#Lakeview Vampire
ashyam-xivilai · 1 year
Sometimes Skyrim is about turning into a blood-starved vampire while shopping for supplies in Riverwood because you were too busy building Lakeview Manor instead of having a snack
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ravnloft · 4 months
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sigg's breezehome is finished!!!!!! i will probably add some little touches here and there, but by and large i'm happy with it ^^ the house was purchased and upgraded as todd intended, then decorated entirely using jaxonz positioner with a combination of mod-added items and assets from the tundra homestead and hendraheim creations, as well as various modder's resources that i have implemented for personal use.
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legitalicat · 5 months
From The Book Emerges a Man (Part 1) - Miraak x Reader
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AN: This is my first official request made by my spiritual twin the lovely @foxyanon ! It is also my first proper Skyrim fanfic! I was surprised to find I enjoyed writing this as much as I did. I think I may be a Miraak girl now. Also Miraak's appearance is inspired by both this fanart by buttery_roll on Instagram!
Masterlist here!
Summary: Hermaeus Mora, often regarded as a demonic trickster, has sentenced you to be responsible for Miraak for the rest of his days. You can't help but despise the former Dragon Priest. Until you realize that he's only human.
TW: Tentacles (not inherently sexual in context but still), violence, weapons, mentions of blood, tension, forced proximity trope, TENSION, talks of a cult, enemies to friends, no romance YET, Hermaeus Mora, vampires, no reader description except wears a dress
Pairings: Past Miraak x OC
Word Count: 3.3k
The First of the Dragonborns and the Last Dragonborn. You could imagine the bards singing of this legendary battle for the rest of the Era. A mythical tale centuries, maybe a few millennia, in the making.
Yet, you couldn’t do it. Staring at the former Dragon Priest before you, an arrow notched in your bow as you were prepared to release the final piercing blow, when you came to the realization. Hermaeus Mora would only use you to the end of your days. Yet, if Miraak were to live, you would be free. Having slain his dragons, Miraak was no longer a threat to Nirn.
So, you dropped the bow and turned away. You would exit the way you came with the Black Book. You were free, and free you would remain.
“No,” Hermaeus Mora said, appearing before you as the Wretched Abyss.
“I leave. He lives. You lose,” you said angrily. “I am tired of being the plaything to bastards who won’t handle their business themselves!”
“You wish for me to handle my business myself? So be it,” his voice echoed around you as though it emerged from the very air of his realm.
Tentacles emerged from the oily pool behind you and wrapped themselves around your neck. For a moment, you were ready. Sovngarde was a better fate, where you were revered and rewarded for your sacrifices to the world, than to be at Mora’s will for the rest of his days.
“You think I will kill you? No, foolish mortal. It is not your time, and it is not your fate,” Mora said to you, toying with you. “You are slated for more…divine prospects.”
“Fuck you,” you uttered as the tentacles squeezed tighter, inadvertently lifting you off the ground.
“Even fate may be changed should one so desire,” he told you, your vision going fuzzy at the edges as you struggled for air. “And since you have decided you shall change his, he is now yours. After all, you have a debt to be paid.”
He dropped you, his tentacles retreating to the ooze. You gasped for a breath when you hit your knees. The fuzziness disappeared as you stared at the ground. He couldn’t be serious.
“Miraak, the First Dragonborn, the betrayer of the Priests, the First Servant, your final task is to serve the Last Dragonborn until your last breath. You shall leave Apocrypha a mortal man once more, the clock beginning where it froze when I first brought you. This shall be your new fate.”
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That was what brought you home to Skyrim, Miraak by your side. You knew it was easier than continuing to fight. You had relative freedom while forcing this betrayer of Men and Mer to help you in your duty to Nirn. It felt like justice enough.
Your first night back in Skyrim, you made your way by carriage to your home, Lakeview Manor. You had thought the first person you would bring there, aside from your housecarl Rayya that is, would be your husband. Never had you imagined you would be forced to share your home with a long unimportant Dragon Priest.
“This is where you will keep me? This…hovel?” he asked as you began to dismount the carriage. “I was a king!”
You pulled him down by his robes, and flung him into the dirt. You put your full weight on top of him, sitting with a knee on either side of his chest. You pulled Mehrune’s Dagger from its sheath on your side and held the blade to his throat.
“A king?” you snarled. “You were a tool, a puppet, to be used by Mora until your veins ran dry! And now he’s stuck you with me. Tell me, little worm, do you feel the threatening aura of this blade now? Now that you can once again die by a mortal’s hand, do you feel the fear you brought upon others?”
The fact he still insisted upon wearing the mask and robes from his days as a Dragon Priest infuriated you to no end. It kept you from seeing the fear this blade now instilled in him. You could feel it in the way his muscles tensed under you. The nikriin (coward) was so used to preying on those he could control and manipulate, he didn’t know how to play fair.
You moved your dagger from his throat and cut away at the fabric holding his golden mask in place. In anger, you threw it far from where you two were and watched it as it disappeared down the hill. And if the Divine were good, you would never see the stupid thing in your life again.
You were surprised when you turned back to face him. You had not known much of the Dragon Priests, if you were honest, at least not before you were declared Dragonborn. So, you truly had not expected the man before you.
You would be surprised if Miraak was younger than forty, at least physically. There were fine lines on from the outer corners of his eyes. His hair was darker than you had expected, black with white peppered throughout. It was fast approaching his shoulders, a few wisps resting across his face. His beard was much the same in terms of coloring, the short coarse hair following along his jawline and trailing around his lips.
What captivated you, though, were the scars and his eyes. The scars, you suppose, could’ve been expected. He had championed a rebellion against Dragons, and you were all too familiar with them at this point to think the scars, that dragged across his face from under his right eye and disappearing into the left half of his beard, had been made by anything other than the claws of dragons. His eyes were overwhelmingly stunning. A sliver of a black pupil surrounded by a bright yellow that faded into a burning orange, his eyes looked reptilian.
“I earned my kingdom, Dragonborn,” he growled.
You pushed yourself off of him, practically growling in pure frustration as you sheathed your dagger. You began to walk into the house, thinking of ways you could send him back to Oblivion, when you stopped. Your old friend Faendal had always told you your heart was too big, and as you thought about the man who had been alone for over a millennia, you could understand why. You almost felt a pity for him now, as mortal as any other man with everyone he had ever known dead.
You did not turn back to face him. You merely took in a few deep breaths, smelling the smoke from the hearth’s fire floating into the sky above and the lake all but a stone’s throw away. And it felt calming. That was why you picked this place.
“Go to the lake and take a bath, you stink of horse and sea. I will have my steward bring you a set of clothes, leave the robes. I want no other connection to the atrocities you’ve committed in my house. We stay here for a week, then I have other holdings I must tend to,” you told him before walking into the home.
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Your week went by rather quickly. Thankfully, both Falkreath and Whiterun were close enough to Lakeview that you could check on them during the week. The Jarls and their stewards had no news for their holds, each citing the end of the war as better news for their jails. None of your contacts in either offered a different story. At least for now, all seemed right in your favorite corner of the world.
Until you returned to the manor and found Miraak struggling to wrestle your cow into a single place so that he could milk it. You didn’t even really understand what you were seeing as you watched this insane man. He was wearing standard tavern clothes, the only clothes for men you had in your possession, and just kept wrapping his arms around the cow in a multitude of places. You could only assume he was trying hold it one position, at least.
You looked to Rayya, who was leaning against a nearby tree with a smirk on her face. You walked over to your steward.
“What is going on??” you asked her.
“You told me you wanted him to earn his keep. The ignorant fool won’t accept the fact that he is failing,” she said, chuckling.
“So you think it better to allow him to stress out my cow?” you asked.
“I tried, my Thane. He would not listen to anyone but you,” she told you. She shook her head and walked away, no doubt to do her rounds of the property.
Sighing, you walked over to the pen that held your cow and chickens. The chickens may not have been smart, but they had at least managed to keep out of his grasp. Your poor cow, that you had named after Faendal after one too many Black-Briar Meads, was mooing indignantly as she kept trying to step out of his grasp. She was just a little too slow to accomplish it.
“What are you doing?” you asked him.
“This cow will learn it’s place. It will listen to me,” he told you, not even bothering to glance your way as he repositioned his grip once more.
“Oh my fuck are you truly that much of an idiot?” you asked him as you pulled him off the cow.
He stood straight and looked down at you. He truly was an imposing force. Without his padded robes, he was still broad shouldered. You were near certain he was a solid wall of muscle, taller than you by at least a head.
“Rayya cares for her every day, you are a stranger to her. She has no trust in you, she will not willingly give you what you have not yet earned,” you snapped at him.
His eyes, which still dazzled you, moved down to look directly at his feet. You could see Miraak’s jaw clench and release a few times over.
“I…I apologize, Dragonborn. I merely thought I should earn my keep here,” he said quietly. “I know that you more than anyone is paying a price near too high for Mora’s trickery.”
His apology was sincere. So sincere, in fact, you were rendered speechless. The last few weeks had been so intense, between the Mora’s decision, the journey back to Skyrim from Solstheim, and the duties and detours you had as was your duty to Skyrim. You had never once suspected he may, after so long, feel some inkling of regret for his actions.
“Just…my stewards, anyone I employ, really, they know what they are doing. You can trust that their instruction will be true and fair,” you muttered. You began to side step him when his arm grabbed you.
You had been travelling light since your return, trading your normal armor for a green dress that you saw that tavern woman wore. It felt freeing, to some degree, to be able to go at least just a few days without armor stiffening your movements. So, his hand touched your bare skin. Goose pimples popped up over your entire body as his heat spread over you and your blood rushed to your cheeks.
“How was your trip?” he asked you. Surprised, you turned to face him. His handsome face once again took your breath away.
“Uneventful. Thank the Divine,” you said. His eyes traveled to your chest, where an amulet to your favorite Divine rested.
“I didn’t take you for one of piety,” he commented.
“I never was but being a god sent piece to move about the board, you gain an appreciation,” you muttered.
“I shall get our things ready to ride for Solitude tomorrow,” he said. He let you go and walked into the house.
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It was supposed to be a simple ride. You had made it so many times and so many ways. You had even chosen to stick to the roads this time to avoid any such event.
But pesky vampires didn’t care much for plans. They were getting more courageous, some even coming out in the broad daylight. Which is exactly what these did.
There were at least ten of them. It was one of the larger groups you had come across. And when one laid slain at your feet, another came. They were overwhelming you.
Until he saved you.
In moments that were almost too quick to comprehend, he had cut down any vampire that had touched you. There was a fire burning in his eyes as he moved his sword about. You stood there, stunned, as the blood of vampires drenched him when the last of them were dead.
He looked at you, that fire seeming to consume him. Miraak closed the distance between you, pulling your dented helm from your head to toss it aside, and took your face in his firm hands.
“Are you hurt?” he asked you. His eyes searched your face. Your armor had thankfully kept any of their attacks from reaching your flesh.
“Yes,” you whispered.
He looked like he was at a loss for words entirely. His gaze softened as he looked you over once more. And if you were crazy, which despite all the blows to the head you most definitely were not, you would have sworn he looked a little teary eyed.
“Let’s set up camp for the evening. It would be night soon, and you should rest,” he said quietly as he released you from his hold. You watched as he walked away into the nearby forest.
You looked as the sun was beginning to set over the mountains. Thankfully there was enough light left to arrange your camp. You got to work silently on building a simple lean-to with enough room to fit both of you. You had hidden it a bit past the tree line, giving you perfect view of the road without being seen from it.
Miraak returned to your side not long after you were finished making a fire with a deer he had shot down and dressed. And so you watched as he butchered it down into smaller slabs of meat. Once it was on the fire cooking, the stars already shone bright in the sky.
“You can’t milk a cow but you can field dress a deer?” you asked him. You were both sitting by the fire, and you glanced up at him.
The firelight danced across his features. It seemed to make the scars even deeper. His eyes practically glowed at any time, but seemed ethereal now.
“It is not much different than slaughtering a Dragon. More pliable, but that typically works to my favor,” he answered with a shrug.
“I have to ask. You were…I mean you were a dragon priest. The world laid at your feet, you only had to answer to the dragons. Why ruin all that, why turn on them and seal your fate in Apocrypha?” you asked him.
Until you had spoken the words, you didn’t realize how much you desired an answer. The stories from the Merethic Era were scattered at best. Most of them had been deemed so impossible that they were nothing but a legend. Even Miraak’s story had been lost, and his was truth.
“The Dragons were cruel. Simple as that,” he told you with another shrug.
“No. That was known by everyone once they arrived in Tamriel. That’s not a good enough answer. So the truth. Now,” you said firmly.
He sighed and leaned forward a bit. He adjusted the meat’s position over the fire before looking to you.
“There were barely better to us than they were the men they ruled over. We were given control, sure, but at what cost? They fed us their barely edible scraps, instructed us to build temples until our hands bled. They didn’t even allow human companions for us, only them. It is not a great wonder many were able to scatter and bury the dragons, we were used to being alone,” he told you. You leaned back a bit, resting yourself against the shelter.
“There was a woman,” he said quietly.
“Isn’t there always?” you muttered. If he heard you, he didn’t acknowledge your words.
“This woman was…she was beautiful. One of your Divines personified, if I ever cared to wager. There was no other explanation for how one as stunning as the stars could exist on Nirn,” he said. His voice was soft, heavy.
“You fell in love,” you whispered.
You had never imagined a man such as him in love. In the few stories you had managed to hear, he was not exactly the warm and fuzzy type. More akin to the dragons he once served than a rabbit. And his ferocity in the fight against the vampires earlier felt like proof of that.
But then you thought of the way he looked at you. The way he touched you, or held you. How ever since he joined your company, you hadn’t so much as even gotten a scratch. How he seemed to always be aware of the next step, ensuring that no harm came to you.
Your heart began fluttering against your chest like a thousand butterflies has been entrapped inside you. You had been so preoccupied with hating him and hating how he had been thrust upon you, you had never thought of him as anything but a monster.
“I did. But like I said, our lives were dedicated to the Dragons. We were allowed nothing more. The rest of the world…the dragons made their lives torturous, yes. I will not deny that, and I will not deny the part I played. But, at least they got to share their life with someone.”
You nodded silently.
“When Alduin found out I dared break one of their many rules, he made me watch as they tore her limb from limb. My dear Thildys, whose only crime was being the object of all my desires. And if that were not cruel enough, The World Eater marked me for eternity with his claws still dripping with her blood,” he said.
Your heart ached for him. You remembered how you felt when you found Kodlak had been killed. The betrayal from the universe felt as real as any wound you had suffered. You weren’t even in love with Kodlak and you killed the Silver Hands to avenge him and the entire Glenmoril Coven just to give him way to escape the clutches of Hircine’s Hunt.
You thought of what you would do for a person you had loved. Especially if the beings you considered gods made you watch while they tore your love apart. And you felt a burning desire within you to destroy anyone who had so much as whispered your name. You couldn’t begin to fathom what it would feel like for real.
“You rebelled in revenge,” you said.
“I did. I thought…I thought if I overpowered them I would have the power to turn back fate. They feared me, for a while, as I amassed followers and slew Dragons. And then I began to lose, the rest of the Dragon Priests circled Alduin and fought against me, turned my allies against me. Then Mora promised me that if I served him, he would give Thildys back to me. That is all I have wanted all this time,” Miraak finished his tale.
You were waiting for some lament about how Mora tricked him. That seemed to be the status quo wherever Hermaeus Mora made himself known. He would promise powerful people the world, and all they got was an earful of lies.
But yet nothing of the sort fell from his lips. He merely pulled the meat off the fire and portioned both of you out some. You noticed he handed you a larger slab. Before you could protest, he spoke.
“You have her eyes, Dragonborn.”
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pudgecuddles · 1 year
BTS Skyrim WG AU:
🐉 Jungkook: Dragonborn, main character. Loves mead and cheese. Eventually meets Sam Guevenne, the mortal visage of Sanguine the Daedric Prince of Hedonism. Becomes his devotee. Gets big but not big enough to wear him out. Honors Sanguine by fattening up his friends and lovers. Polyamorous.
💜 Taehyung: Jungkook’s Housecarl, takes the place of Lydia. He gets fattened up to the point of affecting his mobility. He loves whatever Jungkook loves, including his weight. Found in Whiterun, lives in Breezehome. Later in Lakeview Manor. Has to loose some weight to be moved by carriage. Gains it all back. Sexual with JK, Romantic with Jimin.
Jimin: A mercenary that Jungkook beats in a drinking contest and travels with for a while. Found in Whiterun’s Bannered Mare. Lives in breezehome. Later in Lakeview Manor. Takes care of Taehyung once he’s too big to fight. Asexual. Romantic with Taehyung.
💜 Namjoon: A sellsword werewolf Jungkook encounters in Windhelm. Travels with JK cause his wolf spirit has got a crush on him. Has no intention of curing himself of Hircine’s gift. Gets big but not enough to impair him. Romantic and sexual with JK.
💜 Yoongi: Head of the Thieves Guild in Riften. Runaway Vampire Prince. Gets fat off of Dragonborn blood. Very plump, but mobile. For now. Jungkook visits him in The Ragged Flagon once a week to feed him, since he’s now addicted to Dragonborn blood. Friends with Benefits with JK.
Jin: Jungkook’s Lakeview Manor steward. Takes care of everyone whether they live there or just visit. Gets chubby but doesn’t like it very much. JK likes to tease him for it. Honestly the only reason why things run as smoothly as they do. Platonic with JK.
💜 Hoseok: Head Apprentice of Restoration magic at Winterhold under Colette Marence. Meets Jungkook while out on request and they have a short fling. Visits him frequently when on fetch quests for Colette. Uses his healing magic to keep the especially heavy ones healthy. Romantic with JK. Too focused on his training to be very sexual with him or gain weight.
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xhyllacreations · 18 days
Copperdale Re-done
My favourite builds and townies for Copperdale!
🔗Get my Started Save File Re-done!
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Lot legend: 🏘️Residential 🏢Residential Rental 🏋🏻‍♀️Gym 📖Library 🧩Recreation Center 🍴Restaurant 🧋Thrift and Bubble Tea Store
High School
Copperdale High School by JessicapieYT
Note: I usually change the high school building depending on which world by teenagers are living in. Alternatives I often use are:
San Myshuno Highschool by Xhylla (this is an edit I did to an old building by CalinApple to be compatible with High School Years)
Castle High School by xXSarina_27xX
Henford Highschool by sass_bbe0808
Mt Komorebi High School by Nikahslife
King Sulani High School by Nic2702
Vampire High School by braskasdaughter
Spellcaster High School by TheCrackedKyber
All 4 variants (Auditorium, Formal Dance, High School Graduation, Career Day) by Simproved
Prescott Square
🏘️Golden Peak by marianatrench91
🏘️Water Tower Way by Simsalasimsa92
🏢Town Square Terrace by AnneMariaV
🧋ThrifTea by PlumbobKingdom
📖Lakeview Library by GabbsOfficial
Plumbite Cove
🏘️BridgeCreek Drive by TannerLeach
🏘️Little Falls Nook by MelanieDrakeYT
🧩Totter Park Center ImaniRu27
🍴Burger Bar by RGeetect
🏋🏻‍♀️Hillside Gym by xJessi510x
Prescott by MidnightNixx
Harjo by simmaddness
Everett-Willis: Beau by fahchief Arya by WSMx3T
Price by ObsidianLilith Kevin by simmaddness
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xisaac · 3 months
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☆゚.*・ ◞ logan lerman / male / white / he/him/his ——— is that ISAAC BESIERS on bourbon street ? the 30 / 510 year old VAMPIRE who stays in the LAKEVIEW DISTRICT ?  they are notoriously known for being NOBLE, HONORABLE but also COLD, VINDICTIVE. which is probably why they are considered THE PARAGON around town. 
full name: isaac besiers / age: thirty (five hundred & ten). / gender: cis-male/ pronouns: he, him / species: vampire / sexuality: heterosexual / neighborhood: the lakeview district
faceclaim: logan lerman / hair color: brunette / eye color: blue / height: 5'10 /
all deceased - sister: Elspeth
label: the paragon / moral alignment: lawful neutral Soft spoken, serious, and unassuming. Very curious by nature. He lives by a very strict moral code that may not make sense to anyone but himself.
Isaac Besiers was turned in mid 16th century France by his sister, right at the start of a near forty year war.
The next several hundred years would be spent living adjacent to society, watching from the outside with very few steps in. He disagreed with the way humans and vampires alike chose to live (in almost every capacity), so this was his easy fix to avoid compromising himself.
Not long after his transformation he was introduced to magic by a witch he fell in love with. A series of events led him to turning her - mostly for her safety - and since it was his fault she lost her power, he spent the following centuries researching to find a way to get it back.
The two lived nomadically together, traveling across the world and keeping mostly to themselves. They've explored life as pirates, farmers, and everything in between to find what would make the most honorable existence.
Even as a human, Isaac has always been in search of true justice, and it guides his every decision.
After over a half a century of immortality, Isaac and his partner arrived in New Orleans seeking the cure from one Theodore Salvatore. They had heard of the cure around Isaac's 500th year, and after accepting that would mark more than enough time as immortal beings, they decided they would take it together to bring their lives to natural ends, as it's what they believed was right. The witch took it first, wanting to experiment with returning to magic, but it killed her almost instantly. Though dying along side one another had been the plan all along, Isaac didn't appreciate the expediency. He expects an eye for an eye, and Theo is well aware he's coming for him. In the mean time, he's genuinely enjoying exploring New Orleans. The rich natural and supernatural histories fascinate him, and he's not too worried about the recent magical happenings. Isaac knows he shouldn't live forever, so whatever happens will happen.
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nocturnenebula · 3 months
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Currently unable to draw for a few weeks so I was only able to work on a rough draft of the main building to J'kharni's mercenary guild, Ketri-Katatajna or the "Playful Bite" Guild. The Playful Bite Guild is a mercenary guild situated out in Falkreath where Lakeview Manor would be in the game.
These aren't the final floor plans since I'm still on the fence about whether J'kharni (who is a vampire lord) would put his and his bodyguards' coffins in the main building or put it elsewhere, and I also need to tweak his living space a little (can't decide if there should be a fourth floor, or if the third floor should be extended out over the second floor).
You can read more about Ketri-Katatajna under the cut!
It is not an officially recognized organization since they're, uh, mercenaries, so they are looked down upon by both the Imperial and Stormcloak army. The only holding power who favors the guild is Siddgeir, the Jarl of Falkreath, but J'kharni is currently working on changing that. He plans on earning favor from influentials with ties to the other Jarls so that he can open up chapters in each hold. Some common folk look upon them favorably since the guards' numbers have been stretched thin, leaving the lesser vulnerable, and a professional, reliable establishment is more promising than a lone sellsword; others, however, heed the rumors of illicit activity going on within the guild, and that those who do business with the guild end up owing favors. There are also rumors of vampires working for the guild, but there has yet to be any clear evidence of this…
J'kharni is known as the Guildmaster, and his bodyguards are the Guardians of the guild. A Steward handles recruiting, and there is an accountant who works with them that is an Alfiq who draws a lot of attention to those who've never seen Khajiit beyond the Cathay. There is a Trainer for the training range and a stable hand takes care of the horses members can rent from the guild. Members who live inside the guild are required to tend to the place rather than rely on servants; this means cooking, cleaning, and feeding the livestock. It's… accidentally cultish even if J'kharni means well (he says it's supposed to build character). J'kharni and his bodyguards do participate in the domestic chores within the guild even with all of their responsibilities, so you won't see him sitting in his office all of the time.
Everyone is on equal ground in the guild, but you can earn favor and better pay from merit, building relationships with other members and helping the community of Falkreath. J'kharni will hire anyone able and willing to work for him even if you are an addict or have a criminal record— and, truthfully, even if you're a vampire or some other maladjusted creature, more on that later— however, he emphasizes loyalty, efficiency, and civility matter most, and are what will earn you better pay. He will help get you cleaned up one way or another if you require such help, and he is reasonable, so he will make exceptions if things ended up out of your control. Tthose who bring a bad reputation to the guild must redeem themselves one way or another or else forfeit their membership without pay. Earn J'kharni's trust and he may see something in you that will invite you into the deep underbelly of the guild, one where vampires, werewolves, and Daedra worshippers thrive.
You are offered dirtier, shadier jobs, ranging from gambling to smuggling to working with factions such as the Dark Brotherhood, all of which are high risk, yet high reward. The risks involved aren't just from the job alone— you will be bound to remain loyal to J'kharni, or else you or your loved ones may… disappear. You signed your contract in blood, after all. You will be able to participate in the gambler's hall, have access to the fence, and you can join the smuggling route that branches out throughout all of Tamriel. Vampires and those worthy enough get to learn the bloodthirsty secret of the guildmaster and his bodyguards. If you're a vampire who wishes to co-exist with mortal society, you will be taken under their wing, being provided blood potions and training to temper your nature; those who intend to do harm to society will be quickly eliminated.
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Eryn is killed in a vampire attack. It seems like the exact thing that should have been easy for her. But she wasn't wearing her armor, she didn't have her sword, and it took her by ssurprise.
Ralof wasn't with her, she was just walking down to falkreath and back, it's a short walk and even if those bandits came back to that roadside ambush spot it's not like Eryn doesn't know a few spells to deal with them.
But these vampires aren't normal bandits, they're not even like normal vampires. They're beyond Eryn's magical ability. She was always better with her right hand than her left.
Her last sound is a gasp, maybe from surprise, maybe from the chill of a death hound's bite, maybe she was trying to breathe in so she could say her last words, knowing that history would yearn for them.
She's gone before she even hits the ground. The vampires are eventually driven back, but not without casualties. And not without the greatest loss of them all.
A town guard runs to Lakeview manor, pounds on the door. It's opened by Sofie, who was up past her bedtime, just reading the books her mama gave her.
The guard tries to be gentle, tries to keep it together. Calder and Ralof come rushing from their own bedrooms. One look at the guard, at his expression when Ralof introduces himself as Eryn's husband, and he knows.
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sunxdusk · 2 years
Briengr Trivia 1 / ?
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-) Kidnapping or harassing Briengr's lovers or friends is a terrible idea. There will be no word of warning or a threat. Briengr will simply hunt down the ones responsible, flay them alive with his skinning knife and dump their bodies in the deepest part of a lake. This is no exagerration. He's done it before, and he will happily do it again. Just ask the bandits that attacked his village... Oh, wait...
-) Paarthurnax once mentioned that because Briengr has the soul of a dragon, he has an innate desire for destruction. Even though Briengr would never harm an innocent, this tendency can persist. After all, Briengr will willingly and happily accept a bounty that requires him to charge headfirst into a dragon's lair, not just for the word wall it's guarding but for the thrill of finally hunting a challenge.
-) Because Briengr has no use for gold, the septims he earns from completing bounties go to those who genuinely deserve it. Skyrim is rife with orphans needing food, veteran soldiers who can no longer support themselves, and mothers who lost their husbands.
-) One might think that a dragonslayer would have no respect for the dragons that died by their sword. But for Briengr...he has a deep respect for dragons, and after devouring their souls, he kneels before their bones in thanks for gifting him a battle worthy of song.
-) Briengr does not hate vampires. In fact, seeing as how they're children of the night, like werewolves, he sees them as distant cousins and addresses them as one would address a close friend or a family member. The only time he's ever shown any vitriol towards Vampires was in Dawnguard, having only joined to stop the prophecy from coming to pass and protect Serana from her mad father.
-) Briengr uses the Voice solely on Dragons. He believes using the Voice on humans is overkill and relies purely on his skill as an archer and a Lycan to kill his enemies. It's part of the reason why he loathes Ulfric Stormcloak. Honorable combat between two men should be one of equal footing. Ulfric knew damn well what he was doing when he shouted Elisif's husband to fucking pieces and fled like a coward.
-) One of the main reasons why Briengr's biological parents traveled to Skyrim is because they were one of the many Altmer fleeing the expanding influence of the Aldmeri Dominion. Galawaen and his wife, Nimue, wished to provide a better life for their son but would never live to see him grow and achieve greatness.
-) After defeating Alduin and ending the Civil War, Briengr becomes the proud father of four girls and two boys. Lucia of Whiterun, Sofie of Windhelm ( mostly done out of guilt as any of the Stormcloak soldiers he killed could have been her father ), Alesan of Dawnstar, Blaise of Solitude, and last but not least, the twins Sissel and Britte of Rorikstead ( Briengr lured their abusive father out alone and killed him ). The happy family all live together in Lakeview Manor, and despite knowing that he will outlive all six of his human children, Briengr is content that, at long last, he has a family to call his own.
-) Is not on good terms with the Blades. Told Delphine that if she dared harm a scale on Paarthurnax's head, he would storm their headquarters and finish what the Thalmor had started. Hearing this threat from a Dragonborn who just so happens to be a fucking Altmer sent Delphine into such a PTSD-ridden rage that Esbern had to get in between them. Relations between them permanently soured, but Paarthurnax remains alive and well.
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teamhawkeye · 2 years
Lyra and Serana got married? What was their wedding like?
so it's just in one AU, but it comes after the events of the Dawnguard and Dragonborn DLCs. Lyra has been cured of lycanthropy for some time and Serana chooses to be cured of vampirism, so they're just two Nords with a handful of the orphans of Skyrim that they've welcomed into their home.
I wasn't sure if the wedding would take place on Solstheim or near Lakeview Manor, since they start out living there in Skyrim but Lyra's canon timeline has her moving to Solstheim after game events. Either way, it's a small and intimate ceremony, with only a handful of witnesses (probably the remaining Companions and maybe some Dawnguard as well) and a small feast and celebration afterwards.
Lyra and Serana still adventure, but after they marry, they're more content to stay in one place for extended periods of time. Lyra also has the looming threat of Hermaeus Mora still wanting to cart her off to Apocrypha - as he once did with Miraak - and Serana spends countless hours trying to avoid such a fate for her, so that they can live out the rest of their lives together on Nirn
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inaducursehq · 3 months
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゚.*・ ◞ paulina singer / female / black & ukranian / she/her ——— is that mary wheeler on bourbon street ? the 27 year old werewolf (appalachian mountains pack) who stays in the garden district ?  they are notoriously known for being clever, outspoken but also dishonest, cruel. which is probably why they are considered the deceptive around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough // bass she/her est
accepted! welcome to new orleans, louisiana mary wheeler [ paulina singer ] ! this city is known for its annual celebrations and festivals, most notably mardi gras. nevertheless,the catfish city has many cards and it’s only a matter of time before you pull yours. please send in your account within 24 hours ! and be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we’re happy to have you with us, bass !!
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☆゚.*・ ◞ logan lerman / male / white / he/him/his ——— is that isaac besiers on bourbon street ? the 30 / 510 year old vampire  who stays in the lakeview district ?  they are notoriously known for being noble, honorable, but also cold, vindictive. which is probably why they are considered the paragon around town.  i wonder if they had their tarot cards reading, yet? either way, the cards on the table will reveal their fate soon enough // bass, 25, she/her, est
accepted! welcome to new orleans, louisiana isaac besiers [ logan lerman ] ! this city is known for its annual celebrations and festivals, most notably mardi gras. nevertheless,the catfish city has many cards and it’s only a matter of time before you pull yours. please send in your account within 24 hours ! and be sure to take a look at the checklist now that you’ve arrived! we’re happy to have you with us, bass !!
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nejackdaw · 11 months
For the Ask Game you rbed - Honeyside and/or Vigilant! If they haven't already been asked
Ty for the ask 💞
I've gotten a few of them [link], and because nepotism he's the most developed of my Skyrim characters, I'll be answering them with Askild :)
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Honeyside: which house did you buy/build first? Is it still your first choice?
For Askild, the first (and only) home he bought was the Tundra Homestead--close to Whiterun, but not in it. It's a glorified storage space at this point, though, since he stays in the Fort, but if he's around Whiterun he'll pay it a visit.
As a player, predictably, it was Breezehome lol. Little thing is too crowded, though, so I don't tend to buy it often. The first house I built was Windstad Manor, because I was playing a vampire and Morthal is just.... Like That. I tend to buy the Tundra Homestead and then later build Lakeview, because Falkreath is cool and amazing and I love it.
Vigilant: are your characters religious? Which diety do they follow, and how do they worship? If not, why?
When he was younger and still involved in banditry, Askild would pray to Mephala on occasion. Secrecy, lies, strife, murder: tools of the trade, and aspects of her influence. He didn't worship; the deadra left him feeling uneasy, and he wasn't a particular fan of them. But a pull of the strings here or an overheard, whispered secret there was not only useful, but needed for his survival. Bandits take what they can get, is all--that's all he's doing, asking for a little help now and again.
More recently, long after he's left his old life behind and is coming into his own as a person, Askild is rather fond of Kyne: goddess of travellers, of the wind, of the outdoors, where he prefers to be. He finds it's much more pleasant offering up a prayer in thanks instead of making one to beg.
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eventplanner123 · 1 year
candlelight dinner in delhi
<a href="https://jusst4you.com/">link text</Candlelight Dinner in Delhi>
Are you looking for the best places to plan a candlelight dinner in Delhi NCR? Well, you're in luck! Dear lovely couple, planning your romantic dinner date doesn't have to be stressful. Simply choose the right venue and let the surprise unfold. Remember, great food, soothing music, and gentle lighting are your ticket to a memorable evening. When it comes to setting the stage for a romantic and unforgettable evening, Delhi offers bunch of options that are sure to sweep you and your partner off your feet. Discover the most romantic places to spend a special night in Delhi NCR with your love. Plan a unique candlelight dinner; great for a perfect Date, birthdays or marriage anniversaries.
Top 5 Candlelight Dinner setups in Delhi NCR In a city as vibrant as Delhi, the options for a perfect candlelight dinner are endless. Here are our top five picks:
If you thought about the fantasy fiction that starred Robert Pattinson and Kirsten Stewart then well not that exactly because it is tough to summon vampires. However, if we talk about creating something as romantic and dreamy as that, well then this might just be it. A bohemian themed garden set-up with a private sitting area, beautifully decorated table, fairy lights, flowers, dream catchers and an absolutely breathtaking lakeview- this is what makes the twilight a really preferred one!
Cabana Tent in Garden
A whole new experience to overwhelm your partner. Make the experience stunning from the get-go by lining the path to the setting with scented candles married to flower petals which are well known for their love-sparking qualities. Glimmering candles, dim lights, and flower petals spread all around is a surefire way to create an ambience that fills two hearts only with love. Perfect for a birthday surprise!!
Indoor Private Cabana at Hyatt
A cabana set up will light, bright and breezy your room. Reach the venue and receive a warm welcome along with a glass of mocktail. Make yourself comfortable at your cabana especially and wonderfully decorated with beautiful candles, and flowers. Adding to its sheen and glamour is the tasteful décor of the restaurant. Get served with a delectable 3-course meal. Perfect chance to make your first relationship goals date!
Qutub View Proposal
Immerse yourself in a truly unforgettable romantic experience in South Delhi. Indulge in a Thai culinary delight while savoring the breathtaking view of the iconic Qutub Minar Experience. Enjoy a private and intimate space, complemented by ambient music and a cool breeze. With delicious food and impeccable service, a beautifully decorated terrace sets the stage for the perfect proposal, making it the ultimate spot for love in Delhi for couples. A perfect option for a surprise proposal!!
La Paris
Imagine this, You and your partner, sitting on one fine evening which happens to be valentines, having the best delicacies made with the tastes of Italy, and looking at The Eiffel Tower which is the emblem of love, which happens to be by the lakeside. All the decoration and setup are made in the theme of Love in Paris, sounds good? Perfect for a date, isn’t it?
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renesmeewolfe · 2 years
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“You’ve got someone in your life, I haven’t. makes more sense for me to go.” She gave him a stern look, glancing back as she started into the tunnel. “That’s why you shouldn’t, you’ve got nothing to lose.” Read The Girls Of Lakeview Academy by Lee Cushing, where demons take over a girl’s school. “What are you waiting for? Aren’t you going to do your chivalry thing and insist on going first?” “I just got tired of seeing that look you’re always giving me.” Support this self-published author by buying this book on Amazon! #vampire #indieauthor #demon #girlsschool #thegirlsoflakeviewacademy #horror #horrorbooks https://www.instagram.com/p/CoU1djurddc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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markwatsonsbooks · 2 years
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#Amreading #Bookboost: The Girls Of Lakeview Academy (Trust Casefiles Book 3) by Lee Cushing for ONLY #99c! 
Catherine Jordan is an operative for a secret organisation that hunts down evil. When assigned this mission she felt as if she'd been shot in the chest, yet another agent missing without a trace. How can highly trained secret operatives disappear, and how could she investigate when it's as if they never existed? Teamed up with a former Navy Seal, their faint lead takes them to a private all girls school.
This mission makes not only her skin crawl but brings out a suppressed primal fear. Evil spirits that can only possess the bodies of the dead, like invading a shell, the shell being a human body, a ghost-like demon. Far worse than zombies and vampires … they are the Vetala.
This Pop Culture Horror treads where other thrillers dare not. The Hindu's mythological creature becomes a reality, snatching bodies of youthful beautiful girls they have freshly murdered. Utilising those pristine corpses, the intelligent ghouls attack in pairs, an ongoing cycle to gather and create an army of bodies consumed by Vetala.
They have to act quickly before the whole school is slowly taken over by the snake-like spirits. In their attempts to protect the innocent adolescent students from being killed by Vetala, do the hunters become the hunted? Is Catherine next?
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Dawnguard for my OC
Enid just sits out Dawnguard at first. She figures that since Rufus defeated Alduin on his own, and just turned 12, he's mature enough to have a little independence and go on an adventure with friends. Her and Kaidan work on building Lakeview Manor as a home base for the team. You know, *alone time.*😉
Her trust is rewarded by her child returning as a vampire. And she is livid.
The team also has a new member--a vampire woman with daddy issues that everyone wants to bone. And worst of all, out-snarks and out-sarcasm's Enid at every turn.
So yet again, Enid and Kaidan must step in to be the grumpy braincells of the team and find time to get Rufus cured between vampire attacks and saving the world.
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