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dragonsareawesome123 · 1 year ago
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"Yerim. Do you want to use it?" "Thanks."
Pyramid Game (2024) Episode 3
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microwave-core · 1 year ago
The Leon Post
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It’s my lesbianism and I get to pick the fictional man to obsess over
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I don’t know where to start so I guess I’ll just throw whatever at the wall and see what sticks. Not that I don’t normally do that, but like, more than usual.
Simplest thing that comes to mind: Leon is tired. This man does his best to be a good influence, telling everyone to get a good eight hours of sleep each night. Meanwhile, he only gets about four or five hours on a good day. He’s busy so he goes to bed late, takes forever to actually fall asleep, and then wakes up early. He’s good at dealing with the lack of sleep, at least.
Or he usually is anyway. Every now and then, that sleep deficit catches up with him, leading to him conking out for about eighteen hours straight. The first time it happened, everyone was worried out of their minds because it was three in the afternoon and no one had heard anything from him. Eventually, they just had to send Raihan to his apartment to make sure he wasn’t dead or something.
Being bad at directions is a given, but my opinions on this are… conflicted. In general, he just has bad coordination (dyspraxic Leon is near and dear to my heart), so he does just get lost. That being said, I also think that Leon purposefully gets lost at times just to get a moment to himself. He doesn’t do it often, but sometimes he just needs a second to breathe.
Speaking of naturally getting lost, when that happens he kinda just wanders around until he sees someone he knows or, by sheer luck, ends up where he needs to be. If it takes too long for one of those two things to happen, he’ll resort to texting Raihan or Sonia, or anyone else that would be close by, really.
He loves his friends. He tells them that all the time. That’s it. That’s all I have to say about this. He would do literally anything to help those he cares about, and he goes out of his way to make sure they know that.
HOWEVER. Leon himself is absolutely terrible at reaching out for help. He’s supposed to be the best of the best, he’s not supposed to have problems or issues. So, he just bottles everything up, does his best to work things out by himself, and hopes that things don’t overflow at a bad time. Even when it’s obvious something is wrong, he will take forever to admit it. These things have to be pried out of him.
The whole Eternatus situation weighs heavy on him for several reasons, mainly because he wasn’t able to protect Hop and his friend, but also because it made a lot of people realize “oh, Leon has problems and really needs help” and he hates that. Again, he will deny needing help for as long as he can before caving. Deep down, he feels like asking for help makes him a burden on others, and no amount of reassurance will make him think otherwise.
Speaking on a lighter note, Hop. If there’s one thing I like more than Leon, it’s Leon and Hop. The Postwick bros are incredibly close, even if Leon can’t be physically around all that often. He calls home several times a week, talking to Hop and mum and his grandparents (and Purrloin), just checking in to make sure everything’s okay. He tries to visit whenever possible, but things get canceled often because his schedule suddenly fills up, and even when he makes it home he isn’t around for long.
But when he gets the time to actually stay for a day or two, without any league interruptions? He spends all day with his family. He plays around with Hop and Wooloo, and helps out with farm work, and helps his mum make dinner and deals with the dishes afterwards. He gives Purrloin plenty of scritches and tells all kinds of stories to his grandparents. He’ll even check in with Sonia and Magnolia if he gets the chance. It’s not much, but Leon takes what he can get. Also sends money home all the time.
And on the topic of family, Leon and Iris are cousins. I know that one screenshot of Masters where Iris says that they’re related is edited and not real, but they’re cousins. Canon is my bitch and it bends to my whims. And while we’re at it, he and Hop are descendants of Laventon. 
And because I’m already bending the canon because I said so, Leon and Sonia are still close friends. At least once a week, they get on a call for about 2-3 hours just to chat and catch up (and complain). Childhood friends from small towns are just built differently. I won’t dump all of my thoughts on this right now, but I will at least say that the two definitely grew up getting lost in the forest and hitting each other with sticks.
Let’s break more into the territory of friends/coworkers, gonna start quick firing some of these. He relates to Milo, country boy solidarity. Has high respect for Kabu and looked up to him during his gym challenge. Acts like an older brother to Bea and Allister. Get along fine with Opal, but neither of them can get a good read on the other. Also gets along fine with Gordie. Meloney reminds him of his mum. Oleana still kinda scares him. His feelings towards Rose are complicated.
Going in longer with some because I have more to say. Nessa is within his closer friend group, but she’s, like, a double friend of a friend. They’re both friends with Raihan and Sonia, so they end up hanging around each other pretty often as a result. She hates the cape.
Pretty good friends with Piers because big brother solidarity. They’re obviously pretty different people, but the kind of different that mesh well together. They organized a play-date for Hop and Marnie when they were much younger. Marnie bit Hop. Hop cried. Neither of them remember this. Leon also just likes his music.
Obviously, he’s close with Raihan because they’re rivals and all. They trash talk each other constantly, but there’s no hard feelings and it’s mostly just for show anyways. He tries more than anyone to break down Leon’s walls and help him with his issues, although the effort normally goes nowhere…
But Leon’s closest friend of all is, of course, Charizard. They’ve been together since the start, after all. Their dynamic is closer to that of brothers who annoy each other at times, unlike most of his other pokemon, where he’s more parental. Tends to drag Leon by his cape when he takes a wrong turn, and is also prone to begging for food. He always sleeps on the bed.
Okay, talking some more about his other pokemon. In general, he lets them roam around his apartment when at home. They’re well behaved for the most part. 
Dragapult likes to hide in the shadows and creep through walls, so it’s a good thing that Leon doesn’t get startled easily. Both Dreepy like to float around together and are usually tethered to Leon. Haxorus is a big ol’ baby who likes to be held, and she also likes to sleep on the bed. Aegislash likes to people watch and is also highly curious. 
Whichever starter ends up raising, he will baby, even when they’re fully evolved. He raises all his pokemon with tender love and care. But they won’t be his true baby, that’s Haxorus.
Leon loves his job, even if the constant excitement of battle and roaring crowds drain him, and he loves Wyndon dearly, but he can’t help but yearn for a simpler life, sometimes. He loves the charm of small, sleepy towns and the mundane, stability they bring. He just misses home.
SO, he planned on moving back to Postwick or even Wedgehurst if he were to ever lose  the champion title. Of course, that didn’t happen, because Rose did a little fuck up and turned himself into the police, so he was basically pushed into becoming the chairman in his place. It’s not what he planned, it wasn’t ideal, but he was happy for a change of pace, at least.
But I don’t think he would hold the chairman’s seat forever. I think he’d eventually step down, happy to let someone else take over in his stead and do Galar and her people good. And what do I think he’d do? Set up a bakery. That’s right, I just made you read everything before this just to read my Leon is a Baker Propaganda. 
Leon loves to bake. He didn’t pick up his mum’s cooking skills, but he’s got her baking skills on lock. Whenever he has an off day (or just can’t sleep at night), he’ll whip something up just for the hell of it. That being said, he doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth, so he normally gives the baked goods to his family or friends. He has texted people at 3am asking if they wanted a loaf of pumpkin bread and refused to elaborate. 
Let me tell you, if you’ve never really made headcanons for characters before, sometimes you conjure one up that just, like, festers. It just keeps growing as you put more and more thought into it. That’s what baker Leon is to me, because now all I want is for him to step down as the chairman and open a quaint little baker in Wedgehurst, spending the rest of his days in peace.
It’s such a funny image, too. Imagine walking into a bakery in a small town and the owner was one of the strongest champions the world had ever seen, and he ends up being one of the sweetest people you’ve ever met. Then he sells you a loaf of bread, and it’s out of this world. Incredible. Anyways, sorry for cringe posting, let’s move on.
Leon doesn’t have too many hobbies because work and training takes up so much of his time, but he does spend a good deal of time working out. It’s good stress relief for him, an outlet to blow off some steam. It also gives his team a break, which they more than deserve. In general, he is pretty damn strong. He’s not on par with Milo or anything, but he can pretty easily move, like, furniture and whatnot. He can easily pick up all of his pokemon and cradle them like babies, no sweat. 
I like to think that Mustard’s Dojo doesn’t just teach pokemon battles, but also, like, regular fighting. I choose to believe that Leon’s been taught to throw a punch. Probably owns a punching bag and gets some pretty good use out of it.
He also likes to read. He has plenty of books at home in Postwick, and even more within his own apartment. When he has a slow day and his social battery is completely drained, He’ll curl up on the couch and read something. Fast reader, too, the kind that can get through a pretty thick book in a day if he finds it interesting enough. Fantasy is his favorite genre. He’s also smarter than people give him credit for.
Always wanted to play an instrument when he was younger, but didn’t have the time. He tries to pick the guitar up after becoming chairman, but it takes him a while to get the hang of it because he’s not the most dexterous. When he’s more skilled, he totally jams with Piers.
His apartment doesn’t have a ton of decoration. It’s not a male living space or anything, his mum raised him right, but it’s not super interesting. Except for the hats. My god, the hats. He has at least an entire wall covered in them, not counting the one’s stationed in Postwick, and he just keeps collecting. He also really likes collecting patches. 
Not very good at video games. Never has been, and probably never will be, but he does like playing them with other people. He’s naturally competitive, but he’s also a good sport, so he won’t complain when he loses. He typically prefers co-op, though. I think he would really like Pikmin. I’m not projecting, he told me himself.
Massive nerd. He would absolutely love DnD if he ever had the time to play. When he and Sonia were younger, they’d reenact all kinds of fairytale and mythological scenes that they memorized by heart. It was pretty hard to do with only two people, but they made do. When Hop got a bit older, they involved him, too.
I don’t know if this makes sense, but he feels like “the generational gap between me and my friends who are of the same age” when it comes to his relationship with Raihan, and also Nessa and Sonia to a lesser extent. Which is not to say that he’s out of touch. Sorry if this didn’t make sense I just needed to write it out.
His alcohol tolerance is pretty high. He’s Galarian, after all. Doesn’t drink all that often, much less get drunk, but when he does he gets very touchy. He’s already a pretty affectionate guy by default, but when he’s drunk he’ll practically drape over the nearest person. Terrible with hangovers, but he at least gets some halfway decent sleep when he eventually passes out.
Also as a Galarian, he is a tea drinker, but he also drinks coffee. Coffee is his drink of choice in the morning, tea is his go to later in the day. He would probably drink his coffee black, because he doesn’t really care for sweet things, and I think he would like ginger tea. I’m not sure if I really feel that way or if I just have ginger tea on the mind because of the sheer amount of ginger I have in Sleep, but, uh, you didn’t ask. 
Okay, more romantic things. His love language is physical touch and quality time. He’s naturally a touchy-feely person. He often places a hand on another's shoulder, gives out the best hugs, and is a huge cuddle bug. His free time is pretty scarce, so he revels in what time he has to be around his loved ones.
When I put him in the wife guy (affectionate) section on my wife alignment chart, I knew what I was doing. Mans absolutely adores his partner. Just like Cynthia, he would totally be like “I love my girlfriend/boyfriend with my whole heart and soul” in interviews, and everyone makes posts like “get you a man who loves you as much as Champion Leon loves his partner”. Also, bi king.
He’s vocal about his love, but he also goes to great lengths to keep his love life private. He doesn’t get much privacy, and would prefer to keep the press out of his more intimate life if at all possible.
His favorite pet name is pumpkin. 
Lowkey repressed. He didn’t get into many relationships during his teen years because he wasn’t really allowed to explore parts of himself due to being champion, so he’s not very experienced. Tries his best, though.
Listen, Leon is literally THE quintessential pokemon protagonist. He comes from a home with an absent father whose absence is never brought up, goes on a journey at the age of ten with a very traditional starter, blows everyone out of the water and is a cut above the rest due to being a freakishly good protege, and becomes the champion.
BUT THEN he has to deal with the fallout that comes with becoming the champion at such a young age. His formative years were on display for everyone to see, wasn’t really allowed to be a kid or grow up at his own pace, and couldn’t be around his family or childhood friend as much as he would have wanted to be.
And ultimately, the only person that could stand up to him, the one to dethrone him, is another protagonist, the only other person viewed as a freakishly good protege who just seems to be a cut above everyone else. And when he loses, he just… accepts it. He moves on, and seems happier in doing so. Fucking king behavior..
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mush7221 · 22 days ago
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Kolibri katastrophe
Oh, hello again! What is that you say? Even more Signalis brainrot? It's more likely than you think!
Y'all i seriously cant get these robot lesbians out of my head i love them so much 💕
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women-are-hot · 4 months ago
pairing: alexia putellas x female!reader
summary: some simple comments on instagram turns into some more
fc: cindy kimberly
warnings: a few stupid hate comments but that's pretty much it
a/n: it's been sooo long since i wrote something, so i hope y'all will enjoy the fic!
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liked by alexiaputellas, zendaya, pablogavi and 461.728 others
yn.yl felt pretty, might delete later :/
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user1 god has favorites
user2 istg how can she be single?
zendaya ugh marry me babe
⤷ tomholland2013 uhm hello? i'm right here
user3 not zendaya and tom in the comments 😭
alexiaputellas don't delete this por favor
⤷ yn.yl i guess i can keep it up for you ����🏽‍♀️
user5 omfg THE alexia putellas in the comments!
user6 wtf is going on?
user7 how do they know each other?!?!
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liked by ona.batlle, marialeonn16, yn.yl and 214.977 others
alexiaputellas manchester 📍
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user1 not yn being one of the first to like 😭
⤷ yn.yl excuse me? i was THE first actually 💅
user2 there's definitely something going on between them!
fcbfemeni vamos alexia 🔥
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liked by user1, user2, user3 and 182.281 others
wosogossip model and influencer yn yl spotted in manchester, uk. fans are guessing that she's there to support the fc barcelona team, particularly the captain alexia putellas as rumors have been spreading around. is there a romantic connection between the two?
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user4 what is she wearing? is she going to a strip club?
⤷ user5 she's wearing normal clothes wdym you stupid idiot?!
user6 there's obviously something going on here!
user7 she's so prettty! alexia is a lucky lady
user8 yn is definitely alexia's lucky charm 😝
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liked by sabrinacarpenter, alexiaputellas, landonorris and 639.382 others
yn.yl proof you can thrive even when it’s always raining ☔
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user1 omg i can't wait for the game tonight. i know she's gonna be there (for alexia)
⤷ user2 i'm so exciteddd!
landonorris get used to it bro
⤷ yn.yl no bro
user3 not lando and yn bickering in the comments once again 😭
user4 alexia in the likes heheheheh
alexiaputellas see you tonight 💙
comment liked by yn.yl
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liked by sanpanos, samanthakerr20, yn.yl and 173.283 others
alexiaputellas la victoria es nuestra 🤩
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yn.yl such a good game! homeground next time mby?
⤷ alexiaputellas it would be a pleasure love
user4 LOVE? since when did alexia turn british?? 😭
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liked by greiten, alexiaputellas, arianagrande and 538.923 others
yn.yl omw to barcelona aka where my heart belongs 💋
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user2 are y'all thinking what i'm thinking
⤷ user3 YES DUHH!
alexandrasaintmleux so gorgeous! have a nice trip 💓
⤷ yn.yl tysm bby 💘
alexiaputellas 🤗
comment liked by yn.yl
user4 they're so obvious it's insane!
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liked by yn.yl, user1, user2 and 237.281 others
wosogossip model yn yl and footballer alexia putellas spotted getting cozy together on a beach in barcelona, spain. does this finally confirmes the rumors about this (maybe) new power couple?
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user3 not yn liking this 😭
user4 they're officially my parents now
user5 cute besties! 🥰
⤷ user6 THEY LESBIANS!!!
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liked by ona.batlle, pablogavi, yn.yl and 829.382 others
alexiaputellas love a little visit
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user2 finalllly!
user3 i don't know if i wanna be either yn or alexia 😭
yn.yl home is where you are
⤷ alexiaputellas te amo mucho!
user4 their comment is so cute i can't 😩
marialeonn16 I WANNA MET YN!
⤷ alexiaputellas NO!
user5 the difference of ale's responds i'm dead 🤣
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liked by alexiaputellas, charles_leclerc, leahwilliamsonn and 1.272.817 others
yn.yl gonna have to learn some spanish since this one decided to drop into my life 🙄
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alexiaputellas such a hard life
⤷ yn.yl only learning spanish for nala 😤
user1 stop i love them sm
user2 they're so cute wtf
landonorris congrats on finally finding someone who could handle all your craziness 🥰
⤷ yn.yl fuck you 😀🖕🏼
user3 yn is such a mood i love her fr
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liked by marialeonn16, pharder10, frankirby and 903.281 others
alexiaputellas appreciation post for my lady 😍
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user1 i wanna steal her
⤷ alexiaputellas no 😎
user2 lmao i love ale
user3 yn has definitely been teaching alexia social media hacts 😂
marialeonn16 i still wanna meet her :/
⤷ alexiaputellas no 😎
⤷ marialeonn16 POR FAVORRR!
⤷ alexiaputellas ugh fine
⤷ marialeonn16 YESSS!
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liked by alexiaputellas, ona.batlle, marialeonn16 and 837.298 others
yn.yl appreciation post for my idiot 😍
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alexiaputellas so romantic
⤷ yn.yl ikr 🥰
user1 love that nala is pretty much of every photo
user3 bye i love them
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weirdly-specific-but-ok · 4 months ago
*strolls into tumblr and falls on my face pretending I haven't been missing for like a month I was out getting the milk hello maggots*
Doctor Who But I've Never Watched It 2.0
For those of you feeling deja vu YES I HAVE MADE POSTS ON DOCTOR WHO BEFORE OKAY but back then I was a young uneducated lad, just a fresh blossom unfucked by tumblr. Now I am surrounded by you lot and by god do y'all love Doctor Who. And I am Educated. My DW virginity is deflowered. All that.
The show started in 1963, and then was rebooted in 2005 and the showrunner was... Robert de Neiro? Idk all I know is he gives Pedro Pascal vibes. Like his name. His name is Robert.
There have been 15 Doctors so far. One is a lesbian and it is not Jodie Whittaker, it is actually the 12th doctor.
There's someone called the Master. I don't know what that means, or if it's some kind of BDSM thing, but he has intense sexual tension with the Doctor.
He's also emo and has bleached hair and is kinda babygirl. And is called Missy.
The Doctors all have intense trauma and the 15th Doctor kind of girlbossed it by leaving David Tennant intact when they binary-fissioned.
Donna is a person played by Catherine... Tate? Not Hepburn. And she knows less about Doctor Who than I do. And Donna is in a QPR with the David Doctors (there are two of them).
David Doctor loves Donna very much. And then he kills her. But doesn't kill her. And then they have dinner together with her husband and kid.
The original show had shitty effects. The new show does too, and everyone is happy about this.
Rose is someone the David Doctor is in love with and then she ends up with a human AU of him and he leaves and the fans are very divided and passionate about this.
The human AU is called Tentoo because y'all hate using W's. What the fuck is Tentoo. What is Nuwho. Why isn't it New and Two. Help me.
The 15th doctor dances homoerotically with someone during the French Revolution.
The 9th doctor kinda vibes with like his head jiggling idk I've only seen one gif of him.
The 13th doctor keeps forgetting she's in a woman's body.
It is all very gay.
David Tennant's arms are too long.
The sexiest person is a head.
The Meep's pronouns are Meep. Meep is not friend. IF NOT FRIEND THEN WHY FRIEND SHAPED??????
A buttcheek skin talks or something yeah this is all I got.
have at it y'all @robinprinceofchaos @multidimensional-trashcan @wispedvellichor @queermarzipan thanks for the second hand brainrot
*sneaks away under the cover of night* i was never here
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riversofmars · 2 years ago
Excuse me? It's them, actually!
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starryknight-tarot · 1 year ago
𝓢𝓲𝓰𝓷𝓼 𝓽𝓱𝓮𝔂 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓹𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮
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pile 1 -- > pile 2 pile 3 -- > pile 4
masterlist<3 . paid readings
Hello beautiful souls and Happy Halloween🎃✨ Today we will be looking into some signs that someone may be your future spouse! Remember to meditate, take a deep breath, and pick whatever pile calls to you the most. My readings are meant for everyone, no matter what sexuality or identity you are. Since this is a general reading, make sure to take what resonates and leave what doesn't. In case anyone is curious, the characters are from the mobile game Tears of Themis.
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Pile 1 Cards: The Emperor, The Hierophant, The Moon, Page of Cups, Four of Swords, Page of Pentacles rx, King of Wands rx, The Lovers Back of the Deck: Five of Pentacles
Holy cow Pile 1, your fs has very strong energy and you will be able to feel this energy very powerfully. It's almost like you will feel a wave of their energy as they pass by or a shiver down your spine, the hair on your arms will stand. Your fs seems to be influencial in a way, almost like they have people wrapped around their finger. Your fs might even be quite wealthy. They may be some sort of performer or entertainer, something that would make them the center of attention quite often. Your fs may be surrounded by people or always seem to have someone around them. You may usually see them at social events or you could even meet them for the first time at a big event. For some of you, you will meet your fs super soon, at a Halloween party or something like that (if you are reading this after Halloween, it may just be a holiday party). A strong sign that they are your future spouse is if they appear like someone who has something to hide. The energy they put out seems really playful and almost innocent, but there is something about them that feels like they aren't being entirely themselves. There is also going to be a romantic attraction to each other that will be felt really strongly and quickly. For some of y'all, this is a love-at first sight-kind of deal, you are gonna think to yourself "Holy shit that person is so hot". They may also get really close to you around the time you first meet, for example putting their arm around you. The eye contact between y'all is really strong, they may have really intense or unique eyes. Although I do feel like some of you are gonna be pretty intimidated by your fs at first either because of all the people around them or the strong energy surrounding them. When you guys see your fs, you may pretty easily see past the happy-go-lucky front they put up, to you, they may seem quite depressed or distressed, and they may even have obvious dark circles under their eyes. It may not be that extreme, you may just notice that they are not as energetic and instead more calm and collected. You may notice this about them in the moments you see them away from people. This is going to be something you will feel spiritually, spirit may show you some signs right before you meet them, I am getting a blue butterfly, a bunny, a crow, or an eagle. (Also a little shout out to my lesbian and bi queens reading, a little confirmation that this is your pile)
Advice Cards:
Be adventurous. It's time to go for it! In harmony with your inner self, you are free to do or be whatever you choose Physically and/or mentally, shape up Make your presence felt It is important to ask for help Practice the pause
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 2 Cards: Eight of Wands rx, Seven of Cups, The Moon, Queen of Swords rx, The Hanged Man rx, Knight of Cups, Seven of Pentacles, Five of Swords Back of the Deck: Five of Cups
Honestly, I am getting a kind of enemies-to-lovers vibe from this pile lol. It might be more of a rivals to lovers but ya get the idea. If you find yourself bickering and teasing each other in a playful way, that's a good sign they are your fs. Your fs seems like a nerd or just very studious. I am getting they may have a very particular or unique way of speaking, like overly polite or a lisp, something like that. Also for a small amount of you, they may be deaf or partially deaf. Your fs also seems to always have their head stuck in the clouds, they may daydream and get distracted easily. Your fs may have ADHD or something like that. They seem to be someone that gets flustered easily and may be very easy to tease. But your fs has a very cute energy, like they seem very nervous and worried, but they can be really passionate about certain things. I think a sign that they are your fs, is when you find yourself missing this person often. If you don't see them for a prolonged amount of time, when you find yourself missing this person, wanting to see them, you may even feel a little empty without seeing them for a long time. I also feel like your fs will actually be the one to approach you and subtly try to send hints that they like you. They may also give the cutest compliments ever. Compliments you have never heard before and you can tell they come from the heart. You may not usually believe the compliments you get but the way they compliment you, there is no doubt they meant it and it came from their heart. Double points if it came from nowhere and they don't usually say compliments to people. A sign they are your fs is if you can't imagine your future without them, I feel like one day you are going to be sitting and thinking about what your future looks like, and no matter what, they are somewhere in your future. I actually feel like it might take a while for you guys to realize that you both like each other. It may even be the kind of situation where everyone around you realizes that you have a crush on each other except you guys, who are oblivious because you can't get out of your head about the connection. A sign they are your fs is when you find yourself staring at them for a little longer than you realize. You may start to see them and they may seem to light up the room a little. Y'alls connection is so cute I can't lol.
Advice Cards:
Look closely at what is going on around you
You are greater than your story
Things might not be they seem
Reflect on one of your blessing
Act on what you know
You are healing at cellular level
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 3 Cards: Five of Swords, The Fool, Ace of Pentacles rx, Four of Swords, Seven of Wands, King of Swords rx, Nine of Wands, Eight of Swords Back of the Deck: Queen of Wands
For my beautiful Pile 3, a sign that they are your fs is if they are really silly and childlike. This childlike energy isn't like irresponsible or unsophisticated, but more like airhead or bimbo/himbo energy. They are enjoyable to be around and can light up a room. Your fs is really connected to their inner child so if they just seem to have a lot of energy. I am getting they may really like video games, especially competitive ones like Smash, Street Fighters, League of Legends, and stuff like that. Your fs has a strong competitive soul and likes a challenge. I was also seeing painted nails, specially black and pink nails. For some of you, you are going to meet your fs during a partially hard moment in your life, you may be going through a tower moment when you first meet. You and your fs may not be talking right now or for some of you, you may not have met yet. Some of y'all may also want to read Pile 1 if you feel called since I am picking up on some similar energy. I am also hearing for some of you, your fs has a strong connection to cars, they may be a car mechanic or race car driver or something like that. I was also hearing that your fs has absolutely amazing fashion, a sign may be that they tend to wear clothes or colors that really compliment your style. Also, I heard that a sign they are your fs is if you often get shocked when touching them, like those moments when you get a little zapped when you walk on a rug or something (I really don't know how to describe this lol) I feel like if you notice that you are getting zapped by someone often, that may be spirits way of showing you they are your fs. They also may either curse like a sailor or have a very dirty mouth, if you notice they make a lot of suggestive jokes, this may be a sign for y'all. There also may be some people around you saying that this person is a red flag. Now now, this doesn't mean we should ignore red flags, however, if you know someone is judging this person unfairly, for some of you, this is a sign they are your fs. There also may be some difficulty in conversing, they may have a speech impediment, mumble a lot when they talk, or just tend to walk around with a lot of anxiety, and they may seem like they can't stand still.
Advice Cards:
Release unhelpful influences and fears
You are greater than your story
Your spirit wings are unfolding. It is time to take flight!
Learn through reversals. Hold the opposing viewpoint for insight
You are much stronger than you think
Release all that keeps you in the past. Forgive and liberate yourself!
Channeled Songs:
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Pile 4 Cards: Judgement rx, Knight of Wands, Nine of Cups, Eight of Wands, Six of Wands, Knight of Cups rx, Three of Cups rx, Queen of Cups Back of the Deck: The Empress
Pile 4, you will know they are fs because they are going to be the most attractive person you have ever seen. With Pile 1, I was getting they are going to find their fs pretty hot, but you my Pile 4? You are going to find your fs absolutely stunning. Like, we have the Empress at the back of the deck and paired with the Nine of Cups, yeah they are beautiful. You have been manifesting these certain traits about a person and using sublimimals, stuff like that to bring your ideal type closer to you and honey, you will succeed. There is also much cup and wands energy so your fs may have a lot of fire and water in their birth chart or I was also picking up that one of you may have heavy water signs in your birth chart and the other has heavy fire signs in their birth charts. For some of you, this person may seem like the complete opposite to you, you may have very different aesthetics and personalities but you know what they say, opposites attract. Your fs comes off with very strong charisma and passion right away. You will notice they have very natural rizz that is so smooth and sexy. For some of y'all, a romantic relationship between the both of you is going to form very early into the relationship. You may never really have a getting to know each other phase of the relationship and really quickly move into the romance. A sign they are your fs is if you feel like you can trust them with anything. You are going to feel a strong sense of safety and loyalty between y'all. Your fs is going to have really balance feminine and masculine energy, but they seem to have especially nutured their feminine side. Also, if you identify as a woman and you are interested in a man, you are going to think yourself "Finally, a man that actually likes women". You are going to think that your person appreciates you and cares deeply for the emotional connection between you two. Your fs is going to check on you often to make sure you are going well physically and mentally. They also have a strong essence of achievement, your fs has achieved a lot in their time and seems very successful.You may also see 444 when you are around them, when you think of them, or before you meet them. I love all of this for your Pile 4.(For thoses of y'all that are Helluva Boss fans, your fs gives me Ozzie vibes which is really everything)
Advice Cards:
Act on what you know
Bring something new into your life
Allow for old memories to come up and be released
The key is in the application. Practice!
Yes, you can . . . Set it in motion!
Make your presence felt
You can manifest your heart's desire
Channeled Songs:
Thanks for tuning in and Happy Halloween for those who celebrate₊‧.°.⋆🫧•˚₊‧⋆.
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prideicons · 1 year ago
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hello !!!!!!! i am back once more to draw y'all free transformers icons !!!!! peep the guidelines below if you're interested in getting one :D :
taking exclusively TRANSFORMERS requests
(if you want your ocs/characters from other franchises drawn in this style, message me at @th3e-m4ng0 !! though keep in mind that this will NOT be free :o)
ideal way to request is [CONTINUITY] + [CHARACTER] + [FLAG(S)] -> ex: IDW megatron with the trans + bigender flag by camp-mlm, G1 starscream with the lesbian flag, IDW optimus prime with the bisexual flag, etc etc..
also PLEASE PLEASE do not shorten the names, (ex. megatron to megs, thundercracker to tc.. etc) it's for organization purposes (sorry)
i will only do one character per ask :3
credit me (@prideicons) somewhere if you use them !! i'll be very grateful 😊
requests will be open all april, after april 30th the askbox will close, and i will spend the entirety of may drawing as many icons as (physically) possible, then, they will be queued to be posted all throughout june ! :D
lastly. as a little extra.. if you'd like to tip.... kicks feet in the air ���👈
that is all, thank you for reading and happy (early) pride month !
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ominous-faechild · 2 months ago
✦ Writeblr Intro 2.0 ✦
Hello! It's been half a year since my initial Writeblr Intro, I've just come back from a long break, and I've learned a lot more about Tumblr since making the first one, so I figured I should make a new intro!
(To those interested, I go more in-depth in the first one.)
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About me:
✦ Barlowe (she/her)
✦ In my early 20s
✦ A writer of 10 years ✦ working on novels for 6 of 10!
✦ Less dedicated to—but still interested in!—drawing, animation, photography, and cinematography ✦ currently a digital arts major in college
✦ AuDHD and a grey lesbian (aka I'm leaning asexual) ✦ (my writing may or may not be a special interest)
✦ I have a whole bunch of other neurodivergencies besides AuDHD but I don't think y'all want me to get into all of them, haha. ✦ oh, and I say "haha" a lot. I apologize in advance.
✦ I think I'm hilarious and make jokes constantly
✦ I use a lot of emojis and tone tags to help convey tone. Please forgive me if it's annoying, it's to cope with my inability to communicate. /lh /hj
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Masterlists / Intros:
✦ Worldbuilding ✦ Faerie's Dawn ✦ Sun and Shadow ✦ Rising From The Ashes ✦ Waves of Misfortune ✦ The Arcane Rifts
(will be added eventually)
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My Writing:
✦ main genres: ✦ fantasy ✦ high ✦ action ✦ urban/rustic (depending on story) ✦ mystery ✦ political intrigue ✦ horror
✦ includes: ✦ lgbtqia+ ✦ neurodiversity ✦ especially: ✦ autism, ✦ ADHD, ✦ and PTSD ✦ racial/cultural diversity ✦ disabled characters
✦ themes: ✦ accepting yourself ✦ discrimination ✦ trauma ✦ the experience, ✦ aftermath, ✦ and recovery thereof ✦ poverty ✦ political corruption
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For everything: @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet @illarian-rambling @ashirisu @urnumber1star
@the-letterbox-archives @48lexr @aalinaaaaaa @thecomfywriter @an-indecisive-nerd
@seastarblue @rae-butter
For Worldbuilding: @paeliae-occasionally @pluppsauthor @thelovelymachinery @the-letterbox-archives
For the Existentials: @the-letterbox-archives
For the Avatars: @thelovelymachinery @the-letterbox-archives
For Sun and Shadow: @mysticstarlightduck @paeliae-occasionally @the-letterbox-archives
For Rising From The Ashes: @the-letterbox-archives
For Waves of Misfortune: @the-letterbox-archives
For The Arcane Rifts: @paeliae-occasionally @the-letterbox-archives
For the Order Avatars: @thelovelymachinery @the-letterbox-archives
To be tagged in tag games: @honeybewrites @aalinaaaaaa
Ask and ye shall be added
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Divider by @cafekitsune
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vesanal · 4 months ago
ʚɞ  ~Blog Introduction Post~ ʚɞ  
Howdy there!! Ok. So. It’s been long enough. Probably should have done this earlier but here it is now!
Anyways, hello! You can call me Ves/Vesanal or some variant of that! I love to write and do art because I like to suffer creatively twice. I am getting back into writing after a while and I will be using this blog to share my works as they come along!! I have some projects I’m working on that I am very excited to share with y’all!! 
→Quick Links:
Side Account!
Join The Taglist!!
Writemas Masterlist!!
→Here is some info about me:
I love love love making art and writing. Those are two of my greatest passions in life
Pronouns are She/Her
Plotter by heart, I cannot call a story finished if I do not know every minute detail. Quite overwhelming at times but I get by!
I am a stressed out college student who probably shouldn't be scrolling tumblr all day long but here I am. 
Computer Science/Math Major, I couldn’t decide on which subject to drain my soul from so I picked both. If I am a bit inactive at times it is due to this 
Love to yap and listen to certified yappers about fandoms and OC’s. Infodump about WIPs to me!!! I will gladly listen!!
Proud lesbian, and yes the lgbt girl in CS stereotype is alive and true. If you have a problem with this you are on the wrong website friend
Some of my favorite genres are Fantasy, Sci-Fi, and Drama. Gotta love TV shows and movies to absolutely nerd out over :D
The type of music I like is all over the place but mostly I stick to hard rock, heavy metal, and thrash metal (I would be more than happy to tell y'all about the bands and like and even recommend some)
My MBTI personality type is INTP-T
I am a complete Tumblr NOOB. Please bear with me here while i try to figure out the hellsite <3
My time zone is CST/CT (Central Time)
You can DM me anytime. Along with asks too, but please do not send me any promotions or begs for money. PLEASE. I have gotten a few of those recently and I just want to say that is not what my blog is for. Other than that, asks are completely open! If you have a question, please ask me!!! :) <3
→Some of the wips of mine:
(There will be separate intro/masterposts for each of these when i get to them
The Bone-Binder’s Covenant 
(click link to see masterpost)
Basic Premise: The Bone-Binder has broken his promise with the land of Pytharios, and is now terrorizing the region to get what he wants. Chosen directly by the Queen, Aerlyra Ghorne–a promising yet incredibly unsure woman–is tasked to stop him for once and for all. With the help of her assigned crew and companions who join alongside her during the journey, she hopes to do just that. 
Tags: #The Bone-Binder’s Covenant or #TBBC
Genre: Dark Fantasy; Adventure
Status: Active (Somewhat done and planned, still getting a feel for everything, still brainstorming some ideas)
I will be adding more links as I post!!
We Die As One
(Adding masterpost soon)
Basic Premise: Tells the story from a series of ancient journals that are uncovered showing the events following up the total wipeout of all magic. The journal entries focus on a group of scrappy, young heroes who are on a mission against the world, and fail to stop the evils of the world from taking over. All that is left of them is the journals, leaving the ways of the past to be seen as a distant memory and an inspiration to the new generation, who see how the world came to what it has become.
Tags: #We Die As One or #WDAO
Genre: High Fantasy; Action-Adventure
Status: Active (ish, still in idea-phase)
I will be adding more links as I post!!
I still have more WIPS but those are secrets for later ;)
I’ll be posting mainly about my wips, ask games, the occasional art, and writing memes so stay if you are into that!! You can ask me questions any time, don’t be afraid to ask!
Taglist under the cut (interreact with this post here to be +, notify me if you want to be -)
@seastarblue @seafloor507 @stars-forever @viridis-icithus @estrellasxxminis @synthesistoagreatercreation @ink-stains-and-constellations @wyked-rebellion @satohqbanana @amatowriting @riverstixx @theodora47 @selfemployedmess @thebookishkiwi @17panicattacksinatrenchcoat @memento-morianon @the-ellia-west @write-with-will @jwritesalright @sunflowerrosy @myniceisniceblogbloglog @corinneglass
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queerliblib · 6 months ago
hey ! do y'all have any recs for trans arab books ? bonus points if :
the character / author is specifically transmasc
the story at least partially takes place outside america
the character / author is muslim or at least comes from a muslim background
the character / author is north african arab, not asian / middle eastern arab
^ again those are bonus points, not necessities. id be happy with any trans arab rep at all, whether fiction or non fiction
hello! we just bought The Thirty Names of Night which definitely fits this request.
we’ve also got Halal If You Hear Me a poetry anthology of queer, trans, & gnc muslims - so not exclusively arab or transmasc, but definitely including that intersection.
I believe at least one of the stories within the anthology of This Arab is Queer centers a transmasc perspective, and one of the characters in When We Were Sisters grapples with and questions gender quite a bit (we’ve also got the audio).
Blood Orange is a poetry collection by a trans muslim author (Mx. Yaffa, they/she).
we haven’t been able to buy it yet, but if you’re interested in non-fiction I’d also recommend Living Out Islam: Voices of Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Muslims by Scott Siraj al-Haqq Kugle. (it is available via @jstor though & you can get a free personal acct)
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swagathaharkness · 4 months ago
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hello fellow lesbian witch enjoyers
I picked up DC Vertigo's Hex Wives from a comic store earlier this week and it's giving me everything I needed and more so I approach you now with this humble offering. especially anyone who recently enjoyed Agatha and Rio's dynamic... y'all are gonna go feral for this one.
the plot centers around a coven of witches whose powers are fueled by bloodshed. they are continuously persecuted but repeatedly reincarnate in different eras and find their way back to one another. the protagonist and leader of the coven is a lesbian and her relationship with her lover, another member of the coven, is the central relationship in the story. the illustrations, dialogue, suspense, and setting are all immaculately done.
I cannot recommend Hex Wives enough for anyone looking for some more witchy lesbianism in their comic collection. If you even moderately enjoyed Wandavision and/or Agatha All Along I assure you that you will LOVE this. PLEASE check it out; this series deserves to be appreciated.
[this comic run is geared towards adults and drawing blood is an essential part of its magic system so there are elements that may be triggering to some- I will include specific info in the tags.]
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justanothershippingcan · 2 months ago
So, aside from Tumblr, if you are chronically online on Twitter as I am, you might have seen that one post about the little gingerbread man plushie being bought and then loved by the owner after being considered ugly. If, besides being chronically online on Tumblr and Twitter, you are specifically sailing aatwt waters you must have seen that post being reblogged with "Apollo Justice" being associated with the gingerbread man plushie. Now, hear me out. That plushie post is so real for Mr. Forehead. Because, as someone who has just finished 6-2, I can testify this is what can absolutely happen with Apollo Justice. Because we aren't all Klavier Gavin and so we might not be capable of speedrunning the Apollo Justice Love Parade faster than the smol gay man in Walking Mode on GoogleMaps, the first impression about Mr. Justice is usually "oooh, he is such a bug". Horned hair ― he chooses to have those ― that seem to have a life of their own, short, big forehead, loud suit and louder voice. A stag beetle, as he kins.
Then you start AA4 and you see him balancing being on the verge of a Breakdown Breakdown with competing for the Smuggest Lawyer Boy Ever award. So, average Ace Attorney experience, but you are intrigued and you are cheering. Gogo Bugus. This is the first stage and descent towards the "Apollo Scrimblo" phase.
You proceed through the Apollo Justice game and you get to see him more. You realize how unintentionally funny he can be. How his monologues are so sassy and mean they put Godot's bitterness of his coffee to shame. "I'm a lawyer, I live for needless procedures", "Try working on cases", "I am more concerned about the other criminal. The one who kills people." "Objection! That's… that's just dumb." "Well, hello Ms. Fancy Pants! Please forgive my lack of ladder discrimination." "Believe me, any comic relief I may provide is entirely unintentional". So, you inevitably start to love the guy, he is now your pookie. He is still Just A Guy but also a pookie and a short king. Then, there come the fanarts and fancontent. Now, feeling the Eyes Literally Open with fanarts (like @/u3pxx's Swapollo) was literally the phase I was at when that post of the plushie dropped. So much so that my comment on discord and twitter was "I get Game Apollo isn't exactly hot, but some fanarts are eye openers". And finally, after such fancontent phase, you continue playing and you start to notice more things. Small tangent, but I don't like the idea of most Ace Attorney men being called twinks (like, especially in the OG trilogy, y'all... Edgeworth is built like a fridge, and not a small hotel room one. No one would be able to measure his shoulders even with those Ikea Paper Measuring Tapes they gave out before either capitalism or a good choice for the environment took those away). There are some that can qualify (Simeon is one of them), but I digress.
And so you see: Apollo is no twink, he has damn good arms actually. Good built too, somehow. Red Suit is totally working. Those thoughts get enhanced once you see both his DLC costume and the Only Real Good Thing to come out of DD Apollo (aside from Clay actually, I would have loved him if there was more care in his writing, but I digress again-), aka the bandages and edgy look he, a bug that is going on an upgrade crusade, apparently pulls off. Also, let's remember Juniper. I love the Comp-het Lesbian Juniper HC, but I have an adoration for hitting the bi beam on my favs too, so think of Juniper and the fact you can gather she manifests a crush on Apollo in DD. Klavier, instead, has been down so bad he is bleeding on the floor. So, even in universe, the beetle is considered cute. From there... it's over. Once you reach 6-2 and see him grow more and more and inflict third-degree burns to Retinz and Nahyuta with each sentence, you have come to realize it. Apollo Justice is hot. Loving Ace Attorney Men is a disgrace.
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sexiestpodcastcharacter · 1 month ago
Sexiest Podcast Character 2024 — Scripted Redemption Bracket — Round 2.5
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Graham Casner (The White Vault):
White Vault spoilers:
[Coughing violently]
Graham Casner survived the Forrmynður, the thing that will stop at nothing to sacrifice you
He deserves this as a break and a reward
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk.
Yaretzi (Hello from the Hallowoods):
Give it up for the werewolf lady Yaretzi. She's in a streamy romance with a vampire and co-parents her skull-floating-in-a-giant-metal-suit son with her demon former blood enemy. Also she wears dangly gold jewelry and IS strong enough to princess carry you.
Additional propaganda below the cut:
Graham Casner (The White Vault):
Peter Joseph Lewis hottest voice of all time
#I know he's gonna lose but gotta go with Graham
#I am tma girlie and I dropped The White Vault at season something #but Graham is sexier!!! (In reference to Tim Stoker)
#Look from the allos I know. The people voting have NOT heard TWV
#WHAT are these results #I understand that we're pitting the canonically sexiest men from each series against each other. But casner!!!! #Graham 'going to protect all of you if it kills me' Casner #Graham 'brooding in the corner but it's brooding like a mother hen' Casner #Come to think of it interesting that they both sort of kind of died the same way?? #Anyway pokemon go to the polls to vote for casner
#im sorry but have you people HEARD graham casner's voice #i think that might be the sexiest voice of every podcast ive ever listened to and that is. many #like i love tma and i love tim but this is specifically for sexiness and graham casner wins by a MILE. the injustice ...
#VOTE GRAHAM PLEASE GOD #i love tim so much but hes nothing put against Graham #im so sorry TMA girlies but i need you to listen to more than TMA #YOU SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW
With zero hesitation, it’s Graham. #sad strong Russian dad vibes #he’s such a gem
#Graham Casner #his voice is hot and he fought a giant arctic squid (and won???)
#i'm begging y'all listen to more than just tma #tim's voice isn't even that sexy compared to graham #graham got shit done #sorry tim #but i know you'd fuck graham too #AND YOU WOULDN'T SURVIVE
#it's graham casner #you're all wrong and i won't apologise
#rip casner I still love you
#Graham casner did not survive the nobody gets out alive ritual twice for nothing
Yaretzi (Hello from the Hallowoods):
#star werewolf with found family is very sexy
#yarezti is literally canonically big and butch and hairy. how much hotter can a fictional woman get
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blueraith · 2 months ago
You know what's funny about crosstaggers in this fandom? How it's almost never worth it to actually click on a jayvik or timebomb flagged post if it's in the caitvi tag.
They're almost always primarily a post about either ship, and caitvi was like, barely whispered over its contents and thus the poster believes it's something we here in the caitvi fandom are actually interested in.
Maybe one of them said hello once in their jayvikxreader fic or some shit. "Oh, I know! The lesbians sure would love to see this!"
Not really. I don't even dislike either ship. They're both fine, and when I'm in the mood for them, I'll go looking for them.
And I keep tapping on these flagged posts, thinking, "oh, maybe this one is actually about caitvi this time and the other ship is featur—oh. No. Again."
Which is on me, having hope that the crosstaggers are actually sharing content that's relevant to the tag they keep littering in.
They're not. They don't.
I just don't get it. It's leaking into AO3 too, and every day I keep wishing for a feature that would let us set a primary ship, but alas, instead I have to omit entire ships from my search parameters because no one understands that you don't actually have to literally tag everything if it's not in any meaningful quantity for the people who search or archive by that tag.
Just don't list them. It's pretty easy.
I can almost see why people are complaining that the other ships are 'overshadowing' Caitvi.
(In reality, I don't give a flying fuck who has the most posts/fics/art/whatever in a fandom. Ship, draw, write, and post about whoever you want.)
It's like, y'all are asking for irritated shippers to follow you back into your home tag to return the favor. This is literally how shipping wars are exacerbated. Instead you could just... not tag something that isn't truly relevant to your posts and we could all live in harmony.
And this isn't even touching the toxic haters for caitvi from either ship.
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"i don't think lesbians can like dick/men!" *turns around* "oh hello dick/man-loving lesbians ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️"
LMAOOO literally one look at y'all's pages she would see how you guys are literally supportive of bi lesbians.
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