fortpeat · 2 months
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I justtt oh my GODDD I am speechless 😩😱😱 this scene y'alllll Rak completely submitting yielding the moment Mahasamut touched his neck. The score being completely muted and it's just Mahasamut's voice and touch that Rak can hear and feel while everything else faded away. Rak's eyes fluttering with Mahasamut's caress. Fortpeats acting 🤌🤌🤌 Mahasamut's voice going deeper and husky and asking for consent. Rak literally being folded in half his legs over Mahasamut's thighs 😩😩 as his hands pulls Mahasamut closer while still resisting. The hands intertwining !!
I swear whoever choreographed this scene needs a vacation ✨🙏👌👌
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alreadyblondenow · 3 years
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On the 6th of April, year 2018, I decided to stan NCT and support Lee Taeyong with everything. And I can’t remember my life before that. So to celebrate my love for Lee Bubu and for NCT in general, I just had to do something.
So because of my love for ‘FLY ART’ and Lee Taeyong, this writing collaboration or exhibit for NCT’s leader Lee Taeyong will focus on famous romantic paintings.
This may be a Taeyong exhibit, but if you wish to write for another member and join this collab you’re 100% welcome. But let’s prioritize Taeyong please.
DEADLINE will be during the month of JULY. 
If you’re a kind of person who’s prone to backing out last minute instead of finishing what you’ve signed up for, do it now.
There are no slots for members, but I will accept 10 writers only. And also no repeating of paintings. 
All fics should include SMUT but if you don’t want to, you don’t have to. But as the host of this exhibit, that is my main request.
If you’re underage and you wish to write smut, the answer is no sweetie.
Minimum of 1k words and no word limit.
No topics about BULLYING, HARASSMENT, INC3ST, HOMOPHOBIA, SUICIDE, etc. Please be mindful of your ideas.
No sci-fi, let’s stick to the real world.
Choose a painting in GALLERY A below. Read the descriptions carefully.
Go to my blog and submit a post to me with this format:
*Attach a photo of your chosen painting, just to make sure that we are on the same page* Keyword: Chosen painting: Chosen member: Genres & AUs: A short description of what you’re planning to write:
After submitting, please wait for me to confirm your slot and wait for me to tag you officially under the post before reblogging it.
Questions will be entertained through private message. 
Please choose the painting that you wish to write for. All are personally handpicked by me, has different stories and theories and are different visually (obviously).  
The lover by Rene Magritte - The masterpiece that was painted on the canvas in 1928, beautifully captures the essence of any typical relationship. We come across a couple, with hidden faces. Even with their hidden faces, Magritte claims that ‘nothing is concealed in the painting’. Both of the individuals are embracing each other’s presence in their life. Taken by @moonctzeny
Dance on the country by Pierre-Auguste Renoir - Celebrating the love between a man and a woman, this painting appears to be a joyous reflection of them. Both figures appear too different from each other, yet choose to be together. Impression style is used to draw the intimacy between two people. Taken by @yutasgalaxy
The Honeysuckle Bower by Peter Paul Rubens - A gentle touch of their hands portrays intimacy and warmth. The painter deserves appreciation for his ability to use brilliant skills to paint dramatic and high-class clothing. The dressing plays a crucial role in letting us know that the couple is a high society couple. It also has the theme of gender and love. While the man hardly smiles, his wife seems cheerful and happy, implying the different approaches towards the love between the two genders.
The Jewish Bride by Rembrandt - Both of the subjects are dressed richly. A beautiful portrayal of emotions can be noticed in the painting. While both of them are physically close, they do not look into each other’s eyes. We see them lost alone at the moment. They are so mesmerized by their intimacy that they even forget to look at each other. Almost nothing can move them. Taken by @prettyjaems
La Surprise by Antoine Watteau - The lady is carefree and submits herself completely to the arms of her lover. Both of them embrace each other while kissing. However, the third figure is not so much in love. He is holding his guitar. Even though he is trying to play the guitar, his focus is on the passionate couple. On the other hand, a couple is unaware and carefree of his presence. They just can’t notice him playing guitar. The guy sitting alone realizes that even his music can’t reach the lovers’ ears. He is there with his tunes alone.
The Kiss Gustave by Klimt - Intimacy is shown by the way the individuals are locked with each other. The resemblance seems spiritual. A man kisses the woman’s cheek, she shies away.  The romantic painting is still present in Vienna’s Museum. With thousands of admirers flocking every year, its fame only increases. The painting doesn’t let us see the face of the dominant man but gives the spotlight completely to that of the lady. They embrace each other as if they have seized. Their embrace seems to have become eternal. Taken by @bl--ankhaeji
The Birthday by Mark Chagall - This was the painting that he painted just before their marriage and thus holds a significant value in his life. This sets out to be a wonderful self-portrait of the artist and his lover, Bella. While Bella is given full spotlight, an artist himself doesn’t really show much of himself. We can reflect on his love for his muse and how much she mattered in his life through the stage sharing in the painting.
Self-portrait as a Tehuana by Frida Kahlo - The positioning of Diego at the forehead of Frida is vital. Frida does this to depict how she can only think of her lover and ex-husband. He was a womanizer and didn’t ever commit to their marriage. Even after getting cheated on, her love for Diego didn’t reduce at all. She has painted a spider web around her head probably to signify that only Diego resides inside her body and mind. The use of Tehuana, a traditional dress worn by her in the portrait, contrasts with her emotional state. Despite her sadness, she produces various romantic paintings that earned her reputation among admirers and also critics. Taken by @jeontaeil
Le Printemps (Springtime) by Pierre Auguste Cot - It captures young love and its beauty. Young lady’s hands are wrapped around her lover’s neck, while he admires her pretty face. Her white dress signifies the purity of love. It is also the depiction of love itself is the most spiritual experience. The most unique feature of the painting can be the sunlight falling behind the couple. It is painted beautifully and is almost unreal. Taken by @alreadyblondenow
A Romance by Santiago Rusignal - This portrait shows a woman playing the piano while a man stands by her. The painting can be seen as a simple one with its domesticated setting. The woman is lost in the moment as she plays the piano while the man is lost as he listens to her tunes. Both have a calm and also composed face which shows a very relaxed environment. The love between them is music. His paintings are so moving that we can even imagine the music in a painting. 
The Farewell of Telemachus and Eucharis by Jacques Louis David - Telemachus keeps his hand on the thigh of Eucharis, while she hugs him with sadness on her face. Telemachus is the son of Odysseus, who loves Eucharis. Both are passionate lovers. However, Telemachus has to leave the comfort of his town and lover to fulfill the responsibility of being a son. He has to go on a search for his missing father. Colors are used to draw the contrast element. The red and blue dresses strike majorly with the flesh colors of the subjects. The sad but passionate romance makes us love the artistic skills of Jacques. Taken by @yutahoes
keyword: sweet potatoes
Link to my submission post: HERE
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sexyglances · 4 years
Gene and His Creation of Fantasy vs. Real Life
All of these issues, Gene's magnetism towards Nubsib, Gene's burgeoning feelings that he may be attracted to someone, his prior lack of love life, and his own heady imagination, is almost too much for Gene to process. Of course, it doesn't help that Nubsib is right there, practically offering himself on a platter to be both a subject in Gene's NC imagination and a subject of his real world affection and intimacy. It comes to a head when Gene, too drunk to be stuck in the swirl of his inhibitions, tries to throw himself at Nubsib. He acknowledges their chemistry, the flirtatious dance they've been doing with each other, and his own desire for for an intimacy with Sib that goes beyond friendship.
Gene decided to write "Bad Engineer" as a one-off project. Something to get out of his system, please his publishing company, and make a little money off of before returning to his fantasy/sci-fi wheelhouse he is much more comfortable in. In his fantasy/sci-fi world, Gene gets to make all the rules and dictate exactly where the story is going.
But now that "Bad Engineer" has had unexpected success, Gene finds that the concept of BL and the fantasy around BL is going to stick around in his life longer than he anticipated. Whether it's with the tv production, with the pressure to write a new BL novel, or with Nubsib fully entrenched in his life, Gene is forced to confront what is just fantasy, what is real, and what can manifest into something real in his own life in a way he has never done before. And for the first time in his life, Gene has to confront the idea of not only being desired but what it means to desire the same person in return.
After the whirlwind that was Nubsib's audition, Gene's attention keeps being drawn to Nubsib, and Nubsib notices his attention and volleys it back with an intensity that throws Gene off guard. In episode 1, when Tum told him he got cuter since college, Gene flippantly brushed the compliment aside as polite chit chat. Same happened in episode 3 when Hin complimented him and called him his idol, Gene easily dismissed it as someone over-exaggerating to get on his good side. However, when Nubsib compliments Gene and calls Gene cute, he is actually flirting, which means there is a weight and depth behind those words that isn't so easy to ignore.
In the beginning, Gene kept looking at Nubsib, trying to steal glances of him while Nubsib wasn't paying attention (which, ha! Nubsib is always paying attention), trying to figure their chemistry out. And while subconsciously, Gene did this because he is attracted to Nubsib--that maybe Sib's attention isn't wholly unwelcome and so easily dismissed--Gene's brain hadn't quite caught up yet. This is because Gene canonically takes a while to process things. A trait that has only been exacerbated by his solitary lifestyle as a writer, where he shuts himself in his apartment for days to think and mull over what exactly he is going to write and how he is going to shape his plot, writing and rewriting until he's satisfied with the outcome.
Every time Gene has a conversation catching up with someone, he always says he has just been at home writing, i.e. holed at home in his own world where his own concept of time governs his thoughts and actions. And while that's all well and good when you're writing and revising things on a screen, it doesn't translate well into interpersonal interactions with real people. He's desocialized himself, in a way. Since Gene is often lost in his own thoughts, he's not used to needing to provide immediate social reactions, which is a pattern shown with Hin and others often having to repeat Gene's name several times to get his attention until he snaps out of it and responds. The greatest example of which, of course, is when Gene runs into shirtless Nubsib fresh out of the shower and just sort of gawks silently for several seconds.
While Gene is used to taking his time lost in thoughts trying to process what he is thinking and feeling, Nubsib barges in through the fog and talks to Gene in such a provocative way that Gene gets caught off-guard and doesn't know how to respond. There is a fire behind so many of Nubsib's interactions with Gene that Gene can subconsciously feel. At first, Gene can't puzzle out what that undercurrent is because it's so new to him. He accused Nubsib of purposely trying to annoy him because that's the easiest way for Gene to dismiss and shove aside those feelings. Then, as he slowly starts to understand it and feel the pull towards Nubsib in return, Gene has a new problem wherein he can't puzzle out how to express his own desire.
Gene does easily care for Sib in ways that could still be coded as platonic, but those ways also live in a gray area of maybe being a bit too intimate to be strictly platonic. Yes, you can invite a just-a-friend for a meal, yes you can give a just-a-friend a ride somewhere, yes, you can worry if a just-a-friend is sick. But when you're thinking of a person at every mealtime, going to them every time they may need a ride, doting on them every time a small thing goes wrong (checking Sib's temp, cleaning his shirt), is that person really just a casual friend?
It's interesting that, at their college friends get-together, his asshole friend mentions that cute girls used to chase after Gene. Girls were interested in Gene, but, even if he did not know why, Gene was indifferent to them in return. This lack of experience in reciprocation is also why, in episode 3, while there was a clear electric current running between Gene and Nubsib when they were practicing on the couch, Gene doesn't ever relax into the situation but instead keeps his fists clenched and shoulders tight, short-circuiting and bailing right before they kiss. This level of intimacy is too new and too much for this naturally repressed loner and muller to process in such a short time span.
Gene has always been a loner, and he has never minded that, preferring his own fantasy world over the mundanities of life. After all, his chosen genre is fantasy horror, which speaks of a rich imagination and inner world. But now that he is writing this new-to-him BL genre, Gene has to use his imagination to write a love story between two men. Perhaps, instead of thinking only about and immersing himself in a sci-fi fantasy story, Gene is at a point in his life where he, without even consciously realizing it yet, is willing to explore the idea of his own fantasy of romance. His imagination is able to process the idea of BL as a degree of separation from himself (even if Nubsib comes in and shatters that mental glass wall Gene had put up for himself).
And I do think romance is a fantasy for Gene, because it is not something he has experienced yet. Which is probably why "Bad Engineer" is kind of clunky and full of tropes. Boys' Love--or even just love itself--is not a world Gene has been able to fully imagine, process, or feel yet. It's uncomfortable in the way that putting on a new pair of dress shoes is. The pair may look nice and shiny, but wearing them still feels tight and stiff because they haven't been lived-in yet. This is also why Gene struggles so much to write the required steamy NC scenes. He's still stuck in forming his ideas around what romance is, let alone physical intimacy. It's why he has to do so much research before writing anything, it's all so new to him. And while Gene does express multiple times that he has no problem with the idea of physical intimacy with a man, moving past the idea of something into the act of doing something is very different. Yes, Gene and Sib had that one notably more-than-just-chaste kiss right after Nubsib moved in, but they haven't actually done anything but be in each other's physical spaces since.
All of these issues, Gene's magnetism towards Nubsib, Gene's burgeoning feelings that he may be attracted to someone, his prior lack of love life, and his own heady imagination, is almost too much for Gene to process. Of course, it doesn't help that Nubsib is right there, practically offering himself on a platter to be both a subject in Gene's NC imagination and a subject of his real world affection and intimacy. It comes to a head when Gene, too drunk to be stuck in the swirl of his inhibitions, tries to throw himself at Nubsib. He acknowledges their chemistry, the flirtatious dance they've been doing with each other, and his own desire for for an intimacy with Sib that goes beyond friendship.
Gene actually says the words, "even I like you," an admission that he has crossed a threshold towards Sib that he probably hadn't felt for another person before. Gene wants to touch and be touched by Sib. There's still acknowledgement of the fantasy when Gene says Nubsib looks like the lead of a BL novel. But also, Gene asks for physical contact beyond what sober!Gene could muster up the forthrightness for, even if under the guise of "research" for his novel. It's telling that even after Nubsib rejects the idea of a drunken hookup, Gene can't pull himself away from Sib. He's too drunk to process what he's feeling to put into words beyond, "I'm confused," but Gene curling up with Nubsib shows he wants something more, he desires an implicit intimacy that goes past the make-believe BL research scenarios they've predicated their past interactions on.
Gene asks Sib to hold him and hug him. He asks for intimacy. He asks to experience the closeness of a romantic partner caring for him. He asks to lay with Nubsib as the person, not the actor, with him as Gene, not the writer. As the two real people they are. Unlike how he's been living for years, where his whole identity has been wrapped up in his writing and fantasy scenarios, Gene now wants to experience a world outside his head, live beyond what his imagination and any fantasy BL could provide. And, at least internally, when his anxiety-addled brain doesn't get in the way, he wants to experience that beyond-the-BL-novel world with Nubsib.
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