#LMAO listen. i know what fanservice is.
kinnbig · 3 months
never not thinking about that time that one of the big-name BL blogs on this site tried to insist to me that Tong isn’t gay and it was actually all just ‘marketing’
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briskunt · 9 months
ike eveland hero/villain voice pack: no-spoilers review
got my hands on this voice pack recently and figured it would be prime content LMAO. i’m going to write down basic observations and hopefully it’ll convince y’all to support our boy 🙏
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
hero pack
first off this is one of the longer (if not longest ⁉️) standalone voice pack i have in my collection. hell, it might be twice as long as some other vps i have
ike has a lower voice than usual here. very warm blanket
but also a rougher type of ike, i think. he’s still the sweet guy you expect, but with a little more weight and responsibility, you know? most of the time people default him to “cute ike” so this is a really nice look into “cool ike” as well as cute
speaking of i would be doing the audio boy a disservice if i didn’t mention the audio quality. ike vps have excellent atmospheric sound design and when i compare this one to his past vps, you can tell he had fun picking out sfx and mixing them
i’m impressed how much worldbuilding there is and how naturally it’s been implemented. this is an immersive vp
if you like when ike gets assertive and speaks up you’ll be happy. and if you like when ike gets royal-flash levels of chuuni dork you’ll be happy
might be my editor brain being nitpicky but he uses the same phrase to transition twice in a row and it set me off
oh holy shit he calls you that?
oh this voice pack would do numbers with a demographic
easily one of my new favorite vps. i don’t have every ike vp so apologies if this doesn’t apply, but out of my collection this one hits a niche that none of the others do: a cool, nonchalant-badass, resolute typa ike. don’t misunderstand though, he’s still as dorky as ever. honestly i think this is the dorkiest i’ve seen him in a vp
this pack is less fanservice, more story. yep, there are moments that seem romantic, but it’s very easy to imagine the relationship between ike and the listener as something else. it’s versatile and i really enjoy that considering how many voice packs go into the whole heterosexual-romance thing. i wasn’t kidding about the worldbuilding. it’s simple but effective, and illustrates the setting excellently. close your eyes when you listen to this one, it’s a good experience. ike put a lot of detail and effort into the voice performance and sfx, and it shows
if you liked luca’s pampering/scolding voice, you might enjoy this one too. definitely recommending for anyone that loves when ike takes the lead, or anyone that appreciates an ambiguous relationship between liver and listener! honestly, this would be an incredibly safe buy for even folx hesitant on buying voices. ike flexes some aspects of his wide range not just as a voice actor but also as a writer and sound designer. if you’ve heard that quilldren get well-fed from ike voices then they’ll be FEASTING on this one
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
the wallpaper is only included in the villain pack. this art WILL make you sick in the head. i really love the rendering and lighting. you can recognize a lot of elements from his 1.0 outfit like the pattern on the left of his mantle, the pins (?), and his book. i’m glad i’m not tempted to change my wallpaper, because in every wallpaper included in the pack, ike or shoichi’s face would always get cut off by the clock on my iphone’s lock screen. beautiful artwork stunted by how niji awkwardly cuts off wallpapers
okay fuck what i said earlier now THIS is the longest standalone voice pack i own. and it’s not even close. looks like someone outdid himself
again low voice ike tskr tskr whatever. it’s lower than the hero pack. i haven’t compared it to the halloween eki stream, but it’s basically a faster-paced, perkier(?) eki voice
(to be clear it’s not eki. this is villain!ike. i think. will not update if it actually is him, i ain’t spoiling that)
surprisingly domestic here
he says a lot of big words
it’s giving cyrus from pokémon. you understand.
oh my god the backstory
oh he’s a little fucked up in this one
just a heads up: i’m sure it was plain before but the villain pack has way darker themes than the hero one. do i think it’s intense? not really. but if you have #yandere blocked then you might want to skip this one
once again the relationship is ambiguous here but imo it sounds more romantic than the hero one. this might be an overstatement, but if you can’t handle dubcon in general i’d also skip this. again, nothing explicit happens but if you really can’t stand when the villain has a good guy in their clutches, skip this one
anyways. that rasp is worth the warnings 😳
this is definitely a voice pack for a demographic
and i also understand why my friend popped off in the gc about it LMMAOOOOO
look. it’s a sfw voice pack. but if you’re a kinky son of a bitch you’ll find something to enjoy here. he talks down on you a bit and the subject matter sure is the subject matter.
i think of this as a more intense version of the hero pack. the setting is completely different than what you get in the hero pack and feels a lot more visceral. for example the sound effects are a bit more “realistic”, and the listener is in a dangerous place without any backup. to be clear: the listener is not evil in the villain vp.
i worry that i’m being too heavy-handed about warnings but considering some folx’ boundaries online it bears repeating! if you can’t handle yandere or dubcon, be careful. but if it’s only a mild discomfort to you, it should be fine.
regardless i doubt there will be another one vp like this for a long time. if you soaked up the eki stream like a sponge? GET THIS! if you like ike being mean and deranged get this. if you’re down horrendous sure, get this i guess, and then follow it up with ike’s white day ex if you have it? i feel like that would be a good pairing.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
if you’re into voice packs then i’d say getting one of these is a must-buy. if not for the romance, then for the story and worldbuilding. if. if not the story then because hero!ike is a darling and villain!ike is hot.
even if he’s not your oshi ike’s packs are always a delight! and these are some of the most fun i’ve had with one of his releases. idk what else to say. if you like the guy even a little, it’s worth listening to. he’s definitely in his wheelhouse on both hero and villain. if this is your first ike vp you may be surprised how high the production value is considering it’s all by one guy
get hero if you want a lighthearted conflict, immersion, and a connection to the listener that isn’t necessarily romantic. get villain if you want more drama, more danger, more… uh… i wouldn’t really call it degradation but he has his moments. there isn’t a connected story, so feel free to get both but don’t sweat it if you don’t!
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yonemurishiroku · 9 months
Jason died cause he boring. He literally an all American boy someone who would have been popular in the 90s. Compare all main characters first chapter to Jason and you can tell he bland like white bread. Jason lacks the popularity of Percy cause if Percy was dead expect a riot plus we already had a better Zeus contrast with Thalia. Apollo is the more interesting character and Apollo son is a better contrast to Nico. Had he not had a GF maybe he could have been Nico love interest but Rick decided on Nico being gay extremely late he said it himself and what does it look like having a guy break up with his GF (poc) to be with Nico(white emo kid) in a kid series. Will was convenient no weird background no known relationship and the complete opposite to Nico and people get mad but it work you don’t get a solo book if the fanbase wasn’t big. The
There’re so many points at once in this ask and I don’t think I’m comprehending them right so I guess I’ll just post my reactions upon reading this.
- Jason’s bland like a white bread -> Good news! I like white bread. I think white bread is a perfect canvas to add all of your favorite toppings to make the best meal for you. ☺️😋😋
So if Rick really did kill Jason only bc he’s bland then he’s a coward solely bc he can’t figure out what color to put on Jason’s canvas.
- Apollo’s son is a better contrast to Nico -> This is subjective so I’ll leave it for any day. Though it got me thinking. Why, exactly, should the contrast matter?
Because fun fact! Jason and Nico have many working parallels that can be great materials for relationship development. Ask a random Jasico fanfic writers and they’ll give a thesis.
On the other hand, to be honest?, we already have Percabeth as the opposites-attract/bantering/significant annoyance trope. I ngl can do without another similar one. 🤷‍♀️
- Err i’m not American so I don’t think I’m in any position to talk about the poc girl vs white emo boy thing but if anything, I find it’s valid. Smh shame
Edit: Haise pointed out that Nico is not white, he’s Venetian and has olive skin. I honestly don’t know what it makes this…
- You don’t get a solo book if the fanbase isn’t big enough -> This is undeniably true.
Pal. My friend. Mate. Listen. Just wait until I show you how many people absolutely despite the existence that is TSATS——
I’m all for letting people enjoy things. Though, if you ask me - me, who came to PJO solely for Solangelo and binge read TSATS in like 2 nights and cried a river on my pillow, I would say TSATS is Rick’s poor attempt of:
1/ milking the franchise (which is understandable. Capitalism you know bla bla bla)
2/ giving a half-heartedly made closure to the fandom’s favorite (which is sort of fanservice? Idk)
3/ and along with it solidifying the foundation of his gay love story, which didn’t have the… err prettiest start? (which I reckon accounts for a lot of the franchise’s popularity).
And yeah it’s easy to see that Nico being gay is a late decision with how Rick worked it out lmao.
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tvckerwash · 5 months
okay I watched restoration and I'll probably analyze it more in depth later when my brain has processed what I've watched but here are some of the thoughts I had while watching (I stopped live blogging part way through so some things may be out of order lols):
okay first thoughts: we’re at a convention, and dylan is some sort of director for some super unpopular thing. ngl that’s a pretty harsh downgrade from journalist/news correspondent. 
hi kai. she seemed to be more like her s15-s17 characterization than her bg/chorus cameo characterization for the 30 seconds she was present (which I remember really disliking)
wash is in the hospital as prisoner 619b…bros did the UNSC arrest him again?!?
“I’m not even sure I got his voice right this time.” okay so restoration IS another simulation
the director being a therapist when the counselor is right there lmao
bros no way they got elijah wood to voice sigma again??
is that the counselor I hear on the PA system??? that’s what the subtitles said anyway. but anyway BROS HE ACTUALLY FUCKING LIVED LETS GO (but why is his ass not in jail??????? there’s no way he managed to get a job, let alone one in a UNSC hospital, but if this IS a simulation which I think it is and epsilon himself admitted to making mistakes already then I’m okay with that development ig)
“Listen to me! You’ve gotta listen to me!”
479er??? I’ve always had the hc she was arrested w wash and the other pfl personnel at the end of s6
“Our mission men—and blue” caboose is trans confirmed
“Don’t feel bad afterwards. I forgive you. I know it’s not your fault, I’m sorry this is happening to you.” omg caboose not dunking on tucker is what he presumed to be his final moments.
oh okay I predicted months ago before the 2nd trailer came out that at least one of the bgc was going to die and I was right! I thought it was going to be caboose but rip sarge (and doc) 
I’m really disappointed that wash didn’t get to do more tbh. the meta was HIS enemy but he was regulated to comedic relief  :(
also wash jumping off a cliff to activate the recovery beacon is :/. bro was literally a recovery agent he should know how to activate it to summon lina like she’s a deployable unit in uhh. ways that were NOT that.
did not expect tex to come back but okay, also tex/lina fighting together feels like fanservice but mmmmmmmmmmnh. 
awww tex and church get to be together again, dying together as one like they did at the end of s6. TEX SOFTLY HOLDING CHURCH’S HAND YES!!! WE LOVE SOFT TENDER TEX IN THIS HOUSE!!!
damn the “wash and lina having their trauma and traits swapped for no reason” thing is. hmmm  don’t like that, have never liked that. I tried to see if I had any posts on my old blog about this topic bc I remember talking about it in the past and I sort of do? eh whatever tldr; lina is the one haunted by the past and wash is supposed to be the one giving the emotional speeches but hhhhhrng. will definitely be talking about that more later even though I thought the scene was super sweet (also ct!!!!!!! my girl!!!!)
I don’t like that they were all separated and that grif was going to leave, these mfs were forced together in a shitty box canyon at the start of the series and I feel like it would’ve been better if instead of being forced together they all chose to stay together but it is what it is.
“Bow chicka bye now.” bros it’s over…
okay ngl it was pretty rushed pacing wise and I’ve got so many bones to pick (mostly about wash bc ofc) but speaking as an ending to the series I think it works. it all started in a box canyon which was later revealed to be an elaborate training simulation, so it’s fitting that it it was revealed very early in the run time that it was all a simulation, and it all ended in the box canyon they started in. I thought the themes of feeling guilty and being able to forgive oneself were very interesting (might get into that more later as well…) so yeah. 
it’s flawed, but for such a long running series that had originally been intended to only be a few episodes, I think it ending with tucker telling us it’s over and to go home is honestly the best way they could’ve done it. all the other times the series had “ended” it was done in a way where it worked as a standalone end for the series, but it was always open-ended enough that a continuation could be made if they wanted to. 
there isn’t going to be a continuation this time, the story is over, but just because the story has ended doesn’t mean that we can’t make our own stories. red vs blue will live on so long as there are people who want it to, which feels pretty on the dime doesn’t it?
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pwnyta · 4 months
Now after listening to Euphoria and the rest.....
Bakugo and Shoto with All Might!!!
...Very genuinely this is baffling.
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Girl Im so sorry... You deserve better than this.
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Award for HARDEST FUCKING PAGE goes to...
All Might and Nighteye for 'YOU ARE NOT DEAD YET'
Damn he really is this bitch...
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Award to HOTTEST CAMEO goes to...
Ms. Toshinori!!!
Damn girl, when I die im divorcing my wife for you. I'll adopt your son too... I'll be the dad that stepped up no problem.
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Award for LITERALLY ME PANEL goes to...
LMAO... same.
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Stain and All Might vs some bald bitch!
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BAKUGO AND ALL MIGHT in gauntlet pass!
Damn I definitely woulda cried!!
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NIGHTEYE in he literally saw All Might get torn completely in half in his future vision god damn...
Nighteye im sorry these stupid ass bitches (EH/AM fans) would ever say anything about you...
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Damn... really.... She just looks like a fuckin normal ass girl? ...Lame as fuck dude. Youre just showing her for fanservice ATP
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STAIN for... knowing exactly what All Might's blood smells like...
.... The way his eyes roll in the back of his head... JFC Stain....
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The award for HYDROGEN BOMB VS COUGHING BABY goes to...
Girl what...???
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On that note...
Award for UGLIEST BABY goes to....
Damn thats an ugly ass baby~
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AFOs most horny fixations!
LMAO... but I mean seriously... I woulda really liked to see them just talk about stuff.
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Award for OH SHIT YOU DIDNT DIE??? goes to...
Stars boys! WTF??
All Might thank you so much for saving them!!
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All Might! For never having a chance to talk to Endeavor after it was revealed his replacement abused his family!
It woulda been real cool Hori! All Might punching Endeavor sorta like he punched Deku and except actually impactful cuz the lack of physical damage gives way to the emotional damage of All Might being so fucking disappointed in him after trusting that he'd be good to take the mantle of #1 hero... DAMN.
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Award for WHAT IN THE JUNJI ITO IS GOIN ON goes to...
All of the BNHA villains!!!
Uzumaki ass warts power....
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AFO holding Toshi up like this--v
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God damn bro you can draw.... Thats crazy. Your line work is so fucking clean my guy..
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Spinner (& others but most importantly Spinner) for becoming a villain for Stains ideals! Literally where did this go?
Hey Spinner look at me? ...bitch. Keep Stains name out of your fuckin pathetic mouth!
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Bakugo and Deku
You aint gettin me to believe these are good friends Hori...
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Koudas bird talking being a believable offensive attack....
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Award for.... Yeah sure... I guess you exist... goes to...
...I mean... Why not? At this point... may as well.
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Award for CUTEST CRY FACE goes to...
Reigning champ! I will kiss your forehead and put bandaids on your booboos baby girl dont you worry!
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AFO being that old man from Shigas backstory and fucked up his entire life!
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Honestly so many people but Thirteen deserves an award SO HERE YOU GO!
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All Mights neck!
Girl what that neck do....
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This concludes ROUND 3 BNHA AWARDS!!!
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edalynn · 8 months
I have to slightly disagree, Hunter did have that one bi patch in the actual show, so he is canonically confirmed to be bi in some way, though the specifics are up to headcanon (bi is a broad label, and he also doesn't have to be allo, he could be bi ace, aro bi, aroace with bi tertiary attraction, etc)
Willow being pan is not in the show though, so that is indeed just a headcanon. Dana herself said that people can have their own headcanons. She explicitly encouraged "death of the author" during that segment, she literally said the phrase. She's explicitly telling people to ignore what she says outside of her work and to interpret and analyze it purely based on what is included in the work itself, that's what "death of the author" means.
I mean, I've honestly seen Hunter as bi since S2 when he was introduced & 100% take the patch as confirmation in show. But I also am sort of playing Devil's Advocate as a patch with nothing else said could just as easily be fanservice or teasing when it's never actually confirmed he's bi in the show. Or we can assume the patches are scavenged from Luz who IS outright stated as bi in the show, but either way the patch is way more indication of a canon sexuality for either of them than Willow ever gets lmao.
It's honestly impressive how much they're coming after us for "cherry-picking" or "disrespecting Dana's canon" while literally disrespecting what Dana said about her own show with her own words. We already know they only hear what they want to hear, but Dana literally says to take ONLY what is IN THE SHOW as canon, and anything outside of it- even from her- as purely headcanon. I've said it before & I'll say it again: hunt/low shippers' reading and listening comprehension is impressively low lmao
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aciddaffodil · 29 days
Summer 2024- What I Dropped
Wistoria : Wand and Sword
I was so here for this anime; the animation is stellar and magic society interesting. A very simple concept of MC wanting to be with his childhood friend but doesn't have a lick of magic. Cool- until there's no likeable characters and it just feels like its showing off flashy sakuga fight scenes. Not to mention the fucking fantasy racism with the dwarves which is just...gross? Who knows, I may binge the rest of it once its fully out? I definitely want to try watching it again.
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No Longer Allowed to Live in This World
A Dazai-like Sensei character does not successfully die by double suicide with his beloved and is reincarnated into a fantasy world. He constantly uses his power of negativity and absorbing sleeping pills/poisons as his ability against monsters. Everyone fawns over him, and he can offer some good advice...on occasion. I just didn't see the point to keep watching it and dropped it after 5 episodes.
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Failure Frame
The Isekai(?) Overpowered MC who is dark and edgy and wants to cause ruin upon the Goddess who brought him to this fantasy world, and most of his classmates who abandoned him to die as a "low" ranker with skills that cause harm. What bothered me most was 1) the 3D CG shots just don't blend and make all the monsters look awful and its BLAUGH and 2) having to hear about men npc's wanting to rape a female npc character just is annoying and gross.
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Plus-Sized Elf
I think the only thing noteworthy is all the workout advice in it- of which I won't retain anything of it and the plus-sized fanservice exists. I personally just didn't want to waste my time with it anymore even though the episodes are short.
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2.5-Dimensional Seduction
It was a cute nerdy experience of them first meeting but honestly, I did not vibe with this show. I'm sure this show is enjoyable, as people have compared it to Dress Up Darling and like it.
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The Ossan Newbie Adventurer, Trained to Death by the Most Powerful Party, Became Invincible
I gave this like 5 episodes? But finding out the dude is actually super over-powered and not just trained to death...was disappointing. For a trashy fantasy series, it was pretty good and fun to watch. I just have a habit of rage quitting if something frustrates me or if you listen to how cheesy and horrendous this opening is, that will do it as well lmao. Rick and Raenette's friendship is really sweet. I think him having the same dream as these S-tier adventurers is cool and I do hope they achieve their goals by the end of the series.
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Why Does Nobody Remember Me in This World?
I attempted to watch this 3 times, but it kept putting me to sleep so I dropped it.
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Narenare Cheer for You
The only P.A. Works anime I've ever dropped. It was because of how irritating the line art is in color and how ALL the outlines of literally everything is in color. And when it comes to specific scenes, it gets muddled and that's why I couldn't stomach it past 2 episodes. I'm sure it's a cute cheerleading anime but the style of it was awful to me personally. WHY CAN"T THERE BE CRISP OUTLINES WHYYYYYYY.
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Tasuketsu- Fate of the Majority
Ah yes, death games premise and where deaths aren't permanent cause you can ask a question and have loopholes which take away from the emotional impacts some character deaths have. I.e., the protagonist's best friend who came to life again with no reasoning behind it. The rules are so dumb but the power system interesting, I just didn't care to keep watching.
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It is frankly terrifying how much anime I'm keeping up with this season...my count is at 26 and even the most mediocre I have brainwashed myself to not give up on cause they all have some sort of redeeming factor. CURSES.
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koi0boi · 4 months
oh fuck yes ok
ritsu is from the game (series. i guess.) ensemble stars!! which uhhh is primarily a rhythm game (es!! music) but also has a like . i dont know what to call it but its es!! basic. irrelevant . ANYWAY. ritsu is one of the 51 (i guess now technically like... 56? characters? with 4piece added? idk. whatever) idols in the game that you can collect cards of :3
so !! ritsu is part of the unit Knights which is like. kinda fanservice-y but like in a romantic fantasy kinda way yanno. im bad at describing music but they're good . some songs r synth heavy (fight for judge...) but they're usually very upbeat songs :3 the unit is comprised of Tsukasa Suou, Leo Tsukinaga, Izumi Sena, Arashi Narukami, and Ritsu himself !! Tsukasa is the current leader of Knights, taking the role after Leo graduated (everyone went/goes to an idol school ig called Yumenosaki. now the main cast works at EnSquare or smth. Leo and Izumi are pretty important since they formed the unit but this isn't abt them (im insane abt them too tho)
anyway !!! that outta the way . ritsu . the loml ....... he's a funny lil vampire guy. whether or not he's actually a vampire or just like, chronically ill, is kinda up for debate. could be both who knows. either way he's an eepy lil guy !!! he has an older brother (rei) whom he used to have a good relationship with until during Rei's... second? year? he left ritsu alone while he was out searching for a cure for their condition which led to ritsu kind of hating him (im pretty sure ritsu calls him "that brother-shaped thing" or smth on a few occasions its funny) but they're getting better. there's like a fuckton of lore and shit but im. just gonna skip it. anyway . ritsu also has a childhood friend (mao isara) that he's like. yeah. mao regularly has to wake him up for school (and gives him piggyback rides bc ritsu whines until he does lmao) and the two are in the same year (and graduated now) . funny bit of lore: ritsu says at one point that he literally conditioned mao to fall asleep at the sound of his singing voice bc he added his songs into the playlist mao listens to to fall asleep. he's so fuckin weird. he's the Strategist of Knights . he does a lot of the planning and stuff :3 he's also like . very prone to teasing and can come off as a little apathetic or cold at times but he's actually so full of love for the people he cares about . i call him a bpd guy bc he tends to be really jealous and possessive of people (he was basically nonfunctional w/out mao for awhile) but he's getting more independent <3
theres probably more but . its late and im a little incoherent . if u wanna listen to knights music i recommend fight for judge; wonderful happiness; silent oath; coruscate breeze; or the beautiful golden drop; little romance; mystic fragrance; and also the solo songs :3 wonderful happiness is their newest song (along with their second solos ig) but !! its all on spotify. or youtube prolly idk
thamks for info dumping! Also fuck i might get into enstars just for this guy..
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arsonkoobi · 1 year
"hybe uses jikook to cover up the real ship which is taekook"
"hybe forces jk to do fanservice with jm to hide taekook"
"hybe promotes and releases jikook content on purpose to make more money"
these are all widely believed theories among taekookers.
and i think..its absolute garbage.
i was talking to an acquaintance the other day and while on the topic of bts and ships (she's an army+tkkr) she started talking abt how im "kinda dumb for being a jikooker", i asked why, she said "jikook is only used to cover up tkk's real relationship" and proceeded to carry on abt why she thinks so, and i sat and listened while suppressing my laugh bc it was so fucking funny how she wasnt able to provide a single concrete piece of evidence but continued to talk shit. knowing it would never end i got up and left. now im writing this here bc i can never think of a good response immediately lol.
"hybe uses jikook to cover up the real ship which is taekook"
suppose, you possess two gvns, one in your pocket and another at your home. but gvns are illegal w/o a license and you dont have one, the police are chasing you , so you run back home. you need to hide your gvn, you see the other gvn lying around and get a mindblowing idea.
"Let's hide this gvn behind that gvn, they'd never know!"
ofc they got to know. they found it immediately and you got your sentence.
now that you're reading this, you might think thats beyond stupid and no one would do that.
tkkrs existing: ....
bc how the fuck are you supposed to hide a gay ship with another gay ship? the backlash will be the same. the homophobia will be the same. the criticism will be the same. esp when the two ships have a common member. i have nothing else to say other than this is the most nonsensical theory ive heard.
"hybe forces jk to do fanservice with jm to hide taekook"
you guys are making out jungkook to be hybe's little puppet who cant say no to anything the company says. like are you talking about the jungkook who doesnt give a shit abt the company's orders? who will rebel when he feels like it? who will do whatever he wants, whenever he wants? the exact copy of jin? and we all know jin doesnt give a flying fuck abt the company rules lol. and neither do the other members. bts make their own rules. i thought we all established that ages ago? and what would hybe even do if they break rules? fire them? lmao, bts=hybe. hybe couldnt do anything even if they wanted to. besides yall are acting like hybe doesnt have anything better to worry about rather than getting fanservice scripts ready for jikook to follow.🙄
not to mention how yall are absolute shit at reading expressions and body language+actions.
jungkook :
*makes finger hearts and saying i love you to jimin and has done it multiple times before.*
*goes on a trip with ONLY jimin to tokyo, pays for all the expenses and makes a whole gcf abt it with "there for you" as the bgm*
*does an almost 2 hour live completely dedicated to jimin and fanboying over him*
*sucking jimins ear in front of thousands of fans to confort him*
*never forgets to reassure jimin, comfort jimin or give reassuring touches like massages and caresses*
*jungkook going all the way up to the mountain to bring snow for jimin bc he knows jimin loves snow"
*jimin travelling halfway across the world just to make it home just for jungkooks birthday* (and so much more)
like be fr rn🙄 yall only have a problem when its jikook istg.
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this speaks for itself.
"hybe promotes and releases jikook content on purpose to make more money."
this is overwhelmingly stupid. okay so obviously a company would want to make more money, i mean its basically the whole purpose. and a company would choose the most efficient way to make money.
if we bring capitalising on ships into the equation, jikook is not the ship that would make them the most money. why? bc most of the shippers in this fandom are tkkrs. but in recent years, jikook has become the 2nd most popular ship in bangtan. but even so, its still the second best option, if hybe really wanted to take advantage of a ship, then they wouldve promoted taekook as a ship more than jikook bc then more fans would buy official content, there would be more engagements and more attention in general.
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clearly these mfs decided to prioritize their ship over bangtan. if there were more taekook moments these mfs would've flocked to stores. also "why couldnt hobi get carried?" . bro. jungkook has literally kissed hobi on the neck/cheek and so has hobi. jungkook said "i never thought id fall for a man" while talking abt hobi in CNS. jungkook and hobi engage in lots of skinship. but i dont see yall calling that fanservice?? simply bc yall dont find koobi a threat to your ship and your fantasies lmao.
so why would hybe force out jikook content to make more money when they can make so much more money out of taekook content? the answer is they dont.
in conclusion, all ships have a lil bit of fanservice in them, be it jikook or taekook. but you cannot call an entire bond fanservice in order to fit your delusions. hiding a gay ship with another gay ship is plain stupidity and you know it. yet you will continue to make yourself believe it bc you dont wanna get your perfect little bubble popped. hybe doesnt control bts. bts are not hybe's puppets, they make their own goddamn rules.
i hope this was helpful in breaking down your delusions, have a good day now👋
edit: i cant believe im having to clarify this but this is not a post dismissing taekook's bond😭😭 i love taekook themselves, i just despise the ones who use the above narratives to "prove" their ship. im a jikooker and this is a jikook centric account, ofc im gonna mention mainly jikook moments here😭 please dont come into my asks fighting me on which ship is real PLEASE. yall only see the members for their ships god.
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nijigasakilove · 1 year
So it was a misdirection! I knew it was too simple for it to have been Alma that was the killer. But then who could it be? Lot of us thought that wasn’t really Alma transforming since we only saw her silhouette but that body was definitely her.
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Someone’s killing humans and werewolves alike. That shot of gustav walking was designed to make him suspicious but I’m not convinced it’s him either. He seemed pretty distraught seeing all the carnage and destruction at the village at the end of the episode.
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Wait so since they forgot her underwear, Shizuku’s gonna be fighting commando? Nice. Never ceases to make me laugh how Tsugaru will just make the most innocent comment to her and she’ll snap after being all docile to Aya just seconds before 😂 did he really deserve to get poked in the eye lmao.
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Louise’s parents are pieces of shit for abandoning their daughter in a damn forest as a little kid. Can’t even imagine what goes thru someone’s head to do such a thing to a human being YOU created.
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Don’t really feel bad about Tsugaru taking out Dennis and the others considering they wouldn’t listen to reason and were hellbent on killing anyone who entered the village. Was a pretty brutal defeat for them though.
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Mommy dommy Carmilla back and we get more yuri bait fanservice lol. She took out most of the girls in the village, damn. Poor Kaya ain’t know what hit her
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While the guards and the village head were kind of assholes, I feel bad about the innocent villagers getting massacred essentially by Royce, Banquet and the regular humans. They’re caught in the crossfire of a battle that’s got nothing to do with them 🤦🏽‍♂️seeing those people get their heads bashed in by a chain was crazy
Looks like Aya’s got things figured out so excited to find out just who’s behind everything next week in the finale.
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lucyandthepen · 1 year
i’m going to say this now because it was actually my birthday today and i got a really annoying comment on one of my fics and now i’m just EXTRA peeved bc someone went out of their damn way to ruin a nice day when they could’ve not said anything about whatever they were crying about.
I don’t care if you don’t agree that writing kpop fanfiction is something integral to the fandom experience. the scenarios and portrayals are 100% fictional. i don’t actually believe mark lee is a hot barista; i know very well that he’s out there doing something i know nothing about and that’s his fucking business LMAO i’m not pretending to know about his life or his deepest thoughts. but idols and celebrities always project images that cater to fandom generated content and idols are HIGHLY aware of this. they know their fans like to ship them in fics, so they do fanservice of a similar nature to fuel fandom generated content. there’s nothing inherently creepy about writing about / fantasizing about your in real life crush as long as you aren’t acting on your perversions out of turn either like … what are u talking about ???
i really don’t have to fucking sit here and prove anything but i’ve published a whole paper in an academic journal about the roles of RPF in fandom spaces and in the commercial side of kpop as well. i don’t have to fucking take the time to drag out all the research i’ve done just to tell someone who randomly came onto my blog from reading fucking jujutsu kaisen reader insert fanfiction (??????????????? like if you’re not into it, why the fuck are you here???) to go away and mind their own business.
it honestly appalls me that there are people in the world who are so desperate for an argument they’ll say shit about what other people like. the internet has become such a quick avenue for people to get on their moral high horses about issues that sincerely aren’t that deep. mark lee isn’t ever going to find my blog and be like dam this chick is wack like??? there is sincerely no harm in rpf as long as you’re aware of the fictional portrayals of people ??????? nothing is ever so deep???
the thing i can’t stand with these keyboard warriors is how they just don’t check their own logic either. as per my research back in my undergrad i know fanfiction in and of itself is highly contended because in the context of “respect” it attempts to undermine the author’s own work. thats actually why anne rice has a tendency to attack and dox her fans who write fanfiction — they’re breaking copyright law lmao. by that logic you’re also disrespecting gege akutami by sexualizing gojo satoru, and you’re also breaking some delicate copyright laws. double whammy. THAT i’ve also done quite a bit of research into!
but i’m never gonna make that point because that’d make me a hypocrite AND i like to do this amazing thing where i mind my own damn business!!!!!!!!!! like i don’t care???? the internet is a place where people in the same fandoms can meet and enjoy fan-generated content. stop trying to fucking dictate what other people do then tell them to “get help” as if there’s something ill with what we’re doing lol.
if you’re not comfortable with it, don’t read!!! it boggles me that you actually sat there fuming like “oh my god this random blog i’ve never heard of before has a story i just find disgusting im gonna say something as if what ill say will make them change their minds and repent!!!!”
there are a Lot Of Things i don’t like seeing but i just scroll! its so much easier than leaving an opinion no one fucking asked for. and if you have a problem with rpf, don’t just take it up with me — see your whole argument through and attack everyone who’s ever written rpf!
i’m just gonna say this one more time — if you don’t like what i’m putting out, don’t read. if you want to tell me something about how wrong i am or how badly i write — i don’t care. i don’t have to prove myself to anyone, and i’m not going to listen if i don’t agree, so don’t bother wasting both our times lmao.
lucy out.
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phiatheox · 1 year
episode 1
- I think this is a very nice opening and a cool parallel to the beginning of the first season
- this is excellent character work about how crowley is naturally more questioning and self assured than aziraphale, who is conforming and insecure
- zira my love you are so avoidant and stupid you're just like me
- see okay so I UNDERSTAND that crowley putting his wing over aziraphale first can be read as a demonstration of how goodness actually comes more easily to him, especially given the fact that he didn't seem to be that bothered by him before. BUT on the other hand I hate how it takes agency away from aziraphale; it feels infantalising, almost
- zira being a landlord was the first sign.
- zira being a nice landlord was a different sign
- "I'm very good at forgiveness, it's one of my favourite things" BABBBYYYY BABY I LOVE YOOUU
- ass jiggle makes me uncomfortable
- its so funny to imagine these people who already think (know) aziraphale is gay seeing this and thinking he ordered a sex worker
- God (heh) I want a hot chocolate
- angel mug !
- avoidant zira again
- I can't relate to Jim's experience of drinking hot chocolate it makes me dehydrated and gives me a tummy ache
- still want some tho
- the difference in prefall and postfall crowley is so noticeable David is a good actor despite what someone said to me one time I don't remember who
- "you're funny. I love you." he's just like me
- this show is so damn middle class lmao.
- but also not necessarily, I totally read it as a political allegory
- zira said 🫶🏻 manipulation 🫶🏻
- ooh love the background Queen
- "I would love you to help me" the choice of wording :>. is it even grammatically correct?
- maggie and nina being stuck in the shop is just so. cliché
- I'm getting really hungry so I can't do any analysis of this ep anymore sorry. from now on all points will be stupid.
- people DO listen to records
- maggie is also very me
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elegyofthemoon · 1 year
6, 9, 13 for the ask game!
HI GLORIJA!!! I hope you're doing well :D thanks for the ask!!
female character asks
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
okay so listen. I have a slight love/hate with her character, but truly, I feel that Edelgard gets kinda done dirty by her own route
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I will never get over the fact that the Black Eagles route is 17 chapters compared to the 26 (?) chapters that the other routes get, with Golden Deer and Church route having near identical stories?!?!??! like they totally could have used that effort to give Edelgard the chance to take down Those Who Slither In The Dark BUT NOOOOOO NOOOO WE DONT GET THAAAT WE DONT GET THE JUSTICE FOR THE WRONG DEALT TO HER AS A KID AND WHY SHE STARTED THE WHOLE WAR NOOOOO
The payoff was horrendous and it just left me sitting bitter and ill towards her route and just her character. It's such a disservice really :oI
9. A female character you started out disliking but came around to?
oh my god a character i disliked but had a slow warm up to... hmmm... ngl and I'm soooo so so so sorry to do this to her, but that's Camilla for me
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AND TBH THIS ISN'T EVEN HER FAULT TBF !! Have you seen that post around that's like "this isnt you girl this is your writers fault?" Yeah that's how I feel towards Camilla lmao
I just am very very extra tired of fanservice characters, and especially female characters used for fanservice, so I have a tendency to just disregard the "sexy female" trope in an instant, but it's thanks to my friend that I actually came around and gave Camilla a try and started working through her supports, and honestly, it just makes me hate the. The cutscenes with Camilla more. It just feels (again) like a disservice.
I won't say that I outright hated her? I just felt disappointed by the way the writers frequently portray her. I don't know --
13. An interesting femslash ship? (Canon or otherwise)
OH YAY this is the most recent femslash ship that I fell in love with but Kallen/Sakura from Honkai Impact 3rd !!
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I found out that they were actually canon in one of the manga, saying explicitly that they were soulmates (or Kallen the white hair girl saying that "When I first met Sakura, it was like I knew the reason why I was born" lIKE OKAY??!?!?!?!??!? OKAY------)
BUT BUT BUT my heart felt so touched reading through Kallen and Sakura's story, and while I'm still only slowly learning what happened between them (I'm still super new), what I do know and love is that Kallen saved Sakura from falling into absolute despair after being forced to kill her sister to appease the gods of her village, reminding Sakura of the kindness in humanity.
But for whatever reason (I haven't reached this yet BUT I think I'm pretty close actually? idk. if anyone else is reading this and plays hi3, please don't spoil me. ik the game's been out forever but i am absolutely blind to this so i don't want to know :)), Kallen had to seal Sakura away because she houses an evil being within her, but she leaves an artifact that would defend Sakura within the place she seals Sakura and just,, making sure Sakura is never alone and it was soooo ; - ;
I think a bit of it actually reminded me a bit of the ending for Sayaka and Kyoko in PMMM if you know that ! But I sure am particularly weak to knights in shining armor ish stories lmao
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springtrappd · 1 year
not trying to sound rude or aggressive or anything i swear, but what exactly Is it abt like. eclipse and ruin in general that you have critiques of? i'm still trying to figure out exactly what i think of it myself - it wasn't ANYTHING like what i was expecting, and to be perfectly honest i was also one of the Book Doubters(trademark pending) so that was a huge culture shock to me as well. idk i go in-between being really impressed and really liking it, to being salty that it wasn't what I think a good chunk of ppl including myself were expecting? looks like there's gonna be more down the line as far as this SB storyline goes so i'm curious and cautiously optimistic. i'm not totally sold on the mimic yet but thats probably bc I haven't been reading the tales books. guess i should start now lmao
i should make it clear that i actually haven't finished ruin yet, which is why i've been holding back on talking about it -- i'm up to bonnie bowl! so i'll refrain from commenting on that, except to say that the gameplay is a massive improvement from sb and only has more minor design flaws vs the base game's... fundamentally broken, lmao. they listened to criticism, refined their ideas and executed them with the resources available, and they did it well! i have mostly positive things to say on that front, which is nice. :)
eclipse is harder to talk about because... like, to give you an idea of how badly it effected me: it pissed me off so bad i started dissociating for the rest of the night, gave me stress stomach-aches when I refused to stop playing and then woke me up at 6am this morning nauseous and in pain. and that's not me being a wimp, that's me experiencing somatization, which is a real thing that i struggle with a lot, so hopefully you can understand why I'm not exactly keen to talk about this? especially when literally every time i even try to someone gets mad at me for breathing. please keep this in mind as i go on to say: eclipse is ableist as fuck and completely inexcusable.
as presented within ruin's visit to the daycare, the dca is left in a state of disrepair after the earthquake and subsequent abandonment left the pizzaplex to fend for itself. they're trapped between their two personalities, with both of them insisting that they are the one who knows what they should do; sun wants to be a good boy and do arts and crafts and whatever, and moon wants to send everyone to bed, blah blah you know the drill. as you complete the segment sun and moon regularly argue with each other, with sun holding the upset moon back from attacking cassie as she reactivates the generators, turning the lights on and stunning moon long enough for her to whack him with the faz-wrench, forcing a system reboot... and he's immediately reborn as eclipse, a lovely and kind figure with no memories of anything that happened who gently escorts you out and wishes you well. he's fixed now, you see! you did it! you got rid of his evil split personality, you've made him normal again, and without the aberration that is plurality he has not a cruel bone in his body!
the implications of this are incredibly fucking obvious and deeply deeply upsetting, and why i'm gonna point-blank say i'm not entertaining further discourse over whether this is reaaaally ableist or if they reaaaaally meant for them to read as a system or... nope, it's done, we're not fucking going there. it doesn't matter what they intended -- what they intended is pretty obvious, actually; they've decided to tackle a subject they're incredibly ill-equipped to handle, and the result is a character -- descended from the visual language and cultural canon of tales like split and psycho -- whose arc concludes with the reveal that it was being a system that made them violent. and the boss fight was dumb and bad and ignored all the previously-explained mechanics of this character to do this. it is aggressively stupid fanservice that turns what was once simply "poor taste walking the line of good faith" into "actual offensive caricature with zero room for doubt", and the only thing more despair-inducing than this twist is the community of people gleefully eating it up as their yummy angst fuel for their ultimate comfort character. and i shouldn't be surprised, considering it's coming from the "how dare you ask me to examine why i find it scary when the dca experiences altered identity states" crowd, but i am, unfortunately, an idealist doomed to be let down by normies. huzzah.
as for the mimic: I'm perfectly fine with afton getting laid to rest (he deserves it!), I'm not one of those guys, but in its current iteration (and from my understanding of it) it suffers immensely from having literally zero reason to be doing any of this shit and being yet another rejection of the supernatural in favour of sci-fi bullshit. because it's from the novels and the novels are allergic to ghosts. and having your entire story drip-fed in mediocre spin-off novels filled with blatant fetish content marketed to naive twelvies is so obviously bad storytelling that i don't even think i need to get into the piss-poor prose and legitimately cruel messages to explain why i hate that one
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 2 years
My read on jikookers is that deep down, most don’t actually BELIEVE that jikook are a couple. Like if really solid proof came out tomorrow to the contrary, they would eventually accept it.
Taek00kers on the other hand- many seem to have rooted their entire identities in taek00k being a couple. They fully believe it. And they will never not believe it- even after Tae marries Jennie and has his 5 kids or whatever lmao. It probably helps their mass delusion that there are so many of them. It validates them. While there don’t seem to be many jikookers
My read on most jikookers, which I've said before, is that they're stupid and lately, they've also become hypocrites. And they just don't have the brains or self awareness to realize what they have turned into and what it looks like from the outside. Not all of them, of course, I wanna make it clear since some get upset about generalizations 😅
(But beware because there are lots of generalizations ahead).
Jikookers do believe they're together. They've even become as biased and intolerant as taekookers, they've created their own echo chambers where they all repeat the same thing over and over like robots. They're not even getting the most basic clues, and a lot of things that have happened since 2020, but especially since the break started, has literally gone against everything they fight for.
"Taekook are awkward, they don't hang out, they aren't friends, Taehyung forces fanservice on Jungkook". Taekook proving them wrong literally every week lmao.
Just two days ago or something jikookers were actually UPSET about that namkookmin compilation and armys saying that Jungkook was jealous of Namjoon. They were crying because people were hyping up namkook.
Jungkook literally the next day on his live: I don't know what my life would be without Namjoon. Love of my lofe. I would die for him.
Taekookers have become so strong and are so set in their delusions precisely because they don't accept different opinions; they've never stopped to think twice about all the things that don't make sense, and now jikookers have become exactly the same!!! Because blocking and deleting replies definitely shows how sure and convinced you are of the ship, right. They're not yet on the same level of schizophrenia as tkers but I give it 6 months until they get there. It will only get worse. Everything that doesn't really make sense, they've been ignoring or re-writing it so it would mean whatever they want it to mean. They're even doing that now with the things JK said on his live.
So, following the logic I've been seeing be predominant after the live, I guess it’s green light for taekookers to still believe that the V is for Taehyung, even if JK said otherwise? Since it’s apparently okay for everyone to just take whatever meaning makes them feel better, and not JK’s actual words. They're all acting exactly like taekookers. I really wish from now on I will not see complaining about taekookers “twisting” stuff because jikookers are doing the exact same thing. Especially a certain blogger, I've seen her so many times going off about taekookers but now she's doing the same thing. Like, they allegedly all think that taekookers are crazy, but they're using the homophobia/closet "theories" and "analysis" that taekookers use just to validate jikook. And that's where hypocrisy comes up.
THEEE amount of times I've seen this very woman say that his tattoos are only for him to explain and when he actually explains them, she's writing essays about how they don't mean what he said they mean??? Have they all lost their minds?
What happened to watching original content? What happened to listening to what the members say?
I don't usually pull the homophobia card but let me just go ahead and be real and say that if someone really believes JK and Jimin are together, but JK denies it (directly or indirectly), then it's a matter of HUMANITY and also respect for gay people to simply accept what he just said. If I'm closeted and I tell you I'm straight but you still go around saying "no, she's actually gay you guys she just can't come out" then it's downright disgusting. At least keep it to your private conversations, because seeing everyone mass agreeing to stuff like that just feels wrong. Maybe "mass" is an exaggeration, because 100 - 200 people are virtually nothing, but you get what I mean. And again with the hypocrisy, because they're constantly talking about boundaries and treating the guys as real people and not trying to dictate their lives and whatnot, but there they go. Speaking over them because JK something they didn't like.
I talk a lot about stuff that maybe for a lot of people crosses multiple boundaries, but I'm not a hypocrite. It's not like I talk and simultaneously tell people that they can't do the same.
Not to even mention that Jungkook wasn't actually forced to even talk about his tattoos at all. It's been 4 years since he got them done, there were plenty of chances for him to talk about them. Or he could've just talked about the ARMY one, since it was for the fans. What was the word? Oh right.. choices.
What happened to watching original content? What happened to listening to what the members say?
To follow your Jennie example, I've seen jikookers when JK had his dating scandal, and I really believe that if he (or Jimin) were to be involved with a woman the way taennie are, jikookers will ignore it anyways. They won't believe it either until they get the glorified confirmation from the company or jikook themselves. So, personally I don't really see any difference in that department either.
The only thing right now (and always) that diferentiates jikookers from taekookers, for me, is that jikookers at large are nicer people. They're not the devil incarnate (not a compliment, for any taekooker reading this, being an awful person is just pathetic) the way taekookers are, but when it comes to sticking to the facts and being objective about each ship, they're both acting exactly the same nowadays, with the only exception that this time taekookers at least have real interactions to hype.
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give a warm welcome to the newest edition to honk squad! our second stinkbug rustblood is a cutie named Rheuza!
she is a prospit dreamer (LOL LMAO ROFL) HOPE player and her weapon is athamekind (spoopy ritual daggers)
her interests include turn based and grand strategy games, listening to and creating cool fusion music and they refuse to eat cold food even if it's intended to be cold! they will deadass microwave cereal and faygo.
\ ~ they talkk in a low whissperrrrr~/ in their own words, with suffixes as shown!
they became good friends when duelle had to take their moirail gargag to the hospital because he got sick from eating weird gargage off the ground and Rheuza was there for the same reason.
it was an immediate and explosive friendship!
literally they blew up the hospital, it was kind of a whole thing.
Rheuza being a rustblood has her own set of quite powerful psionic abilities and it can be quite spooky when she takes herself seriously.
duelle doesn't call her a stinkbug out of fear.
Rheuza carries herself in a manner that some would deem cold or too serious but when she puts her hair up her true personality bubbles to the surface and she becomes her normal happy goofball self to the point where even duelle (a reformed clown) can't help but get sucked into her goofy chaos. she has a real way of making the mood lighter when her hair is up, an almost supernatural talent perhaps?
her moirail is aratxi and but they may want more than that out of the relationship, only time will tell!
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extra gargag fanservice of them boiling a bottle of faygo together (which i fucking adore by the way!)
i love you guys, thanks for creating such fantastic art and just being so awesome!
art by blobulord and @tentativelygregarious go follow them!
anyone reading this feel free to let us know what you think and have an awesome day!
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