#Lark glares
With Weepe’s sense of humor being out of commission and Jonas Spahr’s recent promotion to finale-level protagonist, this means that Jonas fucking Spahr (who canonically likes Trust puns) is the comedic relief of our current protagonist line-up.
We’re all doomed.
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macksartblock · 7 months
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coming out as a lovesong enjoyer
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fooltofancy · 1 year
the problem with bg3 that isn't actually a problem with bg3 but more a problem with me is that i just want a party of my own stupid little guys so that i can smush them together like dolls. u know.
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birdybellicose · 2 years
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“Take your son before I kill him.”
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The Lark Ascending (A Chaconne Story): Chapter 3 (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
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Summary: Being a rising soloist isn't all it's cracked up to be as you face new challenges, all while encountering Agatha Harkness at every turn.
Word Count: 6.4k
A/N: Helloooo welcome to chapter 3! This chapter briefly deals with/mentions imposter syndrome & performance anxiety, so if either of those topics make you uncomfortable you have been warned. The piece mentioned in this chapter is Gluck's Melodie, from Orfeo ed Eurdice :) As always, thank you for reading & I hope you enjoy! Feel free to let me know what you think, my asks are always open!
Previous Chapter
There were few things in life that brought you as much peace as playing your violin. Taking a few hours to tune out the rest of the world and solely focus on your instrument was the fastest relief to whatever stressors were occurring. Unfortunately, that tranquility had all but vanished as of late- much to your dismay. But you tried to put it out of your mind- your week had been a blur of rehearsals, interviews, and press engagements to kick off the summer concert season, and this morning was no different. Before this evening’s big Donor’s Gala you would be leading a Master Class with promising young musicians in the area. 
Getting out of the car, you took off your sunglasses, squinting as your eyes adjusted to the glaring sunlight. This morning’s temperature was significantly warmer than you anticipated, and you found yourself melting by the time you made it inside the symphony building. Setting your violin case on the ground, you allowed the AC to wash over you, while making a mental note to remember to bring a water bottle in the future as you had been forgetting all week. It was early enough the building was nearly deserted, or at least you thought so as you relaxed in the air conditioning. 
“Still getting used to the LA heat, dear?” 
Your heart nearly stopped in your chest as you dropped your keys. Whipping your head around, you were unsurprised to find Agatha staring back at you, amusement coloring her features. The conductor appeared to have entered the building right after you did, black sunglasses in one hand and her bag hanging off her shoulder. 
While you looked like you were about to fall over, Agatha looked as put together as she always did, seemingly unaffected from the scorching temperatures. 
“Agatha,” you breathed out, slowly regaining your composure as you gave the conductor a quick once over, the gears turning in your head. Symphony rehearsal wasn’t until the early afternoon, she was awfully early. “What are you doing here?”
“I’d assume the same reason as you; the Master Class,” Agatha pointed out before motioning to your keys that were still on the ground. “You might want to pick those up, it would be a shame if you lost them.”
Letting out an exasperated sigh, you reached down to pick them up, feeling Agatha’s gaze remain on you. “Last time I checked, I was running this class alone.”
“Clerical error.”  Agatha insisted, carefully putting her sunglasses in her bag, before adding, “I’m sure someone was supposed to tell you I’d be joining you.”
“I’m sure.” You mused, thinking about how often this had been occurring as of late.
At first you didn’t think too much of Agatha’s unannounced appearances, because her explanations seemed logical enough at the time. When she dropped in on your interviews for your Artist in Residence with the LA Symphony, she claimed getting her interview done at the same time would be more efficient. During a meeting for PR, she rationalized needing to give her final approval as the orchestra’s music director. Even your late night practice sessions weren’t safe, as they almost always ended with the conductor sneaking up on you, her cackle echoing through the empty hall as you wondered if she was trying to kill you.
But the more she popped up, the more you wondered if her actions were as altruistic as she claimed them to be.
“Shall we?” Agatha prompted before taking off down the hallway, leaving you no choice but to follow her. 
Walking in silence through the deserted building, you thought of possible conversation starters, and were stumped. As comfortable as you still felt around Agatha, it had been a long time since you’d been around her this frequently. 
As if she could sense your hesitation, she gave you an inquisitive stare. “Stark tells me you’ll be gracing us with a performance this evening.”
“It’s just a little something,” you replied nonchalantly, ignoring the sinking feeling in your chest at the reminder, opening the stage door for the conductor. “Anything to help the orchestra.”
Agatha smirked, her hand grazing your shoulder as she brushed past you. “How chivalrous.”
Clearing your throat, ignoring the rush of butterflies from her brief touch, you changed the subject, as this was one of the few times you had been alone with Agatha all week. “So how have things been with the MSO?”
“Oh you know,” Agatha hummed, switching on the stage lights, “I’ve overseen a few personnel changes, but nothing else, really.”
“Personnel changes?” You questioned, wondering why she was being so vague while trying to recall if Monica had mentioned anything to you.
Agatha raised her eyebrows, appearing genuinely curious. “You haven’t heard?”
Before you could ask what she meant, one of the staff members came backstage, informing you the class would be starting in ten minutes. 
Agatha started to walk out, but when she noticed you hadn’t moved she cocked her head to the side. “You’re not going to make me endure this on my own, are you?”
A small smile graced your lips at her jest. “Promise me you’ll be nice, they’re just kids.”
“I have no issues with the children,” Agatha insisted. “Their parents, on the other hand…”
“Not a fan of the hovering parent?” You joked, joining her onstage, the bright lights shining down on you.
Agatha frowned, a dark look in her eyes as she mulled over your words. “Not quite, no.”
The conductor set off down the stairs without another word, taking a seat in the front row, carelessly setting her bag down with a loud thump. 
During your time together Agatha never mentioned much about her childhood, and you were never brave enough to ask. You knew from a few Google searches that her mother had been a rather well known concert pianist, but that was about it. Agatha had always been guarded, and as much as you tried to peel back the many layers that she used as self defense, you hadn’t managed to get through them all.
Taking a seat next to her, you checked the time to find there were a few minutes until you began. The sound of Agatha rustling through her bag was mere background noise as you scrolled through your phone. It wasn’t until you felt something cold against your arm did you notice a reusable water bottle was now resting on the armrest of your seat. 
“What’s this?” 
“You’re going to end up passing out on stage from dehydration.” Agatha said disapprovingly, her thick black frame glasses hanging low on the bridge of her nose as her head was tilted down, reading an updated copy of the Master Class schedule. 
“I could have brought my own water,” you insisted, trying to ignore how touched you were by the thoughtful gesture.
The conductor folded the piece of paper she had been reading, adjusting her glasses as she gave you a pointed look. “I’ve watched you prance around like a parched baby deer all week, the last thing I need is for you to fall and break your violin.”
“Just my violin?” 
Agatha pursed her lips, blue eyes twinkling as she evaded your question. “A simple thank you would suffice, dear.” 
The weight of her gaze was nearly too much for you to bear, for you found it to be far more exposing than the brightest of stage lights, but you were unable to look away. Agatha’s fingers grasped the bottle, extending her arm until it was hovering over your legs. 
The conductor looked at you expectantly, and you had never been one to deny her anything. 
Lifting your hand, you accepted the bottle, fingers crossing hers as you held it in your palm. 
“Thank you, Maestra,” you said, watching Agatha’s eyes drift to your intertwined fingers, neither of you moving from the contact.
Agatha lowly hummed, untangling her fingers from yours as her hand came to rest on your upper thigh. Neither of you spoke, but for once the silence felt less suffocating, allowing you to reminisce on a time where this had been normal. Closing your eyes, you wished you could stay this way forever.
The sound of voices outside the hall grew in volume, zapping you back to reality. Clearing her throat, Agatha gave your leg a gentle squeeze before letting go, and you poorly tried to hide your disappointment. 
“Try to remember to drink that,” Agatha murmured as she stood up, and after a moment added, “I don’t want you to get hurt before the concert season begins.”
You weren’t sure why the confirmation that she still cared hit you as hard as it did, but you couldn’t keep the smile off your face for the entire Master Class. Agatha kept true to her word, and was on her best behavior. You only remembered halfway through the class how good she was with children, as the faint memory of the school concert day she once planned rang through clear as day. 
She was still Agatha, of course. Her sarcasm and quick witted sense of humor could never be diminished, but she softened ever so slightly when offering advice after each musician performed. Her constructive criticism actually was constructive, and you were reminded how gifted of a teacher she was. 
You did have to reign her in when a few overzealous parents insisted on voicing their own opinions, but overall you were pleased with the turnout.
It was surreal in a way, being in this new position. When you were younger your dream was to be a professional violinist, and it often felt as if that was the only thing you had ever been fully certain of. But you had been having a hard time finding your own way; to be able to fully accept that you had earned this. To believe that you were worthy. Looking at someone as astonishingly accomplished as Agatha Harkness, you couldn’t help but feel like a fraud.
It felt like a facade the majority of the time, your violin acting as your mask on stage, effectively shielding all of your doubts to the outside world. But it was difficult to present that version of yourself when you were standing next to Agatha, for you found yourself falling back in time to when you were nothing more than her assistant. Naturally leading you to wonder if the conductor still saw you in that imbalanced light, or if she could ever view you as her equal. 
Once the last of the students left you lingered onstage, discreetly watching Agatha. The conductor was leaning against the grand piano, one hand perched on the edge while she scrolled through her phone. 
“I can feel you staring,” Agatha called out, not looking up from whatever she was doing. 
“I’m not staring,” you lied, clearing your throat as you took a step towards her. “Is everything alright?”
“Hm?” Agatha asked, finally glancing up at you. When you motioned to her phone, she arched an eyebrow. “Jealous I’m not giving you all of my attention?”
Spluttering, you shot her an indignant glare. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
Placing her phone on the piano, the conductor crossed her arms across her chest, smirking as she took a small step forward, invading all of your senses. “If you must know, I was going over tonight’s performance with the concertmaster, she had a few questions.”
It was then that you recalled last week’s symphony rehearsal, where you witnessed what you felt had been rather visible tension between Agatha and the concertmaster, Hela. Your stomach began twisting in uncomfortable knots at the memory, while you were forced to consider why the thought of Agatha being with someone else made you feel sick. 
“Hela, right?” You asked, careful to keep any trace of the growing pit of anxiety from your tone. 
“That’s right,” Agatha confirmed, an inscrutable expression on her face as she regarded you. “I’ve known her for quite some time. Her brother is the new CFO of the symphony.”
All thoughts of Hela were pushed to the back of your mind. Your eyes widened, unable to contain your surprise. “What? Where’s Hayward?” 
“In prison,” Agatha replied casually. “Well, I'll take that back. He’s supposed to be in prison, but I’m sure he was able to get a reduced sentence. The woes of the wealthy white man.” 
“For fraud and embezzlement of all things,” Agatha shared conspiratorially, leaning in closer as she whispered, “I must say, it was quite a scandal. Still a bit of a mystery as to who tipped off the feds.”
The smug expression on her face was a dead giveaway, as Agatha had never been subtle. 
The sigh left your mouth before you could stop it, lips curling downwards to form a frown. “Tell me you didn’t…” 
“That I didn’t do what, dear? Uphold my duty to rid my orchestra of a bloodsucking leech?” Agatha countered, pacing around as she clasped her hands behind her back. 
“But prison, Agatha? Really?” 
The stage creaked with every step the conductor took, finally stopping when she stood directly behind you. 
“If I remember correctly you were never fond of him either,” Agatha pointed out, her breath hot against your ear as you let out an involuntary shiver from the pleasurable sensation. 
“I wasn’t,” you admitted truthfully, as Hayward had been a major thorn in both your and Agatha’s sides throughout the entirety of your time with the MSO. 
“Besides, I didn’t make him do anything. He was guilty,” Agatha said honestly, and although you weren’t looking at her you knew she was telling you the truth. Embellishments and dramatics aside, she had never lied to you. “I merely sped up the process of justice being served.”
Allowing the conductor’s words to wash over you, there was a pause as you decided to change the subject. “So, Hela’s brother?” 
“He’s business oriented like Hayward, but far more cunning. A lot more clever, as well. He’s also not actively attempting to sabotage me, so I’ve had more free time,” Agatha explained, and you then remembered what Monica had mentioned of Agatha being absent a lot this past season. 
“I’m sure you’ve been awfully bored,” you replied, your brain fixating on Hela and if there was any correlation between her absences and a potential relationship with the concertmaster.
“I’ve found…ways to keep myself busy,” Agatha delicately responded, taking a small step back. 
Turning around, you gave her a curious glance. “Really? Have you been doing anything interesting?”
“This and that,” Agatha vaguely offered, folding her hands across her chest. 
Deciding to test your luck, you took a step towards her. “I’m sure you’ve been doing something worth mentioning. Any traveling?”
Narrowing her eyes, Agatha scanned yours, deep blue orbs searching for something unknown as she appeared to contemplate your question. “Can't say I’ve had time for any vacations while I’m running an orchestra.”
“Of course,” you agreed, pondering over Agatha’s words while coming to the realization that either Monica misspoke or Agatha, for the first time, had potentially lied to you. But why? 
Taking your silence as an opportunity to strike, Agatha raised her right hand, index finger contemplatively tapping against her cheek as she observed you. “Quite nosey today, aren’t we?”
“I think a good musician should always try to be curious,” you weakly said, wondering why Agatha was being so secretive.
The conductor snorted, “I almost forgot how meddlesome violinists are as a species.”
Ignoring the dig, you approached her for a final time. There was so much you wanted to say, to ask, but you weren’t sure where to begin as the words kept getting caught in your throat.
“I know it’s been a long time,” you started to say, as this was the first time you had addressed the elephant in the room. “But I’d like to believe that after everything we’re friends, right?”
The words burned your tongue, but you ignored the unpleasant feeling. You and Agatha were friends, sort of, right?
Agatha stiffened at your words, and for a moment you allowed yourself to believe you saw a flicker of displeasure cross her features. But, as quickly as it appeared, it vanished. An uneasy silence fell between you, and even though Agatha was mere steps away it felt as though an  ocean separated you. 
“Yes, dear,” Agatha finally answered, voice uncharacteristically soft. “We’re friends.”
The sound of your phone dinging caught your attention, as you gave Agatha an apologetic smile. “I should probably check that. I’ll see you tonight?”
“Seven o’clock sharp,” Agatha reminded you as she traipsed across the stage, pulling her phone back out. “Don’t be late.” 
The best way to prepare the day of a performance was to get plenty of rest and stay hydrated. There typically wasn’t enough time to make any major changes to whatever piece you were performing, so hours of practicing was both unnecessary and a waste of energy. Lacking something to do with your hands, you instead spent the hours leading up to the gala in a fretful state. This had been occurring more frequently with each new performance you took on. It didn’t matter the size of nature of the event, the self-doubt you normally could keep at bay had fully taken over.
While your violin had once been your safe haven, an escape from reality, it was now slowly turning into an anxiety fueled nightmare. Lately nothing you did felt right. Every bow change was jerky, each shift of your fingers ending flat. Your vibrato was too fast, but then too slow. Nothing was good enough, and the more you attempted to fix it the worse it became.
Burdened as you were, how you ended up at the gala on time was a mystery, but you skillfully avoided the majority of the orchestra’s donors as you slipped backstage. Tony had managed to deliver everything he promised; a beautifully decorated ballroom with a room full of wealthy donors who had come to be entertained for an evening. 
Part of that entertainment including you, your brain reminded you, as you watched the ending of the orchestra’s performance of Danzón No, 2, Agatha’s hands cutting them off with a dramatic flourish of her baton. The room erupted in thunderous applause, and you forced yourself to look away as Agatha shook Hela’s hand before she exited the stage.
Greeting a few members of the orchestra who passed you, a cold sweat dripped down your back as you listened to Tony ramble on stage about reaching record high donations and how the night wasn’t over yet. You had to physically stop yourself from hearing his speech on the “treat” the audience was in for with the last performance; your performance. It didn’t feel right, receiving this praise, not when you could barely make it through the relatively easy piece of music you had selected for this evening. 
“You’re on as soon as Tony is done,” Pepper reminded you as she walked past with her tablet, most likely tracking the incoming donations.
The rushing sound of blood filled your ears as you stiffened, hands feeling clammy as you struggled to hold onto your violin. While you were no stranger to pre-performance jitters, this was one of the worst experiences you had with it yet, the room beginning to spin as you closed your eyes. 
You couldn’t do this, you couldn’t go on with the way you had been sounding all day. 
Maybe you could pretend to faint, or be ill. The latter wouldn’t be too much of a lie with the way your stomach was churning at the mere thought of walking out on that stage.
There was a light touch on your shoulder, and you thought you heard someone saying something but it was hard to hear anything over your heart pounding in your chest. 
Agatha’s voice managed to cut through, and you felt her hand on your shoulder rub circles as you managed to take a shaky breath, slowly opening your eyes. 
The conductor was hovering over you, concern etched on her face. You hadn’t felt her grab your violin and bow, but both were safely stashed on a table to your right. The room was far too bright, and your body far too hot as you squirmed. 
“Are you alright?” Agatha asked quietly. “Do you need me to get you anything?”
You briefly noticed the backstage area was mostly cleared, a stark contrast to the crowded flow of musicians that were there mere seconds ago, but you paid that no mind. 
“I know I need to go out there, but I don’t think I can,” you said, trying your best to breathe but the rapid tightening of your chest making it difficult to form complete sentences.
Narrowing her eyes, Agatha stepped away for a moment, grabbing a nervous looking stagehand and saying something incoherent to them before they hurried off. The conductor was back at your side, now holding a bottle of water as she opened it, handing it to you.
“Drink,” she gently urged you, and upon noticing your reluctance she sighed. “I know you don’t want to, but drink.”
Taking a small sip, you struggled to swallow, the cold liquid acting as a shock to your system.
“Good girl,” Agatha murmured, rubbing your back for a moment before pulling away. “Now, I need you to listen to me. Do you trust me?”
Your heart felt like it was about to give out, and the room was moving at such a rapid pace you had difficulty standing. There was almost nothing you were certain of, but the one thing that you had never truly doubted was your faith in Agatha. 
You barely recognized the sound of your voice as you let out a meek yes. 
“Stark is out there stalling,” Agatha explained, and it appeared she was actively refraining from rolling her eyes. “But he can’t stay out there forever, otherwise we might start to lose the money we’ve already raised.”
The tightness in your chest was gradually relenting, and you were able to breathe with more ease. “I’ll be fine to perform, I just need a minute.”
The conductor rolled her eyes at your comment. “A heroic offer, dear, but you’re not going out there alone. I’m going to perform with you. That little stagehand ran off to grab the sheet music. I’ve performed Gluck before, but it’s been a while.”
That managed to get your attention, and you stared at her in shock. Agatha almost always refused to perform the piano, and had only played for you once. Despite being considered one of the most gifted pianists of her generation, the conductor had not performed publicly in decades.
“You’re going to perform with me?” 
Rolling her eyes again, the conductor gave you shoulder another squeeze. “You have heard of a duet before, haven’t you?”
The room stopped spinning, and you were able to open your mouth without feeling the need to vomit. Managing to give her a weak smile, the conductor nodded, handing you back your violin. The nerves were still there, but now Agatha was standing beside you as she instructed the same stagehand on how she wanted the piano positioned and you no longer felt like you were drowning. 
Tony must have received the okay from Pepper to wrap up as he transitioned out of his long speech.
“Now, I know I’ve promised all of you a performance from our current Artist in Residence, but this is a special evening, isn’t it? I’m thrilled to announce she will be joined by the incredible, incomparable, Agatha Harkness. The Maestra will be putting down her baton to give all of you her first public piano performance in years.”
Agatha’s jaw clenched at that, but when she found you staring she gave you a reassuring nod.
There was more applause, and Tony jubilantly exited the stage, wishing you both good luck as he went to converse with Pepper. 
“Just focus on me,” Agatha whispered in your ear before you walked out together, the applause deafening as she strolled over to the piano, taking a seat as she stretched her fingers out over the keys.
Positioning yourself to where you could see her in your line of vision, you planted your feet firmly on the ground. Raising your violin, you set your bow on the string, trying to ignore the unsteady feeling threatening to rise yet again.
Agatha’s finger pressed down on one of the keys, playing an A to allow you to tune your violin. Rolling your bow, you checked each string until you were satisfied, giving Agatha a discreet nod that you were ready to begin. 
Locking eyes with Agatha, you raised your violin on an upbeat to cue her in. The second her fingers hit the keys, you were able to pretend there was no one else there, only the two of you. Moving through each measure, you focused on the notes you had memorized, and for the first time today it didn’t feel overwhelming. Your vibrato rang through with every note, and the sound didn’t make you want to throw your violin in a woodchipper.
Agatha was a sight to behold, hair carelessly thrown over her shoulders, sitting on the edge of the bench as she slightly slouched over, fingers dancing across the keys. Although she claimed she needed the music, you couldn’t help but notice she had barely glanced at it once, her focus on you. There was something so magical about watching her at the piano, even the simplest chord she played produced the most exquisite sound.
Melodie was a piece originally from the opera Orfeo ed Euridice. It had later been transcribed by Fritz Kreisler for piano and violin. It was a dance between the two instruments, with the violin line singing over the piano accompaniment. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking, and was a rather accurate representation of your emotional state as of late. 
The hesitation you had been feeling now gone as you allowed yourself to relax, focusing on growing every phrase as you and Agatha played off each other. It was funny, you had never rehearsed this with the conductor, but you played perfectly in sync. Every breath you let out Agatha inhaled as you watched her lithe fingers stretch across the instrument to form various chord progressions. 
As you entered the final phrase, your fingers delicately shifted down the fingerboard as you hit your last note, slowing the speed of your bow, and extending your vibrato as Agatha leisurely played her final chords until the noise died away. 
Holding still, you finally released, and as you lowered your violin there was tumultuous applause from the crowd, but all you noticed was Agatha looking at you in a way you had never seen before. 
The moment was over all too soon as Tony came back on stage, insisting you and Agatha receive a standing ovation as he gleefully announced that tonight’s gala produced an all time high number of donations. Agatha rolled her eyes discreetly at you, but you noticed how pleased she appeared. 
You were swarmed by enthusiastic donors, and Agatha wasn’t faring much better. The conductor made sure you were able to put your violin away before Pepper had swooped in, insisting you take pictures.
Agatha sought you out long after the crowd dwindled, a glass of wine in each of her hands.
“Penny for your thoughts?” The conductor asked, offering you one of the glasses. 
Quietly thanking her, you accepted the wine, taking a small sip, the alcohol swirling around your tongue and you turned to her in surprise as you swallowed. “Pinot Noir?”
“Your favorite, if I recall correctly,” Agatha politely remarked. 
“That’s right,” you confirmed, taking another small sip before lowering your glass. “Thank you, for earlier. I’m sure you’re tired of saving me.”
Agatha’s lips curled downwards, her eyebrows creasing as she gave you an unreadable expression, as if she hadn’t witnessed your earlier anxiety attack. “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean.”
“I don’t think I could have gone out there on my own,” you admitted, the truth a bitter embarrassment. “I’ve been having trouble with my confidence lately.” You motioned to the now empty space and stage. “With all of this, it's just getting worse.”
Nervously biting your lip, you half expected for Agatha to crack an off-hand, witty comment on how obvious that was given your backstage freak out, but the conductor set her wine glass down, giving you her full attention.
“Go on.”
Pausing, you came to the stark realization you had never shared this with anyone out of fear of being judged. But then you looked at Agatha, her piercing blue eyes boring into yours, and your fears melted away.
“I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time,” you confessed, fidgeting with your hands as you stared at your feet. “This is all I ever wanted, but now that I’ve made it, I don’t know if I’m cut out for all of this…I don’t…”
“You feel like you don’t belong?” Agatha guessed, and upon your small nod she added, “You obsess over every miniscule detail of each performance, and it doesn’t matter how many people say it was good, it feels like it wasn’t great. Right?”
You felt your blood run cold, as the conductor managed to hit the bullseye of your recent anxieties. Blinking back the tears that had been threatening to escape, you took a deep breath before looking back up to find her pointedly staring at the ground.
“How do you know that?” You asked softly, surprise evident in your tone, because Agatha was the most confident person you had ever met. 
“Perfectionism is practically conditioned into us from the day we begin learning music,” Agatha reflected, still not meeting your gaze. “You know, my mother was a rather successful pianist.”
When you refrained from commenting, because you did know that, Agatha continued. “She’s the reason I started playing the piano. Sometimes I think she only had a daughter not because she wanted a child, but because she wanted to mold another version of herself. Nothing that I wanted ever mattered, it was always about her.”
“I’m sorry,” you said sincerely, because you couldn’t imagine having a parent like that, but the conductor waved off your apology, clearing her throat.
“Don’t be. My mother was a fool, and she remained one for the rest of her life,” Agatha said, without a trace of sorrow in her voice. “My introduction to music was one filled with fear. I had been taught to never be satisfied with myself, because I could have been better. I wasted a large portion of my childhood seeking her approval, wanting for her to be proud of me. But I eventually learned that it’s impossible to win when you’re being set up for failure.”
This was the most vulnerable Agatha had ever allowed herself to be with you, and you nervously folded your hands across your chest.
“So what did you do?”
“Well, I moved across the country when I turned eighteen, and never saw her again until she was being put in the ground,” Agatha reminisced, finally daring to look up at you. “I’ve made my fair share of mistakes over the course of my career, but one thing I’ll never regret is embracing fear.”
“Embracing fear?” You repeated, unsure of where she was going.
“Those thoughts you’ve been having,” Agatha prompted, her attention focused solely on you, “they don’t go away. They’ll most likely just get worse. So, you can either succumb to it, and let the fear of failure win, or you can embrace it and allow yourself the ability to recognize that greatness doesn’t come from perfection; it comes from having the courage to try at all.”
You had unconsciously shifted closer to the conductor as she spoke, until your shoulders were nearly touching as you both leaned against the edge of the stage. 
“Has that helped you?” 
“As much as it can. Music is unique, as is every musician,” Agatha thoughtfully replied.
The gears in your brain turned, thinking back on the multiple instances where Agatha had made a member of the MSO cry. 
“And do you use that advice when working with your own orchestra?”
“Funny,” Agatha deadpanned, grabbing her wine glass by the stem to take a sip before setting it back down. “There’s a difference between pushing yourself too hard versus settling for mediocrity.”
“I think that’s a bit harsh, isn’t it?” You pointed out. “They’re all world class musicians. I think sometimes you’re too hard on them.”
“They are,” Agatha confirmed, running a hand through her hair as you fixated in on her messy dark brown curls. “But some of them have become lazy. They don’t feel the need to improve at all, and that’s an insult to the craft. It’s my job as their conductor to make them want to perform at their very best.”
You knew Agatha meant well, and deep down you were sure the orchestra did as well.
“That makes sense, thank you.”
“For what it’s worth, I thought you were extraordinary this evening,” Agatha praised you, her hand coming to rest on top of yours. “You’ve always been extraordinary.”
The physical contact was a surprise, but not an unwelcome one. Relaxing under her touch, you felt your cheeks grow warm from the compliment. “Thank you, Agatha.”
Your glass of wine abandoned on the stage behind you, you allowed yourself the opportunity to enjoy this intimate exchange with the woman who had been haunting your memory for the past five years. Agatha, for her part, appeared to be comfortable as well, as her hand remained atop yours, unmoving from where she stood next to you.
“And for the record, Hela and I are friends,” Agatha murmured, grabbing your attention once more. Sensing your surprise that she picked up on what you had been hinting around, she rolled her eyes. “You’re a lot of things, darling, but you’ve never been subtle.”
Her words sounded eerily similar to what you had asked her earlier, but you had made it this far and after years of what if’s and errors of miscommunication, you had grown weary of the unknown.
“Friends….like how you and I are friends?” You quietly questioned, the implications of what you meant appeared to be obvious enough from the way Agatha gave you an amused smirk.
“No, dear,” Agatha murmured, raising her hand to gently stroke your cheek, looking at you in ways you had only been able to dream of. “Not like how you and I are friends.”
Tangling her fingers in your hair, Agatha chuckled at the involuntary shiver you let out as she leaned in, resting her forehead against yours. She was so close, and any self control you had mustered was slowly slipping. Your breathing turned shallow, eyes locked on her perfectly plump red lips.
There were so many things you wanted to say, but your brain short circuited as the conductor parted her lips, slowly moving towards yours. You could smell the wine on her breath, as you vividly pictured tasting it off her tongue. Using her free hand, Agatha tilted your chin up, forcing you to look at her, and you were lost gazing into her hazy blue eyes.
Before you could fully rationalize what you were doing, you leaned in, closing your eyes as your lips were about to meet. From the back of your mind, you thought you heard Agatha’s breath hitch as your heart raced from the anticipation. 
A loud slam of a door caused you to break apart. Agatha ran a hand through her messy locks, breathing heavily and you felt your cheeks grow hot as she gave your hand a brief squeeze before stepping away from the stage, straightening her suit jacket. 
A man came stumbling into the room before you could ask what almost just happened, holding what appeared to be a small cage. He looked familiar, did you know him from somewhere?
The man, who seemed to be oblivious to what he just walked into, spotted Agatha and began to nervously ramble.
“Maestra, I’m so sorry. The flight got delayed, and apparently you can’t only buy a first class ticket for an animal, so I was able to get myself one too. I tried to use my card to pay for it, but it didn’t go through, so I put it on yours. Then I tried to call you, but my phone stopped working. I tried to check into the hotel, but I realized I left my wallet at the airport. I remember you said you’d be here so I thought I’d come and-” 
Holding up a hand to silence him, Agatha pinched the bridge of her nose in irritation. “It’s fine, Lang. Please stop, your voice is giving me a migraine.” 
The man kept going, shuffling around uncomfortably. “Well I can pay you back for the ticket but with my current salary it will probably take me around…a year, maybe?”
Agatha waved her hand dismissively, shaking her head. “I said it’s fine, Lang. Consider that your holiday bonus.”
The conductor sauntered over to the man, reaching her hands out to grab the cage from him. Gently setting it down on a nearby table, she opened it, pulling out a rabbit. She scratched his ears as held him, annoyance gone as she gave you a small smile. 
“Do you remember Scratchy, dear?”
Of course you did, you thought to yourself as Agatha brought Scratchy over to you, the hardened look in her eyes softening as you gave him a few pets. You discreetly nodded towards the man who was pacing the room, hands in his pockets, and Agatha sighed, her irritation appearing to return as she glanced back over at the man.
“Oh yes, I almost forgot. This is my assistant, Scott. He’ll be joining me for the rest of the summer.”
Scott gave you a quick wave and you couldn’t hide your surprise. This was Agatha’s assistant? He certainly wasn’t what you had pictured.
“Great,” you said, feigning enthusiasm, trying to pay attention to the conversation between Agatha and Scott, as the man told a rather strange story of his travel day.
The more he talked the more confused you were as to how Agatha hadn’t managed to fire him yet.
But, all you could really do was wonder what would have happened if Scott hadn’t interrupted, and what this meant for the rest of the summer; as opening night was quickly approaching. Your heart fluttered, as you realized the more time you spent with Agatha, the more you secretly wished you had never said goodbye to her all those years ago.
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vampcubus · 1 year
I wanna randomly slap muzan's ass and watch him tense up, on tippy toes, back arched, and a loud squeak to come from him
Muzan is seemingly always on high alert, but he relaxes around you, and after a while he subconsciously stops perceiving you as a threat at all. Perhaps that’s why he doesn’t pick up on your approach as he fiddles with alchemical formulas, a pinch in his brow that tells you his experiments have been unsuccessful.
You continue with your plan, lips curled into a devilish grin as you sneak up behind him, hand twitching with anticipation.
He seems to sense your presence behind him and goes to turn, only for the startling feeling of your hand clapping down so hard onto his ass that a choked yelp is forced from his pale lips. His back arches away from the contact instinctively and he’s forced onto his tippy toes. The sight is even better than you hoped, and you only grin wolfishly as his head slowly turns to glare at you over your shoulder, slitted eyes swimming with malice despite the red tinge painting his pallid cheeks.
“If you were anyone else I’d have you drawn and quartered for such an offense,” he spits, turning away from you again to hide the persistent warmth in his cheeks. “Consider yourself lucky i am feeling merciful today.”
“So you admit that you give me special treatment?” you giggled, pressing your front to his back and winding your arms around his middle to press a placating kiss to his neck. His lark lashes flutter at the contact.
“Don’t test your luck.”
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angelynmoon · 1 year
It starts as a lark, an attempt to get Eddie Munson's attention.
Everybody knows he has a boyfriend, everybody knows that boyfriend wears bright colors and is soft. Everybody knows he doesn't belong at a Metal concert. Most of the time he even wears headphones, which is just rude, if Eddie was theirs they'd show him just how much they appriciated him and his music.
But Eddie never looks at anyone but his pastel clad lover. They don't know his name, never cared to learn it, he's not important, just in the way. They only ever call him Pastel, aftetr the clothes he wears.
So they figure Eddie has a type, even though he's never been seen with anyone romantically but Pastel, he likes preppy jocks and well, they can work with that as long as they can show Eddie he's appriciated. That he deserves more than a man who doesn't listen to his music, even at a concert he's playing.
They ask Pastel about his clothes, he frowns at them and they think he knows what they are going to do, that they are going to steal Eddie from him, but then he's talking, giving them advice and suggestions.
And they realize that Pastel is too stupid to realize what their plan is. If they felt anything about what they were going to do to him, they might feel pity for this stupid boy for not realizing what their plan was, but they know they deserve Eddie more than this boy ever could.
But it's just as well that Pastel didn't catch on.
It's the next big concert when they try their luck. There are dozens of them dressed brightly in the sea of black, most of them get strange looks, some of the older Metalheads outright glare at them and they don't understand why they get scowled at and move away like they are the worst kind of people.
And then Eddie starts to play and they don't care because Eddie is scanning the crowd, landing on one of them, they are so excited that they almost miss the frown, they do miss the stutter in his strumming, but then Eddie is scanning the crowd, pausing and moving on like they are nothing to him.
But they frown, surely their excitement is worth more than Pastel and his headphones.
They know exactly when Eddie finds Pastel because his grin widens and he no longer plays for the crowd, no Eddie plays for Pastel, even though he can't hear the lyrics with his headphones.
And they wonder just what it is that Eddie sees in the preppy jock and his bright colors.
They intend to ask him after the show but find their way blocked by the older Metalheads, the ones that were fans of Eddie Munson all the way back when he was still new, when he was playing in bars and opening for more popular bands. The ones who ignored rumors of murder and cults and supported Eddie in a way the younger generation wouldn't understand.
They wouldn't let them near Pastel and they gently steered Pastel and the child he carried away from them, one of them even brought them drinks that he took too trustingly, another pulled a bell from one of his chains for the child to rattle while Pastel smiled and listened to their stories.
And then they parted like a wave for Eddie to throw himself at Pastel, someone plucking the child from Pastel to lift them high and out of the way of the crash that followed Eddie tackling Pastel.
And they didn't understand the glares they got at following concerts, at the way they were kept from both Pastel and Eddie.
Didn't they understand that Eddie deserved better, someone who appriciated him fully?
And the children wouldn't understand that Eddie had that someone, the someone who had suffered throug migraine after migraine, and a handfull of seizures to hear Eddie play.
Who had planned his wedding around Eddie's first tour and still ended up saying 'I do' on a stage in the middle of a concert because Eddie had messed up the dates and Steve had dragged the official to the concert so he could still get married to his idiot.
The children could never understand what it was like to love someone so deeply that they didn't think to look at another.
A/n: something about these tough metalheads adopting Steve as their pastel jock princess is so funny to me, they really don't like these kids trying to hurt their princess.
And in a carrier/abo verse Steve also went into labor during a concert and had the baby in the back room before Eddie had to go back for an encore, he made up a song on the spot for the occasion that was only played in concert once and never released on tape.
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reidshearts · 5 months
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intro / part 1 / part 2
pairing: james potter x fem! ravenclawreader
content: swearing, cheating, allusions to sex but not actual
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y/n l/n had experienjced love for the first time in her 5th year at Hogwarts with (not so) golden boy Samuel Carter. Weeks filled with romantic walks around the black lake and long kisses before class in the broom closet. Of course, she fell in love with him, i mean who couldn't, the boy was the perfect boyfriend and a total utter gentleman.
Up until the easter holidays in 5th year when y/n had come back to school receiving nasty glares and judgmental looks from fellow peers around her. Samuel FUCKING Carter decided to spread a rumour that the ravenclaw girl had cheated on him with a boy from her muggle hometown.
y/n lost two of her closest friends from the incident except of course Charlotte Lark who continued to comfort her best friend instead of ditching her. Luckily not everyone had believed the rumour like Remus Lupin who knew the smart girl from their parents being good friends and knew she would never do such a thing.
And so, y/n shot back any nasty remarks that were sent her way with her own or a hex that many of them were casted in the great hall; however, all the teachers were team y/n/n so pretended to take no notice!
By the time summer had begun she had built herself a wall and a promise to never trust a boy as perfect as the hideous unnamed ex of hers. Yet that all came crumbling down when her family became the next-door neighbours to the Potter's in their holiday home in cornwall. Perfect (not golden boy) James Potter had stolen her heart by one stupid grin through the window of their bedrooms across from each other. y/n l/n was absolutely smitten!
Smiles and waves turned into small conversations. Turning into days out together to midnight sleepovers to secret kisses at the back of the garden...
...until their time of the summer ended, with goodbyes and promises of letters they went their own ways before the few weeks leading up the train back to Hogwarts. However, a hopeful Ophelia waited every day for the Potter owl to fly through her open window with a reply to the letter she sent. A total of 4 love filled letters were sent yet none returned.
And now a deeply distressed y/n and revengeful Charlotte hoping to figure out James' reason for ignoring the letters.
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georgiapeach30513 · 1 year
Tastes Like Rain
Summary: the faerie king Andy has waited a lifetime for his fated one. Was growing weary and bored with the thousands of years he's been alive. And he was always waiting for you, his bratty little human. Don't worry, in time you will love him as much as he loves you.
Pairings: Fae!Andy Barber X Reader
Rating: mature
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of burn scars, mentions of tattoos, mentions of punishment, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 4K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
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“Jasper!” Andy groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. There was noise everywhere. All day long there was noise, and it was grating on his last nerve he had left. The king was tired, and was in the mood to accept his fate. Alone. Destined to rule the faerie kingdom with nobody by his side.
“Jasper!” Andy growls. He stands up and crosses the room to look out the window. What are those silly little faeries doing in the glen? “Jasper if you don’t…oh.”
Andy’s advisor stands in his doorway. The only faerie brave or stupid enough to glare at the high king. Andy was being a whiny baby, and Jasper was growing tired of it. The vines that are embedded into his skin prickle out. Thorns grow from the blackened vines, and Andy purses his lips. Glaring at his best friend.
“You see what you do to me? You stress me out!” He takes a calming breath, looking down at his arms to see his thorns start to sink back into his skin. He hated when Andy did this to him.
“I’m stressed out! What the fuck is that noise? I…”
“It’s summer solstice,” Andy’s brow cocks up and he looks back down at the glen. Collingswood was in an uproar. “It’s the Summer King and his Nymph’s first summer solstice together. You know after the uhh…”
“Ahh! We don’t mention that wench,” Andy tosses his hand behind him, watching the faeries lark about. Even sees some humans that were taking their chances to party in the glade. Idiots. They’ll be drunk off wine before the real party even starts. They wouldn’t remember a damn thing. It’s the way it was.
“Did she really create a nymph from the creek just to fuck him?” Those two always confused him. She clearly was a glutton for punishment while Ari had some serious size issues.
Jasper’s eyes narrow, turning a deeper green then before, and Andy has to look away, “They’re doing more than fucking. But yeah, they fuck. I’m sure it’s still a tight fit, and just the way Ari likes it. But he has taken that tiny Nymph as his Queen. Now if the high king of faeries doesn’t enjoy the revelry and find his own queen…ow,” Jasper dead pans as Andy throws a pillow at him.
“You know you’re quite childish during the summer solstice. I’m sure Jax will be down there feasting off the humans that wander into the glade.”
“Please, don’t mention his name. My brother gives me a headache,” Andy dramatically falls back on his bed, taking a deep breath. It had been years since he went down to the glade to enjoy the summer wines.
“You did have his wings cut off,” Andy slightly lifts up to look at the little man with a smirk.
“And he had his faults to deserve it,” Andy sits up. People always want to mention how he cut Jax’s wings off. It’s his right as high king to do so. Jax shouldn’t have become obsessed with tattooed humans. “What do you suppose I should do?”
“Get laid, and have fun.”
“What’s the difference?” Jasper could see the mischief in Andy’s eyes. He wasn’t particularly fond of the delicate creatures called humans, but he sure did love to toy with them, and see how far they could bend before they broke.
“Exactly!” Jasper screams walking out the door. “I’m going to have some fun with the rest of Collingswood. You should do the same. I’ve heard Jax is already passed out in the thorns!”
“Do you ever miss it?” Jasper turns to look at his best friend, shaking his head no. “You belonged to his court. Evidence of your birth runs all over your skin,” Jasper shrugs as he runs a hand over his twisting vines, the same ones that darken the path to Jax’s kingdom. “There’s no thorns,” his thorns only appearing when provoked.
“You’re not pissing me off right now,” his mouth turns into a devilish grin looking at his king. “Some things we can fight, and some things will always be a part of us. I can fight the darkness, but I can’t fully remove it. Instead of briars I have roses growing there.”
“Roses also have thorns, Jasper.”
“But they’re still beautiful, even if they draw blood. Now, get your menacing self down to the glen, and have at least one bottle of summer wine with those sweet fae that would die for a chance just to touch you. Imagine the immense pleasure you could get. There’s also humans,” Andy cracks his neck with a scoff. He’ll join in the party, but he will not have a human. They always brought out the worst in him.
“Oh, I forgot, the great King Andrew, High King of all fae in Collingswood wouldn’t be caught dead with a human. Even if she cries as you fuck her face. There’s always humiliation.”
“There’s always destroying them,” Jasper’s laugh sounds like a jingle as he walks out of Andy’s room. They were the only two faeries left at the palace, and he was getting tired of entertaining a king who was becoming far too arrogant. A human would do him some good.
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“Can’t you keep up?” You glare up at the group of girls in front of you. A stupid fucking ritual. You didn’t even want to be in this sorority, but you were a legacy, and it was your mother’s last dying wish.
“Come on! We’re almost to the glade,” Charity giggles while she pulls at your hand. “You’ve never seen anything like it. It’s like you walk into another world.”
“Legend has it that it is,” Faith. You hated Faith. Full of herself, and by far the most beautiful out of this group of pledges. She oozed the standard perfection, and it bored you to tears.
Perfectly round doe eyes, that glistened an even brighter blue in the sunlight. Freckles that splayed so perfect around her face you would think she put them there on purpose. Maybe she did. And the most beautiful and perfectly placed auburn hair. You despised her, and also appreciated all the attention that always went to her instead of you.
You didn’t know how she did it. How she always said the right things, and if she wasn’t such a bitch when people weren’t looking, you might have liked her the tiniest bit more. No. You didn’t like her at all. Not one bit.
“Stop!” Hope. The leader of the group. She was a fourth generation legacy pledge, and lived locally. She knew the legends of this stupid fucking glade, and was going to be sure to tell you again. It is a bit odd, a curtain of ivy that strug up between a few trees, mushrooms surrounding every bit of those trees.
“This is the faerie ring,” oh bullshit. These are perfectly manicured woods that people thought had magical powers. “When we step through this veil, it’ll be like you're transported into another realm, because we have been.”
Her eyes twitch over towards you when you snort, “Is something funny?”
“It's a bunch of mushrooms and some ivy. I’m sure the groundskeeper fixes this up for the college to play during summer solstice. It’s not that exciting, Hope.”
“No one comes and keeps this up. This is natural. Do you realize we walked three miles through the woods to get here? It never changes. Although, in the winter you can’t get through the veil because it’s not there. The mushrooms have all withered, so if you get trapped behind the veil, make sure you come out before winter. If you stay in there too long the winter fae will keep you for their own. They’re cold, and yet some of the most fiercely handsome of them all.”
She was an idiot. They all were. She holds up her bottle of homemade wine, and the rest of you join in. Yours was a mixed berry wine because why not? You hopped it was enough to get you sloppy drunk, with you passed out on the leaves or moss or whatever the fuck was beyond this ‘veil’. Children. Believing in fairytales.
“Now, if there’s men in here that you don’t recognize, go with the flow. I’ve heard sex with a faerie is the best thing in the world.”
“Here, here,” you pop the lid to your wine, taking a big gulp, “To fucking faeries, am I right?”
“To fucking faerie!” The rest join in with you. This was the oddest initiation into a sorority. Most of the older girls didn’t want to join in. Telling you things weren’t the same once they left. Like it was this high and all they wanted to do was come and party in the glade for months on end, but wouldn’t tell you what had happened. You guess it was because fucking faeries.
Everyone giggles, except you, as you walk through the veil. You ignore the static feeling that runs through you. Just lift up the bottle of wine for a long drink. Making your own summer wines was genius. Now you had every intentions of getting fucked up, and forget this night ever happened.
You’re shocked to see the amount of people that were in the woods, beyond the veil. All dancing and carrying on like they had been doing this all day. Singing, and celebrating some man named Ari, which you had never even heard of, and a tiny woman that stayed on his side. Thinking to yourself that it had to hurt.
With each drink of wine their faces become more and more distorted. Angles that are inhuman. Eyes that glow in the twilight, skin that is a color you couldn’t find at any makeup counter. You look down at your half-drunk bottle of wine, and quickly cork it. Unsure of how much alcohol was truly in this, but it had to be a lot because you are seeing things.
You didn’t believe the legend of the glade, but there was something weird going on. The people that were here before you surely had some machine that was releasing fumes and causing you to hallucinate. Hell, you could see different creautres…people fucking beside the trees, and deeper into the glade. They weren’t hiding anything. They just assume that everyone is too drunk to care about their indiscretions.
You aren’t drunk, you’re fucking fine. Glancing around you spot your fellow pledges in various stages of hookups, but not you. No…no one ever noticed the average girl whose clothes are too baggy, and lines of tattoos peek out of the hemlines of your clothes.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” you groan, stumbling away from the weird music and frolicking people. It is weird here, and the mix of the now disgusting mixed berry wine makes you feel lightheaded.
“You okay?” You don’t even look at the man that is behind you. You are perfectly okay, and didn’t need help. “Miss…”
“I’m fine,” you spin around. Nothing had even left your stomach, you just needed the world to stop spinning, but he isn’t helping. Sinfully attractive. Why were so many of these people topless? Did they just want to have sex quicker? Easier? Who are they? And why were they oddest looking people, and still the most attractive ones you had ever seen?
His mouth quirks up in a grin, and you roll your eyes. Not today. This was a dangerous man. You can feel his darkness roll through your body like the smoke he is exhaling into your face. Fuck this. You didn’t need this.
Going against girl code, you have to get out of here. Alone. You shouldn’t, but this place is haunting you in an odd way. Trying to walk past the ridiculously tall man, he throws out his arm, stopping you. “Back up!”
His answer is sniffing up the tattoo on your body, and you smack at his arm, “What the fuck!”
“You didn’t drink all your wine, little one.”
“Yeah, no shit, asshole. I didn’t drink it all because…” the blonde starts circling your body. Taking deep inhales as he encloses on you like you are his prey. This is bad. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“This ink,” he inhales deeply again, “Why are you covering scars?”
“How did you know that?” You gulp as he comes to stand in front of you. His heavily ringed, and singed looking fingers start to move your collar to the side. Looking at your scarred and tattooed skin closer. It is like your body is frozen, and refusing to move. The perfect predator had caught you in his snares, and was ogling your tattoos like his next meal.
When his fingers touch your skin, you sigh at how soothing it feels. Moving aside your shirt to see what your clothes and tattoos hide. His fingers move slowly over your skin, and your eyes are at half mast. Relaxing with this odd man. Allowing him to get too close when he licks on the tattoo, moaning like he was eating a delicacy.
“Ahh,” your whispered yelp sounds like it is coming from a distance as a sharp, but quick pain pricks at your skin, and you slowly become mush. Sinking into his embrace, and allowing this man to moan at whatever he is doing on your body.
Seconds become minutes, and minutes drag on, but still feel like no time has passed as your eyes slowly start to close, and then but one booming, but far off voice, “Jackson!”
Blackness. Sleeping off into a void of nothingness. But the most beautiful peace you had ever felt washes over you. Sleep. Peaceful sleep. Not visions and nightmares that plagued your mind. Only darkness.
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“Why did you bring her here?” Jasper looks confused at Andy. His king was tilting his head from side to side like a questioning puppy. “She’s human.”
“I can tell,” Andy grouses, continuing to stare at your body.
“What happened again?”
Andy takes a deep breath, trying to replay everything that happened that night. “Jax…it was like he was getting a high off her. And I could hear her pulse, and she was dying. You see her tattoos?” Jasper nods at Andy, still refusing to step any closer to your body. “Those by her neck, they’re faded. The further away from the neck you get, they start to get darker. What’s underneath the tattoo?”
“Burn marks,” Jasper whispers. He didn’t need to be right on your body to see that there were scars all over your skin.
“I knew Jax could literally taste the feelings that went into a tattoo, but this,” he pulls back your shirt, running his fingers over the marred skin. “Someone hurt her.”
“Or she was in a house fire,” Jasper shrugs. Andy was always a bit dramatic and went for a more elaborate story.
“No. They’re strategically over her body. Her clothes hide them. You should see what’s under the clothes. She tattooed over them so…hey,” he gives you a smile as your eyes pop open. “You are…”
“Get off me! Get the fuck off me! Oh my god,” taking heaving breaths you look between the two men that were crowding around you. Neither is the man that was doing something to your neck. And both had an otherworldly beauty to them.
There is a shorter one with a mossy green tint to his skin, and the taller one is one of the largest people you’ve ever seen. “I’m dead, aren’t I? He…h-h-he killed me, didn’t he? Oh my god, I’m dead. I lived through all that only to die in the woods fucking faeries.”
Andy and Jasper look at each other quickly, and then back to you. Humans heard the tales, but most were skeptical. They came out for solstice parties only as an excuse to live deliciously, while returning back to their boring lives. But with you…something was off.
“He murdered me, didn’t he? He…goddammit. I’m so stupid. I always do this shit. I trust too fucking early. But this…I didn’t trust him. I knew, but I still let him…can you tell me what he was doing? I felt something. What was that? Where am I? What is happening?”
“Andy, she’s human,” the little one says again, and your tears cloud whatever is happening between them. They are aliens, and they’ve done experiments on you.
“I fucking know she’s human. She wouldn’t have…oh,” he stops to turn and look at you, “We screwed up. Miss,” the tears come out more aggressively, and you don’t even know why. What you know is that man…that beautiful man — no!
“Jasper, I’m about to smack her across the fucking face, make it stop,” you are not the crying type. You are too strong for this. How long have you been here? “Human! Stop!”
“Why do you keep calling me that?” Andy rolls his eyes, before wrapping a hand on your ankle, and jerking you down the bed. Moving his entire body to hover over you, and it isn’t until you feel the wind that you notice his wings. The deepest green, and veining of gold. “Are you an angel?”
“I’m far from being innocent and kind. However, I did save your pathetic life for some reason, and…mother fucker,” he grabs at his chest, and jerks his head to look at the smaller one. “Deal with this before I do.”
Standing up, he stomps out of the room, and you jerk up in the bed. You could take the little one. “If you don’t let me go, I’ll run.”
“Run. We’ll just have the dogs bring you back. You won’t go far. You can’t,” looking down at your arms, you see that they were not bound to anything. Changing tactics to feel all over your body. They put a tracking device in you.
“You won’t be able to leave our realm without him,” he states matter of fact, and it makes you feel on edge. Him? That big man, him?
“What does that even mean? Where am I?”
“Here, drink some more tonic,” you slap the glass out of his hand, and he stares down at the shards on the stone floor. “You’ll regret that you did that. What do you remember?” You shrug, moving a hand to scratch at your neck, and start panicking again. “What?”
“The…my scars. They’re…they’re not really there. I mean they are, but they’re…”
“As faded as your tattoo,” you’ve seen it all. All these ugly scars that you had covered in ink couldn’t have faded. But your fingers knew the divots and bumps of your skin. This spot in particular, gave you an odd comfort.
“We’ve had our suspicions of Jax’s obsession with tattoos. Some people get them to tell a story. Some people get them to cover up pain. You in particular got them to cover up pain and scars. He was devouring you, and your…pain,” is that why you didn’t feel as hard? Why you had become soft and cry uncontrollably?
“In doing so maybe he was healing you.”
“Tell him to suck it all out then.”
“If he removed all your pain and scars would you be you?” You ponder the question for a second. You didn’t like the tears and the panic that ensued earlier. You hadn’t felt that hopeless in years. “I’m Jasper, King Andy’s advisor.”
“Not just any king, but The King. The King over all the faeries,” you scoff at him. What a dream. That wine must have been good because you’re losing it. “You saw him hovering over you, and you doubt that fae exists? Hmm, you really are a stupid human. No wonder he’s pissed off.”
“He’s pissed off? Let me leave then!”
“You can’t! You better get used to the palace, because you’ll never cross the veil again. All those legends you stupid giggly sorority girls tell, they’re real. We had too many humans that partook in our wines, and we couldn’t get rid of them. Long story short, we created the legends. The fae gets their feel of human flesh, while you get to cross back over, and pretend this was all a dream,” you had cracked, and so had everyone else. This was all a dream. This was all in your mind, but touching your once there scar tells a different tell.
“I didn’t…” you hadn’t taken a drink of any wine, but your own.
“You were given a tonic. Sorry, my bad,” a glimmer of a smirk flashes on his face, and it pisses you off. He did it on purpose. He’s the reason you’re here. You pick up a vase from the table, and toss it at him. You suck at aiming. “Easy. Yes, I kept you here to become Andy’s pet.”
“Over my fucking body.”
“Oh, when I have it my way, he will be over your fucking body every fucking night. You’ll have pleasure one can only dream of, and I’ll have a king who isn’t sulking. I saw it. I knew the moment he was the one carrying a human body up to his palace. I saw it when he brushed his hands over your face. You two are the ones that can feel it, but you won’t speak of it, but I can see it. Don’t sit and try to deny the way he made you feel. And if grabbing his cold dark heart wasn’t enough, then I don’t know what is. He felt it deep in his blackened soul.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” not really. The man was attractive, you couldn’t help it if you grew a bit woozie looking up at him. But you weren’t fated for anybody. You just wanted to be left the fuck alone.
“Prophecy has stated that the king is fated to be part of a human. I suppose it could be interpreted many ways. It’s the reason Andy hates mortals so much. You’re fragile, weak, and disposable. But he hates the idea that he’s fated to be with one of you for all eternity.”
“I’m not weak,” your voice is laced with so much malic. You feel the pain of your skin searing again. Baring your teeth at this freak show that stood before you. “And I’ll never spend eternity with him.”
He leans into you. Getting his face so close to yours that his pointy nose nearly touches you. His vine tattoos starting to sprout thorns, “You don’t have a choice, my dear. Neither does he. Comply before he takes from you.”
“No man will ever take from me again,” you don’t scream. But your voice growls at him. Had Jasper been a mortal, he might have been afraid.
“Good thing Andy’s no man. Have fun,” he backs out of your room, locking the door behind him, and you wail. Screaming as loud as you can, realizing you are trapped in this room with no windows, only that door.
“Andy, that’s one that will need to be tamed,” Andy, leaning up against the wall outside your door, stands up straight, his eyes rolling up to look at your door. Hearing your screams of anger, and throwing everything in your room to the one exit and entrance. “You’re stuck with her.”
“I’ll have fun with her.”
“No,” he slaps Andy’s arm. “Do not go back to that side of you. She is yours. Have your fun, but not too much. She hurts, then you hurt. You lose her, then you lose yourself. Like it or not pal, that’s your problem now. That human being is nothing more than a petulant child. And Jax has her taste in his mouth. Claim her before either one of you kills her.”
“I haven’t killed humans in centuries. Such puny creatures.”
“She’s yours, Andrew.”
You were his. And if he had to be stuck with you, he was going to have fun with you first. Test your limits. It sounded like you needed some discipline. Needed learn how to act. He would have no problem with reminding you who was the one in charge. He wasn’t an angel, and he was worse than some devil. All the fae were. And soon, little Faelynn, you would know all too well about pain and scars.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @sstan-hoe @missusbarnes-rogers @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @theinheriteddutchess @donutloverxo @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @bambamwolf87 @harrysthiccthighss
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prouvaireafterdark · 3 months
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In honor of Father's Day, here's some Dadstat from the final chapter of Practical Ethics
“Ah, Armand! You’re early,” Armand hears Louis say from somewhere behind Lestat’s broad frame.
Armand is not, but he isn’t about to contradict Louis.
“My apologies, Louis,” he says, trying to peer at him around Lestat’s shoulder. “I thought the trip would take me longer.”
Lestat shifts to the side so Louis can stand beside him in the doorway and it’s then that Armand sees the small child he has cradled in his arms.
“And who is this?” Armand asks, looking at her curiously. Large brown eyes stare up at him from underneath long lashes, her warm brown skin unblemished and smooth. Her tight curls have been pulled into two little buns on top of her head, but a few ringlets have come loose around her ears. 
She looks like a doll, he thinks. She can’t be more than two years old.
“My latest masterpiece,” Louis smiles fondly. “Her name is Claudia. Can you say hello to Armand, Claudia?”
The little girl in Louis’ arms looks at him suspiciously and clings tighter to his neck. 
She must take after her other father, Armand thinks, eyes flicking over to Lestat before setting them back on Louis and their daughter.
“Sorry, she’s just a little cranky right now,” Louis apologizes. “Lestat, can you take her up for her nap while I show Armand to the books?”
“Of course, mon cher,” Lestat says, turning around to face him. 
“Thank you,” Louis tells him as he offers him their daughter. "I'll see you later, baby girl."
Lestat takes her from him, leaving a lingering kiss on Louis’ cheek as he does.
“That’s right, ma petite, come to Papa,” Lestat coos as he settles her against his side. 
“No,” she whines, her eyes oscillating back in Louis’ direction, her tiny fingers outstretched toward him. 
“Oui,” Lestat says in a similar tone, catching her hand and bringing it back toward her face as he boops her on the nose. “I know, I miss Daddy already too, but we need our beauty sleep, do we not?”
Claudia huffs, looking a few seconds away from a meltdown as her eyes jump between Louis and Armand, but, expecting it, Lestat heads it off at the pass by distracting her with a question. 
“What song would you like me to sing to you?” he asks as he heads toward the staircase. “The one about the lark, perhaps? I know you like that one.”
Lestat continues talking to her as he walks up the stairs, bouncing her a little in his arms to keep her focused on him. He catches Claudia looking at him over Lestat’s shoulder and he could swear she’s glaring at him.
“Come on in, I’ve got them in here,” Louis beckons with a genial tap on his upper arm and Armand refocuses his attention on why he’s here.
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strawberrytalia · 8 months
“Lark?” Izzy repeated, brows furrowed as she paused spinning in the desk chair. “Where’d you get that from?”
“I don’t know, it’s just an idea,” Duke replied, feeling his ears burn slightly. He wiped the rag over his helmet a tad bit more aggressively than before, frowning at the streaks forming on his visor.
“You know, the whole bats and birds theme they have…it kinda makes sense.”
She quirked one pierced eyebrow. “I guess, but you gotta have meaning beyond just ‘it fits the theme.’”
Duke rolled his eyes at her unflattering imitation of his voice before dropping the rag and lifting the helmet high, in an unnecessarily Hamlet-esque manner. “Whatever, it works for the time being. Besides he picked it out.”
He turned towards Riko, who’d been sprawled out across the floor scribbling furiously in her notebook. “What do you think about all this?”
She perked her head, squinting at him. A smudge of red marker was smeared on her cheek, and all over her fingers. “If your name is Lark, then why don’t you have any bird connection to your outfit at all?”
Duke’s jaw dropped. “What are you talking about?”
“I’m serious.”
“The yellow and black, helloooooo? That’s what a lark looks like.”
Riko shrugged, a mess of dark multi-colored bangs shadowing her eyes. “That’s just my opinion.”
Duke scowled and brought his helmet back down, cradling it against his chest. “Don’t listen to them.”
Izzy stared incredulously. “Are you talking to your helmet?”
“Yes. Leave me alone.”
Riko chewed thoughtfully on her pencil eraser before speaking. “Your helmet looks like a cat.”
Duke whipped his head at her. “What?”
“Yeah, it looks like a little kitty, not a bird,” she continued, deciding to just continue on rather than take back her statement.
Izzy burst into laughter, swinging her feet onto his desk. “I see it!”
He narrowed his eyes briefly at the sight of her sneakers on his workspace, but turned back to Riko. “It’s supposed to look like a bat.”
She thrusted her marker in his direction with a mischievous gleam in her eyes. “Meow-Man! That shall be your new codename!”
“Hell no.”
“Since Catman is already taken,” Izzy chimed in, blinking innocently when Duke rolled his eyes.
“You guys are so unserious. I don’t even know why I invited you over.”
Riko didn’t let it go. “Why would you have a bat helmet anyways if you’re a lark? Like there’s no connection.”
“The connection is that Batman hired me-” He stopped and sighed. “You both are so annoying, you know that?”
A huge shit-eating grin adorned Izzy’s face. “But you love us anyways.”
Well, she wasn’t wrong.
Riko tossed another rag, aiming for Duke’s head even though he caught it easily. “Well, finish polishing your outfit, Meow-Man. Aren’t you scheduled to leave in a half hour?”
Duke groaned, glaring at the ears on his helmet that, for the first time in his mind, really did look like they belonged on a cat.
He was definitely going to have a chat with Bruce later on patrol.
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locallygrowndaikon · 9 months
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Post therapy holiday short story about my ocs that i totally didnt just run through grammarly once and called it a day under cut!
“Woah,” Lark breathed out as he squints at the light reflecting off of the fields of white, “I’ve never seen it snow here in prairie before.”
The once-green fields were now covered in snowfall. The sun still shines down as it hangs in the clear sky but instead of warmth, the air still felt cold. Kari sifts their hand through the snow. It was still powdery, still fresh.
“That’s so cool!” Ness squeals in awe before running past Lark and throwing herself into the ground. Kari follows Eira as she walks up to Ness who’s rolled onto her back and started making snow angels.
A disgruntled voice comes from behind. “It’s too cold here now. The grass was better. And why are you wearing a sunhat in the cold? That’s weird,” Beefy releases a string of complaints as he stops next to Lark, looking down at Ness.
“It’s for the aesthetic! Not that you would know anything about that,” She throws back as she sits up while grabbing her hat defensively. The metaphorical camera pans to Beefy’s god-awful outfit consisting of too many expensive cosmetics thrown together. He just scoffs at Ness’ glare.
Ness stands up and brushes snow off of her pants. Beefy has his arms crossed as Ness approaches him. She lifts one of the capes Beefy has stacked up on him before she pulls out a white camera.
“Wha- Hey!” Beefy sputters as Ness examines the camera.
“I’ll be borrowing this, thanks,” Ness deadpans before taking off and flying away.
“DO YOU HOW MUCH THATS WORTH GET BACK HERE,” Beefy yells as he chases after Ness, leaving Lark, Eira, and Kari standing there in silence.
Lark takes a few steps forward and looks back with a smile that one would put up when dealing with young rowdy moths. “Sorry guys, I’m going to go make sure those two don’t get lost. I’ll be right back,” Lark says then runs off after Beefy, leaving just Eira and Kari standing in silence.
Kari kicks at the snow. “Lark knows some weird people, huh.”
Eira lets a small laugh at the comment. “Beefy scares me sometimes,” she replies. Kari silently agrees in their mind. They did not sign up for meeting Beefy when Lark had become their friend.
“I think the snow is pretty,” Eira changes the subject. Kari looks over at her.
“It reminds me of Valley of Triumph. I like the snow,” She says. Kari looks away. She did say that a long time ago when they were younger, didn’t she?
Kari kneels down in the snow without a word. Eira looks over Kari’s shoulder as they start scooping up snow in their hands and pressing it together into a small pile.
“Can I borrow your hair clip?” Kari asks, holding out their hand, waiting for Eira to agree, which Eira does. She puts the clip in their hand without much of a reaction. Kari flips the clip over in their hands. They had fiddled with this clip in their hands the first time they found it too. It really has been a while since then. Eira must’ve held it with so much guilt during the time they separated too.
Kari glances at Eira for a second to check her expression. It’s blank. She’s still looking at Kari, confused. Kari goes back to pressing snow together with the clip in their hand. They hope Eira doesn’t see their expression falter at the sour thoughts and picks up two small stones and sticks them in the crooked lump of snow they’ve made before sticking the harmony clip on too.
“It’s you,” Kari takes on a mischievous smile as they present the little wonky pile of snow that barely resembles a snowman. The only it has similarity to Eira that it has is the harmony clip that sits on the side of it. Eira covers her mouth as she chuckles and kneels next to it.
Kari watches as Eira makes her own little pile of snow, her pile becoming more of a flat pile than the one Kari made.
“Can I borrow the leaves on your antlers?” Eira asks, similar to how Kari asked earlier with her hand pointing at Kari’s withered antlers. Kari lowers their head and lets Eira pluck two leaves. She sticks the leaves on her little snow pile.
“It looks like bunny ears,” Kari notes. Eira smiles.
“It’s supposed to be you,” She says as she adds a bit more snow to the base of her Kari snowman, which also barely resembles Kari. The two take a seat back to admire their little snowman copies of each other. Kari wants to laugh at how bad the snow lumps look.
It’s quiet as the two sit there with their snow versions. Eira is the first to break the silence. “It’s nice, spending time with you again,” she says with her eyes on the snow. “I missed it.”
Kari’s expression falls. “I’m sorry.”
Eira looks up in shock at the sudden change in Kari’s tone. “I- No, it’s-“ she stutters, still taken aback from the sudden apology, “No, I didn’t mean that… that I’m talking about how we hurt each other, I just- I just think the moment we’re having right now is nice. I’m just glad we’re here together right now.”
“Oh,” Kari answers, still focusing on the snow rather than Eira.
Eira pulls her knees to her chest. “I’m glad we’re here now,” she repeats.
“I’m glad you’re still here with me after everything.”
Kari hums in response. Eira scoots closer to them.
“You’re still hung up in the past,” Eira states.
Kari grimaces. Eira didn’t sugarcoat it or talk around it. “It’s hard not to be. It’s hard not to think about it when I’m with you. Hatred is what most of my memories of you are. It doesn’t feel like long since we’ve become… friends again.”
Eira doesn’t say anything immediately. She sticks out her hand and pokes the snowman Kari made.
“I feel scared when I look at you sometimes too,” she returns. “I’m not used to this yet.” Kari keeps their face flat as they listen.
Eira continues to talk. “I hope it will change one day, so let’s keep making new memories together.”
Kari tries to wear a smile, hoping Eira doesn’t see through it. “Let’s keep making the good memories.”
Eira gives a similar smile back. Kari pokes at the snowmen too.
“Our snowmen copies of each other are kind of ugly,” Kari comments. Eira gives a real huff of laughter at this.
“I guess so,” Eira says fondly with a smile that doesn’t look as strained as before. Kari finds that their own smile is a bit easier to wear too.
Footsteps crunching in the snow sound behind them. Lark leans over the two sitting skykids. “I’m back, what are you guys do-“
Lark is promptly interrupted by Beefy being shoved into him and Ness pushing Beefy off to the side. Beefy regains footing and buts back in but Ness continues to try and push him.
“Are you making snowmen-“ Ness starts.
“-without us??” Beefy cuts in, pushing Ness back away. Ness screams for Lark to do something about the hooligan on the loose as Lark proceeds to ignore the chaos.
Lark sits down next to Eira. “Oh, these little guys look like you two!” He points out.
“Barely,” Kari smiles. Lark laughs in response. He starts lumping together snow and makes a small snowman with two coherent bolls of snow stacked on top of each other.
“That can be me then,” Lark proclaims as he dusts his hands free from snow. Kari squints at Lark’s snowman. It looks good for a snowman, but in terms of resembling Lark himself, Kari gives it 0 points. At least theirs and Eira’s sort of have their defining features. Lark catches on Kari’s judging stare. “It looks close enough to me,” he shrugs. Kari continues to disagree silently.
Ness finally pushes Beefy over and bends over Lark. “Oh, let me add myself in too! I'm joining the snowman gang,” she declared as Beefy held his knee while he limped over, cursing something about how Ness should stop aiming for the knees.
“What? Snowman gang?” Beefy asks as he finally catches up, “I bet my snowman’s gonna look the best.”
“There’s no way,” Ness states with a dead stare into Beefy. Lark definitely let out a sigh somewhere in the background. Kari personally finds the whole situation entertaining to watch as Beefy tries to make the largest pile of snow before sticking his party hat and sunglasses into the pile and calling it a day. Ness just makes a little snow bunny as she stares at Beefy’s “snowman” in disbelief.
Kari scoots closer to Eira as Beefy tries to preach about why his snowman is the best while Ness has never looked more distressed and Lark just acts as if this were another day. The Eira snow lump and the Kari snow pile were now surrounded by other friends' snowmen. Kari smiles without even realizing it.
Their snowmen look a lot less lonely now.
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kageyamaana · 1 month
A Little Push From The Future
Day 7- Free Day
Cale Henituse hated balls.
He found them boring especially now that he couldn't act like trash as everyone kept an eye on him in fear he would anger royalty or the heroes(which was stupid as King Zed would side with Cale even if he punched the crown prince and he had made up with Choi Han who was the hero he had the worst relationship with before).
So, he could only be on his own corner and drink champagne as he hoped that this ball to celebrate their victory against White Star would end soon or he would be allowed to leave.
But as Cale was about to go find a waiter and get another cup of champagne a sudden light appeared in the middle of the dancefloor(which was thankfully empty as the first dance of the night still hadn't started) and once it disappeared, it left behind a group of people no one knew but that some looked similar to certain people in the ball.
"KIM ISEUL! You are so grounded when papa finds out!" a young man with dark hair and grey eyes says as he glares at a young woman with really dark red hair and chocolate eyes
"It was an accident!" the young woman says
"...Say that to my date who will think I stud him up" mutters a young woman with dark hair
"What the hell where you doing to send us...wherever this is, noona?" a young man with caramel skin and brown hair asks in disbelief as he looks at the dark red haired woman
"I was working on my ability but something must have gone wrong or interfered with it" the woman admits with a speechless smile making the other eleven sigh
"...Excuse me, who are you?" Rosalyn asks as she approaches the group carefully as they had no idea how strong they were or what they wanted
"Aunt Rosa?" the young woman with red hair says surprised "Weren't you in the hospital giving birth?" she adds sounding confused
"W-what?" Rosalyn says not understanding this as there was no way she could be giving birth as she was still single and didn't plan to have kids so soon
"Congrats, noona" a young man that looked pretty similar to Cale but with his hair being a bit lighter and having dark eyes says "You invented time travel without the help of a god...or so I hope" he adds
"Time travel?" Alver says as the heroes make their way to the group as knights make sure no one else approaches the group
"Yes, I doubt any of you have blood children currently" another young man with red hair says
"...How far in the future are you from?" Roksoo asks as he tries to make sense of this especially as all of the kids were wearing clothes from his and Choi Han's world instead of the one they were in
"Hmm, not sure?" a young man with brown hair and green eyes says
"...Probably a few days before papa and dad got together? Papa is wearing the suit he said he wore on the ball that lead him and dad to get together" another young man with black hair says as he had looked around before answering
"So it was our fault" another young man says a bit surprised
"Both fo your parents are here?" Lark asks and the 12 nod their heads in agreement
"Then you won't mind sharing your names, would you?" Ron says as he looks at them with his benign smile
"No problem" the first young woman says "I'm Iseul Kim" she adds
'My kids?!' Roksoo thinks in disbelief because he was the only one present with Kim as his last name
"I'm Cheongwoo Kim and they are Jaekyung and Leewon" one of the young man with black hair says before pointing to two of the other young man with black hair
"I'm Yoonjay Kim and he is Taekjoo" another of the young man with black hair says before pointing to the young man with caramel skin
"Andrew Henituse" the young man with green eyes says
'Henituse?!' is the common thought of those in said family or close to them
'Is he my/orabeuni's son?' Cale and Lily think as they observe Andrew curiously
"I'm Jigu Kim and this Juwon" the last young man with black hair says shyly and then points to the young man with red hair who offers a very awkward smile that for some look scary
'Did Roksoo-ssi have too much free time?' Choi Han thinks amused
"And we are Prince, Gyerin and Hayoon Henituse" the last young man with red hair, the one who looked a lot like Cale, says as he points to the last two young woman
"Are you...young master Cale's kids?" Vicross asks as he looks at the four that presented themselves as Henituse
"Unless you know another Henituse with red hair, yes" Gyerin says with a sweet smile
"Yeah, you are certainly that bastard's kid" Choi Han says
"Shut up, you psycho!" Cale says as he walks to the them
"Make me" Choi Han says looking at Cale
"With pleasure" Cale says smiling "So, which secret should I start with?" he offers looking at Choi Han who glares at him before sighing "Good boy" he says and pats Choi Han's shoulder
"It's good to see that papa and Uncle Han's relationship hasn't changed a bit" Hayoon says softly
"Reminds me when it was found out that papa was pregnant with the three of you and Uncle Han and Aunt Minah threatened dad with so many ways of torturing him that even their spouses got scared of them" Andrew hums in agreement
"..Minah? Like Kim Minah?" Roksoo asks
"Yes" Leewon answers "Iseul, who isn't your blood daughter, accidentally opened a portal between both worlds and never closed it so there is people traveling between both worlds" he explains how Cale could have met Minah
"...We can meet hyung's world?" Lark asks curious
"Some of you even live there" Taekjoo tells him
"And when did that happen?" Alver asks since he should be ready for when the portal appeared and they would have to communicate with a world very different from theirs
"Hmmm, I was about 7 when it happened so....maybe in a year or two?" Iseul offers but she couldn't really be sure
"I see" Alver nods at that
"Can you tell me who I am with?" Rosalyn asked since she never thought of having kids but from the comment from Hayoon, it seemed like she did
"Ask Choi Han instead" Cale mutters which makes the mentioned hit him but Cale just smirks at him
"What?" Rosalyn says looking at Cale since she didn't understand what he said
"That if you find out now, you might decide to change it so it is better if you don't know" Choi Han says as he steps on Cale's foot to keep his mouth shut
"That's true...can I at least know if I am happy?" Rosalyn hums before looking at the people from the future
"Very happy, Aunt" Yoonjay says
"He says this because you are the mother of his lover" Juwon points out
"Shut up" Yoonjay says and Juwon sticks his tongue out which makes Yoonjay grab him by his neck and mess with his hair
"Is there anything you can share about the future with us?" Ron asks
"You son finally gained the balls to ask his crush out" Cheongwoo says as a subtle blush appears on Vicross' cheeks 
"Language!" Prince says hitting Cheongwoo in his chest
"Yeah, yeah" Cheongwoo says making Prince sigh
"Those are good news, they have going around each other for a bit" Ron says
"You mean years" Cale points out making Vicross glare at him as Ron nods his head in amusement
"Uncle Alver will only have daughters and his youngest will be the crown princess" Jaekyung suddenly says making Alver choke on air "I really adore how Roxy takes no shit from anyone just like Aunt Amiru" he adds
"Really, Ami?" Cale says looking at his friend in disbelief "You could have chosen Prince Valentino but you went with the fake blonde one?" he asks making many look in shock at him for not fearing to insult royalty
"Well...my mother did have a crush on one of his aunts" Amiru says amused not really caring that she would be the crown princess/queen of Roan as it would take some time for the crown prince to fall for her and for her to accept his courtship
"Still, you could have chosen better" Cale sighs
"I can't control my feelings when the time comes" Amiru says and Cale nods at that
"Next thing you are going to say is that some noble married a dragon" someone comments
"And there is, like there is someone who married a demon or someone who married a powerful sea being" Jigu says making the person who made the comments and many others look in disbelief at them
"Seems like the future will be very entertaining" Alver offers even if he is still digesting what he was told about his own future
"Oh! I think I can open the portal back home now" Iseul says as she gets a similar feeling to what she had before she accidentally sent them all to the past
"So soon?" Gyerin asks pouting as she had plans to mess with them a bit more by revealing other things from the future
"It was nice to see you all young again" Leewon offers since there wasn't much they could say as they would see them pretty soon
"Can I ask something before you guys go?" Cale asks and the ones from the future look at each other before looking at him and nodding "How many days did it take him to connect the dots?" Cale says with many looking at him confused except the ones from the future as they look amused at the question
"A whole week" Prince is the one to answer
"I see, then I will be waiting" Cale says as he smiles to them as Iseul makes a movement with her hands and they are engulfed by a light that takes them back to their own time
"I think it is better if we all return to our own homes to try and digest everything that just happened" Zed says as he doesn't think anyone feels up to continue with the ball "The ball will be continued in two weeks" he adds since he was supposed to give something to the winners and allies but with this happening, he hadn't done it
With that everyone started to leave slowly as they talked about what just happened and what it could mean to their future and for Roan Kingdom.
"How did you notice?" Roksoo asks as he looks at his guest who is petting On and Hong since they claimed his lap as theirs the moment he sat down
"I don't understand what you mean, Count Kim" the guest says amused
"No playing games, Cale" Roksoo says with a sigh
"Taekjoo looked a lot like father and Andrew also looked a lot like you" Cale answers
"Just that?" Roksoo asks
"Maybe" Cale hums
"Cale" Roksoo groans
"You aren't oblivious like those young ladies believe so you should know the answer" Cale says as he looks Roksoo in the eyes as the two kittens decide to leave and close the door behind them
"You like me" Roksoo says and Cale smiles at him
"It is quite obvious" Cale admits
"Why?" Roksoo asks as he couldn't see what made Cale like him
"Did you know that young the only one to notice I was acting all these years and to ask me the reasons behind it besides treating him as a human being instead of trash?" Cale asks and Roksoo looks surprised at him "Father doesn't know how to talk to me anymore and Lady Violan feels like she is intruding on my life whenever she talks to me so neither tried to stop me or ask for the reason why I started being trash while Ron and Vicross never cared about me as long as working for my family helped them hide from ARM" he continues "And my three best friends respect me too much to trust that I would come to them with my problems even if deep down they knew I wouldn't so they let me do whatever I wanted but are always there to protect me and hear me" he adds
"...And that is enough for you to fall for me?" Roksoo says
"It also helps that you are very honest and very attractive" Cale says "But the question is, what do you think of me?" he asks
"You...you are a kind and selfless who is willingly to sacrifice anything for those you love even your life" Roksoo says "You have a way to get under people's skin but also how to comfort them which is a bit contradictory but coming out of you makes sense" he continues "And...you are probably the most beautiful person I have ever met and it is not surprising that all our kids ended up being so good looking" he finishes
"Then, what should we do about our future"? Cale asks with a small blush on his face as he hadn't expected the words Roksoo said
"Well...I think I should start courting you and present you officially to On, Hong and Raon" Roksoo says as he gets up and offers his hand to Cale "Do you think that is the best plans?" he asks
"...Yes, I would love to follow that plan" Cale says as he accepts Roksoo's hand and is quickly brought to a hug by Roksoo
They simply needed a little push from the future for Cale to believe that Roksoo could return his feelings and for Roksoo to finally realize what he felt for Cale.
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howlingday · 17 days
Jaune's Shampoo
"DAMMIT, NORA!" Jaune opened his shower door. As he exited, he noticed his body had drastically changed. Using a mixture of his shampoo and experimental goo found at the fiendish Dr. Merlot's laboratory, Nora had unwittingly created a mutagen just to prank her team leader.
Jaune shuddered a bit as everything suddenly felt very warm. The steam surrounding him didn't fog his vision as he stepped out of the shower. The only thing he couldn't see was his reflection in the mirror. As he walked to the sink, however, he noticed there was a distinct clack on the tiled floor with every step. Did Nora somehow tape something to his foot, too?
Nope. Looking down, he saw that his feet, along with his legs and everything else from his chest down had completely changed! His toes and fingers had extended and ended in claws and talons, the latter of which curved from his big toe! Up his arms and legs, black scales coated him to his torso, where white scale plating trailed down to his-
"WHAT?! WHERE DID IT-?!" Jaune scrambled for the mirror, trying his best not to freak out.
Reaching with his claws, he'd accidentally knocked it off the wall and shattered it all over the floor. He crouched down to scoop the mess into one big pile, suddenly feeling a sharp pain from his back... against the ceiling. He looked behind him to his wings. Oh, right... Wings.
Suddenly, there was a banging at the door. "Open up! This is Specialist Winter Schnee of the Atlas Military! Surrender any weapons you may have and come out peacefully!"
Jaune looked to his claws. "Uh... That's going to be a problem, officer!"
"I am counting to three, at which point I will break down this door if it has not been opened! One! Two!"
"WAITWAITWAITWAITWAIT!" Jaune smashed through the door, knocking the huntress over and pinning her to the floor. She glared at him with icy blue eyes of rage and disgust. "Uh... I'm indecent?"
The strange beast flew high above Beacon Academy, but it would not escape the right hand of General Ironwood so easily. Using her glyphs, Winter Schnee had made her way to the top of Beacon Tower. Through the tactical use of her summons, she managed to chase the monster to the top with her, the forcing it to the ground to fight on the ground. Still, the creature was larger than her and equipped with claws that would likely shred through her aura. Haste would not equate to victory.
"Please, stop!" It yelled over the chirping pecks of the ice birds. "Stop it!" With a flick of her wrist, the summons fell away. "Oh, thank y-" Her saber was pressed against his head. Jaune clenched his jaw shut.
"Talk." Winter growled. "What are you?"
"I'm..." He gulped. He kept his voice below a frantic yell. "My name is Jaune Arc. I'm a student at Beacon Academy."
"Is this supposed to be a joke?" She looked him up and down.
"Uh, actually..." He tried to inch away, only to find her bald would not leave his delicate skin. "I-I think this is supposed to be a prank."
A cold wind blew into her face, though she did nothing to indicate it bothered her. Atlas was much colder, though the air was not this sweet. It had an almost candy-like scent, like cherry and lavender. She kept her sword drawn, though she did inch away by some small margin.
"A prank?" She repeated. "Pranks don't transform students into Grimm." There was only one being on Remnant who had that kind of power. Could this boy's existence be proof of her infiltration? She needed to learn more. "You will come with me to speak to Headmaster Ozpin. Make any sudden moves and I will end you, Grimm or no Grimm. Am I understood?"
Jaune gulped. "Y-Yes'm."
"Good." Winter stepped back, sheathing her sword. "And for heaven's sakes, put some clothes on."
"And that's how Jaune got a girlfriend twice his age~!"
"Man, that is so cool~!" Russel cooed as he and Lark leaned into Nora's story.
"What happened next?" Dove eagerly asked, on the edge of his seat.
"Well, you know those stories about dragon-riders? Well-"
"MISS VALKYRIE!" Nora flinched as Professor Goodwitch cracked her riding crop on her desk. "You are in detention to be punished for mutilating your classmate, teammate, and team leader, Jaune Arc! This is not a place for your to expound your mischief as a legendary epic of the mothran age!"
"Y-Yes, Professor Goodwitch..." Nora sheepishly retreated into herself.
"And Mr. Winchester, please control your teammates! Their encouragement will only worsen Miss Valkyrie's behavior!"
"Y-Yes, Professor Goodwitch..." Cardin also shrank, but not before giving a menacing glare to his team. They all shrank in unison.
Meanwhile, outside, Jaune and Winter were getting practice in for their new role as Remnant's first "Dragon-Rider Huntress". It was an idea for a joint occupation which Professor Ozpin and General Ironwood agreed upon to both bolster their offense capabilities while also inspiring future generations of huntsmen and huntresses and, maybe, find a cure for Jaune's mutation. Maybe. Probably.
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the-scarlet-witch-22 · 3 months
The Lark Ascending (A Chaconne Story): Chapter 2 (Agatha Harkness x Reader)
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Summary: Ahead of your first rehearsal with the Los Angeles Symphony, you become reacquainted with Maestra Agatha Harkness.
Word Count: 4.6K
A/N: Helllooo, welcome to chapter 2 of The Lark Ascending! This chapter features a very, very special piece that I strongly recommend giving a listen, I'll link an earlier post with the video. I'm going to try to do updates around every 2-3 weeks but it will sadly depend on my schedule. I'd also like to give a special shoutout to 🫂 anon, who told me of an idea they had of Agatha using her baton to secure her hair back. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the inspiration, I hope I did your idea justice. As always I hope you enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think :)
Danzón No. 2
Previous Chapter
The head of marketing for the orchestra, Pepper Potts, motioned to the promotional materials laid out in front of you. “So what do you think?” 
Squinting, you tilted your head to look at it from a different angle, taking it all in. They were certainly…interesting. Your face had been blown up on all of them, some featured you holding or playing your violin. 
“Um….” You trailed off, trying to keep your tone cheerful. “Well, they’re a little different from what I was expecting, but they look nice.”
The last time you spoke with Pepper, you had explained how you were more interested in focusing on the music than yourself, you had even brainstormed on a few different campaign ideas. At the time you thought it had been a productive conversation. 
“I know they’re not what we originally discussed, but we’ve found that interest groups respond better to a face, or rather, the face of what we’re trying to promote,” Pepper explained, laying out a few different options in front of you. “As our newest artist in residence, you are the face, the center focus. We’ve been trying to appeal to a wider audience, as well as a younger audience. This is the perfect way to accomplish it.”
“What she means to say is, your original idea was boring. But she’s too professional to say that, isn’t that right, Pepper?” Tony chimed in from where he was sitting on the opposite side of the room, scrolling through his phone. 
Pepper let out an exasperated sigh, shooting Tony a glare. “That is not right, Tony.” She gave you an apologetic smile, something she appeared to be used to doing. “Just ignore him. Everyone else does.”
Tony checked the time on his watch, before turning his attention back to you. “If we could wrap this up in a few, is there anything else we need to cover?”
Pepper glanced at her tablet, shaking her head. “We’ve gone over everything as far as marketing is concerned.”
“Fantastic,” Tony said, standing up, stretching his legs out. “Let’s get those materials finalized before next week’s Donor Gala.” As he began walking to his desk, he paused, snapping his fingers. “See if we can get Harkness to conduct something? Something more modern, maybe, but not funky Glass modern. The donors will love that. She’s so much more entertaining to watch than Strange.”
“Well that’s not too difficult to accomplish when the man conducts like he’s performing surgery,” Agatha drawled out, and you jumped at the sound of her voice. 
The door to Tony’s office was now wide open as Agatha came strolling in, followed closely by Tony’s assistant.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark. I told her you were still in a meeting,” the woman profusely apologized, giving Agatha a terrified glance before adding, “but she wouldn’t listen.”
Tony waved off the apology, clearly unphased by Agatha’s behavior. “It’s fine, Sharon. Maestra! Please, come in. I hope you’ve found everything to your liking?”
“You know me, Tony, I’m not particularly picky,” Agatha replied, enunciating every last syllable as she gave you a simmering glance that resulted in you blushing and looking down at your feet. “But I must say, I’m rather enjoying my time so far.”
“Have you met our artist in residence?” Tony prompted, and you suddenly realized he had no idea of your history with the conductor. “Peps, why don’t we get a photo of the three of us for socials? Ask that one intern for a caption, she’s pretty clever. Kamala, I think?”
Pepper sighed in defeat, fishing around for her camera. “Don’t call it socials, Tony.”
Tony then turned his attention to you, as you finally broke the rather intense staring match with Agatha. “Y/N? Have you had the pleasure of meeting the Maestra?” 
Oh have you ever, you thought to yourself. Agatha merely smirked, arching an eyebrow as you stammered for a moment. “I, um, you know it’s funny you mention that, actually. I used to work for her.”
Both Tony and Pepper appeared to be equally surprised with that revelation, and the CFO’s face lit up. “You’re kidding. What a small world!”
“Y/N was my assistant a few years ago, right before she moved to Vienna,” Agatha interjected, still gazing at you with a look you couldn’t decipher. “I’ve been…quite proud of her accomplishments since.”
She was proud of your accomplishments? You knew she apparently watched a video of one of your last performances; you were curious if she had seen anything else (while also wondering why she never bothered to reach out). 
“Rather high praise coming from you, Maestra,” Tony said, folding his hands across his chest as he leaned against his desk.
“Well I wouldn’t have been able to have done any of it without Agatha,” you insisted, various memories of late night practice sessions with the conductor rushing back in nostalgic flashes. “She mentored me while I was still her assistant. She always believed in me, sometimes even more than I believed in myself.”
Tony nodded, and you watched him silently brainstorm as an idea hit him. “That’s it. The Maestra and her protegee. Who wouldn’t want to see a series of concerts with one of the most beloved conductors and her former mentee turned rising soloist? Pepper?”
Pepper was already typing on her tablet, nodding along to Tony’s words. “Already on it. I’ll book a shoot for promotional materials, and we’ll have the press release ready by the end of the week.”
Tony folded his hands together, grinning as he looked back and forth between you and Agatha. “Outstanding. What a lucky coincidence you happened to be in LA, Maestra.”
What a lucky coincidence indeed, you agreed, giving Agatha a curious look. The conductor shrugged her shoulders, her usual poker face hiding whatever emotion she was feeling. “What can I say, it must have been fate.”
Tony started rambling on to Pepper about various ideas for both the Donors Gala and marketing, all whilst you found yourself getting lost once more in the enigma that was Agatha Harkness.
Eventually, you found yourself back in the concert hall right before the start of that evening’s rehearsal. The meeting with Tony had been rather successful, even if your obligations now included doing a handful of press and events with Agatha. How the conductor felt on that subject matter was a mystery to you, as she remained uncharacteristically quiet the entire time, offering only the occasional sarcastic, witty comment whenever Tony suggested something particularly outlandish. 
Now, as you walked with your violin case in hand, you once again thought about being reunited with Agatha after all this time, as it forced you to think about your feelings for the conductor. Even after all this time, it felt as though a large part of your heart was reserved solely for her, and you weren’t entirely sure what to do with that information. Agatha wasn’t exactly the most open individual, and last time you nearly had to wrestle her feelings out of her. Plus, who’s to say she even feels the same way- you knew a lot could change in five years. 
As usual, you were getting ahead of yourself. Right now, you just need to focus on getting through your first rehearsal, and worry about your relationship with Agatha later.
You greeted a few musicians you passed, and you nearly froze as you saw someone very familiar waving at you. Standing in the front row with her violin case was your friend and formed stand partner, Monica Rambeau. You stayed in touch with the violinist after you moved to Vienna, but she never mentioned coming to LA. Running up to her, you set your violin down before embracing her in a hug, fully in disbelief she was here. 
“Monica, what are you doing here?” You breathed out, grinning at your friend who smiled back at you.
“The MSO is off for the summer while they remodel the symphony building, so a few of us are filling in out here for the season,” Monica explained, and it was then that you noticed one of the MSO flutists, Dottie and the principal cellist, Hope, up on stage.
“Dottie certainly looks happy,” you noted, watching the flutist enthusiastically chat with a few members of the orchestra on the stage. 
“I think she’s looking forward to having a break from Harkness,” Monica admitted, taking a quick glance around to make sure no one else was listening before adding, “not that Maestra was even around for the majority of the season to terrorize her.”
You felt a twinge of pity at the mention of that. Poor Dottie. Agatha did seem to get some sadistic form of pleasure from tormenting her. But it was the latter part of Monica’s sentence that caught your attention, and you gave her a curious glance. “What do you mean she wasn’t around for the majority of the season?” 
Although you and Monica had stayed in touch over the past few years, you made a point to never ask about Agatha. While Monica never knew about your relationship with the conductor, she at least knew not to bring her up whenever you talked.
Monica shrugged, grabbing her sheet music from her bag. “She was traveling a lot this year, and missed a lot of rehearsals. You know how she gets. Anytime someone would ask where she was, she would change the subject and find someone new to pick on.”
It didn’t take much effort for you to picture that particular scenario. “That certainly sounds like Agatha.”
“A few people think she’s looking for a job with a different orchestra,” Monica quietly told you. “But between you and me, I think she’s seeing someone.”
You froze in place, choosing your next words carefully. “Seeing someone? Why would you think that?”
“She seemed different whenever she’d come back,” Monica explained as she gently grabbed her violin from its case. “Happier, or as happy as she can be, I guess.”
You fell silent at that, trying to keep your facial expression neutral. Was Agatha dating someone? Was it serious? Is that why she came to LA? The questions began to pile on in your brain, the biggest of all being why did you even care?
As if Monica sensed your discomfort, she changed the subject. “So, have you met Strange yet? I’ve heard he’s pretty straight-laced during rehearsals.”
Strange? Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the question, until you remembered you never told Monica the news of the change in music directors. 
Clearing your throat, you nervously bit your lip. “Actually, Monica, I should have mentioned this earlier, but Stephen isn’t conducting-”
The all too familiar sound of clapping rang out from the entrance of the hall, cutting you off as everyone turned their attention to the noise, and you were unsurprised to hear frantic whispering at the sight of Tony Stark eagerly conversing with a brooding Agatha Harkness.
The conductor had changed from the outfit you last saw her in earlier that day, opting for a pair of black dress slacks and a violet button down. Her dark brown hair messily fell over her shoulders. In one hand she lightly grasped her baton, while a few music scores were held by the other. 
“Orchestra!” Tony called out, motioning for everyone to gather around him as he walked to the center of the stage. “Unfortunately, Maestro Strange will be taking a personal leave of absence for the duration of our summer season. But I’m very pleased to announce our interim conductor will be none other than Agatha Harkness. She’ll be taking over for the time being, so any questions or concerns are to be directed to her.”
From where you were standing, you watched Dottie’s face turn a sickeningly pale shade of white as Tony went on about what a fantastic marketing opportunity this was for the orchestra. 
“I’m going to turn it over to you now, Maestra. I think you’ll be pleased to see a few members from your orchestra are filling in for the summer,” Tony informed Agatha with a grin, giving her a final handshake before exiting through the side stage doors. 
Agatha leisurely strolled to stand on the podium, her music dropping down with a loud thud as she twirled the baton between her fingers. “Good evening, orchestra. I understand all of you on the West Coast tend to enjoy your relaxed, Erewhon smoothie drinking, sandal wearing, kumbaya lifestyles, but I have a lot to get through tonight. So, I would like to formally invite those of you not on stage to please grace the rest of us with your presence.”
“Sorry, I should have told you sooner,” you whispered apologetically as Monica stared in disbelief at the sight of the conductor. “She ambushed me earlier when I was practicing.”
“It’s fine,” Monica insisted, carefully managing to hold her violin and bow with one hand, while grasping her music with the other. “I’ll see you after rehearsal, good luck!”
While the rest of the orchestra filed on stage, quickly taking their seats, Agatha's eyes scanned the rows of musicians until she stopped, fixating on the empty chair directly to her left. “I see we’re missing our concertmaster? What a pity.”
As you settled in a seat towards the front of the hall, you noticed Dottie squirming uncomfortably in her seat. Unfortunately, Agatha also took notice, and you watched her shark tooth grin widen. “Dottie, I must say I’m rather surprised to see you. I don’t know if I should be more flattered or alarmed, are you stalking me now?”
A strikingly tall woman with jet black hair suddenly appeared out of nowhere, taking a seat next to you, as she gently opened a violin case on her lap. “She’s certainly something, isn’t she?” 
Cocking your head to the side, you frowned. “Who?” 
The woman nodded to the stage, where Agatha was still berating an increasingly embarrassed Dottie. “Harkness, she’s a bit of a wild one. Quite different from our usual Maestro.”
You nodded, watching as the mysterious woman applied a generous amount of rosin to her bow, before carefully placing her now empty case under the seat. “She’s definitely one of a kind. I don’t think we’ve met before, I’m Y/N.”
“Oh, I know who you are,” the woman quipped, a knowing smirk on her lips as she stood up. “Our esteemed artist in residence. I caught your performance with the Boston Philharmonic last winter. Your interpretation of Mendelssohn was…surprisingly tasteful.”
You weren’t sure if she was insulting or praising you, but you chose to believe the latter, offering her a polite smile. “Thanks, and you are?”
“Hela Odinson,” the woman introduced herself as she towered over you, giving your shoulder a brief squeeze before she turned away, adding, “now if you’ll excuse me, I have an orchestra to tune.”
Sauntering on stage, Hela cordially nodded to a few of the violinists who said hello to her, making her way to her seat at the front of the section.
It appeared Agatha also noticed the late arrival, as had she paused her verbal rant, curiously eyeing the violinist. “Nice of you to join us, Odinson. I see time management still isn’t one of your strong suits.”
“Well we can’t all be deranged tyrants, Maestra,” Hela playfully fired back, settling in her seat as she placed her bow on the stand, using her free hand to adjust her shoulder rest. “Some of us don’t feel the need to adhere to strict schedules.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you watched Dottie nearly fall out of her chair at Hela’s comment.
Rolling her eyes, Agatha’s grip on her baton tightened, eyes narrowing. “It’s always such a treat to speak with you, Hela.” Tapping her baton on the stand, she waited for the side chatter to stop. “Orchestra, your revered Mr. Stark has requested our presence at next week’s Donor Gala. So, we’ll be switching up our rehearsal schedule. We’re starting with Márquez.”
Dropping her baton on the stand, she stalked off the stage as the orchestra began to tune, the sound of winds, brass, and strings filling the hall, making her way to where you were sitting. 
“I thought you said Stephen was sick,” you reminded the conductor as she approached you.
“A personal leave of absence is just that, dear, personal,” Agatha waved off your concern, “I promise it’s nothing for you to worry your pretty little head over.”
She looked at you and for just a moment it felt like nothing had changed, as if you were still her assistant and you hadn’t spent the past five years apart. You used to love sitting in on rehearsals, always eager for any excuse you could to watch Agatha conduct. Although you’d never willingly admit it, heaven knows her ego didn’t need it, you failed to find a conductor you enjoyed working with as much as Agatha. While most conductors shared the same stubborn, prideful qualities, there was no one quite like Maestra Agatha Harkness. 
But, as quickly as the bittersweet feeling came over you, it was gone again, and you were left with the reminder of how much changed, how much you’ve changed. Leaving you to wonder if Agatha has changed much too?
Taking a step closer to you, the conductor pursed her lips, humming to get your attention. “Did you hear a single word I just said?” The guilty expression on your face gave you away, and Agatha sighed. “I hate to do this, but I need to cut Vaughn-Williams today. You know classically trained musicians have difficulty with more…wild rhythms. I’ll need the rehearsal time to run the Márquez to beat every single last syncopated rhythm into their thick skulls.”
“It’s fine,” you insisted, and you should use the extra time to rehearse other music for the Gala, but you felt something urging you to do something else entirely. “If it’s alright with you, I’d like to stay and listen? It’s been a few years since I last played Danzón, I’d love to hear it.”
As if she was somehow expecting you to say that, she smirked. “It’s funny you mention that, because I’m short a violinist today. I know you’re a hot shot soloist now, and I’m sure this is beneath you, but why don’t you sit in with them.”
It wasn’t a question as much as a demand, but you didn’t mind. You never did when it was coming from Agatha.
“I wouldn’t say it’s beneath me, but of course, Maestra. I’d be honored,” you accepted, turning to grab your violin from its case, and your expression fell as you saw a distraught Dottie slouching in her seat. “Hey, maybe you could try to take it easy on Dottie? She really isn’t that bad, you know.”
The once familiar scent of the conductor’s perfume, subtle hints of violet, jasmine, and sandalwood, overtook your senses as she took yet another step closer to you. “I know my memory isn’t what it used to be, but I seem to recall you used to enjoy being beneath me, hm?”
Of course she brought up the memory comment you made earlier, knowing the conductor she would torture you with it for all of eternity. You felt your face grow hot as you blushed, before remembering where you were. “Agatha…”
“Besides, I thought you liked how mean I was,” the conductor murmured, in reference to your comment on Dottie, as she stood far too close to you for far too long. “This is my orchestra after all, at least for the next few months.”
Agatha gave you an absolutely filthy wink, heading back to the podium. Raising her baton, she tapped the stand to signal for the orchestra to pay attention. “We’ll be joined by our summer artist in residence, Y/N, for the rest of rehearsal.” 
She paused as the orchestra broke out into a brief round of applause, and you dared to think she looked pleased at that reaction. After a few seconds she waved her hands to cut them off. “From the top, please.”
You were thrilled to find the open chair was next to Monica, and you grinned wildly. “It’s like I’m having deja vu.”
“I know, right. I’ve gotta say, Maestra seems happier than I’ve seen in a while,” Monica said coyly, giving you an inquisitive look. 
“What?” You whispered, wondering what she was implying. Surely Agatha’s good mood had nothing to do with you, there were a few things that occasionally made her happy. She always appeared happier after picking on Dottie, for example, or when one of the interns got fired. 
“Oh, nothing,” Monica innocently replied, getting the music ready. 
Agatha raised her baton, and the room fell silent in anticipation of her downbeat. Then it began, as her hands masterfully began to conduct, cueing in the solo clarinet, piano, and then oboe with a swish of her baton. You loved almost every piece of music you ever performed, but your heart always held a special spot for Danzón No. 2. Filled with sultry and exquisite melodies, it had several different tempo changes that required you to keep your eyes locked on the conductor. In this case, you had no difficulty doing that, as Agatha Harkness was the most engaging conductor you had ever met. 
You were always surprised at how well she was able to connect with any piece and make it her own, with every flourish of her baton and wave of her hands, it was as if she was the one composing the musical masterpiece herself. Danzón No. 2 was no exception, you realized, mesmerized at the sight of Agatha in her element after so long. There was a tempo change shortly after the start of the piece, and the conductor increased the speed of her baton, urging the orchestra to follow her with little difficulty. This was a particularly fun run to play as a violinist, and you allowed your muscle memory to guide you through the familiar rhythms and notes, as it had been a few years since you had last played it, bow moving in unison with the rest of the first violin section. 
As much as you loved being a soloist, there were few things that could compare to the feeling of playing in the violin section. Mastering difficult passages while your fingers moved completely in sync, counting every rest until you were cued back in, it was a special, tingly, heartwarming feeling that you hadn’t realized you had missed until now. 
One of your favorite sections of this piece was the violin solo, and you watched Agatha cue Hela in. The concertmaster was, unsurprisingly, extremely talented, as she used an impressive amount of vibrato on all of her notes, ringing out through the hall. It was a slow, seductive melody, and every shift of her fingers was exaggerated to draw out the intended luscious sound. As you counted the rests until the rest of the section came back in, you couldn’t help but notice the prolonged eye contact between the conductor and the concertmaster. You then thought back to their brief exchange at the start of rehearsal. Did they know each other? Is Hela the reason why Agatha seemed so happy?
The solo came to an end as Hela played her final note, and as Agatha cued the rest of the section back in, she did something you had never seen before. Using the hand not holding her baton, she pulled her hair back, twisting it into a bun before securing it with her baton. Both hands now free, the conductor took more freedom with the slower tempo, leading the orchestra through the gorgeous melody. As the strings took over, Agatha exaggerated her conducting pattern to encourage the orchestra to grow in sound. Closing her eyes to truly feel the beat, you couldn’t bring yourself to look away, completely content with watching her in all her beauty.
Her eyes opened, suddenly, and they landed on you, her lips twisted upwards to form a rare, but genuine, smile. You couldn’t help but smile back, you had missed this; had missed her. You never stopped missing her. The moment was broken all too soon, as the next tempo change was approaching, and the strings went back to the background syncopated rhythm, Agatha beat out the faster tempo with her hands, baton remaining in her hair. It continued on, with the brass leading the rest of the ensemble to the home stretch, as the violinists did another run up the fingerboard. 
Embracing her dramatic flair, the conductor whipped the baton back out, her hair flying every which way as she furiously laid out the last tempo change, and the orchestra followed suit. A final piccolo and piano duet played out as the brass accompanied, and you were pleased that Agatha wasn’t glaring at Dotite at all. The rest of the piece was a colorful, loud blend of syncopated rhythms and passages filled with scales that were embellished, pushing the orchestra forward with every measure, unrelenting until they reached the ending. Agatha conducted the last beat with a final twirl of her hands, effectively cutting the orchestra off.
“That wasn’t half bad,” Agatha offered, flipping back through her score and making half scribbled notes with her pencil. “If we could go back to the beginning, I need to hear more of the oboe when they come in, so strings make sure you stay below that.” She turned another page back, making a huge circle, “I can’t believe I’m about to say this, and Dottie I need you not to fall over, but that wasn’t terrible. I need more piccolo, so play out more…please.”
From where you were sitting, you noticed the MSO cellist, Hope, raise her eyebrows almost comically high from shock, and Monica stifled a gasp. Craning your neck, you watched Dottie nearly fall out of her chair once more, and you were happy for her. You knew Agatha meant well, in most cases, but sometimes she could take things a bit too far. 
In the back of your mind you were still wondering if she had something to do with Stephen’s sudden personal leave of absence, but when you looked back to the podium, those thoughts were swept aside as the woman who occupied nearly all your thoughts was looking at you expectantly, her baton lowered. She didn’t give Dottie a half-compliment because of you, did she? 
Her hair was still flying all over, as it was even more uncontrollable than normal, and you could make out the beads of sweat on her forehead from the effort of conducting such a fast-paced, intense piece. A rather intrusive thought popped in your head as you stared, reminding you the last time you had seen the conductor that out of breath and glistening with sweat was when you were naked in her bed with her fingers curling inside you as she counted how many times she could make you come. 
No, you could not reminisce on those particular memories now, you thought as you tried to keep the blush from spreading on your cheeks.
It hit you full force, for what felt like the millionth time, how much you had missed Agatha Harkness. But here she was, in all her glory, looking at you for some sort of response and all you could do was stare dumbly at her, trying to wordlessly convey every thought, every feeling you had bottled up for the past five years. 
“Thank you,” you mouthed to Agatha, grateful if she had indeed listened to you.
Finally raising her baton, Agatha gave you a wink, another one of those special, rare smiles on her face. “Let’s take it from the top!”
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 3 months
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Did my part to vote the fuckers out!! Fingers crossed, and I would love some Geraskier or OFMD, whichever you want. Thank you for doing this!
HURRAH, good job 🎉 lets get those bastards GONE
I've gone for a character/thematic mash-up for this one. Let's see if it works. Added this one under a cut because it's a little longer!
Jaskier stared at the book in his hand. The pages danced in the fast, salt-spray wind coming from the ocean as his ship ploughed through the rough seas. Droplets landed on the fine paper, smudging the inky name scrawled in a child’s hand.
Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove.
He’d been so proud of it, back then.
With a sigh, he let the book drop into the turbulent waters below. He did not stop to watch it sink.
“Any progress?” he dropped down onto the lower deck, his pristine shoes clicking against the polished wood.
Priscilla, his first mate and dearest friend, gave him one of her Looks. “Slow,” she said. “But we are gaining on them. In fact—” she handed him the spyglass she had been looking through. “They look as if they’ve stopped. Thoughts?”
Jaskier took the glass and held it to his eye. The ship they’d been following - slightly smaller than The Lark with grubby-looking sails - had indeed appeared to have stopped and let down anchor.
“Perhaps they want to parlay,” Jaskier said, folding the spyglass with a decisive click.
He strode up to the bow to get a better look. As he watched, the Lark finally catching up, he noticed a dark shape being run up the flagpole.
The flag was black, jet black. In the centre was a white wolf’s head, jaws open in a snarl.
Ah. Shit.
“And you are, what?” the short-haired man glared down at him. “A merchant? A jumped up little prince?”
Jaskier struggled against the ropes binding his wrists.
“Actually,” he spat, with as much venom as he could muster. “I am a pirate. Maybe you’ve heard of me: I am the Bard.”
The man burst out laughing. “And I’m a fucking siren,” he said. “Come on. Captain wants a word.”
He hauled Jaskier to his feet and shoved him forwards. 
“What is it, little prince?”
“I will speak to your captain. But if you harm my crew—”
“You’ll what, sing us to death? Kick me to bits with your pointy little shoes?”
“Don’t fucking tempt me.”
The man laughed again, then pushed Jaskier towards the cabin nestled at the front of the ship.
“See if you can impress the Wolf with that clever tongue of yours, Bard,” he snorted. “You’ll need it.”
With a final shove, Jaskier fell through the open door. It slammed behind him.
“Perhaps we can make a bargain.”
He spoke before the captain - before the Wolf - could, hoping to distract him, hoping to gain the upper hand. Yes, he was bound, but that didn’t mean he was defeated. Not yet.
“A bargain?”
The voice from the shadows at the far side of the cabin was low and dark.
“Yes,” Jaskier said. “We are alike, you and I. Both pirates, both doing what we must to—”
The man snorted. “You are no pirate.”
“I think you’ll find—”
The man stepped into the light, and Jaskier’s words died in his throat. He was sure he’d been about to make a witty retort, but it had sunk and vanished.
The Wolf was the most singularly striking man he had ever seen. Long, white hair framed a chiselled face, a strong jaw, a firm brow. There was a scar across his eye, a wound long-since healed. And what eyes. In this light, Jaskier could almost swear they were yellow.
He remembered the other pirate’s words: see if you can impress the Wolf with that clever tongue.
Something hot and tight squeezed in Jaskier’s stomach. He took a step forward.
“Surely…” he took another step. All that lay between them was the captain’s table, strewn with papers. “...there must be something you want from me.”
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