#Lance watches ZEXAL
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kaiowut99 · 1 year ago
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"Yuma... When people grow up, they usually end up throwing away something that matters to them... But... don't you go and throw away... that power to believe in people, and that heart that never gives up... Don't you dare throw 'em away."
"See, I would've liked to see the future you guys get going myself... but it doesn't look like I'll get to."
"Kotori... Don't take your eyes off this idiot. Thanks, Yuma... Astral... My friends for life... I'm glad I got to have one last great duel with you two. Later..."
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tangerine-55 · 7 years ago
I was tagged by @casassin​ to show my 10 OTPs (? xD) Like, this is going to be Hard because I have like 100000000000. So yeah xD I make a random order because choosing which one will already be too hard xD
1. UsUk (America x United Kingdom) - Hetalia
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It began with those two Dorks. They were my first OTP knowing for myself that it’s an OTP :D  Even thou I dinstanced myself from Hetalia a bit I still enjoy to look at Fanarts and read doujinshis of them <3 I just love them :3
2. Spideypool (Spiderman x Deadpool) - Marvel
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I love them and They are so cuuuuute :3  And to be clear: I’m not talking about the Spiderman of homecoming since he’s too young and Deadpool would never try it out with an underaged! 
3. Klace (Keith x Lance) - Voltron Legendary Defender
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Yeah. i LOVE those two! They made such great Progress during the show and their Relationship is just so warm and lovely. This is how two rivals turn into friends and into lovers. Even thou they’re not Canon they always give the vibes that it possibily happen and that both have a thing for each other. Welp, at least before Season 7 happened an the writers ruined everything :D But they will still be my lovely dorks and always be one of my OTPs :3
4. Altair x Malik
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I can’t say much to them except that I love all the fanart and the characters. I love that ‘love-hate-relationship’ they have and the way their relationship evolved in the game. And I will always love the thought of Altair being a dork and Malik being so done with his boyfriends shit xD
5. Ezio x Leonardo DaVinci
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I know that Leonardo is Canon with Salai, but I still ship those two hard! They are so sweet and Leonardo is just so cuuute xD
6. Qiu Tong x Sun Jing - Tamen De Gushi
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I still can’t beliebe that those two are finally Canon. We waited so long for this and then it finally happened and dear god those two are the cutest shit I have EVER seen in my Life. Their relationship is so cute and they are sooooo good for eachother <3 They really are the perfect Yuri OTP :3
7. Mika x Yuu - Owari no Seraph 
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I still can’t believe that those two AREN’t Canon! Like, I’m sorry but they’re acting like Lovers and not Like Brothers! (and no, They are not brothers by blood. They say that they are family because they lived at the tame orphanage!) I’m waiting for the day that those two realise that they feel more than just family-like friendship for each other. 
8. Akira x Ryo - Devilman Crybaby
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I love the show and I love those dorks. It’s kinda canon that Ryo has feeling for Akira and I screamed a lot when I watched the show. Those two somehow are really special and Yeah. Love them :3 I know that Akira has romantic Feelings for Miki, but I think that he also feels something for Ryo and that he is, just like I think Miki is, Poly. 
9. Miki x Miko - Devilman Crybaby
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I know that there is a lot discussion because of them because in some languages Miko and Miko said ‘I love you’ to each other and in others they said ‘I like you’ to each other. In german they said ‘I love you’ so for me it’s canon that they had romantic feelings for each other. I know that it’s clear that Miki also had those feelings for Akira so my theory is that she’s poly and able to love Akira AND Miko in the same way. But I personally only Ship her with Miko.
Honorable Mentions: - ALL my YuGiOh ships :D (Anime/Manga/Game) - Nathaniel x Marc - Miraculous Ladybug (Show, I first planned to add them to the 10, but I didn’t and that decision was REALLY hard) - Rin x Sousuke - Free! (Anime) - Makoto x Haru - Free! (Anime) - Rei x Nagisa - Free! (Anime) - Asami x Korra - The Legend of Korra (Show) - Mercy x Phara - Overwatch (Game) - Tracer x Widowmaker - Overwatch (Game) - Asami x Akihito - Finder (Manga) - Crush x Reuben - Hockey Homo (Manga) - Takano x Ritsu - Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (Anime/Manga) - He Tian x Mo Guan Shan - 19 Days (Manga) - Steve x Tony - Marvel (Comic/Movie) - Levi x Eren - Attack on Titan (Anime/Manga) - Mei x Yuzu - Citrus (Anime/Manga) - Nezumi x Shion - No. 6 (anime/Manga) - Ewon Jung x Mookyul - Totally Captivated (Manga) - Sorey x Mikleo - Tales of Zestiria (Anime/Manga/Game) - Kaburagi x Onoe - Ameiro Paradox (Manga) - Rin x Bon - Blue Exorcist (Anime/Manga) - Sidon x Link - The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Game) - Alan x Yanik - Stupid Story (Manga) - Bipper (Bill Cipher x Dipper) - Welcome to Gravity Falls (Show)
10. Keyshipping (Yuma x Astral) - Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal
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Thos two broke my heart. They’re so cute and wonderful and in the Manga they said ‘I love you’ to each ither and dear god I cried so much at the end of the Anime T_T  I enjoy watching those two interacting so much that it hurts xD
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tskumoyuuma · 7 years ago
For the ship asks: Sharkbait, Foil, but also klance and kotor
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
i think i used to ship it a lot more back when i first watched zexal, but now its gone down a bit in my top ship lists. no reason really just like others more i guess -_(:p)_-
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
higher on my list than sharkbait. n unlike sharkbait iv grown fonder of it since first watching. i like to think of postcanon foil where vector is very guilty of what he did to yuuma w yuuma trying to get him to understand that hes forgiven, even if there r still some trust issues in place that wont fully heal
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
ok ill admit when i first got into voltron it was cause of klance n the posts people made about them. then i got to one episode in season 1 n stopped watching (wont get too much into to keep this short). it wasnt until i saw lotors design that i finished the current episodes n that was also after being exposed to the fandom via a mutual or two of mine
lets just say i got ....... tired of seeing so much klance that i blacklisted it. 
also dont like lance at all so yea
kotor / keitor
ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
honestly started out as a crack ship after watching season 3 n seeing the parallels between lotor n keith n lotors half galra generals n thinking about what would happen if keith joined him BUt then season 4 happened n TBH theyr the only reason im still watching voltron
cant wait to have some actual interactions between them in season 5 im so ready
(send me a ship n ill say if i ship it or not)
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kouichikimura · 8 years ago
RULES: answer the questions in a new post and tag some blogs you would like to get to know better. Nicknames: Dani Star sign: Libra Height: 5′2 Time right now: 8:55pm Last thing googled: trash can meme Favorite music artists: JAM Project Song stuck in your head: Giant Woman from Steven Universe Last movie watched: Moana Last TV show watched: Friends What are you wearing right now: Light gray jeans with a teal sweater When did you create your blog: This one June 2016 What kind of stuff do you post: Digimon...but voltron took over my blog. Also yugioh. What's a digimon. Do you have any other blogs: @kimurakoichi Will always live. But yes I do have other side blogs....6 of them Why did you choose your URL: Because I can't get back @kimurakoichi so I have to live with this current one :( Gender: Female Hogwarts house: Hufflepuff Pokemon team: what's a Pokémon? (I'd have rowlet and that one grey puppy) Moral alignment: Lawful Neutral 
 Favorite color: Red Average hours of sleep: ……….??????? Lucky number: Idk Favorite character(s): UM too many. Here's from the top of my head -Lance (voltron) -kouichi (digimon) -shou marufuji (gx) -Alit (Zexal) -yuto (arc v) How many blankets do you sleep with: 1 Dream job: I don't know anymore Following: 314 I tag whoever wants to do this
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oyunhaberleri · 8 years ago
Oyun Haberleri, Oyun İncelemeleri - Turkgame.com
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist - Kart Rehberi
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Merhabalar, Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist oyununun incelemesine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. İncelemenin sonunda da bahsettiğim gibi kartları hangi destelerden bulup eski oyunlarda var olan destenizi tekrar yaratma konusunda bir rehber hazırlayacağımı belirtmiştim.
Halihazırda birçok insan hangi paketlerin hangi kartlara sahip olduğunu anlamaya çalışırken ve paketlerde mevcut olmayan (veya almak zor olan) diğer kartların kilidini açmak için uğraşıyor. Bu yüzden herkes için bir araya gelerek gruplayabileceğimizi düşündüm. Bu paketler, bir arketip destesini tamamlamak için ihtiyaç duyduğunuz tüm kartları DEĞİLDİR. Ayrıca, ekstra şeyler kazanmak için Challenge Mode’daki oyuncuları düello yapmanız gerekecek.
Paketler ve içinde bulunan kartlar
Grandpa Muto: Raigeki, Breakthrough Skill, Giant Trunade, Pot of Greed, Exodia, Giant Rat, UFO Turtle, Smashing Ground, Waboku, Graceful Charity
Mai: Harpie’s(including Feather Duster), Amazonness, Forbidden Lance, Gorz, Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth, Bad Reaction to Simochi
Bakura: Archfiends, Honest, Dark Smog, Traptrix, Royal Decree, Infernoids, Destiny Board set, Master Hyperion and Agents
Joey: tons of Ritual Cards, Koa’Ki Meiru, Royal Oppression, Trap Dustshoot, Jinzo set
Kaiba: Crush Card, Toons, Dragons (of course), Gravekeeper’s, Exchange of the Spirit, Dimension Fusion, Maxx “C”, XYZ Dragon Cannon set
Yugi: Heart of the Underdog, Spell counter stuff, Dark Paladin, Skull Servants, Gadgets, Black Horn of Heaven, Chaos Emperor Dragon, Eye of Timaeus (and fusions), Egyptian Gods,
Alexis: Gemini stuff, Ancient Gears, fusion support (Poly,Recovery, Instant), Nekroz
Bastion: Dark Worlds, Dinosaur support, Frogs, Beast support, Vampires, Spell Canceler, some Rock support,
Chazz: Light and Darkness Dragon, Horus LV set, Ritual Beasts, Ojamas,
Syrus: Gladiator Beasts, Cyber Dragons, Vehicroids, Dustons, Card Trooper, Volcanics, Royal Firestorm Guards, Darklords, Spell Economics,
Jesse: Attribute Support, Shadolls, Worms, Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Crystal Beasts, Gem-Knights
Jaden: E-HERO, D-HERO, Yubel, Neos, Sacred Beasts,
Trudge: Six Samurai, Karakuri, Alien, Ice Barrier, Dragon Rulers, Goyo, Brionac, Trishula, Plaguespreader Zombie
Leo and Luna: Jurrac, Morphtronic, Genex, Dragunity,
Akiza: Lightsworn, Plant support, Psychic support, Emergency Teleport, Black Garden, Reptialianne, Glow-up Bulb
Jack: Ally of Justice, Infernity, Batteryman, Into the Void, Fortune Lady, Trap Stun, Rekindling, Yang Zing, Watts, Hunders, Resonators
Crow: Blackwings, Naturia, Mist Valley, Lavals, Fabled, Nordics, Leo Synchro, Reckless Greed, Lavalval Chain,
Yusei: Meklords, Assault Mode support, Earthbound Immortals, general Synchro support, Starlight Road, Swift Scarecrow, Mystic Piper, Magical Merchant, Malefics,
Catherine: Ghostricks, Tour Guide, Droll and Lock Bird, Hazy Flames, Evols, Fire Fist, Madolche, Box of Friends, Bujins, Fire Kings
Quinton: Mecha Phantom Beasts, Ninjas, Noble Knights, Artifacts, Wind-Ups, Gimmick Puppets, Evilswarms, Raidraptors, Chronamoly, Broken Bamboo cards,
Kite: Galaxy, Photon, Steelswarm, Hieratics, Safe Zone, Heraldic Beasts, Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger, Inzektors, Geargia, Excalibur, Ragnazero,
Shark: Mermail, Atlantean, Battlin’ Boxers, Fish support, Gorgonic, Gishki, Banishark support, RUM-7th One, Baby Raccoon, Penguins
Yuma: Gagaga, Spellbooks, Goblindbergh, Gachi Gachi, Zexal Weapons, Dododo, lots of number XYZ that are mostly not too good,
Pendulum: Burning Abyss, Performapals, Yosenju, Sylvan, Qliphorts, Spirits, Scraps, U.A., X-Saber, Mistake, Kinka-Byo, Pendulum support, some Chaos Dragon support, Reborn Tengu, Tiki Traps, Herald set,
0 notes
yenioyunhaberleri · 8 years ago
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist - Kart Rehberi
Merhabalar, Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist oyununun incelemesine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz. İncelemenin sonunda da bahsettiğim gibi kartları hangi destelerden bulup eski oyunlarda var olan destenizi tekrar yaratma konusunda bir rehber hazırlayacağımı belirtmiştim.
Halihazırda birçok insan hangi paketlerin hangi kartlara sahip olduğunu anlamaya çalışırken ve paketlerde mevcut olmayan (veya almak zor olan) diğer kartların kilidini açmak için uğraşıyor. Bu yüzden herkes için bir araya gelerek gruplayabileceğimizi düşündüm. Bu paketler, bir arketip destesini tamamlamak için ihtiyaç duyduğunuz tüm kartları DEĞİLDİR. Ayrıca, ekstra şeyler kazanmak için Challenge Mode’daki oyuncuları düello yapmanız gerekecek.
Paketler ve içinde bulunan kartlar
Grandpa Muto: Raigeki, Breakthrough Skill, Giant Trunade, Pot of Greed, Exodia, Giant Rat, UFO Turtle, Smashing Ground, Waboku, Graceful Charity
Mai: Harpie’s(including Feather Duster), Amazonness, Forbidden Lance, Gorz, Superancient Deepsea King Coelacanth, Bad Reaction to Simochi
Bakura: Archfiends, Honest, Dark Smog, Traptrix, Royal Decree, Infernoids, Destiny Board set, Master Hyperion and Agents
Joey: tons of Ritual Cards, Koa’Ki Meiru, Royal Oppression, Trap Dustshoot, Jinzo set
Kaiba: Crush Card, Toons, Dragons (of course), Gravekeeper’s, Exchange of the Spirit, Dimension Fusion, Maxx “C”, XYZ Dragon Cannon set
Yugi: Heart of the Underdog, Spell counter stuff, Dark Paladin, Skull Servants, Gadgets, Black Horn of Heaven, Chaos Emperor Dragon, Eye of Timaeus (and fusions), Egyptian Gods,
Alexis: Gemini stuff, Ancient Gears, fusion support (Poly,Recovery, Instant), Nekroz
Bastion: Dark Worlds, Dinosaur support, Frogs, Beast support, Vampires, Spell Canceler, some Rock support,
Chazz: Light and Darkness Dragon, Horus LV set, Ritual Beasts, Ojamas,
Syrus: Gladiator Beasts, Cyber Dragons, Vehicroids, Dustons, Card Trooper, Volcanics, Royal Firestorm Guards, Darklords, Spell Economics,
Jesse: Attribute Support, Shadolls, Worms, Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror, Light-Imprisoning Mirror, Crystal Beasts, Gem-Knights
Jaden: E-HERO, D-HERO, Yubel, Neos, Sacred Beasts,
Trudge: Six Samurai, Karakuri, Alien, Ice Barrier, Dragon Rulers, Goyo, Brionac, Trishula, Plaguespreader Zombie
Leo and Luna: Jurrac, Morphtronic, Genex, Dragunity,
Akiza: Lightsworn, Plant support, Psychic support, Emergency Teleport, Black Garden, Reptialianne, Glow-up Bulb
Jack: Ally of Justice, Infernity, Batteryman, Into the Void, Fortune Lady, Trap Stun, Rekindling, Yang Zing, Watts, Hunders, Resonators
Crow: Blackwings, Naturia, Mist Valley, Lavals, Fabled, Nordics, Leo Synchro, Reckless Greed, Lavalval Chain,
Yusei: Meklords, Assault Mode support, Earthbound Immortals, general Synchro support, Starlight Road, Swift Scarecrow, Mystic Piper, Magical Merchant, Malefics,
Catherine: Ghostricks, Tour Guide, Droll and Lock Bird, Hazy Flames, Evols, Fire Fist, Madolche, Box of Friends, Bujins, Fire Kings
Quinton: Mecha Phantom Beasts, Ninjas, Noble Knights, Artifacts, Wind-Ups, Gimmick Puppets, Evilswarms, Raidraptors, Chronamoly, Broken Bamboo cards,
Kite: Galaxy, Photon, Steelswarm, Hieratics, Safe Zone, Heraldic Beasts, Gaia Dragon the Thunder Charger, Inzektors, Geargia, Excalibur, Ragnazero,
Shark: Mermail, Atlantean, Battlin’ Boxers, Fish support, Gorgonic, Gishki, Banishark support, RUM-7th One, Baby Raccoon, Penguins
Yuma: Gagaga, Spellbooks, Goblindbergh, Gachi Gachi, Zexal Weapons, Dododo, lots of number XYZ that are mostly not too good,
Pendulum: Burning Abyss, Performapals, Yosenju, Sylvan, Qliphorts, Spirits, Scraps, U.A., X-Saber, Mistake, Kinka-Byo, Pendulum support, some Chaos Dragon support, Reborn Tengu, Tiki Traps, Herald set,
Yu-Gi-Oh! Legacy of the Duelist - Kart Rehberi
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kaiowut99 · 1 year ago
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"Hey, are... Are you okay?!"
"Urgh... Of all people, I was careless... I should have realized it the moment in which you looked up at my five Hopes."
["Man... This is even cooler than I'd ever imagine!"]
"'Than you would imagine...' In other words, you expected me to assemble my five Hopes!"
"*snickers* Figured it out, huh?"
"You even went as far as acting surprised when Hope made his entrance..."
"The time I spent making this deck was the most I ever used my head! And as I did... I kept thinking back... to the battles I've fought with you... You're the one who made me as good as I am now, Astral. All the tough spots I got through with you made me confident--in how I'd bring it to 'em, and in my power to believe in people! You and I are cut from the same sheet--so... if I have the power to believe in people, you have to have it, too! That's why I want you to think about 'em again... the power to believe in people, and how we all have the power to kick open our futures! And that's why I won't give up! You might be the best duelist in the world, but even if my odds of winning this duel are 10,000 to 1, I'm gonna make that miracle happen in this duel!"
"...*smile* That is the spirit... Let us see you try, Yuma! On behalf of the Astral World, I will battle with everything I have! Let me see everything you have!"
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kaiowut99 · 1 year ago
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oh my god it's good to get to see these in-context finally
Vector's quality long-game plan, you kinda see it as a bit too good to be true that this new "transfer student" cozying up to Yuma is natural but you roll with it, then notice those quick nuanced looks the past 10-15 episodes as a little detail gets mentioned about the Barians and you start to see him look a little fishy, then "Vector" kidnaps him and has Yuma think he's dead to get him to lose his shit by also making this big reveal
And he set Yuma up with Limited Barian Force to use his fitting Vain - Sneer of Betrayal Trap on his "V" Monsters--his Hope Ray "V"
Seeing Yuma distraught at what he thought he knew crumbling, the trust he put into "Rei" all that time (and sticking up for him against Gilag ofc) working against him and even causing a slight rift between him and Astral... also, the BGM playing as this all goes down... He's being an absolute troll about it all, right down to using his Shingetsu voice to really rub salt into the wound, and yeah, it's good stuff
I did have some inkling at the twist eventually coming being in the fandom as long as I have and Vector being such a meme (but being so because he's seen as a great villain), but did my best to avoid/scroll past spoilers going into watching ZeXal for the first time the past while, and even then it was done pretty well to still make the twist land nicely.
[also, checked the dub on a whim, and it's nice the dialogue is mostly intact, but oof dub!Yuma really could not do distraught... though it was interesting that Liscio Jr. sounds like he played R[ei/ay]? Apparently Vector too, but they put a voice filter on him so even if he's supposed to be mockingly using Ray's voice it doesn't hit the same as JP!Vector mockingly going "I lured you here and you thought it was all for the beeest to involve people that didn't need to be"
Also, Durbe I think at some point in Vector's reveal originally says he's pulling "a clever move," his tone implying he's a bit annoyed at the lengths Vector's going here and that there's some history there, but that line's removed in the dub
also how dare they cut the close-up shot that got the entire episode's art budget spent on it]
bonus: me on five hours of sleep:
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kaiowut99 · 2 years ago
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ZeXal Meets Adult Swim: The Episode
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kaiowut99 · 1 year ago
Have got to get around to throwing up some more ZEXAL thoughts I've put elsewhere but suffice to say, knowing the pain of losing Durbe, Merag, Gilag, and ALITOOO, the amusement of Vector being Vector throughout it all, and the absolute rage Nasch has for him after that, I'm in deep
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kaiowut99 · 1 year ago
Went ahead and threw on ZeXal II episode 38 [111] thinking nothing big will go on, just Barian'd No. 96 overwhelming Yuma and Astral and the two going further to prove their bond together, no big dea--
*episode starts with a foreshadowing of Astral leaving the Numbers with Yuma and saying goodbye in some kind of vision Yuma's having [making me double-check to make sure I'm on the right episode lol]*
*No. 96 pushes Yuma and Astral to the edge and struggling Yuma joins Astral in a ZeXal Change, talking about how Hope embodies their bond and the concept of hope always leading them to win as they beat 96*
*sore loser/"God" 96 makes a last dash at retaking Astral to continue destroying all three worlds and Astral pushes Yuma out of ZeXal to keep him out of it*
*ultimately the vision comes true and Astral gives himself up to keep Yuma safe and gives him the Numbers as he and the Emperor's Key sink into a pit*
*Yuma's broken and Kotori and the others are looking somber*
*GO WAY GO WAY updates with a Yuma/Astral montage, including showing the cute moment with Astral's first time eating over the bridge to the chorus*
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ZeXal definitely has been doing a good job of getting you invested in Yuma and Astral's relationship, the differences they've had here/there with things like Yuma's trust in his opponents after the Vector trolling, and how Astral respects Yuma's always-keep-going attitude and Yuma's growth in respecting him, so with the way they went about seemingly killing Astral here as all 96 cares about is getting his way and continuing his destruction, it's reasonable to see how it'd affect Yuma the way it does. Really good episode.
(I say "seemingly" not so much because spoilers as because ofc I still have 40-odd episodes to go so that can't be it for Astral lol)
Also, really good shots here [feels like the closest Astral's looked to Kaz's sketch so far too]; I almost thought this was a Hara/Gil-bo episode (Gil-bo looks to be on the next one with Heartland talking with Yuma), but Akemi Yokota's team did a great job on this one (it has been cool seeing some of the Animation Directors I know from ARC-V on start to really get their style going in ZeXal or keep it going after 5D's like Gil-bo and Hara)
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Also since it's been a while, I did enjoy the Seven Ruin Numbers arc too, was interesting to see that the Barians are reincarnations of these past figures (and also interesting how Yuma's dad had seen each one...), and of course the big revelation with Shark and Rio being reincarnations themselves... Was kinda neat how they did those visions Atem-in-Memory-World style by dropping Shark into Nasch's body and all, lol. Knowing few details here/there about how things go there, I'm curious to see how it shakes out, since Shark seems to be thinking about it in the next episode.
(Also, was really amused seeing how Mizael's legend was edited in the dub; I get you couldn't show Mizael giving himself up so the townspeople saw he was right about his horse yet the invading country killing him anyway, but it felt like dub!Crashtown's ending a bit with what they did lol)
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kaiowut99 · 2 years ago
It's pretty cool of the Yuma vs Tron duel to have two episodes handled back-to-back art-wise by the fantastic Gil Bo Noh and Kenichi Hara
Was also touching how Yuma pointed out the hope and loneliness felt by III, IV, and V at Byron who used them as tools of revenge despite being the good kids they are, then punctuated it after his "What would a kid like you know?" retort with "I know what it's like when a parent goes missing on ya!" Also that bit about III/IV/V doing what they did for Tron's sake probably because they thought it natural to help their parent but it's still wrong. The somber OST in that scene was really good. And #69's definitely animated to be pretty imposing with its God Rage and God Slaughter moves; the Xyz Change to ZeXal and seeing it was still a struggle to hold Tron off was good. Also always interesting when there's so much packed into the cold open that the OP kicks in almost 8 minutes into the episode, lol.
(Checked the dub out of curiosity and most of it actually was dubbed pretty well, though the dub's OST really takes away from it, but Tron and less-so Yuma what even are your voices)
brb gotta go cheer for the new protag ZeXal-Or-Not
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kaiowut99 · 2 years ago
Have slowly been going through more ZeXal the past weeks--got a bunch going on and all, takes me a while--get back to the WDC for the Kite vs Tron duel, and suddenly there's Hart's face on Tron's causing him to take any shock Tron takes during the duel, what's up
But really, have actually been enjoying the WDC finals well; been a bit since I'd done one of my Lance Watches ZeXal posts [*checks tag* ...apparently not since 21? lol whoops, meant to do a post like every 10 episodes welp], but things have picked up pretty well with motivations dropping, schemes moving, etc. Forget if I posted about it (and may go a bit out of order), but Yuma vs III was dark (making Yuma forget his "bring it to 'em"-ness) but good (and started showing Tron's/Byron's reckless use of his sons as means to an end; poor III), then Kite vs V/Chris was good to get the whole beef between Faker and Tron established and then Kite swearing to use Dyson Sphere to fight Tron for V et al; Yuma vs Gauche was fun while Droite vs Tron was dark but showed her connection to Kite; Shark vs IV was good as he finds out IV was actually helping Rio when he realized the card Tron gave him to duel her with did real damage, but led to another Arclight casualty as Shark accepted Veiss to beat him (and playing into Tron's plans) while swearing to beat Tron for IV (interesting that both Kite and Shark have reasons to go after Tron, and also Yuma finding himself in the middle knowing they have their reasons and Astral telling him to go his own way); Hart appearing to Yuma and Astral when they go see him asking them to save Kite, then Dr. Faker showing up explaining his deal with the Barian World and that he's using the two bros to rule the world in the end (his betraying Byron and Kazuma to start down this path is also interesting, since it then fueled Byron's revenge; do like the double-antagonist setup going here) while Tron's able to get Shark's darkness of the heart to expand in his favor; Yuma vs Shark with the latter getting brainwashed to think Yuma hurt Rio and then his commitment to freeing Shark before he ends the duel by making himself lose was really good ("When will bonds and friendship get out of my way?!")...
...and now 63 with Kite vs Tron starting, Tron's powers letting him see how exhausted Kite is was a neat touch; Kite summoning Dyson Sphere for Chris only to have Genome-Heritage suck up its ATK and effect; the interesting exchange between Kite and Tron when Kite asks how he could use his sons the way he has and Tron comes back with "Sure, you were hunting souls for your brother, but didn't you enjoy it a little after a while?"; the reveal of the fallout from Tron absorbing Hart's power now linking them together so anything Kite does to Tron will get felt by him and Faker getting enraged by it (was also curious about that dark energy ball he pulls out as he talks about losing everything when he was isekai'd, did it lead to the Hart-link thing, I wonder aloud); Yuma, gutsy as he is, flying off with Orbital to check on Hart; the OST especially when Tron's calling Kite out and as the Hart-link reveal happens (the OST in general has definitely also gotten pretty good after I was initially a bit on the softer side on it overall early on)
So yeah, think that about catches me up haha; looking forward to more soon!
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kaiowut99 · 5 years ago
Okay, I thought I might’ve been onto something earlier, but
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So, those three are in BBT, in the DM-5D’s verse, but also in ZeXal? ZeXal’s spot in the YGO timeline really is screwy, huh? 😭
(I mostly joke, weren’t these three confirmed to be more gag characters since real-life parodies? Maybe ZeXal could take place alongside 5D’s instead of in a parallel universe somewhere... [maybe containing it to its own timeline might be best haha])
I have been watching more of ZeXal in the past couple weeks, and I think I’ve gotten myself settled in well! The Kite episodes were A+, and coming from seeing him more in ARC-V than ZeXal, it was definitely interesting to see his original self, and immediately tower over Yuma and Astral after he nearly destroys them; it spurs the first time Yuma and Astral start to feel fear over losing with higher stakes, and leads well into the Duel Lodge episodes where they learn about Duel Spirits and how they can fear losing or being destroyed too, to set up that lore.  Then the Jin episodes were great, the Chaos Xyz powerup was neat, and the scene with Kite coming in after the statue breaks and steals Jin’s number was really good.  The backstory to Yuma and Akari’’s parents was well done, and it was cute how it was layered around the concept of the Saturday Parents at School Day.  The Black Mist episode! It was good to see Tetsuo doing something by helping to free Yuya, and then his coordinating with him and Astral was a nice touch--though it was interesting that #96′s form changed like that...
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21 episodes down, and yeah, safe to say I’m enjoying actually watching it through finally so far.  The OST has also been stellar, and I should probably work on downloading the rest of the ZeXal Sound Duels (have only had SD1 for the longest lol).
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kaiowut99 · 5 years ago
So, while I’m doing my 99% editing to gear up to finalize my GX Season 2 subs, I thought I’d finally work on watching through ZeXal properly (I only ever really saw up to like episode 17 or something like every other week when it first aired, and with all the politics content I watch I could use some variety in these times lol).  So far I’m liking it better than I thought I would, though maybe because it’s years out from 5D’s airing right before it, and because I already had ARC-V to settle me into the idea of a younger cast if a show’s done well (last episode aside).  Yuma’s not a bad main, has his moments but when contextualized as his being 13, it makes sense. Kotori and Tetsuo are okay so far, I actually felt something for Ura-boy’s backstory, Cathy's was a fun episode, and the Yuma/Shark dynamic is getting good; just finished episode 12 and their tag duel.  Yuma empathizing with Shark about being afraid to lose and fail was nice, and they both came out knowing more about the other and being more friendly with each other--as we know happens with dueling being a way to learn more about each other in anime world.  Next up’s my proper Kite intro, so looking forward to the refresher there, but I’m eager to get to when the plot beats pick up later on (in due time).
That said... I was always a fan of the theory that ZeXal happened in a parallelverse to 5D’s, where 5D’s was GX’s sequel where Synchro led to the future Z-ONE sought to stop and ZeXal was the sequel where Xyz was the norm instead, to explain why, say, that episode with the legendary monster statues didn’t have a Stardust Dragon one featured.  But then, this happened:
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Mirror Force, Hero Barrier, and Scrap-Iron Scarecrow? Everything I’ve known is a lie 😭
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