#Lacey's games
fluffycannibals · 11 months
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she's just like me for real!!!!
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windmills123 · 11 months
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entertaining girls since 2004!
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bittcnneck · 3 months
I know she's not my oc but the opportunity was too good to miss
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hellishkittycat · 4 months
happy gay month
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dynafire · 1 year
the wild thing about all the trouble urbanspook is in (deserved) is that no one is saying DONT talk about sa in internet horror just to do it well.
lacey's games was such a real depiction of csa and still respectful towards victims. like it can be done. the fact is that urbanspook doesn't care to do it.
im just happy to see this guy getting his ass whopped tbh. what a creep.
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helovedmetoomuch · 5 months
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These Are The REAL Girls Games
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strokestism · 3 months
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What a lovely girl! I sure hope nothing bad happens to her...
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scramblednightmares · 6 months
Wow it's Lacey's first day at the local butcher shop
She even got dressed up for it :D
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edow-keohise · 1 year
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Lacey ::::::33333
I make a comeback with fanart,,, surprising, huh?
Well, it's Halloween soon and I'm feeling spooky so I'm hoping I can draw at least one image per week based around some horror stuff, heehee
No promises I will actually succeed with this of course
Extras under the cut
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mintixtheweirdo · 6 months
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Recently, I was rewatching Lacey's Games on YouTube and I have an idea to make a silly crossover between it and Papa's Canibalia. And I like it!
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gorofictive · 4 months
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Been a while since I'd drawn Lacey. I don't think Petshop had come out yet when I drew her last. Or did I draw Lacey's Petshop Lacey...?
Wait, yeah. No. I did draw Lacey's Petshop Lacey. I think it had come out a couple of days or weeks when I last drew her. I don't remember, I'll find the old sketchbook.
Anyways, it's Lacey and I love her! I feel so bad for her. I just wanna give her a hug so badly.
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zackpacklol · 5 months
Spoilers for Lacey's Flash Games by ghosttundra (watch the series if you haven't already!!!!!!)
I think most people in the Lacey Fandom don't see the wordless, but painful story that I do of Lacey, and I'm about to explain what that is.
This is all just speculation, a theory, more rather of what Lacey/Possibly Rocio had gone through during their traumatic childhood.
It's obvious by now that Lacey had a troubling childhood, like a really traumatic one. From being abused by her Uncle, having to look at that Uncle's dead body every time she got out of her bed, as well as dealing with a f'ed up stalker.
But what I want to focus on that most people don't seem to talk about is Lacey's Jobs as well as her deceased Skater friend, Jay.
Let's talk about Lacey's first working jump; Her Diner.
If we're looking at this from a realistic perspective, it's likely Lacey didn't actually own a Diner, but more rather worked at one as A waitress, later being promoted to a cook, or possibly having to do both since the place Lacey worked hadn't had many employees.
Quick Screenshot(s) give context clues that the various patrons at Lacey's workplace had driven her from sadness to extreme anger, with failing the first day at her work making her cut herself and call herself words like "useless", "stupid", "slow", etc. That spiralled into becoming SO angry that she made a meal so disturbed that caused the entire workplace to be shutdown, causing her to lose her only way of making income.
Eventually, Lacey finds a new Job as a Petshop worker. I don't have much insight on this one other than Lacey that eventually quit due to the over-demanding and borderline abusive owners that asked for the most screwed things to do to their animals.
Now sometime during the portion when Lacey was out of a Job again, Jay, one of Lacey's adventurous tomboy friends that she only had left, tragically passed in a very unfortunate skating accident. Although incredibly mad that the universe that it continued to move even after Jay was gone, Lacey eventually found a new job for herself to get (or at least try) to get her life back on track. What was the job, you may ask?
A makeup parlor! A Morgue.
Working in a Morgue as a Mortuary Cosmetologist.
Maybe Lacey had dreamed of working with Make-up in anyway she could, maybe working with the morgue's makeup was a coping mechanism of trying to move from Jay's demise.
Either way, Lacey worked at the morgue, despite the occasional worms that infested the bodies, or even that some corpses would occasionally stare back at her with their dead eyes. All of that was all for now until...
Jay was a client corpse.
I could only imagine the absolute dread that Lacey felt, having to see your Friend diseased & mangled corpse beyond the point of recognition, as well as having to attempt to apply makeup to your deceased friend's corpse while you can feel your own tears destroy your pretty eyeliner.
While it's unknown whether or not Lacey got fired from the morgue due to having a mental breakdown in the middle of the work day, we'll have to see what "Lacey Game" is next to find out.
Thanks for reading. Feel very free to ask any questions you have about this theory/speculation in the comments.
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bittcnneck · 2 months
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Credits to bewwytonin on instagram!
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fluffycannibals · 5 months
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mutuals i am not very good at talking to people... hab a lacey
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sleepysloth99 · 3 months
Hey yall, I don't know if anyone knows about these games. They're called Lacey's Games. I feel like I should address a few things about it.
For those of you who don't know, Lacey's Games is an old flash game horror series about this girl, the one in the picture, named Lacey and with a series of games depicting her in various scenarios. Each scenario is similar to an early 2000s flash game made for girls such as makeup games, dress-up games, cooking games, etcetera. However, each game holds a dark lore to it. A dark lore that I will explain as gently as I can. I need to address this to give context to anyone, seeing this explaining the issue.
The following contains topics that may be upsetting to some readers. Lacey's Games deals with topics such as child abuse, child SA, animal abuse, gore, body horror, stalking, and suicide. Viewers' discretion is advised.
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Lacey's Games has a total of 4 games. Each game depicts Lacey, the protagionist, in a variety of scenarios with lore to it. We'll start off with Lacey's Wardrobe. In this game, Lacey has 3 places to go to. She has to go to a park for a picnic, then she has to go shopping at the mall, and lastly, she has a date with "the cutest guy." You as the player, has to help her find cute outfits to wear.
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The gameplay itself is very simple. Customize Lacey however you like with shirts, pants, skirts, accessories, shoes or heels, and various hairstyles. As you go through each stage, you'll notice a man in the background standing and staring at Lacey. This is a stalker who is the same guy Lacey is supposed to date. By the end of the game, Lacey gets dressed after she begs the player not to let her out since she knows her fate. Then she is murdered and dismembered by the stalker.
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The face of the stalker is shown with the description: "I ate her remains so that we will be together forever. I love you, Lacey." The game takes us back to the main screen.
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Now onto the second game. Lacey's Diner. This one follows with the player helping Lacey cook a meal for the guests. If the player fails, they will find Lacey having a mental breakdown and commanding the player to give her a variety of ingredients. Each ingredient contains a disturbing entry. The ingredients are labled as:
Cigarette butts
A dead cockroach
Broken glass
Used condom
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I won't show the image of each ingredient, but I will give you all the most of the descriptions and entries of the ingredients.
Cigarette Butts-"These moments were hard to forget because they were superglued from my heels to my thighs and not even the strongest bird beak could peck it off. the smoke tinted me in grey forever and it made me tear up so much I almost cried in front of him once. Never again."
A dead cockroach-"First they dominated the ceiling of my room. But then I started seeing them everywhere bugs and bites and dirt and ash and vomit where they shouldn't have been. They were all cloudy but crisp and very jumpy and I wanted to suck it all inside of me like a reverse frog dissection and end it all for once."
Pornography-"Face sucked by the static, the grains tickled uncle's eyes with pleasure. He was the same as me but didn't want to admit it. he lived in a world of his own where he was desirable and sensual and he got so used to his lies that he believed what the computer would whisper into his ear
The rest of the ingredients had a few entries. The broken glass talked about self mutilation, the meth had the name "Rocio" on it (keep that in mind, this'll be relevant later on.) The used condom talked in disturbing detail of child SA. Hence why I didn't want to post the transcriptions since I got extremely uncomfortable. But if anyone wants more info, they can always find it. The transcriptions I provided were copypasted from the Fandom Wiki.
The final ingredient, Uncle, shows a clip of a man showing his face. A man who is clearly supposed to be Lacey's uncle. What's interesting however, is that the clip doesn't look stylized at all. It looks like a real clip of someone was used and placed into the game. But Lacey's Diner goes deeper into Lacey's backstory where she was physically, mentally, and sexually abused by her uncle and kept in unsanitary conditions. The game ends with Lacey committing suicide after she makes the statement:
"This is all I have and the customers are hungry and unforgiving."
Someone commented on this statement on a YouTube video analyzing this game series saying: "As a woman, this hit me a lot harder."
And I can understand it. If I reflect upon my experiences with girlhood from childhood to teenagehood as well as past crime cases I have studied, it is clear to me that this quote from Lacey is a whole lot more than a server being abused by her workers. Lacey is a young girl who is being pressured to serve guests. All she has is her ingredients, the key ingredient is herself, the very embodiment of the horrors so many girls ad women are subjected to in their own homes. She is all she has, and all the clients do is take and take. If she fails to fulfill their desires for "food," she will be punished for it. Sound familiar?
I think Lacey's Diner isn't a diner. I think this is a metaphor for a girl being subjected to abuse and trying to appease her abusers in a desperate attempt to earn a living and to leave her uncle once and for all. When she serves a dish with her dead uncle in it, the restaurant closes down due to sanitary issues. But I don't think the broken glass, used condom, and other ingredients were placed for shock value. I think this was the developers' way of conveying Lacey's lore. Well, one of the developers, at least. More on that later, onto the next game.
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Lacey's Petshop is the 3rd game that starts off much differently than the others. It starts off with Lacey listening to her MP3 where Grace, one of the developers of the game, is interviewed by another woman. The audio talks about Grace being unaware of the content riddled in these games until she received angry messages from parents complaining about the horrific themes their children were exposed to. Grace initially didn't believe it until she played it for herself.
At this point of the post it's worth noting that there are 2 developers. Grace, the clueless developer, and Rocio Yani. Remember the name, Rocio? Rocio is a drug used to relieve stomach aches. This name could be found in Lacey's Diner after putting the "Meth" ingredient into the bowl. Rocio isn't just the name of a medication, it's also the name of the 2nd developer. Considering how Grace didn't know what was in the games, it tells me that the developers were not on the same page with the content in Lacey's Games. In fact, it tells me that Rocio added this without Grace's knowledge. Furthermore, Grace also made remarks dismissing Rocio's odd behaviors, including her screaming and mentally breaking down while she worked on Lacey's Games. She would brush off Rocio's behaviors with "she was just crazy" or "she was weird."
The game itself shows Lacey getting pets perfected for their owners. The first owner wanted her dog washed and trimmed, the second wanted her cat's fur dyed purple, wearing red contacts, and with shades, the third wanted his bird trimmed, dyed, and wearing boots, then the fourth wanted her hampster's neck stretched out with pliers until it curved, then the fifth wanted his tortoise to have dentures so it can "smile at me," and lastly, the sixth one wanted his bunny's limbs cut off.
The game then distorts and becomes a point-and-click adventure game where you enter a distorted retelling of Lacey's childhood house. When the player steps into the dining room area, they will find pig humanoid creatures eating flowers. Presumably, the pigs symbolize her uncle, considering the fact that Lacey calls her uncle a pig. Interestingly enough, the pig creaures were eating flowers. One user online speculated that it could symbolize "deflowering" someone. Which, sadly aligns with the evidence the previous game provided. The player continues exploring the house until Lacey sits in a cage and says how "It hurts so comfortably."
This is trauma worded in the most... beautiful and authentic way possible. Coming from someone with trauma of her own, I understand the sentiment behind the sentence. The abuse Lacey faced scarred her, but it's all she's accustomed to. This is her normal. Everyone wants familiarity, that's what makes comfort. Normal is comfort. No matter the circumstances, normalcy is a sense of comfort. As a result, Lacey takes a form of comfort in the awful environment and abusive patterns she us subjected to because that is her normal. It's such a raw sentence that tells me that one of the developers, presumably Rocio, has faced this trauma. Given the fact that Grace didn't know the content Rocio added, and the mental breakdowns Rocio had that Grace previously mentioned, it appears to me that Rocio Yani made Lacey and Lacey's lore based on herself.
There was also the video clip of someone, presumably Rocio, saying in Lacey's reflection:
"These are the real girls' games. Not those lies that they tell you."
I think Rocio made all of this additional content in Lacey's Games as a way to warn young girls the dangers of girlhood. Stalking, SA, all of the things girls are subjected to and come to learn are common experiences amongst each other. I feel like Rocio put these into her games to vent about what happened to her. Which begs the question as to why I wrote this post.
I feel like with a project as sensitive as Lacey's Games, where events are so closely intertwined with real life events and are based on past experiences of the developer, we can't exactly treat Lacey's Games as a regular fandom. By that I mean, I feel like we can't ship, cosplay, edit, or make headcanons the way we can with other fandom since it's so personal.
Of course, internet's gonna internet. But what I'm saying is that we oughta be ethical and respectful to Rocio. If Grace herself doesn't even know if Rocio's alive and Rocio vanished after making all of that for Lacey, then it's clear to me that Rocio is a traumatized individual who suffered the many horrors of girlhood and projected it onto Lacey. Hence why we should really think before we post when it comes to Lacey's Games. Handle it with care. It's the least we can do for Rocio Yani. Thank you all for your time.
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