#Latin quote
arylleth · 2 months
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sua lumina, sidus.
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jay-birbs-can-draw · 4 months
I have thiiiinngsss!!
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I kind of hate the first one but I might just still be art blind
The background tho 👌
Finished just in time for Art Fight >:3 (it’s 11:43PM)
Also people who speak Latin, do you ever say anything normal? Like, not inspirational
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datamodel-of-disaster · 2 months
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Swordtember 2024: Floral/Poisonous/Jewelled
This was both one of my favourites and one of the most frustrating pieces I've so far done for this challenge. It was the first time I tried my hand at drawing flowers - these are Nerium oleander, famously so poisonous that even honey made from the plant's nectar can be lethal - and in conclusion: turns out flowers are actually really hard to draw?
It sure made an interesting contrast between the jewelled sword/dagger, which I just whittled away at until it looked like I wanted it to, and the flowers, where I was kinda lost on how to make them look like anything.
Also yes, once again, vent art. Where I live, Nerium starts flowering in May. I guess that felt significant at one point.
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vividiangelo · 3 months
Etiam sanato vulnere cicatrix manet
Though the wound is healed, a scar remains.
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hekademia · 6 months
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lostsoulsoc1ety · 7 months
per aspera ad astra
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thestoryteller8 · 4 months
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heresiiarch · 5 months
Ut ameris, amabilis esto.
(To be loved, be lovable.)
- Petronius Arbiter, Satyricon
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arylleth · 7 days
It is not a disease to be in love, but not to be. Because if love comes from the eyes, blind are those who are not in love. Philostratus 170s – 240s AD
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penny-virsd · 2 months
Dum spiro spero.
While I breath, I hope.
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vividiangelo · 7 months
"Omnes sumus peccatores"
–We are all sinners
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vasopv-blog · 9 months
Fronti nulla fides.
No trust in appearances.
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hekademia · 6 months
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clevererthanyesterday · 7 months
"Ubi tu Gaius, ego Gaia."
Wherever you'll be, I'll be with you.
(Litterally: Where you'll be Gaius, I'll be Gaia)
This quote was pronunced by the bride in ancient roman weddings to indicate the total submission to her groom. Today it still can be pronunced by both the newlyweds and it has a simbolic value indicating a solemn mutual commitment of love and loyalty.
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