sithskywalkerr · 2 years
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
In no particular order:
yes & no - XLYØ
the last stand - sabaton
anti-hero - taylor swift
blue monday - orgy
clint eastwood - gorillaz
head like a hole - nine inch nails
hash pipe - weezer
feel good inc. - gorillaz
you're on your own kid - taylor swift
soluble words - ON
sam, vader, and my 2012 pop princess dream identity are fighting for the aux cord.
ty ty ty for thinking of me 🥺
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killjoynest · 2 years
the thing about grasskid jim and rosa laserbrain is that on the surface the listening party mention of rosas death being more of an inconvenience to getting band merch shows that grasskid jim (and, by extension, most killjoys) prioritise trends and living in the moment to the extent that they dont care about much outside of instant gratification, but if you dig deeper its an interesting light on the refusal to really engage with grief in the zones especially in the younger characters. in this essay, i will
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doolallymagpie · 8 months
me: captain alana riktov is a hyperpractical pragmatist who objects to the empire's waste of resources and pissing-away of goodwill, loyal to the version of the empire in her head, which is not the one that actually exists, and she's something of a logistics genius
me: she's also a bugfuck wacko space pirate who was constantly doing heists against the zann consortium, and she holdo maneuvered an imperial fleet headed for ryloth on the basis of "well that couldn't be a good thing" (it was a remote-piloted keldabe, she lost nothing, and the empire lost a fuckton, they didn't find out until she published her memoirs years after the battle of jakku)
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callistocomet · 2 years
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my beloved doctor
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desertbcrnnobody · 9 days
Osha: "So I did it correctly that time?"
Qimir: "Yes, you did..."
Osha: "Don't you dare."
Qimir: *in her head* "My good girl."
Osha: *ignites saber* "You fu-"
Osha: *huffing and out of breath, saber to Qimir's throat* "I win laserbrain."
Qimir: "Yes, Verosha, you caught me off guard, impressive."
Osha: *narrows eyes* "If you say good girl one more time, I will impale you."
Qimir: ...
Osha: ...
Qimir: *in her head* "Is that a promise, my little witch?"
Osha: *raises the saber like she's going to fucking draw and quarter him* "Oh that's it!"
Qimir: *raises hands and laughs* "Whoa, whoa, I didn't say it!"
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obiwanobi · 2 years
Don't know the context of it, but imagine Luke and Leia being raised in the Temple and both wanting to be Obi-Wan's padawan and Obi-Wan being incapable of choosing between them, so the three of them go to the Council with the most pleading look on their faces and promise to be nice so can they please both be Uncle Obi-Wan's padawans 🥺
The Council isn't too thrilled about it but they're twins, so they could probably bend the rules a lit—
The two excited screams that follow almost make Master Yoda fall from his chair.
"UNCLE OBI did you hear?" Luke asks, tugging on Obi-Wan's robe as if he hasn't been there the whole time. "You're our master now! BOTH of us!"
Leia doesn't even notice that her brother is talking, moving her little arms excitingly. "I can't wait to tell Ezra, he said that it was stupid and the council would never accept but what does he know, the laserbrain isn't even—"
"Uncle Obi do we have to call you Master now? Master Uncle? I know you prefer that we call you Obi-Wan but I think Master Obi is so much cooler—"
"Remember that you asked for this, Obi-Wan," Mace Windu says and Obi-Wan is almost certain he's smiling a bit too much not to be teasing, but Luke is already climbing in his arms to make sure Obi-Wan is listening to him and Leia is halfway out of the room already talking about her padawan braid, so he doesn't really have time to think about it.
He has a feeling he won't have time for anything else except his padawans for quite some time now.
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Anything For You
Requested by @fridathedahlia
Luke Skywalker is the definition of loyalty. He's loyal to the Rebellion, he's loyal to the Light, he's loyal to his friends, and he's certainly loyal to you.
And he'll do anything for you.
When you asked him to take care of you when you came down with an unfortunate case of food poisoning, well... a promise is a promise.
"Commander Skywalker reporting for duty!" Luke says as he enters your shared quarters with the supplies he nabbed from the medbay.
"I swear, I'm never going to eat food on Nal Hutta again," you groan. The sheets of your bed are crumpled around you haphazardly, half of them already kicked off onto the floor. Your bed's a mess, you're a mess, but you're way too tired and sick to do anything about it.
"I doubt mynock stew can even be considered food, but I applaud your bravery," he laughs. You pretend to glare at him, but you can't help the smirk that forms on your lips. His goofy charm always makes you feel better.
Luke really is on another level--if the Rebellion were to hold a contest for who was the best romantic partner, he would definitely win. For the entire day, he's been glued to your side, even going as far as holding your hair out of your face and gently rubbing your back as you're vomiting your guts out. He hasn't complained once, nor has he mentioned anything about you owing him a favor in return. Not many people are like that.
Sitting down next to you, he unpacks his satchel and pulls out a tiny bottle of light blue liquid.
"Got me a drink? Thanks, Luke," you joke.
He playfully rolls his eyes at you. "No, Y/N, I got you medicine. Hopefully it will help your stomach calm down." He dumps out the remaining contents, and out tumbles multiple high-protein nutrient bars, all different flavors. "And, I got you some rations to eat afterward."
"Thank the maker, because I'm starving."
He screws off the bottle cap and pours the med nog into it, and you wrinkle your nose at the cloying smell. It reminds you of the sickly sweet aroma of bacta combined with the burning stench of jet fuel. However, you look over at the rations--specifically the meiloorun-flavored one--and you feel your stomach growling, so you know it's a necessary evil you have to endure.
"Give it to me. I'm ready."
"Good luck, soldier."
Luke hands you the medicine and you down it in one gulp. He laughs as your expression quickly morphs into one of disgust, your face scrunching up as you stick your tongue out and gag.
"Whatever happened to the sweet, loving boyfriend who held my hair back when I was throwing up?"
"You're not throwing up now, therefore I can laugh at you."
"Meanie." You shake your head, then you grab his hand and smile. "Thank you, Luke, for going out of your way to help me. It really means the galaxy to me."
He squeezes your hand lightly. "You mean the galaxy to me, Y/N."
Tagging: (comment if you want to be tagged or you want me to stop tagging you)
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darthpotater · 1 year
No One Else but Han
You and Luke “try” to help Han after he screwed up with his dad duties.
The Misadventures of Reader with Han, Luke and Leia | Part 1
A/N: this was such a random thought I had one night and is completely self indulgent cuz I love han and messing with him. But nevertheless, I hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I did writing.
Yeah, i’d still consider this more of a a luke x reader but also a han x reader but with a sibling/platonic type of relationship
Forgive me, this was a pure 4 am thought.
“Han, what did you do?” You asked quietly as you peered down at little Ben who was happily babbling at you. You glance back at the smuggler who was busy pacing back and forth. “I know, alright? I screwed up. But could you please help me here? Leia’s coming home today and I know she’ll kill me.”
You nodded, trying your best at hiding a smile before turning to look back at the little boy in his crib. You stared at him, trying to stop yourself from doubling over with laughter as you carefully reached for his soft hair, hair that was once black now dyed Blue.
“I don’t understand. How did you confuse shampoo and hair dye?” You asked, finally turning around to look back at Han. “The bottle was blue!” Han defended, throwing his hands up in the air. “Yeah, because it’s blue hair dye.” You said matter-of-factly.
“His shampoo bottle is blue too.”
“Han, do you ever read the contents of the bottle?” You asked with a laugh. He dropped his head, “I assumed it was the right one.”
You let out a laugh before turning around once more to look at Ben. “Oh my sweet Ben, what do we do with you? Although, gotta admit, it fits him don’t you think?” You smiled as you carefully picked up Ben who let out a squeal. “You’re not helping.” Han groaned as he ran a hand down his face. You chuckled before leaving a kiss on Ben’s temple, making him snuggle up against you.
“I have a question for you though, laserbrain. Did you ever think to stop when you saw his hair turning blue?”
“I did, starshine.” Han started sarcastically, making you playfully roll your eyes at him. “But when I rinsed it off, well, it was too late— Now my son looks like Max Rebo.” Han groaned before plopping down on the couch. “Leia’s going to kill me.”
“Why is Leia going to kill you?” Luke’s voice asked from behind as he entered the room. “I came as soon as I got the com. Is everything alright? What happened?” He asked once again, his voice laced with obvious concern. “Oh, everything’s alright, just a small problem.” You giggled before turning around with Ben. You laughed when you saw Luke’s expression change; the concern and worry leaving and instantly replaced by amusement.
“Ben?” Luke called out as he slowly made his way over to you both. “What did they do to you?” Luke laughed, eyeing you and Han. “Don’t look at me, it was all him. No one else but Han.” You smiled, motioning to the man of the hour who was slumped against the couch, head in his hands. “Well, I certainly did not expect to see this.” Luke smiled before looking at you, leaning in to give you a quick chaste kiss on the lips.
“So, are you two going to help me or stand there and mock me?” Han asked with a sigh. You and Luke share a look before smiling and looking back at your favorite nerfherder. “We will help but I cannot promise I won’t mess with you from time to time.” You answered, handing Ben to Luke who happily wrapped his arms around his nephew. “Although, I don’t see how you expect us to help you, Han.” Luke pointed out while running a hand through Ben’s blue hair.
“I was thinking maybe you could, I don’t know, use that mind trick thing you guys do, on Leia.” Han shrugged. You scoffed, “On Leia’s behalf, I’m offended you’d even think that would work on her.”
“I don’t even know how it works!” Han exclaimed as he started pacing once again. Luke laughed as he gave Ben a small bounce, making the boy laugh. “Or, maybe we could just shave his head.” You suggested with a shrug, making both men look at you. “What?”
“I don’t think that will make things any better, my love.” Luke chuckled. “I think Leia would prefer coming home to a bald baby than a Max Rebo.
“She’ll kill me.” Han groaned, shaking his head. You turned to look at him. “I think she’ll kill you either way, Han.”
“You sure know how to make things better.” Han said sarcastically, making you laugh. “Just being honest.”
“Oh grow up.”
“Said the man who mixed up blue hair dye and his son’s shampoo.”
“It was an honest mistake!”
You were about to make another teasing comment but was stopped by Luke. “Okay you two, that’s enough. Why don’t we focus on the task at hand? Could we possibly re-dye his hair with black?” Luke asked. At this point, the constant back and forth between the three of you had Ben laying his head on his uncle’s shoulder, sleep obviously trying to take over.
Han pointed a finger at Luke, “Yes. That’s it. I can run to the store and buy some black dye.”
You shook your head as you hopped onto the kitchen counter that was nearby. “No, that’ll ruin his hair. We don’t even know how strong the blue one is, just imagine adding more?” Luke nodded, agreeing with you. Han dropped his hand, convinced by your point. “Can’t you guys use your magic to change his hair?”
“Han, how do you think we Jedis work?” Luke asked, holding back laughter as to not wake Ben up who had given in and was now fast asleep in his Uncle’s arms. Han shook his head, “I don’t know, you tell me, kid.”
You watched Luke as he carefully shifted the boy in his arms, cradling the back of his head before leaving a soft kiss on his forehead. You smiled sweetly, enjoying the sight in front of you. You couldn’t help but start imagining a future where the two of you start a family; to have a child with him would be amazing because you just know he’d be such an amazing father and oh how you’d want to be there to witness it all.
“Okay, maybe a hat. We could buy him a hat.” Luke suggested as he now carefully place sleeping Ben back in his crib. “I don’t think that would hide his hair forever, love.” You teased, making Luke nod agreeingly. “Come on, there has to be something.” Han pleaded. You and Luke share a laugh, “I think our best bet is to come clean. Like you said, it was an honest mistake.”
Han dropped his head in defeat, knowing well enough there was no other choice. Luke walked into the kitchen and grabbed himself a drink. “Just know, if ever you need a place to stay, we have extra room and we’d be more than happy to take you in.” Luke teased, making Han roll his eyes. “I say we shave his head. He’d be a cute bald baby.” You added once more, pushing for your initial plan. “No way I’m letting you mess with my son’s hair.”
“Fine then, because that’s all the solutions I can think of at the moment.” You sighed before eyeing Luke who stood in front of you, sipping on a cold glass of blue milk. You watched for a few seconds, starting to crave— and as if he knew exactly what you were thinking, which he probably did, he handed you the rest of his drink with a smile. You happily accepted and took a few sips yourself. “I have no idea how you guys like that stuff.” Han started. “Leia keeps a kriff ton of that for you both but I just don’t get it.”
“And I love her for that. It’s a beverage for people with taste—thank you very much.” You grinned before handing the glass back to Luke. He downed what’s left and giggled as he reached up to wipe your milk-mustache off.
“Han? I’m home.” Leia’s voice greeted from the door, making the three of you look her way with wide eyes. “You’re home early.” Han gasped, making you look at him with a crooked smile.
“Yeah, the meeting ended early—Oh! I didn’t know you two were here. Is this my surprise welcoming party?” She asked with a grin. You snickered while Luke cleared his throat, stopping himself from bursting out in laughter. “We were just about to leave, actually. Just wanted to check in on Han and Ben, that’s all. Welcome home.” Luke smiled as he gave his sister a hug and a kiss on the cheek; you doing the same.
“Don’t you two want to stay for dinner? I have so many stories to tell you all.” She said as Luke downed his drink and wiping his mouth with his sleeve. “We can do that another day, perhaps tomorrow? For now, we’ll let the three of you catch up.” Luke grinned as Han shook his head vigorously as he stood behind Leia, “Oh okay, I won’t force you both.” She smiled tiredly.
Luke reached for your hand and motioned for the door. You nodded with a smile before looking back at Han and mouthed a sorry. He glared at you which made you stifle in a laugh harder.
You and Han quite the unique relationship. Anyone who didn’t know you and on a personal level would think you two despised each other but to those who did, would know that you and Han always had each other’s back…despite the constant teasing and messing with each other. He was like the brother you never had, never really asked for but you were extremely glad to have.
You and Luke rushed out the Solo residence just before Leia could give Han a mouthful.
“Poor Han,” Luke chuckled as you two began walking down the halls, making your way towards the elevators. “Yeah, but that’s what he gets for not reading. That’ll teach him a lesson.” You grinned.
“I promise you, I won’t accidentally dye our child’s hair like that.” Luke said, making you stop dead in your tracks. Luke looks at you, eyes wide as he realized what he had just said. “I didn’t mean— I just… sorry, I didn’t mean to say that out loud… I’m sorry.” Luke apologized anxiously as he stared at the floor.
“… You want to have a child with me?” You asked quietly, making him look up at you, his blue eyes glistening under the faint hallway lights. “No one else.” He whispered softly. You stared at him, not knowing what words to say but one thing’s for sure, you wanted the same damn thing.
“I.. I don’t see anyone else I want to start a family with nor do I want anyone else to spend the rest of my life with.” He said, voice so soft that you could barely hear him but you did, and oh how happy that made you. “Well, I’m really glad we’re on the same page.” You smiled before grabbing his collar softly and pulling him in for a passionate kiss. You felt him smile. “And hey, maybe we could you know, start trying…” You told him, trying to shrug off the blush creeping up your cheeks. Luke stood there with wide eyes, staring down at you with so much intensity and so much love. And without saying another word, he intertwines your hands together before guiding you into the elevator, determined to get you both home.
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mwolf0epsilon · 1 year
A Hairy Situation
Jesse, shaving his head so that his tattoo stays nice and visible: Well well, who's that handsome devil in the mirror? -winking at himself and taking his sweet time- Hardcase, annoyed because there's only one electric shaver available due to some past unfortunate circumstances: Jess you're taking ageeeees!!! Let me have a turn! -trying to take the shaver from Jesse's hand- Jesse, startled: Hey, I'm not done yet! Back off 'Case! -pulling his arm away from Hardcase's reach so that his batcher doesn't take the electric shaver from him- Hardcase, huffing: No duh you're not done... You keep making googoo eyes at your own karking reflection!!! I gotta bounce before all the good food's gone from the mess! Jesse, rolling his eyes and grinning at him: Then you shoulda woken up earlier Casey~ Hardcase, frustrated: I DID wake up early! But Kix was already using the shaver and then you cut in line! Come on! Hand it over!!! -still trying to wrestle the shaver out of Jesse's hand- Jesse, fighting back: HEY!!! Quit it 'Case! Fives, carefully trimming his goatee and watching the mayhem unfold: Oh this is not ending well. Echo, putting on some aftershave: Oh for sure... Should we do something about it? Fives: Like the captain would say, 'Not my circus, not my monkeys'. Jesse & Hardcase, both struggling over the still working shaver and moving about in the packed 'fresher: GIVE IT UP YA DI'KUT!!! -flailing about dangerously close to Tup who's too busy talking to Dogma to notice the ongoing struggle- Fives, noticing what's about to happen: Oh kark that's not good... Jesse, Hardcase stop!!! Echo, yelping: Tup watch out! Hardcase, distracted by the Domino Twins: Uh? -lets go of Jesse's arm without warning- Jesse, accidentally shaves part of Tup's head due to over-correcting his stance and swinging his arm wildly: OH SHIT!!! Echo & Fives, gawking in horror: Hardcase, trying to process what just happened: Jesse, horrified: Oh maker! Tup I'm so sorry vod'ika!!! Tup staring blankly: Jesse, concerned: .... T-Tup? Tup, slowly turning to stare blankly at Jesse: Dogma, looking at Jesse and Hardcase and sighing because he knows what's coming: .... Run. Tup, eye twitching from sheer fury: THIS TOOK ME AGES TO GROW OUT!!! Jesse & Hardcase, both screaming and running away for their lives: Tup, running after them with murderous intent: COME BACK HERE YOU LASERBRAINED PAIR OF DI'KUTLA SHABUIRS!!! Dogma: ... Guess it's my turn with the shaver. Echo: Aren't you going to help them??? Dogma, staring at Echo incredulously: And get in between an angry Tup and the objects of his ire? No thank you. I value my life... Fives: Fair enough.
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Kinktober Day 3: Fall Apart // Anakin Skywalker X Reader
Prompt: Anal // Glove Kink 
Note: sorry this one is a little shorter, Yesterday’s ended up being the pretty much the length of one of my normal fics so to stay on schedule I shortened this one up a bit! 
Warnings: Oral fixation! mention of fingering, sucking on fingers/glove, AFAB!Reader, Nude reader clothed male, bad writing and grammar
Word count: 450
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Raised high over the streets of Coruscant with the wind hollowing outside and the speeders rushing by in a greay-tinted sky, you sit safely in his arms. The smooth leather tips of his gloved fingers smooths over your cheek while the rain presses a flurry of kisses to the apartment windows. 
You sit in his lap, his back against the headboard, not a stitch of clothing gracing your skin. Cozy black sweet pants still hug Anakin’s hips but his board chest is laid bare before you. Leaning forward to capture his soft lips in yours, you let your hands glide over the expanse of his toned chest, running up and down, over his shoulder, and up his neck to pull him closer in your embrace. 
Anakin moans into your kiss, hugging you tightly by the hip till your breasts are pressed flush against him. You pull away for breath, starry-eyed and breathless with a string of drool still connecting your lips. 
“Was that good baby girl?” He asks, voice low as he swipes his gloved thumb over your bottom lip. A shiver runs up your spine as you nod in response. You can feel him from the way you’re straddling his waist, his cock big and hard, pressed against your thigh, making you dizzy with want for him. 
Tentatively, you open your mouth and let your tongue sick out to lick at his gloved thumb. Anakin’s face breaks into a mischievous grin when he catches on and he gently pushes his thumb further in for you to suck on. You’re eyes flutter shut and you sigh around his finger. With his other hand, he cups your cheek. “So pretty for me.” 
You can feel the dampness between your thighs increase and you’re willing to bet anything that if you got up you would find a wet patch on his pants. All too soon, pulling his hand back and undoing the straps. 
“You want to help me take this off?” He asks, holding his hand out towards you. Instinctively, you bite the tip of the glove's index finger and slowly pull it off his metallic arm. “Hmm, so good for me.” He hums as you let the glove fall forgotten to the side. “Now,” He says as the both of you examine the delicate details of his robotic arm. “Why don’t you get these nice and wet so they can fuck that tight little pussy?” 
You greedily take two of his fingers in your mouth, relishing in the coolness on your tongue, and eagerly remember what they feel like inside of you. 
Who knew all it took was his hands to make you fall apart? 
Tag list (Note: I am using my regular taglist as of right now, if you dont want to be tagged let me know I may make a separate kinktober tag list!) @rentskenobi @mysteryofkokoro @highpriestessrebek @sarapixieelliott08 @princessxkenobi @dexthtoyounglings @book-hoardingdragon​ @cosmic-rich​ @laserbrains @hugmekenobi @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @obiknights
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saradika · 1 year
Could you mayhaps recommend some good Kenobi fics 👉🏻👈🏻 I started watching the mini series and it has reignited my loveeeee
ahhh I was so excited to see this! 💖 I put together a list of some recs - I have not read nearly as much obi wan x reader fics as I would like to. And I know some beloved mutuals have written for him - so if you see this, please feel free to rec & add on!! I would love to read them!
✨ all of these writers have many obi fics and I would absolutely rec them all - these are just places to start!! ✨
when the sun kissed the moon and the warmth within from @princessxkenobi
the tinkerer and heat by @obiknights
dust to dust (series) by @avarkriss
enough by @moonlight-prose (also has more obi fics under @im-poe-dameron)
warmer this way by @wickedscribbles
does not suffice and daybreak by @zinzinina
had you said the words by @grippingbeskar
where it wasn’t by @221bshrlocked
till there was you by @friskynotebook
And please check out @star-whores-a-new-hoe, @strwrs, @obixwan, @laserbrains, @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories, @corrupt-fvcker, @clints-lucky-arrow and @hellotherekenobi - they also write beautiful Obi-Wan fics! 💕 so many are on my to-read list!
(And if I can self-rec - offering up these!: one two)
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dystopicjumpsuit · 10 months
Stars Beyond Number - Chapter 14
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The Eyes are Sunlight
Rating: T (rating varies by chapter; mature content will be tagged; regardless of rating, minors DNI)
Pairings: Echo x Riyo Chuchi; Gregor x OFC Cerra Kilian
Wordcount: 3.1k
Warnings and tags: suspense, action, some angst, a nightmare, a little fluff
Suggested Listening:
Summary: Nemec's extraction hits a snag.
A/N: This story shares continuity with Martyrs and Kings and "Do It Again," but all three fics can be read as stand-alones.
Start here | Previous chapter | Next chapter | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list | Read on AO3
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There, the eyes are sunlight on a broken column
—T. S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”
They reached the rendezvous point well after nightfall. Once the sun set, Nemec took the lead. He guided Cerra quickly across the terrain using his helmet’s night vision, their speed increasing the closer they got the rendezvous point. 
“We’re going to make it,” Nemec called back to Cerra as she jogged a few paces behind him. “Only a few more klicks.”
Cerra didn’t respond, too busy trying to suck enough oxygen into her aching lungs. Her legs throbbed with every footstep, and her feet felt like they were on fire. She kriffing hated whatever Imperial laserbrain had chosen these boots for the officer’s uniform. Gritting her teeth, she put one foot in front of the other, her mind chanting only a few more klicks over and over. She’d come this far, and she’d be damned if she missed the rendezvous because she collapsed at the last minute.
Nemec skidded to a halt in front of her, the dust and gravel crunching loudly beneath his heavy boots.
“Listen,” he hissed.
Cerra held her breath so she could hear. Distantly, a mechanical whine broke the silence. Echo and Fireball? It didn’t sound like the freighter. It sounded like—
“Shit!” she exclaimed, breaking into a run. “I thought you said they wouldn’t scramble the V-wings!”
“They normally wouldn’t!” Nemec yelled. “Blowing up the speeder must have made them jumpy.”
“If they’re after the freighter, Echo and Fireball must be close. It’s going to be a tight pickup.”
“We’ll make it,” Nemec said grimly.
Adrenaline dulled the edge of Cerra’s agony. She sprinted at top speed, Nemec keeping pace next to her. She knew he could go faster, and he was holding back on purpose so he didn’t leave her behind. She was torn between gratitude and irritation, but she saved her breath, knowing that he wouldn’t leave her even if she ordered him to. Loyalty ran deep in the clones, whether by nature or by design.
“Is that them?” Nemec called as a freighter roared by overhead.
“Yes!” Cerra shouted. “We’re not going to make it!”
“Kark yes, we are!” Nemec said.
He grabbed her hand and sped up, dragging her behind him. The shriek of the V-wing engines was so close behind that she didn’t dare turn to look. The freighter fired at the V-wings, and one of them exploded into flames and careened toward the ground. She stumbled in the darkness, but Nemec didn’t let her fall, just tugged her back upright and kept running.
The lights of the freighter were just ahead. She could see the ship descending, its ramp lowering as the turret gun continued to fire at the other two V-wings. Close, so close, so close!
A V-wing fired and clipped the freighter. The ship shuddered and swayed as it hovered a few meters above the ground, but the deflectors held. Nemec dropped her hand and whirled to fire at the V-wings with his DC-15.
“Keep going!” Cerra screamed. “We’re almost there!”
The freighter’s turret gun fired over their heads, and Nemec turned and dashed toward the ramp. He passed Cerra, and when he reached the ship, he whirled and grabbed her by the waist, tossing her up onto the ramp. She tucked and rolled as she landed, scrambling to her feet as Nemec jumped up after her.
“Cerra! Get on copilot!” Echo yelled from the cockpit.
“On it,” she panted as she slammed the button to seal the hatch.
She stumbled to the cockpit and strapped herself into the copilot’s chair as Echo took off. Fireball manned the turret gun with impressive accuracy, and a second V-wing erupted into flames as the freighter soared into the sky. Cerra programmed the hyperdrive navicomputer as Echo piloted them out of the atmosphere. The last V-wing pursued, but they cleared the planet’s gravity well and jumped to hyperspace before it reached firing range. Cerra sat back in her seat, gasping for air. 
“Nice flying, Echo,” she said, punching him lightly on the shoulder. 
He gave her a small smile, and she turned to check on Nemec. He removed his helmet as Fireball slid down the ladder from the turret gun and pulled him into a tight hug.
“I didn’t think I was going to see you again,” Fireball choked.
“You should know me better than that, little brother,” Nemec replied.
Cerra turned back to the viewport to give them some privacy. Echo wordlessly handed her a canteen of water.
���Miss me?” she asked, nodding her thanks.
“Only because the only two songs Fireball knows are ‘Vode An’ and ‘99 Bottles of Ale,’” Echo said.
Cerra laughed and drained the bottle. “Kriff, that’s good. I think I swallowed about a kilo of dust on that moon.”
“Then you must not be hungry,” Fireball said as he joined them. “I was going to offer you a ration bar, but since you already ate—”
“Fireball, you give me that food, or I swear to the Maker herself, I will shave your eyebrows and dye your mohawk a stunning baby pink,” Cerra threatened.
“All right, all right,” Fireball laughed, tossing her a ration bar.
She tore into it and crammed half of it into her mouth.
“I think you’d look good with pink hair,” Nemec mumbled around a bite of his own.
Cerra swiveled her chair around to face him, finally getting a look at him without his helmet. Nemec was definitely older than Fireball, as she’d suspected. His dark hair was speckled with gray at the temples and long enough that he wore it braided. He had a short beard, and for a brief, heartbreaking moment, Cerra imagined that this might have been what Tup would have looked like if he’d lived.
“It’s settled, then,” she said, pushing the thought firmly away. “You hold him down and I’ll get the hair dye.”
“I can’t believe you’ve only known my brother a day, and you’re already trying to turn him against me,” Fireball said in an aggrieved tone. “And after I saved the good ration bars for you!”
“Damn, those were the good ones?” Cerra asked. “What do the bad ones taste like?”
“Nothing,” all three clones said in unison.
“Jinx, you owe me a Coke,” Echo said, watching Cerra out of the corner of his eye.
She stopped chewing for a millisecond, then resumed with a tiny, crooked grin. Maybe I can do this after all.
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It was a day and a half hyperspace jump back to Coruscant. Once Cerra and Nemec had eaten, she grabbed the medkit and kicked her boots off. 
“Kark me,” Fireball said, eyeing the bloody, blistered mess on her heels. 
“Yeah. Those boots weren’t made for walking. Can’t wait to launch them out the airlock,” Cerra said. She disinfected her wounds and slapped a bacta patch on each heel, offering the medkit to Nemec. “Need anything?”
“No, I’m good,” he said. “Why didn’t you say something before?”
She shrugged. “There was nothing we could have done about it, and complaining wouldn’t have made a difference.”
“I have an emergency medpack in my field kit,” he said. “We could have patched you up out there.”
“Solid point,” Cerra said. “I’ll keep that in mind next time I have to walk halfway across a kriffing star system in shitty shoes.”
She sighed with relief as the bacta soothed the fiery sting of the disinfectant. Now that they were safely aboard the ship, the rush of adrenaline ebbed from her body, leaving her exhausted and wrung out. Her eyes drooped heavily.
“Got any caf?” she asked Echo.
“No,” Echo said. “Get some sleep. That’s an order. You too, Nemec. Fireball, you’re on copilot.”
“Sir, yes sir,” Cerra said, imbuing her voice with as much insubordination as she could muster. It seemed Rex’s habit of command was contagious, and she wouldn’t want Echo to succumb without a fight. It was for his own good, really.
She barely got her bunk folded down from the wall before she passed out, so Echo may have had a point. She didn’t know how many hours she slept, but they were still in hyperspace when she jerked awake, panicking as Fireball pinned her shoulders to the bunk.
“Cerra!” he bellowed. “Wake up!”
She lurched backwards out of his grip, cowering against the durasteel wall. Nemec sat on the bunk opposite hers, his face drained of blood and his shocked, wide eyes fixed on her.
“What’s going on?” she croaked.
“You were screaming,” Fireball said in a shaken voice. “I couldn’t get you to wake up.”
“What the kriff happened to you?” Nemec whispered.
Cerra glared at him and sat up, rubbing the grit out of her eyes with trembling hands.
“Everything all right?” Echo called from the cockpit.
“Fine,” she replied.
“Do you… want to talk about it?” Fireball asked uncertainly.
“No,” she snapped. When hurt flashed in his eyes, she gentled her tone. “Sorry, it’s just a lot. I think—I need to hit the head.”
Fireball nodded and stepped back to give her space. In the cramped refresher, she splashed water on her face and took a few deep breaths, infinitely grateful that she hadn’t hyperventilated without Gregor to talk her down. When she finished, she arranged her features into a carefully blank facade before she rejoined the men. Fireball had gone back to the co-pilot’s seat, and Nemec sprawled across his bunk.
“How long was I out?” she asked.
“A few hours,” Nemec said, apparently understanding her need to change the subject. “But somehow you slept through Fireball singing all ninety-nine verses of ‘99 Bottles.’”
“I need to teach you boys some new songs,” Cerra said. “You know, Corellians have almost as many drinking songs as we have distilleries. And we have a lot of distilleries.”
“I didn’t know you were from Corellia,” Fireball called from the cockpit. “Is it as bad as everyone says?”
Cerra laughed at his tactless question, grateful for the distraction. “Depends on what part of the planet you come from. My dad’s family did all right, but my mom had to claw her way out of the slums.”
“Do you miss it?” Nemec asked.
“I miss the sea sometimes,” Cerra said. “I haven’t been back in a long time.”
“Why not?” Nemec asked curiously.
“Nothing to go back for,” Cerra hedged. She changed the subject. “All right, Fireball, let’s expand your musical horizons. This was the first drinking song I ever learned after I joined up. I was technically too young to drink, but Corellian drinking age laws have always been a little… Hmm. Negotiable?”
“If you were old enough to fight, you were old enough to drink, in my book,” Nemec said.
“That was certainly my philosophy,” Cerra said. “My commanding officer may have disagreed. He put me on latrine duty for a month when he overheard me singing this song, so you know it’s a good one.”
She sang a ribald tune about whiskey and women and certain anatomically improbable acts, and by the third time she got to the chorus, Fireball and Nemec howled the lyrics along with her, shouting with laughter. Echo shook his head from the pilot’s seat and adjusted the settings of his cranial implant, presumably tuning them out. When she got to the end of the song, Nemec and Fireball cheered loudly.
“If you ever teach that to Omega, I will toss you down the underworld portal myself,” Echo said.
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The first thing Echo saw when the group walked into the garage was a ship docked in the maintenance bay.
Cerra whistled appreciatively. “Not bad.”
“Thanks,” Gregor said with a smirk. “But what do you think about the ship?”
Cerra snorted and chucked her empty canteen at him. Gregor caught it effortlessly and returned fire with a jogan fruit. Cerra caught it with considerably less grace and took a large bite. Echo rolled his eyes at their childish antics.
“What’s cookin’?” Cerra asked. “It smells amazing in here.”
“Pan-seared pelikki breast with a salakberry gastrique and roasted chokeroot,” Gregor said.
The entire group stopped in their tracks and turned to him.
“Holy sith,” Cerra said. “Will you marry me?”
Nemec shouldered Cerra out of the way. “Hello, my new best friend. I’m Nemec.”
“The audacity,” Cerra gasped. “You already have a best friend. You can’t steal mine!”
“What am I, chopped bantha liver?” Fireball asked in pretend outrage.
Echo sighed and looked to Rex for support. Rex’s grin was tinged with a hint of vindictiveness, and Echo suddenly remembered some of the escapades he and Fives had pulled after they finished ARC training. 
“Mission was a success?” Rex asked mildly.
“We accomplished our objective and nobody got shot,” Cerra said. “I’d say that calls for a celebration. Rex, Nemec. Nemec, Rex. Fireball, get your fingers out of that sauce! If anybody is doing quality control, it’s me.”
Gregor pulled the kitchen towel off his shoulder and snapped it at Cerra, who leapt back with an indignant shriek.
“Nobody’s doing quality control, or there’ll be nothing left for dinner,” he said sternly.
“How is there not enough for dinner?” Cerra demanded. “There’s enough food to feed an army in here.”
“Chuchi and her guards will be joining us any minute,” Gregor replied.
Echo looked up quickly at that, his heart beating a little faster. Riyo. Across the room, Cerra looked at Echo and smirked, then darted a hand out to dip a finger in the gastrique, patently undaunted by Gregor’s dictate.
“Oh, now you’ve done it,” Gregor said. He grabbed Cerra around the waist and pinned her against his body, then seized her wrist with his free hand and pulled her finger up to his mouth and sucked the sauce off of it.
“Gross!” Cerra exclaimed, whooping with laughter. “Get that out of your mouth! You have no idea where it’s been.”
“Then you shouldn’t be sticking it in the food that we all have to eat,” Gregor said. “And you called me a heathen.” He squeezed her into a tight hug and kissed her cheek. “I’m glad you’re home. Now get out of my kitchen.”
“Yes, sir,” she said in a saucy tone as he pushed her away from the food.
A strange expression flitted across Gregor’s face, but he rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Go torture Rex instead. He’s had too much peace and quiet with you gone.”
Cerra’s face glowed with laughter, and Echo had a sudden and blinding realization that THIS—This is the Cerra that Fives fell in love with. The change in her demeanor could not have been starker. Echo had been confused before about what his exuberant, joyful brother could have possibly seen in Cerra, and now he understood. Fives’s Cerra was not the same person as the Cerra Echo knew. But as he watched her tease and banter with Gregor, Fireball, and Nemec, he thought maybe the old Cerra was still in there somewhere.
Echo noticed that Rex was also watching her with a strange, almost pained expression, which he wiped away, showing nothing but a smooth, dispassionate mask when Cerra turned to him.
“Debrief, Cap?” she asked.
“In my office,” Rex replied. “Echo, you too.”
They followed Rex into the cramped little room where he had set up his headquarters. 
“Report,” Rex said.
“Uneventful mission for the most part,” Echo said. “At least on my end. Just three days of Fireball singing a karking annoying song, a brief skirmish, and then two more days of Fireball singing a different karking annoying song thanks to Cerra.”
“I aim to please,” she said.
“Tell me about the skirmish,” Rex said.
“We were pursued by three V-wings when we entered atmosphere,” Echo said. “Nothing we couldn’t handle.”
“That may have been my fault,” Cerra said. “I had to blow something up, and Nemec thinks it had them on edge.”
“Did anyone see you?” Rex asked. 
“No,” Echo replied. “Our cover should be safe.”
Cerra coughed. “Uh—about that.”
“What did you do?” Rex asked ominously.
“I didn’t do anything,” Cerra said. “I followed the plan to the letter.”
“But?” Rex prompted her.
“Nax saw me. Right after I got through security at HQ.”
“What?” Rex demanded sharply, his brows snapping together. “Did he recognize you?”
“Definitely,” Cerra said. “He called me by name, but then he let me go. I don’t know why he didn’t call it in.”
“Kriff. This could be bad,” Rex said.
“What if he wants out?” Cerra asked. “Shouldn’t we help him?”
“If he’s lost confidence in the Empire, he might be willing to join us. Be our man on the inside,” Echo said.
“And if he’s still loyal to the Empire, he could blow our entire operation,” Rex replied thoughtfully. “Besides, I already have someone on the inside. But… It’s Nax. Kriff. He was at Teth.”
Echo shot a hard look at Rex at that tidbit of information. Only six clones had survived that battle—including Rex. That wasn’t an easy bond to break.
“And just who is this mysterious contact of yours, by the way?” Cerra asked. 
“You know I can’t tell you that,” Rex said in a tone that indicated he and Cerra had had this conversation before.
“If Nax wants out, we have a duty to help him,” Echo said. “We can’t pick and choose which clones to save based on how useful they are to us.”
“I agree with Echo,” Cerra said. “If he is still loyal, why didn’t he blow the whistle on me? He didn’t have anything to gain from helping me, and he had a lot to lose if anyone found out he’d covered for me.”
“I’ll reach out through my network,” Rex said. “It’s a big risk. Normally, the clones who want out are the ones who initiate contact. If Nax was just doing a favor for an old friend, he could expose us.”
“Then we’ll be careful,” Echo said. “Use an intermediary. Set the rendezvous off-planet.”
Rex nodded. “I’ll set it up. Now, how soon can we get Nemec’s inhibitor chip out?”
“Any time,” Cerra said. “The surgical pod is up and running. I figured I’d let him eat dinner before performing brain surgery, though. Tomorrow morning?”
“I’d rather not wait,” Rex said. “Can you do it tonight?”
“Rex. Everyone lived. Nobody got hurt. Can we not take five minutes to breathe?” Cerra asked.
“It’s too dangerous,” Rex snapped. “It needs to happen now.”
Cerra blinked, taken aback, and then that perfectly flat, neutral expression Echo had grown to despise slid into place. “Right away, Captain.”
She stalked out of the room without another word.
“You’re really good at scugging her off,” Echo observed.
“Yeah,” Rex said tiredly. “I’ve had a lot of time to practice.”
Next chapter
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killjoynest · 2 years
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[ID: an edited screenshot of a tumblr post to be by hot chimp. the post reads "party poison has conversations like it's a competition. the post is then reblogged with a screenshot from official--partypoison saying"yeah that's the point, why else would you talk to someone", with the response being "please please help me".]
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[ID: status that reads "i have the worst taste in men. if i have ever like you please work on yourself". The post is edited to be by Rosa Laserbrain,]
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[ID: An edited cherri cola tweet. "I refuse to discuss the subject further. My opinion will not change. If you continue to annoy me, I will kill you. This discussion is over."]
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[ID: A tweet edited to be from Red. Attached is an image of Destroya. the tweet reads "graffiti bible artists are about to do insane things to this mans cervix".]
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[ID: a screenshot from Spongebob Squarepants featuring the character Squidward with a fearful expression (eyes large, nose shrunk, mouth agape). The caption reads, "When I'm in a worst person to give the aux to competition and my opponent is party poison" end ID]
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[ID: edited tweet reading "@.capitalGgirl I'm gonna go outside and light myself on fire. What are we doing to our beautiful queens". The tweet is posted by @.therealval, with the display name "sorry about the city thing"]
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[ID: youtube comment by NotVamos, saying "when the music hit i feel no pain at all. The icon is Vaya.]
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[ID 1: A tweet from Your Boss @.mdmDirector that reads, "No I don't want your man. I'm not even sure why you want your man." a partially transparnt image of Korse and his boyfriend can be seen on the tweet]
in-universe dd memes, ft a post canon val
184 notes · View notes
myevilmouse · 11 months
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Leia scoffed, Han laughed, and Chewie snorted his opinion.
“I never said it would be easy,” Lando shrugged.  “But it’s worth it, to get those two laserbrains together.”
Leia stood up.  “I’m gonna check on the kids.  You—” she pointed at her husband, “are NOT going to encourage this…this delusion.” 
After she left, Han spun his chair, straddling it in a “let’s talk business” way.
“Let me get this straight.  You want to turn an NR mission that’s basically a milkrun into a catastrophe so the kid gets lucky?”
Lando beamed his most charming smile.  “Exactly.”
“Count us in.”
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28 notes · View notes
callistocomet · 2 years
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I’m staring right into the light and I’m drawn in like a moth
3 notes · View notes
murdrdocs · 1 year
first of all, thank you for 5k and for 6k, so close together, too! it seriously means a lot. if you read for my blog, i want to also bring attention to other blogs and works that i like, and sometimes draw inspiration from! really work through this list and these blogs, show everyone here love !! xx
ꕥ represents no smut
: ̗̀➛ caroldantop's i could be your favorite girl
¡! ❞ wanda maximoff, babysitting, infidelity, milf!wanda
: ̗̀➛ talklokitome's the chase
¡! ❞ loki laufeyson, sex pollen, asgardian nature, hunter/prey, jotun heat
: ̗̀➛ endlessreverie's luck be a lady
¡! ❞ loki laufeyson, 1960s, vegas casino, loki is "some guy"
: ̗̀➛ con_fection's violence and intimacy are the only universal languages
¡! ❞ james "bucky" barnes, mean!bucky, so much just read it
: ̗̀➛ bellesque's sweet dreams
¡! ❞ loki laufeyson, incubus, creative sex, legit just read it
- ,,
star wars
: ̗̀➛ anon's this is where the fun begins
¡! ❞ anakin skywalker & obi wan kenobi, sharing is caring, voyeur anakin
: ̗̀➛ therealmaxrebo's a practical lesson in patience
¡! ❞ obi wan kebobi, some anakin akywalker, dom!obi wan
: ̗̀➛ laserbrain's exposure.
¡! ❞ anakin skywalker, public sex, possessive anakin
- ,,
detroit: become human
: ̗̀➛ precursor's deviant behavior
¡! ❞ connor, changed my entire life, one of my favorite fics of all time
: ̗̀➛ chaos_thirium's in dreams he came
¡! ❞ connor, incubus, monster fucking
- ,,
: ̗̀➛ tinybluewitch's nothing's gonna hurt you baby
¡! ❞ carmen "carmy" berzatto, angst, slow burn, smut
: ̗̀➛ lettalady's a turn of the knife
I ¡! ❞ hugh "ransom" drysdale, very autumnal
: ̗̀➛ honeycombstrawberry's you are the only one
¡! ❞ adrian chase, fake/pretend relationship, haven't read yet tbh
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: ̗̀➛ babbushka's poolside
¡! ❞ philip "flip" zimmerman, slightly public sex, protective husband flip
: ̗̀➛ hanasnx's final girl
¡! ❞ anakin skywalker, alternate universe, ghostface!anakin, murder
: ̗̀➛ matchmorphosis' hello, cowgirl
¡! ❞ carmen "carmy" berzatto, inspired me to get cowgirl boots
: ̗̀➛ carmybear's assembly required
¡! ❞ carmen "carmy" berzatto, established relationship, soft!carmy
: ̗̀➛ rassvetsky's carry you away with me
¡! ❞ carmen "carmy" berzatto, needy carmen >
: ̗̀➛ jangofctts's hot venom
¡! ❞ adrian chase, too much to mention, guided my adrian obsession
: ̗̀➛ love-toxin's shadysider sunshine
¡! ❞ tommy slater, one of my all time favorites, shower fucking, normal tommy
: ̗̀➛ keravnous' bathroom b!tch
¡! ❞ tangerine, bathroom sex, semi canon-complicit
nonpoppin's paul atreides works
¡! ❞ inspired me to write a 4k word essay about him
claireunoia's [8:00] mike wheeler
¡! ❞ mike wheeler, literally altered my brain chemistry
- ,,
: ̗̀➛ inklore's spectral tease
¡! ❞ druig, kept me afloat for months
: ̗̀➛ greenorangevioletgrass' only joy, only anguish
¡! ❞ druig, also kept me afloat for months
: ̗̀➛ silkscream's peter parker works
¡! ❞ just read them. all of them
- ,,
outer banks
: ̗̀➛ gxtitobxby's dark rafe blurb
¡! ❞ rafe cameron, changed my life, tw for dark!rafe and manipulation
: ̗̀➛ idcntlikedarkness's jj works ꕥ
¡! ❞ fueled my budding jj addiction, made me a jj lover, so srs
: ̗̀➛ folkloreslovechild's sweet nothing ꕥ
¡! ❞ soft!rafe cameron !!!, so so cute, literally my ideal scenario
: ̗̀➛ onsunnyside's innocent reader and jj
¡! ❞ jj maybank, drew inspiration from for 'teaching ethan how to kiss', love love love
: ̗̀➛ storiesbound's halley's comet
¡! ❞ rafe cameron, so super soft rafe, changed my life
: ̗̀➛ bettysupremacy's summer girl
¡! ❞ soft!rafe cameron prevails, channeling this when i go to isle of palms,
: ̗̀➛ forevermoreharrington's i looked at you like the stars that shine
¡! ❞ rafe cameron, love rafe begging for forgiveness,
- ,,
stranger things
: ̗̀➛ wtfsteveharrington's tequila & strawberry lip gloss + others
¡! ❞ robin buckley, steve harrington, smut with many feelings
: ̗̀➛ luveline's zombie apocalypse works ꕥ
¡! ❞ steve harrington, alternate universe, so cute
- ,,
: ̗̀➛ slxsherr's feeling like i never should
¡! ❞ charlie walker, kirby reed, opened my eyes to charlie
: ̗̀➛ castieltrash's the devil has come home
¡! ❞ charlie walker, needy virg charlie>
: ̗̀➛ msgorrilagripcoohie's generous, tunnel vision, after hours
¡! ❞ chad meeks-martin, so chad the characterization is so good
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: ̗̀➛ @fleurfairie
: ̗̀➛ @arachine
: ̗̀➛ @idcntlikedarkness
: ̗̀➛ @forevermoreharrington
: ̗̀➛ @neo-novaa
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