wtfgaylittlezooid · 7 months
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Agent gijinka + some other merc concepts
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atelierlasco · 8 months
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aldocerandaz · 1 year
SOHO PERSIGUE LA COLA DE UN ASTEROIDE El observatorio SOHO ha anulado 14 años de pensar en el extraño ‘cometa de roca’ que bordea el Sol conocido como Phaethon que podría reabrir el misterio de cómo nació la lluvia de meteoritos Gemínidas Comparación de imágenes del asteroide Phaethon tomadas con diferentes filtros en el coronógrafo LASCO de SOHO. Izquierda: el filtro naranja revela el…
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thebarroomortheboy · 4 months
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 I got me an idea Will. You don't mind if I call you Will, do you? What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet.
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cavgators · 6 months
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destin lasco is the CEO of babyism
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arkipelagic · 1 year
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The threat of crime and violence, both actual and perceived, has lingered in our societal imagination, perpetuated by "moral panics" over, for instance, the kidnapping scares and dramatic rape cases of the 1990s and the constant hyping up of drugs as an exceptional, existential threat to the country. In places like Davao City where leaders have appealed to people's sense of fear and their felt need for protection against crime (in other words, penal populism), checkpoints serve to dramatize a sense of safety. And, of course, homeowners associations also look for the sense of security, especially with reports of theft and other crimes.
Thus, the appeal of "gated communities" plus the fact that for many Filipinos, they remain an important symbol not just of one's status but of success in one's career.
• • •
Perhaps what's unique is the pervasiveness of this phenomenon in our country. Even with the threat of school shootings in the US, campuses have remained open—you can easily walk into Harvard Yard and even enter its buildings. In contrast, in Ateneo de Manila University, visitors have to book an appointment in advance and even within the same campus, one needs additional authorization to go to other buildings. Numerous gates and checkpoints abound elsewhere, making valid IDs essential-and further exclusionary (see "Our fetish for valid IDs," 07/22/22).
Now, I do not seek to downplay the need for security, nor to dismiss the trauma over past events that led to such responses. Indeed, violence is an everyday reality for many Filipinos, and while empathy for others is always in short supply—think of Jemboy Baltazar—the impulse to protect one's family and community is ever present and fully understandable. From an organizational standpoint, there is a cost in opening up in the public; University of the Philippine Los Baños' Vice Chancellor Roberto Cereno, for instance, laments the amount of trash they have to deal with after each weekend.
• • •
The downside of gated communities is that they engender a sense of mistrust, perpetuating the "othering" of people who do not belong to our imagined communities. Already unreachable to many Filipinos, private universities become even more distant, and in the process of locking people out, they also lock people in, limiting the perspectives of their students and faculty; making them not just out of reach but out of touch. As Low warned, "adding walls, gates, and guards produces a landscape that encodes class relations and residential… segregation more permanently in the built environment."
by Gideon Lasco
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womanlalaboy · 2 years
If you feel reduced for being a Filipino, especially these days, try reading The Philippines Is Not A Small Country by Gideon Lasco. You just might regain that Filipino pride along with widening your perspective. Nonetheless, this is a good read.
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agent-holbrook · 2 months
Ruby has the best group of friends:
Clancy just wears whatever he feels like and does whatever he feels like whilst also being pretty much as smart as Ruby even though nobody ever really notices him. He's also proven his undying loyalty multiple times and if that's not a good best friend I don't know what is.
Del is brilliant at sport because she works at it, unlike Ruby who seems to be effortlessly good at everything she does but instead of being jealous of Ruby, Del sees Ruby as a friend and an asset who is a quintessential part of whatever sports team she's part of.
Red would literally provide Ruby with any outfit she asked for if she didn't already get Spectrum issued stuff - imagine Ruby didn't get rerecruited in LimE, I can see her going solo like a sort of Sherlock Holmes 'consulting detective' esque narrative, asking Red to get outfits from Sadie.
Mouse is a mess and we love her for it. She's such a mood to break her violin, borrow Ruby's and then waste no time in breaking that one too before profusely apologising, and Ruby is completely unfazed because she already knew without a doubt that that violin was not going to come back to her in one piece before she even lent it.
Elliot is just kind of there to call Hitch a butler, have crazy theories and provide Ruby with her breakfast donut but all of Ruby's friends have to be credited with rescuing the tapes in TyLB so he's included in that too, even though it was Mouse's acting that really did it.
All things considered, I don't think Ruby's friends get enough credit for putting up with her and vice versa.
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Inspired by a post from Loveday55
Clancy: ARE YOU
Del Lasco: fucking
Clancy: STUPID?!
Ruby: You have to stop to say fuck for Clancy
Del Lasco: Why, I'm just helping him
Ruby: I think you just really like to say fuck
Del Lasco: Nah, thats your word
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dduane · 4 months
Today's auroral shenanigans
Relatively speaking, yesterday night (May 11/12) was a bit of "not much" for aurora-watchers, compared to the night of the 10th/11th. (Which, to be fair, was a most unusual event, and it wouldn't be surprising if it wasn't equaled for a long, long time.)
Nonetheless, the Sun continues to be in an interesting mood at the moment... specifically the big sunspot region AR3664, which is the one responsible for the auroral extravaganza of May 10th. You can just see it in this next image, getting ready to rotate away from us around the Sun's rightward limb.
(For those interested in scale: that complex of sunspots is about fifteen times the diameter of the Earth. You could drop the whole planet into the middle of the biggest one and lose it. A timelapse video of its growth is over here at YouTube, if you're interested.)
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As AR3664 continues to spit out CMEs and flares, the NOAA has issued a geomagnetic storm watch for today, tonight and tomorrow—with the suggestion that conditions like those of the night of the 10th may in the relatively short term be about to repeat themselves.
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This is a "watch" rather than a "warning," reflecting some uncertainty over exactly how the various incoming coronal mass injections are likely to behave on reaching Earth orbit. (Also, the CMEs aren't being aimed straight at us, but off to one side as the sunspot region rotates further and further toward the sun's edge: so this adds somewhat to the unpredictability of it all.)
The animation below comes from the SOHO spacecraft's LASCO C3 coronagraph instrument. It starts on May 10th and runs through until early on the morning of May 12th. You can see the newest incoming CMEs right at the end of it.
(BTW, I think the two bright objects to right and left of the Sun are probably comets passing through, as LASCO images normally mask out any planets that would be in view.)
Anyway, as for what this means for auroral activity tonight? It's tough to tell as yet. The planetary K index (which expresses the relative strength of geomagnetic storms) has dropped back down into near-baseline levels at the moment.
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But when those new CMEs and the solar wind associated with them hits the atmosphere, things may change suddenly.
We'll soon see...
And an afterthought: AR3664 will soon be off around the Sun's edge, and invisible to us. It'll be interesting to see what happens to it after that.
The Sun takes 27 days to rotate, as a whole: the poles take longer, the equatorial regions a shorter time. In a couple of weeks or less, what will greet us, rotating around toward Earth's POV on that left-hand side? Will AR3664 have dissolved and vanished away, as sunspot groups so often do... or grown even bigger?
ETA 1, 12 May 2024, 1820 UT: Like a kitty coughing up hairball after cosmic hairball, AR has popped yet another X-class flare.
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ETA 2, May 13 2024, 0100 IDT / 0000 UT: New G3 storm warning dropped.
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wtfgaylittlezooid · 6 months
hazard n primal....blease
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ignore how i still dont have a design for primal... but they are besties in my head
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juls-art · 6 months
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Second commission for @littlehatofhorror of their and @nightexcision's characters, Lasco and Vic. -- More about my commissions here. *✧Tip me for a job well done! ✧*
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atelierlasco · 9 months
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whirld-of-color · 5 months
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stp au beast route thoughts. tbh this one just works out great. you're telling me there's a route where the princess becomes a feral animal and it's called the beast route? man i wonder if there is perhaps an aspect of chosen that could perhaps be related to this concept
similarly, the voice of the stubborn and paleo/primal/lasco are absolutely the Same Type Of Guy. and primal would be so down to try to stab beast!chosen with a spear
anyway. beast route + a bonus conversation (click on the images to expand to full size)
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short-black-diamond · 2 years
{His woman.}
This is just a fantasy! AU, with princess x servant/bodyguard (?), reader is a badass lady and the servant is head over heels for her. also, have fun reading!
also, I tried to make this as poc! friendly as possible. I have written some parts about hair, but I don't mean it in a bad/racist way. I'm not black, but in this story, you just have problems with your hair like I do, so I literally just inserted myself there. I just made it so other people could maybe relate to my problems too :)
Warnings: suggestive content, Your bodyguard masturbates to you behind closed doors in detail, angst-father issues/trauma/no love (at first, maybe a part two? 👀👀👀), near death experience-but not you
this is more like a story, so buckle up babes! Also, I think I'll make more parts of these, but tell me if you like it!
I have plenty of weird but also pretty romantic dreams, and in this one, I was some sort of princess who had to choose a husband because of being the next queen and only child and no brother and bla bla bla.
BUT. I also had some sort of, I dunno, servant? Well, someone who always watched me/my back like some sort of bodyguard. The thing was, he was pretty hot. Freckles which adored and accentuated the cheeks, neck, shoulders (+ other body parts 😏), glasses in front of tired, serious eyes, long/dark brown thick/curly locks that were always in a low pony tail and forehead fringes that gave the guy a cute but also at the same time hot look, big nose, broad shoulders, tall, muscular body (but not too buff), nice arms, veiny hands and pretty much everything that would make a woman wet swoon.
Also, the voice was to die for. Do you know professor cal? (I know him from youtube). Yeah, I had his voice in my head as the guard and let me tell you guys, I wanted that guy to become real.
Also, let's call him...Cal, okay? because of professor cal's voice, alright? and his nickname or real name will be Lasco, so when you are alone with him, you call him cal! And you're the only one who's allowed to call him that.
But that's not- okay wait that was mainly the fucking introduction of the guy of my dreams, now let me start with the introduction of the story.
"Your majesty, you can't just reject a man blindly-", a nameless maid said, but was interrupted by your soft glare. "And why can't I?", you asked gently, looking at her with an almost pleading look. you wanted to know the answer as well.
Your poor excuse of a brutish father and shitty leader of your country wanted you to be married to an unimportant country. The son from the country was a playboy, treated women like objects, didn't know what sharing meant, stepped and spit on other people and wasn't really interested in you, more attracted to your body.
your mother was a softspoken woman, but since women were still not respected in the monarchy, you wanted to change that. you hated that your mother couldn't stand up for herself. you hated that she got belittled whenever you were around, and you feared that it was much worse when you weren't.
One day, however, it all stopped. and you were the reason.
"Why should I marry him again?", you asked the man who was one of the reasons you came to this world. you hated to call him that.
your 'father' gave you a glare which you reciprocated tenfold, making the geezer sitting in front of you scratch his neck nervously.
"Well, because... because I said so!" "And what use would that bring to our kingdom?"
"How dare you-" "Your highness. please tell me. Why am I going to be betrothed to a man whom I have no information over and who doesn't even seem interested in wanting to get to know me? What use would our marriage have?", you retorted quickly, eyeing the guest to your 'father's' left. His son was right next to him, glaring at you angrily. your mother only looked at you with a shocked expression before standing up to apologize-
"Don't, mother. You have no reason to do that.", you only said coldly while holding a hand towards her direction, awaiting a plausible explanation from the bastard sitting next to your king.
"Listen, me and your father are good friends, and we decided that it'd be a good idea if-"
"So you have no use for the country but just want us to get married to each other because you guys are friends? Or because your whore of a son can't seem to stop getting his dick wet and because I have never touched a man? If that's the reason, THEN YOU CAN FUCK RIGHT OFF!!!", you screamed, pulling your golden sword from it's home-your earrings-and pointed it towards the bastard.
That seemed to be the thing they were not prepared for, because the king from the other country and his son scrambled away while your 'father' was getting angry at you. But, oh boy.
How was the saying again? Like father, like daughter?
If his anger was already bad enough that most people from his own country feared him because of his temper, how would the other countries try to calm yours?
YOU ARE NO WHERE TO BE CALLED A KING, A LORD OR EVEN A LEADER! YOU'RE NOT EVEN A GOOD FATHER!", you roared, your voice booming louder in the castle than his ever could, grabbing the attention of all the residents of your own, soon to be castle.
your golden sword pointed towards him, and while nearly every servant and some guards gathered together to know what this family fuss was about again, they were shocked and surprised to see that you were pointing your sword at him.
sure, you had arguments and fights with that old geezer, but nothing ever was as serious as this. "You put-" "YOU LISTEN TO ME, YOU POOR EXCUSE OF A MAN, I am done with you humiliating our name, or kingdom, our country. do that you get the hell away from here, with all your fucking concubines and mistresses. and don't you ever show your face in here, or my country again. because if you do...
... then I'll find you and behead you myself."
All he could do was run, run as fast as he could, and while he was still at it, his concubines and bad partners, gambling friends, drinking friends and other bad people he liked to associate with, followed him as well while taking all their belongings, which surprisingly, wasn't less than you imagined.
After the last one was gone, your mother only whispered your name and you immediately threw yourself to the ground in shame in front of your mother. "I beg for forgiveness. Please forgive me for my big mouth and sharp tongue, mother. please don't be mad at me-"
"Mad at you? Oh, my sweet daughter, how could I ever be mad at you?", she asked, opening her arms with tears eyes and a wobbly smile. You ran towards her but held her as gently as you could, like a flower. "I fear that I do not onderstand, mother. Why are you not mad? I put shame on your name for rejecting a noble's proposal...!"
Your mother only chuckled, happy to hold her one reason to stay alive in her arms. She was also glad that everyone saw that her and her daughter were so close and that the rumours about the daughter and the mother hating each other would come to an end. "That's exactly why I am so proud of you, my love. you have mastered what I couldn't and still can not do today; express myself, voice out my uncomfy state, give my opinion...being loud. Being heard. Being understood."
You stroked your mother's back like a mother consoling her child. your mother's nerves were always on haywire when your father was around, and it was tearing your heart apart to see your mother so scared in the presence of that former bastard of a leader.
"I will try my best to help you mother. After all, you are leading this kingdom on your own now. But fear not, I will stay by your side until death will tear us apart. But even then, I will not rest in peace until I have found your soul next to mine and we can be together again, even after we've descended to heaven.", you promised. She only hugged you tighter and released a breath.
Lasco, your bodyguard, who has witnessed your great performance of strength and anger, only watched you in awe, a small blush on his cheeks. See, as you were the crown princess, the next queen and he was your guard, he had to look after you ever since he could remember. he was also your best friend and you and him did pretty much everything together.
It was actually not fair, to be honest. Cal had a crush on you since the first time he saw you, which was when him and you were children; even when you were chubby, had snot coming out of your nose, and always chaos-hair. what drew him to you was your calm nature. He thought of you like a flower when he first met you. Never bothering anyone. always in your own little world. You never yelled, or got really angry or made a fuss out of everything. Only when something really bothered you, did you frown, pout, and release a small and quiet 'hmpf!' sound, which he cherished forever by grabbing at his chest where his heart belonged whenever you did it.
He also found you really cute. your eyes were so adorably wide and full of wonder, wanting to explore the world with silent pleading. But since it was forbidden, you examined books, maps and even listened to adventurers and businessmen and women who sailed the world like your life depended on it.
Your hair seemed to have a mind of it's own, as it was either perfectly calm, a few strands of hair not wanting to go to their place or your hair pointing to all directions. your personality was also to respect, or gush over.
You were always a calm kid, never dared to trouble your parents, always good with everyone. you tried your best to help everyone and do your homework or train your body to fit into a queen's life. you tried to take as much off of your mother's chest and shoulders as you could, with no regard of self care.
you, with those beautiful eyes, that changed over the years.
Your body, that changed over the years.
Your mind changed too.
But it scared him.
Sure, you've gotten a lot smarter and even more helpful than you already were. you blossomed from a small, sweet, shy, friendly, peace-loving girl to a poisonous, beautifully, deathly and ruthless woman. But Cal was not even close to the mind to complain.
I mean, you've grown up, and so has he. It was just...to him, time flew by so quickly. One moment, he was protecting you from other baby princes from bullying you because of your shy nature, then you and him talked about serious topics like future and love in your teenage years, where he nearly gave out his secret of having a crush on you, and now, you had to choose a husband, rule the kingdom alongside your mother, and forbid war, even when your kingdom was one of the strongest out there.
Cal has fallen for you. And...so have you.
You fell for him the moment he gave you the promise that he'd always protect you. It was when you two were still children. He was eight and you were five at the time, but you could not mistake your warming cheeks and fluttering stomach for anything else but love towards that boy. the first few weeks, you hid from him, spoke as little as possible with him and never looked him in the eyes.
You were wondering every night if Cal knew about how you gave him heart eyes everytime you two locked eyes. or if he maybe thought of you as a pretty girl...? Or if he thought of you as a nuisance, because you thought that you'd be one to him, being a princess and all. Since you had trouble forming big sentences and tended to be shy by nature, even as a grown up, you only gave him commands, asked about his wellbeings, or nodded when he gave you an update about something.
The more days passed, the more you strived to be perfect. Not just for the people you'd have to rule over one day, or your mother, but for him. you wanted to show him that you could become the perfect leader. That you'd become a great queen. You took more care to your body when Cal made some remarks about how skin care was less appreciated these days. your hair seemed to follow your lead too, because over the years, you managed to take proper care of it.
you took more care in the way you dressed, acted, spoke and most importantly, your face. you always frowned, naturally, and you hated it. You hated when people asked you why you were looking so sad or glum or depressed or angry, and you were left irritated. so you always raised your brows to give your face not an irritated, but bored look. Better than nothing, right?
whenever you looked at Cal, you didn't see your bodyguard, but a potential lover. He was always good with kids, treated women with the utmost respect, was one of the strongest men in your kingdom and very handsome.
However, there was one information that shattered your little love world and heart yes and daydreams about Cal; you had to marry a prince. Bodyguards were not allowed as potential husbands, except for when you'd like to have a consort or lover.
You, from that moment on, forbid your feelings towards your longest friend and buried them into the darkest corners of your heart, soul, and mind. and over the months, you managed to hold proper conversations with him, plus, you didn't see him as husband material anymore.
Or so you thought.
As you were busy with making new rules, comforting your mother and firing your father's followers, Cal thought that you didn't have any use for him at the moment, which was good.
As fast as he could, he excused himself with a silver plate in front of his crotch and went straight to his room. Beforehand, he made sure that no one was in the hallway, so that they couldn't hear him doing his unholy, and unforgivable act. In his chamber, he whimpered into his hand and his other one grabbed his hard-on. His glasses went down a little, but not that he cared. Lasco moaned into his hand as he slid against the door a little, panting at the thought of you.
You, who so bravely told your father to fuck out of your life with a blade at the bastards throat which you took from your earrings. you, who always was so...cold, but at the same time so unbelievably hot at the same time. His princess, who didn't want any nameless, stupid prince. Cal didn't know what type of prince you'd like. What type of husband would meet your standards. Maybe the fictional characters you've been sighing about with a sweet smile and gazing off with a blissed out face?
C-could he call you... his princess? Could he call you...his girl?
...His woman?
At that thought, Lasco stumbled towards his bed, throwing his belt and pants to the ground before stripping off his underwear and grasping his leaking cock. It may look small in his hands, but if you saw it, you'd be really scared of it's size and girth. Much over average, about 9 and a half inches, and his girth around the width of your wrist. His mushroom head was adorably flushed a light pink, with freckles adorning his shaft and inner thighs- actually his whole body to be honest.
He pumped it a few times, abs already glistening with sweat, whimpering in a high pitched voice again, brows furrowing and shoulders shaking, his nipples growing hard at the cool air of his room, forgetting that he'd get overly sensitive when he got hard because of you. He whined when he immediately had a flashback of him following after you for safety reasons and you suddenly halting in front of him and him stumbling on you, his hips - and so his dick - brushing against your soft, plump ass. When you turned to apologize, there was only a gust of whind in form of his silhouette.
He rubbed his head a little harder, and choked back a sob. His glasses nearly fell off, but he adjusted them while his left hand shook from touching himself. he faced the door this time, his brows furrowing, as he stroked his shaft, the foreskin covering and uncovering his cockhead evertime he moved his hand up and down.
What if somebody came in? How would he explain himself?
Lasco massaged his balls gently, groaning before chuckling breathily, growing shy as he thought of you again with a cute -about to be fucked out- smile on his face.
What if you came in and caught him in this state? How would you react? What would you say? Would you get aroused too? Or bully him? Tease him? Or be disgusted by him for thinking of you so lewdly?
He cried out your name before cumming so suddenly, the orgasm shaking him. His back arched and his thighs squeezed shut a little, and his glasses finally fell down, onto the sheets which were now soiled. He felt like the walls of his room were still echoing your name and he groaned. Cal was laying on his back now, arms spread out and he stared at the ceiling.
He panted, grinning like a madman with a heavy blush. The thought of you catching him in such an incredulous act, with him parting his legs for you and chanting your name like a mantra, giving you a show-
Ah shit. He got hard again. He sighed exasperately.
Just as he was about to do the act again, this time feeling a little more guilty for picturing you doing these things to him, he changed his mind. He stood up, and took a long, cold shower.
Now refreshed and not so horny anymore, the bodyguard quickly made his way over to your presence, fixing his posture and taking deep breaths, a neatly written letter which he wrote months ago, only for you and you only to read.
Maybe Cal should just confess and hope that you'd accept his feelings. But he didn't know how you felt about him. Since you were little - since the first time you two fucking met - you never really talked much with him. Cal was left wondering if you even harboured any feelings for him in the first place.
If you didn't then he'd make a total fool out of himself. If you did, then maybe...
Just maybe, he'd become your husband. Your husband, who'd try to read every single wish you had right from your delicate lips. Your lover, who'd be the man of your dreams if you said yes to the very question. Your lover, who'd swear to become the greatest king in history, with you as his strong, smart and beautiful wife. His woman.
He wanted to be yours so bad it hurt him mentally and physically whenever a love interest who wasn't him got brought up. whenever you spoke about maybe visiting or inviting a prince over made him hurl and want to punch a wall.
He didn't notice that he was already in front of your door, your deep, gentle voice immediately reaching his well-trained ears. He allowed himself to smile for a millisecond, then his smile vanished and he stepped inside.
Heya, how was that?
I kinda let out everything I thought in here, like for part 2!
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boccher · 4 months
Another high res vid of yesterday's solar flare and CME captured by LASCO I really love the structure of it
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