#Lady Leonora Lesso x reader
annie-creates · 4 months
Beautiful I know
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: angst to fluff
Words: 1100
Note: Another spring fic is here, I hope you enjoy this one. We have had a tough couple of weeks but I hope we can get back on track.
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The air got fresher, early flowers started blooming and the days were sunnier and warmer. Everything around you implied the spring was here. Even the ever students got overly excited for the longer and warmer days, and nevers were willing to spend more time outside than absolutely necessary. It made teaching both of them the slightest bit more pleasant.
What didn’t make your classes easier however was the upcoming Spring ball. A tradition your school kept from before the merging, now both faculties equally accepted and invited. The buzz of your students chippering about the dress and shoes they’re going to wear and the date they’re going to invite was louder than the bees in the gardens.
You couldn’t blame them, you’d too get excited for the opportunity to dress up and dance. But your girlfriend wasn’t a big fan of such festivities, preferring the dark and coldness of her chambers and loneliness of her own company. You knew bothering her with it would not bring much more success, yet you were hopeful for her to change her mind about not going.
“Hey babe?” You question once you enter the office you so often shared.
“Yea?” Leonora reacts, not raising her head from the papers she’s currently grading.
“I know you said you aren’t really a ball type of person, but Dovey got the fancy chocolate fountain out…” You try to bribe her.
“I thought I already told you clear enough I’m not going.” She turns to you with a heavy sign, her arms folded over her chest and brows scrunched.
“Well… yes… but I thought you’d like to come with me…” You specify as if your presence should be her reward.
“I wouldn’t go with you even if you were the queen of Sheba.” She levels you annoyed.
“Oh… I’m sorry.” That stung a lot, pinching your heart in a twist. “I thought you would have done it for me.”
Lesso watched your hunched form leave her office, happy to finally have a bit of peace. Yet even after she did all her work, she couldn’t stop thinking about what you said. Did she not do enough for you? Why were you so needy all the time? It’s not her job to entertain you every hour of each day. If she doesn’t want to go to some stupid dance, she won’t go.
But the pointed look Dovey was giving her all throughout dinner seemed to say otherwise. You didn’t join them tonight, leaving many of the teachers wondering why the bubbly and talkative you didn’t show up. Even when she never wanted to admit it, it made her feel the slightest bit worse. Maybe she was really unnecessarily tough with you.
“Do you mind telling what your fuckin problem is?” Dovey cornered her right after dinner.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Lesso retorted, dissatisfied with her tone.
“Oh please! Every time something’s bothering Y/n, it’s got to do with you.” Clarissa accused her.
“Oh god, why is she so needy?! I just don’t want to go to your stupid dance. Can’t she grow up and let it go?” Leonora argued.
“When was the last time you took her to any dance?” Dovey opposed.
“I… what?” In the heat of the argument Lesso got derailed.
“Actually, when was the last time you took her anywhere?” Clarissa stands her ground, waiting patiently for her answer.
“I… I did… I mean, we went to that place… like a couple months ago..?” Leonora backs down, confused herself.
“Lesso, you need to stop expecting her to invest all into the relationship where you put in nothing. Would it hurt you to give her some of your time every now and then?” Dovey lectures her.
“But I… why does it have to be that stupid dance?! Can’t we just go catch some frogs or something?” Lesso objects.
“Do you think she likes hanging by the stinky pond? Or that she enjoys tormenting the evening fireflies?” Clarissa raises an eyebrow.
“Uh, yes?” Leonora states matter of factly. “Why else would she do it?”
“No, she doesn’t!” sometimes Dovey contemplated if your girlfriend even knew anything about you. “She does it because you like it. She does whatever you enjoy to spend time with you. I’d say it’s only polite to do the same for her.”
Giving Leonora enough to think about Dovey leaves her to her own thoughts. Maybe she really wasn’t good enough girlfriend, spending the time she had left with you after the work hours doing only what she wanted and never asking what you would enjoy. She despised school dances, hated all the balls and fancy parties, but maybe she could bite herself and go just for you.
During the next week you don’t bring the ball up again, and it seems you finally came to terms with the fact you’ll be attending alone. But your excited chatter is shorter and less happy than usually, you don’t mention all the preparations to anyone anymore and you spend most of your free time alone in your room. That’s why you’re so confused when at the afternoon of the ball, a flower corsage finds itself on your bed.
You didn’t know who sent it, the only person you’d accept one from was adamant about not going to the ball. But it somehow complemented all the colors of your flowery dress, so you decided to try it on, just to see how you’d look. Just as you’re about to take it off and leave, a knock is heard from your door, which confuses you even more. As you open it, you find your girlfriend in a fitting white suit with her hair pulled back.
„Wow, you look…“ You whisper in awe.
„Beautiful, I know. Can we go now?“ Lesso cuts you off in faked annoyance.
“But… I though you aren’t going..?” You question her confused.
“Well I changed my mind.” She almost bites but then continues much more nicely. “I realized you deserve to be taken out to where you want.”
“You don’t have to go if you don’t want to…” You didn’t want to pressure her into doing things she didn’t want to.
“No, I want to go! We weren’t doing much of that lately.” She admits offering you her arm.
You link your arms together passing to the ball room. Your arrival turns heads but neither of you really cares. As you’re beaming with a smile, she realizes she loves the neediness and wonderment you have for her. She wouldn’t want to live in a world where you didn’t need her.
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farahtissaiamyloves · 4 months
Hi. Could you please write Lady Lesso x (student)reader(She's 18)?
It's Lesso's birthday, but she doesn't really like it and she's in a bad mood. Reader somehow finds out that today is Lesso's birthday and decides to surprise her, because she has a crush on her. She prepared a gift and a firecracker with confetti and glitter, taking it all with her to class, so she can surprise her right after class. But the firecracker goes off too early and showers Lesso with confetti and glitter, she gets angry, thinking it's some sort of prank. Of course, Lesso decides to send reader to the doom room, and reader somehow have to explain to her that it wasn't a prank and all.
Surprise gone wrong?
Lady Lesso x reader
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I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. I finally found time to write again so here we go. This amazing request was waiting for me for a long time, and I finally seized the opportunity and wrote it. Sorry, for the long wait. Hope you are all doing great!
Ps: it's my name day!!!!
You were at your final year at the school for evil.
You never meant to overhear the Dean of Good talking with one of her colleagues.
Students were forbidden to be walking around the lake at such a late hour, yet here you were studying and mostly admiring all the different stars and magnificent constellations.
You hid and held your breath. The last thing you wanted was to gain detention.
But then again...
Detention with Lady Lesso wasn't such a bad idea...
"You see, Anemone, Lesso's birthday is coming up, and we happen to have already arranged our monthly meeting that day." Dovey spoke with a highly annoyed tone.
Your eyes widened as you processed the newfound information. When?
"Really? Oh dear, she will be more than a handful..." Came Anemone's reply as you continued spying on them with sparkling eyes.
So, Lady Lesso's, your crush's birthday was coming up. You could surprise her! Show her how much you value all her hard work and determination.
You silently squeeled, already thinking of all the ways you could make her day.
"I know! Right? We won't have any work done because of that whining.... vixen." You raised an eyebrow at Dovey's failing attempt to curse your Dean.
You heard Anemone sigh. "And when will we waste our entire day?" Anemone asked, referring to when the meeting will take place.
"Next Thursday. I simply cannot wait!" The good Dean spoke sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at the way they were referring to Lady Lesso, but deep down, you were feeling beyond happy. You couldn't wait for next Thursday.
The day has finally come. You couldn't put your excitement into words. It was the day you were looking forward to since you overheard Dovey.
You were beaming awaiting for the class with Lady Lesso to come.
When the time was right, you went into the classroom a quarter earlier to do the needed preparations.
You knew that Lady Lesso always came from ten to five minutes beforehand to stare daggers at everyone who came into the classroom.
The firecracker was set and ready, and you had your gift inside your backpack. Your plan was to surprise her first, wish her happy birthday, and then pull out her gift to show her.
You couldn't wait to give her your gift, you were a little nervous but you were confident that she was going to like it.
You heard her heels clicking against the floor and giggled in excitedly. You couldn't wait for your little surprise to unfold.
You stood next to the firecracker, which meant to shower the ground in front of her with pink glitter and black confetti.
Lady Lesso marched inside the room at a faster pace than the one you anticipated. Your eyes widened as you were unable to stop the firecracker before being activated.
You stood and watched in horror as the Dean of Evil was showered from head yo tow with your glitter and confetti.
"Surprise." You spoke in shock as you were gazing at her.
The Dean had the exact position and grimace of a cat being thrown water.
She slowly opened her eyes, looked down at her ruined clothes, and up to you.
"What's the meaning of this?" She snapped at you.
You gulped as you noticed her state. "I- I am sorry. I didn't-" You started apologizing.
"Save it." She cut you off and grabbed your arm.
Your eyes widened as the Dean dragged you out of the classroom.
"La- lady Lesso. I can explain." You trembled.
Instead of answering, she pushed you in front of her violently and grabbed your arm again, leading you to the Doom Room.
"Everything but this place. Please." You begged, feeling really scared. You just meant to surprise her.
You briefly looked up at her only to see her furious face. Why was she so angry with you? Couldn't she clean her clothes with magic?
She pushed the door open and pulled you inside. You fell to the ground due to the force and turned to look at her with pleading eyes.
Lesso returned your gaze with an angry and cold one. "Forget class. You shall wait here for me for your proper punishment."
Lesso shut the door and locked it behind her.
You shakily got up and walked to the chair. You sat down and started crying. This was supposed to be a happy day. Couldn't she just use her mind and understand that the confetti was for her birthday?
You sighed as you were left alone with your thoughts. You were disappointed in yourself for ruining such a well-planned surprise and sad because instead of making her feel happy and appreciated, she was feeling furious and sad.
You cried a little bit, realizing that you won't get to give her your gift... All of those hours of preparing the surprise and searching the perfect gift were in vain.
Not just in vain, but they'll probably get you tortured well. You didn't want to be tortured, not for something that you didn't deserve, at least.
You didn't notice the door opened until a cold voice was heard. "Such a polite girl.... She's even trying to make her torture enjoyable.... for me." Lesso's words were accompanied by a chuckle. You knew she was referring to the fact that you were seated on the chair.
You immediately got up and took a deep breath. "I had no ill intentions." You declared.
Lady Lesso smirked, closing the door behind her and walking inside the room. "Oh, I'm sure you don't.... Nobody has in here." She mocked you.
You swallowed hard. Of course, everybody would lie to get themselves out of here. "I'm not everything, Lady Lesso. I never caused trouble in the past. Why would I do it now?" You inquired in a desperate attempt to prove your innocence.
The dean chuckled coldly as she stood in front of her torturing equipment. "There's always a first time for everything, little brat."
You took a deep, shaky breath. Your hands had become sweaty, and your eyes teary. "Can I, at least,... try to explain myself?" You hesitantly asked.
The Dean took a big whip from her collection and sighed. "If you stop acting like a little baby, afterward, then I guess you can certainly.... try to change my mind."
You nodded shakily as she turned around and showed you the whip. "I- I learned that today was your birthday, and I meant to surprise you. The firecracker never meant to wash you with either glitter or confetti. It just meant to surprise you." You explained.
Lesso raised a single perfect eyebrow. "And supposing my birthday was today... How did you learn about that?" She voice a very smart and calculated question.
You bited your lip. You were just going to make your torture worst, perfect. "I was just studying some astrology a week ago, at the lake, when I overheard Professor Dovey and Professor Anemone talking about a meeting happening at your birthday. I wish to reveal no more."
Lady Lesso thought about what you just told her. In was in fact true that there was both a meeting today and her birthday. She also knew that students weren't informed about those kinds of events...
The Dean looked down at the whip, then back to you. "Why the firecracker, then?"
You scratched your head. "That's what they do on birthdays."
Lesso sighed, turning around to put the whip back to its place. She didn't know whether she was disappointed for not conducting the torture or relieved because her favorite student didn't mean to stab her in the back.
"Such a cruel way to torment someone." The woman commented with gritted teeth.
"It didn't mean to fire on you, but in front of you. I'm deeply sorry, Lady Lesso. I never meant to make you furious." You apologized.
The Dean turned to look at you, only with her can in her hands. She sighed. "You did not mean ill, in the end. I'm glad."
You titled your head. "You are?"
Lady Lesso approached you with a sad small. She patted your head and then caressed it. "I am.... You didn't have to make such a big deal out of it, though."
You smiled, looking up at her. You didn't pull away from her grip. "Why not? It's your special day! You should enjoy it!"
Lesso shook her head and sighed. "No, no, I shouldn't. And you shouldn't either. Where's the good with completing another lonely, annoying, and boring year of your life?"
You pouted at her. "Don't say that, Lady Lesso, you have me."
The woman chuckled, patting your head. "That's not what I meant, and you know that."
You swallowed hard. Here goes nothing. "I. I know what you meant." You spoke, biting your lower lip.
Leonora's eyes widened as she looked down on you. Her piercing gaze remained on you as she processed your words. "No." She whispered.
You hesitantly nodded. "Yes."
The Dean took her eyes away from you before returning back to you pretty quickly. "You are lying."
You shook your head. "I had gotten you a gift, too. It's in my bag."
The Dean's eyes widened. "A gift!?"
You nodded. "Yes, if you want it. I think you will like it." You spoke with a smile.
Leonora Lesso was speechless. Firstly, her student admitted on liking her, and now this very same student has bought her a gift.
The Dean bited the inside of her cheek. "How much did it cost?" She meant to repay you.
You shook your head. "It's a gift for now, and it shall remain like one."
The Dean cursed. "What is it?"
You smirked at her and shrugged. "Only one way to find out, professor."
The Dean gave you a stern glance. "Why are you doing this? What do you wish in return?"
You looked up at her smiling. "Making you feel appreciated and cared for."
Leonora's eyes widened in shock. For the first time in a long while, she was truly speechless. She didn't know what she awaited you to say, but definitely not this. Not this, and definitely not with such happiness.
You stood up, standing in front of her. "Wanna open your gift?"
The woman looked at you for a second before blinking to bring herself back to reality.
"I- I guess." The Dean surrendered without a fight.
Nobody had ever gotten her a gift without waiting for something in exchange, and it made her feel... warm.
You walked outside of the room with the woman behind you. You led her to her classroom before taking your bag and opening it.
You pulled out a black box with a golden ribbon.
"Happy birthday, Lady Lesso." You said enthusiastically, handing her her present.
The Dean took the box and examined it. It was a pretty box in nice colors. Lady Lesso hummed, feeling pleased with the box as she slowly pulled it open.
Her eyes widened when she saw the matching cravat and gloves with the color of the box and ribbon.
The Dean touched them both in awe. They were so beautiful and precisely her style.
"So.... Do you like it?" You asked, examining her reaction.
Leonora looked up at you with a genuine smile. Her eyes were teary as she wanted to cry due to your thoughtful action. "I do. I guess a thank you is necessary."
You smiled back at her. It was the first time you saw her so happy. "You are very welcome, Lady Lesso."
The woman nodded and took a glove in her hands, and she caressed it, enjoying the feeling of leather against her fingers. "Call me Leonora when nobody is around."
Your eyes sparkled. Really? She liked it that much. It was your lucky day! Maybe you even stood a chance with her in the future.
The Dean glanced at you. "I believe this is the beginning of something wonderful."
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v3nusxsky · 27 days
could u pls to a smut oneshot with lady lesso with prompts 29 and 52 it’s the readers first time with her. Possibly adding in overstim and aftercare.
Princess 18+
*Authors note~ Lesso smut has returned god I’ve missed writing! I love being back into my happy space and writing fics for all our favourite ladies*
Trigger warnings~ overstimulation kink multiple orgasms, orgasm denial, dom!lesso, daddy kink, bondage, mirror sex, sex toys (vibrator and enhanced strap on), dirty talk/sexting/nudes teasing, fingering!, oral, fem!good!reader, power dynamics (good vs evil), somnophillia (consented before)
Prompt~ see ask^^^^
52~ "Look at your reflection. Look at how gorgeous you are. So gorgeous when I'm fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only me.
29~ "Want my fingers in you?"
•••••••••(Banner to come)•••••••••••
You’ve always been a firm believer that the line between good and evil is never as clear cut as people perceive it to be. For you, it’s more a spectrum that people move up and down on, not something to define someone’s character. After all the phrase “what’s another man’s trash is another man’s treasure” has to mean something. Right. Perhaps that’s why you, of all the princess professors to enter the walls of the school for good and evil, caught Leonora’s eye. Fate. Destiny. Or just pure luck would have it that you’d soon become her princess. The one she would try to be better for, to move up the spectrum of good and evil. But even you should know that the red head wouldn’t be able to be purely good all the time. No. She limited that side, the almost cruel sadistic side of her, to the bedroom only. Was she evil for this? You were about to find out.
The special chime of Leonora’s phone sounded around her office. You. Only you had that chime. But why would you be texting her knowing how she had a meeting with all the staff to attend now. “I’m sorry daddy, I just get so turned on thinking about the last time” was what it read with a video underneath. At first pixelated but it soon became clear. Here you were wearing nothing but wine red rope, tied in intricate patterns while holding your favourite vibratior to your clit. Your phone in front of the mirror allowing lesso to not only hear but see every reaction to your self care. Teasingly running your fingers down your body to spread your folds apart, your arousal just leaking out of your puffy lips. Clearly this wasn’t the first self induced orgasm of the day.
Instinctively the red head chewed on her ruby lip as she replayed the video. God you were something. However did she get so lucky? But something lying dormant in the woman screamed to be let out, to put an end to this foolish attempt to prove dominance over her. Simply, this beast wouldn’t take this lying down at all. Fingers as quick as lighting typed her response before shoving the small black device in her pocket of her waistcoat and left for her meeting, “be naked when I get back home dove.”
Two whole hours. She had to wait two whole hours before leaving the school. And in those two hours you’d gifted yourself three more self inflicted orgasms before passing out in your bed naked. That’s exactly how she found you when she returned. Blissfully unaware of what you’d caused.
Your right leg position at a right angle as your left leg lay flat against the covers, your arousal still thick in the air as you unknowingly left your core on show to her preying eyes. Really, it’s not her fault. At least that’s how she reasons with herself. You’d spoke about her waking you up this way, something you wanted to try, and what better excuse than today. Falling asleep like this was asking for it after all. Practically begging her to take advantage of you. Her poor innocent princess.
It took less than a minute for Leonora to position herself between your legs. Now eye level with your pussy she couldn’t help but dive in. Her precious little dove all ready for her to take. Eating you out from behind like a starved animal. No matter how many women she’d had in her bed, no one could ever compare to the taste of you. The scent of you. Just you. Hers. The way your body responds to the ghost like touch of her hands trailing your body as she lapped away at your glistening folds. The sleepy little moans that only she could hear. Hers. And to think you had yet to wake up, to find her home where she always wanted to be.
“M Nora?” You mumbled disoriented and dazed by the delightful feeling of someone’s mouth working at your sensitive bundle of nerves. The only response you were given was the fee of her teeth grazing your clit in a silent reminder. “Daddy!” You almost squeaked in shock and pleasure to but cut short with your displeased whine at the sensations she provided stopping dead. “Oh no was my poor princess getting close hmm? Did you like daddy waking you up little slut?”
Oh did you ever. With how your chest rose and fell and the pretty blush on your cheeks spreading to your breasts being all clear indications of how much you liked it. That’s ignoring the copious amounts of slick now covering your folds and her chin and lips. “Daddy why’d you stop” flew from your pouty lips before you had a chance to think about it. “Because my princess is a grade A whore who can’t help but touch what is clearly mine. You. Are. Mine. And you must be punished dove.”
At least you’d had the decency to cover your sleepy features with an attempt to look ashamed of your actions. But deep down you both knew that this was exactly what you wanted to happen. You wanted to rile her up, push her buttons and get well and truly fucked. Strutting around the room the dean of evil tied you to the bed frame in record time. Now lying flat on your back arms and legs spread. Cunt on full display as her eyes raked over your beautiful body.
“Want my fingers in you? Hmm do you want daddy to fill that slutty little hole for you?” She teased knowing that it wasn’t everything you wanted. See Leonora knows her princess. You need more than her fingers to feel like worlds exploding. But she also knows that her fingers can get you most the way there. Many nights had passed with her testing how far her fingers alone would push you into pleasure. “Fingers or nothing princess” was all it took for you to begin to plead for her to touch you. Anything really, “please daddy. Please just touch me. It never feels good unless you do it please.”
She couldn’t help but be mesmerised with how well you took her. Your greedy little pussy sucking my fingers into your weeping little hole. She’d chuckle when a harsh curl of her slender digits against your G spot had you gasping for breath. “More. More please god more Nora” you whimpered as your hips continued to buck up into her skilled hand to once again be denied. “Poor dove. My poor useless little princess. You need daddy huh? Want to be daddy’s play thing? My precious doll? Let daddy use your slutty body and take what you’re given.”
Time really is a concept when your girlfriend is Leonora Lesso. Your whole body bound and marked up at her will. Orgasms ruined by her demand until tears streamed down your checks as you babbled out incoherent please and whimpers. Lesso would be lying if she said you didn’t turn her on to the max. You were just so pretty. Her pretty princess. Even crying so prettily just for her. God it turned her on. A beautiful princess all for her to use.
“Shhh okay princess, daddy will give you what you want now. So pretty dove. Daddy has just what you crave sweetheart” lesso murmured while she shredded the last few remaining articles of clothing. When had the rest gone? You weren’t sure, too lost in chasing the orgasm she wouldn’t allow you to have. Wide eyes taking in the new appendage between your lovers legs, “d-daddy?” You stuttered confused. How ? More so, you wanted it. In your mouth, in your hand and more importantly burried inside your cunt as she crawled up to ensure her crotch was level with your mouth. “Oh princess you like what daddy has for you hmm? Come be a good little cock slut and make it nice and wet for daddy. Repay me for turning me on for hours while I was working. Come earn your pleasure darling.”
Despite the fact that lesso was now adorning a life like dick, she was moaning and grunting like she could feel the way you’d hallowed your cheeks to take her further. The head of the cock touching the back of your throat as you gaged around the shaft. Slender hand gripping a make shift pony tail in your hair as she guided your head along the length just long enough to edge herself. Not only does she love to edge her dove, but receiving edging was also something she adored. “Out! Now. I want to be inside of you now. She demanded quickly manoeuvring herself to be between your thighs once more.
You felt every inch slip inside your snug walls. Every ridge hugged by every pulse of your pussy. “Take it princess. Take it for daddy” she grunted as the last inch sunk into your tight warmth. “Such a slut, just made for me. Sophie tight I can hardly move with how you’re gripping me. Fuck.” She grunted as she slowly pulled out of you to slam back inside. Mesmerising herself with how your walls sucked her back in. How well you fit together. As one. Hers.
As if it couldn’t get any better, vibrations began to fill the room with a constant buzz. Inhuman sounds began to work their way from your body as you bucked like a wild horse into her thrusts. "Look at your reflection princess . Look at how gorgeous you are. So gorgeous when I'm fucking you like this. So pretty for me, and only me. Mine” she growled forcing you to turn your head towards the fall length mirror. Watching as you joined as one. “Daddy need to please god please need it” you jumbled up your desperate pleas as she finally gave you the permission to cum for her. The orgasm being everything you needed and wanted. Blissed out by the pleasure she was bestowing on you. Only, she didn’t stop. No. She continued to fuck into you until finally she was satisfied. “Good fucking girl princess” she whispered before slipping out of your now gapping quivering hole, “such a good girl for daddy. My best princess.” She used her magic to free you and clean you up before whispering praises and holding you close for the remainder of the night. Her girl. Her princess. Her love. Her dove.
Word count ~ 1879
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Hi! I adore you 🥰 prompt number 32 for lesso if possible please? I’m having a rough month and you legit make my day 💛 thank you kindly x
Heyyy @grumblebee-93 !! I’m sorry to hear about your month… I hope it gets better ♥️♥️♥️ Thank your for your sweet words!! Hope you Enjoy 💞
Call Yourself Mine ~Dom!Leonora Lesso xGN Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#32. Enemies to lovers troupe
Warnings: NSFW, implied smut, dom/sub relations, verbal fighting, kissing, teasing, begging kink, confessions of feelings, etc.
Enjoy (;
“God, you’re such a control freak…!!” You exclaimed in a hushed tone.
The red head rolled her eyes and mashed her teeth.
“You’re such a whiny bitch!!” She sneered.
You took a step closer to the dean.
“Lower your voice…” you gritted out.
“Why??” She jeered.
“Because it’s fucking 1 am and we’re standing in the middle of the fucking corridor…!!” You seethed.
“I’ll do whatever I damn please…!” Lesso gritted out, stalking up closer to you.
You started back up, as the red head kept approaching, until she had you firmly traps against the wall. Your breath hitched.
“What do you want, huh?? You can’t control me like you do the others…! I’ll never be yours to control!!” You spat.
Lesso came flush up against you, her hands trapping you on either side from escape. She cocked her head slightly and her eyes sparkled.
“Oh Babygirl…” She wickedly purred, “I don’t want to call you mine…”
Your face reddened and your breathing staggered. She came even closer, her lips grazing the shell of your ear.
“No, I want you to choose me and tell me that you’re mine…” The red head lustfully taunted, “To beg me to be your dom… Out of your own volition.”
You gulped. Your eyes fluttered down to Lesso’s lips and then back up to her intimidating gaze. You went to close the few inch gap between your lips, but the red head was quick to grab your jaw, pulling your face forcefully to the side. You whimpered slightly as she held your head in place tightly. You then felt her hot mouth on the base of your neck, and you couldn’t help the breathy moan that escaped you. Her tongue travelled up your neck and to your ear, where she nipped your lobe before continuing,
“Beg. And then I’ll give you whatever your heart and pussy desires…” Lesso lustfully husked, “Anything.”
“Please…” you whimpered.
At This, the red head swiveled your head back face to face with hers.
“Please, what…?” She taunted.
“I wanna be yours… I am yours…” you whimpered.
Her gaze softened a little, and a small smirk came upon her face. Suddenly, Lesso’s lips were on yours. But this time her touch wasn’t rough or fiery, no, it was caring.
Leonora Lesso Masterlist
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engr4vedlesso · 11 months
! Shower | Lady lesso x Reader.
warnings: (none that I know of.)
The sound of heavy fists knocking on your door had woken you up, as you shuffled in bed. With a groggy moan you slouched against the bed frame pulling down both of your cheeks with your hands.
"Who is it?"
You said trying to set your gaze straight.
The door opened with no response. You almost fell off of the bed gathering up the sheets, glaring at the door before seeing emerald green glaring right back at you. You relaxed your tense shoulders but crossed your arms.
"What was the point of knocking if you were going to come in anyways?"
You rolled your eyes sitting up against the bedframe.
"My shower is not working, so I came to use yours.."
The red head muttered leaning against the door frame in her silky black robe, acting as a tail coat.
"What about Clarissa's" You snickered but stopped at she walked towards you, not before closing the door.
"You have just woken.. haven't you?"
She asked with her lips having a taunting smirk on them. Her robe trailed the ground behind her, menacing footsteps made their way towards you in the form of a strut.
"Yes, Lesso." You yawned sitting onto the edge of the bed doing a quick stretch.
"And you need to shower, do you not?" The evil dean asked taking your cheek in her palm as her eyes darkened at her statement.
"You may go first.." You said intertwining your hand with hers, pulling it away with suprising gentleness.
She stepped in between your legs and hauled you up into the air by your thighs.
"LEONORA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" You yelped and struggled as she carried you to the bathroom.
She shut the bathroom door with the back of her foot and dropped you onto the mat on the ground. She turned back around and locked the bathroom door. She looked down at you rolling on the floor in pain before rolling her own eyes.
With no hesitation, she shrugged the robe off of her shoulders, her skin met with cold air, with a few rare small scars here and there. Turning on the water, she approached the counter getting the bubble solution and pouring some into the water. She then carefully discarded the rest of the robe draping it over a silver towel rack in the bathroom. Her hands gentle traced the fabric before pulling away and heading towards the shower.
Meanwhile you were shocked ghost white not even the trickle of sweat trailed down your face. The dean of evil had just undressed right in front of your eyes. You looked up at her as she cleared her throat.
"If you're in here might as well come in and join me.." She smirked and slid into the bath tub with an exhale. "I don't bite.. sweetheart."
"N- No way.." You stuttered leaning against the counter holding your hand against your head as you tried not to blush. Which mad man would have the gal to decline sitting in a bath with the dean of evil herself?
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I don’t if ur request are still open but if they are I was wondering if I could request lady lesso x reader we’re they are in a secret relationship and they got kissing or something by dovey
She is different
Warnings: Secret relationship, jealousy, fluff, warrior princess, bad liars
Word count: 2.3 K
Pairing: Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader
Prompt: It is impossible to hide that Lady Lesso was completely captivated from the first moment she saw Y/N
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Charlize Theron characters masterlist]
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From the moment Y/N set foot in the school, the green eyes of the dean of evil did not stop admiring her figure.
Despite having a 'thin' build and short stature, Y/N wasn't your typical princess. The legends that ran through the corridors of the school, recounted the great feats that she had achieved as the star warrior of the greatest known kingdom; making the redheaded dean's curiosity grow with the passage of time.
Lady Lesso had always met the stereotype of the perfect princess, just like Dovey herself; so, hearing that that sweet-looking princess had been commissioned to slaughter thousands of enemies, just to protect the queen, only made it inevitable that Lady Lesso would wander into Miss Y/N's class.
Y/N was one of the first teachers to get a mixed class, getting both 'Ever' and 'Never' to learn to defend themselves and attack in combat, from small combats in a classroom of the, now, gigantic school, to fights that They executed on the school horses in the large gardens of the same.
At first, Dovey thought that Leonora's presence was due to concern (if that's what it could be called) for the performance of her students, but seeing how those eyes sparkled with a strange sparkle every time Miss Y/N, she brandished that weapon to teach the young princes how to defend themselves, she thought that her assumptions were not entirely correct. Lesso never missed a Y/N class, not even on the days they had practices in the gardens just like they were doing today; having a great simulated fight in the gardens of that castle.
A few minutes before class ended, Professor Dovey approached the stables, knowing that her students would arrive there, only to realize that Leonora was already there, staring at Professor T/N's braided hair
"My, what a surprise to find you here, Lesso," Dovey teased, smoothing the non-existent wrinkles from her beautiful dress.
“I would like to say the same”
Silence reigned for a few minutes, both with their eyes fixed on the training, until Dovey's gaze returned to rest on her senior partner, noticing how small and tiny black hearts came out of them.
"May I ask? What has been the reason why you delight us with your pleasant presence?" Dovey tried to persuade her partner, causing the redheaded teacher to just make a small face.
"No, you can't ask" she replied, in her typical annoyed voice.
Before Dovey could object to such behavior, the murmurs and laughter of the students, together with the galloping of the horses reached the ears of both women, causing their eyes to look at the boys, who quickly entered the stable to to let the steeds rest. Y/N was coming backwards, on top of her own horse.
"Oh, hi Dovey, I didn't see you there."
While Dovey and Y/N never became the best of friends (as Dovey always thought that a rebellious mind like Y/N didn't quite belong on the 'Ever' side), they have been courteous to each other, and more when Dovey found out that thanks to that woman, many of her friends and students were still alive.
“Lady Lesso, it is always a pleasure to greet you”
And for her counterpart was that beautiful redhead. When they were both young, Y/N remembered feeling self-conscious, clumsy, and even naive around her (the few times they happened to meet); when Y/N was taken to her friend Jade's kingdom to become what she always dreamed of, a warrior, she assured herself that if she ever met Leonora again, she would no longer be that shy girl; if she was capable of killing men in the name of what she considered fair, she was clearly capable of meeting this woman.
When the school received her, after those injuries that made it impossible for her to fight again, seeing how both the 'Evers' and the 'Nevers' young people applauded her with admiration, made her feel even more powerful. She was capable of instilling respect, pride and admiration on both sides.
Everything went overboard when her eyes collided with those of the dean of evil.
At first, he didn't recognize her, but, Y/N couldn't get over those beautiful eyes so quickly.
She felt how her knees began to give out, even a little unsure if she would be able to cross the entire room on her own.
To say that Leonora Lesso was beautiful was an understatement, the woman was the epitome of beauty and sensuality. Those green eyes like the grass bathed in morning dew, rosy lips like the petals of the most fragile flowers in her home kingdom, and that wild hair, like the flames she had seen on many of her travels.
She thought that with the weight of time, the impression before such a woman would diminish… but that never happened. Even to this day, she could feel the penetrating gaze of the dean in each and every one of her lessons, waiting for some mistake on the part of the young warrior, just to be able to take advantage and unleash her fury against her.
"Oh dear, that was a wonderful class," Dovey congratulated, watching as Y/N climbs down from the horse and begins to stroke the animal's head, while her other hand begins to remove the animal's saddle.
“Well, Dovey, thank…”
"Well, I expected to see someone injured" Leonora's hoarse voice commented.
Both Dovey's glare and Y/N's puzzled glare landed on the tall figure of the woman.
"Leonora!" Dovey scolded
“Well, my lady, I'm sorry to disappoint you this time. I promise that in the next class one of yours will have to be attended to urgently" Y/N joked, watching out of the corner of her eye, how the dean raised the corners of her mouth a little, showing a little amusement.
"Y/N!" Dovey scolded again, the princess looked at how her companion's corners were slightly raised, but, realizing the look, she quickly returned to her usual straight lips. "Both are impossible, I'd better go"
"I'd better go too" announced the redhead "I wouldn't like to see those freaks behave in a proper way"
"I hope that's not the case" Y/N joked again, watching how both deans walked away to let her clean the stable in peace.
Night came, and with it, secrecy and mystery.
T/N had always been taught that night was the time for evil, the terrifying and the forbidden. Over the years, she realized that it was not entirely true; night was the time for secrets, intrigue, curiosity, mystery, and of course, the forbidden.
A knock at her door startled the poor girl, who quickly put aside her parchment and quill to open the door, revealing those sweet green eyes.
"Until you deign to open"
“It was only seconds, don't be exaggerating”
"Well, seconds that could well be used in something else"
"Like what?"
"Maybe kiss you"
If Y/N were ever to tell that the fearsome dean of Evil had a soft spot for honeyed words and cheek kisses, no one would believe her. But, here she was, leaving a trail of little kisses on Y/N's cheeks.
"Today you were splendid" she murmured against her ear.
"Do you believe it?"
"Oh sweet girl, I've never seen someone attack like that before. No warrior will ever be as great and skillful as you are."
“Oh honey, you flatter me, but, out there, there are thousands of warriors far better prepared than me. It took me years to convince my parents to teach me how to wield a sword, whereas these men are required to do so at a very young age."
“Well, princess, that just proves my point. You are beautiful, intelligent, strong, brave and capable woman, what more could I ask for?" Leonora spoke while her arms embraced the small waist of her beloved, bringing her closer to her chest, so that she could smell a little of her hair.
"Maybe a make-out session in my bed?" the princess asked cheekily
“Wow, that sounds like a great idea to me”
Dovey's feet made it impossible for her to stay still. She was so anxious that, without realizing it, her feet moved her throughout her office, until she heard how the doors were opened violently, listening to Leonora's unmistakable walk, along with the annoying clicking of her cane.
"Well Clarissa, I'm here now, what do you want?"
But, seeing Leonora's raised eyebrow, the question stuck in her throat. Lady Lesso was well known for being the thorn in Professor Dovey's side, so wasn't it fair to get even a little revenge?
“I've been thinking about doing a new dance,” Dovey commented, performing in her everyday way: bubbly and happy.
"Other?" Leonora asked tiredly "Wouldn't it be like… the eighth this month?"
"Oh Leo, but this is for a special occasion"
"What could be so special as to warrant a school dance?" Now, the dean desperate, she crossed her arms, tapping her forearm with her nails.
“I have found the perfect prince for Y/N”
Lesso felt how the blood ran down from her head to her feet, making her fist take that stick with more force, until leaving her white knuckles.
"What?" she slumped into the chair across from Dovey, not helplessly, but furiously. "I thought I heard from Y/N's own mouth that she didn't want a prince in her life"
"Well, we can all change our minds, and believe me, when she see Prince Henry, her mind will change."
“Henry? What kind of name is Henry? It sounds completely ridiculous…”
"Leonora, if I didn't know you well enough, I would dare to say that you are jealous" Dovey teased, raising an eyebrow.
Lesso only managed to let out a sarcastic laugh, causing Dovey to laugh internally.
"Jealous? Of whom? Of your star princess? Not at all! I just make fun of the poor girl, having to deal with a man as… simple as this Henry"
"But if you don't know him yet"
"I don't even want to meet him" Lesso got up again, with her cruel director's facade, she hit the cane against the ground emphasizing her next words "So, was that all? Is that why you wanted to call me?"
"Yes, just to let you know to prepare your best clothes, because Y/N is getting married soon"
Dovey only listened as her companion's footsteps receded and with her, small murmurs, only affirming Dovey's theory.
Unfortunately for Lesso, the dance came faster than she could process. Before she least wanted to know it, Dovey had introduced stupid, muscular, pretty face Prince Henry and Y/N and forced them into the middle of the room to do a little waltz.
"Don't you think they make a cute couple?" Dovey asked
"Oh yes, can you imagine how cute their babies would be?" Emma asked.
“They will have beauty and courage alike”
Lesso only felt her blood boil. She promised herself (and Y/N) that she wouldn't kill anyone again, but at that moment, the bloody prince had a red target painted across the middle of his face, taunting Leonora. One more torture wouldn't hurt anyone… except him.
"What?!" Emma's loud scream snapped Lesso out of her thoughts, causing her to let out a growl to get the attention of her companions.
"How much do they murmur?"
"Dovey just told me that Prince Henry is planning to propose to Y/N tonight." Emma groaned and clapped her hands, showing her excitement.
“At least, the young prince confessed to me this morning. He said he would take her to the balcony to do it” commented Dovey trying to hide her emotion.
"There they go!" Emma pointed out.
And indeed, both were heading to the balcony, getting away from the bustle of people.
Without thinking about it, Leonora got up from her chair and began to follow the young people, until she found her beloved, with her back turned and completely alone.
"Y/N" Leonora murmured, causing the girl to turn around and give her a smile.
"Where is the prince?"
"I punched him when he tried to kiss me"
Both women laughed, knowing that no one could be lucky enough to kiss Y/N's lips. Nobody except Leonora.
"He's an idiot"
"Yeah, next time Dovey wants to find me a boyfriend, I hope she finds a better one."
"There won't be a next one"
"Honey, we won't know, if we carry on like this…"
"I don't want to continue like this" Leonora cut off Y/N's sentence while her arms hugged her girl's waist. "Yes this is the feeling the got from hiding you, I don't want to feel it again" the dean buried her head in the crook of Y/N's neck.
"Are you sure, my love?" Y/N's soft but firm hands took Leonora's face, forcing her to look at her and be honest. “I know how much your reputation has cost you and I wouldn't want it to be affected by me. We can be discreet…”
"Fuck discretion, I just don't want to see you in the arms of another jerk like that Henry guy"
And without further ado, Lesso planted a kiss on her beloved's lips, proving that the love he feels for her is worth much more than her stupid reputation.
Carefully, Y/N encircled her girlfriend's neck and stood on her toes deepening the kiss full of feelings, affection and true love, in the light of the full moon.
"I told you, you owe me five doubloons" Dovey joked as she and Emma watched as their friend Leo finally admitted her love for that girl.
“It amazes me, how being so different, they seem to work well"
"She's different" Dovey pointed at Y/N with a look "Lesso is just… Lesso"
Maybe tomorrow I'll upload a little message for my followers for Christmas… but if you don't see it, Merry Christmas!
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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a-weird-simp · 6 months
Troublemaker - Lady Lesso x reader
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Dean of the school for Evil x student, don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with that.
I don’t know how to write smut (if anyone has advice I would love to read it) so the end is kinda weird, not finished, sorry about that, anyways enjoy!!
I was in my room, alone, finishing my homework. It was the one Lady Lesso gave me earlier this morning, because I didn’t listen to the class, too mesmerized by the beauty of the fierce teacher in front of me. She seemed to stare back at me, but after she gave me this homework, I guess it was just in my mind. After all, a woman like her could never like a girl like me back… right? Yet here I was, still daydreaming about her, about her magnificent red hair and her alluring gray eyes, about… Lady Lesso.
I returned to my work, telling me that the sooner I get over this, the better it is. As I leaned over my desk to pick up my pencil (which had rolled across the table), I heard my door open and close. I raised my head to see the woman of my dreams. Is it because I was just thinking about her? It doesn’t matter, I was just happy to see her. But then I realized that she was staring at me… and that I was still leaning over my desk, so she could see my cleavage. I saw her smirk as I quickly got up and went to see her;
«What are you doing here? Am I in trouble?»
«Don’t worry darling; I just wanted to see my little troublemaker… See what’s in her mind.»
Her lips didn’t move while saying the last part of the sentence, but I still heard what she said… In my head. Her smirk grew wider as she saw me freeze. She was reading my mind.
«My, my, I know you liked me but I didn’t think you would be so addicted to me.»
I could only blush and stutter in response. She took a step closer. I couldn’t bear to be that close to her without imagining all I wanted her to do to me, so I took a step back. Her eyes darkened as she said,
«And what exactly do you want me to do to you?»
I looked at my feet, embarrassed, but she didn’t like it. She pinned me against the wall and lifted my chin up, forcing me to look her in the eyes. I was so mesmerized by her beautiful eyes that I almost didn’t hear her growl in a low voice:
«I want words, little thing.»
«I- I don’t know-»
But yes I knew. As I realized how close our bodies were to each other my mind started to fill with all of my previous scenarios with the woman in front of me. I couldn’t help it, even if I knew Lady Lesso was probably watching all of it. And indeed she was. She seemed to be breathless for an instant, and then her hand came around my nape, using just enough force to make me look up a little more, making me expose my neck.
«Your thoughts are much dirtier than I expected. You really are obsessed with me hmm?»
She didn’t let me time to answer before continuing;
«Well, lucky for you, you’re quite a pretty thing, and it’s been a moment since I wanted to… know you better.»
Her finger glowed and I heard the lock of the door close. She was still choking me with one hand, but she used the other to pin my hands above my head, preventing me from moving. I could feel my breath growing heavier with each second passing, as her lips sneaked all over my neck. She was teasing me and even if I would never admit it, I loved it.
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spookie-bitch · 22 days
Perfect To Me
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Pairings: Lady Lesso x Fem!Reader Contains: Comfort, fluff TW: Age gap (legal ofc), perfectionism AN: Requests are open <3
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You would've never considered yourself a perfectionist, or even an overachiever. You knew that nothing was perfect and that people made mistakes. Despite this, your subconscious seems to exclude you from said people, and your school work from said nothing.
Staring at the bird pecking in rankings, you’d usually be surprised that you went down a rank. However, today was different. You absolutely flunked the challenge in Professor Castor's class. You were so tired you couldn’t bring yourself to do anything but stare in despair.
Your name next to the 2 felt like a punch to the gut. The first to lose. The longer you stared at the rank, the more it sunk in, and the worse you started to feel. Anxiety started to wrack its way through your mind.
“Did everyone know?” “They probably thought I was pathetic.”
You ran your fingers through your messy hair, your hands shaking. The sleepless nights spent studying are shown in your disheveled appearance. You might have normally cared, but right now, you had bigger problems.
As you walk to your dorm room, every hushed voice and whisper felt personal. They were talking about you. They thought you were a failure. You felt like a failure.
Closing the wooden door behind yourself, you feel tears of shame and irritation build in your eyes. You refused to let them fall—crying wouldn't fix it.You leaned your back against the door, sliding down until you were sitting on the cold floor. The room was silent, but your mind was anything but. A million thoughts raced through your head, each one louder than the last.
You buried your face in your hands, trying to steady your breathing. You couldn’t let this break you. You had to get up, keep going, prove that you weren’t a failure.
Pushing yourself up and off the floor, you grab one of the textbooks on your bedside dresser. As you plop down on the bed, you open the textbook to the page marked by your notes. You spend the whole night going over them. Hours tick by and the pages start to blur together into a heap of meaningless words. Despite your best efforts, you can't seem to retain a single thing you've read.
Your eyes grow heavy and begin to burn as the first rays of morning light shine through the window. You hear the soft hum of activity outside your dorm room as the campus starts to wake up. You shut your eyes tightly, rubbing your forehead in a worthless attempt to soothe your oncoming headache.
You get up with a groan, putting your books back into your bag. You change into a fresh pair of clothes, not bothering to brush your hair or really do anything else. You were so drained that you didn't care how disheveled you looked.
“At least now I look how I feel,” you thought to yourself, glancing into the mirror.
A few minutes later, you make your way to your first class of the day, your mood only worsening by the looks cast in your direction. The day only got worse from there, if that was even possible at this point. By your fourth class, you were ready to quit.
“Let them turn me into a tea kettle,” you thought, “at least nobody would expect anything of me.”
You found the corner of the dimly lit hallway, your shoes clicking on the stone of the floor. You did not want to deal with Lesso today. You always felt weird around her and you didn't like it.
Sitting in your seat near the front of the class, you were almost sure she would comment on your appearance. She was blunt, and spoke her mind, but to your surprise, she said nothing. She merely glanced at you, something you couldn't recognize flickering behind her emotionless eyes.
“Probably disgust,” you thought to yourself, your eyes lingering on her for a moment longer.
Five minutes into the lesson you zoned out so hard you could no longer hear the clicking of Lesso’s cane as she paced around the front of the room. What you did hear, was the loud thwack of the cane hitting your desk, pulling you out of your daze.
“Pay attention, Miss y/n,” scolded Lesso, the only noticeable emotion detectable in her voice being mild annoyance. And then she went on with the lesson. You’d expected her to send you to the doom room or something, but you were let off with a gentle scolding.
You zoned out again, wondering why you hadn't gotten in more trouble. Lesso wasn't exactly known to be nice, or even lenient. You were more than sure she saw that you still weren't paying any attention, but she didn't acknowledge it.
You didn't hear when the wolves howled, signaling the start of your trek to your next class, too busy in your own head.
A quiet voice broke through the fog. “Shouldn’t you be heading to your next class?” You looked up, blinking as Professor Lesso stood before you, her gaze sharp yet strangely soft.
“Oh, I’m- I'm sorry professor, I-”
“Are you okay?” She cut your stuttered out sentence off with three words you never thought you'd hear from her lips. You could hear something alien in her voice—concern. It was faint, but it was there. You started to feel weird, her presence starting to fully register.
You swallowed, feeling the weight of the question press down on you. Your chest tightened.
“I'm- I'm fine,” You finally said, your voice barely a whisper. It didn't sound believable, not even to your own ears.
“You don’t look fine.” Her tone wasn't harsh, but it was firm. You could tell by the way she said it that she wasn't looking at you, but rather in you. It made your face flush, suddenly feeling extremely vulnerable.
“I just…” you started, your voice wavering as you tried to find the right words. “I’m tired. I messed up. She knelt slightly, bringing herself closer to your level, her posture uncharacteristically open.
“You push yourself so hard, y/n. Too hard,” she said softly, her voice barely above a whisper. The way she spoke your name made your breath hitch. There was an unexpected protective edge in her tone that made your heart skip a beat.
She reached out, her fingers brushing lightly against your cheek. You found yourself wanting to lean into the touch, but you resisted the urge. Lesso’s thumb grazed your skin, and you could feel your pulse quicken. She was so close, closer than she’d ever been, and you could feel the tension between you, thick and electric.
Her touch was gentle, almost hesitant, as though she was unsure if you’d let her in. The contact was soft, but charged with something unspoken.
“You don't have to be perfect,” she murmured, her thumb tracing gentle patterns along your cheek. You found yourself learning closer, pulled in by the intoxicating blend of strength and gentleness that made you feel both safe and unsteady all at once.
Her breath fanned softly against your skin, your heart pounding.
“Lesso…” you whispered. You weren't exactly sure what you were asking for, but the way she looked at you—like you were something precious and fragile—made you want it more. She didn't respond with words. Instead, she closed the distance between you, her lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss.
You melted into her, your hands finding their way to her collar, pulling her closer. With her hand still on your cheek, she cups your jaw and tilts your head back ever so slightly, deepening the kiss. Her touch was gentle and soothing, so much so it brought tears to your eyes.
As Lesso's lips left yours, the warmth of the kiss still lingering on your lips, you felt a tear trickle down your face. Then another, and another. Lesso gently wiped the tears with her thumb, her face softening. With her other hand, she gently grabs your wrist and tenderly tugs you out of your seat, standing up straight.
She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you into her chest.
“It’s okay,” she whispered into your hair, her voice gentle and reassuring. You let your tears fall, silently sobbing into her chest. After what felt like forever, but you were sure it was no longer than five minutes You sniffled, trying to regain some semblance of composure.
“You’re perfect to me,” Lesso whispered, her thumb grazing your cheek again. Her arms tightened around you, as if trying to shield you from everything. “You're enough, sweet girl.”
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acupofqueercoffee · 2 years
“With her sweetened breath and her tongue so mean”
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Andromache the Scythian x Witch Reader
gif ▸ queen-shuri ( i don’t know how to link a gif ㅠㅠ )
request ( found here ) by @nightly-polaris
i left her powers to your imagination though i did play around with the idea of them being soulmates. wow it did take me a while. this was harder to write than i thought. frankly, i’m not very pleased with it. i went too long without writing and i feel like i’m getting rusty. i just hope that i managed to do your idea justice 🥹
(=^・ω・^=) leonora the cat made a cameo appearance
Myriads and myriads of millennia. That was how long the Scythian had been walking the earth. There was not a corner of this world where her soles had not touched. Many a time had the sky borne witness to her downfalls, and thereupon, her immediate beginnings. Throughout her journey as an immortal, she had seen it all, privation, plenty and everything in between. The wonders and weirdness of the world could no longer provoke in her a sensation that would otherwise have six thousand years ago.
Regardless of her very old age that could have her certified as a living fossil, and the boundless knowledge that she had collected throughout her very long life making her a walking encyclopaedia, there existed many mysteries that even Andromache had yet to see. Amongst them, magick was a concept that still remained foreign to her; therefore, a threat. Unfamiliar though it was, it was not entirely unheard of. After all, she herself had been caught in the crossfire while trying to free the accused from the witch trials. In the end, they were just that: accused. There ended the extent of her experience regarding witchery or anything supernatural for that matter.
The only occult phenomenon that she knew to be bona fide was their immortality. The rest was sham. That was, until her team notified her of the all too familiar dream. Until a family of four bar Quynh and Booker, became a family of four, plus a hazardous, peculiar individual.
━━━━━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━━━━━━
The arcane parts of you that had remained concealed for the better part of your life had only recently come to light when you unfortunately faced your demise.
The cause of your death had been as good as silly, slipping on a wet tile and cracking your head open on the edge of your bathtub, but it had shed light on an important piece of information nonetheless.
One second, you were dead, and the next, you woke up in a pool of your own blood. To you, who had been revealed to the bombshell of an information about a week ago, that you were a witchling, you were just in assuming that it was part of your newfound identity.
However, on the following day, with the arrival of a mysterious woman on your doorstep, your life was turned upside down. Going with her had not been of your own free will, having been meticulously knocked unconscious and finding yourself on an unfamiliar bed upon awakening.
The root of your sudden perturbation stemmed from the absence of Leo, a majestic Somali cat with gorgeous red mane that resembled a smaller version of a fox. She had been your greatest companion long before you had been made aware that she was your familiar. It appeared that the bond between a witchling and her familiar became only stronger once a witch unlocked her true potential. Only when a fluffy ball of scarlet hopped onto your bed could you calm.
In addition to, quite frankly, the charismatic complexity of a woman that you eventually learned named Andromache, you met three other people; Nile, who looked the closest in age to you, Nicky who had the kindest face out of the four, and Joe who appeared the most laid-back. All five of whom, four who you had just met, and the remaining one who, as explained by them, was away to carry out his punishment, were not entirely unfamiliar to you. You had seen them in the dream that had sought you right after your very first’s death.
Regardless of your non-involvement in being here, the decision to remain here was done of your own free will, reached by not only your instinctual feelings but also the support of Leo. Growing up alone, you had no one to miss you, and no one to be missed by you. It seemed sound to stick with those as peculiar as you were, than to stick out like a sore thumb amongst the ordinaries, or so you had believed.
Oh, how terrible of a mistake you had made by assuming that being immortal would make you the same as them, or them the same as you.
Although the others welcomed you warmly, making you feel at home as best as they could, your confession about your true being was not received kindly by Andy as the others called her. In fact, even the nickname was a privilege that was beyond your reach.
“That’s Andromache to you.” so she had corrected, lips the very picture of a straight line, when you had made a slip of your tongue.
Being forced out of slumber one night by a curious dream, similar in kind to the one you had on your death’s day, led you to seek the group with a question in mind. No sooner had you set foot in the room than the Scythian made herself scarce without so much as acknowledging you.
“Andy, albeit not being the most open person, can be ridiculously protective of her team. You are now one of us which means that she cares.”
“Humans harbour fear of the unknown. Even Andy cannot be entirely immune to it. Give her time.”
“She’ll come around. Take me for example. I had been killed once, beaten to a pulp, and had my bones broken by that woman, all of which transpired within the same day.”
Despite the reassurances from Joe, Nicky, and Nile, you would rather she kill you than disregard your existence altogether. Her aloofness stung you all the more for you felt oddly, albeit rather profoundly, connected to her.
You wanted to believe that it was time she needed, and time, you gave her, but when you were being actively avoided by her like you were the very plague, it only made sense that your tolerance would eventually run thin.
Unlike the Scythian along with Joe and Nicky who had been protecting humanity for centuries, and Nile who used to be a marine, you lacked experiences when it came to being a warrior. Additionally, being a witchling meant that you were a complete novice in magick. During one of your first missions, due to an error on your part, you had hindered your team by causing their unnecessary deaths.
You were not oblivious to the fact that the Scythian’s immortality had reached its end. In fact, it was by dumping all your attention onto the woman that you had not a dot to contribute to your part of the task. Although the mistake was borne of your all consuming concern for the Scythian’s safety, appreciation was the farthest thing from which you ended up receiving.
“Andromache, I keep having this dream of a drowning woman. Is she someone like us?”
When you had brought the question to her with a flimsy hope of instigating communication, sapphire green eyes had coldly held your soft-eyed gaze.
“There is no us.”
Such had been her words, thickly laced with venom that it rendered you absolutely crestfallen.
Thereafter, you were left alone in the room along with your question neglected. The answer to which was being delivered to you presently in what you could only describe as the most unkind fashion.
“You wanna know who that woman in your recurring dream is? That’s Quynh and if I could, without question, I would trade you for her. You should be the one locked up, not her. Quynh isn’t a witch. You are!”
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-“
“Every day, I worry over whose immortality will be stripped away next now that you’re in existence. What use are your abilities when you can’t even make good use of them? A hazard to the team. That is what you are! Nothing but a liability.”
Razor-sharp and poison-bitter, her frankness certainly did a splendid job of maiming you.
Despite not only being shunned, but also having your sorry little heart wounded by the very kingpin of the team, withering was the last thing that befell you. If it did, you were doing a good job of putting up a front, fragility hidden behind a tough facade.
You trained more. You smiled more. Always so cheery, always so carefree until one day, a relatively trying mission brought about the shattering of the mask that you had painstakingly put in place.
“Have I done something wrong? Why does she loathe me so?”
Having been bursting at the seams with bottled up emotions, it was no wonder that your heart reached its breaking point.
“I can’t. I can bear it no more.”
An endless leakage of tears marred your features as you came apart at the seams, revealing to the team the depth of the wound the Scythian’s coldness had burned into your psyche.
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You were different as they were but at the same time, you were different from them altogether. The Scythian had her suspicions to begin with when, after swiftly sketching the picture of the one who had visited their dream, Joe had handed her the book in which a familiar face stared eerily back at her.
Losing her immortality meant that she was no longer privy to these interconnected dreams. However, there was no mistaking the face that had been plaguing her dreams for years. Andromache did not know what it suggested for them, and it was disconcerting to say the least. Then, once the fact was made known that you harboured powers beyond immortality alone, with her suspicions solidified, you were deemed a threat.
As was with Nile, there, too, was a strong possibility of you coming to be at the cost of one of the veterans’ immortality. The staggering awareness that it could very well be Quynh was a bitter pill to swallow. It did not make it any more palatable that Quynh was unfairly accused of being a witch, and locked up in the bottom of the ocean for centuries upon centuries only for a real witch to take her place.
If her rationality had not been muddled by stress, and the deeply rooted guilt and resentment of having to lose Quynh, she would see that her judgement about you had been done with extreme unfairness. Cruelly subjective instead of reasonably objective.
In the end, Joe and Nicky had to play the role of an eye-opener.
“What’s wrong with you, Andy? You’re being unreasonably cruel to the kid.”
“She proved hazardous to the team.”
“She is a part of the team!”
“She’s not entirely like us.”
“That’s absurd!”
“I lost my immortality upon Nile’s arrival. Quynh is next in line. What if she-” Brushing her palms over her face, a sigh was heaved into the cocoon of her hands. “The innocent has to suffer while the guilty takes her place? Don’t you think it’s unfair?”
Joe levelled her with a glare that screamed incredulity while both of them sounded truly disappointed.
“My god, Andy, are you hearing yourself?
“Where is the Andy I know who’s endlessly caring to her people?”
“Your anger is dreadfully misplaced. It is those pea-brained bastards that should be rightfully crucified, not an innocent kid.”
Even amidst being chastised, Andromache could not help but be awed by the couple as they effortlessly supported each other.
“You’ve been nothing but, to be brutally honest, a heartless bitch towards her, and yet, she’s always been heedful of your safety. Despite her lack of experience, the kid’s been tirelessly pushing herself. Can you not really see? Or, did you blatantly choose not to?”
“The way you treat her is cruelly unfair. You know it to be true. You can’t tell me otherwise. Whether she is a witch, or- or say, a vampire, or whatever the hell she is, she’s irrevocably one of us.”
“Poor kid’s devastated by your actions. You would do well to own up to your mistakes and ask her for forgiveness.”
Slowly but surely, the Scythian was beginning to see the errors of her actions, but it was only after having been knocked some sense into her by her very family could she truly grasp the extent of her callousness.
And thus, she came seeking you, a mission that was accomplished rather swiftly.
The sight that she had walked in on forced her to a stop. Keeping herself hidden behind a wall, she was caught off guard by a pang of…perplexity, she decided to name for now, that started pounding against her ribcage.
You were locked snugly in Nile’s arms, face buried in her chest as you dissolved into tears. Seeing you so broken, and knowing that she was undeniably the culprit behind your suffering did something inexplicable to her, but when the pang only intensified, her mind was transported back to a period of time many many moons ago. She had found the amour who she was particularly fond of mingling with someone else, and needless to say, it had not sat well with her.
The green-eyed monster had taken possession of the Scythian then.
Now, the same monster was knocking on her door, bringing with it an unpalatable sensation.
Confused and overcame with labyrinths of emotions, Andromache who had never, in her immortal life, willingly backed down from a challenge experienced her first surrender. Incapable though she was to approach you, the Scythian’s night was spent fruitfully as she dissected her puzzling reaction.
By morning, the puzzle was solved, and her feelings, understood. The pang of perplexity, as it so happened, turned out to be a pang of jealousy, followed closely by guilt and something else entirely that she was not yet ready to admit out loud.
The question however was, had she been too late in realising her mistakes, and thereupon, her feelings?
She had every intention of talking things out with you, but the sudden emergence of a mission compelled her to put it on hold.
Joe and Nicky took care of driving, and as much as she disliked seeing you stick to Nile the entirety of the ride, she knew that she had no rights interfering. For that, she had but herself to blame.
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Raining down around Andromache in a violent downpour were bullets. None of them were offered a chance to reach her, for as she fought with her foes, her team had taken it upon themselves to guard her. They were playing defence while she did the offence. Although at first, their strategy was working remarkably well, as the troops multiplied on the opposing side, their stance faltered.
Being a burden to her team was the last thing she wanted, and having had enough of her team suffering in her stead, she took off from the formation, aiming instead towards the enemy line with her beloved labrys in hand. At her lead, her team followed suit, coming to grips with the enemy team. They covered her, as one after another, the opponents were annihilated by the Scythian’s effortless execution.
Everything had been working in their favour until, all of a sudden, Andromache found you planted firmly in her way. Although, if only for a moment, she was confused, she learnt just as quickly that a bullet had found home in your flesh. A moment later, and her axe, too, found sweet purchase directly between the eyes of your aggressor. Together, you made light work of defeating your opponents. As you kept them restrained with the help of your powers, she delivered finishing blows.
Between using your powers to assist her in combat and taking damages for her should the assaults were to prove lethal, one too many times had you use yourself as a shield. As a result, your body was riddled with many an injury which the Scythian noticed were taking longer than necessary to heal. Through the wounds leaked blood, and it made Andromache nauseous with worry.
What she perceived next, she heard it first, before she saw it. A loud bang of a gun that sounded from behind you.
Almost instinctively, her hands found home on your hips, soft flesh yielding beneath her calloused fingers as she quickly did a swap of positions. If a bullet were to hit, it would be her instead of you. The inevitable pain, which she was bracing for, never came. She understood why by the time her eyes fell on you. Tendrils of glowing green were dancing to your fingers’s desire as a protection was conjured around the pair of you.
The mission, once again, accomplished, she took the time to admire the delicate blossom of a smile on your lips. A feeling that quickly dissolved into worry upon hearing the little whimper that escaped them. By the time your eyes slipped shut, and your legs gave out, with her heart in her throat, she caught you in her arms.
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The shock Leonora the familiar felt upon seeing you in the Scythian’s arms only continued to crescendo when you were carried not into your room, but, hers.
“She isn’t healing. Why isn’t she healing?”
The question was evidently for her, and so, she answered.
“Immortality doesn’t grant her immunity to damage done by her mate. A mate’s rejection to a witch is quite possibly the most harrowing form of torture. It leads to deterioration of the body.”
Her response took a while to come. “How can I find them?” Leonora eyed the Scythian curiously as plethora of emotions flashed across her face before the words were hissed through gritted teeth. “Her mate.”
“A witch’s familiar cannot be understood by just anyone. Only her true mate can.”
“What are you implying?”
“You’ve been seeing her in your sleep, have you not? Long, long before her immortality came.”
By the way she was looking at her, sage green eyes shimmering with shame, she almost felt bad, emphasis on almost, because in the end, she did not shy away from rubbing salt on her wounds.
“Given your time on this earth, I had surely believed that you would know better than to jump to conclusions. I’ve overestimated you, it seems.”
“My time on this god-forsaken place is precisely why I can’t trust people outside of my team. On more than one occasion have I been led to plight by pity and my sense of duty. Some of which have caused me my comrades.”
“And you thought it wise to reject one of your own?”
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“I fucked up, I know. But I don’t want to fuck up any more than I already have.” The Scythian’s voice was laced with genuine upset as she pleaded with your cat, eyes desperately beseeching. “So, tell me, please. How can I fix this?”
“There are quite a few things you can do. That said, physical contact with her mate is the easiest and the most effective way for a witch to replenish her energy. I would strongly advise cuddling.”
Thus landed the Scythian into her bed that was presently housing your unconscious frame.
Only now, as she was lying face to face with you, did she realise how little she had looked at, let alone appreciated, you.
Tentative fingers touched a cheek so soft to unveil your face curtained by a few strands. Battle-hardened though they were, they executed the task with tremendous tenderness.
The scars that her eyes discovered upon wandering down your neck had the effect of jogging her memory. With the long forgotten memory now dug up and on the forefront of her mind, she was transported back in time.
During one of her travels, she had chanced upon a house on fire. Even though, normally, she would avoid involvement in fear of exposing herself, and consequently, her secret, she felt compelled to enter the roaring flames. What, or rather, who she found was a little girl trapped inside a room. Instead of crying as any child in such predicament most likely would have, she was busy murmuring reassurances to the little kitten that was cradled protectively in her tiny little arms. There was no doubt that she was in intense pain if the wound that had been leaking blood on her neck was any indication.
Now that she thought about it, the familiar dreams began on the very same night. It had been so dark in the house that she did not get a chance to properly see your face. Nevertheless, your cat was right. Andromache should have known. If she had only taken the time to think carefully instead of rushing to conclusion, all the suffering would have been spared. After all, in all the dreams that she had of you, you had never so much as harmed a hair on an ant’s, let alone, a person’s head. How big of a nitwit had she had to be to harbour the thought that you would be capable of intentionally sabotaging them.
With your face as sweet as Baklava and your heart so golden, you had to be the quintessence of innocence, pure, unsullied white, sent into her life to remind the Scythian, who was tainted with darkness and death, that the world was not only teeming with war and wickedness. In contrast, she had to be the wickedest of them all to be able to trample a delicate little bud without giving her a chance to prove herself.
She had, Andromache admitted, oh so cruelly, snuffed out the little shimmering ray of light. Come hell or high water, it was now the Scythian’s duty to chase away the heavy, stormy clouds that were threatening to devour the little sunshine.
If you were to allow it, she would, in fact, declare you her sunshine.
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Meanwhile, feeling rightfully smug, Leonora the cat revelled in having her head scratched as the ginger fur-ball lounged in Nile’s lap.
She might have made a drama out of a crisis while playing cupid, but what she had said, in her defence, were not entirely incorrect. She would be a fool not to make the most of a stellar opportunity if it meant making her best pal happy. After all, unlike you who was annoyingly upright, she was a firm believer that if used wisely, trickery always bore the sweetest of fruits. Plus, if you finally found someone to cuddle with, then, she would hopefully, thankfully be spared the odds of being squeezed to death.
And viola! If love was on your side and luck on hers, you would win yourself a girlfriend, while she got to experience freedom. It might just be the best example of killing two birds with one stone, if Leonora did say so herself.
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Waking up to a muscled body pressed against yours, and strong arms cocooning you, you had half a mind to believe that it was a by product of your sleep-ridden mind.
Only when you heard Leo’s voice in your head did you realise it was in fact not a hallucination.
“You really don’t have to do this.” Unlike your utterance, your actions suggested otherwise. As if possessing a mind of its own, your face had sought solace in the warm dip of her throat. When you spoke again, it was but a murmur. “I’m aware that you love Quynh.”
Her reply came a moment later in the form of a merciless stab to your heart. “I won’t lie to you. I do love Quynh.” Your endeavour to escape from her embrace was doomed to failure. “But, it is no longer the kind of love that I felt once upon a time. Loving her doesn’t equal falling in love with her.”
“It was hard, losing Quynh, and I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive myself.”
You were wounded, and thereupon, healed by her words. The choice, essentially, lay in her hands.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive myself either if something were to happen to you.”
She coaxed your face out of its little haven in favour of her soft-eyed gaze roaming over the planes and hills of your face.
“You must have felt scared. Lost. I was supposed to be there for you.”
In addition to the collapsed eyebrows, her voice had a sad lilt to it as a thumb gingerly caressed your cheek.
“I know a simple sorry cannot fix all the pain I’ve caused you, but if you’ll let me, I truly wish to earn your trust.”
Since the mood had been too gloomy to your liking, you opted for a lighter, more benign route with your response.
“Now, now, Andro-“
“Andy, please. Call me Andy.”
Her name tasted sweet on your tongue.
“You were saying?”
“-someone might think you’re trying to woo me.”
You came dangerously close to disclosing your desire, and if you were being honest, you had been entertaining the idea of confronting her after your facade fell in front of the team. It was an all-or-nothing decision.
After everything she had said and done, you would be lying if you said you were not hoping for her to ruthlessly reject you. At the same time, saying that you were not foolishly hoping for her to miraculously return your feelings, too, would be a downright falsehood.
“What if I am?”
In the end, it was neither foolish nor impossible, though, it did feel miraculous all the same.
You liked her. Tremendously. And although it was true that she had hurt you, you knew for a fact that her reason for doing so was not ill-intentioned. It was done out of worry for her team, and blaming her for it would be ludicrous. You did admit that she had been terribly unkind to you, but you knew that she was altruistically caring at heart. Not only could you feel it, you liked her too much to deem the errors of her way irreparable. Mistakes came to be in the first place as an opportunity for one to learn from them. You were all to willing to give her a chance.
“Well then, Andromache of Scythia, luckily for you, I’m not very hard to please.”
“Kiss me as much as you’re sorry, and I’m all yours.”
You watched, giddy and gleeful, as a smile bloomed on her handsome face.
“With pleasure.”
Fanning the flames of heart palpitations by bombarding one with kisses, as sweet, and soft as soufflé, should be included in the ever-growing list of ways she knew how to kill a man. Of course, she was allowed to use this delightfully tantalising technique on you and you alone.
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this is how i imagine leo would look like as a cat
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“Say yes to heaven, say yes to me”
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Request by @anonymous
Hey! I know this is kind of a weirdish request, but could you write like a really long fluff piece for lesso? Long fluffy fics always bring me loads of comfort. Tysm! I love your writing & your style, it's so beautiful to read
i do hope 3940+ words for pure fluff fic is considered long enough. if i add more, it would take me some more time to write and i feel like i have you waiting long enough already so hopefully this many words can scratch an itch, dear anon. crossing my fingers that this will be delivered to your fingertips 🤞🏻
Wisps of fire dances under the sunlight. Their golden glow is peculiarly hypnotising, very reminiscent of the sparklers that you love to play as a child. Even as an adult, you allow yourself the occasional indulgence in such nostalgias for they offer you a sense of childish glee.
Have you ever felt the irresistible urge to throw yourself off the edge while standing atop some place high, a building, a balcony, a bridge? You do not dare look down not because you are afraid of heights or of falling but because you are afraid that one day, your impulses will win.
Today seems to be that fated day. Now, the bright oranges and reds are beckoning you to touch them. To their demands, you dance. Like a lamb to the slaughter, naive fingers dive into a sea of fire. It does not ravish. It caresses. Soft flames gingerly lick your flesh as your digits seek the heart of the burning red.
By the time you shower her scalp with gentle scratches, the bundle of warmth in your arms has melted into liquid butter, creamy skin very nearly becoming one with the creamy sheets. A sultry hum that you can both hear, and feel through lips moving against the dip in your throat is spine-tinglingly husky. A dollop of honey in a tumbler of rum that when consumed, douses you with pleasant heat.
Although you always go to bed nestled snugly in your cosy little haven, by morning, you always find a majestic fox taking sanctuary in your arms. Said fox, sly as she is, stamps tiny, delicate kisses to your neck, nuzzles your jaw with her soft little nose before emerging out of her hiding spot. You drown in her eyes, a mesmerising sage green, sprinkled with little specks of brown in the middle, that dissolve into rings of dark forest green.
“Hey, sleepyhead.” You greet her with a kiss on the lips.
She on the other hand is smiling against your cheek, tracing your cheekbone with peppermint kisses. “Who are you calling a sleepyhead, hm?”
“Who, I wonder.” You squint your eyes as if deep in thought.
It earns you a chuckle coupled with a poke on the nose. “Can you blame me, ma chérie. You make it hard for me to get up.”
“Oh, so I am to blame then?”
You watch her eyes twinkle with mirth. The subtle curve of her lips grow into a sly little grin. She dismisses your question altogether, chooses instead to lock you in her arms.
“Come. Let’s be sleepyheads.”
“No can do.” Even though you come within a hair’s breadth of being caged in those stubbornly unyielding arms, you manage to successfully roll out of bed before being completely caught. “We have much to do today, Leo.” A pout has settled atop her lips, and when she moves to sneakily snatch you on your waist, once again, you succeed in dodging the surprise attack. The cherry on top has been getting to stick your tongue out at your lover as you flee the room with a wink that screams downright sass. “Get out of bed if you want me back in your arms, naughty fox.”
“Naughty fox, was it?”
“I’ll show you how naughty I can be.”
You have no idea what you have hoped to gain by taunting the very personification of sly-as-a-fox. Consequences are a certainty. When the lowly husked threat has trickled like ice down your spine, you certainly have not been expecting to physically feel cubes after cubes of ice being shoved down your hoodie. To your horror, you find that the sly fox has not only tucked your shirt into your pants but also cinched the waistband tight to trap the unforgiving coldness there.
Willowy arms encircling your waist, you are hauled onto the kitchen counter. They keep you confined, offering you no reprieve from the icy torture. Trapped and helpless, freezing and suffering, all you can do is to bombard her back with tamed punches while you writhe and wiggle like a worm being exposed to salt.
“Leo!! It’s cold!! Cold!! Leo!”
“Well, it is ice darling. Ice is supposed to be cold. What do you expect?”
“Alright! I’m sorry! Stop! Please, I’ll do anything. Just stop, Leo!”
Intrigued by your bold statement, she seeks your eyes. “Oh?” An elegant eyebrow arches. “Anything?”
“Yes! God, yes! Anything. Now, put me down please.”
She complies, face the very picture of a cat that has gotten the cream. As soon as your fluffy-socked feet touch the floor, trembling fingers scramble to untie the knot of your sweatpants. When you try but fail, lithe fingers join you, dexterous in their movements as the knot is freed and subsequently you, of your suffering. Ice cubes clatter to the floor. Sneaky hands, meanwhile, have found purchase on your ribcage. The very tips of her thumbnails playfully grazing the tender flesh just beneath your breasts has your lips falling open in a gasp.
You swat her forearm reproachfully.
“Naughty is an understatement. You are an evil fox.”
Soft lips fall atop the little furrow between your eyebrows. After one, two, three, four kisses have tumbled down the slope of your nose, the fifth one is perched atop the very tip.
“Why thank you, sweetheart.”
It is crooned along with the sixth which is bestowed upon your lips.
As warm flavours explode on your tongue after you have bitten into the sugary, creamy goodness, a moan has been your first instantaneous reaction. Then come the stars, bursting in your eyes as you marvel at the chef with those big, wide twinkles.
“What is this witchery?”
Four fingers and a thumb bookcase your cheeks.
“That, darling, is the art of baking.”
Tilting your head a touch, the little pout of your lips is met by a pair of succulent lips. A tender caress at first that escalates into gentle suckles. The milkiness and tiny glittering grains resting on and around your lips are meticulously plucked by the tip of a tongue.
Once satisfied, she hums, “Hmm, delicious, is it not?”
You feign disbelief at her query, mouth falling open. “Delicious? It’s scrumptiously divine!”
“I made yours extra creamy, practically doused it with icing. Do you like it?”
Another hearty bite into the sweet swirls renders you speechless. The fluffiness of the bread is impeccable; cinnamon sugar joins the thick, heavy cream as it melts on your tongue. Although every one of her baked goods always has you giddy like a kid in a candy shop, cinnamon rolls, in particular, are like ice cream in a room full of lollipops. You savour the taste of heaven tucked into a bun, reaffirming once more that they are indeed your lover’s best work.
“Like is an understatement. You make the-”So busy licking your fingers are you that you do not mind when you are cut off, delighted even that she knows you like the back of her hand. “-most heavenly cinnamon rolls in the entire universe, yeah yeah I get that quite a lot.”
With a pop, your finger is released, and you turn towards her at breakneck speed, stare her straight in the eyes.
“I would marry you if I could.”
“Oh darling,…” Crooned the woman in an apron. “…flattered though I am, I’ll have to stop you right there. These hands,…” Your eyes are immediately drawn towards those tantalisingly long digits. When they wiggle, you gulp. “…as dexterous as they are,…” She leans in, whispers conspiratorially. “…bake, and then some for only one person.”
After a beat, she winks. “My girlfriend.”
“Oooooh, lucky them.”
Index and middle fingers walk along toned forearms, teasing the edge of her rolled up shirt sleeve. A hand halts them by capturing your wrist. They are instead brought over to lips so soft that, when a kiss is pressed onto your fingertips, it is like touching silk.
“Lucky them indeed.” She initiates eye contact, and you hold it, unwavering. “You should teach them how to bake.”
“Oh I did,…” Fingers intertwine. A hand finds home just shy of your hipbone. “…over and over and over and over again, I might add.”
“It’s great luck that we still have a place to call home.”
“Wow! You may be an excellent cook but you are a terrible teacher.”
Her hand has abandoned your hip in favour of pinching your nose betwixt a middle and a fore finger. “It’s not my fault that you’re always so scatterbrained.”
Meanwhile, her cheeks are sandwiched between the palm of your hands. “It’s not my fault that the love of my life is always so annoyingly, distractingly drop dead gorgeous.” You squish her soft cheeks before punctuating your argument by capturing her adorable little puckered lips. Your kiss, to her annoyance, is delivered with an audible, exaggerated “mmmmwah”.
More often than not, when you are being overly affectionate with your woman, her expression may suggest repulsion but you know better than to let it perturb you. What can be read on her face is usually the exact opposite of what she is feeling. You have understood since the very beginning that she is an intricacy, and after a few years spent together, mastered the art of discerning her innermost emotions.
A beanie sitting snugly around your head, toes and fingers enveloped in thick socks and gloves, swaddled in at least three layers of clothes, bar the long coat, you are being carefully wrapped up like a Christmas present. Your beloved girlfriend has taken it upon herself to make certain that you are well dressed for your winter outing.
There has been a time when you have come home one chilly evening rudolph-nosed and shivering. Having unfortunately overestimated your tolerance for cold, accidentally underdressing for one day has left you with a terrible flu that has lasted for more than a week. Not only has she patiently and carefully nurtured you back to health, going forward, she will also go into protective mommy bird mode whenever you leave so much as a finger unprotected, especially during winter.
Currently, she is wrapping a muffler scarf around your neck on top of the turtlenecked sweater that she has already dressed you in.
“You act as if you did not just shove ice down my spine. Literally.”
“That’s exactly the point, sweetheart. Only I, your evil fox, get to torment you, my little lover.” Lips touch your nose, but a soft, fleeting caress. “Not even the weather is allowed to.”
Even though the cold is not necessarily your cup of tea, and it, too, is not Leo’s, she is not as affected by it as you are. Weak though you are against winter, you adore the weather. Leo on the other hand neither loves nor hates it. At the same time, while you love celebrating Christmas, she is not so much an enjoyer of festivities as a love-sick woman keeping her little lover company.
If you are the sun, then, Leo is the cloud hovering protectively in front of you.
Even now, while you look every bit the picture of a meticulously wrapped parcel, she looks as bare as the Christmas tree that the two of you have yet to finish decorating. She has on her body her signature white dress-shirt layered with a sweater over it with midnight jeans for pants, finishing it all off with a muffler scarf and a long coat. The both of which, aside from colours, entirely matches with yours. Compared to her other fashionable pieces, the sweater looks extremely out of place, the only thing that does not belong in her immaculate wardrobe.
You have just begun trying your hand at knitting, and the sweater has been your very first product. It is created with your lover in mind, but as a result of you deciding to get boldly creative on your first try, what is supposed to be a fiery red fox looks either like a rat or a dog that is terribly malnourished.
You have certainly thought that at worst, it would be fed to the trash can, and at best, it would be tucked into the darkest nook of her wardrobe never to be seen again. The more wishful part of you dares hope that she will wear it at home at the very least. You cannot both believe your eyes and stop staring at your woman when she appears in front of you, dressed in what you have knitted diligently, uniquely for her. She makes even the wackiest of colours arrestingly grand and you remember a small part of you thinking that it should be considered criminal. Meanwhile, the rest of you have been busy admiring her with unabashed wonderment.
If you have not seen your lover rocking questionable attires that will certainly look ridiculous on other people, you would have had half a mind to believe that she is the quintessence of beauty-is-in-the-eye-of-the-beholder. Not only do they look splendidly fine on your woman, it is not your personal opinion but rather a collective agreement that everything will suit her to a tee. After all, you have heard people marvelling at her elegance, seen heads turning towards her direction, which solidifies it as a fact instead of an opinion.
So filled to near bursting with love is your heart that you do not even notice, and if you do, you cannot care less that the two of your are inside a relatively crowded coffee shop when you have trapped her in your arms and attacked her with kisses.
Presently, you are stood outside the same coffee shop that is frequented by the two of you. The snowman out front has caught your attention. Hence, you have decided to wait by it while your wife goes back inside to order more hot drinks as per your friends’ messaged requests. It is amidst making a snowman of your own that you are approached by another. Since you are engrossed in giving the snow version of your girlfriend a face, you have thought whoever is sitting beside you to be the human version of your girlfriend.
“Who is that supposed to be?”
The unfamiliar voice, too gruff that it grates your ears instead of softly caressing them the way Leo’s does, startles you. The uncomfortably close proximity that you find upon turning makes you grimace. As you back away, you unfortunately trip on the thick lump of snow, but the imminent impact never comes. If it does, the ground that receives you has gentle arms that wind protectively around your waist.
There is no mistaking the hands that have explored every square inch of your body. All too happily, you melt into the solid wall of flesh behind you. While you look up at your lover, she gazes down at you, the furrows between her eyebrows ebbing away once a smile blossoms on your lips.
“Her.” You say this to the person still standing before you. “That is supposed to be her, my Leo.”
They either decide to ignore the obvious signs or are insufferably oblivious because instead of leaving the two of you alone, they do the exact opposite. They step closer.
“You’ve got a little something-”
Your guardian angel, of course, is not going to stand idly by and watch as someone else tries to touch you. So, she does the only thing she can; she plucks your chin delicately between a thumb and a forefinger, before angling your head a certain way so that she can lean down to capture your lips. Just like that, the false moustache is kissed clean. The kiss that is meant to ward off the unwanted advancer may have gotten a little out of hand but it does get the job done, because by the time your lips unstick, the bystander is no longer standing. You do not know, cannot care less, when exactly they have disappeared.
“Your nose is starting to resemble that of a rudolph, darling.”
Along with a second muffler that falls onto your shoulder, you are additionally pulled into her coat, being cocooned in her embrace. It is not the added fabric, you realise, but rather being nestled snugly against her body that makes the noticeable difference. Layers after layers of fabric cannot compare to the lovely heat that your lover radiates. Wings almost protrude from your heart and send the little creature soaring high into the sky when you feel warm lips on your forehead. They trace your hairline with satiny-soft kisses.
When you feel the beanie suddenly being lifted off your head, you are not expecting it to find itself back in place just as quickly. The difference however is palpable, for the chill seems to instantly seep into your skull. You cannot help the shriek that escapes your mouth when more handfuls of snow are being dumped into your sweater.
Instantly, your lover is hot on the heels of the culprits. While she tackles one to the ground, the other manages to escape. The unlucky one turns out to be Dovey, wrestled onto the thick blanket of snow and subsequently being turned into a snow burrito. Having successfully avoided becoming a snow burrito herself, Anemone cackles like a madwoman at the suffering of her partner in crime. Her victory is but transient. She is proved to be the unluckier of the two as soon as a sizeable ball of snow collides with her face. With most of the snow going straight into her open mouth, poor Anemone is left to cough and sputter. After getting rid of the snow inside both your beanie and sweater, you join the fray just in time to assist your lover while she is being double-teamed.
And thus, begins war. The four of you spend a good minute running and rolling in a white velveteen sea, screaming and giggling like a bunch of toddlers. The war ends with both ally and enemy teams creating snow angels. Afterwards, since Leo has not been able to wait in line until her turn arrives, for she has practically run to your side, the four of you find yourself once again in the coffee shop.
While you and Anemone have taken the duty of finding a spot to sit and chat, the two best friends have agreed to go and place the orders.
“How you get the grinch to enjoy Christmas is beyond my comprehension. Always was and always will be.” grumbles Anemone as she plops herself down on the couch opposite you.
“Is she truly that fussy? She has always complied with my wishes without any complaints.”
“Ugh, you have no idea!”
You do not get to expand further on the subject for Leo and Dovey return with your drinks almost immediately.
Having a sweet tooth, but at the same time, not wanting to go for something overly sweet, you have ordered a chocolate drink. From dark chocolate fudges, chocolate wafers, warm drizzles of milk chocolate to fluffy white cream dusted with dark chocolate, it has everything that will satisfy your cravings as well as balance the sweetness with a hint of bitterness.
Finding upon taking a sip that Leo, too, will find it palatable, you offer the drink to her. She obliges as she always does with you, but between eating with a spoon and sipping through the straw, she chooses neither. Instead, you are rendered pleasantly surprised by her mouth finding yours.
“Get a room.”
The groan from Anemone does nothing to make her budge. If her friend has wanted her to stop with her comment, it has an entirely opposite effect.
“Get a lover if you’re jealous.”
While poor Anemone almost chokes on her drink again, Dovey cannot help but laugh into her hand.
What you love about their friendship is that regardless of the endless quips being thrown around like nobody’s business, they have gone past the point of being truly offended by them. The three of them go way back, and over the course of time, their friendship has evolved into a familial bond. Leo has not only waltzed into your life alone but she has also brought with her, and subsequently into your life, Dovey and Anemone, who have welcomed you with open arms. You feel infinitely lucky to be a part of this little family.
From catching up with each other’s lives to reminiscing about the days of yore, the four of you talk about anything and everything. Even though you can still go on for days and never run out of things to say, the shop needs to close. So it is with great reluctance that you part ways. By the time goodbyes have been said, stars are already hanging overhead.
Delightful twinkles and colourful Christmas lights light your way home as the pair of you walk hand in hand. Your interlaced fingers are hidden in the pocket of your lover’s coat.
“Do you remember the very first time our paths crossed?”
“How can I forget? I spilled coffee onto you.”
“That, my darling, was not how you first caught my eye.” Puzzled and intrigued, you search her face. When she meets your gaze, you marvel at their beauty. It is as if the fallen stars have found sanctuary in her eyes. “Have you ever wondered that perhaps you bumping into me was my carefully crafted machination?”
“Was it, now?”
A perfect eyebrow arches. “Do I seem the type to ask someone for compensation through coffee dates had I not been interested in them in the first place?”
“Oh, so they had been dates! I thought I was just, well, compensating you for ruining your pristine white shirt.”
“Silly girl.”
“You were still charmed by this silly girl, were you not?”
“Indeed I was, and I am, still.”
“In all seriousness, Leo, from the very beginning, the feelings were incredibly mutual.”
“I know, darling. I waited for a while to see if you would make the first move.”
“I’ve never told you this before but the coffee that was spilled onto you…it was bought with you in mind. Although our methods were not entirely flawless, we both got what we wanted in the end.”
“Each other.”
It is under a lamppost that she stops you.
“You said you’d do anything.” It seems like there is more to her words than that, so you poise for elaboration. Out of the blue, she falls to one knee, and you watch with bated breath as her hand disappears into the other coat pocket. The hand, once vacant, returns with a small velvet box.
“Say yes to me.”
“As it so happens…” Fishing out your own velveteen box, you mirror her stance. “I’ll say yes only if you do too.”
The shocked expression on her face dissolves into a smile before the both of you let out a laugh in unison.
“Were you carrying it around everywhere you went?”
“No. I requested Anemone to pick it up for me on her way. You?”
“Same but Dovey.”
“Well, what will you say, woman?”
“There is only one correct answer.”
“Which is?”
“Yes, obviously.”
“Then, without question, my answer is also yes.”
They are both simple platinum bands with a single gem in the middle. While the band with gem the hue of Leo’s hair comes to rest on your ring finger, the band with gem the shade of your eyes goes to find home on your wife’s ring finger.
“Oh my dearest Leo, I love you so.”
When you throw yourself into her arms, she receives you with great enthusiasm. Standing up with you locked tightly in her embrace, she spins the two of you around before your vows are sealed with a kiss.
“I love you more, my darling angel.”
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camilaxmartin · 2 years
you’re enough
i just needed to get it off my chest to be honest
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summary: lesso reassures you after you got a bad grade
warnings: none; (not proof read)
notes: that’s my first fic (on here) written from the first person’s view phew~ it’s fluff but the start can count as a little bit of angst i guess??
i pushed the door to lesso’s office and came in not even waiting for her agreement. she was working behind her desk, probably grading some tests. her eyes immediately flowed to me at the moment i crossed the line of the room. my face was saying it all. i was frustrated and mad. horribly mad. i shot the door behind me earning a loud noise from them which made me even more nervous. i threw away the books i have been carrying with myself, them landing somewhere on the floor. i couldn’t care less about it now. her eyes were glued to me even though she was still grading the papers who were starting to form a high pile on her desk. i walk up to the two furnitures situated right before her desk. with a loud thud i threw myself at one of them. my hands immediately started caressing my face trying to calm me down a bit. her eyes were now back at the test she was continuously grading. after a while of rubbing my eyes and totally smuggling my make up i finally seated my hands on the armrests. lesso’s eyes suddenly flew right up catching mine in no time. i was feeling so ashamed and i’m sure she could sense it. her look filled with no emotions at all was just adding perfect atmosphere to this whole situation. i bit my down lip looking away from her. tears uncontrollably forming in my eyes. when i looked at her again her look was more soft. still emotionless but softer. almost like she’d be worried.
“can i finally ask what’s this all about?” she asked looking at her paper once again, fully breaking the eye contact.
i let out a long and loud breath. taking in another one, deeper one.
“i got a bad grade.” i whispered. “a really bad one.” i added so quietly she probably wasn’t able to catch it. probably.
“so you should’ve studied harder.” she explained not even bothering to look up at me. tears in my eyes started to form once again.
“i did. i really did.” i responded looking at the cabinets behind her, like i was seeing them for the very first time.
“clearly it wasn’t enough.” she said and i just suddenly lost it.
suddenly the tears forming in my eyes were now flowing down my face like huge drops of rain. the rest of my smudged makeup coming off along with them. i felt a single drop land on my left thigh sinking into the material of my tights right away. i didn’t even bother to wipe my face when i felt another wave of tears coming out of my eyes. the whimper i let out next was the thing that caught the full attention of the dean of evil. maybe i was often crying with her but it was rare for it to get that bad. in no second her eyes were at my face and the pen she was using to grade the papers was laying alone at the hard surface of her desk. she then pushed herself away a bit making room between herself and the desk, making it for me, without using words to state that. i clearly wasn’t thinking in that moment so i suppose it was just the memory of my muscles. i got up and came to her in no time. then she opened her arms for me to literally hide in them. no needing more in such a moment i just sat on her lap and immediately hugged into her, wrapping my hands around her neck, while hers gently wrapped around my back and her fingers started stroking it delicately. i felt another wave of water coming straight out of my eyes. having the wet path already on my cheeks the next drops had easier way to slip out of my face and wet the material of lesso’s suit. but she seemed like she didn’t care. maybe it really wasn’t bothering her. another sob came out of my mouth and the grip on my back tightened, bringing me closer to her body than i already was. it made me feel calmer. she then grabbed me even tighter and moved me even closer to her that i was almost sitting on her hips. one of her hands left my back and immediately went up to grab my cheek and gently stroke it, meaning that she wanted my attention. unsurely i pulled my head away from her and then my eyes again met hers. her look was soft now and overflowing with worry. when you want to know how lesso actually feels and what she really means, you need to pay attention to her eyes. they will tell you everything. i knew she wanted me to just explain what happened but right now i needed the most of reassurance. she still rubbed my cheek with one of her fingers making sure i knew she actually cared so much.
“tell me darling, what’s actually wrong?” she asked after a moment of silnce. i took another deep and unsteady breath.
“i studied for it. i literally spend a lot of my time studying. and you know how hardly it comes for me. how easily i loose focus or motivation. how much strength i need to just sit down and learn something. even something i actually enjoy. what a struggle that is for me. how hard it is for me to learn something that just doesn’t want to get into my head no matter how long and how hard i try to make it work. how demotivating it is to do your best and still not be enough. and be judged. by others and mostly by yourself. how incredibly unfair it is for me to get a bad grade when my friends who did nothing to learn and didn’t even try to learn got such a good grade for cheating and even not trying, not talking here about trying their bests. and how unfair of her it is to give us such hard exercises when she knows most of the class doesn’t even have a clue what’s happening and they just copy and paste from each other when we’re doing something on lesson.” i said and the tears weren’t stopping. “and how hard it is for me to see that grade knowing damn well i did everything, i did my best, i tried and tried and it still isn’t good enough, or not even good, just enough.” i wanted to continue my monologue but another whimper interrupted me. lesso immediately pulled me to herself clearly not wanting to listen to the signs of how bad i was feeling.
“oh darling.” she said, stroking my back again. “sometimes we just need to accept it. even if it’s unfair or not how we would want it to be” she was about to continue but i interrupted her.
“but it wasn’t enough!” another sob came out of my mouth along with those words.
“did you do your best?” she asked, grabbing my face and pulling me away from her a bit, also making me look into her eyes “did you really try?”
“i did.” i responded tears finally starting to slow down.
“then it was enough.” she stated harshly, desperately trying to make a point.
“but even you said otherwise!” i said louder than i wanted to.
“i know.” she said licking her lips. “but i haven’t seen the whole situation then and just assumed that it was something less important to you.” she explained her point of view while also swallowing hardly at the end. “you know i would never say something with intention to hurt you.” she added even thought in the past she hurt me with her words more than once. but she was learning, and that was the most important.
“will i ever be enough?” i asked looking straight into her eyes in which i could see only worry and love now.
“you are enough.” she said rubbing my cheek a bit harder. “no matter the grades you get; no matter what anyone says; you. are. enough.” she said and brought her other hand to capture my other cheek.
needing to finally let go i automatically came closer to her and she did the same. the tips of our noses were touching right now. she still looked very worried and clearly wanted to help even more but she just didn’t know how to. at least how to do it and also not loose the job for murdering someone. sensing that i unconsciously smiled to her. it wasn’t this big, bright smile i’m used to wearing everyday but it was a smile. a small one, but truthful. when lesso noticed it she automatically smiled herself. the most beautiful sight i could ever ask for. her smile also wasn’t the one she used when she was teasing me or when i did something that made her pretty satisfied with herself, no. it was the one, the proud one. the proud of me one.
couldn’t wait more i slightly moved my head so now our lips were touching each other. we still weren’t kissing, our lips were just next to themselves. lesso decided it was enough for her too. with one gentle move she started kissing me. the kiss wasn’t as rough as she would normally kiss me. it was more soft and more meaningful i think. her delicate lips slowly worked with mine making me feel butterflies in my stomach in actually no time. my hands situated on her neck slowly found their way to her red hair almost immediately wrapping themselves in it. lesso smiled to our kiss feeling my fingers. her arms came back to my back and didn’t move from there. not an inch up or down. something unlikely for lesso, but in that very moment it gave me another wave of care from her, knowing she was actually trying to show me how much she cared about me and not only wanted to turn it into something spicier.
i didn’t want to stop kissing her but my lungs, same as hers, were burning for some oxygen. i gently pulled away from her lips linking our noses once again. lesso opened her eyes slowly, breathing a bit heavier than before. my own breath was faster and definitely shorter.
“no matter what,” she started to whisper and it immediately got my attention “you are always going to be the most valuable thing in my life.” she said it so casually i didn’t know how to respond. instead i just kissed her, again.
lesso was quick to kiss back. her hands gripped my back slightly harder again, brining me closer to her, craving to feel me closer. i felt her lips leaving mine and i wanted to protest but stopped myself. then her lips moved from mine, to leave a path of many wet kisses almost all around my face. first, she kissed my cheek as many times as she could and then started to go up. she left one of them at the middle of my forehead. to be honest i think that kiss was the most affectionate one of them all. then, she came back down to my cheek, but the other one. again, she left there so many kisses and next she moved lower. i felt her soft lips gently touch my jawline leaving another wet spot there. lesso moved even lower going to my neck. her mouth left another thousand of kisses there making a darker spot from time to time. she then came back up, kissing all of my face again but skipping my lips. she pulled away slightly waiting for me to open my eyes and direct my attention to her.
“my precious thing.” she whispered staring at me with pure adoration in her eyes. a quite unique sight.
“all yours.” i responded and she smiled at my words. she moved her head up slightly and kissed my forehead once again. definitely showing me the affection she was giving.
and then she finally came back to my mouth, kissing me again. i kissed her back almost immediately with more intention into it.
lady lesso was quick to catch up with me mostly when she felt the back and forth movement of my hips. she then quickly put her hands on the both sides of them situating them in place and not letting me move them.
“i see what you’re doing love.” she laughed almost breathlessly. “but i don’t think it’s the best activity for now.” she said with a very serious tone but her smile was still present. “i just want to cover you up with kisses right now and maybe, we can think about something else later.” she added with her normal smirk crawling to her face. how could i say no to something like this?
she kissed me immediately not giving me time to answer such an obvious question. her hands came back to their previous place and mine pulled her hair even more earning another wicked grin from the dean. even while smirking and smiling lesso didn’t stop the kiss, not wanting anything to interrupt her while she was doing the best she could in showing me that she cares and doing my best is always enough.
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annie-creates · 5 months
After my mother
Pairing: Lady Lesso x reader
Genre: fluff
Words: 1900
Note: As I said before, no. But I can write something similar for you. I feel like this turned out really cute so I hope you'll like it too.
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Another restless night. Hugging the pregnancy pillow under your body you toss and turn over and over in your big bed, missing the person who was supposed to sleep next to you. Lately it was pretty rare for Leonora to show up at home, or even spend any time with you. You stopped worrying about why that is long time ago, opting to save your sanity from all the dreadful scenarios your hormonated head could come up with. Giving up on the hopes for a good night’s rest you get up to make yet another melissa tea.
Was it the fact you were getting bigger and waddling around like a penguin? did your wife not find you attractive anymore? Did she get scared from the responsibility for a baby? You both planned to start your own family for so long, your child seemed to be sent to you by heavens. To you it was the most amazing little miracle, but maybe your wife didn’t see it as such? Maybe she didn’t actually want to have a child? Or maybe she just didn’t want one with you…
Pushing all the nagging evil thoughts aside you pack your bags and make your way over to the School of good and evil with the first sunlight of the day. If your wife won’t take the effort to spend time with you, you’ll come keep her company at the school. She won’t get rid of you that easily, you’ll bother her until she gets tired of it and then some. With two suitcases and a bag slumped over your shoulder you appear at the doorstep of her office, her surprised face turning into a big smile.
“Baby! Oh my god what are you doing here?” she lights up, quickly taking the bags from you so you don’t have to drag it and kissing you on the cheek in the process.
“Well it’s not like you were coming home any time soon.” You reprimand her with a scrunched-up face in annoyance. “So I came here.”
Her face retorted to one of honest regret and shame, she knew she was spending a little too much time at work but didn’t know you’d notice. You always seemed so busy at home she didn’t want to bother you. Any time she tried to help you’d push her away because she was arranging the sofa pillows wrong or didn’t light up your favorite scent of candle. Ever since you became pregnant you were an impossible neat freak, probably having to do something with nesting, if she was to guess.
But she was very happy to see you here, now being able to combine her work duties and family life better. The enthusiasm lasted her exactly two and a half days, until you rearranged literally everything she owned and kept in her chambers in the castle. You turned to her office next, Lesso suddenly not being able to find any of the props she had prepared for her next lesson on deadly traps or books about ancient torture techniques. She slowly started regretting welcoming you in her towers, but of course she’d never tell that to anyone, much less you. She loved you for who you were, even when crazy from pregnancy. She was the one to put the child in you after all, so she sort of brought it on herself.
Dovey however was ecstatic to have you back at the castle. Being her best student and then a beloved teacher before you gave the position up, fearing it could be a clash of interest considering you married the dean of evil, she had some unbreakable admiration for you. And there wasn’t anything she loved more than happy endings and babies. So she kept you company while Lesso taught and invited you for walks and picnics with her other friends. She helped you pick up baby clothes, look for nursery equipment and even brainstorm some baby names, that one was her favorite.
You were already showing pretty clearly when you arrived but now you felt like a big barrel of beer. You couldn’t tie your own shoes and always needed someone to help you stand up from your chair, feeling utterly useless. That affected your mood, turning your bubbly personality into somewhat shy and insecure. You didn’t want to be a burden to anyone, much less your hardworking wife. She deserved a partner who could take care of their own socks and showering. Leonora noticed your saddened state, it would be hard for her not to. Maybe she wasn’t always present as much as you needed her to be but she was always perceptive and observant.
“How was your day today darling?” She asks as she steps into your now shared room in the evening, you already snuggled under the duvets.
“It was fine. Had some tea with Anemone and then we planned this weekend’s activities.” You answer tiredly.
As she dresses in pajamas and joins you in the bed, you snuggle into her as close as you can with your out of shape form. You didn’t want to be too clingy and drive her away with your neediness and unattractive body, but at the same time you needed her warmth and the comfort of her loving embrace. She starts to mindlessly draw small circles over your back and arms with her thumb, breathing in your fresh roses scent.
“I can’t wait to not be pregnant anymore.” You admit suddenly, almost as if you were scared to say it out loud.
“What?” She thought that maybe she didn’t hear right, you seemed very happy every time you cooed over your growing baby with Clarissa.
“You can’t find me attractive like this, and I need your help literally all the time.” You complain, your intrusive thoughts winning over this time.
“Honey there’s nothing I’d find more attractive than you all round and pretty with my child.” She corrects you with a deep look into your eyes. “The only reason I couldn’t wait for you to not be pregnant anymore would be to get to finally meet our baby.”
She sooths your pregnant belly with her palm, feeling the baby kicking against her hand. Your and her eyes both go wide and you cover her hand with yours, wanting to feel this special connection too. Maybe she was right, carrying your baby was a little miracle and nothing to be insecure about. Leonora enjoyed taking care of you and having to help you with little everyday tasks made her feel needed and wanted.
“Mommy is feeling a little insecure today, hm?” she talked to your child in your womb and it filled your heart with warmth and love. “Don’t worry, I’ll make her feel all loved and appreciated.”
With the promise she looks up to kiss you and you happily accept her affection. Since then, you spend every night listening to Leonora’s reassurances and affirmations, talking about baby names, genders, what your child is gonna be like growing up or if it’s going to inherit your round nose and her devilish personality. She caresses your back and massages your swollen ankles, not once complaining about the job, because she knows she’ll actually miss it once you’re not pregnant anymore.
And not being pregnant comes sooner than you expect it to, in the middle of the day being escorted to the medical wing as your water broke right outside in the middle of your walk by the lake. Lucky for you you had Dovey and Anemone right by your side so they helped you get back and find the help you needed. The nurses and doctors rushed around you getting you comfortable and ready for labour. Talking you trough contractions and pain, they prepare you to deliver your baby while Dovey runs out to find Leonora.
“Seems we’re about ready to push your little princess out madam.” The nurse informs you, getting you panicked.
“What!? I can’t do this without my wife!” You reprimand her squeezing your fists in pain. “I need Lesso to be here!”
“I don’t think the baby is willing to wait…” her calm demeanor only fueled your hormonal anger more.
„I swear to heavens if you make me have this child without my wife you’ll spend the rest of your life in hell!“ Surely your dear wife could take care of that. “Lesso! I swear if you don’t come right this second, I’m naming this child after my mother!” You scream as if your wife could hear you all to way to her classroom and with your new found strength driven by pain and fear maybe she could.
Dovey ran to the classroom in the dungeons of the school of evil out of breath, not bothering to knock as she flew into the room like a tsunami wave. Lesso fried her with an annoyed look, ready to give her a mouthful about how she doesn’t want to be bothered during her class even if someone was dying some boring way of death, but before she could admonish her counterpart Clarissa caught enough breath to get out why she was there.
“Y/N… in labour… baby. Here.” She pushes out over her almost collapsing lungs and it’s enough for Leonora to drop everything and run out of the class without even dismissing it.
Dovey rolls her eyes and lets the kids go because it’s clear their teacher won’t be coming back any time soon and takes her way back to the medical wing to also be there when it’s time to welcome your child into their world. Meanwhile Leonora takes the steps by three, speeding to the delivery room to be with you so fast she’d put the speed of light to shame, but not fast enough for you to not be angry with her for being late.
“What took you so long?” You complain tears briming your eyes from the fear of having to push your child out alone and not knowing what to do.
“I’m so sorry love, but I’m here. Everything’s gonna be okay.” She promised kissing the crown of your head and enduring the iron grip of your hand.
“You ready now?” The nurse asks a little annoyed with your dramatics and you nod.
After what felt like twice the eternity to you, a lot of painful screams and maybe a few bruised bones in Lesso’s hands, the crying of a newborn fills the room and everyone exhales in relief. Your baby is wrapped up in clean blankets and given to you to hold, looking up at you with curious blue eyes and a few red hairs. It was the most ethereally beautiful girl you have ever seen in your entire life.
“Oh my god look. Leo look. We have a baby girl.” A new wave of tears washes over you as you whisper to your wife, being swept away by emotions and hormones.
“Yea, our beautiful little baby girl.” She whispers back too scared to startle the little angel in your arms, hardly fighting the tears herself.
“Oh, by the way? We’re naming her after my mother.” You announce to your wife shocking her speechless, because that was nowhere even near your baby names list.
She knew better than to question you right now and she’d rather fight off a dragon than argue with her postpartum wife, she sort of still values her fragile life.
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Hey its me again, the one who asked about the arranged marriage one thank you for writing it also your welcome I didn't say "can u just do a lesso one" lol. Can we maybe continue it by reader giving birth or idk there baby got ahold of lessos coat while she's looking for it, both reader and lesso see her with the coat, pretending to be lesso and they just(not really) die of cuties lol. Have a nice day
Arranged Marriage - part 3
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Part 2 Part 4
God, Anon, you have literally the best ideas ! You are very welcome for part 2, and I was overjoyed with your request for part 3. Sorry for the waiting, I finished my exams and then couldn't stop playing hogwarts legacy.
The day you gave birth was the most painful yet happy day of your life.
Nothing could compare to the love and happiness you felt when you took your little girl in your arms for the first time.
It was the first time you saw Leonora smiling that brightly without any kind of torture being involved.
Your mother and father were so content with becoming grandparents that they even hugged the evil dean.
You were shocked when Leonora reciprocated the embraces ( slightly awkward but it was a huge character development, and everybody acknowledged that ).
Leonora was smiling with the brightest smile you had ever seen on her face. Her chest was full of pride, and her lips were formed in a wide grin as she presented your little girl to your parents and Clarissa ( who came because she was the closest to family Leonora had ).
Your mother was crying from joy while your father kissed the baby's temple with a fond smile on his face.
Clarissa, who was looking at the little one from your mother's shoulder, couldn't hide her excitement.
Watching this beautiful scene unfolding, Leonora walked to you, kissing your cheek. " You did a wonderful job today, darling. It's high time you rested. "
You nodded, relaxing to the pillows underneath you. " Yes, I'm so tired, but - "
" There are no buts. I will let them play with her for a little while, then take her, wash her, and treat her like the princess she is. " Leonora assured you pecking your lips. " Sleep well, love. "
And you felt Morpheus engulfing you in no time.
Three years came to pass faster than you ever thought.
Watching your little one grow was the best experience you will ever get to experience.
To your great surprise, Leonora was a great mother.
For the evil dean, you always thought that she would leave you raise the child.
You couldn't be more wrong.
Leonora wouldn't only require she spend the whole evening in her office with your little girl on her lap, but she would also insist on being present when you were readying your daughter for sleep.
Leonora loved her baby girl more than anything.
You feared that when your girl would grow old enough to have a relationship, Leonora wouldn't hesitate to do another murder if the person broke her heart.
Not that you would try to keep her at bay, of course...
You were fixing your hair when you heard Leonora's voice outside the bedroom.
" Darling, have you seen my coat ? " Your wife shouted.
You looked around the bedroom. Leonora was used to forgetting her coat on top of the bed or on the armchair near her side of bed.
You titled your hair to the side, confused as you got up from your place in front of the vanity.
If she could not find it near the door and you could not see it here... Could it be inside her closet ?
You opened the door and quickly searched inside.
Leonora, who didn't hear any response coming from you, came into the room.
She looked at you while you searched the closet. " So ? " She asked you.
You shook your head. " Maybe you have forgotten it in your office ? You can have another one, though."
The dean of evil huffed in annoyance. " There's no way. I swear that I left it on the sofa. "
You sighed, closing your eyes in frustration. " What the hell ? "
Leonora smiling because you weren't prone to curse, shrugged. " I don't know. "
Then, little footsteps were heard. You exchanged a look with your wife awaiting your daughter's arrival.
Leonora knelt in front of the open floor, ready to welcome your little princess.
And then your little one appeared, leaving both of you speechless.
The tiny redhead was wearing her mother's coat, trying to mimick her.
" I'm Leonoya Leyo. " She said with the best stern face she could muster while pointing her little finger at the dean of evil.
The real Leonora Lesso smiled at the little human in front of her before quickly wrapping her hands around her daughter and pulling her on her lap.
The little girl laughed as her mother washed her with kisses. " Mo- Mommy. " She whined between her laughter.
You giggled, joining them on the floor and kissing the top of both of their fluffy, curly, red hair.
Your daughter reached out to you, and in no time, Leonora had wrapped her right hand around your waist and attacking both you and your little one with her lips.
Your kid clapped her hands together, enjoying every bit of her mother's attention.
Everybody thought that Leonora would love no one.
They couldn't be more wrong.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Hi I was wondering if I could request a pretty detailed lesso smut
Basically it’s dom lesso x sub reader and r is originally very innocent and inexperienced so she’s a very good and obedient sub for lesso but recently r read fanfics abt bratting and found brat taming very attractive so she wanted to try it w lesso
R starts off by not wearing the remote control vibe that lesso told her to wear, sending explicit videos to her in the middle of work and when lesso gets her in a room at the end of the day, r doesn’t assume her usual position of submission and instead touches herself on their bed
Leonora is probably more of a quietly strict dom and manhandles r over her work table and makes r spread her legs and spanks her w a belt, occasionally smacking her cunt (ofc it would be super hot of lesso to make r count and thank her for each stroke)
After that it’s just a lot of cockwarming and and Leo putting r in her place w the vibes of “my sweet slut just needed a good fucking, didn’t she?” HHHHH and yes all that good stuff, would love it to be a longer fic so I can drown my sorrows in lady lesso
P.s would be amazing if u included an authority/ strict dom kink and r is only allowed to call Leo Lady Lesso or mistress
SORRY FOR THE LONG ASS REQUEST I just had a very specific daydream, with that said Tysm for hearing me out and have a lovely day <3
Breaking rules 18+
*Authors note~ Birthday fic:))) never be sorry for a longer prompt request, I absolutely love the detail to it which helps me ensure I don't stray from what you desire unless you want me to go nuts on it. However I will admit some of this I changed slightly due to personal reasons, enjoy the fic*
Trigger warnings~ strict mommy vibe dom leo brat subby r, mistress kink mentions corruption kink and virgin r remote control vibe phone sex? Videos ;) submissive positions. Punishments, spanking (hand and cane) cock warming edging Dacryphilia kink manhandling praise and degrading kinks I think that's it.
Prompt~ see ask^^^
You remember the first time you and Lady Lesso slept together, how she taught you everything you needed to know, how she mollified you until you were no longer the innocent woman you were but now a perfect submissive for her. Every single action was carefully crafted to have you being a good girl for her. You'd never had a taste of punishment so maybe that's why the fan fiction enticed you so much. You'd never considered the outcome of what would happened to you if you broke the rules. But here and now you sat hot and bothered by the idea of that very thing.
You knew what she expected of you, the directions were clear, and normally you'd do exactly as asked but the fic had awoken the bratty beast inside you. You got dressed for your day but forgoing on the remote control vibrator which caused excited chills to run through your body. How could being so bad feel so good? You couldn't help but wonder how much more you'd escape with. What would be the consequences to your actions?
By your lunch period you were ready to do some more rule breaking, the overwhelming thrill you received from disobeying your lover was certainly indescribable, you were so sure that this is your best idea yet. Perhaps that's why you snuck off to your old room and began to touch yourself after setting up the camera. You made sure to be vocal and after the camera capturing exactly how much you were enjoying your mid day fun. With a quick press of a few buttons, Leonora was graced with those video's just a few moments before she was expected to teach curses and death traps. For the life of her she couldn't work out why you were doing this. After all the first time lesso touched you, you were a virgin, and so willing to do whatever she demanded out of you. To submit so easily just to please her. And that was so unusual but not something she couldn't handle.
The final straw for Leonora was when you didn't kneel by the bed as she entered the room, no. Instead you lay there lazily circling your clit and teasing your soaking slit. Back arched and head tilted back in pleasure. It was as if she'd never even entered the room. "What the hell are you doing" she growled snapping you out from your blissed out mindset. "I uh I'm sorry Lady Lesso, I just I wanted to-" you mumbled trying to explain the situation. "I don't care. Up" she cut you off immediately reaching down to grab your arm and drag you where she wanted you. "Leo" you whimpered causing the red heads eyes to darken. "Excuse me?! How dare you address your superior so casually. You're below me and it's about time I reminded you do that fact."
Being forced over the desk in your shared bedroom all exposed while she remains fully clothed only added to the power play here. You had no choice but spread your legs when she kicked them apart. "Mistress please! I'm sorry" you whined unhappily. "Oh no pet, no. You can't act like a little slut and play the innocent card now darling. You will count your punishment and use my titles. Should you fail we will restart."
The first crack sounded across the room causing a sting to run over your ass. "One mistress" you mumbled gasping as three hits of her hands rained down on you. "Fuck two three four lady lesso" your tears now falling. The next hit was something different, the cool feeling of her cane touching your sore globes. The cool sensation only providing a small bit of relief before the pain outweighed the cool feeling. Hit after hit you counted every one bent over her desk. "Lady lesso" you sobbed unhappily. "Shush shush shush little girl, just a couple more okay?" She whispered before yanking you to lay on your back before three quick hits were placed on your aching clit. "Mistress, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" you blabbered hiccuping through your tears. "Shhh I know you are sweet girl, you have to learn this isn't okay darling. Be my sweet little girl, and then mistress can reward her good girl."
You were swiftly guided to lay on the bed, your ass on fire as it rubbed against the sheets. Only to watch Leonora strip to show her favourite strap on. "Now be a pretty whore and let mistress use your pretty holes" she purred before teasing your slit with the bulbous head of her faux enchanted cock. Lesso immediately set a punishing pace as she drilled into your aching cunt, "fuck so pretty when you cry sweet slut" she murmured when she noticed the tears falling slightly, "pretty tears."
Leonora continued to fuck you ruthlessly until she came first. Spurting cum from her faux cock as she painted your insides white. "Mistress" you whined hoping she'd finally let you come, after all the punishment and being used for her pleasure left you hanging on the edge. "Okay darling, this is your chance to be a good girl, I'm gonna fuck you so well darling, you'll forget your own name." Leonora was the one to keep to her promise. You came over and over again, some just on her cock and others with a small little vibe that would sit on your puffy clit.
"Oh my sweet slut just needed a good fucking? Didn't she?" She cooed looking at your pupils being blown wide and eyes glazed over indicating just how deep in your sub space you truly are. "Okay love, I'm going to pull out now" you whined in response. "Okay okay we can stay like this but let's get comfortable beautiful" she murmured shifting to settle you both comfortably for the night as she held you, you both drifted off for the night.
Word count~ 1368
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Hey darling! I'm literally reading all your lady lesso one shot your so talented haha. I don't know if your taking request right now but if you are I was wondering if you could do prompt 52 for Lady Lesso x Reader. The idea seemed really funny in general and I'm sure it will sound even better in a fanfic. Anyway thank you so much for taking the time to read this, love your work! 💜
Hey there @leonorasbabygirl !! I am taking requests, and I’d love to write yours 💕 Thank you for your kind words 🥰 Summary~ Reader bratting all day, so Lesso makes Reader get off while she’s working. Reader then says some interesting things…
It’s Mommy, Baby ~Lady Lesso xFem Reader
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Mommy…Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
#52. “Fuck… Mommy! … Oh my, I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?”
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!!, smut, teasing, kissing, bratting, brat kink, edging kink, vibrator, mommy kink, pet names, overstimulation, degrading kink…?, etc.
Enjoy (;
Most of the time, you didn’t push Lesso.
You knew what she could do if you pushed her rules, so you remained her good girl.
But on some days…
You just wanted to be put in your place…
You had picked out a short dress with deep cleavage, for the sole purpose of riling up the red head…
You batted your eyes and shamelessly flirted with the other staff members in front of her…
You bent down in front of her on multiple occasions for her to see that you weren’t wearing any knickers…
It worked.
By the end of the day, you were tired from teaching all your students, so you decided to check in on Lesso…
You waltzed into her office, where you found the red head working, and you huffed in a loud dramatic manner.
“Leo… I’m bored…” you whined, “Touch me?”
Lesso chuckled darkly at your words, “Oh no pet, you’ve been bratty all day. Teasing me to no end… I won’t be touching you tonight…”
“I… please…?” You stuttered, forming your best pouty puppy face for the dean.
Lesso chuckled again, “I’m not touching you… however…”
“Yes?” You asked excitedly at the thought of at least some punishment from the red head.
“Sit next to my desk, pet… and spread your legs for me…” she instructed you.
You practically sprinted over to her desk, grabbing a chair and doing as you were told.
“No underwear…” Lesso purred, “such a dirty slut…”
You whimpered in response, the cold air hitting your flush cunt as you spread your legs for her.
Lesso then reached into a drawer and pulled out her favorite small purple vibrator.
You hit your lip in anticipation and squirmed in your chair.
Lesso then handed the toy to you.
“You may come, but only with this. Nothing else. And you cannot stop until I tell you so…” Lesso purred with an edge of warning.
You nodded in response, taking the toy and gladly placing it inbetween your folds.
With a click, the toy began it vibrations, eliciting a light, content moan from your lips.
Lesso just went back to work.
The toy brought you over the edge quickly, being that you had practically been on edge all day.
But Lesso wouldn’t let you stop.
Eventually, after your third or fourth orgasm, your cunt was getting more and more sensitive and your mind was melting into a puddle of sex.
But Lesso never stopped working.
Your legs clenched as the toy brought you over another orgasm and you cried out as his one hit you the hardest of any yet.
“Please... need more Leo... Mmm sorry please touch me...!!” you cried out as the toy just kept going after your latest high.
“No...” Lesso chuckled darkly, “That’s all your getting tonight, so take it like a good girl...”
You whimpered in defeat as the red head turned her attention back to her work.
Hours past of Lesso working and you unraveling at the behest of the torturous toy...
Finally, Lesso got up and put her work away for the night.
“GOD Leo please please no more!! Too much please...!” you cried out, tears of overstimulation running down your cheeks.
Lesso came over to you, towering above you and cupped your chin to look up at her.
Your eyes were hazy and glossed over.
Not a single coherent thought was going on behind those eyes...
Lesso had effectively turned your brain into mush.
“One more for me, alright baby? Be a good girl and cum for me one more time...” Lesso purred, while wiping away your tears with her thumb.
Your lips quivered and you nodded hesitantly.
Ad before you knew it, your orgasm hit you like a bag of bricks out of nowhere, leaving you screaming in pleasure and overstimulation.
“Fuck… Mommy!”
Silence ensued, as Lesso’s eyes widened as she stared at you.
“Oh my…” she gasped, still processing what you had said.
“I’m so sorry, it just… slipped out…?” You stumbled over your words, your face flush red with embarrassment.
“Don’t apologize, baby…” Lesso purred, attaching her lips to yours.
You moaned into the kiss, finally getting some form of contact from the red head.
“Leo please—” you pled with the red head.
“It’s mommy, baby…” Lesso wickedly purred.
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engr4vedlesso · 2 years
Lesso: Why do you have a dagger to my throat.. princess..? *holds up hands in defense*
Reader: You keep calling me princess its annoying.
Lesso: What you want me to add "my" infront of it?-
Reader: Dont play with me Lesso.. *cuts her cheek*
Lesso: You wont be able to hold me up against this wall for long.. *looks up* *smirks*
Reader: What.. *pushes the dagger into her neck*
Lesso: Playing dirty are we..? *looks down* *darkened eyes*
Lesso: *pins you against the wall with the blade to your neck*
Reader: *gasp*
Lesso: *steps away* *drops dagger and kicks it away*
Lesso: I'm curious princess.. *wink* What else can you do..? *walks away*
Reader: Wha.. *confused* *nosebleed*
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