akashicmuses · 10 months
let me assign you an affection language
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a story that ends in blood.
The world has always been unkind, and when you have turned to yourself for comfort you have come face to face with an empty pit which seems to be laughing. You don’t care if it kills you but once you find someone whom you love and who loves you back, you will make sure nothing happens to them. They are yours. You will make a tear in this world and create a new place for you and your love if it comes to that. Because it has always been about love, and it is how it always ends.
tagged by: @unwaveringblade (TYSM!) tagging: @voidedspirit, @piousolus, @altosk, @actingfool, @pulsefelt
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angelicsoka · 8 months
YOU’RE SOMEBODY ELSE, t. zegras & h. brothers
part two <3
word count | 1.4k
pairings | trevor zegras x fem!hughes!reader, platonic!luke hughes x sister!reader, platonic!quinn hughes x sister!reader, platonic!jack hughes x sister!reader, 
summary | the youngest hughes sibling is slowly becoming someone she can’t recognize
warnings | mentions of self-harm, suicidal ideation, and depression. ANGST. not proofread. this is not a very happy fic, based on the song you’re somebody else by flora cash. no use of "y/n". lowercase intended. uses of the nicknames for reader include: miss sunshine, bub, & kid
a/n | i’m surprised with how my other post turned out, i definitely was not expecting that lol. here's another sad fic, based on another sad song. i wrote this at 1 am when i couldn’t sleep, so i apologize if this sucks. 
you held the balance of the time
that only blindly i could read you
but i could read you
it's like you told me
go forward slowly
it's not a race to the end
she was their sunshine. the youngest hughes sibling and luke’s twin sister was an open book. she wore her heart on her sleeve, and was the sweetest soul around. she had her brothers  wrapped around her finger, and it didn’t take long for trevor zegras to fall for her enchanting smile. he made her happy, something only her family had ever truly achieved. quinn remembered the moment she ran into his room, threw herself on his bed as she squealed: “quinny, i think i’m in love!”
quinn held a soft smile on his face as she went on and on about the date trevor had taken her on. she had trusted him to hold this secret until the couple was ready to tell the two other hughes brothers, who would more than likely overreact. “well, bub, i’m happy for you, but if he hurts you, you tell me and i’ll break his face.” quinn promised, laughing when she hit his shoulder in retaliation. 
“please, as if!” she laughed, getting up to hug quinn. “thanks, quinny. i love you.”
“i love you too, kid.” quinn watched as she practically bounced out of his room. she was so clearly in love, blinded by it even. maybe that's where everything went wrong. maybe they moved too fast, maybe she needed to learn to truly love herself before she could truly love him.
you were the better part
of every bit of beating heart that i had
whatever i had
i finally sat alone
pitch black flesh and bone
couldn't believe that you were gone
trevor zegras loved her, he loved her more than he thought he would ever be able to love someone. and it wasn’t that she didn't love him, it was that she didn't love herself. she made trevor a better person, made him want to do right by others. if she had taken the time to take care of herself like she had taken care of everyone else, maybe they could’ve made it. maybe, he had loved her too much. maybe, they were doomed from the start.
now, trevor was alone, unsure of what to do. she had left him, claiming that she wasn’t ready. that she loved him, but she could never love him like how he loved her. that she didn’t know how to love herself, so how could she love him? still, trevor blamed himself. he was angry that he couldn’t have shown her how much good she brought to this cruel world. he spent too many nights stuck in thought about her, about how things could’ve been different.
she spent too many nights stuck in thought about how the world would be better without her. about how things would be better for everyone if she was gone.
well, you look like yourself
but you're somebody else
only it ain't on the surface
well, you talk like yourself
no, i hear someone else though
now you're making me nervous
change is inevitable. it is bound to happen, yet the youngest hughes sibling feared change. she felt herself becoming a person she could no longer recognize, it was like her body was a house that had been intruded by unwelcome visitors. she looked the same, yet she had changed so much. 
she never told her brothers the real reason she had broken up with trevor, instead she simply told them they had grown apart. however, one look at trevor zegras told them it was more than just that. it was after that they began to notice the subtle changes in her: the joyous laughs that use to fill the lake house were much more quiet and less frequent, and her smile never quite met her eyes.
it was after luke caught a glimpse of the scars that littered his twin’s thighs and stomach that they knew it was serious. luke tried to talk to her, to figure out what was going on but she would find anyway to divert the conversation, to get away from the inevitable change.
luke led his twin into the basement where quinn and jack were waiting. he had promised a movie night, just him and his sister and god, did he feel guilty about what he was about to do. he quickly shut the door, blocking her only way out. the look on her face made him want to break down. the once bright, bubbly girl looked nervous and so very tired. tired like she knew she couldn’t keep going like this without telling someone.
she took one look at her older brothers before breaking down in sobs. luke was quick to embrace her, jack and quinn on their feet in an instant. the words tumbled out, the need to tell someone being so unbearably overwhelming.
“i can’t do it anymore. i can’t keep living like this. i can’t look in a fucking mirror because i hate myself! i hate how i look, the way i talk and laugh! that’s why i do this to myself because i fucking deserve it!” she rolled up her sleeve, revealing the healing scars.
 “there’s this fucking war going on in my head and i’m losing. i can’t keep going, i don’t wanna keep going! i wish that i could go back to when i was a kid, to when i wasn’t so fucked in the head.” the words just kept coming, as well as the tears. she couldn’t see it, but her brothers were in shambles at this revelation. the fact that their sister hated herself so much she would physically hurt herself, that she couldn’t see how much she meant to them. “maybe i’m just better off dead.”
“don’t say that, don’t you ever fucking say that or even think that.” luke pulled back, looking to his sister. 
“bub, why didn’t you tell us you felt this way?” quinn questioned, watching as she took the tissue jack offered her. she sat on the couch, pulling her knees to her chest. jack sat beside her, looking at her with teary eyes. luke was on her other side, his arm wrapped around her shoulders. quinn sat in front of her, a broken look on his face; he was the oldest of them all, he was supposed to protect them. why couldn’t he have protected her from this?
“i didn’t want to be a burden.” she sniffled, avoiding eye contact. jack scoffed beside her, pulling her gaze to him. 
“you? a burden? miss sunshine, you could never be a burden. your feelings are not a burden.” she felt relieved, glad that she would not have to carry this weight alone. tears began to cascade down her face as she allowed jack to hug her. she cried as her twin and oldest brother joined.
“you are so loved, miss sunshine. so fucking loved.” quinn kissed her forehead, a smile creeping on to her face. 
“thank you.” she rasped out, drying her eyes. she fell silent for a moment, deep in thought. “i was promised a movie night…” she trailed off, a smile adorning her face. this time it reached her eyes. “but first, i have someone i need to talk to.”
she stood up, walking to the basement bathroom. she closed the door behind her, taking a seat on the lid of the toilet. she dialed a number on her phone, hesitating slightly before she hit the call button. it rang a couple times before he picked up. “hey, z, you busy?”
“are you alright?”
“yeah, yeah, i’m okay. just really needed to hear your voice.” she smiled, even though he couldn’t see it.
“are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned, concern clear in his voice.
“yeah, i'll explain everything when you get here next week, i just needed to hear your voice.” she heard distant voices on his end, followed by rustling as he pulled the phone away from his ear. 
“i’m sorry, but i gotta go.” he sounded upset, still clearly very concerned about her.
“that's okay, z. uh, before you go, i’m sorry... about everything.”
“its okay, it'll all be okay.” more distant voices could be heard, “i gotta go, i love you.” he ended the call, probably not realizing what he had said. it was in that moment, she knew everything would be alright.
i saw the part of you
that only when you're older, 
you will see too
you will see too
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 months
Like Real People Do - lh43
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summary: luke spends time thinking about rosey and how she’s locked him out of her life the last few weeks. he shows up on her doorstep in one last attempt and she lets him in
warnings: small use of y/n, adult content, talk of blackmail, ex boyfriend being harassing, talk of nudes, sweet fluffy luke, depiction of depression overtaken room,
word count: 3.68k+
notes: hozier’s song ‘like real people do’ has been stuck in my head for days. so hence the name ✨ not really based of the title but title is used
adult content is used in this fic, 18+, minors do not interact. Thanksies🫶🏼
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Rosey, wasn’t just a girl to Luke. She was the girl.
His girl.
Rosey, a girl who painted the world with her laughter and filled the air with the sweet scent of her favorite honey crop apple scented based shampoo and apple perfume. Her eyes, always bright and sparkling. Luke swore that they could outshine any gem, that her eyes held a depth that he found himself drowning in every time she looked his way. Her hair fell in soft waves just the way she liked for it to, framing her face perfectly. Luke had come to memorize the freckles that danced across her nose like constellations in a summer night sky.
Only she had a way of bringing light to the darkest of days, and Luke allowed himself to bask in her glow whenever she was near.
It was when Luke realized his feelings had grown beyond the confines of friendship that he began to notice the tiniest of things. Like the way she threw her head back when she wholeheartedly laughed at his jokes, how her cheeks flushed that shade of rosey red that never failed to make his heart race. The way she leaned into him when they would watch movies, how her body fit perfectly against his as if they were two puzzle pieces that had finally found their rightful place. And the sweet, lingering scent of her apple shampoo and perfume always seemed to follow him around, leaving a trail of warmth and longing in its wake.
It was in the quietest moments that truly spoke volumes to him recently. When he sat alone where they used to sit together on the tire swings in his backyard, where the setting sun would have been casting a warm glow over her features, that Luke always found himself lost in his thoughts about her. He had found a four leaf clover and picked it. Had he found it months earlier maybe he wouldn’t be sitting here alone.
Months ago he had silently wished for the courage to tell her how he felt, to confess that her smile had become his reason to get out of bed in the morning, and her voice the sweetest melody to his ears, even when she squeaked along to Taylor Swift. He still found it endearing. Yet, fear held him back and then her relationship with Jason held him back. Then he took his opportunity, it seemed to have been mutual. But since that day he’s been alone, Rosey shutting him out. He’s not even sure she’s left her house. Luke has made numerous attempts to go across the street and see her. Her mom stopping his entry with sad eyes and a simple apology each time. The fear of losing her friendship, of her looking at him differently, of shattering the delicate balance they had so carefully maintained for years. The terrifying thought of losing her entirely was overwhelming.
He decided to try again today. The air was cool, the scent of rain lingered from earlier in the day’s downpour, almost as if it was mimicking Luke. The world felt like it was holding its breath waiting for the next heartbreak to happen.
He knocked gently on her door, the anticipation building in his chest like a pressure cooker about to blow. The door swung open and there she was, standing before him, looking just as beautiful as ever, yet sadder than he had ever seen her. The sparkle in her eyes had dimmed and her smile was forced, a mere shadow of its former glory. His heart ached for her, and he wished more than ever that he could just pull her into a hug and take away her pain. Luke’s arms twitched at his side merely able to hold back.
“Rosey.” His voice betrayed him in his attempt to sound strong, instead his voice cracked through the knot in his throat.
Her eyes met his, the pain in them resonating deeply within him. “Hey, Luke,” she managed to say, her voice quieter than the rustling leaves at their feet.
“Can I come in?” He asked tentatively, unsure of his welcome, after being turned away time and time again.
Had she known he’d come?
Rosey nodded, stepping aside to let him enter. The house was eerily silent, a stark contrast to the usual symphony of life that resonated through her walls. The living room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to keep the prying eyes of the world at bay.
Luke’s heart sunk more at the simple sight of the curtains. She used to sit there and watch him and his brothers play out in the street for hours from the window. It slowly turned into her reading nook and their study spot. The open curtains were also Luke’s way of knowing she was home and he could come over. He knew then she really didn’t want to see him.
It was clear she had been crying. The evidence lay scattered across the coffee table in the form of used tissues and an empty pretzels bag.
“Rosey.” Luke whispered. “What’s going on? Why aren’t you letting me in? Letting me help?” His voice barely making it over the knot growing in his throat, fighting the urge to cry seeing his usual happy-go getting girl so deeply depressed.
Rosey took a shaky breath, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. She sat down on the couch, her posture deflated, and motioned for Luke to join her. He sat down gently beside her, his arm instinctively reaching out to wrap around her shoulders. She leaned into him, the warmth of her body seeping into his, offering a small sigh of relief. “It’s Jason,” she began, her voice trembling. “He won’t leave me alone. After the breakup, he said he’d make sure no one else could ever have me, not like that.”
Her words hit Luke like a punch to the gut. He had always known that Jason was no good for her, but he never imagined the depth of his spite.
“What do you mean?” he asked, his voice low and measured, trying to keep his emotions in check.
Rosey took a deep, shuddering breath.
“After we broke up, he kept texting me, saying he had something to show me, something that would change my mind about him. He said it was proof of how much he cared. I was so stupid to believe him. He sent me these pictures... pictures of me that he took without my consent, and said if I didn’t take him back, he’d send them to everyone we know.” The tremble in her voice grew stronger, and Luke felt his blood begin to boil.
The room seemed to close in around them as she spoke, the very air thick with the weight of her words. Luke’s mind raced with a mix of anger, confusion, and fear for her safety. He had always known that Jason had a possessive streak, but this was beyond anything he could have imagined. Jason hitting Rosey was a tough pill to swallow for Luke and now, the thought of anyone seeing Rosey in such a vulnerable state made his stomach churn.
In Luke’s mind she was already his ever since that day at his house.
“Rosey girl, he can’t do that, you’re not 18 yet it’s illegal. Do your parents know?” His arms tightened around her, practically pulling her into his lap in the need to keep her close to him. In fear she may disappear from in front of him again. Luke felt the need to whisper to her although it’s just the two of them in the house.
Rosey nodded, a single tear slipping down her cheek. “They know, but the police said they couldn’t do anything since my face isn’t clear in the photos. They said it’s not enough to prove it’s me and that without that it’s just his word against mine. And everyone knows how convincing he can be.”
Luke’s jaw clenched as he processed this. He had to help her, but the thought of anyone seeing her that way, even for a second, was unbearable. He looked into her eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or uncertainty, but all he saw was fear and resignation.
“If the faces are unclear or can’t be made out, are you positive it’s you in those pictures, Rosey?” he asked gently, hoping against hope that there was some mistake.
Her gaze remained unwavering. “Yes, Luke. I know it’s me. I know his sick mind and what he’s capable of. He made sure to get enough of me that people would know it’s me, just not my face. It’s like he’s playing a twisted game with me, enjoying my pain without fully crossing the line he knows would land him in trouble.” Her voice was laced with bitterness and despair.
“I need to see them, Rosey.” Luke’s voice was firm, his eyes searching hers for any hint of resistance. “Just show me the blurry faces. I don’t need to see anything else.” He insisted. “I know my sweet Rosey.”
Her eyes searched his, a silent conversation passing between them as the gravity of the situation weighed heavy in the air. After a long moment, she nodded and reached for her phone. Her thumb hovered over the screen, hesitating before finally unlocking it. She scrolled through her messages, finding the dreaded thread from Jason, and handed the phone to Luke.
He took it with trembling hands, his stomach in knots. The first few pictures were blurry, as she had described, but then he saw it.
The mole on the neck of the girl in the photos.
His Rosey doesn’t have a single spot on her neck. He was positive.
Luke knew this for sure, yet he still softly grabbed her by the chin and moved her head around softly to complete the inspection.
“Babygirl, these aren’t you, it’s your blurry face on some other girl’s body.” Luke explains. His thumb softly caressing her tear stained cheek.
“How, how do you know? How can you tell?” Rosey hesitantly asks Luke leaning into his touch.
“From years and years of admiring your beauty. Memorizing every visible part of your body. Look here, this girl has a mole on her neck, you have no markings on your neck. Just right here.” Luke taps her nose for emphasis. Earning a small giggle and a smile.
Rosey lunges into Luke’s arm, her face in the crook of his neck. “I don’t know what I would do without you, Lukey,” she whispers, her voice muffled against his skin.
Luke’s heart swells with a mix of affection and pain. He wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly as she sobs. Her tears dampen his shirt, but he doesn’t care. All that matters is that she’s here, with him, and he’s going to do everything in his power to make this right.
“Rosey, I’m going to talk to your parents, and we’re going to deal with this. I won’t let him keep doing this to you. You’re worth more than his twisted games.” He whispers into her hair, inhaling the sweet apple scent that has become a balm to his soul. “I can’t go another second of another day without you.” Luke nearly whimpers, his heart cracking at the thought of her putting him out again after jumping into his arms.
Rosey pulls away slightly, wiping at her eyes. She sniffs and looks up at him, her gaze earnest.
“I’m sorry for shutting you out, Luke. I just didn’t know how to face you after everything. I was so afraid of disappointing you that I couldn’t even look at you without feeling like I had failed.” More tears fall, tracing a delicate path down her cheeks, reflecting the dim light from the window.
Luke’s heart feels as though it’s been ripped out of his chest and handed back to him in a million pieces and they’re slowly putting it back together while in each other’s arms. He cups her face in his hands, his thumbs wiping away the fresh tears. “Rosey, you could never disappoint me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I just want to be here for you, to help you through this.” His eyes are filled with sincerity, his voice raw with emotion.
Rosey’s eyes searched his features, looking for the truth in his words. The sadness in her gaze slowly lifts as she nods. “I just... I just didn’t know how to deal with it all. And the thought of losing you, too... it was too much.” Her voice cracks, her grip on his shirt tightening.
With her eyes still on his, Luke leans in closer, his heart racing. The scent of her apple perfume fills his nostrils, and he feels like he’s been waiting for this moment for an eternity. Her eyes flick down to his lips and back up to meet his again, a silent invitation that sends his pulse soaring. He whispers, “Tell me to stop if I should, Ro,” his voice barely audible above the sound of their mingled breaths.
Rosey’s gaze holds his, and for a moment, she seems to weigh his words. But then, she tilts her head slightly, closing the space between them. Her eyes flutter shut, and Luke sees this is it. He’s been given the green light, and he’s not about to waste it. He’s been waiting weeks to feel this alive again. He presses his lips to hers, tentative at first, feeling the softness of her mouth, the warmth of her breath mingling with his own. They were frozen in time, the air charged with unspoken confessions and long-held desires. It was then that Luke’s heart skipped a beat, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He leaned in, the anticipation making his stomach flip just like the first time. He felt the warmth of her breath mingle with his, and it was all the encouragement he needed.
Their kiss grew deeper, more urgent, as if they were trying to make up for lost time. Luke’s hand slid into her hair, feeling the softness of the strands between his fingers. A soft sigh leaves Rosey’s mouth and Luke nab’s his chance to explore her mouth with his tongue.
He’s dreamt of this moment happening again for what felt like forever. The way she melted into him was like she had been waiting for this moment too. It started off as the sweetest, most tender kiss he had ever experienced, and moved to the sweetest and neediest kiss. And it left him feeling like he could conquer the world.
The sound of the door opening and closing brought them back to reality, but they didn’t pull away, lost in the moment. It wasn’t until they heard the unmistakable sound of her parents’ footsteps approaching that they broke apart, their eyes wide with panic.
“Y/n, honey, we’re home,” her mother’s voice called out from the hallway.
The two of them sprang apart, hearts racing, evidence of their passion filled kiss placed on both their faces, swollen lips, bliss filled eyes, messy hair and looking straight in the face of impending parental judgment.
Luke’s mind raced, trying to come up with an excuse for the intimate position they’d been caught in. If this was his house Ellen and Jim wouldn’t think twice about Rosey straddling across their son’s lap as she is. They have two older sons they had to live through.
He glanced at the phone still in his hand, the non-incriminating evidence of Jason’s threats a reminder of how they ended up this way. They both jumped to their feet as the footsteps grew closer, the sudden realization of the situation crashing over them like a wave.
“We need to tell them,” Luke murmured, slipping the phone into his pocket and placing a comforting hand on her arm.
Rosey nodded, her eyes wide with a mix of fear and hope. They stepped out of the living room, her parents’ footsteps drawing nearer. Her mother’s cheerful voice calling out to her was a stark contrast to the turmoil within.
“Y/N, we’re ho— oh!” her mother’s voice grew louder as her parents approached Luke and their daughter in the hallway to the living room.
Rosey’s mother stopped abruptly, her eyes taking in the scene before her. The way Luke’s hand rested protectively on her daughter’s arm, the lingering closeness of their bodies. The look on their faces was one of pure panic and shock, but it was quickly replaced with something else, something she hadn’t seen in her daughter’s eyes in a long time—happiness.
Her father’s voice cut through the silence, a teasing tone in his words. “Nice to see you let Luke in finally. Poor boy looked like a lost puppy every time he stopped by, hoping to catch a glimpse of you, sweetheart.” He winked at his daughter, trying to lighten the mood.
Rosey felt a blush creep up her neck, her eyes darting to her mother, who gave her a knowing smile. It wasn’t lost on her that her parents had noticed the change in her demeanor and the persistent presence of Luke at their doorstep.
She took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. “Mom, Dad, we need to talk. It’s about Jason,” she began, her voice wavering.
Her father’s playful expression faded, replaced with concern. He stepped closer to them, his hand landing on her shoulder. “What’s he done now?” His voice was firm, the protective instincts of a parent coming to the forefront.
Luke’s arm instinctively tightened around Rosey.
“I.. uhm respectfully i look at the pictures.” Rosey’s parents eye’s widened. Her father’s face turning sour at the thought of another boy seeing his baby girl that way. Scaring Luke silent.
“Daddy listen.” Rosey urged her father.
Clearing his throat, Luke continued. “I only looked at the pictures from the neck up. Yes I know the faces are blurry but the amount of time I’ve known your daughter, and honestly the time I have spent in love with her I’m confident in my ability to know her by the features I’ve seen almost everyday since we were little.”
Rosey’s mom is looking at Luke in awe as he rambles about her little girl. The love he’s had for her has been evident for many years and if he’s truly on to something her husband may just finally let go and let him in.
“What are you getting at son?” Her father growing impatient.
“Ro, zoom back in them please?” Luke ask softly knowing even opening them still makes her queasy.
“If you look here, this girl has a mole on her neck. Rosey doesn’t have a single mole or freckle on her neck. The only place, that I have ever been able to see sir, she has freckles is across her nose.”
Rosey’s mother took the phone, her eyes inspecting the blurry images. She nods in understanding, looking back up at her daughter with a fierce expression. “We will deal with this, honey. Your dad and I will handle it. You don’t have to worry anymore.”
Her father’s gaze switched from the phone to Luke. He studied him, his eyes intense and searching. Then he spoke, his voice a mix of relief and warning. “You’re right, son. I’m trusting you to keep an eye on her, keep her safe. Don’t let anything happen to my little girl. Just don’t let yourself learn where anymore freckles on my baby girl are!”
Luke laughs nervously at his last statement.
“I understand, sir. I promise to do everything in my power to protect her. She means more to me than you could ever know,” Luke replied solemnly, his love hazed eyes never leaving hers.
Her father’s gaze softened slightly, recognizing the sincerity in Luke’s voice. “Good. Because she’s going to need someone like you by her side.” He squeezed her shoulder gently before turning to his wife. “Let’s go upstairs and talk this through, honey. I think these two have some things to discuss as well.”
With a knowing smile, her mother nodded, leaving them alone in the hallway. The air was thick with tension, but there was also a newfound sense of unity between them.
Luke’s hand found hers, and she laced their fingers together, feeling a rush of comfort at the simple touch.
The two sat back down on the couch, the earlier intimacy of their embrace now replaced by a shared comfort knowing her parents are pushing to overcome this latest hurdle.
“Thank you, Luke,” she murmured, leaning her head against his shoulder. “Really, truly I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him, feeling the warmth of her body pressed against his. “You’ll never have to find out, Ro. I’m not going anywhere.” His voice was firm, the words a promise that he intended to keep.
Rosey’s eyes closed as she melted into his embrace, letting out a sigh of relief. The tension in her shoulders visibly dissipated as she felt his comforting touch. For a moment, she allowed herself to just be in the safety of his arms, feeling the steady beat of his heart against her chest. It was a feeling she hadn’t experienced in a long few weeks, and it filled her with a sense of peace she hadn’t realized she’d been missing.
“Lukey?” She mumbled.
“Yes pretty girl?”
“Back to the last time I saw you, can I fulfill what I said? I want to be yours and just yours. Now and forever. A real relationship where I can kiss you like real people do and I can tell you I love you whenever and it not be weird and-”
Without allowing another word, Luke leaned in and pressed his lips to hers, silencing her nervous babbling with a gentle, lingering kiss. It was a promise and a declaration wrapped in one sweet embrace.
His eyes meeting hers the second they parted, and he uttered the ever so softest "yes" against her lips. “God, yes Rosey be mine.”
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Adam Fantilli x Hughes!sister
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Au Masterlist!!
Sunny is just over a year younger than Luke. Ellen and Jim wanted to try one last time for a babygirl, after ending up with three boys.
The moment Jim holds her in his hands, he's absolutely enamoured with her, calling her his 'little sunshine' as he cries in the corner of the delivery room. And from that first moment, her name was Sunny, and would always be some sort of variation of it.
When Quinn and Jack (Luke was at home cause he was too little to visit) were in the hospital, Ellen placed the little bundle of pink blankets in their laps and introduced her as Sunny. Little Jack just looked up with rosy cheeks and whispered "sunshine" before singing a very out-of-tune version of the lullaby as Quinn joined in
That being said she is very much the baby of the family (she has three older brothers, it's to be expected!!)
Obviously was raised very involved in the hockey world, the boys practically ate, slept, and breathed hockey.
Her break from that competitive reality was dance. After many failed attempts at playing hockey, Ellen finally put her in a Jazz class to see if maybe that was her creative channel (it was)
She started out doing little competitions in different dance genres around Toronto, but as she matures she realizes that ballet was her real passion.
She would deny it till the day she dies, cause obviously her brothers all hold a special spot in her heart, but Quinn is by far her favourite. He’s the oldest, so by proxy he is much more mature than the rest of them, so when Sunny has a problem or any sort of minor inconvenience, she goes straight to Quinn. And Quinn is just the sweetest to her, cause she is his little sister, and he just wants her to know how she loved is.
Sunny is Jack's biggest, but most loving, enemy She doesn’t let him get away with any, ever. If Jack is being a dick, she is calling his ass on it, he gets to much pretty boy attention as it is to be as stupid as he is
She and Luke were inseparable up until her senior year of high school, and his frosh year at Umich. People definitely treated her and Luke like twins growing up (due to their close age). But to be truthful Luke was her best friend, it was always hard moving around as often as they did to make life-long friends, so Luke was that best friend for her.
Her university route looked a bit different from the boys, while they had hockey scholarships, she was receiving art scholarships from all over North America.
Her plan was originally to look into art schools in Vancouver, wanting to pursue a life of Dance and Technical theatre. But she opted out of those dreams in order to pursue a life career in journalism, knowing that there were greater chances of a steady income in a life of communications and articles rather than ballet and light design
She met Adam in a class she actually intended on transferring out of, public speaking was not something she was interested in studying. But the moment Adam sat down in the empty seat a few seats down from her, the two of them were paired up.
The moment he laughed she knew there was no way she was going to switch out of the course. Sunny was a goner.
Adam was refreshing, a boy with such an unclouded judgement on her, smiling at her with such kind eyes. It was a breath of fresh air to be around someone who didn't know about her brothers, or ask about their success.
On her first day of classes, meeting this cute guy who knows nothing about her and looks at her like she is just some regular person, not the sister of a hockey legacy
And that's of course all good up until Sunny finds out that Adam Fantilli is in fact just as entwined in her brothers life as she wishes he was in hers.
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Lavender Haze
Aemond Targaryen x f!reader
I feel a lavender haze creeping up on me
So real, I'm damned if I do give a damn what people say
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An imagine loosely based on the song Lavender Haze of off Midnights by Taylor Swift ▪︎ read more Daemon & Aemond midnights imagines here: masterlist
themes: incest (uncle/niece - aged 18+), soft smut, fluff, Aemond as a lover (which, in one word, is perfect)
written for anon request: reader is the youngest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon. Aemond and she have a secret affair. Aemond goes to her room one night and sees her while she is taking a bath.
word count: 1.1k
If anyone were to ask Aemond what his favourite scent is, he probably would not be able to give a direct response. How could he, without going into detail about you?
A detail, such as, the distinct contrasting lushness and subtlety of lavender on your skin.
A welcome assault to his senses when he licks a stripe on your neck, during the nights you spend wrapped around each other.
Or, a tantalizing urge to abandon secrecy when you sit next to him during supper, when you lean closer, you little minx, and he breathes you in.
Either, or. Aemond loves it, wishes to bathe himself in it, wishes to rub his skin on yours until he can walk away smelling of you.
His sweet, little lavender-scented niece, he once teased. Only his. It matters not that he cannot flaunt you to the world, as much as he aches to pull you close and kiss you everywhere. Impropriety be damned.
But this sense of danger, of tasting the forbidden fruit, also drove him wild.
How it all started, you merely confronted your uncle Aemond, demanding that he cease his taunting of your brother Lucerys.
"I did not think that you lost your astuteness along with your eye. That was an accident, from much too long ago, and Luke has only tried to make amends. You must not give him any more grief or call him names. This hostility is unnecessary, uncle."
"Are you ordering me to do so, little niece?" His velvety voice raised goosebumps along your arm, your body unable to hide your attraction to him.
"If need be, then yes, I order you." You try not to croak, as he saunters over to you, his gait so fluid as if he was walking on air.
He stands ever so close, tracing his fingertip along your jawline, "Hmm, very well. But I shall have something in return."
You swallow, wishing him to finally say the words.
He did. And so it began.
It used to be one chosen night, once in a blue moon, which grew into two, three. You have learned to welcome his visits more often, awaiting him when the castle slumbers. When your daylight hours of longing stares, hidden caresses, and lewd whispers all culminate in the hour of the owl.
Aemond finds himself smiling as he walks to your chambers. He can't help it; he's enamoured with you. You might not be completely aware of the hold you have on him, but it is undeniable. You can bring that boy to heel with a single snap of your fingers.
The two of you made an arrangement with Ser Erryk to redirect the guards posted at your door when necessary. Aemond has no trouble reaching it. He takes a deep breath, then pushes your door open. It barely makes any sound.
Slowly, and then all at once, his senses are assaulted by that scent. Lavender, and long-lost innocence, and perfection. The one he should not have, should not touch, but still does.
Aemond's heart is yours.
He assumes that you did not hear him enter, but you did. Your ears have learned to detect his foxlike movements. Most would not know that Aemond has appeared until their eyes finally drink him in, your silver-haired prince moving light as a breeze. And their eyes usually linger. After all, Aemond looks as if he was shaped out of a bard's sweetest song.
You sit in a large porcelain tub, having drawn up a bath. The once warm water has turned tepid, but you stay, enjoying the scent of lavender from your bath tablet, which transformed the water into a shade of violet not unlike your Targaryen eyes.
The boudoir is in the right corner of your chambers, partially covered by a translucent screen. He sees your silhouette reflected by the warm candlelight, and he stands there, taking it all in.
His steps are light as he approaches, hands gently furled at his sides aching to reach your skin. He materializes in your vision, his violet eye shamelessly running over you.
“Uncle,” you greet in a singsong voice, smirking, “what brings you here at such a late hour?”
“Hmm,” he purrs, his pupil dilating, desire blossoming. He runs his tongue over his lips, and bites his lip. “Do you normally take baths this late, dear niece?”
“Perhaps,” you run your fingertips across your collarbones, drawing his attention. Your figure disappears in a pool of violet foam, but he can distinguish your nipples peeking from the surface.
“Might this simply be a show for me?” he moves even closer, and with one smooth movement, he peels his eyepatch from his head, setting it down atop your carelessly discarded clothing on the seat.
“Oh, you know me so well,” you tilt your head, and he ponders how you can make such a small movement seem so damn provocative. So beautiful.
You sit upright, revealing more of your body to him. You reach a hand out, and he brings it to his lips, keeping his eyes on yours.
“I have something for you, uncle,” you gently pull his hand, slowly, and the two of you watch it disappear under the violet-tinged water. His sleeves become soaked through, but he pays it no mind. There is only you. His darling niece. His lover. His very own silver-haired lavender haze.
“Have I ever told you just how heavenly you are?” he muses, as he moves his arm, knowingly searching the depths for the sweet sensation of your skin. Of your warmth. His fingers reach your nub, pressing gently, driving you mad.
“Aemond,” you whisper, “I want you.”
He leans close, your noses almost touching. “Oh, my pet. What would your mother and father think?” He enjoys this, and he is aware that you do as well.
Aemond has always been reserved, his passions held close to his chest. But if he had to protect this illicit affair from the entire world, he would. His mother’s disapproval. His brother’s heedless taunting. Even your father Daemon, and that surely means something.
“They would…” you pretend to be deep in thought, “probably take your one good eye.”
“Oh, yes.” His fingers resume in movement.
“Have me immediately married off to some Lord, just to save me from you.”
“Surely.” Lightly stroking, increasing the pace.
“And what would you do then?” you lean back, resting your head on the edge of the tub.
“Whatever you wish. Whatever you ask me to.” A truth that need not be spoken. A promise bound by blood and fire and love.
“My sa…pphire.” Your voice shakes as his finger enters you.
His heart sings as he watches you unfold, writhing underneath the water.
If anyone were to ask Aemond what his favourite sight is, he probably would not be able to give a direct response. How could he, without revealing that he is absolutely, irrevocably, in love with you?
I'm aware that the song Lavender Haze is not about something as shallow as the colour of bathwater or a scent, but the theme matches the plot so... 🤷‍♀️
Incest is only semi-tolerated if you are a Targaryen living in the fantasy land of A Song of Ice and Fire (apparently) so for gods' sake dear readers, do not ever even consider this in reality. 😂
Aemond/General HotD taglist: @aemcndtargaryen @cryztalline @fairaardirascenarios @blackravena @vensidia @xinyourdreamsx @mrswhitethornbelikov @mikariell95 @thermiting @witchofthenorthstar @m00n5t0n3 @booknerd2004 @throughgoeshamilton @xcallmetaniax @wrendermeuseless @m-indkiller @graykageyama @nsainmoonchild @immyowndefender @moonmaiden1996 @caspianobsessed @wrendermeuseless @schniiipsel @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @random-human02 @icarusignite @flourishandblotts-inc @siriusdumblittlepuppy @just-a-harmless-patato @moni-cah @boofy1998 @huntycola @angel6776 @sanguinalia @thelastcitysposts @daeneeryss @wondergal2001 @huntycola @blackravena @vyctorya
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littledrummerangie · 1 year
So hello hello good evening Budapest. I'm finally home, it's midnight and and and I had the best time of my life!
Many many highlights of the soundcheck and the show:
My question for soundcheck was picked fiiiirst? Hello??? It was absolutely crazy!
The VIP rep, Athena was an absolut angel, big shout out to her! I had a good talk with her after soundcheck and she was he sweetest.
The guys played Long Way Home and Out Of My Limit.
Before questions the VIP rep asked our names and I told her she can say Angie insted of my Hungarian name.
So she did introduce me "someone who her friends know as Angie", and Michael was like: "and what do people call you who you do not consider as friends?" So I had to tell him that basically anyone before age 15 knows me as my real name, and after that, when I started using the internet and didn't like my name I picked up Angie. So he said, okay, Angie.
My question was: what arw you bringing home from tour (souvenir, memory, feeling).
Ash said his mom always asks for fridge magnets and was like "fuck, Mom, no, it would need its own suitcase" and he said he likes travelling light
Luke said a qeak immune system and he stoles keycards from the hotels he sþays in and has tons
Michael said he gets lot of baby clothes and didn't know how much stuff a baby needs
Calum said he has really good memories of this tour
At thw beginning they also was talking about Buda and Pest, as mentioned by Ash in the IG story.
Other questions were about:
How they choose what they wear. Ash and Luke said they try bot to clash with the others and look ridiculous. They basically go by what Cal chooses, becauee Michael goes by him, and then the rest tries not to clash with them. Look also mentioned whatever he can paid up that he didn't do previously, and how he feels that day.
They asked about the Flatline chorus and Luke did listen to the song on his phone to figure it out... but I'm still not sure as they were also unsure lol.
They asked about the RAH orchestra and how it was a bit hard working with them because they only stayed until their time was up, and they are speaking different musical languages.
And lastly they asked about how they feel when they release a really emotional, personal song and if it's hard to do. They said of course, and how everyone has their own interpretation on songs, and sometimes it's best not to know the original thought and have your own on them.
There was also a fly trying to get into Luke's tea and Ashton kinda looked scared of it because he stood up.and took two steps backwards.
Both Charlotte Sands and AR/CO were amazing.
I was on Michael's side, 2nd row.
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Ashton was wearing those silly ass chekered sunglasses for like half the show lol. But he has the biggest biceps in the world oh god.
They were cuteeeee. Michael was so precious. So happy.
We got Wrapped Around Your Finger.
They guys enjoyed Budapest, and said it was a special show because it'a in the last 3 for a long time now.
Also, there was a point where Ash said something about Calum abd I was like... boyfriends.
Michael couldn't sing Best Friends because Luke was being silly and they just started histerically laughing.
Michael remembered and made a joke about last year's KFC thing and someone had a fake/plush KFC bucket hat on and they were making fun of that.
He ended up wearing it for the beginning of Outer Space.
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(Terrible photo, sorry. Didn't take much pics.)
Saw Ash at the very end on my side and he is beautiful and smiley. I love him. 🩷🫶
Tagging some peeps for story time: @kindahoping4forever @nostalgiabones @whentherosesbl00m @suchalonelysunflower
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captainsophiestark · 11 months
October Fic Recs
Happy end of Fictober! I feel like I got to read a good amount this month, although by no means have I come close to scratching the surface of everything Tumblr's incredible creators made in October. Fortunately, that means I still have a lot of great stuff to read into November! Everything I did get to read is linked below the cut, so go check out those awesome fics and make sure to tell the creators how much you loved what you read!
If you want to see what else I've read, you can find my fic rec masterlist here
Star Wars
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
A Chance Taken by @ghostofskywalker
A very sweet childhood friends to lovers fic with Obi-Wan with an incredibly fluffy promise of a happy ending
Truth Serum Isn’t Real …Oh Wait Kriff by @ghostofskywalker
A very sweet and funny fic with a love confession thanks to Count Dooku, with Anakin helping move things along on Obi-Wan’s side
Anakin Skywalker x Reader
The Long Game by @anakin-skywalker-always
A very fun fic with Anakin and reader’s POVs as they dance around each other, with bonus reactions from Obi-Wan and Ahsoka and Cal Kestis as the reader’s Padawan!
Mini Matchmakers by @ghostofskywalker
This is literally the funniest, sweetest fic with Anakin and the twins. Luke and Leia make excellent matchmakers, and the fluff overload combined with the author’s usual humor is unbeatable
Intimidation by @idontknowwhattoputasmyusernameee
A freaking adorable and SUPER relatable fic with many many many awkward moments of the reader fumbling things around her crush, only to get to the happy ending
Trapped, Cold, And Annoyed: Another Mission With Anakin by @ghostofskywalker
SUCH a good fic that felt like a moment pulled out of the Clone Wars with a recurring character we just never got to meet. Great dynamics and vibes that fit the show with a very sweet and soft hopeful ending
Poe Dameron x Reader
Rainstorms with Poe Fall Blurb by @alwritey-aphrodite
Soft cozy adorable fic with Poe and the reader getting to take a break together from Resistance work, aided by Leia
Poe Dameron Vs. The Claw Machine by @ghostofskywalker
This is a very sweet and VERY funny modern AU with a date at the arcade with everybody’s favorite flyboy Poe
Every Time You Walk By by @girl-next-door-writes
This was so sweet and fluffy even in times of hardship for the Resistance, and it was also from Poe’s perspective which was really fun to see!
Clint Barton x Reader
Congratulations! You Just Won The Shock of Your Life at 2am! by @ghostofskywalker
A very sweet fic with some comfort for Clint! #1 best person to find in your kitchen in the middle of the night, no contest
A Virtual World by @trekkingaroundasgard
Some excellent hurt/comfort with Clint, which can be read either romantically or platonically, and with a VERY cool way of writing and describing the superpowers of Clint’s partner
The Vampire Diaries/The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson x Reader
Wedding Bells by @xxwritemeastoryxx
Some absolutely adorable Elijah fluff! We love a story where someone gets past Elijah’s fears of putting someone at risk to get to their happy ending
Kol Mikaelson x Reader
You’ve Never Seen Halloween Town? by @drakoneve
A super sweet Halloween fic with Kol, tons of decorating, and preparations for an excellent movie marathon
Harry Potter
Theseus Scamander x Reader
Just This Once by @its-vannah
An adorable fic with flashes through time that show different glimpses of Theseus and the reader throughout their time getting to know each other and being in a relationship
Ron Weasley x Reader
The Yule Ball by @marvelslut16
A very sweet fic with Ron and the reader at the Yule Ball, with my personal favorite meddling sibling matchmaker trope! George is very chaotic and it works to everybody’s advantage
Pirates of the Carribean
Elizabeth Swan x Reader
Terror of the Seas by @ghostofskywalker
Getting revenge and starting a crew with Elizabeth Swan? Yes please. Also the fluffiest concept ever, of looking for a place to run and instead finding a place to belong
Star Trek
Christopher Pike x Reader
Pancakes by @space-helen
The softest, sweetest domestic fluffy morning with Captain Pike. This is it, this is the dream
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 1
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Mason | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
CW: Cartoony bugs, minor eye horror
Mason is a Monster in a world of Monsters that rule the underworld of the city. Mason is an office worker at an office building where he doesn't even know what his job is. He just knows he's an office worker in a real office building :) he's an Insect Monster which usually results in the user becoming an insect themself, eventually losing their humanity and giving in to their animalistic nature. Mason is a beehive. He's friends with all the bees :)
Promos: Hallowed isn't out yet but there's a tag for it on my art blog I suppose
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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He's so much of just a guy I don't have anything else to say. He doesn't play a major part and I don't think he ever gets named. He's in the bg to be chill and fun. Luke is the only main character to recognize him as a Monster and immediately clocks him as not a threat cause one of his bees almost got stepped on (didn't die. Keyword here is almost) and he started crying honey cause he was so so scared. He's just a guy who loves his bees
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
13, 14, 18, & 26 for the asks thing please?
sorry it took so long to get to this omg ok
13. a player you know you wouldn’t vibe with
most of them let's be real. i am going to pick an out of left field option and say mitchie marns. look i love the guy. worlds sweetest sweetheart. best hockey player in the world WHO is connor mcdavid. but he is so LOUD im sorry i have sensory issues T_T
14. a player you would get along with
i could stitch n bitch with igor shesterkin all day . also ken dryden but he is an old man (literally not hockeywise) so i feel as if he doesn't count.
18. who would be on your dream hockey team
SERGEI FEDOROV!!! ok my dream hockey team can resurrect everyone from the dead and plunk them back into hockey at peak form. forward positions only kind of nebulously count. salary cap means nothing. i am trying to win obviously but also not including some guys because we can't have everything. for our 12 forwards we are going:
slava kozlov/igor larionov/sergei fedorov (larionov and sons)
paul kariya/steve yzerman/mitch marner (babygirl line)
connor mcdavid/auston matthews/elias pettersson (gay centres line)
alexander ovechkin/gordie howe/jaromir jagr (indestructible line)
for our 6 defencemen let's have
quinn hughes/luke hughes (i think the connection here is obvious)
morgan rielly/erik karlsson (get sillay with it)
slava fetisov/vladdy konstantinov (complete the russian 5)
and now GOALIES.
vladdy tretiak (we dont talk enough about him.)
ken dryden (come back from law school we need u)
juuse saros (i am allowed to pick 3 goalies. in fact)
26. if you were gm of your favourite team for a day what would you do?
unfortunately a day is not a lot of time but we are OVER the cap and i need to get us UNDER THE CAP. let's make use of those ELCs folks! i am getting rid of lafferty and reaves (sorry ryan...), seeing if i can get picks back for them. probably not much for reavo he's ancient and has a terrible contract (might have to do a pick exchange. heyyyy chicago you can have our third AND this mentor/protector for your sacred child if you give us a fifth or something in return.) but lafferty is oooh speedy and a leaf i could probably squeeze a second out of him if i threw in a fringe marlie or something. icing connor timmins as a forward. bringing up holmberg and nicky bobby. We Ride.
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bridgertonworld · 3 months
im posting this non-anon because idrfc who sees this or if i am going to be too mean
honestly i don't genuinely get what happened because i wasn't really active but from i gathered from this post, that's really unacceptable and MAKES NO SENSE😭😭 people are just really crazy atp, even if I am CRAZILY IN LOVE with someone why does someone else have to pay for this??? WHY HATE ON SOMEONE WHO JUST WANTED TO HAPPY???? she did nothing sneaky or bad, and she was actually excited to share the news and that she met Luke, even if you'd speculate something is going on between them (not that i justify it or approve of that because they're human beings just like us ffs) it should STOP right after she denies it all and you all should respect that and respect her.
and honestly crazy fans like you all, are the ones giving our fandom bad reputation (aside from that there's actually a lot of toxicity in the fandom but every fandom got this, I've seen worse throughout my life LMFAO) but truly you're ruining it for people who genuinely love the show, and love luke, and appreciate his talents. I wouldn't be surprised if he hates us now, or if he doesn't trust us, really fucking amazing right??? LIKE OMFL now ppl who have done NOTHING but purely NORMALLY love him and respect him MAYBE lost their chances him respecting them wow. Thank you guys.
honestly i don't get the concept behind being mean, and hating somebody that you don't know, geniunely because they KNOW somebody. Personally my parents raised me better than this😭😭, and you all are genuinely bad people. Sorry I just don't make the rules. and of course it had to be another woman that you all brought down, instead of being happy for her, compliment her, BEING NICE, SUPPORTIVE, no of course “IT'S ANOTHER WOMAN WE HAVE TO FUCKING FUCK HER UP AS WOMEN MORE THAN FUCKING GENDER (specifically men) COULD DOO!!!!!😜😜😜😜” honestly so fucking stupid, and pathetic, as women we should support one another, not hate on one another. bffr, y'all are so disappointing tbh.
The girl's friend, and the girl herself seems sweet and sound really adorable, love a friend who stands up for their friends<3💓🫶 but my offer is still up, I WANNA BE THE GIRL'S FRIEND SO BAD I GENUINELY MEAN IT, honestly I'd be honoured and lucky she seems like the sweetest person like ever (I LOVE YAPPING IF YOU COULDN'T TELL😍🎀) so I would love to listen to her talk on and on, ask my friends I am the greatest listener ahahahaha, honestly it breaks my heart that she doesn't think she's worthy enough when in my opinion from what i gathered she might be worthier than MANY PEOPLE IN THIS FANDOM, ffs😭
Honestly that is so unnecessary like do you bitches think Luke would actually pick you???😂😂 Especially if you hate on someone he knows in real life???💀💀 EMBARRASSING FOR YOU ALL. honestly go touch some grass, get a life, and a therapy to sort out your crazy insane jealousy issues (and i say this as someone who does indeed have jealousy issues😂 but i am responsible, considerate of other people, logical, I keep my fangirling and craziness for myself (and no im not a loner, I have perfect friends, but im js a normal person lol) so I recommend you guys do that as well<3)
And I say this as someone who is incredibly and helplessly in love with Luke (i never have met him and probably never will sad lol anyways, so i don't mean to speculate, assume something, although I know what I am going to say is kind of is?????) but honestly from what i’ve read on this page luke might actually be into tha girl romantically (she is seriously worth it!!!!!) and if he truly is (idc if you all are going to be mad jealous because of this) but not people like you who are gonna stop him from what he wants💀💀💀💀 and no he won't pick your sad arse over someone like her she sounds like the sweetest person in the world, so go to hell, y'all can never be like her anyways obviously😂😂, and honestly even if he isn't into her romantically he DEFINITELY wants be her friend (this one is not assumptions it is based on facts, what happened according to people on this page) and honestly I am aure he wouldn't appreciate you guys hating on her, on someone he wants to be friends with (i dont blame him i want to too) or already considers a friend.
Last but not least again I REALLY WANT TO BE HER FRIEEENNDD😭😭😭😭 I know that's not possible but if there's a possibility of it, can pls her friend dm me? Text me here??😭😭 (I wouldn't mind being the her friend's friend either<3 bec her friend seems cool as well) But if it is not a possibility I totally understand and respect that!!!!!!!!💘💓🫶. And would want to wish you, her, the person who manages this blog or creator of it, Luke, every genuine kind person a nice day, and happy life<3💓 have a nice nice dayyy, BYE❤️
Sharing this.
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Intro and masterlist
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✨about me ✨
this is a mature blog, I trust all minors to be responsible and avoid everything marked NSFW!
NSFW sideblog: @pervstash-spencer
Hi! my name is emily, I'm 23 she/they
Capricorn, bisexual, non-binary, autistic, and I have fibromyalgia ✌🏻 overall just a fun time y'know.
i love: supernatural, star trek, marvel movies, criminal minds, this is us and grey's anatomy !!
Accepting requests for Spencer Reid x Reader fics currently
all my tags are listed below if you want to see other posts about said fics, also here is my Spotify for the fics <3
Dad!spencer Masterlist
First times Masterlist**
all links to my fics below the cut!
Updated: July 28th, 2021
** for smut
~~ for angst
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Spencer Reid x Reader fics
Hypothetically**~ Ao3 | Tumblr -- 27 chapters, complete. 89k
reader and Spencer were friends in kindergarten, she watched him grow up and explore the world while she was still trying to catch up to him. now that they work together, they fall in love incredibly fast.
friends to lovers, case of the week style story
touch me**~ Ao3 | Tumblr 5.8k
Spencer is incredibly touch-starved and hard on himself since coming home from prison. Luckily, the medical examiner in this small town is really good at reading people, and exactly what he needs.
amethyst you so much P1 Ao3 | Tumblr 6.4k
Spencer has had a crush on Y/N since she started working at the bau. She only ever works the night shift after a case, handling all the aftermath gracefully. one night, Spencer stays back and they strike up a conversation about rocks, causing their feelings to dig a little deeper.
of quartz i will P2** Ao3 | Tumblr 6K
after 2 years of dating, Spencer decides it's finally time to get Y/N something to match her Amethyst bracelet.
Amoreena**~ Ao3 | Tumblr Completed 83k
Heaven is a real place and it's located exactly 14.6 miles away from the FBI, Quantico Headquarters. Off behind a small park, under a fantastical willow tree surrounded by wildflowers, in every colour young minds can imagine.
Don't forget, heaven also comes with angels.
Seven* Tumblr WIP
Summary: Spencer’s been married to Y/N for 7 years now, they have 7 children together and each one is going through something different. Spencer’s always wanted to be the best dad, now he gets to figure out how to be.
the guy at the rock show Ao3 | Tumblr 5.6K
Y/N lost their parents when they were 17, finding a new home and solace in Penelope Garcia and taking the Garcia name. They're the top forensic specialist in D.C, in a band and they drive a motorcycle... not to mention they are madly in love with the cute doctor who works with their sister.
journey to Camelot** Ao3 | Tumblr 3.8K
When Penelope introduces Spencer to online games, he expects to be spending his nights alone. Yet, somehow every time he comes back from a bad case, he logs on to chat with the ever so lovely user FairlyGwen and getting a lot more than just a helpful tip from her.
Exploration** Ao3 | Tumblr 4.7K
request: season1/2 spencer walking in on reader while she's watching porn in their shared hotel room
Expedition** Tumblr 1.2K
Summary: there's a first time for everything... including joining the mile high club with your boyfriend on the work jet.
10 Days Ao3 | Tumblr 1.4K
it's spencer's first father's day and he's extremely emotional about the little love of his life that he's only just met. he spends the day with his baby, Edwin, and his wife, crying and happy about how wonderful new little lives are.
ain't it fun?** Ao3 | Tumblr Masterlist 11K
reader just needs an NA meeting before they have a meltdown, they end up with the best friend they could ever make.
I'm not kidding!** Tumblr 6K
Spencer keeps getting little notes from a secret admirer, they're nice and sweet at first as they tease him with their crush until she's sending him notes about all the dirty things she wants to do to him
Perfect Timing** Tumblr 1K
spencer and reader have been spending the last month together in the same hotel room during a pretty brutal case. tension has been rising and she's completely in love with him.
what happens when they both think the other won't be back for a while and they want to shower?
Redamancy** Tumblr 5.4K
the co-op librarian at the FBI Academy has been secretly crushing on the smartest agent in the Bureau, TA, Doctor Spencer Reid, and he's been crushing on her too.
Being Neighbourly** Tumblr 1.9K
Request: reader is Spencers neighbour and she can hear him masturbating every night that he's home how do you have her deal with that?
Professional Hair Dresser (Ph.D)** Tumblr 6.4K
summary: after Spencer's knee injury, he starts visiting a salon every week to get his hair washed
36 Questions to Fall in Love Tumblr 8K
Summary: When Derek bets Spencer that he cant make someone fall in love with him in a week, he doesn’t expect Spencer to marry the girl the next day
New Romantics** Tumblr 23k
Summary: She needs help studying for her Case Exercises at the Academy, He needs a date for the annual Banquet... they just so happen to be neighbours who aren't afraid to lend a helping hand, or in this case, a helping kiss.
Million Dollar Man** | Tumblr WIP 5k so far
summary: Spencer's therapist recommended he branch out and meet new people who don't want to talk about his work... she didn't expect him to sign up for a Sugar Daddy website.
Sugar, Honey, Ice Tea** | Y/N version | 1-4, 5-9, Epilogue 25.6k
Summary: Fix-it-fic: Dr. Y/L/N and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Warnings: Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Prison, Prison Violence, Assault, Blood, Depression, Murder, Self-Hatred, Hurt Spencer Reid, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Drug Addiction, References to Drugs, Drug Use, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Romantic Tension, Forbidden Love, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Strangers to Lovers, Requited Love, Falling In Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, past abusive relationship, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault
Spencer x Ethan
Ruin it.** Tumblr 5.4K
Summary: Spencer never had sleepovers as a kid, so now that he's an adult he's always sleeping over at Ethan's house, ad he'll take any excuse to crawl into bed beside him.
Warnings: mutual pining, love concessions, blowjobs, handjobs, anal sex (both top and bottom spencer in this), childhood friends to lovers
400 Celebration fics
Reid Me Tumblr 2.5K
Spencer has noticed a beautiful woman at a spirituality booth at the farmers market every Saturday for almost a whole year now. he finally asks her to give him a reading.
mystery of love Tumblr 700
Spencer surprises his wife with a trip to Italy.
Spy Kids Tumblr 900
Spencer and Y/N's kids think that they are secretly spies and request a mission story before bed.
a father's greatest weakness Tumblr 1K
Princess Y/N is betrothed to the Viking king in an effort by her father to keep the peace between their countries, he doesn't expect her to join in the fight to free Scottland.
Luke x Reader
Best Dad Ever 2.8K
Request: angst with a happy ending, reader and luke have been divorced for a few years but have a child, she tries and tries to fall out of love with him but he's around so often that she can't
Spencer x OC
Sugar Honey Ice Tea** Ao3 | WIP 9/10 chapters complete 25.6K
Fix-it-fic: Dr. Beth Pattinson and Savannah Hayes have been best friends since their medical internship at Bethesda General. When she receives a frantic call that Derek's best friend is being transferred to the prison she works at, an unlikely friendship bubbles.
Eventually falling head over heels for the innocent man.
Intro to Criminal Minds: Why They Did It Ao3 | Tumblr WIP 6K+
Spencer is teaching a 7-week seminar on the most interesting criminal cases, explaining their actions to understand why they took place. Only, not everyone in the audience is a student.
Criminal Minds x Mindhunter AU
Spencer x OC Peggy Carr
Franklin x Reader
Voulez-Vouz** | 3.2k
Summary: in a small town, everyone knows each other… or at least they think they do.
Warnings: porn with plot, smut, Dom reader, Sub!Perv!franklin, making out, teasing, face sitting, oral (female and male), hand jobs, overstimulation, prostate message, multiple orgasms, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, let me know if I forgot anything.
Chip x Reader
forever is the sweetest con** | 6.2K
Summary: Reader’s dad is a carpenter; sometimes he takes on apprentices and sometimes, if they’re lucky, they get his daughter’s number at the end of their training. Chip Taylor, however, hits the jackpot when her father invites him over for one of her homecooked meals.
Warnings: reader’s mom passed away, mentions of parental death, strangers to lovers, random acts of kindness, mutual pining, falling in love, steamy make-outs, oral sex (male and female receiving), fingering, penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, dirty talk, sub!chip, food mentions, praise, love confessions.
Raymond x Reader
Alone Together ** | 2.4K
Summary: Raymond moves into a haunted house and ends up sleeping with the ghost who lives there... only he doesn't know that when you fuck a ghost you also become one.
Warnings: details of suicide and murder, blowjobs, pegging, bottom!raymond, top!reader, becoming a ghost, major character death.
Star Trek Masterlist
Star Wars fix it fic
Supernatural masterlist
thanks for all the love, as always,
-Emily <3
501 notes · View notes
Mother’s Day
Summary: How the Evans and their kids treat you on Mother’s Day. These were so much fun to write and I may have gone a little over board. Anyway I hope y’all like them!
Also may have some typos since I didn’t have time to proof read it took much! (Cause ya know Mother’s Day)
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-Would forget
-The kids would come and quietly walk over to his side of the bed to wake him up. (You guys have a daughter who’s 7 and a boy who’s 4). He’ll look and them with bleary eyes and they’d be like “Dad come help us.”
-And he’s like “with what?” Already tucking himself back in
-“Breakfast for mama, it’s Mother’s Day”
-“Oh shi-“ He’s ripping the sheets off and speeding out of bed with them under his arms.
- The fridge would be empty and he’d try and convince the kids to let him just buy you McDonalds breakfast but they’d start to cry cause they really wanted to make you breakfast. So he hushes them and dashes to the store picking up an instant box of pancake mix, a carton of eggs and bacon. Also gets you come flowers and a box of candy. (He paid).
- Him and the kids get started on breakfast and they are better at it then he is. Your daughter knows how to flip the pancakes perfectly while his come out all misshapen and runny.
-They honestly don’t get breakfast done till like 10. You had already woken up and walked in on them trying to pick the egg shells out of the eggs that your son cracked. And your just smile at how hard they’re working. You’d go back to bed and let them bring it to you in bed like they want and your act surprised.
- Peter pretends like he didn’t totally forget and promises to to take you and the kids out for a funny day. (It’s probably going to be the arcade.)
-But you don’t mind. You guys have fun playing all the games together. He’ll pull you aside later and tells you how much he loves you. And he thanks you for giving him the world, and tells you how much of an amazing mother you are. He also bashfully gives you this locket he bought you a while back. It’s has all of you in it.
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- Your baby was only about 2 years old so Charles took care of all the Mother’s Day festivities.
- He had been taking pictures of you and y’all’s baby ever since they were born. Has a whole collection of them. So he decides to put them together into a scrapbook for you.
- He spends weeks in advance adding the pictures and writing little notes and memories alongside them. Paints his hand and his daughters and the cover is their handprints onto of one another.
- He makes you a really good southern breakfast, real hearty. (Charles is a really good cook and you can’t fight me on it).
- He walks in holding your daughters hand and treats you to breakfast in bed and tell you all about how he plans to spoil you. He bought you a real pretty sun dress and tells you he planned a picnic for you guys. He made sandwiches and cut them in the shapes of hearts.
-He takes you to the beach and your daughter has so much fun playing in the sand and laughing as the waves tickle her feet.
-As the sun starts setting he gives you your gift. It’s wrapped up all pretty like and the minute you open it you start bawling. And first he thinks you don’t like it but then he sees the loving look in your eyes and you look at all the picture and run your fingers gently over the little messages.
- You pull him close and press kisses all over his face. He sets up his camera and runs back as it snaps a picture of all of you. Once it’s developed you add it to your scrapbook.
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- Wakes you up by jumping up and down on your bed with y’all’s son. Screaming at the top of their lungs Happy Mother’s Day!!!
-Drags you to the kitchen and makes a grand gesture of showing you the breakfast him and your son made. They put a table cloth on the table and they have flowers in the vase. Everything is set up really fancy.
- You try to ignore the mess of dishes in the sink and the stains that litter your counters. How did they get eggs on the ceiling? And is that blood??? You hope not.
- Warren pulls out your chair for you and you thank him. You look down at the breakfast, the toast is all burnt and the eggs have shells in them. You smile and eat what you can hoping you don’t die of food poisoning.
- He planned a self care day for you. He bought you a million different kinds of skin care products and bath products. Let’s you give him and your son skin care treatments and you guys wear them while binge watching your favorite movies. Eating popcorn and all kinds of junk food in the fort him and his son made for you. Warren pretends he hates those cheesy rom coms you like but you can see him sniffling out of the corner of your eye when the wedding scene comes on.
- After you out your son to bed you take a bath with Warren and he washes your hair, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. Has music playing in the background but was too cheap to pay for spodify premium so in the middle of you guys making out you hear click here for 30 minutes-
Luke Cooper
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- You would think he would forget but he didn’t. Couldn’t cook to save his life so he went out and got you donuts from your favorite place, also buys some takeout breakfast.
- You have twins they were five and they made you cards in school. They are colored all messy but you don’t care. You kiss them both on the cheek and thank them. Luke was nervous to give you his gift, he was scared you wouldn’t like it.
- He opens up his laptop and places it down on your lap. Gets into bed and sits behind you burying his face in your neck. You press the play button the screen and a video starts playing. It starts with a shaky shot of you after you had given birth to your twins. Crying happy tears and you can hear Luke sniffling behind the camera. You laugh at the memory.
- He had made you a Mother’s Day video filled with all the videos he had taken of you and your kids over the years. Your twins has started school this year so you were still sad about them growing up.
- His video let you relive all those memories of them growing up and raising them with him. When it’s done he shyly asks if you like it.
- You turn around and there are tears streaming down your face. You say it’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten. You kiss and and your kids let out echos of ewwwww.
-Luke smiles and makes a bigger show of kissing you causing the kids to giggle and run away. He pulls away and looks at you. “Do you know how much I love you?” He asks
-Not more than I love you you answer and you guys spent the rest of the morning trying to say who loves who more.
Colin Zabel
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- Spoils you the most out of all of them.
- It’s y’all’s first Mother’s Day and he wants it to be perfect. Spends all week running a round town trying to get everything and make sure everything is absolutely perfect.
- You wake up the smell of something heavenly coming from the kitchen. You see him cooking in the kitchen holding your daughter in his arms. He dances with her as he cooks, singing to her in a soft voice.
- He whines when he sees you, he wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed
- You guys finish making breakfast together, singing along to the songs on the radio. He asks you to dance with him and you do. You guys sway with one another your daughter squished between you two giggling.
- The whole house is filled with flowers, every table has a bouquet, you’re pretty sure he bought all the flowers in Easttown.
- Has a whole day planned. Filled with the sweetest activities, like a carriage ride through the park and a cake making class.
- You make the cutest little Mother’s Day cake decorated with flowers and all these little details. And you glance over at him and his cake is all lopsided and the icing is smeared all over his cake. His has icing on his nose and leans over to swipe some on your cheek. You guys get kicked out for making a mess but you don’t care.
- You guys spend all day walking around town hand in hand, Colin has your daughter in one of those baby carriers strapped to his chest. He bought you and her matching dresses for the occasion.
- He finishes the day with taking you the the station claiming he has work to finish. You guys go up the stairs and it’s decorated head to toe with balloons and streamers and pictures of you and him and your daughter. You start crying right then and there wondering how a man could be that sweet.
- Mare offers to take your baby for the night so you guys can spend some time alone. Being new parents you haven’t had much of it. He spends all night dancing with you and just talking as you eat the dinner he cooked.
- He gives you a necklace he had made that had your daughters fingerprint on it. It also has a message and his and her name inscribed on the back. He puts it on you and you guys just sit in one another’s arms. Looking at the setting sun, wondering how you guys were lucky enough to have gotten everything you could have ever wanted.
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roseytoesy · 3 years
More Encanto Obey Me parodies cause I'm still inspired by how well the other post is doing and how that sparked from a great post by @trashy-corvian. this is for ya again!
The family devildom!
Let's go!
This was a program
all about observation
So full of chaos
a way for the worlds to aline
This is the "family"
here in a dark location
So many stars and everybody gets to shine
But let's be clear, Diavolo runs this show (Whoa)
he brought us here about a year ago (Whoa)
And every year our shenanigans will grow (Whoa)
There's just a lot you've simply got to know, so
Welcome to the Family devildom
The home of the Family devildom
(We're on our way!)
Wherе all the people arе fantastical and magical
I’m part of the Family devildom
Little d’s: Oh my gosh, it's them!
What are the stories?
I can't remember all the sins!
But I don't know who is who!
Mc: Alright, alright, relax!
Little d’s: It is physically impossible to relax!
Tell us everything! What are your abilities?
Just tell us what everyone can do!
Mc: The firstborn luci-
fer leads the brothers
When he’s unhappy
Well, you better run in fear
The second-born mammon
Other brothers: We don’t talk about mammon!
Mc: They say he’s greedy, watch how fast he is!
Oh! And that's my friend Simeon, here's his deal (Whoa)
The truth is, he can write, understand and heal (Whoa)
his stories are amazing for real (Whoa)
If you're impressed, imagine how I feel
Welcome to the Family devildom
The home of the Family devildom
(Hey, coming through!)
I know it sounds a bit fantastical and magical
But I'm part of the Family devildom
Two royals enjoyed time with Family devildom
And now they're part of the Family devildom
So yeah, barbatos makes tea, ya!
And Diavolo wants to be ya
Even though Diavolo is next to rule the devildom (Let's go, let's go!)
Diavolo: We here are always
So very curious
And learn about others
That arent around us
Our worlds keep on growing
Our ideals changing
But work and dedication will keep our friendships going
And each new name or person must keep the friendship going
Little d’s: Wait, who's the other brothers?
There’s so many people!
How do you keep them all straight?
Mc: Okay, okay, okay, okay!
So many people in our house
So, let's turn the sound up
You know why?
I think it's time for a younger brother round up
(younger Brother round up!)
Third born Levi he’s shy but envious
Satan’s a smart book
Belphegor sleeps all-day
The most adored
Asmodeus and Beelzebub
One strong, one graceful
Perfect in every way (Asmodeus)
Takes a selfie, the devildom goes wild (Asmodeus)
He’s just so perfectly styled
(Beel! beel! beel! beel!)
And Beel is super strong
The beauty and the brawn do no wrong!
That's life in the Family Devildom (Whoa)
Now you know the Family Devildom (Whoa)
Where all the people are fantastical and magical (Whoa)
That's who we are in the Family devildom
see ya! Oh!
Little d no.2: But where are the humans in all this?
Mc: Ha!
Well, I gotta go, the life of the Devildom (Whoa)
But now you all know the Family Devildom (Whoa)
I never meant this to get autobiographical (Whoa)
So just to review the Family Devildom
Let's go!
(But what about you Mc?)
It starts with Diavolo
And then barbatos, he and Diavolo are very close
(But what about you Mc?)
My friend Simeon can change your whole world with just a poem
(But what about you Mc?)
My friend Solomon, well
He's accident-prone but he means well
(But what about you Mc?)
Hey, you said you wanna know what everyone does
I got the brothers and royals and— (you Mc!)
The fourth-born satan can out logic your argument with a good essay (you Mc!)
My buddy Levi can talk about any anime until you turn grey (you Mc!)
Look, it's Little luke, hey!
You can bake anything you’ve got quite the talent (you Mc!)
Between you and me, you’re the sweetest friend I could ever want
I care about all of you but now I really gotta go
(you Mc!)
This family's amazing
(you Mc!)
And I'm in this family, so—
(you Mc!)
What else can I do? (Asmo and mc)
I just made something unexpected Something strange Something new It's not symmetrical or perfect But it's beautiful And it's mine What else can I do? let it out, let it out (You're bright) let it out, let it out What else can I do? (that’s right!) let it out, let it out (Look up!) let it out let it out I am beauty like that of roses Amazing styles They line up for miles I make perfect, practiced poses So much hides behind my smile What could I do if I just showed what I was feeling in the moment? (Do you know what you're doing? Whoa!) What could I do if I just knew I didn't need to be perfect? I just needed to be? And they let me be? A wave of bloopers and mess-ups trying figs (Big!) Silk-like wine (crazy design!) Sparkles and simmering fills the air as I climb And I push through What else can I do? Can I deliver us something to pursue? I’ll be great we’ll be victorious, simplicity just won't do I wanna feel the shiver of something new I'm so sick of pretty I want something true, don't you? You just seem like your life's been a dream Since the moment you opened your eyes (How far should these stitches go down?) All I know are the fashions you show But it's awesome to see how you rise How far can I rise? Through the roof, to the skies Let's go! A wave of bloopers and mess-ups (Whoo!) trying figs (Go!) Silk-like wine (crazy design!) Sparkles and simmering fills the air as I climb And I push through What else, what else? What can you do when you are deeply, madly, truly in the moment? (Seize the moment, keep goin') What can you do when you know who you wanna be isn't perfect? But I'll still be okay Hey, everybody clear the way (Whoo!) I'm coming through with my own magica! (He’s coming through with that heck ya!) Making waves (Making waves) Changing minds (You've changed mine) The way is clearer 'cause you're here, and well I owe this all to you What else can I do? Show 'em what you can do What else can I do? There's nothing you can't do What else can I do?
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stydiaeverafter · 3 years
Can’t help falling in love with you ❥
Summary: Ray tried with all his might not to fall in love with Heather Nill, but the girl had flown right into his heart, and the will to fight it had disappeared into the night.
Rated: T
A/N: One day I just happened to watch this random show and ended up loving it! I really enjoyed the concept and the characters, especially the story of Heather and Ray. I knew I'd have to write them sooner than later.So I hope you enjoy this fic of NillHall. ♡ (I might be adding more chapters)
Read on ao3
She flew into my heart 
“We don't have to fall in love, Ray."
Those words. Those beautiful words Heather had spoken to him were constantly a shadow within his heart and mind.
Ray tried with all his might not to fall in love with Heather Nill, but the girl had flown right into his heart, and the will to fight it had disappeared into the night.
Truth be told, he had been falling in love with her not after they had kissed, but ever since he had gazed up at her on Devil's Drop spreading those brave wings and jumping with wide arms.
Heather was different from all the rest. He thought at first it was the chase...cat and mouse. Most girls would flock to him. It was easy. Predictable. But this hadn't been. This was revealed in the cornfield and the ball. She wasn't biting his bait—instead, she was pushing back with everything she had. "I'd rather fucking die," she had once affirmed to him. Heather had meant every word, and it nonplussed him. With every step he took getting further away from her in the cornfield, he wondered why he even gave a shit. Everything that had worked in the past had blown up in his face, so why bother?
Ray was a fool apparently because he had wanted to fluff her feathers more and more as time went by. There was a need of wanting to be around her at any chance he could find, and unfortunately, Ray thought about her even when he didn't want to.
It was as if Heather Nill had crawled her way into his existence—whether she wanted to or not. It bothered the hell out of him, yet, he couldn't help but get enough.
Ray had retaliated a bit at the Player's Ball, even though Heather had looked damn-near edible in that dress. No other girl at the party had held a candle in comparison. When he was feeding her lines that he had dressed up pretty, Ray unintentionally expressed the desires he had imagined late at night when she wasn't around.
His feelings were apparent again when Ray got more turned on by who was observing him kissing the random rather than who Ray was actually kissing. He had wanted to forget whatever crush this was on Heather Nill; instead, her mesmerizing eyes pulled him in to the point that he trembled nice and slow. Even though Ray had stated that the whole situation was bullshit, it felt real, denying it had been the bullshit.  
At the end of the day, Ray's attention should've been on Panic, but it was the panic Heather left inside that stirred him upside down.
The more time he spent around her, the more Ray craved it. It wasn't just their kisses they had shared, though, even though they were the sweetest type of torture, but the fact that she was honest to God good. Sarah had even warned him about it. Everyone could see it. Heather was too good for the likes of him, and he had known it from the first moment Heather gazed deeply into his eyes when he tugged her close on the plank. It was as if she saw something that he couldn't, and it unnerved him in a way no Panic challenge could.  
When Heather had accepted his invitation and had joined the group on his boat, it had been a good one, one of the best days he had had in a long time. Heather had a way of bringing his smile out to the surface like it was the easiest thing in the world. He felt as though he had been floating the entire time. She made him laugh effortlessly and also made him face demons of his past like he had the night of the Player's Ball. Always with her.
It unnerved him yet pulled him in as the current did. Ray had lost control and reached out to her as a blind man did, pulling her towards him without even meaning. When her lips had grazed his own on the boat, Ray knew he was forever lost in this beautiful, yet too good for him, girl.
Sarah was right—he would become broken from these feelings. Feeling vulnerable was clearly already on the table.
They had gone further that day, and it was like the first time being with someone, even though he had done that to countless other girls. With Heather, it was different. Everything was.
Ray had openly searched the manor to discover her at the Graybill house, creaking the floorboards as he took each step. When she jumped around, he had forgotten all about the game and wanted nothing more than to have her back into his arms. She was clearly his Kryptonite.
He had been surprised by the hunger he felt as they kissed, not for the first time. Ray was being drawn in by this girl, and it had been obvious that she didn't even realize she had that type of control over him.
Ray, himself, hadn't realized how deeply his feeling ran until Heather had stated, "You do this all the time. What's the big deal?" The words pierced him painfully, and his brain had short-circuited. Ray had wanted to scream at her, yelling, "It is a big deal to me. It is. Is it not to you?" But that wasn't fair, so Ray held it on the tip of his tongue, angrily leaving the room but not before calling it a mistake, which was a lie. That was not how he felt—she was anything but a mistake. But Heather had been right, though, and that's what pissed him off the most. All she had done was to hold up the mirror reflecting the type of person she had grown up knowing.
He had been that guy before spending time with her. He was a playboy, moving from one woman to the next, without so much as a care in his pointless world. He drank. He smoked. He had sex. He took his boat out. That was the story of his life.
But being around Heather had changed that. See, it wasn't just a random hookup—it was the conversation. From the moment Heather spoke to him, she challenged him. Heather recognized things no one else had, and she was honest with him from the very beginning. It was so real that Heather had asked him to return the favor.
That had scared him for the first time, and Ray hadn't liked it one bit. He couldn't even open up to himself, let alone the beautiful girl who flew. So Ray had hidden behind his cowardly mask, turning into the asshole she knew all too well. Even though it had pained Ray in a way, he hadn't entirely understood when she sadly and disappointedly walked away at the Player's Ball.
Bits and pieces of bravery had presented itself as Ray did start, in fact, opening up to Heather Nill. Each syllable had scared him shitless, but he found the more he opened up to her, the more it felt like breathing for the first time in his 18 years of life.
So even though he had walked away angrily, knowing what was happening between them wasn't a mistake, Ray knew she deserved better than the likes of him. The Hall men were deadweight and always would be. How could he pull down a woman with wings ready to take flight? There was a whole wide world waiting to embrace someone like her. What could he possibly be to her in comparison?
But those thoughts had no longer mattered when the house had burned in flames. His heart had burned with anxiety as he searched for the woman he was falling for. With every step he took, Ray was haunted by the last words he had said to her, "Just a mistake." Letting someone like that die before spreading her wings was a sin, and the thought of never gazing into those beautiful blue eyes felt like his own personal hell on earth.
Thank God above, Heather Nill had kicked her way out of that house like the fighter she was. Ray admired that this small girl didn't need saving, even though secretly he wanted to protect her. Seeing her lifeless on the ground edged away at his cold stone heart. Ray acknowledged that as he witnessed and felt a sudden wave of relief when Heather finally gasped for breath, he had truly fallen in love.
She had been living rent-free in Ray's mind since the moment she took flight off the cliff, and with every passing day, it had escalated to every breath and step he took.
Heather being stuck in the hospital had been a torture he'd never known. Ray had visited wanting to selfishly make sure she was okay but had seen Bishop entering her room. It had been a good reminder he did not belong in Heather's world; he'd never have a place in it, even though it killed him to admit it.
He had been surprised beyond belief that she had shown up at his house, but Ray knew it had been too good to be true as she couldn't get away from him fast enough. As she sped away, the word mistake haunted and swirled around his curls like a fucked up hangover.
Through the game's final stages, they found their way back to each other, even to the point of Ray admitting to others how he truly felt on the bridge. Diggins had blabbed that he hadn't answered the question of being in love with her, but in terms only she would understand, he had. He did love her, every part of her, but he knew he had to be selfless with Heather.
Ray had to let her go. She didn't belong in Carp. She didn't belong to him. Heather deserved what was still good in this messed-up world.
For him, though, his heart would always belong to her as he rotted away in the shithole of his hometown.
Once, he had remarked to Heather, "I don't think good things are gonna happen to me anymore," but he was so very wrong.
Heather Nill was something good that happened to him. Something amazing. Loving her came easily, like drifting down the stream with the current. It terrified him, but he was grateful. The girl that flew into his heart forever changed him for the better.
At the hospital where Luke was, Heather had all but expressed that she cared for him, too. That someone else actually gave a shit about him. It had knocked him speechless, to the point where he thought he'd join his brother on the neighboring hospital bed.
Then the thought of losing her once more at the Joust ran him ragged, but nothing would ever stop her. When he saw her standing there all but glowing on that dirt road, Ray once again saw the girl who had jumped from the drop. She took his breath away with her returning kind, brave smile, and the fear of saying goodbye felt closer than ever before.
However, it had seemed by the stream as if she had chosen him. It was a blessing and a curse that she had seen his video. He didn't want her to feel chained to Carp, but Ray couldn't deny the joy and the sense of peace he felt inside as she moved closer to him.
"We don't have to fall in love, Ray," Heather had said against his lips with a hint of a smile, a secret between the two of them.
Smiling, he had taken her into his arms, which felt so right as if it were meant to be. However, with every kiss, the words were left unspoken. Oh darlin', I've already fallen helplessly in love with you—the girl with the beautiful wings.
Losing her was what he feared now because sooner rather than later, Heather would fly away.
Perhaps the game wasn't through with Ray after all.
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calpops · 4 years
missing pieces | c.h.
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A big family gathering before Christmas leaves you contemplating the missing pieces in your life. The people who matter most help you through it.
2k words
Day 10 of 12 dates with calmas | dates with cal masterlist
Copyright © 2020 calpops. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format (translations included).
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Everyone is gathered around the table. Calum’s parents, Mali, Ashton, Luke, Michael and their respective partners. Mila sits in her reclined high chair right next to you and Calum; she’s still too small for a proper high chair and too young for solid food. But everyone loves her company at the table and fawns over her without faltering. Calum reaches for your hand while he keeps one on Mila, the near six month old entertained by her dad’s little tickles and boops on the nose. There’s a happiness inside of you as you take in all of the guests for your Christmas celebration. But as you keep looking around a hollow wound begins to open and ache again. Not everyone is here. You bite your lip and bite back emotions threatening to bubble over. You don’t want to ruin the evening.
“I can’t believe how big she’s gotten,” Calum’s mother coos from across the table.
Both you and Calum don’t see her as growing. You still see the baby fighting for life in an incubator, your daughter that could fit in one hand. You know she must be growing, getting stronger and smarter and more adept to the world around her. But you don’t see it yet. The changes are so gradual that when you’re with her everyday they slip past your eyes.
“She’s still my little girl,” Luke says and everyone shoots him a look.
“No, she’s my little girl,” Calum corrects around a laugh and shaking head. “Someone needs to get you your own baby before you try to take mine.”
Luke blushes but not in the humbleness of trying to claim Mila. He shrugs and waves a hand through the air to downplay Calum’s suggestion.
“If she’s anybody’s…” Mali says and trails off to look at you with a smile.
That warms your heart though you know it’s only half true. As much as Mila is yours she’s Calum’s too. You both love her with all of your hearts and as far as you can tell she loves you both equally. If she’s not with both of you she’s with one or the other. Calum pulled her first laugh from her but he often reminds you she first smiled at the mention and sight of you. Everyone simmers back into Christmas conversation, asking about presents for Mila and plans for the big day. Calum goes nonchalant and you catch the forced casualty but don’t question it; so much else is already on your mind.
“Sweetheart, you okay?” Calum asks in a whisper pressed to your ear.
You nod, downplaying the fact that you’re not sure about that answer. It amazes you he can pick up on the subtleties in your mood even when you try to mask it with all of your might. You steel yourself, try to shake away the crushing feeling pressing down on you at two empty chairs. You squeeze Calum’s hand and quietly stand to get Mila in your arms.
“I’m gonna go feed her,” you explain and gently take her to you and quietly disappear down the hallway.
Calum sits back in his chair and quietly muses over what to do. He thinks he knows what’s going on, eyes trailing to the same two chairs that were once in your sights. He knows you have Mila and wonders if maybe you want space from the event around you or space from everyone.
“Everything alright?” Ashton asks, his seat diagonal to Calum’s, his ability to pick up on his best friend’s distress a natural talent.
“I’m not sure,” Calum answers honestly and stands to excuse himself and go figure it out. “I’ll be back.”
He roams down the hall quietly but quickly. The door to the nursery is open and the room is empty. He moves past it to your bedroom door that stands shut. He doesn’t hear anything and while it would normally be a sign of relief a little tremble of anxiety slices through him. Usually you’d be murmuring to Mila, giggling with her or if she wasn’t hungry already back out to join the dinner. He taps his knuckles softly against the door and calls out to you to announce that he’s entering.
He stops short as soon as the door is open. You have Mila in your arms but you’re not feeding her. You’re sat on the edge of the bed cradling her against your chest, rocking slightly back and forth as silent tears fall down your face. Calum can feel his heart shatter at the sight and moves on instinct to the two of you. You look up and meet his gaze but don’t say a word, both of you communicating silently; always knowing what’s on the other's mind and in their heart and worries. Calum gently coaxes Mila from your arms to put her in her bassinet by the bed. She seems mostly unbothered, not able to understand anything but the comfort of your arms. She stirs a little bit as she settles in but is okay enough for Calum to seek you out and offer his arms for you to fall into.
“You wanna talk about it?” he asks as he wraps you up in his hold and runs a soothing hand down your back.
“Yes, no, I don’t know,” you answer in a shaking voice. “I just feel so stupid. I should know better by now.”
Calum shakes his head at your words and the fact you genuinely feel that way. It wrenches at him. He knows exactly what you’re talking about and though he wants to defend you to the bottom of the ocean and back he wants you to come to some realizations on your own as well.
“They should do better,” Calum simply mumbles and runs his hands through your hair. He hopes you understand what he means. The struggle you’ve had with your parents being life long. You deserve better than empty promises and last minute cancellations.
“I thought maybe with Christmas and Mila it might be different, I thought they might try a little harder,” you finally manage to get out after a moment of prolonged silence. “It’s okay for them to cancel on me. I’m used to it. Mila deserves more. They haven’t even met her yet.”
Calum can hear the heart break in your words. He knows how heavily their absence in Mila’s life has hung over you. He sees the way you look at his parents interactions with Mila and the way you wish your parents would do the same. So many times you’ve tried to reach out to them and so many times they’ve let you down. He always reminds you that you have him and Mila and his parents and Mali and the guys as family but he understands it’s not quite the same and that a little hollow piece of you still yearns for your parents approval and care.
“You deserve better too,” Calum says and hopes you’ll believe it.
“It stopped bothering me for a while, I accepted they didn’t want to put in effort for me,” you explain around a few sniffles, face firmly planted against Calum’s chest as rogue tears stain his shirt. “It was pretty clear when they didn’t show up to meet you or to our wedding. I thought I was over it. Then we had Mila and almost lost her and it’s like they didn’t even care. Now it’s Christmas and they still don’t care. She’s the sweetest little girl, she deserves grandparents, she deserves everything. It breaks my heart. Why don’t they care?”
Calum has no answer to the shattering question you pose and even if he did he knows nothing—no answer or explanation—will ever justify their absence. He stays silent and holds you. Rocks back and forth with you in his arms almost like you both do with Mila. He can feel with every little motion that you’re trying to pull yourself together but he’s always been the place that you can fall apart. He doesn’t coax you to do anything. Just stays with you, becomes a presence to help fill the void.
“Sweetheart,” he finally mumbles after minutes of quiet. He feels your clutch on him tighten as you slightly shift to meet his gaze. His fingers lightly settle under your chin to keep you with him. “She doesn’t need them. They don’t deserve her or you.”
“What?” you mumble out the one worded question; clearly hearing the words but unable to grasp them fully.
“She doesn’t need them, she has me and you. You give her more love than imaginable,” Calum explains and you nod to show you understand. He lets out a breath and so do you though it shakes. “If they don’t care to try they don’t deserve to have you keep trying. You’re too good for them. So is Mila, look at her,” Calum explains further and coaxes you to raise your head and find your reason for everything. Mila smiles when you meet eyes with her and it’s enough to convince you of Calum’s words.
“I just feel bad she’ll grow up missing part of her family,” you finally admit and maybe it’s more or less about her and you.
“With all of those people out there who love her, she’ll never miss a thing,” Calum says and grins to himself as a thought enters his mind. “And I mean, Luke did walk you down the aisle so that kinda makes him her pseudo grandpa?”
You erupt into laughter and shake your head no. “Don’t even joke about that with him. He’s already vying for favorite uncle. We don’t need him fighting your dad to be the favorite grandfather.”
Calum purses his lips as he contemplates the very real possibility of that before laughing with you. He wipes away remnants of tears on your face and gives you another moment to collect yourself. Once he finds that you’re back together he gives you a little nuzzle. “Ready to get back out there?”
You nod and stand. Mila lights up and lets out a little noise as you bring her back into your arms. You keep her close and Calum stays by your side as you head back out to the dining room where your family waits. They all greet you warmly but don’t comment on or question your disappearance. You keep Mila in your hold instead of putting her back in her high chair. Small talk resumes and eventually Ashton proposes a toast.
“To a good holiday season,” he finishes.
“And to family,” you pitch in and make everyone agree. Glasses clink. “Thanks for being here with us.”
Everyone agrees with the sentiment and says there’s nowhere else they’d rather be. In that moment, gathered with those who love and care for you and your daughter, it’s easy to let go of those who don’t and to appreciate all that you have. When one of Calum’s hands grabs for yours and the other gently holds Mila’s you’re also sure there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.
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blush-and-books · 3 years
the second part to this drabble i published a week ago - but now, we get Julie's pov!
Julie didn't know much about the world -- the fact that she was in a ghost band after three hotdog eaters popped into her garage on a random night was proof enough of that.
But she knew that she loved Luke Patterson.
Honestly, how could she not?
All that he had to do was kiss the temple of her head when she was having a creatively-challenged moment during a songwriting session, and he had her in the palm of his hand.
And she thought he knew that.
She needed, desperately, for him to know. So she really tried to send the message. Saying "I love you" in their sweetest moments, kissing him goodbye, firmly running her thumb through the wrinkles in his forehead to smooth them out.
"I don't have to actually worry about lines forming," he mumbled one day, his tone sour.
Julie pushed through the ripples once again with a hum. "I know. I just don't like seeing you all grouchy."
He seems to frown even more at that. He's been doing it a little more lately.
It felt as though after she invited him to come and spend the night in her room, when she held him like her favorite teddy bear and relaxed against him in her slumber, that he started to change his behavior. At first, he would indulge in her initiation of kisses and reciprocated her "I love you's" at every chance he had. While there was no label on what they were or weren't...
Julie was happy. She thought Luke was happy.
But maybe she was just a form of entertainment until he got out of the limbo he was in.
Every time she told him she loved him, he nearly winced. Their touches, if any, would be small and brief. The eyes that Julie once perceived to be bright and genuine were now stony and distant whenever she made an attempt at affection towards him.
Flynn might have been right. Julie shouldn't waste her time on a dead guy when there were living people who are great.
But whenever she considered it, her heart, already cracked down the middle, pulled apart a little more.
She didn't want someone else. She wanted Luke. But he didn't seem to want her.
"Did you ever love me?"
They're alone in the studio, and Julie keeps trying to shift closer to him on the piano bench but the light from behind them accentuates the shadow of his clenched jaw whenever she attempts it. At this point, Julie doesn't know what to do - his rejection makes her feel like her brain needs to stop and take deep breaths, but then her actual breathing shallows, and she just doesn't know how to handle it.
So she asks.
He doesn't even ask what she means; just looks at her with deeply knitted confusion. She continues.
"Because- I don't know what I did, what I did to- To ruin this, whatever it was, but..." Her throat hurts to say it. "Did you ever actually love me? Like you said?"
The lines on his forehead get bolder, and she feels her hand twitch to smooth them out.
"You really need me to say it?"
She's not going to cry.
She's not going to cry.
But the sharp tone in his voice strikes a nerve, and she feels the burning against her irises.
"Say what? That you never loved me at all?"
"That I loved you, but I know you've just been pitying me the whole time!" His volume raises, and his words knock the air from her lungs. While she's in shock, he continues. "Do I really need to embarrass myself and admit that I love you, more than anything, and have just been letting you act like you love me back because I know it's all I'll ever get?"
Julie can hardly believe what she's hearing.
There's no way that Luke, her Luke, her Luke who she's held underneath the warmth of blankets and kissed on the cheek when he told her she was beautiful, thought that she didn't love him back.
That she viewed him as a dead charity case.
Her voice trembles as she says the only thing that comes to mind:
"... What?"
Luke sighs in frustration.
"Luke, wait-" He pushes up from the piano bench, and the air around Julie rushes in cold. "That's what you think of me? That I'm doing you a favor out of pity?"
"You make people happy, Julie. It's what you do. You can't help it."
She hates the way her vision blurs, because she knows she's about to cry, and she doesn't want to but her heart is breaking. Her heart is breaking for Luke.
"You really never believed it?" The corners of her lips flinch downwards into a teasingly severe frown. "Every time I told you, when it was all I could think of saying because I loved you so much... You never thought it was real?"
For the first time, Luke looks at her. Really, really looks at her. Sees her red eyes. Her damp face.
And he looks crushed.
"Getting my hopes up would have ended in me being heartbroken."
"But it wouldn't have!" She demands, her volume increasing to match his snap earlier. "Because I love you!"
At last, Julie thinks that she can see the words sink in. His pupils dialate and his jaw relaxes, and he's slowly wandering back to the bench where she sits with tear streaks on her cheeks.
"Please don't cry, Julie."
While she sniffs, he takes a deep breath.
"I'm sorry," he says next, and eases onto the edge of the seat, still far from her. "I'm so, so sorry. Please, Julie, I love you too, I- I'm sorry."
Her heart skips a beat when he says it, because it finally feels real. She thought it was real and raw the other times, but after all of this - she wonders if this is really them saying it, truly, for the first time.
"I need you to believe me when I say I love you, Luke," she insists, because she can't go through another cycle of him distancing himself. "I know you have all of this shit in your head because of how crazy our relationship is, and all of these doubts that are clearly fucking with you, but- But I really, really want you to know I love you."
A shaking sigh seems to drain from his entire body as his shoulders sag and eyes glisten against the shadow cast by the sun over his face.
"I know that now," he murmurs, a small smile adorning his face. "It's the greatest thing I've ever felt."
Julie is curious if Luke is hesitant to touch her now, to hold her, after sending her through a near-panic attack and trying to cope with the new discovery that nothing between them was ever a part of a pity-arrangement. She doesn't want to make the first move, seeing as how she sparked this entire half-conversation, half-mental breakdown; but she's sure to scoot herself to the right.
Just enough for him to notice.
And the second he does, he pulls her into his arms. It quickly morphs from a hug to one large bodily fold - Julie is completely wrapped around him, legs and arms and fingers, and his palms are pressing into every inch of skin that they can reach in order to keep her closer.
"You are the greatest thing I've ever felt," he whispers into her hair, and an easy smile grows on her face.
After that, things return to their natural order. Kisses are shared with crumpled clothing and flushed cheeks during moments alone on the couch in the studio, and Julie's bed that has always been big enough for two finally has a second occupant.
They tell each other that they love each other every time one of them has to leave the room, whether it's for six minutes or six hours.
But it never gets old. And Julie thinks that it's reassuring for the both of them to hear.
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