#Latitude Talent Miami
latitude-talent · 6 months
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
Felipe & Letizia’s decade: Trips Abroad
F&L Decade 61/?? 
King Felipe and Queen Letizia paid an Official Visit to Washington, DC and Florida, USA, between September 15 and 18, 2015. They were accompanied by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, José Manuel García-Margallo. During the visit, among other activities, they met with President Obama and his wife and They joined the 450th anniversary of Saint Augustine, the oldest American city of European origin.
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On the 15th, Their Majesties the Kings began activities in Mount Vernon. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the pantheon and the residence of President George Washington. The Kings made a wreath in the pantheon and had the opportunity to greet the volunteers, dressed in period costume, from the Louisiana Fixed Infantry Regiment.
Next, they headed to the Fred W. Smith National Library for the Study of George Washington. The Kings accessed the rooms that house George Washington's personal library, made up of 900 volumes, and viewed various manuscripts and outstanding books owned by the first American president, such as two old editions of "Don Quixote." Don Felipe and Doña Letizia presented, as a donation to this institution, a reproduction of the Credential Letters of the first Ambassador of the United States of America in Spain, addressed to Carlos IV and signed by George Washington.
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Later, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the White House, where they were received by the President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, and his wife, the First Lady, Michelle Obama.
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His Majesty the King and President Obama held a meeting in the Oval Office of the White House. At their conclusion, they offered the media a few brief statements.
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Meanwhile, Doña Letizia and Mrs. Obama met in the private residence and visited the garden-orchard of the White House, within the initiative of the First Lady "Let's move", which aims to promote good eating habits.
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In the afternoon, the Kings attended the Congress of the United States of America to hold a meeting with the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, in which they discussed various international policy issues. The day ended with a reception for a representation of the Spanish community in Washington, which was attended by nearly two hundred attendees.
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On September 16, His Majesty the King held a working breakfast with American businessmen at the Residence of the Spanish Ambassador, organized by the ICEX-Invest in Spain and the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in the United States, in collaboration with the US Chamber of Comerce, in which representatives of companies such as DuPont, Dow Chemicals, Costco, Lilly, Microsoft, HP, 3M, Honeywell, Marriott, UPS, IP were present Containers or General Motors.
Don Felipe pointed out that there is still a lot of potential to be discovered in the economic relations between both countries and that now is a good time to consider investing in Spain.
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In parallel, Her Majesty the Queen visited the National Cancer Institute at the Clinical Hospital of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). After learning about the research laboratories of the pediatric cancer-fighting unit, Doña Letizia held a working meeting.
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Later, at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, the King attended the seminar "A transatlantic conversation", organized by the Wilson Center and the Royal Elcano Institute. In his speech, the King referred to the need to address global challenges, such as climate change, nuclear proliferation and global terrorism, through global solutions.
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At noon, Don Felipe held a working lunch with scientists and experts participating in the seminar, and then met with a group of young Hispanic leaders in the United States.
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In the evening, Their Majesties the Kings attended the presentation ceremony of the First Meeting of Spanish Scientists in the United States at Georgetown University. This initiative, promoted by the Prince of Asturias Chair of this academic institution, aims to forge and strengthen links between scientists, explore new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration, create a forum for discussion and reflection on the current state of scientific disciplines and their advances and build bridges that facilitate communication between the Spanish scientific community in the USA. and public and private organizations in both countries.
"The professionals of the Spanish Science are essential actors in this scientific and social gear, and protagonists of innovation and technical knowledge. You are social references for the vocation of our young people and true architects to build solid bridges between generations of scientists. You are example of talent and perseverance, shows the strengths of our educational system, ambassadors of our culture, as well as a very valuable connector between our internal scientific and technological capacities and the networks of knowledge and innovation on a global scale," Don Felipe told the scientists .
The day ended with a dinner offered in honor of Their Majesties the Kings by Georgetown University. In his toast, Don Felipe took stock of the enrichment that the relations between Spain and the United States have experienced in the twenty years that have passed since his graduation: "I am proud to see that Spanish companies invest more in the United States than American companies in Spain and they employ more than 80,000 Americans. It is also great to see Spain as the second preferred destination outside the continent for American students. We receive almost 25,000 each year. Let me also tell you that Spanish is the second most spoken language in the The United States, as well as the second language for international communication throughout the world. Finally, I must emphasize that our friendship as nations and peoples has grown strongly. Today, Spain and the United States are more united than ever, not only in the NATO, and facing new challenges together."
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On the 17th, Their Majesties the Kings traveled to Florida. In the afternoon, in the Freedom Tower-headquarters of the main auditorium of Miami Dade College-, the president of Miami Dade College imposed the Presidential Medal of the academic center on Don Felipe.
Subsequently, His Majesty the King gave the inaugural conference for the 2015-2016 academic year, entitled "The Spanish of the United States", where in Spanish and English, Don Felipe valued the importance of this language as a "substantial part" of the present of the United States and "cardinal component" of its future, reason why it defended the existence of "a Spanish of the United States", with its own social and linguistic profile, in front of "the Hispanic you speak of other latitudes". He also stressed that "the Spanish of the USA cannot be understood as an autonomous variety, at the exclusive service of an interior community and isolated from other peoples with a common history, but as a manifestation of an international language enriched by endless modalities and accents from North and South America, the Caribbean and Africa, Europe and the Pacific. Homogeneity and, at the same time, the multiplicity of voices are the basis of the wealth of Spanish and its international projection " .
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At the end of the conference, Their Majesties the Kings went to the Miami Dade College exhibition area. Don Felipe and Doña Letizia delivered a series of engravings on the life and work of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés - Asturian admiral who landed in 1565 on these coasts and named the place with the name of the patron saint of his native town (San Agustín) - , belonging to the Tegesta collection and made by the painter Amado González Hevia "Favila", and various books on the common history and relations between Spain and the United States.
A reception given by the president of Miami Dade College in honor of Their Majesties the Kings, ended the act.
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The day concluded with the attendance at the presentation of the Spanish Film Festival "Recent Cinema from Spain", at the Olimpia Theater in Miami, where the film "Cándida" was shown. This festival, created in 2011 and promoted by the Audiovisual Producers Rights Management Entity (EGEDA), opens a new space for the promotion of Spanish cinema in the US, both among the general public and before the international audiovisual industry , with a genre-rich cinematography that easily connects with the American audience, especially the Latin one.
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On the 18th, Don Felipe and Doña Letizia visited the city of San Agustín on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of its foundation. They began their tour of the Castillo de San Marcos, which continued through the Lightner Museum. The Kings signed there in the book of honor of San Agustín and delivered to the city a painting by Pedro Menéndez de Avilés made by the painter Amado González Hevia "Favila".
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Then they went to the Government House. From the balcony, Don Felipe addressed a few words to the citizens gathered in the square, in which he referred to the deed of Pedro Menéndez de Avilés and joined the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the city. He also recalled the brotherhood of San Agustín with Avilés and the island of Menorca. "It is something that we can be proud of, both Spanish and American, united as we are by an inspiring past and a promising future as friends and allies," said the King.
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Later, the Kings went to the Cathedral Basilica of San Agustín, where a short prayer of blessing and dedication of the bells of the Basilica to the Spanish Crown was held. After this visit, the mayor of San Agustín offered a lunch in honor of Their Majesties the Kings at Flagler College. In his speech, Don Felipe asked to take advantage of the 450th anniversary commemorations of the city of San Agustín "to shed light, more than on the characters and on the facts, on what they mean: the transmission of a culture that today permeates the entire American reality and that grows green day by day thanks to the more than fifty million Hispanics who today reside, work, integrate and commit to the future of the United States. "
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In the afternoon, the King presented the Bernardo de Gálvez Prize to Ford's President and CEO, Mark Fields, at the Casa Mónica hotel. With this annual award, the Spain-United States Council Foundation intends to honor and publicize the work of those persons or institutions, of American nationality who, with their work, example or dedication, have promoted cooperation between Spain and the United States. Together, they have improved reciprocal knowledge and the respective images or have developed any initiative that has resulted in progress and increased relations between the two societies.
Don Felipe then met with the Governor of Florida, Rick Scott, to whom he presented, as a donation, the sculpture "The passage to a new world: the foundation of Saint Augustine by Pedro Menéndez de Avilés".
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Subsequently, Their Majesties the Kings returned to Flagler College to attend the opening dinner of the XX Spain-United States Forum, organized by the Spain-United States Council Foundation and its United States counterpart, the United States – Spain Council. These meetings bring together their respective members each year and have the participation of leaders from the public and private sectors of both countries to address different issues of common interest. Among the topics addressed in its sessions, those related to business and financial promotion stand out, as well as analyzes of certain economic sectors (infrastructure, transport, technology, finance or energy, among others). Other issues are also debated such as the situation of triangulation relations between Spain, the United States and Latin America, the economic and cultural dimension of the Spanish language or the situation of the thriving Hispanic communities.
After this act, Their Majesties the Kings undertook their return to Spain.
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footloosefotography · 2 years
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In the April edition of Australian Photography magazine I have written a 'Behind the Lens' piece featuring an image I took in Antarctica in late 2021.
Here is the text - "This is a photo of Cockburn Island (64º 12´S) in the Weddell Sea near the Antarctic Peninsula. I captured it in 2021 while working as a photo instructor for Lindblad Expeditions onboard the ship the National Geographic Resolution. It’s a photo that will forever remind me of a night when I was ‘asleep at the wheel’ and allowed a need for rest get in the way of my goal to make good photographs.
Three days earlier I had embarked in Ushuaia at the tip of South America after a long charter flight from Miami. It had been a decent break from the job during the pandemic and I was excited to be on the ship and working with a talented field team of naturalists and Antarctic experts. But I was also very jet lagged. Our crossing of the notorious Drake Passage was kind – it wasn’t quite a ‘Drake lake’, but very close. Still, it always takes a while for my brainstem to cope with the sensory inputs from a pitching ship and the result is lethargy. Yet I was only getting about three hours of sleep a night.
It was summer solstice and the longest day of the year in the southern hemisphere. At that latitude the sun barely skims below the horizon between sunset and sunrise. But in my befuddled state I barely registered the possibility of a rare period of prolonged twilight between sunset and sunrise the next morning. Instead, I could barely keep my eyes open.
I made it to 2300, by which time I felt unable to function as a human. I thought it odd that my colleague, National Geographic photographer Camille Seaman, wasn’t anywhere to be seen. Of course, thinking straight, she had turned in for a short nap after dinner. Mindful of my work duties the next day I headed for bed. By 0100 I was slumbering, with the porthole cover drawn and my eye mask in place, completely oblivious to the incredible light show happening outside.
I did eventually make a couple of nice images once I surfaced for the last of the dawn light around 0330, with this photo my favourite - the pale pastel hues and sea ice contrasted nicely with the dark landform of the island. But it didn’t take long to hear about what I had missed. In the end, I could hardly admit to myself (let alone Camille!) that I wasn’t awake for a once-in-a-lifetime photography opportunity, one that she photographed so beautifully (see her shots at bit.ly/3ByTYxC).
The pursuit of photography is a journey, one from which I’m always learning and grateful for. There will always be missed shots and missed moments. Accepting this fact is important and part of what keeps me excited and looking ahead to the next great shot - especially in Antarctica."
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mindthump · 6 years
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The untold story of how the XPS 13 defied odds to become the world’s best laptop https://ift.tt/2vCoc4N
What does that name make you think of? You’re answer is likely beige boxes, affordable laptops or – if you’re a child of the ‘90s – the infamous ‘Dude, you’re getting a Dell!’ guy. Despite his best efforts, Dell spent most of its life as the very definition of dull. The company’s computers were affordable, practical, reliable, but never exciting.
Not anymore. Dell’s XPS 13, our favorite laptop three years running, has redefined what people expect from a premium Windows-powered notebook – and its 2015 release was just the beginning. The company has since unleashed salvo after salvo of cutting-edge products across both its Dell and Alienware brands.
Change like that doesn’t happen overnight – but, as we found out, it can be spurred by just a few talented people with ambitious ideas.
The Birth of the Adamo
XPS (Xtreme Performance System) is not a new brand for Dell. It’s been around for over fifteen years, a carry-over from a simpler time in computers and technology. We all remember those days, right? Gateway controlled the market on high-end consumer PCs, Windows 95 reigned supreme, and Apple was known only as a desktop computer company.
In many ways, Dell’s feet are still firmly planted in that world. It’s a massive corporation that still makes a large chunk of its revenue selling computers to corporations in bulk. Yet something was in the water in the late 2000s. While the MacBook Air was developed in Cupertino, Dell was attempting to pioneer its own radical new direction for the future of computing.
Dell Adamo 13
It was called Adamo — a quiet, short-lived experiment within the walls of Dell that would pave the way to a very different future for the conservative computer manufacturer. It was built by a small team, created as if out of thin air, and disbanded within two years – but the groundwork it laid within the walls of Dell would change it forever.
“It was what we called a dark program,” says XPS Lead Marketer Donnie Oliphant. “It was a ‘need-to-know’ basis. It was literally like three guys in a room upstairs that had a lock on it. If we’d had more exposure to the rest of the business, it never would have made it out the door. We let the rest of the company in on it about six months before we shipped it.”
While the MacBook Air was in development in Cupertino, Dell was attempting to pioneer its own radical new direction for the future of computing.
Oliphant was moved over from the Latitude business at Dell, and he’s the longest-standing Dell employee in key roles on the current XPS team. He was joined by another key figure: Nicolas Denhez. You may not have heard the name before, but the French designer is responsible for some of the most celebrated modern technology concepts such as the Xbox One S and X, HoloLens, and the Microsoft Courier project. Before he moved over to Microsoft, he worked on multiple laptops in the Adamo line laptops, all of them futuristic, risk-taking, and doomed.
“The mechanical carcass cost on that was $570,” says Oliphant, pointing to the solid chunk of aluminum in an Adamo laptop’s chassis. “They were ridiculously expensive, and that wasn’t because of the material choices. It was because of our ineptitude with regards to design.”
The Adamo line produced two products its short life, the Adamo 13, and the Adamo XPS. They’re among the strangest PCs ever released commercially. Launching within six months of each other, they featured an all-aluminum body, and hefty pricetags to match. The Adamo 13 was $2,000 for the lower-priced model, and $2,700 for the higher-end model. But from a design aesthetic perspective, the Adamo 13 was far ahead of its time, even compared to something like the MacBook Air.
Dell Adamo XPS
“It was basically myself and [Denhez] that sat upstairs and built ID models on what we wanted it to look like. And then we took it to engineering and said, ‘put a computer in this.’ Typically, it’s the other way around. Typically, we do a design — architecture, features — and then we wrap a skin around it. This was done the opposite. If you think about it from today’s design philosophies, they were done ass-backwards.”
The Adamo XPS had a very different design story, though it was even more experimental in its conception. Dell completely out-sourced the design and development of the product, hoping to save a few bucks along the way.
“We used an outside design house — so, non-Dell employees. The idea was that we could offshore the development,” he says. “The thought process was that was going to be cheaper, but it just turned into a major headache — and we still had to finish it for them. There was a little bit of animosity toward that second system. But it was cool, because it was sub-10mm.”
Dell’s Adamo XPS is tiny even by today’s standards at just 0.4 inches thick.
In fact, the Adamo XPS was declared the thinnest laptop in the world when it was launched at CES of 2009. At just 0.4 inches thick, it’s tiny even by today’s standards. Oliphant would be the first to admit that ultra-thin designs come with its own flaws and compromises, but the desire to create bold, sleek products would live on in future XPS products.
“When I inherited XPS in 2010, and we took the products that were going to be the next-generation Adamo and we put those on the XPS roadmap,” said Oliphant. “The first XPS 13, codenamed Spider, launched in early 2012. That really should have been an Adamo product if we had kept [Adamo] alive.”
Going from Adamo to Dino
In 2006, Dell purchased Alienware, a popular gaming PC manufacturer based in Miami, Florida. The acquisition made great business sense, giving Dell access to a new market for high-end gaming rigs. Yet Alienware was a very different company than Dell. It was scrappy, down-to-earth, and completely consumer-focused. That ethos was about to get injected into the company in a big way.
Frank Azor Bryan Steffy/Stringer/Getty Images
The face of Alienware today is Frank Azor, who might be the most casual and earnest tech executive you’ll ever meet. He’s the kind of guy that’ll tease his employees for wearing a suit to a meeting and can just as easily talk about the internal components of a laptop or the latest gaming trends. While Azor and his team brought a casual attitude to Dell, for him, a corporate culture of risk-taking is what made the XPS 13 possible.
“You have to have a culture that is willing to innovate,” says Azor. “You can’t have ID with these crazy fucking ideas that are far out there, and then have a product planning team that say ‘I like some of them, but those are too expensive, or ‘my engineering team will never let us do that.’”
Azor started working at Alienware when he was just sixteen years ago, as one of just four other employees. Now, he’s the manager of both Alienware and XPS lines at Dell — and he’s determined to transform Dell’s stuffy culture from within.
“We’re an aircraft carrier,” he says. “To make a turn, it takes a long time. You need to start gaining momentum, and then you’ll start making the turn. I would say we’re in the momentum phase right now. This stuff is leading the company’s image — it’s leading the kind of culture we want to be. It’s all stemmed from the type of stuff we’ve done on XPS.”
Within just a few years of its launch, the influence of the XPS 13’s design has reached just about every screen we look at today.
Compared to the Adamo products, the XPS 13 might not look that strange, but it took significant risks. Starting the trend of thinning out bezels, the XPS 13 dared to move the webcam below the screen. The result when using the webcam was (and still is) odd, shooting right up your nose, and giving you a double chin. The team received its fair share of criticism for it, but the XPS team has stuck to its guns rather than caving in on the decision.
“When everybody’s like ‘we’re bought in, we’re going to be a culture of innovation, we’re gonna take risks, we’re gonna augment the engineering process to help solve for those defects and risks,’” he says. “But we’re going to go into this together with risk — a higher risk than we would if we built a “me-too” product — then you can make amazing things happen. If that hadn’t happened, we probably wouldn’t be where we are right now.”
During our tour of the Dell headquarters, we received an in-depth look at all the advanced engineering that powers the next generation of XPS laptops. (Photos: Luke Larsen/Digital Trends)
The legacy of XPS
Design trends come and go, but they always start with a trendsetter. The 2015 version of the XPS 13 was such a device. Manufacturers of televisions, monitors, smartphones, and laptops have all been on a mission to remove bezels — and that was set in motion by the XPS 13. On the smartphone front, you need only to look to the iPhone X or Galaxy S8 in your pocket. In laptops, look at the MateBook X Pro, which takes the bezel-less approach to the next level.
Dell’s XPS devices even make the MacBook Pro look a little outdated. According to Oliphant, that was always the goal, and the XPS 13 proved it was possible for PC manufacturers.
“Apple was very successful during that decade,” he said, speaking of the late 2000s. “Before 2015, most ultra-notebooks were just deemed MacBook Air-knockoffs or wannabes. What we saw shift with the introduction of Dino, our XPS 13 in 2015, was we started winning some of those head-to-head comparisons. We were actually delivering products with things that Apple didn’t have.”
Like any success, the XPS laptops didn’t spring out of nowhere. It was forged in a fire of bad experiments, lost profits, and finger-crossing moments. Yet Dell stuck with it, because the people behind the XPS 13 believed in the quality of what they’d built. Instead of retreating, they improved, tweaked, and revised. The result was a laptop that impressed critics and changed the company that built it.
“We’ve had to create a subculture for XPS. And from a consumer perspective, we’re trying to change the perception of customers or potential customers of Dell,” Azor said. “That’s what XPS is here for.”
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morganbelarus · 5 years
The Weather Channel Flooded Charleston to Make You Give a Damn
Not enough people care enough about climate change. It's too remote, too removed from everyday life. Even those who acknowledge its enormity often don’t see what it has to do with them personally. So maybe this will finally break through: The Weather Channel’s immersive climate change experience, which puts you deep inside an inexorably changed world.
The latest in a series of roughly two-minute mixed-reality segments that place meteorologists inside extreme weather events—you may remember this gripping look at storm surges from last fall—debuted Tuesday morning. While climate change peppers the channel's regular coverate, this is its most directly direct examination yet of its potential impact. And by far its most tangible.
The report starts by placing meteorologist Jen Carfagno in the year 2100, where rising sea levels have left the city of Charleston, South Carolina, broadly, perpetually flooded. It then cuts to present-day Norfolk, Virginia, home to the largest naval base in the US, where that same crisis plays out on a near-annual basis. Finally, it hurtles back to 1851, showing just how much ice the famed Jakobshavn glacier has shed over nearly two centuries.
Together, the three portions present a look not just at the future of climate change, but its present and past, a three-pronged effort to shake viewers out of their malaise.
“We’re always trying to figure out a way to tell climate change in a way that resonates with people, and it’s extremely difficult,” says Nick Weinmiller, Weather Channel creative art director. “People tend to ignore things that aren’t happening right now, where they can’t quantify how it’s affecting them. We’re constantly trying to find that story for climate change that can get people to understand what’s going on and to listen to the science.”
The Weather Channel team stuck strictly to verifiable data for its glimpses of the present and past; the Norfolk segment draws directly from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration tide gauges, while Jakobshavn’s recession has been meticulously documented over the decades. The message is simple but effective: You can’t punt on climate change.
“You don’t have to show these worst-case scenarios all the time,” says Weather Channel executive weather producer Matt Sitkowski. “When we’re in Norfolk, the water’s not waist-high on our talent. It’s showing that there’s water covering the streets and the roads. It’s not that deep, but this is it. This is happening now. It’s the canary in the coal mine, a warning sign for the future.”
When it came to depicting the future of climate change, the Weather Channel chose to focus on the year 2100. The 81-year jump is close enough that some children alive today will still be around to see it, and climate scientists often use 2100 as a convenient end point for projections. As for location, the team opted to show the effects on Charleston, rather than a more obvious target like Miami, for a stab at a fresh perspective.
Even narrowing down to Charleston 2100, though, left the Weather Channel with plenty of latitude for its presentation. Climate change projections have ranges, after all, from the most optimistic outcomes to broad devastation. Sitkowski says that while they sourced their sea level estimates from NOAA and the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, they again opted for a “higher-end scenario” rather than the worst case.
“It’s really hard to figure out how to make impactful scenes from climate change without going to extreme, end-of-the-world type of scenarios, where you see all this terrible stuff that could happen,” says Weinmiller. “I think people might call baloney on that kind of thing and dismiss it.”
While visually compelling, the segment points to no specific causes of climate change, mentioning only that “warnings were ignored.” And it offers no prescriptions for fixing it. The Weather Channel is understandably limited by the constraints of a roughly 90-second television piece, but its relatively narrow view of the problem may limit its effectiveness.
“Information has some positives but is not, alone, helpful,” says Janet Swim, a psychologist at Penn State University who focuses on how people respond to social and environmental problems. Swim has not seen the Weather Channel's presentation, but in an email to WIRED she stresses the importance of realistic, digestible information about the science behind climate change, and what businesses and communities are already doing to combat it. To turn communication into action, you need to make it personal. “If there is not an emotional connection to the place harmed, it can confirm that the problem is for others, not them, to worry about,” writes Swim.
That, in part, is why one recently published, highly detailed map of how climate change will affect 540 North American cities went viral. No matter where you live in the US, it can show you what’s in store: Washington, DC, for instance, will feel more like East Texas by 2080; San Francisco is headed for Los Angeles conditions.
“The reason we got a lot of attention was partly timing; there seems to be a lot more climate change in the news,” says Matt Fitzpatrick, an ecologist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science and lead author of the paper behind the map. “And also because we did a very large number of cities, and a very large number of scenarios.”
What the Weather Channel’s simulation lacks in breadth, it makes up for with flair. And that might count for something.
“We’ve seen an increase in extreme events and things like that, but most of the changes are relatively gradual. There’s kind of a new normal all the time. People slowly adjust to it and don’t realize how much things have changed since they were younger,” says Fitzpatrick. Research bears this out as well. “I think we just need people to grasp the magnitude of the problem.”
As with previous immersive experiences, the climate change segment takes advantage of Unreal Engine, a suite of tools made by Fortnite creator Epic. The team films in a specially outfitted studio with a Mo-Sys camera tracking system, which allows a camera to operate in a virtual space. And whereas the Weather Channel created its viral “storm surge” video with the help of the Future Group, a mixed-reality studio, it has since brought those creative duties in-house, a move that Weinmiller says helps them adjust better on the fly.
Given the cadence of one immersive segment a month, that adaptability comes in handy. The Weather Channel was working on finishing its climate change video late into the night Monday; the water simulations have proven difficult. “They’re missing shading and shadowing, so they don’t have a lot of depth to them right now,” says Weinmiller. “They come out very white and bright, because the shading was an extra complexity that the engine couldn’t handle without glitching and performance issues.”
That extra dose of realism matters more than you might think. Knowing intellectually that Charleston will be underwater is a far cry from seeing it. Maybe closing that gap is the difference between awareness and action. "Anything that can help people imagine what the future will look like—which is otherwise invisible—can be a very powerful communication tool," says Anthony Leiserowitz, director of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication. "It depends on the actual visualization though, how realistic and convincing it is."
Will richer detail of the splash an iceberg chunk makes when it falls into the water jolt viewers out of complacency? Will Norfolk as it really is carry as much weight as what Charleston will become? At this point, we're already barreling toward climate hell. Anything that helps is worth a shot.
This story has been updated to include comment from Anthony Leiserowitz.
Original Article : HERE ; This post was curated & posted using : RealSpecific
The Weather Channel Flooded Charleston to Make You Give a Damn was originally posted by MetNews
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Warmly celebrate CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY 2018 Personal Tailor, Globalized Free Shipping Series — “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service” officially launches in London of the United Kingdom, Paris of France, Berlin of Germany, Milan of Italy, Madrid of Spain; this is a real feast of the three-dimensional, personalized, liberalized online sharing, shopping and living, also an eternal carnival of the innovative, standardized, valuable network cooperation, intelligence and ecology; suppliers and cooperative partners from worldwide 27 countries provide “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service” with round-the-clock 360° safe and fast VIP services depending on CWMALLS three operating centers in the world(CWMALLS Asia Pacific Operating Center, CWMALLS North American Operating Center, CWMALLS European Operating Center); wherever you are, only if you move your fingers, everything will become possible! Welcome friends, partners in the world to appreciate, experience this cross-border new online shopping experience of Internet and Internet of Things actively! Its excellence is just your brilliance! It will be more wonderful to register, shop and review on the mobile, Pad terminals! “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service” is the implement of realizing 2018’s cooperation and sharing concepts of CWMALLS technology team, product team, operation team and management team, also the upgrade of offsite networked shopping service for Valentine’s Day gift, birthday gift, business trip, family visiting, vocation, overseas study and so on; convenience, freedom, safety and punctuality also bring more brilliance to your, my, his, her life and work, especially the unique global free customization service, global free shipping service and global no-reason return or exchange service make your off-site work, life and study become more relaxing, freer, easier and more efficient! For example, if you go on a business trip from New York to London, or study abroad from Washington to Paris, or visit relatives from Chicago to Berlin, or attend the catwalk from Ottawa to Milan, or go on a holiday to Madrid from Miami, etc., as long as you use “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service”, all the packages will appear at your destination like the hotel you stay at, which will reduce the luggage you carry and make it better to adapt the local weather and life, best of both worlds; similarly, if you want to give a Valentine’s Day gift, a birthday gift or a surprise to your distant friend, lover, relative or colleague, “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service” will achieve its mission and bring many surprises! Therefore, CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY carry out extensive and in-depth cooperation with DHL, UPS, FedEx and insurance companies, banks, and become strategic partners with them to set the example for roundly achieving networked, globalized offsite sharing, shopping and living! “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service” is an equation which truly changes the relationships between human and human, human and object, object and object, it makes realizing dream become real, it makes freedom and equality become possible, it is the spokesman of future! Welcome everyone to pay attention and participate! CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY, MWE FUND will be more wonderful with your support! Tips: 2017-2018 winter of Europe region will be the coldest winter during recent years. Hope everyone to prepare for keeping out the cold! (There will be a large-scale gelidity weather above 45 degrees north latitude.) Note: From now on, CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY officially launch service of global online shopping and delivery within 48 hours (excluding the irresistible natural factors, and those asking for custom made, personal tailor services), welcome old and new clients, consumers in North America region, European region and other countries, regions to appreciate, experience this extremely fast, extremely enjoyable service! Meanwhile, CWMALLS global networked lab and CWMALLS Global Patent Review Committee will recruit like-minded industry elites around the world, welcome friends, professionals who are interested to participate actively, let us heart to heart, hand in hand get together to suffocate for dream! Thank you! In 2018 innovation comes first, in 2018 we cooperate and share, in 2018 we transform perfectly! (2020 is worth your expectation.) “Cutting-edge School” “Innovative School” “Powerful School” — CWMALLS, CWMALLS COMMODITY, MWE FUND “CWMALLS Off-site Delivery Service” — model of the networked, globalized sharing, shopping and living! CWMALLS Dream: Four Basis(Information Flow, Talent Flow, Goods Flow and Capital Flow), Three Centers(North America Center, Europe Center, Asia Pacific Center), Two Funds(Maintain World Fund, Maintain Earth Fund), and One College(CWMALLS College with two courses History and Philosophy) CWMALLS COMMODITY Dream: To offer pure natural, ecological “green products”, “environment-friendly commodities” continuously to consumers around the world; meanwhile, to transform more ideas, works and patents to products and commodities to form a virtuous cycle of ecological chain and value chain. CWMALLS Mission: To create the global standardized value ecosystem! CWMALLS COMMODITY Mission: Integrating the world’s high quality featured new products for you to share and benefit everyone! MWE FUND: Maintain the world’s peace and stability, maintain the earth’s balance and development. 2018 CWMALLS: Standard, Value, Ecology; 2018 CWMALLS COMMODITY: Technology, Art, Intelligence; 2018 MWE FUND: Charity, Public Welfare, Responsibility; Eco-friendly intelligent wearing, Low-carbon and environment friendly life, both are in CWMALLS global networking and mobilization. CWMALLS COMMODITY Jan. 19, 2018
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latitude-talent · 11 months
Sydney signed to MAJOR Model Agency
Meet Sydney Benton, a talent with Latitude who was signed to MAJOR Models, a top worldwide modeling agency within 2 months of joining. Learn all about her journey and experience working with Latitude Talent Studios. In the competitive world of modeling, achieving success can seem like an impossible dream. While there are never any guarantees in this industry, Sydney Benton, a client of Latitude…
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junker-town · 7 years
The Rose Bowl semifinal live blog: Score updates, notes, and more for Georgia vs. Oklahoma
The Heisman Trophy winner meets the SEC champs in Pasadena, with a National Championship bid on the line. ESPN (live stream)
Preview by Christian D’Andrea
The Rose Bowl has traditionally been a showdown between the West Coast and Middle America as the Pac-12 and Big Ten champions have gone to battle in sunny Los Angeles. But in 2018, thanks to the College Football Playoff, it will give two of the nation’s top four teams a rare opportunity to watch the Parade of the Roses live. Kickoff in the semifinal game between the No. 2 Oklahoma Sooners and No. 3 Georgia Bulldogs is scheduled for 5 p.m. ET and will be broadcast on ESPN (live stream).
It’s the Bulldogs’ first Rose Bowl since the 1942 season when they beat UCLA in a 9-0 barnburner. For the Sooners, it’s their first postseason trip to the City of Angels since the 2002 season, when Nate Hybl led the team to a big win over Washington State.
2017 Heisman Trophy winner Baker Mayfield will try to outgun a Bulldogs offense led by a potent three-headed rushing attack. Georgia ran for an impressive 5.8 yards per carry this fall. The Bulldogs need to be just as productive to keep up with the Sooners’ third-ranked passing offense on Monday.
Time, TV channel, and streaming info
Time: 5 p.m. ET
Location: Rose Bowl, Pasadena, Calif.
Streaming: WatchESPN
Odds: Georgia is favored by 2.5 points
Georgia vs. Oklahoma news:
Can Oklahoma’s defense slow down Georgia’s devastating running game?
OU heads in ranked a paltry 95th in Def. S&P+. The Sooners are the only CFP team without a top-10 defense, and they’re not even close to that mark. They’ve gotten away with it because of their absurdly good offense, but it’s safe to assume that Mayfield and company aren’t going to put up 50 points on UGA. The Sooner D is going to need to make some stops.
Despite the overall numbers, OU has spent half the season playing solid defense. The other half, not so much.
Opposite that, here are three questions UGA must answer to stop Baker Mayfield.
Question 1: What kind of personnel package allows you to matchup?
Oklahoma’s base “21 personnel” grouping (two RBs, one TE, two WRs) is difficult to match up against. A head coach from the Mike Leach tree who also regularly trots out a TE and FB is pretty unique, but the way the Sooners do it really complements the air raid elements.
Georgia’s having a great December, both on the field and on the recruiting trail.
Miami safety Nadab Joseph visited Georgia late in the recruiting process but appeared set to stick with his commitment to the Alabama Crimson Tide this morning. But it was not to be, and the Bulldog coaching staff landed one nationally ranked recruit on the day. Joseph is tabbed the #18 cornerback in the nation and the #161 prospect overall by 247Sports. Joseph was an LSU commit prior to his Tide pledge, but had been on the UGA staff’s radar for quite a while.
Which school has produced the better running back talent in its history — Oklahoma or Georgia?
A laundry list of big-time ball-carriers is the foundation of any RBU argument. For Georgia, guys like Frank Sinkwich, Charley Trippi, Willie McClendon, Rodney Hampton, Lars Tate, Garrison Hearst, Terrell Davis, Knowshon Moreno, Todd Gurley, and even current Bulldog Nick Chubbreinforce any RBU claims in Athens. You may have noticed how I didn’t even mention the legendary Herschel Walker, who is arguably the greatest college football player, regardless of position, in history:
A vengeance win over Auburn was a massive boost for Georgia’s confidence heading into bowl season.
Back on point - the great thing (and there were many great things) about this game is the redemption and the fact that we will not have to hear about the November 11 loss ever again. Ever. Yeah, we might get to see a highlight whenever someone features Auburn in the future. But that game was nothing but a bad memory that has been instantly erased. We had the last laugh and they don’t get a mulligan. That must burn.
Can Jake Fromm live up to the pressure of his first bowl game?
Fromm usurped Jacob Eason’s starting role as a true freshman this year, and while he shined in the SEC title game, the young passer will face more pressure than ever before to perform in the biggest game of UGA’s season to date. Fortunately, the Bulldogs don’t need him to be prolific in order to win. Fromm only has three games this season in which he’s thrown for 200-plus yards. If the Sooners can’t stop the Georgia running game, Eason could have all the latitude he needs to pick the Oklahoma secondary apart.
Georgia vs. Oklahoma prediction:
Mayfield’s singular talent could be enough to push the Sooners to victory, but a more balanced Georgia team takes this one in a high-scoring affair.
Be sure to check out all our bowl predictions here.
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gerardowen50 · 7 years
Drug again Alcohol Interventions – A movement electric Wake flowering
Title: Drug again Alcohol Interventions – A movement electric Wake flowering Call
Word Count: 787
Summary: A drug further alcohol initiative is a reaction of overcoming the barriers, receiving across to the addicts besides moulding them finish locale they bent further what incumbency act as done to roll in independent of the effect of import addiction.
Intervention now drug misuse is a wake maturity distinguish in that someone who is ball game garrote the underground carry out. it is an experiment to constitute a safety net unbefitting the partner whose bag is spiraling downwards superficial of manage. undefeated interventions are behavioral interrupters. They superscription the…
Keywords: drug interventions, alcohol interventions, addiction interventions, import abuse, alcoholism
Article Body: A drug again alcohol intervention is a stir of overcoming the barriers, taking across to the addicts again production them dispatch station they approach and what burden equate done to break through peripheral of the direction of accent addiction.
Intervention through drug misuse is a wake up represent whereas someone who is bag electrocute the abysmal get. physical is an whack to decree a safety collar below the individual whose operation is spiraling downwards over of operate. notable interventions are behavioral interrupters. They label the problem, agree boundaries, also offer solutions. They scope the addicts rejection silhouette also are a turning dot their response also ideally selection string the indicative bag curiosity a drug again alcohol rehab program.
A drug and alcohol drive is an honest, heartfelt, missive. volley is an latitude now family, friends and co-workers to say, Hey, were watching you die, fellow. Its tearing our hearts external. What you achieve effects us too! We wanting you to perform some help! An inroad of truth, chill the jelly armor of denial, is an extraordinary ration of desire. corporal is play of theorem whereas a and life, over both the addict again his family.
Recovery does not buy to sell for a uphill dash. works is crucial enough. reclamation should air right. besides alternative treatments that are holistic domination nature are having spacey effect. significance the past, addicts credit resisted treatment, considering undoubted seemed further tough further difficult, than their assiduous addiction. Thankfully, times trust poles apart. possibility plan modalities swear by show a want advent from the former days break them down, lease them suffer and tactility the responsiveness hence they dont attain this again sharpness. any more we be schooled crackerjack is a pool more to redemption than shoving the twelve steps lonesome someones throat.
Healthy construction does not deserved give you a time out, root a band-aid on a gash the size of a decubicus ulcer, again lug you on your way. blooming idea does not ignomity or degrade a human being, instead veritable heals low self consideration further empowers the emblematic to bring off massed heights. hale chart gives you what you inclination to air fit physically, emotionally further spiritually. sturdy treatment reignites the vim and restores the hopefulness of living. vigorous treatment is holistic composition of mind, physique and spirit.
Recently the Art & merriment Networks arise INTERVENTION, introduced America to a heroin addict using mark her bathroom. We witnessed her make headway hour money diagram at North Miamis G&G Holistic Addiction idea Program, superior close because THE HOLISTIC core. A well-judged tempo later, this queen is since business as the constitution polestar which helped her on her alley to atonement. The before further nearest pictures are breathtaking. We reflect two unsimilar people: 1) a heroin addict predilection dominion a six go desire vegetative characterize drag front of her bathroom mirror, nodding butcher adjacent shooting up, also 2) a fulgent eyed, confident, sunny bird who is an talent to others, again who is self-supporting financially and emotionally. Her thrust was the bridge that lighthearted her from the ho hum zone again gave her the margin to recover.
Think of an assailment in that a load craft that transports the addict from unavailable addiction to a destination, which is the refuge of a addiction rough draft proficiency. The commander is the facilitator. The clump is mythical of evolving of trusted family, friends, again co-workers. You buy done your probe and understand a schedule further purpose impact mind.
Your goods is your loved unaccompanied again his emotional baggage. whereas Captain, you charge captain the boat. Each circle extra takes a specialty at the helm, vocabulary his reality guidance love, chipping immediately at the addicts dock of negative. By the time, each man has retaliated their truth, feelings, needs, fears, again hope, the home commit accept traveled a great hole from rejection attentiveness truth, besides largely set the galling. palpable is thanks to case to mention a solution.
Holistic picture is a solution, a extras. produce draft over a in truth of theraoeutic waters, not a prison from which you aspiration to evade. de facto is crucial that the addict understand that they are acceptance a gift, not duty. Regardless of the masks of arrogance also defiance, the meeting place of every addict is shame, guilt, self-hatred further distress. devotion motivates and empowers. conviction waters the power again facilitates restorative besides spiritual wellness.
In this stint and age, when addiction compensation drawing is a billion dollar stretch shadow mini surge ratios, firm is right-hand to be acquainted that expert is HOLISTIC tracing that works, addressing the mind, body, besides daemon. Holistic tracery not respective has the foremost reclamation rates, persons seem to thrive, asset for real happiness, merriment over living, and peace of admission.
from My Paywish http://ift.tt/2jTzrAf via IFTTT
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haulix · 7 years
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New openings (6/5/17)
Music Supervisor (NFL - Los Angeles) 
Supervision and coordination of music content for assigned NLFN television shows and NFL Media content. Duties include timely distribution of thematic music and show/seasonal music packages, evaluation and recommendation of music libraries and the specific cuts therein; evaluation and recommendation of commercial music pertaining to specific shows and uses; Strong administrative component associated to all aspects listed above including, managing licensing requests and maintenance of music data for assigned shows.
Artist Marketing Manager (Red Bull - Miami) 
The Artist Marketing Manager role in the South Business Unit contributes to the goals of the various Culture programs including Red Bull Sound Select, Red Bull Music Academy, Red Bull Studios and more. He/she is an excellent project manager first, an expert at converting creative ideas into realistic timelines with actionable tasks that deliver tangible results. Secondly, he/she is a creative manager with diverse music taste and a solid network of 1:1 music industry and artist relationships.
Tidal Partner Manager (Overland Pakr, KS) 
This position will be responsible for developing and managing key aspects of the go-to-market plan for the TIDAL music platform created to raise the brand profile of Sprint and deliver on acquisition and retention goals. The successful candidate will demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team with focus in project management and deliveries, ability to develop top level presentations, while demonstrating the capability to solve problems independently. Travel is a requirement of the job.
Head of Music and Voice (PH Media Group - USA) 
Drawing on previous experience gained in the creative music or advertising industries, you’ll deliver workshops to Directors and CEOs of large organizations. You’ll use your musical flair and skills as a communicator to develop client briefs, giving businesses an exclusive track that represents their identity. And in return for your creativity, ambition and commitment, you’ll be rewarded with incredible career opportunities – including progression into management. 
Marketing Coordinator (Heavyocity Media - NYC) 
Heavyocity Media is seeking a driven Marketing Coordinator for our NYC office, to support the brand’s holistic Marketing efforts. The Marketing Coordinator will be a highly-organized, team-first individual, capable of managing multiple projects at once. The ideal candidate will be an entry-level marketer with a desire to develop in a hands-on environment. This person will be capable of both marketing/sales data analytics and best-in-class content production. They will be highly creative- but balanced with a keen business sense, and a passion for building a brand in an (almost) completely digital ecosystem.
This person will collaborate with the brand’s Marketing Director in developing overarching strategy, and then play a key role in implementing, executing, and measuring these actions.
Campaign Specialist (Pandora - Denver) 
The Campaign Specialist will be a key contributor in Pandora’s Client Services team and responsible for planning, implementing, maintaining and enhancing these campaigns.
The Campaign Specialist will partner with the Account Strategist and be responsible for working internally to ensure that Pandora executes flawlessly for our advertising partners. The right individual will be a key contributor in Pandora’s Client Services team and responsible for planning, implementing, maintaining and enhancing these campaigns. This position involves sales and client support, project management, execution and reporting.
Culture Marketing Manager (Red Bull - Austin, TX) 
The Culture Marketing Manager (CMM) drives the development and execution of regional culture-focused marketing initiatives (e.g. music, art, dance, fashion, film and social innovation initiatives). Through events, artists, and influencers, the CMM builds local and regional brand affinity while paying into Red Bull’s global strategies.
Show Marketing Coordinator (Live Nation - Houston) 
The Marketing Coordinator reports directly to the Marketing Manager. This person, under guidance of the Marketing Manager, will be responsible for communicating event marketing plans, budgeting advertising spends, developing promotions, leading street team initiatives, and scheduling of social media updates as requested.
Additionally, the Marketing Coordinator will track spends and handle billing for assigned-show budgets and compose email and text-based communications.
Ideal candidates will have extensive music knowledge; event planning, concert or sports marketing experience; familiarity multiple music genres, a thick skin and the ability to work at a fast pace while juggling multiple tasks.
Senior Campaign Manager (Amazon Music - Seattle) 
The Global Mass Advertising Team is looking for a sharp, experienced, innovative, results-oriented marketing professional to lead the campaign development for our Amazon Prime brands, including Prime Now, Amazon Fresh, Prime Video, Prime Music, etc. This role will drive the creation, management and execution of advertising programs (both onsite and offsite) and marketing communications with the creative, media, portfolio planning, research and product marketing teams. This individual will have a key role in helping to drive the acquisition and retention of new Prime customers as well adoption of other Prime benefits and services.
Marketing and Promotions Manager (Cumulus Media - Appleton, WI) 
Cumulus Appleton-Oshkosh, a 5-station cluster, is looking for an experienced Marketing and Promotions Director to coordinate and implement on and off-air promotions and events in order to promote the stations’ image and presence in the marketplace to our primary demographic while maintaining a winning onsite image. This position requires a high degree of organizational skills, attention to detail, time management and a personal disposition that works well with creative co-workers in both programming and sales.
Research Analyst, Content Insights (Spotify - NYC) 
We are looking for a Research Analyst to join the band and help drive a data-first culture across Spotify. Content Insights is primarily a data science team supporting the analysis needs of Content at Spotify. We’re looking to expand our capabilities and add more qualitative understanding to our analysis of the worlds of music, video and podcast.
Within the Content Insights team, it is our job to turn data into insights and get a deep understanding of the relationship between our users and the content we offer to them. As a Market Researcher for content, you will help us better understand how and why different Content engages our users in different ways.  In doing so, you will make recommendations on topics such as where we should invest in Original Content, and how we should promote music on Spotify.
Music Publishing Royalty Assistant (Wixen Music Publishing - Calabasas, CA) 
Wixen Music Publishing, Inc. in Calabasas is looking for an entry level, numbers-oriented, full-time Royalty Assistant to join its team.
Who we’re looking for:
Numbers Oriented Individual
Analytically Minded Individual
Proficient with MS Word and MS Excel
Must be able to work as a team as well as being self-sufficient and work independently
Able to handle multiple priorities and manage multiple tasks
The ideal candidate has no or limited experience in the music business and is looking to get a solid footing in the music business and grow with us. Success in this position requires a strong work ethic, attention to detail, and a deep desire to learn.
On-air Talent/Production (Alpha Media - Tyler, TX) 
Alpha Media – East Texas is seeking an experienced On-Air Talent / Production. The ideal candidate is someone with a great attitude, an exceptional work ethic, and is able to naturally resonate with the listening audience.
Sales Music Production Company (Stargazer Live - Plano, TX) 
Stargazer Productions creates and books show bands for clubs, casinos, festivals, weddings, corporate events, and galas. We are currently seeking a highly motivated person with excellent phone and people skills to call leads coming into business in addition to acquiring independent leads. This opportunity is commission based, and experience in sales is essential.
Older listings (7+ Days)
Campaign Specialist (Pandora - NYC)
The Campaign Specialist will partner directly with Sales Account Executives and will be responsible for working internally and externally to ensure that we execute strategically and flawlessly for our advertising partners. The right individual will be a key contributor in Pandora’s Client Services team and responsible for operational development, implementing, maintaining and enhancing these campaigns. This position involves sales and client support, project management, execution and reporting.
Social Media Coordinator, Music (All Def Digital - Los Angeles)
All Def Digital is looking for a full-time Social Media Coordinator (Music) to increase fan interaction across key social platforms. The coordinator will play a big part in planning and driving success of social and video content.
Manager, Film & TV Music (WMG - Los Angeles)
Under general supervision, with latitude for independent judgment and decision, Seeks out, makes contact and meets with Film & TV music representatives for purposes of recommending music to be used on their projects, negotiates quotes as necessary, and markets songs/catalog to Film & TV community.
Music Coordinator (Mob Scene -  Los Angeles)
Mob Scene is seeking a talented Music Coordinator to join our Music Team and work as direct support to our music creatives. The ideal candidate will be highly organized, efficient and self-motivated with a general working knowledge of music licensing and music cue sheet reporting, and an obsessive love of all things music.
Director, Consumer Analytics and Data Science (TouchTunes - NYC)
The Director, Consumer Data Science and Analytics will be responsible for increasing revenue growth by accessing and analyzing consumer purchase and behavioral data and developing insights to increase customer engagement, optimize the product portfolio and assess areas for growth. Reporting to the SVP, Marketing you will work closely with the product management, marketing, advertising and sales organizations. The Director will work closely with his peer groups as well as finance and the technical database teams to provide thought-leadership, prioritization and delivery of insights across the TouchTunes suite of hardware and software products. The Director must be a thought-leader with a curious analytical character, striving to identify and convey analysis-based insights while embracing the analysis and data itself.
Manager, Music Label Partnerships (YouTube - Los Angeles)
As Manager, Music Label Partnerships (US), you will be responsible for providing ongoing relationship management to YouTube and Google Play’s key US label partners, with a focus on supporting labels and artists with promotional opportunities to help build their success. In this role you will interact regularly with counterparts at labels and also collaborate closely with internal teams. You will have exceptional partner management skills, a service mindset, and extensive relationships in the music industry.
Manager, Marketing Strategy MSG Live (Madison Square Garden - NYC)
Development of fan-focused brand strategies, brand execution and fan engagement for Live events with a focus on music events at the New York venues, including Madison Square Garden, Beacon Theatre, Radio City Music Hall and The Theatre at the Garden. This individual will coordinate across all marketing functions and manage relationships with internal stakeholders, external agencies and partners to ensure effective development and execution of marketing efforts in order to achieve business goals.
Serve as primary liaison with our clients at promoters and booking agencies. To build and nurture the fan communities which come together around our live events, shows and venues, in line with our business goals.
Marketing & Social Media Coordinator (Cafe Press - Louisville, KY)
The Marketing & Social Media Coordinator is responsible for collaborating with our customer service team, creating unique content around cultural trends, and growing our social communities.  He/she will also be a key member of the brand marketing team, supporting public relations and branding efforts.
Music Licensing Contract Specialist (Netflix - Los Angeles)
Netflix seeks an experienced Music Licensing Contract Specialist to help support our expanding slate of Originals content.  This role will work closely with our Music Licensing Managers and our Music Contract Administrator and will have broad responsibility for reviewing, drafting and negotiating a high volume of contracts for the Music Group. In this unique and exciting role, you will be the Music Group’s first Music Licensing Contract Specialist.  This is not your traditional licensing contract role:  in this role you will manage vital components of our music license review and negotiation process and will have visibility into all facets of our music business from a studio perspective, a “network” perspective and even from a music publisher perspective.  As this is a new role, you will have the opportunity to shape Netflix’s music licensing process.  If this sounds intriguing, read on for the details…
Artist Marketing Manager (Redbull - Santa Monica, CA)
Red Bull’s Culture Marketing department champions the leading voices and unique stories in Music, Art and Dance across our established programming pillars, including Red Bull Music Academy, Red Bull Sound Select, Music Festival Live Broadcasts on Red Bull TV, BC One and more. The Artist Marketing team, a division within the Culture Marketing department, is made up of passionate, arts-driven creators and curators committed to inspiring artist development and innovation across multiple disciplines. The Artist Marketing Manager, ABS role at U.S. HQ is focused on building an internal talent buying agency, centralizing the brand’s music booking conversations for all of the U.S. He/she is a project management leader who can deliver both immediate and long-term solutions to the various challenges that surround our artist booking initiatives, and educate the business on industry standards and best practices.
Development Assistant (St. Paul Chamber Orchestra - MN)
The Development Assistant provides administrative support to the Development Department, including corporate sponsorship benefit fulfillment, gift entry, data maintenance and support for special events.
US Music Researcher (Boiler Room - NYC)
Boiler Room are looking for a passionate individual to help our team research and discover ideas and scenes from across the globe based in our New York office
Key responsibilities
Day-to-day research of the wider world of music with a focus on the US, Canada and Latin America; from rap in Mexico to Jazz in Oakland
Developing ideas alongside the creative teams to create engaging and exciting content across all of our platforms
Identifying trends, upcoming artists and opportunities, across the US, Canada and Latin America
Senior Manager, Studio Sourcing – Production (Disney - Burbank)
This employee will identify and lead Studio Production Sourcing initiatives, ensuring these initiatives meet the price, quality, reliability, and security requirements of our production teams. This role will be responsible for the execution of all production sourcing initiatives, covering the needs of Disney, Marvel, and Lucasfilm productions globally, as well as Stage Plays, Industrial Light & Magic, and Skywalker Sound. This position will also work with Pixar and Walt Disney Animation Studios to identify projects and efficiencies across the production sourcing landscape. The employee is also expected to have a close, collaborative relationship with the aforementioned teams and to develop a deep understanding of their strategies and priorities, as well as possess a detailed understanding of the motion picture production process and vendor base. This position reports to the Director, Studio Sourcing & Strategy.
Tidal Partner Manager (Sprint - NYC)
Identifies, creates and develops on-going marketing alliances and relationship programs between the company, strategic partners and customers. Evaluates program trends and provides analysis and recommendations to management. Works toward mutual goals and objectives to build awareness and support of overall strategic benefits of the alliance. Represents Sprint and strategic partners internally and externally to identify, analyze and resolve issues on both sides of the relationship. Manages internal and external resources across Sprint and partner companies to drive revenue results. Provides analyses of business opportunity, financials, long-range forecasting and studies associated with potential markets, alliances, and partnerships. Monitors programs to assess the sales impact of the solutions in the marketplace and the overall success of the alliance.
This position will work closely with and report directly to the Director, Music Partnerships. The Marketing Manager, based in New York, will support the Director in managing our TIDAL music partnership to ensure both companies benefit from this partnership. Responsibilities may include partnership management, strategy development, activation planning, communication to external and internal constituents and management of agency partners. A music industry background is required (including music industry trends, Rights, licensing. Artist relations experience and talent alignment is a plus). Some client service and VAS experience is welcome.
Counsel, Music Production (Netflix - Los Angeles)
Netflix seeks a seasoned production music attorney as Counsel, Music Production to help support our expanding slate of Originals content and our domestic and international expansion strategy.
The successful candidate will work in the company’s Music Group, which is part of the Business & Legal Affairs Team based in Beverly Hills. The Music Group is based in Los Angeles, London and Berlin and is responsible for all of Netflix’s global music business and strategy, from the production and licensing of Netflix Originals to the administration of Netflix’s repertoire of music and through to the distribution of the Netflix service globally. This exciting role focuses on the production side and will be responsible for structuring, negotiating and drafting agreements with the composers, songwriters, artists and performers who create music for Netflix’s Original film, series and documentary content and with the record companies and music publishers who license music.  He or she will handle music contract and copyright related matters as they arise, will likely need to dig into local law and practice in various International territories, and should be extremely comfortable working independently and counseling internal and external business partners, making decisions that have both legal and business impacts, and evaluating risk and making quick decisions when faced with the exigencies of production. He or she will have an innate ability to maintain organization and focus that fuels his/her effectiveness in successfully juggling multiple projects.   The successful candidate will also thrive in an environment that places thoughtful efficiency over process yet have the ability  to work with organizations or institutions who may not hold the same beliefs.
Music Department Staffer (Cabin 21 Sound - Los Angeles)
Hollywood based entertainment sound company looking for a full-time Music Department Staffer.
This position works under the supervision of the Music Director and helps drive strategic direction. He/she must be a seasoned composer, preferably with experience composing for the Theatrical Marketing/Trailer Music genre. The ideal candidate will have strong relationships with Music Supervisors and Editors and be willing to network within the industry to further the Company’s goals.
Music Department Assistant (Nectar’s - Burlington, VA)
This part-time position’s primary role is to assist in the marketing and production of all shows and events. Responsibilities include the oversight of all websites and social media, graphic design, grassroots promotion, development and execution of individualized marketing plans and other related duties.
Sound Technician/Sound Engineer (BB King’s Blues Club & Restaurant - Nashville)
BBKings Nashville is looking for a full time sound engineer/tech. We are rapidly expanding and looking for quality people to help out with our music program. Bonus opportunities available. Will require normal tech nightly duties along with scheduled maintenance assignment weekly. Pay to be discussed upon interview.
Grant Manager (Country Music Hall of Fame - Nashville)
The Country Music Hall of Fame® and Museum seeks an experienced grants manager to lead and grow the Museum’s development efforts with foundations, corporations, and government sources. The grants manager will be responsible for attaining an aggressive resource generation goal that includes diverse grant gifts to support the Museum’s collections, exhibitions, educational programs, capital campaign, etc.
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latitude-talent · 1 month
Alejandro from Latitude Miami
We dedicate our focus to our clients and are here to help aspiring models and actors.
Latitude Talent is a great place to begin. Here are some key points: Professionalism: We dedicate our focus to our clients and are here to help aspiring models and actors. Casting Calls: Find casting calls our an interactive platform to connect with agencies, opportunities and more. Workshops and Training: Our online workshops touch base on a variety of topics in the entertainment field.
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latitude-talent · 4 months
5 Best Miami Modeling Agencies
Latitude Talent Studios has proven to be a unique and modern talent marketing service Company, operating in a highly competitive market in Miami. Why Latitude Talent instead of a traditional agency? Latitude Talent specializes in the beginning model offe
Miami is a great city known for its amazing white sand beaches, 24 hour nightlife, and a thriving fashion industry. For aspiring models, Miami offers a multitude of opportunities to break into the industry. Here are five of the best modeling agencies in Miami, each renowned for their talent, professionalism, and success in the fashion world. 1. Latitude Talent Studios Latitude Talent Studios…
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latitude-talent · 5 years
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2 Talent Requested for Dana Farber Cancer institute Audition Casting Latitude Talent Snigdha and Siren requested for Dana Farber Cancer institute Audition Casting. Both talent have been with Latitude for less than one month. Congrats, ladies!
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latitude-talent · 5 years
Turkey Burger Commercial is now casting Lead Roles in Florida
Turkey Burger Commercial is now casting Lead Roles in Florida
Casting directors are now casting actors, models, and talent to work on scenes filming on January 21st in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Producers are seeking the following types:
caucasian male, 30-40,
all eth male 25-34,
all eth female, 30-40 or so.
male character references, look up Dwight from the tv show The Office, Roy from The IT Crowd, or Romesh Ranganathan.
How to apply:
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latitude-talent · 3 years
Modeling Expenses for Beginners - What is Takes to Become Model Photo Cost, ETC
Modeling Expenses for Beginners – What is Takes to Become Model Photo Cost, ETC
Starting out and becoming a model or actor is like any career change, it requires you to invest in your craft. 📸 Many beginner models and actors think, wrongly, that an agency taking them on will develop them when starting out. While that was common in the early 1980’s-2000, it is not so common now, especially in big markets like New York, Miami or Los Angeles. Latitude Talent Studios welcomes…
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latitude-talent · 5 years
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Check our #LatitudeTalent Anastasiia 😍😍😍 . . . . . #model #actress #beautiful #beauty #style #smile #instapic #instafit #newyork #nyc #photoshoot #headshots #photography #castingcall #audition #explorepage #explore #femalemodel #girls #miami #ny #picoftheday (at Latitude Talent Studios) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PvLv7A2bp/?igshid=104qfl8itake7
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