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ri-an-nie · 7 months ago
the Japanese Legal Defense (Combat) Team
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introducing the ~*Japanese Legal Defense (Combat) Team*~
A sword-wielding defense attorney,
a people-throwing judicial assistant,
an innocent defendant turned lawyer, victim of violence!
obligatory Kazuma smile at the end
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asterlae · 2 months ago
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Hey, happy almost Christmas :D
This is the only susahao sketch i was able to do before i went to see my family for the holidays
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hychlorions · 1 year ago
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[ID: Art of Ryuunosuke Naruhodou’s attorney armband as depicted in the Great Ace Attorney. It’s on his arm, and Ryuunosuke (mostly off-screen) is tugging at it to show that there’s some leftover space — the armband is slightly too large for him. Susato Mikotoba (also mostly off-screen) reaches to touch the sunflower pattern on the armband. End ID]
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andstuffsketches · 2 years ago
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[sketches of Susato Mikotoba in TGAA case 2-1. 1. Haori, blushing and eyes sparkling, says “you’re sooo handsome Susato”. Susato, sweating, responds “I’m trying to get you off for murder here”. 2. Susato awkwardly says “Ryuunosuke, my cousin Ryuunosuke” 3. Susato grins forcedly and says, “women, am i right?” 4. Susato beams after the trial, taking off her cap as petals rain down around her]
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sciencelings-speaks · 7 months ago
I love that even with all the lengths Stronghart went through to hide Kazuma's identity (using a mask to hide his eyes and a cloak to cover everything else, banning him from even speaking), the minute Ryunosuke saw him for the first time he suspected it. From his posture alone, they knew each other for about a year and were separated for like eight months and Ryunosuke could still identify his bbf from the way he stood like... Kazuma lost his memory, his identity, his... everything and Ryunosuke still clocked it, even though he literally thinks Kazuma is dead, that the prosecutor's masked apprentice is the whole reason he's even there at all.
Literally what else could Stronghart have done to hide Kazuma's presence from Ryunosuke, he did as much as he could but still Ryunosuke felt it immediately. This feels gayer than most of the yaoi I've come across, this is a major plot point in a romantic drama, this can't not be a trope in one of the kdramas my dad likes to watch on Netflix.
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jammedjanna · 2 months ago
Here's a snippet from an AU I'm toying with where (tgaa1 spoilers) Susato assumes Kazuma's identity instead of Ryunosuke becoming the lawyer for the study tour||
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coolerfox · 4 months ago
barely started TGAA2 and WHAT ?@?@
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seefasters · 1 year ago
i'm replaying susato's case and one thing that stood out to me is that when you first play through it you don't really pay attention to the fact that mikotoba's your legal assistant even though he's a doctor without any actual legal qualifications bc well, it's ace attorney and it's the tutorial case and he's susato's dad. but after it gets revealed that he was sholmes' partner, his competence in the courtroom suddenly makes so much sense. he's been solving murders for 6 years, of course he knows how this goes
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artish-boi · 2 years ago
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cubedmango · 8 months ago
ryunosuke, kazuma, and susato for the character ask meme?
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iiota · 5 months ago
Halfway through dgs2 and i think susato might be my fav assistant..or at least tied with maya.. i honestly didnt expect to like her this much but shes soo funny
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jaggedwolf · 1 year ago
ryunosuke is 23, he should be at the pub, not dealing with this bullshit
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asterlae · 2 months ago
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Maybe I will do baby susato and kazuma...(?
Im still not sure bc im bad at drawing little kids that actually feel like little kids, the youngest looking character I have drawn in my life was a 4 y/o who didn't have her eyes visible, and a weird dragon that didn't have a mouth
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thelocalmuffin · 2 years ago
for laying in bed prompt list, confessing love in different languages so they don’t understand with susato/maria if you feel up to it?
Oh! This is a great idea for Susato in general! Thank you for the suggestion.
Summary: After Susato returns to London years later to create her own path, she becomes close to someone she once knew only in passing. As the rain pours, the two whisper a confession before sleep takes them.
DGS 2 spoilers abound, about 600 words
Even thought the whistle of the wind is echoing the walls of where she currently resides, Susato is at peace.
Ever since she had come back to London to study to become a lawyer herself under the name of Ryutaro Naruhodo, she has felt at home. Though she must confess, even being near her found family, it still has been hectic.
London is definitely not perfect: the discrimination and struggles still are there. It’s been a rough road without the support of Naruhodo-san since he decided to stay in Japan to hold the front, but she’s glad she took the opportunity to study here.
It’s one gift she was given that many women of her age will never have and she won't let it go to waste.
Being home with Mr. Sholmes and Iris-chan has been almost perfect. Even if they’re still still the chaotic roommates from all those years ago, their hijinks only amplifying over time. She only wishes everyone was back home, living there together instead of living their individual lives.
Though, the hijinks have been getting under her skin lately. It's just a lot on her shoulders, and she needed some space. She had to find something to rest her thoughts and stressors since this particular case she's been working on has been a nightmare.
She had to take a carriage with some of her stipend, but she found a quiet place. She wandered down to a road off the way to be led to a dark, gothic home belonging to the legendary Maria Gorey.
The first time they had come overseas to visit London, they were not very close at all. They only spoke on a formal level, which was perfectly fine with Susato at the time. What a shame they hadn’t become closer, because Maria is such a fascinating woman.
Now they are as thick as thieves. Maria seems intrigued by her travels and abundance of skills, and Susato loves to hear about the grisly details of Maria's job: something she's sure Maria doesn't get a chance to talk often about.
Her job... a coroner of the Scotland Yard drawn to the macabre. Well, that’s paraphrasing it. Maria sees life in a way that no one in the world could, appreciating both aspects of life and death equally. It’s still quite hard to put into words, but Susato will explain it one day that wouldn’t take a novel to flesh out.
For now, she’s just glad she got shelter before the storm brewed. That would have been horrible to get trapped into. Maria had let her in immediately without question. There was even a little black cat with one eye mewling at her to greet her that was not there the last time she visited.
When she was let in, Maria had already finished up preparing dinner and had offered Susato a plate. She hadn’t eaten due to the piling paperwork, so the hearty meal was very appreciated.
Now they are laying on a shared bed, enjoying the sound of the dripping rain echoed by the shingles on Maria’s rooftop. The purple comforter is draped over her body, the two about to retire tonight, almost as if they were a married couple.
Susato frowns, trying to avoid the pumping in her chest she’s been feeling since they rekindled their acquaintanceship. She's not entirely sure if she should say something since Maria is a lady, but something is itching at her, telling her she knows Maria would not care in the slightest.
Until she knows Maria better, she won't utter a word. She glances down at the purple silk sheets before she hears a soft whisper from Maria.
“Ich liebe dich.”
Susato hasn’t heard that term before. There’s no possible way that would be English, but she’s sure she can ask Mr. Sholmes what it means. For all she knows, with Maria’s resting face, closed eyes and the words barely uttered through a whisper, she said something in her sleep.
She adjusts her body, attempting to move her body to get comfortable, which is easier than she thought as her own body rests into the bed, letting her know it’s time to go to sleep.
She turns towards the pillow, muttering words of her own. Just to get it off her chest. It’s not as if Maria would understand and she can keep it to herself for now.
“Daisuki da.”
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potato-art-torney · 7 days ago
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I may be perhaps a bit susato-like
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caduschka · 10 months ago
Love you Ryutaro
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