#LMM has got the jokes
abigailspinach · 3 months
"Then came the northern lights—drifts of pale fire over the sky—spears of light, as of empyrean armies—pale, elusive hosts retreating and advancing. Emily lay and watched them in rapture. Her soul was washed pure in that great bath of splendour. She was a high priestess of loveliness assisting at the divine rites of her worship—and she knew her goddess smiled.
She was glad Ilse was asleep. Any human companionship, even the dearest and most perfect, would have been alien to her then. She was sufficient unto herself, needing not love nor comradeship nor any human emotion to round out her felicity. Such moments come rarely in any life, but when they do come they are inexpressibly wonderful—as if the finite were for a second infinity—as if humanity were for a space uplifted into divinity—as if all ugliness had vanished, leaving only flawless beauty. Oh—beauty—Emily shivered with the pure ecstasy of it. She loved it—it filled her being to-night as never before. She was afraid to move or breathe lest she break the current of beauty that was flowing through her. Life seemed like a wonderful instrument on which to play supernal harmonies.
"Oh, God, make me worthy of it—oh, make me worthy of it," she prayed. Could she ever be worthy of such a message—could she dare try to carry some of the loveliness of that "dialogue divine" back to the everyday world of sordid market-place and clamorous street? She must give it—she could not keep it to herself. Would the world listen—understand—feel? Only if she were faithful to the trust and gave out that which was committed to her, careless of blame or praise. High priestess of beauty—yes, she would serve at no other shrine!
She fell asleep in this rapt mood—dreamed that she was Sappho springing from the Leucadian rock—woke to find herself at the bottom of the haystack with Ilse's startled face peering down at her. Fortunately so much of the stack had slipped down with her that she was able to say cautiously,
"I think I'm all in one piece still."
When you have fallen asleep listening to the hymns of the gods it is something of an anti-climax to be awakened by an ignominious tumble from a haystack. But at least it had aroused them in time to see the sunrise over Indian Head, which was worth the sacrifice of several hours of inglorious ease."
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klapollo · 3 months
my encanto beefs:
claustrophobic movie. literally every scene is inside casita or within striking distance of it. this is probably a silly critique considering the setup is that abuela purposefully insulated them but idk idk
nick jr music. some of LMM's worst lyrics. lots of numbers are overly-long and feel like plastic-wrapped furniture. like yeah i can sit on this but it feels uncomfortable and too clean
overstuffed cast, no one rly has any time to shine
why the fuck did DOLORES ruin the courtship dinner for no reason, knowing augustin wanted to keep things quiet, and then mirabel got blamed. i get that it's a plot device but at least make a reason for her to just fucking wreck the dinner.
just a wildly overly-convenient plot and too much "well THAT just happened" dialogue
what was up with that fuckin incest joke man
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tybaltsjuliet · 1 year
Favourite pieces of Weird Girl media? That uquiz has me Thinking (along with that gothic heroine dress up game, might revisit the concept of a gothic romance I came up with some years back)
any and every alice in wonderland, of course! my all-time beloved.
so weird. this was a show that ran on disney channel in the ’90s. the protagonist, fiona, has paranormal adventures and encounters while traveling all over on her musician mom’s tour bus and writes about them on her fantastically ’90s webpage. fi is a True Believer and her family and friends largely think she’s a lunatic. her father died under Mysterious Paranormal Circumstances that haunt and vex her. this show made me who i am today and as my rewatch last fall can confirm - a lot of the scary stuff holds up!
speaking of cute and spooky disney Weird Girl properties: gravity falls and halloweentown. on any show besides GF i think mabel pines would have been a total joke, but the show loves her SO MUCH and SO DO I. (it helps, i think, that a lot of her was inspired by the creator ’s real-life sister.) halloweentown gets extra points from me for not being one of those annoying Magical World stories where the protagonist gets kicked back to her boring, ordinary life with extreme prejudice in the end.
pan’s labyrinth. for the most discerning and sensitive Weird Girls, and those who also got into trouble for putting strange and occult items around the house as a child.
coraline. ESPECIALLY the book. the movie is cute and fine but has absolutely nothing on the book for spookiness and strangeness.
labyrinth. a classic, obviously.
the secret garden. give a listen to the marsha norman and lucy simon musical adaptation, too, which comes not only with all of the Weird Girl delights of the novel - “the girl i mean to be” is a Weird Girl anthem - but bonus Tragic Gothic Romance for the adult characters!
emily of new moon. i know that anne shirley is many people’s go-to LMM-written Weird Girl. these are people who have not yet met emily byrd starr.
true grit. the 2010 one. now, mattie ross is a little different to the others on this list, but this American West subspecies of Weird Girl checks out.
a series of unfortunate events. another one i do not see cited often as Weird Girl media, which is a slight on everything violet and sunny (and isadora and fiona, for that matter) have done for us.
and a few honorable mentions for Weird Girls who are slightly older than the typical and/or not main characters of their media, but nevertheless were formative and inspirational to me as a Weird Girl-Child:
christine daaé; katrina van tassel in the tim burton sleepy hollow; and luna lovegood who deserved better even before HP went radioactive.
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clonerightsagenda · 2 months
HDM 3 & 4!
Episode 3:
me watching Mrs. Coulter ransack a university library while demanding "find me something heretical or illegal" wow haha it's just like being at work
"tired old men talking about tired old things" How much of breaking Jordan's scholastic sanctuary is revenge for the fact that they won't let women like her in? If you can't beat them, tear them down.
Tony's mumbled excuses about how he found Lyra are so on point for 'kid who does not want his mom finding out about his vigilante justice escapades'
Loving the running gag of Boreal going to our world and finding his car ticketed/booted. He doesn't even know what the boot is
Oh wow, we're getting our first look at Will now? As well as backstory on why his family is getting harassed, and we dropped the bomb of John Parry = Grumman already, even though that's a late book 2 reveal. Interesting choice. My guess would be that they want to spend less time in season 2 on stringing that mystery along and more on developing Will and Lyra's dynamic, since they shift into bffsies mode pretty abruptly.
Mrs. Coulter thinking about falling off high places again... I don't recall the implication of this self-destructive impulse in the books (haven't reread the third yet) but this is certainly setting up her death, huh? Whose idea was it, I don't remember....
Also, her calling Benjamin "boy" multiple times even though he's clearly a grown man - does that have the same racist implications in the UK as it does in America? It certainly shocked me. We hadn't really seen a racial undertone in how she's dealt with Boreal, the Master, or the reporter...
Episode 4
Of course they added Lee singing a song lol. If you paid all the money for LMM...
They took away Farder Coram's disability? He's older, sure, but seems perfectly hale and hearty. I'd make a joke about Lyra just thinking someone is tragically disabled due to being 60+ but the books say his health got wrecked after getting hit by a poison arrow. There is that other gyptian with the limb differences, I suppose.
Iorek is pronounced Yorick??? Oh wow I've been doing Eye-or-eck (like neck) for years.
I can't identify the accent Iorek has, but I'd be curious as to what accent the showrunners decided bears should have. I'd assume something Northern European since we're in Fantasy Scandinavia.
Mrs. Coulter has been violent toward her daemon a few times, which I also don't recall from the books, although it comes up with that one guy in the prequels. It emphasizes her internal conflict that they're setting up super hard.
Lee's far more comic relief in the show, and they've padded out the Iorek armor quest quite a bit. Guess they decided they needed to get their money's worth out of having Lin Manuel Miranda around before he dies and gets eaten.
They didn't make Serafina's daemon a goose??? Slander!!!
Lord Boreal homophobia moment... These have been the Bigotry Episodes
So I get why they have Lyra speak up to convince the gyptians in the previous episode and take the initiative re: Lee and Iorek - it makes the MC a more active rather than reactive protagonist, etc. - but I said while liveblogging the books that I appreciated the gyptians clearly have their own plans and aren't just convenient brown people who exist to ferry the protag on her journey, and this undercuts it a little bit. Also being a kid getting helplessly buffeted around by the machinations of adults is part of what Lyra has to deal with.
I'm still reading it as Eye-or-eck in my head as I type this. Sorry. It's too late for me.
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gogandmagog · 10 months
so what are your favorite books/authors besides lm montgomery...I maybe just maybe am tailoring my goodreads tbr for next year 👀
“I love a book that makes me cry.”
– Anne Shirley, Anne of Green Gables
And apparently me too??? I’m just over here adding this grossly popular quote right at the top of this list after having wrote it up, because when I look back over these all-star books that rushed to be highlighted, I realise that… every last one of these moved me to tears.
But I’ve read them all half-a-dozen of times, at least! 🥺 So, here we go, here we go!
Beloved by Toni Morrison. This one knocked me out, good and proper. It’s such a masterpiece. It starts in the 1870’s of Ohio and follows a former slave and her daughter. It’s got a strong Haunted House vibe (there is a ghost), and it opens up with both something quite Maud-would-appreciate-this-ish and quite chilling; "124 WAS SPITEFUL. Full of a baby's venom. The women in the house knew it and so did the children. For years each put up with the spite in his own way, but by 1873 Sethe and her daughter Denver were its only victims." Mind, some people haaate this book, and feel quite strongly about it — but I like prosey books (this is the top complaint as far as I can tell), and this one is certainly that. Some very harrowing descriptions of the abuse of slaves, to be sure, but I personally have never been one to turn away from that ugliness, because remembering and understanding its weight feels important.
Stoner by John Williams. This is a little bit like ‘life sucks, and then you die’ — hyper precise about mundanities and is frankly a huge red flag to see sitting on a dudes bookshelf but… I loved it so much. 😅 It’s quiet, but poignant, and in its simplest rendering is about a very bored English Professor falling greatly in love with someone who is not his wife. Keep in mind, I’m hardly a girl who thinks infidelity is either cute or excusable… but this book firmly lodged itself in my heart, anyway.
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin. I’m a HUGE BIG HUGE BIG HUGE Baldwin fan. And this is the book that started it, for me. Like, this novel will fully pull you apart, and give you a wallowing. I’d say it's even a great atmospheric read for winter, and I also even want to go ahead and say this book is considered a classic, but I could be making that up; maybe it’s just a classic to me. The plot surrounds the struggles of a bisexual man in late 1950’s Paris; he’s just proposed to his girlfriend, but he goes on and has a relationship with a male bartender. There’s race, misogyny, and class issues here too, but this book isn’t so heavy that it becomes cumbersome to read. It’s actually quite beautiful. 
The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy. Another prosey book. Maybe the most prosey book I’ve ever read… you don’t really get a break from it. But it’s so lush, and visceral, and the word play is sometimes so genius that you don’t mind getting fully lost in it (at least, I didn't!). This book could be labeled “tragedy” because it’s sometimes rather bleak – it's about fraternal Indian twins, Kerala history, and the lasting impact of childhood traumas, as well as the exploitation of the weak, really. But, there’s high points too!
Elsewhere if you haven’t read Peter Pan as an adult, I urge and beg of you to. J.M. Barrie (that’s James Matthew Barrie, and I will never stop conspiring that this is intentional of Montgomery and James Matthew Blythe) is right up there with Lucy Maud in the realm of exquisite and sweet storytelling that transcends age.
Of course Shirley Jackson, but you’re already a reader there! Fanny Howe has been an obsession of mine lately, too — I think I’ve posted her twice here and here — despite her being a poet, which is something of a fault that I’m being very charitable about overlooking (only half-joking, I really usually don’t care for poetry [except you Mary Oliver], not even LMM’s or by extension Anne or Walter’s either). Eve Babitz and Joan Didion are close personal friends (okay, it’s one-sided).
Anyone else that I read over and over are so classic that it’s almost white noise/nonsense to list them. I think the Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde is my all-time never-to-be-defeated, and Lolita (despite its very uncomfortable content) by Vladimir Nabokov is a close second (I once saw Lolita cited as being ‘a love letter to the English language’ and I frankly agreed with my whole chest), and Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell (his essays are things of brilliance too) takes bronze. I also obviously throw myself at the feet of the likes of C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll and Fyodor Dostoevsky and Virginia Woolf and Kafka and Sylvia Plath and Charles Dickens and James Joyce, and all of Those Guys too. Genuinely. I also wholly stan Washington Irving. He’s most famous for Sleepy Hallow, which I’ll link right here because if you tap on it and read even a single line, I think you’ll be like, ‘oh right, he is sensational.’ And this quality continues throughout his catalogue!
Signing off with a true and sincere hope that you’ll consider sharing your TBR list with everyone, and maybe some recommendations of your own, too!!! Your opinion means worlds!!!
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pardonmydelays · 7 months
oooh the last two anon replies got me fired up so here's my manifesto i guess.
the universal hating on lin manuel miranda comes down to a few factors that most of the time have nothing to do with his actual mistakes:
their cringe history is reflected in him and they can't deal with it. let it be known that it is not lin who created miku binder jefferson. that was entirely a monster of our making. and somehow, his enthusiasm and willingness to interact with fan content (i remember everyone loving him for it) is worthy of punishment in relation.
he's an easy scapegoat to dump criticism on because people already feel so comfortable speaking on him. like you said, it's crazy that people will paint out lin manuel miranda, the guy who changed broadway and did so much for POC roles, to be the big baddie. he's made mistakes, and there's a lot we can discuss about hamilton's legacy, etc., but damn. where's this energy for everyone else? is it a case of "he actually tried, therefore we have material to latch onto and tear down?"
a lot of what he does is successful and in the public eye! it's crazy but i see people going "why is lin manuel miranda in everything" about projects from the 2000s, like yeahh he didn't just make hamilton and then disappear for your own convenience. if anything it's a statement about how a lot of his work, like it or not, is remembered over time. the reaction to him being in percy jackson was crazy to me because i KNOW for a fact that you did not see his dark materials or tick tick boom; at most you know him from moana and hamilton. and then complaining that he "threatened disney to be in everything they do" smh.
he's not your typical white boy of the month. this might be a loaded statement but sue me, i think it's true. POC celebrities have a limited amount of time in the sun compared to white celebrities. a white actor having multiple roles in a year is okay, and it means they're a hard worker. but when it's a POC actor, their presence is conspicuous. their presence becomes bothersome. public goodwill dries up so much faster. even pedro pascal, i feel, has been talked about with eye-rolls recently. i read a very interesting paper about this.
it's fun! the internet's chosen him as their punching bag, and there are no consequences to online hating if everyone else agrees. i bet a lot of people think they're just joking.
and all of this makes it such that if they do find out about some of his actual mistakes, it's a relief. i legitimately saw a tiktok comment section filled with bashing, and someone said "this is so hilarious but kinda mean, the guy didn't do anything" and someone said with "actually he did this this and this" and they replied "oh thank god, i don't feel bad now!" so it's not "oh let's see if this person improved" it's "phew! i have a legitimate reason to continue what i've been doing all along!"
it's crazy because i'm not even a lmm fan necessarily. i've just been in the musical community for years and noticed all of this happening surrounding his very popular work. you all will rue the day! 10 yrs later or so people are going to start making those "he deserved better" posts but i will not forgive or forget.
i don't know if you want me to respond to every single thing you wrote here, but i appreciate the message, especially when it comes from someone who's not really a fan - it only shows me that it's possible not to be in the fandom & still be respectful.
don't even get me started on miku binder jefferson, it's probably the most ridiculous thing i've ever seen in my life. also, one thing i need to point out is that NOT EVERYONE in this fandom is like that, & i think i'm a perfect example of a person who just enjoys lin's art & likes talking about it & analizing things, but not enjoying all those weird cringe things that were created by the fandom (like the one you mentioned), so like... maybe a certain part of the fandom was the problem, not the creator of the thing? i have nothing against fanfiction in general, nothing against fanarts but like... some people are ruining the thing cause it's just too much. like the famous lmm cannibal mermaid fanfiction, come on guys, be serious, what the actual fuck???
i also agree with the percy jackson thing, i remember seeing all the hate even before the episode with him dropped & honestly i couldn't stand it, the pjo fandom ruined all the fun for me & i literally had to block pjo tag lol. then the episode was out & everyone was suddenly like OH, HE WAS ACTUALLY GOOD, well guess what bitch, i've been saying this all the time, he is actually a good actor & you are just a miserable hater. this fandom is toxic as fuck. also, you think he's everywhere? i do know a lot of other celebrities who actually ARE everywhere these days & somehow no one is sick of them??? so maybe people really are just racists. also, this is literally his job lol what do you expect him to do, disappear forever?
i will not forgive or forget either. like i said before, i'm aware that he made some mistakes, it's not like he didn't apologize for some of them, also he's not perfect, but no one is. all i'm trying to say is that there are more problematic people but somehow everyone feels the need to hate on him. you picked the wrong guy, just let him be.
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penroseparticle · 2 months
Penrose Song of the Day, Day 36: Lazy Bone by Greg Aram
Alright, let's get into the DJ set/Phish Jam/Lost Media/Media Preservation episode. It's not anything you haven't heard before but like. I hope this is a gentle, kind reminder to you to find ways to preserve the things you love. Or they will die.
Greg Aram made a relaxed, lo-fi, island time, chill jam, bad boyfriend anthem. When girls are like "BUT I LOVE HIM" I picture the guy singing this song, but like, in sweatpants, and he's still on NFTs even though annoying people are well into AI by now.
And like. I know that this song is trash ok. It is perfect confection but there is no substance. It's well produced for how small it is, it's got the big fuzzy synths in the back of the soundscape propping up the, frankly, bizarre duo of ukulele loop and trap drums. This song is absolutely 5 tracks in LMMS titled "Uke1.ogg", "TrapDrumLoop1", "Synthline", "Backvocal(1)(FINAL)", and "Mainvocal". Maybe an additional snare, and the synthline is split in two. Maximum.
But it's kinda slay? Somehow the song features every single cheat code to make me like something that is not actually that great. The sadsack boyfriend. The whistling as part of the song. The phone number gag. The "Kiss you through the phone" gag once again vindicating Soulja Boy (And don't even get me started on the yassification that Megan Thee Stallion gave Anime Swag. Soulja Boy vindicated big time, Megan Thee Stallion did THAT for the weebs, we stan).
This song was on heavy rotation in my spotify for a long, long time. It was just easy to listen to, easy to loop, easy to be the lazy bone and relax. And then about 4 years ago? Longer? It vanished. Gone from Spotify. The single was up on youtube, so I thought perhaps it was a license dispute? Smaller artists especially don't always keep their music on streaming because they're making peanuts. It's enough to get on spotify, get a bit of exposure, and do the rest off of local gigs, merch, etc. For every Still Woozy making music in his garage and getting enough exposure to play at Coachella, there's like 500 The Excellent Man From Minneapolis-es. Making music for like. 5000 people tops. Which is still huge! That's not a knock. But people don't make it to mega stardom and they pack it in.
But then the youtube song went down too? And I was left with this ghost of an idea of what this song was. I listened to it a LOT. It literally, no joke, helped shape my tastes (Spotify algorithm ignoring a song on your wrapped? Yeah right). And not only is it gone but I had no idea where to find it.
Greg Aram sold CDs!!! He was on bandcamp! I could have downloaded this song a billion times over, but it was just one song, and it was on Spotify, and I could find it anytime I wanted it. Until I couldn't.
He's still doing music, btw. Greg Aram is doing fine- arguably better than ever. He's in a group called Junior Varsity, which is doing less... shall we say polished, and definitely much more interesting things, with production. It's like he did his minimalist experiment of "How little do you need for a good pop song" and then immediately abandoned it for more fun projects. And good for him! His music is getting further than silly sunny Greg Aram's did, with a lot more critical attention. And the shiny slick single I love doesn't really fit the whole schtick they go for now, so I guess it was a purge for like, brand reasons? Sucks but I get that too. But what a bummer to have something I thought I had ripped away from me because I streamed it and didn't own it.
We have heard the physical media argument over and over and over. Unfortunately, it's still true, and we still have to eat our vegetables and get good rest and exercise. If you want to own something, own it. Buy it and make sure you're not renting it. The CD is not dead no matter what anyone says. Vinyl has survived decades at this point. And it's not quite as good, but absolutely buying your MP3 is much, much better than just streaming on Spotify, no matter how convenient it is.
The song that sparked this was Bip Ling's Bip Burger though. Arguably a better song, arguably a more interesting song, arguably a much, much stupider song. The song Bip Burger is quintessential "End of the night, let's get burgers before we uber home". It is messy, it's a little trashed, but it's that drunk girl in the mirror saying she loves you so much. It's Blingee if Blingee was a song.
It is also no longer on Spotify. Bipping is on Spotify though too, give that a listen "YOU HAVE A BLOG???" Classic.
The reason I don't include Bip Burger as today's song is simple- Bip Burger, by the very nature of the song, is more resilient to being lost forever. Because it's a DJ set song. It was created for and by people who handle songs more as ingredients, and are thus more likely to preserve them- It's literally made for remixing and bootlegging and soundclouding and hearing... drunk at the club. Just. Fucking look: https://soundcloud.com/search?q=bip%20ling
There are a BILLION versions of this song. You can find it if you want it. You can even still probably find the original.
This is something that always brings me back to a good friend of mine and his relationship with Phish. For those of you who aren't up on every bad, fear not, I know the barest, baseline version of Phish. Phish is a jam band! The play really long, meandering, ever changing sets where they jam out on stage and it's different every time. Like Jazz! Sometimes they cover other artists too. A lot of people will record Phish sets, especially back in the day, and would trade them around like rare pokemon cards. Make rerecordings of it to give to other Phish fans when they all met up and, idk, got high tailgating, presumably (No judgement that sounds fucking awesome actually)
Now Phish is not the only band that a. did this, or that b. has a thriving bootleg economy based on the fact that they did this, but it IS the one I'm most familiar with. What matters is that these guys. LOVE this band. They love this music. They love it to the point of preservation. Each Phish set is ephemera, right? It's a one time event that somehow can be preserved now. And so many people want to preserve those moments.
I kind of had a point meandering around in there. But I think what I want to leave you with is pretty simple.
You could be dead right now. Go listen to something that you love. And if you love it... maybe consider owning it? Just a thought.
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Blue Castle chapters 25 and 26
"He was coming. Valancy heard Lady Jane Grey far back in the woods. Her breath came a little more quickly. Nearer—and nearer—she could see Lady Jane now—bumping down the lane—nearer—nearer—he was there—he had sprung from the car and was leaning over the gate, looking at her."
I love the pacing of this passage. It's got such a great rhythm to it; you can really feel Valancy's heart racing.
I like a lot of the language in chapter 25. I feel like LMM is playing with language even more than she usually does. Valancy interrupts Roaring Abel "politely and unmistakably." She "takes [the chance to ask Barney to marry him] with a canter". The living Stirlings do nothing. Just a whole host of great lines that sort of mark the divide in Valancy's life. Before, she was living for other people. Even at Abel's, she is still there to keep house and look after Cissy. She wants to be there, of course, and she chose it herself and regrets nothing, but she does technically answer to Abel. Now, she answers to no one, and so we get full uninhibited Valancy. As it turns out, uninhibited Valancy is snarky as heck.
In other news, Barney Snaith has got it bad and is trying to pretend like he hasn't noticed. There's been a lot of good discussion in the tag about the one-two punch of Cissy dying followed by Valancy's diagnosis. And yet here he is getting excited about Valancy seeing the island and promising her that she'll like it and joking with her about dead wives. Never mind the kiss at the end of chapter 26, of course. But you just know he is resolutely refusing to examine any of this, just like he absolutely only took her to the movies as a friend.
(Amusing sidenote: what do we think Olive would say if she learned that she didn't feature in Valancy's fantasy wedding at all? "No bridesmaids" might as well be code for "no Olive," given Valancy's lack of other friends or same-age relatives.)
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alloutofgoddesses · 8 months
PJO TV Thoughts
(There will be book mentions/spoilers)
Can’t lie to y’all im on my second week of this semester and already just so eepy
Okay the first line does tell you exactly what’s happening in this dream but I was so confused by it being Percy’s headmaster from Yancy
Anyway omg I swear you can see Luke in the reflection like it’s gonna be so obvious it’s not Clarisse on rewatches
WE GOT “Little Hero”
Cracker Barrel! What o would give to eat at a Restaurant rn
(I am aware others have made that joke)
Omg hi Luke
Good not being sus Luke
ARREST HER?!?! Percy wtf
Luke I’m positive you would know what Ares is like
OOP if Luke picks up on it IMMEDIATELY…
The episode is titled “A Zebra Takes Us To Vegas” AND WE INLY GET A SECOND OF A ZEBRA ON SCREEN?!?!
Anybody else see the Geia fashion billboard or just me
Way to be obvious about it
“I had a premonition that we fell into a rhythm/where the music don’t stop for life” I think that Levitating was chosen WITH INTENTION for these lyrics only
Graphic novels do count
Oh besties… the lotus eaters have upgraded darlings
The fact that they haven’t shown Grover eating garbage yet… cowards. COWARDS.
I do think that them knowing takes tension out of it but they think that it’s okay unless they eat something
A Saytr?? I’m saying that TV screen image is a sun so APOLLO MENTION
A gay satyr?!!! The subtext
Oh? I’m compelled certainly what kind of magic does the Lotus have to convince satyrs Pan is there
Like you can see extras wearing dated clothes but it’s just not the same
Also I’m waiting for others to find the di Angelos, I know I’m not gonna be able to find anything
(If they cut it out I will lose it)
Are the employees also under the spell? I would have to assume so
Uh oh Grover is forgetting
The way his face fell… I’m afraid LMM is eating as Hermes
BTW I saw someone say LMM was a bad choice as Hermes because canonically Hermes has the most children and they don’t think LMM is sexy enough for that… girlie do you not remember what happened when Hamilton came out be SO FOR REAL
At first I thought I wouldn’t be able to seperate actor from character but he’s doing such a good job that’s Hermes I’m sorry (no I’m not)
ORPHEUS MENTION (I’ve helped others [get into the Underworld] before)
Are the fields Italy? Once again folks I’m not gonna be able to find it so I’m reaching out to
Someone looks back I’m guessing
Oh babey the lore the tension
My guess is something to do with Gabe or as one brilliant Twitter user said, Percy’s first time at boarding school
(Also how the fuck can Hermes do that)
Sure buddy see you next season
“This was all just a waste of time. We don’t have time to waste.” Oh Annabeth I’m so sorry for what you’re about to learn
I love all the helmets and stuff really lets you know what’s going on
Oh noooooo oh boy oh buddy oh wow that hurt
Sorry he’s making Hermes feel so empathetic which is exactly how he is in the books. He’s good!
Were those the di Angelos? They were brunette and small (still reaching)
Oh so that’s why they mentioned days earlier I see
Are George and Martha on there are they wondering what’s happening
Oh no Percy’s forgetting too
Just rip him out and leave besties
Oh geez they’re never leaving at this rate
Damn there’s that fatal flaw again Percy
RIP Grover playing a human hunter game I will never forget you
Annabeth it was good it really was but you’re right. He is the god of thieves.
Oh boy now we know why they let him drive though
Me when I first started learning how to drive standard
Just in case you forgot Percy is a New Yorker
Oh NO bestie got distracted looking at the princess (his words not mine though I agree) next to him
What did I just say. What is happening on screen
Oh boyyyyyy
He’s just three apples tall
Oh it’s so much worse underwater
Wait… were AFTER the summer solstice? WHY
Exactly Percy you gotta finish it
Four?!?! What about ‘you will fail to save what matters most in the end?’ He better lose one I stg
Next ep trailer
Okay so who’s eye is in the credits what do we think
Desert and terrible forest?
Okay yeah he definitely loses one or uses one to trick someone or something he said said “you guys leave with my mom”
Oh wait what if he uses it on Crusty… Disney let Percy actually be violent
SWORD FIGHT NEXT EP? At least the beginning
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BONUS: Hermes in cat form
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mzannthropy · 1 year
Excerpts from L.M. Montgomery's journals that mention Charlotte Bronte.
LMM visited Haworth on her honeymoon (a rare pleasure she got out of that marriage), though she couldn't go inside the Parsonage. However, I have to disagree with her here: "we went to Leeds and next morning motored twenty miles through a very ugly country to Haworth". Don't listen to her, Yorkshire moors are breathtaking! I know bc I've been there too and I have pics to prove! (I mean I've not gone the way from Leeds to Haworth bc I live in Manchester, so that's where I travelled from, but I doubt it's much different; even going on a train from Manchester to Leeds is a pleasant ride). I suppose the moors are an unusual type of a landscape. Also it depends on your own definition of beauty.
Anyway, what I like about these excerpts is that while LMM obviously admired Charlotte a lot, she had no issue with roasting her, and I'm so here for it!
It is customary to regret Charlotte Bronte’s death as premature. I doubt it. I doubt if she would have added to her literary fame had she lived. Resplendent as her genius was it had a narrow range and I think she had reached its limit. She could not have gone on forever writing Jane Eyres and Villettes and there was nothing in her life and experience to fit her for writing anything else.
But then this:
There was a marked masochistic strain in Charlotte Bronte—revealing itself mentally not physically. This accounts for “Rochester.” He was exactly the tyrant a woman with such a strain in her would have loved, delighting in the pain he inflicted on her. 
Speaking the truth. LMM had no time for "brooding" heroes. (And yeah, there's Dean Priest, but he's a different case and he was not Emily's true love.)
I have been asking myself “If I had known Charlotte Bronte in life how would we have reacted upon each other? Would I have liked her? Would she have liked me?” I answer “no.” She was absolutely without a sense of humor. I could never find a kindred spirit in a woman without a sense of humor. And for the same reason she would not have approved of me at all. All the same, had she been compelled to live with me for awhile I could have done her whole heaps of good. A few jokes would have leavened the gloom and tragedy of that Haworth parsonage amazingly. Charlotte would have been thirty per cent better for it. But she would have written most scathing things about me to Miss Nussey and Mrs. Gaskell.
I think she gets it.
And this:
People have spoken of Charlotte Bronte’s “creative genius.” Charlotte Bronte had no creative genius.
I love this bc that's totally something I would say. People will be like: "thing/person is sooo amazing" and I'd say, "thing/person is not amazing".
Her genius was one of amazing ability to describe and interpret the people and surroundings she knew. All the people in her books who impress us with such a wonderful sense of reality were drawn from life. She herself is “Jane Eyre” and “Lucy Snowe.” Emily was “Shirley.” “Rochester,” whom she did “create” was unnatural and unreal. “Blanche Ingram” was unreal. “St. John” was unreal. Most of her men are unreal. She knew nothing of men except her father and brother and the Belgian professor of her intense and unhappy love. “Emmanuel” was drawn from him and therefore is one of the few men, if not the only man, in her books who is “real”.
Talk about "burn".
I have argued on my Jane Eyre Heresy sideblog that Rochester, too, is based on Professor Heger. Nothing stopping Charlotte from putting the same dude into more than one book. I actually think Rochester is very real. The way he talks about Bertha is quite typical of douchebags like him talking about their wives/ex-wives/soon-to-be ex-wives/ex-girlfriends. "She a mad bitch" is, like, the most common phrase uttered by men over the course of human history. There is nothing special about Rochester.
Emily Bronte also gets a mention, but Anne does not. I wonder what LMM thought of Anne Bronte, if she had ever read her. The Tenant of Wildfell Hall's romantic hero is named Gilbert!
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julien5-malfunction · 8 months
Saw my therapist in a rather strange setting. We went to this other support/care provider to see if I'd rather have them look after me (Since there has been some issues with the unit-people not doing their job.)
We went there too early so we killed time by driving around town in my therapist's car. For a while. Then went into the building to wait some more. They people there offered me coffee and pie, but I didn't want any.
We just sat at the table for some while and somehow it was the most bired I have been in a while. I was asked to tell something about myself, which is too broad question to awnser to be honest, so I told them about my history of living in units for the past 5 years. The rest of the meeting I was pretty much quiet and spaced tf out as the therapist and other two ladys talked about their dogs or something. They knew each other from work or something.
I noticed the art style of the of the framed pictures on the wall, next to a frigde. Local comic artist, I know him, by name atleast and what he lookes like. His sister was a caretaker in one of the units I was in, shewould tell me about his little brothers comics and stuff like that, I even got one of his books with a dedicated signing as a birthday gift. Occationally I see him in the supermarket and he waves back if I wave at him, maybe he is just friendly like that. It's not that rare to see his work around town, his drawings can be seen on painted on bus stops, even the library walls, the school I used to go to, also had wall painted in his style in the cafeteria. The library sells postcards designed by him. The guy is kind of a local comic book hero, I suppose, literally...
I can't remember what all the discussion was about, but they told me to think about it, 'just say the word and changes can happen at a fast rate'. I'm too tired to think about anything right now. I'm not too keen on haveing people wisiting my home, even less so having new people wisiting my home. I just really want to be alone. Being social wares me out so bad. I'm literally half asleep on the couch as I'm writing this, even tho I didn't even have to walk today.
The lady I talked to offered to drive me to the library and back home, as she had to return books as well and said she was going in the same direction so I accepted. Normally I don't like being taken around in a car but the sidewalks are ice and water and I guess I was just that tired. I kind of info dumped more of my issues on her on the drive home. She was just kinda like '...yeah you kinda have problems...' Kinda feels validating that someone acknowledges that you're kinda getting mistreated by the system and all, I've gotten so used to it allready that whenever someone isn't telling me ' it is what it is', I'm telling them that ' it kinda is... what it is'.
They gave me stuff... I got a green, cheapish-plasticy ballpoint pen, a block of sticky notes, a little bag of candy and a my favourite is the reflector that's shaped like a little house. All of these have the company logo on them.
I sent a picture of these to my favourite person at the unit "these guys bribe kinda hard..."
Probably the most interesting piece of information I got out of the whole ordeal was this name of a game my therapist said hen I was pointing out the game console and said I kinda wanted a PS2 since I have a television but no cable so it just shows a black screen, my PC is so old too that it can't even run LMMS. Then I made a joke about installing Doom on it or something. The therapist said that there is a game named "Hexen", that should run on piece of shit computers as well.
I never herd? Tho I never really looked for 'games to play on a pc with the computing power of a simple calculator'.
I need to look it up at some point... Like I might actually find a game that I can play on my highschool laptop.
Heck I have Halflife 2 on a disk but that want's me to install steam first and that is gonna take extra space on my laptop and I'll need to go camp at the unit to use their wifi again... hmmmmm.
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inkofamethyst · 2 years
November 11, 2022
I actually did the worst on my open book popgen exam lol (not that it mattered anyway).  I’m in a good place grade-wise, I think.
You know, all of these programs conveniently leave out the fact that not only do you have to submit a personal statement, but you have to also write four, five, six other little essays on random (they’re related) topics.  Like,,, HUH.  I just thought I’d pop in with a quick “boy howdy I wanna be a scientist, a woman in stem, a personified bunsen burner” and then be met with a round of applause and a stipend but apparently that’s not enough these days.
Also some of my apps are asking about my sexuality and that was definitely not a thing four years ago and like idk I know some ace folk feel like they fit in the queer community and that’s totally fine and I love my little hahaheehee’s on acetok but putting it in writing (yes, I recognize the irony considering the nature of this blog)???  FIRST of all I don’t know if this is real or if it’s purity culture-induced guilt.  I could get married and it all falls away and suddenly you’ve got a sexual being on your hands (one in need of therapy tho bc I’ve heard it’s a difficult switch to make).  SECOND what if it changes.  I dunno I just.. there is no truly permanent sense of self and.. ugh.  I mean I could say I’m aro/ace and they’ll be like “wow so she won’t be distracted by boys she’s a safe bet” but what they don’t know is that I’ll be distracted by everything else.
On a lighter note, listen.  I get it, LMM maybe wasn’t at all what we were expecting from Hermes.  I love the jokes, I think they’re silly because, ultimately, that man is a dork.  A theatre kid (who makes pretty bangin music ngl).  All adult theatre kids deserve ridicule.  No exceptions.  Obviously I want him to do well because I want the show to be good and I trust Rick.  I love the silly jokes, but I feel a little bad bc we’re circling back to that time on tiktok when Hamilton had just been released on D+ and everyone was watching it and making fun of the guy even though he wasn’t doing anything except loving being on stage.
And, breaking news, it turns out that I may not get into that education class after all which kind of sucks.  I have to wait until the start of next semester to see if the section has seats available at which point anyone will be able to register.  Until then, I’m registered for a greek art class in its place.
Lastly, it’s surprisingly easy to slip into supporting eugenics and I blame this on the fact that geneticists find eugenics to be so abhorrent and such an uncomfortable part of the discipline’s history that it’s rarely actually discussed or taught.  And this is the same problem with minimizing slavery or the holocaust or the treatment of indigenous Americans.  Those who do not learn and critically consider history are doomed to repeat it.  Scientists have an ethical responsibility to go beyond providing data.  They must nip misinterpretations in the bud by addressing the context of their work.  We read an article (more like a saga of articles, it was the scientific equivalent of a fight over twitter) in popgen which got me completely wired by the way that it used eugenics rhetoric without addressing that issue explicitly, and that feels so much more irresponsible than saying your a eugenics advocate outright (my prof had to assure me that the author was not, in fact, a eugenics guy).  I just... science doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and we live in an age where information is readily available to any person at any time.  Scientists need to keep that in mind and consider the social ramifications of their work, especially if it relates to humans.  Neutral science does not exist!!  We’re all influenced by the context in which we are raised!!  Anyway, back to the original point, eugenics should be taught sensitively in science classes so that people understand a) how to detect the warning signs of a budding eugenics-based argument and b) why they’re wrong to begin with.  Only then can we civilly discuss issues like how to mitigate the problems of the (fairly theoretical to begin with) human genetic load or whatever.
Today I’m thankful for the walks promenades I took last night and tonight!!  It was decently warm and I just needed to blow off some steam (we’re a mere week into daylight savings and I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate how sunset starts at 2 pm I hate how I feel down more often now).  Plus CRC3E38 was released yesterday and I tore through that thing on my walks.  I’m thankful that there’s a big open area on campus where people often frequent so I feel safe walking at night.  I’m thankful that I, a patron of the arts, went to see an (free) a capella show tonight, a lovely and uniquely collegiate experience.  I’m thankful that my cello-friend liked my arrangement draft!!  Finally, I’m thankful that I know people who will straight up tell me who the red flags in my field of choice are because I was definitely unknowingly flying close to one.
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letarasstuff · 4 years
Too itchy, too loud, too bright
(A/N): This was not requested but I had to get this one off my chest, it started to bug me in my sleep (like Hamilton did to LMM).
Summary: How fast is Spencer able to connect the dots when his daughter complaints about the feeling, loudness and brightness of everything?
Warnings: Descriptions of sensory overload (I described like I feel when I get them and what the internet gave me)
Wordcounts: 1.1k
✨Masterlist✨ ________________________________
When Spencer starts his day, he never expects it to have this outcome. He wakes up his daughter, like every time he does when he is at home and not away on a case. Breakfast, brushing her teeth and doing her hair goes also uneventful. The young doctor likes to get her ready in the bathroom before dressing the girl in order to avoid toothpaste stains. The first mishap happens when the father wants to dress her.
“No Daddy”, (Y/N) screams and throws the shirt he put on her away.
“But Baby”, he tries to console her, “You need to wear a shirt. Or something else. What about the fluffy hoodie with the TARDIS on it?” Spencer hopes she agrees to that, because if not his options are running out.
Luckily for him she nods and lets him change her into the aforementioned clothing article. This is until she begins to whine again. “Daddy, it ITCHY!”
Patiently he asks: “Where does it itch? Is it the sweater or is there something inside that itches.” (Y/N) points to where the label inside the hoodie is. Spender sighs in relief. Finally he is getting somewhere, he thinks while cutting the label off. The father makes a mental note to do the same with all of her shirts.
Because of the whole clothing debacle the small family is running late, which results in them power walking to the train station. “Daddy, loud!” The girl stops and looks up to him. Given their small time window Reid just picks her up and starts walking faster. “Sweetheart, I know the streets are loud, but they are every morning. It will be quieter on the train.”
It seems like anything he does just upsets her further. “NO DADDY! YOU NOT UNDERSTAND” After her outburst, (Y/N) puts her head into her father’s shoulder and her hands over her ears. Only now Spencer connects the dots. The sudden realization makes him mad at himself, he deals with the human psyche on a daily level, but can’t see the symptoms in his own daughter?
“Oh Baby, I think I do now. Let’s get home, where it’s quiet, alright?” While screwing her eyes shut and clamping her little hands over her ears, she nods. As they find their way back with him carrying (Y/N), Reid shoots a quick text to Hotch saying he can’t come in today, because his child isn’t feeling well.
After he shuts the door quietly, he sees an answer from the Unit Chief telling him he hopes that she gets better soon. Spencer nods to himself at that, sure that Hotch thinks something different is wrong than what the case is.
“Ok Sweetheart, what about I shut the blinds on your window and change you out of your hoodie and leggings? Then I’ll wrap you into a little burrito with the soft blanket you got from Auntie Emily and I can read to you while you try to take a nap. You can even wear Daddy’s eye mask, if you want.” Worn down by even the short amount of time she was awake the little girl nods tiredly. “Yes please”, she says in a small voice.
Just like he said, Spencer dims all the light sources in her room, undresses her except for her underwear to reduce any kind of irritating material and swaddles her with the rather heavy blanket in order to make her feel warm and secure.
While reading a cute book named “Rumple Buttercup” by a guy that looks oddly familiar to him (gifted by Garcia for exact that reason), (Y/N) dozes off fairly quickly to Spencer’s relief. He takes a hamper he left next to her closet and takes all of her clothes out laying them in it.
While cutting off all the labels in them as he watches old reruns of Doctor Who on a low volume, a phone ringing startles him. “Dr. Spencer Reid”, the young agent answers it without looking at the caller ID.
“Woah, since when are we this formal? Do you want me to introduce myself with Supervisory Special Agent Derek Morgan or is Derek fine with Mr Three-PhDs?” Though Spencer knows his friend is just joking, it kind of ticks him off.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you, but next time I’ll make sure to take your call with ‘Yo, what’s up man’.” “Wait, what got your panties in a twist, Reid? I just wanted to check up on you. Hotch said (Y/N) doesn’t feel good and I wanted to know if I can swing by on my lunch break?”
Spencer now feels bad for snapping at him. “Morgan I’m sorry. It’s just- yeah. When you get here, can you get milkshakes? I’ll prepare lunch, if you are fine with dinosaur shaped nuggets and french fries.” With a laugh the older one takes the order and confirms the menu.
Not long after this Reid opens the door, he texted Derek to tell him when he gets there to avoid ringing the bell.
“Uncle DEREK!” An excited toddler greets him by the door, a blanket around her neck like a cape. “Woah, hey there my little hero”, he picks her up while getting into the apartment, “You feeling better?”
With a solemn face she nods. “I felt really overwhelmed, everything suddenly got really itchy and was loud and sunny. But Daddy helped me, he read to me and let me wear his cute eyes mask. I looked like an alpaca. Oh, Daddy said you got a surprise?”
After a sweet lunch with a very energetic (Y/N), who is afterwards sent to play in her room, Morgan sits with Spencer down. “You do know, what happened, do you?”
“I-I do. (Y/N) got a sensory overload and I tried to guide her through to the best of my abilities. I think it was mainly sparked by the reasons that she slept bad for a few nights in a row and my mom is not doing good right now and (Y/N) always kind of feels it when something is off. I also assume that the labels on her clothes ends the whole ordeal off. But I know how to prevent them and what to do when she has one. You don’t need to worry”, the father rambles.
After making sure that both of them are fine, Derek plays for a bit with his favorite (and only as of right now) niece before going back to the BAU. The rest of the day for the Reid family is filled with watching several Disney movies, reading books together and color some in. In other words: A day off in the Reid household.
All works:
Criminal Minds:
@averyhotchner @mggsprettygirl
Spencer Reid:
x child!reader:
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leonaluv · 3 years
Tarot Reading on you as your spouse 🌼.
Pile one : Hwasa LMM
How will you treat your spouse?
You will treat your spouse as the Emperor 🤴🏽. Make sure he/she is doing great.🌷When your spouse is feeling bad you're going to feel their pain. It won't be something you talk about. You will be more action-oriented ready to help your spouse by giving them gifts. Holding them close to you in a blanket. Ready to stand up to anyone making fun of your spouse.
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You're going to be able to read the room well making sure you and your spouse are good. You are someone who will take a risk with your spouse and you will be rich 🤑. Share finicanices. You both have high chemistry I got the emperor and the lover's tarot card.
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Are you the jealous type? What makes you attractive to your future spouse? How will you react to your pregnancy /future spouse?
You are the jealous type and you are the type to talk about what had happened with your friends. It drives you crazy when you see your spouse talking to someone flirty as a joke. You link up with others and want to go shopping. You get red in the first and react strongly to it. 😡😈
In a way, you are attractive to the person with how they handle pain and bad things that happen in life. How they want to cry all day about it, but make sure to accept what has happen. I mean in the sense that the person doesn't give up. Even make a bad day turn into a great one. They are good at manifesting and creating the life they want. Your future spouse might wear darker clothes and have a tattoo on their right arm. Medium-length hair and you will love it when they tied their hair up in braids /bun.
Your spouse has a cute space-out expression when they are caught up in a daydream.
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Your spouse might be older 👵 some of y'all attractive to older people or a more mature person. Like your spouse's bare face without makeup. / For the pregnancy one you will feel trouble by it. Think now it might cause some issues with your family. The man will be supportive around you. Just have patience and know that during that time you will be okay. 💓At that type your friend may get into trouble it will be best to distance yourself away from that. I hear this one is for the champions and it has to deal with breaking out of the chains.
I personally think Lil nas was showing the energy of temperance tarot card the balance of "good " and "evil". Then him dancing with the devil at the end and now his art cover is of him breaking out of the chains ⛓️. Freeing himself.
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o-fantome · 4 years
Hamilton Musical Essay
First off, I want to say that if you like the musical, that’s fine. I’m not trying to tell you not to like it. I’m simply expressing my thoughts about it.
Secondly, this is mostly about things the musical got wrong, but there is definitely going to be some bias and opinions in here. So don’t take anything I say (unless I have provided a source) as fact.
Now, let's go through this show one song at a time.
(quick warning, this post is long. very long. and will take a while to read. i apologize in advance)
Alexander Hamilton
I don't have much of a problem with this song, and it is pretty good. However, I do wish that they hadn’t glossed over his early years. I get that they were not that interesting, but they played such a big part in his life, especially in his later years when he was in politics. 
“Me? I loved him” haha no. that line should have been said by Eliza and Laurens. Not Eliza, Angelica and Maria/Peggy.
Aaron Burr, Sir
Oh boy, oh boy, I have quite a bit to say about this one.
I strongly dislike the portrayal of Burr throughout the whole show. I get what LMM was going for with the whole “it’s how history sees him” but, you could’ve given him a bit more character. 
Burr singing “Fools that run their mouths off wind up dead” and then Laurens walking out immediately after is clever, because Laurens really was a fool who ran his mouth off quite a lot. Like the time he yelled at the king of France, King Louis XVI.
There's the obvious mistake that Hamilton met John Laurens, Hercules Mulligan and the Marquis de Lafayette at completely different times. He didn’t even meet burr in 1776 as we see here. He met burr in 1772-1773 when Hamilton briefly went to Princeton.
Laurens, Mulligan and Lafayette have very little character (which is something a lot of the people in this show struggle with.) for people who were pretty close to Hamilton, (especially Laurens) they don't seem like they were written to be very important characters. Their personality in this show can be summed up in a sentence.
And there's the other obvious mistake that Lafayette (and probably Laurens as well) never met Mulligan.
My Shot
The foreshadowing is good, I'll give it that.
For some reason, the chemistry between Lafayette and Mulligan-- who, again, never actually met-- is better than the chemistry between Hamilton and Laurens. What's up with that, huh?
“Wait ‘til I sally in on a stallion with the first black battalion” Laurens never got his black battalion. Congress approved the plan, but the South Carolina Legislative Assembly did not.
“Laurens, I like you a lot” get outta here with that crap. Either make their relationship a bigger part in the musical or keep it out completely. I hate how subtle and glossed over their relationship is in this show.
I do like Laurens’ little part in this song, it’s a rare part of the show where we see his actual personality instead of just “grr slavery bad alcohol good.” Anthony Ramos is a very good singer.
This song is pretty good story-wise. It is very well written. Hamilton’s monologue is surprisingly accurate to the real Alexander Hamilton and his beliefs.
The Story of Tonight
It has a good vibe, and I think it’s the closest we see Laurens and Hamilton throughout the entire show, which is kinda nice.
Again with the Lafayette-Mulligan thing LMM why???
The Schuyler Sisters
LMM unintentionally created a monster when he wrote that “and Peggy” line. That joke is one of the most overused and unfunny jokes in this show and its fandom.
Having Angelica be the “strong woman” in the show was a good idea on paper, but it’s not all that accurate to the real Angelica Schuyler, and it’s like her only personality trait (aside from the whole Hamilton and Angelica thing but I’ll talk more on that later)
I'm gonna say this a lot but oh my god these people have no character to them. Not even Eliza Schuyler-- Hamilton’s frickin wife.
Listen ok I am strictly attracted to men but Phillipa Soo is an absolutely beautiful and amazing and talented person. She has full permission to step on me.
Farmer Refuted
The farmer refuted was a pamphlet published by Hamilton in 1775 in response to something Samuel Seabury wrote about how the congress in Philadelphia was bad. Not an actual public debate like you see in the show. But I’ll let this one slide because having the actors read pamphlets onstage would be a lot less entertaining.
That’s pretty much it the song isn’t that interesting.
You’ll Be Back
This is probably just me but I don’t like how King George III steaks the show and is the main source of comedy. When I asked family members after their first viewing of the show who their favourite character was, almost all of them said the King. 
Mr. Groff, please keep your spit to yourself.
As far as my knowledge of King George III goes-- and I do not know a lot about him so don’t take this too seriously-- this song is a pretty accurate depiction of ‘The Mad King.’
Redcoat Interlude
Just gonna put this here to say The Bullet is a really cool character.
Right Hand Man
Chris Jackson has the voice of an angel.
I don’t like the way Washington is characterized. At some points, he’s over-glorified, but at other parts of the show, he’s downplayed a lot, and it doesn’t at all seem like the real George Washington.
Washington and Hamilton’s relationship in this show is so off from what it would’ve been historically. You don’t see it much in this song so I won’t say much here for the sake of keeping things organized, but I’ll discuss it later when it’s more obvious
Mulligan is shown in a continental uniform, yet he was not in the army. He was a spy. He wouldn’t have worn a uniform.
As with a lot of songs in this show, the music and choreography are amazing. The ensemble is so so talented. 
This scene where Burr is meeting with Washington isn’t entirely wrong, but it’s not exactly how it happened. According to Wikipedia, “In the spring of 1776, Burr's stepbrother Matthias Ogden helped him to secure a position with George Washington's staff in Manhattan, but he quit on June 26 to be on the battlefield.”
Hamilton did not meet Washington at the same time as Burr. He joined Washington’s staff in the spring of 1777.
I’m not exactly sure what he’s referring to when he says “I have some friends, Laurens, Mulligan, Marquis de Lafayette” but I do know that Laurens and Lafayette were not his friends at this point. They weren’t even in America at the time. Mulligan was, and he was good friends with Hamilton.
A Winter’s Ball
The formatting here is wild. This happened in 1780, I don’t know why LMM skipped ahead to this.
“We’re reliable with the ladies” ok that is true I’ll admit.
What is Laurens doing here? He was a prisoner of war in Phillidelphia when Hamilton met Eliza.
Eliza was not “helpless.” If anything, Hamilton was the one head-over-heels for her. 
Hamilton. Was. Not. Into. Angelica. Angelica. Was. Not. Into. Hamilton. 
Hamilton’s little speech to Eliza after he gains her father’s blessing is kinda cute and pretty accurate.
A lot of the people shown in this scene were not at Hamilton’s wedding. 
Laurens is shown as Hamilton’s best man, but at the time of Hamilton’s wedding, he was travelling north to meet with Washington after finding out he is to be sent on a diplomatic mission to France. James McHenry, a fellow Aide-De-Camp to Washington, was Hamilton’s best man.
I hate how this is such a good song because what it’s about is probably my least favourite part of this show.
There is no evidence of Angelica being romantically attracted to Hamilton. They likely had a brother-sister kind of bond.
Now, having Angelica as the side love interest wouldn’t have been that bad if it was a real thing, but it wasn’t. LMM intentionally re-wrote a part of history to have her in it, when he could’ve kept the same storyline, and have Laurens be the side love interest. If he had given Laurens that role, he could’ve made the show more historically accurate, and it would bring to light a part of history many people try to erase. But in giving Angelica that role, he has not only completely changed a part in history but has also erased the fact that Alexander Hamilton-- nor John Laurens, for that matter-- was straight. LMM had so much power. He was writing a musical about a founding father. He could have brought so many things we didn’t know to light. And yet, we’re stuck with this.
Angelica was not the person who introduced Hamilton to Angelica. It was most likely Cathrine “Kitty” Livingston, a friend and possible love interest to Hamilton that he met before he joined the army.
Angelica had brothers. 
The Story of Tonight (Reprise)
“I’ve seen wonders great and small” *gestures down* I’m sorry sir what?
They were all married before Hamilton. 
Wait For It
This is a beautiful song and it doesn’t have much wrong with it. 
Stay Alive
Sweet lord the timeline is terrible. The battle of Monmouth happened in 1778 before Hamilton got married.
Here is a better example of the strange portrayal of Washington and Hamilton. The real Washington wouldn’t have called Hamilton “son.” He wouldn’t be as friendly with him. Their relationship was professional.
Mulligan was already in new york, so he wouldn’t have to “go back to new york and [his] apprenticeship.”
“Instead of me, he promotes Charles Lee” Hamilton did not ask for a command at Monmouth. What happened was Lee was given a command, declined, and then it was given instead to Lafayette. Later, Lee requested the command be given back to him because Lafayette was very young and didn’t have much experience. Washinton blindly trusted Lee and agreed to give it back to him.
After Lee was court-martialed, he kept running his mouth and slandering Washington. Hamilton originally wanted to duel lee, but Laurens told him not to, and to just let him say what he wants. Later, after Lee kept running his mouth and the insults got worse, Laurens decided to duel him. 
Washington didn’t know of the duel. He didn’t even know it happened until the day after.  
Ten Duel Commandments
Hamilton was not the one who was super giddy and impatient for the duel to start, he was kinda the opposite. Laurens was the one who challenged Lee and was the trigger happy one. 
Burr was not Lee’s second, Evan Edwards was.
Again, Hamilton was not as enthusiastic as shown here. He was the one who tried to call off the duel and actually prevented Laurens and Lee from firing a second time.
Meet Me Inside
Laurens was not satisfied after he shot Lee, and demanded them to shoot again.
Washington saying “these young men don’t speak for me” isn’t that far off from how he reacted, but we can’t be 100% sure because there’s not a lot that was documented about his reaction to the duel.
Washinton was more upset with Laurens for holding a duel in his honour. So he wouldn’t have lectured Hamilton as he does in this scene.
As I said before, Washington would not be calling Hamilton “son”.
I really wish LMM wrote this scene differently because it’s entirely wrong. Hamilton didn’t leave the army until March of 1781, after being so fed up with Washington continuously denying him a command. 
“Charles Lee, Thomas Conway, these men take your name and they rake it through the mud” that is true, and he’s referring to the Conway Cabal. More info on the Conway Cabal can be found here if you’re interested.
The timeline is so confusing here. “Your wife needs you alive” technically, at the time of the duel he didn’t have a wife, but by the time he left Washington’s staff he did. But in the show, I'm assuming this scene takes place in 1778, so, historically, no wife yet. But in the show, he also gets married before this scene. So I don’t know what’s going on here. 
That Would Be Enough
For the sake of simplicity and not driving myself to insanity, I’m just gonna assume this takes place in 1781. Because I don’t want to try and figure out the timeline.
Eliza was not a month pregnant yet, in fact, she wasn’t pregnant at all at the time. Hamilton went home in march 1781, and their first son Philip was born in January of the next year. Doing the math, Eliza wasn’t pregnant until May 1781.
This song is actually really sweet aww.
Guns and Ships
Ah, the timeline finally smooths out.
Lafayette wasn’t really a “secret weapon,” he was just a General
Nevermind the timeline is messed up again. “I go to France for more funds” he did that in 1779, and he went back to France on leave, apparently missing home. He ended up working with Benjamin Franklin to send more troops and ships to America.
I wish Laurens was mentioned here. He went on a diplomatic mission to France in February and convinced the french congress to gift America 6 million livres.
Lafayette was not the one to tell Washington he needed Hamilton to come back. What happened was in July after he left, Hamilton sent a letter to Washington threatening to resign his commission. Washinton panicked and sent Tench Tilghman-- a fellow Aide-de-Camp beside Hamilton-- to go to the house Hamilton rented with Eliza to tell him to come back to the army and that Washington will give him a command. 
You can see in this scene Lafayette running with a letter, but he was not the person who did that. It was Tilghman.
History Has Its Eyes On You
I can’t think of anything wrong with this song, it’s pretty spot-on and sounds beautiful.
Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)
“We’ll be with you when you do,” ehehe no they were not. The Americans did almost nothing to help France during the French Revolution.
“Take the bullets out your gun” was actually something Hamilton did with his battalion when they were sneaking through the trenches on their way to attack Redoubt 10.
Laurens was not in South Carolina, he was at Yorktown-- fighting under Hamilton’s command-- after just returning from his diplomatic mission to France. 
Lafayette was not “there waiting in Chesapeake bay,” he was with the other french troops attacking Redoubt 9.
Again, Mulligan would not have been in uniform.
Mulligan might have “taken their measurements, information” but he sure didn’t “smuggle it.” That was done by his slave, Cato. He and Mulligan were working with the Sons of Liberty and with Hamilton’s spy ring-- of which we do not know the name of-- and smuggled intelligence to General Washington.
The instrumentals and the choreography make me very happy. I really enjoy the short little instrumental break.
The siege of Yorktown lasted three weeks, not just one.
They act like this was the end of the war. It most certainly was not. The war didn’t officially end until 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris. Yorktown was the last major battle of the war, but not just the last.
What comes Next
I’m very picky about this but I don’t like the king purely because I feel like he steals the show and is the automatic favourite.
Dear Theodosia
Philip Hamilton was born a year before Theodosia Burr.
I don’t know much about Burr, but I can say that Hamilton really did love his kids and his family, and I'm upset that we don’t see that in the show. At least we see a bit of it in this song.
Laurens Interlude (Tomorrow There’ll Be More of Us)
“It’s from John Laurens. I’ll read it later.” This makes me sad because the last letter sent between these two was sent from Hamilton on August 15th (and most likely never reached Laurens before his death,) so Hamilton was probably expecting the letter Eliza brings him to be a reply.
We don’t know exactly how Hamilton learned of Laurens’ death, but we do know it was not from a letter from Henry Laurens (John Laurens’ Father.) He most likely learned of Laurens’ death from either Washington or General Greene.
I find it a bit odd that Laurens sings the line “and when our children tell our story” because he never met his daughter, he left his pregnant wife in England (she moved to France a few years later)  to sail to America to join the revolution, and never visited them (not even when he was in France for his diplomatic mission.) But I get it, it’s a reprise of “The Story of Tonight.”
The war was not over, but it was close.
“His dream of freedom for these men dies with him.” Yep. Unfortunately, he never got the black battalion he worked so hard for.
I hate how fast it moves from this emotional scene, where Hamilton learns of the death of his closest friend-- the man he loved-- to “after the war I went back to new york” like geez, LMM. give the man some time to grieve.
The trial of Levi Weeks didn’t happen until 1800.
There is no record of this midnight meeting of Burr and Hamilton.
Burr didn’t actually support the constitution.
Angelica was married long before this, so I don’t know why it’s just being brought up now-- oh wait. LMM is back on his hamgelica bullcrap.
John Jay got sick after writing four, came back to write the fifth, then got sick again and ditched Hamilton and James Madison. 
Hamilton did not write all 51 essays on his own, he collaborated on a few with Madison.
Hamilton was not immediately offered the position of Treasury Secretary. It was first offered to Madison, who declined, and then it was offered to Hamilton.
Most of the time, Hamilton was upset that he had to leave his family for work and wrote them often when he was away. From this point onward in the show, Hamilton’s character and personality are getting more and more inaccurate. He was not the selfish, self-centred man we see in the show. In reality, he was a kind man who loved his family but oftentimes made bad decisions due to his bad habit of acting without thought or planning.
What’d I Miss
Daveed Diggs is cool, but I don’t understand why so many straight girls are so obsessed with him.
“Pissed him off until we had a two-party system” that’s pretty much true and it’s stupid.
He was in Paris for 5 years. It's not that long.
The “Sally be a lamb” line makes me so upset because it is so disrespectful to Sally Hemmings. I wish LMM left her out completely.
“I am to be the secretary of state, great!” Jefferson was not very happy about being appointed to the secretary of state because he wanted to stay at Monticello and do his own thing.
“I can’t believe that we are free” it’s ironic that Jefferson of all people says that line.
Mr. Madison, that’s not very COVID friendly of you.
Jefferson knew Hamilton for a bit before he went to France, and they did get along outside of politics.
Cabinet Battle #1
I hate how cocky and self-centred Jefferson is here because 1) it’s annoying as hell, and 2) the real Thomas Jefferson was not. He was quiet and shy.
“Imagine what gon’ happen when you try to tax our whiskey.” funny you should say that, Mr. Jefferson. Neither Jefferson nor Madison were not involved with the whiskey rebellion. They were silent on the issue because they made a deal with Hamilton (which I will talk more about in a few songs.) However, Hamilton-- the guy Jefferson is talking to in this scene-- was involved in the whiskey rebellion. He doesn’t have to “Imagine what gon�� happen,” he was there. More info on the whiskey tax and rebellion can be found here.
“We almost died in a trench, while you were off getting high with the french” Jefferson wasn’t in France during the war.
I’m glad the topic of slavery is being brought up, but it could’ve done in a different way instead of just a clap back in a rap battle.
“Madison, you mad as a hatter, son take your medicine” Hamilton is such a hypocrite here. Did he forget the time he almost died of a fever when he was 10? Or when he almost died of a fever in Albany in 1778? Or the fact that on multiple occasions he overworked himself so hard that he got sick? Or his kidney problems? Or-- 
“You’re gonna need congressional approval and you don’t have the votes!” Jefferson and Madison literally helped him get the votes. (again, I’ll explain later.)
“Well, James Madison won’t talk to me.” He used to. A lot. Hamilton and Madison used to be really good friends until Jefferson returned from France and Madison drifted to his side.
Take a Break 
I don’t know how long her trip lasted, but I doubt that Angelica was with Eliza and the kids on their trip upstate. She came to visit in 1789, and the Reynolds affair started in 1791. However, I have no concrete evidence that she left before the affair started, so maybe she was there. I don’t know.
Ah yes, Alexander “I Don’t Care About My Family” Hamilton. 
“I have a sister but I want a little brother” by 1791 (when this scene takes place using Philip’s age as a reference) Phillip had 2 brothers already. 
While the Schuyler Mansion is near a park, there’s no lake. Today, at least. There’s a swimming pool though.
“I noticed a comma in the middle of a phrase,” shut up shut up shut up.
“With a comma after “dearest,” you’ve written: “My dearest, Angelica”” I hate how obsessed LMM is with this stupid comma, yet doesn’t say anything about the multiple suggestive and romantic letter between Laurens and Hamilton.
Speaking of the comma situation, it was meant as a joke. What had happened was Angelica sent a letter to Hamilton with “my dearest, Alexander '' and put the comma by mistake. She just slipped up with her grammar. And in response, Hamilton wrote “my dearest, Angelica” as a joke to tease her about it. It’s not romantic. It was meant. As. A. Joke.
John Adams was vice president. I'd say that’s a real job.
Angelica, stop being all “I came all this way :((“ he doesn’t want to miss out on the trip, but he has to. If he had a choice he would definitely go with his family.
Say No To This
I hate how this song demonizes Mary Lewis (more commonly known as Maria Reynolds) like she was trying to get out of an abusive marriage??? And Hamilton was like “oof that sux wanna bang?”
The heterosexual energy in this scene overwhelms me (/j)
The first letter (that I have found) from James Reynolds to Hamilton was sent on December 15, 1791, so not “a month into this endeavour.”
I will note here that in the letter mentioned above, it sounds nothing like what we hear in the song. Which makes me question if the above letter is even the one Hamilton the musical is talking about.
Because of limited information, I cannot say whether this scene is accurate or not.
“I don’t know about any letter!” she most certainly did. Mary and Reynolds both sent letters to Hamilton concerning the affair.
The Room Where It Happens
This is the song I was talking about when I said I’d talk more about the deal between Jefferson and Madison and Hamilton.
Washington was the one who proposed that this dinner happen.
Clermont street was renamed Mercer street in 1799, the dinner table bargain (what this song is about) was in 1790. Before the Hamilton-Reynolds affair. Yet another wrinkle in the timeline.
“Now how you gonna get your debt plan through?” “I guess I’m gonna finally have to listen to you” well, Hamilton didn’t really “talk less, smile more” his way through the issue. He did-- as he usually does-- quite a lot of talking
“Well, hate the sin, love the sinner” doesn’t sit right with me because it is sometimes used as a homophobic remark.
Jefferson’s account of the bargain on the assumption and residence bills is what this scene is about.
Madison did not hate Hamilton until Jefferson returned from France.
Leslie Odom Jr. is so, so talented.
There is nothing to suggest that Burr wanted to be there. I don’t even think he knew it happened. 
Schuyler Defeated
Not much to say here, it's a short and forgettable song.
Cabinet Battle #2
I don’t like how much Jefferson says “we.” He wasn’t there. He wasn’t a soldier.
“Smells like new money, dresses like fake royalty” Hamilton was known for his colourful clothes, while Jefferson was known for dressing sloppily.
“Lafayette’s a smart man, he’ll be fine.” yeah, uh, he was imprisoned in Austria at the time… 
“You’re nothing without Washington behind you.” Hamilton was a very powerful man. One of the most powerful, next to Washington. Even with Washington gone, he still held a lot of power and was pretty well-known.
Washington On Your Side
“Thanks to Hamilton, our cabinet’s fractured into factions.” Hamilton is probably one of the biggest reasons the two-party system exists, but Jefferson did play a role as well. To put it simply, Hamilton and the federalists disagreed so much with Jefferson and the democratic-republicans that everything just got split in two.
“And dresses like the pits of fashion” look at the point from the above song.
“Somebody gives me some dirt on this vacuous mass” it really wasn’t that hard to find dirt on Hamilton. He had a controversial past, and could sometimes be a really shady guy. However, it was all for-- at least in his own head-- good reason.
Because of how close Hamilton and Washington were, Hamilton had a lot of power, and Washington backed him up quite a lot.
James Madison gets so little lines in this show, and it makes me kind of upset. Hamilton and Madison were pretty close friends for a few years, so I don’t know why LMM didn’t talk at all about that.
“This immigrant isn’t somebody we chose” yes, but Washington chose him. Don’t like him? take it up with Washington.
One Last Time
Jefferson did not step “down so he can run for president,” he stepped down to go home. To relax at his mansion, to get away from politics. He stepped down in 1793 and didn’t run for president until 1796.
This song is actually really good, and pretty accurate. And good lord Chris Jackson can sing. Gives me chills every time.
I Know Him
Adams did know King George III. and from what I have read, he was very nervous to meet him.
“That’s that little guy who spoke to me” of course he’s little to the king, the king was like 6’6”.
The Adams Administration
The Adams Pamphlet was published in 1800.
The new york post wasn’t founded until 1801, so I find it odd that they’re bringing it up in this song, in 1797.
Adams did not fire Hamilton, he stepped down on his own in 1795. 
Hamilton’s response to Adams’ taunts hurt Hamilton’s reputation a lot more than it hurt Adams’.
We Know
This takes place in 1792 before Adams was president.
Jefferson, Madison and Burr were not the people to confront Hamilton. It was James Monroe, Frederick Muhlenberg, and Abraham Venable.
The whole situation with the speculation of embezzled funds is pretty off from what we see here. What happened was James Reynolds embezzled $500 and tried to get his way out of imprisonment by saying he had dirt on Hamilton. Monroe, Muhlenberg, and Venable went to Hamilton and Hamilton explained “no, I didn’t embezzle government money, I just got my dick sucked.”
“Yes, I have reasons for shame,” yeah you think?
The workshop version is better, and it has Laurens in it.
The Reynolds Pamphlet
Gotta give Hamilton credit for not publishing this until after William S. Hamilton was born and then waiting for the stress of a new baby to be gone. Y’know at least he’s considerate.
Eliza was only gone for the summer of ‘91, so I don’t know why everyone’s acting like she was gone the whole time. 
Hamilton didn’t even want to be a president, and never showed any interest in the position. 
Angelica was already in America at the time, she didn’t just travel because of the affair.
The king has no reason to be here. I get that he’s the comedic relief, but this isn’t a scene where comedic relief is needed. It’s a serious situation.
“His poor wife” yeah, but have you ever stopped to think about what Mary Lewis is going through?
“You have ruined our lives.” The ‘our’ is referring to Eliza and Mary Lewis.
Blow Us All Away
George Eaker said many bad things about Hamilton in a fourth of July public speech, but Philip Hamilton didn’t meet him and challenge him to the duel until late November of 1801.
Speaking of 1801, this happens way after the Reynolds affair and the election of 1800. 
Hamilton didn’t know that the duel happened. Philip lied and told his father that it had been resolved. Hamilton later found out that it happened when John B. Church and a few others told him after it happened that Philip was shot and dying.
“Everything is legal in New Jersey.” duelling was illegal in some form or another in every state, but the punishment was less severe in New Jersey.
The guns Philip (and his father 3 years later) used in the duel belonged to John B. Church. They were not Hamilton’s guns.
Eaker didn’t shoot on 7. They both counted to 10 and stood still for an awkward minute before Philip raised his gun to fire into the air, and Eacker got scared that Philip would shoot him and shot Philip.
Stay Alive (Reprise)
When Hamilton arrived at the home of dr. David Hosack (the doctor treating Philip) he reportedly fainted from anxiety.
Eliza’s scream should have been Angelica Hamilton, as she had a mental breakdown after the death of her brother, and was arguably (out of the rest of her siblings) the most hurt by his death.
It’s Quiet Uptown
Hamilton was really hurt by the death of his son. It was probably what broke him the most out of every death he’s seen in his life-- and he’s seen a lot.
“I take the children to church on Sunday,” after Philip’s death, Hamilton and his family became a lot more religious.
“His hair has gone grey,” there is a portrait of Hamilton shortly after his son’s death, and he looks like he’s aged 10 years. He looks old and sad and in grief. It barely looks like him. 
Eliza would have forgiven Hamilton at this point. She forgave him not too long after the Reynolds pamphlet was published.
The Election of 1800
This happened before Philip’s duel, but you already knew that.
“I’m going door-to-door.” “You’re openly campaigning?” “Sure!” Burr was the first presidential candidate to openly campaign and set the standard for modern American politics.
They were tied for a stupidly long time. And when they finally got untied (by Hamilton and the federalists’ promotions and persuasion) it was by just a few votes. Not “in a landslide.”
Burr did end up being Jefferson’s vice-president. Jefferson didn’t change that.
Your Obedient Servant
This is a situation, much like the Reynolds affair, where no one is in the “right” or the “wrong.” Was it wrong for Burr to shoot Hamilton? Yes, absolutely. Was it wrong for Hamilton to say bad things about Burr and constantly keep him away from what he wanted? Yes, absolutely. But on the other side, was it wrong for Burr to be mad about what Hamilton did? No, he had every right to be angry. Was it wrong for Hamilton to speak his mind? No, freedom of speech and all that. It’s a very fuzzy situation and that’s partly why it’s unclear what exactly happened on the duelling ground.
While Burr’s loss of the elections was a reason for his duel with Hamilton, it was not the main reason. There were a bunch of little things that led up to this. A question I’ve been asked before (quite a few times, honestly) is “if Burr won the election/if Hamilton promoted Burr, would the duel still have happened?” and in my opinion, I think it still would have happened, it would have probably just happened later. Because the duel wasn’t the “breaking point” for Burr, it was just one of those little things that led to it.
Also while I’m on the topic of the election, it happened a few years before the duel. The election of 1800 was on March 4, 1801 (yes, 1801. It was tied for a very long time.) The duel was on July 11, 1804. So not directly afterward.
“Just to keep me from winning.” it is true that Hamilton did not trust Burr to be in power, and did everything he could to stop him.
The workshop version is cooler and more accurate. (if LMM had just kept the workshop version and what was in it I probably wouldn’t be writing TBH)
“I am not the reason no one trusts you,” in a way, yes, Hamilton is the reason no one trusts Burr. Hamilton had a lot of power and a lot of people listened to him. A good example of this would be his role during John Adams’ presidency. Hamilton constantly whispered into Adams’ cabinet members’ ears and basically told them what to do. And they believed him, and did what he said.
“Even if I said what you think I said, you would need to cite a more specific grievance. Here’s an itemized list of 30 years of disagreements.” Hamilton and Burr argued so much and Hamilton said so many bad things about him that when Burr asked him to admit to saying these things Hamilton essentially said “yeah well I’ve said a lot about you so you’re gonna have to be a lot more specific because I don’t know which time you’re referring to.”
Best of Wives, Best of Women
The title (and the line in the song) are a reference to this letter. 
Hamilton was not with his wife the night before the duel. He was at a house he had rented in new york city that he stayed in sometimes while away for work. A few of his older sons were with him, though, including John C. Hamilton, who was interviewed many years later and gave a retelling of what happened the night before. You can read it here.
The World Was Wide Enough
“A doctor that he knew” was David Hosak, the same doctor who treated Philip after his duel just 3 years earlier.
“Now, I didn’t know this at the time but we were near the same spot your son died,” I’m fairly sure he knew, Philip’s duel was a pretty big thing and a lot of people knew.
“My fellow soldiers tell you I’m a terrible shot.” Burr was actually a very good shot. There’s even an account of him doing target practice a few days before the duel.
“But look it up, Hamilton was wearing his glasses,” Hamilton put on his glasses because he was old, and had bad vision from his years of service in the revolution, and from how hard he worked. Fun fact, he was facing the rising sun, which meant the sun glared off his glasses, rendering him unable to see clearly. He wouldn’t have been able to shoot Burr if he tried.
“This man will not make an orphan of my daughter.” Burr’s daughter, Theodosia, was 22 and married. I’m sure she would be fine. On the other hand, Hamilton’s kids were very young. The oldest, Angelica, was only 19, and the youngest, Philip II, was only 2. These kids all needed a father figure in their life, but apparently, Burr didn’t consider that.
In the lines "Laurens leads a soldiers’ chorus on the other side / My son is on the other side, he's with my mother on the other side / Washington is watching from the other side," it seems like they’re being listed in a very particular order but I’m not sure what it means or why they’re in that order.
Hamilton quotes Laurens’ lines right before he dies and it makes me think of a conversation I had with a friend. She was telling me about how for some time after Laurens’ death, Hamilton didn’t really speak that much in congress and such. At first, I thought “oh it’s because he’s dealing with the death of his closest friend and possible romantic partner,” but then my friend explained that that’s not why he was quiet. It’s because when Laurens was in South Carolina, trying to convince the house of representatives to give him his black battalion, he didn’t talk that much. He waited for everyone else to talk, and then he jumped in and talked. That’s why Hamilton was silent for a lot of the time. He was doing what Laurens did. He was quoting Laurens.
“They row him back across the Hudson, I get a drink.” After shooting Hamilton, Burr went to his cousin’s house as if nothing had happened.
Burr showed seemingly no regret for shooting Hamilton, and even bragged and joked about it for years after.
Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story
“Every other founding father’s story gets told,” it really is kinda sad how little people know about Hamilton. He’s not taught about in school. He wasn’t a president.
I do wish that the musical talked a bit more about Hamilton’s kids and their contribution to keeping Hamilton's story alive. Especially John C. who went through all of his father’s papers and wrote the first biography on him. 
I really wish the Laurens-Hamilton relationship was a bigger part of the show.
The actors are amazing, but the people they play have little to no character/personality, and it kinda brings the actors down.
I love Phillipa soo.
There are so many inaccuracies that could have been easily avoided, and I genuinely don’t understand why LMM did some of the things he did. Like there was no reason to make Angelica the love interest. Absolutely no reason. And yet, here we are.
Hamilton, the musical was a great way to make more people interested in history, but unfortunately because of how wrong the show is, a lot of people who gain an interest in history from it think that it’s 100% right and treat it like a documentary. I would know, I became interested in American history because of the musical and I didn’t know how many things were wrong or left out until recently. 
The workshop version was better and more accurate. 
And that’s it! I’d like to give a big thanks to my friends who helped me, especially my friend Mary. 
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hamiltonimagines · 4 years
I Chose You
Pairing: Daveed x Reader
Request: “hey can i do a request of love triangle between the reader, daveed diggs, and Lin manuel miranda? I don't care who the reader ends up with but i love your writing pieces where LMM or Diggs gets jealous” - @hamilpan
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: Slight angst and a mini makeout scene
“Come on Daveed, hurry up. We’re going to be late” I called out to my best friend, who had a tendency to run late. “I’m coming” I heard him call back. A minute later he came running out of his room.
“Are you ready now?” I asked him. He checked his pocket for his phone and then nodded his head. “So who’s party is this again?” I asked Daveed, as we walked out our apartment door.
“My friend Lin, I don’t think you’ve ever met him. But, he said I could bring a plus one and you were the obvious choice” he told me. “I better have been the obvious choice, I’m your best friend” I told him, sassily.
Daveed and I had met in college and really got along right away. I had always kind of had a crush on him. We had moved into an apartment together about a year ago, and every day it got harder to keep it a secret.
We got in Daveed’s car and drove to the party. We arrived and saw there were a bunch of cars parked outside. Daveed knocked on the front door and we waited for someone to answer. Then the door opened and I saw a man standing there, I didn’t recognize him.
“Daveed! I’m so glad you could make it” the guy said, as he hugged Daveed. “I wouldn’t miss it. Lin this is Y/N, Y/N this is Lin” Daveed said, introducing us. “It’s nice to meet you” I said, smiling. “Your girlfriend Y/N, or your friend Y/N?” Lin asked Daveed. “No, we’re just friends and roommates. We met in college” Daveed said. “Good, so the pretty girl isn’t taken” Lin said, smirking.
I felt my cheeks heat up and I felt really awkward. I didn’t know what to say. Daveed seemed a little shaken up by Lin’s comment as well. “Well come in come in” Lin said, breaking the silence.
“I’m going to introduce Y/N to some people, but we’ll catch up with you” Daveed said. Then he grabbed my arm and pulled me with him.
“Hey it’s Daveed” I heard someone say. Daveed pulled me over to a group of people. “How have you been man?” One of the guys asked Daveed. “I’ve been good, I want to introduce you all to someone” Daveed said.
“Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N this is Anthony, Jasmine, Oak, Renée, Leslie, and Pippa” Daveed said. “It’s nice to meet you all” I said, politely. “It’s nice to meet you too, your outfit is so pretty by the way” Jasmine said to me. “Oh thank you, that’s really sweet” I said, thanking her. All of Daveed’s friends seemed really nice so far.
“I have to go to the bathroom, I’ll be right back. Will be okay until then?” Daveed asked me, whispering in my ear. “Yeah, I’ll be fine” I told him, and gave him a reassuring nod.
“So Y/N, how did you meet Diggs?” Anthony asked me. “Well we met back in college, I was very late to my first class freshman year. My alarm hadn’t gone off, so I was frantically running to class. Then I bumped into this guy and he spilled his coffee all over me. Turns out that guy was Daveed. He gave me his sweatshirt to wear and cover up the massive coffee stain. Then it turns out we were going to the same class, so we ended up talking and really hit it off” I explained.
“So are you guys dating or what?” Pippa asked me. “No no no, we’re just friends” I said, my face starting to heat up again. “You’re blushing! Do you like him?” Renée asked me.
“No it’s not like that” I said, but I couldn’t say it with a straight face. “You sure about that?” Oak said. “Just don’t bring it up to him” I begged them. “We've got your back” Renée said, smiling. “Well maybe” Anthony said, smirking.
Jasmine hit his arm and gave him a serious look. “We won’t tell him” Jasmine said, but it sounded more like she was telling Anthony and not me. Then I saw Lin heading over towards our group.
He winked at me as he walked over. I just hoped that no one else had seen it. “Hey guys” Lin said, smiling. “Hey Lin, have you met Y/N yet?” Jasmine asked. “Yep, I did have the pleasure of meeting this beauty” Lin said, smirking at me. I couldn’t even look at him, I felt super embarrassed and giddy.
“Woah man, you better be careful. There’s some I unconfessed love between her and Diggs” Anthony said. I glared at him. “Guess I’ll just to have to compete for her affection” Lin said, still smirking
“Oh look it’s Daveed” I said, changing the subject as Daveed walked back over. Daveed stood in between Lin and I. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into his side. “Did I miss anything?” He whispered in my ear.
I felt like I was on cloud nine. Why was Daveed being so touchy all of a sudden? I mean, we were super close friends and were always hugging and whatnot. But this was a new level.
“No, just some small talk” I told him. “You know what would make this party more interesting?” Leslie asked. “Spin the bottle!” Anthony exclaimed, excitedly. “No, I was going to say truth or dare” Leslie clarified.
Everyone in the group muttered some form of agreement. We all grabbed chairs and sat in a circle. Daveed made sure that I was sitting next to him and not Lin. I had Jasmine on my left and Daveed on my right. And to Daveed’s right was Lin.
“Alright Anthony, truth or dare?” Oak asked, starting the game. “Give me a truth, but a good one” Anthony said. “What was your first impression of Jasmine?” Oak asked.
“Not even joking, I remember thinking She’s gorgeous, too bad she probably has a boyfriend” Anthony answered.
“Alright Lin, truth or dare?” Anthony asked Lin. “Dare, I’m not one to shy away from a challenge” Lin said.
“Alright, you have to act out a scene. You’ve just found out that your girlfriend is leaving you for another guy. Y/N is playing your girlfriend. Action!” Anthony said.
I froze and I also saw Daveed kind of freeze up. Lin jumped out of his seat and ran over in front of me. He kneeled in front of me and right away was in character.
“Y/N how could you? After all we’ve been through?” He asked, very emotionally. He grabbed my hands and cried out. “How can you leave me for him? What does Hubert have that I don’t?” He asked me.
I giggled at his name choice and he kept going. “Y/N, my true love, my soulmate, the sun to my shine. How can you leave me?” He cried out.
“Andddd cut” Anthony called out. “Nice job” I said, laughing and giving Lin a high five. “Bravo” Renée said. “Thank you thank you” Lin said, bowing.
“Y/N, you’re up next. Truth or dare?” Lin asked me. “Well I’m the only one here who’s not an actor, so I don’t want to have to do whatever that was. So I’ll pick truth” I said, nervously.
“What is your dream date? In other words, where am I taking you after this party?” Lin said, flirting. I saw Daveed glare at Lin. I ignored the comment and answered the question.
“This probably sounds really lame, but maybe like just staying in. And drawing in coloring books, listening to music, and baking cookies. It’s the simple stuff” I answered, honestly.
“I’m with you girl, those are the best dates” Jasmine said. “In other words, take notes Anthony” Pippa said. “I’ll be back” Daveed said, standing up and leaving the room. He seemed like he was in a bad mood, but I wasn’t sure why.
“Jasmine, you pick someone for me, I’m gonna go check on him” I told her. I heard her asking Pippa as I walked away. I followed Daveed upstairs into a guest bedroom.
“Hey what’s going on?” I asked him, I saw him sitting on the bed. “Oh it’s nothing, how’s your date with Lin going?” He asked, angrily. “Date with Lin? D, what are you talking about?” I asked him. “I’m talking about all the flirting, it’s been nonstop since we showed up. What’s going on with you two?” He asked me.
“Nothing, and even if there was, it’s none of your business. I don’t know why you’re so concerned about this” I told him. “I don’t want you to get hurt” he told me. “Well I’m a big girl, I can handle myself” I told him.
I really didn’t understand why he cared so much. Why was it any of his business?
“I’m not trying to run your life or anything, he just doesn’t feel like your type to me” Daveed said. “What do you know about my type?” I asked him. “I know that it should be me” Daveed said, under his breath.
“You should be my type?” I asked, confused. “Y/N, I like you” he told me. “You like me?” I asked. “Are you just going to repeat everything I say?” Daveed asked, he sounded frustrated. “I’m sorry, I’m just shocked” I said. “Well it’s fine, you don’t have to say anything back. I can tell that you clearly like Lin” Daveed said.
“You don’t know that” I argued. “Oh really? You’ve been staring at him all night, and he clearly is interested in you. He hasn’t made that a secret. And you’ve made no effort to stop his advances” Daveed said, and he sounded really upset.
“What do you want me to do? Yell at him and tell him off. He’s one of your friends, I’m not going to start a fight with him” I explained to Daveed. “Whatever, I’m going home. I figured maybe tonight would be the night I finally asked you out, but it’s clear Lin has ruined that for me” He said, starting to leave.
“News flash, I like you too” I confessed. “What?” He asked me, speechless. He turned and looked back at me and he looked so confused. “Daveed, I like you” I repeated. I walked up to him and held his hands.
“But what about the flirting with Lin?” He asked. “It feels nice to have a guy flirt with you sometimes, and I’ve been dropping hints to you forever and you’ve never noticed. And maybe I wanted to make you jealous, but it’s just because I’ve liked you forever and you never even paid attention” I explained to him.
“I thought you just saw me as a friend” Daveed said, still kind of confused. “Would I do this if I saw you as a friend?” I asked him.
Then I cupped his face and leaned in and kissed him.
Daveed seemed to be in shock, but after a second he kissed me back. It was perfect. I had imagined kissing Daveed a thousand times, but it was better than any of those fantasies.
His lips tasted like the beer he had been drinking. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I felt like a school girl, who was having her first crush.
He placed his hands on my hips. One of his hands slipped under my shirt and massaged my side. I wrapped my arms around his neck and lightly tugged on his hair.
I pulled away for a second to catch my breath, but Daveed didn’t seem satisfied yet. He let me take a breather and started to suck on the side of my neck. I pulled harder on his hair. “Wanted to do this for so long” he mumbled as he kept kissing my neck.
He started to try and pull my shirt off. He got it up to where my stomach was exposed and then the door opened.
We both pulled away quickly and pretended as though nothing had been happening. I saw that Lin was standing stunned in the doorway.
“Oh...uh hey Lin” I said, pretending like this was a normal situation. “Guess I missed my chance” Lin said. “Yep, you sure did. Y/N’s mine. So did you need something?” Daveed asked, sounding frustrated.
“No, I just had some voice in the back of my head that thought maybe Y/N was waiting up here for me. I thought maybe we had something going, but that’s alright. You two seemed to be made for each other. Really you seem to be a good couple” Lin said genuinely, as he left the room.
“So you promise there’s nothing between you two?” Daveed asked me. “Daveed, stop worrying. I chose you. That’s all you need to know” I said, leaning in to kiss him again.
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