#Laes star power
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notokbutthriving · 7 days ago
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Lunar killing off the creator
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thedenofravenpuff · 1 month ago
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Forever a Lunar x Rez truther, but Lunar got two hands and already admitted he finds Kerian hot, so he can join in. Especially with hos persistent he's already being.
I'm frigging loving this toxic yaoi going down on LAES!
Enjoy this silly art in celebration XD
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peachyapples25 · 7 months ago
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Oh my gosh I still love this episode! Just recently re-watched it!
RIP the Lunar and Earth Show! Hope they get it back up a running without much stress :,)
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llamaisllama777 · 1 month ago
Sorry it's been a bit since I last did this. I took a break for a while, but now I'm back, so let's get to it!
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The high I was riding on this episode was the highest of all highs! I loved how Earth just put all her feelings out on the table and basically told Creator, "I love you cause you built me, you're my dad, but I will never join you. You hurt my family." I loved it so much!
The creator was acting all caring and, like, maybe at least a super tiny part of him cared, but the moment Earth told him no, he did a complete 180 and started laughing at her and dropped this bombshell that all Earth's memories of his raising her and just being a dad were FAKE! He implanted false memories in her to make her care about him. What the heck, Sven?!
I love how Earth calls Creator a "plaything" at the end cause she's right it's now his turn to be the toy, be used, and abused by someone who basically gave you life.
We also learn from Sven that Earth is, I guess, immune to dark star power now? Like the infection can't affect her like it is with Jack, so Earth is safe, but knowing Creator is gonna make her suffering even without the dark star infection.
And Monty confirmed Earth's blueprints are gone. Morbid question: How important are those blueprints, and WHAT IS WITH THAT BRACELET?!
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WELP. I guess all those Serial killer aus are canon now. Neat : D
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And lastly, Foxy's back..... barely. Physically, he's here, mentally... he's gone again. Puppeteer erased Foxy's memories, and now he's so lost, confused, and doesn't remember Puppet or F.C. he does remember Chili's, though, so there's hope he could remember. Hopefully, soon cause Matt is leaving the show soon. I'm guessing these next few episodes may be Foxy themed. I hope they do bring Foxy back. I can't lose Foxy again. Please, Davis, Matt, DON'T DO THIS TO ME! (/J) But seriously, don't do this to me.
I really loved today's episodes as usual
I wonder what the other shows are up to?
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Oh, no!
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justuraverageweirdo · 2 months ago
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Some extremely messy Cetus concepts
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dolce-cerise · 1 month ago
"Dazzle, your "dog" just stabbed me!!"
Said "dog":
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storytellingbadger · 4 months ago
LAES thoughts and spoilers… but firstly, gigantic credit to the VAs yet again for making me so full of thoughts I have to write them down. They are a talented bunch. Me posting this means I’m invested.
Okay. Onwards. Lunar for god’s sake.
So… because Lunar has unresolved issues, Earth and Sun can just go screw themselves, it seems? (Also feel like Moon got off pretty scot free but ANYWAY.) Certainly seems to me like Lunar’s problems matter and that’s where that buck stops. Everyone else, suck it up.
If Lunar is going to stick to the feel-nothing-because-astrals-say-so line, then credit for commitment and authenticity. But then Earth’s got a point too. If you can’t be there emotionally and are going to be deliberately callous, back off and make space from the situation, because you’re not helping.
And callback to the pre-Bloodmoon death/New Mook yeet episode where Sun, Earth and Lunar all talked. Remember that? I’m not even talking the collateral damage piece. The last time a family member so much as verbally disrespected Earth, Lunar disowned them on the spot without even being there. No hesitation.
Different standards of behaviour depending on Lunar’s estimation, apparently. Extra credit for booking it instead of making sure your sister, writhing in agony, was okay.
I don’t know. I find Lunar pretty tiresome at the moment. No one can ever call them out for anything ever, because they tap the trauma card and reject all kinds of critique/discussion. (Not saying they don’t have trauma before anyone comes for me in the comments - my point is they wield it like a get out of jail free card, but hold everyone else to a much higher standard of behaviour. Can’t have it both ways.)
And now they can’t have a disagreement without electrocuting or dark star power-ing someone.
Are they being otherwise influenced? Maybe. We’ll see. But Lunar being far less concerned with everyone else’s wellbeing and problems is not a new thing. But now they’re got the firepower to lash out.
Best to never ever disagree with Lunar about anything ever, I suppose?
And I surely don’t have to wave the “you’re acting like the person you want to get rid of” flag. Surely.
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ghostsandfools · 8 months ago
Time for science :]
WARNING: There's science under the cut. If you don't like to think about the expanses of the universe and wonder about astronomy and physics and the beginning of the universe and stuff like that, you probably shouldn't read it, it is long.
If you could assign star power and negative star power a real life counterpart, what would you say? There are a surprising amount of options I've realized.
I was watching a video about space and heard the word 'antimatter', which I had no clue existed in real life but it does! And it's FASCINATING! And it reminded me of negative star power, just from the name alone.
The issue though is that there's actually a lot of weird dark/negative space stuff that I did not know about. I actually feel kinda dumb for not knowing about this stuff, I wanna be a rocket scientist I should've already known this jesus-
So if negative star power were real, what would it be?
The first candidate is antimatter. Antimatter is just regular matter but with the opposite electric charge. So, remember learning in school about protons, neutrons, and electrons? Well, antimatter is just like those, but instead of negative electrons, there are positive electrons, also known as positrons, and that goes for protons and neutrons too. There are lots of anti-particles and anti-quarks. You'd think that matter and antimatter would be equal, but there is much much more matter in the universe than antimatter. If there were equal amounts of both, the universe itself wouldn't have been able to form, so we're lucky that matter came out on top. Scientists actually don't know what would've happened if antimatter was more prevalent, and it's pretty hard to study, but matter and antimatter are pretty similar so the universe might not even be that different at all. All that matters is that there's more of one than the other. This one's and interesting candidate because it's basically how dark star power is described. It's just the opposite of star power. Star power goes in, dark star power comes out.
The second candidate is dark matter. This one's interesting because it actually does exist in the TSAMS universe. Nexus makes Dark Sun a dark matter generator and Dark Sun used it to generate a witherstorm and a pocket dimension. So you'd think that clears it up, but not really. In real life, dark matter is a form of matter which scientists can't really observe because of how damn dark it is. It doesn't interact with light or the electromagnetic force at all, so you can't really see it or know it's there, but it does have a gravitational effect so we can assume that it exists. Dark matter and antimatter are NOT the same thing, as dark matter actually makes up most of the universe. It's literally just invisible stuff. It also slows down the expansion of the universe.
The third candidate is negative matter. Negative matter is a form of matter with a negative mass. If normal matter has a mass of 1 kg, negative matter would have a mass of -1 kg. For the time being, it's completely hypothetical, but it could exist. Although it sounds similar to antimatter, they are different, but negative matter could be another form of dark matter. I don't really know how to explain this one very well...
The fourth candidate is dark energy, not to be confused with dark matter. I know these names are confusing, scientists really need to start being more original. Dark energy is the energy that speeds up the expansion of the universe. That's basically all it does. The universe is really goddamn big and it keeps getting bigger and gravity should hold stuff in place but it isn't, and scientists needed a name for the force that's making the universe get bigger so why not name it some cryptic shit like dark energy. This one's kinda interesting because the whole think with dark star power is it makes the end of the universe come faster. When the universe expands, it also gets a little colder. When the big bang first occurred, the universe was so unbelievably hot that our human brains can't fathom it, but now it's cooled down enough to support life, and space is actually pretty cold. If the universe expands too much, which dark energy makes it do, it will get to cold, hence the heat death of the universe, so maybe this one's not too far off?
But that's dark star power. What is star power itself? This one I actually might have an explanation for. Star power first appeared in TSAMS when Moon made the neutron star, which are actually real! A neutron star is an incredibly dense type of star. Despite not being very big, according to google, on tablespoon of 'neutron star material' would weigh around a billion tons (very heavy). Neutron stars in real life sadly can't let you control the entire universe, but they are cool. A neutron star is the collapsed core of a supergiant star. When an extremely large star runs out of fuel and energy, it will collapse in on itself, forming either a black hole or a neutron star. Due to the intense density, most of the protons and electrons will come together to form neutrons, hence the title. Within neutron stars is strange matter, a form of matter that contains strange quarks. Despite the awful name, strange matter is its own type of matter, not jut any matter that's weird. Strange matter is hypothesized to be in the cores of neutron stars, and some scientists hypothesize that over time these neutron stars could become 'strange stars'. The extreme pressure of the neutron star allows quarks inside to become strange quarks, which then form strange matter.
I am not smart and I don't know what strange matter does, but the fact that it's related to neutron stars at all intrigues me and i feel like star power could in some way be tied to it, but let me know what you guys think. If you're smarter than me and i somehow accidentally got all of this wrong and am spreading misinformation, PLEASE PLEASE CORRECT ME. I still have a lot to learn.
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cgarttrailsandtails · 6 months ago
Purple accents? Doesn’t Nexus glow purple? He started that in the thumbnails before he started using dark star power. HMMMMMMM
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ask-mamastarclown · 1 month ago
I feel if Dawn heals Jack.. The creator is in big trouble if he knows his wife is a healer!
((Dawn is a magic healer so she heals a lot of broken hearts and people.
Her magic can heal things but it cannot heal Rez's virus unless she's trained by Taurus.
Which she has been training for days while Luna is doing science stuff. She could heal Jack without getting affected by Rez. ))
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 1 year ago
ST AU Taurus: Lunar is a threat! He has star power and isn’t properly controlling it
ST AU Castor, pointing out Draconis: WE HAVE MUCH BIGGER ISSUES
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notokbutthriving · 8 months ago
Castor isn't an Astral
So we know that Gemini controls duality, and is an entity of duality. The are made of two, one male, one female, one calm, one excited, two opposites but one together. But they are both made of star power.
Castor has mentioned that he gets headaches when people use star power, similar to Lunar getting nauseous in reaction to negative star power. It also seems odd because, from what we can see, Castor, and by extension Gemini, is one of the most disliked among the Zodiac council. Castor is the one assigned to warn people of the consequences of using star power, despite the fact that most of the people who use it have a moral compass that is not unwilling to kill anything in their way. Additionally, Castor has been weirdly insistent that he can die. It is not as though the other Astrals are all immortal, Gemini has mentioned that the Astrals reincarnate when they die, but not only is Castor insistent that he can die, Pollux has also expressed concern for his life. Now this is normal, what with them being siblings and their apparent life-link, but we do find it odd that it has been pointed out multiple times. From what is seen it can be assumed that Castor is at least the weakest of the Astrals. But we think there's something more-
Lunar has mentioned that negative star power makes him feel nauseous but Castor has never mentioned feeling anything about negative energy, but has mentioned that the use of star power gives him a headache. So what would that lead us to?
Castor is a being of negative star power.
It explains why he is generally disliked by the Astrals, being what they are trying to stop. It explains why it is so implied he can die to a mortal being using star power, the method for getting rid of negative energy being to overpower it with positive energy. It explains the poor reaction to star power. AND it makes sense for the concept of duality Gemini represents!
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thedenofravenpuff · 2 months ago
Had this hanging over my head for a while before finally getting around to make it and get it out of my head!
I still adore evil space worm Rez and his dedication to mess with Lunar until he joins the Negative Side. Special guest appearance of Kerian in credits, felt fitting that's when he asks his colleague to go induce madness into Lunar as part of recruitment.
Good times.
Enjoy this silly thing!
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drcloudtheclown · 3 months ago
I have opinions on the new laes video. However, I can't formulate it into proper words, and I'd prefer not being yelled at
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Brain hurts
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bellabunny25 · 8 days ago
Lunaris_Lux "The Dispositor"
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FINALLY FINISHED!! The Dispositor moves across the solar and ethereal planes. Yes and No that this is fanmade for the Lunar and Earth Show, this is my iteration of the character in a more developed light and definitely in a far powerful state of being.
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o-i-w-u · 4 months ago
lunar villian arc is so real
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