#Lagertha is a badass and loves all the boys
imeanwhynotbruv · 1 year
Vikings and Wolves
(Game of thrones / Vikings cover)
Summary: The Lothbrok family are the last wildlings in Kattegat, but conditions beyond the wall are getting worse forcing their family to cross the wall.
Where they find allies in the Starks.
Crossover au
the Lothbroks are a family of wildings who are forced across the wall and get attached to the Starks. (GOT but we get a badass viking family)
(Ps for anyone wondering about the blood of children Fic, just letting you know I haven’t forgotten!! This is just something I’ve been think about for AGES so I had to make it⭐️)
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Emma: 2, 4, 14, 24
Loki: 5, 15, 16, 25
Tony: 7, 11, 19, 22
Goodness! So many asks! YAY!
Emma Frost:
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
She's highly intelligent and incredibly snarky. She knows who she is, she knows what she wants, and at least by now (I hope), she's not going to let another person treat her like a consolation prize/second choice.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
Well, she's been in a movie by a fantastic actress to play her, but the writers were shit and decided that they were just going to treat her like eye candy fluff instead of the beautiful badass that she is. I'd like to see her in a movie again, but I'm not sure how much I trust the MCU (Disney) with her portrayal - and she wouldn't get to interact with some of my favorite characters for her to interact with because the MCU killed those characters off or sent them back in time to 'dance' with the handsy, red-flag giving person who brought Hydra into S.H.I.E.L.D. Emma would probably be better utilized in a book where the powers of her snark and sass and mind aren't hinging on some screenplay writer's/director's shitty sexist agenda.
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
Expensive Parisian Runway in the Streets, Comfy Borrowing Her Boyfriend's T-shirts in the Sheets.
24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
Lagertha from Vikings. Maybe a little bit Bedelia du Maurier from Hannibal but without Bedelia's petty jealousy in Season 3. Maybe a blending of Montespan, Palatine, and Henriette from Versailles.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Nature Boy by Nat King Cole
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Tony Stark. Runners up: Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Emma Frost, Justin Hammer. Following those four: Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Fandral.
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
Thor and the Grandmaster.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Okay my first-first impression of Loki as a Marvel character was that he looked fucking stupid and how could they disrespect my beloved deity that way. (My ex showed me the 80s comics he had, and I had this view of Loki from the first shot - nevermind that I don't mind the look now with Richard E. Grant because it served a fun purpose, a Glorious Purpose, as it were. But I mean, my ex also showed me Logan in those same/year comics, and I thought he looked stupid af, too.) Now I think they do better to portray a good look for Loki as well as his not-evil morally gray sass, but also I love him in the series as well because it shows a versatility to the character as is meant to be in a trickster and not just some one-mood (brooding/dark) that so much of his fans in fandom seem to cling to.
Tony Stark:
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
When fandom pays attention to his PTSD and lets other characters actually notice his PTSD and try to help him rather than mock or try to humiliate/denigrate him for it. When fandom highlights Tony's big loving heart and his love languages with other characters.
11. Would you date this character?
Without hesitation.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Pepper Potts. I love them as friends, I do not love them as a romantic relationship because she's too dismissive of his PTSD and all the good he's trying to do. I'm also not partial to his relationships with Janet Van Dyne and Patsy (Trish) Walker (comics).
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Like: Kind of a repeat of the #7 question above, but also I love when writers perfectly capture Tony's sass and sarcasm. I love the extent that writers (including myself) will go to in order to come up with Tony's nicknames for other characters.
Don't Like: When writers imagine Tony as utterly selfish and spoiled and deliberately cruel. When they make his failures that he learns from and gets back up and does better the next time as some sort of unforgivable crime.
Thanks for all the asks! Don't be afraid, y'all! Give me more asks and other characters and fandoms if you like! These are a blast!
Character Ask Game.
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Chariot Truths
Ivar the Boneless x Reader 
Warnings: swearing?
There was nothing left for you in Kattegat now they had gone to war in England. The Lothbrok boys had left you behind their sweet sweet y/n. War was the only thing that had crossed their minds and so they left. 
You had always relied on the boys to keep you safe. Your father was one of Ragnar’s closest friends but had died before you really got to know him. You had wanted to learn to fight since you were a little girl but the sons of Ragnar wouldn't let you. Their answer always the same when you protested. “Why would you need to learn to fight when you have us.” Ivar was the worst for it, his possessiveness often had people running scared when it came to you. Everyone knew you were off limits. You could never scold him for it, he didn't seem to know he was doing it half of the time and you didn't mind. You were in love with Ivar. Had been from an early age, so it didn't bother you. 
So it had made you pissed when they had left. Lagertha promised to look after you while they were away but it wasn't the same. That’s why the day they had first left for England, was the day you asked Lagertha to train you as a Shield Maiden, and she had happily accepted, for she had always thought of you as her own daughter, you reminded her so much of Gyda.
Stripping from your delicate gown, you changed into viking armour suitable for any great warrior. Today was the day you would be joining the war in England. It had taken a lot of persuasion when you spoke to Lagertha, but in the end she agreed, she believed after your training, you were ready. You had said your goodbyes and were on the boat with other men and women setting sail for your destination. You couldn't help but wonder what the boys would think, especially Ivar. Ubbe probably wouldn't approve, he’d be shocked as he thought of you as a little sister. Hvitserk would probably be impressed, you were best friends, and had always spoke to him about wanting to fight. He had told you to follow your dreams but they were always shot down by the others. Sigurd, you didn't know what Sigurd would think, honestly, you weren't as close as you were with the other brothers, he spent most of his time wrapped up in his own world or bullying Ivar. It made you dislike him so you didn't care what he thought. Ivar was really the only one who mattered and you couldn't wait to see him. 
-Ivars POV- 
Ivar couldn't help but feel anger at the moment. The main reason for his constant anger was because he had left you behind in Kattegat. It wasn't like he really had a choice, it was that or he took you with him and he wasn't stupid enough to put the woman he secretly loved in danger. He couldn't help but think of you all the time, wondering what you were doing, how you were living over there without the son of Ragnar. He sighed, he would give anything to see you right now., it was selfish, but true. Some part of him wished he had taken you with him but you were to fragile. He couldn't have any distraction if he were to lead the great army. 
Ivar looked up as a horn sounded in the distance, breaking him away from his thoughts. Ah, reinforcements had arrived. Time to welcome the rest of the great army. 
-Y/N POV- 
You grinned like a cheshire cat when your boots made a thud as you hopped off the boat. So, this is England. You looked around then swung your bow over you shoulder and made your way to the great army’s camp. 
You had just reached the outskirts of the large camp when you were tackled by a strong figure. You quickly turned with knife in hand to gut your assailant but were restrained and then heard two lots of laughing that sounded oh so familiar. Hvitserk and Ubbe. You turned around and grinned at the two men jumping into their open arms. Hvitserk looked thrilled and so did Ubbe…. maybe not as much.. but he was still happy. 
“Y/N, what in Oden’s name are you doing in England?!” Ubbe picked you up and swung you around while you laughed at the two boys reactions. When he put you down, you filled them in, told them everything about your training with Lagertha and that it was only fair you got to come and fight too. They were impressed, who would have thought little old Y/N would change into a fierce Shield Maiden. “Wait until Ivar sees you Y/N.” Hvitserk smirked as he noticed you shiver. He knew all about your love for Ivar, after all you were best friends, you spoke about everything to each other, and as much as you were now a fierce Shield Maiden, you couldn't help the blush that rose up your cheeks. 
Hvitserk and Ubbe had led you to the centre of the camp. Ivar. You could hear his booming authoritative voice before you could see him and your heart started pounding. You lifted the hood you wore on your black cloak and pulled it over your head as a sort of cover. You didn't know if you were ready for him to see you yet. You were scared of what he would think. He knew you as the girl who wore pink floaty dresses, not a badass Shield Maiden who wore leather and chains, carrying deadly weapons. 
Before you could actually find Ivar, you heard a familiar laugh. Floki. You turned quickly dropping your hood. He was almost like a father to you. With your father dying when you were so young, Floki had made it his mission along with the sons of Ragnar to keep you safe. You grinned up at him, and he laughed again and pushed a couple of strands of hair from your face. “My little Y/N, what has brought you to England at a time like this. The gods have created a new path for you I see. Oh and wait until Ivar sees what the Gods have in store for him, yes, yes, lets see.” He looked up at the sky and laughed once more. Oh it was good to have your crazy Floki back. “Come, let’s find Ivar, he will be thrilled to see you. He has so much to tell you!” 
It didn't take you long. Floki had spotted him first and you could hear him talking to Ivar. “I have a surprise for you Ivar.” You were trying to push your way through the crowd and then suddenly it parted and there you were, stood face to face with a confused looking Ivar. He hadn't noticed you really yet, but when you took down your hood, you heard him gasp. You grinned up at him. 
“Hi Ivar.” You grinned even wider as he stared at you with an open mouth. He pushed himself off his chair and used his newly constructed crutch to walk up to you. Butterflies were ever present in your stomach as you nervously waited for his reaction. He finally stopped right in front of you. You had to stretch your neck up just to look at his handsome face and before you could say anything he used his free arm to pull you into his chest. 
“I’ve missed you so much Y/N, I cant believe you're here. Is it really you?” He kissed the top of your head and then pushed you back to take a better look. “Look at you, a Shield Maiden, it suits you.” You blushed as he winked at you and gave you a toothy smile. “I have so much to tell you. I have something to show you, you will love it!” You couldn't help but stare at him. You had missed him so much. Your Ivar. You felt at peace again knowing you were so close to him. It made you so happy to see him excited about something. You hated it when he was so serious all the time, you liked carefree Ivar. 
You let him lead you into the woods, Floki came with you both so he could carry Ivar. He was too impatient to crawl. Before you could get to your final destination, Floki put Ivar down and disappeared, leaving the both of you alone. He started crawling and you followed him, only to come face to face with the most wonderful thing you'd ever seen. Floki the boat builder has outdone himself this time. You couldn't help but tear up as you looked at Ivar interacting with the Chariot. It was his, something for him that could act as his legs in battle and you couldn't be happier for him. You walked over and sat on the side of it with him taking in all the little details and modifications that Floki had made. You turned your head to look at Ivar, and found he was already staring at you. You didn't even think about what you did next when you leaned up to kiss the man you'd loved since you could remember. He was shocked at first but then he kissed you back, roughly, urgently, like he couldn't get enough. Like you were going to disappear. You broke away and just looked into each others eyes and then Ivar grinned. 
“And all this time I thought you liked Ubbe.”   
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queenstormbornn · 5 years
just saw the newest first look of season six & LET ME JUST SAY how cute Ubbe & Torvi are.
They remind me so much of season one Lagertha and Ragnar. They respect, trust, and just love one another. It’s amazing to see Torvi’s character transformation from a young & pregnant bride/widow to badass warrior.
Ubbe respects strong females. He respects shieldmaidens, especially that of Torvi and Lagertha. I really love his relationship with Lagertha. Obviously, he wanted to seek revenge for the death of his mother because that’s what their people do BUT I think he’s over that and actually looks up to Lagertha and kind of sees her like a mom, cause let’s face it, Aslaug hardly was a mother to Ubbe & the rest of her kids when Ivar was born.
Now, I’m glad Torvi steps up and basically tells Ubbe that she’s going with him and she’s not going to be one of those women who wait around for her man to return or not. She’s a shield maiden and Ubbe’s rock. I can’t see them being separated. I think he would honestly hate that himself. But also, heart eyes at the fact she’s carrying his child. I want them to have so many children, okay?
I’m nervous about Lagertha’s story. Am I worried that she wants to retire to the farm life? No. Obviously, in her older age, she’s reflecting a lot on the past, like her relationship with Ragnar & their shared dream. Though, Lagertha is the most famous shieldmaiden, she’s a farmer above all. Very funny that Ragnar just wanted to return to a farmer at the end of his life. Their stories are so parallel.
Now, I know her death is coming. I have two theories about how she will die. By Hvitserk or by protecting her land and her people (old dude that Björn banishes) might be the one. Either way, I’m going to bawl like I did with Ragnar’s death. I’m also going to bawl at Bjorn’s reaction because he’s such a mummy’s boy and at Torvi’s reaction. She cares for Lagertha so much.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
Half-way into season two if Vikings and...
Ragnar. I love you, man, but you’re making one shitty choice after the other. Just stop.
Lagertha. You rock, girl, keep doing what you do, you keep getting more awesome and badass by the episode.
Athelstan. My priest. My precious, precious priest. What the fuck is going on in your plotline? Are you... actually going insane, honey?
Rollo. ...Stop making me tentatively like you. I hated you in season one. This confuses me. Stop it.
Siggy. So many ups and downs, girl. First half of season one, I got suuuch strong Cersei vibes from you, then... nothing. Now? Back to the Cersei vibes.
Floki. I swear if you betray Ragnar, you will be grounded, boy.
Aslaug. Yeah, no. I literally could not care less. You are such an undeveloped character, girl. You’re literally just a breeder. Can we give her like... a personality, maybe?
Bjorn. Boy... I do not buy that you only aged 4 years. You look damn 10 years older with that new actor. What the heck. But I like you. More and more.
But generally speaking this thing is a mess. My emotions and attachments are all over the place. *shakes head in awe*
I am also fascinated at how intriguing the religious plotline in this is.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Vikings: 10 Times The Show Broke Our Hearts | ScreenRant
Just the title of Vikings stirs up thoughts of tough combat and big, strong men. The History Channel series is a historical drama was filmed in Ireland and was first started in 2013 as a tribute to arguably some of history's finest warriors and land conquerors, the Vikings.
It was from the beginning a huge success. What audiences cherish most about the show is its historical accuracy, action-packed episodes… then, the more poignant parts. The show is filled with heart-moving moments, many of these breaking fans hearts and stirring up emotions which will be remembered years to come. Here are 10 ways the series Vikings broke fans’ hearts.
RELATED: Vikings, The 10 Most Badass Things Lagertha Has Ever Done
10 Ragnar rejects Magnus
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This has to be one of the most heartbreaking storylines in the series. Ragnar first rejects Magnus, and then Aethelwulf throws him out. Fans were probably left with a lump in their throat when Magnus begged Aethelwulf to let him stay, with Aethelwulf being the only dad he had even known.
In this painful, heart-rending sequence of events, Magnus hugs Aethelwulf, his father figure, before being thrown to the ground and subsequently threatened with death.
9 Lagertha's warnings
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One of the saddest moments in the series is when Lagertha takes her grandson, A.J, to the grave she has consecrated to Kalf (whom she murdered) and tells him that the people closest to him might betray him.
RELATED: Vikings, The Shows 10 Biggest Villains, Ranked
She kneels down while she offers her advice on life, telling him to keep his friends close, as some might die early, and others might turn against him. What should have been a special moment between grandmother and grandson was just a little bit heart-breaking and uncalled for, especially considering the setting.
8 The fall of Athelstan
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It's true, viewers certainly have to expect bloodshed and a narrative of guts and glory in a series about the Vikings. Still, who didn't feel their heartbreak when Athelstan was shockingly murdered by Floki.
RELATED: Vikings, The 10 Best Armor Sets, Ranked
This was perhaps Travis Fimmel's finest moment as Ragnar. As a distraught friend, he carried the body of Athelstan and buried him privately. Following this, he gave his friend an emotional send off, weeping and heartbroken by his loss.
7 The death of Ragnar
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Ragnar's death surely comes not just as a shock but with a measure of heartbreak for viewers. The Viking returned from exile a changed man, showing himself as capable of tremendous feats.
RELATED: The 10 Worst Episodes of Vikings Ever, According to IMBd
Then he was dropped into a pit full of snakes, wanting to die on his terms. He was at peace, knowing he would live on through his sons. Still, viewers hearts broke when the beloved character died in such a manner.
6 Ragnar learns of his daughter's death
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The writers of the History Channel series really knew how to draw a tear or two – or many – from viewers. Many fans recall one of the most poignant, saddest moments as being when Ragnar returned home to receive the news his daughter had died.
This in itself was heartbreaking news, but the hero’s response drew further tears. He went to sit alone on the beach, to talk to her for a while. Goes to show, even the strong and tough need time alone, to cry.
5 Loss of love
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The gradual loss of love and the coldness in Ragnar and Aslaug's marriage might have left fans broken-hearted. In one scene, the coldness in their marriage becomes all too evident when Ragnar wants to take his sons on a raid to Paris and Aslaug interjects, saying they are too young.
His response to her is that the boys are safer with him than when he left them with her, the previous time. For fans, this loss of love in their union came with a measure of heartache.
4 Remembrance
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Nostalgic moments often bring tears, even if such moments transpire on the silver screen. Viewers of Vikings would have experienced many of these moments of remembrance with the series’ characters.
One of the nostalgic scenes which left hearts aching was Ragnar remembering his childhood in Season 4. In an episode entitled, ‘What Might Have Been’, he remembers his family: young Bjorn, his wife, Lagertha, and the others. This has been called one of the most powerful, saddest scenes of the series.
3 Begging for support
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Viewers of the series and especially fans of Emperor Charles were probably not too thrilled by the scene in which the emperor begged Rollo to support him. This is not the kind of thing an emperor should ever have to do.
This was a heart-breaking scene in terms of not just touching fans’ hearts but also making one question one’s loyalty and admiration of the emperor. Him pleading for loyalty was not just misplaced but sad in a sense that it would seem the emperor had lost all confidence and control of his own life and circumstances.
2 Rollo's betrayal
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It's a hard lesson for fans to learn - but sooner or later, viewers of the series have to face the fact that Rollo tends to betray others. In fact, his leaning is towards betrayal, and this betrayal leaves destruction and broken hearts in its wake.
In the episode, What Might Have Been, Rollo's treacherous actions leave Ragnar punching at the mast of his ship out of sheer anger and frustration. Still, it's better that Rollo is exposed for who he is than that his darker qualities and cold heart remain undetected.
1 Torstein's death
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NEXT: The Top Ten Best Fights on Vikings
source https://screenrant.com/vikings-times-broke-our-hearts/
0 notes
Did you see the photo of Lagertha with the bloodied face? Is there room to hope?
Oh boy I wish! Funny how she has the same scar as Thorunn. But you can bet she is too badass™ for depression and/or emotion. She is not compelling anymore. She has nothing left of season 2 Lagertha (the best Lagertha, let’s be honest). You can bet that she will not be erased like Thorunn. Hirst and the watchers loves her too much for that. For how can you erase a character so worshipped in spite of all its flaws and blahness?
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bcngbang · 7 years
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot by Brand New
send me a song for a blog rate || @dvlspcwn
Song: not really my thing | okay | like it | love it Listen, you don’t understand how much I love Brand New. I’ve seen them twice and I’ve dropped an obscene amount of money on them. I’m getting close to owning all their studio albums and singles/demos on vinyl.
url:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
theme: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 It’s a really nice theme but it’s left at default settings for everything?? Like the background is still Lagertha and last time I checked Lucy wasn’t a viking (tho that’d be p badass.)
icon: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
posts:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
overall:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Vikings: 10 Times The Show Broke Our Hearts | ScreenRant
Just the title of Vikings stirs up thoughts of tough combat and big, strong men. The History Channel series is a historical drama was filmed in Ireland and was first started in 2013 as a tribute to arguably some of history's finest warriors and land conquerors, the Vikings.
It was from the beginning a huge success. What audiences cherish most about the show is its historical accuracy, action-packed episodes… then, the more poignant parts. The show is filled with heart-moving moments, many of these breaking fans hearts and stirring up emotions which will be remembered years to come. Here are 10 ways the series Vikings broke fans’ hearts.
RELATED: Vikings, The 10 Most Badass Things Lagertha Has Ever Done
10 Ragnar rejects Magnus
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This has to be one of the most heartbreaking storylines in the series. Ragnar first rejects Magnus, and then Aethelwulf throws him out. Fans were probably left with a lump in their throat when Magnus begged Aethelwulf to let him stay, with Aethelwulf being the only dad he had even known.
In this painful, heart-rending sequence of events, Magnus hugs Aethelwulf, his father figure, before being thrown to the ground and subsequently threatened with death.
9 Lagertha's warnings
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One of the saddest moments in the series is when Lagertha takes her grandson, A.J, to the grave she has consecrated to Kalf (whom she murdered) and tells him that the people closest to him might betray him.
RELATED: Vikings, The Shows 10 Biggest Villains, Ranked
She kneels down while she offers her advice on life, telling him to keep his friends close, as some might die early, and others might turn against him. What should have been a special moment between grandmother and grandson was just a little bit heart-breaking and uncalled for, especially considering the setting.
8 The fall of Athelstan
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It's true, viewers certainly have to expect bloodshed and a narrative of guts and glory in a series about the Vikings. Still, who didn't feel their heartbreak when Athelstan was shockingly murdered by Floki.
RELATED: Vikings, The 10 Best Armor Sets, Ranked
This was perhaps Travis Fimmel's finest moment as Ragnar. As a distraught friend, he carried the body of Athelstan and buried him privately. Following this, he gave his friend an emotional send off, weeping and heartbroken by his loss.
7 The death of Ragnar
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Ragnar's death surely comes not just as a shock but with a measure of heartbreak for viewers. The Viking returned from exile a changed man, showing himself as capable of tremendous feats.
RELATED: The 10 Worst Episodes of Vikings Ever, According to IMBd
Then he was dropped into a pit full of snakes, wanting to die on his terms. He was at peace, knowing he would live on through his sons. Still, viewers hearts broke when the beloved character died in such a manner.
6 Ragnar learns of his daughter's death
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The writers of the History Channel series really knew how to draw a tear or two – or many – from viewers. Many fans recall one of the most poignant, saddest moments as being when Ragnar returned home to receive the news his daughter had died.
This in itself was heartbreaking news, but the hero’s response drew further tears. He went to sit alone on the beach, to talk to her for a while. Goes to show, even the strong and tough need time alone, to cry.
5 Loss of love
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The gradual loss of love and the coldness in Ragnar and Aslaug's marriage might have left fans broken-hearted. In one scene, the coldness in their marriage becomes all too evident when Ragnar wants to take his sons on a raid to Paris and Aslaug interjects, saying they are too young.
His response to her is that the boys are safer with him than when he left them with her, the previous time. For fans, this loss of love in their union came with a measure of heartache.
4 Remembrance
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Nostalgic moments often bring tears, even if such moments transpire on the silver screen. Viewers of Vikings would have experienced many of these moments of remembrance with the series’ characters.
One of the nostalgic scenes which left hearts aching was Ragnar remembering his childhood in Season 4. In an episode entitled, ‘What Might Have Been’, he remembers his family: young Bjorn, his wife, Lagertha, and the others. This has been called one of the most powerful, saddest scenes of the series.
3 Begging for support
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Viewers of the series and especially fans of Emperor Charles were probably not too thrilled by the scene in which the emperor begged Rollo to support him. This is not the kind of thing an emperor should ever have to do.
This was a heart-breaking scene in terms of not just touching fans’ hearts but also making one question one’s loyalty and admiration of the emperor. Him pleading for loyalty was not just misplaced but sad in a sense that it would seem the emperor had lost all confidence and control of his own life and circumstances.
2 Rollo's betrayal
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It's a hard lesson for fans to learn - but sooner or later, viewers of the series have to face the fact that Rollo tends to betray others. In fact, his leaning is towards betrayal, and this betrayal leaves destruction and broken hearts in its wake.
In the episode, What Might Have Been, Rollo's treacherous actions leave Ragnar punching at the mast of his ship out of sheer anger and frustration. Still, it's better that Rollo is exposed for who he is than that his darker qualities and cold heart remain undetected.
1 Torstein's death
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NEXT: The Top Ten Best Fights on Vikings
source https://screenrant.com/vikings-times-broke-our-hearts/
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