dream-home-dubai · 9 months
Landlord Ghosting Lease Renewal? Your Rights and Options in the UAE
Landlord Ghosting Lease Renewal? Your Rights and Options in the UAE
As a tenant in the UAE, you have certain rights and options if your landlord "ghosts" you during lease renewal. This article provides an overview of your rights and available options in such situations.
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Rights as a Tenant:
Renewal Right: Under the UAE Rental Law, tenants have the right to renew their lease agreement for an additional term, assuming they have fulfilled their obligations under the existing agreement. The renewal term is typically one year, unless otherwise agreed upon.
Notice Period: The landlord is obligated to provide you with written notice of non-renewal at least three months before the lease expiry date. This notice period allows you sufficient time to make alternative arrangements.
Reason for Non-Renewal: The landlord must provide a valid reason for non-renewal, such as intending to sell the property, renovate it, or occupy it themselves.
Rent Increase: The landlord can propose a rent increase upon lease renewal, but it should be within the legal limit set by the Rental Disputes Settlement Committee (RDSC). You have the right to negotiate the proposed increase.
Options if Landlord Ghosts You:
Document Everything: Keep copies of all communication attempts you made to contact the landlord regarding lease renewal, including emails, phone calls, and text messages. This documentation will be valuable if you need to file a complaint with the RDSC.
Contact the Land Department: Inquire about the property ownership status to verify if the landlord is still the legal owner. This information can be helpful if you need to take legal action.
Negotiate with the New Landlord: If the property has been sold, try to negotiate a new lease agreement with the new landlord.
File a Complaint with the RDSC: If the landlord remains unresponsive or violates your rights as a tenant, you can file a complaint with the RDSC. This committee will hear your case and issue a binding decision.
Being ghosted by a landlord during lease renewal can be stressful, but it's important to remember your rights as a tenant in the UAE. By documenting everything, exploring alternative options, and seeking legal help if necessary, you can protect your interests and find a suitable solution.
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