#LOVE all the stuff in the chasm under the castle
madzillus · 1 year
I’m actually onto the final boss fight now. Or at least. I think I am. What if I just have to run around Hyrule fighting infinite Ganondorfs? What then????
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sensitiveheartless · 1 year
*kicks down your door*
The newest chapter of Dazai’s Moving Detective Agency is so fucking good it is now my fave chapter I did not expect THAT to be the solution to the heart thing. Also the Akutagawa and Atsushi thing was Goddamn hilarious.
*Shakes your hand, fixes the door, and leaves.*
HULLO oh my gosh I'm sorry this took me so long to respond to alskdfjskfjs this ask was one of the ones that kept disappearing and reappearing in my browser inbox for some reason — ANYWAY YESSS (I want to talk about spoilers for chapter 19 so I'm gonna put them under the cut :0)
Ok so the heart thing! I wanted to mention that I remember seeing your comment where you theorized about how maybe the heart thing would be solved by Chuuya and Dazai kissing or saying "I love you" for the first time, and that maybe they could metaphorically share a heart between them, and the way you wrote it sounded so nice and romantic and lovely and while I was reading it I was internally just thinking "oh no" because of how it was actually going to go XD
In retrospect I really did have Chuuya solve it in the most brute force way possible aksdjfksfjks — speaking of that scene though, it did change a bit from the way I had originally planned it! Since I wrote the story back to front, I figured out the ending first, then the middle, then went back to the beginning and worked forward from there — so as a result, by the time I got back to the ending, a bunch of character stuff had changed.
Basically, in my first draft, Chuuya was going to get out of the chasm, find Dazai in the castle ruins, tell Yosano "before you say anything I know this is very medically inadvisable", then immediately pull his own heart out of his chest and split it in half (much to the utter horror of everyone watching). I was kind of hand-waving the magic aspect at that point, figuring "well, he's a star with a shit-ton of magic, he can probably survive doing wild stuff like that".
...But then I started writing everything out from the beginning, and added all the stuff with Chuuya learning not to shut out the people who care about him and to let them help him when he's in trouble, and in the process of really digging into his character arc I realized that I had made it so that him acting on his own like that would have been rolling back the character development I had already given him aksjdfksdfjskj SO I thought about it for a looong time and gradually figured out how to incorporate Rimbaud, Yosano, Kyouka, and the rest into all helping out in their own ways. And I ended up liking that version way better, since it fits more with the theme of support and the importance of all Chuuya's bonds he's made along the way, so I think it was worth the extra effort in the end!
...It still is a very brute-force way to solve it though XD Chuuya has a very straight forward approach to everything ksjfkdsj
ANYWAY that was a long ramble — I'm also really glad you enjoyed the Akutagawa and Atsushi shenanigans, I ended up having way too much fun with that part :D Their interactions are actually pretty similar to how I initially planned everything out (that end part where Dazai and Chuuya are completely wrapped up in each other while everything is spiraling out of control around them is heavily inspired by the ending of the book version of Howl's Moving Castle, and I had most of the dialogue for it figured out from the beginning).
...Honestly, considering how out of order I wrote it, I'm surprised I didn't have to scrap more scenes. As it is, the only things that really ended up getting changed/scrapped were:
A part of chapter 11 (in particular, the bit where Chuuya and Dazai talk after Dazai brings Akutagawa and Kyouka to the castle was originally a very different tone, because Chuuya was not supposed to have gotten as far along his "realizing he has feelings for Dazai" arc)(I do still kinda like the original version for the comedy aspect, but I like the way the final version fits with their relationship progression better)
A scene where Dazai was going to get drunk, which had to be scrapped entirely (I was basing it off of the book scene where Howl gets drunk and goes on a rant about the curse, but I ended up deciding that it a), made things way too obvious, and b), Chuuya should have absolutely figured everything out from what Dazai said and I didn't want to make Chuuya seem like a moron)
The final confrontation between Chuuya, Dazai, and Fyodor changed a LOT. I rewrote that scene. So many times. Similar to the Chuuya-pulling-out-his-heart-scene, there was a bit in my original draft that ended up being very out of character for Dazai because of how his and Chuuya's relationship had developed in the rest of the story, so I had to completely switch around how they got into the chasm in the first place. I again think it was worth the effort though, because I think where it landed (Dazai completely losing control of the situation and having to trust Chuuya to save them both) was more interesting for Dazai's arc as well.
Anyway, all that said— I've had a really really good time writing this fic, and I'm happy other people have enjoyed it too!! (And hopefully I can actually finish chapter 20 soon aksdjfksdj things keep getting in the way of it help)
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ampersand-antics · 1 year
So I just beat TotK... and I have THOUGHTS
(I also think I got a secret ending? So spoilers for that)
I think the biggest accomplishment for me so far has been beating that malice-infused Silver Lynel under Hyrule Castle
So funny story, right after the spirit temple, I was like "Well I bet gdorf is under the castle, imma hop down there and see if I can find him." I went to the under-depths under the castle but I didn't see gdorf anywhere! I went past the likelikes and the horriblins and I didn't see any sign of gdorf so I left. Did the kogha depths quests (very much enjoyed the kogha depths quests they were epic!!!! (except I couldn't find the rito chasm)) and then kogha was like 'he's under the castle lol' and so I WENT BACK UNDER THE CASTLE and nothing was different!! And then I found the pass!! That had been there this whole time!!!
Uhhh thoughts on the castle... I loved it. I loved the enemies and how genuinely difficult it was, I loved the aesthetics, the music?? THE MUSIC!!!! oh my god I loved the music sosososo much. The way it progressed throughout the castle?? The way we went so far down was fuckin epic. I enjoyed it immensely. And I loved being able to be back in the first area - the echoes of going back to the beginning, cyclicalness, idk there's a much much deeper theme there but I don't have the words to express it.
I really enjoyed the fights with gdorf and I'm sososo glad he got rehydrated eventually. The hearts getting quite literally destroyed was an amazing twist. And the fact that he could flurry rush you??? I hated (loved) that sooooo much!!! At least he couldn't give like five attacks in return. I got out of that fight with two hearts left, and it was such a weird feeling to have full hearts and there only being two. The draconification was incredibly incharacter for gdorf but I still wasn't really expecting it. Just goes to show how fuckin strong link is, bc he felt THAT desperate. The dragon fight was kinda underwhelming tbh but I absolutely loved the aesthetics. I wish there was a way that the Demon dragon would still be there in the overworld. I'm glad Zelda came back, I'm sosososo glad she got her happy ending, I've heard a lot about how it felt cheap but honestly folks use 'the power of love' as a reason for so many things all the time so it's not bad. And the fact that there's an actual Explanation (sonia's and raaru's spirit powers, coming to finish the job?? Epicccc) one thing i didnt like (or think makes sense) is that links arm went back to normal all in all tho I really enjoyed it!!!!
I liked the secret ending too. I don't really know what to say about it (my brains going brrr rn and it's hard to actually articulate it)
The one thing about all this that really pissed me off was that things just went back to the way they'd been before. I mean, it really didn't have to. You could've kept the gloom by just being like "yeah for some reason all the gloom didn't go away". Then don't transform Zelda back into a human, just extract her, so there's the dragon form and the human form and you can still get horns, let link keep his arm and have mineru's construct be inhabited by an AI. Maybe even add a side quest series about getting rid of the gloom from hyrule/the depths via Zeldas light powers? As for Zelda herself, either go SMO style and have her pop up in random locations talking about stuff, have her stay in Hateno at her house and the school, or (and this would be really cool) make her into a companion! We already have the baseline for that with the other sages, she could have a moveset similar to Zeldas basic light moves in aoc, and maybe her sage ability could bathe a little area in sacred light and make it so gloom wasn't existent in it? Idk it could be super fun. And not having it matter at all in the end makes everything feel much much less meaningful.
All in all, I think i like totk less than botw. But not by much, they're both great games and I LOVE how totk built on botw. Maybe it's just the nostalgia talking, but there's just something I can't put my finger on that makes botw better than totk.
I'll keep updating this blog with more of playthrough!!
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longroadstonowhere · 1 year
i was gonna make a little more of a shitpost about something in zelda, but hey i’m enjoying doing these little debriefs into the void, let’s talk about what i did today
i’m gonna say lategame totk spoilers below
so like, this morning i woke up and was like ‘okay, it’s final boss time, let’s do this thing’ because, like, i got the mission to go into hyrule castle! it’s time to track down the fake zelda and figure out what’s really going on there! and, well, i did figure that out, but uh, it wasn’t the final boss
so after getting over being flabbergasted at the rug being pulled out from under me (which, to be clear, i absolutely loved that i didn’t see this coming), i ran around doing some chasm exploration (hehehe), did some random side questy things like updating the purah pad (which, i like how they put the dlc stuff from botw into the regular part of this game - makes me wonder if there’s any dlc planned for totk down the line), and then finally remembered the ring ruins in kakariko existed so was able to continue the main quest
had some difficulties getting to the thunderhead isles (thought i would be cool and land in the pond on the first island, instead i smashed my head against a pillar), but adventuring through those was fun, and now i’m in the depths with mineru trying to put her body together - got the left leg to her on the first attempt, but the right leg took me like four or five tries to get over to her, so i started wondering if she really needs both legs that badly, hahaha (this was what the shitpost was gonna be about by the by)
that’s where i’ve stopped for the night, because redoing something several times only to fail at the end is frustrating, and since i need to sleep anyway that was a good point to stop
i’m glad the fake zelda didn’t end up being mineru, and that she’s got her own temple (either this factory or another whole dungeon beyond it), and that we get to hang out! because you know she’s my fave new npc based on nothing but pure imagination, can’t wait to see what she’s actually like to decide if she’s actually going to be my fave, hahaha
i also really loved the whole riddle getting the ancient thunder outfit put together, and exploring the whole dracozu lake area, because i know i wandered around there in botw, and it’s really cool how the environment can completely change when you have a slightly new context
so tomorrow i’ve got a dentist thing, which means i probably won’t start playing until the afternoon, but i’ve got high hopes for finishing the main story by friday, since, like... there can’t be that much more, right? like we’re approaching skyward sword levels of ‘oh i didn’t realize you could put this much in a zelda game’, which is extremely awesome! but at some point i gotta take down ganondorf, and maybe bring zelda back from being a dragon??? like.... some part of me still can’t believe they’ll leave her like that, i’m really hoping mineru can pull some spirit shenanigans
oh! also because i was curious, i looked up where the ancient shirt is (or archaic shirt or whatever it’s called), and it’s in a cave, so like obviously i wasn’t gonna find it because like hell i was doing anything on tutorial island that wasn’t the main quest stuff with how few hearts i had
oh, and also i like how they had another vitality check during the thunderhead isles stuff, but they had a shrine and a goddess statue right there, so you could easily warp back if you needed to run off and do some shrine hunting (but uh, it only needed ten hearts and i’m at seventeen now, so, you know, we good - although it’s hard for me to tell because the hearts aren’t going onto a second line, so i have to walk up to my tv and count carefully to figure out how many i have)
i find it interesting that, if you do all the main story stuff, they expect you to have at least ten hearts and two rings of stamina, it’s an interesting benchmark and i kinda wonder if there was any purpose to it or if it was just a random choice
i also wonder if there’ll be any more vitality checks along the way - i will probably be fine, but it’ll be interesting to find out
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hertzwritings · 3 years
Well, I had to write this. Truly. I’ve been obsessed with the thought of this one-shot for a while, so here we are!
Feedback feeds the soul, my loves, and requests are always open – nothing is off limits!
Pairing: Charles Brandon x reader
Warnings: SMUT, p in v, fingering, creampie, a little of the good stuff and stuff, fluffy(ish), flangst
Wordcount: 2.000
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You watched the brown, curly hair as he turned his head, smiling at the King – the sound of laughter and swirling skirts around filled your ears as you followed the mop of hair around the room, your breathing shallow. The feast had been going on for hours, and mostly all the men had fallen victim to the wine or women around them, all except for Charles and the posse that hung around the King. Charles hadn’t shown to be affected by the wine in any capacity, other than the rosy cheeks.
He was walking around, weaving through the crowds, his eyes sometimes finding yours, glinting in the soft glow of candlelight. He knew you were watching him, and he relished in it, feeling your eyes follow him. He turned back to the king and whispered something to him – the King glanced at you with a wicked smile and nodded once. Charles found your eyes across the room, and you raised your eyebrow gently at him – he walked slowly to you, until he was almost chest to chest with you. He silently held his hand out to you, and you took it, letting him lead you to the middle of the floor, where he bowed slightly for you. You followed him, mirroring his steps – his eyes didn’t leave yours throughout the dance, and he moved so close but so far away; you could grab him, if you wanted, but still, the small pocket of air between your bodies seemed like a chasm.
When the music stopped, he clapped politely and bowed his head to you. A small curl fell to his forehead, and you had to physically restrain yourself from tugging at it. He kissed the back of your hand and held onto it, leading you to an adjacent room.
The light was dimmer here, the fire in the hearth almost out, all but embers remaining, and almost all the candles had burned out, candlewax in small piles on the floor. You looked at him with bated breath, as he stared softly at the embers in the hearth, his hand still around yours.
He still hadn’t spoken a word. The soft, dulcet sounds of the joy from the Great Hall were muffled by the thick wooden door, and his silhouette in the darkened room seemed almost foreboding, the broadness of his shoulders reminding you of wings, as the shadows danced over the wall in the dimmed, orange glow.
His eyes searched you, like he wanted acceptance or penance. You would never refuse him and nodded once.
He pulled you closer, his arms circling you tightly; your bodice felt too restrictive and tight, your breathing shallow and coming out in small huffs. He moved you backwards until you reached another door, leading to the room he occupied when staying at the castle; the door opened with a creak under the combined weights of your bodies and you almost stumbled, but his arms were, as they always were, tightly wrapped around you. His arms were somehow always around you.
He backed you to the bed until the back of your knees touched the wooden frame, and he finally stilled. His hands unwrapped from behind you, traveling in feather light touches up your back until he reached the strings, that kept your bodice tightly to your torso. He deftly undid them, his eyes boring into yours, as he slowly undid the lacing behind you. As your bodice and corset loosened, you gasped; the tips of his fingers slid against your back, trailing goosebumps with it.
He pulled your bodice off, letting the cool air of the room hit your chest; your nipples perked at the air breezing over you, and you gasped softly as they hardened. His eyes were still on yours, simply going with his memory of your body, as his fingers found your nipples and rolled them before pinching them. You moaned at the feeling, mesmerized by the blue sea in his eyes. His hands traveled from your chest to your stomach before he found the top of your underskirts and loosened them as well. They fell in a heap by your feet in a soft rustling.
He sighed happily as his fingers found your warm, already slick heat and dipped between your folds. You moaned as the pad of his fingers found your clit, rubbing gentle circles over it; nobody could say Charles didn’t know how to please a woman.
Your knees buckled slightly, and he chuckled darkly, his fingers moving from your heat to trail your wetness against your stomach, slowly pushing you to lay down on the bed. His eyes finally left yours as they focused on your heaving chest and your skin riddled with goosebumps.
He unfastened the several strings of his shirt, undershirt, pants and shoes, stepping out of them in a move, that reminded you of the times, you’d gone to the hidden lake with him; it was as effortless as it was for him to jump in the water.
He stood in front of you naked, his erection protruding proudly, and he grinned that boyish grin, that made your heart flutter, before he crawled over you. He simply rested on his arms and knees, hovering over you. His fingers stroked your cheek so softly, you briefly wondered if you had imagined it, but then he bent down, his lips meeting yours.
It was an explosion in you, heat, fire, even, grazing your entire body as his lips danced over yours with an unspoken urgency. They were soft, although the feeling behind them was anything but, as he deepened the kiss, his tongue gliding over yours languidly. You moaned against him, your body reacting on its own accord, hips rolling up to meet him, trying to catch him with your slick folds. He smiled against your lips, clearly somewhat amused by your impatience.
“Darling…” His voice was honey and milk as he spoke to you for the first time since the evening began. You hummed. “So needy.” He said breathlessly, letting his hand travel down again, fingers expertly finding your center again; a finger dipped inside of you, deeply and thick, and you mewled at the sensation as he curled his finger up before slowly moving. His palm grazed his erection as he moved his finger in and out of you in an agonizing pace; you snaked your hand down as well, gripping his erection with your hand – you always felt so small, holding him, and the thought of him filling you made you clench around his fingers.
He growled as you started pumping him with your hand, and without much thought, he flipped you and him, so he was under you, you laying down on his chest with his finger in you, and your hand on his hard erection.
“Jesus…” You moaned as he picked up his pace. You writhed and bucked down, trying to get more friction as the coil in your abdomen tightened slightly, letting you feel just a zing of pleasure in you. “Not like this.” He whispered, removing his finger. He sat you up, his eyes on your chest. “Ride me.” He commanded. You didn’t know the word no with him. As dangerous as it might be for you, this was innate, a complete and desperate pull to the man under you. You would never be able to say no to him.
You sat up, scooting forwards slightly to line him up with you. His tip was hot against your slick folds, and you mewled at the feeling of it. You looked at him.
He looked mesmerized by you, breathing heavily as he watched you slowly sink down on his length. He hissed as he felt you envelop him and you moaned at the stretch – you were bursting with lust, the slight sting of his cock in you made you feel wild.
When you were fully seated, his tip hitting your cervix with a twang in your abdomen, you slowly started to move, letting him glide almost all the way out, before enveloping him again. He groaned at the sensation, and you were decidedly okay with seeing him under you like this. His hands found purpose on your hips, slowly moving them in succession with you gliding up and down his length. You were panting alongside him, trying to maintain your willpower to not just fuck him; he, apparently, had other ideas, because when you clenched around him, you saw the will snap in his eyes.
He slammed up in you, his snapping, with a grunt and you lost your balance with a moan, letting your chest fall against his.
He pounded you, his thick cock dragging against your walls, the tip of his cock slamming against your cervix. You felt the white-hot pleasure run through you, building in your lower abdomen. You clenched around him, your heat drawing him deeper. He groaned and grabbed your hips, pushing you to the side, so you both turned, and you were under him; he drove deeper in you from behind, holding your hips tightly as he pounded you.
You exploded without warning around him. You moaned his name, a prayer to any God that would listen, as slick ran down your thighs and every part of you screamed for him, as release rolled over you in waves. He groaned behind you, hips slamming against your ass as he chased you; you pulled him in, deeper and deeper, as you clenched around him.
“Y/N…” He whispered your name like it was a sin before he stilled and hot ropes of his spend hit you; you felt him twitch and moaned at the warmth spreading from your center as he filled you.
When you both came down and he was softening inside of you, he gently pulled out and laid down next to you. You followed him, turning to the side and couldn’t help your smirk as you felt him leaking out from you. He looked at you with soft, blue eyes and took a strand of your damp hair between his fingertips.
A chill ran through you, and you closed your eyes, letting his fingers run slowly through your hair.
“You’re beautiful.” His voice was hoarse. You looked at him. He was observing you in a way, that you’d never seen him do before; hesitantly, longingly.
“Y/N…” He hesitated. You simply looked at him as he tried to find the words. “I yearn for you. Every day. I long for you to stay…” He closed his eyes and rolled to his back. “I burn. I see you so far away, I feel you and long for you.” He peeked at you. “You make me want to be a better man. I can’t bear to be apart from you. You are my heart, my soul, the very air I breathe.” “Charles...” He looked at you with such hurt in his eyes, you wanted nothing more than to comfort him, tell him you felt the same. “You know we can’t happen. I worship you. But my father…” He sighed. “Screw your father. Figuratively.” He mumbled. “I would carry the world on my shoulders for you.” He said softly. “We were meant to be together.” He whispered. “We can’t.” You whispered back. His thumb stroked your lips.
“Stay with me tonight?” You laid your head on his chest, wrapping your arm around his waist.
TAGLIST: @acaceta @a-skov @angelmather1 @est1887 @enchantedbytomandhenry @fionnthebandersnacc @herroyalbubbliness @keiva1000 @kebabgirl67 @luclittlepond @one-sweet-gubler @perfunctory-username69 @summersong69 @spookyboogyuniverse @stardusted26 !! @thereisa8ella @timetraveller4 @thatonechickhere @themanfromu
@thelastpyle @yourlocalhoney @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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dmsden · 4 years
Dungeon Those Dragons! - Dungeon delving as an intro to the game
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Hullo, Gentle Readers. This week’s Question from a Denizen comes to us from frequent quesioner graham-chesir who asks, “ Hello again. I've been mulling over running some D&D games for my family who haven't done D&D before and was considering doing the typical dungeon-delving to make things smoother & simpler. What do you suggest would make good plot hooks or story goals as to why one would go dungeon-delving?”
Well, my friend, back in the day, dungeon delving was the only reason we needed to play D&D. It was good stuff, but it became somewhat passe, and I know a lot of people prefer their Dungeons & Dragons without the dungeons. In my mind, there’s really no wrong way to play, and you can absolutely play the game without dungeons. Speaking personally, I love dungeons, and I think they’re a wonderful way to bring new players into the game.
Dungeons are self-contained, so, short of the players leaving the dungeon, they can’t exactly head in a direction you don’t expect. They give opportunities for players to engage in all three pillars of the game: combat, exploration, and social encounters. Let’s look at how they support these elements.
Obviously, dungeons give great (perhaps the best) options for exploration. You can do just about any crazy thing in a dungeon, from puzzles and traps to mystical portals, fountains with random effects, chessboards with living pieces, and anything else. They can and should be a spotlight for your players’ ingenuity and problem solving. If you have someone playing a rogue, definitely give them chances to show off the skills they picked their expertise in. A bard can bring out bits of legend lore. A cleric can recognize ancient profane symbols. Druids and rangers can interact with the biosystem of the dungeon itself, using lichen and vermin to cast their spells in place of flora and fauna.
Many social interactions are possible in a dungeon, despite the “waste ‘em with a crossbow” attitude of many players. When I ran the Caves of Chaos during the D&D “Next” Playtest, I created divisions among the various sections of the dungeon based on alignment. Chaotic evil orcs feuded with lawful evil hobgoblins, while the kobolds just tried to stay under everyone’s radar, making them potential allies to the PCs if treated well enough. Prisoners could be found in the dungeon who might be allies or enemies. The ogre was a mercenary who might be able to be bribed into switching sides. I wanted everything to be fluid and changeable depending on how the PCs approached things.
I hardly feel like I need to mention that there can be combat in a dungeon, but dungeons give some unique terrain for combat. Kobolds and goblins can retreat into warren-like tunnels, forcing the PCs to crawl in after them or else unleashing traps on the PCs as they try to continue their explorations. Gargoyles could harry a group of PCs trying to cross a swinging rope bridge over a chasm with lava at the bottom. Piles of bones can continue to disgorge undead in a swarm unless the PCs can destroy a glowing red gem at the end of the chamber. Cave fishers or ropers can attack from above, forcing the party to split their attention...just as a choker strikes from the shadows or darkmantles descend! Combat in a dungeon never has to be an orc in a 10 foot by 10 foot room guarding a chest, and it probably never should be...unless you come up with a compelling reason for that encounter.
As far as motivations, they can be many. Almost any plot you can imagine can happen in a dungeon:
- Greedy adventurers may hear rumors of a dragon’s hoard that lies deep in the lower levels of the Mountain King’s Hall.
- The Dungeon of Dread has a door that has been closed for a thousand years. Now it has reopened, and the must plumb its secrets before a rival group finds out about it.
- Lareth the Beautiful, disciple of Lolth, has taken up residence under the ruined moathouse. His evil plans must be stopped...through his death!
- The Crypt of Catamir is the final resting place of a devious evil wizard, and his spellbook is said to hold a spell needed to end a curse on the kingdom.
- Neogi slavers may have kidnapped a PC’s sister, and the Castle of Thorns is where they hold slaves before transporting them into the Underdark. The party must enter the Castle of Thorns to rescue her and any other slaves being held there.
- It’s said that the statue of Bahamut at the end of the Dragon’s Delving blesses those who persevere to pray before it.
- Without the Sword of Lions, the new aspirant to the throne of Leondara cannot claim the crown. They hire the PCs to enter the Hall of Lions to claim it.
- The dwarven paladin inherited a broken magical hammer from their parents. It can only be reforged in the Forge of the Fundament, located in an ancient dwarven stronghold that was long ago taken over by undead.
I honestly don’t think there’s any shortage of reasons for adventurers to enter a dungeon. Come up with a compelling story behind the dungeon and let the PCs head in. They’ll make their own story as they explore.
Well, graham, I hope this inspired you with new desires to get your players dungeon delving.
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dayofunity · 3 years
Echoes of the Past, Emperor Belos, and the Day of Unity
Spoilers,  please don’t keep reading if you haven’t watched this episode yet. The post is kinda long, so I’ll include a TL;DR at the bottom! Enjoy!
It’s five in the morning and I’m trying to get all of this out so I have bragging rights when Rebecca Rose puts all of this together in her reaction video, so sorry if it’s jumbled and incoherent. That’s just how I do- I made a Tumblr specifically to share this so I hope you enjoy! First of all, holy shitaki mushrooms, what an episode. This is exactly my favorite type of episode, the episode you’ll know you’ll watch later and know exactly what everything meant. I know we don’t have all the puzzle pieces yet but you can bet I’m going to try to put them together now. So, in this episode, they were clearly drawing our attention to this big mural. I have a lot of thoughts about this thing in particular. 
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While I also have thoughts about the guy on the left, I’ll save that for another time. Let’s talk about the figure on the right. I think this is the Titan, or something related to the Titan.  Let me walk ya through why, because it’s for more reasons than “it’s big”.  First of all, look at the hand.
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I know that there’s a finger difference, but that fourth finger could be hiding in the angle of the pose. It’s also worth noting that another depiction of what is presumably the Titan’s hand in the Unauthorized History of the Boiling Isles (top left illustration) gives the hand a completely different look and five fingers, so there are already inconsistencies in illustrations. Take this with a grain of salt. 
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Another thing worth noting is that symbol on the figure’s chest. We have seen this before, in an incredibly interesting place. 
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This is the top of Emperor Belos’s castle. Right before this shot in Agony of a Witch, Willow tells Luz that the castle was built as a “symbol of unity”. Considering that this castle is built in a chasm surrounded by bones, it doesn’t seem very... unifying. However, what if it’s literally a symbol for unity, an important structure for the Day of Unity? We don’t really know much about the Day of Unity- if memory serves, all we know is that it is the focus of Emperor Belos’s plans, that a date for it is fast approaching, that he needs wild witches to be “dealt with”, and that he needs the portal for it. Working with this limited information, it’s hard to figure out what the Day of Unity is. However, this new detail may shed some light on it. Stick with me here. 
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Look at the way the tower was built, opposed to the rest of the building. It’s different, clearly added on later, as is shown by the fact that it’s sprouting from ruins. A bluish pipe- or vein, it’s difficult to tell with this show- runs up the tower, piping something in or out from whatever’s combusting at the top. Now, it’s hard to tell where Emperor Belos’s throne room that’s shown in Agony of a Witch is, other than the fact that it isn’t on the first floor, but for the sake of the argument, let’s say it’s at the base of this new tower, directly under it.
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Above Emperor Belos’s throne is what we can assume is the Titan’s heart. Attached to it is a blue tubing of sorts. Obviously this is all speculation, but if that is the same tubing, then the Titan’s heart is connected directly the tower- the “symbol of unity”. I find the placement of this tubing on the heart rather interesting as well, as it is pretty much lines up exactly with where a witch’s bile sac is located.
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I’m pretty sure we were already assuming- at least I was- that Belos was using the Titan’s power, not just communicating with it, as the powers he has displayed are unlike anything else we’ve really seen. We know that all magic comes from the Titan’s original magic- KIng alludes to it in the beginning of Young Blood, Old Souls (” [The Titan's] original magic was so potent, all life on the isles evolved to wield magic too”)- so we can assume that the Titan’s got a lot to work with.  Now, we circle back to the mural. The symbol of unity, as I’m going to refer to it, is seen in the center of the creature’s ribcage, right around where a heart would be. Emperor Belos’s castle was built in the Titan’s chest cavity, also where a heart would be.  So. What if this Day of Unity is a unification ceremony between Belos and the Titan, and with the power he has harnessed with this heart, he has made his entire castle into a glorified bile sac.  Think about it. The Day of Unity requires all wild witches to be “dealt with”. That means that they are either petrified or in covens, locking up magic into controllable channels. Magic originally came from the Titan. What if Emperor Belos is trying to gather all magic into his coven system, leaving all magic at his command, and what if this is necessary for the Day of Unity? He needs to return magic to the Titan, and he couldn’t do that when witches were harnessing magic for themselves without his control. So essentially, the figure in that mural isn’t just the Titan, but it’s the Titan after the Day of Unity? Not physically the Titan as in the bones the entire Boiling Isles is made of, but its spirit manifested and able to wield magic? Or maybe it IS its physical form, and the Boiling Isles is just doomed by this process. This would bring in the portal. While Belos is a... goal oriented dictator, maybe he doesn’t want to entirely doom a whole bunch of people? So his solution would be simple: bring witches to Earth- relocate them  It’s a bit of a stretch, I’ll admit it. But I can’t think of any other way to include the portal, and I wanted to address it in some capacity. He clearly needs it, after all, and I don’t think he’s human or trying to take over Earth.  Maybe he needs the myths that have spilled out into the Human Realm (i.e. giraffes) to come back to the Boiling Isles? I’m just spitballing now, so I’m going to move on. 
There’s another possibility to consider. What if that figure ISN’T the Titan? Now, I know, I just spent too long trying to prove that it was. I finished watching this episode two hours ago, I’ve already sunk a lot of time into this, so I’ll make this quick.  We don’t know much about Emperor Belos’s communications with the Titan. We’ve never seen it happen, and he’s apparently the only person that we know of that is capable of doing so. Now, he could easily be lying about this, but let’s pretend he’s telling the truth. This episode already played with the idea of a king truly believing a lie he’s been led to believe, with King believing he was the King of Demons. Emperor Belos being lied to about being a chosen figure, able to communicate with the Titan itself would mirror things in a way that I just LOVE. (Also they both have things over their faces with two horns, King has a crack on his horn, Belos has a crack on his mask, both Belos’s castle and the King’s guardians have a... fleshy quality to them, let’s say? These just feel like they’re Something but I don’t know what so) We’ve already seen a weakness in Belos’s ability to account for personal motivations. He believed that Lilith would continue to serve him after refusing to heal Eda. What if there is another entity out there, an evil one, that is looking to gain a physical form, and is using Belos to do so? I don’t have a lot of fact to back this up, other than the discrepancies mentioned earlier with the “Titan’s” hand, and the fact that the Titan’s skull looks different from the head shape of the figure, from what we can see, but it would be an interesting thing to see play out.  Anyways, all I have to say is that I have the feeling that if the mural wasn’t chipped on the head of that figure, we’d see two horns looking suspiciously like Emperor Belos’s mask. TL;DR: The figure on the right in the mural (top picture) is an entity, likely the Titan, that Emperor Belos is looking to merge with or gain control over on the Day of Unity. The symbol on the center of the figure’s chest matches the main tower of Emperor Belos’s castle, which is referred to as a “symbol of unity”. I throw a bunch of other stuff at this idea but if you’re in a rush, these are the two main takeaways.
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The Little Mermaid With Royality?
Patton rested his fins on the rocks calmly, dragging his hand through the seaweed as he watched the sun dance in the water. His best friend in the entire ocean, Virgil, was crouched by his side, chewing on his nails.
"Virgil, if you keep knawing on those nails of yours they're going to bleed!" Patton said, batting Virgil's hand away from his mouth.
"Sorry Pat, but are you sure this is a good idea? That ship could be filled with all shirts of traps!" said Virgil, his tail flitted through the water almost enough to cause a hurricane.
Patton laughed "Of course we'll be alright! I wouldnt let anything hurt you!" he ruffled Virgil's hair. Virgil mumbled something Patton couldnt hear and they swam over to the seemingly abandoned ship.
"How could something so beautiful be dangerous?" Patton pondered aloud.
Virgil shrugged "Maybe it's the sharks, maybe the human diseases, who knows, I dont think we should be h- WHY ARE YOU SWIMMING INTO THE BOAT!-" he swam after Patton, who had already made it halfway through the ship at that point.
"Look at all of this stuff! I wonder what it all does?" said Patton, picking up a fork and poking the top of it with his fingers. Virgil sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"We should probably head back shouldn't we?" said Virgil, glancing around the ship like the walls could collapse at any moment.
"Virgil! We've barely even finished exploring!" Patton exclaimed, circling yet another table of seemingly random objects. Patton was so immersed in examining the table of objects that he didnt notice Virgil speeding past him, followed by a giant shark.
"PATTON- A LITTLE HELP HERE!" Patton jolted up from the table and swerved in Virgil's direction, letting out a shocked gasp. He swam after Virgil and pulled him through a hole in the hull of the ship, swimming around the outside until they lost the shark in an anchor.
"Virgil I'm so sorry! I couldnt see it!" Patton wrapped his friend in the tightest hug he could muster until Virgil began tapping the side of his face to get him to let go.
"Its not your fault Pat, you got overexcited," said Virgil, smiling. "Now how about we go ask Remus about the stuff we got from the ship?" Patton nodded and swam to the surface. They reached the bay area where lay a merman with green scales and a moustache.
"Well if it isnt the raccoon and the kitten!" Remus clawed his way over to the edge of the rocks and peered over the edge.
Patton lay the things he'd gathered from the ship in front of him "Can you tell me what all of these do?" he said, tilting his head to the side.
Remus examined the items, he held the fork up to his face "Well, this ones obviously for hair," he said, dragging it through Virgil's bangs. The merman batted him away, annoyed.
Remus continued explaining what he assumed the human artifacts were for, well until sunset. Patton thanked him and swam back to the castle with Virgil, where his father, Deceit, was waiting for them.
"What were you thinking! You could've been killed out there!" Deceit swam back and forth in front of his son.
"But I didn't-" Patton interjected under his breath. Deceit glared at him out of the corner of his eye. "Right, not a good time for jokes, sorry," Patton swam back a bit and looked to the side.
"I've been contemplating it for a while now, I'm quite tired of you swimming off all the time to explore human ships and talk to exiled mermaids, Logan!" Deceit called toward the back of the castle. Yet another merman joined the group, and swam directly next to Patton. "Logan's going to watch you from now on, so you dont risk getting hurt anymore," said Deceit. Patton let out an indignant gasp of protest.
Logan placed a hand on his shoulder, "Its for your own good Prince Patton, he's just doing what's best to protect you,"
"That doesnt make it any better," said Patton, swimming out of the room. Virgil and Logan followed close behind. Patton ducked into a cave and swam as fast as he could through a network of tunnels, hoping to lose the two. He reemerged in a cave covered in what most would label a hoarder's heaven, but to Patton was a museum of priceless treasures.
"I just dont understand all this nonsense about humans being bad bow could a world that makes all this cool stuff be a bad thing!" Patton said, running a hand along the side of a music box.
"Maybe because it's a society of ruthless killers bent on the destruction of all of merperson kind!"said Virgil from behind him. Patton jerked backwards a bit.
"Virgil's right, the human world is in fact an utter disaster, it's best if you stay as far away from it as possible," said Logan.
Patton turned around and averted his eyes "But they've made so many good things. . ." he said under his breath. Virgil and Logan placed a hand on each of his shoulders and pulled him into a hug.
"Good things dont always come from good people, and you dont actually know how they use this stuff as humans Pat," said Virgil. Patton pouted and swam back out of the cave. He surface once more to stare at the sky, Virgil and Logan joining him shortly after. The night sky was covered in gleaming white stars that sparkled in the water like diamonds. Patton continued swimming lazily in circles, watching the stars glimmering above him.
A sudden noise and spark of color above him alerted Patton to an approaching ship. Logan and Virgil called for him to come back to them, but he didnt listen. He swam up to the ship and latched onto a net hanging from the side, climbing up to an opening, where he watched the humans inside with interest.
They were all so different form each other, but one in particular caught his eye, a man with auburn hair and eyes like fire, the way the moonlight caught them it was like watching fireflies dance. A large shaggy dog bounded around him until it raised its snout in the air, and turned its eyes on Patton. Before he'd realized what had happened the dog raced over. Patton lost his grip on the floorboards momentarily, but was caught by the man.
Patton was to stunned to speak. He stayed there in stunned silence for eons. Someone called for the man and he ran off, Patton took the opportunity to flop back into the water.
"Patton what were you thinking!" Virgil swam up to him in a frenzy.
"Boys-" Patton sputtered. Logan facepalmed and dragged the two of them back under water. Only for a flash of light to alert them of debris falling into the water. Patton immeadietly began to panic. He swam through the sinking ship debris and located the fiery-eyed man, sinking toward the bottom of the ocean. Patton dragged him up to the shore as fast as he could, but he'd underestimated just how far such a trip would be. By the time he dragged the man up to the shore the sun was rising. Patton cupped his face in his hands.
"Come on, wake up, I know you can do it," Patton said, he let a few song notes escape his lips, the man blinked. Patton thought about staying until he'd fully woken up, but thought better of it as he realized how his father might react. So before the man could wake up, Patton dove under the water again.He swam back into his grotto, where Virgil and Logan awaited him, staring at a new addition Patton hadnt remembered bringing there. It was a statue of the sailor boy, and it looked so like him Patton half expected it to burst to life at any moment, and he halfway wished it would.
"We found this in the ship rubble, thought you might want it," Virgil smiled. Patton hugged him and swam around the statue, examining its features.
"Its so life-like," Patton said, smiling.
The euphoria was short lived, as the familiar hiss of Patton's father joined the chorus of ooo's and aah's from Patton while he traced the statue.
"Patton, what's all this," said Deceit.
Patton froze and spun around "D-Dad, how did you find me?" he said, backing up against the statue. Logan avoided looking Patton directly in the eyes. "Logan? This was all you?" Patton said, he sounded hurt.
"All this human obsession nonsense stops now, Patton, I'm tired of it." Deceit raised his the trident he always had at his side, and the room was engulfed in a flash of yellow. As the color subsided, Patton took in exactly how much damage had been done to his beloved grotto, and he began to cry. Only when the face of the once beautiful statue floated to the bottom of the chasm, did Patton swim away. He swam so fast that it felt as though he could form a whirlpool. He hid himself away and rested his head on a nearby rock, breaking into choked sobs.
"Poor thing. . ." said a girls voice.
"If only there was a way to help him. . ." said another.
"Oh wait, there is," the girls said simultaneously. Patton looked up. There were two eel-like mermaids wading in front of him.
"You really think you can help me?" Patton said, he dodnt know who these girls were, but at this point he'd do anything to get to the human world, to get to him even if it cost him dearly.
"Of course we can! We know someone very powerful!" said the girl with pink and blue hair.
"Follow us!" said the one with blonde and teal. Patton swam toward them, and followed them to what looked like the skeleton of a sea monster.
"Girls! What have you brought for me today!" a tall man swam out from behind what seemed like a cauldron, Patton noticed that he had many tentacles instead of one single tail, it reminded him a bit of what Remus always said he wished he had instead.
"They said you could- help me," Patton whispered. The man smiled and swam over to him, squinting as though Patton was some sort of insect he was planning to experiment on.
"Of course, a prince in love with a prince, I live for matchmaking games you know, one might say it's my entire purpose," said the man, there was something sinister in his eyes, but Patton took no notice of it. "Of course, love is never meant to be easy, I will need something from you," he said.
"But I have nothing to give you, all I held dear has been destroyed," said Patton. The man held a finger up and shook it.
"I'm not asking for material objects. . . What I require is. . . Your voice," Patton gasped and jolted backwards.
"But without my- how would I- he'd never be able to-" he tripped over the words as they fell out of his mouth.
"You're a cute boy! What more would you need! Humans only care about looks anyways!" said the man, examining his reflection in a nearby mirror. He turned to Patton and held his hand out. "Now, you'll only have three days to get a kiss from your prince, so make it quick, so do we have a deal?" he asked.
Patton looked around, the two mereels nodded at him. He turned back to the strange merman, and shook his hand.
"Good, now all I need you to do, is sing," said the man. Patton opened his mouth and the melody spilled out easier than a wave current. The man began to chant something, and Patton felt his voice begin to waver. His fins seized up in pain as though they were being torn apart with a knife, his lungs- when did he get lungs?- began to fill with water, he felt like he was going to die. Something seized him by the arm and dragged him up to the surface.
When Patton's eyes reopened he was met with the faces of Virgil, Logan, and Remus. He tried to ask what happened, but all that came out was a choked squeak, his voice was entirely gone.
"Alright Sunshine,let's get you some clothes before someone sees you like this," said Remus. Patton noted the glare he was getting from Logan, which suggested his first draft of the sentence was probably something different.
After hours of gathering enough ship sails and seaweed to make a serviceable outfit for Patton, his three friends disappeared back under the water. Patton heard barking and hid behind the nearest rock.
"Cmon boy! What'd you see!" the sailor ran out from behind the cliffs. Patton peaked over the rocks to look at him, only to get a face full of dog slobber and fall backwards.
The sailor helped him up "Oh dear- sorry about. . . that" he paused abruptly, clearly star struck. "May I- have your name?" Patton opened his mouth, before closing it abruptly, remembering his voice yet again. "You cant speak. . . can you," the sailor seemed distraught. "Well, I'm Roman," he said. Patton smiled. "Let's get you somewhere warm shall we?" said Roman, lifting him up and running to the palace. Patton's face flushed, Roman's chest was warm, and his home even warmer.
A man dresses primarily in black with dark sunglasses on approached the two, "Who's this you've brought with you Roman?" he said.
"He doesnt speak, or can't, rather, but he washed up on shore, he seems shaken up so I brought him inside," Roman smiled. Patton waved at the man, hoping he came off as friendly. Roman set him down, "Remy will show you to your room," he said, gesturing to the man in sunglasses. Remy held his hand out and Patton took it, allowing himself to be lead into a room full of the prettiest garments he'd ever seen.
It took him ages to pick out something to wear, but he finally decided on a light blue sundress and a hat that nearly fell over his face. He walked out of the room and back into the entrance way.
Roman's jaw dropped "Wow. . . you look brilliant," he said. He walked over to Patton and placed a hand on his cheek, Patton felt like he might melt on the spot. "I'm going to take us out into town, get to know you a little better I suppose," he said.
The town was the best experience that had happened to Patton. The colors and structures were beautiful. But the best part was carriage ride with Roman, watching the trees pass with his head resting on the prince's shoulder. He didnt want anything about it to change.
Ok, maybe he had lied about the carriage being his favorite part. They'd take a boat ride shortly after, and some familiar faces had helped set a mood for it.
"So, a little angel told me your name was- Patton, I believe?" said Roman. Patton nodded and smiled. "Well, Patton, I want to ask you something," Patton leaned forward in excitement.
Roman leaned forward, and Patton realized he was trying to kiss him. But in his excitement he didnt notice that two tails under the boat, tipping it over so he and Roman collapsed into the water.
Patton was mortified after that, he felt as though Roman would think it was all his fault, and the later morning didnt help much either. A mysterious man had shown up the previous night, the last night Patton had to get that kiss. To Patton's horror, he saw a ring on the man's finger.
Patton ran to his room, utterly distraught. He tried to cry, but no sound came out. He raced to the window and watched the love of his life leave with a stranger that he didnt even recognize, the raced to the docks to watch them leave, collapsing near the shore as tears fell from his eyes.
"Sunshine!!! Sunshine!!!" Patton looked up, the sun had started to set, he saw three familiar faces frantically swimming over to him.
"Its the sea witch!"
"He used your voice to hypnotize the prince!"
"We have to get you there before th wedding starts!"
The sentences jumbled in Patton's brain like a tornado. Remus grabbed him by the arm "Hold onto to me, I'll get you there," he said. Patton didnt argue, he obviously couldn't.
By the time they got to the ship Patton had already given up hope. But nevertheless the quartet ascended the ship. Virgil lunged at the witch with raging speed, an anger burned in his eyes that Patton had never seen before. Fear flickered in the eyes of the attending guests. The witch's eyes narrowed, he was finally distracted. Logan took the opportunity to snatch the necklace away from him. He held it to his ear and his eyes when wide, he slammed it into the ground and Patton felt a tingling sensation in his throat.
Roman whipped around just in time to hear Patton's song return to him, his eyes sparked with realization. "It was you- this whole time it was you-" he attempt to run to him, but the witch used his rapidly forming tentacles to knock him back, he grabbed Patton by the waist and disappeared under the water.
"LUCAN!" Patton heard his father call from below the surface, he had no time to wonder how he'd gotten there.
"Dee! It's been oh so long since I've seen you!" Patton was spun around to face his father, the cold metal of a knife was felt on his throat. "I expect you know why you're here now? Hm?" Patton felt tears falling down his face, his father's face had turned entirely green. He let go of the trident.
"DAD! YOU CA-" Patton felt the knife press further into his throat. Lucan took the trident in his other hand, and Patton watched his father shrink to the size of an eel.
"Poor Dee, he just loves so recklessly doesnt he, if only hed learned sooner when family matters, he could've avoided this whole thing couldnt he have?" Lucan smirked, and Patton realized that they were rising out of the water. He saw Logan and Virgil's faces in the water and tried to reach them, but Lucan had wrapped a tentacle around his entire body, he couldnt move.
"Now isnt this nice, you get to watch everyone you love die because you care more about a stupid obsession than your friends and family!" the words cut Patton worse than even the knife could have. Tears stung his face as he watched the whirlpool's forming in the water drag his friends underneath. He'd given up, resigned to whatever his fate may have been, when Lucan let out a scream. Patton fell, and was caught by someone. Roman had steered a ship into Lucan's side, causing him to drop the trident. The small snake under the water lunged for it, and Patton's father rose out of the water with a streak of lightning, which struck Lucan right as the ship landed another blow. Lucan sunk back into the ocean with a scream.
The skies cleared, and Patton raced through the water to embrace his father once again. "I'm so sorry. . . I never should have made that deal"
"Its not your fault, Pat, I should've known better," Deceit said, wiping the tears off of Patton's face. "I have a surprise for you," he said. Patton felt warmth envelop his body, his fins began to split again, but this time it felt natural.
He opened his eyes again to see a shining blue dress,and a pair of legs. He turned to Roman, he had abandoned the ship and was racing toward him. He embraced Patton and spun him in his arms. Deceit smiled, Virgil, Remus, and Logan resurfaced with broad grins on their faces as well.
"I'm glad we've both found out voices, I dont know what I would've done if I'd lost you forever," said Roman, planting a kiss on Patton's cheek. Patton rested his head on Roman's chest and listened to his heartbeat, and he sung his heart out as they stood there in the now shallow water, lost in their love for each other, reality only a distant memory.
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supergirlfics · 5 years
You write some really good fics!! If you wouldn’t mind I’d love a fic where B! Danvers gets knocked unconscious and has a Wizard of Oz kind of fantasy and wakes up and is shocked to see her sisters by her side. (Just like Kara this is my favorite movie). Thank you in advance!!
The last thing you remembered, you’d been in your kitchen. But when you opened your eyes, you were somewhere completely different. You were in a small, empty town, with cobblestone roads and Victorian style buildings.
“I have a feeling … I’m not in National City anymore,” You said. 
“That would be correct,” You jumped, spinning around to see Winn standing nearby.
“Winn? You asked. “When did you get back? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Back? Young lady, I’ve always been here. This is my town. Intellectville.”
“What?” You blinked several times. “What Earth am I on?”
“That,” Brainy said, appearing suddenly at Winn’s side. “Is for you to find out. You are the young Danvers, are you not?”
“Yes … Brainy. You know that. You know everything. Are you okay?”
“I am in tip top shape,” Brainy said, staring at you in confusion.
“We’ve been awaiting your arrival,” Winn said. “There is a very important task for you. You must follow that red brick road. It will lead you into National City, the capitol city of Krypton.”
“Krypton?” You asked. “Okay. Hold on. Kara told me about Krypton and it’s nothing like this. It doesn’t even have a National City.”
“To get there, however, you must pass through the Midvale forest,” Brainy said. “It will be full of dangers. But a Danvers can get through.”
“Why do I have to go to National City, anyway? What’s the point of all this?”
“National City is ruled by Kara and Alex Danvers,” Winn explained. “It was foretold of the coming of the youngest Danvers when great tragedy struck Krypton. Now, the sisters fight for their lives and freedom. National City has been overtaken by an evil wizard known as Lex Luthor. You must defeat Lex and bring National City and all of Krypton back to its former glory.”
“Yeah … Okay,” You said. “And how do I do that?”
“That,” Brainy said. “Is for you to figure out on your own.”
“Follow the red brick road,” Winn said, pushing you along it. “Follow the red brick road.”
You glanced behind you to see both men shooing you forward. And for some reason, you weren’t going to protest. But something about this felt oddly familiar. 
It wasn’t long before you found yourself at the entrance of the forest. Standing there, blocking your path was a man in a suit of armor. “Who goes there?” He echoed.
“James?” You asked. “Is that you?”
“I am Guardian. Keeper of the forest. None shall pass without my authorization. Who are you?”
“Y/N Danvers,” You said. “I guess I’m supposed to save National City and whatnot.”
“Danvers,” Guardian said. “I will accompany you on your journey. You could use a Guardian.”
“That was a bad joke. But okay.”
“Perhaps, when we save Krypton, the Danvers sisters will grant me a heart. My friends have said I’m cold and distant. A heart would fix that.”
“I’m sure that can be arranged.”
“We’re off to National City! Just follow the red brick road.”
“I know. I’ve heard it a million times already.”
Out of the forest, you came to another small town. It was different than the last one. Quite a bit different. It was as if you’d walked straight into an old Western movie. You didn’t make it far into town before you were approached by -
“Maggie?” You asked.
“Maggie?” She raised her eyebrows. She spoke with a thick southern accent. “It’s Margaret. But to you, it’s Marshall Sawyer. Got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” You said. You may have been in an alternate universe, but Maggie - uh, Margaret - hadn’t changed. 
“What’s your business in my town?”
“We’re off to National City,” Guardian said. “This here is the Danvers of the prophecy.”
“Y/N Danvers?” Marshall Sawyer asked.
“That’s me,” You said.
“You can save us. You can save my town.”
“Why can’t you save your town? I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
“I may be Marshall, but I lack the brains.” She stared at you for a moment, then her eyes lit up and she continued. “I hear the Danvers are kind, generous women. If I help you, do you think they would give me a brain? I would like to be smart enough to protect my town. On my own.”
“I’ll - uh - I’ll ask them,” You said. Again, you got the feeling that something about this place was extremely familiar. But you couldn’t figure out why. 
“Then we’re off to National City!” Marshall Sawyer grabbed your hand. You grabbed Guardian’s, and the two of you were pulled, running, out of the town. 
You came abruptly upon a chasm. It stretched on for miles. The only way across was a small rope bridge. 
“That’s not sketchy …” You said.
“What’s that?” Guardian asked, pointing to something about halfway across the bridge.
“That would be a woman,” Marshall Sawyer said.
You squinted and could just make out a dark haired woman clinging to the bridge for dear life. ‘We should probably help her,” You said.
“I will go,” Guardian said. “I am the strongest. I can help her.”
“Hold on,” Marshall Sawyer said. “You can’t go in guns blazing. We don’t know how stable the bridge is. Let me make sure it’s secure first.”
As soon as Marshall Sawyer had finished, Guardian made his way quickly across the bridge. You could see him exchanging words with the woman, then he put an arm around her and walked with her to the other side. You went next. It was like being on a ropes course bridge, but much larger, and much scarier. It shook with each step. The planks bent under your weight. You were scared they would snap under you.
“I’m never doing that again,” You said as soon as you had stepped foot on solid ground. The woman Guardian had saved was Lena.
“How do you know my name?” She asked.
“So, you’re name is actually Lena?”
“Of course.” Lena furrowed her brow. “Who else would I be?” When you didn’t answer, she continued. “I must thank you all for saving me. I thought I had the courage to make it across, but I didn’t.”
“Where were you going?”
“To visit my mother in Intellectville.”
Checks out, you thought. Her mother may be evil, but she’s still a genius.
“We’re off to National City,” Marshall Sawyer explained. “And the Danvers are giving gifts to those who help. Come with us and I’m sure you can get courage.”
“Um, I never said anything for sure,” You said. “I said I’d ask them about it.” You didn’t want to get their hopes up.
“Nonsense,” Guardian said. “Of course you’ll be granted courage.”
“Then I’ll come to National City,” Lena said. 
Just before reaching the gates, you reached a large field of flowers. “These are so pretty,” You said. You picked up a handful to smell.
“Wait, no -”
But it was too late. The scent wafted through your nose and you collapsed, unconscious.
You opened your eyes. It was bright. You were still in the field of flowers, but none of your friends were around. You wondered if they’d left you. 
“You’re dreaming.”
You jumped at the voice, sitting up to see Nia behind you. “What?”
“I am Dreamer. You’re dreaming. This isn’t real. You smelled my flowers, and now you’re in my dream realm”
You blinked several times. “Yeah … okay.”
“This can’t be the strangest thing you’ve seen today.”
And it wasn’t. Thinking back, this entire day had been odd. And so, so familiar.
“You are going to save us all,” Dreamer said. “Good luck.”
“Wait,” You said. “But it’s Lex Luthor. He’s a genius. How do I defeat him?”
“Did you bring a water bottle?”
With that, Dreamer disappeared. You awoke, for real this time. Your friends hovered over you, looking concerned.
“We don’t stop to smell the flowers,” Marshall Sawyer said.
“No,” You disagreed. “We do. I think I figured it out.” You looked to your side, where your water bottle had dropped. You didn’t remember having it on most of your journey, but dismissed it as just being caught up in the crazy.
“National City used to be beautiful,” Marshall Sawyer said as you approached the gates. “It used to be bright and beautiful with blue and red and gold.”
“Now it’s this awful green,” Lena said. 
“Kryptonite,” You whispered.
“What?” Marshall Sawyer asked.
“Uh - nothing. Let’s get inside this emerald city and save the planet.”
You received a lot of strange looks inside the city. People seemed nervous, jumpy. Nobody was relaxed in the slightest. This is what Lex had done. 
The castle reminded you all to much of CatCo. In fact, Cat Grant was one of two guards who stood at the front door. The other being J’onn.
“State your business,” Cat said. 
“We’re here to see the wizard,” You said. “Lex Luthor.”
“Do not speak the great man’s name,” J’onn said. But he glanced around in fear. You didn’t believe he actually thought of Lex as being great.
“Listen,” You lowered your voice. “We’re trying to help you. We can save Krypton.”
“You can save Krypton?” Cat asked. She exchanged a look with J’onn, who nodded. “Welcome to National City.”
The two of the stepped aside. The large double doors swung open. You gave them a curt nod before leading the group inside. The four of you piled into the elevator and without a second thought, you pressed the button leading you up to Cat’s floor.
Lex sat in the main office. He stood when he saw you. “Who let you in?”
“Nobody,” You said. “We thought you could use a nice, friendly visit.”
His eyes narrowed. He looked over you cautiously, but seemed to disregard you as a threat, because he relaxed. “My subjects have come to pay their respects.”
“Yes sir,” You said. “Come, sit down.”
When you reached the office, Kara and Alex were on the couch, both bound tightly. Kara’s face was etched in green lines. There was a large chunk of Kryptonite sitting on her lap. You hadn’t remembered seeing your sisters or the rock before. It was probably time to get your eyes checked, if you kept missing stuff like that.
Your friends all took a seat on the couches, but you remained standing. “I thought you may be thirsty, sir. So I brought you some water.”
Lex took it. You hoped he didn’t notice your gulp as he brought the drink to his lips. He took a long drink.
The bottle fell to the floor. Lex looked at his hands. They were beginning to look like a popsicle that had been left in the sun. “I’m melting.”
“Whoa,” You said. “Dreamer was right.”
“I’m - I’m melting!”
Nobody moved. Everybody just stared as Lex became smaller and smaller, until he was nothing more than a puddle on the carpeted floor.
The ropes and the Kryptonite disappeared. Your sisters arms were around you so suddenly and roughly you almost fell. “Thank you, Y/N,” Kara said.
“We’re so proud of you,” Alex said. “We knew you’d come.”
“I’m your sister. I’ll always come.” You pulled away from them and turned to the others. “These are my friends. They were hoping you could help them. Guardian here wants a heart. Marshall Sawyer needs a brain. And Lena’s looking for courage.”
“You don’t need any of those,” Kara said.
“Guardian,” Alex said. “you have a heart. A big heart. You rushed in to save a stranger. That takes heart. Marshall Sawyer, you say you need a brain. But you knew how to secure the bridge. And you knew about the flowers. You’re smarter than you think. And Lena, you may have been afraid, but you still came. You faced your fears of seeing your brother. You are incredibly brave.”
The three of them left, discussing what they had just been told.
“So,” You said. “Can we go home?”
“You are home,” Alex said. “You just need to wake up.”
“Wake up,” Kara said. “Come on, wake up.”
Your eyes fluttered open. You were on Kara’s couch. Your head pounded, and you reached a hand up to feel a bandage wrapped around your skull. “W-what happened? Where am I?”
“You’re home,” Kara said. “Alex and I found you. You were on the floor.”
“You have a head wound,” Alex explained. “It looks like you hit it on the counter. You probably have a concussion.”
You tried to sit up, but your sisters pushed you back down. “How did I get here? I was on Krypton.”
“You’ve never been to Krypton,” Kara said. “You’ve been here the entire time.”
Your eyes widened at the realization. “It was a crazy dream. And Lena was there, and Guardian, and you were there, too. And Alex, you were there.”
“Okay,” Alex said. “You can tell us about it later. You need to get some rest.”
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poorvioletdraws · 5 years
Tom vs. The Underworld
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
8. Sound System
“Following our top story, the mystery behind the massive earthquake that rocked the Underworld a week ago has been linked to a merging of both the planet Earth and our planet Mewni. Representatives of Lucitor Castle state that our Lord and Lady have met with the new leadership of Earth-ni and are discussing plans to continue the same alliance we had with the former Butterfly Kingdom. They have also assured us that the merging of both worlds has presented no effect on the livelihood of the Underworld but are still working on ways to contact the universal mobile service provider of Pixtopia to restore interdimensional communications. All global communications within our planet have not been disrupted. 
In other news, there have been growing reports of resident demons and monsters going missing throughout the city. The Furies are urging citizens to remain calm as they investigate the situation further. More on this tonight at--”
“Mom, I’m leaving now.” I called to her in our den. She was watching the news and forging her latest weapons request for a client.
“Okay, my little cobblestone. Don’t be out too late.” She replied as she placed the sword in the quench tank.
“I should be back before dinner.” I told her as I was about to shut the door behind me.
Suddenly my older sisters Kivi and Shaila came down the hallway.
“Going out again? Weren’t you out with your friends all day yesterday?” Kivi questioned while pushing her glasses back up on her nose.
I shrugged my shoulders in annoyance. “Well today we are going over band stuff…” 
Kivi gave a disapproving sigh. “You know, Raya, you can’t keep putting off your duties to your family for music. Having a hobby is great and all but you can’t let that consume you. One day you may be taking over for Mom or Dad. When will you see how important that is?” 
“Yea, well this is important to me too, but thanks for your concern...” I said not meeting her gaze. My grip was tightening on the door handle as if for some form of security. 
“Are you sure that’s all it is, or are you really meeting up with your secret boyfriend.” Shaila teased while trying to cover her devious smirk with one of her hands.
I jumped at her accusation and could feel myself turning red. “N-no!”
“Ooooh you’re blushing! It’s true!” Shaila began to giggle mischievously as Kivi shook her head in irritation.
“Y-you’re silly, g-grow up.” I huffed under my breath.
She then began to call towards the den, “Mom, guess what--”
“Bye!” I quickly shouted as I ran out the front door. 
I felt like I could hear Shaila’s laughter all the way to the end of our property. She always makes fun of me like that… But she isn’t too far off the mark…
My friends and I were all going to meet at Tom’s place--THE Lucitor Castle. First of all, I was already nervous for that. I can’t believe he invited us there as if it weren’t a big deal. We might even meet the King and Queen of the Underworld! I felt myself get lightheaded just thinking about it.
Secondly, I was nervous because of what I started feeling yesterday at the arcade. It was a strange coincidence that Tom chose the same song I had listened to that morning, and even stranger still was that he appeared exactly how he did in my dream. But was this just mere happenstance? Or is there a reason behind it all and why I’m starting to develop a crush on him...
“Wait, what am I saying?! A crush?! I must be going crazy!” I babbled aloud while momentarily hiding my blushing face by pulling my hoodie over it.
Sure we had a lot of great memories in Yomi Town for that short time; he helped me shop for my friends, we watched all those setting suns in that beautiful dimension, and we made that necklace from the temple together that he still wears… He even came all the way to Lava Shores and helped me during all that horrible stuff with the Madame… We have been doing fun things together more frequently… He met my friends and somewhat became friends with them in the process… And he wants to be apart of our band … He has a wonderful voice and a kind heart… and a sincere smile…
I pushed the hood of my sweatshirt back in its previous position as my red bangs were free to poof up again. Now within the city, I stopped in front of a shop window and examined myself--more so my insecurities. My body is nowhere near as slender as Indigo, and I’m top-heavy so I try to hide behind layers or oversized clothes. Unlike everyone else, my horns are under-developed so I always wear something over my head to cover them up. And being a Stone Demon, the rough patches of rock on parts of my skin are hard to miss. How could anyone find such imperfections attractive…
Yet Tom still looks at me as if none of that matters. Others get annoyed with how clumsy or clueless I can be sometimes, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. And even though he is a prince, he treats me like I’m equal to him. I remember when I first met him, he had this happiness about him that seemed like he were invincible. I wanted to be apart of that happiness. But then, when we met again, when he must have been fighting with his girlfriend at the time, that happiness was waning. She must have been so important to him to cause such a change in him… Can I be that important for him? I can’t deny that when I see him he does make me happy, but could I really have the same affect on him? Could he one day find that invincible kind of happiness because of me?
I slowly started to walk away from the shop window as I folded my arms across my chest. I hung my head and remained deep in thought. 
Who am I kidding? Why would such a great caring guy like Tom want to be with a slacker like me? Instead of planning my future as a Belmonte, I’m consumed by music and games like my sister said. What use could I be to the future of the Underworld? I’m not adventurous or wild. I’m content with the simple pleasures in life and am comfortable doing things or going to places I’m familiar with or have been thousands of times. And I’ve never even had a boyfriend before, I have no experience in that department. But despite all of that, he’s still a prince and I’m just a city girl.
However, he’s more than just a prince to me now. He’s my friend. I care about him just as much as I care about all my other friends and my family. But is it wrong I’m starting to think of him more than just a friend? Unlike them, I get a different feeling around him. I love spending time with him. I love that he tolerates my unconventional family and that he gets along with my wild friends. I even dream about him. He is literally the first thought I wake up to most days. Is this what falling in love with someone is like? Maybe I should tell him how I’m starting to feel...
“And the last to arrive like always is…” Indigo announced.
Blair did a drum roll with zir hands on zir thigh and added energetically, “Ta-Da! Raya!” 
“Sorry, guys.” I apologized as Blair hopped over to me and wrapped zir arm around my shoulder. 
We were all gathered in Inferno Park which was situated at the heart of Chernabog City. It was a chasm filled area with lava deposits flowing sluggishly from its various orifices beneath long bridges built above. The urban park was often a place for more active demons to exercise being a hub for various forms of recreation such as Ultimate Ouija, molten rock climbing, and Casketball just to name a few. 
“Hey, you may be the last to arrive but at least you’re on time today.” Blair spoke positively but then grew a mischievous expression that rivaled Shaila as ze said, “You must be excited for where we are going.”
I felt myself beginning to blush again as I gasped, “W-what? Uhm--”
“I think we all are pretty excited, to say the least.” Tiras corrected/saved me. He had been sitting on a boulder with his arms folded while Kraven sat below on the ground munching away at some elote. George had his typical stance next to Indigo and was reading a book as Blair and I rejoined the formed circle.
Tiras jumped down from his seated position and approached me. Instead of his usual air of arrogance, he seemed to have a burning resolve within. He asked me, “You ready? This may be it. We finally might be able to reach your dream.”
Upon hearing Tiras’s words, he stirred a different emotion from within me. Although many dreams were becoming reality lately, this one was an aspiration of mine all of my friends knew too well. I had always envisioned being apart of a band. And the day I suggested we started are own, I was surprised how everyone agreed without hesitation. This was indeed very important to me not just because it was just some hobby. Music was something that brought all of us together. It was our escape from the stresses of our home life, our passion we created to share with all who dare listen, and our symbolism of our friendship. 
But no matter how good we become, our voices didn’t have the strength or uniqueness of that of a lead singer. I’m not one to fully believe in destiny, but it almost felt like fate for Tom and I to meet. He was the piece we were possibly missing all along. Maybe that is where my infatuation with him grew… Was it because of his singing that started all this? I’m not fully sure… 
I gazed at everyone--all of my friends. They stood encircling me and shared the same look as Tiras. I smiled contently and said, “Let's sail away then.”
Everyone agreed with a nod. 
I placed my hands to the ground below and pulsed my energy through it as it began to fissure around us instantly. Tiras brought his hands up, creating a mighty gust of wind that hurled down within the cracks. Suddenly, we began to rise as the ground that divided us was unearthed to create a floating platform. 
Tiras pointed his hands forward as his squall of wind moved us along. He valiantly announced, “Next stop, Lucitor Castle!”
“Reporting live from the Musty Mountain, there has been a recent influx of tourism to our nation of the Underworld. Behind me you can see that construction is underway for our new border patrol organization to properly vet out travellers to the area and maintain our homeland security. So far, businesses of Lava Lake Beach have reported a steady boost in consumerism and an increase in real estate property sales in the area. Furies have also been branched out to maintain the peace between current inhabitants and newcomers-- ”
I walked into my Dad’s study to see he was working on a few things at his desk with the news report broadcasting in the background on his overhead monitor. 
“Hey Dad, would I be able to use the cellar today? Some friends are coming over and I don’t want to disturb you while we practice some music.” I asked him.
My Dad glanced up from whatever he was writing and smiled as he said, “Friends? Coming over here? Well, that’s great to hear, son, it’s been a while since you brought friends--or anyone for that matter--over.” He stood up from his desk and approached me. While giving me a very fatherly stare, he rested his hands on my shoulders and questioned me, “And do any of these friends happen to be that special girl you mentioned before?”
“Daaaad.” I drew out the word with a groan.
“Heh, I know, I know, no overbearing-parent-stuff... ” He chuckled to himself and stepped away from me. He placed his hands behind his back as he gazed out the floor length window of his office. “I just want you to know that your Mother and I just worry about you, son. Especially after what happened…”
“Dad, I promised I wouldn’t use my life energy again--”
“Not that, son.” He interrupted while turning to face me with a very concerned look. “I mean your breakup with Star.”
I was a little taken aback by this topic he wanted to discuss. Usually these kinds of subjects are left to Mom. And I told him already that I was over it. But he is my Dad, and he often times presents a different perspective that I’ve never realized before, so maybe it was best to hear what he had to say. Therefore, I decided to sit down in the chair in front of his desk and give him my full attention.
He proceeded to sit back down in his own chair behind the desk and explained himself further. “Your Mother and I were away on business during all of this… change going on. It’s a brand new kind of world up above now. And it is still hard to grasp that you, Star, and--Marco was it-- played a huge part in this whole merging of dimensions. You must’ve been going through so much at the time to have that AND a fresh breakup on your plate…”
“Yea… It was rough at first…”  I began to say with a sullen expression but then gave my Dad a reassuring smile. “But I was able to find someone to help me along through the rough parts.”
He returned my smile with one of his own and leaned forward on his desk with his elbows. “I’m glad, son. And I’m sorry your Mother and I couldn’t be there for you. Heartbreak can be a very hard thing to fully overcome. Star was special to you, being your first girlfriend and all. Although, I’m glad you both worked it out and remained friends. I just hope that kind of pain doesn’t happen again for you because what if next time the closure isn’t so healthy. Just know, if it were to happen again, your Mother and I are here for you and want you to be safe. So whatever you plan to do, just really think it over and make sure it is something you’ve set your mind and your heart on.”
My Dad then reached over and placed one of his hands on one of mine lying on his desk. “You’re important to us. You are our legacy not because you are a prince, but because you are our son.”
Upon hearing his words, I smiled to myself as I gazed at his hand on mine. How could I be so lucky to have such loving parents? I understand where he is coming from and how much he cares about the choices I make. Star and I breaking up WAS painful. I loved her so much and for so long. I could’ve handled the situation in a way that could've been harmful for not only myself but for those around me too. However, I know now what all I can lose by letting my anger or depression take control of me. I didn’t want to let any of the ones I care about down ever again.
“Ahem, anyway…” He leaned back in his chair again and cleared his throat as our sentimental conversation came to a close. “Back to what you asked earlier. I’ll have the maids clean up the cellar for you and your friends, just give them time to do so. About an hour or two. So maybe have your friends hang out in your room for a bit.”
I gave him a toothy grin and replied, “Thanks, Dad!”  
“When are they coming?” He asked.
I glanced over at the sundial near the window and told him, “Any minute now.”
“And did you remember to bring in and feed Lord Fool-leroy?” 
I stared blankly at my dad and gasped, “Crap…”
The platform the arriving guests had been travelling on descended a few yards away from Lucitor Castle. It pounded down into the earth and became one with it so each passenger could dismount.
“This is wicked cool! It’s my first time seeing it so close!” gasped Blair.
“Well, if you had been invited to the Blood Moon Ball like I was, you could’ve seen it a long time ago and not be so easily impressed.” Indigo lightly goaded.
“Alas, you and I only grazed the surface of the many secrets held within. The ballroom was our only venture so speaking as if you attained some vast knowledge from our first encounter is nothing more than a mere untruth.” George corrected her.
Indigo folded her arms and rolled her eyes at the boy’s statement.
Tiras walked in between the two and brought their attention back to the situation at hand. “You both can argue later, let’s quit wasting time and head in!”
The pair nodded and began to walk toward the entrance with the others. However, they were soon stopped in their tracks as the ground began to tremble systematically in intervals around them.
“What’s going on!? Another earthquake!?” Blair blurted out.
Raya tried to say as she flopped into the air from the tremors, “Earthquake vibrations are irregular and constant, this is as if it were a--”
And as if on cue, a huge orange spotted beast came bounding from around the castle and was heading right for them.
“Uh, What is that!?” Indigo shouted.
“A guard dog maybe?” Raya answered.
The orange creature loomed over them and began to growl ferociously while showing his sharp teeth.
“He doesn’t look so happy to see us…” Blair commented while helping Raya up from the ground.
“What do we do?” Indigo cowered behind George.
“Fight or flight?” George asked, looking to Tiras.
Tiras had dropped into a fighting stance and was waiting for an opportunity to present itself.
But suddenly, Kraven stepped forward and approached the beast.
“What are you doing, are you crazy?!” Indigo screamed.
Kraven stared up at the beast with a very serious expression but then began to grin. He reached from behind him and presented a bag full of some type of jerky he had stashed for later. He slowly pulled out a thick chunk of it and waved it to the creature.
The beast was puzzled but began to sniff at the piece Kraven held up to it. Instead of a snarl, a joyous bark escaped the beast as his long tail wagged happily. It proceeded to gobble up the jerky and lick at the generous boy.
The others stood with their mouths agape. 
“Of course Kraven knows when another being is hungry.” Tiras remarked.
Raya smiled and added, “Food is the universal language after all.”
“Little Lord Fool-leroy!” Tom shouted in a very disciplinary tone. He levitated down from a balcony overhead and joined the group below. The creature leaped over to Tom and rubbed his head against his body in a cuddle. “Okay, okay, down boy.”
“That’s your pet?” Tiras asked him.
“Yea, he can get cranky when he hasn’t eaten by now--” Tom replied but then focused his attention back on his orange companion as he rubbed his belly and said in a playful tone, “--but really you’re just a little ole softie aren’t you, boy.” 
“Little is an understatement, don’t ya think?” Indigo questioned.
Raya giggled at the sight and walked over to both of them. She brought her hand to Little Lord Fool-leroy and he accepted her to pet him. “He’s so cute.” She said as she smiled sweetly over at Tom, causing him to blush slightly.
“Yea, when he doesn’t want to eat us.” Indigo mentioned with her hands on her hips. She was watching the exchange very closely. 
Tom decided to give his guests a tour of his castle home while they waited for the maids to finish cleaning the cellar. They had all been enthralled with everything he showed them since this was the first time any of them could get an exclusive look inside Lucitor Castle. This was also his first time showing anyone around his home as well so he was quite excited about that.
“There’s the great hall, and the theater, oh and that leads out to the boneyard.” Tom pointed out various highlights as they walked down the hallway with many paintings hanging on the walls of past Lucitor royalty.
“This is wicked cool!” Blair commented giddily. 
“And here we’ve reached the best part of the whole place… My room!” Tom announced while swinging the door to his chamber open.
Each one of the teenagers walked through and were now standing atop a flight of narrow stairs that led down to his inner sanctum. Tom’s room was bigger than any of theirs and fitting for the demon prince. The first thing to catch their eye was the glowing fire flowing down from the mouth of a huge skull display on his wall and into a small jacuzzi-like pit beside his bed. A pair of arcade machines aligned the wall and a casketball hoop hung on the wall by the entrance of his walk-in closet. There was a spinning torture wheel with a tub of water below it and a diabolical ping-pong table centered in the room. Skeletons of horned animals adorned parts of his walls and stalagmites protruded from several areas on the floor. If any of them weren’t impressed before with the other parts of the castle, they definitely would be now. 
“Whoa…” Blair and Raya gasped.
“Okay, now THIS is room.” Indigo exclaimed.
“Très cryptique.” George applauded.
“...” Kraven’s mouth hung open in awe.
“Is there anything you don’t have?” Tiras added completely mystified.
Tom’s guests wandered down the steps and began to look around his room. 
Blair picked up a trophy sitting on one of his night stands and read the plaque. “Oh! Raya look, he is a ping-pong champion.” Ze showed zir friend.
“You may have someone to give you a challenge then with such a title.” Tiras commented.
“Oh? You’re good at it too?” Tom asked her.
“Good? She rocks it!” Blair answered for her with a grin as ze placed zir arm around her shoulders. Raya blushed slightly embarrassed from the praise.
“You wanna play?” Tom asked her while picking up one of his paddles and blushing a little himself. Raya looked up at him still unsure but with a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth.
Suddenly, Indigo intervened. “Hey, we played games yesterday, let's talk about the band.”
“Oh that’s right.” Tom went along with the change of subject but then smiled at Raya. “Next time?”
Raya nodded in agreement and smiled back at him. “Sure.”
All of the teenagers proceeded to sit on the floor in a circle to converse further. 
“So, your band is called the Seven Undeadly Sins?” Tom remembered from towards the end of their time at the arcade.
“Yep! Seven members and we aren’t dead sooo yea! Hehe.” Blair answered.
“Great name and all...” Tom rubbed the back of his head, unsure how to go about his next comment. “But you guys don’t get a lot of flack for it being an acronym for... sus?”
“What’s sus?” Indigo asked.
“N-nevermind.” Tom brushed it off. ‘That’s right, they don’t do social media.’
“Still sounds cool to me.” Blair beamed. 
Raya piped up, “We haven’t really performed in front of an audience yet…”
“Oh, I see…” Tom replied.
It was Tiras’s turn to speak, “Well, we all decided on the name because it sounded cool AND fits all of our personalities...” 
“The sins do?” Tom blinked puzzled.
“Alas, the only true sin is that of mediocrity.” George theorized.
“O.. Kay…” Tom was still confused.
“Alright, bud. Check this out.” Tiras explained further by pointing at each one of his friends as he described them. 
“Blair is Pride.”
“Hehe!” Blair giggled.
“George is Greed.”
“More so for knowledge instead of monetary needs.” George theorized.
“Indigo is Envy, no surprise there.” 
Indigo stuck her tongue at Tiras playfully.
“Kraven is obviously Gluttony.”
Kraven didn’t respond as he munched on his jerky from earlier.
“Raya is Sloth.”
Raya shrugged with a smile, “Can’t deny that one I guess, heh.”
“I am Lust, of course.” Tiras announced full of haughtiness while pointing to himself.
Tom caught the group sarcastically roll their eyes. He chuckled to himself but stopped immediately once Tiras pointed to him.
“And you… You’re Wrath.”
“W-Wrath?” Tom repeated his position a bit hesitantly “… Oh but I can’t be—“
Tiras leaned over and patted Tom on the shoulder lightly as he spoke, “Tom, buddy! You are Prince of the Underworld. Wrath IS meant for you.”
Tom furrowed his eyebrows and rubbed the side of his sore arm where the other teenager attacked it.
Raya noticed Tom’s change in expression so she shared her opinion. “Tom… Our sins can sometimes be considered our strengths more than our weaknesses. You were probably taught how negative your wrath can be… But in some cases it may be what’s perfect for the situation.”
The demon prince focused on the Stone Demon girl’s words but he was still uncertain.
Indigo decided to also add, “Alone we may seem… insufficient. But when we are all together and form our bond, each one of our sins is what makes us strong. What one person lacks, the other picks up the slack.”
“Quite poetic.” George remarked.
“I’m not sure if you’re teasing but I’ll take that as a compliment.” Indigo replied.
Tom glanced down at his hands remembering what happened back in the Musty Mountain. Could such power really be considered his strength? 
“Do you kind of get where we are coming from?” Raya asked him concerned with his silence.
“I think I understand…” He looked up to Raya again and they both shared smiles of reassurance.
Indigo stared at their interaction with keen interest and meant to cut in when suddenly Petey knocked at Tom’s bedroom door and entered.
“Master Tom, your Mother has prepared refreshments for you and your guests.” He announced.
“Oh, awesome. Thanks.” Tom responded as he stood up.
The rest of the group joined him.
“Your Mother… as in the Queen?” Blair asked.
“Well, yea… That’s my Mom.”
“Eeeee!!” Blair shrieked with glee. “We’re going to meet THE Queen?”
“If you all want…” Tom said calmly.
“Yay! Let’s go, let’s go!” Blair cheered while holding on to Raya.
And with that, the group moved on towards the kitchen of Lucitor Castle to meet Tom’s mother. As the demon prince led the way, Indigo trailed behind pondering over a plan.
George slowed his pace to match hers as the rest of their friends moved on. He asked, “What do you dare do?”
“W-what do you mean?!” Indigo snapped out of her conscience.
George stepped in front of the girl and blocked her path. His monotone voice had a hint of caution peppered over it and his expression was much more gloomy than usual as he forewarned, “When Envy breeds unkind division: there comes the ruin, there begins confusion.”
“Are you reading my emotions again? I told you not to use your powers on me!” Indigo fumed with red cheeks as she pushed passed him.
But suddenly, George grabbed onto Indigo’s hand to keep her from fleeing. 
This was definitely out of the ordinary for him to do so she slowly looked back at him with an obedient carefulness. George wasn’t one to engage in confrontation, and he oftentimes watched events play out without any type of intervention. But, having known him the longest from when they were young, Indigo held her tongue because she knew he was being serious with what he had to say next.
George released his grip on her once he knew she understood his intentions. He did not break his gaze as he spoke, “Your rivalry, although silent and unknowing to her, needs to cease. These are souls you want to meddle with now, not a contest or a game. You dare birth pure suffering?”
“You’re talking as if I mean to purposefully get in the way of something, which doesn’t exist for all you know. It definitely isn’t because Raya likes him is why I’m after him either.” Indigo noticed George arch his eyebrow while giving her a look of disbelief. She began to laugh anxiously and continued, “You forget I’m a girl and have feelings too, it ain't my fault we ended up liking the same guy. And what’s wrong with a little competition anyway?”
Indigo began to walk away from the other teen with the discussion settled in her eyes.
“Even if the result is risking friendship on both ends?” George advised.
Indigo halted her pace and seemed troubled from what he had said. But instead of having a comeback, she surprisingly continued her departure down the hallway again without saying a word.
“How grateful I am to not be cursed with such dangerous sensations that are emotions…” George sighed as he followed after her.
“There you are. Did you two get lost?” Raya asked the pair that came walking up to the group from down a long hallway. They had been standing in front of these enormous double doors crevassed into the wall and didn’t notice until they reached their destination that they had some stragglers. 
“Or maybe you both wanted some alone time together.” Blair smirked impishly.
“Blair! Cut it out with your joking.” Indigo shouted rather flustered at the snickering teen’s comment.
“Lavatory.” George rused.
“Whoa, there’s a lab here too? Like the kind for a mad scientist?” Tiras asked bemused.
George slapped his hand to his forehead and groaned.
Tom chuckled at the exchange and told them, “Well, we waited for you both but here it is---” He placed his hands on the great doors and pushed them open, “--our kitchen!”
The group entered another breathtaking part of the castle. Stalactites pierced every inch of the ceiling with its central focal point being a huge flaming chandelier that made the stone of the counters glisten exquisitely from the light of the fire overhead. There were enough cutlery and pots and pans hanging on the walls to arm an army. It was humongous, bigger than his friends’ own homes even, and rightfully so. It had to accommodate the large red demon that was stationed at the counter. And from the looks of the golden crown atop her salmon-colored hair that matched Tom’s, the group knew this was in fact his mother. She was pouring a smoothie-like concoction from a pitcher into seven glasses waiting at a long island with stools for which Tom and his friends could sit upon. 
“Oh… my…” Indigo murmured enchanted.
“It’s…” Raya squeaked, equally enchanted.
“The Queen!” Blair announced in a cheer and was about to take off for her when Indigo grabbed zir by the shoulders to stop zir.
“Are you crazy, that is THE Queen of the Underworld! Where’s your manners?!” Indigo scolded.
“Hey it’s alright, my Mom is totally cool with it.” Tom told them.
“Oh! Sorry, I should’ve known, silly me! You ARE the prince after all and know best, hehe.” Indigo laughed in embarrassment and released her hold on the teen. And the minute ze was free, Blair popped over to the other side of the Queen in an instant and was asking her all sorts of questions amid zir gushing. Kraven hustled over to take his seat so he could start partaking in the spread of refreshments decorating the tabletop.
As the rest of the group headed over, Tiras quickly latched onto Tom and brought him in close. “Tom, buddy! Why didn’t you tell us how gorgeous your Mom is!”
“What?!” Tom gasped as he turned red. “Dude, that’s my Mom.”
“Just saying, bro, now I see where you get your looks from.” Tiras gazed at her completely enthralled.
“Her features are that of what many demons aspire to have actually.” George added.
“You too?” Tom whined.
They all were now hanging out at the counter and relishing in the atmosphere of being such welcomed guests in Lucitor Castle. Kraven was on one side of the counter to himself and wolfing down as much as he could of the plentiful portions demon servants were constantly bringing to him. George was keeping Indigo in close proximity as he stood beside her with Tiras on the other side of her--who was ranting to Tom next to him. And Raya was on the corner with Blair by the Queen. 
Although Blair had been delighting zirself in chattering away, Raya stood nervously with her hands to her chest just admiring being in the presence of such royalty. But she quickly darted her head away when she noticed the Queen look down toward her. “H-hello, erm, g-good afternoon, Your Majesty…” Raya stammered shyly with a blush.
The Queen had a very interested stare fixated on Raya.
“T-thank you for having us in your home.” the young girl bowed her head.
Tom’s mother smiled sweetly and brought her hand to Raya’s hooded head and patted it as she trilled. Raya’s heart practically skipped a beat from such a gesture.
Tom glanced over momentarily to see his Mom and Raya meeting each other and attempted to join them to give them a proper introduction but Indigo tugged on his arm.
“Oh, Tom! This is really good, have you tried it?.” Indigo stalled as she held the glass full of the smoothie up to the demon prince.
“Huh? Oh, yea, it’s demonade made from forbidden fruit.” He told her. Tiras peered over at Indigo suspiciously.
“It’s so delicious! I’ve never had it before, mmm, hehe!” Indigo praised rather excessively.
“What are you talking about, we’ve had that plenty of times at Tartarus. They make it practically everywhere.” Tiras contested. Indigo shot slits for eyes his way.
Indigo gave a shallow laugh and tried to gain Tom’s attention--which wasn’t really focused on their conversation anyway. “Oh silly me, how could I forget, well--”
“Excuse me for a second, Indigo, I’ll be right back.” Tom pardoned his way around her and headed toward his Mom and Raya. Indigo had a furious glare in her eyes as she slammed the glass down on the table. Tiras and George both shared glances with each other.
Tom came up to his Mom to introduce each other. He blushed as he said, “Raya, this is my Mom, Wrathmelior. Mom, this is… Raya.”
The Queen smiled sweetly at her son and cooed while giving his head a pat as well. She then reached down and pointed at a plate in front of the two teenagers.
“Ah, that’s rights. I remember when we went back to your sister’s shop you said you like eating the Ember Berries she didn’t sell that day and would mix them with lime and salt so…” Tom said eagerly as he reached for the plate and presented it to Raya. “I made sure to ask my Mom to make it for you.”
“Aww thank you!” Raya had that dreamlike expression fill her face, causing Tom’s cheeks to turn redder.
Blair and Kraven both seemed to smile in a way as if they knew all too well what was unfolding before their eyes. But not wanting to ruin the mood, Blair made sure to keep zir mouth shut this time.
The Queen began to chatter to Tom as if suggesting something to him.
Tom thought over what she said and then nervously looked back at Raya. He picked up one slice of the Ember Berry and asked her, “W-would you like to try it and see what you think?”
“Sure.” She said softly and, without thinking, opened her mouth and Tom went to feed it to her but then--
“Gyaggh!” Indigo yelped as she accidentally bumped into Tom’s back hard enough to make him drop the plate from his hand and spill it to the floor, shattering it instantly. The Queen gasped worriedly while Blair and the others rushed to their side.
Raya had caught Tom by the shoulder and helped him maintain his balance. “Are you alright, Tom?” She asked.
Tom straightened himself up again and replied, “I’m fine, I’m fine…” He saw the mess on the floor and became very upset, “Ugh, seriously. Look at this, they’re all ruined!”
“Oh my, I’m so sorry! I can’t believe that happened, and to one of Raya’s favorite snacks too! I’m so clumsy, I must’ve slipped on a wet spot on the floor.” Indigo rambled as she held her hands to her face in feigned horror. 
“Wet spot? I don’t see a wet spot?” Blair was crouched down on the floor and trying to look for the culprit.
The Queen and Raya booth kneeled down to begin cleaning up the litter of fruit and broken porcelain. But in her haste, Raya misguidedly grabbed for a sharp sliver and seemingly nicked her finger. 
Instinctively, an overly concerned Tom bent down and clasped his own hands around her injured one, “Are you alright, did you cut your hand!”
Indigo’s heart stopped at the very sight.
Raya took a second to respond as she admired his worry for her. She explained while gazing intently at their joined hands. “No harm done… I’m a Stone Demon after all, that type of material isn’t strong enough to cut my skin…”
Indigo was about to take it upon herself to intrude again but suddenly she felt a hand clamp over her mouth to quiet her.
“Oh look at that,” Tiras spoke his objective loudly, “Some of that food spilled on you too, Indigo! Let me help you clean that up in the laboratory.”
“Lavatory.” George corrected him.
“Yea that place!” He acknowledged as he dragged Indigo out of the kitchen and into the hallway.
Tiras let the double doors shut behind him before he finally released his hold on the girl.
“What are you doing?!” Indigo raged.
“Me?! What’s gotten into you?” Tiras pointed at her, angry himself.
“I think it is rather obvious.” Indigo snapped.
“George told me what you’ve been up to. What a coincidence you just so happened to bump into them.” He confronted her.
“It was an accident.” She lied.
“And every time they have a moment between each other, were those accidents too when you interrupted them?” Tiras questioned. 
“Ha! Like whatever. What are you even talking about, I don’t see how this involves you.” Indigo fumed but she soon changed her tone and asked him, “What’s with the sentiment anyway? That’s not like you…”
“You’d have to be blind if you don’t see what’s going on between those two…” Tiras glanced away from the girl’s gaze as he spoke with some dejection in his voice.
Indigo became interested in Tiras’s change in behavior and grew a mischievous smirk. “Are you the same Tiras? You of all people are giving up? I thought you had a crush on Raya for the longest time?”
Tiras blushed as he explained, “Y-yea, I may have liked her before… I mean, I still like her but now I realize it’s more of a protective brother-sister kind of like… Tom is pretty awesome… And if both of them can make each other happy, who are we to come in between that…”
Indigo’s eyes softened at the boy’s words. Knowing him for how long she has, this kind of mindset would never have been expected from him. It was almost endearing.
“Besides, I now have an eye for a new type of woman. One just like the Queen.” He proudly declared with an arrogant grin.
Never mind, this is definitely the same Tiras. Indigo sighed.
“Hey you two!” Blair popped zir head from a shadow ze formed on the door. 
“Eeeghh!” Tiras and Indigo shrieked in unison from their friend’s sudden appearance.
“Haha, sooooo the servants are cleaning up that mess but that red flying demon from earlier just came to tell us the cellar is ready for us to practice in!” Blair announced excitedly.
Both Tiras and Indigo looked to each other and seemed to get their head back into why they were at Lucitor Castle in the first place. No more playing around. They both nodded and told Blair, “Well, what are we waiting for!”
The cellar of Lucitor Castle was just as big as its structure upstairs with an atmosphere that was dark, dank, and dreary. The lighting was minimal from the torches hanging from the walls and it had a spooky echo to accompany those who spoke. It was the perfect place for the budding band to let loose.
“‘Kay, I digs it.” Tiras remarked while scanning over the area.
“Ghastly prepossessing indeed.” George commented.
“Ohhh where does that hallway lead?” Blair wondered ready to venture off but Indigo grabbed on to zir to keep zir with the group.
Tom had his hands on his hips and looked proudly at the space that would become a place they would all hang out at a lot after today. But there was still one other problem…
“Um, Tom.” Raya piped up from his side. “We didn’t think we would practice today. We totally forgot our instruments.”
Tom grinned her way and seemed to already have a solution. “You aren’t the only ones that are into music, you know. Look over there.”
The demon prince pointed over to a wall to reveal every instrument imaginable hanging there! From the smallest drum kit to the largest Tuba, there was enough to outfit multiple marching bands if they wanted to. Everyone ran over to the wall completely thrilled.
“And, that’s not it.” Tom declared as he gathered their attention. He further revealed a spot set up like a makeshift stage with surround speakers, amps, and even lights. The group of teenagers were definitely blown away.
“Totally wicked!” Blair was fired up as ze chose an electric guitar from the wall.
Tiras was strumming away at different bass guitars to figure out which one felt the best for him to use. Indigo was blowing on a trombone while George fingered a trumpet. Kraven was coming back to the wall to attain another drum to combine with the set he was assembling nearby.
Tom was enjoying the scene. He couldn’t help but smile knowing that he had finally had friends of his own down here in the Underworld. But being so engrossed in the commotion he didn’t notice Raya had come to his side.
She looked up at the boy with such adoration while she placed the strap of a saxophone around her. “This is incredible, Tom…” She murmured softly. “You’re incredible… Everything I’ve ever dreamed about… You’re the one...”
Tom took a minute to register what she just said to him. Time stood still as the noise of their surroundings seemed to quiet for only the two of them to exist in this very moment. He slowly turned his stare toward her to see her smiling at him with half-lidded eyes and in a way he hadn’t seen before. Smiling in a way that someone who loves another deeply would smile longingly at them. A way he always wished Star would have smiled at him.
Envy was watchful but silent in this moment, caving to the realization that was not that of a defeated competitor, but that of an understanding friend.
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its-sad-boy-hours · 6 years
A Story For Adora
Rating: G
Category: F/F
Fandom: She-Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018)
Relationship: Adora/Glimmer (She-Ra)
Characters: Glimmer (She-Ra), Adora (She-Ra), Catra (Mentioned), Shadow Weaver (mentioned)
Adora has never been told a bedtime story, so she goes to Glimmer to help fix that
It wasn’t uncommon for Glimmer to find Adora in her bed, or at her door in the middle of the night. In fact, the princess had grown used to being roused to the soft sound of Adora calling out her name from below her bed, or by the mattress underneath her slowly being weighed down by the other girl.
Usually, on nights like those, it’s a nightmare about the Horde or Shadow Weaver that draws Adora to Glimmer’s side, leaving the blonde in or close to tears. Glimmer never pried too much though, knowing that talking about Adora’s past always brought up unwanted memories and emotions. All Adora really needed on those nights where a hug and reassurance that everything was okay, and Glimmer was always more than happy to provide.
But tonight was different, Glimmer awoke to find Adora next to her, lying flat on her back, wide awake and staring blankly up at the ceiling.
“Adora?” Glimmer mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, “You okay?”.
She nodded but didn’t say anything.
“Did you have a bad dream again?”.
Adora shook her head.
“No, not this time,” she said.
Glimmer sat up and look down on her friend with concern, “Then what’s wrong?”.
“I’m… not sure, I just can’t seem to fall asleep,”.
“Oh, well that’s normal. Sometimes I can’t sleep either”.
Adora nodded again, slowly and hesitantly.
“Can I still stay here with you? I- I don’t think I want to be alone tonight,”.
“Of course,” Glimmer said with a soft smile, “Do you want a hug too?”.
“That would be nice,”.
Glimmer would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t enjoy hugging Adora, nearly every chance she got she’d throw her arms around the taller girl, eager for the embrace.
“Do you want anything else? I can get you a glass of water if you’d like?”.
“I’ll be okay,” Adora said, hugging Glimmer a little tighter, before pulling away, “Well, actually, I uh, I did want to ask you something but uh… it’s kinda stupid,”.
She couldn’t help but smile, “Adora, nothing you ask me could be stupid, go ahead… you can tell me,”.
Adora hesitates again, blushing slightly in the darkness.
“I um. Can you- uh, *sigh* ugh, this is stupid, nevermind,”.
Glimmer couldn't help but giggle a little, finding it odd seeing Adora act flustered and shy, “It’s okay, Adora. Just take a deep breath, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, just know you can always talk to me,”.
“I- I know, Glimmer, I just-” Adora paused and took a deep breath before continuing, “can you tell me a story?”.
Glimmer blinked.
“I told you it was stupid,”.
“No no, it’s not, I just… you want me to tell you a story?”.
Adora nodded and pulled her knees up to her chest, burying her face in her arms. “Yeah, if that’s okay. Like... like the ones your aunt Castra was talking about... children's stories, I... I know I'm like, way too old for that stuff but-”. “You’re never too old for stories, Adora. But… I’m guessing that you didn’t have fairy tales in the Horde?”.
“No… I don’t think so. I- I can’t really remember much about being a really small kid in the Horde, aside from… from her and Catra,”.
“The story I heard at the festival, the one when we first met? In Thaymor? I liked it, I've never heard of fairy tails before that,”.
Glimmer smiled and reached over, placing her hand on Adora’s shoulder, “Okay… I’ll tell you a story. I’m going to have to make one up though, I haven’t had my storybooks in here since I was a kid,”.
“Are you sure?”.
“Of course,” she replied, “Anything for you Adora,”.
The taller girl smiled, pulling her face away from her arms.
“Thanks, Glimmer… you’re the best,”.
Glimmer simply hummed and patted the mattress next to her, “Now go ahead and lay down while I think of something,”.
Adora nodded and flopped over, staring back up at her pink haired friend with large, grey-blue eyes.
“Okay… here we go-”.
“There once was a Princess who had gone on an adventure by herself, far from the castle without telling anyone, and was soon found and captured by a passing enemy soldier. The soldier swore to bring the captured Princess to her camp, but they soon became lost in the vast forest they were exploring. They loathed each other from the start, blaming each other for their army taking away someone they loved.
‘Your Army killed my father!’ the Princess told the soldier.
‘You’re Army killed my friends!’ the Soldier spat back.
And they fought back and forth for hours, getting themselves more and more lost as the soldier tried to find her way home,”.
“Did they ever get out of the forest?” Adora asks softly, eyes still full of wonder.
Glimmer shrugged.
“They wondered the forest for months, surviving only on the Soldier's survival skills. For her sworn enemy, the Princess found that the Soldier was kind by nature, and despite being harsh and abrasive towards her, always seemed to help her out of tricky situations, and she did the same for the soldier.
If the soldier got hurt fighting the monsters in the forest, the Princess would tend to her wounds. And if the Princess got sick, the soldier would nurse her back to health.
They began to talk, slowly becoming friends. But still, they didn’t know each other’s name, so to each other, they were just Princess and Soldier. Neither of them knew it, but, despite being enemies, they were falling in love.
The Soldier stopped gloating about her army and the Princess stopped gloating about her kingdom, in the forest, they were no one but themselves and both found that life was much better when they were free.
For the first time in their lives, they were truly happy”.
Adora shifts around a little and yawns, “What happened to them?”.
“Well. one day, the Soldier became very ill, a curse had been put on her by the spirit of the forest for trespassing on his land, and the only way to cure the illness was for the Princess to travel to the heart of the wood and find the witch that lived there. She would be able to break the curse and no one else, but the trip there was dangerous and no one had ever made it and lived to tell the tale.
But the Princess cared for the Soldier so deeply, that she was willing to risk her life to get her help,”.
Glimmer had gotten so caught up in her story, she hardly realized she’d reached over and started combing her fingers through Adora’s hair. It had felt like such a natural thing to do her mind just didn’t question it, so… hoping she wasn’t making Adora uncomfortable, Glimmer pulled her hand away.
“No,” Adora whispered suddenly in a sleepy voice, “Keep doing that… it feels *yawn* it feels nice,”.
“Okay,” Glimmer said, continuing to brush her fingers through her friend's surprisingly soft hair as she once again continued the story:
“So the Princess and the Soldier set out on their final journey together, facing all the hardships the forest threw at them. The Soldier was no longer able to fight, so through her sickness, she taught the Princess to fend for herself, knowing that she might not be there to protect her for much longer. And in return, the Princess taught the Soldier healing techniques, hoping that she’d be able to use them on herself once she recovered.
Finally, after a weeks travel, the Princess and the Soldier found the heart of the forest, except it was an island floating in the middle of a thousand foot chasm. The only thing connecting the forest and the island was a rickety old rope bridge, stable for only one person to cross.
The Soldier was unable to walk on her own, the illness beginning to spread to her legs , and if the Princess was unable to get her to the witch on the other side, she was surely going to die,”.
Glimmer couldn’t help but chuckle at Adora’s slight gasp.
“The Princess refused to give up, but the Soldier had already accepted her fate, thanking the Princess for the wonderful time she had given her.
‘Thank you,’ she said, ‘I never knew what life was like beyond the walls of my castle before I ran into the woods and found you, and you have made it complete,”.
The Princess shook her head, still refusing to let the girl she cared for perish. So, using what little strength she had left from the long journey, she began dragging the Soldier to the bridge, not caring about the danger.
The bridge creaked and groaned with each step they took, the ropes starting to fray as they drew closer to the other side. The wooden boards beneath their feet began to break and splinter beneath them, but the Princess and the Soldier carried on… until finally, the bridge broke,”
“Did they make it?” Adora asks, “They’d come so far…”.
“Before the bridge fell from under them, the Princess felt a hand grab onto her, pulling away from the ledge, the Soldier still in her arms. It was the witch, of course, she had been waiting for their arrival.
‘Bring her inside,’ the witch said, pointing to the now unconscious Soldier.
The Princess obeyed immediately, and took the Soldier to the small hut in the center of the island and watched anxiously as the witch worked over the other girl, saying words foreign to the Princess’s ears. It didn’t take long for the witch to say that the curse was lifted, but the Soldier still needed to rest from the journey.
The Princess was relieved, having been worried that she’d lost the Soldier forever to the illness, but she fell asleep that night knowing that the Soldier would still be there when she woke up.
And sure enough, The Princess woke up to find the Soldier wake and alive, still sluggish the illness had left on her body, but still there. But before they reunited, the witch stepped between them, refusing to let them come any closer to each other.
‘She is your sworn enemy,’ the witch said to the Princess, ‘why did you help her?”.
Then the witch turned to the Soldier.
“She is the one you’re sworn to fight and yet you still long for each other?’
The Princess and Soldier knew the answer, and for the first time, we're ready to admit it,”.
“They were in love,” Adora whispered so softly that Glimmer could barely hear her. Clearly, she was trying to fight off sleep, but Adora was losing the battle.
Glimmer hummed a little and smiled:
‘We are in love,’ they said in unison, ‘our pasts don’t define us, it’s what we chose to do with the future that matters’.
The witch knew it was true, her magic was useless against the power of true love. Now, with nothing more to do, the witch sighed and looked between them. ‘Your love is very powerful, care for it, nurture it, allow it to grow… be patient. Great things await you in the future,’.
Finally, The Princess and the Soldier ran to each other an embraced, sharing true love’s first kiss at last. All they asked of the witch before she left was for her to make the trees bare endless fruit and for the animals never be hunted out.
They knew that if they were to leave the island and the forest, that they would surely be killed. If the Princess’s kingdom found out that she’d fallen in love with the enemy... the Soldier would be shunned or killed. And if they were to return to the Soldier’s home, the Princess would be captured and held for ransom.
So they decided that the island forest would become their new home, knowing they’d be safe from judgemental eyes.
And they lived happily ever after,”.
It wasn’t a very good story, Glimmer thought, but at least it was a story.
“How was that? Did you like it?” she asked, looking down at Adora who had actually fallen asleep, a light snore passing over her lips.
She smiled, unable to help herself as she leaned down and pressed a light kiss against Adora’s cheek.
“Sleep well, My Soldier”.
Let me know if you want a part 2
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networksload185 · 3 years
Crash Bandicoot For Mac Software
On this page you can download Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy (2018) for Mac OS X! Full version of game Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy MAC Download Free. About This Game: Your favorite marsupial, Crash Bandicoot™, is back! He’s enhanced, entranced and ready-to-dance with the N. Sane Trilogy game collection. Download, Install, and Play Crash Bandicoot: On the Run! On your Windows PC or MAC with mobile app emulators for free. Download & Install Bluestacks. Alternatively, you can use Memu or Nox. Register new or connect your old Gmail/Google Play account.
Crash Bandicoot For Mac Software Free
Crash Bandicoot For Mac Software Windows 10
Candy Crush creator King has announced that a Crash Bandicoot iPhone game is coming in the spring, and you can pre-register now. A video trailer can be seen below.
Crash Bandicoot was one of the most popular PlayStation 1 games of all time, selling over 40 million copies, and has just been revived for both PlayStation 4 and Xbox One …
The latest console version is Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time, launched at the beginning of the month. The iOS and Android game will be called Crash Bandicoot: On The Run!
Mobile developer King revealed back in July that the endless runner game was in the works, but gave no timescale at the time. It has now said only ‘spring 2021,’ but that’s at least better than nothing.
Everyone’s favorite marsupial is getting ready to run, jump and spin onto mobile in Crash Bandicoot: On the Run!. Running faster, fearlessly and further than ever before, this brand-new mobile adventure brings the best of the Crash Bandicoot franchise from the last 20 years with fan-favorite characters, bosses, moves, mischief and mayhem.
“We’re really excited to bring this well-known and much-loved franchise back to mobile,” said Stephen Jarrett, VP of Game Design at King, and Creative Lead on Crash Bandicoot: On the Run!. “Our ambition is to transform the runner experience with classic Crash gameplay, while adding depth and progression through a variety of exciting features including meaningful social, crafting and base building. Drawing inspiration from Crash’s vibrant history we plan to bring back classic characters, bosses, enemies and lands and wrap them in a brand-new adventure for gamers to play on the go.”
Tumblr media
In Crash Bandicoot: On the Run!, the dastardly Dr. Neo Cortex has returned to take control of the multiverse, with the help of his maniacal mutagen henchmen. Only Crash and his sister Coco can save the day and put a stop to their plans. Video game fans will immediately recognize regions from previous Crash Bandicoot games, such as Temple Ruins, Turtle Woods, Bear It and more.
Engadget notes that the mobile version will include one of the trickiest levels from the PlayStation game.
The game is an endless runner, which will also have weapons crafting and base-building on the go. It features characters aside from Crash that fans already know and love (or hate), including Coco, the goofy-looking Fake Crash and our hero’s nemesis Neo Cortex. You’ll have to defeat Neo Cortex in the Lab, which is one of the franchise’s most notoriously difficult levels.
Crash Bandicoot: On The Run! will be a free download with in-app purchases. You can pre-order it from the App Store, with King throwing in a freebie by way of encouragement.
Any player that pre-registers will receive an exclusive Blue Hyena Skin on launch day – a fun and exotic skin which fans may remember from Crash Team Racing: Nitro Fueled.
Crash Bandicoot For Mac Software Free
Check out the Crash Bandicoot iPhone trailer below.
FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links.More.
To most folks, the bandicoot is just a silly looking marsupial that lives in the Australian outback. To PlayStation owners, however, the tiny critter is a spinning, pants-wearing bundle of red fur and attitude that just happens to be the next big thing for Sony's 32-Bit system.
And this next big thing's name is Crash Bandicoot, whose self-titled game is one of the most highly anticipated second-generation next-gen titles to come along for the PlayStation. The game is slated for a September release, and the mounting anticipation surrounding it is understandable; Crash Bandicoot is, without a doubt, the best-looking title to come out for the PlayStation ever. Its graphics are crisp, colorful, and-for lack of a better term-just plain awesome. (Check out the side-bar for info on why the game looks so great.) In fact, the game's stunning visuals have prompted many Crash-playing EGM staff members to wonder if they were watching a cinema rather than the game itself.
But does Crash Bandicoot play like a cinema? No. It has gameplay guts to go with its visual glory. Although Crash's attacks are pretty standard stuff (he leaps on and spins into enemies) the game is packed with a variety of levels, many requiring a different type of play style. It offers forward-scrolling stages, sidescrolling stages-even two stages that tax Crash's beast-riding skills!
The majority of the game is played in a third-person perspective, with you looking over the furry head of the pouched-reared protagonist as he zips head-on through each stage. And Crash has more than his fair share of obstacles to avoid during his quest to rescue his girlfriend. Most levels have Crash making a mad dash through the jungle, which is packed from tree to shining tree with bottomless pits and angry animals. Crash must contend with rogue skunks, bandicoot eating plants, bloodthirsty bats, vicious villagers and other terrors of the jungle.
Not all the animals are against Crash, however. Later in the game, the bandicoot will climb aboard his trusty wild boar and haul butt through the greenery. The squealing sow only has two speeds-fast and faster-and Crash must clutch to the critter and steer him around and over traps and pits. Some chasms are too wide to clear in one jump, but big bongo drums lie before these pits and give the pig a boost of leaping power. Crash will also have to avoid spiked posts, barbecue pits and shield-wielding villagers that cross his pig's path.
But the hog-riding levels aren't the only ones laden with traps. Giant stone rollers lumber onto the road in front of Crash during his on-foot adventures, and Crash can only cross some chasms by vaulting onto support columns that drop from under the hero's feet if he wastes too much time planning his next leap.
Not all of the game's levels-and traps-are landlocked; some stages send Crash careening along a rock- and log-strewn stream. Here the bandicoot must deal with hungry fish and even hungrier plant life. But the water levels' real challenge lies in guiding the bandicoot through the wet-and-wild obstacles. The only route Crash can follow downstream is across slippery logs and onto moving lily pads. One badly aimed leap will land Crash in the drink, all wet and all dead.
These water-logged levels are perhaps the game's most visually stunning stages. Crash's falls into the stream are rewarded with realistic splashes, and the waterfalls that Crash must occasionally scramble over look straight from a postcard.
Other levels reverse the player's perspective and send Crash cruising in your direction, toward the television screen. For instance, several Indiana Jones-inspired stages have Crash running in front of huge rolling boulders that pursue the hero. One false step and Crash is road kill. These backward-scrolling levels are extra tough because you can't see the obstacles that lie in front of Crash until they're nearly under his feet. Jumping across chasms becomes especially difficult, since you can't see their far sides. Still other levels are played in the traditional side-scroller fashion, with Crash running and jumping his way over gaps and past traps that lie along his path.
The visual quality of these levels doesn't degrade just because the player perspective has changed; they're rendered in the same crisp 3-D graphics that make the game so spectacular. Later levels mix both side- and forward-scrolling perspectives, with Crash dashing left or right for a while, then plunging straight into the jungle or a cavernous ruin.
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Crash's adventure takes him to three islands, all containing a total of more than 30 stages. Besides the jungle locales, he'll also wander inside and outside of ancient ruins and storm his nemesis' castle.
Gamers are guaranteed to reach 26 levels when they play through Crash Bandicoot, but chances are they'll stumble across a slew of bonus rounds. The key to reaching these rounds lies in the crates that Crash can bust open as he hauls butt through the game. Most crates are full of fruit that the bandicoot can collect for extra lives, while others contain voodoo masks that make Crash invincible if he collects three of them.
But a few crates house bonus-level heads. Collect three of these and Crash will cruise to one of the game's three types of bonus rounds. For instance, collect three Tawna heads and Crash will be sent to her bonus level. Here Crash can load up on fruit, voodoo masks and lives--and you can save your game if you reach the end of the level. Later in the game, Crash can also collect Dr. Brio and Dr. Cortex heads and be sent to their respective bonus levels. Brio's levels are chock-full of extra lives, while players will find two keys in Cortex's stages. These keys grant access to two super-secret bonus rounds that can be found early in the game.
The crates themselves also open up bonus levels. If Crash finds and smashes every crate in a level without losing a life, he'll be awarded a gem at the end of the stage. These crystals unlock special gem levels that Crash can uncover throughout the game. Some gem levels can only be accessed once Crash clears a level later on in his adventure. This need to revisit early stages to find new bonus levels adds tremendous replay value to the game.
Crash Bandicoot is a tent-pole product for several companies, namely Sony. Universal Studios Interactive and Naughty Dog Inc., all of which became caught up in the game's development at one point or another.
Naughty Dog began putting the game t together nearly two years ago, with the intention that Universal would help tweak and distribute the title. Then Sony took notice of the game and saw what could potentially be the company's Mario 64 killer. So the folks behind the PlayStation signed on to publish and distribute Crash Bandicoot.
But does Crash have what it takes to take on Nintendo's--as well as Sega's--juggernaut mascots and become king of the next-gen jungle? That remains to be seen. Crash's graphics and game-play will certainly give the little bandicoot a fighting chance.
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Crash Bandicoot For Mac Software Windows 10
Overall rating: 9.5
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fearlesshades · 7 years
D&D Stories
@charlesoberonn asked for fun stories from Dungeons and Dragons so here are some of the best from the group I'm in right now. (There's eight of us and we are currently in 3 different campaigns so there's a lot of shenanigans.)
(Under read more because wow so much shenanigans it got way longer than I thought it would)
First Campaign:
This party consists of: a pyrophobic elven druid, a dragonborn sorcerer (pyromancer), a dwarven fighter, a half-elf warlock, a half-orc paladin, a changeling bard, a human ranger (me) and her Tibetan Mastiff, Pup.
We met our dwarf after he had pissed off an evil wizard and was teleported away, where he dropped on top of a table in the beginning tavern.
We met our warlock when he was completely naked
He had clothes. They were in his bag. He didn’t remember why he was naked.
Upon being confronted by a cultist asking after the gem we had just found in a mine, our sorcerer responds with, “What’s a gem?”
The time we were all being slaughtered by dragon wormlings (no spell slots between the 7 party members, four AOEs at our faces) and the dragons kidnapped our paladin to carry him to the top of the tower and our bard got to second base with a god
So we had already been in this tower and we had looked through the trapdoor in the ceiling. After seeing the BBG’s crest in the sky a la Dark Mark with bats pouring out of its mouth we closed the trapdoor and continued on our way. Turns out this tower roof was where we were supposed to meet BBG for the first time and have our first big battle with him.
We were trying to get out of the castle so we could rest in the forest without fear of being attacked en masse by the castle. As we’re walking through the front door the four creepy dragon statues turned into four creepy baby dragons that immediately dropped a couple of us.
We were struggling. Dying. It was not good. Until...
Our bard looked down and saw ‘Blessing of Milil’ written on his sheet.
Like three months ago real word time he had left like 10 gold at Milil’s alter and our DM had told him to write that, which we all promptly forgot about
But, in our dire straights, we decided it was time to try whatever that was.
Bard starts playing and calling to Milil. And light comes down from the heavens with tinkling music, surrounding our almost dead paladin and invigorating him. It filled his HP, his Lay On Hands, and his spell slots to the brim.
He starts slashing, healing, etc, managing to get everyone else out of the entryway. He then turns to get himself out of the entryway when he got hit from behind and dropped.
Dragon wormling takes him and starts flying for the top of the tower with the BBG fight we had accidentally skipped
Our sorcerer (no spell slots and 2 HP) and I (also no spell slots and 3 HP) sprint to the top of the tower where we are immediately Charmed by BBG.
We are expecting Death
Meanwhile, on the ground, our bard is still playing in the hopes of wresting one more favor from Milil
Milil shows up in person in front of him
Milil dusts him off (restores all his spell slots and inspirations and HP), then slaps him on the ass, sending him flying up to the top of the tower, screaming an empowered Counter-Charm the whole way.
The time our sorcerer set a tree on fire right next to our (pyrophobic remember) druid.
The time our sorcerer tried to make up for setting a tree on fire next to our druid’s head by getting him a magic flower pot
The pot is enchanted to resist cold so the flower doesn’t die and has a Ring of Spell Storing wrapped around it
He spent an entire day (in game) and thirty minutes (real world) doing this
The time we (level 7) fought an ancient red dragon with our DM’s old party
Three of them came up to play with us
One was an insane cleric named Pancake Flea (yes really)
One was a level 15 Druid (we didn’t know he was level 15 until we came up to the dragon though)
The third we thought was a bronze colored dragonborn paladin
He was not
He was an ancient bronze dragon
When we came up to fight the ancient red he dropped the polymorph or whatever the fuck he was using and transformed into a giant fucking dragon who then went toe to toe with the other one, sassing the whole way
The time I pissed off the DM by making him come up with what all the hundreds of alchemical bottles in a witch’s brewing room were and he blinded my dog in retaliation
The time our bard cast sleep on skeletons. And then did it again.
The time our paladin (of Bahamat. Oath of Devotion) ran away from skeletons, leaving our much less tanky sorcerer alone in their path
The time we made our DM hate us by using Leomund’s Tiny Hut to take a long rest in a dungeon, and then fought all of the things that had gathered around outside the hut through the walls of it
The time we beat the BBG I’ve talked about before by shoving him in an invisible box and ignoring him until he was tired
Staff of Power is ridiculous, and has Wall of Force
Second Campaign:
This party consists of: a human dragonknight and his friend platinum dragon, a human Eldritch Knight, a dwarven sorcerer, a half-elf monk, a human barbarian, a halfling bard, and a halfling rogue (me).
The time the rest of the group forgot to get me thief’s tools and then asked me to pick locks cause the key was broken
Turns out our sorcerer has mend. And didn’t use it on the broken key.
The time(s) our barbarian (INT 7) crit:
(Little bit of background, the barbarian, for roleplay reasons, can only attack while raging and can only rage when someone else in the party has been hurt)
Created a hang-glider out of bug parts, thereby allowing us all to get over a chasm and escape
Cast shriek because he couldn’t attack yet and the bard had just cast shriek
(He screamed and crit on the attack role, he did like 3 damage or something)
Did the best goddamn pose after the two halflings flipped onto his shoulders to diffuse tension
The time our sorcerer hit me with lightning so I hit him with fruit.
I wanted to hit him with fruit until I did equal damage he had done to me with the lightning (it worked out to 15 fruits that would have needed to hit him) but the rest of the party didn’t let me
Everyone in the party asking the dragonknight for permission to do everything, from getting out of line, to retrieving a dagger (ok it was actually just me but that’s only cause he had yelled at the sorcerer for not following orders) (also this character of mine is 16 (14 in halfling years))
Third Campaign:
This party is made up of: a human ranger, a human rogue, a tiefling multiclass, a human barbarian, a gnome mad scientist, a human monk, and a goliath fighter (me).
The time I got into a shouting match with a statue about the city outside that had been completely wiped off the face of the planet about 30,000 years ago
He didn’t know the city was gone
The city was fUCKING GONE
The time three of us couldn’t shake one bad guy’s concentration cause we were rolling too low on damage
The time our rogue got the entire town guard on his side and threw the ranger in jail
He said the ranger had stolen his dagger, which he actually just happened to have a match to, but the point was he was rolling really well on deception, the guards were rolling really low on insight, and the ranger was rolling really low on persuasion, so ranger went in jail
We went to get the ranger out of jail and the rogue said he would drop the charges if he got his dagger back. When the ranger got out of the jail, he started yelling at the rogue. The rogue had been doing so well on his roles the entire guard was basically in love with him and smacked the ranger, yelling about how “this nice, honorable young man just got you out of jail! How dare you speak to him like that, he’s so nice!”
The time our ranger filled a Bag of Holding with water and got all his stuff wet
The time my goliath (who doesn’t like alcohol btw) got into a drinking contest with the Viking barbarian and passed out, before waking back up and the two of us went drunkenly singing through and out of the town we were supposed to buy all our supplies in and our DM had spent hours on all the different shops and the various people running them
Just goes to show: don’t put effort into anything as a DM cause your players will fuck it up
The second time my goliath got into a drinking contest with the barbarian, won this time, before waking up with the worst hangover ever and deciding to stick to what she actually wants out of life and had milk with her breakfast
Don’t change for anyone, kids
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longroadstonowhere · 1 year
okay, after approximately.... seventeen hours? something along those lines (did, you know, have to do the occasional work task and, like, eat and get water obviously), i’m putting down the game for the night - got to a point where i didn’t immediately have an interesting task in front of me and needed to make a stopping point for myself
i’m gonna put a cut here and do some freewheeling thoughts on tears of the kingdom thus far, but generally it suffices to say that i am having a good time
first of all, i’m really glad i played age of calamity somewhat recently, because it gave me little bits of character info that i honestly would’ve completely forgotten without it - namely that teba had a son who was one of the tiny birds in the last game
anyway it really feels like they took the notes/complaints about breath of the wild’s story to heart, cuz god damn is there a healthy amount of story here, especially with them bringing back sages and temples and such - for posterity’s sake, i have completed the wind temple, and am on my way to death mountain for what i assume will be the fire temple; should be interesting to see who the sage is, since we got a little curveball from the ritos not making it teba (so now i’m thinking yunobo or someone else? and the someone else is a little more likely)
okay also for posterity’s sake - i have gotten four glyph memories, which i assume they’re assigned to the glyph and not given in a particular order, so i got the intro one (zonai), the castle, the demon king, and the sword; i’ve also done precisely 1 (one) chasm visit and started my job at the lucky clover, as well as completing enough shrines to get up to eight hearts with enough orbs currently on my person to get something, and i uncovered the demon statue under hyrule, as well
sad they’re not letting me play as zelda, but also love that she is literally an actual part of the imprisoning war from ten thousand years ago, like yup nope the zelda in that mural was in fact the exact same zelda who was critiquing and comparing herself to that perfect image of, it turns out, herself
like fucking hell i just love the character beats there, and hopefully some amount of that gets discussed on screen, cuz damn
oh, right, by the way, if i had a nickel for every time a dead king guided me through a great ____ zone i’d have two nickels - i kid, i kid, i really liked king rauru (which!! king rauru what?!?!? aaaaaaa my zelda lore brain is firing off all the time) bamfing around and actually, like, guiding us? like he doesn’t really quite know more than we do, he’s just more familiar with how the land works and such
... now that i’m thinking about it, though, how the hell did we end up where we did? like i was jokingly complaining to myself about how we were literally just shoved in a random room (on the floor), as opposed to breath of the wild where we were intentionally brought to an advanced piece of restorative technology, but also, rauru didn’t have a corporeal form? how was he able to replace my arm? and how did i get in that room????
guess that’ll be one for the zelda youtubers - oh, wait, right! i was gonna make this joke like fourteen hours ago, but i loved the opening bit where zelda is just like the zelda lore youtubers i watch sometimes, where she’s just excitedly pointing at things and going ‘!!! this is cool! i don’t actually know what’s going on entirely but it’s cool!!!’ like yes, love that for you darling, i will like comment and subscribe every moment you’re on screen doing what you love
let’s see... oh, the gameplay is pretty excellent, even if i keep dying because i’m bad at fighting without all my special powers (and because i couldn’t find a shirt for so damn long, like i know that was just luck probably but still), and the new magic abilities are fascinating - it’s interesting how they’re both more and less expansive than the previous set (like with the attaching things power, you can pick up anything not just metal stuff like you could with magnesis, but without cryonis water is way more terrifying cuz none of the other powers can really do anything about water by themselves)
fav so far is the ‘swim upward through solid objects’ one because ya know i love to climb things, and it’s really fun to have an escape clause on, like, most caves and a lot of other places (i think i used it a fair amount in the wind temple just to get away from dudes)
i haven’t made very many vehicles, because when i make stuff for movement i feel bad about abandoning it out in the wilderness but also sometimes you just gotta cut that corner and jump off the cliff (which, gods, it took so long to get the paraglider and i was so happy when it finally dropped into my hands) - this is how i felt about horses in the first game, although i’ve actually ridden a couple horses around this time
you know what i have done what feels like fifty times? supported president hudson, that’s what - actually it’s a really fun and simple engineering puzzle that i’m glad shows up again and again, but by gods i wanna take addison’s hands and just go ‘why didn’t you guys just make the sign stable to start with??’
it’s been very cool seeing how the world has changed, both with recovery after breath of the wild and with the stuff falling from the sky at the start of this game, although i think what fascinates me the most is that no one’s actually said (or even implied) exactly how long it’s been either since botw ended OR since link and zelda disappeared on their archaeological survey - like i have no idea if link was out for days, weeks, or months honestly (my guess is like three weeks but who knows!)
negative things... not a fan of how often i died, and it took me way longer to figure out how to use the zonai wings than it should have, i wish there’d been a slightly better explanation at some point, and i wish i’d gotten the latest memory i found (the sword one) later in the quest line, cuz it feels very resolution-y and while it’s occasionally fun to get these things as an almost in media res conclusion, in this particular instance i’d rather have just seen it later
the whole geoglyphs concept is super awesome, though, that was a fantastic addition and really rewards the whole flying around the sky thing that this game is really about
can’t wait to get through the rest of the major story beats so i can spend the next few months just dicking around
but first sleep
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