Nick’s arms wrap around your waist, holding you tight to him as he kisses you with an intensity that takes your breath away. His full lips are soft against yours. When his tongue dips into your mouth, your knees nearly buckle. It’s been too long. 
“We can’t stay here,” you blurt out as soon as he breaks the kiss. You curl your fingers around the lapel of his blazer, trying to keep him close even as you tell him he has to leave. He frowns down at you. 
“I thought your roommate-”
“Her boyfriend surprised her. Can we go to yours?” Given that he’d been willing to spend the night with you, you feel safe in assuming that neither of his children are around. And despite the vague, ill-defined boundaries the two of you have tried to establish, you’ve spent entire weekends at Nick’s place before. Nick sighs deeply, bumping his forehead against yours. 
“There was an accident on FDR Drive, the traffic’ll be terrible.” He groans, arms still holding you close. You know he must be feeling as frustrated and needy as you do. 
“If it gets really bad, we could always just fuck in the car,” you say teasingly. “Take the edge off.” At least that makes him chuckle, the corner of his eyes crinkling as he smiles. Keeping one arm around your waist, he leads you back through the front door. 
“You’re a menace, kid.” Nick squeezes your waist as the two of you walk towards his car. “You cannot send me photos like that when I’m on a stakeout with Benson.” 
“Photos like what?” You ask, widening your eyes in feigned innocence as you open the car door. “You mean like the one where my tits were practically falling out of my bra and-”
“Yes, like that. I work in sex crimes, it’s a bad look if I get turned on at work.” He slides into the driver’s seat, and you don’t miss the lingering look he gives your legs as he throws his blazer into the backseat. His shirtsleeves are rolled up, and you can’t help admiring his forearms. 
“I don’t recall you complaining.” You cross your legs, letting the lace of your thigh-highs show. “In fact, shall we review the evidence?” You retrieve your phone from your bag, opening your messages from Nick. 
“You’re not funny,” Nick starts, but he’s doing a poor job of attempting to sound grumpy. You make yourself comfortable in the passenger seat as he starts to drive, scrolling back through your messages. 
“I’m not trying to be funny, Detective, I’m making my case. You said that I can’t send you photos like that when you’re at work, but here you are straight after the fabulous photo of my tits telling me ‘they’d look even better with my come on them’.” You watch gleefully as Nick’s hands tighten on the steering wheel; there’s little you enjoy more than attempting to rile Nick up like this. He’s doing a very good job of pretending to be unaffected, but you can see the faint smile playing at the corner of his mouth. 
“And at one-thirteen AM the same night, you sent me a very vivid description of what you were thinking about while you jerked off. Do you need me to refresh your memory, Detective?” You can’t even complain about the lack of photos on his part; the texts he had sent back had been plenty descriptive. 
“I was there, I remember.” Nick’s smirking now, that roguish grin that you love. The two of you seem to have hit the traffic that he warned about, but you keep going. 
“I’ll remind you anyway. That long message, telling me that you got yourself off thinking about the time you fingerfucked me under the table at that dive bar downtown. How badly you wished you’d taken me into the bathroom and fucked me in one of the stalls. It was quite the text to wake up to.” You prop your feet up on the dashboard, your skirt riding even higher around your thighs. The motion draws Nick’s eyes, and you can practically feel his gaze dragging over your skin. 
“Well, I hope it at least gave you something nice to think about while you were in your staff meeting.” 
“Oh, it did. One of the few upsides of being a woman; you can be as turned on as you like in public, nobody’ll ever know.” The traffic is inching forwards, but you feel like you could crawl out of your skin with how aroused you feel. You glance over at Nick, pleased to see he appears to be suffering as much as you are. 
The two of you have spent the better part of the week engaged in long-distance foreplay; being alone but unable to do anything has to be driving him as insane as it is you. 
“You think you’re that good at hiding it?” Nick asks, taking advantage of a red light to turn his head and look you in the eye. “If anyone would have looked twice at you in that bar, they would have known.” 
“That’s different, you were edging me. Everybody can see if a guy gets hard in public; if a girl gets wet, nobody sees.” You tilt your head, examining the cars around you. Before you can change your mind, you lift your hips up just enough to be able to hook your fingers into the waistband of your underwear and slide them off. 
“What are you doing?” Nick asks, barely blinking as you toss the damp black lace over your shoulder into the backseat. You tug your skirt back down just enough to cover yourself and give a nonchalant shrug. 
“Thinking of ways to save time when we finally get out of this car-” you start, a horn from the car behind you cutting you off. The traffic has inched forward since Nick took his eyes off the road, and he turns his attention back to it now. 
“I told you the traffic would be terrible.” 
“What would you have preferred, we stay at my place and try fucking to the sounds of Hannah and her boyfriend going at it in the next room? Or should we have gone to the precinct and done it there?” You tease, yelping when he playfully slaps your thigh. He keeps his hand on your thigh, his thumb stroking over the black lace of your stocking. 
“I hate that you have a roommate.” 
“Sorry, Detective, we don’t all make six-figure salaries. With what the paper pays me, you’re lucky it’s just the one roommate and not five. And I definitely wouldn’t live close enough to the precinct for you to come over on your lunch break when you need to take the edge off.” You cover his hand on your thigh with your own, squeezing gently. 
His skin feels burning hot against yours, even with the barrier of your stocking. You tip your head back against the seat, any clever comment dying on your tongue. His fingers are so close to where you want them, just inches away from the apex of your thighs. 
You let your eyes flutter closed, your imagination running wild. In the dark corner of a dive bar with a table obscuring his hands had been one thing; you’re not sure Nick is actually bold enough to slide his hand higher, where anybody could look through the window and see.
Still, the idea alone has your breath catching in your chest, your legs spreading subtly wider. The tension in the car is so thick, you crack your window just to let some fresh air in. 
“You get bored of reading out sexts?” Nick asks, and you don’t even have to open your eyes to know that he’s smirking at you. 
“I made my point,” you manage, hyperfocused on Nick’s thumb stroking your thigh. It’s such a light, gentle touch, but you’re so pent up that even that is driving you to distraction. In fact, it distracts you so well that it takes you a while to notice that the car is moving faster than it should be if you were still stuck in traffic. 
“Did we get past the traffic already?” You ask, opening your eyes finally. The road certainly looks clearer, but you’re not entirely sure which borough you’re even in right now. Nick’s hand is still on your thigh, but he’s focusing on driving. 
“No, I ah- I’m taking one of your suggestions.” It’s all the explanation he offers. You frown, trying to remember what you’ve said. 
“I wasn’t serious about fucking in the precinct. Not that it wouldn’t be kinda hot, but Benson seems like she could be really scary-”
“We’re not going to the precinct,” he says evenly. Your frown deepens and you glance around, searching for some clue as to where Nick is driving you. The streets are growing quieter, and you swallow thickly when you realise he’s driving somewhere that the two of you won’t be seen. Nick seems to know where he’s going; you trust him.
It’s not long before Nick pulls into a nondescript parking garage. Your heart is beating so fast that your chest aches. Neither of you speaks as Nick finds a space tucked away behind a pillar and parks, as though some sort of spell has settled over you both and a single word will shatter it. 
You can’t actually be about to do this. One of you will break. One of you has to. 
Your seatbelt clicks softly as you release it, but the sound echoes through the space like a starting pistol. Nick undoes his own, his hands finding you before you can open your mouth to ask about positioning and dragging you across the car, onto his lap. You situate yourself as best as you can in the confined space, banging your head on the roof of the car as you try and straddle him. 
Nick’s hand slides into your hair, cupping the back of your head and pulling you in for a kiss. If the kiss in the lobby was intense, then you don’t have a word to describe this one. You can’t breathe, but it doesn’t matter. You could die a happy woman, being kissed like this; Nick’s tongue licking against yours, a low sound rumbling through his chest as he pulls you closer. 
Your fingers find the buckle of Nick’s belt, your back curving awkwardly to give yourself the space to move. There’ll be no finesse here, but the two of you are long past caring. It doesn’t take you long to undo his belt and pants, and you feel his breath hitch when you slide your hand under his waistband. 
He’s already rock-hard to your touch, and Nick breaks the kiss to moan into your neck as you take him out. His breath is hot against your skin, his hands sliding down to grasp your hips. With your free hand, you clutch his shoulder as you align the tip of his cock with your entrance and slowly sink down onto him. 
You feel every inch of him stretching your soft walls. The consequences of no physical foreplay, though you’re at least wet enough that it doesn’t hurt. You bite your lip, trapping a moan in your mouth. Nick’s fingers flex on your hips. It’s rare that he lets you ride him and you can feel him itching to find a degree of control in the situation. 
You tip forward when he bottoms out inside you, burying your face against his shoulder to stifle your moan. One of your hands clutches at his bicep; the other grabs a fistful of his shirt over his free shoulder. A full-body shudder runs through Nick, and he gasps against your neck. 
“Oh fuck, baby-” he chokes out, his grip on your hips so tight you wonder if it might bruise. You’re not even moving, but that familiar heat is already radiating out through your body, lighting up your nerve endings. You keep your face pressed against Nick’s shoulder as you give a testing pull of your hips upward. 
He hisses into your neck through gritted teeth, every muscle he has held taut as he tries to cling onto a degree of restraint. 
“There’s not enough room in here, is there?” You ask in a whisper, your voice hitching as you sink back down onto him. “You can’t grab my hips and bounce me on your cock like you want to; I’d hit my head.” You feel his low groan reverberate through his chest. Knowing you need to be quick, you start to fuck yourself onto him, riding him as best as you can in the cramped space. 
Nick brings one of his hands up to cup the top of your head, keeping your face tucked against his neck. With your head still, he rolls his hips to meet your movements. The shallow thrusts make the head of his cock push up tight against your g-spot with every pass, sending pleasure lancing through you. You turn your head to moan against his shoulder, muffling the sound in his shirt. 
“That’s it, baby, ride me,” Nick manages, his voice tight. “You feel so fucking good, my perfect girl, just like that-” He knows hearing him will help you get over the edge - ever the gentleman, wanting to make sure you come first. 
He needn’t have worried. The sheer relief of being with him again after wanting him for what felt like weeks, and the illicit nature of what you’re doing gives everything a sharper edge. You’re so wet you can feel your slick halfway down your thighs. 
It’s dirty and fucked-up, and it’s so fucking perfect. 
“Oh Nick-” you pant into his shoulder. Your whole body is thrumming, like you’ve touched a live wire. “You make me feel so full, wanna feel you all the time, fuck-” You’re rambling, careening closer to that orgasmic high. Another low groan rips through Nick as your cunt clamps down around him, muffled by him nipping at your neck. The feeling of his teeth on the delicate skin is enough to send you over the edge. 
You chant his name mindlessly as you come, your face pressed so tightly against his shoulder to muffle your voice that you can’t breathe. Everything in you pulls tight and then lets go, delicious heat racing through your body until you can feel it in your toes. 
The force of it makes you sag forwards against Nick, boneless. He takes over, rocking deeper and pulling you tighter against his body. You swear you feel his cock throb inside of you, the feeling making your cunt clamp down around him in turn. 
Nick groans into your neck as he spills inside you, filling you up as he holds you as tightly as he can without hurting you. You’re both breathing raggedly; neither of you tries to move for a long moment. 
“I can’t believe we just did that,” Nick murmurs eventually. You can’t help but snicker, your head still resting against his shoulder. You hear the click as he cracks his window; you assume the glass has steamed up. You resist the urge to swipe your hand against it like Rose in Titanic. 
“Me either. Nicholas Amaro, SVU Detective, fucking a girl in public,” you tut teasingly. Your knees are starting to ache, but it’s not enough to make you move just yet; you’re enjoying being draped over Nick like this, still split open by his cock. 
“What can I say? You’re a terrible influence, kid. I can never seem to get enough of you.” 
“Oh, I’m the bad influence?” You sit up, shuddering at the feeling of him shifting inside of you. He’s giving you that smile; the one that oozes charm and shows off his dimples. Before you can object further, he kisses you. It’s softer this time, unhurried. You could stay here for hours under different circumstances. 
“The worst,” Nick murmurs when he pulls away, running his hand down your back. “You incited a cop into committing a misdemeanour.” 
“You were the one driving”, you point out. “If you wanted me to behave myself, you could have handcuffed me and ignored me ‘til we got back to your place.” 
“Oh, don’t worry. The handcuffs’ll be waiting for you when I get you home.” 
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mollycabot · 10 months ago
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Casey x Olivia X Reader Collapse
It was a tense time in court Casey going at it trying to put Y/N attacker in prison and showing all the evidence attached to the crime and as Casey called for Y/N to the stand to tale her side. As Y/N got up Olivia place a hand on her back “you alright hun you like pale”. Olivia said the girl just nodded and got up as she was walking to the stand and past Casey. Casey had a worry look watching the girl stumble her way over to the stand. As Casey was asking her questions Casey noticed how Y/N was struggling to from her words and became very pale and sweaty
“Y/N are you alright?” asked the judge as Y/N nodded, then all a sudden Y/N’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and went to fall but Casey was quick on her feet and caught the girl helping her to the floor. “It’s okay Y/N it’s ok, I’m here you’re going to be fine.” Casey said gently as she lowered Y/N to the floor Olivia ran to join Casey “what happened?” Olivia asked and Casey said she didn’t know and then they heard someone call for an ambulance and Y/N was taken to hospital and the judge declared a miss trial and rescheduled for a other date when the witness was able to testify. Casey rode with Y/N holding her hand and comforting her as she laid there unconscious. Once at the hospital she was rushed to along side Y/N then was told to wait in the waiting room as they ran test and Olivia came to join and they sat and waited. As they sat there what felt like forever the doctor came out and told them.
“Y/N test has shown that she hasn’t been eating or drinking and we are giving her fluids to help and also it seems that she been under high levels of stress and anxiety which hasn’t helped,” the doctor said as he showed them to where she was resting. “Thank you” Olivia said as Casey sat net to Y/N and the doctor to her leave. as Casey and Olivia where chatting they saw Y/N eyes slowly opening and Casey was quick to respond and she that she ok and she safe and that she in hospital but Y/N’s flight or fight responded and she tried to get up but Casey was quick to stop that by placing her hands on Y/N shoulders and pushed her gently back down.
“It’s ok love your safe and your in hospital you fainted and we rushed you here to make sure your ok.” Casey said gently taking Y/N hand in hers and gave it a squeeze. After Olivia and Casey explained what happened after the three of them chatted Casey got up and put the doctor records into her case, “Casey what you up to,” Olivia asked “I’m going to put a case forward to just to sentence him with all the evidence and that we convict him with out Y/N testifying.” Casey said “it’s in our favour and I don’t want to put Y/N under any more stress.” Casey said as they turned around to find Y/N sleeping. And Olivia nodded and Casey took her leave to go and fight this case.
After the judge signed off and they can proceed without Y/N and the people found Y/N attacker guilty and sent him a way for a long time. With the good news case went to the hospital to share the good news.
Once she got there she found Olivia sat on the chair and Y/N in the bed playing uno, “hey Casey” Y/N said happy to see Casey and Casey took her seat as Olivia dish out some cards for her. “How did the case go?” Asked Olivia and Y/N looked at Casey with hope.
“Really well we found him guilty and he has gone away for a long time and that your now safe Y/N and you must promise to look after yourself now and if you need anything don’t hesitate to get in touch here’s my Ada card” and Olivia gave her card as well
“Thank you both of you for everything” Y/N said happily and later that day when she was discharged Casey and Olivia helped her home. And after said there goodbyes Y/N closed the door.
As Casey and Olivia headed to the car Casey said “I hope she calls some time she a nice person and I want to become her friend.” Olivia agreed and they drove back to the office.
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otissbluebearshirt · 4 months ago
found myself thinking about what it would be like if rafael’s partner testified against him in court and he chose to punish them in bed so now i’m in desperate need of something like that… it doesn’t have to be a fully fleshed out one-shot, literally just one of those ten paragraph fics or even a headcanon… but please i’m literally begging 🥵🙏🏻
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How Rafael Would Punish You in Bed After You Testified for The Defense 18+
Masterlist | Rafael Masterlist
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In court, and back at the precinct, Rafael is amicable about it. He’s professional. He accepts that you had to do what you had to do for the sake of justice, but what angers him most is that you never told him. You went to defense yourself, without informing him beforehand and that pissed him off immensely. It had his jaw clenching more than seeing you on the stand for that dirtbag Buchanan, and throughout the entirety of the jury deliberations he’d been meticulously planning out how he was going to get back at you.
Rafael already knew how he was going to do it — the same way you did the very first time he went against you during a case: in bed. You’d tied him up, with his permission of course, and went to town driving him crazy and now, thanks to your own misfortune, it was his turn to get back at you. He already knew what drove you. You’d been dating for years now and he’d come to learn about every spot on your body that could have you writhing beneath him, and boy was he ever going to use it. He was going to use every trick in the book to have you begging for his cock, the very same way you’d once had him beg for your pussy. To have you so desperate for him to give you what he’d normally offer you so freely and willingly that you’d think twice before betraying him again.
The second Rafael got home he had you on the bed. Your body stripped of its clothes and your hands bound above your head with the tie he’d been wearing all day. He never normally tied you up but this time was different. This time he was punishing you, therefore there was no way in hell he was allowing you the pleasure of touching him, not matter how much he wanted to feel you.
Rafael starts off slow and with his hands first. His palms skating over every inch of your already shuddering body that lay so gloriously beneath him. He grips your thighs, pulling them apart as his fingertips dig deep into your flesh, sure to leave bruises by morning. Every motion gets him so dangerously close to your pussy that you could can feel the faint warmth of his knuckles brush over your clit. He does it on purpose. He wants to feel your hips move out of the desperate need for stimulation he brings you so easily, yet any time you grow close to feeling anything more than a ghostly touch he pulls away, relishing in the faint whimpers that leave your back throat.
Once he’s done with his hands he moves on to his mouth, peppering kisses down each and every dip and curve in your body. He works his way up, his teeth grazing over your hip bones and his hot tongue trailing over your stomach. He reaches your chest in seconds, swirling that adventurous tongue around your rock hard nipples as you arch your body desperately against him. He pushes you back down onto mattress the second he feels your hips brush over him, your pleading whispers giving him everything he wants as he starts to suck on your breast, his hand kneading the other and giving it just as much attention.
Rafael had never realised this before, but he easily got off on teasing you. On punishing you by repeatedly bringing you right to the edge of your orgasm then snatching it back again. Whether it be with his fingers or his tongue, the mere whimpers and cries you let out each time he started back up again have him aching for you. His cock throbbing and already dripping from the tip at the mere sight of your glistening pussy before him, his fingers sliding so effortlessly between your folds as he spread you wide, preparing you to take him in his entirety.
When he finally does… When he finally sinks his throbbing cock into your pussy at a pace so painstakingly slow you were both already seeing more stars than were in the universe. He’d fully planned on staying at that pace throughout most of it. Of experiencing the full sensation of the way you spread open so perfectly around him but the mere second in which he buried himself inside of you, he couldn’t hold back any longer.
The slow, sensual punishment changes course so rapidly that you can’t stop the cry that escapes your lips as Rafael starts pounding into you. And he’s not at all gentle. His eyes are glazed over like an animal and the way he grips your hips which each powerful thrust of thick, throbbing cock starts to hurt, but in no way do you care. The pleasure in which you feel in that moment is more than you ever thought you’d see and you can feel yourself about to come already.
When you finally do, it’s euphoric. Your head grows fuzzy. All you can see is white and the scorching hotness that runs through your veins is more than you’d ever felt before in your life, and Rafael basks in it. Every moan, whimper and cry you let loose is like music to his ears and in that moment…As his own release hits him like a truck, he comes to realise that perhaps what he’d once seen as betrayal, was nothing more than a blessing in disguise.
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Like Rafael? Apply to his tag list so you don’t miss out on his works!
tagging: @doublebassallie @namethathasnotbeentaken @cringystyles @clozeliz @sortzz @rebeccapineapple @bubblysnowflake1 @yousigned-upforthis @polkadotpenguin16
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 2 months ago
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Dominick "Sunny" Carisi Jr. x Y/N - drabble - 2K WC
Warnings: undercover Carisi, stripper reader but nothing described, threats, trafficking, abuse, mention of SA, basically all the warnings that come with SVU as a whole
Carisi sighed as the colorful flashing lights made the club feel ethereal. The naked flesh around him emanating the pungent smell of sex, money. He would never get used to that part of the job. He always felt bad for the women in this place. Not because they were sex workers, but because of how the men viewed them, treated them. As if they weren’t human, something to use. And the men always had these dark hollow eyes, like sharks. Throwing money like that somehow gave them permission to do as they pleased. The mic in his suit scratched against his skin as his arm stretched to follow you. 
Sitting him in the large chair of the private suite, you closed the curtain, turning around to face the man. You walked towards him with a sway in your hips.
“Is it ok if we… don’t?” the man said.
You stopped in front of him with a confused and shocked expression. “You don’t want a dance?”
“No… but I can pay,” he said, fumbling with his wallet before he handed you $200. “I just needed to get away…” he mumbled trying to remember the name you had told him over the thumping music.
“Candy.” you shrugged, taking the money from him and putting it under the strap of your bra. “Not a fan of clubs?” you asked him before sitting on the arm of the chair as it was the only place to sit in the tiny room. 
“Sunny,” he said, shaking your hand like a gentleman, “And no not really, especially this one.” he said, looking up at you. 
You let out a chuckle, “No? I’ll let you in on a little secret - me neither.” you took out a cigarette and lighter from behind the chair, you and the other dancers had them stashed in almost every room.
“Oh? And why is that?” he asked, taking the lighter from you and holding it out for you to light the cig. 
“Strippers don’t have worker protections ya know? And our boss, yikes.” you said, letting out a drag.
“The uh, the big Russian guy?” Carisi asked. The Russian owner was the target, after one of the girls from the club had been found dead in an alley with a surprising amount of “work” to make sure she was hard to identify. 
“Vladimir Kosorovka.” you said, even his name sent a chill down your spine. “He’s…” you paused, realizing what you said next could earn you one of Vlad’s punishments.
“You’re safe, I promise.” Carisi said, instinctively going to hold your hand.
“He’s a monster.” you shuddered. “Diamond went missing and he didn’t even sound concerned… and when she was found… dead, all messed up… I swear he smiled? Like he was happy that it took the police days to figure out she worked here, and that's only because Daisy called the tipline because she was worried.” you said, your hand trembling in his grasp. “I think he did it.” you whispered.
“Why’s that?” the man asked, his eyes told you he wanted to know but that he would also protect you from Vlad.
“Ya know, its never been hard for me to tell when a cop comes in, especially undercover. You all look around too much.” you said, pushing Carisi’s shirt aside slightly, seeing the mic taped to his chest. Carisi looked down, trying to think of what to do now that he was compromised. “You’re safe, I promise.” you said, squeezing his hand for reassurance. 
“What can you tell me about your boss?” he said, much more confident in himself now that he wasn’t hiding. 
“Like I said, he’s a monster. He beats us. Robs us. Rapes us. We’re his and we all owe him a debt… If I knew the price I never would have come here…” you sighed.
“Come here?” Carisi asked.
“He brought all of us to the USA, all the dancers out there are illegal, including myself. It's why we don’t leave… can’t leave… until we work off our $20K debt. If we have sex with him he takes off $100. Even if he forces us… how generous.” you said with a nervous smile, trying to conceal your anxiety. You had never told anyone this, but something about the man in front of you made you feel safe.
“What do you want to do, if you didn’t have to stay here?” he asked.
His question stunned you for a moment, realizing it was coming from him and was completely unrelated to police work. “I… want to become a citizen and go to school…” you said.
“And then what?” he said, his eyes encouraging you to go on. 
You smiled softly at him, “I want to be a lawyer… to put people like Vlad away.” 
Carisi broke out into a bright smile, he couldn’t help it. “I’m gonna be a lawyer too, maybe I’ll see you in class sometime.” 
You put your cigarette out on the back of the chair, flicking the butt behind it as well, “Wouldn’t that be nice?” you said, a tinge of sadness in your voice.
Suddenly you heard stomping, the pattern was familiar - Vlad. You could hear him yelling in Russian but only one word stuck out to you -  конфеты. Candy. Without thinking you pushed Sunny back against the chair, your fingers running through his silver locks to mess his hair up. You tugged at his tie, covering the mic.
“Trust me?” you said, looking at him with panic stricken eyes.
He nodded quickly, hearing the steps get closer. 
You dropped to your knees, undoing his belt quickly before dragging down his zipper. Carisi’s face was burning red but he played into it when the door swung open, throwing his head back and gripping your hair.
“Move it Candy.” Vlad said with hostility in his tone, yanking you up by your arm. 
“Hey man I paid $200 for this action, let her finish eh?” Carisi said with faux irritation.
Vlad looked between the two of you, he snatched the $200 from your bra strap before tossing you back towards Carisi. Your tall heels made you stumble backwards, landing straight in his lap. “Make him happy, then come to VIP.” he said before slamming the door shut.
Carisi felt you tense when Vlad mentioned VIP. “What’s in VIP?” 
You remained frozen on his lap, “Nothing good… It’s the last place Diamond went before she…” your hands clenched into fists.
Carisi gently switched places with you, sitting you down before he straightened out his clothes. “Stay here.” he said.
You snatched his hand, “Please don’t leave. You’re the police, you have to protect me… something awful will happen to me if I go up there.”
“Trust me?” he asked, squeezing your hand. 
You looked between his eyes for any signs of deception but found none, you nodded watching him open the door to leave. “My name is Y/N. Y/N L/N… just in case something happens to me.” you blurted out.
“Dominick Carisi, nothing is gonna happen to you. I promise.” he said before shutting the door. 
You stayed still and silent, after a moment you heard screams, yelling, the music cut off and it sounded like people were raiding the building. You stayed where you were not wanting to bump into Vlad or any of his friends. When the door burst open you saw a woman with brown hair and eyes. 
“Hey you’re ok, my name is Olivia, you’re safe.” she said, shrugging her large jacket off before handing it to you.
You took it, nodding at her gratefully as you put it on. Anything was better than walking into the cold New York air in a tiny string bikini if you could even call it that. Olivia led you out slowly, red and blue lights flashing everywhere. 
“I want Sunny.” you said randomly as EMT’s sat you down, covering you with a shock blanket.
“Ok honey, I’ll send him your way.” Olivia said before re-entering the club.
After a while you saw him emerge and come your way. You don’t know why but as soon as you saw him your eyes watered and you couldn’t help but hug him.
“Thank you…” you whispered. 
He hugged you back, trying to comfort you.
The embrace didn’t last long, Vlad was dragged out in cuffs but as soon as he saw you hugging a cop he rushed you. He knocked you to the ground before the cops could restrain him. “You are dead little one. You cannot hide from me in this city. I own it, I own you. You and Diamond will both belong to the gutter. Slut.” he said, spitting at you with his final insult before being dragged off.
Carisi helped you off the ground, “That was a direct threat to a key witness.” he said to Olivia.
“I know. She needs a safehouse.” Olivia said.
“No please! Vlad has friends in the police, I am as good as dead.” you said with a watery voice.
“No you’re not. I’ll take care of this.” Carisi said to Liv, she nodded at him despite not knowing his whole plan. 
Carisi left you with the EMT’s while he had his wire removed and stored with the rest of the evidence. As he sauntered back to you, he couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you looked in the early morning light. The sun had yet to rise but it was slowly making its way there. 
“Come on.” he said, holding a hand out to you.
“Where are we going?” you asked as he led you to his cruiser. 
“Home. It’s safe, warm, and nobody will know you are there.” he assured you. 
“Is that allowed?” you asked out of curiosity.
Carisi shrugged, “Our secret.” 
You smiled and nodded. The drive was quiet and you were sure you fell asleep at some point because when you woke up you saw the city behind you. “Staten Island?” you asked.
Sunny nodded as he parked before running around to your side to open the door. He walked ahead of you, showing you to his apartment. Inside you finally stopped shivering, you kneeled down finally taking off your heels. When you stood on your feet you let out a sigh of relief. Now you had to look up at Sunny when he spoke.
“I’ll get you some clothes.” he said before walking off. You remained where you were, feeling awkward. 
When he returned he handed you some pajamas that were soft to the touch, “They’re my nieces, should fit you.”
“Thanks.” you said, dropping the coat Olivia had given you to put them on. You noticed the blush on Carisi’s face as you dressed. “Don’t get embarrassed now.” you chuckled.
His laugh was the most perfect sound you’d heard in so long. Genuine and full of heart. “Italian?” you said.
He looked at you with intrigued eyes, “What gave it away?” he asked.
“You put your heart into everything.” you said. You were always so perceptive, it saved you more times than you could count.
Carisi smiled at that, “Are you hungry?” he asked.
“Honestly I’d love to just sleep… Vlad kept the club open 24/7 and made us do coke to keep up. I don’t remember the last time I slept in a bed.” you said, crossing your arms in front of you to hold yourself.
Carisi’s smile dropped to one of knowing sadness. He nodded for you to follow him which you did. He opened a door at the end of a narrow hallway. A large bed with blue bedding. 
“She’s all yours.” Carisi said.
You smiled at him before running and jumping onto the bed. Your body melted instantly at the softness of it all. The second you closed your eyes you felt yourself drifting off. You could hear Sunny giggling at your actions before you felt him pull a blanket over you. 
“I’ll be here when you wake up, just down the hall. Come get me if you need anything.” he said before leaving. 
As you drifted off you couldn’t stop thinking about the man who not only saved you but made you feel something other than terror. It wasn’t lust, it was more pure than that. Butterflies? God you hoped so, and hoped that just maybe he felt them too.
Naboo's Note:
Merry Crisis everyone lol my brain is so fried and its only going to get worse over the next three days. Hope ya'll enjoy, XOXOXOX!!!!!!
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altsvu · 9 months ago
top secret
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pairing: peter stone x fem!reader
wc: 472
summary: to the squad, you have a secret admirer. to you, however, is none other than peter stone.
cw: fluff, teasing
a/n: it’s been a while 😅 i actually kinda like writing for peter stone, i just don’t see many fics out there for him! also i feel like i use the same writing style and i wanna switch it up a bit 👀
law and order svu masterlist! ✯ taglist!
You were walking to your desk to find a vase of roses and a box of your favorite chocolates on your desk.
“Secret admirer?” Rollins asked.
“Maybe.” You smiled. You sat down and opened the envelope attached to the roses.
I hope you didn’t think I was ghosting you. That night we spent together was amazing. I didn’t know how... naughty you could get. If you’re interested, I’d like to take you to a fancy dinner and talk about the case and many other things... Peter Stone.
Fucking Stone, you thought. You tried hiding your smile from Rollins, Fin, and Carisi, but they caught on.
“Someone you know?” Carisi asked.
“Something like that. Hey, can you guys cover for me for a bit? I’ll be back in 20.”
“Yeah, of course.” They said collectively.
You grabbed your bag, shoved the envelope inside, and rushed out of the squad room.
When you got to Stone’s office you knocked a few times.
“It’s open.”
“Peter Stone. I never took you as the romantic type.
“Y/N.” Stone got up from his desk and went over to you and showered you with kisses on your lips. “Did you like the roses and the chocolates?”
“The roses were beautiful but now the whole squad’s looking at me, wanting to know where they came from. Also how did you know those chocolates were my favorites?”
“Good. Keep them wondering. And to that question, I think it was just a wild guess.”
You smiled and sat down on his couch, with him following suit.
“So, how about that dinner?”
“I’ll be glad to go, only because I’ve gotten to like you.”
Stone moved closer to you. “You sure it’s not because...” He ran his hand up your thigh. “We had mind-blowing sex two nights ago?”
“I think that’s a part of it too.” You smiled. “Stone... are you admitting to enjoying my naughty tendencies?”
“What can I say, Y/L/N? It was like we were in sync.”
“We sure was. I wouldn’t mind doing it again any night.” You mused. You gently pushed Stone down to the couch and got on top of him. “Or any time of the day if that mattered.” You whispered in his ear.
“Wow you’re even naughtier in the daytime.” Stone said.
“Of course I am.” You kissed his lips then unraveled his tie a bit and unbuttoned his dress shirt to give him a hickey on his collarbone. His hands were moving to your ass. You then sat up and caressed his cheek when you were done.
“I’m gonna miss you already.”
“It’s only a few hours and we have jobs to do. Plus... we can do whatever the hell we want after dinner.” You smiled, getting up.
Stone got up after you.
“Whatever the hell we want. I like that.”
taglist: @storiesofsvu , @averyhotchner , @ssaic-jareau , @blackbeautifulqueen , @deiondraaa , @wandas-wife
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