#Larry Butz is a dummy
aceattornamine · 5 years
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Za WaruTTorney moments episode 14 part 1.
This is somewhere in the Shadow Realm or hell. Edgeworth bans Hammond.
click here for the banished part
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Larry Butz Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice DLC cosplay 
Photo Cred - @misokrattz
I have to say, cosplaying Larry was probably one of the coolest things ever JUST BECAUSE he’s one of the best dummy characters in the game and his whole look in the DLC in Spirit of Justice is just excellent!
I spent a few all nighters trying to design his jacket...
Although only a couple people recognized me, it was just still worth it to get dressed up as Larry and get a few personal shots for me to treasure the fact that after 10 years, I want to finally get more serious with cosplaying and actually be part of the cosplay community rather than being in the shadows being such an introvert *insert Larry Butz thumbs up*
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Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice For All Review
Justice For All is the sequel for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and delivers on more of what made the first game so engaging. It is a very similar game with mechanics and structure however it continues the narrative from where the previous game left off.
Yet again the game has numerous cases where Phoenix must defend his clients from a guilty verdict in court however this time his main opposition is Franzika Von Karma, the teenage daughter of Manfred Von Karma, one of the antagonists of the previous game.
The first case is a tutorial, similar to the first case of the previous game. It has an amnesiac Phoenix defending a police woman who has been accused of murdering her boyfriend. It’s a good case although its tedious for anyone already used to the mechanics of the game.
The second case, Reunion, and Turnabout: reunites Phoenix with Maya, who left at the end of the last game however she is framed for the murder of a doctor during a spirit channeling. The case is interesting and introduces Pearl Fey, Maya’s younger cousin. The case shows more of Maya’s background and allows her to feel like more of a fleshed out character.
The case also introduces a new mechanic called psyche locks. When investigating, certain characters withhold information from you, which is represented with locks. The aim of this mechanic is to present the correct evidence to them to try and figure out their secret by unlocking these locks. It’s an interesting mechanic however the game won’t tell you what evidence you need, leaving you to have to figure it out for yourself.
The third case, Turnabout Big Top: has you defend a magician accused of murdering the circus ringmaster. It’s an interesting case and full of some of the weirdest witnesses the series has seen yet. A ventriloquists dummy talking at the witness stand is amusing and the case itself goes in a very unexpected direction.
The final case of the game, Farewell, My Turnabout: has you defending an actor who has been accused of murdering his rival. Maya is abducted by a serial killer to get you to take the case and it’s revealed that (spoiler alert) your client is actually the murderer. The case is the longest in the game and has two different endings, one where you get the defendent a not guilty verdict (the bad ending) and one where you get him declared guilty (the good ending). It’s an exciting case that really pushes Phoenix’s moral code.
Phoenix and Maya both receive more development in the game, which is great to see. They have the same relationship as in the previous game and the new cases prevent them from growing stale as characters.
Mia gains more development, possessing Maya and Pearl in places to help out with cases. We learn a lot more about her in the second case alongside some of the incidents mentioned in the previous game.
Pearl is a welcome addition to the cast as well, helping Phoenix in half of the cases, even though she’s just a kid. She’s very likeable and the recurring joke that she thinks Phoenix and Maya are a couple doesn’t get old.
Franzika is an interesting antagonist, though her whipping everyone when she gets annoyed can get a bit annoying. She only serves as a prosecutor in two cases however she receives great development and her personality is very similar to her father’s.
Detective Gumshoe and Edgeworth return in less prominent roles and sadly Larry Butz didn’t return. A few witnesses from the previous game make their return with Lotta Hart appearing in two of the cases as a witness.
The gameplay is very much the same as the previous game, with the added addition of Psyche Locks. I like the presence of this mechanic since it makes the game all the more challenging. My criticisms with the mechanics are very much the same as with the previous game.
Justice For All is a great sequel and is certainly worth the time. It shouldn’t be played before the first game and although it is shorter, it lives up to the original. It is a lot of the same but when done well, that doesn’t necessarily matter.
The third game in the series, Trials and Tribulations is the one that I’ll be playing through next and I’ll be reviewing it as soon as I have.
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aceattornamine · 5 years
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Za WaruTTorney Moments
Season 1 Finale part 1
click here for part 2
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