hikaritakaishi · 4 months
Digital World Collapse
I was talking to a friend of mine today and we found the PERFECT explanation of WHY the Digital World will collapse soon again. And all goes down to TAICHI AND YAMATO! (Again...)
Here are the rules for the Jogress Shinka: It cannot be male and female, only male and male, or female and female! Right? Right. AND it cannot be a FAMILY THING! No Taichi and Hikari, and no Takeru and Yamato. Right? Right.
BUT! THE PROBLEM IS: If... Takeru and Hikari start dating, Yamato and Taichi will be in-laws. THEN, BOOM! COLLAPSE! A FAMILY BUSINESS? NO WAY! BOOM, CATASTROPHE, THEY BROKE THE DIGITAL WORLD!?! NO!
(Sorry guys, I had to share. Use it for fanfiction material if you will, is a good comic relief.)
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serialadoptersbracket · 7 months
Round 2, Match 26: Tom and Maddie Wachowski vs. Sakyo Furuichi
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Submitted kids:
Tom and Maddie Wachowski: Sonic, Tails, & Knuckles
Sakyo Furuichi: Azami Izumida, Banri Settsu, Juza hyodo, Taichi Nanao (these are just the main ones but tbh all Mankai company characters who were under 20 in year 1 count)
Propaganda under the cut!
Tom and Maddie Wachowski:
"they’re canonically found family; at least Sonic & them are 100% confirmed, & Tails & Knuckles are implied.
Tom may be a cop but he actively goes against the government in both movies. in the first, to protect this alien hedgehog kid he just met in his shed & shot with a tranquilizer dart by accident, & in the second, his kid & his new friend (Tails), both of which just came tumbling through a ring portal & crashing Maddie’s sister Rachel’s wedding.
Maddie is a vet & although it isn’t shown in the movies, it’s assumed this makes her more able to take care of their sons if they get sick &/or injured etc despite them being aliens. bit devastated i can’t remember anything else significant to add for her other than she & Rachel (her sister) got to wield Tails’ guns in the second movie’s wedding crashing-ing/bridezilla scene.
Bonus shoutout, her sister also plays a part in both movies, although her part being bigger in the second movie, where after her wedding is crashed, it’s revealed that her fiancée is a government spy. she goes absolutely berserk & it’s one of my favorite scenes/sequence of scenes bc she’s a girlboss & i absolutely adore characters going ham & insane on driving golf carts.
both sisters are girlbosses tbh, & i love this weirdass family consisting of these 3 alien kids, their dog Ozzy, Donut Lord (Tom), Pretzel Lady (Maddie), Pretzel Lady’s sister Rachel, Rachel’s fake-spy-love-turned-real-love husband Randal, & Rachel’s daughter Jojo."
Sakyo Furuichi:
"his first adopted child was azami, azami was his yakuza boss's kid but the boss was always busy and the mom died when azami was 5 so sakyo at age 23 ish raised azami singlehandedly. he went out of his way to protect azami's dream of becoming a makeup artist when his biological dad disapproved,, like when azami secretly ordered makeup online, sakyo told the boss it was "stuff teenage boys like" which prompted the boss to leave it alone. azami even said he sees sakyo as a dad 🥺
besides azami, sakyo also fusses over his other kids tho he has difficulty being honest abt his feelings. he's v strict abt the company budget (they're all in a theatre company called mankai company btw) but it's bc when he joined the company was in crippling debt so he doesn't want them to go through that again and lose their home. he also expressed disappointment that he wasn't the first one to take banri drinking when banri became of age which is so dad behaviour to me <3"
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Japanese QL Corner
PSA that I will be traveling for a bit so don't expect a round up for the next couple weeks, but some new shows will be starting when I get back, yay! Before that, though, we still have a couple things going, though I can't say it was a great week in this particular corner of bl. Both of these current airing shows are on Gaga.
Love is Better the Second Time Around
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I did not much care for this week's episode, and it was disappointing to see this show's streak of excellence broken. The ideas behind what they brought into the story in this episode could have fit if they'd used them differently, but the execution was just terrible. You can't suddenly dump a new antagonist, new backstory, and new conflict in the penultimate episode of a short series and expect that to land, especially when you make all of it so complicated. Did we really need a sexually harassing cousin, an illicit photo, a disownment, a previously unheard of sister, and a rich family trying to force Iwanaga home to run their business, all at once? This was far too much Plot Stuff, most of which added little to the story and all of which there is no time to meaningfully address. And the worst part is it derailed us from the relationship repair narrative we've been on for the last month. Disappointing from a show that was so solid until this week.
My Strawberry Film
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I can't believe I spent four hours of my one precious life on this slog of a drama. We ended the show as I feared we would, with everyone getting rejected, no satisfying conclusion to any aspect of the story, and a half-assed attempt at actual queer romance rep via a tortured backstory of Minami's mom and her high school friend who rejected her confession and now regrets it. I really, deeply resent that this show only allowed the dead character to have her romantic feelings finally requited, and in the end Ryo didn't even get to experience any relief or catharsis for his own, still continuing to suppress his feelings to the end. This show stayed mostly preoccupied with the het love lines to the end, and they got the vast majority of the screen time. I don't know what the writer thinks they are saying with this story, but all it says to me is that being queer is miserable and lonely for every generation and there will never be any relief. What a fucking bummer of a message and an awful note to end the Drama Shower series on.
Bonus: Silhouette of Your Voice
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Sweet relief. Thanks to @my-rose-tinted-glasses I was reminded that I hadn't watched this film yet, and it's now on Viki so I finally got the chance! Adapted from the manga I Hear the Sunspot, this is the story of Kohei, a college student with a hearing disability who hires a classmate, Taichi, to take notes for him in class in exchange for bringing him daily bentos. It's such a cute story, and the two form a real friendship and then a romantic bond as they get to know each other. Kohei is reserved but kind, and he is misunderstood by most of the other students, and Taichi is bold and brash and hyper defensive of his new friend. It's not perfect--the ending was kind of weird, which @twig-tea tells me is because they did the beginning of the manga with fidelity and then just randomly jumped to the end--but it's a very pleasant way to spend 70 minutes. Recommended!
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Something Domestic Pt.1
Summary: Her entire life, Kimiko had been convinced she was crazy. By her parents, her sister, doctors, everybody. So, she’s thankful to meet someone who assures her, her hallucinations aren’t just her mind messing with her. Too bad the messenger is a curse.
Tw: Incorrect diagnosis, mild violence, hair ripping, Mahito shows up at the end, Mahito is his own warning, author is only halfway into season 1 so any conflicting details will be edited at a later date, mc can see curses and doesnt know wtf they are, suicide mention, hospitalization mentions, drug/medicine mentions, first chapter is mostly backstory/flashback or whatever.
Word count: 1.2k 
Part Two
A small shiver had licked up Kimiko’s spine as she stared out at the creature that sat at the foot of her bed. It had been small, and had an almost monkey–like shape, though at the same time it looked nothing like the friendly animal. She had stared for a moment longer before a scream ripped through her throat and sounded out through the whole house when the creature jumped at her. It landed on her chest hard enough to knock the wind out of her. She sat up and grabbed at it in a desperate attempt to get it off of her. It held onto fistfuls of her hair, and when she finally tore it away from her head some of her jet black hair had gone with it. 
It dropped her hair on the floor before it slammed itself into her closet, merely moments before her parents burst into her room. “Kimiko, what’s wrong?” Her mother scooped her up into her arms as fat tears rolled down Kimiko’s cheeks and dropped from her chin. “Oh, honey..” Her mother trailed off as she noticed the clumps of black hair decorating the carpet. She looked at her husband, then nodded down at the hair for him to look at. He bent down and picked some of it up. “Why were you in here tearing your hair out?” Her mother’s voice was gentle, though her father’s face screwed up into an unamused expression. 
Kimiko just sobbed and hiccuped, trying to explain as much as her body had let her through her tears and snot. The only words that had come out of her mouth were bad monkey and closet. She heard her father scoff, and heard her mother make an irritated noise at him, followed by a quiet scolding, as if Kimiko wouldn’t have been able to hear it despite her mother still holding her. “Taichi, stop it.” 
“No, Yūna, this is getting ridiculous, last week it was an evil cat, and now there’s a bad monkey in her closet? We aren’t making a habit of this, especially if she’s going to start ripping out her hair and screaming like she’s being slaughtered over nothing.” By then, Kimiko’s cries had settled to shaking breaths and hiccups as she kept her eyes on the thing in her closet, watching her right back as if waiting for her parents to go back to their own room. 
“She was just crying so hard her breath is hitching–”
“Yeah, ripping out clumps,” he angrily shook a fistful of Kimiko’s hair in Yūna’s face, “of your hair probably fucking hurts. Put her back to bed and lets go to sleep.”
Yūna slapped Taichi’s hand away from her, making him drop the hair onto the floor again. “I’m not leaving until you look in her closet, it will take you five seconds.” Taichi grunted at his wife, but did as told, stepping away from the girls to look in the closet. As always, nothing was there aside from her shoes and clothes. He scoffed again and turned back to Yūna– who glared daggers at him– and Kimiko, who still had her eyes focused intently on the closet, and still looked frightened. 
“Would you look at that? Not a damn thing in here. Now, put her to bed.” Taichi walked past the two and out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Kimiko and Yūna could hear him angrily whispering at Kimiko’s older sister to go back to bed. Her mother sighed and laid her back in bed, and though Kimiko had been silent, she could still tell she’s scared. She leaned down and kissed her temple. 
“What if I sleep in here with you, my love? Will that make you feel better?” Kimiko nodded at her, and Yūna gave her a small smile before she joined her on the small mattress. 
Only two days had passed before they told her they were putting her in a hospital for a ‘little while’ to be monitored. That visit had ended up being three weeks long, and was only the first of many trips to hospitals and psych wards. She had been five that first time. In and out of facilities with an incorrect diagnosis, getting incorrect treatment, and incorrect medication. The only reason they had released her was because she learned to keep calm around the creatures she saw, and learned how to lie well enough to convince the staff that these new meds had worked after years of trying everything else.
Now, at age twenty-three, it has been a week since Kimiko had been released from her most recent stay at a hospital. This time, she had attempted to take her own life, and her friends had found her and taken her to the emergency room. The hospital kept her for a few days to make sure she was stable, and once she was released and the last of the drugs the doctors had given her were out of her system, her friends decided to take her out. They were hoping it would raise her spirits.
Kimiko had been fairly indifferent about it at first, but they were right, thankfully, as it was helping cheer her up quite a bit. They all found themselves at a bar, which wasn’t super packed. Their group was sitting at the bar counter, and another group was sitting across the room, keeping to themselves and drinking quietly. 
One of the girls hip-bump Kimiko suddenly to get her attention, and she looks over at her with a questioning expression. “What was that for?” She asks as she tilts her head slightly, jet black bangs falling in front of one of her eyes with the motion. 
“Just wanted to make sure you’re doing okay. Do you want another drink?” Kimiko perks up at that and nods, her friend smiling sweetly at her before asking the bartender to make her another drink. Though something she sees out of the corner of her eye catches her attention. She glances to the windows, and sees a man with light blue hair walking slowly past the bar. He seems to be lost in thought, so maybe it wouldn’t do any harm to go say hi. One of the reasons her friends wanted to take her out was to lift her spirits, talking to a cute guy would totally do that, right?
Normally, Kimiko would have stayed put.. but she was far more confident when tipsy. So, she gets up out of her seat, and surprisingly sneaks off without her friends noticing. Maybe that wasn’t the best thing, but she decides she’ll think about it later so as to not distract from her maybe Prince Charming.
By the time she catches up with him, they’re in the alley between the bar and the building next door. She approaches the man from behind and reaches forward to touch his shoulder to get his attention. His skin feels ice cold under her touch, and it surprises her, though she assumes she probably feels hotter due to her drinking. “Excuse me, sir?” She isn’t sure how to hit on anybody, but she figured maybe a polite greeting would be a good start. “I’d like to speak with you for a moment.”
He turns around, slowly, and locks eyes with her. “Yes?” He asks, tilting his head as she removes her hand from his shoulder. This was now the second human to just come waltzing up to him recently. Maybe this woman knew Junpei, and he had told her about him? Or maybe humans simply lacked self-preservation instincts. 
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taru-haru · 2 years
Banri Settsu【An Elegant Pause】SSR
< Afternoon tea at the hotel >
!Spoiler warning! : The followings contain contents of A3! act! addict! actors!
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Card Quote :  “If I knew you would enjoy it so deliciously, I would’ve brought you here already.”
“When I see such face of yours…. Alright got it, I’ll eat it.”
The translation is undercut. You have been warned about spoilers.
͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙ ♡𐡘 𐡘♡𐡘 𐡘 ֎ 𐡘 𐡘♡𐡘 𐡘♡ ͙ ͙۪۪̥ ͙
<I’ll be using the default name ‘Izumi’ for the director>
֎Afternoon tea at the hotel
Part 1
Izumi: “Looks like everyone has plans for the weekends this week.”
Taichi: “I got a part-time job on Saturdays and Sundays!”
Sakuya: “Is that so? Good luck!”
Taichi: “Thanks, I’m gonna work hard and earn money!”
Taichi: “Come to think of it, Sakkun also works part-time on Saturdays, right? Good luck there too!”
Sakuya: “Mm, thanks!”
Izumi: “Speaking of it, Banri-kun is meeting his sister on Saturday, right?
Sakuya: “Where are you going with your sister?”
Banri: “Just accompanying my sis to have an afternoon tea in the hotel lounge.”
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Taichi: “Afternoon tea at a hotel? Popular men really are different!”
Banri: “It’s nothing like that. I’m just accompanying her, is all.”
Izumi: “Looks like it’s gonna be a lovely day out.”
Sakuya: “Banri-kun, have fun with your sister!”
Banri: “Yeah well, guess I’m gonna enjoy it.”
━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━
*beep beep*
Banri: “Hello?”
Banri’s sister: “Ah, Banri? Sorry, I don’t think I can make it to the afternoon tea tomorrow.”
Banri: “Hah? Didn’t you say you wanted to go there?”
Banri’s sister: “I know but I got some stuff I can’t skip.”
Banri: “I don’t mind but isn’t there a reservation already?”
Banri’s sister: “Oh right, I already paid for the reservation.”
Banri: “Should we cancel?”
Banri’s sister: “I don’t think it’s possible to do a day before. So, how about you go with someone?”
Banri: “Ha? …..Geez, got it. I’ll look for someone.”
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Banri’s sister: “I’ll leave it to you then.”
Banri: (Even if I say that, bringing someone from troupe is…..)
Banri: (Should I ask director-chan?)
━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━
Banri: “I’m home.”
Izumi: “Banri-kun, welcome back.”
Banri: “Director-chan, you free tomorrow?”
Izumi: “Tomorrow? That I am…..”
Banri: “Actually, sis looks like she can’t come to the afternoon tea no more so if you don’t mind, wanna go with me?”
Izumi: “Eh, is it okay for me to go with you?”
Banri: “I’m inviting cause it’s okay in the first place.”
Izumi: “Well then, I’m taking your word for it. To be honest, I was indeed bit curious after listening to you the other day.”
Banri: “Alright, it’s decided then.”
Izumi: “I’m looking forward to it!”
Part 2
Izumi: “Wow….amazing….! Teapots, teacups, sweets– everything here is so fancy!”
Izumi: “It’s the first time I’ve had an afternoon tea at a hotel. So it feels like this.”
Banri: “I really was right to bring director-chan with me.”
Izumi: “Thank you for inviting me. It really is puzzling to decide which sweets to eat first.”
Banri: “Everything looks tasty after all.”
Izumi: “Should I start with this tart first…..Mm! So delicious!”
Banri: “Haha, you really eat like it’s exceptionally tasty.”
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Izumi: “....It’s embarrassing to be watched so Banri-kun, you also eat!”
Banri: “Got it, got it.”
Izumi: (There’s not only sweets but also sandwiches and hors d’oeuvres.)
Izumi: (As expected of having afternoon tea at a hotel. The garden through the window is also very beautiful.)
Izumi: “Ah…..”
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Banri: “What’s up?”
Izumi: “Look, looks like they’re having a wedding at the garden.”
Banri: “Right, sis did say that this hotel also has a wedding hall and is often used for arranging meetings for marriage and stuff.”
Izumi: “It seems like it’s sometimes also used for matchmaking. Oh, those two look like a couple.”
Banri: “They suit each other.”
Izumi: “Why do you think so?”
Banri: “The clothes, the atmosphere, kind of stuff?”
Izumi: “Now that you say it, they’re indeed a good match. The expression they’re making while talking is kind of timid….”
Izumi: “Then, what about the two over there?”
Banri: “Ain’t that a business meeting? They’re wearing formal business suits and all.”
Izumi: “Right…There’s so many kinds of people at this hotel. It’s kinda fun to observe them.”
Banri: “Uh-huh, it might be useful for the play.”
━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━
Izumi: “It’s such a beautiful garden. It does look like it’s well used for weddings and engagements.”
Banri: “Yeah. And that afternoon tea was kinda filling.”
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Izumi: “It was quite a volume.”
Banri: “Let’s take a stroll around here.”
Izumi: “Yeah, let’s do that.”
Izumi: (There’s so many people here.)
Izumi: “The man and the woman ahead of us are walking arm in arm, they must be a couple.”
Banri: “Looks like it.”
Izumi: “.....Now that we’re on topic, I wonder how we look to others?”
Banri: “We must also look the same as that couple ahead.”
Izumi: “Eh? I wonder about that.”
Banri: “Then, what does director-chan think we look like?”
Option 1: Maybe siblings
Izumi: “Maybe siblings.”
Banri: “Siblings, that’s kind of possible.”
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Izumi: “Fufu, but I could be wrong.”
Banri: “If you think about it, it’s surprisingly difficult to guess relationship between people just by looking.”
Izumi: “It really is the case after we put ourselves in that position.”
Option 2: Maybe friends
Izumi: “Maybe friends.”
Banri: “Friends? Don’t you think that’s kinda off?”
Izumi: “Really?”
Banri: “Isn’t it better to say couple?”
Banri: “What do you say? Should we cross our arms and try to make it look like that?”
Izumi: “Eh?! That’s kind of….”
Banri: “Haha, just kidding.”
━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━
Banri: “It’s not possible to guess that I brought the head of the theatre company with me because my sis canceled the appointment at the last minute.”
Izumi: “If you can guess that then the person must have psychic level power…..”
Banri: “.....right.”
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━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━
Banri: “We made a lap around the garden, should we head home? If you got a place you wanna go then it’s a different story though.”
Izumi: “I don’t have a particular place I wanna go but it would be nce if I can buy takeout or souvenirs here.”
Izumi: “The afternoon tea and sweets were delicious so I’d like to buy some for everyone.”
Banri: Ah, there’s plenty of those back home who can eat the sweets so it’s good I guess. Well, should we go buy some before heading home?”
Izumi: “Mm!”
Part 3
Tsumugi: “For plate, is this okay?”
Omi: “I think it’s good.”
Muku: “I’ll arrange the cups.”
Izumi: “Huh? Looks like the courtyard is lively.”
Banri: “Seems like it. Let’s check it out.”
━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦ ━━━
Izumi: “We’re back.”
Kumon: “Ah! Welcome home!”
Banri: “What are y’all doing here?”
Kazunari: “Right now, we’re preparing for afternoon tea!”
Izumi: “Why afternoon tea?”
Citron: “When I helped out madams, I got a lot of sweats as thanks.”*
Azuma: “I also bought some Japanese sweets for everyone.”
Sakuya: “I also got sweets from my part-time job…”
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Kumon: “Me too, I went home and brought some sweets!”
Omi: “So, as a result, these sweets were gathered.”
Muku: “And remembering that the two of you went for an afternoon tea, we decided to have a tea party in the courtyard as well.”
Banri: “Rice crackers, Japanese sweets, Western sweets on the table, amazing.”
Izumi: “Ah, then I guess this is a good thing. We also bought some sweets and tea as souvenirs, so have these too.”
Banri: “Yep, this is souvenirs.”
Kumon: “Yay! Let’s put these on table too.”
Muku: “Thank you very much!”
Izumi: “In the meantime, I’ll go get dinner ready.”
Banri: “And I’m going back to my room.”
Citron: “Oh, director and banri too, why not have tea party together?”
Omi: “The dinner’s already ready.”
Izumi: “Really? Thank you!”
Kazunari: “C’mon, director-chan and setzer too, let’s have a tea party together!”
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Izumi: “Well then, let me also join here.”
Banri: “We did have one just before but I guess it’s okay.”
Azuma: “I’ll brew some tea then.”
Tsumugi: “I’ll set flowers for the table.”
Kumon: “Now this is getting serious!”
Muku: “It’s going to be fun!”
Izumi: “It was a quiet afternoon tea earlier so it’s exciting to have a lively one too.”
Banri: “Guess this isn’t too bad.”
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───────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────────
*Nothing, just Citron with his mistakes. It's "sweets", not "sweats"
[T/N: also yes, added banri pic in between when he chuckled at izumi's happy face bc it fitted well with the situation lmao]
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yurayura-kurage · 1 year
A3! Troupe Event: MY WORST WEDDING | Event Story Translation (4/11)
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Neither Japanese nor English is my first language so please forgive me if I made mistake. However, feel free to point me out, I’d love to hear your feedbacks on the translation ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
Translation under the cut
Azami: Fuah~...
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Kumon: Did you not sleep well?
Azami: I had a bit trouble falling asleep. I couldn’t tell Sakyo not to stay up late working on his stuff.
Kumon: Come to think of it, Sakyo-san’s sister came to our dorm yesterday right~. Did something happen?
Azami: Seems like she came to consult about Sakyo’s mother.
Kumon: Heh~. Sakyo-san’s mother is such a kind person, isn’t she!
Azami: You know her?
Kumon: She is nii-chan’s fan and she’s been supporting him all the time!
Azami: Ah–, is that so.
Kumon: I think she’ll come to Autumn Troupe’s next performance.
Azami: Now that you mention it, I’ve been thinking a lot ‘bout Juza-san’s hair makeup this time…
Kumon: Ah–! Wait! No spoilers here!
Azami: Hah?
Kumon: He’s a former soldier this time, so it’ll def be really cool... 
I want to know, but I want to challenge myself without knowing anything until the performance starts…!
Azami: That’s impossible. We’re in the same dorm after all.
Kumon: Still no spoilers anyhow!
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Azami: Well, I haven’t decided on Juza-san's hair makeup yet. Only Taichi-san’s role Olivia has costume coordination today.
Kumon: Ah, Taichi-san’s role is the woman who deceives the grooms right? I’m really looking forward to it!
*Shifts to practice room*
Izumi: Taichi-kun, it looks good on you! The impression has drastically changed.
Taichi: Heheh, I’ve turned into a perfect beautiful woman!
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Yuki: It’s not that bad, is it.
Banri: Heh~, Olivia’s hair is purple, huh.
Azami: I’ve thought about it a lot, but this will suit the scene when she appears in the story. 
The makeup also matches the color of the wig though, this looks fine. 
Then, I’ll remove the makeup after the photoshoot, so Banri-san, please try doing it this time.
Banri: Roger that.
*Short timeskip*
Azami: Make the line a bit thicker here���– About this much.
Banri: …It’s done.
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Azami: As expected of Banri-san, your sense is good. 
Taichi: Oh~, it’s exactly the same as before!
Banri: When I actually tried Azami’s makeup, I can see that you think a lot about various things in detail. That’s awesome. 
Azami: Obviously.
Banri: Well, but I only did the makeup just like the sample photo, so once I get used to it, I think I’ll be able to speed up even faster right before actual performance.
Yuki: And the rest are the costumes that go well with this hair makeup but— I bring lots of outfits for you guys to base on.
Izumi: This time main focus is the hair makeup, so the costumes will be later.
Yuki: First of all, this and this, try adjusting the sweatsuit lightly. 
Taichi: ——How is it!?
Yuki: Your legs are so masculine!
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Izumi: Zero’s costume was the one with the legs out right.
Yuki: Zero’s lively personality matched with the vibe Taichi’s legs give off, but the image this time is a bit different. 
If they are put out as usual, it’ll definitely look manlike. The makeup will be mismatched and out of place.
Taichi: I’ll lose my muscles before the performance~.
Banri: Building muscles might be within your reach, but isn’t it impossible to lose them?
Taichi: Uh, maybe if I try not to use them as much as possible…? 
Azami: You might not be able to move your body when you’re Noah.
Taichi: Ah~ That’s right!
Yuki: I’m not even asking for you to do something in particular. Just don’t gain any more muscles.
Since I’ll style the costumes according to Taichi’s body shape to match the hair makeup. Tighten his waist with a corset for example… 
I think it might work if we cover his broad shoulders with a jacket, and show his skin with knee-high boots.
Izumi: That sounds great!
Taichi: As expected of Yuki-chan!
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Yuki: Even if you only show the very least of your skin, I think the key here is that you can create a sexy look of the wicked woman. 
Banri: I see… So there are various ways.
Azami: It’s also the same with different skin qualities though, it’s difficult to match because there are differences between men and women’s body shapes.
Yuki: It’s worth thinking about how to style the costumes for each roles considering actors’ body type anyway, I’m even more fired up. 
Izumi: That’s the best part of being a costume designer, right.
Yuki: Taichi too, if you perform on stage in the costumes that are fit into your body, you’ll be able to act with confidence, won’t you.
Taichi: Yuki-chan!!
Banri: Our costume designer is really reliable.
Azami: (You’ll be more confident if wearing outfits that look good on you…)
Izumi: Well then, I’m looking forward to the costumes too.
Yuki: Leave it to me.
Azami: …Yuki-san, there’s something I’d like to talk to you about.
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Yuki: ?
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@taichiyagamiweek 2023: Thank you!
I really wanted to contribute to Taichi week(end) as much as possible - even if I couldn’t put as much time into this piece as I wanted to, I still tried to represent all possible prompts altogether: Our favourite goggle boy has become an adult by now and after all the adventures he (and all the nostalgia we) went through, he chose his own path and lead his way towards a better future, together with his dearest family. While all Chosen Children would obviously be part of his Found Family, sometimes you just want to come home after one of your ambassador trips to be greeted by your son, your sister and her child, your best-friend-slash-life-partner and his child as well as by all your Digimon partners. Life is good.
To quote one of my favourite Digimon artists: “A family can be you, your ambiguously-unlikely-but-inherently-plausible love interest, your sister and your isekai soulmates wondering what exactly is up.”
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure Drama CD 2 (Character Song + Mini Drama 2)
It's pretty funny how both this CD and the previous one begin with Butterfly. I guess the CD needed an OP just like the anime! Christmas isn't mentioned once on this CD by the way...
Download link
Drama Translation
Koushiro and the Missing Whereabouts of Love
In this mini drama Koushiro is writing a love letter on his laptop and the gang find out. Everyone mobs him with questions and excitement and then he flies away with Kabuterimon to escape.
I don't have much to say about this one because it was so short. The only thing I found kind of amusing was that Yamato defends Koushiro at first but then is like "actually, I want to see it too teehee."
When I read the translation for this, there were actually more characters involved than I realized. There were so many people talking over each other that I completely missed Gomamon was there lol.
Image Song 1 - VERSION UP (Koushiro Izumi)
I hate to say it, cuz Koushiro is my fave, but I think this was one of the weaker image songs. I like the appropriately nerdy title, but the lyrics were too abstract to be interesting. Something about changing the world for the better.
I did get a kick out of hearing Koushiro singing at least. I kinda wish the digimon had duets with their human partners. Hearing Tentomon singing would be hilarious (maybe that comes later).
Mimi’s Overly Self-Conscious Plans for World Domination
The gang capture Koushiro and continue debating over who he wrote his love letter to. Mimi is very confident that it's herself and goes on and on about how all men fall for her. Koushiro is apparently gagged so can't protest.
Kinda weird jokes in this one. They say that Koushiro would be unhappy with Sora because she'd have him whipped (which...where did that come from?) And then they do the whole "you can't date my younger sister" crap. Yamato chimed in that if he was Taichi he wouldn't let Koushiro date Hikari...why does he care? Just unfunny early 2000s gags lol
Another obscure reference joke. This time about The Kindaichi Case Files. Definitely had to wikipedia that one. This CD wasn't exactly written to hold up in the future, huh?
Image Song 2 - Because We Can See Each Other Anytime (Mimi Tachikawa)
I loved this one, extreme Mimi vibes. Nothing to do with saving the world or facing your fears, just a poppy love song. I guess there's definitely a tinge of melancholy to it. It sounds like it's about a long distance relationship.
I liked the lyrics and imagery in this one, especially the line about minds leaving bodies and meeting without any restrictions. It almost felt like a song about love during COVID lol.
Hikari’s Weak Constitution
Okay, this one was basically just a shit post lol. It starts off following up on the previous part with the gang discussing who Koushiro is writing a love letter to and then it just descends into chaos. Very "lol randum" kinda humor with the characters saying lines that have nothing to do with the situation. Kinda funny, mostly stupid.
Booo we don't even get to figure out who the letter was to because they beep it out. Hikari politely asking us to listen to her song was cute tho lol.
Image Song 3 - Holy Light (Hikari Yagami)
Another kind of abstract one only this one has weird psuedo-religious vibes. Typical of anime to do that though. I guess it makes sense with all the angel digimon. Gonna interpret this one as being about having faith in dark times. (Maybe not in the Christian sense tho lol)
Hikari's voice is really cute. I kind of wish there were animations of the characters singing these. Maybe if someone made an AMV with lip sync...
Preview for the Next CD
There's a little "next time on Digimon Adventure" preview at the end haha. Nice touch. No translation so I had to figure this one out on my own. Something about "hatsu yume" which is the first dream you have in the New Year.
I cracked the code, the reason why the cover art for this CD is Christmas themed is because it came out in December. Still weird, but okay...
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the-himawari · 2 years
A3! Sakisaka Muku - Translation [SR] MANKAI ☆ New Year (2/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Tsuzuru: Sorry for asking you to come all of a sudden, Director.
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Izumi: No worries at all. I’m guessing you want to discuss the New Year’s cards?
Tsuzuru: Yeah. It’s about the composition of the photo we’re taking. There’s surprisingly a lot to consider with 4 people, so I’m not sure how to proceed.
Izumi: I see. What kind of arrangement are you stuck on?
Tsuzuru: I thought it might be refreshing if we had some people sitting instead of all the members standing like last time.
Izumi: I like that idea. It’ll feel like a commemorative photo!
Tsuzuru: Thanks. It’s just, I’m not sure who to put in front… Considering my height, I think it’d be better for me to stand in the back.
Izumi: I see. I think placing two people side-by-side and having one person in the front would look nice.
Tsuzuru: Exactly. I was just considering doing something like that…
Muku: E-excuse me…
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Tsuzuru: Oh, Muku? What’s up?
Izumi: Is this also about the New Year’s cards? We were just talking about them, so I’ll hear you out too.
Muku: Thank you! I’m asking everyone which colour they would like for their kimono… I’ve already asked Taichi-kun and Hisoka-san. I’d be happy if you could let me know too, Tsuzuru-san.
Tsuzuru: Oh, I see. Then… I’ll ask for a green one.
Muku: Noted!
Izumi: I can’t wait to see all of you in your kimonos.
Muku: Yes! Fufu, I can’t wait for the New Year’s cards to be completed. I want to send one to my sister as soon as possible.
Tsuzuru: … Yeah, that’ll be nice.
Muku: By the way, was Tsuzuru-san just saying there’s something he’s unsure about?
Tsuzuru: Yeah, I was stuck. But I solved it seeing you, Muku.
Muku: Eh?
Tsuzuru: I was going to arrange us in the front and back. But for the person in the front, I was going to ask them to sit in a chair. I’d like that person to be you, Muku.
Muku: Ehh! Me, front and center…!
Izumi: Great idea! I’m sure your sister will love to see it.
Tsuzuru: That’s right. Muku was the one who suggested doing the New Year’s cards this year anyways.
Muku: I-if you say so…! I’ll go for it!
Izumi: (Fufu. I can’t wait to see the finished cards.)
Muku: Director-san, the New Year’s cards are done!
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Izumi: …Wow, they look wonderful! All of you look amazing in your kimonos.
Muku: I narrowed the outfits down to a few based on the colours everyone requested, and then we all decided from those.
Izumi: The lettering Taichi-kun composed looks adorable too!
Taichi: Hehe. I’m glad I chose it together with you, Director-sensei!
Izumi: Thanks so much for your help too, Tsuzuru-kun, Hisoka-san.
Tsuzuru: I enjoyed putting lots of thought into the composition.
Hisoka: I had fun going shopping with you for marshmallows… and the postcards.
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Izumi: Now you can give a card to your sister, right, Muku-kun?
Muku: Yes, I’m so happy!
Tsuzuru: I’m gonna need a lot to give to my brothers back home. I might as well send one to Mizuno while I’m at it, huh?
Izumi: Good call! I’m sure he’ll be overjoyed.
Tsuzuru: Ahaha. Well, as long as he’s happy.
Taichi: I’m gonna send one to someone I’m indebted to!
Izumi: And the person you’re indebted to is…
Taichi: Hehe. Lee-san!* They’ve been taking care of me both for my play rehearsals and personally~.
Izumi: We’ve received a lot of assistance as a theatre troupe too.
Hisoka: New Year’s cards… That reminds me, Guy said he’s going to hang one that he made himself up in his shop.
Izumi: I see. That sounds like a perfect way to greet both his regular and first-time customers.
Hisoka: Yeah. So I’m going to talk to Guy and ask him to display this New Year’s card in the bar too.
Izumi: Nice idea. That’ll be a good publicity for the troupe, so please do!
Tsuzuru: It’s just like our Director to think of advertising from that.
Muku: I mean, it’ll be delightful if lots of people can come watch our plays, right!
Taichi: Yep, yep! I’m counting on y’all next year so we can deliver more awesome plays together!
Hisoka: Yeah, same here.
Izumi: Ahaha. It’s a bit early for that, isn’t it? But I’m also looking forward to working together next year! (I hope all of us can deliver all sorts of different plays and spend an enjoyable time next year as well.)
*Lee-san is featured in the Mantou Fist and Midnight Chinatown event stories
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Hello, fellow Shiratorizawa fan!! Give me some of your Shirabu and Taichi headcanons :))
(preferably platonic because I love some besties but idrm)
Hey, Beautiful~
More Shiratorizawa Fans! More Shiratorizawa Love!
Platonic Kawanishi & Shirabu = 100% saltmates.
The fact they call each other by their first names makes me so happy.
They have mean girl energy. Tendou and Semi are totally here for it, with popcorn at the ready. I’ve talked before about how Tendou and Semi gossip together but Shirabu and Kawanishi don’t do that, they don’t really gossip, they store information. Keep it until it needs to be unleashed.
Have the two of them reduced people to tears? Yes, the answer is yes.
They are the type of guys who could hang out an entire day without speaking and be totally fine with it, not even questioning it, heck, they probably didn’t even notice.
Sometimes they will suddenly look at each other and just walk out of the room together. Even Tendou is surprised and a bit bewildered when it happens as there is no lead-up to the interaction at all.
Tendou follows them once and is quite disappointed to see the two of them leaning back against a wall near a vending machine, looking off into the distance, just sipping their strawberry milk quietly. He has dubbed it their “strawberry milk meetings” although, only Ushijima is aware of the name.
Shirabu is the only person who knows about Kawanishi’s glasses.
Kawanishi secretly helps Tendou with any prank involving Shirabu. He can’t help it, it’s just too funny to see his bestie on a rampage.
Besides, Tendou almost always takes the fall. Win/Win.
They’ll call each other and just leave the line open while they do their own thing. It might seem strange to some people but it’s something they like to do, and it reminds them of having their siblings around. Every once in a while one of them might say something, but most of the time they just like hearing the sounds of their bestie going about their day. 
Kawanashi and Shirabu noticed each other on the first day of volleyball practice. That was an easy thing to accomplish considering they both have a knack for noticing most details. 
But they weren’t in the same class. Didn’t live near each other in the dorms. Were split up during volleyball practice. Neither of them showed up at the cafeteria. And Shirabu didn’t need a study group.
So, the first time Kawanishi and Shirabu truly met was in a bathroom of all places. Shirabu was splashing water on his face and staring angrily at his own eyes. If it had been anyone else who had seen him they would have walked away, instead, Kawanishi stepped in and locked the door behind him. 
Shirabu sent him a death glare as he appeared in the mirror but Kawanishi isn’t scared easily, his sister had put a stop to that nonsense. So he just leaned against the wall, crossed his arms, and stared at Shirabu until the guy spilled his guts about what was going on (that's a hc for a different time.) The moment he was done, Kawanishi strode over, looked him directly in the eyes with as much understanding as he could muster, clapped a hand on Shirabu’s shoulder, and squeezed it lightly before leaving.
That was the strangest occurrence in Shirabu’s life. 
Why didn’t Kawanishi say anything? Why did he stay? Did he imagine that look of understanding? The guy touched him and he didn’t even freak out!!? Basically, he spent a few weeks dreading running into the middle blocker and trying to ignore him during practice, his brain running rampant with intrusive thoughts.
Kawanishi was aware of his turmoil but just waited, he wasn’t sure what he was waiting for exactly, just knew instinctually that it was best if he did.
A month later Shirabu showed up at his dorm.
“Why did you do that!?” His cheeks were red and his hair was a bit out of sorts. “You didn’t even say anything!”
The guy was nonstop venting about everything he had been keeping in since that day.
Kawanishi just stood there in a t-shirt and Naruto boxer briefs still half asleep until the setter tired himself out. Once he did, Kawanishi clicked his tongue and said “It’s the middle of the night for fucks sake, talk to me tomorrow” and slammed the door in his face.
Some people would be pissed, or hurt. Shirabu on the other hand was relieved. He knew he was being stupid. Knew he shouldn’t bother people like that. But Kawanishi had said “Talk to me tomorrow” which meant that he wasn’t blowing him off. He was just pointing out how illogical he was being in the bluntest way possible.
And although Kawanishi is the better of the two at reading people, Shirabu was the one who realized that he had just met his best friend.
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Hope you enjoyed my headcanons <3
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samooooo1 · 7 months
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(Credit to the artist and this art (Jamal Rascher))
Taichi x reader
Just a normal day with ya Crush
Having a day free from school for a 14 year old is noice, but you know what’s even nicer? Spending that day off with your crush and his cute little Sister Kari.
Being invited over to him, he asked you if you wanted to come over for the day,being the simp kid that you are weirdly, you quick called your parents and told them the situation. Your father first didnt want you to go over to him , as he knew you liked him more then a friend, but your dear sweet but strict mother was able to convince him into letting you.
Well, now a very akward silence began between the two of you, the moment you began to sit on the sofa.
"..... What do we wanna do?" , you asked him, he in the meanwhile was with his sis."Why dont we watch a movie?.. How.. about a Romance one at that?", he said with a smile.
You began to blush lightly, its your first time ever watching a movie with someone besides your family members and a romance one at that.
(I feel everyone who is single🥲, but we need to stay strong brothers and sisters, dont fall for the temptations!)
"Hey dont forget meeeeee, lets watch the new Spongebob movie :D", said Kari, then the both of you said in a union "Sure :D". The both of you looked at eachother and then began to smile and chuckle for a bit.
After saying that, Tai went to get the remote which was in his room. Then directly after he went to his room, Kari asked you, " Do you like my brother?". You just looked at her and began to slightly blush, "...Haehahe? Where did that question come out from Kari? Arent you 10 and what do you know about love? Your just a elementary school kid!"
She smiled a bit, " And? I can already see you like my brother, I will tell ya a little secret, he also likes you, I be heading to my friend next door ;)" she said and winked as she was going out.
The moment she was out, Tai came from his room. "Y/n, where is Kari?", you answered "She said she wanted to rather play with her friends which is why she went out."
Tai smilled a little bit, I mean you cant blame him when you literally spend some time with your own crush alone without any distraction and just the two of you. "Well, lets watch... hmmm any movie ideas ;)?", "Not really, .. but how about Suzume :D"
Tai agreed and then played the movie.
Time skip
After the movie your father called saying that its time to go home which Tai heard and was visible upset but there was nothing he could do against your father.
So you took everything you taken with you, and prepared yourself to go home, but Tai had a litte Idea.
"Y/n could you wait for a min?" You looked at him confused and asked "Yea what do you me-" you were cut off by Tai's soft lips on yours, you looked shocked at him blushing madly.
"Get home safely ;)" He winked.
You just nodded as you couldnt speak and decided to keep it a secrety for if ya father found out Tai would be a head shorter then now. Late at night you couldnt sleep and you just couldnt keep the thoughts away, that your crush Tai, just kissed you and has taken your first kiss....
Well seems like today was a eventful day and you hope it wont get any weird in school because of what has happend, so you went by now to sleep with a smile and a peaceful and loving heart, knowing that tommorow will be a better day.
Bonus: Tai also couldnt believe what he has done, he is crazingly overwheelmed and happy but very nervous about what he has done but he couldnt help but feel sooo happy inside, he went to sleep directly hoping the night will fall sooner then expected as he wants to spend more time with you tommorow.
BOAH, finally done with this, it took me so much time as I have run out of ideas, it would be sooo kind if you could give me any writting ideas or requests as they are still open.
(Ps: Reason why I havent written in last days is because I was busy, my school intership begins very soon and the birthday of my grandpa plus some time off as I need to get some Ideas what to write. Anyways God bless ya all and have a noice day/ night !!!)
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forestwhisper3 · 1 year
Tagged by @joyfuladorable but I don't know how to link their post. Sorry.
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Just a turtle emblem on a black background
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As you can see, turtles are still in my brain rent-free.
Last song you listened to: Not counting the instrumental stuff I put on to help me write? YT music says it was Yasashi Kiss by Hitomi Shimatani, but before that, it was Adoro by the Broncos, The Guiding Key by Liz Robinett, Passing Through by Kadan Mackay, Feel it Still by Portugal. The Man, and a remixed version of I Love You Baby by Gloria Gaynor. I also listen to a lot of electro swring and stuff with a good bass beat, as well as jazz and classical.
Currently reading: nothing specific at the moment, just different fanfics, haha. My sister really wants me to start reading one of her favorite series, but I can't ever seem to dredge up the willpower to do it.
Last movie you watched: The whole way through? The Mario movie. I've seen bits and pieces of others since then whenever my mom's watching one, but not the whole thing.
I'm not counting the Rise movie since that's just a permanently open tab on my laptop now.
Craving: Frozen yogurt. Or a bacon avocado cheeseburger. Or steamed buns. Or all of them. It's been a while since I've had them, and I want some.
What are you wearing right now: Stitch pajamas when I started this, but work clothes right now since I'm at work.
How tall are you: 5'3"
Piercings: I guess my ears? Pretty sure one or both of them have closed over by now, though.
Tattoos: None. At most, I've done those fake paper ones that used to come with packs of gum, but nothing permanent. Don't really plan to, either.
Glasses? Contacts?: Both. Since middle school. Used to hate glasses, but now I love them. Only thing I don't like is the poor vision that comes with it, haha. Contacts are for work or trips to places like theme parks where I'm afraid they'll fall off on a ride or something.
Last drink: Water. If we're talking alcoholic...I don't even remember. I'm not a big drinker.
Last thing I ate: Pizza for dinner. And breakfast since I was too lazy to make anything.
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I don't even know what toppings were on these but they were delicious.
Last show: TMNT, specifically, "The Real World" from the 03 series. I need my reference video.
Favorite Color: Red and purple. Green is nice too.
Current obsession: I think it's pretty obvious, lol. TMNT.
Unrelated obsession: ... I'm not sure what to put here. Fluffy things? Cute things like penguin stickers? ...Pokémon?
Any pets: 4 cats, 2 dogs, all rescues. We are very much a "You're coming home with me" family.
Crush on anyone?: No one that's real, lol, and my fictional "crushes" are said more as a joke more than anything. Am I opposed to the idea of romance and being in a relationship? Not at all, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to find one or stress out about it either. If it happens, it happens, and if not, that's cool too.
Favorite fictional characters: Now these I have a lot of. Yusuke Urameshi, Yagami Taichi, Gary Oak, Roronoa Zoro (although I love all the strawhats really), Michelangelo (though again, I love pretty much all the ninja turtles), Knuckles, Tails, Professor Layton, Donald Duck, Sora, Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, Zack Fair, Maes Hughes (and most of the FMAB cast), Luigi, and many more. These are just some of the first ones that come to mind, but it would take too long if I did all of them, lol.
Last place you traveled to: ...What is this traveling you speak of?
Joking aside, probably Tucson, Arizona, to visit my brother. Not counting that? Mexico, but that was ages ago.
Tagging...uh...*checks to see who actually interacts with me on here* @klonoadreams and @eldritchgray I guess?
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horistans · 2 years
what are some other good bisexual het romance series?
Honestly, I wasn't quite sure how to answer this! You likely didn't mean anything by it, but "bisexual het" really threw me for a loop 😭 😭 I would refrain from using that phrase in the future!
Anyway, I'm assuming you are looking for something like GSNK ❤️ Since I'm not sure what it is you like about GSNK, or who you are and what you usually read, I'll just recommend a bunch of stuff :p
I worked at a bookshop last year, so I'll start with my usual recommendations on LGBT+ manga/graphic novels (that are officially licensed in English). They're mostly coming-of-age stories. Linked is the instagram post with more recommendations, explanations, & summaries!
Also in this rec are: Manga with characters like Kashima (and relationships like HoriKashi)
I was gonna include a lot more, but this list is already pretty excessive 😅 This is scheduled to post tomorrow evening, but know I finished this at midnight!!!!!!!!!!!! (Happy Valentine's Day!!!)
Main Recommendations
My usual rotation of recommendations from back when I worked at a bookstore
Blue Flag by KAITO
8 volumes. My favourite series!! I have so many thoughts about it. Simplest way to summarize the theme of the series is in the first sentence, "Your best friend... or your lover. You can only save one." (implied: who would you choose?). Love triangle between the main character, Taichi, a shy female classmate, Futaba, and the main character's popular, childhood friend, Toma.
A lot of western fans complain about the ending, but I thought it was very fitting for the series. I might be biased because it's my favourite, and I can't necessarily justify myself without spoiling it >.<;; CW for homophobia & outing as a major conflict in a later volume.
Our Dreams at Dusk by Yuhki Kamatani
4 volumes. Beautiful visual metaphors. Main character comes to terms with being gay & overcoming his internalized-homophobia. CW for attempted suicide & homophobia.
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
1 volume. Focuses on gender identity and presentation!
Skip & Loafer by Misaki Tamamatsu
8 volumes (7 English localizations), ongoing. Has an anime coming out soon! I reread it recently and joined their fan server, but I'm just lurking ^^; I feel like people who enjoy GSNK would also enjoy this series.
Although it isn't explicitly queer unlike the other two recommendations. It's still very charming! I really like the main character and her aunt. Even though her aunt is a supporting character, the chapter that focused on her made me cry a lot. My favourite characters are actually the aunt and the drama club president (a side character... but given his role, it tracks LOL /hj) I remember when I first read it and didn't understand why people would call it WLW representation (I still enjoyed it though!) After my recent reread, I get it now >u< Even if it's not canon, I ship two of the main character's friends together. I'm very curious to other people's interpretations~ My wife doesn't really read the same things I do, so I have to wait to watch the anime with her when it comes out before we can discuss it together.
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang
1 volume. Focuses on gender identity and presentation! I picked it up because I liked the cover and I wanted to read more things by Asian American authors. I remember telling my sister it reminded me of Miraculous Ladybug (likely because the main character is a dressmaker)
Manga with Ikemen Girls (like Kashima)
Most, if not all, can be found on mangadex. Not all of them are HoriKashi-esque, but half of them are
The Story of How I Went to a Mixer and There Were No Women There
Only scanlated up to ch. 8 unfortunately 😢 I've started buying the Japanese volumes but my grasp of the language has gone downhill since I graduated lol Pretty much as the title says! Some guy gets invited to goukon by a female classmate, but he and his friends find 3 ikemen when they arrive. Turns out his classmate and her friends work at a crossdressing bar! And they just didn't feel like changing back after work!
Story About How My xx Girlfriend Dotes on Me
Also known as The Androgynous Girlfriend is Doting on the President. A cute short series (with short chapters) about the class president (unnamed until the 2nd "vol") and his super handsome, cool girlfriend, Natsuki. Under her stoic exterior, she's a little spoiled and very forward about her love for the president! I thought this series was really cute! I want more chapters of them!!
Cigarette Kiss / Refrain Kiss by Yorumo (part of the Resonant Blue—Girl's Best Time collection)
2 chapters of a cute GL collection by the artist Yorumo! Kobayashi knows she's cute, and she flaunts it with the intention of hooking up with handsome guys! And to her luck, she was just assigned to work with the cool Akira. But it turns out Akira's a girl! The only GL in this recommendation list...
Ikemen Dansou Reiya ni Koishiteru!! by Yunoki
AKA I'm in Love with a Handsome Cosplayer Dressed as a Man!! Another title summary lol... Only 1 chapter has been scanlated so far. Is a remake of another series by the author with a (slightly) different title, but I recommend this version (restarted in 2022). The main characters have a lot of similarities to HoriKashi! Assistant cameraman Kippei is invited to attend a cosplay event for the first time to get practice photographing people. He is immediately captivated by cosplayer Makoto. Makoto is equally interested in Kippei (he has muscle from lifting heavy shooting equipment after all!), but, not wanting to disappoint him, she continues to pretend to be a man in an attempt to get closer to him.
Tonari no Kinniku Joshi by Ano Amesuke
A short series about a muscular girl and a tsundere boy Ruby (the muscular girl) isn't technically an ikemen, but I love their dynamic (maybe I just like tsunderes?) I also have no recollection on how I found this series but it was saved on my mangadex. Some parts of the scanlation read weirdly, and since it's a short series, the writing isn't the best, but I still enjoyed it!!!!!!
Not a manga but will include it anyway: the Taiwanese drama Bromance would also fall under this category! I remember when older HoriKashi fans and I would talk about how well it would suit them as an AU ^^
There's so many more I wanted to recommend for one reason or another (like My Crossdressing Senpai... I wanted to make a whole section about exploring gender identity or featuring trans characters... And then there's some that barely have any relation and I just think people should pick up like Ruri Dragon) but I've been working on this for the past 4 hours LOL
Anyway if you took the time to read all this, thank you ❤️ If you've read any of these, feel free to reply ur thoughts or which ur most interested in!
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hijitae · 1 year
Last question and I’ll leave you alone for a bit(I don’t want to come off as a nuisance) so what are your favorite headcannons for this paring
My apologies once again for the long delay. Thank you for the question -- you are helping to keep the fandom active!
Some of my headcanons below might be repeats, but that's just because I like them that much. I went with five for now.
ONE: Tae loves that Hijikata is making a legit effort to talk to Shinpachi, even if it's just commenting on the weather or a greeting when passing each other on the streets. Of course, Hijikata does it with a very non-expressive tone, almost as if it's an operation he must daily conduct -- and he does it for Tae's sake because he knows how close they are and how important it is to her that he get along with her brother. It weirds Shinpachi out for quite a while, but he tries to engage in more conversation with Hijikata, who feels awkward to discuss anything past battle strategy or mayonnaise. But they do seem to bond over discussing how to run their respective organizations (Shinpachi's is the Otsuu Fan Club, naturally), even if they bicker about what methods are best. Seeing them talk to each other makes Tae happy, and that's what Hijikata cares about the most.
TWO: Speaking of mayonnaise, Tae at first finds Hijikata's mayo obsession eccentric, although not any stranger than other people's habits and obsessions within her social circle. Gradually, it becomes less eccentric to her and more of a thing she finds cute and adores him for. It inspires her to not only keep mayonnaise well-stocked at home but also to learn new recipes that include mayonnaise. This is what helps to improve her cooking skills, although her signature style still prevails now and then. Luckily, Hijikata builds up an immunity because he always uses mayonnaise on the meals that come out questionable. As a result, mayonnaise becomes a symbol of love between them that nobody else can understand. Tae is pleased that he's one of the extreme few who won't complain about her cooking, and Hijikata feels he's in paradise with her adding mayonnaise to the menu on the regular.
THREE: In a Dekobokko-ish AU where their genders are reversed, Tae becomes Taichi and Hijikata becomes Tenko. One of the things I wished I could've seen from the original arc was Tae's male counterpart (fortunately, there's some great fanart of the possibilities).
Anyway, Taichi works at a host club where he’s a popular “samurai era” host request; of course, he’s working to save enough money to rebuild the dojo and support his younger sister, Pachie. Goriko always drags Tenko along for a night out with Goriko, naturally, crushing on Taichi. Tenko doesn’t understand Goriko or the host club world, and is only there to make sure Goriko doesn’t drink too much or get into some kind of mishap. Taichi usually rebuffs Goriko’s attempts at flirting and asking Taichi out, finding that she comes on too strong. Instead, Taichi finds himself interested in Goriko’s friend, who keeps coming to the club despite having a clear distaste for his line of work. Tenko, who is used to being mocked for her weight and her strait-laced attitude, is confused by Taichi’s courteous ways to her despite having a sharp tongue when they argue about Goriko. Taichi likes Tenko’s skill with a sword and finds her aloof attitude charming. Tenko reluctantly admits Taichi isn’t a bad guy and commends his desire to keep swordsmanship alive in the new era.
Anyway, this and that happens, and Taichi and Tenko end up together and live happily ever after! Tenko marries into the Shimura family and becomes an instructor at the dojo, balancing that and her law enforcement career. Taichi successfully restores the dojo, quits his host club job, and becomes the dojo master. Eventually, they have a daughter named Tomoko (you know, instead of a son named Togoro, haha).
FOUR: Back to the regular universe for this one. Hijikata changes his patrol schedule to nights when Tae is working a late shift. He’s not always available to walk her home, but he feels better knowing that he’s awake around the same time just in the interest of her safety at night, even if he knows she has taken care of herself for a long time. Tae doesn’t mind; she feels happy that he cares so much. Sometimes their schedules differ, and she worries about him, too, when he’s called to dangerous cases or operations. She keeps herself busy during those times until she hears back from him, and only then will she breathe a sigh of relief.
FIVE: They often talk late at night, whether it’s while walking home from work, on the phone, or when neither is working and Hijikata just drops in, and they’ll talk quietly – about their day, about the future, about anything. Hijikata isn’t used to such private conversation with someone like this, but he finds it relaxing and starts getting used to such a routine. Tae loves it because it feels like she can really connect with him, that they are growing closer. It’s more intimate, free from prying eyes and gossip. Hijikata grows more comfortable with physical affection, and Tae feels elated over knowing this side of him that no one else can see. On one such nights, under the moonlight, they share their first kiss. Eventually, Tae doesn’t want him to go and Hijikata doesn’t want to leave.
I felt kind of sappy in writing some of these headcanon ideas, but who cares – fanfic, headcanons, and fanart is largely about self-indulgence, lol. Anyway, hope you enjoyed them!
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genork-the-fandork · 2 years
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Note: I meant to finish this much, much sooner than I clearly did... I’M SO SORRY. Life is hard ;w;
Hello, @atsoraasayoma​ ! I’m sorry that I wasn’t clear, but @animegenork​ is my main blog, where I do my fangirling and nonsense ramblings. This is the blog where I take writing requests! (Tumblr doesn’t let you reply on posts with a sideblog, unfortunately.)
In any case, I’d be happy to write your request. c: I hope you like it!
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Word Count: 2080 words
A/N: I had a hard time coming up with a real reason for why Taichi would ban Hikari from seeing Takeru, considering how much he loves Takeru as well. So that was kinda flubbed, I think, and maybe a tad out of character. Otherwise, it should be okay...?
“But Taichi,” Hikari whined, “you and I both know he didn’t mean it.”
“I don’t care, Hikari. He went too far.” Taichi scrubbed his hand through his wild mane of hair, a crease forming between his eyebrows. “I know I’m an idiot, but being told that outright to my face by Takeru? That’s a low blow.”
Hikari sighed. It had been a prank, or least Takeru’s idea of one. Everyone else had laughed, but Taichi’s eyes had shone with hurt. As his sister, Hikari had been the first to notice this and the fact that he wasn’t laughing.
“I don’t want you hanging around him outside of school, Hikari,” Taichi muttered, and Hikari widened her eyes. “At least until he learns his lesson.”
“That’s not fair! You’re my brother, not my father!” she cried. The thought of not even getting to walk home with Takeru, her best friend, was unbearable. For more reasons than she would be able to explain. “What if he apologizes? Will that fix it?”
“It’s going to take more than that. I know you two are close, but the last thing I need is my sister hanging out with someone who thinks insults are funny.” Taichi turned to leave the room, stopping with his hand on the doorframe. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, and Hikari could tell by his voice that he was. “It’s just for now. Just give me some time.”
She didn’t reply as he left, and it wasn’t until she heard the front door of their apartment close that she sat down hard on her bed, wondering what in the name of the Digital World she was going to do now.
~ ~ ~
“Taichi said what?”
Yamato let out a heaving sigh. “You know how he is. It takes him forever to get over things.”
“I thought that was you.”
“And that mouth of yours is probably why he’s pissed.”
“It was a joke!”
“For someone so grown up, you sure are childish.”
Takeru groaned. “So I can’t hang out with my best friend until this all blows over?”
“That’s the gist of it.”
“This is awful.” Takeru lowered his head, rubbing a hand down his face. “I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“On the bright side, at least you’ll have some time to think. Maybe you’ll come up with some nicer pranks, or at least ones that don’t hurt the gogglehead’s feelings.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks, Yamato.”
His brother nodded and left, leaving Takeru with his thoughts. He wasn’t sure he could handle time away from his best friend--unlike Taichi and Yamato, they didn’t exactly subsist on time away from each other. They were always better together, but now they couldn’t have that except in school. And it’s not like they had much time, then.
This was going to be rough.
~ ~ ~
“Hikari? What’s wrong?”
Blinking to clear the fog over her vision, Hikari glanced over at Miyako, who was leaning down to meet her eyes. Sora and Mimi, just ahead of them, were looking back at her in concern. “Oh, sorry. It’s nothing.”
Sora raised an eyebrow. “Hikari, you’re your brother’s sister, and that face doesn’t mean nothing.”
Mimi put her hands on her hips. “Come on, girl, tell us what’s up.”
“Only if we get some ice cream.”
The girls agreed and led Hikari to an ice cream shop, where they took over a corner table and leaned in close to hear what was on her mind. Hikari wanted to smile at this, because even though they were all in high school, they had never once given her the feeling that they’d left her behind and moved on.
“It’s just, ever since Taichi forbid me from seeing Takeru outside of school--”
“--which is completely bogus and stupid! Go on.”
“Thank you, Mimi. Anyway, I’ve just been, I don’t know, feeling weird. I can barely talk to him at school because of class and everything, and not seeing him just feels... wrong. It’s like I’m empty without him.”
A worm of doubt and embarrassment slithered through her at the smirks the three other girls exchanged. “Don’t just smirk at me! What’s going on?”
Sora’s smile was kind. “I think Mimi can explain it best.”
Flicking her hair over her shoulder, Mimi set her hands on her hips and declared, “Obviously, you’re in love with him!”
“What?” Hikari’s heart beat faster as if in confirmation. But there was no way that was true... right? “How can I be in love with him?”
“You want to spend more time with him, right? And you feel empty without him around? That’s a clear sign of missing him. But while I missed all of you while I was in New York--” and here Mimi threw her arms around Sora and Miyako and squeezed them both, “--I didn’t necessarily feel empty inside without you around me. I knew I could still call or email you, and there was the Digital World, too.”
Miyako nodded. “I bet you think about him even when you two are apart, and you see things on television you wanna tell him about next time you see him because they reminded you of him.”
“Well, yeah, but isn’t that the same with everyone else’s best friends?” Hikari gestured to Sora and Mimi. “Don’t you two talk constantly about your favorite dramas?”
“It’s not the same with Takeru, is it?” Miyako shook her head. “You want to talk to me about our favorite anime, but when you see something you know Takeru likes, you want to watch it so you can talk about it.”
Hikari wanted to protest, but she knew that they were right. It was different with Takeru--it always had been. No matter how hard she tried to deny it, it had always been a different feeling when she was with him. And lately, her heart had done somersaults whenever they talked, constricting when he smiled or when he was playing with Patamon.
With a sigh, she pinched her nose and said, “Oh my God, I’m in love with him.”
“Ladies, we have liftoff.” Mimi brushed her hands together as if they’d achieved something grand. “Now what are you gonna do about the Taichi thing?”
“I can punch him for you,” Miyako offered.
“No, it’s fine. I can figure this out. I think.” Hikari released a breath. “Now I guess I just need to tell him.”
“Don’t worry, it can’t possibly go wrong. Unless I’ve been wrong about you two this entire time.”
“Thanks, Mimi, that’s reassuring.”
~ ~ ~
“Taichi is being unreasonable,” Ken said, taking the bowl of candy away from Daisuke before he ate too much sugar. “I’m sure he was just lashing out because he was hurt.”
“He never reacts like this. Did I really go too far?” Takeru groaned and fell back onto the carpet, spreading his arms out on either side like he was going to make a carpet angel. But he knew doing so would only remind him of Hikari.
“I thought it was funny,” Iori said, raising his hand like they were in class. “Although it was a bit childish.”
“Yeah, it was.” Takeru grimaced. “And I’ve been feeling crappy about it ever since.”
“I wish there was a way we could help.” Ken furrowed his eyebrows, which Takeru recognized as his thinking face. There was a moment of silence among the boys before Ken spoke up again. “Is Taichi open to an apology?”
“I hope so. I really miss Hikari.”
Daisuke narrowed his eyes and leaned across the coffee table until he was in Takeru’s face. “You miss her, huh?” A smirk climbed up his face as he rested his chin on his fist. “Are you sure that’s it?”
“What are you talking about?” Takeru could barely understand Daisuke on a good day, and this was anything but.
Iori translated. “He’s asking if you’re sure you only miss her.” The younger boy raised an eyebrow. “I’m wondering the same thing. Is that all you’re feeling?”
Why was he being psychoanalyzed? “Of course that’s it! She’s my best friend! Everything’s so boring without her; I wish she was here to help translate Daisuke-speak.”
“So you wish you were with her more often,” Ken mused, slowly unwrapping a piece of candy.
“Um, yeah? Why are you all making a big deal about this?”
“You clearly like her, you dingus!” Daisuke finally shouted. “And I should know, I’m the expert on having a crush on Hikari!”
“You couldn’t even get her to hold your hand.”
“I thought we agreed never to speak of that, Iori.”
“Like her?” The realization hit Takeru like a brick. Of all their friends, he should have been the first to realize this; he’d always been good at picking up on signals about this type of stuff. But here he was, just as clueless as Daisuke used to be. How had he been so stupid? “God, you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right!” Daisuke puffed out his chest proudly. “Now, onto the task of wooing fair Hikari’s heart--I’m thinking white horse--”
“Why would we let Takeru ride a horse when he has Pegasmon?” Ken looked confused. “And wouldn’t it be better to shower her in flower petals and present her with an extravagant present.”
“I’ve heard that he needs to sing a song. I’m sure Yamato would back you up, Takeru,” Iori suggested.
Takeru needed to stop this. “Uh, thanks, guys, I’ll consider all your ideas, but I think I need to do this on my own.”
Daisuke shrugged. “Your funeral. Don’t come crying when your boring gesture doesn’t work.”
“I appreciate the confidence, Daisuke.”
~ ~ ~
“And that’s all the reasons why you’re not an idiot and I am for suggesting you are.” Takeru pressed his forehead into the floor, his knees aching from how long he’d been crouching. “I’m really, really sorry, Taichi--please don’t be mad anymore.”
The floor creaked, and he felt Taichi’s hand ruffling his hair. “I suppose I could forgive you. Really, I could never stay mad at you, Takeru.”
Takeru lifted his head and smiled at Taichi. “That’s great to hear.”
“Just watch it next time, okay? I know I’m an idiot, but it hurts when it comes from my little brother.” Taichi wrapped one arm around him and hugged the younger boy. “But thank you anyway for the apology. It means a lot.”
“I will. Thank you, Taichi.” Takeru sighed. A weight lifted off his shoulders. Now he could see Hikari again.
There was a sound of running, and Hikari suddenly appeared in the hallway, breathing heavily even though she couldn’t have run too far. “Did you make up? Taichi, have you stopped being stubborn?”
Taichi winked at Takeru and walked away. “Yeah, yeah, yell at me later. I know you want to talk to him.”
Hikari did just that, practically tackling Takeru in a hug. Even though Takeru was very much a hugger and had been used to this sort of thing from Mimi and Miyako, he’d never received such an enthusiastic hug from Hikari before. How long had it been, five years? Six? He laughed and hugged her back, his face aching from how wide his smile was. “I missed you, too, Hikari.”
“About that.” Hikari pulled away, a determined look on her face. “I’m just gonna say it, so please don’t hate me.” She took a deep breath before saying in a rush, “I think I’m in love with you.”
Takeru blinked. He had a feeling he’d heard her correctly, but still, he had to be sure... “You’re what?”
She said it just as fast as before. “I think I’m in love with you.”
“Come again?”
“I’m not saying it again, Takeru!”
He laughed again, but this time it was nervous. He could still see some of the spikes of Taichi’s brown hair around the corner, and he didn’t want to make the older boy mad again. But hell if he wasn’t going to take this chance and roll with it before Taichi did something to undermine it all. “I, uh, I think I’m in love with you, too, Hikari.”
“Say that again?”
“Absolutely not.” Takeru gave her one of his signature crooked grins. “I missed you like hell, Hikari.”
“I missed you, too.” She lightly flicked his forehead. “Never piss off my brother again, doofus.”
“If it means never seeing you? Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Hikari smiled and hugged him again, and Takeru wasn’t sure if he would ever be as happy as he was in this moment.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
Hi just curious about these koumi L's you mentioned, all I've seen are W's (pixiv, tri and the ending of 2020 say hi) hate to break it to you but Mimi is practicaly the little sister Matt never had which parallels Koushirou practically being the younger bro Tai never had, prettty sure mimato never even crossed kakudou's mind once during the og, anyway, everyone should continue to ship what they like canon or fanon
Glad you guys are curious about something since reading comprehension runs low on your side of the fandom!!! That Koumi L comment was directed at the shipper making an absolute irrelevant ruckus in the replies of the original post, dragging not just Mimato but every other Mimi ship and some more. It was not directed at the hsip itself. But clearly you failed to understand that, just as all other Koumi shippers fail to understand basic decency and decorum that a fandom needs to maintain in order to follow: "everyone should continue to ship what they like canon or fanon".
Your dear ship's event mod is running around leaving weird comments on other ship week's content, and if you feel like chalking up one incident to benefit of the doubt, then do you wanna talk about this ⬇️
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The dates for Mishiro Week (who tf even calls this ship that 🤣) are the exact same dates for Michi Week and then the mod is saying "because we're jealous of other weeks" (- that being a motivation to hold an event and not the fact that you cherish these two characters and their relationship enough to celebrate it is a lil sus in itself🫣 -) clearly implies that they want to one-up another Mimi ship even though Michi Week announced their dates well in advance? You're talking about keeping things peaceful in the fandom, but maybe you should preach that to your own choir first!!!
And it's just your luck that you could've chosen anyone in the Mimato fandom to send your silly rant to but you chose me 🥹🫶🏻 The one person on this hellsite who has done their PhD in Digimon Adventure Tri, certified by Toei Animation themselves lmao 😇
Where do I even begin!!!
Content on a fanwork site Pixiv is considered a Win?? Then all the Mimato/Michi/Jyoumi/Taishiro/Koukari/Koura fanart on all fanworks sites are a Win too? Is that the logic you were going for, awww thank you 🫶🏻
And then let's talk about TRI! The series where Koushiro is checking Mimi out 24x7 like an object, he calls her egotistical/self centered for acting impulsively to save a friend - using the same wording that the mean girls in festival committee use (bully alert 🚨, he doesn't even apologise for doing that btw 🚩), only then shows up to stare at her in a cheerleader uniform, ignores all the concern that she shows for him despite him being rude to her and Meiko both and ends up having way more chemistry with Takeru throughout the series (KouKeru my beloveds 😍).
But it's important to mention the guy who does take a W for Mimi in Tri, JOU KIDO!!! He accepts Mimi for who she is, doesn't criticise her actions, understands that her aggressive love is filled with nothing but pure intentions, uplifts her mood when she needs it the most and showers her words of affirmation that eventually lead to Palmon's mega evolution. And for that he deserves a big squishy hug, which he gets from Mimi 🥰 Honourable mention for taking W's for Mimi in Tri will also go to Meiko, she becomes her ride or die in such a short time of knowing her because she sees Mimi for the kind soul that she is. She also deserves a hug, and she gets it from Mimi too 🥰
In Tri we also see Mimi refer to Taichi and Yamato as handsome (and she does ask Koushiro if he's interested in her cause she's cuter, man for someone with a lot of brains he sure does care only about her looks!🚩) She starts recording TaiYama the minute they get into that Ferris wheel, she and Taichi walk a lot of places together don't they, she and Meiko share a meal with Taichi and Yamato in the Odaiba Onsen must I go on ~ Please do a full rewatch to see how Koushiro proves he's not a good match for Mimi in Tri with his ficklemindedness~
Next up: The Reboot, my other lovechild, I kid you not worstie, me and the Reboot writers share the exact same braincells, like legit, in the entirety of the series run, the most worthwhile Koumi hint they gave was them sitting in a Garage together at the end 🤣 The amount of quality time she spent with Taichi on the other hand, chef's kiss, and the instant bonding with Jou where she could tease him from the minute they met, WOW A BIGGER CHEF'S KISS 😘
THE SIBLING PARALELL -omg where my Taishiro shippers at, will you guys take this slander sitting down? 😭
Listen worstie, Taichi and Yamato do not require sibling parallels because *news flash* THEY HAVE SIBLINGS WITH WHOM THEIR RELATIONSHIPS ARE FLESHED OUT THROUGHOUT THE SERIES LOL. And I also love love LOVE how you didn't hesitate to call Mimi a sibling coded friend for Yamato, especially when 99% of the fandom is telling Mimato shippers that Yamato and Mimi don't interact 🤣 Mimato haters please pick a struggle, are there no Mimato interactions in the series or are there so many interactions that we can safely conclude Mimi is the sister Yamato never had 🥹👉🏻👈🏻 *Takeru has left the chat*
As far as Kakudou's concerned, neither of us are mind readers so why even try and assume which ship crossed his mind and which ship didn't? Did you just add this comment because you thought it'd make you sound all edgy for knowing the staff's name or assuming you understand the thought process that went into making this series? If you did understand the latter, you wouldn't be in my inbox 🫶🏻
So anyway when you're done rewatching the actual series, you can come back to my inbox annnnyyytimeee, maybe even have the courage to be off anon who knows you might learn a thing or two from Taichi 🧡🧡🧡
Stay safe out there, idiocy is very contagious in this fandom 😷
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