#Lance Wyman 1968
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picote · 11 months ago
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Mexico, 1968 // designer: Lance Wyman.
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formlab · 3 months ago
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Mexico 1968 Olympics, Lance Wyman
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boanerges20 · 2 years ago
Lance Wyman
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callmeanxietygirl · 6 months ago
There it is.. México's Olympics logo 1968
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Mexico 1968 Poster Design by Pedro Ramírez Vázquez (Mx), Eduardo Terrazas (Mx) and Lance Wyman (USA). Scanned from Graphic Design, 33, 1969 https://designreviewed.com/archive/the-latest-documented-graphic-design-history/
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verdepradera · 2 years ago
Maratón - sello México 1967
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Maratón - sello México 1967 Juegos Olímpicos – México 68Correo Aéreo Los Juegos Olímpicos de México 68 fueron un hito histórico tanto para México como para el movimiento olímpico en general. Celebrados en la Ciudad de México del 12 al 27 de octubre de 1968, estos Juegos Olímpicos fueron los primeros en llevarse a cabo en América Latina. México 68 fue un evento deportivo de gran importancia que dejó una huella duradera en la historia del olimpismo. Fue destacado por varias razones, entre ellas, la impresionante arquitectura y el diseño innovador utilizados en la construcción de las sedes olímpicas. Uno de los ejemplos más icónicos es el Estadio Olímpico Universitario, diseñado por el arquitecto mexicano Pedro Ramírez Vázquez. Estos Juegos también se recuerdan por la famosa imagen de los corredores etíopes Mamo Wolde y Abebe Bikila entrando juntos al Estadio Olímpico, cruzando la línea de meta en un empate técnico en la maratón. Además, se establecieron numerosos récords mundiales en disciplinas como la natación, el atletismo y el levantamiento de pesas. En cuanto a los sellos emitidos en 1967, es importante mencionar que México, como país anfitrión de los Juegos Olímpicos, emitió una serie de estampillas postales conmemorativas para celebrar el evento. Estos sellos eran parte de una serie temática dedicada a los Juegos Olímpicos de México 68 y presentaban diversos diseños relacionados con el deporte.Sello “Maratón” - Juegos Olímpicos - México 68Si tienes este sello antiguo de Mexico con Maratón, y tienes alguna consulta deja un mensaje en este artículo (post), utiliza el enlace “Deja un comentario” al principio del post (al lado de la fecha).Maratón Catálogo Sooluciones N�� 03884 - Sello de Mexico. 12/10/1967
Sello de México Juegos Olímpicos - México 68
Información del sello: Catálogos: Michel: MX 1242. Yvert et Tellier: MX PA281, Stanley Gibbons: MX 1147. Stamp Number MX C329.    Formato de la pieza Sello. Valor facial del sello  1,20 $ - Peso Mexicano. Tamaño del sello ancho y alto: 40 x 24 mm.   Dentado: Peine 14.   Marca de agua: Águila en Círculo y MEX Múltiple .   Tipo de impresión de la estampilla Fotograbado.   Colores: Negro, verde amarillento.    Cantidad de sellos postales emitidos 10.000.000. Serie: Juegos Olímpicos - México 68. Temáticas: Atletismo, carreras, corredores, Deportes, Juegos Olímpicos, Sellos Mexico 1967. Formato: Sello. Categoría: Correo aéreo. Diseño de: Lance Wyman. Precios de Venta o Compra de sellos aproximado vistos en internet: Precio mínimo estimado: 0,05 € (euros) Precio máximo estimado: 0,41 € (euros) Datos actualizados mayo, 2023 Maratón - sello México 1967 Comienza tu aventura filatélica hoy mismo: Agrega sellos postales a tu colección. Descubre cómo mejorar tu colección de sellos postales y aprende por qué la filatelia se considera un arte. Encuentra el sello que buscas (país, año, idioma). Con cada sello que agregues a tu colección, tendrás una pequeña obra de arte en miniatura. ¡Empieza tu aventura filatélica hoy mismo! Comienza tu colección de sellos postales con el primer sello y descubre un mundo lleno de cultura y entretenimiento. Si buscas un álbum o catálogo de un sello en particular (país, año, idioma), escríbeme y te avisar�� cuando esté disponible. A través del enlace "Deja un comentario" ubicado al principio del post, puedes agregar información para este artículo y mejorar nuestro catálogo. También tenemos fichas para sellos en archivos en formato PDF descargables para imprimir (te ahorras el costo del envío, y el tiempo de espera), en papel normal o papel de 200gr de excelente calidad Para mejorar este catálogo, puedes agregar información para este artículo utilizando el enlace "Deja un comentario" ubicado al principio del post, junto a la fecha. La filatelia se considera un arte y cada sello es una pequeña obra de arte en miniatura. Con cada sello que agregues a tu colección, tendrás la oportunidad de aprender algo nuevo cada día y descubrir diferentes culturas. Si algo no está en un sello, no existe. ¡Empieza tu aventura filatélica hoy mismo! Read the full article
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caitgrad604 · 1 year ago
ELEMENT EIGHTEEN: Stamp collection
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EXPLAIN THE ORIGIN OF THE ELEMENT: Adhesive postage stamps were first invented in 1837 by Sir Rowland Hill in England, an act for which he was knighted. Hill’s stamps made the postage of mail practical and possible. Stamps are traditionally rectangular to authorise the shipping of mail and display the origin of the mailing. Stamps often displayed a denomination of a country’s values through an illustration of persons, events, institutions or natural realities that symbolise the traditions and values of the nation.
WHERE DID YOU GET THIS ELEMENT FROM? This element is comprised of a large stamp collection gathered by different members of my family, indicating the places they have been at any point in time. These stamps date anywhere from 1960-2000.
WHY IS THE ELEMENT SIGNIFICANT TO YOU? This element is significant to me as it gives me insight on the world at any given time and how current events influence a nation as depicted by its postage stamp. This is reflected in the 1968 Mexico Olympic stamps, designed by Lance Wyman.
HOW IS THIS ELEMENT SIGNIFICANT TO YOUR CREATIVITY? This element appeals to my eclectic side and passion for collecting items of particular significance to me. The design of the stamps is interesting to look at, propelling me to research the designer behind each stamp and their creative process and reasons for designing it.
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niamhsblog · 2 years ago
Lance Wyman. (2023). Mexico 68 Olympic Games. lancewyman . http://lancewyman.com/brand-project/mexico-68-olympic-games/
Olympics. (2023). Olympic Games Mexico City 1968 Brand. olympics. https://olympics.com/en/olympic-games/mexico-city-1968/logo-design
After researching some past designs and brands for the Olympics, I came across some of Lance Wymans work for the Mexico City 1968 Olympics. Wyman basically created the whole identity of the Mexico 1968 Olympics through his eyes and works. He came up with the logo, coins, posters, pictograms, most of the merchandise. His work was plastered everywhere at the times of the games. I’ve found looking into him and his work a real inspiration. He took his style, ideas and created a really interesting, unique branding. His specific work for the Olympics is one of the more memorable works that have come out of Olympic branding. I love the cohesion of the line work he created that was included in most, if not all the works he produced for the games. The use of colour where it’s needed. Really interesting person and project to look into.
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jessicagrad603 · 2 years ago
Joseph Churchward
Keynote speaker 1 at Typografika
The first type designer I am looking at is Joseph Churchward, a Samoan-born New Zealand graphic designer and typographer. He is an internationally renowned typeface designer who has created over 700 typefaces and fonts, a lot of them inspired and drawn from his Pacific heritage. 
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I am a big fan of Churchward’s typography. His sans serif fonts are beautifully designed and created. His display fonts are some of my favourite. 
‘Joseph Churchward was born in Apia, Samoa, on August 20th 1932.  In his interviews he said that he first became fascinated with script as a boy when he would draw letters on the beach and watch as the movement of the waves manipulated their shape.  He lived in Samoa until he was 13.  He then moved to New Zealand to attend secondary school and shortly after his graduation, his career as a typographer took off!  His rich ethnic background including Samoan, Chinese, Scottish, English, and Tongan provided inspiration for his typefaces.  One of his accomplishments that he claimed brought him joy was being able to create 48 different Chinese fonts.  It was his way of contributing to his Chinese heritage.
On April 26th 2013,  Joseph Churchward passed away at the age of 80.  Even though he has moved on, his passion for his craft can definitely be seen and felt through his many typefaces and logos. To learn more and see examples of uses of his work check out fontsinuse.com as well as the resources below!’
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‘Fonts that he created in the 1970s in New Zealand have ended up in surprising places. Churchward Brush Italic was used for both the magazine Tate Etc., in 2007, and for a New York sightseeing bus tour company logo. While, happily, his work is disseminated widely, his control over its use is lost. It is, in fact, very hard for a designer like Churchward to reflect his culture. There are clear similarities, for example, between the font Churchward Design Lines, designed in 1970, and Lance Wyman’s graphic identity for the 1968 Olympic Games in Mexico City.’ 
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karina-ruiz · 2 years ago
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Mexico ‘68 Olympic Game’s Logo by Lance Wyman
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shihlun · 4 years ago
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Lance Wyman’s design for the 1968 Mexico City Games
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picote · 2 years ago
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Mexico, 1968 // designer: Lance Wyman.
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heraldicstyle · 5 years ago
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Heres a couple of poststamps in my collection ;)
Left: commemorative poststamp on the opening of Mexico metro system (1969)
Right: Sport series of México 68 olympics (1967 first print) basketball,swimming, hockey, cycling, soccer, running & Weight lifting.
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icaronycteris · 5 years ago
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Estadio Olímpico x Lance Wyman
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unavidamoderna · 3 years ago
Estructuras de metal multiuso con el símbolo de los deportes decorado con el logotipo oficial y símbolos de diferentes deportes, Juegos Olímpicos de Verano 1968, México DF
Los pictogramas de eventos por Lance Wyman
Multipurpose metal structures decorated with the official logotype and symbols of various sports of the 1968 Summer Olympic games in Mexico City
Pictograms of events by Lance Wyman
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(via original_3fb7e03e5b127212dd574371d3a6c97c.jpg (1200×807))
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noosphe-re · 7 years ago
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1968 Mexico Olympics logo, designed by Lance Wyman
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caitgrad604 · 1 year ago
Elements within a wider context:
I have recognised that some of my elements are relevant and share similar themes or practices to other designers within the creative community. One of my elements features a stamp collection, with notable designs from the 1968 Olympics by Lance Wyman that caught my eye, enticing me to look further.
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