ryoubakvra · 7 years
one of my fave hobbies is reading blog posts from panicked über christian mothers who are scared that yugioh is using illuminati imagery to make their precious son, johnluke-matthew, worship the devil
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lascivo-derrame · 4 years
why do you consider yourself an atheist? do you really believe human consciousness is something that arose naturally? you don't believe a single thing on earth is too good or too bad or too strange to not be of divine origin? you think we're made out of cells which are made from molecules which are made from atoms? you think there are millions of planets and stars out there, infinitely? how could have simple chemicals have aligned so perfectly to create this very moment? how can something as great and vast as the universe exist without divine interference? what is it that makes you say "god does not exist" rather than "we can never know for sure whether god exists or not"?
1. Why would you assume I'm an atheist? Do you even know what does being an atheist means? It seems to me as crystal clear that you people should read some Wittgenstein, Saussure or Derrida idk just citing out of my head. In doing so you would understand that concepts are not individual entities whose meaning arise out and by themselves. Words are signs of meaning. And the meaning of a sign (a word or a concept wtv) is achieved by putting it him into relation with other signs by which he gains his meaning and offer possibilities of meaning to the signs he was once put into consideration. Language is a game of social and historical references. Language is a complex tree of signifiers and signifies and its imprudent to call someone an atheist just because I ve manifested my opposition to the influence religions had, have and aim to achieve in society. THAT SAID, NO I DON'T CONSIDER MYSELF AN ATHEIST. An atheist is someone who REFUSES THE EXISTENCE OR POSSIBILITY OF EXISTENCE OF DEITES. I DON'T. I DO NOT DISCARD THE POSSIBILITY OF THEIR EXISTENCE!!!! I can't say they exist as well as I can't say they do not. But what I can say is given the fact that we are unable to answer that, people can't impose their unsustained belief in world matters. Simple. Ffs. Let's follow.
2. Once again we fail to understand that knowledge is limited by our own biology and that's Allright. It does not mean that there s some superior creature out there that input it into you. Why would he do so? Why would he then feel the need to write to us (conscious beings made by himself) to lectures on what we are doing wrong or what we should be doing like wtf?! He would give us a conscious only aware of him and his truth. Why then do we even question his existence? The fact that you can't provide an answer to the origin of consciousness is more of a problem that arises from within you and precisely by that can't be solved. The mechanisms you use to comprehend things lie inside the thing you re trying to explain. Makes sense or not? You don't even know what conscious is. What does conscious means? We are unable to formulate the problem because we re trying to explain something which is paradoxically within you (the experiment of it) and beyond you (the way to correctly express it). No clear answer to that but a lot of appealing improvements on the question. See Penrose or Bennet about it.
3. This one I'm not even answering lol. If it s too bad it can't certainly be of divine origin ahahah like what the fuck you saying? There are marvelous things and enigmatic yes I conceed that and that's all. Nothing to do with the divine.
4,5,6. Ok now it's getting easier to answer. I don't think lol. WE ALL KNOW OR SHOULD KNOW THAT WE ARE MADE OUT OF CELLS and so on. Cmon bruh! They were even discovered by a Christian monk ffs. It is the basic structure of life and all the experiments realized proved it an indisputable truth. Yes atoms and molecules too. Idk if you type this questions on a smartphone or laptop or wtv but i can assure you that they are the combinations of units of matter present in Medvedev s periodic table. DAMN! you learn this shit in school and I should not even be extending myself about this. It was all scientifically proved. Millions of planets in our galaxy no. But there are other galaxies already discovered such as Andromeda which make pretty reasonable the existence other planets yes. As for the stars they already exist in that number in our own solar system.
7,8. Not losing time with these ones. The first has been answered before and you just have to educate yourself a little (a basic Google research) to understand how quantum physics works. The second is just a product of your biased, blind belief. If you want to belive it is a work of divine intervention fine just don't expect the community of Reason to allign with such a lunatic view of reality. And above all don't try to impose those supra natural hallucinations in a evidence governed society.
9. I ve answered in the first point. We will never know of his existence. Both views reject themselves as none of them can prove a direct link to his manifestation. What matters here is to live in accordance to what we know, pursue subjects of interest and promote a critical spirit to attain "new" truths. One thing is for certain, believing in a God does not give anyone the legitimacy to kill people, conquest territories or disturb the actual state of affairs sustained by the principles of scientific knowledge. As Wittgenstein would put it, religion is of course a very important and curious matter but as it cannot be disputed or even logically talked about its meaningless. By other words it must not interfere in worldly affairs.
Done! don't bother me again with questions like this. I think I ve made my point pretty clear.
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agechat514 · 3 years
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What happened to everyone being totally Uniquely and different? having an imagination? wanting to break away from the whole norm? get away from the rat race, enjoy life even if it doesn't mean being filthy rich, or having job security, when really a having garden and trying to be happy and healthy and Faith in God is the only security you really can have. I think I was born in the wrong generation, I find myself identifying more with Older people then I do with most people my age or younger. I am tired of Superficial people It really seams like that is about how most people are these days, I don't care about any sports team unless maybe a friend that I support is involved, it seams like Sports and Hollywood have become our Modern day Idols and worship centers even though most people don't realize it. TV is Nice to numb the brain but really don't care about it at all, I'd rather have the night sky be my TV... I am a Christian, Libertarian and a Entrepreneur. I am Jack of all trades. I can cook, work on cars, computer repairs, fix broken electronics, plumbing and electrical and many other things I've learned how to do having an open mind. Since I grew up and we never had a lot of money to buy new things that often so we fixed things not throw them away, though it did lead to having junk piles on our 500 acres and what not but still... my point is I learned a lot of skills you don't learn going to 50 years schooling.. I am pretty sure I am unlike anyone you have ever met, all though I do not let a lot of people get close to me I have a hard time trusting anyone anymore after being used and hurt to much, and I being an extremely nice guy and easy going I've had people take advantage of me lie to me use me and betray me. I like Natural God Given herbal remedies over the whole medical mess we have going on these days that is more about money then curing anyone. I AM NOT LOOKING FOR A 1 NIGHT. I want something deep connection and meaningful. Money is a means to an end, Success it meaningless unless its at helping others. the best things in life are free and didn't cost a penny, good friends are hard to find and in short supply these days. If you want to try to get to know me feel free to send me a message... I've never smoked, done drugs, or been drunk even though I've had a drink everyone once in a while... What I�m doing with my life Trying to Work outside of all the trash going on in the world and the rat race, trying to stay motivated when sometimes it seams like its all for nothing..... It isn't easy being me Empath, I need an Adventure partner who's my best friend to sit under the stars talking about Life, dreams and talking about everything Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food The Bible, Ron Paul - The Revolution, all kinds of music -- but not most rap. I enjoy all kinds of food, chicken, shepherd's pie, venison, dove, pheasant, and elk. Orange chicken. ( I can make it myself) The six things I could never do without Family, Friends, Jesus Christ, God, Prayer, food, Freedom, Liberty, The Constitution. The strength/courage to stand up for what I believe in and help weaker people when no one else does. Being able to think for myself have my own views and opinions. Having people I can look up to as being my heroes like so many of Our founding fathers like Thomas Jefferson Freedom I spend a lot of time thinking about The current state of affairs effecting this once great Country, what kind of bondage our we selling our future generations in to with so much Spending and debt? how to make a living with out working for the Man. Off the Grid Living- getting away from most modern technologies and things that really don't make life any easier because we lose a piece of our self when we can't get away from ' technology' I am Pro Life, you can't have a choice if you Don't first have life....... Why are animals more protected then the unborn children ? You should message me if ...you are pretty much drama free, you're an easy-going, decent person, or if you would like to make a good friend... you like Ron Paul, Rand Paul, getting involved to defend our liberty. Ok so I have talked about me and I like to be honest I am Human and I have my demons I fight daily Depression, Anxiety, IBS, allergies, my back is messed up and my knees hurt once in a while when I go hiking to far... I have a hard time trusting anyone, and or getting close to me, I've also had Dysgraphia and tinnitus since I was a kid... I am an introvert, quite... Why should you message me ? well I am very unique, Honest, Loyal, loving, thoughtful, caring. once a real friend I try to be a good friend... I think I'd make someone a great husband one day even with all my flaws and problems I face I mean cmon who doesn't have their own problems to face why face them alone ??? . I want to live a life less ordinary.... I want someone to enjoy life with........my best friend my lover to grow old with to make out of life what we can working together through good and bad times.... If You read all of this Kudos to you, I've been single a Long time so I keep adding to this.
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averyboneyguy · 6 years
im thinking about religion again
im gonna put what was my tags rant under this cut cause i had a lot to say and im sure this would be unfortunate to have to read
#its cause a one of those 'god is an abusive lover' thing that people have the gal to say that its a judeo christian thing  #like first of all jewish people have a different kind of relationship with god than modern christians  #they celebrate a dude that basically fough god in a dennys parking lot  #abi talks  #and its like the scare tactics that modern christianity is only there because people feared god in the earlier times and used  #that fear on the parishoners to exert their power  #but in christian sects that mention the saints and mary have the  #hey just give her a heads up and mary will fist fight god over you going to hell or purgatory  #like god is good and forgiving he is an almighty and powerful god but if he didnt love you  #there wouldnt BE you like ?????? cmon people  #god is not human you cant put human traits on him? god isnt even a he? god is god?  #honesty im absolutely steamed about this because like for years ive shunned my faith and consider myself as non conforming  #yall cant be comming from these hateful spaces saying god is like an abusive lover cause he CANT BE  #and if you are scared of god because of your churches teachings...GO TO A DIFFERENT CHURCH A DIFFERENT SECT  #RELIGION IS THERE TO GIVE COMFORT NOT MAKE YOU LIVE IN TERROR OVER HELL  #which reminds me does Judaism have teachings about hell or what  #i know they dont have a devil like catholism does 
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New Year’s Revolution Pre-Show Predictions pannel with Mauro Ranallo, Bully Ray, and Christopher Daniels
Mauro Ranallo: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the HCCW New Year’s Revolution Pre-Show! We’ve let 5000 fans into the garden a day early, and we’ve got some matches coming up later tonight, but first, joining me now, two men with over 40 combined years in our business, Bully Ray and Christopher Daniels, both men former world champions, Gentlemen, I want to get your thoughts on each of tomorrow night’s matchups.
Bully Ray: Mauro, it’s good to be here, Chris, it’s good to see you again, let’s do this.
Christopher Daniels: Yeah yeah, it's good to see you as well, and it's even better to be here.
Mauro Ranallo: First, talking about the Elimination tag team matches, we’ve got the women’s five on five elimination tag, Asuka, Mia Yim, Shayna Baszler, Nikki Bella, and Lilith Brookes take on Sister Abigail, Nikki Cross, Becky Lynch,Tessa Blanchard, and Toni Storm... Chris, who do you have winning this one, and why?
Christopher Daniels: We can all agree that Asuka has been an unstoppable force between her time in NXT and her time here, but this is where her streak comes to an abrupt stop as her team loses it what will probably be an overall embarrassing fashion. It won't be her fault, of course. The people standing with her are weak and won't be able to hold themselves up to the standard of their opponents. I mean, against people like Sister Abigail and Becky Lynch, both former Vixen's Champions, and the wildcard of Nikki Cross, those four don't stand a chance. Asuka is the only one who might but she won't get the job done by herself.
Bully Ray: I gotta disagree with Chris, here. I don’t care if the match comes down to a 5 on 1 situation. Asuka is unstoppable, there isn’t a woman on planet earth who could take her out. And if you seriously take a look at her team, she’s got a great support system. Mia Yim, world class wrestler, Shayna Baszler, former UFC fighter, Nikki Bella, she’s been around forever, former WWE Divas Champion, and Lilith Brookes, you know, we still don’t know much about her, but she’s got that fire about her. Team Asuka takes it. Asuka and Mia Yim are the survivors for the team.
Mauro Ranallo: Alright, Gentlemen, the men’s five on five. You’ve got the Bullet Club, Kenny Omega, AJ Styles, Cody Rhodes, Hangman Page, and Marty Scurll, against the ragtag team of Christian, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Finn Balor, and Sami Callihan. Bully, why don’t you start us off this time?
Bully Ray: I’ll start this off by saying, that Bullet Club team is an absolute dream team. Under normal circumstances, if that was a normal, thrown together team, i’d like their chances. But ladies and Gentlemen, I’m gonna give you a hot scoop right now. There is descension in the Bullet Club. I have good knowledge that says that Cody may be trying to take Kenny’s spot as the leader of the club. I think that causes them to lose this match. Finn Balor is my sole survivor for Team Christian.
Christopher Daniels: As what should be common knowledge, I have not had a good history with Bullet Club over the course of 2017, so this pains me to say but Bullet Club will take the win here. As you said, they're a dream team, and no matter what may go on outside of the ring, they are a cohesive unit inside of it that not many stand a chance against. Besides, it's not as though leadership struggles are a foreign concept to them. Omega and Cody will be the sole survivors.
Mauro Ranallo: Moving on to our other matches for the night, Chris Jericho takes on Sami Zayn, Sami Zayn trying to get retribution for Jericho screwing him out of the world title on numerous occasions. Mr. Daniels, what say you?
Christopher Daniels: Chris Jericho will get a decisive victory here as Sami Zayn's emotions get the better of him. He'll seek revenge rather than victory and Chris, the wiser veteran, will take advantage, as he should.
Bully Ray: Do you now how many PPV wins Chris Jericho has in HCCW? He’s got one! Jericho ain’t focused on this match either. He’s too worried about Omega in the Tokyo Dome on January 4th. I wouldn’t be surprised if Omega gets involved in this match actually. Zayn takes it.
Mauro Ranallo: The Young Bucks look to reclaim the HCCW World Tag Team Titles against Chuck Taylor and Trent Beretta, who just recently reclaimed them from Syn and Rosemary. Bully, who do you have and why?
Bully Ray: Alright... look. I like Chuck and Trent, I do. They’re good kids. Nice boys. I want them to win. Are they going to? Sadly, no. I think both of their tag title wins were flukes, to be honest with you. The Bucks are too good. Trent and Chuck show a lot of heart, but I just can’t see them pulling this one out. Bucks.
Christopher Daniels: I mean.. how does one disagree? Trent and Chuck; what do they call themselves? Best Friends? They're a joke. Impressive wrestlers, but together they're a joke more focused on putting on a comedy act. The Bucks are a whole different monster and they're just not ready for it. Bucks.
Mauro Ranallo: The Queen, Charlotte Flair, steps between the ropes to defend her newly won Vixens Championship against both The Fairy Tale Killer, Alexa Bliss, and HCCW’s newest signee, Emma. Chris, give us your thoughts.
Christopher Daniels: The fact that Emma is in this match is somewhat.. weird, considering she just got here. But alas, she won't be much of a factor. The true matchup here is Charlotte vs Alexa, and this time Alexa will be the one emerging victorious. Charlotte busted her ass to win the Elimination Chamber, but she's not going to be able to hold onto it much longer because Alexa Bliss is — something else. She has beyond impressed, beyond exceeded expectations, and you know she's hungry to get her title back. Alexa Bliss will be our new Vixens Champion.
Bully Ray: There are just certain things you don’t bet against. You don’t bet against Jeter in Yankee Stadium, you don’t bet against Eli Manning against the Patriots, and by god, you do not bey against a Flair when the title is on the line! Charlotte keeps the belt and continues to make her daddy proud.
Mauro Ranallo: Pete Dunne faces his toughest challenge yet, An Ultimate X match against Davey Richards, Crazzy Steve, Mark Andrews, Jimmy Havoc, and a mystery competitor. Who will the mystery man be? Who will walk out Zero-G Champion? Bully?
Bully Ray: It don’t matter who the mystery man is. I got no idea who’s it’s gonna be, but it’s not gonna matter. That Davey Richards? That’s one mean son of a bitch, and with that big bastard, Baron Corbin, watching his back in there? Davey takes it. A lot of people are gonna be unhappy about it, but that’s the way it’s gonna be.
Christopher Daniels: While I do agree with your sentiment about the mystery competitor being unknown and unimportant, I have to disagree with you about the victory. Pete Dunne will defy the odds stacked against him and walk out still Zero-G Champion. It will be a tough test, but if anyone has proven there unafraid of a challenge and will do whatever it takes to overcome it, it's Pete Dunne.
Mauro Ranallo: It’s the HCCW return of The Beast, Brock Lesnar, as he steps into the ring with the Monster Among Men, Braun Strowman. Guys, they’re gonna have to reinforce the ring for this one! Who do you have, Chris?
Christopher Daniels: Just as Bully said just a few minutes ago, there are certain things you don't bet against, and one of them you forgot is that you do not bet against Brock Lesnar. It will not be easy, it will hurt, but the F-5 will put Strowman away and Lesnar will win in his return.
Bully Ray: This is the one that I had the toughest time picking. Braun Strowman is an absolute monster. It’s in his nickname. But Brock Lesnar is Brock Lesnar, and when Brock Lesnar wants to do something, there isn’t a man walking planet earth who can stop him from doing it. Brock wants to win this match. Lesnar wins.
Mauro Ranallo: Speaking of in-ring returns, The Heart Break Kid, Shawn Michaels, makes his in ring return, as he teams up with Triple H, to take on Mike Bennett and Adam Cole of The Kingdom! Mr. Ray, you know some things about tag team wrestling.
Bully Ray: That I do, Mauro, and I know this. The Kingdom right now? They look like garbage. They’re unfocused, they’re sloppy, and they’re spending more time fighting each other than their opponents lately. And, cmon. You’re telling me that Shawn Michaels doesn’t win his in-ring return? You’re telling me DX doesn’t win this? Cmon. It’s easy. DX wipes the floor with Mike and Adam.
Christopher Daniels: I know a couple things about tag team wrestling myself, Mauro, and one thing that always prevails is tag team chemistry because it never goes away, no matter how long it's been since you've last teamed. Shawn and Triple H have that, but so do the Kingdom. They're younger, fresher, hungrier. And, with Michael's experiencing ring rust after not wrestling for so long, is why the Kingdom will win.
Mauro Ranallo: The World Heavyweight Title is on the line, as Rusev defends against the HC1 Tournament winner, Seth Rollins. Chris, who will leave with the biggest prize in HCCW?
Christopher Daniels: Unless Cody cashes in his Gift of the Gods, we will not see the world title change hands. There's a reason Rusev has been champion for so long, and Seth Rollins is no match for him. Seth Rollins isn't prepared for the beating he's going to receive. Rusev will humiliate Seth and continue his reign.
Bully Ray: There’s reasons Seth won HC1, and they’re the same reasons he’s leaving with the belt. Without Chris Jericho by his side, Rusev can’t retain. Seth wins. Seth finally reaches the mountain top.
Mauro Ranallo: And the main event of the night. Rosemary vs Syn. Demon vs Soul. Career vs Career. Hell in a Cell. Possibly the biggest match in HCCW history... Christopher, let’s hear from you first
Christopher Daniels: Look... This is a hard one. They're both tough, they're both talented, and neither want to lose. But as we have learned by watching those like the Undertaker that, when everything is on the line on the biggest stage, those who have a sort of.. supernatural assistance always win. I'd like to believe that this won't actually be the last we see of Syn since he's so young and still has a lot left to offer, but Rosemary has the edge and will be the last one standing.
Bully Ray: I trained this kid, Syn, I’ve seen what he can do. He’s a New Yorker in the Garden, and I know he doesn’t believe, but god is on his side against the forces of evil. I think he can do it. I think Syn pulls this one out. I really do.
Mauro Ranallo: Thank you folks, for joining us, you heard the predictions here first! Now let’s continue on with the pre-show, Gentlemen, thank you.
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