rzyraffek · 1 year
can you do more bathing headcanons 😭😭 last ones were adorable!!!!!!!
Tell me with whom shall I write for😭😭😭 anon theres soso many slashers and I wanna give you ones you like the most 😭😭 but imma let that slide today😈😈😈
Sfw, they/them, Requests open
Bathing with slashers part2
Hot-boiling water
Guy has no shame, won't cover any parts of his body or blush. Nothing
Babygrill doesnt see anything sexual/sexy in bathing so yall will have wonderful time just vibing (and melting due to water temperature)
Expect nuzzles, purring, playing with s/o hair, complements
Also he has huge bathtub so yall can chill just laying in water no problem
Oh babe pls wash his locks(the hair thingies i dont remeber name of) guy will be in absolite bliss
Bo Sinclair
Besite will S T A R E (also im not suprised if s/o will stare too Bros pretty
Will probably make some weird comments, but nothing more really
He just wants to relax in warm water with his love
Will say a lot of complements too!
He loves when s/o massages him
Dominic (from the Dare)
Guy would cover his eyes and turn tomato, i mean he doesnt mind really! Hes just nervous
He has no clue what to do?? Should he hold them??? Eee maybe do lil splash??? Eee HE DOESNT KNOW WHAT TO DO😭
His bathtub is probably smol anyways so yall are probably very close to eachother anyways
Tbh he probably has lake near house and he goes there to refresh, his house looks stinky, clean it sometimes bro
S/o helps him shave too, he seems like he would usually cuthimself accidently
Will bite ya😈😨
Those will be more like "trying to bathe your stinky xenomorph friend/pet"
Not sure if he needs air to breath?
Will love bath time, will almost drown s/o lol
Loves bubbles and bath bombs, they make him feel goofy
No, dont eat bathbomb
Whole bathroom will be wet cuz he is moving around the whole room like crazy
Guy from Hush
Still no clue what his name is😍😍😍 and idk if i wanna know, cuz im going to be disapointed if its some basic name like "jake" or "mark"😔 (update: apparently he has no name)
He will bite and tickle them
Also this guy needs good bath, he walks around Forest for hours, not only hes probably cold but also has many bugs on him
Wants s/o to lay on him or give him smooches
He looks like wet dog
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moonchildstyles · 8 months
very very prosecco vibes :( h and pretty girl going out for dinner and it’s a little fancier than they usually do on a casual night so they dress up a little bit and he gets a work call at the end of the night and he has to take a meeting when they get back to his place and he’s so apologetic about their evening being interrupted but she says that she’s okay with it and she gets to curl up on his sofa in her pretty dress with his fluffy blanket and watch an episode of her show and she can hear him talking from his office and when her show ends she realizes that it’s been quiet upstairs for a while so she shuts everything off and pads upstairs and peeks into his office to see he’s staring at his computer like >:( and she’s just gently calling his name and he looks up, the crease between his brows softening immediately and he’s “m’so sorry pretty girl, there was a big mixup and it’s taking longer to fix than I thought” asking her if she finished her show and she’s lingering in the doorway because his office is so cozy with only his lamp being turned on and it’s warm and he’s there and he’s looking up at her again before lifting his arm up and she’s immediately padding over and settling herself on his thighs, just curling around him and watching him do his work in silence, and he’s pressing little kisses to her forehead, and when he sends his final email of the night, he’s nudging her head up and pressing a long kiss to her lips, thanking her for being so patient, before grabbing her thigh and just kissing kissing kissing her, kissing just to kiss before they go get ready for bed :(
- 🍓
BESITE WAIT :( THIS IS LITERALLY LIKE :( SO SWEET AND COZY LIKE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH:( ofc he would feel so bad if he had to cut a date short or do work when hes wanting to spend time w her but she's always be so understanding and giving him that space to get things done if need be:( but her noticing he's been away for a while or quiet and she goes to find him only for him to invite her onto his lap and to just give her those little bits of attention while hes working in like holding her to his chest and giving her a kiss on her cheek or patting her thigh and just keeping her warm :( and shes just letting him work getting a little sleepy but spending time w him anyway:( and the idea of them kissing kissing kissing in his office chair is SO personal to me like of no other reason than they want to touch and feel each other and :( like im down so unbearably bad atm thank u for ur service
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 9 months
tumblr "deep friendship advice quotes" thoughts, 10 years later:
y'know i oft go all the way back in my draft posts, where i saved some of the popular deep ~friendship advice quotes~ back in the day (well, more like copied and pasted them, so that i coud use them on fb at a later date). but maybe. hm. maybe all those "don't chase people. let people come to you" or whatever the fuck posts i saved at like 18 to 22, mostly.... and actually did post on fb at some points in time, when i was younger.... really did ruin my self-esteem and ability to make friends or date people when i was younger.
yeah. they are good quotes, don't get me wrong. but like. they're made for a slightly older audience, really. like people in their late 20s- ie like me right now actually lmao. who have a bit more self assurance (although this is the internet. so maybe not. who knows) and judgement skills. as opposed to a lonely 18-22 year old who got caught up in the memes around fuckbois and losing friends at the speed of light in their 20s.... so, then you might as well cut out all strangers anyway. bc apparently everyone is "wasting your time" if they don't come to you, and you "don't wait up for those around you" and whatever utter bullshit i've got saved there in my drafts.
i get that some of the sentiment is that "you're marching to your own drum" and shit like that, that i ALWAYS got when i was in high school.... and posts in my early 20s on fb..... when someone would do one of those dumb asf "like and i'll tell you what what i like about you" statuses in like 2016..... so people would remember that they existed. but on the other hand, trying to cut out everyone for the weird stance that they're "wasting your time" and "NEVER chase people. wait for them to come back to you. those who care will always come back. they're the real people to fuck with. they give you the real universe vibrations" or w/e the fuck.... really did make me friendless in my 20s.
the above probably made my anxiety about having barely any friends, other than my primary school besties, and a couple of high school besites from public school, that i still talked to semi regularly.... worse... all bc i was also obsessed with the "keep your circle small. they're the ones who care deeply about you and give the energy when needed" or whatever the fuck. how the fuck will i know how to keep my circle small????? when like, yeah i've kept those 5 friends... which is cool... but when they're not available (i obvs give them space lol) or they move away etc.... who the fuck else do i turn to, when i believe EVERYONE ELSE is wasting my time... all bc they NEVER talk to me????
obvs people did try to talk to me in a way, when i wished them happy birthday, or when they seldom wished me happy birthday on fb.... but i always left those conversations at that precursory "how are things? i hope you're doing well!" from them, and a like on their post. bc it'd been so long since i'd talked to those people (say some of the girls from catholic school drama class in like 2017 bc i'd run into them at uni once or twice or while they were at work once.... or even Rich Boy™️ from the same school in like 2016- i hadnt spoken to him in 3 years, and it felt weird. like what the fuck do i say??)... but since they only did that nicety of wishing me happy birthday or vice versa that one year, i never bothered inboxing them bc.... again. they're wasting my time and they're "fair weather friends" bc they don't talk to me except once every 3 years or whatever.
"CUT THEM OUT bc the universe says they're not for you. they give you the LOW VIBRATIONS in your spirit" those posts advise. like honestly. i couldn't keep up with those people from catholic school anyway. bc they're the ones who bought houses in their 20s and some of them do expensive ski trips to europe or japan or america or canada (or do our summer abroad in the peak snow season in those countries working at the snow fields); or just generally here in winter in australia. i can't afford that. one of them proposed to their partner in fucking fiji. i could NEVER afford that, if that were me. or lived abroad for a year and a half in thailand and vietnam bc of their family's charity. something, again, that i COULD NEVER AFFORD. but again. i digress. but according to these posts, i cut them out (partially) bc the universe said that they're not for me, so therefore they're a waste of my time. and that also means that i shouldn't chase them or hit them up, ever. bc what if i end up chasing them anyway???? like yeah. it HAD NOTHING TO DO with the so-called "low vibrations in spirit" that those dumb posts espouse.
not only did this make me friendless, it made me unable to learn the lessons of shitty friendships in my 20s. all bc i believed everyone was either secretly, or VERY OBVIOUSLY wasting my time.... but how was i to know that.... when i never befriended jessica or dean or bella and hayden from my uni classes?? and ok, some of it did actually come from my shitty group at uni, who couldn't fathom why i picked philosophy over history and shit like that. but the thing was, i was so desperate to have any (semblance of) friends.... that i clung to that group out of sheer mortification, terror, and anxiety. despite that, i barely ever ended up in the same classes with them.
however, the girl who fashioned herself as the leader, always seemed to tell me that "you are too highly strung for law" whenever i expressed interest in doing law 101. she would openly mock my handwriting as "looking like a 5 year old's" whenever she could (including when i signed up for her history and archaeology club ans she manned the booth for it, and told me VERY DELIBERATELY to "pLeAsE pRiNt nEatLy *insert my name here*- turning to the guy next to her- see jordan, i told you she writes like a toddler")..... like this group was VERY obviously wasting my time.
but i didnt care, just as long as i had someone to eat thai food with every once in while. as long as i could turn up to engl336 social justice in kids lit, and sit with them and have my very seldom coordinated tute with them too. all despite *alex* (not her real name) constantly speaking to me like my year 7 (2008) geography and year 9 (2010) commerce teacher from catholic school, who would do this shit in front of the 25 kids of both those classes, who i L O A T H E D (and still do to this day tbh. the same guy also fyi.). but i didn't care, as long as i could have a subway and share a cookie with her once a week. uni is hell. and we're in it..... together??? i guess???
but yeah. my point is that, observing my saved copied and pasted drafts of all those typical like "friendship advice" quotes of "don't chase people. let people come to you" or "keep your circle small. they're the ones who care deeply about you and give the energy when needed" et al.... and all the sentiments and memes about people "wasting your time", really fucked up my social skills and friend making skills in my late teens and early 20s. bc they kinda almost gave me a reason to brush off EVERY interaction with other people- be it dating to just making friends or trying to keep old friend ties around (which i didn't/couldn't really do) as "time wasting" and "low vibrations of the universe" and whatever other fucking garbage.
i think younger gen z and the generations after them, need to be wary of this advice when they're young. because it's aimed at older people. who probably have better social skills and thinking skills etc, to ACTUALLY weed out people who waste time and energy... rather than an 18 to 22 year old who is just starting out in life... who is so paranoid about being friendless and single (relationships wise).... that they, in turn, make themselves these two things anyway..... bc for some reason they're also conversely terrified that everyone is either secretly or very obviously wasting their time......
when honey. you're wasting your own goddamned motherfucking time worrying about "they give me low spiritual and universal vibrations. so snippity-snip ✂️" (when like. what the actual FUCK does this even mean, for goddamned starters???) for some fucking reason... also, "not chasing people" and having such a minute circle of friends, that like.... when EVERYTHING goes to shit (ie 2020 pandemic and ALSO my health troubles in late 2020 and 2021), and they're suddenly NOT there or CAN'T be there, who else do you have to turn to (not counting family)???? or in general, if you need to to vent about someone you know, who else do you have when you're buried so deep the mindset about "never chase people, let them come to you" and again, the spiritual vibration tribe bullshit???
these posts are made for people in their late 20s and 30s. not your late teens and early to mid 20s, when you're actually meant to learn this shit. you're wasting your time talking about "the vibrations of the universe" whatever the fuck that means. you're not manifesting any-fucking-thing. get the fuck out of the house (maybe drop the hash brownies or shrooms too, every once in a while, if that's your thing) and ACTUALLY TALK TO PEOPLE. maybe message people from old groups or something, and see if they wanna hang or get a coffee or something. don't cut SO MANY people out of your life so swiftly because the memes say "wait for your tribe and high solar plexus and third eye vibrations for your complex mercury retrograde libra in the 10th house scorpio self"... maybe learn to chase people (and then don't); so you learn from your mistakes.
don't waste away on the depths of the internet- ranging from twitter (oh wait. sorry. X) to discord groups or reddit to this here hellsite. go and experience life, instead of letting your lack of social skills rot your brain away because you, "don't cut ties" instantly bc someone is "wasting your time".... bc again it bleeds into those small talk memes asking someone's fave coffee and you haven't instantly bypassed into "deep conversations about wasted opportunities and vibes with my fave 5 high spirit tribe girlies".
because the only way you'll find those people, is by actually talking to people and teaching yourself the lesson. that, for example, ben is wasting your time bc he never follows through on shit. or he was an absolute bum in your relationship.... bc he used all your money for weed and refused to pay rent bc apparently his NFTs count as rent. that francine is an absolute cow, bc she thinks it's great that she CAN NEVER let people have their say and settle in an argument bc of *insert excuse here*.... or that she's one only person in the world that has EVER SUFFERED EVER legitimately. and this is why it's healthier to cut both of these people out of your life, if you can't reach a compromise.
anyway, my point is, instead of desperately trying to "will into existence/manifest your tribe of high spiritual people" from shrooms_and_liquor_wisdom_thoughts-xoxo-761 or "shower thoughts" or "high vibe society" and whatever dumb asf title pages/groups/chatrooms on any of these sites.... that you'll magically have this fictional tribe of "high vibe people" by ironically NEVER interacting with people and having to learn life lessons the hard way, by ACTUALLY experiencing them.... you've got to literally go out and practice this shit..
younger generations need to learn that most of these sentiment posts are for an older audience.... not a teenager or early 20 something WHO NEEDS to learn these lessons.... but they use them as an excuse not to. go learn to chase people from time to time, even if it is a bad idea. you're young enough to do that shit. you are not wasting time learning these lessons. take it form me, from someone who took them too literally and was proud that she only spoke to 5 people. now im in my late 20s.... and am nearly 30, i realise what a fucked up error this was. (also, i don't condone purposely throwing yourself into unhealthy or toxic relationships or situations, just for the sake of learning these lessons, btw.... but that's a whole other post).
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naavispider · 1 year
This ask has been in my inbox for AGES (I'm so sorry) but every time I look at it I DIE thinking about it. Not Spider being thrown off the ship by a wave 😭😭 Here's a little crack drabble 😭
Spider grabbed for the nearest railing as the ship bowed again, dropping steeply as it descended the crest of another tremendous wave, sending Spider's stomach flying up through his throat. His feet left the deck and he clung to the wet railing as tightly as he could. He needed to get inside, now. 
“Spider!” He thought he could hear distant shouts calling his name, but they were lost to the wind and sea spray that assaulted his face, obscuring his mask. Then, the ship slammed back down onto the surface of the churning ocean, sending Spider hard to the floor. The force of it was so great that he momentarily lost his grip on the slippery railing, and with a jolt of panic found himself sliding along the deck in the direction of the stern of the ship. He was going to be washed away. He scrabbled desperately to find something - anything - to cling on to, but the metal deck was perfectly smooth, and he couldn’t control the direction he was sliding in. 
He felt the burn of the friction on his exposed skin, but it was overpowered by the dreadful realization that another wave was looming behind the ship - and he was headed straight for it. Thunder cracked and lightning illuminated the silhouette of the 70 foot wave. Spider stared at it for a moment that contained an eternity. 
This was it. 
It was going to crash down on them, and he would be lost to the sea. He didn’t have time to say a prayer to Eywa, because he hit the railing at the stern with an almighty crash, unable to brace himself in time. Pain bloomed in his side - it felt like he’d cracked at least a hundred bones with the impact. He reached his hands to grip on, and braced himself for the seconds before the wave crashed down. He didn’t look up to see his fate, but the darkening of the light around him told him that the wave was upon them… it was right above them… any minute now…
He took the deepest breath he was capable of, and braced. 
Water slammed into him from above with the force of a thousand direhorses. His skin burned and his body crumpled under the weight of the onslaught. He had no choice but to let go of the railings, knowing his fate was sealed. Water was all around him. He couldn’t see, he couldn’t move, he couldn’t even feel anything. He was lost, tumbling and swirling in a freezing void of grey. Panicked seconds passed, and still he was submerged. The deck was gone from below him. Something was wrong, he should have come up for air by now. He didn’t know where he was, his lungs had frozen up from the icy water and nothing made sense. 
He kicked out against the water, not caring about anything other than finding the surface. His hands reached upwards - or what he assumed was upwards - to try and claw himself towards air, and it was at that point that his fingers brushed past the tubing of his mask. It was floating next to his neck, unconnected to anything. He’d been holding his breath instinctively, but more panic surged through him as he realised the mask was compromised… the exopack had been ripped away by the storm surge. 
He kicked violently towards where the water seemed lighter - surely that was the surface. He continued to be battered and thrown constantly, but he never gave up. He had to make it. 
Just when he was sure his lungs couldn't hold out any longer, his fingers found air, and his head quickly followed. He breached the surface with a gasp of grateful air - completely forgetting that the Pandoran atmosphere was no longer filtered for him. 
Immediately, his head began to swim and dizziness clouded over his brain like a fog. He gasped for breath again - the only thing he could possibly do. 
As he knew it would, the dizziness doubled in ferocity and the backs of his eyes burned. This was it. This was how he went. He closed his eyes against the pain, and his final thoughts were a plea to Eywa for acceptance. 
“Shit, Colonel, he’s overboard!” came a shout from Wainfleet, struggling to be heard over the roar of the storm. 
The recoms were clinging to the rail on the starboard side of the top deck, but when a wave had swept Spider away towards the stern, they’d screamed after him. 
Quaritch wasn’t waiting to be told. He had been fighting his way towards Spider since the first waves had crashed on the ship, but the kid was so small and fragile and… human. He simply couldn’t hold onto anything against the force of the water. 
“Spider!” Quaritch screamed for the hundredth time in the past half an hour. Where was he? He’d gone.. disappeared over the side. Quaritch couldn’t see him. He ran as best as he could towards the stern, but the swaying of the boat made him slow. Waves crashed against him, but he made it. His eyes scanned the churning ocean, but it was a nightmare. The water was grey, frothing, and choppier than Quaritch had ever seen on Earth, even including the gigantic sea storms as the planet cried out to be saved. It was apocalyptic. 
It was hopeless.
Wainfleet staggered up behind him, and a second later he was followed by Z-dog and Mansk, all of them desperately scanning the waves for signs of Spider. 
“There!” Z-dog shouted, pointing to a spot a hundred feet away. 
Quaritch searched the waves desperately, finally catching sight of a tiny head bobbing at the surface, a ragdoll in the waves. 
Without thinking, Quaritch leapt head first into the waves. He hit the water hard - he knew that if he were still human, he never would have survived it. It was stupid. It was necessary. It was the only thing he could do. 
Relishing in his Na’vi strength and stamina, he furiously swam towards the spot he’d last seen Spider. Waves towered over him now, and it was difficult to keep sight of the boy. When the next wave lowered, he found him again. Spider was floating twenty feet away, and Quaritch finally reached him, breathless and lungs burning. 
Spider’s exopack was missing. Quaritch turned the unconscious boy over in his arms, searching for the equipment as if it would just be floating nearby. Heart pounding, he found the disconnected tubing that connected Spider’s mask to the bare Pandoran atmosphere. 
“Fuck!” he shouted, turning back to the ship and dragging the boy with him. Wainfleet was at the deck, still clinging on, and he threw a buoy over the side that Quaritch made a beeline for. It was difficult enough keeping his own head above water, let alone the unconscious Spider’s. He didn’t have time to worry about it though. The kid had been without oxygen for too long, too many precious minutes. He finally reached the buoy, and the next thing he heard was the sound of chopping cutting through the air from a Sampson gunship above them. He gasped for breath, looking up at the dark sky and praying that the monstrous waves would relent for just another minute. 
“Come on, Spider, hold on!” he shouted at his son’s empty face. He ripped the boy’s mask off, since he noticed with a jolt that it had started to fill with water. “Shit!” Mansk and Z-dog appeared on hoists from the floating Sampson above their heads. “Give him here,” Z-dog shouted as she pulled Spider from the Colonel’s arms, signalling to the pilot of the aircraft to hoist them up. Spray splattered the group as Quaritch grabbed onto Mansk to be pulled up himself. 
“His mask disconnected!” he shouted. “Radio the med bay now!”
Mansk did so and they were lifted into the Sampson. As soon as Quaritch unclipped himself, he staggered straight over to Spider, fitting him with a fresh mask before checking for a pulse. It was there, faintly, but the kid wasn’t breathing. “Fuck!” he shouted. What did he do now?
Spider woke up in a brightly lit room. The first thing he became aware of was his pounding headache, his burning throat, and pain all over the right side of his chest. 
He tried to make a sound, but all that came out was a dry rasp. Then he tried to sit up, but that was no good either. He cried out when his ribs protested harshly.
He looked around, trying to assess where he was and what had happened. He was on the Sea Dragon - he recognised the decor. But this was a different part of the ship. It was white, sterile, and filled with medical equipment. So, the med bay.
At that point, the doors to the left opened noisily and in strolled Quaritch, looking frantic and haggard, as if he hadn’t slept in days. Deep lines littered his forehead, and there were purple shadows under his eyes. Spider tried to croak a snide comment, but found his head hurt too much to even think of forming words. 
“Spider!” The recom’s face came back to life when he realised he was awake. His eyes widened in a mixture of relief and concern, and he crossed the room quickly to kneel next to Spider’s bed. 
“Jesus kid, you had us worried there!” He placed an uncertain hand on Spider’s arm.
Spider looked at him through bleary eyes, valiantly trying to form a sentence in his mind before exerting the effort of speech. “Wh-” he cleared his throat painfully. “What happened?” 
Quaritch huffed in fake amusement. “Well, you’re a little survivor is what happened. The storm threw you overboard and you lost your exopack. I jumped in to get you, and we managed to pull you out.”
Spider frowned slowly. “Y-you… jumped in?”
“Yeah. Don’t let it go to your head though… I’m a natural swimmer and I’d have done it for any unlucky bastard that fell in.” Spider stared at him, unsure whether to laugh or not. He couldn’t tell if Quaritch was being serious. He couldn’t tell much of anything right now. 
“You’re still pretty out of it, huh?” Quaritch asked. “You should get some rest… I’ll leave you alone to sleep.”
“No!” Spider surprised himself with the sudden steadiness of his voice. “You- you don’t have to…” he muttered, embarrassed at the way he was coming across. 
Quaritch considered him for a moment, before grinning slyly, and settling back into the chair. 
Spider let himself relax back into the sheets, and as soon as he had closed his eyes again he was passed out, safe in the knowledge that Quaritch would look out for him.
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imagine--if · 2 years
Hiii may I please request riddler/Eddie having a crush and being absolutely obsessed with a reader who also wears glasses, he eventually confesses to them,maybe he kidnaps them even and confesses, u do ur thing besite I just want it to be super fluffy please 🥺🥺🥺
A/N: Okay, so I actually took inspiration from an idea I had about sending Eddie a love letter and his obsessive reaction to it, and morphed it with this request 😂💚 ik it's a bit random, but I love this scenario so much and it's based off this Quotev quiz lmao, thanks to that writer for the inspo!! Enjoy 😁
Pairing: Dano!Riddler x reader (The Batman 2022)
Warnings: Obsessive love and stalking behaviour 😍 PART UNO
Words: 981
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It was so sickening, so putrid to Edward Nashton, having to keep the tiresome facade of being an ordinary, everyday, scummy citizen of Gotham City. Went to work every few weekdays, scribbling down and filing numbers, while taking pictures of things that didn't quite add up. Taking little, vital pieces of information on the elite, the so-called city leaders; corrupt, all of them. He was sure that every single one of Gotham's minions was just the same.
Until he caught sight of the envelope.
Trudging back to his small suite in the run-down hotel block, Edward's eyes are downcast, codes and unsolvable puzzles whirring in his head as he absentmindedly goes up the flights of stairs that lead to his floor. The silver ring hooked in the centre of his key is around his finger, and he pulls it up to open the door a few steps before he gets to it, looking up tiredly...
His brows furrow. Green eyes widen.
It's like getting a taste of his own medicine; an anonymous letter, a bright envelope resting neatly against the hard, cool door to his rooms. There's no address written on the deep green paper, no writing at all, just the sealed, thin envelope.
Is this a cruel trick? Was he so careless to let someone follow him here? No, no, not yet- they can't know where he's living, it'll spoil the puzzle!
Edward snatched up the envelope, shoving the key through the hole and twisting it, a soft click sounding as he pushes in the door and closes it behind him with an impatient wave of his hand. With the other, he pulls off the seal from the envelope's front, and tugs out a letter written on pristine white paper. It's folded carefully in half, and he can see the faint black swirls of inky words from the closed side. Edward takes a long breath in through his nose, immediately apprehensive, ready to kick off at the moment he finds out that this little game will come to an end a lot sooner than he wants.
But that moment never comes.
To The Riddler,
Please don't panic or anything about how I got this letter to you! It took me ages to get the right clues and information from people lurking around the place to find you, but I'm glad I did. I'm glad, because I won't be invisible to you! You could never be invisible to me.
I love what you're doing for Gotham. Things have to change, and you're doing amazingly. I watch your streams every night - one of the only sources of hope I get each day. It's all because of you. I get a bit too shy to type in the comments, but after all this effort to get this to you, you should know. You deserve to know that you could never be invisible to me, because you're practically everything to me now. I could love you, even!! I think I already do...
Sorry if this seems a bit weird. I feel like you're used to getting crazed fangirls who watch your streams say similar things, but this isn't a faze or anything shallow like that. I want to help you however I can -be with you, if you'll let me. If you do, you'll do what you'll do best. You'll go through cameras on the building's CCTV and track me down after a little while (quicker than I did haha) and do whatever you want with me. I know you can. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else.
I love you! No lies!
-Your secret admirer ♡
Edward's breaths are shaky now, forced, whimpers escaping his throat as his lips press tightly together, green eyes widening behind his glasses as he reads over and over your letter. It's... it's not a cruel trick, is it? He's not truly invisible anymore. He has you, whoever you are - and he'll find you.
Giggles make their way out of his throat, a large, dopey grin on his face like a lovestruck schoolgirl. He staggers to his bedroom, sitting haphazardly on his bed before collapsing into a curled-up pile on top of the sheets. The letter is clutched to his chest now, cradled in his hands as he repeats the sweet words in his head, trying to imagine your voice.
But why imagine it when he can find out for real? That's what you want, isn't it? You know he can do it. God, you're so clever, so patient, going through all that trouble just to send him a letter he could throw away in some delusional, ridiculous idea of The Riddler.
But that idea is nowhere near close to the truth.
Edward doesn't bother waiting - it doesn't take much to get the CCTV from the building's weak camera surveillance uploaded onto his laptop, and after whizzing through the norm, he stops when he catches sight of an unfamiliar, beautiful face. You're partially hidden by the hood that covers your head, but glasses poke out from beneath it as you rush to his door, double-check a note you'd made of the suite number, and leave the same envelope he's clutching so hopefully in one trembling hand by the door. Then you're off again, disappearing out the back door of the hotel block, and Eddie's shaky breaths fill the absence of muffled city and rain sounds from the laptop.
He goes back, zooming in on your face, and stifles an excited, newfound lovestruck whimper behind his hand that's pressed over his lips. Gotcha. He lets out a soft, broken chuckle that soon turns into hysterical giggles, eyes blown wide with adoration and giddiness.
"I- I love you too," he whispers to the grainy image of you on screen, smoothing the paper of the letter and envelope carefully in his hands, stroking it tenderly. "N-no lies!"
.・ Taglist: ・.
@i-wished-upon-a-star-one-night @edwardspumpkinpie @murderbimbo00 @sweetums0kitty @beel-mcburger @cml-san @jervis-tetch-my-beloved @r4iner @bimboanime @phoenixgurl030 @vaylordd @dangerouslittlefairy @katjourno @yoyoanaria @yaeyuuki @vinxlsketches @beenz-beenz @ghoulsgraveyard @birds-have-teeth @repostingmyfavs @r3ptiliaaa @for3v3rda1sy @glitterycheesecakegladiator @moonwritesblog @lilyevans1 @httpsunflowers @hxney-lemcn @confusedchildsstuff @callsigncrash @sugahbabieexo @bokksieu @skateb0red @wilburrrsworld @philiasoul @darthcringe @felicityofbakerstreet @bloodypantomime @deadlights-darling @tianotfound @mortem-muse @ireadandream @tinyryder @kpopgirlbtssvt @truecobblepot @jessicainhell
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love-toxin · 2 years
besite Stevie being into MILFS is so on brand with him, his eyes go wide when he sees how swollen their breasts are full of milk like googoo gaga in his empty brain 🫢🍼 plus I think he would appreciate mature bodies, ya know? Pumping out babies one after the other leaves women's bodies full of stretchmarks and some pudge on the tummy. He is king of praise and worship for all milfs 🥰
BABE HE REALLY IS......like....listen. i could talk about Steve loving milfs forever. Steve has so much love for the uncomfortable parts of life, especially bringing life into the world. girls with "perfect" bodies are cool and all, but how can he resist the warmth of a motherly woman? someone capable of so much care and love and so deserving of it back? he'd just love to spoil some cute milf with time and love and money and watch your face light up whenever he comes around to help out with your kids. it fuels him.
plus, it's so hard for him to resist certain aspects of it. your boobs getting all swollen and full, obviously, but also the embarrassment when you start leaking through your bra and have to cover your shirt in public is soooooo fucking hot to him, makes his pants all tight instantly. and god knows how many ugly scars he has himself, but yours are so pretty, your stretchmarks like strokes of a paintbrush down your belly and your boobs and your legs. just wants to kiss them and run his tongue along each one. definitely gets annoyed when people try to recommend you stretchmark creams or "mommy skin repair" products because you don't need them, why would you? your body's produced a whole human, obviously it's gonna change and you don't need to try and get your "youthful" body back. don't ever explain the husband stitch to him either because he'll actually get so mad that people really do that.
ALSO. such a weak spot for soft bellies. postpartum tummies his love. shoves his face in your belly when he's cuddling and nuzzles it so much, paws at the pudge there because it's so damn cute. he loves your baby fat and whines whenever you talk about needing to get your figure back, because you don't want people to think you've let yourself go after having your kids. Steve will straight up look up at your from where he's got his nose smushed into your belly and say "but i still gotta put my baby in here 🥺" and it just pulls you right back in. he's just so adoring and loves it all so much, plus, with you already having kids he can mark off a couple spaces from those six little nuggets he wants--with you, he's got a head start! and you know he's got the money to support all those other little kiddos he's gonna have with you, so there's nothing stopping him from making you a mommy over and over again ♡
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hotdadlicense · 2 months
Billy Hargrove - ❤️🩵🖤🌷🌻
❤️ how did you discover them/get into them?
okay i was bored and scrolling fic and sick of all the fic i had been reading, so i opened stranger things ao3 and sorted by kudos, and a billy/steve fic was the top one, and i was like. let's go. and then i literally LITERALLY never looked back and was like damn i should rewatch s2 cos i straight up do not remember any of these characters kljsefhksa
🩵 what's a popular headcanon for them you just can't get behind?
that he would settle for steve fucking harrington skjfhdjskahdfkj and therefore all the headcanons that branch from that
🖤 if they weren't from their source, what fandom universe do you think they would make the most sense in?
i honestly do not even know. like in my head i have him in a twd au and a 911 au and a supernatural au but like. i'm not picky. he can fit anywhere!!!! put that guy in every situation i say!!!
🌷 What are your favorite crossover ship(s) for them, if any?
i love u so much. u know this. billy x daryl hell YEAH also i've been talking about billy x mickey milkovich and technically they're just besites but bro. that line is VERY blurred and they ARE in love with each other. i'm havin a ball over here.
🌻 what song(s) do you associate with them?
the way there are so many and my mind is completely blanking? lemme look at my recently played playlist
flowers on the grave - the maine, born with horns - mgk, simmer - hayley williams, i think i'm okay - mgk, living in my head - kesha, high times for low lives - the griswolds, i wanna be here - e^st, blowjob - e^st, heaven wasn't built to hold me - four year strong, all i want - s day to remember, 24 floors - the maine
🌼 do you think they'd survive an apocalypse scenario?
u sent this ask seperately and it made me burst out laughing. AS A MATTER OF FACT. I HAVE LIKE 30K OF this. and u know what. he fuckin dies. but u know what. it's a time travel fix it au so he ends up living in round 2. LOVE that for him.
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[covers face in hands] i have never had to ask anyone this before.. can i. can i write with Cyr and my oc Glavrahir? i got some stuff about glav at my side acct bblues-ocs if youre interested..glav is also MGiME, but it has no bearing on her story lol so i just think it would be fun to write them together 👉👈🫠
as long as you also let me read it pls pls pls. i am totally checking out ur side account!!
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youareunbearable · 2 years
Hello besite!!! Because I love and adore u here is snippet of a TF! Raoul ficlet I was working on
While he would rather cut off his own hand than admit it out loud, Spike hated the fact that all the Autobots and their human allies were fawning over themselves when it came to Raoul. 
Blaster and Tracks he got, since the older man saved both of them at least once, and Blaster was just easy to get along with. And if Blaster was fond of someone, so were his Cassettes. Jazz wasn’t too much of a big jump either, since the TIC shared Blaster’s idea of a fun time, and enjoyed dancing, so befriending the human who spent a lot of time dancing in front of crowds was a given.
And sure, if he and Astoria suddenly we’re all chummy chummy, that’s not a big deal. Like, someone who willingly spent free time with the snobbiest Autobot was probably going to get along with the snobbiest human Spike ever met. Even if Astoria was gorgeous, her bratty personality and bad luck made her unbearable to be around. 
Chip was a good kid though, and Spike’s best friend so he thought he knew the other pretty well. And that knowledge told him that Chip was like, the complete opposite of what Spike thought Raoul would be like. So hearing that they actually went to a movie together was boggling to him! Spike wasn’t even aware that they knew each other, let alone close enough to go to the movies in their free time! When he asked, Chip just shrugged and said:
“We met at the Autobot base in New York a while back, he was nice and fixed my watch for me so I made him a mixtape. We’ve been writing each other letters ever since.”
So while Spike sulked over the fact that Chip never made him any mixtapes, he missed over half the Autobots suddenly befriending the Latino. 
It wasn’t until Carly asked, in an excited, coy, tone, “Are you going to the Valentine’s Day dance the Autobots are hosting? I heard Tracks finally managed to convince Raoul to come over to the West Coast base!”
Spike’s head shot up, “Why do you sound so excited about Raoul coming? Why do you care? You’re not gonna ask him to dance with you, are you?”
Carly just looked at him, a little confused with her eyes narrowed. “I mean, probably. ‘Storia said he’s amazing, really light on his feet and I haven’t gotten a chance to dance with him yet. Better question is: why are you so grumpy? Don’t you like Raoul? He’s so funny!”
Feeling his face flush, Spike huffed and looked away. “Whatever. I just think the guy is overrated. Anyone can dance and fix stuff.” He waved a hand at the car he was currently fixing, and then around at his dad’s shop. “I’ve taken you out dancing and I help my dad with his shop too! But that doesn’t mean I’m suddenly God’s gift to mankind!” 
Carly straightened, eyes tight and lips pulled into a frown. “If you spent any time with him like we have, you would realize he’s actually just a good guy!” She hopped down off the table she was sitting on and strutted out of the garage with her nose in the air. “I don’t wanna hang out with you if you’re in a mood. See ‘ya whenever you calm down.” 
She didn’t talk to him for two days, and during that time all Spike seemed to hear was the name “Raoul.”
Bumblebee had noticed Spike’s gloomy mood, and finally decided to see what was bothering his little friend.
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all 3 rtc gfs sorta watching as these (insane?) lesbians from 1899 go about their business. Kath flirting with some random woman to outdo Ocean Jane and Constance as Sarah chases her and is like
“what has gotten into youuuu”
everyone enjoys the show. constance makes popcorn to eat while they watch.
also, jack and davey talking to mischa and noel like “omg yall are gay too”
OH WAIT BESITE HOW DID THEY MEET, bc are they just floating through darkness together or like lowkey time machine????
but yes, the girls just are wondering what to do
"Should we help Ocean?" Constance now watches Katherine run up to a startled woman
"No, let them figure it out themselves, but have any of you guys seen Ricky?"
Ricky is off telling the littles a story about him and the space cat people but has been told by Specs to water it down so the littles don't understand the sex
YOU DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THAT THO, Davey having a heart attack "bc omfg gay people jack..more gay people"
Jack is just there like, "hey queen, your gay too <3"
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Hey Bestie 🖤 I have a Taligaro request again if it's okay. Let's say we are in his army but also his girl and we get separated in a battle. And just in case that happens we agreed to meet at a special place, a cabin or a hut something like that. As soon as we arrive there we notice that we are pregnant and we are waiting for him but he never arrives and after month of waiting just when we're about to give our hopes up he returns alive and well and we introduce him to his newborn daughter. 🥺I hope it makes sense Bestie 🖤 I'm not myself these days
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Of course it's ok besite 😊 I will always write what ever you wish 🤗 enjoy 💚
Everything was so manic lately that you barely had a chance to think. Your soul mate Taligaro was readying the men in his army for an oncoming fight from the north and you were focused on being ready for it. You had always discussed what would happen if you were to get separated during any fight or battle, there was a hut that his mother made for him as a child, and that's where he was born and grew up for many years before doing what he does now. It was at the side of a river a safe distance away from the battle grounds that you were all going to be fighting on, and that's where you both had discussed meeting if anything was to go wrong.
The time had come and you along with Taligaro and all the soldiers were there, waiting in the battle field for the enemy army. You were at Taligaros side before they marched upon you, you held his hand and you both looked deeply into eachothers eyes. You loved him with all your heart, and he loved you too. "I love you Tal" "I love you too Y/N" A horn blows in the distance and the enemy charges towards you all, giving Taligaro one last smile, everyone readies themselves and runs into battle. The fight was long and gruesome with barely any survivors on each side, and unfortunately you couldn't find Taligaro once victory was found by your army. "Tal?! Tal?!" You shouted across the battle ground, but it was no use, there was no answer. The few men left of Taligaros army were helping the wounded and taking them back to their camp, but you just stood there amongst the fallen enemies, with tears running down your cheeks.
Leaving in the opposite direction of the soldiers, you slowly made your way to the meeting spot that you discussed with Taligaro. When you arrived, it looked so beautiful. The river was flowing, there were flowers of all diffrent colours scattered all around the place, and there infront of you stood the little hut Taligaro told you about. Making your way inside, you push open the door and look around the hut. It was small but very homely, there was a lovely little kitchen, a living room and a bedroom and bathroom on the other side of the hut. But despite the cuteness of the house, you felt sad and hollow inside, and sat down on a chair by the table. You feel so sad as you remove the upper part of your armor, to reveal a small bump. You hadn't told Taligaro that you were pregnant with his child, you couldn't, he wouldnt have let you go into battle and you needed to be there for him.
But now you were on your own, he hadn't turned up, and you were sat crying, slowly running your hand over your bump. One or two of his men had found you and stoped by to see if you were ok during the few months you stayed there, and they even tried to get you to come back go the camp. But you had lost Taligaro, he was either dead or lost and he wasnt coming back. If he was to return, he would have done it by now. So you politely decline and stay on your own as your baby grew inside you. The day had come when your labour had begun, it was painful and difficult to do by yourself, but you pushed on through and tried everything you could to get through. Being on your own, you had already prepared the warm water, towels and clothes for the baby, and now all that you had to do was give birth. Again and again contractions make you scream in pain, you missed Taligaro so much and you loved him with all your heart that you kept his love in your mind every time a contraction came.
"Hhhssss ggaahhhhh!" You scream as you can feel the baby getting ready to come out, when all of a sudden, you hear a voice from outside. "Y/N?! Y/N are you hear?!" "Tal!" You scream back and he is in the hut within seconds. He runs through the hut till he finds you on the bed "Y/N, my darling i-Y/N are you? Your pregnant?!" He asks before rushing to your side. "Tal! I thought I lost you, what happened to you?!" "Y/N I'm so sorry, some of the enemies took me with them and demanded information out of me, but I managed to escape them. But forget about that now, your in labour! With....with my baby?" "Yes Tal, this is your baby. I'm sorry I didnt tell you about this sooner, I wanted it to be a-gghhaaaa!" Your contraction hits you again, but this time Taligaro is squeezing your hand. "Ok ok just breath my love, there you go. Y/N I'm so sorry I wasnt hear for you, I love you and if I'd had known-" "I know Tal, I know"
He gives you a sweet kiss before another contraction hits again, but this time it feels like it's nearly time. "Ow ow ahhh! Tal, I think its coming!" You scream out loud. He is instantly down by your legs with the clean towel at the ready. "Oh my love I can see its head, I need you to push" Taking a deep breath, you push with all your might and out comes the head. "That's it! Thats it Y/N your doing so well! Just one more push and it's over, you can do it" You steady your breaths, take a large breath in and give one last push with all the strength you have left, and before you know it, the sound of a baby's crys fill the hut. Your exhausted but so relived it's over, and when you look down, Taligaro has cut the cord, wrapped up the baby and it cradling it in his arms as tears fall down his face. "Oh Y/N....its a girl....you did it my love" He carrys the baby and sits down beside you, placing her in your arms. "A girl? Oh Tal, shes beautiful" The hut felt nothing but silence for a few minutes, you and Taligaro were just so happy and admiring your baby girl as she rested in your arms. "Were parents my love, we have a daughter. She is only a few minutes old and I already love her" "So do I Tal, shes perfect. What should we name her?" "I have an idea. My mother raised me hear in this hut, and if it wasnt for her I wouldn't be hear with you and our little family. Why dont we name her after my mother" "I love that Tal... welcome to the world...baby Caro"
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i feel like robin was pushing stancy to get back to each other bc she's besite with steve and she saw how he's in love with nancy, and she doesn't really know jonathan and how their relationship with nancy were before he moved to california, and all she knows about it is nancy complaining that jonathan is ghosting her
Yeah agreed altho as anon says Robin has seen Jonathan a little and refers to them as some “power couple,” so she knows a bit about them (even if that’s idk I’m guessing not how they were known in the school). After all, it’s not just Robin and Eddie playing up stancy and ignoring Jonathan. It’s three characters really with Fred also trashing Jonathan lol—like literally basically saying he’s a terrible bf and such.
But that’s how invested the show was in pressing stancy in s4 (we’ll see in s5)—they had not one but two characters act like he wasn’t a character on the show and another go after him. It’s p weird to have one character say to Nancy, maybe you should be with Steve and have another say to Steve, Nancy is unambiguously in love with you lol. And then have another say oh and btw Jonathan is garbage. It def ignores Jonathan or treats him badly and doesn’t really let Nancy talk for herself. It’s also the opposite of “show don’t tell” like they really wanted to underscore the point by telling us that Jonathan is nothing/forgettable.
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leagueofdccm · 2 months
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One of the MANY bitches that run Riverdale high with head held high and her priorities straight. She’s not the friendliest of the bunch, though there’s heart if you can break down her walls. Don’t stand in her way, don’t look her way and don’t breathe towards her. It’s easy to ruin someone’s life in high school and guilt doesn’t run through her veins. She’s only one of the three who run the school. She runs it along with her two gal pals, Veronica Lodge, Cheryl Blossom. Dressed to perfection, nails manicured and hair curled. Always dressed and ready, always looking her best. Nothing out of place, never absent from school. Perfection. Perfection. Perfection. Being the ruler of the school, in charge of Riverdale’s very own Newspaper called the blue & gold, a cheerleader and everything underneath the sun. You name it. They do it. It’s a lot to balance for just a high schooler, but anything to get herself ready for the future ahead of her. Make mother and father proud. They’ve raised her to be this perfect little thing. Always having good grades and having to be better than everyone else. Brain & beauty. Her mother told her she couldn’t just have one. It’s not the way to life. She can’t have a brain without beauty, nor can she be beautiful without a brain.. or she’ll only be known as a dumb blonde. Her parents are strict, yet care very little for their daughter whereabouts. They know nothing of what’s going on in her life, nor do they care about hearing about it. As long as her grades don’t drop, as long as she stays a cheerleader and sticks with her diet. She can do as she pleases. Maybe she just needs someone to listen to her, to hear her out. Love isn’t given to her… not unless she does something outstanding, out of this world! Yet, nothing seems to cross that point. No matter the trophies for when she was in Volleyball. No matter how many successful charities she ran. It just doesn’t seem to be GOOD ENOUGH. Perhaps nothing will ever be good enough for her parents, but she does try… harder and harder. Pushing herself through the limit in hope to impress them, to have her parents tell her that they are proud of her. ANYTHING. But as time goes by, it comes to a point where she uses all that neglect from home to make kids at Riverdale high life HELLISH. To be in charge, to have people coward and obey you! To respect you. It feels good, it makes her feel powerful and it makes her forget the shitty life back home. A popular girl in every movie never SHATTERS… and never shows her weakness. Her chin is held high, and the visible crown at the top of her head stays straight. Her walls are built HIGH for no one to climb and take a peek. But once someone catches sight that Elizabeth Cooper isn’t some class asshole, that deep within she has a heart, she just needs someone to care, someone to see right through her. Someone to crack down this girl. Though it’s not easy, it’s rare for her to let just anyone in to see who she really is behind all the PERFECTION. Maybe she’s not some cruel human being looking out to crush the spirits of students. Or maybe she is. and it makes it ten times the better to CRACK THIS CODE and butt heads with her. Maybe she likes it when someone comes head to head. It’s always fun to have someone brave enough to stand up to the TRIO of the school.
She’s nothing like Canon Betty, least… not until you get to know her. So heads up, she ain’t nice. The Coopers are rich in this verse. She’s childhood besites with Veronica & Cheryl. They are Riverdale’s very own MEAN GIRLS. But far worst cause they really don’t play games. The Coopers. The Lodges. The Blossom’s are known as the FOUNDING FATHERS of Riverdale since generations. Their families are highly respected so the girls have a high reputation to keep. having friends who are ‘less’ than them is a big no-no. Because Alice would consider it stepping down their level, and they don’t do that. They have to stand above it. Neglect, emotional abuse. Not much parental figure going on. Troubled family, but living the high life means making sure no one sees past the white picket fence. Betty does love mystery and has thrills for the wild side. xoxo.Think of them as the human versions of the weird sister. Cheryl as Prudence. Veronica as Agatha and Betty as Dorcas. Which is why they are a bit YIKES but as human of course, and in Riverdale High’s wrath.
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starkid256 · 9 months
so uhh for cringetober day 2 i dont have the energy to draw so ima show all of my ocs that are just self inserts
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1 - rubber ball
my first oc! created on the exact day of october 16, 2020 (oct 16 is actually his birthday! since in canon he was 14 when i created him he'll be turning 17 in 2 weeks) he was also my first self insert. from turning into a very shy and timid but happy go lucky 14 year old with an abusive father and a dead mother living with his girlfriend and her lesbian adoptive mothers to a recovering demiboy 16 year old abuse victim living with his aunt with a trans girlfriend (with lesbian adoptive mothers) and a nonbinary partner who love and support him every day. his backstory (which is that his mother dying when he was 7 trying to break up a bar fight and dealing with another 7 years of verbal and physical abuse from his alcoholic father) has stayed SOMEWHAT the same, but altered in some ways.
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2 - robin
created somewhere in 2021-2022 and currently 15, robin was/is an oc who really helped me funnel my anger issues into and let that form who they were. originally their whole personality was getting mad at anyone and everyone, but they were also a dr self insert bc i was really into kris at that time and used robin to act out my little kissy kissy fantasies with kris. oh well. NOW they are a fully 3(?) dimensional character whos usually very defensive and pissy about their emotions due to their abusive father and dead friend. still use them to this day, a lot :3
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3 - ben
(i actually have 2 characters named ben lol)
created (recently) off of my roblox avatar, its sorta a stretch to call them a self insert but oh well. as described, subject v 83n was originally a lab experiment used to attempt to make a human from nothing but chemicals and science. some stuff got complicated so their skin tone is multicolored (cyan = head, white = torso, yellow = left arm, green = right arm, magenta = left leg, red = right leg) and their hair is red making them not suitable. they had to be put down humanely so they were tricked and led into a tube and locked inside. they realized what was happening and broke out of the tube and the building as a whole. now, theyre autism incarnate due to being an underdeveloped prototype attempt to clone a human
(they wear a tv for a head as an aesthetic and their facial expressions are linked to the tv bc of fictional universe magic idgaf lol)
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4 - starrs connor
wow the homesyuck hyperfixation is really showing with this one. put my whole sburbussy into this.
created recently when i was in the middle of reading homestuck and didnt know that there are drones that hunt you down if youre a mutant
theyre vriskas partner because i have a partner that kins vriska! also is solluxs besite bc idk i thought itd be cool
oh yeah ALSO their "friend", kitten, made them have ptsd because she physically attacked them whenever their emotions were even slightly out of check
anyways i hope u like it :3333
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monstermaster13 · 1 year
Corey Feldman Room:
You decide that after what happened a few weeks ago between you and your former friend of yours that you really need to find someone who can understand you and won't end up blaming you and treating you like you're the villain so you decide to head over to the door with Corey Feldman's name on it and you open it up, once you head inside that room you see what appears to be a room decked out like a goth rock concert with a vampire motif, there are posters for Goonies, Dream A Little Dream, Stand by Me, The Lost Boys, The Burbs and Bordello Of Blood. All of which are movies you recognize as being Corey Feldman movies, well okay one of them has Tom Hanks i.e The Burbs but you know Feldman was in it. You look around, making your way past the dancers and head over to what appears to be an altar of some sort, that's where you see something emerging from it...smoke, smoke that once it clears reveals a shadow, the shadow then takes you to where Corey Feldman is. 'Hi ya Nathan.' 'Aren't you?' 'Yes...i'm Corey Feldman. Nice to meet ya.' 'Uhhh....likewise, I guess.' You and Feldman have never been on good terms but you do like him even though he did transform you into him quite a few times already and did bite you that one time, but of course you didn't know that he intended on doing that because he is a vampire after all. And you've always liked vampires and have fancied the idea of becoming one which of course sounds awesome to you. You approach Corey. 'It's nice to see you by the way. How may I help you?' 'Well Corey, I had a bad breakup with an ex-friend of mine a few weeks ago.' 'You lost your bestie too, huh?' 'How do you know that?' 'It happened to me too.' 'Ah yeah, the Haim thing.' 'I was never really able to get over that.' Corey sobs, you can tell he has been through a lot just like you have and you can't help but feel that you want to help him. 'Is it okay if I become your bestie?' you ask shly, unsure of what he might think or what he might say about it. 'Sure...you can be my besite. After all, I feel that we are very similiar. We both like monsters and lost a best friend and I definitely feel that you could use someone like me to make things less depressing.' You reach and give him a hug as you bond over monsters and the adventures you've been on, you look at various articles and you also can't help but feel impressed by him, even though the two of you never did get on nicely you seem to be getting along now and now you're best buddies.
"Corey, this is going to be the beginning of a lovely friendship."
It seems that you and Corey are bonding and truly meant for each-other, you don't mind it when he disagrees with you because you know he's looking out for your best interests and he genuinely cares for you, it seems he wants to seal the deal. 'And now the real fun is about to start.' 'What do you mean?' 'Well..I notice you like vampires.' 'Yes.' 'How would you like to join me and become one yourself?' 'I'd like that a lot.' You're rather nervous about this but if it means you officially become his bestie, you decide to go along with it....he smiles as his canines lengthen and sharpen, resembling fangs as he asks you to lean back, you do so as he reaches into the nape of your neck...he gently bites it and laps up some of the blood, which doesn't feel too bad and you've always wanted to try out being a vampire yourself...so you let him do it and as you do, his vampiric essence is transferred into you, possessing you in the process...making you feel like you are being taken over by him.
"Mmmmm....this feels pretty nice."
Your skin complexion seems to clear itself up before roughening up as your chest and torso alter a little bit, your arms lengthen as your hands alter, while this is going on your fingernails are lenghtening a little. You don't mind this though as you feel relaxed and allow the process to happen. Your outfit slowly changing to an outfit resembling the one worn by the character David from The Lost Boys as your legs alter and your feet follow suit in a size change, your shoulders and back contort a little as you grow a little to 5'8. You start thinking about how good it was when you got turned by him the previous time, and how you've always wanted to become a vampire yourself...now it is coming true and you're already thinking about how good blood tastes, especially from those of your enemies, even more so once you turn them over to your side, you're unsure about the proccess but he assures you it's alright, becoming one of the undead will be fun after-all and once you're fully vamped up, you'll be ready to get payback on your enemies. He whispers to you to relax and let his influence help you as your aura darkens and your desire to be loyal to him in return is increasing, your neckline lengthens while your hair lengthens, becoming messier and turning jet black as a strand in the middle of it develops, your eyebrows thicken a little and arch, your brow altering as your eyes widen and narrow a bit, darkening and glowing a bit...giving off a supernatural vibe as your cheekbones sharpen and your features slowly morph into a perfect copy of Corey's features, you cough a little as your voice deepens, contorting itself and gruffening until it sounds just like his as you develop his mannerisms.
"You're damn right it feels nice...now, listen closely."
"Yes, I'm listening."
"You're gonna be needing a lot of blood from now, now that you're my bestie, you now have my vampire powers too."
"I've always wanted to be a vampire."
Your teeth sharpen as your canines extend to became akin to fangs, you lick your lips thinking of the delicious blood you'll be able to obtain. Your personality and mind warp and contort, making you forget all your troubles and allow you to embrace your new self...and that self is that of Corey himself, you have his appearance and you have his voice and now you're a vampire just like him. The transformation completes itself as Corey looks over at you and gives you a pat on the back. 'So, so ready to paint the town blood red?' 'You bet I am.' He can tell that you're eager to hunt for blood and for people to convert into fellow vampires so he gives you a helping hand and assists you with learning how to use your new powers. And like any good teacher and bestie, he's going to deliver on his promise to teach all you need to know.
"Follow me. I know lots of people who would make excellent vamps."
"Right behind you."
The two of you turn into mist/shadow-like forms and slink off into the night and from now on...you two will remain as vampiric best friends and also as twins, since after all you're both Corey Feldman. You learn how to use your vampire powers from him and learn to embrace the nocturnal lifestyle, which is a lifestyle you've always wanted, all your troubles are over now that your bestie is with you and now that you can get back at your enemies by swaying them over to your side which is sure to coem in useful. It's like you're forever in Neverland and to be honest, you don't mind that...because now yourself are indeed a Lost Boy, a lost boy who has been found and trained to be a creature of the night. And what more could a vampire want than a bestie who can teach him how to turn others and share the glory of being eternal? Absolutely nothing, but we know that's the way it is.
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giraffles · 7 years
Le Disko
my entry for day three might be late BUT IT’S STILL HERE, IT COUNTS. and are 95% of my things this week in this dumb au?? you bet ur ass. It’s just easier to throw up things set in this universe, especially because I’m not a smart person who has stuff prepared beforehand.
today’s prompt was favorite intimidation tactic. so I rolled with it.
warning for a mention of underage drinking and murder mention I guess? no one is getting dead but like. they’re military people and former criminals. bruh. it’s happened.
Le Disko (Marina/Kei)
Marina Oki can make grown men wither and crumble at her feet with a single cold stare. It's more than a little intimidating. Kei still wants to climb her like a tree.
you can also read this on AO3!
Marina Oki can make grown men wither and crumble at her feet with a single cold stare. It's more than a little intimidating. Kei still wants to climb her like a tree. She knows Marina has fought tooth and nail to be where she is, because being a woman in the military is hard enough as it is, but commanding status and respect? That's even more difficult. And yet no one questions her orders. In their predominantly male-dominated unit, sexist quips are likely to crop up, even if spoken out of ignorance or meant in jest; Marina shuts them down in the most savagely elegant of ways. They all grow sheepish around her, and yet when Kei attempts to do the same, it doesn't quite work. Oh, she's tried every trick in the book. Harsh words. Kind ones, but spoken with knives on her tongue. The intense take-no-shit glare she's been perfecting since she ran on the streets of Tokyo. Adding more spikes and chains to her clothes so that even her silhouette is threatening. None of it has the same effect as Marina simply entering a room. There is nothing that compares with her diplomatic grace and brutal truths. It doesn't help that she's gorgeous, and that Kei figured out a long time ago that the taste of men does nothing for her. But, alas, that's a lofty goal she's not pursuing at the moment. "You have got to teach me how to do that." Kei mentions offhandedly one day, after Marina has just finished chewing out the special ops team joining them on their mission. Marina gives her a confused look. "What on earth are you talking about?" She asks as she hikes a rifle over he shoulder, "Let's get moving." Harlock later likens her to a puppy trailing after their favorite person. Kei punches him until he shuts up. Like he has any room to talk, with the way common sense goes out the window when a certain someone is in the picture. But they all have her vices, and her's just happens to be really tall, really hot women who know their way around a Beretta M9. Maybe it's her age. She is that much younger than the rest of them, twenty and a half and always having to sneak her booze before someone with their laces tied too tight tries to take it from her. (Kei has been drinking since she was seventeen, they can all kindly fuck off) Maybe though, it's sheer lack of experience that's causing a lack of impact when she tries to put the fear of god into anyone. Maybe Harlock is right and she keeps getting too distracted by Marina to practice properly. "You have one hell of a murder walk," Is what Marina offers to her weeks later, "I've never seen a crowd part so fast." Kei is a little taken aback; she might be one of the few among them who hasn't taken a life, for whatever reason. All she had known was that she wasn't about to let a busy marketplace come between her and the target. She hadn't really been conscious of the way she carried herself, or the way other people had reacted-- but then again, they must have scrambled out of her way because she doesn't remember bowling anyone over. Belatedly, the fact that she's been complemented catches up with her. She needs to say something cool, something meaningful. "Thanks?" Is all that comes out instead. Kei really hopes she isn't turning red. Judging from a snicker or two in the background, she probably is, which means she's got a new list of people to beat up at her earliest convenience. Marina's sincerity still leaves her tongue-tied. It's still a little victory.
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