#Last year i made a post saying that Ochako got boring
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tae-shimura-is-my-wife · 2 years ago
Ochako wanted to be like Izuku so much that she ended becoming a souless shell who just exists to be a perfect hero exactly like him, poor girl 😔
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makeste · 4 years ago
BnHA 323: “I Don’t Know How to Explain to You That You Should Care About Other People”
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all, “Izuku, I’m sorry.” Bakugou Stans were all, “[sobs for a week straight and tearfully awards him the Nobel Prize for character development].” Deku was all, “[faints in Kacchan’s arms].” Iida was all, “[trying to decide if Ochako genuinely tried to kill him a few minutes ago].” Horikoshi was all, “NO TIME FOR HUGS WE MUST GET BACK TO UA.” The civilians holed up at U.A. were all, “WE TOOK A VOTE AND DECIDED THAT WE’RE ALL GOING TO BE JERKS ABOUT THIS AND MAKE A BIG FUSS ABOUT YOU LETTING DEKU BACK INTO THE SCHOOL.” Deku was all “[stands there looking like he expected nothing less and breaking my heart more and more with each passing moment].” Ochako was all, “that does it, looks like I’m gonna have to do something about this... next chapter, that is.”
Today on BnHA: Flashback!Rat Principal is all “I just want you all to know that I spent nine million dollars turning U.A. into a giant Battleship-style grid that can burrow underground and zoom around in a giant subway maze because Horikoshi lacks a grounded understanding of both civil engineering and economics.” Back in the present day, Jeanist is all, “EVERYONE TAKE HEED, MY COMRADES AND I HAVE DEEMED IT EXPEDIENT TO CONVEY THIS AUSPICIOUS YOUTH BACK TO THIS STRONGHOLD. WE ANTICIPATE THAT WE MAY DEPEND UPON YOUR GOODWILL AND ACQUIESCENCE TO THESE TERMS.” The civilians were all, “NO.” Ochako was all, “EMPATHY, MOTHERFUCKERS, DO YOU SPEAK IT?!” The civilians were all, “oh shit.” Anyway so Ochako is a giant badass, but I’m a little worried that she’s going to get struck by lightning. Please come down from there.
so before we start this chapter, I would just like to apologize for having not posted the ch 321 recap yet, and would like to reassure everyone, and especially Iida who is staring at me with Sad Wobbly Guilt Trip Eyes, that I will get to that as soon as I can
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yes please Horikoshi please show us more of class 1-A and their Deku intervention strategy jam sessions
oh dear
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Iida you are too pure and good for this cruel world. [sprays the U.A. civilians with a water bottle] NO. BAD CIVILIANS! NO OSTRACIZING SCARED AND EXHAUSTED CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE
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RAT PRINCIPAL: he’s free to return to us at any time!!
ALSO RAT PRINCIPAL: but it’s too risky for him to return to us
?? ??????? ?????????????????????
so now he’s going on about how strong the U.A. Barrier is, and how it’s comparable to the defensive capabilities of Tartarus. this would have sounded a lot more impressive before chapter 297 lol
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so now Rat Principal says he upgraded U.A.’s security systems with his own “modifications”, whatever the fuck that means. I mean look, I’ve been saying for a long time now that U.A. is the best place for everyone to hole up, don’t get me wrong. but that was mostly on account of there not being any other practical alternatives. but you’re making it sound like you figured out a way to actually make it Decay-proof or some wild shit like that
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oh okay so the whole campus is basically capable of burrowing itself underground. that’s insane lol I wonder how they pulled that off. probably got poor Cementoss working overtime
blah blah blah so basically the entire campus is split into a grid and each section of the grid is capable of its own independent movement. lol this is just the Merone Base from KHR. you thought no one would notice this casual plagiarism ten years after the fact, but YOU UNDERESTIMATED YOUR AUDIENCE, HORIKOSHI
“joke’s on you imma just lampshade it” WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
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“look at me I’m so fucking self-aware” fucking swear to god. I can’t believe this man is my favorite mangaka of all time smdh
“excuse me, I wasn’t finished describing all the rest of this bullshit yet,” Rat Principal breaks in impatiently. “we also added a steel wall all around the underground of the campus that’s 3000 steel plates thick. that’s fifteen fucking meters of solid fucking steel just fyi. and if anyone fucks around with any part of it the defense system will activate immediately! and also all of the plates are independently motorized, whatever the fuck that means!! in conclusion you’re gonna need a fucking tower crane to suspend all of your disbelief by the time I’m through with this paragraph”
“also Shiketsu is almost as reinforced as U.A. but not quite because we still had to make sure we were better.” but of course. and apparently the two schools are connected via a secret tunnel as Hagakure mentioned earlier
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(ETA: moment of appreciation for Shouto and Katsuki having the same thought at the same time and making Knowing Eye Contact and saying the exact same thing out loud in perfect unison like the best friends they are. what a blessed day.)
so Tokoyami is all “but wait if you engineered all this shit all the way back during the Band arc how did you even know that Tomura’s quirk awakening would become a thing, Horikoshi -- uh, I mean, Principal Nezu”
and Rat Principal is all “lol idk”
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“basically I just woke up one morning and was all ‘say, you know what this school really needs? a fifteen-meter-thick underground steel wall, and the ability to break up into little pieces that individually zoom around wherever the fuck they want.’ jesus christ. lol if money and common sense were apparently no obstacle why didn’t you just teleport U.A. to the fucking moon or something. maybe I should shut up before I given him any ideas
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you heard it here first, folks, all of this cost a grand total of nine million U.S. dollars. well technically it cost “more than” nine million dollars. never has that distinction been more important lmao. are we sure this barrier was really made of steel and not cardboard? who the hell sold it to them, Ea-Nasir??
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this is my favorite manga series of all time. yes I am ashamed
“in conclusion please do your best to reach Deku-kun” SO WHAT WAS ALL THAT NONSENSE ABOUT IT BEING TOO RISKY THEN. anyway thank you for this super informative and edifying flashback, Horikoshi. I will cherish it always. I don’t even want to read another translation of this absurdity lmao, there’s something special about it just the way it is. pretty sure Horikoshi just had a cracked out fever dream one night and transferred it to the pages of the manga verbatim
anyway so back to the unruly mob
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not their finest moment. please excuse me while I cover poor Deku’s ears and give him a good shoosh pap
oh wow the parents are out here too
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is Mitsuki trying to hold Inko back?? that’s the last thing this fandom needs right now is more Mitsuki discourse fffwlkjs. and even Jiroudad, scientifically proven to be the best dad in all of BnHA, is just standing there silently looking vaguely unhappy. way to rise to the moment you guys
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so this settles it for me that Aizawa is not at UA. I know a lot of people have been wondering about his whereabouts, and if I had to wager a guess it would be that something happened with Shirakumo/Kurogiri. I can’t think of anything else -- even the loss of an eye and a limb -- that would keep him from his kids at a time like this
anyway but this is excellent Monoma content right here though. I love that he apparently adopted Eri after a single interaction with her. also WHERE IS SHINSOU DAMMIT. THE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW
and Kouta’s there too looking like he wants to run over to Deku but Ragdoll won’t let him :/
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so now Mic is telling them to calm down. at least someone’s speaking up here, geez
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truly in awe of this man’s ability to take messages which could easily be conveyed in ELI5-speak, and stubbornly convert them into incomprehensible language the likes of which you need a graduate degree in order to understand
“hey guys, so originally our plan was to use Deku as bait for the villains, but that didn’t really work and also we realized it was kinda dumb and was probably gonna get him killed, so we brought him back here instead.” was that really so hard, Jeanist. also are we all really just gonna sit back here and watch Jeanist take full credit for Bakugou’s plan just like that lmao
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WHERE DID ENDEAVOR GO AND WHO IS THIS DIABOLICAL MASTER OF DISGUISE. lol I genuinely didn’t notice this because I was too busy digging through thesauruses trying to rewrite Jeanist’s speech; many thanks to @class1akids​ for pointing it out and making my day immeasurably better. take it easy there Dick Tracy.)
“anyway so please stop being dicks and let him fucking rest so he can save all your ungrateful asses” what an impassioned and inspiring plea. time to see if the masses will listen to reason
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narrator: they did not listen to reason
oh my god finally Ochako is doing something. YEAH OCHAKO WOOOO SHOW THEM HOW IT’S DONE
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this entire chapter is truly and utterly nonsensical to me lol
(ETA: on my second readthrough I’m fucking dying at how she stole the megaphone right out of Mic’s hand lmao. and how Kacchan is all “fuck yeah nothing I appreciate more than some quality fucking larceny.”)
oh I see she was jumping on top of the main building so as to scream down at them all more impressively
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“ANYWAY DEKU IS PRETTY COOL ACTUALLY, YOU GUYS ARE JUST MEAN” couldn’t have said it better myself Ochako
lol uh
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gotta say I did not have “Ochako reveals the secret of OFA to the entire U.A. Citizen Clown Parade” on my bingo card for this week. it’s a bold strategy cotton let’s see if it pays off
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so she is basically explaining the entire Deku Angst arc to them and explaining what a good and selfless protagonist Deku is, YES, PREACH
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not to insinuate anything, but what exactly were you doing standing out here with the hysterical mob, Gigantic Fox Lady? you’re better than that
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sdlkfjl. thanks for weighing in with that helpful and important observation. where have you been for the last five minutes. were you asleep. was it Jeanist’s speech
never mind, now he’s yelling at the civilians so I instantly forgive him
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“anyway so I’m just going to end the chapter here” lmao seventeen pages truly do go by so fast. at least he didn’t try to force in a cliffhanger at the end this time. dare I say, growth
so I guess the civilians are either gonna have a Kamino and/or Fukuoka-esque moment where they remember how to be decent people and apologize to this poor young man, or else they’ll remain unpersuaded, and so Kacchan will have to knock a few of their heads around until they become more inclined to be reasonable. either option is fine by me lol
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lowkeyhighkeygae · 3 years ago
One shot for Jirou cuz i felt like it :/
*Don’t have high hopes this is literally my first post*
“Mina, why are you making me leave my room where it’s warm and cozy?” Jirou grumbled as the pink girl pushed her out of the room.
“Because it’s your birthday and what kind of friend would I be if I let you spend it in your boring ass dorm room?” Mina explained as she walked down the hall dragging the birthday girl behind her.
“A nice considerate one.” Jirou grumbled.
“Oh shush! I promise this is going to be worth it!” Mina said with a smile a little too wide for Jirou to be comfortable with.
“It better be.” Jirou scowled.
After Mina got Jirou out of the dorm building she hooked their arms together and set off to the school gate.
“Why did you make me wear this? It's cold as balls out here.” Jirou shivered.
“Because you look hot.” Mina answered plainly, not even looking up from the conversation she was having over text. Jirou may have been freezing but she couldn’t deny that the outfit Mina chose for her was hot. Mina had picked out a pair of black baggy cargo pants and some high-waisted fishnets to go under them along with a cropped long-sleeved mesh shirt with the only padded bra Jirou owned, a plane black bra with dark purple and white rhinestones along the straps spelling out “nasty” needless to say it was a bra that Jirou didn’t wear often. Mina had even gone as far as to add accessories to the outfit. She added Jirous only belt, multiple chains for her pants, almost every ring and necklace Jirou owned along with some of her own Mina decided to leave Jirous face jewelry as it was which she was very grateful for and she let Jirou do her own hair and makeup. Mina had been leading Jirou farther into town then she’d expected. Last year Jirou hadn’t done very much to celebrate,she opted to stay in her dorm room for most of the day, video chatting with her parents and eating a cupcake Sato had made for her. She didn’t even open her presents until the next week when she started to hate how much room they were taking up. Now that she thought about it, how she spent her last birthday may have been part of the reason Mina seemed to be going all out this year.
“Mina where are we going? We’ve been walking for like thirty minutes.” Jirou groaned, if she had known how much they were going to walk she would’ve worn sneakers instead of her combat boots.
“Don’t worry we’re almost there! But we should hurry up. I think the others are already there.” Mina sped up her pace to Jirous' amazement, Mina was wearing heels at least fourinches tall along with a tight mini-skirt Jirou didn’t understand how she managed to stand in those things.
“Wait, what do you mean, others?” Jirou asked after fully processing what Mina had said.
“No time to explain we’re here!” Mina pulled Jirou through a door leading to a desk where a young man sat silently drumming his fingers to whatever music was playing in his headphones.
“Excuse me, we're looking for the room reserved under Ejiro Kirishima?” Mina asked, leaning over the desk into the man's personal space. The man who didn’t seem to mind quickly looked over the logging sheet on his computer.
“Kirishima, found it! You’re gonna want to go to room five, go straight down the hall and turn left, it should be the first door on the right. Come find me if you need any help finding it!” He winked at Mina who completely ignored him and dragged Jirou down the hall.
“Kirishima’s here?” Jirou asked Mina.
“Yep! Oh my god I’m so excited! We’re going to have so much fun!” Mina squealed as they turned left.
“You still haven’t told me what we’re doing!” Mina had flung the door open before Jirou had finished talking.
“Jirou! Mina! Guys they’re here!” Kirishima called out as he pulled both girls into the room. Jirou looked around at all the people inside,
“Yay!” Ochako squealed as she tied a balloon.
“WOO! JIROU! MINA! YOU’RE HERE!” Denki yelled from across the room.
“Took you long enough.” Bakugou complained as he placed plates down on a table full of food.
“Happy birthday Jirou!” Mina bounced, leading her farther into the room. “We wanted to surprise you with a super fun party! Especially because your last birthday was so boring.” Mina explains dragging Jirou to the couch placed in the center of the room.
“Mina I still have no idea what we’re do-” Jirou eyes landed on the screen in front of her, then on the microphone stand put off to the side. “Karaoke?”
“Yes! Isn’t it perfect! You get to sing and we get to throw you an awesome party!” Mina laughed.
“Mina, why didn’t you tell me?” Jirou asked.
“Because if she did then it wouldn’t have been a surprise.” Someone explained from behind the couch. Jirou whipped around to face the source of the voice.
“Happy birthday Jirou!” Momo was standing in front of the door holding two cups filled with silverware next to Sato who was very carefully carrying a cake.
“Sorry we’re late, we forgot that we needed to actually bring the cake.” Sato laughed nervously.
“Don’t worry about it! We haven’t even started karaoke.” Kirishima said taking one side of the cake from Sato.
“Speaking about karaoke, I already have a song picked out and I’m ready to sing it!” Denki pumped his fist.
“I’m almost done setting up the computer!” Midoriya called out from a small table in the corner.
“Hurry up we don’t have all night!” Bakugou yelled.
“Yes we do! Kiri reserved this room for the whole night and since it’s Saturday that means we can spend as much time as we want singing our hearts out!” Mina yelled standing up.
“You guys reserved the room for the whole night?!” Jirou gasped. “That’s gotta be a shit ton of money!” Jirous stomach started to fill with guilt at the thought of making her friends spend so much money on her.
“Don’t worry about that Jirou, it’s my gift to you!” Jirou jumped a little as Momo sat down next to her.
“You really shouldn’t have-“ Jirou started quickly cut off by Momo,
“I wanted to! I promise! Please don’t worry Jirou. I'm happy to pay for this, plus it’s a special occasion, you only ever turn 18 once!” Momo reasoned, resting her hand on Jirous' shoulders in an attempt to comfort the girl. Momo's attempts proved to be counter productive when Jirou buried her face in both of her hands.
“Um Jirou you good?” Denki asked, laughing when all the girl did in response was give a thumbs up.
After Midoryia finished setting the computer and almost everyone had found a place to sit, Denki made his way to the stage.
“I’m going to sing a very special song that I’m sure at least eight and a half of you know!” He chose out his song and waited.
(Three, two, one)
(Let's session!)
“Check check check tasting you” (no no no no no)
“hyappatsu hyakuchuu Hole in one” (wow wowo yeah yeah)
As soon as the music started playing a chorus of cheers and boos came from the audience. Denki paid no mind to either as he sang the song almost perfectly.
“I wanna wanna touch your BODY!” Denki finished the song on his knees holding the finishing note even after the song had finished.
“We get it sparky! You’re a whore and you’re gay!” Bakugou called out, earning a laugh from everyone including Denki.
“Well birthday girl, what’s my score?” Denki asked as he leaned towards Jirou.
“Oh that was a hard 2/10, better luck next time.” Jirou smirked and made an X with her fingers. Denki dramatically clutched his heart and staggered off the stage landing on the lap of Shinsou who rolled his eyes but made no move to shove the blond off.
“Me next! Me next!” Mina jumped up running towards the computer to look for her song. “Got a figure like a pin-up got a figure like a doll! Don’t care if you think I’m dumb, I don’t care at all. Kenny-bear sweetie-pie wanna be adored, I’m the Girl you’d die for.” Mina started singing and dancing along to the song. “I’ll chew you up and I’ll spit you out cuz that’s what young love, is all about so pull me closer and kiss me hard I’m gonna pop your bubblegum heart!” As she sang Mina quickly adopted the essence of the song and started to flirt with everyone watching. “I’m miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips, hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss!” Hopping off the stage she walked behind the couch, “I’m miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips, I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch, I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch!” As the music played Mina walked behind the couch trailing her fingers along the shoulders and backs of the people sitting. “Queen-text! latex! I'm your wonder maid! Life gave me some lemons so I made some lemonade, soda pop! soda pop! Baby here I come! Straight to number one.” After she made her way around back to the front of the couch she kept on walking stopping in front of Jirou who was sitting in the middle of the couch. Mina slowly walked up to Jirou before leaning in front of her face. “Oh dear diary, I met a boy. He made my doll heart light up with joy” She gently cupped Jirous face, “oh dear diary, we fell apart” she let her hand fall before turning her back and walking back onto the stage. “Welcome to the life of” Mina looked at Jirou over her shoulder, “Electra Heart!” After that Mina finished the song with more flirting and dancing, “I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch! I’m gonna be your bubblegum bitch!” Clapping erupted from the people sitting as the music finished and Mina bowed.
“Mina! I didn’t know you could sing!” Jirou exclaimed as the pink girl returned to her seat next to her.
“Oh I can’t really, I just know that song really well!” Mina laughed.
“Well with a performance like that one, how well you can sing doesn’t matter.” Hagakure said slyly, earning a laugh from the two girls.
“I told you! I don’t sing!”
“Oh c’mon man! Just do it!” The three girls turned to see Bakugou yelling at Kirishima.
“Hey! What’s going on?” Hagakure asked.
“Bakubro’s totally refusing to sing!” Kirishima answered.
“What? No! You have to sing Bakugou!” Mina cried leaning over the back of the couch.
“Fuck you! I don’t have to do anything!” Bakugou shouted.
“But it’s Jirous birthday!”
“Yeah Bakugou it’s my birthday! Don’t tell me you’re too scared to sing.” Jirou teased.
“You fucking bitch! If I’m gonna sing some shitty song you’re gonna sing it with me.” Bakugou stood up from his chair and dragged Jirou to the computer.
“Fuck you.” Bakugou grumbled as he searched up a song.
“No thanks, I’m not into assholes!” Jirou shot back, earning an eye roll from the blonde.
“Whatever, grab a mic.”
“Hey aren’t you going to at least tell me what song we’re singing?!” Jirou asked.
“No you’ll know it.” Bakugou told her plainly. He wasn’t wrong, Jirou recognized the song instantly.
“Wow real creative Bakugou.” Jirou poked,
“Shut up and sing!” Bakugou shot back.
“Oh don’t worry I’ll sing, it’d be cruel to make all of them listen to your singing alone.” Jirou laughed leaving Bakugou no time to speak before she started singing. “Load up on guns, bring your friends, it’s fun to lose and to pretend.” Jirou sang in a low voice, “she’s over-bored and self-assured, oh-no I know a dirty word.” She glanced over to Bakugou who nodded.
“Hello, hello, hello, how low.” Jirou sang an octave higher than the original song.
“Hello, hello, hello, how low.” Bakugou sang in a voice deep enough to sing the original octave comfortably.
“Hello, hello, hello, how low.
Hello, hello, hello” they both harmonized.
“With the lights out,” Bakugou's voice perfectly fit the song.
“it's less dangerous” Jirou sang, the song was too deep for her to sing comfortably so she resorted to singing a higher harmony.
“Here we are now,”
“entertain us. I feel stupid and contagious.”
“Here we are now,”
“entertain us”
“A mulatto,”
“an albino,”
“a mosquito,”
“my libido” Jirou and Bakugou switched off.
“Yeah, hey” Both their voices rang out low.
“I'm worse at what I do best, and for this gift I feel blessed. Our little group has always been and always will until the end.” A massive grin formed on Bakugou's face as he sang,
“Hello, hello, hello, how low. Hello, hello, hello, how low. Hello, hello, hello, how low. Hello, hello, hello” an identical grin forming on Jirous face. The two of them sang together, harmonizing perfectly. As they sang the other students seemed frozen with shock, admiration or fear in their eyes. Both Bakugou and Jirou finished singing sweaty and hot but with smiles a mile wide.
“OH MY GOD THAT WAS SO FUCKING HOT!” Mina screamed from the couch, her cheers quickly followed by the rest of the class.
“Bakugou I didn’t know you could sing!” Denki yelled from his seat next to Shinsou.
“Yeah I know, I was hoping you’d never find out. But someone just had to make me sing a shitty ass song.” Bakugou snapped at the boy earning a smack on the back of his head from Jirou.
“Don’t disrespect Nirvana like that!” Jirou scolded.
“Guys that was amazing! I knew Jirou would be totally awesome but I really didn’t expect that from you Bakugou! When did you learn to sing like that?” Ochako asked as she praised the pair.
“What do you mean learn? I’m just amazing!” Bakugou answered.
“Don’t lie Kachan, you and I both know how much time you spent training your voice.” Midoryia called out.
“What are you talking about Midoryia?” Ochako asked before Bakugou could stop her.
“Bakugou has been training his voice since we were kids.” Midoryia explained, ignoring how Bakugou fumed.
“Really why?” This time it was Kirishima who asked.
“Don’t you dare answer Deku!” Bakugou yelled.
“Well ever since our moms signed us up for a theatre camp he’s been set on training his voice.” Midoryia replied, ignoring Bakugou's threat.
“You can’t be serious.” Sero asked.
“I’m dead serious.” Midoryia smiled while Bakugou's face drained of color.
“So you’re telling me, Bakugou was, a-“ Mina started,
“Don’t say it!” Bakugou cut her off.
“Theater kid?!” She screamed.
“No way! Bakugou, is this for real?” Kirishima laughed.
“Yeah it fucking is! And you know what Deku I fucking earned first place in the goddamn showcase!” Bakugou spat.
“Oh please Kachan you’re just bitter that you didn’t get to solo Waving Through A Window!” Midoryia accused.
“I would’ve gotten it if you weren’t such a kiss ass!” Bakugou raised his voice as his palms started to spark.
“I wasn’t a kiss ass you were just an asshole!” Midoryia stood up and a green light started to glow around him.
“Wow! C’mon guys let’s not tear each other apart! Please?” Kirishima stepped between them trying to deescalate the situation.
“Kirishima is right, no one here wants to deal with your weird homoerotic rivalry. Just sing a duet and then drop it.” Tsu chimed in with her famous level-headed coolness.
“I’ll fucking crush you Deku!” Bakugou sneered.
“I’d like to see you try, Kachan.” Midoryia leaned down looking Bakugou in his eyes which clearly enraged Bakugou.
Kirishima set up the song and gave both of them a microphone.
“This is going to be a disaster, Mina you better film this.” Jirou grinned, eyes glued on the two.
“Way ahead of you.” Mina said with a smirk.
“I've learned to slam on the brake. Before I even turn the key. Before I make the mistake
Before I lead with the worst of me” Hearing Bakugou sing musical theatre after just singing a grunge song was a major experience.
“Oh wow he’s really good.” Mina gasped
“Yeah he actually is.” Jirou stared in amazement. Unlike his voice when he was singing with Jirou Bakugou sang with a soft but steady voice, he somehow managed to sing in the song's original octave even though it was so high.
“Give them no reason to stare. No slipping up if you slip away. So I got nothing to share. No, I got nothing to say.” Once Midoryia started to sing, everyone in the room went silent even Bakugou seemed shocked. Midoryias voice had deepened quite a bit since their first year but it still seemed to fit perfectly with this song. “Step out, step out of the sun, if you keep getting burned.”
“Step out, step out of the sun, because you've learned, because you've learned” Both of their voices somehow fit the song perfectly despite them being so different. Bakugou's voice seemed rough and harsh while Midoryias was raw and controlled.
“On the outside, always looking in
Will I ever be more than I've always been?
'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass
I'm waving through a window
I try to speak, but nobody can hear
So I wait around for an answer to appear
While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass
I'm waving through a window, oh
Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me?” As the two harmonized everyone watching was struck silent, every pair of eyes were glued to the two boys singing. Jirou wasn’t sure she even blinked until the two boys had finished their duet. Both of their voices had rendered everyone silent. Bakugou and Midoryia stood next to each other chest heaving, Bakugou was the first to speak.
“Told you I should’ve gotten that solo.” Bakugou smirked
“As if Kachan.” Midoryia rolled his eyes.
“That was actually really impressive.” Denki said surprised.
“Wow you two that was really good!” Ochako grinned.
“That was a great performance!” Momo said with a smile.
“Why are you two becoming hero’s? You should be on Broadway!” Mina asked as she uploaded her video to Twitter.
“Fight successfully avoided!” Kirishima sighed. Sending a smile to Tsu. Before Midoryia was able to sit back down, Denki grabbed onto his arm.
“No way! You can’t just sit back down after that, you’ve gotta sing something else!”
“Oh I-I don’t know, I don’t really know any other songs.” Midoryia rubbed the back of his neck.
“C’mon man you can sing any song you want!” Kirishima slinged his arm around the boy’s shoulders.
“O-okay.” Midoryia chuckled nervously.
Midoryia walked back onto the stage after picking out his song. Jirou didn’t know what to expect but she definitely didn’t expect to know the song the moment it started to play.
“Oh damn.”
“Do you know this song?” Momo asked, leaning into her slightly.
“Yeah, I definitely didn’t expect Midoryia to know it though.” Jirou answered leaning over so Momo could hear her whisper. The boy on stage took a deep breath before he started to sing.
“Every time we lie awake, after every hit we take. Every feeling that I get, but I haven't missed you yet.”
Midoryia easily sang this song hitting every note almost perfectly. “Every room-mate kept awake, by every sigh and scream we make. All the feelings that I get, but I still don't miss you yet. Only when I stop to think about it.”
His eyes were pressed shut and his grip on the mic tightened.
“I hate everything about you! Why do I love you? I hate everything about you! Why do I love you?” Jirou heard gasps of shock from multiple of her friends as Midoryia sang.
Jirou looked around at the people watching and saw some people were mouthing along or moving along to the song. She also noticed a few people staring intensely at Midoriya.
“Hey Mina.” Jirou lightly elbowed the girl on her left.
“What?” Mina asked in a hushed voice.
“Check out Blasty, Todo, Kiri, and Ochako.” Minas eyes lit up with understanding,
“Looks like Midoryia has his own fan club.” Mina winked as Momo and Jirou giggled.
“I hate everything about you! Why do I love you? You hate everything about me! Why do you love me? I hate! You hate! I hate! You love me. I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?” Midoryia stood there for a couple of seconds before finally opening his eyes.
“Holy shit.” Kirishima broke the silence.
“Yeah.” Ochako agreed, stunned.
“Sorry if that wasn’t what you guys were hoping for, I’m going to sit down now.” Midoryia ducked his head in embarrassment.
“What! No! it was amazing Deku!” Ochako jumped up from where she was sitting.
“Yeah bro that was so manly!” Kirishima said backing up Ochako.
“You’re a very good singer, Midoryia.” Todoroki said, if it wasn’t for the blush on his cheeks Jirou would’ve thought he didn’t mean it.
“Thanks guys. I’m glad you liked it!” Midoryia smiled and quickly sat back down with a blush spreading across his face.
Soon enough everyone settled into a steady rhythm of singing, laughing and eating. Ayoyama impressed everyone by singing in perfect French but Sero showed him up by serenading them all in Spanish. Ojiro and Kirishima sang together as a duet with amazing chemistry which Jirou couldn’t tell was real or not, and judging by the look on Bakugous face he couldn’t either. At some point Sato brought out plates and started serving cake. Sato had somehow managed to exceed everyone’s expectations by baking the best cake any of them had ever tasted. What started as innocent cake eating soon escalated into a full fledged food fight where Jirou ran away frantically while Mina, Denki, Sero and Kirishima chased her around trying to shove her face into the remaining cake. The latter were eventually victorious when Bakugou caught Jirou off guard and held her down long enough for the cake to be pushed into her face.
“NO!!” Jirou screamed as two hands pushed her face down into the cake.
“FUCK YOU! YOU WHORES!” Jirou screamed in response.
“WATCH YOUR FUCKING LANGUAGE!” Bakugou scowled, letting go of Jirous arms.
“Fuck you.” Jirou said, wiping frosting off of her face.
“Maybe when you’re not covered in cake.” Bakugou shot back with a shit eating grin.
“Fucking ew. Anyway I’ve gotta go get this shit off me before it makes me break out. Be back in a second.” Jirou stood up flicking frosting in her attackers faces.
“I’ll take you to the restrooms. It's easy to get lost in these halls.” Momo stood up from her spot on the couch and quickly held the door open for Jirou. Once both girls left the room Mina and Bakugou shared a glance matching grins on their faces.
“You thinking what I’m thinking?”
“No, I’m probably thinking something better if I’m honest.” Bakugou quipped.
“Oh fuck off!” Mina frowned.
“You didn’t have to come, I probably would’ve found my way back.” Jirou mumbled as she wiped her face dry.
“I wanted to come and besides the room was starting to get stuffy.” Momo said as she leaned against the counter.
“Hey Momo.” Jirou started.
“Yes Jirou?” She raised her eyebrows.
“Um thanks, for this
” Jirou fiddled with the chains on her belt.
“Jirou I promise it wasn’t a problem, it’s your birthday! I’m just relieved you aren’t angry with me.” Momo explained a light blush dusting her cheeks.
“What? Why would I be mad at you?” Jirou dropped her hands.
“Oh- well um, ever since last year you’ve been avoiding me. I thought maybe I did something to make you angry and that was why we never hung out.” Momo nervously toyed with her bangs.
“That’s not!- Momo I promise I’ve never been mad at you.” Jirou sucked in a deep breath. “I wasn’t angry, I was nervous, honestly.” Jirou chuckled a little. Momo's eyes grew wide but she was still frowning.
“Did I do something to make you nervous? I-I’m sorry!” Momo ducked her head, tears gathering in her eyes.
“Momo why are you crying?” Jirou gasped, stepping closer to her.
“I apologize, I just- once we stopped hanging out I felt so awful Jirou! I thought you didn’t want to be my friend anymore. You were my first real friend since well ever and when I felt like I was losing you, it hurt so much.” Momos voice started to crack, as she wiped her eyes. Jirou didn’t say anything, instead she walked in front of Momo and gently took both of her hands.
“Momo I’m so sorry, I never meant to hurt you!”
“Then why did you leave me?!” Momo shouted, tears streaming down her face.
“Because I fell in love with you!” Jirou yelled back before she could stop herself.
“What?” Momo asked softly.
“Shit. Yeah Momo I didn’t stop hanging out with you because you made me angry. I stopped because I didn’t know how to be near you and not feel the way I feel.” Jirou sighed, squeezing her hands.
“The way you feel?” Momo asked, hope blooming in her voice.
“Yeah, the way I feel, okay?”
“Only if it’s okay that I feel the same way.” Momo smiled at the shorter girl.
“Really?!” Jirou grinned.
“Jirou I’ve been in love with you since we were first years.” Momo said kindly.
“Why didn’t you say something?” Jirou questioned.
“Because I was scared that I’d lose you if you found out.”
“And then I left you, fuck I’m so sorry Momo.” Jirou wrapped her arms around the girl.
“It’s okay just don’t leave me like that again, alright?” Momo slid her arms around Jirous shoulders.
“I won’t, I promise.” Jirou buried her face into Momo's chest, “Do you wanna be my girlfriend?” She asked quietly.
“Of course Jirou, I'd love to be your girlfriend.” Momo answered. Jirou lifted her face to look at Momo, a wide smile spreading across her face.
“Alright. Oh shit the party! We gotta get back!” Jirou panicked.
“Absolutely not! I just got you back, I'm not letting you leave that quickly!” Momo quickly grabbed Jirous shoulders and without hesitation leaned down and kissed her. Jirous wide eyes closed as she melted into Momo's soft lips relishing the feeling. After years of pinning both girls finally got what they wanted so badly, to be loved by the other without regret.
“OH MY GOD!” A voice screeched from the bathroom door.
“HOLY FUCKING SHIT!” Jirou screamed, jumping further into Momo's arms who warped herself protectively around the spooked girl.
“IT'S MY TOO FAAAAVVVORITE STU-hic-ENTSSS.” The women slurred as she clumsily her lakes towards them.
“Midnight?” Both girls askedin unison.
“YEAAHHH THATSS MEEE! Oh fuck.” Midnight couldn’t finish before she ran over to the trash can to throw up.
“Ew.” Jirou cringed before she walked over to her teacher to help hold her hair back.
“Thank you Jirou.” Midnight finally managed after emptying most of her stomach contents.
“Uh yeah no problem
” Jirou laughed uncomfortably.
“Miss Midnight are you alright?” Momo asked, bringing over a cup filled with water.
“Yes, don't worry about me.” Midnight sighed chugging the water.
“Why are you here Midnight? I didn’t picture you as the “get wasted at karaoke” type.” Jirou joked and earned a weak scornful look from Midnight.
“I’m not but it’s Aizawas and Hizashis engagement party and I lost track of how many drinks I had.” Midnight buried her face in her hands.
“THEIR WHAT?” Both girls yelled at Midnight.
“Wait Aizawas engaged?” Jirou asked.
“To Present Mic?!” Momo added.
 Wait, don't tell me he didn’t tell you!” Midnight looked up.
“He didn’t say a thing! We didn’t even know they were friends!” Jirou answered.
“Oh I swear! He never told you guys that Hizashi and I went to UA together?” Midnight asked bitterly.
“Not once” Momo said sitting down next to the two.
“Of course not.” Midnight rolled her eyes.
“Oh shit Momo the party!” Jirou gasped.
“Oh my god it totally slipped my mind we’ve gotta get back!” Momo jumped up quickly pulling Jirou up with her.
“Wait! Before you go you might want to fix your makeup.” Midnight shouted before they reached the door.
“Oh shit thanks Midnight.” Jirou gasped once she saw her reflection. Her makeup was smeared from the cake and Momo had streams of mascara running down her cheeks.
“No problem!”
“Shit I don’t have any of my makeup! Momo do you have any?”
“I only have mascara and liner. I don't have any makeup remover.”
“Damn it.” Jirou muttered right as something landed in the sink in front of her.
“Makeup wipes, I never leave my house without them. You never know when you’re going to touch up your makeup after a quicky!
 I’m still drunk.” Midnight said, causing all three of them to laugh.
“Thanks Midnight! Have a great night.”
“No problem and you two make sure to have as much fun as possible now that I know you won’t be at risk of having any babies I’ve got nothing to worry about.” Midnight let out a hearty laugh as Jirou slammed the bathroom door shut.
“I both love and hate drunk Midnight.” Jirou grumbled as she grabbed Momo's hand leading her back to the party.
“Yeah that was unexpected, can you believe Aizawa is engaged?” Momo asked.
“And to Present Mic, shits wild.” Jirou chuckled. Both girls eventually made it back to the party only to be met with absolute chaos.
“I KNOW YOU DID IT!” Bakugou screamed.
“SHUT THE FUCK UP SHITTY HAIR!” Baukgou was chasing Mina around blowing up anything that was in his way.
“Fuck! Sero! What's going on!” Jirou grabbed the boy's shoulder.
“Mina posted a video of Bakugou singing that theater song and it went viral.” Sero explained without looking away from the fight.
“Oh I swear to god!” Jirou groaned in frustration. Momo wrapped a comforting arm around her,
“Don’t worry I’ll handle this.” Momo turned on the lights and everyone in the room turned to look at her.
“Do you want to keep on making a mess or do you want to know what drunk Midnight told us in the bathroom?” Momo asked calmly. Everyone instantly settled down.
“TELL US!” Mina screeched.
“Okay then, Aizawa and Present Mic are engaged.” Momo announced. “Also Jirou’s my girlfriend now so if I see a single one of you make a move on her I will set your bed on fire!” Momo added cheerily. Jirou just laughed at the mixture of fear, happiness and confusion that followed. Jirou could officially say that this was the best birthday ever.
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And the last chapter of the first volume! Though technically there’s after-chapter content that will be in a separate post from this, but for now, what matters is finishing up the quirk assessment and getting into the battle trial!
Honestly, it’s a good thing that I just shoved all the opening arcs from before the USJ together into one tag, because this chapter literally goes from the quirk assessment into the beginning of the battle trial stuff, and trying to separate them out would have been a mess and a half. Better to just have it all in the ‘opening arcs’ tag.
...weird title for something that only comes at the end of the chapter, but whatever, it’s not like we don’t see that happen later on in the series as well.
[No. 7 - Costume Change?]
And we immediately come back to where we left off, with All Might realizing what just happened and what Izuku did and even why! One of those little peeks that remind us that All Might is very smart! Also god, him with a small fanboy moment over how proud he is of his kid and how cool that workaround was, mmm this is the Dad Might content I signed up for. 
Izuku is still standing firm, even with his finger swollen and damaged, biting back the pain. Ochako is cheering about that record, Tenya notices Izuku’s finger is damaged and thinks back to the entrance exam, calling it a ‘strange quirk’, Aoyama says it’s stylishly done, and Katsuki is brain broke.
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I’m sorry that’s just so fucking funny. He is such a goddamn gremlin, but he’s also completely shook. He thinks about how quirks never manifest past age four, but somehow Izuku has a quirk. 
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He then recalls Izuku saying ‘he earned this’ and gets pissed, blasting forward to demand an explanation while Izuku freaks out-
Only for Katsuki to have his quirk cancelled by Aizawa and also get caught up in the capture scarf. 
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Beauty. Grace. He’ll bite off your face. 
Katsuki notes the cloth is stiff, while Aizawa tells him that it’s a capture weapon made of carbon fibers and a special alloy wire, then tells Katsuki to stop using his quirk already. Which is interesting; can Aizawa sense when people are trying to use their quirks while under the effects of his? If so, is he sensing the aborted movement of whatever quirk factors exist, or ??? 
(All I’m saying is that that is some possible fuel for a Dad For One connection but for Aizawa instead of Izuku
 you know, just in case.)
As we sort of saw from the last chapter, Aizawa’s quirk has the side effect of giving him dry eyes (he was putting eyedrops in his eyes after using his quirk on Izuku). Izuku thinks that sucks since his quirk is so awesome. Aizawa lets his quirk and scarf drop, telling the class to prepare for the next event.
Katsuki is standing where he was stopped, glaring at Izuku who is holding his hand while Ochako worries over him and his finger. He’s caught up in a flashback (which again, reminder that this is chapter 7 and we already have flashbacks), thinking about how up to then, Izuku was just another pebble in his path. We get a brief cut to a memory flashback (not a chapter flashback) to when Izuku and Katsuki were still friends, and Izuku was waiting for his quirk to come in still, and then repeats that Izuku was only supposed to be a pebble. Single track mind, much?
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Ah, that good Bakugou discourse. This is why you do this stuff in a server with friends.
Izuku narrates a short passage of time - over the rest of the events - while handling the pain of his injured finger. Aizawa tells them it’s time for the results, with Izuku thinking about how he’s going to get expelled because the only record worth mentioning was the throw, and how the endurance running failed hard because of the pain. Aizawa says he won’t explain the process behind the scoring process, just that they reflect performance.
And then he reveals he was lying about expelling someone. 
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The trio’s faces. Aizawa’s manic smile. The trio’s faces. And Momo there like ‘what did you expect?’ God, I can’t help but giggle.
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Izuku just fucking ascending to a new plane of existance here.
Aizawa turns to leave, saying they’re done there and that the documents about the curriculum and whatnot are back in the classroom. He then calls out Izuku, who is shaking in panic (probably about Aizawa changing his mind again - I wonder if teachers before UA pulled that sort of ‘syke’ on Izuku
Instead, he just gets handed a pass to the nurse’s office (not even filled out fully, incredible) and then turns and walks off.
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The class is left to stare after Aizawa in bafflement, with Izuku’s narration noting that he’s safe for the moment, but still has too much he can’t do, and that he’s literally starting from the bottom - but here’s there to learn so he can get closer to his dream!
Class rankings:
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And- ah, he walked past All Might, who calls him out as a liar. Aizawa either didn’t notice him watching or didn’t know it was All Might specifically who was watching, but either way calls it ‘wasting time’ - which makes sense when all the teachers know about his time limit that he’s spending there watching Izuku the kids do their trials.
All Might notes that April Fool’s was over a week ago, and that the ‘rational deception’ thing falls flat when he expelled an entire class of first years the previous year. Aizawa discards those with zero potential, but he went back on his word here, and then asks if he sensed Midoriya’s potential as well. While giving Aizawa finger guns. Have I mentioned this man is a complete dork yet?
Aizawa catches onto the ‘as well’ bit, and determines that All Might’s supporting the kid - which isn’t his usual style. He then starts walking off again, saying Midoriya doesn’t have no chance, but that’s all he’ll say on the matter. He then says that if the kid had no prospects, he’d cut him loose, since it’s crueler to let someone chase half-baked dreams. 
All Might determines quietly that it’s Aizawa’s way of being kind, but out loud states that they can agree to disagree. Meanwhile, in the background, Sero and Sato notice All Might, which probably leads to class 1a going after him and him fleeing for safety. 
We transition to when Izuku is heading home, with him exhausted because of his trip to Recovery Girl. Tenya checks in on him, and Izuku says he’s fine, with us seeing a temporary flashback to the nurse’s office. Izuku notes his finger’s better, but he’s exhausted all of a sudden (he doesn’t remember last time since he was unconscious). 
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A couple of things:
Kamui Woods pez dispenser 
Oh, so if he doesn’t have stamina he’ll die! Good to know! :)
Anyways, Izuku thinks about how he can’t keep going on like this and has to figure out how to regulate his power fast. Tenya goes on to talk about how Aizawa had fooled them, making them think that was how it was, only for it to be a deception. (The irony that the mercy was actually unplanned all along gets to me.) Izuku is more relaxed around him now that he realizes Tenya isn’t scary, just super serious.
Ochako rushes over to catch up, asking if they’re heading for the station. Tenya calls her ‘Infinity Girl’ and Izuku repeats it mentally in surprise. Ochako introduces herself, and then brings up their names - though she mistakes Izuku’s name for ‘Deku’, because of what Katsuki said during the test. Izuku corrects her with awkward hand gestures, saying his real name and that the ‘Deku’ is just Katsuki being a bully. 
Tenya and Ochako both acknowledge this, with Ochako apologizing, and then mentioning how ‘Deku’ sounds like ‘do your best’, and that she likes it. Izuku goes beet fucking red and immediately replies that Deku is fine, with Tenya chastising him for not showing backbone while Izuku calls it like the Copernican Revolution and Ochako questions who Copernicus is. 
The narration takes over, noting that even if there’s a lot he can’t do, he’ll do his best, but having All Might and even some friends behind him
 it’s more than he could have asked for. 
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Good children. Best friends. God, these were the good days
 more OG Dekucrew content please and thanks.
We get one panel of Toshinori that Izuku’s got no time to rest, and that tomorrow the real test begins. Then we’re onto the next day, aka the first day of actual classes - and oh, right, UA has clubs, that’s something that’s easy to forget when we never see it with the hero classes. I mean, considering that the actual hero training classes probably overlap the usual club hours, not surprising, but still.
Present Mic is shown to be the English teacher, trying to get the kids in the spirit of class, but pretty much everyone is finding it boring - asides from Izuku, who is actually trying to answer the question mentally, even if not out loud. The narration notes that the mornings are for normal classes, and that lunch is top-notch food for dirt cheap in the cafeteria (as cooked by Lunch Rush), and then hero training is in the afternoon
 possibly after lunch? Which isn’t great when people could end up throwing up. Ah well.
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These fucking dorks. Two peas in a quirkless-to-superpowered pea pod.
And of course, more meta from the class on how All Might’s drawn differently.
Anyways, All Might gets into Hero Basic Training, how it’ll mold them into heroes, and that there’s no time to waste as he shows off a card reading ‘battle’ before stating that they have battle training. 
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Have I mentioned he’s a dork? There’s more ham here than in Shatner’s performances in the original Star Trek series!
Katsuki is thrilled with battle training, of course. All Might notes that for battle training, the class will need - as the wall clicks and opens several drawers with numbered cases, each with contents in accordance with the quirk registry and the special request forms fill out before admission - costumes! Which the class is super hyped about. Izuku is holding his backpack in excitement, and All Might orders the students to come out to Ground Beta in ranking order once they’re changed, to which the class agrees. 
As he takes his leave, he notes that looking good is important, and to look alive, because from today on, they’re all heroes! We also get some nice transition moments showing pieces of people’s costumes, with Izuku being the last one out as the rest show theirs off.
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So cool! And what a way to end a chapter and a book! And a nice nod to the prototype costume for Izuku. Time to say goodbye to it before the end of this arc. 
Next time, I’ll try to get through all the bonus stuff for the end of the volume, and then we can get into the battle trial proper! Looking forward to that.
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smorgasbordofobsessions · 3 years ago
liveblog: bnha/mha, vol. 1
i'm gonna assume that the chapters are the "normal" size for manga chapters, and just go by volume instead of chapters. also, i don't want to write over 300 posts.
i know that kacchan is bakugou and i want you guys to know now that i already know that bakugou is gonna be in my top 3 favorite characters
yes, this is solely based off gifs but i can feel it in my gut
extra: "i'm sorry, sir... a villain appeared out of nowhere and smashed the train... i don't know when i can get to work..."
this is honestly the content i'm here for. i love the struggles of an extra.
midoriya is cute
kamui of the woods: "you're charged with unlawful use of a power during commuting hours..."
literally a different way of saying "disturbing the peace" but i'm actually sure - without knowing shit about the civil government in this series - that those are two different charges even though they're the same thing
the tree dude is giving me huge yamato vibes
oh heroes get income from the state??? i hope the benefits pacakge(s) are fucking amazing
kacchan! love this as a nickname for him
kacchan's a bully :(
oh well. they are only 14.
...you're really trying to tell me that doctors know if a person has a quirk by looking at the joint of a person's pinky toe? that's literally how they know (short of a manifestation itself)?
... i have no words for that, but i'm glad that just because this is a world with super powers, that doesn't mean that doctors are smart
i absolutely wish i had the self-determiantion of midoriya
all might had a very explosive entry into this comic haha
all might: "when next we meet, it'll be through a tv screen!"
all might: "pros must do battle with villains, and time itself."
oh kacchan and midoriya used to be best friends?
so now i fucking understand why people call this gaunt looking dude "all might"
so i'll assume that it gets explained at some point why it's only 3hrs he has of powers? or maybe that's his quirk itself, and he had a longer time period years ago?
if thats the case, that's like "tiger & bunny"
all might: "i won't denigrate dreaming. that being said... you need to see reality for what it is, kid"
midoriya: "my legs moved on their own!"
hm what the fuck is up with kacchan wow just say thanks for wanting to save my life
this is getting disgustingly long i'm sorry
ch. 2
all might is all tight!!!
all might: "there's a lot i keep close to the chest, but i don't tell lies
can all might devise me a training regimen because i need one
i'm so proud of midoriya. he's so committed. i really wish i could be like him
oh midoriya has to literally ingest all might's dna, interesting
ha! i'm sure there are fics out there where the ingestion was not food
ch. 3
please... i just want to know more about kacchan...
using mario characters in shadow form so you can't get sued - smart
napoleon bonaparte was a hero???
present mic: "and may you all suffer gladly the trials to come!"
i've never read mockingjay but this sounds like something from that series
all might: "when you use 'one for all,' clench your asshole super tight and scream the word from the bottom of your heart..."
this glasses duded said that he would've sacrificed himself to save someone if they weren't doing an exam and, hm, i smell bullshit, but okay
oh but he just realized that thhat might've been the point of the test, so, kudos
midoriya got into yuuei!!!
ch. 5
we love supportive mothers!!!
kacchan is not happy!!! that midoriya got into yuuei
imagine you had a teacher that literally rolled into class in a sleeping bag drinking a capri-sun
oh wow aizawa has expelled 154 students goddamn
this is a character i absolutely recognize since i see him on my dash all the time
ch. 6
i was literally just thinking that we need character profiles
shooting lasers from your navel... intersting
though, also gives a fun new meaning to "navel gazing" haha
...curious as to why you would erase a person's quirk, belittle them, then give it back?
then again, this method os.. teaching? motivation? has never appealed to me
midoriya concentrated his power into the tip of his finger and the last second. thats my boy!!!!!
ch. 7
aizawa's quirk only works if his eyes are open
he must drink eye drops
the results are in! no one is expelled, but midoriya is definitely last
todoroki is icy hot and he's 2nd
kacchan's third, glasses dude fourth, the gravity girl is tenth, and the only reason i recognize mineta is because i read his wiki page but he came in 19th
midoriya accepting a belittling nickname because a girl said she liked it wow
what does "deku" mean if it's a belittling nickname?
midoriya knows about past participles!!! love him for that
that's so cool the students got to choose their own costumes/uniforms!
kacchan looks great
honestly i have such a heavy bias for kacchan because i feel like i know him much better than anyone in the series! again, i see him a lot on my dash, so that familiarity with him makes me like him
but also he's My Type of character, so even if i had never seen him before i'd be into him
ch. 7.5
yes character profiles!
midoriya likes katsudon and he's great for that as well
ohmygod midoriya and ichigo share a birthday!!!!!
about kacchan: "originally, while still a natural born genius, he was also airheaded enough to inadvertently be hurting others without any malicious intent. then i realized that was lame, so i just went foll bore and made him explosively rotten and detestable."
the definition of some of my favrite character types haha
ochako's bday is dec 27, neat!
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megwritesfanfiction · 6 years ago
A/N: Okay, so I guess this series is going to be a series of multichapter things and one-shots because why not?! Just why not?! lol I am ABSOLUTE TRASH for domestic kacchako, so let's do this!!
ALSO: There is a minor mention of miscarriage in this chapter. I just wanted to warn those who are sensitive to the subject being brought up.
Disclaimer: I do not own Boku No Hero Academia/My Hero Academia this is work of fiction that I am not making a profit off of.
Chapter One: Tumblr
Chapter 2 Chapter Summary:  “I just learned,” he started slowly, “My wife, who works as a hero and puts her life on the line running into burning fucking buildings, crumbling towers, crazy natural disasters, and chases down people three times as big as her, is pregnant in a world where sick fucks are running into daycares with guns and killing pregnant women.”
Izuku leaned against the sink patiently listening. He loosely folded his arms in front of him as he looked at his friend.
“I’m allowed to freak out!”
“You look like shit.”
Ochako’s eyes narrowed as she stumbled into the kitchen chair. Elbows collapsing against the table, she buried her face in her hands. “Thanks,” she groaned, voice muffled and tired. A soft, high pitched yawn squeaked from the back of her throat as her hands slid into her hair. “I feel like shit.” Her fingers snaked through the tangles that had accumulated from her tossing and turning all night.
“Nauseous?” Katsuki questioned, leaning against the counter as he looked at her.
She nodded, curling her hands against her neck as she looked at him with sleepy eyes. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
He knew better than to ask her if she was calling out. Katsuki could count the number of times she’d called out since they’d started their careers on one hand.  “Well, you can’t go to work on an empty stomach, even if you are gonna be on desk duty all day.”
“I’m not hungry,” she sighed, ignoring his not so subtle way to telling her not to go out into the field today. She was honestly feeling too sick and tired to pick a fight with him no matter how much her temper gnawed at her.
He picked up a bowl from the counter and set it in front of her, “Just a couple bites.”
Ochako swallowed a thick lump of bile that was sliding up her throat as she turned her head away from the bowl.
“It’s just some okayu-”
Her eyes closed as she inhaled slowly as if she could wish the tidal wave of sickness away.
“-with some chicken broth-”
The smell of the food beneath her nose assaulted her stomach as she felt her mouth begin to water with nausea.
“-miso, and egg-”
That was it. Her palms came flying down on the table as she pushed herself from her chair and made a mad dash toward their bathroom. Slamming the door open, she dropped to her knees and emptied her stomach into the toilet. Her hands gripped the seat feeling another pulse of sickness rising in her throat. Hot tears streaked down her cheeks as she heaved, her stomach empty and burning.
“You’re fucking calling out.”
Ochako listened to the soft slap of his footsteps against the bathroom tile as she brought her face against her arm. She listened to the sound of the faucet as she inhaled slowly. “I’m fine,” she breathed, swallowing the sour taste in her mouth. Her hand reached up to flush the toilet as she sighed slowly.
Katsuki knelt down in front of her, wiping her face with a cloth. “Bullshit.” He’d somehow managed to make the swear sound gentle as he cleaned her chin. “The smell of fucking porridge makes you puke.”
She frowned, opening her eyes slowly as she came face to face with worried red eyes. “To be fair,” she sighed, sitting up slowly as she rested her elbows against the toilet seat. “I think it was the egg or the miso.” It was probably both.
“You need to call out.”
His eyes drifted closed for a moment as he felt worry and anger burn in his lungs. “Please.”
He didn’t use the word often but when he did, it melted at the pit of her stomach and made her chest sink with guilt. It definitely didn’t help with her nausea.
“Just-,” he yelled, stopping himself as he fought to control his temper. Breathing in slowly and holding his breath for a moment, he exhaled and tried again, “Just fucking stay home today. Call the doctor and find out what you can and can’t do.”
“I’m not injured,” she sighed, feeling her frustration build. “This isn’t a disease or a disability. I’m pregnant, and I’m pretty sure I’m not the first hero to go through this.”
“I’m not saying that.”
“So, what are you saying?” He was right. She wasn’t even sure why she was picking a fight with him.
“You look like death warmed over,” Katsuki told her honestly, sliding the rag down her cheek as he examined the dark circles under her eyes. “You slept like shit last night, you’re puking, and I think you should just take the day off so we can figure this out.”
“What is there to figure out?”
“You’re pregnant-” It was the first time he’d said it out loud. Even after he’d slept on it, Katsuki still couldn’t imagine that in a year there would be another person at the center of their relationship. “And I’m pretty sure if smoking is off limits, then so is going into a burning building.”
She shook her head, “I can still patrol.”
“What if you get hit in the stomach? Or stabbed?”
Ochako honestly hadn’t considered that, “What am I supposed to do?”  For the most part, she’d only been left with scrapes and scratches at the end of a patrol shift. They’d both endured the occasional broken bone or sprain, but nothing that caused them to be absent for a significant amount of time. There had been a close call with a gun during her first year. The bullet had only grazed her arm, but the impact of the incident had been too real for either of them.
Katsuki took a seat behind her, pulling her into his lap as he wrapped his arms around her waist. His palms pressed against the flat planes of her stomach, dipping underneath her top to touch her skin. “Tell Ryukyu you’re on desk duty until further notice.”
“What reason am I supposed to give her?
“The truth. You’re growing a human being!”
“No,” her response left her lips before he’d had a chance to finish. “We’re not telling anyone.”
He snorted softly, “It’s not like we can keep this from them. People are going to notice.” He couldn’t help but wonder when her pregnancy would start showing. How far along was she?
“I know, but,” Ochako frowned, eyes drifting toward the ceiling as she swallowed tightly. “What if I’m not pregnant?”
“The stick you peed on said you’re pregnant.”
“What if the blood test says I’m not?” she asked him quietly, sniffling softly. “What if there’s no heartbeat when they do an ultrasound?”
One minute she was puking, the next she was ready to fight, and now Katsuki caught tears bubbling at the corners of her eyes. “Where is this coming from?!”
“While I was on my lunch break yesterday, I was researching on the internet and-”
“Tch. Any idiot can post shit, it doesn’t mean anything.” Katsuki should have known. “That’s not going to happen,” he whispered, pressing his palm against the skin below her belly button.
Her head turned, looking at him with a sad smile, “You don’t know that.”
“I do.” At this point, those words were more for her. “But we’ll wait. You stay home today,” he told her, placing a kiss against her temple. “Call the doctor so we can get some real information.”
“Okay,” Ochako sighed with a nod, leaning back and puckering her lips for a kiss.
“Brush your teeth first,” he cringed, pulling his head away from her.
“Aw,” she pouted playfully as she rubbed their noses together.
He watched her stand, legs shaky as she approached the sink. “Want me to make you some plain okayu?” Katsuki stood, stepping behind her.
Ochako shook her head, brushing her teeth as her nose wrinkled in disgust. Slurping some water from the faucet she swished it around in her mouth and spit. “I’ll just get some crackers and make some tea. Don’t worry about it.”
“I can put the kettle on,” Katsuki offered, folding his arms as he leaned against the doorway.
“Don’t worry about it,” she repeated. “Eat. Get ready for work. You’ve got PD today right?”
” Katsuki hated professional development days more than the massive amount of paperwork he had to endure on a daily basis. There were few things worse than being forced to sit in boring seminars when he could be catching up on the actual work he had waiting for him at his desk. “Do you want me to stay home with you?”
“No,” she chuckled, wiping her face off with a towel. “I would hate to deprive you of all the stimulating information about crime statistics, new initiatives, and contract changes.” Ochako wrapped her arms around his neck, stretching up on her toes to press a kiss to his lips.
“Eh, it’s the same shit, different meeting.” It really was. He only attended these meetings because he was required to be there. “I can call out.”
“No.” Ochako shook her head, pressing her hands against his chest. “I am fine.”
That was a matter of opinion.
“I’m nauseous and tired,” she chuckled, sighing as her stomach churned. “I’m not dying. One of us is going to work.”
He huffed, pressing a kiss to her forehead, “You’re sure?”
“I will call my doctor as soon as the office opens.” She looked up at him, cupping his face tenderly. “Go to work.”
Ochako rolled her eyes, leaning up to capture his lips, “You can’t stay home every time I puke.”
She was right.
“I’ll be fine.” She gently shoved him out of the bathroom, giving him a little slap on his backside. “Go to work. I’ll behave.”
He growled, “You call me if-”
“I know,” she assured with a little chuckle. “I’ll be fine.”
His eyes narrowed. “I mean it.”
“I know.”
The speaker could have offered him the number one hero spot along with a lifetime of bragging rights, and he wouldn’t have blinked.
He couldn’t focus.
“Fuck,” he murmured, dropping his head to his lap. Last time he checked in with Ochako, she informed him that she’d successfully put in for a personal day, left a message with her doctor, and thrown up again.
She told him she was going to take a nap and he should focus on his professional development.
That wasn’t happening.
He’d been to enough of these seminars to know the point: Crime was on the rise in Japan. His ears tuned out of the speech as soon as he heard about the ‘rising epidemic’ that was ‘running rampant’.
They loved to talk about it. Even when things were calm and they didn’t have the data to support it, somehow crime was on the rise and things were worse than they’d ever been.
Katsuki couldn’t complain about it.
One of the things he’d reconciled with a long time ago was his career and success depended on crime. If people didn’t break the law, he was out of a job. How would he establish himself as the number one hero if he wasn’t keeping people safe?
“Last week, a suspect fled the scene into a preschool a half a mile away-”
Katsuki’s head jerked toward the screen, eyes wide at the presenter’s words. Images of small children being surrounded by police filled the screen. Little hands over their heads as they moved out of the building, the suspect sitting on the sidewalk yards from where they exited.
It never bothered him hearing about the convenience store robbery a few blocks from his apartment, the robbery around the corner from his office, or the stabbing that occurred in broad daylight.
But her words enraged and the images snapped something inside of him. How the hell hadn’t he heard about this?
“-Luckily he was apprehended outside one the classrooms-”
The pen in his hand shattered as he swallowed a scathing comment. He looked around the room at the neutral faces of his colleagues, pulling the broken pen into his lap.
How had they let the guy get that far? His chest tightened as panic began to overtake him. The air around him had grown thin and heavy while his colleagues casually scribbled notes.
His eyes went back up to the screen in horror unable to look anywhere else.
“-Officers found a loaded gun-”
His hands began to shake as sweat poured from his palms. He wasn’t afraid of guns even after having a few of them pointed at him. Part of his training meant learning how to disarm a suspect and secure a firearm.
“-The facility was placed on lockdown for about two hours while police made sure the building was clear-”
Lockdown was standard procedure.
He’d experienced enough of them while at U.A. to understand it was the best thing to do when civilians in the crosshairs but suddenly that procedure didn’t feel good enough.
“A pregnant woman-”
Katsuki was out of the room before she could even finish that sentence. He didn’t want to hear about it. The images of the frightened children were enough.
The door to the conference room drifted shut quietly as he leaned against the wall next to the door. Tilting his head back, Katsuki closed his eyes as he wiped his hands against his pants.
He’d seen dead bodies sliced and shredded, people riddled with bullet holes, and unspeakable accidents. It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since Ochako had confirmed her pregnancy and he was a mess at the mention of children near a gunman and the mention of a pregnant victim.
What was he going to do when the kid was born?
Kids didn't need to leave the house, did they? He was already trying to think of a way he could get Ochako to stay home during her pregnancy. She could telecommute

“Oh hey, Kacchan!”
Even after all these years, Izuku had still insisted on calling him that ridiculous childhood nickname. They’d pretty much buried the hatchet since their time at U.A. and Katsuki had accepted that he was Ochako’s best friend.
“You’re at this thing too?” Izuku chuckled.
In some strange way, they were also friends.
“Of course you’re here,” he rambled, oblivious to the state the blonde was in. “I think I saw Tsu, Iida, and Kirishima during the sign-in. It’s not surprising that a lot of us are-”
And right now, at this moment, Katsuki was pretty sure he was going to lose his mind. He’d kept it together last night for Ochako but the universe seemed to be testing his limit.
“I’m surprised Ochako isn’t here. Is she working today?”
Maybe in another week or two he’d be able to listen to some of the crime incidents, but not right now.
“Kacchan?” Izuku questioned, looking at his friend strangely.
Katsuki swallowed the lump in his throat.
“Are you-”
Katsuki grabbed Izuku by the collar dragging him down the small hallway. “Shut up.”
“Are you-”
“Shut up,” he hissed as he pulled. He shoved the man into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.
” Izuku started nervously.
Katsuki’s back fell against the wall as he slid down to the floor. Hands gripped behind his head as he panted loudly, feeling his control slip from his grasp.
“You realize we don’t have to fight if you wanna cry or vent, right?”
“Fuck you!” he spat weakly as he fought to collect himself. “That was one time!” Maybe twice. Either way, at the time that was the best way he could express himself.
Katsuki liked to think he’d grown some since then. “I’m fucking freaking out,” he murmured. For the most part, he still preferred to keep his most vulnerable emotions locked away from the world. The person he leaned on when he felt weak was overwhelmed, and he couldn’t add to her burden.
Izuku held is hands up in mock surrender as he took a little step back, “So
Eijirou would have been his first choice to vent to, but Izuku was here and had already seen him panicked more than once. What was another time?
“Ochako’s pregnant,” he blurted out, shaking his head. “And they’re in my fucking session talking about a daycare having a gunman inside and a pregnant woman being crime victims, and I can’t hear this shit today.” His eyes squeezed shut waiting for a response.
The sound of water dripping from one of the faucets echoed off the tiles, counting the seconds like a metronome.
Izuku blinked, looking at his friend wide-eyed the corners of his lips twitching.
“Fucking say something!” he yelled, standing up with a growl.
“That’s wonderful, Kacchan!” Izuku cheered, jumping over and hugging him. “That’s so exciting! When is she-”
“What the fuck?” he frowned, knocking him away with a shove. “Are you not listening?!”
“I-” Izuku paused, brow furrowed in confusion. “I don’t understand.”
“People are bringing guns into fucking daycares-”
“Kacchan, it’s-”
“No!” Katsuki barked as he paced the around the bathroom. “Don’t do that silver lining shit! Cause there ain’t one!” Had someone shown him these images yesterday, his mind would have been on the facts.
How did the suspect get away?
How had they apprehended him?
What were his charges?
What papers and reports needed to be filed?
Today he couldn’t analyze the facts. His chest hurt at the sight of the terrified children on the screen and the thought of a pregnant victim.
“I’m about to bring a child into that!” That could be his kid tucked in a corner of a classroom in fear and the thought enraged him. One day, he might be the parent forced to wait on the opposite side of the police tape.
“Well,” Izuku started carefully, watching him stomp. “Isn’t that why you’re a hero in the first place?”
Katsuki stopped, “Huh?” Truthfully, his motivation for being a hero had been about his ego. Helping people was just a part of the job.
“We’re out there to make sure people are safe.”
He snorted, “Well obviously, we’re doing a shitty job.” That guy should have never made it into that daycare center.
“And that’s why we’re here!” Izuku smiled, clasping a warm hand to his friend’s shoulder. “We’re here to talk about our mistakes and learn from them.”
Katsuki sighed, dragging a hand over his face as he inhaled slowly. “I need you to come down off your pedestal of blinding fucking optimism and meet me halfway, okay?”
“I just learned,” he started slowly, “My wife, who works as a hero and puts her life on the line running into burning fucking buildings, crumbling towers, crazy natural disasters, and chases down people three times as big as her, is pregnant in a world where sick fucks are running into daycares with guns and killing pregnant women.”
Izuku leaned against the sink patiently listening. He loosely folded his arms in front of him as he looked at his friend.
“I’m allowed to freak out!”
“Okay then!”
Katsuki shook his head, “Don’t you start with me on that glass half full shit!”
“I’m not,” Izuku told him as he held his hands in front of him with mock surrender. “But it’s not like you're sitting by and watching the world fall to pieces. You’re actively trying to make the world better.”
Making the world better was a byproduct of feeding his ego. To rise to the rank of number one meant rising to the level that All Might was as the Symbol of Peace. “I guess.”
“So maybe this will motivate you more?”
Or drive him insane. “Tch.”
“What does Ochako think?”
“She,” he groaned, dragging a tired hand over his face. “She’s home puking and worried about there not being a heartbeat or something.”
“She just peed on a stick last night! We haven’t been to a doctor yet, so don’t go blabbing this to your boyfriend or anyone.”
“That’s understandable. I won’t say anything,” Izuku nodded happily. “You guys take all the time you need.”
“Thanks,” Katsuki murmured exhaling slowly.
“I think you guys are going to be great parents.”
Katsuki hadn’t even thought about the parenting part.
What the hell was he gonna do with a kid?
To be Continued

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neruran · 6 years ago
Series: Boku no/My Hero Academia Rating: T (for language mostly) Genre: Fluff Relationships: Bakugou/Kirishima/Uraraka [Kirikacchako] Characters: Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Masaru, Bakugou Mitsuki, Uraraka Ochako’s Parents, Kirishima Eijirou’s Parents, OCs, minor characters created for the story Other Tags: Established Relationship, Polyamory, Future Fic, Pregnancy, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, probably a little OOC Summary: Informed that all is well and healthy so far, Ochako, Eijirou, and Katsuki decide to tell their parents the happy news; that they'll all be grandparents in a few months. 
Check notes for AO3 link, because this hellsite has a vendetta against links within posts and I hate the link post format, so I gotta make a workaround.
(Title means "good news" in Japanese)
Remember when I said “famous last words” regarding not writing a continuation to Tsuwari? Yeah I was right. I also told myself when I started writing this “oh this’ll be short, just a couple snippets from different points along the timeline of Ochako's pregnancy and their forays into parenting” - you know, like a fool - then 2k later and I still hadn’t gotten to the main point of this so-called snippet, and I finally accepted that this was going to be its own oneshot. Sometimes I hate being so rambly. I admittedly struggled with this more than Tsuwari for various reasons, and I've also done further research and found a couple minor things in Tsuwari aren't quite correct, largely with how Japan deals with pregnancy and childbirth, but it's ultimately relatively minor stuff so I'm not arsed to correct it. It's actually been a little fascinating reading up on the official (as in government-related stuff such as paperwork and healthcare) and social/cultural differences between Japan and North America, so I tried to incorporate hints to some of what I learned, and if I can wrangle my focus and inspiration to write more about Kirikacchako's adventures into parenthood, I'll try to show the differences in those fics/snippets as well.
Once again I have footnotes, which are not really necessary to read to enjoy the story but add flavour, you could say.
As always, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated, but likes, kudos, and bookmarks are nice too! Hope you enjoy!
The day after her little discovery, Ochako books an appointment for that week with her ob/gyn. When she goes in a couple days later and relays the story to Dr. Houkou, they laugh heartily for a good five minutes, much to Ochako's embarrassment. [1]
"I'm terribly sorry for laughing, it really is a little amazing you didn't put the pieces together until now,” they say once they've calmed down, dabbing their eyes with a tissue.
"You can't entirely blame me," Ochako mumbles, hiding her red face. She knows Dr. Houkou doesn't mean any insult, and honestly it is a little funny, but still, she can't help but feel embarrassed for herself.
"That's true, and to tell you the truth, this is not the biggest case of lack of observation; I've heard stories of people who didn't realize they were pregnant until they went to the hospital complaining of stomach pains, when it turned out they were in labour!" [2]
"Oh gosh, I hope I would've noticed long before then!" Uneasily, she rubs her belly. "If not me, one or both of my partners.”
"I'm sure you would; from what I know of those instances, there were certain factors that led the parent-to-be to not recognize the signs, or made the signs less than obvious, which while that's evidently somewhat applicable to you, those situations were more...extreme, I suppose you could say?"
"I'm just glad the worst that's happened to me is this broken wrist," Ochako says, lifting her cast. "I forgot to ask at the hospital, but will this affect the baby at all?"
"No, it should be fine. At worst, it'll be a little slow to heal as most of your body's resources are focused on what's in your womb rather than healing your injuries, but I'm sure the extra downtime will be good for you. Oh don't pull that face, you workaholic," Dr. Houkou scolds, rolling their eyes at the poorly concealed pout Ochako has. "I know you're a busy hero, but it's important you take time to recover, especially now it's not just yourself that you need to look out for.”
"I know, it's just going to be tough," sighs Ochako. "I love helping people! After being in this field for so many years, I feel restless at the idea of not doing anything more than paperwork or small tasks, but I'll have to get used to it for the next while."
"Don't worry, before you know it, you'll be having your baby and jumping back into the fray. Now, let's figure out that due date."
"We're home!"
"Welcome back!" Ochako calls back, peeking her head over the back of the couch to smile at her partners as they make their way into their apartment. "How was work today?"
"Nothing super exciting on my end, just broke up a scuffle between a couple of rowdy yankii while out on patrols," Eijirou reports.
Katsuki huffs, evidently jealous. "Boring as shit."
"Oh calm down, you got to stop a robbery last week."
"Doesn't make this week any less boring."
Rolling his eyes, Eijirou picks up a meowing Hotaru, placing her on his shoulder as he plops down beside Ochako. He peers curiously at the various booklets and pamphlets she has scattered around her. "How about you? How'd your appointment go?"
"Well, besides giving them a good laugh when I told them how I hadn't noticed I was pregnant"—she shoots a pouty glare towards the kitchen when Katsuki snickers, but he ignores her as he starts on dinner, so she continues—"they confirmed everything's going well and that I'm probably on the tail end of twelve weeks, and we worked out my due date."
"Oh, that's awesome! When is it?"
"February 20th!"
"February, huh," Eijirou muses aloud. "We're just at the beginning of August; February seems so far away...The due date's just a guesstimate, right? So it could be born on a different day. Think it'll be a Valentine's baby?"
"I fucking hope not," Katsuki gripes. "People would probably only give them chocolate and Valentine shit for their birthday, I sure as fuck don't want our kid subjected to that."
"Hey Eiji, you think we'll have to implement a swear jar when the baby's born?" Ochako says teasingly. "Or do you think Katsuki'll manage to get his language under control before then?"
"Shut up, my language is fine."
"Sure, sure, I'm sure all of our mothers would appreciate it when one day while babysitting, our kid says ‘fuck' out of nowhere, and I'm sure it would not be much of a mystery as to who they learned that word from," Eijirou replies. [3]
The noise of Katsuki preparing dinner pauses for a moment. Ochako and Eijirou exchange knowing looks.
"...I'll work on it."
"Wary of what Mitsuki would say?"
"Hell no, that old hag can nag all she wants, she's not much better. It's your mom's disapproval I'd rather avoid," Katsuki answers, pointing at Eijirou.
"Mine? Do you mean Mom or Mama?"
"Really?" Ochako questions, giving a little laugh in disbelief. "But she's such a sweetheart like Eijirou here." She reaches up to ruffle Eijirou's hair, earning a half-hearted complaint about his drooping hair spikes being messed up.
Eijirou chuckles as he gently swats her hand away from his head, petting Hotaru when she meows at him. "You haven't seen her in full mom mode. Once when I was in middle school, I said something crass without realizing while Mama was babysitting some neighbour kids, and the look she gave me could've pierced right through my Unbreakable state. Not to mention the ear twisting I got shortly after." Absently he rubs his ear, recalling the pain.
"I...suppose I can see that. If it's anything like the expression you make at villains that make you angry, it must be something."
Katsuki mutters a "you have no idea" unnoticed. For the best; he doesn't care to explain to Ochako the incident that lead to him earning Ikane's ire, however brief it was.
"Mama does like to say I inherited her passion instead of her quirk," Eijirou says with humour. "Though, speaking of; do we want to start telling people we're expecting? I mean, I know some people wait until the end of the first trimester anyway since the chances of miscarriage are pretty low after that point, so then it's pretty set in stone that a baby's on the way."
Ochako hums thoughtfully, drumming her fingers absently on Eijirou's knee. "I think I'd like to tell my parents first, but I'd prefer to do it in person or on video call. It seems impersonal to give them the news any other way."
"I wanna tell my moms right away; I just know Mama's gonna love hearing that she'll be a grandma. But I'm also excited to tell all our friends.”
"Why don't we just conference call all our parents and tell them all at once?" Katsuki proposes, scraping some vegetables he just cut up into a pot. "I know the hag'll complain if she's one of the last informed, so if we do it that way, it gets it all out of the way at the same time and I don't get my ear nagged off."
"That's...not a bad idea," Ochako says, blinking in mild surprise.
"Of course it's not, I came up with it. You make it sound like I come up with bad ideas on the regular basis."
Eijirou smirks slyly. "You mean ideas like putting too much hot sauce in your food just to prove you can take it, only to get hit by the consequences later in the bathroom, Kacchan?"
"Shut up, at least I can take it!"
"Now, now, your unfortunate dietary decisions aside, I didn't mean to imply you don't have good ideas," Ochako interrupts. Katsuki grumbles, but puts up no further argument. "I was just surprised I hadn't considered it. Since I have the next couple days off to give my wrist a little more rest, why don't I contact everyone and coordinate it?"
"Sounds like a plan! And then we can start telling all our friends and stuff!" Eijirou giddily hops in his seat, which of course disturbs the cat on his shoulder. She lets out a growl and bats at his head. "Ow, yeah, sorry Hotaru, I deserved that." He sets her down, letting her stalk off to cuddle up with Kyou who's laying in her doggie bed in the corner, touching his ear to check that she didn't scratch him.
Ochako giggles at him. "You think everyone will assume we're adopting another cat at first?"
"I mean, they might, but we only did that once with Hotaru and it was funny! I think in this instance though, I'd prefer to tell some people face-to-face first before announcing it on our social media. Mostly I wanna see Denki, Mina, and Hanta's faces when they hear the news.”
"Yeah, Dunce Face will probably flip his shit, it'll be hilarious."
"I'm excited to tell Tsuyu-chan, Tenya-kun, and Deku-kun. Oh, stop making that face, Katsuki."
"What face? I'm not making any face," Katsuki replies petulantly. "I'm not even facing you."
"Yeah, but I know you and I know you're pulling a face at the idea of involving Deku-kun, because you always do even though you two are friends now," she says, rolling her eyes. Eijirou snickers to himself.
"We are not friends, I just tolerate the stupid nerd enough to work with him on occasion."
Once again, Eijirou and Ochako exchange looks then simultaneously roll their eyes affectionately, fully aware that whatever bad blood the two had as children has long been resolved enough that they frequently trade spots on the hero rankings and collaborate on missions, all the while throwing harmless barbs and challenges back and forth. The relationship is complicated, as "friends" doesn't quite describe them, but "rivals" or "frenemies" doesn't seem right either. They're just "Deku and Kacchan", a category of their own.
"Point is," Ochako continues. "Deku-kun is my friend, and I'm looking forward to sharing the news with him. I know he's going to be very happy for all of us."
"Think he'll cry?" Eijirou asks.
"Definitely," Ochako and Katsuki answer simultaneously.
Eijirou laughs, leaning into Ochako. "You're right, dumb question. He may be better than when we were first-years, but I should know better than to underestimate the secret Midoriya secondary quirk. Now, what's all this you got here, Chako?"
Lighting up, Ochako eagerly explains the various pamphlets that cover things like her recommended diet, the baby's development, and what sort of information she needs to submit to the Health Office. Eijirou just as eagerly listens, nodding his head and asking questions, and though he's busy making dinner, she knows Katsuki has an ear on the conversation so she makes sure to talk loud enough for him to hear as well.
Coordinating the conference call with their parents ends up being a more difficult task than Ochako expects; each set of parents has different schedules and events, not to mention there's Eijirou and Katsuki's schedules to consider, so it actually takes several phone calls and emails to figure out a day and time that works for everyone. The entire time Ochako also finds herself dodging the question for why this is so important, merely explaining that their triad had some good news for them and wanted to announce it to them all at the same time. She admittedly flushes when Mitsuki teases that perhaps one of them proposed to the other two or vice versa—the idea of getting married to Eijirou and Katsuki flustering her even if they're already expecting a child—but clumsily acts coy to keep her from guessing the actual news.
After two days of back-and-forth, they finally all agree that the upcoming Friday after dinner will work for everyone, barring any emergencies. Which gives Ochako several days time to build up her excitement, but also her anxiousness. What if any of their parents don't approve? Her own parents had been rather apprehensive about her being in a poly relationship back when she first told them, but now that it's been several years with only a couple hiccups, they're happy for Ochako's happiness, but what if this changes their minds again? Sure she's a grown adult capable of making her own decisions in life, but she's always been close with her parents so she'd hate to lose that relationship over this. Mitsuki's reaction also worries her a bit, as while she does like the woman, she can be rather brash and critical like Katsuki at the most unpredictable of times.
She quietly admits this to Katsuki as they're snuggled up on the couch waiting for Eijirou to get home from a late-running patrol shift; he gruffly assures her that both his mom and dad will be ecstatic at the news, so her parents will surely feel the same, which means she has nothing to worry about. In return, he confesses feeling a little apprehensive himself regarding her and Eijirou's parents reaction to him being involved, but Ochako's quick to tell him that if she's fine, then he's fine as well because their parents all know what a good person he is and seen how wonderful and loving a partner he's been, so they should have no qualms.
Eijirou, on the other hand, seems to vibrate with anticipation with each passing day, as if the information that they're expecting is waiting to burst out of him like an explosion from Katsuki's palms. It even seeps into his aura while out doing hero work, enough that one of Ochako's sidekicks happens to take notice.
"Red Riot-san was more energetic than usual when I happened to pass by him doing patrols on my way home yesterday," Subspacer muses when Ochako stops by the office to pick up more work to do from home. "When I asked him if something good had happened on patrol, he grinned and said no, but he did get some news that made him really happy recently, but didn't elaborate further." They turn to her, head tilted curiously. "Any idea what that's about?" [4]
Ochako gives a chuckle that she hopes isn't as nervous-sounding as she feels. "Oh, I wouldn't think on it too hard...You've seen him in casual work settings, he gets excited over the smallest stuff." She does her best to maintain a smiling poker face as they eye her a moment, before they let whatever it is they're thinking go, going on to fill her in on what's happened at the office in her absence. Ochako knows they're suspicious, but mentally thanks them for not pressing the matter.
The days pass and Friday arrives without much fanfare. All three of them are antsy in their own ways during dinner; Eijirou can't seem to sit still at all, Katsuki's foot bounces restlessly, and Ochako frequently slips into her natural Kansai accent as she talks, excitement and anxiousness starting to come to a head as the promised time ticks closer. Soon enough, their dinner is eaten and cleaned up, their pets are fed, and then they're sitting on their couch with Eijirou's laptop opened up on Ochako's lap.</p>
On her right, Katsuki's phone makes a little ‘boom' noise to indicate he has a new message. "My old man says he and the hag are ready when we are," Katsuki says after checking.
Eijirou's phone dings to her left a moment later. "My moms are good to go!"
Sure enough, hers buzzes less than a minute after, and a quick glance tells her that her parents are also ready. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she smiles at both her partners, then clicks the button to start the conference call.
Eijirou's mothers are the first to pick up, but her parents and Katsuki's follow suit seconds after. It's almost overwhelming seeing six faces on the screen, but besides the big news she intends to drop during this call, this is something they've all done before in lieu of separate phone calls and emails. Besides, it's been weeks since she's seen any of them through anything besides social media, so it's nice to be able to talk to their families face-to-face, even if there's a screen separating them. Smiling brighter, she gives a little wave, Eijirou doing the same. "Hello everyone!" she greets. A chorus of greetings echoes back from their parents. "I'm glad this worked out, it's been so long since we've been able to do a group call like this!"
"The woes of adulthood and having busy jobs, right hon?" Mitsuki turns to Masaru, who nods in agreement.
"How is that new line coming along, Masaru-san? I recall Mitsuki-san mentioning before you two had a deadline this week," asks Karuko. [5]
"I've finished everything that's within my control, so now it's just a matter of waiting for the samples to see if there's anything that needs adjusting before going into full production." [6]
"That's good to hear! Considering your other work, I'm sure it'll be a success."
"Not that I don't want to hear how the rest of you are doing," Tomoe interrupts, blunt but not unkind. "I think I'd like to hear from our children, since it's often so hard to get a hold of them with their unpredictable jobs." Ikane smiles a little, apologetic for her partner's abruptness. [7]
"Aw, but we wanna hear what you're up to too, Mom!" Eijirou jokingly complains, grinning.
"She does have a point though," Saburou says. "Ochako, how's your arm? I hope you're getting proper rest so it heals properly."
Katsuki snorts. "As if either of us would let her do anything reckless on our watch."
Ochako shoots him a sharp look hidden behind a smile that says “be glad you're sitting on my injured side, because I would be giving you such a pinch right now if I could”; Katsuki simply smirks back at her. Huffing, she turns back to their families. "I promise I'm getting plenty of rest; all I've been doing the past week is paperwork, which I'm glad I can do on my laptop because it's difficult writing left-handed! I feel so antsy sitting around barely doing anything though, so at my next check-up I'll ask if it's okay to go out for runs or something."
"I understand feeling restless, but please be careful, Ochako," her mother chides worriedly. "We wouldn't want you to get hurt further."
"Agreed!" Ikane cheerfully pipes in. "As amazing as that takedown was, it wouldn't do if you were out of commission for months instead of weeks."
The trio shares a glance at that, which doesn't go unnoticed by Mitsuki. "Now what's that look for? Is that related to whatever news you had to share with us?"
"Oh that's right, you did mention having some sort of good news. Did one of you go up in rank?"
"Did you get new sidekicks?"
"Are you being recruited for another overseas assignment?"
"New sponsors?"
"Whoa, whoa, one at a time," Eijirou laughs, holding up his hands. Once their parents settle a bit, he continues, "It's not anything related to our jobs, though it will kinda affect them."
"Particularly for Ochako here," Katsuki adds, nodding to her.
Confused and curious faces stare at them, bringing Ochako's nerves back, but she steels herself; after all, what do any of them have to be unhappy about? "So, when I had told you that they didn't have anyone with a healing quirk on staff at the hospital to heal my wrist, I wasn't being honest with you. Truthfully, they did have someone there, but because of some tests they ran, they were hesitant to use the quirk on me as they weren't sure how my body would react."
In the corner of her eye, Eijirou's grin gets steadily wider, his hand gripping hers as he tries to contain himself from bouncing in his seat. With a roll of his eyes, Katsuki reaches behind her and gives his arm a gentle swat, but it does nothing to hinder Eijirou's energy. On the screen, Tomoe's eyeing them intensely, to the point that if Ochako wasn't absolutely sure her quirk doesn't work through screens or cameras, she'd almost think that she's reading their auras to try and get a bead on whatever it is they're building up to. Not for the first time, she finds herself glad she's never considered going into business law, as she'd hate to be stared down by Tomoe during negotiations or prosecutions.
"Why is that, Ochako-san?" Masaru inquires. "What did they find?"
"Well, turns out that I—"
"You're going to be grandparents!" Eijirou blurts excitedly, unable to hold himself back any longer. When Ochako and Katsuki both turn to him with fondly exasperated expressions, he at least has enough awareness to look sheepish at his outburst. "Sorry, I just couldn't wait any longer."
All their parents are quiet, faces in various levels of stunned and surprised. It's Saburou that speaks up first. "Pardon me, what?"
Shaking her head at Eijirou, Ochako turns back to the laptop. "Turns out I'm pregnant, nearly fourteen weeks now. We're having a baby!"
"Wait, really?" Mitsuki exclaims, and it seems the Urarakas are about to speak as well, but everyone's interrupted by a joyous scream that makes them all jolt.
On the Kirishima-Keshiki part of the screen, Ikane's leapt from her seat and started hopping around, still squealing happily. "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, I'm going to be a grandma! Tomoe we're gonna be grandmas! Oh my god!"
"You really did get your passion from her," Katsuki observes dryly, earning a giggle from Ochako.
"She's going to be like this for a minute or two, so I'm going to mute us until she calms down so the rest of you can talk," Tomoe says, rolling her eyes fondly before Ikane's happy screams go silent, though she's still jumping around on screen.
"Your mother really does love children, doesn't she, Eijirou-kun?" teases Mitsuki.
"Oh you didn't see his reaction when Ochako told us the news, he did pretty much the exact same thing as Ikane."
"Katsukiiiii, they didn't have to know that!" Eijirou complains, flushing a bit.
"You literally just shamelessly blurted out the surprise, you have no right to be embarrassed now!"
"Boys, play nice," Ochako chides playfully, patting them both on the leg.
"While I am happy at this news," Karuko butts in, expression stuck between elated and concerned. "You said you're close to fourteen weeks along, right? That means you've been doing all that strenuous and stressful hero work. Are you sure everything is okay?"
Ochako nods, turning her gaze down and placing her uninjured hand on the bump that's become a little more prominent in the past week but is still easily hidden by her clothing. "I was really worried when I first heard the results for that exact reason, but I got a check-up at the hospital and have had two appointments with my doctor since then, and they've said I've got a healthy and hardy baby growing despite all the factors that could have made it otherwise."
Sound returns to the Kirishima-Keshiki feed, with Tomoe and Ikane settled back in their seats. "Whew, I'm sorry for my outburst, everyone," Ikane says, looking a little out-of-sorts and somewhat teary-eyed, but still positively glowing from joy. "I got a bit overzealous. But still, I'm so happy and proud of you three! To have a baby that's managed to hold on and stay healthy without you being careful means it must be fate for you to have it. Do you have an idea on which of you is the father?"
"No," Ochako's quick to answer before either of her partners could. "And I don't think we'll really know until it's born, but to be completely honest, if possible I don't think I want to know at all, because even if only one of them will be related by blood, both Katsuki and Eijirou will be raising them with me together, and I think that counts just as much if not more than whoever contributed chromosomes." She looks up again, and her eye strays over to Tomoe. There's a subtle expression of understanding and gratitude on her face, and her hand's wandered to grasp Ikane's, and Ochako knows that she sees her point more than any of the other parents on this call. "No matter what, they'll both this baby's father. No ‘real' father or bullshit like that."
Everyone's silent for a moment, stunned by the sudden conviction and seriousness in her words. She knows her partners are both staring at her, but she stays looking at the screen so that she doesn't lose her nerve. It's only when she hears a quiet sniffle beside her that her concentration breaks, but before she can turn to see what's wrong, Eijirou's got his arm around her and pulling her close, face buried in her hair.
"That was so manly," he whispers, voice a little choked up, and he presses a soft kiss to her head. "You're the best, I love you so, so much."
On her other side, Katsuki all but shoves his face into the space between her neck and shoulder, his hand gripping her bicep. He murmurs something, but she doesn't really catch what it is. While she appreciates the sudden affection, she's a bit embarrassed that it's happening with their parents right there, and she's not really sure what's brought it on. "I— Uh— What—" she stammers, stuck between looking for help from their onlookers and avoiding eye contact with them. On screen, her parents and Masaru have politely chosen to turn their attention elsewhere while Mitsuki grins, unbothered by the PDA and in fact looking oddly proud. [8]
"You're right." Ochako turns her attention to Ikane and Tomoe's feed, where Tomoe seems to be holding back giggles at Ochako's predicament but also looking away politely. Ikane, on the other hand, is watching their triad with fondness, gaze soft. "That was rude of me to say, especially when I'm fully aware that love and family aren't defined purely by blood." Her hand finds Tomoe's, and she gives it a gentle squeeze in apology. "You're going to be a wonderful mother, Ochako-chan, and I'm glad my son has such loving partners in you and Katsuki-kun."
Eijirou whines, ears turning pink as he hides his face further. "Mama, don't say things like that, I'm gonna cry more! And then Ochako will start crying because hormones, and I'll feel bad for making her cry, and then Mom might get involved—"
"Hey now."
"—and maybe Katsuki will get overwhelmed—"
"Oi, don't just assume things—!"
"Nothing wrong with some manly happy tears, Ei-chan; I know we taught you that!"
"I know, but it's still a bit embarrassing to do it in front of everyone!"
"Says one of the two currently clinging to me without shame..." Ochako mumbles.
Both Eijirou and Katsuki stiffen, realizing that yes, they're practically smothering Ochako while their parents are watching; Ochako can't move her head much in this position, but she's sure they're both starting to flush. After a moment, the two finally pull away, their heads turned to avoid eye contact with everyone.
Eijirou lets out a sheepish chuckle, ruffling his hair. "S-Sorry about that, I guess we got a bit overwhelmed and forgot about our company."
"No harm, no foul," Saburou assures gently, waving off the apology.
"Besides, it was kind of cute. It's not often I get to see my Katsuki get so emotional," Mitsuki teases.
"Shut the fuck up, old hag," Katsuki grumbles, flushing more and sinking a bit into the couch.
Masaru puts a hand on Mitsuki's shoulder when it seems like she's about to scold their son. "Be nice, you two," he chides, waiting until Mitsuki's hackles lower before looking to Ochako. "Really, we're delighted at this news, and we're happy that you've shared it with us all. I'm sure all of us parents can agree that it's not always an easy road, but we're all here for you if there's anything you should need along the way."
"Of course!" Karuko pipes up. "We'd be happy to give you advice and help whenever you need it. Now, tell us more about everything, like when are you due?"
From there, the conversation flows smoothly, starting at talks about Ochako's pregnancy and what the three of them are to expect in the future before eventually moving on to general life updates such as new projects at work or what their neighbours are up to. As the group call edges towards the two hour mark, everyone notes with amusement that Ochako's eyes have begun to droop. Ochako tries to insist she's fine when Saburou points this out, but before long her head is leaning against Katsuki's shoulder, barely able to stay up. The families all say their goodbyes, promising once again that the three of them are welcome to come to them for anything and kindly demanding to keep updated, then the call ends. Eijirou reaches over to close the laptop, taking it from Ochako's lap as he stands and chuckling when Ochako shifts to sleepily cuddle with Katsuki now that she's free to move.
Katsuki, on the other hand, rolls his eyes, though it does nothing to diminish his affectionate smirk at Ochako's drowsiness. "C'mon Ochako, let's get your ass to bed."
"Nooooo..." Ochako tiredly protests. "'m fine, yer just"—she yawns—"just warm and cozy..."
He snorts. "It was fucking thirty degrees outside today and it's not even that cold in here with aircon, why the hell do you want to be warm?"
"Alright then." Despite her protesting, he stands, scoops her into his arms with no more than a quiet grunt, then saunters off towards their bedroom even as she half-heartedly wiggles about. "If you behave and go to bed, you can cuddle me all you want."
"But I dun wanna go to sleeeeeeep," Ochako whines, pawing at his chest in a lazy effort to get away.
"Oi, if you don't stop wriggling around, I'm gonna drop you and it'll be completely on purpose," he warns.
"No you won', 'cause 'm pregnant, injured, 'nd cute, 'nd I know ya love me too much to drop me..."
As they enter the room, Katsuki hears Eijirou—who's getting changed into his sleepwear off to the side—laugh at Ochako's sleepy retort, so he levels a frown that says "don't encourage her" at him, even though he knows that she's completely right in that statement. He would maybe consider dropping her on her butt just to show that he won't put up with her being a little shit if she wasn't pregnant, but circumstances are not in his favour, so instead he unceremoniously deposits her on the bed, earning a squeak.
"Uncalled for..." she grumbles, pouting petulantly as she rolls to the side and hugs her pillow. "What if I hurt my wrist more?"
"I know you're not that fragile, Round Face, so don't try to guilt me."
"Eiiiijiiiii, Kacchan's bein' mean to meeee..." Rolling his eyes again, Katsuki goes to change into his own sleeping clothes.
"There, there, if you really don't wanna sleep, you can cuddle with me and watch me play some Street Fighter," Eijirou says as he slides into bed, handheld console in hand. "Do a bit of backseat gaming. How's that sound?" [9]
Ochako hums, her tired brain considering the offer. "...'Kay..."
"But first, you're getting changed out of your day clothes," Katsuki announces, tossing a set of her pyjamas on the bed. When Ochako makes no move to do so, he huffs, then reaches over and pulls her towards him, tugging gently but forcibly at her clothes. "C'mon, you're not going to be comfortable sleeping in those shorts, let alone your bra."
"Whoa, getting frisky, are we?" Eijirou teases, waggling his eyebrows with a sly grin. Katsuki responds by throwing a pillow at Eijirou, who cackles even as it hits him in the face.
Before long, Ochako's changed into her pyjamas and curled into Eijirou's side, her head resting on his chest so she can watch the screen, her cast wrist pillowed carefully. Katsuki slips in on her other side after finishing his nightly routine; instead of cuddling, however, he chooses to sit up against the headboard, reading glasses perched on his nose and a book open on his lap. Eijirou's game and the occasional turning page are the only noises in the room, until barely half an hour later, both boys glance up at a quiet snore, smiling upon seeing Ochako out cold as predicted. Eijirou lets her continue sleeping on him for a little while longer, then carefully shifts her to sleep on her proper pillow, kissing her brow softly. Katsuki sets his book and reading glasses aside as Eijirou gets up to finish his own nightly routine, shuffling down under the covers and putting an arm around Ochako, who shifts closer to his warmth in her sleep. When Eijirou returns to the room ten minutes later, he's greeted with the sight of Katsuki spooned protectively against Ochako and just as asleep as her. While not a new sight, it's one that Eijirou can never get tired of, and he can only imagine how much better it will get as Ochako's belly grows, and then when their new addition comes into the world. Quietly, he takes a picture to appreciate later, then goes to join them on the bed, leaning over Ochako to peck Katsuki on the cheek before turning off the bedside light and settling in to sleep himself.
Footnotes: [1] - This time the doctor is not named for their profession, but still named for their quirk; I had a thought a little while ago that went something along the lines of “you know people probably take on jobs that have nothing to do with their quirk all the time, why don’t we see more of that in the HeroAca world”, and so we have Dr. Houkou. Their quirk basically makes them a human GPS; their name is made up of the kanji for “direction” and “navigation”.
[2] - This is apparently a thing that has happened to some people, believe it or not. Not something that happens often, mind you, but it happens. Factors for why the pregnancies go unnoticed include the person’s weight, the size and position of the baby, and things like spotting being mistaken for light periods. Which is why if you thought I was stretching the truth too much by having Ochako not notice for three months, surprise! Reality is weirder than you think.
[3] - Me: You know Bakugou’s language in Japanese isn’t really full of swearing, it’s just very blunt and rude because Japanese doesn’t have the same equivalents to curse words so the likelihood of a child imitating his speech is unlikely.
Also me: Meh who cares, gonna write it like that anyway, it’s funnier to think about it this way.
[4] - Unlike the doctors I’ve named in this story and Tsuwari, Subspacer is a full-fledged OC of mine! I’ve given careful thought into their quirk, name, and personality, though I’ve been undecided on their age and professional status for a while. I decided to add them in as one of Ochako’s sidekicks for giggles, but if I do get around to writing more of this storyline, you’ll likely be seeing more mention of them!
[5] - Since Ochako’s parents don’t have names (truly a travesty; they’re an important part of her motivation, but they have yet to get profiles like the Bakugous or Jirous? I call unfairness), I decided to give them names. Following Horikoshi’s current naming conventions for parents—which involves separating the kanji in the children’s names and giving at least one to each parent as part of their names (i.e. Katsuki â€œć‹ć·±â€ separates to get Masaru “拝” and Mitsuki â€œć…‰ć·±â€), the only exception so far being the Midoriyas as Izuku “ć‡șäč…” only shares kanji with his yet-to-be-seen father Hisashi “äč…”—I took the “茶” and “歐” from Ochako’s name and searched through various kanji readings and meanings to get Saburou â€œèŒ¶ć„‰éƒŽâ€ and Karuko â€œè»œć­â€. The sa in Saburou means “tea” and an alternate reading of the kanji, while bu means “offer, dedicate” and rou means “son” (this same kanji is in Eijirou’s name; it’s a relatively common kanji for boy names). Karu means “light (opposite of heavy)” which is supposed to reference what I can only assume is the family quirk (again, we have no idea what her parents’ quirks are; I DEMAND TO KNOW HORIKOSHI), and then ko means “child” and—similar to rou being common for boy names—is pretty common for girl names.
[6] - I will admit I have no idea how the production of fashion lines work, and unlike many other things, I’m not arsed to research it for a single line of dialogue (I do that enough as it is...I’m very easily distracted) so if I’m horrendously wrong on how fashion designers work in a company, please ignore it.
[7] - I actually have come up with entire profiles for Eijirou’s mothers, but I do not have the room in the notes to go into complete detail on them on here, so feel free to read about them here instead. I unfortunately don’t draw so they don’t have ‘official’ appearances, but I’ve tried to describe them as I see them in my head as best I can.
[8] - I think it’s relatively well-known that PDA in Japan tends to get the side-eye if it’s anything more than holding hands, and while Japan as a culture does seem to be slowly getting laxer about it and this fic is set in the hypothetical future, I doubt there would be significant change, plus I’m sure they’ll still think PDA in front of one’s parents is pretty taboo. Personally I’d feel a bit shy about hugging/cuddling with my S/O in front of my family, but I’m also aroace af so what do I know, hahaha.
[9] - Just imagine the gaming console Eijirou’s using is similar to the Switch, but like...a future version. Maybe it’s not even a Nintendo product, who the heck knows what game technology is gonna be like.
I considered also writing about the trio telling their friends the same week in-universe, but all the ideas I have for that are kinda vague and I’m not really sure how to write the scenes out without seeming repetitious, or how to keep them interesting to read, so I nixed that in favour of ending at this point, especially since I’ve struggled so much to get here. Maybe that’ll be an actual snippet, but no promises, hahaha.
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shay-has-moved · 8 years ago
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This took so long you don’t even know- But after months of procrastination, here he is!
This will be a long post, but his bio is below.
General Info
Full name: Takumi Byoga
Nicknames: Momma's boy ( He doesn’t like this one because he loves both of his parents equally ), Matchmaker ( Refer to trivia )
Hero Name: Ink Blotch
Age: 15
Date Of Birth: June 27
Gender: Male
Status: Alive
Morals: Chaotic good
Occupation: Student at U.A.
Personal Information
Positive Traits: Outgoing, Determined, Open minded, Optimistic, Creative
Negative Traits: Emotional, Easily flustered, Stubborn, Curious, Hopeless romantic, Over protective, Insecure
Favorite Food: Peaches
Likes: Lions, fluffy things, sweet food, playing with his hair, meeting new people, warm blankets, anything romance related.
Dislikes: Spicy food, the cold, storms, loud noises, spiders, most reptiles, smudges in his drawings, clichés.
Fears: Poisonous bugs, snakes, separation.
Habits: He’ll curl his hair around his finger when he’s feeling bashful, doesn’t make eye contact when he’s lying, taps his pencil when he’s impatient.
Physical Information
Height: 5’5 ( 165cm )
Weight: 122 lbs. ( 55 kg )
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Scars/Markings: Mole under right eye, Mole on his right shoulder blade
Clothing Style: Always seen wearing shorts and boots in the heat, wears pants and a scarf in the winter, also wears a leather jacket no matter the weather.
Relationship Info
Marital Status: Single
Sexuality: Homosexual
Birth Mother: ??? Byoga - Whereabouts unknown
Birth Father:  ??? Byoga - Whereabouts unknown
Siblings: Tomoki Byoga - Twin sister - Doesn’t know she exists
Adopted Mother: Terra Jones - Stay at home mom
Adopted Father: Brandon Jones - Pro hero
Aunt: Kamira Jones - Works at cafe
Cousin: Josh Jones - Regular college student
Iida Tenya: Takumi greatly admires Iida for his enthusiasm, leadership, and intelligence. So much so that he has developed a crush on the said male, which only is noticeable to those who actually squint. However Takumi would never admit it, he gets flustered and denies his feelings when someone brings it up as he wants to be the one to tell Iida himself, but he just doesn’t know how yet. Iida is completely clueless to this crush and just sees Takumi as extremely friendly.
Mina Ashido: They get along very well and Mina was actually the first friend he made in the class, he even sees her as a sister. When he’s bored, he’ll often play with her hair or let her do the same.
Izuku Midoriya: Takumi respects Izuku for being so ambitious and sees him as a true future hero. They tend to only make small talk, but they still work well together.
Ochako Uraraka: Takumi really enjoys talking with Uraraka because of how cheerful she is and feels as though he could talk to her for hours. He’s super interested about her quirk and has even said it really fits her.
Katsuki Bakugou: He finds Bakugou extremely intimidating but it didn’t stop him from trying to socialize with him. Although he doesn’t appreciate his vulgar way of speech, he still thinks Bakugou will become a powerful and successful hero. Takumi actually has asked to be trained by him so he can get stronger.
Minoru Mineta: Takumi doesn’t appreciate his perverted and sexual comments towards the girls, although it may just be a grudge from his first meeting with him as Mineta mistaked him for a girl.
Mashirao Ojiro: Takumi enjoys his company, although sometimes it’ll get awkward once they run out of things to talk about. He also likes to play with his tail, with permission of course.
Tsuyu Asui: He doesn’t mind socializing with her every now and then, he’s also fascinated with her quirk and hopes to see her become a popular hero in the future. Mezou Shouji: Although it mostly goes unseen, he talks a lot with him and admires his quirk. Shouji’s calm and friendly attitude is what really drew Takumi in to talk with him so much, he trusts him enough to spill out his secrets to him, he’s a good shoulder(s?) to lean on. Takumi’s really curious about what’s under his mask but doesn’t have the guts to ask.
Hanta Sero: These two can hold a long conversation, and Takumi does his best to defend him when someone makes fun of his quirk, saying if his quirk wasn’t great then he wouldn’t be in U.A.. Takumi appreciates his modesty but didn’t expect his blunt way of speaking when they first met.
Kyouka Jirou: Takumi considers her lucky for having such a cool quirk, and has told her that many of times. He was a bit scared of her at first, but that went away when he realized how protective she is of her friends and that she doesn’t mean real harm.
Momo Yaoyorozu: He has plenty of respect for her and really likes her skills in leadership. He has once accidentally blurted out in front of Momo that he shipped her and Jirou together, he was thankful Jirou wasn’t around, but knew he deserved the scolding he got from Momo instead.
Tooru Hagakure: Takumi feels bad when he forgets she’s there and will immediately apologize for it. The two are surprisingly sociable together.
Denki Kaminari: Takumi admits that Denki is definitely one of the most fun people in the class besides Kirishima. They get along pretty well, but Takumi worries over him when he shocks himself stupid.
Yuuga Aoyama: Just like Tooru, he tends to forget Aoyama is there, but he appreciates his company. Takumi also likes the French terms he uses.
Eijirou Kirishima: Takumi really enjoys being around Kirishima because of his chill and caring attitude, he can never say no to an invitation from him.
Kouji Kouda: He finds his quiet nature adorable, and respects him when he doesn’t want to talk. He absolutely adores the rabbit Kouda keeps with him.
Fumikage Tokoyami: They’re both on good terms with each other, and Takumi likes to play with Dark Shadow as long as Tokoyami doesn’t mind.
Rikidou Satou: They don’t get to talk very much, but Takumi tries his best.
Shouto Todoroki: Surprisingly, he’s the only person Takumi hasn’t talked to, only because he’s more scared of him than he is of Bakugou. Todoroki’s power intimidates him immensely, but Takumi promised himself to talk to him one day.
Shota Aizawa: Takumi didn’t believe he was a teacher at first, and was shocked upon realization that he was. Although Aizawa doesn’t look the part, Takumi believes he’s a good teacher because of how he pushes everyone beyond their limits.
Summarized Biography
It’s unknown when exactly Takumi was abandoned by his parents, but he speculates it was around the time he was four and hadn’t developed or figured out his quirk yet. Most of his memories are fuzzy past that point, but he was told to not worry about them. His adoptive family brought him in with open arms, as they’ve been wanting a child for a while because his adopted mother was unable to have children.
Takumi wasn’t a problematic child and did well in school, he had no problem making friends with other kids. He was bummed out however when kids in his class already had their quirks, which made him believe he’d never have one. It took him another month to figure out he had a quirk, with much support from his parents and teachers. Although his quirk wasn’t as flashy as the other kids, he didn’t complain, Takumi was glad to have it.
After receiving his quirk he began to think about his birth parents, he hadn’t known why they left him, but he assumed it was because they didn’t think he had a quirk. After that thought, he planned to become a great hero, to show his parents he wasn’t quirkless. Takumi then worked hard on perfecting his quirk, taking an art class to improve his drawings and pushed himself at home to figure out his limits.
Once getting into middle school, he lost contact with his friends from elementary, them either moving or going to a different school. This however allowed him to focus on himself and his quirk, eventually taking gymnastics to increase his strength and flexibility. He sees his middle school years as his worst school years, only because he was picked on due to his feminine frame.
Takumi had passed the entrance exam with his drawing quirk, he earned 45 hero points and 18 rescue points. He held his head high as he entered U.A., mentally praising himself for making his first goal.
   Takumi has the ability to bring his drawings to life, and he can control the drawings to an extent depending on if that drawing is friendly or not. His quirk’s full potential is still a mystery to himself as he is still practicing and trying to find out new techniques he can use in a fight. So far, Takumi’s quirk is able to bring any drawing of his to life, no matter what the creature is, even if he were to make a drawing of himself. The current disadvantages of his quirk is the time limit he has when controlling them and that the mistakes he makes on a drawing stays with it once it’s been brought to life, which is a problem when he’s rushing to finish a drawing in a fight and is bound to make a handful of mistakes.
Quirk Advantages:
His drawings can last for however long he needs them or until they are destroyed.
He can use any type of material as a canvas, basically if he can draw on it, he can use it to bring his drawings to life.
How big his creation turns out to be depends on how big he draws it.
As long as the drawing wasn’t destroyed, he can re-use it as many times as needed.
He can save his friendly drawings to use in battle so he can summon more drawings and not have to worry about controlling them.
He’s able to make a drawing come to life even at a far away distance.
Whatever material he decides to draw on is what the drawing will be made of, so drawing on paper will make his creation made of paper, or if he draws on rock then it will be made of rock, etc
Quirk Disadvantages:
If he makes a mistake on his drawing it will stay on it when he makes it come to life. Ex: If he draws a cat and forgets to draw a leg, then the cat will have three legs, and he can’t fix it once it’s brought to life, he’ll have to discard the old drawing and create a new one.
When he brings his drawings to life it leaves a hole on whatever he drew on, which can be bad if he has limited materials and uses up a whole page.
However many drawings he can bring to life depends on the size of his canvas.
If he decides not to control his drawings then they will do their own thing, and whether or not it’ll do good is completely random. This can be fixed.
He can only control one drawing at a time. This can be fixed with practice.
He gets a massive headache from controlling his drawings for too long, the max he can control them is 30 minutes. This can be fixed with practice.
If his drawing is damaged before it comes to life (Ex: his drawing is torn, burned, wet, smudged, etc.) he can’t use it and will have to draw it all over again.
The drawing MUST be drawn by him to make it come to life, he can’t make anyone else’s drawings come to life.
His drawings are not able to have powers. (Like control fire, water, etc.)
Mask: Hides his identity, and also protects his eyes from anything that would be eye irritant in the air.
Suit: His entire suit is made of many layers of material that enables him to draw on it in case his notebook runs out or he needs a bigger canvas, includes a built in fire sketchbook on left arm.
Utility belt: Holds all of his drawing utensils including pens, pencils, markers, paintbrushes and more.
Gloves and Boots: Both are made of a non abrasive and non smudge eraser material.
Rollerblades: Retractable rollerblades on the bottom of his boots for quicker maneuverability while drawing, including rubber stoppers on the front. The skates can also be used to draw on the ground.
Side rings: It’s how he removes his suit, he’s able to add more layers of paper if needed, and they also can be used to hold certain things like rings or cuffs.
Hero Costume Advantages:
Utility belt filled with different drawing materials, extra paint and ink included.
Sketchbook also removable if he needs to get rid of the extra weight.
The sketchbook is fire proof
He can draw on the ground with his rollerblades.
With the many layers of paper on his suit, he’s able to endure some pretty tough hits, it works as a vest towards any physical attacks.
He can also pack a good punch because of the thick eraser gloves, and a hard kick with his boots.
Hero Costume Disadvantages:
The suit easily overheats him because of all of the layers of paper, as well as the boots and gloves.
The suit is heavy and makes him slower, even with the rollerblades.
It’s easier to make mistakes while drawing if he’s skating around.
The suit isn’t waterproof or acid proof.
His left hand is basically useless with the sketchbook on his arm.
He only has a limited amount of materials.
The rollerblades can be broken.
It’s difficult times when he gets itchy.
Fighting Style And Combat
Physical Strengths:
He’s quick on his feet, with or without his skates.
Harder to hit due to his small frame.
Incredibly flexible, he’s able to stretch beyond regular limits.
Poor strength.
Low stamina.
His hand will cramp up after drawing too much or too fast.
Mental Strengths:
Comes up with plenty of ideas during a fight.
Even though he thinks too much, they’re often good ideas.
Easily distracted.
His artistic ability is limited, meaning he doesn’t know how to draw some things.
Takes too much time to think which may waste time.
Insecure of his abilities and most likely won’t act out on them.
Skills and Talents:
He is extremely good at gymnastics, his flexibility knows no bounds.
His current drawing skill is average, he’s able to draw humans to an extent and a small amount of animals like felines and bugs.
He only knows a little bit of hand to hand combat, he’s not the best at it but he’s practicing.
Power                             2/5 D
Speed                             3/5 C
Technique                      4/5 B
Intelligence                    4/5 B
Cooperativeness          5/5 A
He found out about his quirk a day before his birthday, he drew a cat on the wall and brought it to life, which left a hole. Despite the cat shaped hole in the wall, his parents were proud.
He secretly ships people in his classroom, going so far as to call himself the class’s matchmaker, all of his ships are drawn in a separate sketchbook and they’re all chibis holding hands.
He’s extremely self conscious about looking like a girl, being afraid that the guys will be attracted to his looks instead of his personality.
There’s been many times where a guy attempted to hit on him only to not know he was a male, which all of those experiences have went horribly wrong.
There was a time he dressed up as a female to trick someone, but he doesn’t like to talk about it so the details are unknown.
He keeps a picture of his birth parents under his headband.
He has severe separation issues and can’t be left alone for too long, he’s capable of having a panic attack due to this, however he’ll prevent this by summoning one of his drawings to cuddle him.
He listens to old and slow music, his favorite being “We’ll Meet Again” by Vera Lynn, it helps him concentrate while drawing.
He’s actually drawn himself and made it come to life to take his place in school once, the only reason he got caught was because he forgot to draw the mole on his face and his mother noticed it after his clone came home.
He secretly is a sucker for romance films and books, there’s a whole stash in his room under his bed.
He likes when others play with his hair, as long as no one puts it up into pigtails, he’s ok with it.
He once kicked Mineta across the room for making a sexual comment about Mina, he didn’t apologize and said he’d do it again if he had to.
Often times he’ll train with his dad and doesn’t give up until he has knocked him down at least once.
He really likes peaches because his dad usually takes the seeds and carves them into animals, Takumi’s first one was a lion.
His aunt and cousins have a snake related quirk, and he’s deathly afraid of snakes, but loves his family no less.
It’s almost impossible to get him near snakes, especially his family’s snakes, he describes snakes as weird and slithery and usually ignores any explanation on why they’re not so bad.
His cousin was the one who taught him how to skate, which he then added onto his costume.
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