#La traversée de Paris
o-link · 3 months
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La traversée de Paris (Claude Autant-Lara, 1956)
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Richard III (1995) was described as follow:
Sort of an alternate history in which the war of the two roses ends in the 1920's-30's and Richard III murders his way to power in a 1930's themed (fashion and technology) England. It's SO good. Downton Abbey aesthetics and Shakespearian script.
The Crossing of Paris was described as follow:
Two guys cross over Paris with suitcases full of illegal pork meat in occupied Paris. Because of a complicated situation, the usual guy didn't have his accomplice and took under his wing the first guy he met, but as the night progresses and they evade french and german forces alike, the usual guy and the viewers start doubting the new guy. Until they're both caught by the germans, and the new guy's secret is revealed, saving his life last minute as the usual guy is taken, plausibly to be shot. Not spoiling you've got to watch it!!!
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tfw vous êtes jumpscared par Louis de Funès dans un petit rôle dans un film en noir et blanc de juste avant qu'il devienne vraiment célèbre amirite
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byneddiedingo · 1 year
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Jean Gabin and Bourvil in Four Bags Full aka The Crossing of Paris aka Pig Across Paris (Claude Autant-Lara, 1956)
Cast: Jean Gabin, Bourvil, Louis de Funès, Jeanette Batti, Georgette Anys, Robert Arnoux, Laurence Badie, Jacques Marin, Jean Dunot, MonetteDinay. Screenplay: Jean Aurenche, Pierre Bost, based on a story by Marcel Aymé. Cinematography: Jacques Natteau. Production design: Max Douy. Film editing: Madeleine Gug. Music: René Cloërec. 
Like most movie-lovers whose knowledge of film extends beyond "Hollywood," I was familiar with Jean Gabin, but although I had encountered the name, I didn't know Bourvil, celebrated in France but not so much on this side of the Atlantic. Which made it difficult for me at first to capture the tone and humor of La Traversée de Paris, a film also known as Four Bags Full, The Crossing of Paris, The Trip Across Paris, and Pig Across Paris. Since the film begins with newsreel footage of German troops occupying Paris in 1942, it strikes a more serious tone than it eventually takes. Marcel Martin (Bourvil) is a black market smuggler tasked with carrying meat from a pig that's slaughtered at the beginning of the movie while he plays loud music on an accordion to cover its squeals. He's responsible for transporting two suitcases filled with pork across the city to Montmartre, but when the other smuggler fails to show up, he has to accept the aid of a stranger, Grandgil (Gabin), who agrees to carry the other two valises. Grandgil, however, wants the butcher, Jambier (Louis de Funès), to pay much more than the originally agreed-upon amount for his services, and blackmails him into accepting, to the consternation of Martin. The task is perilous, given the vigilance of the French police and the German occupying troops, so the film wavers between thriller and comedy -- the latter particularly when some stray dogs pick up the scent of what's in the suitcases. It ends up being a fascinating tale of the odd-couple relationship between Grandgil and Martin, as well as a picture of what Parisians went through during the occupation. It was controversial when it was released because it takes a warts-and-all look at black-marketeers and the Résistance, downplaying the heroism without denying the genuine risks they took. Eventually, Grandgil and Martin are caught by the Germans, but Grandgil is released because the officer in charge recognizes him as a famous artist. Martin is sent to prison, but the two are reunited after the war when Grandgil recognizes him at a train station as the porter carrying his luggage -- a rather obvious, and somewhat sour, bit of irony.
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Si personne ne se lavait, la France serait plus propre
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hcdahlem · 4 months
Filles du ciel
La nouvelle épopée de Michel Moutot nous offre de découvrir les merveilles de l'ingénierie française à la fin du XIXe siècle, de l'édification de la statue de la liberté à celle de la Tour Eiffel, en passant par le viaduc de Garabit. Un bonheur de lecture
  En deux mots Envoyé aux États-Unis pour aider à ériger la statue de la liberté, Philibert Boucher va briser le cou d’une jeune indienne avant de regagner la France où un nouveau chantier l’attend, celui de la Tour Eiffel. Ce qu’il ignore, c’est que Tëme, l’oncle de la jeune fille est sur ses traces, missionné pour venger sa nièce. Ma note ★★★★ (j’ai adoré) Ma chronique De Miss Liberty à la Dame…
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chic-a-gigot · 7 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 8, 20 février 1904, Paris. Toilette élégante pour jeune femme. Bibliothèque nationale de France
Jolie toilette de demi-saison pour jeune femme en drap satin d'une nuance mordorée claire et avantageuse au teint. La jupe est à plis assez petits autour de la taille; le devant étroit est réservé plat. Un volant froncé, coupé de hauts bouillonnés, donne au bas de la jupe une belle ampleur. Un de ces bouillonnés sert de tête, un autre de bordure. Le corsage, serré dans une haute ceinture en forme et bouillonné, est décolleté en rond sur en empiècement de guipure. Il s'orne de larges biais et, de chaque côté, de deux rosettes en ruban de satin simple; devant, un petit volant et des boutons soulignent la fermeture. La manche se compose de volants dentelés bordés de petits volants; elle se termine en fourreau serré. Cravate de velours vert.
Pretty mid-season ensemble for young women in satin sheet in a light golden shade that is flattering on the complexion. The skirt has fairly small pleats around the waist; the narrow front is reserved flat. A gathered flounce, cut from bubbled tops, gives the bottom of the skirt a nice fullness. One of these bubbles serves as a head, another as a border. The bodice, tightened in a high shaped and bubbled belt, has a round neckline with a guipure yoke. It is decorated with wide bias and, on each side, with two rosettes in simple satin ribbon; in front, a small ruffle and buttons highlight the closure. The sleeve consists of jagged ruffles edged with small ruffles; it ends in a tight sheath. Green velvet tie.
Matériaux: 6m,50 de drap.
Grande capeline de taffetas tendu garni d'une guirlande de nœud de panne verte et traversée d'une longue plume mordorée.
Large stretched taffeta hat trimmed with a garland of green pin knot and crossed with a long golden feather.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 months
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Bonjour, bonne journée ☕️ 🏊‍♂️
Traversée de Paris à la nage🗼Août 1923
Photo de Roger-Viollet
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boobo13cambridge · 9 months
Skyfall | Kylian Mbappé
Pairing: Kylian Mbappé | OC
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As she gazed out of the window, her eyes lingered on the sprawling cityscape of Paris below, a tapestry of lights and shadows. With a resolute heart, she made a silent vow to herself - to live fiercely, to be the champion for those silenced in the shadows. The path ahead was fraught with challenges, but her resolve was unyielding, a debt of honor to the one who believed in her when doubt cast its long shadow. He had been her mentor, her guardian; he had taken her under his protective wing at a time when skepticism clouded her every step. His unwavering presence had been her fortress, standing valiantly by her side, a solitary defender against a sea of naysayers in those echoing halls of judgment that was the Assas.
A solitary tear, a crystal testament to her inner turmoil, traced a path down her cheek, caressing her skin like a whisper of the past. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, inhaling deeply, though the city's air was tinged with the bitter notes of reality, but mostly pollution (and was that piss?). A sudden, sharp cough, rattled her body, breaking the spell of her reverie. A rueful smile touched her lips as she mused on the cinematic trope of the enigmatic lawyer, solitary and contemplative, gazing out over a city - a scene far more inspiring in a James Bond movie than in real life.
With a finger raised towards the dark sky, the young woman whispered a prayer into the night. 'Vae victis,' she breathed, her words a soft caress against the chaos of the world, 'woe to the conquered.' Her whispered incantation rode the winds, a spectral force, stirring an unseen tremor that resonated through the city, a silent herald to those who would stand against her. 
Chapter One
August 12th, 2023
Parc des Princes
8:00 p.m.
One hour before kickoff, Laila was seated in the office of President Nasser Al-Khelaifi, wishing he would just get to the point. She had to admit, Kylian Mbappé possessed an almost uncanny ability to send the club's president into bouts of extreme hypertension. The obsession with the young French star seemed borderline obsessive to Laila, almost creepy. She often marveled at how Mbappé managed to maintain his composure and resist the urge to confront the old geezer. From a business standpoint, however, she could grasp why the PSG president was so adamant about retaining the French prodigy; after all, money makes the world go round.
Despite her desires to be anywhere else, fate had different plans. Her late mentor had insisted that she start her so-called mission with the French football club for reasons he didn’t entirely foreclose. It was in these moments, she felt a deep kinship with Harry Potter who also had a mentor who seemed to leave the world with more questions than answers despite the world going to shit. Even from beyond the grave, he seemed to enjoy watching her struggle in this unexpected role. Being a lawyer for PSG was far from what her teenage self had envisioned for her future. But such was life.
“Je ne peux pas croire qu’après tout ce que nous avons fait pour ce connard, il ne veut pas renouveler. Il veut quoi de plus put-” the president grumbled in his accented french.
“Avec le plus grand respect, Mr. le président,” Laila interjected, “vous devez comprendre que les résultats du PSG après le mercato n’étaient pas satisfaisant. Vous lui avez promis un bon mercato, et pourtant, ils ont été éliminés dès les huitièmes de finale en ligue des champions. Et pourquoi? Parce que vous avez mis tout l'accent sur l'acquisition de stars. Sérieusement, qu’est-ce qui vous a traversé l’esprit en voulant avoir Messi, Neymar, et Mbappé dans la même équipe? Et vous pensez vraiment que Messi allait s’essayer si proche de la retraite?”
The words tumbled out of Laila before she could stop them, her frustration with the president's incessant complaints reaching its peak. Sometimes, he acted like a petulant child.
“Et alors, c’est de ma faute ça ?” President Al-Khelaifi retorted defensively.
“Si vous voulez des stars dans votre équipe, Mr. le Président, vous devez avoir un entraîneur capable de gérer leurs égos astronomiques. Messi venait du FC Barcelone, et il était évident le respect qu’il avait pour le PSG. Malheureusement, un coach comme Christophe Galtier ne fait qu'empirer les choses,” Laila countered.
“En tout cas, passons à autre chose. Je veux que tu ailles voir Mbappé et sa famille et que tu essaies de le convaincre. Ils vont être là ce soir pour voir le match.” (As usual, the president didn’t want to discuss anything that put him in a bad light)
“Peut-être que la première chose à faire serait de lui dire qu’il ne sera plus dans le loft?”
“Oui, oui, dis-lui qu’il peut revenir, mais je veux qu’il reste. C’est compris?”
“Sí, señor,” she replied sarcastically, exiting the room swiftly as she noticed President Al-Khelaifi’s eye begin to twitch.
As Laila stepped out of the president's office, she let out a deep sigh and made her way down to the Salon Louvre. Truly, Nasser should’ve been smarter than this but money does have a way of blinding a person. Regardless, she had a job to do and if it meant that she had to play Nasser’s little games, she would do it. Laila knew exactly what the end goal was and she wasn’t going to get distracted. 
As she made her way to the Salon Louvre, where Chef Arnault had promised to reserve some of his renowned crème fraîche and caviar deviled eggs for her, she couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement for the match. Parc des Princes always pulsated with infectious energy and passion, which she adored. The stadium itself was incredible, and the Ultras knew how to light up a stadium. Every time she scrolled through Twitter or Instagram, she saw the tifos they made. The huge banners were truly works of art, and she deeply admired and respected the fans for the effort they put into them.
Her thoughts drifted to her three musketeers, her closest friends, and how carefree they had been before life's harsh realities had intruded. She reminisced about that summer night of August 14th, 2021, when they had come to watch PSG vs Racing Club de Strasbourg, the first match after COVID restrictions were lifted. How different things were back then. She yearned to reconnect and mend the fractures time had caused, but deep down, she knew it was perhaps a futile wish. With her eyes brimming with unshed tears, Laila wandered through the hallways leading to the salon, lost in her memories. Absorbed in her thoughts, she didn't notice the figure in front of her and walked straight into what felt like a very warm wall.
“Tabarnak-,” she swore, instinctively rubbing her nose.
“Pardon, mademoiselle,” a voice apologized.
Startled, Laila looked up and found herself face to face with the French captain. Flustered, she took a step back, momentarily at a loss for words. Kylian Mbappé stood before her, and she couldn't help but notice how strikingly handsome he was. Dressed casually in a white Dior t-shirt and paired with stylish brown pants, which complemented his athletic build. His confident posture and the easy smile playing on his lips added to his striking appearance. He naturally carried a certain air of charisma that left her with a dry throat and a racing heart.
And God, those dimples...
How was she supposed to argue with this living reincarnation of big dick energy? Much less, convince him that he would be better off staying in a club where it was quite unlikely that he would ever win a Champions League, forget a Ballon d’Or. Her professor was so lucky to be lounging in the afterlife, because when she did find him, she would make him pay for putting her in this situation.
Kylian's gaze met Laila's, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes at her evident surprise. "You okay?" he asked, his voice tinged with concern.
"Yeah, just... wasn't expecting a human roadblock," Laila joked, trying to mask her nervousness. The corners of his mouth twitched in a smile, those famous dimples making a brief appearance.
"I've been called worse," he chuckled. Kylian's smile took on a knowing edge, his gaze sharp yet playful. "So, Laila Soltani, the lawyer Nasser has brought in to convince me to stay at PSG, eh?"
Laila's eyes widened slightly,  her eyebrows arching in surprise."Yes, that's me. How did you know?"
Kylian leaned in slightly, a playful grin spreading across his face. “See, now I’m more inclined to be offended. Athletes can read too, you know?” he teased, nodding towards her badge.
Laila felt her cheeks warm. “Oh, n-no, that’s not... I mean, I wasn’t—” she stammered, her words tumbling over each other in her fluster.
He laughed, a light, easy sound that seemed to echo around them. “I’m just messing around with you. Besides, it’s not every day the president hires someone specifically to deal with me. You must be quite persuasive.”
Laila laughed, a sound more relaxed than she felt. "I'll take that as a compliment, Mr. Mbappé. But yes, that's why I’m here, in part. Though, convincing someone of your caliber to stay... that's a tall order. My greatest adversary so far."
Kylian's eyes glinted with amusement. "Greatest adversary, huh? Sounds like you’re ready for battle. Just remember, I'm not so easily swayed."
"Oh, we'll see about that," Laila retorted, her own eyes sparkling with the challenge. "I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Looking forward to it, Mademoiselle. May the best person win."
With a final chuckle, Kylian turned and strode away, leaving Laila to ponder the intriguing encounter. She shook her head, a smile lingering on her lips, and continued her journey to the salon Louvre. As she entered, she was immediately greeted by the buzz of fans, whose enthusiasm seemed to infect her immediately. The modern design boasted a sleek and refined look, with geometric light fixtures casting a constellation of warm, ambient light across the polished floor.
She found Chef Arnault behind the mini bar, a silver-maned sage in the world of haute cuisine. With the twinkle of seasoned joy in his clear blue eyes, he beckoned Laila over with a broad grin that seemed to know more than it let on.
"Well, well, if it isn't our lawyer," he teased, the light in his eyes matching the mischief in his tone as he took in her flushed appearance. "You look like you've just spent the whole evening sweating in a sauna. Let me guess, Mbappé charm in action?"
Laila rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth turned upward involuntarily. "Is it that obvious?"
"Only to those who know," he chuckled, presenting her with a plate of deviled eggs, each a small culinary work of art with creamy filling and a crown of caviar. "Here, I made these just for you. They might just give you the boost you need for the evening to deal with the capitaine."
Laila decided to just brush off Arnault's teasing and, not wanting to wait another second, she tossed back a whole deviled egg. The taste was amazing—so good it almost made her moan right there at the bar.
With a quick thanks to the chef, she slipped through the crowd of fans as she heard Michel Montana's voice encouraging the Ultras to cheer for the team. Their chatter was just noise against the hum in her head as she moved to her seat. It was pretty close to the president's spot, giving her an incredible view of the field.
She dropped into her seat, taking in the low buzz of the stadium and the distant echo of the players getting their game faces on. The excitement was kicking in. This wasn't just another day at the office for Laila; it was like stepping onto a chessboard where every move counted. The match was about to start, and she wasn't just thinking about the football. It was game time on all fronts.
A/N: Hello, my lovelies. I'm back 😘
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Le 27 juillet 1924, les spectateurs, massés aux abords de l'île Saint-Louis, assistent à la traversée de Paris à la nage, épreuve annuelle depuis les années 1900. Parmi les 5 premières arrivées figuraient deux femmes, Henriette et Juliette Gardelles. Cent ans plus tard, d'autres spectateurs, massés tout le long des quais de Seine cette fois, s'apprêtent à assister à la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux olympiques 2024 quelques jours après que les Parisien-ne-s ont pu redécouvrir la joie de nager dans le fleuve.
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Le Monde Illustré, numéro du 2 août 1924
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kilfeur · 11 months
Les conséquences de leurs choix et comment ils ont réagi (the consequences of their choices and how they reacted)
Avec l'épisode special Paris qui est sorti, il y a encore des zones d'ombres comme le suprême, ce fameux système et pourquoi Marinette n'a pas pu utiliser le souhait, Emilie et ainsi de suite. Toutefois j'aimerai parler du trio de l'autre monde, Toxinelle, Griffe Noire et Hesperia. Dans ce special, on peut voir le mauvais duo travailler ensemble même si ça leur fait pas plaisir. Vu qu'ils ont déjà essayé de voler le miraculous de l'autre, se disputant pour être épargné par le Suprême. Ce qui en dit pas mal sur comment sont traités les agents de ce dernier ! Même Plagg et Tikki sont muets et ne peuvent parler mais on peut voir qu'ils ont peur même sous leur vraie forme. Notre Tikki était au courant de ces autres univers et les connaît bien mais en parler à Marinette prendrait toute sa vie pour n'en parler que d'une infime partie. Donc ouais le special nous rappelle bien qu'on a à faire des êtres particuliers.
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Toxinelle qui est plus froide et a plus de répondant envers Griffe Noire qui préfère faire les choses à sa manière. Surutilisant le lucky charm au prix de sa vie. Elle était seule et livrée à elle même n'avait personne pour l'aider, pas de parents, d'ami voir même de petit ami (bien que j'ai crû comprendre qu'elle en avait un mais qu'elle aurait traité de loser). Et en réponse, elle répond par la colère, la frustration de ne pas avoir eu la vie souhaité alors qu'une autre Marinette l'a en lisant son journal. On pourrait aussi l'associer à l'envie envers son alter ego. Tout ses lucky charm reflètent bien son côté agressive, ne montrant que des objets offensifs que défensifs ! Et c'est pour ça qu'elle était une cible facile pour le Suprême qui l'a convaincu qu'utiliser ses pouvoirs lui permettrait de ne plus jamais être blessé, de ne plus souffrir. Ne trouvant pas d'autre moyen que d'exprimer ce qu'elle ressent à travers la violence qu'elle infligera aux autres. Tant qu'elle peut soulager la sienne.
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C'est pour ça que sa confrontation avec Ladybug est importante car elle croit que tout a été simple pour elle ! Sauf que bien au contraire, ça n'a pas été le cas ! Elle a essayé de changer et a pu grandir, devenir plus mature et ainsi changer sa vision de voir le monde qui l'entoure pour enfin vivre pleinement sa vie et ça malgré les épreuves qu'elle doit faire face. Elle n'est pas seule car elle a Chat Noir, ses amis mais aussi sa famille pour la soutenir. En sauvant son alter ego, elle s'aide elle même car ça se passe après Destruction ayant pas pu récupérer les miraculous à Monarque. Elle a pu aider son autre version lui permettant de ne pas perdre espoir cette fois !
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Griffe Noire est plus impulsif et imprudent au point d'être assez suicidaire en se prenant un cataclysme. Ne répondant que par la destruction, sa manière de faire est très différente de Toxinelle. Ne répondant que par la provocation et des calembours, étant même plus agressif en terme de combat que Chat Noir. Mais Chat Noir est plus malin que lui et a grandi différemment, et c'est horrible de se dire qu'il suffisait qu'un ou plusieurs choix pour se dire que Adrien aurait pu être finir comme Griffe Noire ! Tout comme Marinette aurait pu devenir Toxinelle en fonction de ses choix ! Mais derrière son attitude se cache une peine, un deuil qui ne s'est pas remit celui de sa mère. Il ne peut accepter que son père aille de l'avant alors qu'il est coincé dans le marchandage et le déni. Tandis qu'Adrien a accepté la mort de sa mère et ça lui a traversé l'esprit d'utiliser le souhait. Or il sait qu'il y a un prix à payer et que des enfants seraient privés de leur mère. Et ça il peut pas l'accepter tout comme Emilie. Griffe Noire se montre triste mais aussi terrifié car il ne sait plus quoi faire. Adrien lui suggère de s'excuser auprès de Nino et essayer de devenir son ami, ce que Griffe Noire est hésitant à faire. Or Adrien lui dit que ça ira malgré tout et qu'ils n'ont qu'à voir un film ensemble. D'ailleurs j'aime comment le soleil se lève montrant désormais leur résolution désormais
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Quand à Hesperia, ce dernier a perdu sa femme mais contrairement à notre Gabriel. Il refuse de succomber au deuil et l'utilise pour donner et garder l'espoir. Il était avec le Suprême avant et il a dû partir après la mort d'Emilie. Par contre comment il a enlever le sort de mutisme à Nooroo ? Je sais pas peut être que prendre un nouveau départ et utiliser ses pouvoirs pour le bien est le moyen de briser le sort du silence. Mais c'est pas précisé donc on peut que spéculer, dans le combat entre le duo et lui, Toxinelle le pointe du doigt pour avoir volé les miraculous. Laissant supposer qu'ils ont travaillé ensemble avant vu comment elle lui parle ainsi que Griffe Noire. En voyant le monde de notre duo, il le trouve magnifique et beau mais c'est loin d'être tout rose ! Vu que Monarque a les miraculous et c'est dommage de ne pas avoir eu ces deux là interagir. Mais je pense que c'est fait exprès pour montrer la différence entre ces deux là. Et puis Hesperia n'aurait pas pu raisonner Monarque. Et malgré qu'il soit l'ennemi du duo, il continue de tendre la main pour qu'ils rejoignent sa résistance. Vu ses dialogues, je pense qu'il internalise certaines de ses expériences voir même ressenti qu'il a traversé quand il travaillait avec le Suprême. Et du coup sa réponse a été de tourner le dos à ce dernier pour faire ce qui est juste. D'ailleurs sa forme akumatisé a une certaine ironie quand il est montré comme un ange et que notre Gabriel est mort et probablement en enfer à l'heure qu'il est. Sans compter les plumes qui sortent de Chat Noir, cette ironie quand tu nous tiens !
With the special Paris episode now out, there are still some dark areas, such as the supreme, that famous system and why Marinette couldn't use the wish, Emilie and so on. However, I'd like to talk about the otherworldly trio, Toxinelle, Griffe Noire and Hesperia. In this special, we can see the evil duo working together, even if they're not happy about it. Given that they've already tried to steal each other's miraculous, fighting to be spared by the Supreme. Which says a lot about how the Supreme's agents are treated! Even Plagg and Tikki are mute and can't speak, but we can see that they're scared even in their true form. Our Tikki was aware of these other universes and knows them well, but to tell Marinette about them would take her whole life to tell only a tiny part of it. So yeah, the special is a good reminder that we're dealing with special beings.
Toxinelle is colder and more responsive than Griffe Noire, who prefers to do things her own way. Overusing the lucky charm at the cost of her life. She was alone and left to her own devices, with no one to help her, no parents, no friends, not even a boyfriend (although I understand she had one, but would have called her a loser). And in response, she responds with anger, frustration at not having had the life she wanted, whereas another Marinette has it by reading her diary. It could also be associated with envy of her alter ego. All her lucky charms reflect her aggressive side, showing off more offensive objects than defensive ones! And that's why she was an easy target for the Supreme, who convinced her that using her powers would mean she'd never be hurt or suffer again. Finding no other way than to express what she feels through the violence she inflicts on others. As long as she can relieve her own.
That's why her confrontation with Ladybug is so important, because she thinks everything has been easy for her! But on the contrary, it hasn't been! She's tried to change and has been able to grow up, become more mature and change her view of the world around her, finally living her life to the full despite the trials she's had to face. She's not alone, as she has Black Cat, her friends and family to support her. By saving her alter ego, she's helping herself, as this takes place after Destruction was unable to retrieve the miraculous from Monarque. She was able to help her other version, so she didn't lose hope this time!
Griffe Noire is more impulsive and reckless, to the point of being quite suicidal in the face of cataclysm. Responding only with destruction, his approach is very different from that of Toxinelle. Responding only with provocation and puns, he's even more aggressive in terms of combat than Chat Noir. But Chat Noir is smarter than he is and has grown up differently, and it's horrible to think that all it took was one or more choices to tell you that Adrien could have ended up like Griffe Noire! Just as Marinette could have become Toxinelle depending on her choices! But behind his attitude lurks a grief, a mourning that has not recovered, that of his mother. He can't accept that his father is moving on, while he's stuck in bargaining and denial. Adrien, on the other hand, has accepted his mother's death, and it crossed his mind to use the wish. But he knows there's a price to pay and that children would be deprived of their mother. He can't accept that, and neither can Emilie. Griffe Noire is saddened but also terrified because he doesn't know what to do. Adrien suggests that he apologize to Nino and try to become his friend, which Black Claw is reluctant to do. But Adrien tells him that he'll be fine anyway, and that all they have to do is watch a movie together. By the way, I like the way the sun rises, now showing their resolution.
As for Hesperia, he has lost his wife, but unlike our Gabriel. He refuses to succumb to grief and uses it to give and keep hope. He was with the Supreme before and had to leave after Emilie's death. But how did he remove Nooroo's mute spell? I don't know, maybe making a fresh start and using his powers for good is the way to break the silence spell. But it's not spelled out so we can only speculate, in the fight between the duo and him, Toxinelle points the finger at him for stealing the miraculous. This suggests that they've worked together before, given the way she talks to him and Griffe Noire. Seeing our duo's world, he finds it magnificent and beautiful, but it's far from rosy! Given that Monarque has the miraculous, it's a shame we didn't have these two interacting. But I think it's done on purpose to show the difference between these two. Besides, Hesperia couldn't have reasoned with Monarque. And despite being the duo's enemy, he keeps reaching out to them to join his resistance. Given his dialogues, I think he's internalizing some of the experiences and even feelings he went through when working with the Supreme. And so his response was to turn his back on the Supreme to do the right thing. Moreover, his akumatized form has a certain irony when he's shown as an angel and our Gabriel is dead and probably in hell by now. Not to mention the feathers that come out of Chat Noir, that irony!
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The Crossing of Paris was described as follow:
Two guys cross over Paris with suitcases full of illegal pork meat in occupied Paris. Because of a complicated situation, the usual guy didn't have his accomplice and took under his wing the first guy he met, but as the night progresses and they evade french and german forces alike, the usual guy and the viewers start doubting the new guy. Until they're both caught by the germans, and the new guy's secret is revealed, saving his life last minute as the usual guy is taken, plausibly to be shot. Not spoiling you've got to watch it!!!
The Bridge on the River Kwai was described as follow:
A bunch of british soldiers prisonners of the Japanese are forced to build a bridge to help the japanese armies make their way through the river kwai.
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francebonapartiste · 7 months
1er mars 1815 : Napoléon débarque à Golfe-Juan, c'est le début des Cent-Jours
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Le 1er mars 1815, un événement historique majeur se produit lorsque Napoléon Bonaparte débarque à Golfe-Juan, marquant ainsi le début d’une période connue sous le nom des Cent-Jours. Ce jour-là, une petite flottille apparait au large des côtes françaises, mettant fin à la période d’exil de Napoléon sur l’île d’Elbe. Parti de l’île d’Elbe le 26 février, Napoléon est à bord de l’Inconstant, accompagné de six autres navires. Avec lui se trouvent ses proches et environ mille soldats de sa garde.
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Aux côtés de l’Empereur se trouvaient les hommes qui formaient en quelque sorte son gouvernement sur l’île d’Elbe : le général Bertrand, chargé des affaires intérieures et l’un de ses plus proches conseillers, le général Drouot, assumant le rôle de ministre de la Guerre, et Peyrusse, trésorier de la Couronne. Se trouvaient également le général Cambronne, le Dr Fourreau de Beauregard mais aussi Pons de l’Hérault, ainsi que son personnel, incluant Marchand, son premier valet de chambre, et Saint-Denis, surnommé “le mamelouk Ali”.
Pendant la traversée, Napoléon s’était retiré dans sa cabine, plongeant dans l’élaboration des proclamations qui marqueraient son retour. Ces missives, soigneusement préparées à l’avance, étaient destinées à être distribuées dès son arrivée, toutes deux datées du 1er mars, jour symbolique de son débarquement et du renouveau.
Dans son discours adressé au peuple français, il justifiait son retour en expliquant les circonstances de son départ en 1814, attribuant son échec à la trahison des maréchaux Augereau et Marmont.
Aux soldats, il dévoile les voies de la gloire et prononce les paroles qui deviendront emblématiques :
“La victoire avancera au pas de charge. L’Aigle, arborant fièrement les couleurs nationales, planera de clocher en clocher jusqu’aux tours de Notre-Dame.”
Après trois jours de navigation, la flottille arrive enfin au mouillage dans l’anse du golfe Juan. Napoléon, arborant fièrement le drapeau tricolore français, décide de procéder au débarquement. Une escouade de grenadiers est envoyée en reconnaissance pour s’assurer que les côtes sont sûres. La côte est en effet sans défense, aucune batterie côtière n’étant présente à cet endroit, démontrant ainsi que les autorités n’ont à aucun moment envisagé que Napoléon tenterait un débarquement dans le sud de la France.
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Le lendemain matin, Napoléon consulte une carte pour planifier la suite de son itinéraire vers Grenoble. Il décide de suivre la route des Alpes plutôt que de traverser la vallée du Rhône, où il a été conspué l’année précédente en se rendant à l’île d’Elbe. La troupe se remet en marche, avec Napoléon montant à cheval et ses hommes à pied.
Au cours de la journée, des contacts sont établis avec les autorités locales et la population. Certains habitants manifestent leur soutien à Napoléon en illuminant leurs maisons et en criant “Vive l’Empereur”, tandis que d’autres observent son passage avec une certaine indifférence.
Après avoir stationné quelques heures à Cannes, Napoléon repart à l’aube en direction de Grasse. Ainsi se clôt, sur le littoral français, la première étape de ce que l’on appellera plus tard le “vol de l’Aigle”, un périple qui devait mener l’Empereur jusqu’à Paris en vingt jours.
On March 1st, 1815, a major historical event occurred when Napoleon Bonaparte landed at Golfe-Juan, marking the beginning of a period known as the Hundred Days. That day, a small flotilla appeared off the French coast, ending Napoleon's exile on the island of Elba. Departing from Elba on February 26th, Napoleon was aboard the Inconstant, accompanied by six other ships, along with his close associates and about a thousand soldiers from his guard.
Alongside the Emperor were the men who formed his government on the island of Elba: General Bertrand, in charge of internal affairs and one of his closest advisors; General Drouot, serving as Minister of War; and Peyrusse, the Crown Treasurer. Also present were General Cambronne, Dr. Fourreau de Beauregard, as well as Pons de l'Hérault, along with his staff, including Marchand, his head valet, and Saint-Denis, nicknamed "the Mameluke Ali."
During the crossing, Napoleon retreated to his cabin, immersed in drafting proclamations that would mark his return. These carefully prepared messages were intended to be distributed upon his arrival, both dated March 1st, the symbolic day of his landing and renewal.
In his address to the French people, he justified his return by explaining the circumstances of his departure in 1814, attributing his failure to the betrayal of marshals Augereau and Marmont. To the soldiers, he unveiled the paths to glory and uttered words that would become iconic: "Victory will advance at a quick pace. The Eagle, proudly displaying the national colors, will soar from steeple to steeple to the towers of Notre-Dame."
After three days of sailing, the flotilla finally anchored in the bay of Golfe-Juan. Napoleon, proudly displaying the French tricolor flag, decided to proceed with the landing. A squad of grenadiers was sent out for reconnaissance to ensure the coast was secure. Indeed, the coast was undefended, with no coastal battery present, demonstrating that the authorities had never considered Napoleon attempting a landing in southern France.
The next morning, Napoleon consulted a map to plan the rest of his route to Grenoble. He chose to follow the Alpine route rather than crossing the Rhône Valley, where he had been reviled the previous year on his way to Elba. The troop resumed their march, with Napoleon riding on horseback and his men on foot.
Throughout the day, contacts were made with local authorities and the population. Some residents showed their support for Napoleon by lighting up their homes and shouting "Long live the Emperor," while others watched his passage with indifference.
After spending a few hours in Cannes, Napoleon set off again at dawn towards Grasse. Thus ended, on the French coast, the first stage of what would later be called the "Flight of the Eagle," a journey that would lead the Emperor to Paris in twenty days.
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alain-keler · 7 months
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Evreux, Jeudi 17 août 1978.
"Ben Abruzzo, Max Anderson et Larry Nexman, les trois aérostiers américains, partis le 12 août des États-Unis, ont gagné leur pari. Ils ont réussi la première traversée de l'Atlantique en ballon libre. Le"Double Eagle II" s'est posé jeudi dans un champ près d'Évreux après un parcours sans faute. Grâce à ces trois héros de l'air et de la mer, le rêve est devenu réalité."
Légende Sygma.
Sygma avait envoyé cinq photographes sur cette histoire. Je ne me souviens plus exactement des circonstances exactes, si ce n'est que je conduisais ma voiture très vite, doublant tout ce qu'il pouvait avoir sur la route, suivant à l'œil la trajectoire du ballon qui volait à faible altitude à la recherche du terrain approprié pour atterrir. 
De nombreuses voitures étaient stationnées sur le bas-côté de la route avec des milliers de curieux, attirés par l'évènement qui était transmit en direct sur les radios. 
 J'ai eu la photo du ballon qui touchait le sol, ce qui était l'essentiel, mais je préfère de loin cette image de spectateurs montrée dans le journal d'aujourd'hui, oubliée dans les arcanes de mes archives, retrouvée cachée parmi tant d'autres, comme si elle était effrayée à l'idée de revivre ce moment fort. 
Délivrée du temps qui passe, elle s'est offerte à moi pour toujours !
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PHILIPPE-GÉRARD (compositeur), “Léo FERRÉ, mon ami” (extraits), L’Humanité-dimanche du 29 janvier 1961 (et Les Copains d’la neuille n°33, p9) : LÉO FERRÉ, mon ami. Oui, depuis plus de quinze ans déjà. Et peut-être qu’aujourd’hui cette amitié grandit encore, comme sans cesse mon estime pour son talent. Aujourd’hui, c’est pour lui le triomphe. Son récital au Vieux-Colombier, c’est un évènement de la saison artistique à Paris… …J’ai rencontré Léo pour la première fois à Paris chez Edith Piaf. C’était peu après la Libération. Il arrivait de Monte-Carlo avec une pointe d’ail dans sa parole et des rayons de soleil méditerranéen cachés derrière son large front. Sa façon de se coiffer et ses lunettes cerclées de métal le faisaient un peu ressembler à un enfant de Beethoven et de Schubert, mais à beaucoup d’autres titres, même physiques, il était déjà Léo Ferré. Bien sûr, nous n’étions pas nombreux à nous en rendre compte, mais nous le savions au fond de nous-mêmes et c’était un peu de réconfort dans les moments difficiles que nous avons alors traversés ensemble. Car nous en avons mangé, à cette époque, de la vache enragée !… …Edith Piaf, à qui nous venions présenter, lui son remarquable “Opéra du ciel” et moi l’une de mes premières chansons sur des paroles de Francis Carco, “Le Voyageur”, ne chanta jamais ni l’une ni l’autre. Bien qu’elle nous accueillit toujours avec beaucoup de sympathie et même de chaleur, il nous fallut attendre quelques années pour qu’elle interprète, de lui, “Les Amants de Paris” qui fut la seule chanson de Léo à son répertoire, et de moi, “Pour moi toute seule”, qui marqua mon départ dans ce métier… http://www.frmusique.ru/texts/f/ferre_leo/operaduciel.htm , L'Opera Du Ciel Léo Ferré : http://www.deezer.com/fr/track/104075228 EDITH PIAF - LES AMANTS DE PARIS Paroles: Léo Ferré, musique: Léo Ferré et Eddie Marnay, enr. 11 juin 1948, que l’on entend aussi dans le film de Jean Eustache LA MAMAN ET LA PUTAIN : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pTr0zizDA8 Edith Piaf - Pour Moi Toute Seule (Guy Lafarge; Philippe-Gérard; Flavien Monod. Blues; “Edith Piaf Sings”; French; …): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4OA1jy-cj8 Renée Lebas , Le Voyageur sans bagage (ou Le Voyageur) - (Auteur : Francis Carco, F.Moslay. Compositeur : Philippe-Gérard ) : http://www.deezer.com/fr/track/138826035 Catherine Sauvage, Le Voyageur (sans bagage) : http://www.deezer.com/fr/track/74805675
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Lee Miller
1927 : New York : Possédante peut-être du visage et de la silhouette les plus classiques de sa génération...
1929 : Paris : Protégée et amante de Man Ray, elle invente avec lui sa technique de photographie solarisée...
1935 : Le Caire : Lassée de sa vie d'épouse d'homme d'affaires égyptien, elle voyage sans fin à travers l'Egypte...
1939-45 : Europe
Elle devient et accréditée correspondante de guerre américaine et couvre le siège de Saint-Malo et la libération de Paris...
Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des vies de Lee Miller, intimement et entièrement enregistrées ici par son fils, Antony Penrose. C'est le premier livre à révéler son extraordinaire vision en tant que photographe.
Il donne également vie à l'histoire d'un femme qui a traversé de nombreux mondes -
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