#Laverne Travis Waskahat
thevoyagein · 1 year
Should I disguise myself as a somber old-fashioned girl, gawky Mlle Humbert, and put up my tent on the outskirts of Camp Q, in the hope that its russet nymphets would clamor: "Let us adopt that deep-voiced D.P.," and drag the sad, shyly smiling Berthe au Grand Pied to their rustic hearth. Berthe will sleep with Dolores Haze!
—Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita
#Samantha Norris #Alberto Garza #Joshua Cooper #Dwight Evan Chisholm #Lennon Dolatowski #Adam Hetke #Solomon Galligan #Janiel Verainer #Robert William Perry II #Clayton William Solberg #Vanessa Emma Goldman #Michelle Blessent #Jukka Torsten Lindholm #Kris Tyson #Patipat Naknoi #Supalak Chumphan #Pierre John Parsons #Andrew Easton #Owen May #Alex Ray Scott #Elijah Thomas Berryman #Sean Windingland #Robert Maurice Herzing
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coochiequeens · 8 months
Does Canada ever have good news for women?
By Shay Woulahan. January 14, 2024
A trans-identified male sex offender who was re-arrested just days after his release from prison after being convicted on three charges related to child sex abuse material, one of which involved accessing pornography of infants in diapers, has been ordered to spend one year of his five year long-term supervision order (LTSO) in a community-based facility. New details have also emerged of the child predators deviant lifestyle and extreme addiction to pornography involving babies.
Laverne Travis Waskahat, 47, has an extensive history of possessing, making and publishing child pornography involving male and female infants under three years old. Waskahat had also previously committed sexual offences against children in his care and was known to take voyeuristic photos of infants in public, primarily in bathrooms at malls and grocery stores. See rest of article
By Genevieve Gluck January 17, 2024
CONTENT NOTICE: This article contains graphic descriptions of sexual assault. Reader discretion is appreciated.
A serial sex offender who identifies as transgender has been released to a halfway house in Ontario after having been detained for part of his sentence at the Milton-Vanier Centre for Women. Patrick Pearsall, who also uses the names Tara Pearsall and Passion-Star Royale, was released after being convicted for preying on young girls online by impersonating a paramedic, which afforded him the opportunity to perform vaginal exams on unsuspecting victims.
A repeat offender, Pearsall has 33 convictions related to breach of parole, failure to appear and non-compliance under the Sex Offender Registry. He has repeatedly been classified by authorities as “highly likely” to reoffend, and most likely sexually, while never expressing remorse for his crimes.
Over the past two decades, Pearsall has been convicted on charges related to instances of sexual assault by deception, and nearly all of his victims are underage girls or young women.
Documents were first shared to X by Canadian women’s rights activist Heather Mason which revealed that the decision by the parole board to release Pearsall went into effect on December 20, 2023. A statement from the parole board notes that Pearsall presents a “high risk to reoffend violently or sexually within women’s correctional institutions.” see rest of article
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coochiequeens · 9 months
When Waskahat was released on December 11, police issued a firestorm of public notices warning that  they had “reasonable grounds to believe [he] is of significant harm to the community” and is a risk of committing a sexual offense against a child under the age of 16." This is something prison abolitionists conviently forget about. Sometimes people should be locked up for the safety of the community
By Anna Slatz. December 15, 2023
Content warning: this freak abuses very young children
A violent transgender sex offender with a history of making toddler sex abuse material was released from prison on Monday only to be re-arrested days later on new offenses. Laverne Travis Waskahat, 47, had accumulated a trove of baby-related items and sexual drawings of children in the 72 hours he was in the community.
Waskahat has an extensive history of criminal activity dating back years in the province of Alberta, with almost all of his convictions relating to child sexual abuse. According to the Edmonton Police Service, Waskahat has a history of possessing, making and publishing child pornography involving male and female infants under three years old. 
Waskahat has been known to offend against the children while in a position of care over the child and has also been known to take voyeuristic photos in public of infants. These photos were often taken in publicly-accessible bathrooms, such as in malls and grocery stores.
When Waskahat was released on December 11, police issued a firestorm of public notices warning that  they had “reasonable grounds to believe [he] is of significant harm to the community” and is a risk of committing a sexual offense against a child under the age of 16.
But Waskahat’s freedom didn’t last long, and he was re-arrested on December 14 after failing to notify his parole officer of his whereabouts.
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In a media statement, Edmonton Police revealed they had received a tip that traced Waskahat to a hotel room in the city’s West Side. At the time of his arrest, police found a baby crib, diapers, dozens of alleged pornographic drawings and a laptop in Waskahat’s room.
He is now facing new charges of making child pornography and possession of child pornography.
Past public information notices on Waskahat reveal the extent of the conditions he has been subjected to, speaking to the severity of his risk to public safety. Among the conditions, Waskahat was subjected to a 10pm to 6am curfew, a total ban on possessing devices that accessed the internet, a ban on consuming pornography of any kind, and a ban on viewing any photos of children whether explicit or not. Due to his history of grooming, Waskahat was also prohibited from entering into a relationship with a person who had custody of a child under the age of 16.
In 2019, Waskahat was convicted on three charges, one of which involved accessing pornography of infants in diapers. At the time, he had just been released from prison after serving a sentence for producing and possessing sexual abuse materials involving infants under the age of 3.
According to news reports released at the time, the charges had initially been entered in court using “male pronouns” that were “updated” after Waskahat declared his status as a “transgender woman.” Subsequent police releases on Waskahat referred to him using “she/her” pronouns.
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