#La Alcazaba
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Islamic conquest of Hispania: Moorish troops led by Tariq ibn Ziyad land at Gibraltar to begin their invasion of the Iberian Peninsula (Al-Andalus) on April 27, 711.
#Alcazaba y Murallas del Cerro de San Cristóbal#Almería#Jayran al-Amiri#Reales Alcázares de Sevilla#Islamic conquest of Hispania#Tariq ibn Ziyad#begin#invasion#Iberian Peninsula#Spanish history#travel#Portuguese history#summer 2021#original photography#Sevilla#Castillo De La Calahorra#São Jorge Castle#Lisbon#Portugal#Spain#España#Gate of Forgiveness#Seville Cathedral#Castelló de Farfaña#Castillo de Peñíscola#Mediterranean Sea#Albufeira#Atlantic Ocean#vacation#27 April 711
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MetalBurst Project - Season 2: Beyblade Burst Evolution
Includes the basics (bladers, beyblades, battles, events, debuts). Specific scores of individual matches not included. Also, some teams are from different nations to adhere to a 1 team/nation rule (except for Catalonia).
Note: the times when some bladers meet their bey Spirits for the first time are what count as that spirit's debut.
Each opening would have different scenes from the original, but while I can draw I can't animate whatsoever, nor do I have time to draw an entire opening. So use your minds to imagine alternate scenes for the opening.
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 1-35): Evolution
[English] Opening Theme (Ep. 36-52): Made For This
[Japanese] Opening Theme (3 versions - Ep. 1-24, Ep. 25-35 + Ep. 36-52): Evolution Burst!
Note: Motif, and avatar/spirit, is according to the Beyblade Wiki and by me.
Bladers (Beyblades - Motifs) - MOVES:
Alexander Shakadera (Surge Xcalius 1 Iron - Holy Sword of England) - DUAL SABERS, TRIPLE SABER
Boa Alcazaba (Arc Balkesh 2Bump Atomic - God Dragon) - FINAL GUARD, FINAL CRASH
Clio Delon (Deep Caynox 4Flow Bearing - Primordial Void) - LEVITATION LAUNCH
Count Nightfell (Duo Aether 7Star Unite - Sun-Moon Combination) - ECLIPSE LAUNCH
Cuza Ackermann (Alter Cognite 6Meteor Trans - Time God) - TIGHTROPE DIVE, WARP LAUNCH, ETERNITY LAUNCH, SPINNING MOON DIVE
Daigo Kurogami (Krusher Doomscizor 2Vortex Hunter - Grim Reaper) - DOUBLE STRIKE, HUNT LAUNCH
Esmeralda Petersburg (Smite Amaterios 0Bump Anchor - Sun Goddess) - SMITE SPIN
Free de la Hoya (Drain Fafnir 8 Nothing - Golden Dragon) - DRAIN SPIN, NOTHING BREAK
Ghasem Madal (Maximum Garudas 8Flow Flugel - King of Birds) - METEOR STRIKE
Joshua Burns (Blast Jinnius 5Glaive Guard - Genie) - CYCLONE WALL, CYCLONE COUNTER
Ken Midori (Guardian Kerbeus 7 Nothing - Underworld Guardian) - GUARDIAN LAUNCH, NOTHING COUNTER
Kurt Baratier (Boom Khalzar 7Under Hunter - Hurricane Bird God) - SKYSCRAPER BOOST, THUNDER ATTACK, BOLT ATTACK
Lui Shirosagi (Nightmare Lúinor Destroy - Ice Dragon of Ruin) - DRAGON CRASH, NIGHTMARE BOOST
Norman Tarver (Twin Noctemis 3Hit Jaggy - Anger God) - UPPER CRASH, COLOSSUS HAMMER
Rantaro Kiyama (Berserk Roktavor 4Cross Flugel - Winged Demon) - ROKTAVOR ZONE, STAMINA LAUNCH
Raul Comas (Genesis/Strike Valtryek Mugen - Battle Goddess) - INFINITY LAUNCH, GENESIS WHIP
Ren Wu Sun (Shelter Regulus 5Star Tower - Lion) - SHELTER DEFENCE, FANG ATTACK
Silas Karlisle (Kinetic Satomb 2Glaive Loop - Devil) - ROLLER DRIFT, ROLLER DEFENCE, CYCLONE LOOP
Suki Ryushima (Shining Orichalcum Outer Octa - Mountain Metal) - SHINING COUNTER, SHINING BREAK, OMEGA ATTACK
Tess Dileva (Shadow Orichalcum Aero Bite - Mountain Metal) - LUNAR COUNTER, SHADOW BREAK, LUNAR SONATA
Toko Aoi (Spiral Treptune 8Bump Wedge - Three-Pronged Spear) - SPIRAL COUNTER
Wakiya Murasaki (Tempest Wyvron 4Glaive Atomic - Wyvern) - SUPER TEMPEST ATTACK, TEMPEST SHIELD, HYPER SHIELD CRASH
Zachary Kaneguro (Galaxy Zeutron 4Meteor Planet - Thunder God) - GALAXY BOOST, GRAND LIGHTNING*, PLANET BREAK
Pablo (Uber Unicrest Upper Xtreme - Unicorn)
Paul Orlando (Storm Spryzn Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Mark Strong (Uber Unicrest Triple Revolve - Unicorn)
Calli/Kahli (Dual Diomedes Triple Accel - Hero King)
Ivan (Beast Betromoth Infinity Press - Beast)
Rickson Clay (Jumbo Jormuntor Jerk Unite - World Serpent)
Shasa Guten (Giga Gaianon Vertical Cycle - Primordial of Earth)
Stan Hamburg (Psychic Phantazus Polish Weight - Phantom)
Django del Toro (Quill Quetziko Quarter Hold - Wind & Learning God)
Rodrick (Storm Spryzen Limited Press - Protector Giant)
Spark Torres (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Sara Sanchez (Raging Roktavor Limited Press - Winged Demon)
Xavier Kappa (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Ruck Mar (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Allan Renoir (Raging Roktavor Knuckle Unite - Winged Demon)
Arthur Lawrence (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
George Star (Uber Unicrest Upper Xtreme - Unicorn)
Jorge Ortega (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Richard Yello (Shadow Roktavor 4Cross Flugel - Winged Demon)
Black Eye (Shadow Doomscizor 2Vortex Hunter - Grim Reaper)
Grey Eye (Shadow Cognite 6Meteor Trans - Time God)
Azure Eye (Shadow Valtryek 6Vortex Reboot - Battle Goddess)
Violet Eye (Shadow Wyvron 4Glaive Atomic - Wyvern)
Dylan Summers (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Dolph Henson (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Lionel Mecca (King Kerbeus Knuckle Unite - Underworld Guardian)
Thiago Torres (Hyper Horusood Gravity Xtreme - Sky God)
Leone Balone (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Javier (Uber Unicrest Triple Revolve - Unicorn)
Ana Mark (Omni Odax Upper Yielding - War God)
Carlos Thunder (Omni Odax Gravity Needle - War God)
Ramon Martinez (Dark Doomscizor Knuckle Unite - Grim Reaper)
Sergio Lopez (Raging Roktavor Knuckle Unite - Winged Demon)
Anton (King Kerbeus Gravity Revolve - Underworld Guardian)
Jeff Peterson (Raging Roktavor Force Jaggy - Winged Demon)
Ataru Okinaka (Storm Spryzen Mugen - Protector Giant)
*Galaxy Zeutron having a move called Grand Lightning in this fan-made season is a homage to Dynamis and Jade Jupiter.
Teams (Known bladers only if available, at time of World League):
Sol (Spain) = Valt Aoi, Rantaro Kiyama, Zachary Kaneguro, Silas Karlisle, Cuza Ackermann, Suki Ryushima, Rickson Clay, Shasa Guten
Sunbat United (Catalonia) = Wakiya Murasaki, Ken Midori, Django del Toro, Ataru Okinaka
Top Wand (Germany) = Heinrich, Rodrick
Galleon (Portugal) = Xavier Kappa, Sara Sanchez, Spark Torres
Gallus (France) = Daigo Kurogami, Allan Renoir, Ruck Mar
Nord (Sweden) = Unknown bladers
Royals (England) = Arthur Lawrence, George Star, Ghasem Madal, Jeff Peterson, Pax Forsythe [Retired due to injury]
Raging Bulls (America) = Joshua Burns, Free de la Hoya, Tess Dileva, Richard Yello, Dylan Summers, Guy Spear, Dust Rukane
Lago (Mexico) = Jorge Ortega, Ramon Martinez, Sergio Lopez
Rios (Brazil) = Alexander Shakadera, Ren Wu Sun, Javier, Ana Mark Carlos Thunder, Stan Hamburg
Rocks (Australia) = Dolph Henson
Tango Rhythms (Argentina) = Lionel Mecca, Thiago Torres, Leone Balone
Key -> SOLvSUU = Sol vs. Sunbat United, EL = European League, SOLvTOW = Sol vs. Top Wand, SOLvNOR = Sol vs. Nord, SOLvGLO = Sol vs. Galleon, SOLvGAL = Sol vs. Gallus, SOLvROY = Sol vs. Royals, NAL = North American League, RABvLAG = Raging Bulls vs. Lago, WL = World League, RABvROC = Raging Bulls vs. Rocks, SOLvTAR = Sol vs. Tango Rhythms, RIOvLAG = Rios vs. Lago, ROYvSOL = Royals vs. Sol, RIOvSUU = Rios vs. Sunbat United, GALvGLO = Gallus vs. Galleon, RABvTOW = Raging Bulls vs. Top Wand, RIOvSOL = Rios vs. Sol, RABvGAL = Raging Bulls vs. Gallus, SOLvRAB = Sol vs. Raging Bulls, IBC = International Bladers Cup
Main Protagonists = Valt Aoi, Free de la Hoya (IBC)
Main Antagonists = Theodore Glass, Spryzen, Tess Dileva
Disc 1 Antagonists (Pre-IBC) = Shu Kurenai, Free de la Hoya
Disc 1 Antagonists (IBC) = Kurt Baratier, Norman Tarver
Episodes -> (Battles [Events]) -> {Other}:
01 - To The World! Genesis Valtryek! -> (Pablo defeats Ken, Silas defeats Pablo, Valt loses to Silas, Valt defeats Silas) -> {Silas/Kit/Pablo/Raul debut, Valt/Ken make their Evolution debut, Satomb cracks Valtryek, Victory Valtryek is evolved into Genesis Valtryek, King Kerbeus is evolved into Guardian Kerbeus}
02 - Fighting Spirit! Berserk Roktavor! -> (Rantaro defeats Paul, Valt defeats Mark, Rantaro defeats Calli/Kahli, Valt defeats Suki, Rantaro defeats Zachary, Valt defeats Tess, Valt defeats Rantaro) -> {Kristina/Trad/Free debut, Rantaro/Tess/Zachary/Suki make their Evolution debut, Berserk Roktavor is created, Valt/Rantaro/Zachary/Tess/Suki are accepted into Sol}
03 - Shock! Drain Fafnir! -> (Free defeats Valt, Free defeats Rantaro, Free defeats Ivan, Free defeats Rickson, Free defeats Shasa, Free defeats Ken, Free defeats Esmeralda) -> {Ataru/Honey/Shasa/Ange/Senor Hanami/Ivan/Rickson/Django debut, Wakiya/Esmeralda/Stan make their Evolution debut, Esmeralda/Stan are revealed to be part of Sol, Wakiya/Silas are revealed to be part of Sunbat United, Sunbat United challenge Sol to a battle}
04 - Whirlwind! Tempest Wyvron! -> (Wakiya defeats Rantaro [SOLvSUU], Wakiya loses to Valt [SOLvSUU continued]) -> {Theodore debuts, Valt removes Valtryek's Vortex frame}
05 - Devil Assault! Kinetic Satomb! -> (Valt loses to Silas [SOLvSUU], Free defeats Silas [SOLvSUU continued])
06 - Severe Earthquake! Sol! -> (Rantaro defeats Wakiya [SOLvSUU: SOL 4-2 SUU], Rickson defeats Calli/Kahli, Stan defeats Suki, Ivan defeats Esmeralda, Shasa defeats Tess, Django loses to Valt, Django loses to Silas, Silas defeats Rantaro) -> {Rantaro removes Roktavor's Cross frame, Valt reattaches Valtryek's Vortex frame, Silas leaves Sunbat United & is accepted into Sol, Django leaves Sol after demotion to the B-Team causing tension between Stan & Valt, Esmeralda vindictively forces Tess to leave Sol after the latter tried to screw up her secret plan to leave Sol herself}
07 - Reach It! Journey To The Top! -> (Rickson defeats Stan, Shasa vs. Ivan interuppted, Valt draws with Rantaro, Esmeralda defeats Calli/Kahli, Rickson draws with Ivan, Valt defeats Stan, Silas loses to Rantaro) -> {Rantaro reattaches Roktavor's Cross frame, Stan blames Valt for Django leaving Sol}
08 - Season Opener! European League! -> (Free defeats Heinrich [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Valt loses to Cuza [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW continued]) -> {Cuza/Carl/Rodrick debut, Heinrich/Cuza are revealed to be part of Top Wand, Theodore starts trying to convince Free to join Raging Bulls}
09 - Temporal Troupe! Alter Cognite! -> (Rantaro loses to Rodrick [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Free defeats Cuza [EL Round 1: SOLvTOW], Valt defeats Cuza [EL Round 1: SOL 3-2 TOW]) -> {Theodore continues scouting Free}
10 - Free To Launch! Valt and Free! -> (Ivan draws with Rickson, Stan draws with Shasa, Rantaro vs Suki interrupted, Valt loses to Free) -> {Silas confronts Kristina and Trad about not being chosen for the team more but Trad tells him to swallow his pride, Valt's/Rantaro's rankings move up alongside Sol's causing tension between them and the rest of the team, Valt/Rantaro are revealed to have tried contacting Shu but he has not gotten back to them, Alexander is revealed to be in Brazil, Free leaves Sol to join Raging Bulls, Free allows Valt access to his secret forest stadium}
11 - The Collapse! A Team Divided! -> (Zachary loses to Tess [EL Round 2: SOL 0-3 NOR], Valt vs Rantaro interrupted, Silas defeats 5 random bladers at once, Silas defeats Wakiya, Rantaro loses to Spark [EL Round 3: SOLvGLO], Suki loses to Sara [EL Round 3: SOLvGLO], Valt loses to Xavier K. [EL Round 3: SOL 0-3 GLO]) -> {Tess is revealed to have gained a new bey from an unknown place called Shadow Orichalcum, Zachary's humiliation at causes an increase in aggressiveness and an exodus of unfaithful fans, Tess is revealed to have joined Nord, the crushing defeat to Nord causes further friction within Sol, Silas leaves refusing to be held back by Valt any longer but Wakiya convinces him to return to which he says he just needed fresh air, Ivan leaves Sol to achieve his dream of becoming a BeyTrainer, Esmeralda leaves Sol to become the bodyguard for an enigmatic new client even though her employers [apprenticeship-type thing] never assigned her one raising heavy suspicion from Trad}
12 - Second Coming! The Return Of Doomscizor! -> (Rantaro loses to Rickson, Rantaro loses to Silas, Valt loses to Daigo, Rantaro loses to Daigo, Rantaro draws with Ruck, Valt defeats Shasa) -> {Allan/Ruck/Marie debut, Daigo makes his Evolution debut, Daigo is revealed to be part of Gallus, Dark Doomscizor is revealed to have been evolved into Krusher Doomscizor, Daigo fails to convince Valt/Rantaro to join him in France but his attempt make Sol think the two do plan to leave and they are removed from the eligible bladers list, Shasa gives up her place for Valt after she realises he is telling the truth about not leaving, Zachary quickly recovers with help from Kristina and decides to take back his place in stardom as an idol with backing from the faithful fans who stick around regardless of the result, Zillion Zeutron is evolved into Galaxy Zeutron}
13 - Beyond The Sunrise! Galaxy Zeutron! -> (Valt loses to Daigo [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Zachary defeats Ruck [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Silas loses to Allan [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Valt defeats Daigo [EL Round 4: SOLvGAL], Zachary defeats Daigo [EL Round 4: SOL 3-2 GAL]) -> {Ghasem/Arthur L./George debut, Ghasem watches the match between Silas and Allan, Daigo's role in improving Gallus is revealed}
14 - Attack! Shining Orichalcum! -> (Silas defeats Ken, Suki defeats Silas, Silas defeats Ghasem [Flashback], George loses to Arthur L., Silas loses to Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY]) -> {Valt is named leader of Sol, it is revealed that Ghasem holds a grudge against Silas for destroying his old bey, Suki creates Shining Orichalcum out of Salvo Surtr having naturally watched Tess' demolition of Zachary as part of Sol}
15 - Maximus Garuda! The Airborne Bey! -> (Suki defeats Arthur L. [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Zachary draws with Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Rantaro defeats George [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Valt loses to Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOLvROY], Silas defeats Ghasem [EL Round 5: SOL 3-2 ROY]) -> {It is revealed that Ghasem recieved Garuda from Arthur L., victory over Royals mean Sol qualify for the World League, Wakiya tells Valt/Rantaro that Shu is missing}
16 - The Search For Shu! Legend Spryzen! -> (Shu defeats Jorge [NAL Round 5: RAB 3-0 LAG], Valt loses to Red Eye) -> {Jorge debuts, Valt/Rantaro/Daigo/Wakiya/Suki travel to Mexico to search for Shu and meet Cuza along the way, Zachary opts to remain at Sol, the crew learn about Snake Pit and discover its HQ, the crew meet a boy called Red Eye who has supposedly stolen Shu's Spryzen for himself}
17 - Shadow Magic! The Snake Pit! -> (Rantaro loses to Yellow Eye) -> {Gold Eye/Boa/Black Eye/Violet Eye/Grey Eye/Yellow Eye/Azure Eye debut, Silver Eye makes her Evolution debut, the crew learn more about Snake Pit and discover the Shadow Bladers, Rantaro is almost kicked out of the Snake Pit but the crew save him}
18 - Into The Labyrinth! Underground Maze! -> (Daigo defeats Black Eye, Cuza defeats Grey Eye, Valt vs. Azure Eye continued) -> {Black Eye/Grey Eye are kicked out of Snake Pit}
19 - Secret Fire! Red And Silver! -> (Valt defeats Azure Eye, Wakiya vs. Violet Eye [interrupted by Red Eye] -> Wakiya vs. Violet Eye vs. Red Eye [Battle Royale results: Red Eye > Wakiya > Violet Eye], Valt/Daigo/Cuza vs. Red Eye [interrupted by Suki/Silver Eye] -> Valt/Daigo/Cuza/Suki lose to Red Eye/Silver Eye) -> {Azure Eye is kicked out of Snake Pit, Wakiya/Violet Eye are kicked out of Snake Pit, Tess is revealed to have gained Shadow Orichalcum from Ashtem, Valt/Suki/Rantaro/Daigo/Cuza are kicked out of Snake Pit, Tess is revealed to be Silver Eye, Boa guides the crew through the jungle to safety}
20 - New Teammates! New Rivals! -> (Cuza draws with Silas, Kristina loses to Free [Flashback], Valt loses to Cuza, Valt defeats Stan) -> {Cuza leaves Top Wand to join Sol, Trad leaves Sol to join Raging Bulls, Stan leaves Sol and heads to Brazil, the members of Sol discover Free's secret forest stadium and that he gave Valt permission to use it, Free is revealed to have entrusted Valt with leading the team in his absence}
21 - A-List! Joshua Burns! -> (Joshua defeats Cuza) -> {Joshua/Deborah/Terry debut, Joshua invites Sol to star in his latest movie, Joshua declines Wakiya's invitation to join Sunbat United}
22 - Blast Jinnius! Caller of Storms! -> (Rantaro loses to Joshua, Wakiya loses to Joshua) -> {The movie finishes, Wakiya challenges Joshua intent on making him join Sunbat United if he loses, Joshua reveals Jinnius' true power, Theodore convinces Joshua to become the captain of Raging Bulls}
23 - Infinity Stadium! Raul's Challenge! -> (Joshua defeats Richard, Valt loses to Shasa, Valt loses to Raul, Silas loses to Raul) -> {Yellow Eye is revealed to have left Snake Pit to focus on Raging Bulls, Yellow Eye's identity is revealed as Richard Yello, Kristina's grandad Jinbei is revealed to be a legendary blader of the past and the creator of the first ever beyblades, Jinbei & Raul are revealed to have been rivals, Sol receive a new stadium, Kristina confides in Suki about her doubts about being a good manager for Sol, Suki slowly convinces Kristina to continue her way of managing the team citing her own increase in confidence/willingness to interact with her teammates as proof, Kristina admits her doubts haven't gone away but resolves to persist past them}
24 - World League! Setting The Stage! -> (Joshua defeats Dylan, Valt draws with Rantaro, Joshua loses to Free, Joshua defeats Dolph [WL Round 1: RAB 3-0 ROC], Valt vs. Lionel continued [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR]) -> {Lionel/Thiago/Leone/Karina/Dylan debut, Joshua attempts to connect with Free & eventually succeeds, Free & Valt reminisce about when Free left Sol, Kristina reveals to Valt that Free thought he would make Sol a better team in his absence which Valt acknowledges, Red Eye leaves Snake Pit to find his own path after hearing that two bladers defeated several Snake Pit members including Tess, the World League begins}
25 - Sword Fighting! Surge Xcalius! -> (Valt defeats Lionel [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR], Silas defeats Thiago [WL Round 1: SOLvTAR], Cuza defeats Leone [WL Round 1: SOL 3-0 TAR], Alexander defeats 100 unknown bladers in a row [Flashback], Alexander defeats Javier/Ana/Carlos [Flashback], Alexander defeats Stan [Flashback], Ren Wu defeats Ramon [WL Round 1: RIOvLAG], Stan defeats Sergio [WL Round 1: RIOvLAG], Alexander defeats Jorge [WL Round 1: RIO 3-0 LAG]) -> {Ren Wu/Ramon/Sergio/Horikawa/Marco/Javier/Carlos/Ana/Banner debut, Alexander makes his Evolution debut, Alexander is revealed to have forged Surge Xcalius as an evolution of Xeno Xcalius and travelled to Brazil where he re-united with old martial artist rival Ren Wu, Alexander is revealed to have passed the 100 Blader Test to join Rios and to have received a new launcher from Banner after his launcher broke during the test, Stan joins Rios, Rick tells Valt/Rantaro/Suki/Zachary that he moved to Sol from Rios, Rick reveals to Sol that his dad Banner is the manager/founder of Rios}
26 - Explode! Genesis Reboot! -> (Rantaro loses to Raul, Shasa loses to Raul, Rickson defeats Anton, Valt loses to Rickson x3, Valt defeats Rickson, Ghasem defeats Silas [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Arthur L. loses to Cuza [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Jeff loses to Suki [WL Quarter-Final: ROYvSOL], Ghasem loses to Valt [WL Quarter-Final: ROY 1-3 SOL]) -> {Rickson helps Valt master Genesis Reboot, Ivan is revealed to have become the BeyTrainer of Royals}
27 - Worlds Collide! Home Turf! -> (Valt vs. Rantaro vs. Wakiya vs. Alexander vs. Ataru [Battle Royale results order: Valt > Alexander > Wakiya > Rantaro > Ataru], Suki draws with Zachary, Wakiya defeats Toko, Stan defeats Django [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Ana defeats Ataru [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Carlos loses to Wakiya [WL Quarter-Final: RIOvSUU], Alexander defeats Wakiya [WL Quarter-Final: RIO 3-1 SUU]) -> {Guy/Dust debut, Chiharu/Toko/Nika/Hoji/Quon/Ukio/Yugo make their Evolution debut, Sol travel to Japan to watch Rios vs. Sunbat United, Valt/Rantaro/Wakiya/Zachary/Suki introduce the rest of Sol to their old friends/rivals, Toko is revealed to have created Spiral Treptune, Ken/Django are revealed to have joined Sunbat United, Boa is scarred across the nose during Snake Pit trials, Boa obtains Arc Balkesh, Boa is tasked by Ashtem to track down & surpass Red Eye}
28 - The Vampire! Deep Caynox! -> (Cuza loses to Clio, Daigo defeats Spark [WL Quarter-Final: GALvGLO], Ruck defeats Sara [WL Quarter-Final: GALvGLO], Clio defeats Xavier K. [WL Quarter-Final: GAL 3-0 GLO], Joshua defeats Heinrich [WL Quarter-Final: RABvTOW], Free defeats Rodrick [WL Quarter-Final: RABvTOW], Tess defeats Heinrich [WL Quarter-Final: RAB 3-0 TOW], Red Eye defeats Ghasem) -> {Clio debuts, Sol/Wakiya/Ataru travel to France to watch Gallus vs. Galleon, Cuza is revealed to have been traumatized by one of Clio's magic tricks in the past, Valt & Zachary help Cuza get over his fear of Clio, Tess decides to drop being Silver Eye and leaves Snake Pit to join Raging Bulls, Maximus Garuda is crushed by the machinery of Big Ben in the Elizabeth Tower}
29 - The Fortress! Shelter Regulus! -> (Valt/Rantaro/Cuza lose to Ren Wu, Valt defeats 95 unknown bladers in a row, Alexander vs Silas continued [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL]) -> {Sol travel to Brazil to see the BeyCarnival, Cuza's acrobatics accidentally ruin the parade causing general anger towards Sol by the Brazilians present, Ren Wu decides to settle things with a bey battle, Valt's lacklustre performance against Ren Wu results in him letting Alexander down, Valt takes on the 100 Blader Challenge to redeem himself in Alexander's eyes & completes 95 before he tires out & Rickson collects him}
30 - Collision Course! To The Finals! -> (Alexander defeats Silas [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Joshua defeats Ruck [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL], Stan loses to Rickson [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Clio defeats Daigo [Flashback], Dylan loses to Clio, Ren Wu vs. Cuza continued [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL]) -> {Clio is revealed to be an actual vampire, Suki decides it's a good time to tell Kristina of the true reason behind Tess' departure, Kristina decides to enforce a ban on Esmeralda ever returning to Sol, Suki tells a grateful Kristina that she wants to repay her help in becoming more confident by showing Tess that Sol are as exemplary as their reputation suggests, Kristina advises Suki to train with Valt knowing due to previous scouting of bladers that he's the one who convinced her to break out of her shell}
31 - The Big 5's Wall! Breaking Through! -> (Ren Wu defeats Cuza [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Daigo loses to Free [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL], Ren Wu loses to Valt [WL Semi-Final: RIOvSOL], Tess vs. Daigo continued [WL Semi-Final: RABvGAL]) -> {Tess visits Sol to talk with Valt about the ins and outs of being a leader and being serious about their roles, Valt ruminates with Rantaro about his conversation with Tess and what it truly means to be a captain, Rantaro convinces Valt to make an effort to not be a captain in name only, Valt agrees to help personally train Suki}
32 - Peerless! Triple Saber! -> (Tess defeats Daigo [WL Semi-Final: RAB 3-1 GAL], Alexander loses to Valt [WL Semi-Final: RIO 2-3 SOL]) -> {Alexander realises Valtryek has more stages to evolve to, Raul is revealed to be working on something called Genesis Special}
33 - The Finals! Spain vs. America! -> (Lui defeats 7 unknown bladers, Red Eye defeats Alexander, Boa defeats Ren Wu, Valt loses to Raul, Valt loses to Free, Rantaro defeats Richard [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Cuza loses to Joshua [WL Final: SOLvRAB]) -> {Lui makes his Evolution debut, Lui completes a long period of intense training, Lui is revealed to have evolved Lost Lúinor into Nightmare Lúinor, Boa successfully tracks down and shows his power to Red Eye}
34 - Reassurance! Omega Attack! -> (Silas loses to Free [Flashback], Silas loses to Free [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Suki defeats Tess [WL Final: SOLvRAB], Silas vs. Joshua continued [WL Final: SOLvRAB]) -> {Lui appears to watch the World League Final, Tess being as mostly serious as ever ignores her own former Rideout teammate, Tess/Suki briefly discuss Esmeralda being vindictive and forcing her to leave after threatening to expose her own plans for departure to Kristina, Suki tells Tess she wants to prove her own development to herself a Suki creates a new move called Omega Attack to overcome Tess, Tess commends Suki for her increase in confidence since the National Tournament and Sol for becoming a team worth their lustrous reputation, Free silently agrees with Tess' judgement of his former team, Silas requests to replace Zachary and go out for match 5 claiming he needs it, Joshua forcefully takes Free's place in match 5 much to Free's displeasure, Free secretly hopes Silas can win the tournament for Sol partially to humble Joshua and partially to prove they don't need to rely on him}
35 - To The Podium! That's A Wrap! -> (Silas defeats Joshua [WL Final: SOL 3-2 RAB], Lui vs. Red Eye continued) -> [Silas temporarily switches out Satomb's Glaive frame for Valtryek's Vortex frame, Silas claims his moment of glory and wins the final, Sol win the World League, Free departs Raging Bulls to return to Sol]
36 - Duel! Lúinor vs. Spryzen! -> (Lui defeats Shu, Valt loses to Lui, Shu loses to Free [Flashback]) -> {Spryzen debuts, the power from Lúinor's Dragon Crash cleaves Red Eye's mask in half revealing Red Eye to be Shu Kurenai, Lui turns out to have known this the entire time, Shu pushes away Valt's attempts at reconnection, Lui berates Valt for not truly knowing his friend, Shu is revealed to have become Red Eye after losing to Free, Shu abandons Legend Spryzen, Boa revokes his role in disgust as Shu's apprentice and vows to surpass who he now sees as a massive disappointment, Theodore puts Shu through the Requiem Project, Shu meets Spryzen in person for the first time}
37 - Blading Deities! Challenge of Champions! -> (Free loses to Lui, Valt loses to Raul, Valt draws with Zachary, Nightfell defeats Boa) -> {Nightfell makes his Evolution debut, Free suffers his first ever defeat, The International Bladers Cup is announced, Alexander/Clio/Cuza/Daigo/Esmeralda/Free/Ghasem/Joshua/Ken/Lui/Nightfell/Rantaro/Ren Wu/Shu/Silas/Suki/Tess/Toko/Valt/Wakiya/Zachary/3 mystery bladers are announced as the participants, Esmeralda is replaced by another mystery blader due to not turning up for reasons related to when she left Sol, Free re-joins Sol, Nightfell ponders stealing Balkesh but uncharacteristically decides not to for unknown reasons, Free thanks Valt in his own way for leading Sol in his absence}
38 - Requiem Project! Spryzen Unleashed! -> (Valt loses to Free, Shu defeats Hologram Lui, Shu defeats Hologram Alexander, Shu defeats Hologram Tess, Shu defeats Hologram Joshua, Shu defeats Hologram Free, Shasa loses to Free) -> {Shasa/Valt teach Free to shake hands with an opponent after a battle, Shasa finally accepts Free back into Sol, Free reprises his role as leader of Sol, Spryzen subtly convinces Shu that they are one and the same, Shu obtains Spryzen Requiem, Spryzen possesses Shu with the intention of ruthlessly destroying anyone who gets in the way of taking Shu/itself to the top of the blading world, Nightfell creates Duo Apollo and Duo Artemis before merging them to create Duo Aether, Spryzen begins altering Shu to be the blader/master it desires, Spryzen is revealed to have a serious vendetta against Lui for beating it so many times and scarring Shu's eye}
39 - Bow Down! Boom Khalzar! -> (Kurt defeats 5 members of his gang, Rantaro loses to Kurt, Shu defeats 5 members of Kurt's gang, Valt loses to Kurt) -> {Kurt debuts, the International Bladers Cup begins, Boa/Kurt/Norman/Raul are revealed to be the mystery participants, Norman is revealed to be Esmeralda's replacement in the International Bladers Cup, Boa is revealed to have replaced a blader called Pax Forsythe who had to retire from the tournament due to injury-induced disability caused by a freak accident, the International Bladers Cup is divided into 4 groups consisting of Group A: Cuza/Free/Kurt/Joshua/Silas/Zachary - Group B: Shu/Ken/Daigo/Norman/Clio/Toko - Group C: Tess/Ren Wu/Rantaro/Lui/Nightfell/Alexander - Group D: Valt/Ghasem/Boa/Wakiya/Raul/Suki, Khalzar cracks Roktavor, Valt stops Kurt's gang from stealing Roktavor, Arthur L. repairs Garuda for Ghasem, Tess tells Boa that she only ever joined Snake Pit in the first place as part of a covert attempt to save Shu from Theodore, Kurt is revealed to be the former world number 1 blader and to have never lost a battle}
40 - The Tyrant! Spryzen Requiem! -> (Cuza defeats Shasa, Valt defeats Rickson, Valt loses to Rantaro, Silas loses to Alexander [Flashback], Cuza defeats Clio, Free defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD1], Ken loses to Shu [IBC: Group B MD1], Ren Wu loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD1], Ghasem loses to Valt [IBC: Group D MD1]) -> {Raul repairs Roktavor after it was cracked by Khalzar, Kurt with his gang confront Shu about his visit to Kurt's underground blading kingdom, Kurt notices fury in Shu's eyes and compliments his power, Tess rips into Valt for allowing Shu to get into the state that he's in and accuses him of not really caring for his friends, Norman tells Valt to lay off attempting to beat Shu declaring that honour to be reserved for himself, Norman is revealed to be Gold Eye and the former top blader of Snake Pit before Red Eye, Theodore is revealed to be Ashtem, Boa is revealed to have left Snake Pit realizing Theodore was using him, Boa tries to convince Norman to leave Snake Pit for that reason to which Norman responds that he isn't loyal to Theodore, Norman declares his intent to beat Shu and take back his crown to Boa while Boa declares his intent to beat Shu and surpass him to Norman at the same time, Tess declares her intent to beat Valt for being a terrible friend toward Shu to Norman and Boa, Shu rips Besu causing Ken much distress}
41 - Colossus Hammer! Twin Noctemis! -> (Kurt defeats Zachary [IBC: Group A MD1], Daigo defeats Toko [IBC: Group B MD1], Rantaro loses to Alexander [IBC: Group C MD1], Boa loses to Suki [IBC: Group D MD1], Ken defeats Cuza, Shu loses to Lui [Flashback], Cuza loses to Suki, Joshua loses to Silas [IBC: Group A MD1], Norman defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD1], Lui defeats Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD1], Wakiya loses to Raul [IBC: Group D MD1]) -> {Raul tells Kristina he wanted to experience the bladers of this era in action for himself, fans across the stadium go nuts at the prospect of the former legend Raul re-entering the blading scene one last time, Kurt tries to crush Zeutron's main layer underneath his foot}
42 - Lunar Prime! Tess Dileva! -> (Kurt defeats Joshua [IBC: Group A MD2], Daigo loses to Norman [IBC: Group B MD2], Rantaro loses to Lui [IBC: Group C MD2], Boa defeats Wakiya [IBC: Group D MD2], Wakiya loses to Silas [Flashback], Tess defeats Esmeralda [Flashback], Zachary defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD2], Toko loses to Shu [IBC: Group B MD2], Alexander loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD2], Suki defeats Valt [IBC: Group D MD2]) -> {Wakiya tells Kristina of his suspicions that Snake Pit are meddling in the tournament, Valtryek finally becomes ready for Raul's Genesis Special despite its defeat, Tess dismisses Alexander as being too unruly and careless, Shu finds out that Tess was Silver Eye, Boa harshly tells Valt that his overly positive attitude contributed to Shu turning to the Snake Pit, Valt ruminates on the verbal hammerings Tess & Boa dished out and realises that he's failed Shu by not truly looking out for his wellbeing, Theodore finds out that Tess is trying to find a way to free Shu from his grasp but is unphased by this discovery}
43 - The Eclipse! Duo Aether! -> (Free defeats Silas [IBC: Group A MD2], Ken defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD2], Ren Wu loses to Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD2], Ghasem loses to Raul [IBC: Group D MD2], Valt loses to Kurt [Flashback], Zachary loses to Joshua [IBC: Group A MD3], Toko loses to Norman [IBC: Group B MD3], Alexander loses to Lui [IBC: Group C MD3], Suki loses to Wakiya [IBC: Group D MD3]) -> {Nightfell makes a public declaration that he won't steal the beys of any blader he beats until the tournament ends which is why he didn't steal Balkesh before, Kristina & Raul speculate about Ashtem and his potential goals}
44 - Epic Evolution! Legacy of Valtryek! -> (Valt loses to Cuza, Free defeats Kurt [IBC: Group A MD3], Ken loses to Daigo [IBC: Group B MD3], Ren Wu defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD3], Ghasem loses to Boa [IBC: Group D MD3], Cuza loses to Silas [IBC: Group A MD3], Shu defeats Clio [IBC: Group B MD3], Tess loses to Nightfell [IBC: Group C MD3], Valt defeats Raul [IBC: Group D MD3]) -> {Kurt suffers his first ever defeat, Raul gives Valt the Genesis Special allowing Genesis Valtryek to upgrade to Strike Valtryek, Valt comes into his own as Raul's spiritual successor}
45 - Scorcher! Blading Miracles! -> (Lui defeats Shu [Flashback], Silas loses to Valt, Joshua defeats Cuza [IBC: Group A MD4], Norman defeats Shu [IBC: Group B MD4], Lui loses to Tess [IBC: Group C MD4], Wakiya defeats Valt [IBC: Group D MD4], Silas loses to Kurt [IBC: Group A MD4], Clio defeats Daigo [IBC: Group B MD4], Nightfell defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD4], Raul loses to Boa [IBC: Group D MD4]) -> {Spryzen cracks Noctemis but despite this Noctemis pulls off a win, Norman takes back his crown as Snake Pit's best ever blader, Lui suffers his first ever defeat but due to his arrogance he dismisses it as a fluke, Tess verbally berates Lui over him calling her victory a fluke, Lui/Tess almost break into an all-out brawl before the referee forcefully splits them up, Norman repairs Twin Noctemis after it was cracked during his victory over Shu/Spryzen}
46 - Beyond The Limit! Valt vs. Shu! -> (Zachary loses to Free [IBC: Group A MD4], Toko defeats Ken [IBC: Group B MD4], Alexander defeats Ren Wu [IBC: Group C MD4], Suki loses to Ghasem [IBC: Group D MD4], Valt loses to Shu) -> {Spryzen shatters Valtryek's Reboot performance tip, Valt learns on his own that Shu's failure to live up to Valt's hopes and Tess replacing him as a Supreme Four member as well as losing to Free in a humiliating way all contributed to Theodore being able to manipulate Shu into taking up the Red Eye mantle, Valt considers confronting Free/Tess about their inadvertent role in allowing Shu to become possessed but Kristina/Rantaro/Daigo/Ken/Wakiya/Toko/Nika convince him not to, Kristina helps Valt accept the reality that his own excessive positivity has contributed the most to Shu's current issues}
47 - Full Force! Towards The Ultimate! -> (Silas loses to Zachary [IBC: Group A MD5], Clio defeats Toko [IBC: Group B MD5], Nightfell loses to Alexander [IBC: Group C MD5], Raul loses to Suki [IBC: Group D MD5], Cuza loses to Kurt [IBC: Group A MD5], Shu defeats Daigo [IBC: Group B MD5], Tess defeats Rantaro [IBC: Group C MD5], Valt defeats Boa [IBC: MD5], Joshua defeats Free [IBC: Group A MD5], Norman loses to Ken [IBC: Group B MD5], Lui defeats Ren Wu [IBC: Group C MD5], Wakiya loses to Ghasem [IBC: Group D MD5], Valt vs. Boa vs. Suki [IBC: Group D tiebreaker -> Valt = Boa > Suki]) -> {Raul creates the Ultimate Reboot performance tip for Valtryek, Valt discovers Free's training regimen of dragging/lifting boulders, Free teaches Valt about the importance of finding one's own path, Nightfell fails at getting payback against Alexander for shattering Balderov in the National Tournament, Spryzen shatters Doomscizor, Trad helps Joshua with a strategy to defeat Free and it works causing the biggest upset of the tournament, Ken fully masters Guardian Kerbeus, after Boa's crushing defeat to Shu and loss to Valt the latter stops a despairing Boa from abandoning Balkesh, Boa meets Balkesh for the first time who tells him it won't let him give up so soon, Boa creates a new move called Final Crash and gets one back on Suki who he lost to previously in the tournament, Free/Tess get into an argument over Free accusing Tess of being self-righteous in regards to her hostilities against Valt, Valt/Kristina witness the argument between Free and Tess, Free/Kurt/Shu/Norman/Tess/Lui/Valt/Boa qualify for the quarter-finals, the battle system for the quarter-finals is announced with 2 4-blader battle royales with 3 matches each and 2 points for every burst along with 1 point for every ring-out or survivor finish}
48 - Decisive Battle! The Quarter-Finals! -> (Free vs. Shu. vs. Lui vs. Boa [IBC: Quarter-Final -> Free (6) = Shu (6) > Lui (5) > Boa (2)]**) -> {Lúinor debuts, Boa tells Valt that Theodore is Ashtem and that the tournament was made to perfect Spryzen Requiem in order to eventually sell it and Shu off as a living weapon to a mysterious partner from a bey club called Inferno (its Arthur Peregrine [OOC: this is foreshadowing]), Boa reminisces about how he made it past being an ordinary Snake Pit background member to one of the world's best through sheer willpower, Lúinor ringing out Fafnir in the first round of the 3-round battle causes Lui to start becoming overconfident, Boa/Balkesh manage the previously unthinkable to burst Spryzen in the first round, Free remembers his previous defeat to Lui which made him decide to take training seriously again, Free uses his full power for the first time but begins to show signs of pushing himself too hard, Free creates a new move called Nothing Break, Free gets his revenge on Lui and reclaims his title of world's best blader, Spryzen shatters Lúinor, Spryzen takes revenge on behalf of Shu for all those times Lui wiped the floor with him including when he gave Shu his eye scar, Lui is left all but humbled by the battle's end and especially by his loss to a Spryzen-possessed Shu, Free/Shu qualify for the semi-finals, Lui meets Lúinor for the first time though Lúinor is bisected, Lui discovers how fun battling an opponent on his level is, Lúinor shares one of Lui's iconic laughs before finally dying, Lui tells Lúinor that he's proud of it for how bravely and hard it fought, Shu insults Lui's skill ticking him off and prompting him to swear to give Shu the beating Lui believes he deserves}
49 - The Fierce Four! Battle of Destiny! -> (Norman defeats Shu [Flashback], Lui loses to Tess [Flashback], Valt loses to Kurt [Flashback], Kurt vs. Norman vs. Tess vs. Valt [IBC: Quarter-Final -> Valt (5) > Kurt (4) > Norman (3) = Tess (3)]***) -> {Kurt rallies his followers to support his charge to prove that he is still the greatest blader, Tess saves Norman from Theodore's wrath, Norman ponders why Tess/Valt get under his skin so much, the mental shells of Kurt/Tess both begin to crack after the first round, Kurt uses his full power for the first time during the second round, Kurt throws Valtryek's performance tip to Valt instead of trying to crush it signalling a moral change for the better after the second round, Kurt declares that Valt has earned his full attention and respect as the former world champion, seeing even the formerly stone-cold Kurt develop a soft spot for Valt makes Tess seriously rethink her stance on him, Tess realises Valt is a genuine friend to Shu and the others during the third round and accepts that she isn't always right, Valtryek reaches its ultimate potential against Orichalcum in the third round, Valt and Tess reconcile with Tess telling Valt that he's the only one who can help Shu save himself, Norman remembers when Boa left Snake Pit and resolves to do the same, Tess leaves Raging Bulls, Valt/Kurt qualify for the semi-finals, Kurt tells Valt/Tess that they and any current/future friends are welcome in his underground base at any time, Free handpicks Valt to be his semi-final opponent}
50 - Breaking Point! Bursting Through! -> (Shu defeats Kurt [IBC: Semi-Final]) -> {Khalzar debuts, Raul tells Sol that Kurt is likely the best blader in terms of sheer power at this point, Shu is forced to resort to strategy to overcome Kurt, Kurt meets Khalzar for the first time, Spryzen fails to shatter Khalzar which Kurt happily mocks him for, Kurt fully commits to changing his ways and re-entering the blading world}
51 - One's Own Path! Fafnir vs. Valtryek! -> (Free loses to Valt by default [IBC: Semi-Final -> Score at time of forfeit: DFA 2-2 SVA], Valt vs. Shu continued [IBC: Final]) -> {Fafnir debuts, Gabe/Naoki/Jin/Orochi/Akira/Ben/Hoji make their Evolution debut, Free meets Fafnir for the first time, Free is convinced by Kristina to forfeit with over-exertion injuries and has to be carried off on a stretcher, Free thanks Valt while on the stretcher for pushing him to use his full power and admits that he now sees blading as fun, Beigoma Academy and Valt's family arrive to cheer him on and help him train, Free realises his teammates genuinely care about him as if he were a family member, Free apologises to Sol for pushing himself too hard and entrusts Valt with defeating Shu, Theodore finds out that Spryzen has completely possessed Shu's body and is exuberant that the Requiem Project has gone better than he ever hoped}
52 - Enter The Final! A Champion Is Crowned! -> (Valt defeats Shu [IBC: Final], Valt defeats Shu [Flashback], Lui defeats Shu [Flashback], Shu defeats Norman) -> {Fubuki debuts, all the IBC/Beigoma bladers and Valt's mother/siblings come to watch the final, Valt meets Spryzen, Valt realises mid-battle that Spryzen has possessed Shu, Valt wins the International Bladers Cup and becomes the new world champion, Shu briefly takes back control of his body/mind and finally admits that he would never be able to forgive himself if he ever lost to Valt, Shu takes the chance Valt gave him and frees himself from Spryzen's possession, Shu leaves Snake Pit, Valt/Shu become friends again, Shu finds out that Norman was Gold Eye, Norman requests a rematch with Shu to see what he is truly like now that both are out of the Snake Pit, Theodore admits defeat and revokes his plans but warns Kristina that he will return, Shu becomes Fubuki's mentor, Valt's time as main protagonist ends}
**First battle: Lúinor ringed out Fafnir, Balkesh burst Spryzen, Lúinor burst Balkesh [B = 2, F = 0, L = 3, S = 0] -> Second battle: Fafnir ringed out Balkesh, Lúinor burst Spryzen, Fafnir burst Lúinor [B = 2, F = 4, L = 5, S = 0] -> Third battle: Spryzen burst Balkesh, Spryzen shattered Lúinor, Spryzen & Fafnir burst each other [B = 2, F = 6, L = 5, S = 6]
***First battle: Orichalcum ringed out Khalzar, Noctemis burst Orichalcum, Valtryek burst Noctemis [K =0 , N = 2, T = 1 , V = 2] -> Second battle: Orichalcum ringed out Valtryek, Khalzar burst Noctemis & Orichalcum at once [K = 4, N = 2, T = 2, V = 2] -> Third battle: Noctemis ringed out Khalzar, Orichalcum ringed out Noctemis, Valtryek and Orichalcum burst each other but Orichalcum burst first [K = 4, N = 3, T = 3, V = 5]
Blader rankings at end of season:
Free de la Hoya
Valt Aoi
Shu Kurenai
Kurt Baratier
Tess Dileva
Lui Shirosagi
Norman Tarver
Boa Alcazaba
Silas Karlisle
Suki Ryushima
Joshua Burns
Zachary Kaneguro
Alexander Shakadera
Ken Midori
Esmeralda Petersburg
Count Nightfell
Raul Comas
Clio Delon
Daigo Kurogami
Wakiya Murasaki
Ren Wu Sun
Cuza Ackermann
Toko Aoi
Ghasem Madal
Rantaro Kiyama
International Bladers Cup Participants (A.U. version):
MetalBurst Project - Season 1:
Note: 5 of my OCs in chronological order of meeting C.J.S. after his 'being able to be himself' revelation over the course of a few months - the stoic bodyguard-in-training Esmeralda Petersburg, the disciplinarian Tess Dileva, the poetic Kirumi Silkenstar (introduced in later season), the spunky wannabe witch Karaina Caulton (introduced in later season) & the highly introverted loner Suki Ryushima - are derived from and inspired by existing OCs found on (y/n) x yandere quizzes on Quotev that I took a liking to thanks to the story/characters/detail/etc., like how much of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is inspired by Western songs. This includes their personalities. I took 5 such quizzes honestly answering the questions posed based on my personality and that of Clarkov Sahaidachny/Furutani, my first and main OC, which are very similar in most ways but very different in some areas. These 5 were the results. As for the dere sides, they start out full on and become more mentally sound as time goes on. That part is inspired by the development of Mizore Shirayuki in Rosario + Vampire. It's how I have to do almost everything in life. Start out with a base, then slowly build it into my own thing. It's a bit annoying, but I make do with what I have. I'll leave a link to the quizzes below.
The quizzes:
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9340557/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-X-Male-Reader-Part-0 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9459484/Bloodstained-Roses-Girl-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9916834/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9941208/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-3 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/9982278/Bloodstained-Roses-Female-Yanderes-x-Male-Reader-Part-4 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/10307250/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-5 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11771247/Bloodstained-Roses-Tess-x-Male-Reader-Part-6
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11634020/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11809703/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-2 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/11897977/Tendrils-Of-Enchantment-Supernatural-Girl-Yanderes-x-Reader-Part-3-FINAL
https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12939352/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-1 | https://www.quotev.com/quiz/12940932/Which-Yandere-Is-For-You-Part-2
#beyblade burst#oc#au#if I made burst#beyblade#alexander shakadera#boa alcazaba#clio delon#count nightfell#cuza ackermann#daigo kurogami#esmeralda petersburg#free de la hoya#ghasem madal#joshua burns#ken midori#kurt baratier#lui shirosagi#norman tarver#rantaro kiyama#raul comas#ren wu sun#shu kurenai#silas karlisle#suki ryushima#tess dileva#toko aoi#valt aoi#wakiya murasaki#zachary kaneguro
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Road-Tripping from Spains Andalusian Coast to Gibraltar
by Deirdre Frost Taking a road trip to explore and savor the rich culture and history of the Andalusian region in Spain and Gibraltar is an exciting adventure through a colorful panoply of cultures. I set off this fall to explore this part of the Mediterranean Coast and experience some of its most exciting areas and resort destinations. Just a mere 87-mile journey included a beautiful mosaic of…
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#Andalusia#Bay of Gibraltar#Customs House#espertos de sardinas. Marbella#Europa Point#Gibraltar#La Linea#Malaga#Malaga Cathedral#Malaga Museum#Mediterranean Sea#Picasso Birthplace Museum#Picasso Museum#Playa de la Malagueta#Rock of Gibraltar#Sierra Blanca Mountains#Sikorski Memorial#The Alcazaba#Trinity Lighthouse
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¿Qué necesidad existía? Cuatro años atrás mí corazón se encontraba en completo esplendor amando y la idea de que dispararan cara a cara al corazón era una idea improbable, pero la posibilidad era innegable... Ese cuarto año sucedería y así fue, mí historial se encontraba limpio en el momento, pero desde ese punto comenzó el cambio, me deje morir prometiéndome que jamás volvería a permitir que alguien usara mí corazón, lo que yo no sabia era lo capaz que seria para marchitar mi espíritu, uniéndome a mí demonio dejando que creara a su antojo a quien pudiera ver y responder de una manera más fuerte al mundo. Tres días atrás nuevamente el pasado toco mí puerta, mi furia nuevamente aparecía y le continúe deseando las peores pestes mientras sonreía, saludaba e insistía que el tiempo había pasado sin piedad, el demonio al lado de la otra linea lo único que no se daba cuenta es que ahora hacia parte del mismo clan, me permití convertir en lo que más temía y entre esos alaridos de ira, le agradecía por presentarme una mejor versión de mí mismo... Alguien que caminaba con sutileza y acababa con cualquier cosas que se le atravesara a su paso sin miedo mientras alcazaba lo que en algún momento le lleno de temores. Me di cuenta el poder que cargo, lo fácil que es sonreír como ángel, actuar con cautela, pero sentir y pensar como demonio.
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Here’s a reference post for my Elemental Masters AU!
Over a couple hundred years have passed since the time of Lloyd Garmadon. Since then, the Elemental Powers have been passed down through several generations of Masters. A tragic battle caused Master Wu to remain as the sole mentor at the Monastery, until he passed from his age and handed the title off to PIXAL upon his deathbed.
Somewhere along the line, the Elemental Masters deemed Ninjago too small for them; they had explored every corner. They moved their families and the Monastery of Spinjitzu into the world where metal contraptions called beys collided in stadiums, and remained there until the present generation.
Fun Facts:
1. Elemental Masters are:
-Valt Aoi: Lightning
-Shu Kurenai: Energy
-Xander Shakadera: Fire
-Rantaro (Honcho) Kiyama: Earth
-Ken Midori: Metal
-Daigo Kurogami: Shadow
-Wakiya Muraski: Speed
-Orochi Ginba: Sound
-Yugo Nansui: Nature
-Ukyo Ibuki: Light
-Quon Limon: Poison
-Jin Aizawa: Wind
-Naoki Minamo: Ice
-Cuza Ackerman: Time
-Kit Lopez: Gravity
-Free De La Hoya: Amber
-Ren Wu Sun: Mind
-Boa Alcazaba: Form
-Fubuki Sumie: Water
-Lui Shirosagi: Smoke
2. 269 generations have passed since Lloyd Garmadon's generation, which was the 124th generation.
3. Elemental Masters get flashbacks of memories from their ancestors, like "Avatar: the Last Airbender".
4. Sometime in the past, a Master put a sort of enchantment on the Elemental Weapons to change forms based on the Master who is wielding the weapon; like the Royal Wand from "Star vs. the Forces of Evil".
5. After the Realm Crystal was destroyed, it was discovered that the shards could still generate portals into the other Realms, but the portals were unstable, and you couldn't choose where they opened up into. Special wrist devices were created to get a better control on the portals; only a select few can use the devices.
6. Master Wu's tea shop "Steeper Wisdom" is now the main source of funds for the Elemental Masters.
7. The Elemental Masters, when concentrating or triggered, can transform into dragon-men.
8. Shu and Valt are an item. ☺️
So far in my AU, Valt, Jin, and Ken are the only ones to have awakened their Elemental Powers, and Valt and Ken are the only ones to have unlocked their “Dragon Forms”.
Interested? Then check out my pinned post to learn more!
#fanart#my art#beyblade#beyburst#ninjago#fanfic#crossover#alternate universe#dragon art#old art#reference#elemental
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Del 15 de julio al 12 de agosto, podrás disfrutar de toda la programación de Noches de Alcazaba; visitas guiadas, teatro, musica y talleres.
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la alcazaba, almería
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De verdad.. si 27_8_17 voy con mi bici FREE_RIDER [comprada en CARREFOUR=ENCRUCIJADA..de MAR DE CRISTAL=citado en APOCALIPSIS 15.2]..x el campo de fútbol del SAN ROQUE [=como la localidad de CADIZ a la q se trasladaron tras la INVASION BRITANICA de GIBRALTAR cuando entronaron al BOURBON FRANCES O FELIPE V como REY DE ESPAÑA ] en el barrio de los CORONALES [MADRID] y veo en su muro las PINTADAS de LA PLAGA y VUESTRAS GUERRAS NUESTROS MUERTOS junto a un POSTER DE REAL MADRID [x ser campeon de Mundial de CLUBS patrocinado x ALI_BABA y los 40 LADRONES ]y su REVISTA [sobre la EUROLIGA "NO_VE_NA del equipo de basket q me persiguio]..y luego paso x el bar EL PEÑOÑ [GIBRALTAR] y bar LA CRIBA..camino de calle MARIA SEVILLA Diago ,3 [donde me fui a vivir cuando me pusieron un auto de aleja_miento de mi padre como precaución xq vivir ambos bajo el mismo techo con el conflicto tan gordo q había era una BOMBA NUCLEAR ] donde vi x ultima vez al Sobrino de FLORENTINO PEREZ o Eduardo SACRISTAN PEREZ [en concreto en el bar ALCAZABA de ALMERIA q hay debajo] q me llevo al MEGA PUTICLUB SOCIAL BARAJAS q cerraron día q FLORENTINO tomo la PRESIDENCIA xq sólo tenía licencia DEPORTIVA [y aparte de canchas, tenía restaurant, bar, habitaciones, discoteca y PUTAS ]..creo q debo INTERPRETARLO como UNA SEÑAL DIVINA x lo q me pasó x el FORRO DE LOS HUEVOS TODO..como al Filósofo Schopenhauer considerado uno de los más brillantes del siglo xix y de más importancia en la filosofía occidental, el máximo representante del pesimismo filosófico y de los primeros en manifestarse abiertamente como ateo
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Horario e Itinerario Cabalgata de Reyes Magos de Almería 2025
Fecha: Domingo, 5 de enero de 2025Hora de salida de la cabalgata: 19:00 horasHora de inicio del recorrido desde la Alcazaba: 17:45 horasUbicación: AlmeríaCategoría: Actividades para Familias, Actos Festivos, Fiestas Locales, Cabalgatas Almería vivirá el domingo 5 de enero una Cabalgata de Reyes Magos 2025 llena de emoción, magia y tradiciones. Sus Majestades los Reyes Magos de Oriente, Melchor,…
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Andalusia Day
Andalusia Day or ‘Dia de Andalucia,’ is celebrated every year on February 28 in Spain. Andalusia is located in the southernmost region of the country and on this day in 1980, the people of the region voted to make it an autonomous community in Spain. The word ‘autonomous’ implies the power of a community or territory to self-govern and make its own decisions without outside interference. Although a few nationalist groups prefer to celebrate on December 4, February 28 is the officially recognized date for Andalusia Day.
History of Andalusia Day
On February 28, 1980, the people of Andalusia organized and held a referendum, titled the ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia referendum.’ The purpose of the vote was to decide on the independence of the Andalusian community. The referendum was successfully passed and from that day, Andalusia became autonomous.
However, a few nationalist groups choose to celebrate Andalusia Day on December 4, a date which marks the demonstrations to demand independence that took place in 1977. Andalusia Day is celebrated as a community public holiday where businesses may close to participate in the festivities. It is, however, only celebrated in Andalusia and not the rest of Spain.
Some schools may also close for a week to participate in a ‘Semana Cultural’ or ‘Semana Blanca’, which means a cultural week or white week respectively. Schools also celebrate the Friday before Andalusia Day with a traditional Andalusian breakfast of sliced toast drizzled in olive oil and a cup of orange juice. Students also color in pictures of the symbols of Andalusia.
Andalusia Day is usually observed by families in intimate gatherings, although festivals and other social activities also mark the day. The people of Andalusia usually decorate their buildings with the national flag, as well as green and white bunting.
Andalusia is located in Southwestern Europe, south of the Iberian Peninsula. It is largely an agricultural community, though, in recent times, it has seen exponential growth in industrialization. Andalusia has eight parts to it, Almeria, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and the capital city of the community, Seville.
Andalusia Day timeline
1918 Flag of Andalusia
The flag of Andalusia is designed by Blas Infante, a writer, historian, and politician also referred to as the father of Andalusian nationalism.
1977 Demonstrations for Independence
A public protest takes place to demand Andalusian autonomy.
1980 The Statute of Autonomy
The ‘Statute of Autonomy of Andalusia’ referendum is passed into law.
2007 Parliament of Andalusia Awards
The Parliament of Andalusia grants the Medal of Andalusia to Miguel Báez Espuny and honors José de Sousa Saramago, with the title, ‘the Favorite Son of Andalusia.’
Andalusia Day FAQs
Does Andalusia have a president?
Yes. The current president of Andalusia is Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla.
What language is spoken in Andalusia?
Spanish is the official language, although you will find different dialects depending on the region.
Is Andalusia a small community?
Andalusia is home to over eight million people so, a relatively large population considering its size, a little over 87,000 kilometers square.
How to Observe Andalusia Day
Spend time with friends and family
Celebrate with color
Use the hashtag
For all the wonderful Andalusian people, celebrate this special day by taking the time to spend with friends and family. Also take a moment to reflect on what being part of a community means to you.
Decorate your home, office, or place of business with colors representing Andalusia. The colors of their national flag are dark green and white.
Spread the sense of pride in the community on Andalusia Day by using the hashtag #andalusiaday on all your social media platforms. Start an online conversation.
5 Fun Facts About Andalusia
Largest population
Land of the vandals
Caves of Nerja
Christopher Columbus
Andalusia’s hinterland
Andalusia is one of the autonomous communities in Spain with the largest population.
Andalusia means ‘land of the vandals.,’ and refers to a German tribe that settled there in the third and fourth centuries and were considered destroyers.
In Andalusia’s Caves of Nerja, the earliest-known artwork in human history was found.
It was from Andalusia that Christopher Columbus embarked on his famous journey of discovering America.
Andalusia’s hinterland is the hottest region of Europe.
Why Andalusia Day is Important
It’s a declaration of independence
It’s an opportunity to have fun
It reminds us of the value of community
The day is a joyful reminder of the fact that Andalusia is a self-governing community. It’s a celebration of the region’s history in achieving sovereignty.
Andalusia Day affords individuals the chance to partake in activities. Look out for community events such as cultural week or festivals that pay homage to this day.
Andalusia Day promotes a great sense of community among Andalusians. The shared history helps to break down barriers.
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Thanks For Everything, Beyblade Burst.
Genesis, Pandora, Pandemonium, Achilles, Ashindra, Devolos, Dragon, Hyperion, Helios, Spryzen, Lucius, Phoenix, Apocalypse, Belfyre, Fafnir, Lúinor, Valtryek and Regnar.
Mariam, Carl and Harry.
Chiharu Aoi, Kento Aoi, Ange Lopez, Banner Clay, Naru Akabane, Taiga Akabane, Kana Akabane, Rogia Koryu, Kaio Koryu, Noboru Hizashi and Terumi Hizashi.
Theodore Glass.
Raul Comas, Hidetarou Shinoda, Katana Sakaki, Shinki Mikuni, Kyo Sandai, Rickson Clay, Shasa Guten, Honey Guten, Guy, Chuck, Reina, Norman Tarver, Trad Vasquez, Count Nightfell and Evel Oxford.
Bashara Suiro and Ilya Mao.
Rashad Goodman.
Gumita, Tobisuke, Ranjiro Kiyama, Toko Aoi, Nika Aoi, Suoh Genji and Fubuki Sumiye.
Kit Lopez, Kristina Kuroda and Silas Karlisle.
Aiger Akabane, Pri Forsythe and Pax Forsythe.
Tango Koryu, Fumiya Kindo, Arman Kusaba, Delta Zakuro and Dante Koryu.
Hyuga Hizashi and Hikaru Hizashi.
Rantaro Kiyama, Wakiya Murasaki and Shu Kurenai.
Ranzo Kiyama, Hanna Suiro and Jinemon Daizora.
Zachary (Zac) Kaneguro, Akira Yamatoga, Quon Limon, Gabe Brunai, Alexander (Xander) Shakadera, Ken Midori, Hoji Konda, Ryota Kurogami and Daigo Kurogami.
Lain Valhalla.
Hyde and Phi.
Arthur Peregrine.
Joe Lazure, Ben Azuki, Blindt DeVoy, Naoki Minamo, Jin Aizawa, Lodin Haijima, Xavier Bogard, Ren Wu Sun, Orochi Ginba, Joshua Burns, Yugo Nansui, Ukio Kibuki, Hae-Jin Oh, Pheng Hope, Ghasem Madal, Phelix Payne, Boa Alcazaba, Clio Delon, Cuza Ackermann, Laban Vanot, Kyle Hakim and Kurt Baratier.
Gwyn Reynolds.
Free de la Hoya.
Lui Shirosagi.
Bel Daizora and Valt Aoi.
Cheers for the ride, Beyblade Burst.
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Discover the Best Beaches Near Malaga: Top 4 Picks for Your Spain Holiday
Malaga, a historic gem on Spain’s Costa del Sol, is an irresistible destination for travelers seeking Mediterranean beauty. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a foodie, or a beach lover, Malaga offers the perfect blend of urban charm and seaside relaxation. From bustling city beaches to secluded coves, Malaga has something for everyone.
For those planning a trip, Spain holiday packages from Dubai are a fantastic way to experience the country’s vibrant culture and stunning coastline. And if you're focusing your journey around Malaga, consider a Malaga holiday package from Dubai to make your travel seamless.
Let’s dive into the top four beaches near Malaga for your next sun-soaked getaway.
1. Playa de la Malagueta
Nestled just a short walk from Malaga’s historic Old Town, Playa de la Malagueta is the city's most famous beach. Spanning 1.2 kilometers, this iconic stretch of dark sand offers calm waters perfect for swimming and family-friendly activities.
What makes La Malagueta so special is its prime location. Transitioning from exploring the Alcazaba to lounging by the sea is effortless. The beach is lined with palm trees and a vibrant promenade filled with cafes, restaurants, and shops. Whether you want to grab fresh seafood or simply relax with an ocean view, La Malagueta delivers the best of both city and beach life.
Don’t forget to snap a photo with the beach’s famous sand sculpture spelling “Malagueta” – a must for Instagram lovers!
2. El Palo Beach
For a more authentic experience, El Palo Beach is your go-to spot. Located 6 kilometers east of the city center, this charming beach is easily accessible by bus or bike. With fine dark sand and tranquil waters, it’s perfect for swimming or simply unwinding.
El Palo’s lively promenade is dotted with chiringuitos – traditional beachside eateries serving fresh seafood. Don’t miss out on the local delicacy, espetos de sardinas (grilled sardines), cooked over an open flame. The laid-back vibe and delicious food make El Palo a favorite among locals and visitors alike.
3. Playa Peñón del Cuervo
If you’re looking for a quieter, more natural escape, Playa Peñón del Cuervo is just 8 kilometers from Malaga’s center. This secluded beach, named after the striking rock formation in its bay, offers a serene setting perfect for picnics, barbecues, and exploring nature.
The calm waters are ideal for snorkeling and swimming, while the surrounding cliffs and green areas add to its picturesque charm. A favorite among locals for weekend gatherings, Peñón del Cuervo promises an unspoiled retreat from the city buzz.
4. Pedregalejo Beach
Only 4 kilometers from the city, Pedregalejo Beach is an idyllic spot for a laid-back day by the sea. Its series of small coves and calm, shallow waters make it a family-friendly destination.
What truly sets Pedregalejo apart is its lively promenade, packed with seafood restaurants offering the freshest catches of the day. Whether you’re savoring paella or enjoying a cool drink, this beach exudes Andalusian charm and culinary delight.
Malaga’s beaches offer a unique mix of relaxation, culture, and fun. From the lively vibes of Playa de la Malagueta to the tranquil beauty of Playa Peñón del Cuervo, there’s a perfect beach for every traveler.
Ready to explore the sun-kissed shores of the Costa del Sol? Consider booking Spain holiday packages from Dubai or a tailored Malaga holiday package from Dubai for a hassle-free experience. With golden sands, vibrant promenades, and delicious seafood, Malaga’s beaches promise an unforgettable Mediterranean escape.
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Ontdek Mediterrane Magie: Stedentrips Naar Malaga en Athene
De Middellandse Zee herbergt enkele van de meest fascinerende steden, die elk een mix van geschiedenis, cultuur en adembenemende landschappen bieden. Van deze steden vallen Malaga en Athene op vanwege hun unieke charme en rijke erfgoed. Of u nu geniet van de kustschoonheid van Zuid-Spanje of wandelt door de oude ruïnes van Griekenland, een stedentrip Malaga of een stedentrip Athene belooft een onvergetelijke ervaring te bezorgen. Dit artikel onderzoekt de hoogtepunten van beide bestemmingen en laat zien waarom deze steden de volgende op uw reislijst zouden moeten zijn.
De Kustschoonheid en Culturele Aantrekkingskracht van Malaga
Een Stedentrip Malaga biedt de perfecte combinatie van zon, zee en historie. Malaga, gelegen aan de Spaanse Costa del Sol, is een stad die zijn rijke historische verleden prachtig combineert met moderne bezienswaardigheden. Malaga staat bekend als de geboorteplaats van Pablo Picasso en is een toevluchtsoord voor kunstliefhebbers. Het Picasso Museum biedt de kans om veel van zijn vroege werken te bekijken, en de bloeiende kunstscène van de stad is duidelijk zichtbaar in de galerijen en straatkunsttentoonstellingen. De historische betekenis van Malaga is ook te zien in bezienswaardigheden zoals het Alcazaba, een Moors fort dat een prachtig uitzicht over de stad en de kustlijn biedt. Bezoekers kunnen ook het Romeinse theater en de kathedraal van Malaga verkennen, bekend als "La Manquita" vanwege de onvoltooide tweede toren. Een wandeling door de charmante straten van de stad onthult een verscheidenheid aan tapas, bars en cafés waar bezoekers kunnen genieten van de heerlijke Andalusische keuken. Voor strandliefhebbers bieden de zandstranden van de stad, zoals het strand van La Malagueta, de perfecte setting voor ontspanning.
Athene: Een Stad Doordrenkt van Geschiedenis en Mythologie
Voor wie gefascineerd is door oude geschiedenis en klassieke architectuur is een Citytrip Deals een absolute must. Athene, de bakermat van de westerse beschaving, biedt reizigers de kans om in de voetsporen van oude filosofen te treden en ruïnes te verkennen die duizenden jaren oud zijn. Het meest iconische monument van de stad, de Akropolis, domineert de skyline en herbergt het Parthenon, een symbool van de architectonische en culturele prestaties van het oude Griekenland. Buiten de Akropolis kunnen bezoekers andere belangrijke oude locaties verkennen, waaronder de Agora en de Tempel van Olympische Zeus. Onder de musea van wereldklasse die Athene herbergt, bevindt zich ook het Akropolismuseum. en het Nationaal Archeologisch Museum, waar de enorme historische schatten van de stad worden tentoongesteld. Athene gaat echter niet alleen over geschiedenis. De moderne kant is net zo boeiend, met levendige wijken zoals Plaka en Monastir Aki die een mix van leuke winkeltjes, lokale taverna's en levendige markten bieden.
Wat Maakt Malaga en Athene Perfecte Stedentripbestemmingen?
Een Stedentrip Malaga en een Stedentrip Athene zijn geschikt voor reizigers die op zoek zijn naar een mix van ontspanning, cultuur en avontuur. De kustlocatie van Malaga biedt een ontsnapping voor diegenen die van de zon willen genieten terwijl ze het artistieke en historische aanbod van de stad verkennen. Athene daarentegen dompelt reizigers onder in de oude geschiedenis en biedt een rijk verhaal dat teruggaat tot het begin van de democratie, de filosofie en de kunsten. Beide steden bieden ook uitstekende eetervaringen. In Malaga kunnen bezoekers genieten van verse zeevruchten, traditionele tapas en lokaal geproduceerde wijnen. Ondertussen biedt Athene authentieke Griekse gerechten, waaronder klassiekers als moussaka, souvlaki en baklava, samen met een overvloed aan gezellige taverna's waar bezoekers kunnen genieten van traditionele maaltijden.
Met Gemak Beide Steden Verkennen
Een stedentrip Athene is een gemakkelijke reis voor diegenen die een van de historisch meest rijke steden ter wereld willen verkennen. Het efficiënte metrosysteem en de goed verbonden buslijnen van de stad maken het eenvoudig om de belangrijkste bezienswaardigheden te bezoeken terwijl je door de oude straten van de stad loopt, wat een uniek kijkje biedt in de gelaagde geschiedenis van de stad. Op dezelfde manier is een stedentrip Malaga net zo handig, aangezien de stad een goed ontwikkeld openbaar vervoerssysteem biedt, inclusief bussen en een metro, waardoor het gemakkelijk is om te navigeren. Beide steden zijn ook per vliegtuig bereikbaar, waarbij de internationale luchthaven van Malaga fungeert als een belangrijk knooppunt voor reizigers die naar de Costa del Sol reizen, terwijl de luchthaven van Athene reizigers verbindt met zowel internationale als binnenlandse bestemmingen in heel Griekenland.
Kortom, zowel een Citytrip Malaga als een Citytrip Athene bieden reizigers een ongelooflijke mix van geschiedenis, cultuur en adembenemende landschappen. Van de zonnige stranden en levendige kunstscène van Malaga tot de oude ruïnes en mythologische charme van Athene: deze steden voldoen aan een breed spectrum van interesses en bieden onvergetelijke reiservaringen. Voor degenen die klaar zijn om deze mediterrane pareltjes te verkennen, kan een bezoek aan citytripsexpert.nl helpen bij het plannen van de perfecte route. Of u nu aan zee in Malaga zit of voor het majestueuze Parthenon in Athene staat, deze steden hebben levenslange herinneringen voor u klaarstaan.
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Diputación de Badajoz participa en las Jornadas de Masculinidades y Violencia Digital, que se celebran en Mérida
Con el objetivo de acabar con la violencia machista y la digital y fomentar la igualdad y la implicación de los hombres en ambos objetivos, el próximo jueves 7 de noviembre tendrán lugar en el Centro Cultural Alcazaba, de Mérida, las ´Jornadas de Masculinidades y Violencia Digital. Desmontando la manosfera. Cómo re(conocer) espacios de masculinidades positivas en internet´. La iniciativa está…
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