#Latest expert advice News
A media literacy handbook for Israel-Gaza
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Next Tuesday (Oct 31) at 10hPT, the Internet Archive is livestreaming my presentation on my recent book, The Internet Con.
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Media explainers are a cheap way to become an instant expert on everything from billionaire submarine excursions to hellaciously complex geopolitical conflicts, but On The Media's "Breaking News Consumers' Handbooks" are explainers that help you understand other explainers:
The latest handbook is an Israel-Gaza edition. It doesn't aim to parse fine distinctions over the definition of "occupation" or identify the source of shell fragments. Rather, it offers seven bullet points' worth of advice on weighing all the other news you hear about the war:
I. "Headlines are obscured by the fog of war"
Headline writers have a hard job under the best of circumstances – trying to snag your interest in a few words. Headlines can't encompass all the nuance of a story, and they are often written by editors, not the writers who produced the story. Between the imperatives for speed and brevity and the broken telephone between editors and writers, it's easy for headlines to go wrong, even when no one is attempting to mislead you. Even reliable outlets will screw up headlines sometimes – and that likelihood goes way up in times like these. You gotta read the story, not just the headline.
II. Know red flags for bullshit
The factually untrue information that spreads furthest tends to originate with a handful of superspreader accounts. Whether these people are Just Wrong or malicious disinfo peddlers, they share a few characteristics that should trip your BS meter and prompt extra scrutiny:
High-frequency posting
Emotionally charged framing
Posts that purport to be summaries or excerpts from news outlets, but do not include links to the original
The phrase "breaking news" (no one has that many scoops)
III. Don't trust screenshots
Screenshots of news stories, tweets, and other social media should come with links to the original. It's just too damned easy to fake a screenshot.
IV. "Know your platform"
It used to be that Twitter got a lot of first-person accounts from people in the thick of crises, while Facebook and Reddit contained commentary and reposts. Today, Twitter is just another aggregator. This time around, there's lots of first-person, real-time reporting coming off Telegram (it runs well on old phones and doesn't chew up batteries). Instagram is widely used in both Israel and the West Bank.
V. "Crisis actors" aren't a thing
People who attribute war images to "crisis actors" are either deluded or lying. There's plenty of ways to distort war news, but paying people to pretend to be grieving family members is essentially unheard of. Any explanation that involves crisis actors is a solid reason to permanently block that source.
VI. There's plenty of ways to verify stuff that smells fishy
TinEye, Yandex and Google Image Search are all good tools for checking "breaking" images and seeing if they're old copypasta ganked from earlier conflicts (or, you know, video-games). The fact that an image doesn't show up in one of these searches doesn't guarantee its authenticity, of course.
VII. Think before you post
Israel-Gaza is the most polluted media pool yet. Don't make it worse.
There's plenty more detail on this (especially on the use of verification tools) in Brooke Gladstone's radio segment:
The media environment sucks, and warrants skepticism and caution. But we also need to be skeptical of skepticism itself! As danah boyd started saying all the way back in 2018, weaponized media literacy leads to conspiratorialism:
Remember, the biggest peddlers of "fake news" are also the most prolific users of the term. For a lot of these information warriors, the point isn't to get you to believe them – they'll settle for you believing nothing. "Flood the zone with bullshit" is Steve Bannon's go-to tactic, and it's one that his acolytes have picked up and multiplied.
It's important to be a critical thinker, but there's plenty of people who've figured out how to weaponize a critical viewpoint and turn it into nihilism. Remember, the guy who wrote How To Lie With Statistics was a tobacco industry shill who made his living obfuscating the link between smoking and cancer. It's absolutely possible to lie with statistics, but it's also possible to use statistics to know the truth, as Tim Harford explains in his 2021 must-read book The Data Detective:
There's a world of difference between being misled and being brainwashed. A lot of today's worry about "disinformation" and "misinformation" has the whiff of a moral panic:
It's possible to have a nuanced view of this subject – to take steps to enure you're not being tricked without equating crude tricks like sticking a fake BBC chyron on a 10-year-old image with unstoppable mind-control:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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marlynnofmany · 2 months
Names Chosen Carefully
I swung into the spaceship’s kitchen with plans to grab a snack before unpacking the bags from our latest supply run, but I paused. Coals was there showing Eggskin a screen of color swatches, and it didn’t look like a menu. Could have been something medical, since Eggskin handled both the feeding and the healing of the crew, though the conversation I’d walked in on said no.
“Vehicles are an option, but I don’t know what kind are popular there,” Coals said. He acknowledged me with a nod. “And an unfavorable skimmer model would be almost as bad as an activity that’s culturally iffy.”
Eggskin was nodding thoughtfully, tapping a claw against their lizardy chin. “The activities are probably easier to research. But I do think that either a generalized space theme or something referring to home would be the way to go.”
“Yeah, but which?” Coals asked with a sigh, staring at the handscreen. “Space might be too common, or trying too hard, and home stuff might not make sense to anyone there, including the kids.”
I must have looked like a confused dog, standing there with my head cocked. Coals took pity on me. “My cousin wants advice on what to name his clutch when it hatches,” he said, holding out the handscreen. Up close, I could see that each color swatch was scales. “This is their best guess about the likely colors.”
“Ohh,” I said. “Got it.”
Eggskin asked Coals, “Are they familiar with nearly-hatched eggs, and color distortion? Many new parents guess wrong.”
I reflected that Eggskin, whose full name was “Skin of the Egg that is Translucent and Ready to Hatch,” had probably thought about the concept pretty often. Their own scale color looked more like boogers than any egg I’d ever seen, but I’d never been privy to a Heatseeker hatching. I assume other colors would show through.
Coals nodded his brick-red snout. “They live near family. Plenty of chances to observe. And he’s been there for brainstorming names on the ol’ home planet, and his mate has too, but that’s not very helpful now.” He glanced up at me. “They just moved to a space station.”
“Are there not many Heatseekers there?” I asked.
“A few, but it’s a very intercultural place. That’s why they wanted my opinion, since I travel around so much. Thought I might have some valuable insights.”
I leaned against a counter, trying not to loom. “What have you got so far?”
Coals sighed deeply. “A lot of doubts. References to home could be great, but they might just be confusing to everyone. What kind of names would you expect to hear with these?” He showed me the screen again.
I was about to object that I was hardly an expert on Heatseeker names, then the palest one caught my eye and I laughed. “Humans would nickname that one Popcorn,” I said, pointing at the white-and-yellow image.
“Popcorn?” Coals looked at it. “What is—”
“It’s food,” I said. “A popular snack from Earth. I wouldn’t expect that to be anybody’s real name though; it’s much too whimsical and silly. Well. At least with my cultural background.”
Coals and Eggskin both looked at the colors without saying anything for a long moment. Then Coals turned the screen to me again. “Would humans of your background have food associations for the others too?”
“Well,” I said, wondering whether I was just hungry. “That one looks exactly like mint chip ice cream. Oh, and that one’s cookie & cream.” They really were; it was uncanny. “I didn’t know you guys had scale patterns with that many speckles.”
“You should see my cousin,” Coals said. “He looks like a starfield. His mate is a simple dark maroon, though. Between the two of them, the genetics are all over the place. What about these other three?”
I looked at the brown-with-red, the yellow-speckled-brown, and the deep purple. “Red velvet cake, dijon mustard, and plum. Or maybe grape. But that doesn’t make as good of a nickname. You aren’t actually going to suggest these, are you? Naming the kids after another planet’s food seems like everyone might expect them all to be familiar with that planet. Pretty sure a couple of those foods might actually be poisonous to you, too.” I flicked a glance at Eggskin, who was thankfully nodding in agreement.
“Naming a child after a toxic foreign food would do them no favors,” Eggskin said. “An adult might wear such a name proudly, but I would fully expect a youth to be pressured into eating their namesake at some point, especially if they lived somewhere it was readily found.”
I nodded too, looking to Coals.
“But,” Coals said. “It doesn’t have to be foreign food.”
I started to ask what he meant, then suddenly remembered a bit of cultural trivia. “It’s good luck to name spaceships after food, right? Does that go for people too?”
Eggskin chuckled while Coals stared intently at the colors. “It can,” Eggskin said. “It’s rather bold, though. An audacious claim that a set of parents can confer enough luck on all their offspring for them to always have food available. Very daring.” They looked at Coals with an amused expression, which Coals didn’t look up to see.
“That fits my cousin surprisingly well,” he said instead.
I smiled. “Are there Heatseeker foods that would fit these colors?”
“I can think of several.” Coals changed the screen to a text field and began typing. “This is perfect. Thank you so much.”
“Happy to help!” I said.
Eggskin suggested, “Be sure to remind them they should research any food they’re considering, and find out what associations their new neighbors are likely to have. Some things translate terribly.”
“No kidding!” I laughed, standing up and moving toward the snack cabinet. “I still remember the spaceships Worm Jerky and Raw Flesh.”
These are the ongoing backstory adventures of the main character from this book.
Shared early on Patreon! There’s even a free tier to get them on the same day as the rest of the world.
The sequel novel is in progress (and will include characters from these stories. I hadn’t thought all of them up when I wrote the first book, but they’re too much fun to leave out of the second).
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Some recent COVID-19 news
Growing Concern for back to school as data shows rising COVID cases in B.C.
A grassroots group of health professionals are calling for British Columbia to reinstate mask mandates in schools and hospitals to prevent a repeat “tripledemic” of COVID-19, RSV and influenza infections that pushed the province’s hospitals to the brink last fall.
And with data showing rising COVID-19 cases in B.C. and two new viral subvariants on the horizon, Protect Our Province B.C. says the province should act sooner rather than later.
The group is composed of more than a dozen doctors, nurses, researchers, teachers and professionals who advocate for evidence-based pandemic policies.
“We know from last year kids and schools were hit hard and if the goal is to keep kids learning in school we need to do what we can to prevent virus spread this fall,” said Dr. Lyne Filiatrault, a retired emergency room physician in Vancouver and a member of the group.
COVID response confounds SARS expert
As COVID-19 surges globally, a leading infectious disease specialist is confounded by the lack of pandemic mitigation measures in Ontario.
Q: What is your advice for people who want to stay safe this fall?
Dr. Dick Zoutman: “One is to be informed. I do recommend Dr. Tara Moriarty’s website — COVID19resources.ca,” Zoutman said. “We owe her a large debt.”
Second, when the latest COVID-19 vaccine is available, “get it,” he recommended.
Third, “buy N95 respirators and make sure you have plenty and have one with you all the time. And when you go into an indoor public space — be it a hospital, a bank, a grocery store, school — put it on. The best ones are the ones that go around your head, because they’re tighter.”
Fourth, antigen rapid tests must be made widely available. “If you have any symptoms, you need to test and isolate yourself.”
Finally, avoid indoor public places this fall, he said. “I haven’t eaten in a restaurant in almost four years, and I don’t intend to.”
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thatdammchickennugget · 8 months
Hogsmeade Locations - Part One
Just some shops and restaurants I came up with. Pictures were made with Bing Image Creator.
Part Two
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Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair
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Welcome to "Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair" – your one-stop destination for all your broomstick needs! Step into our sleek and modern showroom, where you'll find the latest models of racing brooms proudly displayed, each designed for speed, agility, and precision.
From the sleek and aerodynamic Nimbus series to the cutting-edge Firebolt models, we offer a wide selection of brooms tailored to suit every wizard and witch's racing preferences. Our knowledgeable staff are on hand to provide expert advice and assistance, ensuring you find the perfect broom to take your flying to new heights.
But we're not just about selling brooms – we're also committed to keeping your trusty steed in top condition. Our skilled team of technicians offers comprehensive maintenance and repair services, from routine tune-ups to emergency fixes. Whether it's a minor adjustment or a major overhaul, you can trust us to get your broom back in the air and performing at its best.
At "Broomstick Blittz Racing and Repair," we're passionate about flying and dedicated to helping you achieve your racing dreams. So why wait? Visit us today and experience the thrill of high-speed broomstick racing like never before!
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Diviner's Delight
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Step into the mystical realm of "Diviner's Delight," where the secrets of the future await. As you enter our enchanted shop, you're greeted by shelves adorned with sparkling crystal balls, shimmering scrying mirrors, and an array of other divination tools, each whispering tales of destiny and fate.
Browse our carefully curated collection of divination instruments, each imbued with ancient magic and designed to unlock the mysteries of the universe. From ornate crystal balls that reveal glimpses of the future to intricately carved scrying mirrors that peer into the depths of the soul, we offer a wide range of tools to suit every aspiring seer and mystic.
But that's not all – at "Diviner's Delight," we also offer personalized fortune-telling services performed by our skilled and experienced diviners. Whether you seek insight into love, career, or destiny, our gifted practitioners are here to guide you on your journey and illuminate the path ahead.
So come, embrace the magic of divination and unlock the secrets of the cosmos at "Diviner's Delight." Your destiny awaits, and we're here to help you uncover it.
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Spellbound Scribbles Stationery
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Step into the enchanting world of "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery," where the ordinary becomes extraordinary with the stroke of a magical quill. Our shop welcomes you with shelves lined with an array of mystical writing supplies, each imbued with spells and charms to enhance your writing experience.
Discover our collection of enchanted quills, crafted from the finest phoenix feathers and dragon scales, designed to glide effortlessly across parchment and imbue your words with magic. From self-inking parchments that record your thoughts as you speak to inkwells that never run dry, we offer a range of innovative writing tools to inspire creativity and wonder.
But that's not all – at "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery," we also specialize in personalized enchantments and bespoke stationery designs. Whether you seek a magical journal to capture your dreams or a spellbook to chronicle your adventures, our skilled artisans are here to bring your visions to life.
So come, explore the possibilities and unleash your imagination at "Spellbound Scribbles Stationery." With our magical writing supplies, every word you write is sure to cast a spell and leave a lasting impression.
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Enchanted Wandcraft Studio
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Welcome to "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio," where the magic of wandmaking comes to life. Step into our boutique and immerse yourself in a world of enchantment, where each wand is crafted with care and precision to reflect the unique essence of its owner.
Browse our extensive collection of wand designs, from elegant and traditional styles to bold and whimsical creations. Whether you seek a wand adorned with intricate carvings or one infused with shimmering gemstones, we offer a wide range of options to suit every witch or wizard's taste and personality.
But what truly sets us apart is our customization services. At "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio," we believe that every wand should be as unique as its owner. That's why our skilled artisans work closely with each customer to create a wand that perfectly captures their essence and aligns with their magical abilities.
So come, unleash your creativity and discover the wand of your dreams at "Enchanted Wandcraft Studio." With our personalized service and attention to detail, your wand will be more than just a tool – it will be a reflection of who you are and the magic you possess.
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The Butterbrew Bistro
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Step into the warm and inviting ambiance of "The Butterbrew Bistro," where the golden glow of butterbeer casts a spell of comfort and nostalgia. Nestled in the heart of Hogsmeade Village, our café is dedicated to celebrating the beloved beverage in all its forms.
Indulge your senses with our array of butterbeer variations, from steaming hot mugs of frothy goodness to icy-cold concoctions that refresh like a cool breeze on a summer's day. Craving something sweet? Try our butterbeer-flavored pastries and desserts, each infused with the rich, buttery flavor that has enchanted generations of witches and wizards.
As you sip and savor, take in the cozy atmosphere of our bistro, where the laughter of friends and the aroma of butterbeer mingle in the air. Whether you're seeking a cozy spot to catch up with friends or a quiet corner to enjoy a book, "The Butterbrew Bistro" welcomes you with open arms.
So come, raise a glass to the magic of butterbeer and experience the warmth and charm of "The Butterbrew Bistro." With each sip and bite, you'll be transported to a world where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the simplest pleasures are the most enchanting.
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Sprout & Spell Kitchen
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Welcome to "Sprout & Spell Kitchen," where the magic of food meets the goodness of nature. Step into our cozy and inviting restaurant, where every dish is crafted with care and creativity using the finest magical ingredients.
As you peruse our menu, you'll discover a tantalizing array of vegetarian and vegan-friendly dishes, each bursting with flavor and nourishment. From enchanted salads sprinkled with fairy dust to hearty plant-based entrees infused with mystical herbs and spices, we offer something to delight every palate.
But that's not all – at "Sprout & Spell Kitchen," we're committed to accommodating all dietary needs. Whether you're gluten-free, dairy-free, or have other dietary restrictions, our chefs are happy to customize dishes to suit your needs, ensuring that everyone can enjoy a magical dining experience.
As you dine amidst the charming ambiance of our restaurant, you'll be surrounded by the comforting aromas of herbs and spices, and the laughter of friends and family sharing a meal together. Whether you're a seasoned herbologist or just starting on your magical culinary journey, "Sprout & Spell Kitchen" welcomes you with open arms.
Take a little peek at our menu:
Appetizers: - Enchanted Garden Salad - Fresh greens, edible flowers, and enchanted herbs, drizzled with a magical vinaigrette. - Fairy Cauliflower Wings - Crispy cauliflower florets tossed in a savory fairy dust seasoning, served with a tangy dipping sauce. Main Courses: - Mystic Mushroom Risotto - Creamy Arborio rice cooked with wild mushrooms, enchanted herbs, and a hint of truffle oil. - Cauldron Curry - A hearty blend of seasonal vegetables simmered in a fragrant curry sauce, served with fluffy jasmine rice. - Spellbound Stir-Fry - Crisp vegetables and tofu sautéed in a magical stir-fry sauce, served over a bed of steamed noodles. Desserts: - Enchanted Berry Crumble - Fresh berries baked with a sweet and crunchy oat topping, served warm with a scoop of vegan ice cream. - Chocolate Cauldron Cake - Decadent chocolate cake infused with magical cocoa powder, topped with a rich chocolate ganache and edible gold flakes.
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The Magic Mug Microbrewery
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Welcome to "The Magic Mug Microbrewery," where every sip is a spellbinding experience. Step into our cozy gastropub and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of craft beer and wizarding delights.
At "The Magic Mug," we take pride in brewing a rotating selection of unique and flavorful craft beers right on-site. From hoppy ales to rich stouts, our brewmasters conjure up potions to please every palate. Pair your brew with our delicious pub-style snacks and meals, crafted with care and served with a touch of magic.
But the magic doesn't stop there – join us every week for our legendary trivia nights, where students and wizards alike can put their knowledge of wizarding history, magical creatures, and spells to the test. Compete with friends and fellow enthusiasts for a chance to win prizes and bragging rights, all while enjoying a pint of our finest brews.
Whether you're a seasoned beer connoisseur or just starting your magical journey, "The Magic Mug Microbrewery" invites you to raise a glass and experience the magic of craft beer and camaraderie. Cheers to good times and great brews at "The Magic Mug"!
Take a peek at our menu:
Craft Beers (Rotating Selection): - Wizard's Wit - A refreshing wheat beer with hints of citrus and herbs. - Dragon's Breath IPA - A bold and hoppy India Pale Ale with a fiery kick. - Unicorn's Delight - A mystical and fruity saison brewed with magical herbs and spices. - Phoenix Ale - A rich and malty amber ale with notes of caramel and toast. - Mermaid's Kiss - A light and crisp pilsner with a hint of sea salt and seaweed. Pub-style Snacks: - Potion Poppers - Crispy jalapeno poppers filled with gooey cheese and served with a tangy dipping sauce. - Gillyweed Guacamole - Creamy avocado dip infused with magical herbs and served with crispy tortilla chips. - Dragonfire Wings - Spicy chicken wings tossed in a fiery hot sauce and served with celery sticks and blue cheese dressing. - Butterbeer Pretzels - Soft pretzels brushed with butterbeer glaze and sprinkled with sea salt, served with warm cheese sauce for dipping. - Troll Toes - Savory sausage rolls filled with seasoned meat and wrapped in flaky pastry, served with mustard for dipping.
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Bludger's Bites Cafe
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Welcome to "Bludger's Bites Cafe," where the spirit of Quidditch comes alive in every bite. Step into our cozy cafe and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of the wizarding sport, where the passion for Quidditch is as strong as the aroma of our delicious fare.
At "Bludger's Bites," we pay homage to the beloved sport with a menu inspired by Quidditch teams and players. Indulge in savory quiches, crisp salads, and hearty sandwiches, each named after famous teams and players from the Quidditch world cup. From the bold and fiery flavors of the Bulgarian Bonanza sandwich to the fresh and zesty Nimbus salad, we offer something to delight every Quidditch enthusiast's palate.
As you dine amidst the magical ambiance of our cafe, you'll be surrounded by the excitement and camaraderie of Quidditch fans from near and far. Whether you're a seeker, a chaser, or simply a fan of good food, "Bludger's Bites Cafe" invites you to savor the flavors of Quidditch and experience the magic of community and camaraderie.
So come, grab a bite and toast to the thrill of the game at "Bludger's Bites Cafe." With each mouthful, you'll taste the passion and excitement that make Quidditch the most magical sport in the wizarding world.
Take a peek at our menu:
Savory Quiches: - Chudley Cannons Quiche - A hearty blend of sausage, peppers, and cheddar cheese, baked in a flaky pastry crust. - Holyhead Harpies Quiche - A vegetarian delight featuring spinach, feta cheese, and sun-dried tomatoes, baked to perfection. - Wimbourne Wasps Quiche - A spicy combination of chorizo, jalapenos, and Monterey Jack cheese, with a kick of hot sauce. Crisp Salads: - Nimbus Salad - Fresh mixed greens topped with sliced apples, walnuts, and crumbled blue cheese, dressed with a tangy balsamic vinaigrette. - Falmouth Falcons Salad - Grilled chicken breast served over a bed of romaine lettuce with bacon, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and ranch dressing. - Montrose Magpies Salad - A Mediterranean-inspired salad with cucumber, olives, feta cheese, and roasted red peppers, drizzled with a lemon herb dressing. Hearty Sandwiches: - Gryffindor Grinder - Sliced roast beef, caramelized onions, and melted provolone cheese on a toasted hoagie roll, served with au jus for dipping. - Slytherin Sub - Grilled chicken breast with pesto, roasted red peppers, and fresh mozzarella cheese on a toasted ciabatta roll. - Hufflepuff Hero - A classic BLT with crispy bacon, lettuce, and tomato, served on toasted whole wheat bread with mayo. Accompaniments: - Quaffle Fries - Crispy seasoned potato wedges served with a side of spicy ketchup. - Golden Snitch Soup - A hearty soup of the day, served with a warm roll or slice of bread. - Firebolt Chips - Thinly sliced potato chips seasoned with sea salt and rosemary.
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The Lute and Ladle Tavern
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Welcome to "The Lute and Ladle Tavern," where the spirit of medieval feasting and music reigns supreme. Step into our rustic tavern and be transported back in time to an era of hearty meals, lively music, and warm camaraderie.
At "The Lute and Ladle," we specialize in serving up hearty and satisfying fare fit for knights and wizards alike. Feast on succulent roasted meats, savory pies filled with flavorful fillings, and grilled vegetables cooked to perfection over an open flame in the hearth. Each dish is prepared with care and served with a side of rustic charm, making every bite a taste of history and tradition.
But the magic doesn't stop there – "The Lute and Ladle" is also a hub for live music and entertainment. Enjoy acoustic sets by local wizarding bands and performers as you dine, or take the stage yourself during our open mic nights for aspiring musicians. With the sound of lutes strumming and voices singing, our tavern comes alive with the joy and energy of live music, creating an atmosphere that's as vibrant as it is welcoming.
So come, gather with friends and fellow adventurers, and experience the magic of "The Lute and Ladle Tavern." With hearty meals, lively music, and warm hospitality, we invite you to make memories that will last a lifetime in our medieval-inspired haven of good food, good company, and good times.
Take a peek at our menu:
Main Courses: - Roasted Meats Platter - A hearty selection of roasted meats, served with mashed potatoes and seasonal vegetables. - Savory Pie Sampler - A trio of savory pies filled with chicken and mushroom, beef and ale, and vegetable medley, served with a side salad. - Grilled Vegetable Skewers - Seasonal vegetables grilled to perfection and served with a garlic herb butter. Beverages: - Ale of the Realm - A hearty ale brewed in-house and served in tankards. - Elderflower Cordial - A refreshing non-alcoholic beverage made with elderflower syrup and sparkling water. - Mulled Wine - A warm and spiced wine, perfect for sipping by the hearth on a chilly evening.
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The Enchanted World Bistro
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Welcome to "The Enchanted World Bistro," where culinary magic knows no bounds. Step into our enchanting restaurant and embark on a culinary journey across wizarding cultures from around the world.
At "The Enchanted World Bistro," we celebrate the diversity of magical cuisine, offering a tantalizing array of dishes inspired by cultures near and far. From the spicy flavors of Indian curry to the comforting warmth of British shepherd's pie, our menu features a variety of international favorites, each infused with a touch of magic that sets them apart.
But we're not content to simply stick to tradition – at "The Enchanted World Bistro," we love to push the boundaries of culinary creativity. That's why we also offer fusion creations that blend magical and Muggle ingredients in unexpected ways, creating dishes that are as innovative as they are delicious.
So whether you're craving the familiar comforts of home or eager to explore new culinary horizons, "The Enchanted World Bistro" invites you to indulge your senses and experience the magic of food from around the globe. With each bite, you'll taste the richness of wizarding culture and the boundless possibilities of culinary enchantment.
Take a peek at our menu:
Main Courses: - Dragonfire Curry - A spicy Indian curry made with tender chunks of dragon meat and served with basmati rice. - Wizard's Shepherd's Pie - A classic British dish with a magical twist, featuring savory minced beef, vegetables, and creamy mashed potatoes. - Phoenix Pasta - Spaghetti tossed in a rich tomato sauce with roasted garlic, basil, and grilled chicken or vegan meatballs. - Enchanted Sushi Roll - A fusion creation featuring magical ingredients like sea serpent scales and mermaid seaweed, rolled with sushi rice and avocado. Beverages: - Polyjuice Potion - A colorful and refreshing fruit punch served in a goblet. - Butterbeer Float - Creamy butterbeer topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. - Firewhisky Sour - A smoky and tangy cocktail made with firewhisky, lemon juice, and a splash of simple syrup.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 month
TREATMENT BOOKS (a few suggestions, listed alphabetically)
Rebuilding Shattered Lives, Treating Complex PTSD and Dissociative Disorders, 2nd ed, (2011), by James Chu. A valuable book for beginners and experienced clinicians, this text offers practical advice on therapeutic techniques and treatment, with information about early attachments and their effects, neurobiology, crisis management and psychopharmacology
Shelter from the Storm: Processing the Traumatic Memories of DID/DDNOS Patients with the Fractionated Abreaction Technique, (2013) by Richard Kluft. Integrates elements from psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy, hypnosis, behavioral therapy, cognitive therapy, and EMDR to support a practical, empathic, and compassionate approach to treatment, taking care to avoid retraumatisation
The Haunted Self – Structural Dissociation and the Treatment of Chronic Traumatisation, (2006), by Onno van der Hart, Ellert Nijenhuis & Kathy Steele. This key text draws attention to the substantial problems suffered by chronically traumatised individuals. It presents the theory of structural dissociation of the personality, a phase-oriented approach to treatment, and hope that recovery is achievable
Trauma Model Therapy: A Treatment Approach for Trauma Dissociation and Complex Comorbidity, (2009) by Colin Ross. A practical, well-structured manual, presenting theory, assessment and treatment strategies, techniques and interventions for severe dissociative disorders
Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation – a practical guide to navigating therapeutic challenges, (2017) by Lynette Danylchuk & Kevin Connors. This highly readable book combines clinical experience and insight. It presents clear and practical information to support understanding and offers guidance for navigating a phased approach to treatment, handling foundational issues and potential challenges’ 2nd Edition due out July 2023, includes the latest research and treatment developments
Treating Trauma-Related Dissociation: A Practical, Integrative Approach, (2017), by Kathy Steele, Suzette Boon & Onno van der Hart. Written by leading experts, this comprehensive text extends the content of the skills training manual, (listed in the ‘Self-Help’ section). It offers a practical, thorough, and insightful approach to treatment based on the structural dissociation model
Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder: Techniques and Strategies for Stabilisation, (2018), by Colin Ross. Practical, concise and informative, especially useful for practitioners new to working with DID
Working with Voices and Dissociative Parts – A Trauma-informed approach, (2nd edn, 2019) by Dolores Mosquera. A comprehensive, elaborative, and inspirational workbook, that is truly integrative, structured and collaborative, and informative for both the novice and the senior practitioner
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covid-safer-hotties · 11 days
Also preserved on our archive
As a new stronger covid strain spreading across Europe is identified, Zoe Beaty looks at the symptoms and how we’re still living with the virus four years after the world went into lockdown
Her morning coffee was the first clue. Earlier in the summer, Rebecca Jones made her usual pot at 8am, and took the much-awaited first sip. Only, it tasted off. “It was just horrible,” says Jones. She’d tasted it once before, back in 2020. “That’s when I knew it was Covid.”
During this year’s unsettled summer, Covid has been quietly lurking in the background of many people’s lives. Four years ago, the sense of urgency was still in its infancy – we would still experience two more nationwide lockdowns and UK death figures would reach 227,000 by May of 2023. Worldwide, that toll stretched to more than 7 million. We wore masks, we distanced ourselves, isolated – and worried.
The road back to normality was long and arduous, but very sweet for the majority. Our simplest pleasures – hugging, holidaying, not worrying about where a surgical mask is – for a while were consistently vocalised. It made sense that much of the thrill of being able to nip for a pint after work or do a food shop without queuing wore off relatively quickly.
For a while, it was almost a surprise when someone told you they’d tested positive. Isolation seemed silly again. But now, that confidence is steadily being chipped away at. A morsel of fear is back – but this time with little to no solid advice. And with a wider perspective of the new threat that long Covid poses.
Reports earlier this year found that up to two million people are living with long Covid in the UK, or one in 20 people who have contracted the disease. And according to experts a new ‘stronger’ variant is now spreading across Europe. First identified as the XEC strain in Germany in June, global health experts believe that it could be the dominant variant within months and cause a new spike when the weather turns colder.
Symptoms include tiredness, difficulty sleeping, shortness of breath and chest pain, among many others. The latest UK figures show there has been a 4.30 per cent rise in Covid cases week-on-week and England reported 1.465 hospital admissions up until August 30. Detailed data is still being collected on the new variant.
Most people will get better within a few weeks, but for others it could take longer to recover. People who smoke or who are overweight, who have been admitted to hospital due to the severity of their Covid symptoms in the past . or who live in deprived areas are most at risk. Age is also linked to “persistent symptoms”.
“Over the last few years, Covid-19 has become an illness that we have learnt to live with. But that does not mean it’s not still a deadly disease,” says Professor Mark Wass, head of the University of Kent’s School of Bioscience. “Data from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) shows that over the last few months there have been 100-200 deaths related to Covid-19 per week.
“While Covid-19 is still deadly, for many symptoms are now similar to a cold – but there is always the risk of long Covid,” Wass adds.
This year’s “summer Covid wave” – a rise in cases – is difficult to prove. “The surveillance of Covid cases in the UK is far less intensive than it once was, so it is more difficult to track the rise and fall of waves of infection, or to assess the severity of different variants, or to know how effective the vaccines are against them,” Mark Woolhouse, professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh, told the British Medical Journal (BMJ) recently.
In our homes, the trend has followed suit. Most of us now only test as an afterthought. None of us are sure if old Covid tests are out of date. And we’re reluctant to spend £29.99 for one.
While it is hard to track infections, there has been an increase in the number of cases where Covid is recorded on death certificates in the UK in the past months. After a spike in January and February, numbers fell sharply until May when the lowest number of deaths in a week stood at 93, before climbing again above 200 on several weeks in July and August.
Being vaccinated reduces the risk of contracting long Covid by four times, some studies suggest – but, right now, only the most vulnerable are able to access a booster vaccination. Government vaccine advisers, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) and the JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation) closed the spring campaign offering boosters to the over-75s, people in care homes or those who are immunosuppressed – on 30 June.
Wass says that vaccine programmes are now seasonal, no autumn vaccine programme has been announced – those who wish to be vaccinated must now pay £45 to £99 for a booster. “If you are eligible, then the advice is to get vaccinated. We know that the immunity offered by vaccines reduces over time, so getting vaccinated offers the best protection.”
Anecdotally at least, those unable to get boosters who catch the virus appear to be feeling the after-effects. And since knowledge of long Covid will only increase as the years go by, we’re learning of more cases or more severe cases.
One friend was diagnosed with Parsonage-Turner syndrome – a neurological condition that causes sudden, severe pain in the shoulder and upper arm – after contracting Covid in June. Despite being a healthy 39-year-old who regularly works out, he’s now living with consistent pain and weakness, which can last for months.
“At first I thought it was arthritis,” he tells me. About a week before he felt “unbelievably sharp pains” across his shoulder and he’d begun to experience brain fog and feeling faint. “The next day I was bedridden and by the end of day three I had a rash across my body.” The initial symptoms went away relatively quickly – but since then he’s been left with an incurable condition.
“The doctors said it was probably the virus attacking my joints,” he explains. “It means I can’t lift anything remotely heavy with my left arm. It’s been incredibly debilitating – especially as weight lifting is how I stave off depression.”
Others express the same difficulties and frustrations – at GPs who “treat it just like another germ”, or being “horrified and upset that no one tests these days, and expects you to be okay after a couple of days”. Olivia, 35, whose name has been changed, has been dealing with long Covid for almost a year. “It’s crazy being someone whose life has been so affected by Covid, and having these conversations with friends who are going around knowing they’ve got Covid, going to work, all those things.
“Because there’s no acknowledgement by society that it’s a bad thing if you catch it, or it can be. It’s way higher than you think.” Next week Olivia will move in with her boyfriend who contracted long Covid this summer. “We’re partly moving in so I can help look after him. A lot of the symptoms are the same as I’ve had.
“It seems mad that both of us could have it. But that seems to be the situation.”
Olivia had to take three months off her role as a programme director to try and recover – greatly affecting her work – an experience that millions of others share, some of them in extremes. This week the Wall Street Journal reported that “long Covid knocked a million Americans off their career paths”. “Years after infection, even answering email remains arduous for some,” they found.
BBC Breakfast recently ran a 15-minute segment on those who have contracted ME, or chronic fatigue syndrome, as a result of contracting Covid. They reported on cases such as young newlyweds James and Karen Hargrave.
While Karen, who has launched a campaign – There for ME, to raise awareness of their experiences – recovered from the virus and ME enough to go back to work part-time, her husband, previously a keen runner, can no longer function. He is now unable to speak – she hasn’t heard his voice in a year – and he struggles to swallow.
Rebecca Jones, from Holton-le-Clay in Lincolnshire, also contracted long Covid the first time she caught the virus. It left her with alopecia and fatigue and even caused her to fail a memory test for dementia, which she says was “terrifying”.
This time she’s been left with “ghost smells”, and disruption to her senses. Now, she’s unable to get vaccinated, despite previously being on the vulnerable list and can’t afford to pay for a private vaccine. Her menopausal hot flushes, which had been dormant for two years before she contracted Covid, have come back and have not stopped since, she says.
“I’ve even emailed my MP,” she says. “But I was just sent the same advice word for word as is on the NHS website. I can’t get vaccinated, even though I want to. In our group of friends, I’ve seen people get Covid and just ignore it and go down to the local. I just thought, how can you be so irresponsible?”
“If you have Covid-19, then the advice is the same as for other contagious respiratory diseases,” says Wass. “We should try to reduce their spread by trying to stay at home and avoiding contact with people.”
Still, many aren’t – or can’t – adhere to that advice. The disruption to work and personal lives has already been great and, while hybrid working continues to help stop the spread of infection of any kind, workers rely on the discretion of their employers to support those experiencing chronic conditions like long Covid. In the US, the condition has been registered as a disability, though it’s yet to be determined in the UK.
In the coming months and years, experts say we’ll be subject to more “waves” as the disease is “driven by a combination of new variants and a partial waning immunity to infection”, Woolhouse told the BMJ.
Will we begin to see a more conscientious approach to dealing with the virus? Those suffering the long-term effects warn that we should.
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sleekervae · 2 months
New York Romantic [1.3]
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pairing: Tom Blyth x ballerina!oc
summary: a first date
word count: 2,595
taglist: @watercolorskyy @carolanns-world @alana4610
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Frames Bowling Alley was always packed on a Friday night, all in spite of the greasy pizza and Arnie trying to failing to make small chat with the customers. Neon signs flickered intermittently, casting a colorful glow over the lanes, while the low hum of chatter and the satisfying clatter of pins created a lively soundtrack for the evening. The air was thick with the scent of pizza and the faint, lingering aroma of bowling shoe disinfectant.
Tom and Noelle sat at their assigned lane, sharing a large pepperoni pizza and two sodas. The mismatched, slightly sticky plastic chairs they occupied only added to the quirky charm of the place. Tom took a bite of his slice, the cheese stretching comically before snapping back, making Noelle chuckle. He wiped a bit of sauce from his lip and smiled, a little embarrassed.
Noelle reached for her own slice, her eyes never leaving his face. “How’s the pizza?” she asked, a smirk playing on her lips.
He nodded, swallowing quickly, “Cheesy. But good,” he admitted, wiping a stray bit of sauce from he chin, “Better than I expected,”
Noelle chuckled, the sound low and warm, “Glad to hear it,” she took a sip of her soda, the fizz tickling her nose.
They exchanged glances, both unsure of what to say next but basking in the simple joy of each other's company. Tom’s fingers drummed lightly on the table, and Noelle's eyes darted to his, catching a glimpse of the nervous excitement mirrored in his expression. The retro neon lights flickered overhead, casting a soft glow on their faces. Tom opened his mouth, hesitated, and then finally broke the silence with a sheepish grin.
"So... shall we?" he asked, his voice a touch uncertain.
Noelle's smile widened, a blush creeping up her cheeks, “After you,” she said, the tension within in her melting as she tried to match his enthusiasm.
Tom stood and picked up his bright green bowling ball, feeling its reassuring weight in his hands, "Ready to see some expert moves?" he teased, his tone light but his eyes betraying a hint of nervousness. He didn't want to mess up in front of her.
Noelle leaned back, sipping her soda, "I'm dying to be amazed," she replied with a playful grin, her legs swinging slightly under the table.
Tom approached the lane, his movements deliberate and focused. He swung the ball with a smooth motion, sending it rolling down the polished wood. It curved perfectly, striking the pins with a satisfying crash. Seven pins went down, and he turned back to her with a triumphant smile.
"Not bad," Noelle admitted, clapping lightly. "But let’s see if you can keep it up,"
Tom’s cheeks flushed slightly, his smile widening. "Your turn."
Noelle grabbed her own ball, a bright pink one of course. She stood up, brushing some imaginary dust off her skirt, and took a deep breath. She realized at some point that despite her employee's discount, she didn't really bowl much, so she hoped she could pull herself together. Approaching the lane, she swung the ball with a bit of flair, sending it spiralling down. It veered slightly to the left, knocking down five pins. She turned to Tom with a mock-serious expression, "Okay. Well clearly, I need to up my game,"
Tom simpered back, crossing his arms as he settled into his chair. Jordan's advice echoed in his head, and he couldn't help but offer, "Well, I could give you a few pointers, if you want...?"
Noelle's lips curved into a playful smile, "I might just take you up on that..."
They alternated turns, each play filled with playful banter and lighthearted teasing. Between rounds, they chatted over their pizza, discussing everything from the latest movies to whatever they had planned for the summer. Tom found himself relaxing more with each passing minute, the initial nerves giving way to genuine enjoyment.
At one point, Noelle's ball rolled straight into the gutter, and she threw her hands up in mock exasperation, "Alright, alright! I admit defeat!" she laughed, her eyes crinkling at the corners.
Tom shook his head, his own laughter bubbling up, "No way, we're just getting started. Besides, I think you're going easy on me,"
Noelle gave him a mischievous smile, "Suuuure... let's go with that,"
As the night went on, the bowling alley seemed to fade into the background. The old, dusty vibe of the place felt cozy and intimate, like they were in their own little world. The excitement and nervousness between them blended into something warm and comfortable.
Tom couldn’t help but steal glances at Noelle, watching her laugh and enjoy herself. There was something about the way she lit up the room that made his heart race. He leaned back in his chair, taking a sip of his soda, and caught her eye. She was so damn beautiful, so perfectly sweet, and she was all here just for him.
Across the counter, Arnie’s eyes flicked between the old, scuffed-up lanes and the joyful pair in the corner. He wasn’t the type to get involved in his employees' lives, their dreams, or their dramas—most days, he barely gave them a second thought. But tonight, something about Noelle's laughter and Tom's easy grin pulled at him. For once, the grizzled alley owner’s usual scowl softened into a faint, genuine smile. It was a rare moment of warmth breaking through his rough exterior. Even when the next batch of rowdy teenagers stormed in, demanding shoes with a mix of teenage angst and questionable hygiene, Arnie barely flinched. Instead, he found himself strangely content, watching this simple scene of joy. In a place that usually buzzed with petty grievances and complaints, the sight of Noelle and Tom's easy camaraderie was a quiet, welcome escape.
His escape came to an abrupt end however when he spotted a flash of bright neon green in the corner of his eye, and it certainly wasn't from the signage. A customer had walked in with a parrot on his shoulder.
"Sir! No birds allowed in here!" he hollered at him.
The customer, visibly taken aback by such a call-out, replied, "Why the heck not? He's not hurting anyone!"
"Oh yeah? He's hurting my health code mandates! When you open your own bowling alley, then you can argue with the city!!" Arnie called back, "Now get 'im outta' here!"
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The city lights of Manhattan twinkled like scattered stars as Tom and Noelle strolled side by side, the air buzzing with the hum of summer nightlife. The warmth of their buzz still lingered from the bowling alley, mingling with the crisp evening breeze. They wandered aimlessly, the clatter of the street slowly fading into a more intimate background of muted city sounds, with hands joined between them.
“So, you still haven't told me what this movie is about,” Noelle noted, her voice light but her gaze curious.
Tom’s face brightened with a mix of excitement and modesty, “It’s a quirky little project about these two guys -- Scott and Sid -- who are just fed up with their lives going no where and everybody telling them that they're going nowhere. So, they decide to do something about it,” he chuckled sheepishly, "I'm sorry -- that description was rank. I could'a done way better,"
“It's okay!” Noelle assured, nudging him playfully with her shoulder. “I'm sure it's great. And I'm very excited to see it when it comes out,”
Tom chuckled, glancing sideways at her. “Thanks. I’m really looking forward to it, though I’m sure I’ll miss this—” he gestured to the city around them “—and you,”
Noelle’s smile softened, a touch of melancholy in her eyes, “I’ll miss you too. It’s going to be strange not seeing you around. But it’s only for the summer, right? You’ll be back before we know it.”
“Yeah,” Tom agreed, though his tone held a trace of hesitation. “I’m not sure how I’m going to manage without you. This summer is going to feel... incomplete.”
As they walked, Noelle’s gaze caught on a lamppost ahead, its warm glow inviting. An idea bubbled up inside her, perhaps it was the nervous energy she had to expel, but she couldn’t help but act on it. “I've always loved the summer” she said, her voice brightening. She reached the lamppost and grabbed it, spinning around it with a laugh, “Especially here -- it's just like nothing else. I mean, yeah — the heat is crazy. But there's just so much to do and the days are just so much longer --”
She was so caught up in the thrill of the spin that she didn’t see Tom’s approach until she collided with his chest, the impact sending a jolt through both of them. They paused, their laughter mixing together in the night air.
Tom’s hands instinctively rested on her waist, steadying her. The world around them seemed to hush, the moment cocooning them in a bubble of their own.
“You okay there?” Tom asked, his eyes crinkling with amusement and warmth.
Noelle looked up at him, her face flushed with both the spin and the closeness. “Definitely,” she whispered, her eyes locking onto his.
Their breaths mingled in the chilly night air, and the world seemed to narrow down to just the two of them. Noelle looked up at Tom, her eyes wide with surprise and something softer -- a silent, pleading hope, perhaps.
Tom’s gaze fell to her lips, and he could feel the warmth of her body pressed against his. The city lights flickered around them, but all he could focus on was the fluttering of his heart.
Well, it was either now or never...
Slowly, almost tentatively, he leaned in, his lips brushing against hers. The kiss was gentle at first, a tender exploration of newfound closeness. As he deepened the kiss, his fingers curled more firmly around her waist, pulling her even closer. Noelle’s hands found their way to his neck, holding him steady as their lips moved together, savoring the sweet intimacy of the moment.
It was different from the fall, when their kiss had come down to a childish dare. Now, there were no jeers or whispers in the background, no alcohol-fuelled bravado, no eyes scrutinizing their every move. This kiss was just for them, raw and unfiltered, as if the world had narrowed down to the space between their lips. Tom felt the kiss steal his breath away, but he welcomed the sensation with open arms.
He marveled at how much he had yearned for this, how it felt like a culmination of all the moments leading up to now. Every missed chance and tentative touch had led to this—this pure, unguarded exchange. How grateful he was that Noelle had taken a chance on him, that he had finally found the courage to take a chance on himself.
When they finally pulled apart, Tom’s fingers lingered on Noelle’s waist, his breath uneven, as though he was trying to catch up with the whirlwind of feelings. Her lips were still tingling from the kiss, her cheeks flushed a deep rose that contrasted with the cool night air. They stood there, eyes locked, each trying to decode the unspoken words that danced between them.
Around them, the city continued its relentless rhythm—distant car horns, the murmur of late-night chatter—but for those precious seconds, everything else seemed to blur and fade. It was as if they were suspended in a cocoon of their own making, the world outside reduced to a soft hum that barely registered. Tom could see the flicker of something deep in Noelle’s eyes—something he could only describe as a mix of surprise and joy, a reflection of his own emotions mirrored back at him.
Noelle’s smile was soft, almost shy, yet her eyes sparkled with an undeniable promise. Her fingers traced the line of his jaw, a silent acknowledgment of her adoration for him. Tom’s heart pounded in his chest, every beat echoing the shared excitement between them.
The reality of the bustling city around them slipped away, leaving only the warmth of their shared moment. Tom could feel the gentle rise and fall of Noelle’s breathing, the way her body leaned into his, fitting perfectly against him. The night carried on, but in their secluded pocket of time, it felt like they had crafted a small eternity just for the two of them.
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The night couldn’t end without a croissant—not if you asked Tom, anyway. They walked by NY Bakery and Dessert, the warm glow from the shop’s windows casting a cozy light onto the sidewalk.As they stepped inside, the chatter of the bakery and the sight of glistening pastries on display added a touch of magic to their evening. Nabbing two window seats, between them was a plated slice of New York Cheesecake, drizzled with a sugary strawberry topping, and a buttery, crispy plain croissant with raspberry jam on the side.
"You wanna' know something crazy?" Noelle asked, tentatively poking her cheesecake with a plastic fork.
"Tell me," Tom nodded.
“I haven’t been on a date since 2014,” she said, her voice softening with a hint of vulnerability.
Tom raised an eyebrow, his plastic knife now smeared with jam as he watched her. “What about Daniel?” he asked, 
She simpered, "Sorry -- lemme' rephrase: I haven't been on an enjoyable date since 2014,"
“Does that mean you’re having fun tonight?”
“More than I have in a while,” she smiled, the warmth in her eyes reflecting a genuine happiness. “But then... I always have fun with you.”
Tom’s cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red, his grin widening as his heart skipped. “Can I tell you something equally crazy?” he asked, his voice holding a sincere tone.
“Of course!” Noelle replied, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.
“You’ve been the best part of New York,” he said, his voice steady despite the pounding in his chest. He held her gaze, every ounce of bravery keeping him from flinching away, from the sting of possible embarrassment. When she looked down, biting her bottom lip, the thud in his chest seemed to echo through the quiet space between them.
“Really?” she asked, her head tilting slightly as she searched his face for the truth.
“Really,” Tom confirmed, his smile growing as he spoke. “I’ve never felt like this with anyone else. It’s like, knowing you’re there makes everything seem possible. I don’t think I could’ve made it through this year without you,”
“I don’t know about that,” she said softly, her shoulders shrugging in a modest gesture, “You’re pretty incredible on your own, Tom.”
“Maybe,” he said with a chuckle, “But I feel extraordinary when I’m with you.” He laughed, his voice carrying a mix of nervousness and affection. “I know that sounds a bit daft, but—”
“No,” she interrupted, shaking her head as she leaned closer, “Not at all,” Her hand slid across the countertop, intertwining her fingers with his in a tender gesture, “I feel the same way,”
Their fingers remained intertwined, the contact a subtle but firm affirmation of their connection amidst the busy bakery. The surrounding sounds of clinking dishes and muffled conversations seemed to fade into the background as Tom and Noelle sat together, their shared silence speaking volumes. The rich aroma of pastries and the distant hum of the city outside created a cocoon of intimacy around them. It felt as if the entire universe had woven this chance occasion into their lives, making their present moment feel like the culmination of countless small, perfect coincidences.
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theangrycomet-art · 8 months
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Sonic Underground Reprise: Jackal Squad
Sonic Underground🤝 Sonic Forces; cool premise with potential, bad execution
Order from Left to Right: Quatre, Trois, Duex, Uno, and Vee/Zero/Infinite
nomadic, with several bases across the region
their numbers are code names, though they all prefer these to their real names
the five grew up in Madame Fairweather's Sanctuary for Troubled Boys until they ran away together (roughly 10 years ago)
they would throw eachother off a cliff but if anyone else messses with them they are roadkill
100% success rate for their missions
Not Pro-Robotnik, not Anti-Robonik, but a secret 3rd thing (Pro-Getting-Paid)
Occasionally hired by the Azcan tribe for assistance
22, he/him
weapon of choice: shuriken
Frontman, new clients believe Uno is the leader
Vee/Zero's right hand man, the one he goes to for advice
the most levelheaded of the group
charismatic, could talk you out of your shoes
the mom friend (to his sqaud only)
21, they/he
the explosives specialist
weapon of choice: explosive, hatchet
lost their right ear as a child as "punishment" for accidentally breaking a stain glass window
blew themself on their last mission, hence the bandages (their fine)
he's like Vinny from Atlantis
18, she/her (trans)
tech expert, locksmith
weapon of choice: custom blaster
low tolerance for active stupidity/liars
tends to fiddle with what ever her latest project is when idle
gets very excited to show her skills/projects
easily frustrated when her devices/plan don't work, but unbearably smug when they do
break her stuff and she will break you
14, he/him
the wild card
weapon of choice: twin energy(?) daggers
no filter/calls it like he sees it
a bit of a klepto, the others don't care as long as he's not stealing from them and doesn't screw up the mission
excitable and reckless, often has to be pulled out scrapes, usually Vee
Do NOT call him the baby, he will steal your kneecaps
daggers were a gift from Vee after his first successful solo mission
19, he/him
"the Boss", tank
weapon of choice: scarlet scimitar
Vee was Zero's original codename, but he changes it to Zero when his squad's killed
best cook of the group
selfish bastard, always has to be the one to finish off the fight
possessive, very protective of what's his (or what he views to be his)
this includes his squad
heterochromia, though his right eye was damaged as a child during an attempted kidnapping
red onyx necklace was a gift from his boyfriend (part of a matching set)
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violetduchess · 1 year
Mermaid Headcanons
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Summary: General Headcanons of obey me! Characters as mermaids.
Note: Surprise it's Mermay. Enjoy this piece of fiction free of charge. Also feel free to just pop on by my inbox, I don't bite.🙃
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In this AU, the characters from Obey Me! are mermaids who live in the vast underwater kingdom of the Reefdom. Each character has their own unique set of traits and abilities that make them well-suited to life in the ocean depths.
1. Diavolo - As the prince of the Devildom, Diavolo is the most powerful mermaid in the kingdom. He has the ability to control the tides and summon powerful storms, making him a force to be reckoned with. Despite his immense power, Diavolo is kind and gentle to those around him, and always puts the needs of his subjects first.
2. Barbatos - As a mer who specializes in divination and prophecy, Barbatos is known throughout the Devildom for his ability to see the future. He can predict upcoming events with incredible accuracy, and is often sought out for advice and guidance by his fellow mermaids. Despite his intense focus on his craft, Barbatos is also a talented musician, and often plays haunting melodies on his harp.
3. Lucifer - As the eldest brother of the demon brothers, Lucifer is a stern and disciplined mermaid who commands respect from all who know him. He is a skilled warrior and strategist, and is always ready to defend his kingdom against any threats. Despite his tough exterior, Lucifer is fiercely protective of those he cares about, and will do anything to keep them safe.
4. Mammon - As the mermaid who oversees the kingdom's treasures, Mammon is an expert in all things valuable and precious. He has an uncanny ability to locate hidden treasures and rare artifacts, and is often called upon to appraise items of great worth. Mammon is also a talented trader and negotiator, and can haggle with the best of them.
5. Leviathan - As the mermaid who oversees the kingdom's technology, Leviathan is a genius inventor who is always creating new gadgets and devices. He has a particular interest in video games and anime, and often incorporates elements from them into his inventions. Despite his love of technology, Leviathan is also a talented artist and writer, and spends much of his free time creating fanfiction and fanart.
6. Satan - As the mermaid who oversees the kingdom's library, Satan is a master of knowledge and learning. He is an expert in all areas of scholarship, and is always happy to share his vast knowledge with those who seek it. Satan is also a skilled storyteller, and often regales his fellow mermaids with tales from ancient history and folklore.
7. Asmodeus - As the mermaid who oversees the kingdom's beauty and fashion, Asmodeus is a glamorous and stylish mermaid who always looks his best. He has an eye for fashion and design, and is always up-to-date on the latest trends. Asmodeus is also a gifted dancer and performer, and often puts on shows for his fellow mermaids.
8. Beelzebub - As the mermaid who oversees the kingdom's food supply, Beelzebub is a talented chef who can whip up a delicious meal from even the most basic ingredients. He is always experimenting with new recipes and flavors, and is constantly in search of the perfect dish. Beelzebub is also a skilled fisherman, and often goes out to sea to catch fresh fish for his meals.
9. Belphegor - As the youngest brother of the demon brothers, Belphegor is a laid-back and easygoing mermaid who loves nothing more than sleeping. He can often be found napping in his cozy bed of seaweed, and is always up for a good nap. Despite his lazy tendencies, Belphegor is also a skilled healer, and can use magic to help those in need.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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dramadramallama · 8 months
Love Supremacy - brain rot part 3 (hopefully that's it, last part, i'm done PHEW)
As stated here, the story within a story structure makes for a cool viewing experience. Different readings for different levels.
Layer 1 - Myung-ha abandons himself Layer 2 - Limbo: an intermediary, temporary, blurry state Layer 3 - The Game, roleplaying yourself (Layer 4 - Us, watching the show haha)
It grants both the audience, and the characters a chance to get a new perspective. 
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As Myung-ha sinks into himself, he has to rise back up.
The game framing is interesting, as it makes Myung-ha an active participant in his own fate. He is more likely to act in the safety of a game, with defined, clear goals, and “easy” missions to complete on the side of the main quest. It compartmentalizes the universe in neat little game notifications, and relieves some of the pressure of the hardest part of life. Finding happiness? Pfff, EASY, right?
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Myung-ha is given the opportunity to do what all of us have probably wished at one point: re-start, from the latest save point, where it all went wrong. As argued in part one, the characters aren’t just words on paper, or pixels in a game. They have agency, just like Myung-ha.
1. Mirrors/Symmetry
2. Fate, Free Will, and Happiness
▶️3. Game/Reality
Very soon, it appears the lines between the so-called game and so-called reality are getting extremely blurry. 
First, the stakes are incredibly high for a simple game. The penalty is death. 
Myung-ha doesn’t seem fazed by the threat of death, he’s not scared of it. It could be because it's "just a game," but I personally think it's because he's technically already "dead." He ignores the penalty and focuses on his mission(s) at face value. Subconsciously, he works towards changing his own fate, and he gets there!
Debuffs (negative effects) need to be corrected
His efforts are slightly slowed by “debuffs.” These incidents happen due to Yeo-woon’s general dislike for everyone (including himself). They slow the process down enough to teach Myung-ha how to build friendships and relationships. The trick here is that Myung-ha is supposed to learn by proxy, through Yeo-woon’s self-love journey, how to love and be loved, and speak his true feelings.
“Bad” things seem to happen because Yeo-woon isn't quite ready for that unstoppable wave of affection Myung-ha unleashes. At first, the debuffs are incredibly mild and inoffensive (Fondness/Affection level around -10 or -5 = a LEAF falling on his face, a defective streetlight, and spicy tteokbokki lmao) and are easily transformed into something positive, bringing them closer.
But Yeo-woon’s affection is directly related to how honest Myung-ha is with himself and others. For example, he is disappointed to realize the urgency of Myung-ha’s text was fake (="Myung-ha doesn't trust me like I trust him"), and he doesn’t reassure Yeo-woon about the fact that he smells like someone else (lol cat energy). By refusing to open himself up to be cared for, it backfires with direct consequences. 
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Myung-ha is allergic to listening to his own advice. All "do as I say, not as I do." When he told Yeo-woon "when someone cares for you, just accept it, why do you have to [question it?]" I almost screamed. We're all mental health experts when it comes to someone other than ourselves lol.
As for most things in life, the answer is balance. His side quests involve, for example, making other friends, who can be reliable and provide help in return. Kyung-hoon helps with a part time job and Sang-won offers to drive him to Yeon-woo.
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Also interesting to note, his knee jerk reaction to anyone trying to enter his sphere is to close himself off, keep some distance. The above is in response to someone using casual honorifics (hyung/oppa).
Kyung-hoon, as if expressing Myung-ha's interiority, explains he's ok with long distance dating. Why? Simple: he likes his boyfriend, and wants to enjoy every moment until it ends. This is in direct opposition to what Myung-ha chooses: he places the certainty of pain/suffering above the mere possibility of happiness.
(...relatable tbh)
Myung-ha's inner desires clash with his depressive state constantly, and it gets worse after Yeo-woon’s affection levels dramatically drop from a positive number, back to zero, and then negative again, due to Myung-ha struggling to accept, and balance his own feelings. Too much love for everyone but himself, too scared to need anyone who might end up leaving him. The debuffs get more serious (Grandma gets hospitalized), and he starts fainting. Myung-ha is falling back into old traps, and like vicious circle, by trying to fix the errors incorrectly, in turn, makes the system shut down.
Thankfully, he does come to understand things remain worthy, even though he cannot have them forever.
The mysterious texts from an unknown number
Myung-ha faints several times, like things aren't quite going right. The nonsensical texts keep pouring in.
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These read, to me, like close friends/family grieving, like they're in a columbarium (?). Besides the one from his sunbae at the end, they're all unsigned. There's one text saying they have "followed someone wearing the same clothes as [Myung-ha], knowing it couldn't be [him]", and one about a broken vase. Are they all from his sunbae, relaying the things said to him once? Or after his death? At his funeral? As a prayer? Thinking of him?
While the game server experiences extreme instability, memories, “real-life” happenings parasite the safety of the game.
Very personal elements keep permeating the game play; lines go beyond blurry, and disappear entirely.
Elements outside of the game keep popping up. Soon, the edges of the gameplay aren’t so clear-cut anymore, as Myung-ha gets more precise with defining happiness. His own handwriting shows up in the game notifications.
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The answers are his own: he filled in the blanks himself. But he constantly tries to apply them to someone else.
It becomes impossible to dissociate the game from Myung-ha’s existence. I’m sure I haven’t caught them all, but there are many instances where Myung-ha's reality bleeds into the game.
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Bubbly, water sounds are heard at key moments, and before long, his "memories" with his sunbae also get a underwater backdrop. To say nothing of the water/wave imagery around Myung-ha.
His world is leaking through the seams, the wave is rolling him over, and he’s sinking deeper. Which way will he come up? Water symbolism is always, MUAH, chef's kiss.
He is given ultimate freedom - a symbolic pen, to overwrite the program, and solve the system errors
Myung-ha for better or for worse, whether he likes it or not, is in control, quite literally, of the game, and by extension, of his life. When he starts to understand he's the origin of the errors, he panics, chooses to end it early, and saves Yeo-woon's fate over his.
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That same pen has been used to write all the answers to the questions that appear in the game. He chooses Yeo-woon over himself. The game fails, the universe wavers. Beautiful contradiction: he fights to stay. Just like the way he regretted it after walking into the water. His true intentions come bubbling back up to the surface, and he runs to Yeo-woon, away from death and towards life. He doesn't want to disappear.
Time's up
In the previous post, I went more in depth about how he only gives, never takes. He doesn’t reach out to be pulled out of the water, thinking himself to be alone, and his system slowly starts shutting down. 
The scenes end abruptly, we jump from seemingly disconnected locations, faster, while Myung-ha frantically tries to outrun his own errors. I’ve seen some criticism of the pace and editing getting a little hectic in the later episodes, but I think it was purposefully reflecting Myung-ha’s state. 
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Yeo-woon, with his newfound agency, defies his own story ending. By changing the game’s core mission to “make Myung-ha happy” he counters Myung-ha's one-sided choice and the balance can be restored.
"Despite knowing the journey and where it leads, I embrace it and welcome every moment." (Ted Chiang, Stories of Your Life and Others)
It is unclear whether Myung-ha gets a redo in a new reality, or if he gets to enjoy his own personal heaven after death. The game might be a physical representation of Myung-ha’s mind. It’s as real as any other intangible concept, like love, or happiness. There's definitely something to be said about the aspect ratio changing depending on where he is, but...
But to me, it doesn’t really matter. It's not where he ends up, it's how he got there.
I love that we open with Myung-ha abandoning his life at sea, and close on him returning to the water for a new start.
And I love that Myung-ha loves his own story: on his date with Yeo-woon, he gets emotional over the movie because the Monster Croc is "an alien" (COUGH Myung-ha) who joins the Zombie Gorilla (COUGH Yeon-woo) in his world to "save it"...
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emmaharrison · 13 days
Essential Ingredients for a Perfect Vegan Pantry: How Vegan Connects Can Elevate Your Plant-Based Lifestyle.
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If you are you ready to transform your kitchen into a plant-based paradise. Stocking a vegan pantry is the first step towards embracing a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. But where do you start? With so many ingredients to choose from, building a well-stocked vegan pantry can seem overwhelming. Luckily, Vegan Connects is here to help you every step of the way!
Vegan Connects is a vibrant new Facebook group dedicated to vegans, aspiring vegans, and plant-based enthusiasts living, working, or visiting London. Our community is the perfect place to share and discover tips on vegan nutrition, find the best vegan-friendly products, and connect with fellow plant-based foodies. Let’s dive into how you can stock your vegan pantry with essential ingredients and why Vegan Connects is the best place to do it!
Common Challenges in Building a Vegan Pantry
Identifying Essential Ingredients Starting a vegan pantry can be tricky when you’re unsure which staples are essential. With so many options available, it’s easy to feel lost in a sea of beans, grains, nuts, and spices. Knowing what to stock up on can make a big difference in the ease and success of your plant-based cooking.
Navigating New Products With the rise in popularity of veganism, new products are constantly hitting the shelves. Keeping up with the best brands and new arrivals can be time-consuming. Finding reliable recommendations for high-quality, affordable products can save you both time and money.
Balancing Nutrition Maintaining a balanced diet while stocking your pantry can be challenging. It’s important to ensure you have a variety of ingredients to cover all your nutritional needs. This includes protein sources, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Avoiding Food Waste Purchasing large quantities of ingredients without knowing how to use them can lead to food waste. Learning how to effectively store and use pantry staples is crucial for reducing waste and maximizing your investment.
How Vegan Connects Can Solve These Challenges
Vegan Connects is a new Facebook group designed to make your vegan pantry-building journey smooth and enjoyable. Here’s how our community can help:
Discover Essential Pantry Staples Wondering which ingredients are must-haves for your vegan pantry? Vegan Connects is the place to get expert advice on essential items. From versatile legumes to nutrient-rich grains and spices that pack a punch, our community members share their top picks and tips for stocking up. You’ll get recommendations on the best products to keep your pantry well-stocked and ready for any recipe.
Get Recommendations on the Latest Products Stay ahead of the curve with the help of Vegan Connects. Our members are constantly sharing their favorite new vegan products and brands. Whether you’re looking for the perfect plant-based cheese or the latest in dairy-free milk, you’ll find real reviews and recommendations from fellow vegans who’ve tried and tested them.
Balance Your Nutritional Needs In Vegan Connects, you’ll find guidance on creating a nutritionally balanced pantry. Our community shares tips on how to ensure you’re getting all the essential nutrients, from protein-packed beans to vitamin-rich leafy greens. Learn how to incorporate a variety of ingredients into your diet to support your health and wellness goals.
Learn Smart Storage and Usage Tips Avoid food waste with the help of Vegan Connects. Our members offer advice on how to store your pantry staples properly, ensuring they last longer and stay fresh. Plus, get ideas for how to use up your ingredients in creative and delicious ways, so you make the most of what you buy.
Connect with a Supportive Community Building a vegan pantry is easier and more enjoyable with the support of a like-minded community. Vegan Connects provides a platform for sharing your experiences, asking questions, and learning from others. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or just starting out, you’ll find support and inspiration in our vibrant group.
Join Vegan Connects and Elevate Your Plant-Based Lifestyle
If you’re excited to enhance your vegan pantry and connect with a supportive community of plant-based enthusiasts, Vegan Connects is the place for you. Our group is dedicated to making veganism accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Share your favorite vegan products, discover new ones, and get the tips you need to stock your pantry with confidence.
Ready to transform your kitchen and embrace the benefits of a well-stocked vegan pantry? Join Vegan Connects today and become part of a dynamic community that celebrates plant-based living. Your journey to a perfectly stocked vegan pantry starts here!
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cassimothwin · 1 year
I built my third tabletop RPG playtest survey last night, so here's how I go about doing that...
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Quick note: I'm not an expert and mostly a fledging game designer. BUT I have experience in writing circles and getting reader feedback. It's not exactly the same, but I think some skills are transferable. First, as I'm writing a game, I note the insecurities that pop up. "Is this good enough" isn't specific, but maybe I'm worried a rule section isn't clear or the sequence of information is confusing. I can ask a direct question about it in the survey.
For example, in my latest game, Carved by the Garden, I worried the front matter wasn't in the best order. I'm directly asking playtesters if they encounter any friction while reading through it. I'm sure there will be varied responses, but by specifically inviting them to tell me about their experience, I get a more holistic view than if one person had difficulty and used their entire general feedback section to let me know.
Second, as I'm building the survey, I make sure to include a section that denotes if a tester is a reader or actually engaging with the mechanics in a play session. Both people have value, but it helps me weigh results and give context to further feedback.
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Next, I might ask if players have familiarity with the system I used. I want feedback from people who are new to the system and veterans.
The new folks can help me onboard new players and the veterans can give advice on where they've seen things handled better.
I also have several generic questions like "What difficulties did you encounter" or "did something frustrate you" because playtesters might not tell you unless you specifically ask for that kind of feedback. Don't use these as your only questions or input will be less valuable.
Then I have marketing questions. These are really valuable, as I always run out of steam in the marketing phase.
What was your favorite X?
How would you describe this game to a friend?
Is there a quote I can use from you in advertising?
Another important question in the marketing section: Does this game deliver on its promise to X? If not, where does it fail? Sometimes there is a mismatch between marketing and the actual game, so this question helps me realign.
Lastly, I ask for permission to credit playtesters! I think this is such an important step. Providing thoughtful feedback is time consuming, and I want my playtesters to know their input is valued.
Overall, my advice is to keep your surveys short and focused. Offer an area for general feedback, but don't rely on that section to improve your game or project. Pick specific areas where you feel insecure, and see where they can be poked.
Happy designing!
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The pressure on the government to put cancer warning labels on alcohol containers is growing, as experts say the majority of Canadians don't know the risks that come with consuming even moderate amounts.
The latest catalyst is Canada's new Guidance on Alcohol and Health, which updates the 2011 Low Risk Drinking Guidelines. The Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA), which released its final report today, points out that no amount of alcohol is safe and that consuming any more than two drinks a week is risky.
It's a drastic shift from previous guidance, which recommended no more than 15 drinks for men and 10 drinks for women per week to reduce long-term health risks. The CCSA says the new advice reflects thousands of studies in the last decade that link even small amounts of alcohol to several types of cancer.
The new recommendations lay out a continuum of risk. Three-to-six drinks a week increases the risk of developing certain cancers, including colorectal and breast cancer, and more than seven drinks a week also increases your risk of heart disease and stroke. The danger goes up with every additional drink. [...]
According to the report, many Canadians are already in risky drinking territory, with 17 per cent of Canadians consuming three-to-six drinks a week, while 40 per cent drink more than six drinks a week. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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Thinking about the ghouls and their hobbies, how the handful of fiber artists meet up once a week to work alongside each other on their projects.
Mist is a knitter by trade, self-taught through vintage knitting patterns. The ghoulette spends much of her free time engrossed in her latest project, when she is not in the kitchen with Alpha. She loves to make for others rather than herself, many of the ghouls sporting sweaters or socks made by her.
Alpha is one of many sewists in the pack, but his talents are more practical. Each evening he settles in with his basket of the ghoul's garments that need mending or altering. The practical aspect of his sewing comes from years of working in the infirmary alongside Omega, the fire ghoul an expert at sewing small-scale wounds that leave no trace of a scar. The ghoul never complains at the task, using his mending as a way to come down from the stress of his day.
Aurora is another sewist, the ghoulette opting for intricate, handmade garments. When first summoned the art of pattern reading and hand-sewing was passed down to her from Cirrus. The ghoulette has begun to care her own patterns and designs, taking care to construct garments for the ghouls to their precise measurements. During element practice, Aurora had accidentally summoned a little lamb-like creature from the Pits. Upon her begging to keep the creature, she began to sew them little collars and pieces of clothing, treating her familiar as if they're a human woman's dog.
Cirrus, as mentioned above, is a quilter. She loves the medium and how you can transform fabric into literal works of art. Scary dog vibes in a fabric shop when on tour but the little old ladies love her, she's always asking them for fabric advice and complimenting work done in sewing circles. She's sewn every single ghoul their own quilt, some having multiple (Aether because Dew kidnapped his original one). Each Papa also has their own quilt, depicting scenes from their time as pope.
Cumulus makes bobbin lace, intricate patterns that take form from a seemingly meaningless shuffling of wooden bobbins. She has made lace runners for the mantle piece in the den for each season, and many holidays. There is a large lace runner along the unholy communion table that was created from a bobbin lace pattern written by Zephyr, who passed the lace making craft down to the ghoulette.
Zephyr is a lace maker, while the ancient air ghoul used to be proficient in bobbin lace making, he has transitioned to another method of lace making. He has taken up tatting as a form of lace making, as it is not as cumbersome as bobbin lace making, and can be done from the relative comfort of his bed. The air ghoul will spend his afternoons with his reading glasses perched on his nose, scouring his books for a new, intricate pattern to begin. Ifrit will dutifully prep the shuttles for him, as winding the bobbins is more difficult when the air ghoul is afflicted with stiffness in his hands.
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mixelation · 1 year
here have some future you terrible thing feat. team 7
Kakashi has discovered a brilliant strategy for handling his new source of anxiety. If he offers up a prize to one student and one student only, Naruto and Sasuke will fight over it. It doesn’t matter what the prize is. It could be getting to be the first to read the mission scroll. It could be getting to pick where they eat lunch. Getting those two to fight is like getting a dog to sniff a bag of meat. 
The brilliance of goading his students into a fight is this: now they’re in the same place, and Kakashi knows where that place is, and he can watch them simultaneously and make sure Sasori isn’t appearing from the shadows to do something terrible. 
Then when he releases them for the day, he goes and finds Sasori himself. Sasori can’t be ripping the Nine Tails or eyeballs out of his students if he’s busy fucking Kakashi’s brains out, or making fun of Kakashi’s latest kitchen disaster, or complaining Konoha’s water is too hard while he cleans little balls of calcium out of Kakashi’s showerhead. 
(Konoha’s agreement with Sasori explicitly bans him from entering the village proper. Kakashi figures Sasori is going to enter either way, and it’s better for everyone if he gets distracted by how much dog hair is on Kakashi’s furniture instead of stealing village secrets.)
Kakashi feels this strategy is going fantastically well until one day he looks up from examining Naruto’s sprained wrist to see Sakura showing off a chakra scalpel to Sasuke. 
Kakashi had maybe, in his genius planning, completely forgotten about Sakura as a variable. 
“Sakura,” Kakashi calls, feeling exhausted already. She snaps to attention, the scalpel fading from her fingers. When was the last time Kakashi had talked to her? He remembers her shooting him sad, betrayed puppy eyes the other day when he’d let Naruto and Sasuke get into a fist fight over who got to learn to water-walk first. 
I may have fucked up, Kakashi thinks, crossing the clearing to Sakura. Naruto hobbles after him, his wrist already healing itself. 
Outloud, Kakashi asks, “Where did you learn to do that?”
Sakura has the grace to look guilty. “Sasori-san told me how to do it.”
“What did he teach you?” Naruto demands, face scrunching up. “Something cool? Hey, Sensei, how come you don’t–”
Kakashi ignores him, staring defeated down at Sakura’s fingers as she resummons her chakra scalpel. It’s on the smaller side, but its blade is perfectly sharp, and she hadn’t needed hand signs to do it. 
“Sasori-san has lots of good advice,” Sakura says brightly. 
On the bright side, Sasori isn’t actually demonstrating jutsu for Sakura. On the side that makes Kakashi anxiety spike and his face go all sweaty under his hitai-ate, Sakura can apparently just listen to an in-depth description of a chakra scalpel and then go off and figure it out herself. 
Completely unsupervised. 
“I tried it on a rat our neighbor found in his attic,” Sakura babbles. “It’s pretty effective. Oh! But Sasori-san says an expert can modify it all sorts of ways. Like a medic can use them to cut away clothes without damaging skin–”
Kakashi doesn’t actually think Sakura is stupid enough to go and immediately use her new technique in a spar with a friend, the way Sasuke or Naruto might be tempted to. But that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t fuck it up and then cut her own fingers off, or try something dumb like cut a sleeve off and then stab herself. 
“Sakura,” Kakashi interrupts her. “I don’t want you talking to Sasori alone.”
Sakura pouts at him, but her usually pathetic, watery pout is backed by actual anger and frustration this time. 
“But you’re not talking to me,” Sakura whines. “Sasori-san says that’s not normal. He says you should have taught me water-walking first and had me explain it to Naruto and Sasuke-kun because you don’t remember the Academy or how to learn–”
Kakashi buries his face in his hand. This is, in hindsight, a better teaching strategy than letting Naruto and Sasuke try to drown each other while Sakura wandered off. But Sasori didn’t have to explain this so explicitly to Sakura of all people, who of course immediately internalizes the opinions of anyone with an illusion of authority. 
“Wait, can you water-walk?” Sasuke asks, because while he’s doing better than Naruto, he can only get a few steps at a time. “Kakashi-sensei doesn’t make sense and he won’t let me use the sharingan–”
Sakura brightens and preens at Sasuke’s attention, which makes Naruto’s brows furrow. Maybe Kakashi can incorporate Sakura into his grand master plan by fanning the flames of their stupid, juvenile love triangle? No, that’s a worse idea than what he’s already doing… 
It’s pretty late into the afternoon, so he lets them go home. He finds Sasori in a tree a couple kilometers away, fiddling with a metal device that has a bunch of springs jammed into it for unclear but probably horrifying purposes. 
“Don’t tell my student I’m a bad teacher,” Kakashi drawls at him. “You’ll ruin my cool and hip reputation.”
Sasori levels him with a deeply unimpressed look as Kakashi lands in front of him on the wide branch. 
“I only speak the truth,” he replies, and the metal device disappears into the billowing sleeve of his cloak. “Besides, you’re ignoring her. You need a balanced team if you’re going to enter them into the Chunin Exams.”
Kakashi feels vaguely like smashing his face into the trunk of the tree. 
“I’m doing what now?” he asks. 
“How else do you intend to lure Orochimaru out?” Sasori asks. 
“With something that’s not a bunch of baby genin?” Kakashi counters. His team is… well, they’ve got a lot of potential. That doesn’t mean they’ve realized any of that potential, especially not when Kakashi is too busy protecting them from Sasori to draw any of that potential out. They will not survive an encounter with Orochimaru. 
Sasori eyes Kakashi up and down critically. 
“Whatever paranoia you have about my intentions with your team,” Sasori says eventually, “it would be counterproductive to my goals for Orochimaru to harm them.”
That is… technically true. 
Sasori’s face wrinkles into an ugly sneer. “Besides, I already promised you I wouldn’t hurt them. You think I’d break my word?”
Kakashi groans, falling back from his crouch on the tree branch onto his ass and letting his legs dangle over the side. Sasori’s argument is sound as always, even if every one of Sasori’s motivations are insane. 
“I still don’t want to use Sasuke as bait,” he replies. Sasori rolls his eyes. 
The debate over whether or not to enter Team 7 into the Chunin Exams becomes abruptly moot the next morning, when Sandaime-sama calls in a handful of jounin-sensei to suggest they enter their teams. 
“You have a lot of exceptional genin,” Sandaime-sama says, puffing at his pipe. “Even if a pass is unlikely, Konoha will make a good show.”
Kakashi has to work very hard to keep himself from seeming outwardly desperate. Sandaime-sama knows Kakashi reported on Orochimaru’s interference, even if Konoha basically ignored it. Would he really toss a bunch of green genin into this? His eye shoots over to Kurenai and Asuma, who both look perfectly calm, like Sandaime has asked them to run a couple minor errands instead of risk their precious student’s lives. 
Of course, they don’t know this exam could be significantly more dangerous than normal, and Kakashi can’t just blab his highly-classified worries in front of them. They probably think a Konoha-based exam will be less dangerous than normal. 
Kakashi’s eye darts over to Gai next, standing at his other side. Gai looks as determined and enthusiastic as ever. Maybe Kakashi will say something to Gai in private, when there’s no Hokage or secret ANBU guard to chastise or arrest him for sharing classified information. Gai loves his team. 
“Any one of my cute students would make an excellent chunin,” Gai declares, flashing a classic thumbs up. “They have already shown interest in entering. I will bring them the entry forms today.”
“On my team, Shino might pass,” Kurenai says thoughtfully. “Hinata and Kiba are… a bit immature… but the exams would be a good experience for them. I’ll also bring them entry forms.”
Asuma lets out a single snort of a laugh. “My team is also lacking on the maturity front,” he says. “But you’re right, Kurenai– this will be a good experience. Plus their teamwork is top-notch when they're not being brats; I think it’d be good optics for Konoha.”
There’s a long pause, and Kakashi feels all eyes turn to him. Kakashi ignores his fellow jounin, his own eye boring into Sandaime. 
“I’ve already given you my thoughts,” Kakashi says eventually. He doesn’t take his gaze off Sandaime-sama, but he can still feel the curiosity in the other three sensei. 
Sandaime-sama takes a long drag on his pipe, exhaling smoke through his nose. The sharp smell permeates the office. 
“We have assessed the potential threats that may come with opening our gates to foreign shinobi,” Sandaime-sama says calmly, “and regardless of what gossip you may have heard, Kakashi, we have found little corroborating evidence and judged the risk minimal. Multiple important clients have written us to ask about the status of young Uchiha. I highly recommend you enter your team, Kakashi.”
It is not a direct order, but if Kakashi ignores the recommendation, it will almost definitely turn into an order. Kakashi clenches his teeth and follows the other jounin sensei down a floor to pick up entry forms. 
“Gossip that bad?” Asume asks him, inserting a cigarette between his lips but not yet lighting it. His father may be able to get away with smoking indoors, but Asuma can’t, at least not in Hokage tower. “Is it the type you’re allowed to let us in on?”
Kakashi just snorts. 
“Figures,” Asume gripes. Neither he nor Kurenai are the least bit hesitant to request three forms each. 
On the way out, Gai claps a hand over Kakashi's shoulder. 
“You seem stressed, my rival,” Gai says. “Perhaps we should get a celebratory drink tonight?”
Kakashi feels tempted. A drunk Gai is a very entertaining Gai, but right now it’s also a sight more likely to stress Kakashi out than to calm him. Besides, if he’s with Gai, who the fuck knows what Sasori will get up to. 
Briefly, he has a fantasy of asking Sasori to the bar with them… he can’t imagine Sasori and Gai getting along, but that in and of itself could be fun. Except no, that will definitely get him in prison for treason or something. He can’t just casually be dating Sasori out in public like that. 
“I have to pass tonight,” Kakashi replies. “But I think you should warn your team to be extra cautious, even in Konoha.”
Gai raises both eyebrows. “Perhaps we should meet another time,” he says slowly, “and you can give me more specifics.”
“Yes, that’s a good idea,” Kakashi replies. 
Team 7, of course, agrees immediately to the Chunin Exam, even when Kakashi warns that they could be seriously injured or die. 
He knows Naruto and Sasuke would enter a chance at promotion and recognition even if Kakashi told them they’d have to cut off their own feet to do it. He ends his ominous warnings with his eyes on Sakura, his last ray of hope.
She doesn’t even blink. “Sasori-san said you’d try to scare us off,” she says, eyes locked defiantly with his.  
Sasori, you traitorous piece of shit, Kakashi thinks as Sakura takes the form from him. 
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Apr 8, 2024
One of my shortest-lived jobs was as a teacher at a school for girls near Sloane Square in London. I resigned after just two weeks because the headmistress was a religious zealot who had objected to me teaching a text which featured a gay character. In my resignation letter, I explained that I wasn’t prepared to work at a school which fostered such antediluvian attitudes. I stayed on to finish the term, but was delighted when I eventually made my escape.
I had previously worked at a boys’ school, and I soon noticed that there were some broad differences that manifested in an all-female environment. One of the most concerning was that many of the girls were engaged in what can only be described as competitive starvation. During lunch duties, I was warned to keep an eye out for pupils who had taken just a single lettuce leaf from the salad bar. If I saw any girl doing so, I was told I must immediately intercept her and demand that she return and fill her plate.
My first teaching post had been at a co-ed school in which cutting one’s own skin was the fashion. We even had a visiting expert telling us how to encourage these pupils to hold ice cubes in their hands until they felt shooting pains as a substitute for the razor. I remember at the time thinking that this wasn’t the best advice, but I was too green to raise an objection. Besides, this speaker had spent a considerable part of the session reminiscing about a shepherd she had once counselled who had, over the course of many months on the hillside, used a sharp wire to whittle his penis so that it eventually became forked. To this day, I am none the wiser as to the purpose of this anecdote.
But the shift from cutting to starvation was striking. At the former school, pupils were not refraining from food, and at the latter there were very few who were injuring themselves with blades. It was almost as though only one form of self-harm could predominate at any given time. And when a small group started doing it, the trend spread with remarkable rapidity. I hadn’t seen an equivalent back when I was teaching boys.
I have since learned that social contagions are especially common among teenage girls, and that there are numerous historical precedents for this. I have written elsewhere about the Salem witch trials of 1692-93, in which a group of girls began seeing demons in the shadows and accusing members of their own community of being in league with the Devil. Then there were the various “dancing plagues” of the middle ages which seemed to impact young women in particular. In 1892, girls at a school in Germany began to involuntarily shake their hands whenever they performed writing exercises. And when I visited Sweden last year, I was told about a local village where, during the medieval period, the girls all inexplicably began to limp.
It's perfectly clear that the latest social contagion to take hold in the western world is that of girls identifying out of their femaleness, either through claims that they are trans or non-binary. Whereas in 2012, there were only 250 referrals (mostly boys) to the NHS’s Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS), by 2021 the figure had risen to more than 5,000 (mostly female) patients. Gender activists like to claim that this is simply the consequence of more people “coming out” as society becomes more tolerant, and at the same time insist that it has never been a worse time to be trans. Consistency is not their strong suit.
Of course there are no easy answers as to the explosion of this latest fad, but surely the proliferation of social media has something to do with it. Platforms such as TikTok are replete with activists explaining to teenagers that their feelings of confusion are probably evidence that they have been “born in the wrong body”. For pubescent girls who are uncomfortable with their physiological changes, as well as sudden unwanted male sexual attention, the prospect of identifying out of womanhood makes complete sense. These online pedlars have some snake-oil to sell. And while a limping epidemic in a medieval village would be unlikely to spread very far, social contagions cannot be so confined in the digital age.
Much of this is reminiscent of the recovered memory hysteria of the late twentieth-century, when therapist cranks promoted the idea that most victims of sexual abuse had repressed their traumatic memories from childhood. It led to numerous cases of people imagining that they had been abused by parents and other family members, and many lives were ruined as a result. One of the key texts in this movement was The Courage to Heal (1988) by Ellen Bass and Laura Davis, which made the astonishing and unevidenced claim that “if you are unable to remember any specific instances… but still have a feeling that something abusive happened to you, it probably did”.
A common feature of social contagions is that they depend upon the elevation of intuition over material reality. Just as innocent family members were accused of sexual abuse because of “feelings” teased out by unscrupulous therapists, many girls are now being urged by online influencers to trust the evidence of their emotions and accept a misalignment between their body and their gendered soul. We are not talking here about the handful of children who suffer from gender dysphoria, but rather healthy children who have been swept up in a temporary craze.
Activists have been quick to demonise the entire notion of “social contagion” as a “transphobic talking point”, but the evidence for it is now indisputable. The review into paediatric gender treatment by Dame Hilary Cass is due to be published this Wednesday, and is likely to include recommendations that schools stop the “social transitioning” of children. The interim review had already pointed out that enabling pupils to adopt alternative names, pronouns and dress codes was “not a neutral act”. And there is mounting evidence that such an approach consolidates a child’s psychological conceptualisation of herself as a member of the opposite sex. While social transitioning is seen as compassionate, in reality is causes long-term harm.
It would seem that teenage girls will always be prone to these social contagions, but some are more damaging than others. Whereas limping and dancing and trembling can be overcome, the lifelong impact of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgery will not be so transient. Let’s hope this particular hysteria soon goes the way of all the others.
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