#Lan Xichen- guy who dated a sect leader from all 4 sects
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ultfreakme · 2 years ago
See XiCheng to me is particularly wonderful when Lan Wangji finds out about it. Like he's feeling terrible for his beloved older brother for giving his heart to Jin Guangyao and he's JUST getting over that mess and he's thinking "okay my brother will be fine now the worst has passed".
Then he shows up like "hello Wangji I'm now in love with Jiang Wanyin, say hi Wanyin"
And Lan Wangji is error404-ing what the fuck WHAT THE FUCK going feral because Sandu Sengshou his worst enemy since they were teenagers his bitter rival his rotten cheese his horrible soldier the guy he refused to get along with though they shared similar goals of getting Wei Wuxian some help, the guy he'd fucking throttle and throw in a ditch if he could-
Is dating his brother.
And also I wanna see Wei Wuxian going from "oh Lan Xichen my beloved brother-in-law, my bestie, the only person who's actually a decent person in this godforsaken world nice dude who I am very grateful for" to wanting to interrogate him and going absolutely NUTS and wallowing in confusion on what to even do about this situation because that's still his little brother he's dating and he thought he fully forgot about any "i'm Jiang Cheng's older brother" feelings but turns out they're THERE so now he's like, accidentally super passive aggressive to Lan Xichen because he needs to toe the line like "great guy, wonderful man, I'd kill you, but you're a great dude, get away from my brother."
the DRAMA. the sheer ridiculousness. chef's kiss.
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madtomedgar · 5 years ago
Nonsense HCs for baby jades, specifically, preteen Hall Monitor Lan Wangji, ages like. 11-14, including for the class that had Yanli (before she had to go home sick), Zixun, Mingjue AND her very own zhangjie in it
Ok so like we talked about, Lan Wangji appointed herself Official Hall Moniter/Discipline Enforcer at like. 9. Lan Qiren broke down and made it her official job when she was 15 because like. He just wasn’t going to win this one, and if he was being honest, it made his heart glow with pride how devoted his niece was to the Lan sect disciplines. 
So like 3-4 years before the show starts, the Cloud Recesses Lectures include the older siblings cohort of Lan Xichen, Nie Mingjue, Jiang Yanli, who sadly has to go home on medical leave a few weeks in and that’s why she’s there in the show, and Jin Zixun. Obviously NMJ and LXC hit it off immediately, and for the short time she’s there JYL is lovely.
But. Zixun.
Zixun spent months bragging about how he was going to seduce the first jade and beat the young leader of Qinghe in a duel and all kinds of other bullshit before he went off to school. And then he gets there and not only is NMJ being a total irl Reply Guy for LXC any time Zixun shows up, not only does LXC gently remind him of all the rules he’s breaking and then smile kindly and say she won’t turn him in but the purpose of the rules is to encourage discipline, restraint, and the right path of cultivation, and if he cares about being a cultivator, he should really try to stick to them, not only does NMJ beat him to a shameful pulp during their illegal sparring in Caiyi town, not only does Lan Xichen make it abundantly clear that she could destroy him with her pinky finger but she’s too polite to do that, Lan Wangji is there.
And Lan Wangji hates all the visiting students, but him in particular. She is everywhere. She sees everything. Sitting improperly? Caught. Making noise? Caught. Breaking curfew AND coming back from Caiyi town drunk? Double Caught. Running? Caught. Fighting? caught. This incredibly serious, incredibly angry 13 year old girl keeps popping out of fucking nowhere, pointing at him with her notebook/clipboard thing, and yelling the exact rules he’s breaking and what the Official Punishment for them is.
NMJ gives up being a reply guy in like a week because Lan Xichen’s sister is fucking nuts and seems to have this under control.
About halfway through, Lan Wangji marches into her uncle’s office, and declares that Jin Zixun MUST be expelled. When Lan Qiren, baffled, asks why, Lan Wangji, wearing her Most Serious Face, pulls out an entire stack of papers, detailing every single instance of Jin Zixun’s rule-breaking over the past month, with date and time of incident, witnesses, and other relevant details. Lan Qiren is both impressed and frightened. He assigns Jin Zixun to copy the Lan disciplines and do like 10 hours of handstands (non-consecutively, much to Wangji’s horror). 
If you are asking yourself what became of Lan Wangji’s meticulous records of every rule ever broken in the Cloud Recesses, she still has them. On everyone. Lan sect member: she has a file on them. Attended the lectures: file on them. Visited for like 2 days to discuss business with the sect: file. on. them. No one escapes. 
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