#LU Dark Link
luckylectio · 5 months
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it's a new record
(For my fic, A Dark Among the Lights!)
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marte-14 · 4 months
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The First's Fury
(I would like to do a complete version of this, but I don't think I have the time, this sketch took like 3/4 hours??? But I have very happy with the result)
Finished version!
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sasoop · 1 month
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"Something drips from his nose. He watches the droplets fall in a jittery, slowed motion, hitting the cobblestone in a splatter of black. The sound echoes loudly in his ears. The gasps from the other heroes echoes even louder.
All the trouble he went through to hide his injuries and black blood, and it leaks out of his face. Figures."
A Dark Among the Lights by @luckylectio on AO3, chapter 12
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librarygarten · 2 months
Isekai!Reader Meets Dink
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It has been A Week and I needed to write something less serious. Reader meets Dink and roasts him.
It was a stupid idea, really, but it was all you had left. The entity in front of you was running circles around the group. One moment, it was a Lizalfos, jumping away from any attack. Then, it was Darknut, taking every hit as if it was nothing. It would blend into the darkness of the night before leaping out somewhere new.
Dodge. Parry. Dodge. Breathe in. Breathe out. It took everything in you to avoid the weapon the thing before you was wielding. Nobody wanted a repeat of what happened to Twilight. But the fight was going on for too long. Hyrule was running out of magic. You could hear Sky struggling to breathe behind you. It raised its weapon towards Time. He wasn’t going to be able to dodge in time.
So, you did the only thing you could think of. You grabbed your sword. You jumped up. And you smacked the thing on the head. You heard something crack, and the beast fell.
The shadows melted under you, reforming and reshaping. Whatever it was, you had dazed it. The chain surrounded the writing mass of darkness, swords and shields ready for whatever it would become next.
The form solidified. An arm. A head. Legs. It was kneeling, clutching its head with one hand. It turned its face to you, glaring. You recognized this new form.
“DINK???” You exclaimed. The shadow winced, it’s head still throbbing from when you had hit it. Time paled. He recognized this enemy, too.
“What did you just call me?” The shadow growled, but there was no threat. He was too weak from the fight.
“Uhh. Dink?” You shrugged, the grip on your sword loosening somewhat. “It’s what the fans have taken to calling you. Dark. Link. Dink.” Wind snickered at your explanation, and Dink turned to glare at the boy. Wind took a step back, raising his sword to defend against the shadow’s gaze.
“Do NOT call me that.” He stood, and you realized he wasn’t even an adult shadow. It was the same form he took in the Water Temple. Seventeen. Lanky. A threat, for sure, but also…
“What? Dink?” You smiled, making sure to stay out of his range. “Why not?”
“I am the shadows. I am darkness. I am everything the heroes of light are not.” He wobbled on his feet. Had you concussed him? “I am the dark reflect-”
“Uh huh.” You interrupted his speech, rolling your eyes. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon. Time to stall. “Sure, Dinky. Shadows and darkness and all that emo stuff.” You nodded. Twilight pressed his lips together, trying not to burst out laughing as you mocked the entity. Warriors looked at you like you had grown a second head.
“I am not… Dinky.” Dink took a threatening step towards you. You calmly stepped away from him.
“I dunno, man.” You smiled. “You’re acting pretty annoying, with all the portals and what not. You gotta be compensating for something.” Behind you, Legend wheezed, trying to keep a straight face and failing. Dink stared at you for a moment before the shadows near his cheeks darkened. Was he… blushing?
“You…” He looked around. He was surrounded. There was no getting out of this. He turned to face you again, taking in your relaxed expression. “What is WRONG with you! You’re supposed to fear me!”
“Why?” You made a show of checking your nails, picking the dirt out from under them.
“I am everything the hero stands against!” Dink shouted. “I am the darkness within him!”
“Well, good thing I’m not the hero.” You wink. “The greatest darkness I need to face is working up the courage to call the pizza place for dinner.”
Dink blinked at you. Maybe it was the concussion. Maybe you were just insane. Whatever the case, he had no idea what to say. Usually, the person he was fighting would be shaking with fear at this point.
The sun rose slowly over the horizon, the light filtering through the leaves of the forest. Dink hissed as it hit him, his body disappearing where the sunlight hit him directly. He looked sort of like a very evil (or very moldy) slice of swiss cheese. He looked towards the sunrise, shielding his eyes and wincing.
“I’ll be back.” He glared at you. Then, he sunk down into the ground, disappearing into the shadows still left. The chain watched him disappear.
Time was the first to break the silence. His laughter echoed through the now quiet morning. The others followed suit, some even clutching their stomachs or falling over.
“Y/N, that was bloody brilliant.” Wild gasped in between fits of giggles.
“Well, we weren’t going to win fighting normally.” You blinked. You hadn’t expected this reaction.
“So you chose to use psychological warfare instead?” Hyrule wiped a tear away from his eye.
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sraksha · 8 months
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I've noticed whenever someone new finds my Links in dresses series, they tend to completely skip Dark Link. I'm finding it very funny lol
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1esor2 · 10 months
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🔔🔔🔔 Ya’ll know what time it is
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willowedspirits · 3 months
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Dark Link in the Hollow Knight AU!
Dark Link in this AU was created by the infection that was purged from Time when Radiance tried to infect him. When Time recovered from the effects, Dark Link was born in his image, and has similar abilities to Radiance as well as being able to infect bugs.
More below, it's a lot shorter this time I promise!
While he is made in Time's image, he does not have the same disabilities as Time. His wing is not torn, so he is able to fly. His antenna is intact and his eye is just fine. Their wing patterns are also slightly different.
The main difference between DL and Radiance is their methods of infection. Radiance is restricted to the Dream Realm, and appears in bugs dream's in order to infect them. DL is a physical being, and can infect bugs without needing to enter their dreams. Though, he can enter the dreams of the bugs he has infected.
His weapons are slightly different. He has a physical nail he can use, and has an alternate version he can summon around him. He is more limited than Radiance in the floating nail department, but they still can do some serious damage!
While he is a product of Radiance's infection, DL doesn't necessarily work under her. He is his own separate being with his own thoughts and motivations. But because he is literally a infection, his main goal is to spread.
Time also does not know about DL until the chain's adventure starts.
I also did some alternate colors with a more "Radiance accurate" color palette, I did this as a test and couldn't decide which I liked more. I went with the darker palette because "Dark" Link, but I thought this was also worth sharing!
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If anybody has questions about this AU please feel free to ask! I'm always open to talk about bugs!
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weepingtalecowboy · 7 days
Shadow is a fucking menace of massive destruction
Fanfic prompt: The chain is telling eachother about their adventures and at some point they got to the point of dark or shadow links
And while everyone is considering their shadow or dark links the most dangerous
Four just one ups them all because shadow is a menace to society and genuinely insane
Like “my shadow link destroyed all of Hyrule in like a day or two ,a week at most he kidnapped my Zelda and forced me to remove a sword that was sealing one of my villains and essentially made me fight three villains at once him included and that isn’t even the worst of it”
The chain *thinking* : “how are you still alive with such a monstrosity running rampant”
Four continuing without noticing anyone being disturbed: “ he stole even more maidens from their shrines and burned down almost every single village and town he was also scaring the novice soldiers and possessed my dad while THE ARMY WAS TURNED against me because he impersonated me and racked up a high enough destruction count for my immediate execution not forgetting the fact that most of them were already under mind control”
The chain : “how did you kill somebody like him”
Four: “I gaslit him because he luckily had one weakness I could exploit pretending to be evil and all that stuff so when I killed him
he didn’t get the message and was still terrorizing me but now he was upset and not just sadistic so he tied me to a stake and set it on fire”
The chain *internally* : “WTF WTF WTF WTF how is he not dead”
Four still talking: “I somehow miraculously got saved and the only reason why I won was because he destroyed his one weak point and thereby helped me defeat the other villain and both died but he still didn’t accept that so he came back to life AGAIN (ignoring to tell that it was me who brought him back)
Four : “we decided to give up on fighting and now he stays with us because he is the most difficult to kill creature in the whole entire world and that way me and Zelda can keep an eye on him”
The chain: “man and we thought our darks were bad yours sounds like a nightmare”
Four realizing something: “I forgot to tell you about his massive bombs ,his dragons and his hammer strong enough to give me a concussion from several feet again”
The chain: “THERE IS MORE…!!,!?!.!.!!.?!
Warriors * hesitant* : “Cia probably still could be worse right…?”
Four : “maybe but he also was always in my personal space and I couldn’t tell him to get the fuck away from me because I had to befriend him pretty sure the only reason he isn’t the second coming of Cia is because he wasn’t interested in a sexual relationship”
The chain: “how is your dark side capable of one upping over four of our most vile and evil enemies without even trying”
Four : “pretty sure it’s the purple hair … that is a clear sign of evil”
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ena-113 · 6 months
Wow, villains can sure talk. It's been- uhhh
Seven minutes.
Thanks Vio. Seven minutes that Dinky Bitch here has been monologuing. Much too long. Please get to the point good sir-
He is nowhere near good.
Tolerable s-
Still no.
"And well.. I have the means to bring your dear shadow back from the dead." 
Four zoned back in at that line with a slow, slow blink. 
Four sighed. 
He took out his journal and pen. 
Opened to the second page, as the first was full, and made a single tally mark. 
Closed his book with a snap, and put it away. 
All without breaking eye contact. 
If Dark Link could, he'd be sweating buckets. He twitched at every sound and actually flinched when four talked. 
"That's how many times I've been offered such a ridiculous thing." 
Off to the side, seemingly from the ground, muffled laughter could be heard. A being emerged from Four's shadow. 
"Dude!" Shadow said, then almost broke into cackles, "I'm right here! Been here for a while now!"
this has been sitting in my docs collecting dust for a while now. It feels incomplete and i wanna do more with it, but... the brain juices ain't flowin. If anyone wants to continue it, go right ahead.
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dragonknightcal · 3 months
Time: You may think you have the upper hand, but we have something you'll never have!
Dark Link: And what is that?
Time: The power of friendship!
Wind: *from the back of the group* BECAUSE YOU'RE SAD AND ALONE AND NO ONE LOVES YOU!
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breannasfluff · 1 year
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Have a Dink
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luckylectio · 4 months
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c̷͍̺͋ o̴̰̔̌͝ r̶̜̎ͅ r̴̞̙̃̈́̐ u̴̗͓̹̬͂͌̽̒ p̸͈̞͕̮̙̄̿ t̴̺͘ i̶̻͍̖͚̔ o̵̜̪̿ n̶̗̣͈̂̇̆
For my fic, A Dark Among the Lights!
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marte-14 · 4 months
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The First's Fury (complite coloured version)
Took a while but i finished it! It's the first time I do such a large piece, in digital hope you like it!
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dragkbluire · 2 months
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I'm back from my break. And I think I finally managed how to color jasjasjasjsajasj.
Each moment being closer of finishing a drawing I really want to see finished!!!!!!
And yes another remake because I can xdxd (besides, is surprising to think that that old doodle is from almost 3 years ago xdxd
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(author doesn't have a tumblr but its by alternatemind on ao3)
Series Summary:
An AU where Twilight loses his Twilight Shard and meets the Chain stuck as Wolfie with no way to transform back.
It will consist of a lot of oneshots/multichap fics of the Chain traveling around with Wolfie, having no clue that he’s really just a guy who’s stuck as a wolf. Will include an unhealthy amount of found family bonding and Time being the Chain’s collective dad (or dog dad, in Twilight’s unfortunate case).
Series Tags:
Linked Universe Links As Family
Linked Universe Link(s) and Wild First Meet
its mostly a twilight meets the chain fic though wild does too
Time is a Good Parent
Parental Time
midna is mentioned multiple times because I love her and want an excuse to write her
Good Sibling Wind
Protective Sky
I’ll add more tags when I think of them
Flora Needs a Hug
Wild uses Sign Language
50/50 he’ll get more comfortable when time goes on
Legend Has a Bad Time
Wolf Twilight
Wild is a Little Shit
Alternate Universe
sky and sun are very in love and it’s SICKENING
Pranks and Practical Jokes
Twilight Angst
MILD - Freeform
he’s kind of going through something right now
Family Bonding
Snowball Fight
Family Fluff
Groose Being an Idiot
groose will always get a cameo in every fic I write on skyloft even if it’s tiny
Wind is a Little Shit
Sky Has a Bad Time
as in I targeted legend last fic and now it’s sky’s turn (affectionate)
Light Angst
Twilight Has a Bad Time
that tag is alternate title for this series honestly
Wild Needs a Hug
Wild Gets a Hug
fi midna ravio and mask mentions
Linkle & Warriors Are Twins
he actually has a good time he’s just in a constant state of suffering in this series so
Brotherly Bonding
Parental Malon
Warriors is a Little Shit
Twilight & Warriors Friendship
Twilight is a Little Shit
Time is a Little Shit
theyre all little shits it comes with being a hero
Sign Language
Domestic Fluff
No Plot/Plotless
Four Splits into the Colors
Four Has a Bad Time
THIS SOUNDS BAD but i promise it’s not they’re still vibing
just in a Situation this time
Sick Character
and then he has a fantastic time
midna’s mentioned enough that i gave her a tag
Hyrule Gets a Hug
why is that not a tag
we need to make that a tag asap
Mentioned Marin
Mentioned Koholint Island
Blood and Injury
Fluff and Angst
Legend is a Little Shit
Fairy Hyrule
Major Character Injury
Sky is a Little Shit
Twilight is So Done
the plot in this one is so small a minish could hold it in one hand but it’s there - Freeform
Word count: 136,325
Finished: No
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jumpstrike · 1 year
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@miistsoul's au ideas combined into onee
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