feymaid · 4 years
can i get a shitpost of ur DA2 fam? i am bummed out that no one is critical of characters anymore n i need a pick-me-up... :(
OF COURSE!!!! Thank u for asking ;o; (These got a bit longer than the last oop)
1) Luanna Hawke (Uli’s Aeducan’s world-state) ~
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She was my first Hawke! She has a primarily purple/blue personality. 
. She worked as a mercenary during her first year in Kirkwall! Luanna gets a whole lot stronger and develops a thicker skin when working with him since she is a very emotional person. Her emotions don’t go away, but she learns how to better mask her emotions with humor to cope. She was extremely close with Bethany, much more so than Carver. Since both her and Bethany were mages, they often trained together, and Luanna was prone to leaving Carver out of her life. She still loved him dearly but it wasn’t until Bethany died and Luanna realized that Carver’s anger towards her felt justified. This was devastating to her and she tried everything she could to get the two of them to be closer, including taking him to the Deep Roads. Carver became a Grey Warden thankfully, but it was very hard for her to see him go. She romanced Fenris! She was drawn to him because Luanna’s self-confidence and will to better herself was extremely low when they met. She found his drive and passion to just get things done extremely admirable and found herself trying to mimic his strength.  She fought the Arishock for Isabela. Isabela is her best friend next to Varric and there was no way she’d let her be taken away. She faced death in that fight when she was stabbed through the stomach. Anders was able to save her but she was permanently scarred. She supported the mages! But did not support Ander’s decision to blow up the Chantry. Despite being a mage, Luanna is Andrastian and was very good friends with Sebastian. However, due to the fact that she and Anders were good friends throughout the game, she couldn’t find it in her heart to kill him. She survives the fade and goes on to have two kiddos.
2) Alphonsa Hawke (Dakila’s Word-State) ~
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- Primarily Red but occasionally diplomatic personality.
Alphonsa is my weirdo meanie Hawke who has a bit of an awkward streak but through all of the bullshit, truly means well. She also doesn’t look as clean as she does in the drawing above, often resorting to a terrible hand-cut bowl she does with a pocket knife. She’s pretty quiet and introverted, not ever wanting to grand-stand or stand out. She’s a blood mage too so she wants to fly under the radar as much and hates the attention being champion gives her. With her companions, she has a slower start to forming bonds with them, but eventually considers most of them her friends. She actually ends up marrying Sebastian. So. It’s no secret that the Sebastian romance in DA2 is lacking in content in comparison to the other companions, so a lot of this is my own interpretation of events sprinkled with the canon in-game stuff. Alfie loves Sebastian because he is literally just a good-hearted, kind person. Alfie was never seriously religious. She’s one of those who believe that IF there is a Maker, he has “abandoned his creation la dee da.” She has never really allowed herself to be taken care of. And despite Alfie’s naturally pessimistic attitude, she does try. She wants to be a good person but her anger often times envelopes her when she sees a simple solution to a problem. She’s impatient and needlessly cruel at times. But she is self-aware in her anger, which makes her resent herself a bit. With Sebastian, she actively avoids him at first because the sort of compassion he offers is so alien to her, and how open he is about his heartbreak with his family’s deaths gets under her skin. Long story short, (I have like an essay tucked away about their relationship in general) The two bond over the mutual feeling of the deaths of their families. And they fall in love and get married!!  Alfie isn’t all that upset that the marriage is chaste since she is just so dumb-struck that someone loves her! Act 3 Al is sooo much happier and softer. She grows her hair out and starts taking better care of herself. THEN the chantry explosion happens and her whole world falls apart again. The Chantry represented so much for her. It was her place of healing and peace when she felt alone. It was even more so for Sebastian. In my canon too, Sebastian wasn’t with her when the Chantry exploded. So for one awful moment, she thinks he’s dead. Alfie doesn’t even give Anders a chance to speak. She just beats the absolute SHIT out of him fully intending to beat him to death. And she doesn’t stop until Sebastian literally pulls her off of him. She kills Anders despite supporting the mages. Sebastian drags her off to Starkhaven soon after and she’s glad to go. She has three boys parallel to Sebastian and his brothers for fun.  
Ezekiel Hawke (Marie’s World-state) ~ 
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- Red personality. 
Ez is my rouge red Hawke and was a character I made to see how evil I could be in a game since I personally find it really hard to be mean to even video game characters. Ez was a very sickly child and was often bedridden. Throughout his life, his family never knew what exactly was causing him so much pain so the illness remained. When Malcolm died, Ez felt like he hadn’t even known his father, he had spent most of his time training with Bethany and Carver while he had been left to lie in agony. Being the oldest boy in the family, he was pleased to be the head of it and would work tirelessly to improve his strength so that he could walk without fainting. When Ez turned eighteen, he decided to do something about the sickness. He confronted a blood mage and forced him to cure him. The blood mage warned him that a price would need to be paid but Ez didn’t care and would do whatever it took to heal himself. The reverse spell cured Ez, but left him incredibly scarred. At the beginning of DA2, Ez realizes that the spell in itself was a curse, and took away the effects of his invisible illness that would eventually kill him, and instead replaced it with a painless grotesque life. His skin starts rotting off. To cover up the damage done to himself, he covers his face/hair in heavy makeup and powder. (Ez is a secret redhead I know it’s shocking lol) Ez is extremely vain and particular about how he looks and will not allow anyone to touch him out of fear of seeing under his painted mask. His resentment of mages causes him to lash out at Bethany. Carver’s death was even less meaningful to him than his father’s. For a majority of their relationship, Ez pressures Bethany to find a cure for his deformities. Bethany dies in the deep roads and Leandra’s death was almost therapeutic. A desire to erase his family and start over overcame him. The name “Hawke” belonged to him and only him. Power became very interesting to Ez, as he was powerless his entire life and he was willing to appeal to anyone who might give it to him. This includes the Arishock who he happily gave Isabela to. He worked as a smuggler for the first year in Kirkwall. Ez for the most part was never interested in romance or even friendship, just political alliances. But he ended up getting in a very unhealthy rivalmance with Anders. He never really cared for Anders in a romantic sense but enjoyed the attention he gave him. He and Anders never go beyond a few kisses since Ez just can’t stand to have anyone touch him. (Again I could write an essay on this relationship) Ez supported the Templars and ruled as Viscount. He had Anders executed (ya extra tragic for Anders again sorry lol). In my own canon, Ez gets corrupted with red lyrium in the final fight against the mages and is a brutal and ruthless ruler, so much so that a rebellion happens against him and he is driven out of Kirkwall. He immediately starts looking for the next source of power to appeal to. He eventually works for Corypheus and spies for him in Inquisition. My Inquisitor in that universe finds out he’s a traitor and leaves him in the fade. 
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lavenderbexlatte · 6 years
- Chloe always forgets birthdays??? JUST LIKE HER MOM??? i screamed. that is SUCH a look at Chloe’s background wow
- Miss Bustier is the only person we’ve seen fight an akuma attack, and she almost won, too. Can people be stronger than the akuma?
- somehow the super cheesy “kissy” dialogue works really really well. whatever voice actor does Miss Bustier is just amazing
- Adrien in the locker pretending to be zombified HELLO
- Ladybug and Chat Noir’s voices are more confidently different than Mari and Adrien’s voices. I can’t decide if this is Bryce and Cristina getting more comfortable in the roles or if it’s supposed to be the characters adjusting??? either way it’s brilliant
- The way Chat’s pupils fucking dilated like a cat when he couldn’t catch Chloe in time
- we do not deserve Rose Lavillant
- Juleka and Rose might actually be girlfriends. They’re positioned in a really cute close embrace, which is just as intimate as the way they positioned Alya and Nino. Please make them girlfriends.
- I can’t believe they willingly let Chat Noir drive a bus 
- this is a LOT of pressure on Mari, y’all. everyone saying she’s gonna save them and that they trust her fully...and she feels like she’s failed. my baby...
- I know I’ve been watching this show for 2 and a half years but EVERY TIME I remember that Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste I have a little heart palpitation
- “if love does conquer, then one day my most cherished wish will come true for sure” CONFIRMED CONFIRMED GABRIEL IS TRYING TO GET HIS WIFE BACK holy F U C K 
- Miss Bustier hugged Chloe and Chloe just fucking m e l t e d she was so happy i’m crying real tears 
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fuckdamn · 7 years
here’s the thing… i’m mentally ill. almost my whole family’s mentally ill. a good portion of my friends are mentally ill. i’ve been through five therapists, two psychiatrists, numerous medications, and the goddamn hospital. and i’m not saying any of that makes me ~the authority~ on ~how to cope~ but like… point is. i have depression. i 112% have depression.
and guess what? i love taking baths. baths are a good coping mechanism if you can muster up the motivation to take them. they’re warm and you put bath bombs in them and make yourself smell good and smelling good is good for you mood (probably, scientifically). eating fruits and vegetables and healthy foods can improve your mood and shit. it’s not gonna work better than your prozac, but like, bud. it’ll help. exercising releases endorphins (and again, i know it’s super hard to get the motivation to do that kind of stuff, that’s not my point here though), like… yoga’s not gonna cure your depression either. no way man. but it can ease stress and tension to some extent. my dad always says “don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good.” just bc it doesn’t cure you (and just because neurotypicals think it’s gonna cure you, which is admittedly annoying), doesn’t mean it’s not a valuable tool.
stop telling mentally ill folks who are just trying to get better, just trying to find little things to help them a little bit, that they’re “Neurotypicals!!” !! stop minimizing their experiences. stop it with the “okay barbara what’s it like to not have depression” just stop, not everything’s gonna work for everyone, don’t be rude to people who have just happened to find something that sometimes works for them for fuck’s sake
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ask-a-tos-spy-blog · 8 years
RP starter
Night time.
Night time always reminded him of Giovanni now.  The thick Italian accent, the tired eyes, the impish smile, the constant pokes and jabs of “I know more than you do!”
The engagement, cut short.
The kisses and the hugs and those few intimate times - all gone now.  Because Giovanni was dead, and gone, and never coming back.  It had been a long time ago, but the wound still felt fresh.  Especially tonight, when he was alone and left with nothing but cigarettes and whiskey - he had used to be a wine drinker, but...wine brought back memories he intended to forget via alcohol.
He knew Cassia was supposed to visit tonight so he was being stupid, but...he couldn’t help the bags under his eyes and the tear stains on his cheeks.  Maybe when she arrived he’d tell her that tonight wasn’t a good night.
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wolverineheight · 8 years
When you get this, respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notifications (anon or not) :)
okay okay here we go:
- bees bc they’re so Good and Pure- Angel bc i love them and they’re incredible and beautiful and !!! they’re just so special to me and they’re so important and they mean so fucking much.- all my friends who i won’t tag bc i’m gonna be cheesy in secret, i love them so much and they mean so much to me. Itch and Tony have helped me through some really bad times including one time where i was one step away from god only knows what, Abbie always makes me smile and i know if she was ever on call or awake when i was having a breakdown she would be so incredible and i have half a dozen sticky notes with paragraphs she’s written about me that i look at when i feel shitty. I have too many people to mention here so I won’t go on but if you’re reading this and I’ve talked to you you should know that I appreciate every conversation we have ever had even if it was just one.- sabriel okay sabriel makes me really happy- the fact that my phone just reminded me it’s only a week until i get to go stay with Itch :DDDD
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jeremo6401 · 9 years
I watched Pride and Prejudice for the first time a couple days ago and wOw I'm such a slut for romance movies omg I've watched it three times in the past three days I've also been scouring social media for all videos/pictures of the Pride + Prejudice + Zombies movie send help
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