#Lady In Yellow  n' Bat Outta Hell
alotta-lovin · 4 years
Ahh to wonder how my f/o's would react to who ive become cause im sure shit not the same person that i was when i first started shipping with some of my f/o's— any new f/o's already know me for who i am now
But my older ones??? Unlimited new content
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maybe-lucky-clubs · 6 years
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So I really want to draw a picture of Sunny(@alotta-lovin ), Reggie, Henry, Victor, and I all together hang out and having fun(Henry's not having the much fun, because he's being Henry. But he will get over it and start having fun at some point)
I am so proud of how it turned out!!! I tried so hard on this picture. Somethings still look a little funny, but oh well I'm still proud. I hope you guys like it, and I hope Sunny likes it too. Her and Reggie look so cute!!! What am I saying they always look cute together, Vic and I will forever ship them!!!
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                                        - | Sacrificial Lamb | -
                                      A Toontown Rewritten Fanfic
                                Chapter One: The Devil and the Lamb
 When a hole to Toon Hell pops open in Toontown, the Devil himself answers it’s appearance by coming up topside. However, he never anticipated running into a                                         little lamb right off the bat!
A laugh, a honeyed and conceited one, rang out through the roasting hot caverns. "Jackie-boy! Tell me the good word, would'jya?"
It came from none other than Toontown's very own Beelzebub, Old Scratch and, in less formal terms, Satan and the Devil. Lucifer- Beg pardon, Lucy Loo, was reclining back at his well-kept desk, his feet propped on the polished surface. In the fires of Toon Hell that burned behind him, his red-and-yellow vest's vibrant colors fit the land just fine. There was a wicked grin on his chubby face, and as one hand drummed it's fingers against the desktop, the other was gesturing for the other demon to come in with a wry, beckoning finger. Even his tail, slender and sharply tipped, was wagging in a playful manner.
"I really needa pick up the slack, ya know?" Lucy continued, looking off to the side. "Needa kick my butt in'ta gear. Show me what'cha got."
"Mm-hmm~ You got it, boss," replied the other demon. Jack Cheatsley, formerly a cheating, sleazy Toon, had climbed his way up the ladder of the underworld with force and fame. Having landed a job as the Devil's right hand, Jack worked with pride, and a swelled sense of self worth, and it even showed in his grin and stride. The tall man approached the desk, then set a stack of papers he'd been carrying so carefully. With a wink to his name, Lucy took the papers to read over, beginning to frown. "Rumors've been spreading lately, boss. Something about them goin' after a "Slappy Quackintosh" in the Coglands. The Resistance, y'know? All those folks."
After milling over the details that Jack had described, the look on the little devil's face wasn't convinced. "Slappy? Whossat?"
"Oh, I never voted for the joker," Jack hummed, indifferent. "I was always more of a Flippy fella. See, those Toons held an election to figure out who'd take over their little town-"
The throne scooted loudly when Lucy leaned forward, putting a finger to Jack's pursed lips. "Ugh, politics? In THAT sunny-funny trainwreck of a town? Spare me the details, Jack.."
Shades of muddy red painted the ex-Toon's face, and the right-hand demon had to turn his gaze away to avoid showing off his encroaching blush. "Y- You got it, boss.. There's also rumor of some poor little deer taking a slip 'n fall, and now there's a fishing pool that turned all kindsa Gray. Somewhere smack in the center of Toontown."
Now THAT certainly caught Lucy's interest, his eyes brightening and a grin beginning to creep back up his snowy features. "... Is that right?"
"Sure is, boss." Clearing his throat, the slender demon shuffled through the papers for the stockier one, pointing out a picture of a fishing hole somewhere in Toontown Central. The water was Grayed out, and there were a few Toons standing around it, some with curious faces, and others with more worried expressions. "Poor little lady had a ‘nice fall,’ 'n her blood made the water go all Gray. A hole popped open somewhere near your building, too; Reckon it'd be an easy in and out, if you'd wanna go see it yourself."
"Easy in and out?" Lucy mirrored, his goofy glee unable to outweigh the danger in his smile. A brief tilt back in his throne, and he leapt over his desk- To the surprise of Jack, who had to back up in surprise -to begin walking to the gilded double doors of the office. His spectator shoes clicked along the stone and gnarled marble, a traceable sound amid the ceaseless crackle of flame and brimstone. "Sounds good 'ta ME! Those poor schmucks don't know the first THING about closin' up a portal 'ta Hell! Be back in five, Jackie-boy!"
"If you're not?" asked his right-hand man. Jack walked around behind the desk to push in the throne, neaten the stack of papers, and soon after, lean on the back of the cushioned chair. "Same as usual?"
The little devil nodded, halting at the doors to address Jack further. "Same as usual. Just keep the imps outta my office this time, huh? I'm sick 'a comin' back 'ta the place lookin' like a pigsty!"
"You got it, boss," Jack purred back. The doors were shut as the Devil himself left out.
It was time to pay Toontown a visit.
The issue with portals to Toon Hell cropping up was that, true to the demons' discussion, no one really knew how to close them. It was a matter of pulling people aside and looking for those who dabbled in magic, mainly the few wizards and magicians who roamed Toontown. Seldom could anyone find a pious enough Toon so devoted to the Creator, he or she could close up a portal almost permanently, if not for a very, very long time.
Where she sat kneeling, a teal lamb with frivolously curled wool was gazing into the Grayed out fishing hole of Silly Street. Lots of things tended to happen on this street, and it had caught the attention of kindly Poppy Squigglesmile! Lambs weren't too common in Toontown, but Poppy made due, and made her earnings as a resident of Toontown by gardening, with tips from a far-out filly by the name of Sunshine. Poppy's Platoonias could make even the saddest Toons smile again, for how much love and devotion she poured into her plants. A sweet young lady who favored the colors pink and cream, she only had two close friends to her name, that suited her just fine.
But, today, her normal cheerful disposition had been replaced with one of concern. She'd heard the rumors of all things Gray, and many Toons were convinced that the Cogs were trying to do something to their water supply, thanks to the most fretful of Toons trying to come up with an explanation of any kind. Poppy's brow pinched, and her hands stayed planted on the ledge of the fishing pool as she gazed down. What could be down there, now? Perhaps Cog garbage? Loose oil? Or something else? "I know you're hiding something, mister fishing pool," the lamb whispered suspiciously, beginning to lower her face down toward the water. "So don't hide anything from me!"
To her surprise and fright, a Toony-looking hand emerged from the Grayed out waters, in order to lay a finger against her rounded little nose.
"Don't hide nothin', huh?" Lucy began, propping his arms on the edge of the fishing pool with a pompous grin on his face. Poppy leapt back with a bleat, as though she'd just seen a ghost. "Well, here I am!"
"Ah! Y- You are?" she gasped back, her tone quavering back and forth with nerve. She couldn't move, stiff legged and wide-eyed. "How long were you down there, mister?"
"Name's Lucy Loo, lambface! I figure I was down there long enough, if you wanna really get into detail, heh." Turning his eyes away from Poppy, the grin on his face only widened. "Then again, I could show ya any time I wanted, really--!"
The Devil himself squeaked, squeaked LOUDLY, when the lamb fished him out of the water like a dropped doll.
"Well, mister Lucy, the Gray water is dangerous, you know! I tell you what, I'm going to dry you off, and then we can talk!" Poppy smiled, her bubbly self stepping away from the fishing pool and beginning to head down Silly Street. Her hooves clicked and clomped along the sidewalk like a horse's canter. "I'll be quick, I promise!"
"H- HEY! What's the big idea, lady?!" A bright red blush overtook the little devil's face, and he thrashed in the lamb's grip, voice cracking and squeaking. "P- Put me DOWN!!"
"I'll be quick!" she repeated, sliding around a corner on her hooves and charging off for a home that sat on the corner. Lucy's tail flailed behind them like a loose ribbon, and it made it rather hard to whip it about, or even whip her with it.
A dangerous hiss left the pint-size Satan, and he twisted to her arm, close to biting down on her peach fuzz with wickedly serrated teeth. One hard, strong crunch, and he'd be outta here. "Quick my foot! PUT ME-"
"We're here!~ I'll get you a towel!" Poppy loudly announced, opening the door with her foot and walking in. She dropped Lucy on a wide blue couch, and he stared in astonishment, mouth half-open, pointy teeth exposed. The demon quickly shut his trap, and when he frowned, his chompers were normal. The lamb scrambled across a messy floor, and she begun to dig in a closet, tail flicking excitedly. For a moment, Lucy watched her rustle through clothes and junk before looking off to his left.
A moment was taken to look over the disheveled room. She lived here, clearly, for her picture was framed up on the wall, next to a pudgy silver and pink retriever Toon, and a tall and cocksure looking rooster Toon. The room was an amalgam of aesthetics, if not a total mess, from comforting, to glitzy, to.. just there. There was soft music crackling on a radio, and the air reeked of cinnamon. But a question surfaced, when his gaze turned to the body on the wall; Who in the world owned a Cog suit, just to put it on the wall? It didn't even resemble a Cog suit, looking more like the rooster's talons had slashed up the body of a Cog, for the sake of the hunt--
A fluffy white towel was plopped on his head.
".. Gee, thanks," Lucy grumbled, lifting the towel to wipe off his soaked face. "So what's the deal, dame? What's with the snatch 'n go?"
"Oh!" The lamb turned around, and she smiled warmly, the opposite of his scowl. "Well, Gray is dangerous! My name's Poppy Squigglesmile! I live here with my buddies Domino Presto, and Gulliver Featherpow! We all pay rent, make food together, and-"
Poppy bleated softly when Lucy whipped his tail to cover her mouth. The rest of it's length looped around her wrists, and yanked her closer. The lamb nearly toppled. "Nah nah nah, that's not what I asked, missy Popsie. Why'd ya GRAB ME and RUN OFF?"
".. I was worried.. " Poppy admitted sheepishly. She rubbed her wrists together, trying to loosen the grip of the wire-thin tail that was digging into them.  "I've never seen a Toon like you before, and I was very worried something happened to you! I'm very sorry, mister Lucy, but it's not in my nature to leave behind someone in need!"
"Listen. You're a sweet girl, I kinda get that from all the lovey-dovey sweetsy stuff, but I'm not 'someone in need,' got it?" The devil air quoted in a sarcastic manner, crossing his legs and reclining back on the couch. When Poppy was released, she gently touched at her wrists, then crossed the room to head for the kitchen. "D'ya have any idea who I am?"
"A new friend, I would hope! I really hope!" she called back warmly. After a moment's rustling about in the little kitchen, she turned the corner, holding a tray of fresh, hot snickerdoodles with mango colored oven mitts. "My friends will be home soon, and I know Domino loves company! I baked, too! Would you care for some--"
Lucy's eyes practically sparkled, and with avaricious hands did he grab hold of three of her cookies, unfeeling of the heat and blissfully unaware of her look of shock. "Snickerdoodles?! Y'know- Maybe I had ya all wrong, Popsie!"
"Oh!! That's good, I think!" The lamb only giggled, as her new guest promptly crammed all three of the cookies he'd grabbed in his grinning mouth. To see someone like her work, baking or otherwise, made her day! "They're hot, be very careful!"
".. Sheesh, ya really don't know who I am.." Lucy sighed through his mouthful.
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alotta-lovin · 5 years
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Hello sunshine, won't you stay?
S o--- ive been working on this for a minute. and im very proud of how its turned out after months of trying to finish it... i finally did.
But i hope ya’ll like this--- i know i havent posted much art but please be patient. my life is hectic and im trying to sort a bunch of stuff out and help myself at the same time.
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
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Ultimately, it was love.
She loves the loving things, The Happy, Vibrant things. And all together, she loves us more than she’s loved anything else, she loves us when we can’t love ourselves... and we’d do the same for her. She’s our Sun, our lucky flower.
so i’d like to thank @curvy-roses for letting me commission her while her comms were open for a pose for both my icon and my new header. Aka, this picture. im so proud of how it came out and honestly just 10/10 im happy. 
spent a week on this roughly.. and my hand hates me now.
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
F/O Take Over | Day 2/3
🚬 - Sorry we havent been as active, life has been... hectic on our end. we’re still here of course.
👑 - Yeah you guys are more than welcome to send asks still-- even if we don’t respond right away we still do.
📻 - Exactly. still here so it vwould be really fun if you guys vwould send in some asks
🔦 - At this point that would be nice. to get our minds off a ton of things 
🌻 - I’m here a little bit too if you wanna ask me questions with them, hope you guys dont mind.
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
Hey guys! Do y’all ever like to match outfits with Sunny? (lutece-mess)
🔦 - Unintentionally, her and i will come out looking like we’re matching outfits on purpose when in all reality, no. we didn’t plan this stop teasin’ us for it.
🚬 - Honestly same, since for her and Dean its flannels and stuff of that nature… but for her and I its band shirts–
👑 - Aside from those instances no, not really. she typically has a really… nicely put together, though effortless looking outfit that seems just… natural on her.
📻 - The thing to make her extremely happy though, is vwhen you tell her that the outfit looks like its straight out of the 70′s, or 80′s. she seems to pull outfits out of the vwood vworks that fall into those timelines.
🚬 - She’s got this… “classic” yet hippie/rocker look to her– thats the best way to put it
🔦 - Suits her though, she’s got that hippie mentality and rocker mentality at the same time.
📻 - 8ut that doesn’t go to say that vwe hawvn’t thought about it and might be vworking on it.
👑 -  hope this answers your question @lutece-mess!
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
How would any of your f/o(s), your choice of course, describe you? 💙
I hope you don’t mind i’m gonna be doing this as if its a story being told from Reggie’s perspective. it’s a bit to read but its not a whole lot, so please read under the cut, i’m actually very proud of this–
I’ve known this girl for a majority of my life. we’ve had classes together on and off for who knows how long… yet, I didn’t know her till now. All I knew of her was she never called me “Belch”. She used my original, and preferred nickname; “Reggie” or some variant of that. You could tell what kind of day she was having depending on what she called me, “Reggie” or “Reg” was on a good day, “Reginald” was clearly a bad day. She always asked me how my day was going, would say hi when passing me in the halls. All I knew her as was “that-blonde-girl-with-the-short-hair”.
But– the first time I finally noticed her, was when she was jumping over a railing on the stairs as my friends and I were walking up the steps and she landed right on Patrick, before running off yelling “sorry” as she rushed off. She left a big imprint on me that day… and Patrick, you could see the indent of her boots on his back and arm.. even bruised a bit.
I started to look forward to the classes I shared with her, seeing her in the hall would bring a kind of light to the regular, dreary days in Derry. How did I not notice she had a locker near me? How did I not know her name after being in classes with her for so long and in school with her for my whole life?
That moment though, it was like everything went in slow motion. Like in the movies when you meet the one person you knew would change your life, like they were meant to be with you. But I thought it was just a passing interaction in my life, like I would never see or speak to her again. It’s not like she would ever notice me that way, anyways. Until she threw her book at Henry for picking on a kid— I’ve never seen that amount of bravery come from someone so small, let alone a girl. Especially when it comes to Henry Bowers.
Standing between Henry and the kid he was picking on, chest puffed up, her hair hanging in her face and her little hands balled into iron fists and strong protective energy coming from her. You could practically feel it in the air. If Henry pushed her; she’d push back harder. He hit her, she hit harder. She didn’t seem to be afraid to stand up to him even if she was shaking. She called him out. Even when Vic and I didn’t. She stood up to him… to have that much morality and care for a kid she more than likely didn’t know and was more than willing to take a hit or two just to protect them and let them get away is what initially drew me to her.
After those two instances, I always noticed her. whenever we would enter a room, my eyes couldn’t help but panning the faces of those in the room in hopes of seeing her. With unique color of her blue eyes, it would be easy to find her among all the grays, browns, and greens that seem to make up the majority of the people in Derry.
From just a side glance or catching a small glimpse of her from the corner of my eye, I knew it was her, the way she walked, her bright blue eyes, her short, wavy blonde hair. I always noticed her. Even if i couldn’t see her, the way her voice voice would carry on the wind when she was passionate about something, signaling that she was close, could calm me down faster than anything else. She was my humanity.
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
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September 6th, 1987.
So ive been working on this since april---. and legit waiting to post this thing. and though my birthday is legit two days from now i wanted to post this shit so damn bad.
This is clearly for the (TLT) part of LIY n’ BOH. hope ya’ll don’t mind.
im still working on the things i need to they just are taking longer...
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
You and Reggie? :3
I’m thinkin you’re meaning for the “if they had a kid” kinda deal???
Name - 
Sherrie Huggins
Gender -  
 Female (♀️) 
General Appearance - 
◘ Brown Curly Hair, often times will be pulled back into a half up half down kinda do. that or in a half-assed bun. (more than likely got the curls from both sides of the family)◘ Blue Eyes◘ Freckles Galore◘ around 5′5′’ in height◘ Due to neither Reggie or i liking the early 2000′s clothes she ended up wearing a ton of older stuff, not that she minded. she thought the early 2000′s stuff was terrible too.◘ So lots of hand-me-down band t’s from mom and dad, even her Aunt and Uncle pitched in and gave her some other clothes.◘ Bracelets Galore◘ Rings, so many rings.◘ Necklaces too– can’t forget those.
She takes after both Reggie and I a ton—
◘ Free-bird. she constantly wants to go, go, go. wants to see the world, meet people.◘ Friendly– very friendly but like I said, she takes after both of us a ton… so in this department she’s friendly to a point. and learned from me to not take people’s shit.◘ Active, gotta move, gotta do something. (ADHD… Both on mine and Reggie’s side. even if its not as noticeable with him.)◘ She’s Sassy— Feisty?? she picked that up strictly from me…◘ She’s very loving towards her Family, friends and of course animals—◘ She can honestly get angry really quick by people walking w a y too slow or the amount of stupidity that can come from people as well.
Special Talents:
◘ She plays guitar– Learned from her Aunt.
◘ if you’re playing older music a majority of the time she can tell you the name, album and band/singer it’s from, based off some of the first cords or lyrics.
◘ She’s a great cook! she just… picked it up from simply watching her dad cook.
Who they like better:
Honestly— She likes us both in a sense of– depending on the day basically.
Who they take after more:
Personal Head canon: (I guess Misc info on her instead of headcanon??? but also headcanon???)
◘ Her favorite songs, and have been since she was a baby since these were what made her stop crying are -      - Oh Sherrie - Steve Perry      - Sherry - The Four Seasons & Frank ValiMore than likely the reasons behind these are because it said her name and would catch her attention and she’d start just dancing a bit while confused on who was saying her name as a baby.but aside from those two songs her ultimate favorite song is -      - Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra
◘ She enjoys cooking— a lot, and enjoys it more when she’s helping her dad.
◘ She’s constantly teasing her younger brother, not in the sense of calling names and what not. she will dance and sing as loudly as she can with either her dad or I in public and try and get him involved.
◘ When i say she took after Reggie and I, i meant it. She wants nothing to do with College she’d rather go out and make some memories and go on roadtrips n’ travel. she doesn’t like the idea of settling down just yet.
◘ When she’s frustrated or angry n’ willing to fight… and typically it’s when im acting out as well. her brother and dad have to hold us both back while we yell at the person we wanna fight in Italian– she picked up the Italian from me.
◘ She has the cutest dimples whens he smiles. and it’s always big smiles too, she never does tiny smiles its always big happy smiles.
Face Claim:
(currently drawing it, ill post it as soon as possible i promise!)
she does have a brother— so if you wanna know about him feel free to ask.but i hope this answers your question hon!
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
Hello, I hope I'm not too late for the FanKids ask but I would really love to know about yours and Reggie's son.
Name -
Ryan Huggins
Gender -  
Male (♂️)
General Appearance -
◘ Short, Brown Curly Hair.◘ Green Eyes◘ Freckles Galore on this child too–◘ around 5′8′’ in height◘ This child didn’t get the early to 2000′s clothes either, lots of hand-me-downs too. mostly t-shirts or button downs too◘ Matching bracelets with Mom, Dad, and Sis.◘ Wears one necklace, his pentagram– Yes both him and his Sister wear Pentagrams.
Personality -
He takes after both his Father and I in his own sense–
◘ ADHD Runs in the Family–◘ He’s quiet until you get to know him and he’s comfortable around you, then he doesn’t stop talking.◘ Activity, needs to be active. meaning either bouncing his leg, tapping his foot or fiddling with is clothing◘ Easily flustered◘ Animal Lover, he loves his Family too of course– and friends.◘ Handles his Anger better than Mom and sis do, to an extent though. tick him off enough and he won’t hold himself back from punching someone.
Special Talents -
◘ He likes to draw too, after god knows how long of watching Mom do it, he sat down, picked up some paper and would sit and draw with Momma
◘ He doesn’t care if it isn’t considered “Masculine”, he knows how to sew.
Who they like better -
M o m, he likes dad, but he gets along with Mom more than with dad— he loves his dad and they get along, but there are times where they butt heads like no other– think Alpha male Personality hitting with another Alpha male Personality basically.
Who they take after more -
R E G G I E.
Personal Head canon (I guess Misc info on him instead of headcanon??? but also headcanon???) -
◘ His favorite song legit since he was a kid is Walk like a man by Frank Valli & The Four Seasons
◘ He adores the “Family” Get together’s that happen nearly every weekend. it means he gets to see all his uncles and like.. three aunts. (Aka, Uncle Billy, Uncle Bennie, Uncle Rich, Uncle Eds, Uncle Mikey, Uncle Stan/Stanley, Uncle Vicky and Aunt Bev n’ Aunt Rizzo + Aunt Starlet…. Sometimes “Mother Hen” aka Uncle Henry.)
◘ He gets so flustered when his Sister, Mom and sometimes Dad start singing and dancing in public and trying to get him involved… but will eventually cave in.
◘ He doesn’t see the appeal in college either— he understand normal school is necessary but college in his opinion and his words, “Is a waste of fuckin’ money”.
◘ He’s a little fearful of well– his sexuality. he’s scared his dad wont accept him, he knows about his moms sexuality and such but he’s scared that if he were to actually end up liking guys or guys and girls– or people inbetween his dad would disown him— or in a sense– let him down.
◘ He loves the family dogs to death, he knows that their his moms support dogs and if they’re out in public he makes sure to keep an eye out for people who don’t like to read the vests or ask if they can come near the dogs, and if someone tries to pet the dogs its simply. “ ‘Scuse me but, did you not read the vest? they’re working. leave them alone.”
◘ He wants to dye parts of his hair but he also is scared of the bleaching part of it to get all the vibrate colors and such.
◘ If dad isn’t home to help mom, like with grabbing things off the top shelf he tries his best to help her. whether it be by picking her up or grabbing it down for her.
◘ Both him and his sister are respectful, they know their pleases and thank you’s and their manners. but if someone is rude to either one, you can bet the other sibling will step in and isn’t afraid to call that rude person out.
Face Claim -
(Hopefully gonna be drawing him soon!!!!)
I hope this answers your question and gives you a good insight on Tommy ^^
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
All of you, what are your favorite things about Sunny?
🚬 - oh– wait i think we answered something like this before?
🚬 -  Yeah– yeah we did, you can read about that here 
👑 - But we’re still gonna answer some things or add onto it
🚬 - the way she gets lost in her own world and will start dancing and singing in the kitchen or if we are out in one of the fields we chill in or the place we do fire pit nights…
👑 - The way she’s in a sense a wonderfully chaotic, perfectly put together mess.
👑 - She always tries her best to make sure someone is smiling and happy so they aren’t feeling the way she does.. or worse the way she does on her worst days.
🚬 - Her ability to some how try and find the positive in nearly every situation–
🚬 - her free bird spirit.. she doesn’t want to stay in one place, she wants to travel and go and she gets so happy and radiant when she thinks about traveling with myself, Steve, Dean or Cronus.
👑 - everyone and such has told her this and we’re gonna say it again. she’s a literal ball of warmth, love and positive energy. she seems to always bring comfort to myself and the other three by simply holding one of our hands.
🚬 - her ability to some how get me to do things i normally wouldn’t.. like dancing, or singing out loud. but if its with her i have no issue with it..
🚬 - her nurturing, empathetic, loving, sweet, warm and positive personality even if she has her dark days she’s still so… positive? or tries to be at least.
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👑 - oof that became very mushy real quick… u h i hope this answered your question @kiwiesweetie
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
🚬 - AYE IT’S PAT— U h h a while ago— i think??? it’s been a few month’s Pat.
🚬 - w H E R E THE HELL HAVE— wait… do I wanna ask??? yer parents looked for ya for a while.
🚬 - and my favorite outfit on Sunny… She’s got this nice dress… pretty golden yellow, stops a bit above her knee.. and she doesn’t bother wearin’ heels she just goes straight for her sneakers. the like dirty beaten up white ones…
🚬 -  //Clears his throat// bUT UH– Nice to see ‘er back Pat.
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
Hey It's Henry, I found this Tumblr thing and saw this F/O TAKE OVER bullshit. So Reggie I have a question for you. What would you do if I did steal Sunny? I really want to know. She's really hot, maybe you can let me borrow her for a night. 😈
🚬 - Oh Hey Henry–….
🚬 - oh-hohoho.. Hell no. first off, that’s not okay. that would be a deal breaker on so many fuckin’ levels Henry. Second, you wouldn’t have a ride around town anymore.
🚬 - Third, those are fighting words, Bowers. you’re my friend but i wouldn’t so much as try to steal a girl from you. so don’t even try it with me.
🚬 - And we all know damn well that if you so much as tried to get into her pants she’d beat your ass to hell and back. she’s told you no before i’m sure of it. 
🚬 - She see’s you in a platonic sense, dumbass. not a sexual way.
🚬 - In her own words too “I wouldn’t touch that greasy mullet handle with a five foot pole.”
🚬 - You’ve seen the black eyes and bloody noses she’s given Pat, all cause he made sexual remarks at her or even looked at her with that creepy ass smile of his.
🚬 - She wouldn’t be the only one beating your ass– just sayin’.
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
Reggie, I hope you don't mind but I have a question for you for the F/O TAKE OVER thing. How does the gang feel about Sunny and are you scared that one of them will take her away from you??????
🚬 : I don’t mind it a one bit.
🚬 : A’ight. the thing about the gang is it takes– i guess you could say… quite a lot for them to accept just about anyone. but some how she was able to?? 
🚬 : Henry has some strange respect for her. she’s thrown text-books that look or seem heavier than her at him. called him out more than once and some how i think the thing that made him even remotely respect her in the slightest is the fact that she jumped over one of the railings in the school one time to get to class faster and ended up landing on Pat– leaving boot marks on his back before runnin’ off yelling “Sorry”. 
🚬 - I guess he respects someone who can carry themselves and wont take his shit, You have any idea how many text books have been thrown at him? Boots? Flip-flops?? or just been straight up slapped up the side the head cause she knew he was being a dumbass? yet some how i guess its cause she carries herself like she wont take shit from nobody, not even him. he knows very well she will deck him in the nose and beat the shit out of him if she needed to. hell if she simply wanted to. i think its the fact they’ve both have and are going through a lot. and yet she still some how is a ray of fuckin sunshine to most people and will be there for people she cares about. 
🚬 - Even him though she wont admit it.
🚬 - Vic likes her. they both can be as sarcastic and a bit snippy as they want with each other and still joke around n’ play fight with each other. they share a lot of cassettes with each other and sometimes he helps with her homework. then again he’s dating her best friend so he’s seen more sides of her like i have compared to Henry and Pat.
🚬 - Pat is— Pat. yeah he’s a friend and all but he so much as looked at her wrong he’d get slapped. so i dunno.
🚬 - I mean— no shit im scared? like all of them in one way or another are fit and— well not me. but she has straight up said in front of all four of us and i quote
“I wouldn’t date Vic even if i was given money to do so. we may not look a lot a-like but it would be too weird to date him– it would make me feel narcissistic. as for Henry. thats a guessing game. he’s not really my type. and Patrick “cock-stutter” can go fuck himself.”
🚬 - and has stated to me when we’re alone “i only want you, and thats it. not any of them. you. i see a future with you. aside from Patrick, i see them in a platonic light.”
🚬 - I don’t think she’s their type anyway???– i mean Pat would fuck just about anything if he could but– thats his deal. Vic is happy with his girlfriend, Rizzo. (Honestly see em’ getting married not gonna lie) as for Henry— i dont think so????
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alotta-lovin · 6 years
F/O Take Over | Finish | Round 2
🚬 - Even though we only got a few we still appreciate those who sent in asks, we are here all the time and are always willing to answer asks n’ such. so don’t be afraid to send in asks.
🔦 - He’s not wrong, we’re always here and such so go ahead and feel free to ask us stuff and such.
👑 - Exactly, Sunny has control of the account but if you have asks for us or anything feel free to hit us up. same for Cronus.
🚬 - By the way, Sunny isn’t doin’ too hot at the moment and is trying to stabilize once more. so if you could send ‘er some asks?
🚬 - it would be helpful.
🌻- Reggie ;; Dammit... but yeah i’m back-- hope you guys don’t mind.
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