ryuukia · 6 years
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Merry Christmas, everyone~
I promised I’d do a translation request for Christmas, so here it is! The winner is @clockworks-lullaby who chose Jiku-sensei’s interview from Tsukiuta. Monthly Publication - Special Issue (2014). Congrats!
Initially I wanted to simply translate the interview but the rough sketches are too beautiful (and Jiku-sensei’s comments are interesting ww). I’m including the text version too in case the font is too small too read it from the image~ (I had to fit this somehow tbh)
Special thanks to @ryota-kunstranslations for assistance and proofreading.
Please don’t repost/reuse my translation or the edit!
The creator of the “Tsukiuta.” characters! A direct interview with the character designer, Jiku-san!
1) What was your first impression when you found out about the “Tsukiuta.” project?
I honestly thought “It looks interesting!” The project was so interesting it intrigued me.
2) Please tell us what were your aims as you worked on the character design.
It wasn’t simply two-dimensional but also, three-dimensional. I drew them with a 2D and 3D image that gave a sense of familiarity… Though, if these kids were in the real world, it’d be quite fun (laughs). I also tried to make them resemble their respective producer’s desired image more than anything.
3) Please tell us what you had in mind when designing the characters. Even if they’re personal opinions.
[December/Shiwasu Kakeru] This hard-working boy with an unfortunate constitution flashed through my head for the first time as someone with “sloping shoulders”. That’s why his shoulders are hanging like that. I observed it just now, but his shoulders are more sloped than a girl’s.
[December/Hijiri Kurisu] I tend to think of her as someone with a tough character, but she’s innocent and lovable, so I unconsciously made her to be a “soft tsundere” instead of just a prideful one.
[January/Mutsuki Hajime] This was the exact kingly image I had in my mind (laugh). His overall appearance resembles a flower’s, and his stage outfit is also gorgeous. While his plain clothes are stylish too, I wish his aura and charisma would surface even more than those.
[January/Hanazono Yuki] This girl was told to be ‘the closest to being a goddess’, so I tried to give her a surplus of composure. She’s a noble queen, but I made it so that she wouldn’t feel uncomfortable when being lined up with king Hajime as representatives of the same month.
[February/Kisaragi Koi] I drew him to be kind of a parkling boy. It won’t be surprising at all if he was a member of Joh●y’s. “I can dance any kind of dance! (sparkles☆)”. Koi is the idol face I thought of having a bright road ahead.
[February/Kisaragi Ai] No matter how you put it, she’s soft! And curvy! Her hair is also very voluminous, but I was careful not to make it heavy. As a result, she became more fluffy rather than soft (laugh).
[March/Yayoi Haru] Nobody could see him as a bad person! Haru-san was born from my image of that older brother on whom you can rely on unconsciously when you have troubles.
[March/Momosaki Hina] Since she’s kind of a soft girl, I gave her a relaxed face and very soft hairstyle. Because of her preference for Japanese-styled things (which came from her producer’s image of her), I introduced some Japanese elements in her outfit through her hair accessory.
[April/Uduki Arata] It was established he’d be the one to have a low presence of spirit and a blank look, thus I made it feel like you can’t guess what he’s thinking. It seems like a part of his background is him liking strawberry milk. That knocked me out completely /// (laugh)
[April/Togawa Chisa] Rabbit girl and trouble maker, Chisa is someone whose hair is also bouncing on the outside. She’s not only energetic, but as I drew her, I also give her cute qualities any girl has.
[May/Satsuki Aoi] To make him seem refreshing in everything he does, generally, making him smile a lot was the way to do it. A white horse would suit him ♪
[May/Wakaba Yuki] She’s a sporty girl and a child with a firm character, so I gave her quite a smart look. I’m happy if I managed to bring something cute in sports.
4) Your favourite character from each side. Also the ones that are hard to deal with.
[Favourite boy] Shiwasu-kun by far! He’s damn cute //////
[Favourite girl] The soft Hina-chan. She’s the child I want to watch over closely.
[The boy that’s hard to deal with] Hajime. Rather than hard to deal with, it feels as if he’s someone I’d watch only from afar. But, if he turns out to be the type who has a wicked tongue only to see a reaction from someone, and he’s not just being mean in general, he might become my favourite boy… I guess that means I have a masochistic heart (laugh)
[The girl that’s hard to deal with] I think it’s a pain and a struggle to draw electric components in Kurisu’s hair.
5) If you could become one of them for one day…
That’s difficult…. Then, it may be surprising but, Hajime! I don’t resemble him in anything, including outward appearance, so I wonder how it would be like to be him. I want to experience being the king once!
6) One last word for our listeners!
“Tsukiuta.” finally started! It’s okay if you want to be into it for the characters or the composers! Being interested in the voice actors is okay, too! Being in it for both is very great! Please think of these children as you listen to the songs. Please cheer for them.  
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threads-of-trust · 4 years
audi and hajimeee
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After Aditi had her moment of sorrow thanks to being reminded of the past, she momentarily took over Maisie lab. Why? To drink some of the alcohol provided at the bar, of course. Drown her regrets and isolate herself, that was the only solution she could think of at the time being. Clumsily, she stumbled out of the lab and leaned her back against the door for balance after closing it. “.... hnnnn....” She whines aloud, unsure of how to make it back to her room without falling over.
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Hajime was still lingering in the doorway of his 'ultimate lab' when he heard a whine. Quickly turning his head towards the sound, it suprised him to find Audi, slumped against a door to someone's lab. Either something was wrong, she managed to find the liquor stash, or both. Maybe he could ignore his issues in favor of hers for the moment... Walking to her, he looked up to her with worry as he grabbed her hand gently. "Audi, are you okay? You seem.. out of it."
She startled at her hand being taken, opening her eyes and looking at him with glazed pupils. “.... mmm...” Was she couldn’t manage before her arms shot around him, and pulled him against her. “.. miss you....” She grumbled, not willing to let go of him anytime soon it seemed, nuzzling into his shoulder.
He was caught off guard by the affection, but it wasn't unwelcome. With a small sigh, he returned her embrace; allowing himself to be happy with her at least for a few moments. "Missed you too." He mumbled back, closing his eyes as he waited for when she wanted to let go. If it was up to him, he'd ignore his problems with her forever.
Aditi didn’t pull back for a while, content to be with him all the same. Her brain felt fuzzy but the comfort helped a lot in straightening her out. Carefully, she pulled back and leaned her head against the wall. “... bed... gotta go there...” She reached her hand up towards her room and grabbed at the air. “.. help?” She asked Hajime, pouting almost like a child.
He couldn't help but chuckle at her little grabby hands, the pout only adding to it. "Of course. I can also stay with you until you sober up, if you want." He offered, hesitating for a moment before just deciding to sweep her off his feet, quite literally, as he picked her up. It would be easier that way, so she wouldn't stumble around.
Aditi, admittedly, was startled and let out a small noise of surprise at being picked up so suddenly. For once, she had to look up at him while being carried, briefly pouting again and grumbling. “... ‘s not fair...” She whined, before her head rested against his shoulder. Her eyes felt heavy immediately. Though, her hand reached out and sat atop his that was around her midsection. “... stay...?” She asked innocently.
He looked down at her, which was unusual for him. He was so used to looking up to see her. It was.. a pleasant change of pace. Maybe not for her though.. "Alright." He said, heading to the dorm area. She really was a great distraction, but she was more like something he had to take care of while she was drunk. "I'll have to help you sober up a little too, huh?"
“Mmm... no. I don’t wanna. I wanna sleep...” She whines, huffing into his shoulder. “Can’t sleep without someone though.. I wake up. Every night. All the time. That’s why...” She hiccuped. “I drink. To sleep. ‘S how I sleep...” Her eyes closed further and further the more she talked, relaxing now that someone was with her. Someone she trusted.
His joy quickly sizzled at that, his hold on her seemed to get tighter; protective even. He nuzzled his face into her while she was in his shoulder, a small attempt at comfort. "Would you like me to stop by every night? I can sleep with you, if you'd like." He offered gently, somewhat hoping she would accept. If he could comfort her somehow.. he'd accept it. Besides.. it would be nice to not be alone in this place.
She didn’t notice his aparrent mood change, only focusing on how happy the offer made her feel. Still, her head hurt too much to thank him properly. “... okay.. yeah... do that...” Her eyes closed immediately after, drifting off before they even reached the room.
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