spookcataloger · 4 months
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The Texas Stiltwalker (2008)
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nando161mando · 4 months
▶️ GENOVA : STREET PARADE Sabato 25 maggio 2024 📺
🇮🇹 La città di sotto si è ripresa le strade in difesa degli spazi sociali , in difesa del Lsoa Buridda ! Non ci fermerete mai ! 🏴‍☠️🔥✊🏾
🇨🇵 Samedi 25 mai 2024
La ville d'en bas a repris les rues pour défendre les espaces sociaux, pour défendre le Laboratoire Social Occupé Autogéré Buridda !
Vous ne nous arrêterez jamais !
🇬🇧 Saturday 25 May 2024
The city below has taken back the streets in defense of social spaces, in defense of Lsoa Buridda! You will never stop us! 🏴‍☠️🔥✊🏾
🇪🇦 Sábado 25 mayo 2024
La ciudad de abajo ha retomado las calles en defensa de los espacios sociales, en defensa de Lsoa Buridda! ¡Nunca nos detendrás! 🏴‍☠️🔥✊🏾
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mapsontheweb · 2 years
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A little data nugget from this week's (very unusual but still useful and interesting) travel to work data, using LSOAs -map on left is areas where 25% or more worked from home in 2011 -map on right is the 2021 version let's wait 10 years and see what happened next
by @undertheraedar
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sailormanrahh · 11 months
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Idiots aFUCK YOU Ire infinite And thinkI FINISHE INKOBERing men are numbered Don't I FUCKING FUCKNISHED ITkid yourself This isn't I GUVKINGnews
Let's startHAHAH RAHHRH !!!!!!!!RAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!11 with Tristan BongGRAHAHREAYSHD GR. ... RAHDAHghhh oohhhhohohh. AOOOOOo, alone in the race ConscriptioIM SO SDFDASHUH AUUHHH hhh aUHHHHHHHH!!! RAUUUGHHHHHHH!!!n calling his name One more nightGRAH RGAEHRAG R AHRAH of freedom An heiress hiRAH UUUUUGGG UHHHHU HOOHOHHHHHHOgh up atop the stands
And theOOHHH.... OHOHUUUUU RAHHHH RHAHH!!!! RAHHHHHHHH!!! lines are open That'IM IM ISNDHAUD WHASUD ASIDNSDAs Lucky Star, Eye Sore, Doctor Murphy, Sun Tzu The Clap, MAHAHA. ..ARAAHAHRHAURHAUHAURHAUr. Winner, Spot, Wallace, Mrs. Gonorrhoea Perfect P, DSAYDASU SUFUCK YOU FUCK YO IM AHHR RUU AUUUGUHHeadman Walking, and The Company Favorite
A son hands dad's harUM FI IM GO ING TO FUCKUNG FIP A SESDK IM SO AUUUUGHHH AUUGHFDGDIASI RAOOOUUHUHHH RAOOOOOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOd earned cash to the clerk And she laughs at theIM GOU UUGGG OSDO WOA O IOIII IISDA ADASDIAMSDASU EYES YESU EYS gall of the small guido lips "Put it all on Spot, tYES YESY EShe kid's already won" John Tylеr smeareYESY EYSY ESYS YESAYd with last nights beer Reflеct vomitinUISDU AIIU UHUHHg Chris who dreams his dream is near In the form of ASUUSAU UGUUGIGGGIGIMrs. Gonorrhea
Reporter rAUUGOOGOGOOOeporting the state of affairs Inwardly asksOHOHH... OHHHHH of his prime time hair Why it can't quitWAUUUUHHHOOHOHOHHe rival the manes on these mares The smoothness ciiiii isaio ooasuau HAHAU AUUHA HAUHAUAHAUHUan't compare The gleaming apAHAUHAUHAUHAH AUHAUHA UAHUApliances attract attention The raffle prizeVKLDSFHJDASKJDAs too many to mention Displayed all oveSADHSYAOD9WPOIE JFDHHJSA UGUHUHHr the stadium entrance
HypodermiYASUDHASJD AOOUHHO HOHOc needles Hidden undIIFSUDFUSDDHSDJHDASer a coat sleeves Of sweaty wiseKSAID UHHHUH UHUASD AUWGU!!!!-guy money earning men In search UU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!of the horse to apprehend
The race isIHDKH ASHAHAHAHAH AHHDASHSA about to begin The race is JASUDH ASHUAUHAUHabout to begin
Blondie lockeUASHDASH HAHASUHA UYUF UCKC UFCK FUCK FUCK FUCJZAUA UUGUGH HHUd in 4 Eyes' arms SquirminUASDAS UAUAUHHHHg like a dying fish That's thUUUU OOHHHI IHA W AAHAHAHAHe last I can recall
The raBMBGIMF DK AI IAII!!!!ce was ran Someone JHJAH HAHAHAlost, someone won I came and I stayJKHSD ASIUYHEEL LSOA OLETS GOed and the same ever since, outside The freaks of LETS OGOOOO LETS FUCKING SOthe wilderness, open in spring The time before tGOOO OELTS UFCKime was the time to sing
Unidentified sRAHHHHHH RHASL ETong surging through the brush Transcription futLETS UFCINGF SAODASIUDSAIDUAile, let alone the rush You miss when huUAUUUUUnched and scribbling notes Here no journalisOO....UUUUJJJm is ever in vogue
Despite the attemOOO.....pts of doctors and saints None have recorded its heavenly grace But I stayedIJJUUIIIOOOHH HHHHHH... HHHH HHH, and stayed, and stayed
That race was ran thirty years back And each dayIIHH since the same Peel back the witness of a million catastrophes To see the spotty remnants each has left
I forget in which cups I've pissed From which I can sOOOOUUUtill drink Tonight it's so cold my feet are shrinking Groping around for the sides of my boot
It's no night for the blind With all these sirens I envy the deaf mutes Some killer on the loose again Some idiot at large Some Chinese moose again
An excuse for the sarge No sirens all silent The log cabin's silent No killer either No creeks in the floor Log cabin, what cabin? A shack's all I have
Yes, my cubbyhole's stuffed with skeletons But my neighbours are stuffed with anthrax Where does that leave us?
I came thirty years back From Salafessien, via South Schlagenheim To Sunterum and Sunterime The late Sun Sugar's home town
Buried not far from here My only friend Neighbor, what neighbor?
My shack is all alone This pen, changing lines One line at a time Blindness? What blindness? Sweet blindness
A little laughter, a little silence A little magic, a little kindness A little all over me, yes me
The first, the last, the everything No trace of anything No sin, no life, no fun, no time, no any-fucking-thing No one, no yes, no house, no shack, no A, no B, no C, no et cetera No one, no two, no et cetera No school, no life, no work, no time, no book No art, no point, no truth, no use, no friend No know, no knot, no hole, no birth, no end, no real, no fake
No king of this useless nameless non-land No end to this nothing nonsense non-song No day set for my saviors arrival, to carry me far Across green waters, above the sky or below the depths Among the white cloud or red steppe
Or to fly forever in-between ends Or in-between in-betweens Or in-between no-between Or no nothing, no saviour, no journey, no end A thousand years of no nothing hiding from nothing
No reason to hide sins or reason not to sin No reason to pretend No reason to pretend there is not no reason
Oh, yes Blondie ran on the track 4 Eyes got stuck in the rail The reporter was caught getting sweaty in the stable Blondie gone, 4 Eyes gone, Guidos gone, Clerk gone, Chris gone
Tristan Bongo the man who never left Tristan Bongo never left Still here I stayed
The clown can be a martyr The whore can be an angel
The hack becomes a master The crass becomes divine The infinite, infinitesimal
And all sins irrepressible
No use digginHI GUYS . Hello all. i just want to say that i fucking did it guys i fucking did it i fucking finished inktober i can finally top stdrawing now i can stop drawing im so proud of myselfg holes to hide The rupture comes and leaves no stone unturned
So don't wish for anything
The clown can be a martyr The whore can be an angel
The hack becomes a master The crass becomes divine
The infinite, infinitesimal All sins irrepressible
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The Portland Inn Project
We believe in the power of art: as a tool in communicating our story; representing our needs and creating space for communities to learn.  We advocate for people-led change, and champion the importance of art in leading that change, and in cooperation with public services.
We are looking for two board members via this callout who will fulfil a role on our board that responds to the following needs for our growing organisation with an ambitious arts programme and imminent capital programme.
Ø  A person with expert knowledge and experience of capital projects, who can advise on financial aspects of the build, helping to ensure we get the best value for money on this project with a great quality output. They will also be able to identify relevant funding streams for our organisation.
Ø  A person with experience (from an arts organisation perspective) of managing a building and creative programme. They will be able to advise us on how to manage these responsibilities and continue to deliver a community led programme of excellent quality and responsive arts activity.
The appointment of these individuals is happening via invitation and callout. In the recruitment of our board, we will be continuing our approach to representation and inclusion.
Get in touch via email to Rebecca (co-director) [email protected] for any questions you might have or to organise a phone conversation about the organisation. If you are interested, please email an explanation of your knowledge and experience and why you would like to be on our board, by FRIDAY 25 NOVEMBER. THIS OPPORTUNITY IS OPEN TO PEOPLE ACROSS THE UK! We look forward to hearing from you.
You can find out more about the building and our intentions for its use here > https://www.theportlandinnproject.com/programme/the-building/ and if you have any further questions that our website is unable to answer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Rebecca > [email protected]
Founded by two artists, Anna Francis & Rebecca Davies, in 2016, The Portland Inn Project CIC’s mission is to create an arts-led community-based organisation that makes vital change in our area. We aim to galvanise and deliver community cohesion, economic, social and cultural development in the streets where we live.
We are located in Hanley, Stoke On Trent, in a neighbourhood that experiences severe deprivation (top 10% most deprived LSOAS 814th of 32844). People here experience poor quality of life, poverty and exclusion from mainstream cultural provision, in a city where cultural engagement is extremely low.  We have proven that our work can be both catalyst and support for culture to thrive in this challenging environment. Working in collaboration with other artists, arts organisations, designers and residents, we practice collaborative approaches to production and community action, involving the community in the growth of our arts organisation and development of a pioneering community space, the first of its kind in Stoke-on-Trent – offering a workshop space, a residency programme and community hub.
We hope to begin the capital programme next year, which means that we will be working closely with our architect and project manager Godson Egbo, to deliver an ambitious redevelopment of the derelict pub. With this development comes an increased responsibility for our organisation, as we oversee the build and continue to deliver an ambitious programme of activity for the community.
The purpose of the CIC is to provide opportunities, skills, and creative activities to improve quality of life in the local community, to manage a community building, increase active citizenship, combat social isolation and improve health and well-being via culture.  A CIC is an accountable, flexible and appropriate form for the organisation’s current activities and immediate plans allowing the future option of applying for charitable status and/or developing co-operative social enterprise models that spin off from our core activities as our work and assets develop.  The CIC currently has 2 named Executive Directors, founders Anna Francis and Rebecca Davies, and a third Non-Executive Director Nana Lyamgohn, a resident from the neighbourhood who brings experience in community leadership, to this role.
We have taken great care in designing and developing the structure and form of the organisation, intending it to be representative and responsive to the neighbourhood we are based in, and importantly, for organisation and programme to operate with a flexible, accessible and open approach to decision-making. A core concept underpinning this is our Community Decision-Making Panel. The Panel meets bi-monthly to support decision-making in critical areas of our work, and is made up of residents, team members, partners and representatives from local services including Stoke-On-Trent City Council’s Community, Anti-social Behaviour, Environmental and Housing teams.
The Advisory/Oversight board will be joined by the executive team for quarterly meetings at which finance, strategy, plans and risks are reviewed in line with our programme and funding aims and outputs.
Community Decision-Making Panel Meetings will continue to take place once every two months, online or as physical meetings on Portland Street. Going forward they will be convened by a newly appointed Chair - a new paid post which will co-ordinate the meetings, community intelligence, and lead on liaison with public service providers.  2 Community Decision-Making Panel members will attend Advisory Board meetings, serving in this capacity for a year at a time.
Once a year and in person, the CDMP, Advisory Board and executive meetings will coincide as a space to share ideas and plans - supporting the transparency of decision making and governance for our organisation.
Please see our website for more information about our wider programme
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qatarjobz · 1 year
التوظيف في قطر (الخطوط الجوية القطرية) بـراتب (12300 ريال).
التوظيف في قطر (الخطوط الجوية القطرية) بـراتب (12300 ريال). رابط المقال: https://wazfnynow.com/lsoa
#وظائف # وظائف قطر # شواغر قطر# فرص عمل قطر # فرص شغل قطر# وظائف قطر 2023# وظائف لكافة المؤهلات# وظائف حكومية# وظائف لحملة الدبلوم فأعلى##فرص عمل #وظائف خالية#وظائف شاغرة#وظائف قطر اليوم# شغل
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mi6-rogue · 2 years
A spatio-temporal framework for modelling wastewater concentration during the COVID-19 pandemic
Preliminary report; The potential utility of wastewater-based epidemiology as an early warning tool has been explored widely across the globe during the current COVID-19 pandemic. Methods to detect the presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater were developed early in the pandemic, and extensive work has been conducted to evaluate the relationship between viral concentration and COVID-19 case numbers at the catchment areas of sewage treatment works (STWs) over time. However, no attempt has been made to develop a model that predicts wastewater concentration at fine spatio-temporal resolutions covering an entire country, a necessary step towards using wastewater monitoring for the early detection of local outbreaks. We consider weekly averages of flow-normalised viral concentration, reported as the number of SARS-CoV-2 N1 gene copies per litre (gc/L) of wastewater available at 303 STWs over the period between 1 June 2021 and 30 March 2022. We specify a spatially continuous statistical model that quantifies the relationship between weekly viral concentration and a collection of covariates covering socio-demographics, land cover and virus-associated genomic characteristics at STW catchment areas while accounting for spatial and temporal correlation. We evaluate the model's predictive performance at the catchment level through 10-fold cross-validation. We predict the weekly viral concentration at the population-weighted centroid of the 32,844 lower super output areas (LSOAs) in England, then aggregate these LSOA predictions to the Lower Tier Local Authority level (LTLA), a geography that is more relevant to public health policy-making. We also use the model outputs to quantify the probability of local changes of direction (increases or decreases) in viral concentration over short periods (e.g. two consecutive weeks). The proposed statistical framework is able to predict SARS-CoV-2 viral concentration in wastewater at high spatio-temporal resolution across England. Additionally, the probabilistic quantification of local changes can be used as an early warning tool for public health surveillance. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.14.22281081v1?rss=1%22&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr Read more ↓
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mnwlife · 3 years
Hasan al-Baṣrī rahimahullah berkata:
“Beberapa orang memiliki kesopanan dalam berpakaian mereka, tetapi kesombongan di hati mereka.”
[Attawada’ Wal Khumool (hal.90)]
Sumber: https://twitter.com/TheAbrarWani/status/1494065254824759297?t=lSOa-qc9D6eLkBo19L2qJQ&s=19
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Buona domenica. #naat #fallenoracles #argonautarecords #greenfogstudio (presso Lsoa Buridda) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8WOpE8qMeD/?igshid=1fud0d4qch4vi
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spookcataloger · 8 months
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"The Uncanny Valley" by DongLie
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yamada50 · 5 years
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冠稲荷神社境内社聖天宮の拝殿天井。 天井には金龍、欄干にも三龍座します。 祭神は伊邪那岐神、伊邪那美神。ストーカー除けの御神徳がユニーク。 #ストーカー除け #聖天宮 #冠稲荷神社 #神社巡拝家 #pin (冠稲荷神社) https://www.instagram.com/jmj_jp/p/BvyEvq-lSoA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15guvupdka6ia
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senzacaponecoda · 5 years
Are there any examples of, like, a circumverbal language?
“The teacher is reading a book” > is the teacher a book reading
“He had gone to the store when she arrived” > had he to the store gone when arrived she/she arrived (which might depend on whether the language treats conjunctions somewhat like verbs or somewhat like nouns)
I guess it could be like a V1 language that’s otherwise SOV, or a V2 language that went prodrop. In theory you could put the lexeme first and the auxiliary last, which is a bit like what Mandarin feels like sometimes, which I guess would be V last, but otherwise VSO (and I guess that opens up questions on all combinations of auxiliaries and lexical verb elements)
So like, S = subject, O = object, A = auxiliary verb, L = main semantic element of the verb
SOAL = ? (teacher book is reading)
SAOL = German V2 (Teacher is book reading)
ASOL = German questions (Is teacher book reading), unknown normal sentences.
SALO = almost all SVO languages I know of (teacher is reading book)
ASLO = Many celtic languages, I think. English questions (is teacher reading book)
ALSO = Arabic (will read teacher book)
SOLA = SOV languages in general (teacher book reading is)
SLOA = this wants to be SVO, I think, so A wants to become an adverb, like in Mandarin, I think (teacher reading book is)
LSOA = ? (reading teacher book is)
SLAO = wants to be SVO, and thus wants to be SALO (teacher reading is book)
LSAO = ? (reading teacher is book)
LASO = ? (reading is teacher book)
I think L wants to follow A whenever O is to the right of either, which, probably, duh, the A is the main verb, usually, almost always, I think that’s part of the definition. Which means almost all of these variations are VO or something.
sleep thoughts
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Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
For this last assignment, we will be analyzing real data that I took from the website of the Welsh government (link). The data collection is called WIMD, which stands for Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation. It contains a series of data that are all measured at the lower layer super output areas, also called LSOA. LSOAs have an average population of 1500 people or 650 households, which means that…
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Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
For this last assignment, we will be analyzing real data that I took from the website of the Welsh government (link). The data collection is called WIMD, which stands for Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation. It contains a series of data that are all measured at the lower layer super output areas, also called LSOA. LSOAs have an average population of 1500 people or 650 households, which means that…
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myassignmentonline · 2 years
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
For this last assignment, we will be analyzing real data that I took from the website of the Welsh government (link). The data collection is called WIMD, which stands for Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation. It contains a series of data that are all measured at the lower layer super output areas, also called LSOA. LSOAs have an average population of 1500 people or 650 households, which means that…
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Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
For this last assignment, we will be analyzing real data that I took from the website of the Welsh government (link). The data collection is called WIMD, which stands for Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation. It contains a series of data that are all measured at the lower layer super output areas, also called LSOA. LSOAs have an average population of 1500 people or 650 households, which means that…
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