#Lady Luck dd
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artnerd1123 · 8 months ago
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“I’d wish you luck, but that always seems hypocritical, given I’m the one handing it out~” -- Lady Luck
(Profile undercut)
Name: Lady Luck Pronouns: She/Her (the capitalization is necessary) Gender/sexuality: girlboss god and whatever gets the most people in the door! Jokes aside She really doesn’t care to pursue any sort of relationship that isn’t having more people under Her thumb, so, big mystery, that one.  Species: god (specifically She is Fortuna, the roman god over the Wheel of Fortune) Height: taller than anyone else in the room Age: ~2079 (popped into existence in 55 BC) Occupation pre-dungeons: She really didn’t have one, She jumped on Her whole dungeons schtick VERY early on. She was siphoning power off of the roman colosseum/betting pools at first, using it to create Her own pocket dimension, which She’s grown in size/shape/etc through the years Dungeon wish: She IS the dungeons. If you were to ask Her for Her own wish, She’d just laugh. But it’s power. Always has been. To be able to stand among the “major” gods and bring them to their knees, make them grovel for Her, make them sorry for ever daring to laugh at Her and think Her weak. And man is She SWIMMING in power right about now. In Her pocket dimension, She is queen. Of EVERYTHING. Literally none of the other gods can oppose Her if they step in. So. Yay :) 
Fighting style: “a Lady doesn’t start fights, but She CAN finish them” but unironically. She goads people into throwing the first punch, making the first move, taking the first step, throwing the first stone. She digs Her claws into any flaw She can find and uses it to grind people to dust. Most of Her “fighting” is manipulation of the mental/emotional variety. “Luck” isn’t a physical concept, after all. But She does have enough power built up in Her little power dimension to physically ensnare things with Her smoke, which She can then use to throw/strangle/hit/etc etc others with, if She wants. Other than all that, there’s the obvious! Where She literally manipulates Her opponent’s luck so their hits never land/end up backfiring on them. Hard to beat someone who makes everything turn in Her own favor.  Strengths: extremely good at talking, to the point where She could charm a snake out of its own fangs and make lamb walk happily into its own slaughter. She’s got an EXTREMELY strong presence, which She leverages to Her advantage as a very effective intimidation tactic. She excels at subtle pushes, little words, tiny nudges to get things to go how She wants while seeming pretty hands off. And, to harken back to Her “wish…” She is all powerful in Her dungeons. She’s built up enough belief and terror in there to become an undeniable force of nature, like gravity. And outside? Oh, the world LOVES Her. She’s an aspiration, an idol, a success story people cheer on through the centuries. As a result there’s very little, if anything, that can touch Her in the dungeons. And since that’s where She stays, what strength doesn’t She have?  Weaknesses: Wouldn’t You Like To Know, Weathergirl :) from a more serious standpoint, though, She IS a god, and as such, is beholden to the same restrictions all the others are. Not only is She a god, She’s a MINOR god. Artificially inflating Her own power in the dungeons only goes so far. She has practically nothing if She steps outside. Luck isn’t a physical force, it isn’t something you can quantify, it isn’t something easy to define,  and at the root of it all, it’s not something everyone believes in. After all, what is a god to a nonbeliever?  Personality: Lady Luck is, above all else, a power hungry god. This informs everything She does, everything She thinks, everything She strives for. And She’s gotten damn good at putting on a show to get what She wants. She’s honed Her showman persona well, appearing coy and playful to Her audience while commanding an air of power and strength that nobody can really deny. In reality this translates to having a cruel iron grip on those around Her. The only reason She plays nice for the cameras is to lure more people in, and have a steady stream of positive belief streaming into the dungeons. She really doesn’t care what anyone thinks or feels toward Her. As long as they��re thinking about Her, She wins. She delights in finding the breaking point of others. The Lady relishes in watching others crumble, just to build them back up, and topple them again. She doesn’t care about anyone other than Herself. She’s quite vain, seeing Her actions as righteous in the face of the “ridicule” She faced early on from other gods. (Spoiler alert: nobody really bullied Her, She just thought the major gods were too smug and wanted to be one of them so so so very badly.) The Lady is extremely cunning and manipulative, patient when She needs to be, and ruthlessly efficient when She doesn’t. She’ll do anything to make Herself more powerful.  When it all comes down to it?  Everything is a game to Her. And She never, never loses.
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chronicsheepdrawing · 11 months ago
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Featuring designs from my friend @prntrink
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artnerd1123 · 2 years ago
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This is my half of an art trade @artnerd1123 and I are doing!! Lady Luck was really fun to draw- I especially enjoyed her colors.
I couldn't decide which background style i liked better, so i kept both X]
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ask-the-four-lords · 5 months ago
To My Dearests, Ladies of the Village and beloved Angie DID YOU SEE THAT I PUT A COMMA AFTER DEAREST???? :3333
I do hope you all received my last message and gifts, if not then I blame the accursed way this site delivers.
Anyways onto what I wish to write and send to each of you <3
To my loveliest Lady Beneviento and her well loved companion Lady Angie, a pesto and chicken linguini meal with red iced tea that I made, 3 butterfly knives with an intricate design for Angie, and a stuffed rabbit I made myself. I have a feeling that Angie will win the elections this year, the rabbit is good luck.
To the illustrious Lady Dimitrescu, a bottle of cherry wine I saw in a very expensive and elite looking liquor store and a wheel of cabernet to go with it.
To beautiful Lady Bela, passionate Lady Cassandra, and romantic Lady Daniela. I present to the three of you a hardbound book of Machiavelli's The Prince. I sincerely apologize Lady Bela for I am unsure of what you like but I hope to know you better ^^. A guitar set for Lady Cassandra to shred at her heart's content. And a Harana courting song to Lady Daniela with flirting intentions :DD.
with my whole heart and hate for studying politics,
pasta anon <33
Donna Beneviento: *Turns away, once sure no one is there Donna cuddles the stuffed rabbit*
Alcina Dimitrescu: *She wretches violently* Cherry wine?! Truly?! My black god... get that repellant concoction away from me! Cassandra! My dear Cassandra I need your assistance! *Stops for a minute as if she forgot her phone in the proverbial car* Also you must know that cabernet does not come in wheels? *With even more elegant condescension* It's a type of wine grape, not a cheese. Cheese comes in wheels, not wine, you may also be interested in knowing the cow goes "moo", the pig goes "oink".
Bela Dimitrescu: Thanks, I've been meaning to read the Prince, I read the Art of War decades ago so it's only been a logical next step.
Cassandra Dimitrescu: *Starts a guitar solo, suddenly stops* Mother needs me for something! *Runs off/flies off at full speed*
Daniela Dimitrescu: Bela has been trying to make me read that book forever... or maybe that was something else. I can't keep track of the amount of books she has tried and failed to convince me to read.
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unexpectedbrickattack · 1 year ago
Thinking plotting scheming of pt, but make it diceyd/ungeons. I think it fits so well; the plot of dd is so cute and its easy to smush existing characters into that universe.
Peppino wishes for his debt to be cleared and for his shop to be successful. Pman wants him and his art to be famous and revered beyond his wildest dreams. Vigi wants Justice or whatever (but hes actually here to be nosy about the ins and outs of the show itself). Noise wants MONEY and FAME. Mysterious man who looks like peppino wants his own shop :). All the pt bosses are dd bosses before going ‘hey, u know what? This gig kinda sucks ass. If u think u can take on the big cheese im jumpin onboard w you’.
Thats all i got LOL i am debating if i still want lady luck to be the boss or let pizzaface be the big bad and just remove the existing dd characters entirely. Pizzahead would always be the jester, and therefore, always be your last die/teammate, which i think is cute heehee hes tired of being a silly little guy no one takes seriously! Hes got silly dreams too!!!! Hes a silly guy w dreams!!!
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nikoisme · 1 year ago
Heyo!!! :D Some questions for you!
What are some of your fave parts of the Iliad and Odyssey? And then do you have a favorite by Euripides?
How long have you been drawing?
Since your "lovable little bastard" is a lil calico, does she have any neat patches/spots that are cute? Example, Teddy has a big stripe that curves across her neck, so I like imagining her having "necklace" haha. Does your lil lady have any spots that are cutely shaped? 🥺
(Good luck in school! :D Know I'm rooting for you!)
hello hello :DD this is a much needed break from studying oh god thank you.
For The Iliad,, BOOK 6, THE HECTOR, ANDROMACHE AND ASTYANAX SCENE. Book 10 also slaps obviously, night raid my beloved. The laments over Hector in book 24 too :')) It never fails to make me cry. But there's a tiny little specific part of The Iliad that is my absolute favorite - when Menelaus tells Antilochus that Patroclus was killed:
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Idk man it feels so real and raw and hngngng. And Antilochus my man.
Now for The Odyssey i'm basic af but it's the reunion wih Telemachus, Penelope and Laertes :') hits right in the feels. The marriage bed story. The orchard. God fuck. Also the several little moments when Telemachus and Odysseus just,, exchange knowing smiles or glances with each other (when Odysseus is disguised as a beggar). It's just so neat i don't know why. Telemachus doesn't even know Odysseus and Odysseus doesn't know who his son is (yet!!), but they just kind of clicked together (when it came to scheming and plotting ofc. It's in their genes).
Tbh I haven't read too much of Euripides, I have quite a few plays sitting on my bookshelf waiting to be read. So i should probably, yknow, do that hahaa. But my favorite so far is Iphigenia at Aulis! It's just so heartbreaking and tragic and painful and ahdbagshjj. mannn.
I started drawing since I could hold a colored pencil lmaoo. i just did it sometimes as a kid, i liked it and was seen as the "art kid" in school (now that I think of it, I was actually more the "a pleasure to have in class" kid,, but hey i was the one people ran to during art projects lmaoo). It was 2020 when I really wanted to get into it - especially digital art, since I've been drawing on my phone and the family computer with a mouse in godforsaken Gimp up to that point - and I got my first drawing tablet the same year! Funnily enough I started drawing humans about... 1,5 years ago?? I was actually, lo and behold, a warrior cats artist for a few years :'DD
NOW. SHE HAS SO MANY SPOTS THAT I ABSOLUTELY ADORE. For example, all her paws are white - but only one is black with a single white toe:
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And she has some incredible markings on her face if i can say so myself:
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Especially since the orange marking goes in a straight line across her face, it's so neat. And her fluffy white neck/throat marking :D
And thank you for school AGJSJSDHHH. I have my last test on Monday so I should be finally free next week! The worst tests are over now, thankfully. This is hell :')
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 11 months ago
LOL this is awkward xD
Is he like actually speaking to him and not on the mic?
Because otherwise wouldn't Hen be able to hear them lol
Or maybe they're on a separate channel lol xD
But yeah maybe you should say something 😬
I mean you don't have to apologize just make it less awkward for now xD
"I think this is an open channel" XDD SLFHFDS
You guys are idiots lol <3
Okay guys then why are you fighting xD
SKFHDJLS yes Eddie exactly xDD
Okay yeah good Hen explain :'))
Aww yeah y'all <3
They would never not have your back but especially saying it now lol
XDD y'all are hilarious
Love Buck and Eddie third wheeling this lol
Y'all are all idiots lol xD
I mean I think he can tell lol
"Who cares" SLDKFHDKS
"Doesn't sound great" SLFJFHSDKS YEAH LOL
Yeeeah y'all might die xd o.o
OOF lady
Okay I'm not toootally sure how they saved her because I wasn't really paying attention xD
How are you gonna get out D:
Okay yeah Bobby you go this time xD doesn't really make it any better but I think Athena's tested her luck enough lol
Y'all I'm so not okay thank you very much xdd
That's not a lot of time xdd
I love this guy lol xD
Idk if all around but right now yeah xD
Let's do this y'all lol
Awww this all sucks :((
No she means she didn't!
Come onnn Bobbyyy 😬😬
No come on y'all you'll get out D:
Sir it's better out there then in here JUST GO xd
Ohh wait they can't fit right
But anyway try xd
Oh right DD':
They're not looking for a capsized ship 😭😭
:'O yes flare!!
Ope sir :'O!
Yeah he finally has his priorities straight lol :')) I think he kinda has for a while but yk xD
Crap yeah they can't see o.o
Come onnn guys noo don't turn around yet 😭😭
That was him right??
:'OOO Bobby found him!!
Yess :'DD
LOL kid get your priorities straight xD
There we go LOL yeah Bobby now you know each other xDD
Oh no sir D':
Aww let him go because he's dying :'((
Yeahh DD':
Poor guy 😭😭💔💔🥺
Oh gosh
Come on guys come on
Ohhh noo 😬😬
Okay phew phew just go get there :'DD
Oh no Bobby careful
Oh no now kid careful 😭😭
Whoever's lower xdd though I don't think the kid would die lol
Plot wise
Oh no guys 😭😭
Yeah you keep trying :'((
That was so slay :'D
I'm so glad they're alright xdd
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yankstrash · 2 years ago
Blurb please!!
it was saturday night and the hockey team was throwing a party, but gabe had been sick all week and was in no shape to go to a party.
amelia on the other hand had been looking forward to it all week, so gabe had no problem assuring her she could go and made sure to tell the guys to look after her.
he made them promise to keep a sharp eye on her and to call him if anything happened. they all promised to look after meels and make sure nothing would happen.
amelia was hesitant to go without gabe, but she trusted his teammates and knew she would be fine without him.
after only an hour, the party was packed. amelia had been hanging out with the girlfriends all night. normally she split her time between the girlfriends and gabe, with a bit more of it going to gabe, but tonight all she had were her girls (and she was completely fine with that).
everything was fine for a while, until it wasn't.
amelia was standing in the kitchen chatting with drew, when some drunk guy stumbled by her and spilled his drink
all. over. amelia.
and with her luck, she was wearing a white top tonight.
amelia gasped as the cold liquid hit her tank top and bare skin, and drew immediately pushed the guy who spilled it.
"you dick! you just got beer all over her!"
the guy put his hands up in defense, saying "my bad man! total accident. here, i'll fix it."
the guy reached over and grabbed some paper towels before wrapping an arm around amelias waist and pulling her into him, trying to wipe the beer off of her.
"uh uh, no way. get away from her." drew said, prying the guy, who now had a huge smirk plastered on his face, off of amelia.
"chilll, you made a big deal out of me messing up her top. now i'm just trying to be a gentleman and clean the pretty lady up, and you're bitchin about that too!" the guy slurred.
drew was 2 second away from punching this guy in his face, when will came up behind them. "what's going on?"
drew turned to will and was about to say something when amelia spoke up. "i want gabe." she said, and when will and drew looked over at her, she looked like she was on the brink of tears.
drew looks back at will and says, "call gabe, now. i'm going to get her cleaned up and then i'm taking her to our place." (gabe, drew and will are roommates)
will agreed and drew gave the drunk guy one final shove out of the kitchen before he helped amelia clean more beer off of her.
"what a disaster." she said as drew threw paper towels away.
"yeah. i'm sorry meely, i don't think we're gonna be able to save your top." drew said with a frown.
amelia gave him a tight lipped smile and said, "it's alright. it's replaceable." she looked down before speaking again. "i just wanna be with gabe." she whispered the last part.
drew nodded before putting an arm around her shoulder and saying, "i know. let's go find will."
when the two found will he was just hanging up the phone.
"get ahold of gabe?" drew asked.
will nodded and said, "yeah, he said he wants meely home right now."
drew nodded and said, "okay, i'm taking her now. i'll see you later at home."
drew was dd tonight, so he and amelia got into his car and he drove her to he and gabes apartment.
as soon as he pulled up, gabe was out the front door and walking to the passenger side of the car.
he opened amelias door for her and scooped her out. she immediately clung to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and legs around his waist.
"thanks man, i really appreciate it" gabe said as he looked over at drew, giving him a head nod.
"we'll talk in the morning." drew responded, to which gabe nodded his head and took amelia inside.
once they were in his room, he gently placed her on his bed and kissed her head.
"i'll get you a clean shirt baby." gabe said, going over to his dresser and pulling out a shirt for amelia to wear.
she mumbled a thanks before pulling her damp top over her head, tossing it aside and pulling gabes t shirt on. she also discarded her jeans and opted to just sleep in her underwear and gabes shirt.
she looked up at gabe, who was still standing, with sad eyes and a quivering lip before holding her arms out to him.
he scooped her back up before laying down on his back and keeping amelia on top of him.
he rubbed her back up and down as he said, "i'm so sorry i wasn't there tonight."
amelia kisses his chest and responded, "it's okay. drew took care of me and you're here now. it's all okay."
they laid in silence for a few minutes before gabe broke it.
"the one time i can't attend a party you get a shirt full of beer and some creep trying to clean you up."
amelia lightly laughs at his comment.
"next time, i'll opt to just stay home and take care of your sickness."
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poltergeist-coffee · 1 year ago
THE BIRD HEADCANON IS REAL BAGHERA GOT WINGS TOO??? But what type of bird is Jaiden? A blue jayden? Cellbit's is having a hard time trying to figure out those feathers A BAD ASKING FOR THE PRESIDENCY WHAT THIS DEMON MAN IS THINKING- BUT THAT LIL DAPPER IS SO FASDFASHFUSAHUFAS I MISS THE EGGS- And Cellbit just found a site and gasped and now is playing swan lake(I think) for dramatic effect
I think he is deviating from his objective because he is looking at replicas of skulls but they are cool And people on the chat are saying to take the site down(cuz apparently that ended up happening on the other site from much people acessing it) Yeah he got distracted KKKKKKKKK And he keeps biting his tongue
Rip Maximiliano btw WE GOT TRATIORS FROM INSIDE THE FEDERATION??? LES GOOOOOOOO On a unrelated note, I've discovered the Cellbit's discord being a god hc and now it is living in my mind rent free Talking about gods, what type of god every wife of the qsmp is? Kristen is the godess of death of course, I think Mine is the godess of creation and I've saw somewhere that Felps' girlfriend talked about the hc that she's the godess of the impossible and falling in love with Felps because he is unpredicatable And a friend of mine talked about Lore being the godess of love and Cellbit being her diciple But I don't know about the others(like Matt and Roier's girlfriend) The god hc is the coolest thing ever and nobody can't convice me otherwise -Plate anon again, still can't put emojis
i don’t know what bird jaiden is but she’s a pretty bird :DD i lov her wings so much
YEAAAAA I LOVE THE GODESS HCS!! i remember seeing someone hc Missa’s gf also as something to do with death? maybe of like the afterlife? Personally i headcanon slime’s gf (grace) as a goddess of nature <33 i think matt actually chose what he’s a god of but i cant remember what it is TT forever gf also chose somethign but MY MEMORY IS REALLY BAD IM SO SORRY,,,
Jaiden’s roommate i’ve seen people call “lady luck” because he’s super lucky and jaiden is not. he gets to be honorary “goddess/god” status <33
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bobelblogger · 10 months ago
Raiders of the Lost Realm Part B
No chance, if she got one or two it wouldn't be enough, by the third or fourth they'd have her in the crosshairs, no where to run, ten rounds in each mag, Most effective at a closer range.
A ploy came to mind, wether triggered by the pistol emblem or its name, Gottvia, a landed lady who as penance for a scandal was paraded naked atop a horse around the countryside with only her hair to shield her body instead of whipping or branding, convinced the courts it was a crime to harm such a magnificent creation.
L.C took inspiration from her, quickly undoing her braid and slipping out of her top, removed her shoes and took off her socks.
Stood up slowly and called out "I know where the Obelisk Key is, I'll show you if they go free first."
L.C raised her hands even with her head as a whole line of glinting muzzles tracked her movement.��
Her glorious tan DDs bouncing in sync with swaying hips as her brown hair flowed down her middle and sides.
Thoran and Probsta both on their knees were held by a soldier with the CO standing between them, his eyes hidden behind red tint sunshades.
"I'll lead you there, you don't need them." So saying through clenched teeth, hands raised.
"Alright, you have a deal." He turned ordering them to lower weapons. Yet fingered his machete hilt.
L.C was sweating bullets closing the distance to fifteen yards as the hot tarmac baked her feet and the setting sun behind blazed her back and butt.
The lustful eyes of twenty men stared at her majestic glossy athletic body.
In that moment the shoelace holding the triggers of her guns between her armpits was tongued a rapid burst hit four in one go. The second burst hit the one holding the two as the rest regained their wits Probsta fell flat and rolled away as Thoran wrested the firearm of his captor and mowed down six more.
L.C sprinted at the CO who drew his weapon to slash Thoran, taking the empty pistol and whipped him in the throat. An audible crunch when it hit made her sure she'd broken it, his swipe faltered and cut Thoran's flight jacket sleeve through to his shoulder, shouting out in pain he stumbled spraying bullets hitting nearby canisters labeled Gift leaking the contents.
The last swipe L.C dodged as he went down, propping him up for cover while dragging the body through the captive pens L.C shot every latch off letting a stampede of fleeing jungle folk cover them as they climbed aboard Probsta's Lyun Aeroship. Her remaining pistols magazine were two bullets and empty and the extra mags were on her gun belt with her discarded clothes, but she had the Mercs machete, Probsta had a rifle as did Thoran, putting on the sunshades in a fashion pose pistols crossed over her breasts.
The machine spurred and piffed, bullets wizzed by the spinning props as labored engines roared like mighty beasts waking rang in her ears.
Thoran gave L.C his flight jacket and climbed the ladder up into the ballast regulation compartment.
Lifting off as the ground fell away and just cleared the edge of the bases fence, the sun began going down beyond the furthest hills as evening settled in. 
"We're overweight, we must gain height!" Turning around "drop spare fuel." Thoran reported.
"A slight increase in altitude, we need to lose anything--oopsy turned on the gamaphone." Probsta said.
L.C opened the gull wing hatch as a blacklisted symphony issued from the horn.
She pitched four fuel barrels out into the sky, suddenly the craft lurched left and she was hurled out the hatch by sheer luck she grasped for the last cable mooring line with her hands, holding on for life and limb screaming as the tallest trees scraped L.Cs soles they soared higher.
She tried climbing but her sweat slicked body couldn't move, up above she saw Thoran try to reach the cable halfway on the skids but was unable to, he ducked in and came back with a parachute in hand, gesturing a toss she nodded and with a light throw she caught it.
L.Cs toes clamped so tightly on the mooring ballast they cramped as her free hand tried to put the chute on.
"I've been good, I'll make an offering." It seemed the wrong deity heard her plea.
Dragged through a swarm of bugs, gross stinky guts filled glow bugs, spitting and wiping her face had barely breathed when she was pecked by a bird, then another then more and more until she pulled the chute cord tugging brutishly on her chest as she floated gingerly downwind.
"I'm never flying again, you fuckers hear me? L.C hollered at the skies, "Eat flowers and shit fertilizer you fucks!"
Far far in the distance the music from the Aeroship disappearing into the trees gave her a heading to follow.
The right shitty part was she would have to go on foot, before long the chute snagged some branches as she dangled trying to unhook the harness.
Every single thing about this mission was bizarre and gross and whacked on so many levels it was comical to L.C.
Once she wasted enough time swinging to no effect, a drop to ground of uncertain texture below began to climb.
The cords dug her hands as she pulled herself higher then grabbed for a branch and hand over handed to a noch then hit the buckle release and nearly fell out the tree.
Something was watching her through eyes that shone white and glowed, it's silhouette form hunched with a long tail.
"My domain you have disturbed and intruded on, what is your offering to stay my fangs, nude lady?" It insisted.
"I'm not here on purpose damnit, leave me be and I'll leave your domain, I'm trying to get someplace else."
It moved from tree limb to tree limb like a wisp of mist, L.C rifled through the jacket for any trinkets or tools or crucially a fucking knife, just a photograph of some bimbo naked in a pond curled up like a little bitch.
"I asked the nude lady a question, if places were reversed I would answer less a bad outcome be delivered."
"Take the jacket and let me leave unmolested, do we have a deal?" L.C removed her only covering holding it out.
"Nude lady looks quite fetching, leave it on the branch, use the vine to descend tree." It indicated with its eyes.
'Fuck this shit, fuck this prick, just grab the vine to the ground and Amelia's your aunt get to the Doc.'
Making the jump quickly wrapped the jacket around the vine and slid down until the sloshy murk met her feet, made for the light fading through the trees, "Game on bitch." She mocked.
"I'll rip that thing from your quivering corpse when I get my fangs on you!" Not far behind the voice shrieked.
She had no alternative, as only a person running for their life could L.C hauled ass like it was on fire, spidered up a rooty rock ridge which went awry after she reached a handhold and wretched her wrist on it. "Fathersucker!"
L.C didn't hear any snaps of twigs or rustle of leaves afterward and that spooked her more, looking back swore she glimpsed a faint twinkle of white that disappeared.
Checking her jacket pockets once more in a mad hope for a fucking lighter or a fucking knife.
As her legs ached and lungs heaved, before her a long ravine just beyond with a sullen orange and black stripe skinned bra band and loin clothed silver white haired female sitting crossed legged on the only tree trunk over the consuming abyss, a flute lay on her lap, moreover her big ears took form like a bat or bear, a white tip tail whipped around behind her in a blur of movements.
L.C made a step and a half forward with trepidation and watched the hybrid lick her lips and yawn up to the sky.
"Ah Muna, up earlier than normal, maybe she's feeling month pains as well, we all get them, a curse forced upon us."
"I've wondered what it would be like, such a tranquil place to live and have a life, only take food and my instrument."
"How lonely must she be, only meet Solas on passing days, they part and wait until they meet once more."
The last thing L.C wanted was to set this chick off until she found out if she was alone, talk is worth life.
"Do you like the top or bottom, it makes no difference to my sisters, they've taken their fill on this day." The alurring minx asked and stated.
L.C shrugged.
Taking her silence as submission, uncrossed her legs while swapping the flute to her left hand, sniffing the air.
"I'm partial to being the rider rather than the ridden myself, taking in the smells and sounds as a sensual snack."
As she spoke an odor began to tickle L.C's nose as her senses grew sluggish and her thoughts muddled.
"My mate would blindfold me to seek him by ear playing his flute, sometimes only by nose and his aroma." She began to fidget more and her eyes widened, her tail flared as she stood up and took two steps forward also.
"You want to hear a song about lovemaking." Brought the flute to her lips began playing and seductively swaying.
L.C shook her head and turned away so as to non verbally answer, honestly the tune sounded pretty but she really didn't have time for this and really why would she with an injury and no compass or map to find the way.
"Not very conversational, well in any event you don't have much in the way of looks unlike me, still you'll suffice."
"Why does everything inhabiting this overgrown zoo want to fight or fuck me, let me pass," She tiredly voiced.
"You come where the wild live you come to get wild." She tossed the flute and adjusted her bra band.
"No, I won't let this be over, you want to pass this ravine and I want a wrestling match, savvy?"
L.C's gut grumbled rubbing her wrist which had swollen in size, the options fewer so took a fencing stance.
"They call me Smallfang, what is your go by tall, tan, tited interloper." She stated giddily smirking. "L.C." she replied.
Right as they locked limbs a slithering feeling went up her spine and overcame her senses as the world darkened.
Awake to find herself on the tarmac at sunset amid her own heartbeat and sounds of muttered insults. Before she could move they had her by the arms as she knelt nude among the toadskin camo clad company, trousers and skivys pulled from the waist down, hard cocks of varying sizes and shades met her eye level, dirt marred her tits and face, her plan had seemly failed, they had her and no one was coming, the circle parted to allow the CO through, his head shaved into a stubble cut drew attention to the left ear which seemed partly bitten off, red tint sunshades covered his eyes and brows leaving a crooked nose thick mustache and wide toothy smile to convey his smug asshole expression.
"We want you to star in a short film, title pending all you need to do is obey commands and you'll still draw breath."
A reel cinematic camera and tripod was brought out with the scene set she knew what they wanted.
Fed her lines L.C reluctantly gave a show finger tracing her tatas and biting her lip with a purr swaying and turning her head as each made use of her mouth while her hands juggled balls while more jerked off into her hair across her back and ass while the orally pleased spilt over her chin and boobs as she licked and suckled, hummed and swallowed, the bitter taste made her sick as it seemed to go on and on with more pushing her onto all fours she felt her whole being ache with shame and deep inside a caged whorish lust was let loose, the whole company rigorously reamed her anus and vale with untempered vigor, she only came once and it was from the rearward attentions of a very husky merc that held her ears, rubbing them simultaneously with his long thrusts timed to her own, wailing moans of abject defeat and fulfillment undulating from her throat like roars.
Long after two reels worth of footage was left to lay languidly leaking love liquid as each dropped a coin by her prone form, she wasn't returned her clothing or footwear, they each held a piece of it, returned to her feet and hared her spanked tush into the bush amid a choir of jeers and taunts, a trail of muddled viscous goo left behind.
As L.C came to from the dream or vision or reality ripped a huge fart as Kittycat sat atop her bent over her vale.
"Yuck nasty cur, right in my mouth!" Smallfang sputtered and recoiled from L.C as she yelped in disgust.
Taking hold of and locked the stunned femme feline in a choke began massaging her ears with a steady rhythm.
"Yeah well trick or treat smell my queef." She mocked and tightened her legs in a vice of horny heat.
Struggle as she may L.C could tell the catress was getting weaker from the smell the pressure on her throat and the endogenous rubbing between her ears. "Say auntie." She squeezed " Say it, say your beaten."
"Mmmm never....rather....die....oh white....tiger....forgive....me....au....aun....auntie." tapped her palm on L.C's knee, submitting.
The sphere in the sky bled, or scientifically turned sanguine as it climbed higher up, Smallfang sat up and purred.
"Now, lead me to the site of my choice then go your own way." L.C stood over her and sternly intoned, letting her stiff Thoran's jacket who crossed the ravine and led her into the blood moonlit jungle.
Once Smallfang located the wrecked craft, L.C inspected the pilot compartment that separated from the main body and nearly deflated aerobag by a wide stretch, the seat still had its chute most likely they rode it down, A cluster of red dots on the headrest and panel alarmed her; 'who's blood was it, where were they, what could she do?'
Yowling had her turn around a split second later to more noises filling the breeze as yet more denizens of this perilous ponderous place made themselves known, Smallfang a did a somersault off her rocky perch and landed on fours then scurried inside, sniffing the chair led L.C to the chartbox a map wasn't in it but a stack of aerial photos were, denoting targets of priority in G bombing runs, along with two codebooks written in Trishian script.
Curious but realizing her time was running out stuffed the books in into her jacket and followed her catracker on the trail of smells, for what seemed a brief eternity until they heard gunfire and flashes in the night.
"It is here we must part ways, I can say it's been fascinating." Smallfang bowed and sprinted off back into the dark.
Within closer view the moon's glow cast her shadow in the line of sight from the force she judged was her own.
Elephants, monkeys, raptors and bears lay dead near circled colonial corpsmen and six dozerollers, upon which the red with purple clawed banner blew in the wind, the Doctor sat amid and without her helmet for the first time L.C noticed the burn across her forehead down her cheek on the left side.
"Crafton, you're extremely late, I though you dead, have you got the tablet halve in your possession?"The Doc ordered.
The homing function on the android should've activated and brought the item. "Its with the android" L.C admitted.
From the dark a feminine form with torn flight gear stumbled into the clearing as from another direction the hunched hairy form of Beth-Butha-Betha and the limp body of the Jace unit and with her the tablet,
"Just hold it, don't shoot her she's friendly,
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artnerd1123 · 8 months ago
Can we see Lady Luck’s Bio because she doesn’t have one like the rest of the contestants?
Oh!!! Yeah, I can make one for her! Gonna take me a bit (since she doesn’t fit in exactly the same category as the rest of them) but absolutely can do. Honestly she needs one too HHDKDDK
I didnt end up making one for her before bc the profiles were initially so I could put the dice on artfight. My Lady’s design is the exact same as canon, so there wasn’t any way I could add her X]
But!!! Yes! I’ll write the Lady a profile :]
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chronicsheepdrawing · 11 months ago
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Handing you content like I am feeding you oats.
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3.8.24 Friday
2:08 am
I still have windblow.... Tomorrow will surrender my id-badge in Conduent.... I feel fucking bitter in life... What am I gonna do? Where to get luck? Shit! This fucking people who are smashing me since 2007...
2:36 am
Still, have windblow....Done, watching "Thanskgiving", sometimes the crime was made by a police.... Weird and scary.....
9:47 am
Text of Uncle DD but on his name...
Passing the responsibilities, so fake...
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1:40 pm
I have windblow... I feel bitter... First I lost the xfactor!! 2nd please reds or 20's even yellow get out of my hair coz you just damaged me just be responsible....I didn't get them..
I lost xfactor for 17 years and I can't get a career growth on my own... But I want yellow intellectual but there is nobody...
Done, surrendering my id-badge in Conduent... The fake Concentrix is still fake on me and remembering the face of that old lady...There are people who are organized to damage me since 2007! No opening in Concentrix Moa even in Cavite, it is just a HUB...
On EXL they are bullshit,the opening for less than 6 months of call center experience will be next month... So,they will just update me...
Hoping and praying for Amazon!
3:07 pm
I have windblow...
I'm in the house now...People of the Philippines ( What is the spelling of Philippines or Flipna-fins? Or in drugs Philippines? ) are so balimbing....Now they are for yellow here in Cavite,I don't like ordinary minds of Filipino's... Now they are on yellow... I just want yellow as symbolism of intellectual marriage.
I'm a college graduate but my country is super drunk these days...I'm thinking of money angels...I wonder who switch the red into yellow,they are all the same...Fake faces!!! Still, having money...
I need money and job angels... Later, will try to check Padis Point at bacoor what opening I can have there just for part time. Singer or waitressing but definetly will go back to call center.... I feel bitter I can speak English and I can't get dates! I need money....
3:33 pm
I have windblow...
It is so strange that I still have menstrual headache or the people in call center are copying me then removing me.....I observed that ever since...
I also hate Church Of Christ, they are all the same.... The UP stole my thunder....Hating them all...
Even Bisayaz are here in Cavite they all took my thunder!!
3:36 pm
This Uncle DD is somehow fake and he couldn't understand without upgrading even there will be TV, in a lil while it needs the TV box of dasca cable to activate the channels....
This Uncle Jun is just a media man here....
I feel fat and ugly... I feel super ugly... I need a job and money!!!
I need to see chiropractor but I don't have bigger fundings... I wanna have nose perfection and my bleaching or lasers... I miss having yaya... Nobody wants me on the black... I can't meet white these days aside from that fucking cute face of Revo....Can they beat that cuteness and with stability???
I need someone who can accept me as me and willing to return my Barbie Image, I need a foot spa...
At the end of sour graping, I need a career growth! I need money in call center...
3:52 pm
I feel intimidated here in Cavite... I don't like Bisayaz then much more silkier than me angels... I feel intimidated...
3:54 pm
I have windblow... I'm so broke.. Can I call a fallen angels to lift me? A call boy or macho dancer but not that bulky... I'm so desparate! I'm supposed to be paying them to be my escort.... That's the problem!!!
I feel bitter!!! No job and No bf!
4:20 pm
I don't like DJ's angels they are so thicked and heartless and insensitive!
4:29 pm
I have windblow!!! GRRR....
I'm so fucking stress and intimidated by the Bisayaz and Cavitenyas.
I wanna cute bf who can lift me up,where can I get that just like the face of Revo....A white skinned this time..... I need a lift and I need a fix on me....
4:45 pm
I didn't know that Padis in Bacoor is loud people...I will try to be a part time singer or waitress...
Shit, loud group....Hmm....I haven't tried singing on a loud crowd.....
4:55 pm
I need money.... I need a part time job just for 2 days....Singer or waitrissing...
I haven't tried singing on a loud people.... I need 2 days per week and I will go back to call center....Will do the job just for 2 days in a week...Who can help me to earn money these days?
I'm a mellow singer not loud....Not that jumpy,not that happy... Will they help me? I love singing in a way... But I didn't have the chance to be on TV.
Someone asked me in the bus awhile ago if I have a manager, I said none... Hope to get Mr Boy or Tita Fermin if ever but in reality I have no manager. I said I need money but I have other job. I really wanna be an artist on TV plus I need a lawyer...
I dream to be super famous, what will be the changes in me if I get famous and if I have lots of money coz of being famous... But I'm always flatten most specially since 2007!
5:13 pm
I always wanted to be acknowledge as you have a pretty face and nice voice and you have really charming pretty face, it healed me and it will heal me that way coz smashing me since 2007 it really hurt me a lot!!! But I always feel fat and ugly coz I'm not fixing at all these days....
Smart is being accepting the possible positive changes going to fame or uphill or any positive changes in life...
8:41 pm
I'm with my friend Ely here in Padi's Bacoor me applying and thanking my friend for always backing-up and possible back-up in a lil while...
Just leave my resume coz I'm gonna be out of fundings in a lil while...
The price here is really for matured people angels...
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10:12 pm
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With Aries the lead vocal the Friday Band...
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11:22 pm
Bar hopping....Different image than Padis,a friend of Ely is here in Epi-Center...
The band is good and if you wanna chill... More on Tagalog songs near 767 Disco club Imus...
Smaller space but cool....
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It is somehow the same the price ...I thought there are no alcoholic drinks...
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They also sing English-Reggae** ( correction ).
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1:49 am
I'm in the house now.....Hmm.... Hope I can get a part time in Padis... Thanks to Ely for accompanying me...
I still feel self-pity coz thinking of money and job... I need money....I will be out of fundings in a lil while... I wanna cry...
2:05 am
Where can I get a handsome and nice and supportive bf, I hate commuting and I miss driving.... But it is hard to get a bf when I'm poor...
I still have windblow and I feel jealous on other women... I feel fat and ugly...
2:34 am
So,weird there was no area 1 jeep route, so strange....I feel bitter here in Cavite...
I feel hopeless....I'm thinking of Mark now coz of Revo's face....I wanna leave Cavite but I hate being 2nd choice... I'm always in the middle of embarassment here in Cavite....I feel ugly....I can't have vanity that is rightful for me.... I feel so intimidated.
0 notes
xxsigilxx · 2 years ago
I've had a bit of trouble in the ladies department as of late. When I increased my presence online in social media and interacted more back in January, for the first time in years I was speaking to single women again, whom demonstrated an interest in me.
First, there was a super hot and very successful and wealthy CEO of a cosmetics manufacturing company in Hong Kong who also worked as an arms manufacturing import and export trader and stock portfolio manager with her uncles company, and he worked for the government. Our conversations were warm and amicable, and I kept the tone soft and approachable, without seeming desperate or lonely. To be honest, I am surprised that I was able to contain myself without saying anything sexually overt, and maintained some degree of professionalism. She was wanting me to divulge certain things and tried to get me to download whatsapp and add her after she gave me her number. It was at this point I remembered that PLA Unit 61398 uses whatsapp to spy on people's phones. When she became persistent and a little too eager, I called her out on it and demanded to know what she, as a wealthy and very attractive and successful business woman would want, let alone see, in a man such as myself and sweated her on her true motivations and intent. She kept coming at me about dating me and to think of the future, and I finally got fed up and called her a "Spy for the People's Republic", then told her to get lost. The next day, my phone and computer and tablet and television and network router were hacked from mainland China. I was also swarmed by a Chinese BotNet and a fuck ton of Chinese sex bots blew up my Tumblr DMs. I asked her to tell her uncle to give me some stock tips and told her about some global trends that would be affecting the Nikan in the next few weeks, and the attacks stopped.
After her, it was a DM from a very sultry dominatrix in Maryland whom asked me some polite questions about what kind of sexually active behaviors I like. I replied to her in French, which she also spoke, and told her that I would have to take a rain check and would love to admire her particular playstyle at a later date. To be honest, it was my first time talking to an actual dominatrix, let alone a French one. Somehow i spoke with confidence and experience like it wasnt my first rodeo, and the fact i wasnt a desperate pervert eager to be whipped and spit on, put her mind at ease. She was rather accepting of that and we agreed to speak later.
The next random person I met was a Goth girl whom I spoke to in DMs for over an hour, before she told me she is 16 years old and a sophomore in high school. I kept our conversations cordial and checked up on her from time to time to let her vent about her relationship with her father and did my best to be emotionally supportive. We spoke a few times a week for several months.
A few days later, I was messaged by a cutie from New York, Japanese-Korean girl whom took a liking to me and we spoke for hours each day. On the third day I realized she had a DD/LG account, and I was embarrassed I hadn't noticed at first and was brought to her page by anime page suggestions. She laughed at that and told me she was 26 years old. She sent me a recent picture, and when I saw it she looked more like a freshman in highschool. When I accused her of being 14 years old, she got super mad and said she really is 26, which I still doubted. We still talked anyways, and topics a week later got sexually tense. It turns out that while we liked the same sexual fetishes and kinks and had the hots for each other, we were socially incompatible, and agreed to call it quits and speak to other people, wishing each other luck and happy hunting.
After her, I met a very attractive, sophisticated, wealthy, and successful investor from Paris. We got to talking mostly about business strategies and how she liked to fund startups with investment capital, and I asked her for some tips. She hinted at some day funding my ventures, but I stated from the start I would rather generate my own seed money, than be beholden to shareholders and investors. It turned into light flirting and we shared a mutal respect of each other's boundaries.
At any rate, every one of these ladies was either way the fuck out of my league and above my pay grade, or total jailbait.
So yeah, I'm thinking of hopefully meeting some women closer to my comfort level, and possibly income bracket. No dating millionaires or high-school sophomores and freshmen. Yikes!
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spacemothes · 6 months ago
-yapping (and spoilers) ahead-
when Antinous (i definitely spelled that wrong) called his mom a tramp i was thinking lady and the tramp
"whatchu gonna do about it champ?" MR. JORGE WAS RIGHT THAT SOUNDS SO COOL
"if i fight THIS monster is it you I'll find?" TELEMACHUS BABY YHGJYHFJHYV
legendary is by far one of my favorite songs
even though they lost Telemachus is still so happy DD:
"and then we grew apart" is an interesting way to say "I didn't warn Ody to maybe not dox himself in front of the cyclops who had a god as a dad."
Athena regretting growing apart from Ody
what if i cried
what if i cried a sea
the singers are SO GOOD.
Telemachus is so happy I'm gonna cry
"I got in a fight and i didn't die! :D" TELEMACHUS BABBYY
"you're a good kid" YES HE IS.
"tell me though, who's Penelope?"
"She's my wife :|"
"I'm not your man" YA CAUSE I'M HER WIFE
"goddesses can't die (silly) xP" CALYPSO IS SO SASSY AND SILLY I LOVE HER
calypso changing from casually threatening Ody to singing again was so funny.
7 years on calypso's island is crazy (wish it was me)
Ody literally being on the edge of a cliff is crazy D:
"why not make it a game :)" Zeus I hate you but that line was so silly i love it
Hephaestus's hammer sounds were so cool
Zeus you bitch
i hate you
The reference to Thunder Bringer was cool though
"is she dead?" SHE BETTER NOT BE
I wanna make drawings and animatics but hhhuuuuuhhhhh
anyways I should probably go to bed so i have at least SOME rest before school
this is not over.
i will be back to yap more.
All my friends are asleep but i desperately need someone to yap to about epic
so like
sorry not sorry
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 2 years ago
I'm starting the review a few minutes late but I have been watching :)).
Hmm busy?
Girl xDD
She ain't even watching LOL
C'mon girl turn around xD
YES phew xD
Awww :'DD
Aww 🥰🥰 <33
Hi Maddie :DD!!
DANG a bank robber lol???
(me acting like I didn't watch the promo 25 minutes ago xD)
SLFKGJDKHGS she literally just answered the call XD
C'mon y'all
There's no WAY this is good for this guy 😭
The road burn must be real xdd
Hi Athena :D
Ope fake money?
WHAOPE (like woah-ope almost) PAINT
I hope the guy's okay 😬😬
Okay phew he's alive :)
Hi Bobby :D
Hi Chimney 🥰
Hi Buck :))
Hi Eddie :)!
Hi Ravi :D!!
Hi Hen :))!!
Oof my guy though xdd
AWW the ring :'DD
Aww there she is 🥰🥰
YAYY she siad yes :DD
Aww 🥰🥰
Wait girl why?
I mean I get not wanting to drop it on him now but GIRL 😭😭
I don't think it's gonna lessen the blow too much in the long run xd like I mean he'll still be like "I got dragged across the road for her" lol xdd
OOF Chim's gonna doubt it now DD:
XDD Eddie lol
Ayy y'all off :D
On an unrelated note we at least deserve a mention of the tarlos wedding
Like sure anything beyond 2x03 we DID make up about their (the two teams) relationship BUT STILL
They might canonically be friends xDD
Anyway lol
Honestly slay Hen good for you 🥰
Oof all except for Chim and Ravi xdd
Rip y'all good luck lol
I am sorry about the ring Chim xdd
NOO Chim DD:
Come on man nooo :(((
Chimmmm 😭😭😭😭
Aww hey Madeie :))
Oof lol xD
Oop o.o
Ooh lol good excuse xD
Ahh saved by the bell Chim XD
Lol that does sound kinda sus
I am not okay xdd
Lol hey Eddie xD
Is Chris being his tía?? I'm confused XDD
I guess just random shot of Chris anyway hi my boy <33
Sir nooo
Date BUUUUCK xDD <33!!
Wait is that the same lady lol
Is that her again??
Sir it's giving stalker XD
Oh okay no lol
Different people xDD
Ope xD as it should be 😌 /hj XD
OOF not the dog too Eddie xDD
Ahh lol <3
Bestie lol
The way she's about to drink the coffee and just sets it down again XDDD I can't lol
Honey xDD <33
AWW :')))
Lol at least she seems to like it xD
But the aww I just mean her trying it on and being emotional
Aww :'))
Oh crap XDD 😳
NAUR girl xD
I don't think tugging it like that is gonna help lol
Ohhh nooo girl xD
Ope hey girl!
Wow that place seems cool :D
H E Y L U C Y :OOO :DDDD!!!!!!!
Now Buck's acting awkward XDD
AHH (awh not aah) so that's where she went!! Good for her :))
Girl you're making it awkward xD Like no need to talk like that lol
Dang Buck way to be subtle lol xD
Less to Lucy more to what's her face lol
Sir XD
Lol YUP she knows xdd
I mean it wasn't reeeally a thing
Not enough for you to break up with your girlfriend xD
At the time I mean not this not-even-girlfriend lol
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