#Large diameter pipe
jimitjain · 2 years
Manufacturers of High-Quality Pipes and Tubes
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Nova Steel Corporation is one of the most prominent Pipes and Tubes Manufacturers in India.We provide a wide selection of Pipes & Tubes that are manufactured and specifically designed for steel mills. Pipes and tubes come in a wide range of grades and materials. We are also participating. SAE 4340 Round Bars, Large Diameter Pipe, S355 Pipes, Duplex Steel Pipes, ST52 Pipes, Alloy Steel 4340 Pipes, Carbon Steel Pipes, Api 5l Pipes  and so on. The main purpose of a pipe as a vessel in pipeline and piping systems is to transport gases or fluids. The tube provides support. In addition, we are India's leading supplier of large diameter pipe.
For more details, contact us at:
Source: Pipes and Tubes Manufacturers in India
Our Website:novasteelcorporation.com
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tubetrading · 2 years
Tube Trading Co. is the most prominent Stainless steel pipes supplier in vadodara gujarat. Tube Trading CO provides IBR approved pipes and we supplied across the India with a trustworthy level. IBR pipes which are supplied by us are supplied by us are the top quality of raw material. These products are presented in different shape as per the client requirement and sizes and they are applicable both for engineering and industrial purpose.
If you are looking for the most reputed as well as noteworthy Stainless steel pipes Dealer in vadodara gujarat, Tube Trading Co. is the best pick for you.
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fangrong-machine · 4 months
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georgewallis · 1 year
All About Large Diameter Steel Pipes
Large Diameter Steel Pipes are an essential component of civil engineering and construction projects. Large Diameter Steel Pipes offer superior strength and durability in comparison to other materials such as concrete or plastic, making them ideal for large-scale projects. But what exactly are Large Diameter Steel Pipes and why should you use them? Read on to learn more about this popular building material.
What Are Large Diameter Steel Pipes?
Large Diameter Steel Pipes are long-length pipes that are usually made from steel. They come in a variety of sizes and can be used for a variety of purposes, including water supply lines, gas pipelines, sewage systems, drainage systems, foundation supports, structural supports, roadways, bridges, and much more. Because they’re so strong and durable they’re often the preferred choice when constructing large-scale projects such as bridges or buildings.
How Are Large Diameter Steel Pipes Made?
LDSPs are created using a process called continuous welding. This process involves continuously welding together small pieces of steel until the desired length is achieved. The pipe is then cut to size before being tested for strength and quality control. Once it passes inspection the pipe is ready to be installed on site.
The Benefits of Using Large Diameter Steel Pipes
As previously mentioned LDSPs offer superior strength compared to other materials such as concrete or plastic pipes. This makes them perfect for large-scale projects where reliability is paramount. In addition to their strength they also have superior corrosion resistance which means that they will last longer than other materials in corrosive environments like coastal regions or near chemical plants. They’re also easier to install than some other materials because they require less equipment or tools due to their shape and size. Lastly, LDSPs are relatively inexpensive when compared with other materials making them an economical choice for many projects.
Large diameter steel pipes provide civil engineers with a reliable building material that offers superior strength and corrosion resistance while remaining economical at the same time. Their ease of installation makes them perfect for all kinds of large-scale projects ranging from bridges to sewage systems and everything in between! If you need reliable building material that won't break the bank then look no further than large diameter steel pipes!
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An Overview of Stainless Steel 304 Large Diameter Pipes
Stainless steel 304 large diameter pipes are an incredibly versatile and durable material that can be used in a variety of applications. From industrial settings to residential use, stainless steel pipes have come a long way since their introduction in the early 20th century. Let’s take a look at the properties of Stainless Steel 304 Large Diameter Pipes and why they are so popular today.
Durability and Strength
Stainless steel 304 large diameter pipes are made from one of the most durable metals on earth - stainless steel. This special grade of stainless steel is particularly resistant to corrosion, making it ideal for both indoor and outdoor use. It also has superior strength, allowing it to withstand higher temperatures and pressures than other materials without compromising its structural integrity.
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Due to its high strength-to-weight ratio, stainless steel 304 large diameter pipes can be bent or shaped into any form needed without sacrificing structural integrity. This makes them especially useful in situations where tight spaces or complex configurations are required. Furthermore, due to their resistance to corrosion, these pipes can also be used in more corrosive environments than other types of metal piping such as copper or aluminum.
Cost Effective Solution
In addition to being one of the most durable materials available for use in piping systems, stainless steel 304 large diameter pipes are also one of the most cost effective solutions for many industrial applications. They can be produced quickly with minimal waste, resulting in lower production costs than other types of metal piping. Furthermore, due to their superior strength, these pipes require less maintenance over their lifetime which further reduces operating costs associated with them over time.     
Conclusion: As you can see, stainless steel 304 large diameter pipes have many unique properties that make them an ideal choice for many industrial applications. Their durability makes them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use while their versatility allows them to be bent or shaped into any form needed without compromising structural integrity or requiring additional support structures like other materials do. Furthermore, their cost effectiveness makes them a great choice for those looking for an affordable solution with maximum longevity and reliability over time. If you’re looking for a durable and cost effective material for your industrial piping project - look no further than stainless steel 304 large diameter pipes!
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Principles of the RBMK Reactor
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The RBMK-1000 Boiling Water Reactor is a Soviet-designed nuclear reactor capable of generating 1,000 megawatts of electricity. The core of the reactor is a short, wide cylinder. The active zone is contained inside a large metal drum, known as the core shroud. The reactor assembly is supported by a large metal disk known as the Lower Biological Shield. This sits on top of a larger metal cross labeled “Structure S”. On top of all this rests the 2,000 ton Upper Biological Shield of the reactor, known as "Structure E". The reactor sits in a large reinforced concrete shell which provides structural support and shields plant personnel from radiation.
The core region of the reactor is a large pile of graphite 14.52m × 9.7m. This pile is composed of graphite blocks 25cm by 25cm, with a height of between 20 and 60cm depending on its location in the reactor. Drilled through these blocks is a 11.4cm diameter hole, through which a zirconium alloy tube (known as a ‘technological channel’) is inserted. These contain either a fuel assembly, a control rod, or reactor monitoring equipment. These channels can be opened in situ or removed completely to replace any fuel or equipment inside them. Zirconium is used due to its high melting point and because it allows the neurons that produce the fission reaction in the core to pass through it far easier than other alloys such as stainless steel.
These metal technological channels have water pumped into them from the bottom by the Main Circulation Pumps. The entire reactor vessel is pressurized with a helium-nitrogen mixture, to prevent the oxidization of the graphite. Graphite is flammable in oxygen, but removed from it it can become quite an efficient thermodynamic conductor.
Below: A photo of RBMK technological channels at Chernobyl Unit 2. The length of these gives a good idea as to how massive the core of the RBMK is.
This picture is a screencap from this video.
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The fuel of an RBMK is small uranium oxide pellets, stacked into small metal pipes and bundled together into fuel assemblies. Uranium oxide is a ceramic material composed of Uranium 235. This element, under special conditions, can create a nuclear chain reaction which generates heat. The RBMK has three primary components that help create these special conditions to create the controlled fission reactions in the core. These are graphite, water, and boron.
Graphite is used in the core of an RBMK as a moderator. Basically, it slows down the neutrons discarded by U-236 atoms (a U 235 atom which a neutron has collided with) when they split apart. When they are released they are travelling at a tremendous speed, and have very little chance of coming into contact with another atom of uranium. Slowing them down, however, creates a higher chance of the neutrons coming into contact with an atom of U-235, creating the unstable U-236 and then pulling itself apart, thereby creating more neutrons (as well as several other elements) and sustaining a nuclear chain reaction. This sustained reaction is what creates the heat in the core of a nuclear reactor. The more neutrons there are in the core, the more reactivity (and therefore heat) is created. It should be noted that graphite is combustible at high temperatures. The core contained 1,700 tons of graphite.
Water in the core of an RBMK serves as a coolant. Because the core of a nuclear reactor gets extremely hot, it becomes necessary to cool its components if you wish to avoid destructive melting within the core region. Water is the most common coolant in nuclear reactors, as it is cheap and abundant. The water is pumped in under high pressure at about 265 C by the Main Circulation Pumps from the bottom of the reactor up into the technological channels containing the fuel and other components of the reactor. After passing through the channels and heating up to about 284 C, the water is piped out of the top of the reactor. Some of the coolant water heats up so much that it forms into steam bubbles inside the reactor. When the water is pumped out of the core it is then sent into four steam separator drums, where the steam is separated from the water. The water is then pumped back into the reactor, while the steam is sent to the turbine generators of the plant to create electricity. After this, the steam is condensed back into water using cool water from the plant cooling pond and recirculated into the cooling system.
Below: A model showing the circulation system of an RBMK-1000 reactor. Coolant water is in blue and hot water/steam is in red. The yellow structures are the main cooling pumps, and the green structures are steam turbines. This model is spatially to scale, essentially what you would see if you removed every part of the reactor except for the coolant circuit.
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Some of the channels in the RBMK contain control rods (large boron carbide rods) that move up and down in the channel as necessary to keep the reactor within operational limits. Boron is a neutron sponge. It absorbs neutrons and can effectively eliminate a chain reaction. It functions as the brakes on a human made nuclear reaction, useful both in making sure a chain reaction does not become a runaway criticality and also in being the off switch on a nuclear reactor. The RBMK has 211 of these control rods, some of which are under operator control and some of which are under the control of a computer. A design quirk of the RBMK is that at the end of each standard control rod was a 14ft 9in graphite displacer. When a control rod was withdrawn out of the core it left behind a space that would be filled with water, a neutron absorber. Since more water in the core would kill reactivity, the designers of the reactor hung this displacer from the control rods to replace the space left by the control rod with something that would increase reactivity rather than kill it. This was a sound design choice, but it was a major factor in the events of the accident at Chernobyl.
Below: An illustration of the control rod displacers in an RBMK.
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Below: A top down view of the channels of an RBMK. You can see the layout of the control rods (green), neutron detectors (blue), shortened control rods inserted from below the reactor (yellow), automatic control rods (red), and the fuel channels (grey). The number on the green, yellow, and red squares are the last recorded insertion depths of control rods in Chernobyl Unit 4 1m 30s before the explosion. Only one is fully inserted.
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Below: A cutaway of the RBMK system layout.
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Two additional factors also come into play regarding the water. Water is naturally a neutron absorber, albeit a far less effective one than boron. The more water in the core, the less neutrons are present and therefore the lower the reactivity. However, when transformed into steam, water loses nearly all of its neutron absorbing properties. The more steam in the core, the higher reactivity is. This is called a ‘positive void coefficient’, and it was a known quirk of the RBMK and indeed several other reactor designs. However, the RBMK had a much higher level of this effect in its core due to its design. This is important to the accident sequence.
It is also important to note that the RBMK is an enormous construction. It is temperamental, unstable unless operating at full power, and requires constant monitoring and guidance from its operators. It requires three operators just to run it normally, and it was notoriously difficult to operate. The core region is so large that the equipment used to monitor it could not accurately read a large portion of it, and hotspots of reactivity would often form resulting in alarming and unexplained jumps in power output and temperature. While in theory not a bad design, the RBMK was a deeply flawed machine.
An enormous thank you is owed to @nicotinebeige , who was extremely helpful in the creation of this post. If you like film photography, you should check out their blog!
This is a technical explanation of the RBMK design. For a history of the RBMK, check out this post. Apologies for any mistakes! I’m most definitely not an expert on nuclear physics, and if anything is unclear you should absolutely check out other sources for more info. As always, thank you for your interest!
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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4,000-Year-Old Ceramic Drainage System Discovered in China
The people of Pingliangtai built and operated the system without any help from a central state government.
China’s Longshan period which lasted from about 2600 to 2000 BCE is best known for its sophisticated pottery shapes, but their sophisticated plumbing is getting some well-deserved attention. A team of archaeologists found the oldest known ceramic water pipes in China, demonstrating that locals were capable of major feats of engineering without a centralized state government. The findings are described in a study published August 14 in the journal Nature Water.
The newly unearthed network of ceramic water pipes and drainage ditches were found at the ancient walled city of Pingliangtai, located in what is now the Huaiyang District of Zhoukou City in central China. The town was home to roughly 500 people during neolithic times and had protective walls and a surrounding moat. It sits on the Upper Huai River Plain on the vast Huanghuaihai Plain, and the climate 4,000 years ago saw large seasonal climate shifts. Summer monsoons could dump a foot and a half of rain on the region every month.
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With all this rain, it was critical for the region to manage floodwaters. The people of Pingliangtai appear to have built and operated a two-tier drainage system to help mitigate the rainy season’s excessive rainfall. Simple but coordinated lines of drainage ditches ran parallel to the rows of houses to divert water from the residential area to a series of ceramic water pipes that carried the water into the surrounding moat, and away from the village.
The team says that this network of pipes shows that the community cooperated with one another to build and maintain this drainage system.
“The discovery of this ceramic water pipe network is remarkable because the people of Pingliangtai were able to build and maintain this advanced water management system with stone age tools and without the organization of a central power structure,” study co-author and University College London archaeologist Yijie Zhuang said in a statement. “This system would have required a significant level of community-wide planning and coordination, and it was all done communally.”
The network is made of interconnecting individual segments which run along roads and walls that divert rainwater. According to the team, it shows an advanced level of central planning and is the oldest complete system discovered in China to date.
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The team was also surprised by this find because the Pingliangtai settlement shows little evidence of a social hierarchy. The homes within it were uniformly small and there aren’t any signs of social stratification or significant inequality amongst the population. Digs at the town’s cemetery also didn’t reveal any evidence of a social hierarchy in burials the way excavations at other nearby towns have.
The level of complexity that these pipes demonstrate also undermines some earlier understanding of archaeological finds that believe only a centralized state power could organize and provide the resources for such a complex water management system. Other ancient societies that used advanced water systems tended to have a stronger, more centralized government, but Pingliangtai shows that that centralized power was possibly not always needed.
“Pingliangtai is an extraordinary site. The network of water pipes shows an advanced understanding of engineering and hydrology that was previously only thought possible in more hierarchical societies,” study co-author and Peking University archaeologist Hai Zhang said in a statement.
The ceramic water pipes also show an advanced level of technology for this period in time. Like with Longshan pottery, there was some variety of decoration and styles, but each pipe segment was about 7.8 and 11.8 inches in diameter and about 11.8 to 15.7 inches long. Multiple segments were slotted into one another to transport the water over long distances.
According to the study, the team can’t say specifically how the labor to build this infrastructure was organized and divided. A similar level of communal coordination would also have been necessary to build the earthen walls and moat that surround Pingliangtai.
By Laura Baisas.
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givehimthemedicine · 10 months
which lab tunnel ends connect?
here's the opening One shows El, in the HNL basement.
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"this will lead you out beyond the lab fence to the woods," he says.
and here's the Mr. Clarke opening, where he finds the scrap of El's hospital gown.
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thinking maybe Will crawled into this tunnel, the cops try to follow it to see where he'd have come out the other end, and run into the HNL perimeter fence. so the Mr. Clarke opening is very much Beyond The Lab Fence In The Woods.
pairing One's dialogue (if he's telling the truth) and that scrap of hospital gown, it seems very likely that the basement opening truly does connect to Mr. Clarke's, right?
so then what is this third tunnel opening that the lab's Head Of Security takes the cops to - claiming it to be where the Mr. Clarke tunnel leads?
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Hopper knew the lab was lying because of the lack of rain in the surveillance footage of the HOS opening, which suggests the tape they showed him wasn't really from the night they said.
but are they also lying to him about this even being where the Mr. Clarke tunnel leads? ifthey just don't wanna let the cops into the HNL basement where that tunnel really leads, why fake the tape? what's there to cover up if this isn't even the same tunnel?
is this a wholly unrelated tunnel? could all three Y connect?
while we're here, why does the basement have that huge pipe at all? it's definitely a larger diameter than the outdoor ends, not that that proves anything, but why does it have to be so big? is it just like how in every movie the air ducts are large enough to crawl in for plot reasons?
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mutant-distraction · 1 year
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Saguaro National Park
That's such a cute little dude you've got there Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument 🌵 21 cute little arms and all. Maybe one day, it will get close to our prize-winning Saguaro, the Granddaddy Saguaro!
This massive Saguaro holds the record as the most massive Saguaro in the park. While some may have been taller, this Saguaro had the most mass, estimated to weigh over 30,000 pounds. The trunk was nearly two and a half feet in diameter at chest height. It had a total of 45 arms, all raised high towards the sky. It also was believed to be nearly 300 years old! Unfortunately, this green giant fell victim to bacterial necrosis in 1992. While not quite as massive, many large giants like this can be found in and around the eastern district of the park. Generally, the western district has a higher density of Saguaros per acre, whereas the east side will have more enormous cacti with more arms on average.
What is the largest Saguaro you have encountered?
(JC; 📸, NPS)
#SaguaroSkirmish #OrganPipeNationalMonument #SaguaroNationalPark
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tubetrading · 1 year
Large Diameter Pipes in Agriculture:  Revolutionizing Irrigation Systems
Located in the agricultural heartland of India, Vadodara, Gujarat, has witnessed the emergence of large-diameter pipes as a transformative factor in the modernization of irrigation systems.  The utilisation of these wide-diameter pipes has not only enhanced the efficiency of water delivery but has also bolstered agricultural output and sustainability.  This article examines the revolutionary impact of large-diameter pipes in the agricultural sector and provides insights into the key Large Diameter pipes distributor in Vadodara, Gujarat.
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Optimizing Irrigation with Large-diameter Pipes:
The optimisation of irrigation systems using large-diameter pipes is a topic of interest because of the prevalent issues encountered by traditional irrigation methods, including water wastage, uneven distribution, and elevated maintenance expenses.  The utilisation of large-diameter pipes has effectively tackled these challenges by providing a more efficient and economically viable alternative.  The augmented diameter facilitates enhanced water flow rates, leading to a reduction in irrigation duration and a mitigation of water loss.  The improvement in irrigation efficiency plays a crucial role in enhancing crop yields and promoting sustainable agricultural practices.
The Role of Large-Diameter Pipes in Modern Agriculture:
Agriculture serves as the fundamental pillar of our nation, with the provision of a consistent water supply playing a crucial role in its sustenance and development.  Traditional irrigation systems frequently encounter obstacles such as the inefficient utilisation of water resources, suboptimal distribution of water, and elevated expenditures associated with upkeep.  The utilisation of large-diameter pipes has emerged as a transformative factor in effectively addressing these difficulties and substantially enhancing the irrigation process.
·         Enhanced Water Distribution:
Agriculture serves as the fundamental pillar of our nation, with the provision of a consistent water supply playing a crucial role in its sustenance and development.  Traditional irrigation systems frequently encounter obstacles such as the inefficient utilisation of water resources, suboptimal distribution of water, and elevated expenditures associated with upkeep.  The utilisation of large-diameter pipes has emerged as a transformative factor in effectively addressing these difficulties and substantially enhancing the irrigation process.
·         Reduced Energy Consumption:
The implementation of large-diameter pipes significantly decreases energy consumption associated with the transportation of water across agricultural fields.  The enhanced fluid dynamics exhibited by these conduits necessitate reduced energy use, so rendering the irrigation procedure more environmentally sustainable and economically advantageous for agricultural practitioners.  This directly leads to a decrease in operational costs and encourages the adoption of environmentally sustainable practices.
·         Longevity and Durability:
The exceptional resilience exhibited by large-diameter pipes is a notable characteristic, guaranteeing an extended lifespan and less need for maintenance.  The sturdy design of the building enables it to endure adverse environmental conditions and the force exerted by the flow of water.  The durability of large-diameter pipes results in substantial financial benefits for farmers over an extended period, rendering them a prudent and economically viable investment.
Tube Trading Co.: Your Trusted Large Diameter pipes dealer in Vadodara, Gujarat
Tube Trading Co., a prominent Large Diameter pipes supplier in Vadodara, Gujarat, have comprehensive knowledge regarding the distinctive requirements of the agriculture industry.  Our company provides a diverse selection of large-diameter pipes that have been specifically engineered to fulfil the requirements of contemporary irrigation systems.  The company distinguishes itself in the business via its dedication to maintaining high standards of quality, reliability, and client satisfaction.
·         Diverse Product Range:
Tube Trading Co. offers a comprehensive selection of large-diameter pipes, encompassing a wide variety of specifications and meeting different requirements.  The pipes utilised in our operations are procured from esteemed manufacturers, thereby guaranteeing adherence to rigorous quality standards and compliance with prevailing industry rules.  We provide a range of choices in various materials and standards to cater to the individual requirements of our agricultural customer base.
·     ��   Expert Consultation and Support:
The staff at Tube Trading Co. is committed to providing expert consultancy and support services to our valued customers.  We possess a comprehensive understanding of the distinct obstacles encountered by the agriculture sector and possess the necessary expertise to offer customised remedies.  We provide comprehensive support to our clients throughout the entire process, including product selection and installation help.
·         Unwavering Commitment to Quality:
Tube Trading Co. demonstrates an unwavering dedication to maintaining high standards of quality in all aspects of its operations.  Each large-diameter pipe undergoes a comprehensive inspection and testing process to ensure its durability, efficiency, and performance.  Our dedication to providing exceptional products has positioned us as a reputable collaborator for the production of large-diameter pipes in Vadodara, Gujarat.
·         Benefits of large-diameter Pipes:
Enhanced Water Flow:  The increased diameter of these pipes enables greater water flow rates, resulting in enhanced efficiency and uniform dispersion of water throughout the agricultural areas.
Reduced Energy Consumption:  The optimised design of large-diameter pipes leads to a decrease in energy consumption required for water pumping within the system, hence generating cost savings for farmers.
Durability and Longevity:  These pipes possess a high level of durability and longevity, resulting in decreased expenses related to maintenance and providing a dependable, enduring resolution for irrigation requirements.
Environmental Sustainability:  The use of large-diameter pipes has a significant role in promoting environmental sustainability through the reduction of water wastage and the optimisation of water usage.  This contributes to the adoption of sustainable agriculture practices and the conservation of the environment.
Final Thoughts:
The utilisation of large-diameter pipes has significantly impacted the agricultural sector, bringing about a transformative shift in irrigation systems within the region of Vadodara, Gujarat.  The utilisation of these tools has become essential in contemporary agricultural practises due to their capacity to optimise the allocation of water resources, minimise inefficiencies in water usage, and improve agricultural productivity by increasing crop yields.  Farmers in Vadodara are able to enhance their agricultural output in a sustainable manner by availing themselves of the essential components provided by committed Large Diameter pipes distributor in Vadodara, Gujarat like Tube Trading Co.  The agricultural environment in Vadodara is anticipated to experience a more promising and sustainable future due to the increasing deployment of large-diameter pipes.
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terraintaz24 · 6 months
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Now that I can add bent pipe, I can't stop. Spending a lot of time walking back and forth between the work bench and the model table, dry fitting and adjusting and finally adhering the shaped pipes to the model. One of the last things I will do before painting is to attach the gun subassembly to the cryopak cube; who knows what other accommodations will need to be made?
Another bit of work is adding details to the pipes to add visual interest and to hide joints. It's aggravating to make fittings for every pipe, but I can't stand a blunt pipe end simply hot-glued to any other component.
Went out today and got some 3/4" PVC pipe for other subassembly pipe work, also some 2" ABS that I will use to add large diameter pipes to the base.
I must remain patient, I do sloppy work otherwise. I'm getting a little burnt out, I think; the enormity of remaining work is bumming me out. Maybe I'm just tired, I don't know. Probably I should just watch movies or play games for a day or two, get my creative urge up again.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
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United Technologies, Pratt and Whitney J 58 information. The SR 71 and the A- 12( except for the trainer version it had J 75 engines.) All had these engines.
Legislation Twin United Technologies, corporation, UTC, Pratt and Whitney J 58 engines powered the United States, Air Force, Lockheed corporation, SR,- 71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft holds the record for the fastest coast-to-coast records for speed. A little history about the J 58 engine.
J 58 engine studies began in 1955. Design of the basic J 58 engine, which could dash to Mach three began in 1956 as a US Navy program the first Engine run came on Christmas Eve 1957 it evolve to meet the requirements for an engine to operate continuously at more than Mach 3 (2000 mph) and go higher than 80,000 feet.
A unique design feature of the J 58 was It’s bleed bypass system that consisted of three large diameter pipes, running along each side of the engine. At high Mach, a portion of the air would bypass the compressor and the turbine section giving it a stall-free operation, the bleed feature lead to the popular description of the J 58 engine, as being a turbo ramjet.
Prototype J 58 engines were flown as early as 1962 and the first production engines known as “YJ’s” flew a short time later.
The only major modification to the Engine’s Design occurred in 1964 when a lightweight afterburner and a variable vane inlet case were incorporated, making “K” engine. The continuous operation in military and after-burning conditions were also unique to this engine design requirement. It was in 1990 the only engine rated for continuous after burning. The engine can operate continuously at more than Mach three temperatures generated by the speed require that the engine parts be made of high temp alloys., next is a description of those metals that were chosen. Titanium in the very front of the engine was chosen for weight considerations. WASPALOY, a nickel-iron alloy, was chosen for most other components, other alloys used include INCONEL, ASTROLOY, HASTELLOY-X, AND HAYNES-25.
The fuel J-1 was latter called J-7 is used not only for combustion, but as a Hydraulic fluid, and it is the primary coolant of all controlled system components, even the engine oil is unique it is pure synthetic polyphenyl ether, and chemically stable up to 650°F. I found this information in my father's notes. ~ Linda Sheffield Miller
@Habubrats71 via X
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askyves · 12 days
Prince Yves do you know any Waterfowl pot pie recipes
Truthfully, I don't work with savory recipes very often. However, this recipe for duck pot pie tastes quite similar to what you can find at the local restaurants in town, so I'd like to say it's decent enough.
I hope you enjoy!
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2 1/2 pounds raw duck bones (about 2 carcasses)
1 white onion, peeled and sliced
1 carrot, peeled and sliced
4 ribs celery, sliced
5 fresh parsley stems
5 sprigs fresh thyme
1/2 tablespoon whole black peppercorns
2 whole star anise
1/2 cinnamon stick
1/2 tablespoon whole allspice
1 gallon water
Duck Gravy Filling:
2 ounces unsalted butter
2 1/2 ounces all-purpose flour
2 legs duck confit, skin removed, meat shredded
2/3 cup peeled and diced carrots
2/3 cup diced onion
2/3 cup sliced celery
2/3 cup diced Yukon gold potatoes
2/3 cup fresh or frozen peas
5 ounces shiitake mushrooms, stems removed, caps cut in quarters
1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
1/4 teaspoon Chinese five-spice powder (cinnamon, ginger, clove, coriander, nutmeg)
1 pie crust recipe (enough for 2 crusts)
1 egg white, whisked with 1 teaspoon water
- Duck Stock:
Use a quick oven at 450 degrees F. Lay the duck bones out on a sheet tray. Put the tray on the middle rack in the oven. Roast the bones until they are a deep golden brown, about 1 hour.
Drain any fat from the tray and put the bones in a stockpot. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer uncovered for about 3 hours. Skim off any fat that accumulates at the top with a ladle while it is simmering.
After 3 hours, strain the stock. You should yield about 2 quarts of stock, if you have ended up with much more continue to simmer it until reduced to 2 quarts. Set aside.
- Duck Gravy Filling:
Melt the butter over medium heat in a large saucepot. Do not let the butter brown. Whisk in the flour and cook over medium heat, stirring frequently, until it turns very light brown, about 5 minutes.
Slowly whisk in 6 cups of the hot duck stock. Make sure to add the stock very slowly, whisking the entire time to avoid getting any lumps. Once it comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low and add all the remaining ingredients, except for the five-spice powder.
Simmer until the gravy thickly coats the back of a spoon and the vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes. Season the gravy, to taste, with salt, pepper, and the five-spice powder.
Use a moderate oven at 350 degrees F.
- Assemble the potpie:
Roll out the 2 pie crusts to about 13 inches in diameter. Lay 1 crust in a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate, making sure to have at least 1/2-inch extra hanging over the sides of the dish.
Fill with about 1/2 of the potpie filling, or until the filling is just under the level of the top of the dish. Gently, lay the other crust over the top. Trim the edges of the crust so that you have only about 1/2-inch extra. Tuck the crusts under all around and crimp closed using a fork.
Brush the top of the pie with the egg white. Cut 3 small slits in the center of the pie. Put the pie on a sheet tray and bake in the preheated oven until the crust is golden brown and the center is piping hot, about 1 hour.
Taglist: @floydsteeth @littlewitty @the12thnightproject @veryinactice @anonymousnamedhera @5mary5 @otomedad @solacedeer @sh0jun @yvies-whore @ludivineikewolf @chemila
Banner by @scummy-writes
Recipe inspo here
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angelkin-food-cake · 1 year
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Strawberry Jelly and Vanilla Cream Brioche Doughnuts with Lilac Sugar
Lilac Sugar:
1 cup granulated sugar
1 cup fresh lilac petals
1 vanilla bean seeds removed
1¼ cups warm milk
2 Tbsp. active dry yeast
1 Tbsp. granulated sugar
6 Tbsp. butter softened/lightly melted
1 egg
3½ cups all purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
Strawberry Jelly:
1 quart fresh or frozen strawberries diced
¼ cup coconut or granulated sugar
2 Tbsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. vanilla bean seeds removed
1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 Tbsp. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla bean seeds removed (or 2 vanilla)
½ tsp. flaky sea salt
Lilac Sugar:
In a bowl, combine the sugar with the lilacs and vanilla bean seeds. Pour the sugar into a glass jar and store at room temperature for up to 2 weeks. The longer it sits, the more flavor the sugar will have.
In a large mixing bowl (I like to use my stand mixer), combine the warm milk with the yeast and sugar. Allow the mixture to sit 5-10 mins or until the mix is foamy and smells like bread.
To the bowl, add the butter and egg, mix a little to combine and then add 3 cups flour and the salt. Knead the dough using a dough hook or your hands until the dough comes together and is smooth, about 3 minutes with a mixer and 5-10 by hand. If the dough seems too sticky, add the remaining  ½ cup flour. The dough should come together, but be slightly sticky to touch. Grease a large bowl and place the dough ball inside. Cover the bowl and let rise in a warm place while you work on the jelly, at least 15 minutes.
To make the jelly, combine the strawberries, sugar, lemon juice and vanilla in a small sauce pot. Bring the mixture to a boil and then cook over high heat, mashing the strawberries as they cook down until the jelly is thick, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool completely before mixing with the cream.
To fry the doughnuts, line 2 baking sheets with parchment. Lightly flour a work surface and roll out the dough to a ½ -inch thickness. Using doughnut or cookie cutters, cut out 1½ -inch-diameter rounds. Arrange the doughnuts on the prepared baking sheet, leaving at least 1 inch between doughnuts. Cover the doughnuts loosely with plastic wrap while the oil heats.
In a heavy-bottomed large pot or deep fryer, heat at least 2 inches of oil until a deep-fry thermometer registers 350 degrees F. Working in batches, use a slotted metal spoon or spatula to carefully place the doughnuts in the hot oil. Fry, flipping once, until light golden brown,1 to 2 minutes per side. When done, transfer to a wire rack to cool. Make sure to return the oil to 350 degrees F. between batches. Let the doughnuts cool completely before filling.
To make the cream, add the heavy whipping cream to a large mixing bowl. Using an electric mixer, whip the cream until stiff peaks form. Stir in the powdered sugar and vanilla. Add the cold jelly and gently fold it into the cream to create swirls.
Spoon the jelly and cream into a pastry bag fitted with a tip or just use a ziplock bag with the corner snipped off. Pierce the base of each cooled doughnut with piping tube and pipe a little filling into each doughnut. Generously sprinkle each doughnut with lilac sugar.
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A new view of the North Star
Researchers using Georgia State University’s Center for High Angular Resolution Astronomy (CHARA) Array have identified new details about the size and appearance of the North Star, also known as Polaris. The new research is published in The Astrophysical Journal.
Earth’s North Pole points to a direction in space marked by the North Star. Polaris is both a navigation aid and a remarkable star in its own right. It is the brightest member of a triple-star system and is a pulsating variable star. Polaris gets brighter and fainter periodically as the star’s diameter grows and shrinks over a four-day cycle.
Polaris is a kind of star known as a Cepheid variable. Astronomers use these stars as “standard candles” because their true brightness depends on their period of pulsation: Brighter stars pulsate slower than fainter stars. How bright a star appears in the sky depends on the star’s true brightness and the distance to the star. Because we know the true brightness of a Cepheid based on its pulsational period, astronomers can use them to measure the distances to their host galaxies and to infer the expansion rate of the universe.
A team of astronomers led by Nancy Evans at the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian observed Polaris using the CHARA optical interferometric array of six telescopes at Mount Wilson, Calif. The goal of the investigation was to map the orbit of the close, faint companion that orbits Polaris every 30 years.
“The small separation and large contrast in brightness between the two stars makes it extremely challenging to resolve the binary system during their closest approach,” Evans said.
The CHARA Array combines the light of six telescopes that are spread across the mountaintop at the historic Mount Wilson Observatory. By combining the light, the CHARA Array acted like a 330-meter telescope to detect the faint companion as it passed close to Polaris. The observations of Polaris were recorded using the MIRC-X camera which was built by astronomers at the University of Michigan and Exeter University in the U.K. The MIRC-X camera has the remarkable ability to capture details of stellar surfaces.
The team successfully tracked the orbit of the close companion and measured changes in the size of the Cepheid as it pulsated. The orbital motion showed that Polaris has a mass five times larger than that of the Sun. The images of Polaris showed that it has a diameter 46 times the size of the Sun.
The biggest surprise was the appearance of Polaris in close-up images. The CHARA observations provided the first glimpse of what the surface of a Cepheid variable looks like.
CHARA Array false-color image of Polaris from April 2021 that reveals large bright and dark spots on the surface. Polaris appears about 600,000 times smaller than the Full Moon in the sky.
“The CHARA images revealed large bright and dark spots on the surface of Polaris that changed over time,” said Gail Schaefer, director of the CHARA Array. The presence of spots and the rotation of the star might be linked to a 120-day variation in measured velocity.
“We plan to continue imaging Polaris in the future,” said John Monnier, an astronomy professor at the University of Michigan. “We hope to better understand the mechanism that generates the spots on the surface of Polaris.”
The new observations of Polaris were made and recorded as part of the open access program at the CHARA Array, where astronomers from around the world can apply for time through the National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NOIRLab).
The CHARA Array is located at the Mount Wilson Observatory in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California. The six telescopes of the CHARA Array are arranged along three arms. The light from each telescope is transported through vacuum pipes to the central beam combining lab. All the beams converge on the MIRC-X camera in the lab.
TOP IMAGE: CHARA Array false-color image of Polaris from April 2021 that reveals large bright and dark spots on the surface. Polaris appears about 600,000 times smaller than the Full Moon in the sky.  Credit Courtesy: Georgia State University / CHARA Array
CENTRE IMAGE: The CHARA Array is located at the Mount Wilson Observatory in the San Gabriel Mountains of southern California. The six telescopes of the CHARA Array are arranged along three arms. The light from each telescope is transported through vacuum pipes to the central beam combining lab. All the beams converge on the MIRC-X camera in the lab. Credit Courtesy: Georgia State University / CHARA Array
LOWER IMAGE: The CHARA Array is a six-telescope facility located at the historic Mount Wilson Observatory in California. Credit Courtesy: Georgia State University
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sweethoneyrose83 · 9 months
Glamrock Freddy Orange Marmalade-Filled Donuts
2 ¼ teaspoons (1 packet) active dry yeast
½ cup warm water
½ cup warm milk
⅓ cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 egg
1/3 cup unsalted butter, softened
3 ½ - 4 cups all-purpose flour
Oil for frying
Orange marmalade
Powdered sugar (optional, for dusting) Instructions:
Activate the yeast: In a small bowl, mix the warm water with the yeast. Let it sit for about 5-10 minutes until frothy.
Prepare the dough: In a large mixing bowl or stand mixer, combine the yeast mixture, warm milk, sugar, salt, vanilla extract, egg, and softened butter. Mix well. Slowly add in the flour, one cup at a time, until the dough comes together and is slightly sticky. Knead the dough for about 5-8 minutes until it's smooth and elastic.
First rise: Place the dough in a greased bowl, cover it with a clean kitchen towel, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-1.5 hours or until it doubles in size.
Forming the donut: Roll out the dough on a floured surface to about ½ inch thickness. Use a round cutter (about 3 inches in diameter) to cut out donut shapes. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, cover them with a towel, and let them rise again for about 30-45 minutes.
Frying: Heat oil in a deep pot or fryer to 350°F (175°C). Carefully add the risen donuts, a few at a time, and fry for about 1-2 minutes on each side until they turn golden brown. Remove and place them on a paper towel-lined plate to drain excess oil.
Filling the donuts: Once the donuts have cooled slightly, use a piping bag or a small knife to make a small hole in the side of each donut. Fill a separate piping bag with orange marmalade and squeeze a small amount into each donut.
Optional: Dust the filled donuts with powdered sugar before serving.
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