#Laid in bed and talked for an hour about it at 2am yesterday ... I mean he didn't say much bc he have a hard time communicating
mrfoox · 2 years
Fabian is feeling bad an unmotivated etc and I'm like king... 😔 I wish I could hold you and make you feel better... But I'll hold your crown until you're ready to wear it again 👑
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lovelykei · 4 years
Cliches come in three’s✨
Okay maybe I went a bit crazy with this one.. I just got so much information from @i-sleep-like-napoleon  that I couldn’t help but let the inspiration flow. Not to mention I feel really strongly about mental illness and self harming so I really wanted this to make her happy. I can’t do much, I’m just a girl on tumblr writing stories, but if I can make just one person feel better about their body or their scars or just themselves in general. That’s enough for me. This is another flower shop request!  I hope you guys like this one aswell!❣️
It was too much. Lately things just keep falling apart. Sure maybe some of them were minor inconveniences like your pants ripping yesterday. But we all get overwhelmed when the tide gets too high. Which is why you now found yourself leaning on a tree behind your school. Your eyes fluttered close as you took in your surroundings. The birds, the wind blowing through the trees, the grass swaying back and forth. Within minutes you were knocked out. Around 1 hour later you woke up wrapping your jacket tighter around your body. Your eyes shot open as you looked around frantically, until you saw a familiar bed head. “I didn’t have a jacket so when I pulled it closer to me I got surprised and that’s why I jumped, hey aren’t you in the volleyball club I think I’ve seen you around before” you were rambling. The dark haired male looked at you, his mouth hung open as he kept staring at you. “And now you’re staring it’s because I’m rambling right? Yeah I uhm do that, ramble I mean. Sometimes I just get nervous and /this/ is making me nervous.. it’s like some cliche romcom and...” your rambling was abruptly cut off when the male infront of you let out a hearty laugh. “I am in the volleyball club yes, I’m Kuroo Tetsurou and practice started 5 minutes ago but I didn’t feel comfortable leaving you here by yourself.” He stood up and dusted off his pants before turning and getting ready to leave. “Just give me back the jacket later, we gotta keep the romcom trope going after all” and just like that he was gone. “okay if an animal starts talking to me right now I’m pulling up to school in a princess dress tomorrow” you muttered to yourself before standing up and dusting yourself off.
It had already been about one month since you met Kuroo and....you haven’t talked since. So much for you romcom. Infact you hadn’t seen him around at all, you thought about going to the gym to give him his jacket back but..there’s people in the gym. And kuroos jacket was extremely comfortable, since he was so tall the jacket really wrapped your whole body up. Maybe that’s why you were getting punished, karma was coming for you because you stole an innocent mans volleyball club jacket you thought as you looked outside. The sound of the rain hit the windows, harshly reminding you of the umbrella you forgot to bring. When the bell rang you slowly packed your stuff up, there’s no reason to rush out in the rain anyways. But no matter how slowly you moved you were now at the door. The last shield from the pouring rain outside. “Now is when he should show up, this is key point in a romcom, walking home in the rain” you muttered to yourself as you pulled your hood over your head. “You forgot your umbrella? We should come up with a name to our movie already” you turned your head so fast you almost gave yourself whiplash. He motioned you closer with a smirk and unwrapped his umbrella. “Let’s go princess, your knight in shining armor is here” you weren’t about to deny the shelter that came with the umbrella. “I’ll have you know I’m n o t a damsel in distress and I could run home in the rain-“
“Oh okay I’ll just go then-“ “hold on you didn’t let me finish. I could run home in the rain but this is important plot development, after this the crush phase starts” you said and grabbed ahold of his arm. “No no the crush phase started after I gave you the jacket” he voiced and opened the door for you guys to go out. “Maybe but then we would’ve had to be simping from a distance, you know seen that at the lunch line or by-“ you were rudely interrupted by the loud crash of thunder booming through the streets. Naturally when someone is scared they will cling onto the nearest thing, that’s just how it works. So there you were practically hanging of off Kuroo. “You’re scared of thunder? So now according to the laws of romcoms I’m obliged to atleast hold your hand-” he paused to wrap an arm under your thighs supporting your body. “But apparently we’re not writing a slow burn so we’re skipping to second half of the movie, where you desperately throw yourself into my arms.” “This thunder won’t last forever and when it stops-..” you muttered against the crook of his neck before once again getting interrupted by the booming sound. A shiver ran down kuroos spine as your breath hit his neck. “Hey we’re in the second half of our romcom, call me Tetsurou” Kuroo wanted to rub your back and tell you everything was gonna be alright, but he still had to cover you guys with the umbrella. Almost as if you could feel his dilemma you spoke up again. “Thank you for calming me down ku-Tetsurou. You can call me y/n”
Since the day you walked home in the rain with kuroo you guys had built some type of relationship. Constantly bumping into eachother in the most cliche ways. Suddenly you’re partners in chemistry class? You didn’t even know you guys had that class together. You got locked in the storage room together, 2am calls became a thing when he found out about your bad sleeping habits. It was one of those 2am calls that led you to your current situation. You and Tetsurou were sitting on your roof, stargazing and talking about everything and anything. “Can you imagine yakus face when he realized lev ran away??” He leaned back, holding himself up with his hands as he laughed. The moonlight shone on him making him seem almost ethereal. His hair fell lazily over his face and his eyes, his hazel eyes shone beautifully as he gazed up at the moon. “What were you doing sleeping by that tree? You know the first time we met” he asked softly and looked at you. A soft smile spread on your face as you recalled that day. “escaping. When reality gets too overwhelming I escape” you replied softly leaning back to look at the stars. “Do you ever..escape in other ways..not by just taking a nap against a tree?” Although his tone was light you could feel an underlying troubled tone. “You shouldn’t ask questions you already have answers to” you whispered back. The stars in the sky suddenly shone just a bit too bright, or atleast that’s what you told yourself when you closed your eyes. 1..2..3..4 you started counting, trying to even out your breathe when you felt Kuroo lift your hand. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. “W what are you doing?” Your voice shaked ever so slightly. “Kissing your scars” “I’ve never seen that in a uhm.. in a romcom” you tried to joke and pull your arm away from him, but he held it firmly. “Then this’ll be the first one, I’m not done yet keep still.” He made his way all the way from your wrist to your shoulder, kissing each scar individually. You were frozen, 6 months ago you never would’ve thought you’d be sitting on your rooftop with the volleyball club captain while he kisses your scars. “T that’s alright Kuroo y you don’t have to keep kissing them im fine now” the words awkwardly fell through your lips. “That was a while ago, I mean.. not thaaat that long ago but still uhm a while ago, sometimes we just do stuff and then the stuff is done and you end up with scars but truly I-“ Fireworks. Butterflies? Fireworks and butterflies? You weren’t too sure what was going on in your heart and tummy. All you knew was that Kuroo Tetsurou was kissing you, his soft lips molded perfectly against yours and you couldn’t help but melt in his embrace. You had never been kissed like this before, with so much love and sincerity. It was addicting, and you never wanted this to stop but eventually you had to pull away. “We’re at the part in the romcom where I can do that right? I can cut you off with a kiss?” His eyes met yours, his forehead was resting against yours and his hand was softly cupping your cheek. “Cliches come in three’s” you whispered against his lips. Kuroo didn’t reply he just made a sound of uncertainty. “Giving me your jacket, walking home in the rain, kissing under the stars our three key cliches” the blood rushes to your cheeks as you were explaining. The quiet that followed did nothing to calm your nerves and you were just about to start over analyzing when his silky voice rang out. “I like that, that’s our movie name then Cliches come in three’s” he placed another innocent peck against your lips before pulled you on top of his chest as he laid down. “Let’s stay like this for a while” Who were you to deny the shelter that came in the form of kuroos arms.
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cmanonstillinhiding · 4 years
Unhooking the Stars
@enbies-and-felonies chapter 9!
Strawberry Blond
Slipping out of the city was surprisingly easy: there were no roadblocks, and hardly any patrols as they wove their way north for the second time. Emily had wanted to leave as soon as possible, and JJ had no real objections.
‘What are we going to do?’
Emily looked at her. ‘Right now, we’re going up to the border. We can talk about the rest later.’
‘Are we crossing?’
‘I don’t know yet. There’s no rush, JJ. We have all the time in the world.’
‘Until Hotch finds us.’
‘Ah, yes. The seemingly-infallible Agent Hotchner. He’s not gonna find us.’
‘And you know this how?’
‘Has he found us before? You place so much trust in your precious profiling abilities. There’s nothing to lead him to us, no trail to follow, no messages or signatures to analyse.’
‘There’s always something.’
‘And he can bleed his brain dry looking for it. In the meantime, we’ll be one step ahead.’
JJ fiddled with her jacket hem, not entirely reassured. She was stopped from tearing the fabric by Emily’s hand, softly laid over her own to still it. ‘Hey. It’ll be okay.’
‘It’s not going to be okay! Nothing is okay! My family is trying to kill me and I don’t know what to do.’
Emily squeezed her hand gently. ‘We’ll figure it out.’
‘You can’t promise that.’
‘I can’t, but I’m going to anyway. We can start over, just us.’
‘How? How do we go on from this?’
‘The only way we can. Forward.’
‘Well, it looks a lot nicer when I’m awake.’
Emily sighed as she stopped the car in the back of the farmhouse. ‘It never looks nice.’
The house was a startling red against the grey-brown landscape, just beginning to be dusted with snow. It fell thicker and steadier as they dragged the few bags and groceries they’d been able to bring, Emily unlocking and dragging open the back door. 
JJ stepped inside, looking around the kitchen. ‘Home sweet home, huh?’
‘At least for tonight. Grab some kindling from that box, would you? I’d rather not have this place be the same temperature as outside.’
JJ collected a handful of sticks from the bin Emily had indicated, tossing them into the woodstove in the living room. Emily gasped in mock horror. ‘What are you doing? Don’t they teach you to start fires in fed school?’
‘Are you judging my fire-starting ability?’
‘Yes! Give me those. You have to make a pyramid, and then-’
JJ groaned, raising her hands in surrender. ‘Why don’t you just do it?’
‘I will, thank you. You can go and get the actual logs from the woodshed.’
JJ sighed. ‘I am so not going to be able to live with you.’
Emily paused. ‘I thought we were splitting up after we got out of the country.’
JJ turned back. ‘I hadn’t thought that far ahead.’
Emily nodded. ‘Let’s just get through tonight.’
Two hours later, the house was almost a habitable temperature and Emily had managed to throw together something resembling dinner from their depressing supplies. 
JJ was now sprawled over the couch, dozing with her feet encroaching dangerously on Emily’s perch on the arm. 
Emily had thought she was asleep, and was weighing the merits of shoving her off the couch entirely when she spoke.
‘Why don’t we just stay here?’
Emily looked up from the book she had been trying to read. ‘Hmm?’
‘We can stay here. There’s no reason to leave unless we’re being chased, and no one in town knows what’s going on.’
‘What’s going on with the whole on-the-run-from-the-FBI thing, or with us?’
JJ sighed. ‘Is there something going on with us?’
Emily didn’t answer. ‘I thought you wanted to leave the country.’ And then split up.
‘I still do, but there’s no rush.’
‘What about Hotchner? Yesterday you seemed pretty worried he’d be kicking in our door by now.’
‘I don’t want to spend the rest of my life looking over my shoulder. We don’t need to stay here forever, just a few months or so.’
Emily nodded. ‘Okay.’
‘Okay? Really?’ JJ grinned. ‘I thought I was going to have to pull out a powerpoint.’
‘I don’t like running either, and I’ve been doing it far longer. If there’s no danger to staying put, there’s no reason to move.’
JJ shivered. ‘I mean, it would be warmer in Mexico.’
Emily laughed. ‘Oh, give it up. If we cross the border, it’ll be the northern one.’
‘Ugh. We’re definitely staying here.’
Emily dragged herself to her feet. ‘If you’re that cold, you could help me bring in wood.’
‘Or I could go find a blanket.’
Emily shoved her off the couch. ‘I like my idea better.’
Emily jolted awake, lying on the threadbare carpet. Neither of them had wanted to take the time and energy to make up the bed, and around 2am JJ had just laid down on the floor and refused to get up. Emily had given up on anything else and stayed there with her, justifying her actions with ‘she might make a run for it.’ 
It took her a moment to get her bearings, sitting and looking around for what had woken her. Beside her, she could just make out JJ’s face, still asleep, the firelight paying over her features and highlighting the blonde hair spilling over her shoulders. 
JJ shifted slightly, eyes still closed. ‘Hm? Is someone there?’
Emily sank back down, running her hands through her hair. ‘No.’
‘You sure?’
She sighed, letting her head drop onto the floor. ‘Yeah.’
JJ slithered closer, almost touching her. ‘I’m cold.’
Emily froze, torn between closing the gap between them and fleeing to Canada immediately. ‘You...could get closer to the fire.’
JJ smiled, eyes still closed. ‘Oh, but you’re right here.’
Emily decided Canada could wait. She’ll be gone in a week, tops. Just this once. She wrapped an arm around JJ’s shoulders, pulling the blonde against her. JJ tucked her head against Emily’s chest, curling even closer. ‘See? Now we’re both warm.’
Emily almost smiled. Just this once.
JJ was gone when she woke up in the almost sunrise light, the fire burned down to embers. Emily lay there for longer than she needed to, knowing once she got up life would be there to kick every inch of her for letting her guard down. She’s leaving soon. There’s no point in...whatever this is.
She dragged herself to her feet after another minute, hoping JJ was at least still in the house. 
JJ turned out to be in the kitchen, drying last night’s dinner dishes. Emily noticed the holster back on her hip, no doubt strapped on first thing after she’d gotten up. 
JJ grabbed a plate from the sink. ‘Good morning.’
Emily wasn’t sure how that ‘good morning’ had been meant. ‘Hey.’
JJ set the plate she’d been drying on the counter, wiping her hands on the dishrag. ‘We need to talk.’
Emily’s heart skipped about five beats. ‘About what?’
‘About our plans after this. We can’t live here forever, but I still don’t want to try leaving now.’
‘Whenever you want is fine.’
JJ twisted the dishrag between her fingers, looking anywhere but Emily. ‘And when we do leave...are we going to stay together?’
Emily didn’t particularly want to look at her either. ‘If you want.’
JJ nodded, staring at her feet. ‘Okay.’
Emily stepped closer to her, willing her to look up. Just this once.
JJ kept her eyes fixed firmly on the ground, turning to put the plates away. Emily reached for her, stopping her in her tracks. Just this once.
‘You ever heard the phrase ‘taking advantage of someone?”
JJ met her eyes. ‘Yeah?’
‘Well, seeing as your hands are full, and as such you can’t go for your gun, I’m going to take advantage of that.’
Before JJ could respond, Emily’s hands were in her hair as she kissed her, pulling JJ close against her before stepping back.
JJ stared at her. ‘What...what was that for.’
Emily looked back at her. ‘I just wanted something of you. For just one moment.’ 
JJ smiled, hair falling into her eyes. ‘You can have more than a moment.’
‘What do you mean by that?’
JJ tossed the plates and towel onto the counter before turning back to Emily. ‘I mean this.’ She reached for Emily’s hand, twining their fingers together, pulling her back in before kissing her, feeling Emily’s other hand back in her hair, wrapping her own free arm around her shoulders.
Emily pulled back, staring at her. ‘You just kissed me.’
‘Is that an issue?’
Emily grinned. ‘Not at all.’
JJ drew her closer. ‘Good, ‘cause I’d like to do it again.’
Emily let her, allowed her hands to drift into JJ’s hair, around her shoulders, holding her close. Just this once.
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coolpencilpie · 7 years
One Hand, One Heart
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Summary: One hunt leads to another and so does one proposal.
Pairing: Dean x hunter!reader
Word Count: 1,7k
Warnings: language, violence, very light smut
A/N: This is for @impala-dreamer ‘s Title’s Are Hard Challenge. It didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to but anyway, here it is. Feedback would be great!
“Hey, dumbass! Watch out!”, you shouted warningly. As the blond man ducked down to save his head getting eaten by a vampire, you struck out and beheaded the blood-thirsty thing. “Thanks.” He exhaled. You bowed down a bit sarcastically and wiped some red spots out of your face. “Always at your service, pal”, you said, giving him a flirty wink. With that you turned on your heels and made your way out of the rotten house. While making fast steps, you straightened your skirt. It was a lovely skirt, black fabric with some decent flowers on it, fitting gloriously to your eye colour. Sadly, the flowers were now sprinkled with blood but wherefore were washing machines invented.
“Hey, wait!” Loud footsteps were approaching behind you. “Anything else, handsome?” You asked, as you turned to him looking him right in the green eyes, cocking your head a bit. He started smiling. “What’s your name?” He asked. “Guess.” “What?” “Wrong. You have a strange conception of names, my friend”, you laughed. “Eh…I…”, he stumbled. You made a loud buzzing noise. “Where are you from that your people are called like body parts?” He just stood there like a child, completely speechless. The simple look on his face made you chuckle. “Y/N”, you said in a soft voice, leaning a bit forward.
“Dean”, he said. Now it was awkward. Your eyes shifting from left to right, not quite sure what to do now. You cleared your throat, “Ok so, we’re finished here?” You asked, trying not to sound rude. “Eh, yeah, sure. Unless of course…”, he started smirking at you, his gaze scanning you from your ponytail to your boots. “Excuse me?” “You want to, you know, drink a coffee or something?” His body language got very fast very confident.
“What makes you think I’d say yes, handsome?” You set your feet parallel and turned your shoulder, showing him your back a bit. It seemed like he didn’t know the answer, when he looked to the ground, so he avoided your gaze. To relieve Dean from this situation you blinked with your right eye and giggled. His face lit up, causing his woodruff eyes to sparkle.
 This was two years ago. Two years full of laughter, anger, sorrow, killing and temporary partition. He broke your heart as many times as you broke his, you cried so much but you also had the best time of your life.
“Hey, Y/N. Remember that one time I wanted to…” He broke and coughed, spitting blood on the dark grey floor.
“It’s ok. Just relax”, you said softly. Your voice was low and powerless, probably caused by the retching the demon did to you. However hard you tried to free your body from the ropes around you, bonding you tightly to the chair you were sitting on, you were not able to move, which made you indeed very uncomfortable. At least you weren’t injured as much as Dean was, which wasn’t an advantage, if you think about it.
“No, can you remember? I…I made you breakfast and wanted to surprise you and you…you were still sleeping and then you…”, he laughed, even if it was rather a tired exhaling, “you just kicked and it was all over the bed and, sweetheart, it was such a mess. But we couldn’t…”, he coughed again, “we couldn’t stop laughing. Do you remember that?”
“Of course, I do! That was the day, I officially moved in”, you said, trying to sound calm.
“We might die here, you know?”
“Very enthusiastic, Dean.”
“Just saying.”
“Then stop talking and think of something.”
And he really stopped talking. Which surprised you because…when does Dean ever stop talking? Your chairs were tied to each other, so you couldn’t see him. Your heart froze for a moment.
“Dean?” You asked. No response. Your stomach turned. No, not now, not here. “Dean! Hey!” Your whole body was shaking, your knees weak, your mouth dry.
“Will you marry me?” Why did you say that? Why on earth did you say that. Shocked by your own choice of words, you stared straight ahead in the darkness, there was one nearly useless lamp above you, so you didn’t see a thing anyway.
“Yes.” A muted word caught your attention, it was almost not understandable, so quiet. Wait, what.
The demon from earlier entered the room, smirking. “Seems like your boyfriend passed out. Hey, wakie, wakie, big boy!” With those words the black-dressed, middle-aged man walked up to Dean, standing right in front of him.
“Leave him alone, you bastard!” You shouted. In that exact moment you heard a knock, causing your chair to shift a bit. A thud of a body. “Ah, son of a…”, Dean groaned.
“Did you just give a demon a clout?”
“Good deduction, Sherlock.” Still the funny ass, even though he was beaten up to the ground.
“Can you reach me and grab my knife?” You didn’t see it but you could sense he turned his head to the right, trying to look at you.
“You had a knife the whole time?!” You shouted upset. Still, you reached out as far as you could, grabbing that knife and cutting through the ropes. As you stood up, you felt dizzy at first, making you tremble, faltering a bit around. By the time you got the control over your body back, you freed Dean, too and helped him up.
“You ok?” Your voice was soft again, a worried look in your eyes.
“Always”, he answered and gave you a short kiss on your forehead. Such a bad liar.
When you made your way out of the building, you got your weapons back and killed the backup of the other demon.
Eventually you were back in the Impala. “Wow, we actually survived.” A breath of relief coming out of your lungs.
“Did you mean it?” Dean looked right into your eyes, his sight pretty serious.
“What do you mean?”
“You don’t remember the proposal?” The what. Like, what. Instead of an answer, you just made a strange ‘eh’-noise. You looked out of the window on your side, full of shame, causing your cheeks to heat up, showing some red colour.
“That was…nothing. Just me, joking around, you know.” You let out a pained laugh, still not daring to look into his face.
“Uh-huh, if you say so, Y/N”, he said and started the motor. The whole drive, both of you didn’t say a word. It gave you sort of a bad feeling.
Later, it was in the middle of the night, probably something between midnight and 2am, you laid in your bed, next to Dean, completely awake. You tried to see his face but it was pitch-black, so you couldn’t capture a thing. As quiet as possible, you crawled out of the blankets, leaving the sleeping man behind. You walked into the library, a good book would bring you back to sleep. That turned out as wishful thinking, as you felt like you sat there for hours.
“What are you doing, Y/N?” A rough voice appeared behind you.
“Can’t sleep.”
“What’s wrong, baby?” He walked around you, sitting down in front of you and searching for your gaze.
“Are we good?” You lifted your vision, “because I…I feel like, it’s different. Yesterday, this hunt, I thought I lost you.”
“On every hunt, you could lose me. And I could lose you, that’s our life.” His words weren’t mean but still, they hit you in the gut. How could this be so ordinary for him? Like it was no big deal.
“I thought you were dead, dumbass!” You shouted and stood up, full of frustration. As you looked down on him, you saw the worry in his look. You turned away, not bearing the situation. You teared up and felt from one moment to another weaker than ever. “I can’t stand the thought of being apart from you. You are everything to me. If you were gone, I…I don’t know if I could survive this.” You sobbed quietly, trying to stay strong, as you always do. You felt warm hands on your waist, giving you goose bumps. Slowly they turned you around. Dean gave you a soft kiss on your cheek. And then, something happened, you wouldn’t forget in your entire life. He kneeled down, not breaking his glance to you. “Y/N Y/LN”, he took your hand and planted a small kiss on the surface, “do you want to be my wife and marry me?” You stared at him, not knowing how to react as you felt your voice was gone. You nodded quickly. You didn’t know what to feel, what to do, you just saw Dean’s face lit up. He stood up and gave you a hug. “What did just happen?” Your mind was blank. “We are engaged. Well technically, we’re engaged for the second time, you proposed first.” He started to grin. “I hate you so much!” What started as an angry exclamation turned undeniable into loud laughter.
“What? I’m going to be your husband! You can’t hate your husband!”, he stated, starting to tickle your stomach. You walked backwards and turned around to run away, as he didn’t stop. He hunted you through the whole bunker until both of you couldn’t run anymore from laughter. “Ok, timeout, I can’t…”, still giggling, you reached your hands out, then supporting your lungs by staking them on your knees. Dean made a giant step to stand in front of you, as he leaned down to give you a deep kiss. He pulled away a few seconds but stayed close to your face, catching his breath, as well as you. You laid your hands on his neck, running a few fingers through his hair, as he held your waist, his hands moving up and down slowly in the rhythm of your kiss.
Finally, you made your way back to your room. What a night. By the time you laid back in bed, warm and comfy under the blanket, you snuggled against Dean’s chest. You could hear his heart beat, calming you down immediately. “Are we actually going to marry?” You asked, still a bit of doubt in your head. “It was your idea, sweetheart”, he chuckled and gave you a kiss on your hair.
“No, seriously, Dean.”
“I want to share everything with you. You are my partner in good times and bad times. Until death does us apart.”
“That was cheesy.”
“Sorry – no, not really.”
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were-cheetah-stiles · 7 years
The College Years - Sophomore Year (Chapter 21) - Stiles Stilinski
Author: @were-cheetah-stiles
Title: “The Roadtrip, Part I”
Characters: Stiles Stilinski & Reader/OFC
Warnings: Fluff, cursing.
Y/f/i = your first initial :)
Summary: Almost a month has passed by since school finished and everyone went home for the summer. Stiles, Scott, and the rest of the gang helped take care of the wendigo problem that Derek, Liam, Hayden, Mr. Argent and Sheriff Stilinski and Deputy Parrish combined couldn't get under control in Beacon Hills. Scott had been spending most of his time with Allison, helping her get her GED so that she could join them at school in the Fall. Stiles, bored and agitated, had been spending his days interning at the Sheriff's Department, while Y/N was spending her days on the other side of the country interning for her local congresswoman. All seemed quiet for a few short weeks, until something began brewing in Beacon Hills.
Chapter Twenty //-// Chapter Twenty-One - Chapter Twenty-Two
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"You know, young witch, the only reason why we helped you initially is because Gerard was the sacrifice. He came after my family many, many years ago, and we have been waiting to get our revenge ever since." You walked beside the tall but eerie coven witch who had just brought Allison Argent back to life, in silence. Sylvie Ducette continued speaking regardless of a response. "But what I'm going to tell you next, I tell you because I like you... there is a darkness in you.. for a New England witch. I think that you are more powerful than you know, and I have a feeling that we will be seeing each other again in the future."
"Is this about my powers?" You asked, confused.
"Non, vous devez regarder vos etudes." Sylvie said, as the two of you paused at the entrance to the crypt where the ritual had just taken place.
You translated in your head, and then repeated what you thought she said out loud. "Look to my studies?" You questioned.
"Look to your studies, y/n y/m/n, they hold the answers that you will seek..... for something is coming your way."
"What do you mean? The vampires?" You asked, the confusion apparent in your voice.
"Mon cheri, non. You know how to take care of them already." Sylvie calmly replied.
"Then what's coming?" You whispered.
Sylvie smiled. She was done with being helpful. She felt like she had given the girl enough. "Á bientôt."
It was 2am on a Saturday in late June and you were stuck out in the Hamptons at your Dad’s house for the weekend. You were up in your loft bedroom half-watching Riverdale and half-reading about the healthcare bill that the Republican backed Congress was trying to push through the Senate. You were trying to focus on what you were reading, as you wanted to impress your boss, the Democratic Congresswoman from your district in Queens, with your knowledge of the latest news on Monday. But all you could really focus on was why Stiles hadn't been answering his phone since yesterday.
You saw your phone light up, a picture of the Pack posing all huddled together and smiling, with you standing next to Stiles, was blocked by a text message. "Can you let me in?"
"What?" You said quietly to yourself. You propped yourself up in bed and peeked between your curtains, just in time to see a taxi pulling away from your house and a hooded figure walking towards your stairs.
You ran down the stairs that led straight to the front door, and opened it. On the other side of the screen door was Stiles, wearing a hoodie and carrying a duffel bag, a backpack and his pillow. "Hi." He said quietly. You opened the screen door and threw your arms around his neck, pulling yourself up to his face to kiss him.  
"Come in, come in... What are you doing here?" You whispered, as you pulled his pillow off the ground and walked back inside.
He watched as you quietly closed and locked the front door behind him. He dropped his bag to the ground, which made a loud thud against the hardwood floors, only drowned out by the sounds coming through the open windows of the waves crashing on the sand in front of your house. He pushed you up against the door and began kissing you. He pressed his body up against yours, bending at the knees, to kiss at your neck. You ran your fingers in his hair and softly moaned. His hands quickly roamed your body, grabbing at you frantically, as he pressed his lips against yours, sliding his tongue in your mouth and letting it explore yours. The two of you were interrupted by the sound of a jangling collar and the pitter-patter of claws against wood.
"So this is Laney?" Stiles asked, wiping his mouth and glancing down, as the medium sized gray dog bared her teeth at the intruder.
"Yea... maybe we should go to my room... Laney, go back to bed." You shooed the dog off and began climbing the stairs back up to your room.
"Stiles, what's going on, why are you here?" You asked in a more normal tone, as you shut your bedroom door.
Stiles set his bags down on the floor and sat on the edge of your bed. "I came to get you.” He said quietly.
"What do you mean? What's going on?" You asked, as you sat down next to him, one foot tucked under your butt.
"So much. Ugh.." Stiles sighed, and laid back on the bed. He then turned onto his side, his legs still hanging off the bed, and moved his head next to your leg. He wrapped his hands around your thigh and rested his forehead against you.
"Stiles, you're freaking me out now. You literally flew across the country without warning me... What's wrong?" You asked, as you laid down behind him, pressing your cheek against his back, your bodies making a sort of yin-yang symbol.
"For one, I basically became an insomniac after you left. I sleep probably three to four hours a night, every night, if that. So I came to get a good night sleep for starters." Stiles began explaining his sudden appearance.
You sat up and stared down at him. "Stiles..." You whispered his name, upset at how he wasn’t taking care of himself.
"I also haven't seen much of Scott..” 
“Why haven’t you seen much of Scott?” 
“Well, none of us have really.”
“Yea, but why haven’t you? You’re his best friend, Sti.”
Stiles pressed his forehead between the bed and your leg and mumbled. 
“You know I didn’t hear that.” You narrowed your eyes at him even though he couldn’t see you doing it.
“I’ve been avoiding him..”
“What the fuck.. why have you been avoiding him?” Your voice was stern, as you moved your leg and looked down at him.
Stiles stared up at you and contorted his mouth. “I don’t want to see Allison... I don’t think Scott wants me to see her either.”
“I don’t understand...”
Stiles sighed. “The last thing that Allison remembers of me is my being possessed by the Nogitsune... me being evil.. me stabbing Scott and kidnapping Lydia and basically causing complete and total chaos in Beacon Hills... and most importantly, me changing the Oni to my side, and.... Y/n... I’m the reason she died.”
Your heart broke over the immense guilt that Stiles had been carrying all this time. Enough guilt to send him across the country to find comfort in someone who didn’t know him when he was void and didn’t know what he was capable of. You pursed your lips and brushed your fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes and leaned into your affectionate touch. “Sti.. you have to go talk to Scott. He loves you. He has Allison back... even if he was ever mad at you, which he definitely never was, because the important distinction is that the Nogitsune did all of those things, not you... and even if he was ever mad, why would he still be?”
Stiles shrugged. “He's always at the Argent's with Allison, which is fine and I get it, but I don’t know when I’m supposed to be able to talk to him, and the Pack is all off doing their own thing and not paying attention but something is happening in Beacon Hills, Y/n."
"What do you mean 'something is happening'?" You asked, concerned, a sudden feeling of dread creeping into your throat.
"I think the something in the 'for something is coming your way' that Sylvie told you about, that we've been waiting for... I think it's come to Beacon Hills." Stiles said, as he sat up right in order to look at you.
"Why do you think that?"
Stiles rubbed his face, he was tired, and a full day of travel wasn't helping him fight his fatigue. He sighed. "So about two weeks ago, this old lady came home from dinner with her grandkids, and it was dark, and someone found her body the next day on her doorstep. Two more have been found like that since, and we didn't know what it was that killed her and Scott has been so non-existent, so we were leaving it to the Sheriff's Department. Then five nights ago, a fourth person was attacked, but didn't die. They were able to describe what attacked them, and they said it was like this creature that manifested from the shadows and had these grim reaper-like hand things and nails and fangs...."
"Well that kind of sounds like a vampire, no?" You asked.
"That's what Derek and I thought, so we started patrolling at night again. I was worried that the stragglers from Ilyse’s pack came looking for us from Berkeley, but my dad responded to a b and e that some neighbor had called in, and when he got there... he got attacked." Stiles' eyes looked redder than they had moments before. He wiped a tear away that had escaped his eye. His exhaustion and his ability to finally confide in you was making him emotional.
"What?" You whispered, your heart suddenly thumping in your chest. "Stiles, is he okay? Why didn't you call me?" You took his face in your hands and teared up at the sight of him so distraught.
"Yea, yea, he's fine. I wouldn't have left if he wasn't." Stiles reached up and pulled your hands off of his face. He cupped them in his hands and kissed your balled up fingers. He placed them in his lap, as he kicked off his shoes and sat cross-legged across from you. "He got cut up pretty badly, and he was in the hospital for a few days, but he's home now. He said that he shot off a mag of bullets into the attacker's torso, and they all ended up in the wall."
"But your Dad is a great shot..." You commented, confused.
"I know, and he was up against the guy. He said that they just went right through, like he was aiming for the wall and there was nothing in between. I guess he kind of fell down the front steps of the house at that point, and it just disappeared after that."
"That's not a vampire..." You corrected your earlier guess. You paused, thinking back on all of the new developments. "If he was in the hospital for days, and he’s already out... Why didn't you tell me what was happening? I talk to you on the phone every night."
Stiles looked down at your hands in his. He had such a serious look on his face. "I thought that I could handle it at first. Everyone had stuff going on this summer and I just didn't want to burden anyone. Scott has all of this stuff with Allison, Malia has been getting ready for her trip to France, Cora and Isaac have been having some trouble, Liam and Hayden broke up, you were practicing your magic and had your internship.. I thought that I could handle it." Stiles had regret in his voice.
"I will literally never be too busy to help you, and when something happens like your Dad getting attacked and going to the hospital, you need to tell me."
Stiles nodded. "I'm sorry... I haven't been thinking straight."
You stood up, and grabbed Stiles' shoes from the floor. You brought them over to his suitcase and backpack, and picked his pillow off of the carpet. You brought it over to your bed and placed it next to Stiles. You leaned over and unzipped his hoodie and helped him take it off. He smiled sleepily up at your face. He was grateful for your kindness and your willingness to not be angry with how he had handled all of this.
He stood and began to undress, leaving his clothes in a ball on the floor at the foot of your bed, standing in front of you in only his boxers. You walked up to him, only wearing a long baseball tee of his that he had given you for the summer and your underwear.
"It'll take me a day to get all my stuff packed back up and to say bye to my mom and quit my internship, but we can leave the day after." You said, as you pressed your hands against his bare chest.
"Y/f/i, I'm sorry you have to drop everything... I'm just sorry."
"Don’t be." You reached your hand up to cup his cheek. You stared into his big brown eyes, sad and bloodshot. "Let's go to sleep."
Stiles nodded, his lip quivering slightly, and climbed onto the bed. He thought that he could cry because of how relieved he was right then. It didn’t matter that it was only 11pm for his body clock, he was exhausted. 
He replaced one of your pillows with his, and watched you shut off all of the lights and lock the door. You climbed into bed and laid on your stomach. You gripped your pillow underneath your head, with both of your arms underneath it. You rested your right foot against your left knee and shut your eyes. 
Stiles let out a sigh of utter relief. He placed his head next to yours on your pillow, his left arm reaching under it to find your hand, his right arm draping over your body. He placed himself in the same pose to sleep in, just up against your body, slightly on top of you. He was drained.
"You came to get me." You whispered, barely audible.
"The Pack and I needed you... I really needed you." Stiles whispered back, his breath moving the baby hairs on the back of your neck.
"You literally flew across the country to get me." You reiterated.
"I came to get you." Stiles repeated, kissing the back of your head.
Your left hand found his left hand under the pillow the two of you shared, and you squeezed it. "I love you, Stiles."
"I love you." He groggily whispered, as he finally fell asleep.
"Okay, well that's that... She took the ‘sudden sickness’ of my grandmother very well." You said sarcastically, hanging up the phone with the Congresswoman who you had just lied to in order to quit your internship, but not burn a bridge with a potential future employer.
"I'm sorry you had to quit the Congresswoman's office, I know that was a big deal. But I'm pretty sure my dad got you a replacement internship with the mayor of Beacon Hills so, I know it's not the same but it should be...informative?" Stiles bit his thumbnail. He was feeling guilty for dragging you away from your summer plans.
"All I was doing was getting her coffee and stuffing envelopes, I'm sure that the mayor's office will be just fine, maybe even a step up in terms of work I get to do." You smiled, trying to reassure him, while sitting on your bed folding your clothes to place back in your suitcase.
"And my dad said that you could stay in the guest room..."
"No." You said, watching the surprise take over his face.
"What do you mean 'no'?" Stiles asked.
"I don't want to mooch off your Dad even more than the internship. I know Malia and Lydia used to sleep over all the time, and he was fine with it, but I don't know, he doesn't know me the same way that he knew them. I just want him to get to know me for me, before he thinks I'm just always up in your room or something. I don't know. Just no. Can I stay at Scott's? He has an extra room, right?"
"Not since Allison came back. Isaac moved back in with Scott, you could move in with Lydia."
You cocked your head to the side and pursed your lips, staring at Stiles like you couldn't believe he had just suggested that. "I could just rent a room from Derek in his building, I mean, that's where Cora, Zach and Ethan live, right?"
"I'm not going to pull you away from here, just to bring you to Beacon Hills and make you pay for a place to stay, Y/n." You shrugged; you could afford it. "What about Allison's? You could stay in Isaac's old room. I know you don't really know her but you've spent some time with her Dad and they kind of owe you big time..." Stiles reminded you.
You continued folding while thinking about it. "Okay, if they’re willing do it, I’ll do that. Otherwise, you're calling Derek and asking him for a place for me." Stiles stepped out of the room to call Chris Argent.
He came back in a few minutes later. "Okay, you're at the Argent's... which is going to be very difficult to sneak into to sleep with you..."
“Why?” You asked.
“Beside it being a penthouse apartment in a decently tall hotel, Argent has been known to electrify his windows...” Stiles explained, narrowing his eyes in fear.
You smiled and shook your head. "We'll work it out."
The two of you were somewhere in eastern Ohio when Stiles ditched your American Government textbook and notebook into the backseat of your car. You turned down the stereo and looked at your boyfriend.
"Do you finally agree that whatever is terrorizing Beacon Hills is probably not in the Constitution?" You asked, sarcastically.
"Yes, we're moving on to your Western Civ. books." Stiles said as he dug out your notebook from your backpack that was set down by his feet.
"Isn't Scott supposed to be looking through the Western Civ. stuff?" You asked.
"He's been going through the textbook, but if you think that Scott took more thorough notes than you, you're crazy." Stiles replied, as he watched you fidget in your seat. "Do you need to switch?"
"Yea, I think so and we need gas." You said, as you pulled off onto an exit ramp. "We need to get to Chicago tonight so that we can be at the Oriental Museum when it opens, so that we can then get back on the road by the afternoon."
"What do you think we'll find at the Oriental Museum?" Stiles asked, as he leaned against the car and watched you pump gas, while gnawing on a Twizzler that he got from the bag of junk food in the car.
"Answers, I hope."
20 <- -> 22
no we’re not.
@alexhmak @dontstopxx @iloveteenwolf24 @chivesoup @vampirepinary @parislight @surpeme-bean @snek-shit @mayahart02 @fuxkdean @teenage-dirtbagbaby @sorrynotsorrylovesome @dylrider @iknowisoundcrazy @l4life @ivette29 @5secsxofamnesia @lovelydob @vogue-sweetie @awkwarddly @therealmrshale @the-vampire-diaries-all-the-way @twentyone-souls @xmadwonderland @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @inkedaztec @sunshineystilinski @eccentricxem @lightbreaksthrough @ninja-stiles @maddie110201 @hattyohatt @stilinski-stydia-obrien @amethystmerm4id @completebandgeek
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12/21/19 3:33am - Poggers
I’m on the backside of a week of work. This week has been long as hell. Max patient load every day, and I’ve been fucking beat because I had to go to court at 2pm yesterday, which was totally fucky on trying to get enough sleep. And it was inconclusive at that, but my lawyer’s looking confident so I’m not stressed as much as I was earlier.
Monday did I get anything done? Are you waiting with bated breath? Well no, no I did not. I think I looked at some questions for like a second and didn’t get much further lol. I went and took a shower and got some food with Dan before DnD and it was a lovely day. Went to slosh and none of my crushes were there, but I did talk to Miranda about her wanting me to bite up her ass sometime. So that’ll be fun.
Made plans with Jill after slosh, we worked everything out from the other day I think. And on the way over to slosh Ashley actually hit me up out of nowhere too! So I was sexting her most of the night, since I told her I couldn’t hang because I had already made plans with Jill. Lol finding opportune times during cuddling to sext other girls is a little challenging, but luckily I don’t have to worry about it if I get busted since it’s not really a secret.
I slept a jillion hours tuesday, woke up, and tried to hype myself into studying. Instead the stress got me stuck on thinking about my court date and I got double stressed and a little queasy and wanted to just go to bed. I laid my head on Jill’s chest and she played with my hair for a long time. Like an hour or something. Got a nice nap in. Felt much better. She’s so sweet when she’s not making fun of me lol. 
I actually DID get some studying in on Tuesday, but it made me realize there’s so much fucking shit that I don’t get with this UXR stuff that I’m feeling further behind than when I started. I should have done some more this week at work but I’ve just been so tired. Luckily I’m about to be on christmas break, so maybe I’ll go antisocial for a few days and study and play magic. On the plus side I do have a phone date with wei tomorrow to start a project to help.
Magic’s been hella fun. Got a new deck that I’m enjoying the shit out of. Punchy punchy stompy stompy :3 Maybe fun enough to actually make it to mythic.
Ok but Tuesday. Karaoke. My boy crushhhh Henry showed up and I got to dance with him and we exchanged numbers and were being all cutesy and he said he wants to scene with me and have me tie him up and he says he’s like as inexperienced with guys as I am I’m so fucking excited. I guess it’s legit I have my first boy crush lol. :3 There was one point where we were fumbling around dancing and I was just like wow what a fucking cutey. And he has such a goddamn nice singing voice. He sang some old timey song and it was wonderful. But I should’ve known that already, I totally forgot about like the second time I met him at Spice when we were out on the back porch smoking cigarettes and singing disney songs together. :3 man.
Also Spencer and Sidd and the gang came out to karaoke for the first time too! It was fucking lit. It was an extremely busy night so I didn’t get to sing much which is frustrating, but jumping around flirting with girls and boys and shit is always fun. I got complimented on my eyeliner and nails by MJ, which felt extra special. I’m gonna sing a song with her girlfriend eventually. And this girl Beth from emo night came to hang out with me for a while too. 
Everyone thinks I’m so pretty and I think they’re so pretty and my life is so gooooood.
So there I am, binging some Initial D with some cookout after karaoke, and I text Ashley at 2am that I wish I really could hook up with her and take her to the airport, and lo and behold she magically wakes up at 5am and says yeah let’s go for it.
So I did that. She sucked me off til I came and it was one of the better blowjobs I’ve ever gotten. Like wow. Then we fucked twice before she had to shower and get ready to go. hooo baby. Her figure still is really perplexing me. She doesn’t LOOK super heavy. She’s got a bit of a belly that shakes a bit when she’s riding me, but I love seeing her ride me. Her ass is just like Disproportionately thick. Like massive. Like such a donk. Like after she came from riding me I turned her sideways and hit it from the back and the sound of her whole ass crashing onto me was like banging a tom tom drum. Plus she’s a big nerd who’s into androgynous boys wearing makeup and nail polish, so she’s a lot of fun. We read that dumb zootopia pro life comic and talked about old college parties for a while. And she’s still SO apologetic, it’s really cute. Like even when she’s riding me and stuff or like when I poke her at a weird angle she doesn’t like she’s apologizing to meee so funny.  So yeah, we’re gonna hang out more often too.
Other than that I brought Jill a bagel and we fucked and cuddled for a sec before I had to go to court. I’ve made a ton of money this week from all the extra patients, so maybe I’ll finally pay off my phone lol. Dropped another $69 on my first adult board game, so that’s neat. It’s based off The Adventure Zone so I’m sure it’ll be cute at the very least.
Lastly I’ve decided to identify as Polysexual, rather than Bisexual. For starters it’s trans inclusive, which I am interested in. Second of all look at this flag! It’s the best pride flag it’s so cute and it’s my favorite colors lmfao. Third of all the pan flag is not as cute and I’m not interested in Aces so does that disqualify me from being pan? who knows. But I like this. Plus being polysexual and polyamorous means I’m poly poly which also sounds cute in my head.
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💕 everything’s coming up meeeeee still. Going to a party tomorrow. Melanie might come. and KITSUNE might come! I forgot to say I invited her to a party and she said she’s really interested AND one of her polycule broke up with her which fucking sucks butttt that means she has an opening now 👀 lmao but I’m excited just to chill with her, it should be a lot of fun. Might see Elyse too, and might do some acid with jill this weekend, and might do a magic draft this weekend before driving up to virginia for the holidays. I fucking love my life
0 notes
risingphoenix85 · 5 years
September 5th 2019
“How are you doing today?” Krystal texted. 
I was doing ok, the breakup happened yesterday morning before work. I had told two of my co-workers about it and had texted Krystal about it, I hadn’t been in contact with her for almost a year. But I knew she would help me get through this hard time.
As I told my co-workers i did break down a bit but I was doing ok. Everything around me was a mess, I had just been promoted a 2 weeks back and was still learning the ropes in my new position. The manager of my department was gone on vacation so I had a lot of responsibility around work. My anxiety was at it’s highest with the additional pressure and the breakup. Krystal had been wanting me to go out with her yesterday but I was so caught up with work that I couldn’t.
“We are so going out tonight! I’m taking you to a bar, it’ll make you feel better I promise.” She texted. I replied to her, “ok no problem I need a drink anyway. It’s been a long day..”
It was 4:30pm and was on my way home, Jonathan hadn’t come home the night before, which he shouldn’t of. I knew where he was but I didn’t care anymore, it wasn’t my problem anymore..
I parked my car outside the apartment and saw his car, as soon as I saw it I was immediately mad. 
“WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE!?” I yelled in my car.
I got up the courage to go inside, I needed to get ready to go out. I walked into the apartment and saw him having eggs in my dining room. The kitchen was a disgusting mess.. “Can you please clean up the kitchen?” He nodded. I went to the bedroom and pulled out some black leggings, a sleeveless shirt, and some flats. I texted Krystal about what happened really quick and left my phone on the bed. I walked back into the kitchen to feed Dora, my dog, and he went to the bedroom then headed to the bathroom. He had just gotten back from a jog at the lake trail, he was all sweaty so he showered. As he showered I went into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup as fast as I could, I changed quickly and left.
I was going to be there an hour early but it was better than being there any longer.  I drove to boystown, it was a bar called Lucky’s. Krystal called me,
“Oh my god, that must of been so awkward that he was there” she said
I signed, “I don’t even know why he was there, I understand he still lives there but to take his sweet ass time to jog, then eat, and shower before doing to school. Come on!”
We continued to discuss what had happened as I did my makeup. 
Finally it was 8pm and she had arrived, we walked to the bar and walked in. I was in for a surprise. It was a gay strip club.. 
“Why are we here?” I laughed
“Don’t worry, you need to loosen up a bit! There are straight guys that work here and they are very nice. You need all the attention tonight!” She laughed
We ordered a drink each, I was just looking around and just taking it all in. 
“Hey Bea! Go put this dollar on that dancer on the stage.” She said to me. “Put it where!?” as the dancer was wearing underwear that only covered the front part and not his ass. “Put in his underwear!”
“oh geez..” 
I look over at the dance, he is tall, hispanic, he was ok in my eyes but I was so nervous. I walked over to him and just put it in his underwear band. He looked at me and said “What are you ladies celebrating?” I didn’t have time to think and all I said was “A breakup..” He looked at me “Oh I’m so sorry” and gave me a hug. “It’s fine.”
I walked back to Krysia and she just had a smile on her face. I sat down and we talked. A few minutes later the stripper came over to us and started talking to us. Krystal right away noticed his Sonic tattoo.
“Nice Sonic tattoo! whats your real name”
He said “It’s Jorge” She replied, “Are you gay, straight?” 
He replied, “I’m Bi” Krystal then said “ Bea has a nerdy tattoo as well”
I looked over at her, “Yea but you probably don’t know the game. It’s really nerdy”
He looked at me and said “What game is it from?”
I took a deep breath and said “Its from Final Fantasy” 
He had an interested look in his eyes, “Which one? 7,8,9, or 10″
I was in shock, “It’s a moogle, chocobo, and Vivi from Final Fantasy 9, I also have all the materia types on the book from Final Fantasy 7 and the purple apple from Crisis Core.”
I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture, my tattoo is on my thigh so it was covered up. He was intrigued I think. We talked about music and how he had gone to see Breaking Benjamin in Tinley Park. I immediately said, “I wanted to go to that yesterday so bad but was stuck at work. I LOVE Breaking Benjamin and Cheville.”
He looked at me again with a shocked look on his face and hugged me. Krystal said, “You should give her your number!” We talked more a bit about music, video games, and anime. He then gave me his number. I texted him “Hi it’s Bea the nerdy girl.” He checked his smart watch and saw the text and laughed. 
“I need to go do my rounds, I’ll be back in a bit” We both nodded and said ok. Other strippers walked around and I got a lap dance from Lex, a straight, tall, bald, white man, very muscular which is my type. The lap dance was ok, but then again I’ve never had a lap dance before so what do I know? 
I went back to to Krystal and one of the guys she knows was dancing and he was hot, also very tall, more of an athletic build, Hispanic as well, very hot! She told him what I was going through and he was very nice to me, he gave me an amazing lap dance, really got me going. After that was one she went to the back where there was another bar and I stayed in the front. Jorge came over and talked to me, as we talked about other similar interests he put him arm around me. He was being just nice because of what I had been through and I understood that it was his job to make me feel better. Krystal came back and we all 3 talked and he had to go around again. 
We both went to the back bar to see what was going on and to see the other dancers. We went over by some tables and sat down and talked for a bit. 
Jorge came up to us again and Krystal just left me alone with him. I stood up and we talked more, he put his arm around me again and help me close to him, put the side of my face on his chest, he was so warm and soft, and smelled so good. I would look up at him and we would talk a bit about how I felt about the breakup. 
A gay man come up to us and said, “Her husband is looking for her,” and I said “What husband?” and laughed. 
He came back again, he really wanted Jorge’s attention. But he wouldn’t leave my side. The entire time just holding me, I would bury my face into his chest and once I while I would look up at him, looking at his soft lips and wanting to kiss him but I couldn’t it was way too soon for that.
“I wish I could have met you outside of this place” he said. I responded, “Why?” 
“Just what this place is and what it represents.” 
I then said “Why does it matter? It’s just a job like any other. You are just trying to make a living like the rest of us.” He then looked into my eyes and hugged me tightly. “I really don’t want to do this anymore and would like to work as a bartender then eventually get out of here and do something in marketing management.” I was surprised, it seems like he had a plan and just working towards it.
As he held me I felt at home, at ease, so comfortable. This was so odd because I could never feel like this with anyone that wasn’t Jonathan. What was this feeling I was getting? I couldn’t get sucked into this moment. I thought, “This is his job! But... he’s not making any money off me..? So why is he acting this way with me?” I looked up at him and asked “Do you really mean everything you have said tonight?”
He stared into my eyes and said “This is the thing I hate about this place, people think it’s all fake because of where we are... but I do mean it. I like you...” We stared at each other and I wanted to kiss him. I could tell he wanted to kiss me too.
Krystal came over and we all 3 talked for a few minutes before saying, “You ready to go?” I couldn’t say no, it was a Thursday night and we both had to work in the morning. Jorge hugged me goodbye and we left, 10 min after we had left I received a text message.
“It was nice to meet you, have a good night”
I replied back, “Same here, hope to hear from you soon”. He responded “You will ;)”
As i pulled up to my apartment, Jonathan’s car was still there. I walked in and he was in my bed. As I walked into the bathroom I saw that he grabbed his phone and checked the time. I got ready for bed and went to lay down next to him. Why should I sleep on the couch? This is MY bed, I laid down and looked at my phone and read the texts he sent me again...then I looked over at Jonathan and back to my phone with a smile on my face...
Unknowingly later that night it was 2am September 6th 2019 on Jorge’s facebook page, he wrote..
“Nothing like finding someone who can warp your entire sense of what's normal...I will never understand what life is supposed to be like."
0 notes
telltheworld-phff · 7 years
Chapter 18: Vicious circle
“Who the fuck was eavesdropping my conversation?”
“Meghan sold the Prince’s health issues to the press.” Edward said and hated himself for being the one to give such hard news to Harry. He saw the moment the shock came to his face and the exactly moment when he went into denial mode.
“Are you mental?” Harry yelled. “Of course my girlfriend wouldn’t do such a thing.”
“Fuck off, Edward. You never liked Meghan and is just biased by Carolina. You’re fucking crazy to think Meghan would do this to hurt my grandfather.”
“Harry, it’s obvious she didn’t do it to hurt your family. She did it to hurt Carol. And to make you fight with her. I know the information got to the newspaper editor by 1 am. If it’s 1 am here, it’s 9 o’clock in Brazil. Where was Carol yesterday at this time?” Edward crossed his arms and walked around his car to seat on the passenger seat and put on the seat belt.
Harry’s mind started running wild trying to remember everything.
“She was at a media seminar for extra credit last night. She told me.” he whispered.
“And her phone…” Edward waited for him to fill in the blank.
“Was dead. I kept sending her lots of silly things during the day and her battery died. She only sent me pictures of the seminar when she got home. It was around midnight Brazil time.”
“Exactly. And we know that the newspaper was printed around 2am, our time. That means...”
“There’s not way Carol would’ve been able to be at the seminar and talking to the editor at the same time. She didn’t do it.”
“I told you so.” Edward said and looked at his friend. Harry wasn’t much of a emotional guy, but right now his eyes were full of emotions and tears and they soon started streaming down his face.
“Fuck!” Harry hit his head of the wheel a couple times hating himself even more at the moment.
Edward knew that Harry had probably lost one of the best friends he ever had. But he didn’t comment on it.
Carol was devastated. She was sad, feeling betrayed. She was mad and angry. She was furious.
She cried her whole ride home that day, she decided to call for a taxi because she really didn’t want too many people seeing her crying her eyes out. She was skipping classes, her phone was broken and she didn’t want to talk to anyone or see anyone. The only thing she wanted to do was tell Harry off and punch him. Her mind kept repeating his words and accusations and if that was possible her heart was breaking each and every time of it.
She got home and was thankful her mom wasn’t there. She took a long shower and her tears wouldn’t stop flowing. She sat on the floor of the shower stall, hugging her knees close to her chest and crying. She wept and sobbed for a couple of minutes before getting up and leaving the bathroom. She fixed a sandwich to eat and went to her bedroom. She laid there in silence for a time before the tears came back and she hated herself because she was crying because of him.
“I honestly hope you rot, wanker.” she whispered at a certain point.
As soon as he got home Harry was a man in a mission. He took off his blazer and tie, served a glass of scotch and drank it so quickly before serving another one.
He sat on his desk and stared at his phone for a couple of hours. His eyes were red and puffy and he was overwhelmed by all the emotions he was feeling at this moment. He had to be clever and sneaky. He needed proof to believe Meghan would do such a horrible thing just to hurt his friend. He and Carol had never given Meghan a reason to believe they’d cheat on her. They were friends. They were best friends and that was it. He first called his girlfriend. It was only 8 am in Toronto, so she wouldn’t be on set yet.
“Hey honey. What a surprise you calling me so early.” she said with a sweet voice while she was getting ready to work.
“I missed you, that’s all.” Harry tried to put an effort on his voice.
“Missed? As in you don’t miss me anymore?” she asked.
“I always miss you, Meg. You know that.”
“Yeah. I think I do.” smiled and he was silent for a moment.
“Meg, do you love me?” he asked.
“Of course I love you, Harry. Why are you asking me this?”
“Would you ever do anything to hurt me or my family?” he asked already knowing the answer: yes.
“Of course not honey.” she was getting suspicious but there was no way he’d be able to find out the truth. She hadn’t given her name or used her own phone, she made sure to call the editor in an hour that Carol would be home.
“Yeah.. I think I should’ve listened to you when you told me Carolina wasn’t to be trusted. She sold a very important information to the press, my grandparents are furious with me and they’re truly considering taking off my title.” Harry said knowing that Meghan didn’t know how things worked in the Royal family, so she wouldn’t realize it was a lie.
“REALLY?” she was truly shocked. She loved Harry, of course. But she also liked the idea of the power she’d have if connected to him.
“Yes… I just came home from Buckingham. I might as well go back to the army.”
“But the army is not safe...”
“I know. But that’s what I like to do. And I’ll have to earn my own money.” he interrupted her.
They were silent and Harry served another glass of scotch he wanted to get drunk as soon as possible.
“What do you think of us moving in together? I once asked Carolina how I should ask you this but now I don’t really take her opinion into consideration.”
“How would it work?” Meghan said after a while. He was acting weird, but that was because of the newspapers and the prospect of being left without a title and a job, she thought. But she couldn’t help but smile knowing that Carolina was definitely out of the picture. “What you discussed with her?”
The fish bit the bait. If Meghan wasn’t trying to make Carol look bad for him, she’d start a jealousy fit and not asked what they had talked about.
“I only chatted with her about it, she advised me to talk to my father first and to wait to see if your show is renewed. If it is, I’d be doing less engagements to be with you in Toronto. If it’s not, we’d have to get a flat in London to live. I don’t really care about the place or the country. I just want to be close to you, Meg.” he was disgusted to be saying those words, but he had to do it.
“That’s incredible, Harry. But let’s not get too carried over it, ok?” she said cautiously.
“Well… it’s about time. You have to leave for work. Don’t let me hold you back.”
“Ok, honey. I’ll call you later. We’re planning our next step carefully. Love you, Harry.” she said and hung up.
Now everything he had to do was wait. And waiting he did. So did the bottle that didn’t leave his side.
“Prince Harry is about to move in together with Meghan Markle. They’re planning to live in a flat in London next Summer.”
“Only a day after Prince Philip’s health announcement from the Palace, a close source says Prince Harry and girlfriend Meghan are moving in together.”
“Just a step before another royal wedding: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are moving in together. Are they rushing things to have Prince Philip present at the wedding?”
Three days. That’s how long Harry waited. He was in a terrible mood, yelling at anyone about anything. But he was rewarded three days later when he woke up and saw Edward’s newspapers clippings about the lie he had told Meghan. He was furious with her, but at the same time he was furious with himself. Knowing Carol like he did, she wouldn’t forgive him easily. And now he knew how much she valued their friendship and how much she deserved to be trusted. If she had said she didn’t sell his grandfather’s secret to the press, he should have believed it. Not accuse her of something as low as selling him out to earn money. Harry knew Carol’s history and her family’s history. They all worked very hard. They all knew the value of things not just the price. He booked a flight to Toronto later that evening. He couldn’t wait to get there and see if Meghan would once and for all admit she was the one who got the easy money.
Breaking up a relationship was never a easy thing to do. Sometimes one doubt they’re doing the right thing. But Harry was as sure as possible when he arrived at Meghan’s house at 2 am in Toronto time. She was sleepy and surprised. She was happy seeing him there but soon all hell broke loose and they had one of the biggest fights both of them would ever have. It took Harry four hours for Meghan do confess. He tried to start calm and simply asked her. She denied. He then played with words to see if he’d be able to confuse her and make her talk, but she didn’t open her mouth. He was getting angry and anxious and he simply accused her of doing it. Meghan started playing dumb and crying and after she saw how mad Harry was getting, she tried to revolve the game in her favor. So she accused Carolina of doing it. She lied to his face.  And that only helped Harry to get angrier. She confessed after Harry yelling at her for a couple of hours. And if he hadn’t been raised to be a prince and well mannered, Harry would seriously do something he regretted. He left her house, slamming her front door, as single man, he was relieved for now knowing the truth and thankful for Edward’s effort to prove he was wrong. He was so very damn wrong. Now he had a friend to win back. That was the hardest part.
“Please, let’s not talk about him.” Carol said laying on Julia’s bed. She was waiting for her friend to get ready to go out. But as always, Julia was taking forever to get ready.
“I mean… he was a fucking dick to you!” she said looking at Carol. “I think we both should punch him.”
Julia and Carol were more like sisters than best friends. They liked the same things, they studied at the same schools, they even at some point had a crush on the same boy. They went to concerts together, they traveled together and they were the kind of friends that even if they were too busy with their lives and went weeks without talking to each other, as soon as both of them were in the same room, it felt like the hadn’t missed a day. Julia had always been one of Carol’s role model. She was smart, funny and outgoing. She stood up for her friends and family whenever it was needed. But she was also the first one to point their flaws and was a very sincere critic to all of them.
“I think you’ve got a crush on him.” Julia said while applying her mascara.
“You’re crazy. I don’t have a crush on him.” Carol said defiantly.
“Deny as much as you want, Carol, but I know you. You’ve got a huge crush on the ginger prince. Besides, I’d be surprised if you hadn’t. You always pick the most daft men to have crushes on.”
Carol threw a pillow at her friend and they laughed.
She was only going out tonight because Julia was simply making her. Ever since her fight with Harry a week ago she only got out of bed to go to work. Everyone noticed her sullen mood and her snapy comments. She was pushing everyone away from her and Julia was the only brave enough to walk on thin ice and tell her friend the things she needed to hear. They were going to Villa and they wanted to dance the night away and get drunk. No one was allowed to go back home sober.
Carol woke up the next day in a different yet familiar bed. She had a pounding headache from all the tequila she drank. She was only in her underweard an before she started panicking she looked at her side and saw she was at Rodrigo’s house.
“Fuck!” she whispered.
She closed her eyes trying to remember last night. She remembered arriving with her friend, she remembered dancing and drinking. She remembered he arrived there with his friends and that he almost started a fight when she was dancing with another guy. She was drunk. She wanted to be reckless. She wanted to not care about all Harry’s advices to not go near him again.
And she remembered she was the one that kissed him.
Everything else was a blur.
But now that Carol was in pain and sober, she panicked because out of everyone in the world, Rodrigo had to be the last one she had to look for comfort. She thought about trying to leave before he woke and when she was starting to take off the blankets, his arm was around her waist and he was fully awake.
“Going somewhere?” he said nuzzling her neck.
“To the bathroom...” she lied and he tried to kiss her “Morning breath. Off you go.” she pushed him and got out of bed. She went to the bathroom to wash her face and she tried to think of a way to be out of this situation. She looked for a painkiller on his cabinet and found one. She took two without any water and was so relieved when she saw the used condom on his trashbin. At least they had protection.
When she got back to the bedroom, he had fixed them breakfast. She almost said she wasn’t hungry but her stomach rumbled loudly.
“You’re always hungry in the morning. Specially after sex, so I brought you breakfast.” he said.
“Thanks” she gave him an awkward smile and started eating. “What exactly happened last night?”
“Well… You kissed me and didn’t let me go for the rest of the night. I was driving you home and you asked me not to. We came here, had sex and fell asleep.” he said like it was the most normal thing ever.
“Well… it’s not happening again. I was drunk and weak.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Carolinda.” he smiled. That fucking damn smile. He nuzzled her neck again e she could feel the warmth of his body on hers. Breakfast was soon forgotten. And the vicious circle was back on.
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