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cavenewstimes · 3 months ago
Robot Dog Becomes First Robot to Complete a Full Marathon on a Single Charge
By Spooky on November 26th, 2024 Category: News Laibo 2, a quadruped robot developed in South Korea, has become the first robot to ever complete a full marathon on a single charge after running the 42.195-km Sangju Dried Persimmon Marathon. Developed by Professor Hwangbo Je-min and his team at the Korea Advanced Insitute of Science and Technology, Laibo 2 is an advanced quadruped robot designed…
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nie-ko · 2 years ago
fuckboyai game’ina mazhules Vilniaus centre. bet tikri playboyai kabina mazhes Depo ir Seniuose. blet kokios ten sultingos mamytes ir laibos studentes. 
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contemporaryartdaily · 5 years ago
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"New Intimacies" at Soda
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kumail-fan · 4 years ago
Marnen Laibow-Koser
Marnen Laibow-Koser
He Had Been a graduate student in the Contemporary Improvisation program at New England Conservatory in Boston, Massachusetts. Like most other Boston-area graduate students, he dwelt in the town of Somerville. Marnen Laibow-Koser does music (performance, composition, and engraving) and Web development professionally, in addition to other computer-related items from time to time (non-Web programming, Web design, community service ). Laibow-Koser has been playing and studying music since age three, and writing for almost as long.
In December 2014he finished his Master of Music degree in Contemporary Improvisation in New England Conservatory (previously the next Stream program) and expected to start doctoral research in 2017. He also studied music composition at Cleveland Institute of Music and also State University of New York in Purchase. According into Laibo-Koser's site and Facebook webpage, he now works as a ballet accompanist in the Boston Conservatory. He was employed as a senior Developer in Torchlight and as a principal software engineer in RBM Technologies.
Throughout his career he had been a component of such audio rings as"Avenue X","Contrazz","Dance Therapy","Dressed Ship","Flying Romanos","Hog Wild","Joy Ride","Rececca","Danny, Marnen, Joe","Reel Spiel","Squeezology" and"Three Wise Guys".
His compositions are usually within a reachable modern classical fashion, although he occasionally writes in different genres. As a multi-instrumentalist celebrity, he operates mainly in classical and Anglo-American folk songs, and may be seen playing for a number of contra and English country dances from the american U.S. Marnen is also a seasoned music copyist and engraver.
Besides animation, music, and computer science, his interests include:
Laibow-Koser is presently focusing on his family history. Finally he expects to get his family tree on his site. Marnen is having a program named Reunion, from Leister Productions.
Since 1998, Marnen was involved with the Society for Creative Anachronism, a group that recreates the Middle Ages (600-1600 CE) since they"must have occurred," typically with a fantastic deal of historic validity. Laibow-Koser's character from the Society is called Ze'ev ben'Arye. He is a Jew from Egypt,'' ca. 950 CE, but has found himself at a location called the Barony of Concordia of the Snows, situated in the East Kingdom. He's been skiing both cross-country and downhill for approximately 18 decades. Laibow-Koser enjoys to go on prolonged biking excursions. Folk dance. Marnen is a enthusiastic English and contra dancer. He also plays and dances with Pokingbrook Morris Dancers of Albany, New York. He was likewise the artist to get Hat City Morris of Danbury, Connecticut, when the group was busy. Laibow-Koser additionally plays a whole lot of music for folk dance.
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soier-blog1 · 8 years ago
Que me da un parrame cerebral
La laibol tubilla
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ownerzero · 5 years ago
“New Intimacies” at Soda
Artists: Marico Aoki, Yutaka Watanabe, Miyuki Akiyama, Takuya Ikezaki, Ulala Imai, Yu Nishimura, Shunsuke Imai, Laibo, Satoru Eguchi, Satomi Matsuzaki, Maki Katayama, Masaya Chiba, Kaoru Kan, Kazuhito Tanaka, COBRA, Yui Yaegashi, Kazuyuki Takezaki, Mizuki Takezaki, Naho Masumoto, Yasuto Masumoto, Jeffrey Rosen, Misako Rosen Venue: Soda, Kyoto Exhibition Title: New Intimacies Date: January 12 – February 1, […]
The post “New Intimacies” at Soda appeared first on AWorkstation.com.
source https://aworkstation.com/new-intimacies-at-soda/
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rasybos · 5 years ago
Su dangum ir žeme
Kas gi šaukia tave? Kuo tave gi vadina?
Į save, į jau buvusią, kartais grįžti?
Bet jau skiria mus vandenys, girios, ledynai.
Metai plaukė ir plauks nekalti, priblokšti.
Tu žiūri iš asfalto, vandens ir akmens.
Tu iš baimės šauki, iš dejonių, klajonių.
Man perkūnija aimanom tavo grumens;
eisim vėl mes per ledą grėsmingai raudoną.
Gal ir žodžių nebėr – viskas jau pasakyta?
Bet tavęs nieko nebeprašau. Aš tyliu.
Tu jau ne ta pati, bet į kokią, į kitą
panaši? Kas gi gėris nokiu krituoliu?
Kai susverdėja viskas, už ko kabinies?
Ar tau mirksnis – dar vis išsipildantis žaibas?
Kuo ginies nuo bėdų, negandų geluonies?
Ar lig šiol tavo rankos – ir kvapnios, ir laibos?
Kas gi mano gyvenimą kurti galėtų,
kurt iš naujo, nuo rytmečio, jeigu ne tu?
Sklaido vėjas man tavo suknutę gėlėtą,
sklaido vėjas vienystę bemiegių naktų.
Su tyla susiliejau kampe kukliame.
Praeitis niekad man pasibaigti negali.
Dar ateik kada nors, bent praeiki pro šalį, –
susiliesi tu su dangumi ir žeme.
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micaramel · 5 years ago
Artists: Marico Aoki, Yutaka Watanabe, Miyuki Akiyama, Takuya Ikezaki, Ulala Imai, Yu Nishimura, Shunsuke Imai, Laibo, Satoru Eguchi, Satomi Matsuzaki, Maki Katayama, Masaya Chiba, Kaoru Kan, Kazuhito Tanaka, COBRA, Yui Yaegashi, Kazuyuki Takezaki, Mizuki Takezaki, Naho Masumoto, Yasuto Masumoto, Jeffrey Rosen, Misako Rosen
Venue: Soda, Kyoto
Exhibition Title: New Intimacies
Date: January 12 – February 1, 2020
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Soda, Kyoto
Press Release:
Institutions, exhibitions, publications, and art criticism – the various mechanisms of the art world – all revolve around the individual style of the singular artist. The relationships between the artist and his/her peers seems to remain in the background. Questions arise. How could we know if two artists sharing a studio influence each other? How could their ideas emerge out of discussions at the dinner table? Or how could their perceptions be shaped by the mutual experience of traveling together? This exhibition invites art couples. They are artists, gallerists, and curators. Many of the couples don’t collaborate regularly. Yes, they love each other, but they sometimes criticize each other too. In some occasions, they must compromise their wills for one another. They might even break up in the future. There’s so much complexity to a love relationship – what kind of particular “intimacy” could we locate between them?
Today, we know what is happening, and what is being discussed around the world because of internet and smart phones. We can participate in the highly personal event of a friend who is far away as if it is happening right in front of our eyes. The relationships between people occur on a global scale, but “intimacy” is still a primal currency. The “intimacy” of two which is developed by spending everyday together. The “intimacy” of two as a result of emotional quarrel. The “intimacy” of communication behind the technological advancement. The “intimacy” of the struggle to understand your partner’s thought and art practice. This exhibition focuses on such exchanges between couples.
The exhibition asks each couple to make artwork as a collaboration. A couple is a small unit, but its complexities exist in the history and emotional landscape of the relationship. Their artwork could claim a new standard in today’s highly speed information society. The couples will present unexpected values in this exhibition, and make them available toward the public. The possibilities of “new intimacies” are coming. It’s embarrassing to call this “love”, but this exhibition will discover it at last.
Link: “New Intimacies” at Soda
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from Contemporary Art Daily http://bit.ly/2w5Zfzn
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nie-ko · 4 years ago
esi su storais antakiais, duck face'u instagrame, studini kazkokia mutarna chujnia VU, prisikvepini tiek, kad nuo taves nesa beskonybe per 10 metru. nuo bomzo is arciau smirda, nei nuo taves. torcini ikejos baldais apstatytuose lounguose, keli foto su kaljanu ir rukai ajkosa. as negaliu taves pamirsti. to gyvenimu nepatenkinto zmogaus zvilgsnio, sutelkto i telefona, to laibo vezlio kaklo nuo nolifinimo... to tipinio, labai tingiai ir prastai slepiamo moterisko nepasitimejimo. prasau, pastebek mane tarp visu savo instagramo palydovu - as pakomentavau, kad graziai atrodai. as negaliu pamirsti tos tavo primetamos prabangos, elegancijos, elegantiskumo ir aukstos vertes. tas rankinukas ir batai is zaros ant taves atrode nuostabiai. zinau, kad esi tikras saldainiukas ir visi standartu ir savigarbos neturintys pacanai del taves pameta galvas. as maciau, kad turi daug vaikinu, kuriu kojos beveik tokios pacios apimties, kaip ir tavo. as nesu tobulas, kaip jie, taciau as tave isimylejau. galbut as nesveriu 60 kilogramu, kaip jie. galbut as neismanau tu visu terminu, kaip "bauda", "stumi" ir panasiai, bet as del taves esu pasiryzes kartu su tavimi klausyti og version. galesim varyti i opiuma pasokti, kai gros manferdas. buk mano.
ka as turiu padaryti, kad tu mane myletum? paprasta ir neapsimetanti tuom, kuo nesu, pacanioka is Fabijoniskiu?
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