#LA 2029
peter-remy · 2 years
The music speaks for itself
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nicoathogwarts · 1 year
some nico headcanons I have
Nico’s fighting style is mostly greek, but while on the run in the maze Nico learned to fight by raising the dead and having them teach him. Because of that it’s not uncommon for him to do something that surprises and terrifies everyone
ever since the Jar Incident Nico’s become a lot closer with the Ares kids
just like the Athena kids have arachnophobia all Ares kids have some degree of claustrophobia which can either kina suck or “the bunk beds are going to kill me if I have to sleep on them”
Nico grew out of the Ghost King nickname and he thinks it’s cringe but it’s been so long that everyone calls him it. It makes him think of Minos and the worst time in his life when he was living on the streets and so so angry and full of grief and hate.
He thanks the gods every day that Minos found him instead of Luke during that time because he knows, he knows that if Luke had offered him revenge against Percy back then he’d have taken it in a heartbeat. He’d have taken it because the gods needed to pay for letting his sister die.
Along those lines, Nico likes McDonalds because he had to like it. An ten/eleven year old can’t get much money his only options for food was finding change to get a happy meal or asking adults for money for food and praying they’d take pity on him
Nico collects sisters like mythomagic cards. Fuck with him and he’s the least of your worried when you have Annabeth, Piper, Hazel, Rayna, Clarisse and just about every girl in Camp Half Blood and Camp Jupiter standing behind him ready to fuck up your entire life.
Nico can always see Thanatos, sometimes he stares at nothing but he’s having a staring contest with Thanatos. He does this a lot when Will’s trying to save a camper’s life. It works far too well. No one really minds, if anything it’s funny because Thanatos loses nearly every time, even when he doesn’t it’s usually enough of a distraction that Will’s stabilized the camper and Thanatos isn’t needed
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luminiera-merge · 10 months
i'm kinda curious as to how ichiban's story is gonna look like in infinite wealth. as we are in the marketing he is getting overshadowed rn bc his story rn to most people is him fucking around in hawaii after getting lost while kiryu's is gonna be his goodbye. like i really wanna know how they make sure ichiban doesn't just take a backseat in what should be his game
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francoisege · 2 years
Quand les élites prennent peur
Quand les élites prennent peur
Nous étions si fragiles…     La grande crise de 2029, survenue pendant le quinquennat de Laurent Wauquiez, avait réitéré le scénario du film de 2007-2008 mais dans des proportions et à une échelle inégalées, le pays affaibli par cinquante ans de politiques marchéistes n’ayant plus les leviers qui lui auraient permis d’en atténuer les conséquences. Le chômage avait crevé tous les plafonds et…
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musicaelectronica · 2 years
La Mejor Música Electrónica 2023 🎶 LOS MAS ESCUCHADOS 🎶 Lo Mas Nuevo 🎶 Electronic Music Mix 2023
La Mejor Música Electrónica 2022 🎶 LOS MAS ESCUCHADOS 🎶 Lo Mas Nuevo 🎶 Electronic Music Mix 2022
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elbiotipo · 2 months
La verdad me ilusiona un poco que China e India se hayan puesto de nuevo con la carrera espacial, los yanquis mucho "oooh ganamos la carrera espacial" y mucho dejar que Elon Musk siga gastando subsidios estatales en cohetes inútiles, para que al final la mitad de la población crea que la llegada a la luna fue actuada, espero que los chinos lleven una bandera roja que no se destiña
Encima es que lo van a hacer, no es una cuestión de sí o no, lo VAN A HACER, porque tienen la planificación necesaria para hacerlo. No andan boludeando con corporaciones y subsidios, tienen un plan, dicen "esto se hace", y se hace (es más, una cosa que impidió que el programa soviético avance más incluso fue la competición entre los burós). Lo más loco es que todos esos planes van de a poco (por eso fueron mandando primero sondas robots) y no transcienden mucho en otros países así que cuando lleguen (se pronostica para 2029-30) va a ser una sorpresa para muchos, pero yo que los sigo desde Cemento ya sabía.
Además, China tiene un plan para una estación lunar internacional, y yo creo, porque no son ningunos boludos, que saben el verdadero potencial que tiene la Luna: la gravedad lunar es baja, lo cual significa que extraer combustible (hidrógeno, o el que sea) de la Luna y mandarlo a la órbita terrestre es más barato que lanzar naves espaciales desde la Tierra. Es más, cualquier tipo de industria en la Luna es más eficiente que lanzar cosas desde la Tierra, enviar cosas manufacturadas (las que sean) desde la Luna a la Tierra es más barato que viceversa. Cual es la conclusión, en lego? Que el primer país, o alianza de países, que tenga una presencia permanente en la Luna va a tener básicamente un control total sobre las actividades espaciales y abrir la puerta al espacio, con todo que eso significa.
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thef155 · 10 months
Note: this was posted prior to the LH->Ferrari news
I really, really hope the rumors that Carlos might have only a short-term contract extension (i.e. until the end of 2025) are true. That may be a blow to his pride, and I feel for him deeply, but breaking away from Ferrari by 2026 would be the absolute best thing for him.
If you don’t know, Carlos and Charles are both currently contracted to Ferrari until the end of 2024, and both are now currently in talks for extensions. According to La Gazetta (grain of salt required), Charles is taking a five year extension to 2029 (whyyyy Charles? why do that to yourself?). Meanwhile, Carlos has asked for a 2-year extension, but Ferrari reportedly only want to offer him 1 year for now. Carlos potentially becoming a free agent for 2026 is very significant because that's the start of the next regulations era in F1; a new formula and new rules come into play, ushering in new engines and new cars and opening up the field for new contenders. It’s also when Audi will be stepping onto the grid as they take over at Sauber (currently Alfa Romeo). Importantly, Audi have been long-rumored to be interested in Carlos as the driver they want to sign and build their new team around.
I'm not going to delve into how much Ferrari has treated Carlos like shit, because we all know that story, and none of us are actually surprised to see the team undervalue the man who keeps them afloat when all else fails and gives them their only win in a season. I don't think Ferrari ever expected Carlos to be so competitive and push il Predestinado the way he has, and now it's bit awkward for them. But the fact is that Ferrari have now gone all in on Charles with this 5-year deal, and now they have no choice but to make every other decision around that. It makes sense that they would offer just a 1-year extension if Carlos is asking for 2 years because they know a 2-year contract would be no more meaningful than a 1-year if other teams are seriously interested in Carlos. If Audi (or McLaren, if Lando leaves) really want to get Carlos for 2026, they will have no qualms about swooping in during the 2025 silly season to buy Ferrari out of Carlos’s last contract year. They know what they have with Carlos even if they aren't going to publicly recognize it, so it's in Ferrari’s best interest to keep their options open for shopping if they don’t want to risk being caught out dry in 2026.
But let’s forget all that and talk about the most interesting part of all this to me: that Carlos asked for something as short as a 2-year extension. He knows Charles is getting 5 years, so why?
This tells me that Carlos has finally begun to lose faith that Ferrari is the best place for him. That’s a pretty damn big deal, because—although this gets overshadowed by Charles’s love story with the Scuderia—Carlos’s passion for Ferrari and the Tifosi is no small thing. I think he smiled bigger on the third step of the podium at Monza than he did at Silverstone for his maiden win. Winning a WDC with Ferrari is (or was) his life’s dream.
But maybe 2023–his best year ever—is what Carlos needed to stop ignoring the writings on the wall. Maybe he’s starting to admit to himself that he’s never going to get the support (or competence) he needs from Ferrari to achieve his dreams. Maybe he's understanding that he's found success not because of Ferrari, but in spite of them.
Carlos is too good to be a No. 2 driver. We know it, Ferrari definitely knows it (and that’s their problem), and—most importantly—Carlos knows it. Ferrari can go ahead and search for someone this talented who's also willing to roll over and be their next Rubens Barrichello. Because it sure as hell won’t be Carlos Sainz, Jr.
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azzifudd · 3 months
my dream with (with some ounce of realism) is: Paige gets drafted to LA next year, Azzi gets drafted to GSV in 2026, P goes to GSV in 2029 once her rookie contract's up and they both build a legacy there but then in the final couple of years or so of their careers, maybe they both go to the Lynx and finish their careers there and have the full circle moment 🥹
Paige to the Sparks this year and Azzi to the Valkyries next is the dream scenario for me and then yeah i hope they get to team up one day like Alyssa Thomas and DeWanna Bonner. the Lynx or Mystics would be cute
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austinslounge · 3 months
I know this probably sounds incredibly mean, but the whole LA premiere just left a bad taste in my mouth with Kaia being there. I know I shouldn't be that upset about it, but it's just just annoying. She's annoying.
I'm probably overreacting a little bit, but I almost don't really feel like seeing Bikeriders now. 😔 Am i wrong to feel this way?
Hey fellow Butlerette 👋😊
First of all, you are free to feel however you want to feel girl. There is nothing "wrong" with your feelings. Everyone should be free to feel and express their feelings w/out fear or judgement.
I know that seeing Kaia at the LA premiere of "The Bikeriders" probably left a bad taste in some of our mouths. That's natural. I guess I was kind of expecting her to be there, so it would have actually been a surprise to me if she wasn't there. (I kind of feel like I know how she operates by now) But I get it. The whole thing is annoying. I totally get what you mean. ❤️
With that said, I'm just going to be real honest and give some #REALTALK here for a second.
This is just my personal opinion (of course), but I think that some of us as fans need to stop giving this 22 year-old Gerber Baby so much power over us and our decisions.
If we were going to see "The Bikeriders" before, we should still go see that movie now, because IDK about the rest of you all, but that girl does not rule my life or my decisions. 😤 We are fans of AUSTIN. She is a non-factor.
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Don't give that girl more power (adding to the long list of things she doesn't deserve) than she even deserves.
Idk about anyone else, but I've already bought my ticket for tomorrow night, and I'm going into that theater with my head held high, because I'm supporting my man Austin. Austin is who I'm a fan of. Kaia who?? Please. 🙄
That girl will probably not even be with him come 2029 lol (or sooner) 😅 Girlfriends of actors come and go. Why refuse to see a movie that Austin worked so hard on just because her attention-seeking self was on the red carpet at the premiere on Monday?
I keep telling you all, most of these relationships in Tinsletown do not even last like that.
But ultimately, it's up to you Anon! You can feel free to do whatever you want. ❤️
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scooperstars-daily · 5 months
Klavier Gavin Arrested as Suspect in Brother's Murder
LOS ANGELES -- July 25, 2029 by Reese Porter
Earlier today, witnesses outside of former Gavinners frontman Klavier Gavin's LA apartment claim to have seen the notorious prosecutor led out in police custody. Later photo evidence gave credibility to these previously-unsubstantiated rumors, and tonight's press release from the LAPD confirms Gavin's arrest.
This detainment follows an earlier discovery where Kristoph Gavin, brother to Klavier Gavin, was this morning found dead in his cell at the California Central Prison. The older Gavin brother has been behind bars for the past three years following troubling revelations of forgery, obstruction of justice, and murder. Klavier Gavin acted as prosecutor during the trial during which the full extent of his brother's crimes were revealed. Is his arrest solely based on circumstantial evidence, or will further evidence come to light about Klavier's involvement?
There has often been speculation about how much Klavier Gavin knew about his brother's crimes prior to the climactic trial in late 2026. The former rockstar's touring schedule and seemingly distant relationship with his sibling seems to have supposedly left little time for collusion, but who can say how much involvement Kristoph Gavin may have been able to reveal, had he lived to tell the tale? And could Klavier Gavin, having been avoidant of the press in the three years since his brother's sentencing, have motivation to shut him up?
We will continue to update this story as further details emerge.
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dolceminerva97 · 4 months
Estaba dando vueltas por insta para leerme el lore de Aquitania y termine leyendo otra vez las storys destacadas del AU de Charlie y ahí dios, no puedo ser la única que había olvidado por completo que el niño se muere a los 10
Has pensado en desarrollar más eso? Quizá algún cómic rápido o algún post más largo para explicar la reacción y las evidentes consecuencias de que ambos perdieran a su hijo?
sdkjdjfj el Charlie AU es algo que habita en mi mente y que voy imaginando a medida que pasa el tiempo real porque actualmente el bb tendría cuatro años y medio y en Agosto cumpliría cinco, ya llegaría a la mitad de su edad 💀
No tengo planes de desarrollar eso en dibujos o fics, aunque me gusta dibujar cositas wholesome de vez en cuando, ustedes siempre me pueden preguntar si quieren saber qué cosas nuevas flasheo asjsj
El punto de tensión de esa historia es que Tina no sabe qué destino darle a su niño. Para que él tenga una razón de vivir, tiene que representar algún territorio, pero tomar esa decisión comprometería su integridad territorial, ya que los intereses de Arthur también tienen peso. No puede ser cualquier lugarcito de Argentina ni Inglaterra, porque tiene que ser algo que represente la unión o coexistencia de esos dos pueblos.
El elefante en la habitación: Las Islas Malvinas. ¿Podría Charlie ser una pieza en el tablero para que Argentina avance en su reclamo sobre las islas, promoviendo una soberanía compartida y un posible cambio poblacional en el futuro de las Malvinas? Para Tina es un rotundo NO, no quiere pensar en la posibilidad de una soberanía compartida, las islas para ella, o nada. Y Arthur no está dispuesto a ceder. Además, claro, de que eso pondría en peligro la vida de Kitty (la verdadera Malvinas) y Arthur no quiere eso.
La otra posibilidad: el reclamo superpuesto de la Antártida. ¿Podría Charlie convertirse en la provincia de Tierra del Fuego, que abarca en su territorio todos los reclamos territoriales de las islas del sur y la Antártida? Eso también es peligroso y pondría aún más en jaque la integridad territorial de Argentina, al poner a un hijo de Inglaterra como una de sus provincias; y justamente la más delicada en términos de soberanía. Aunque las posibilidades ofuscan la mente de Agustina, todo es un NO, NUNCA, JAMÁS.
¿Y qué piensa Arthur? Él puede aprovechar esta situación para manipular a Agustina emocionalmente. No es que a él le interese compartir soberanía ni mucho menos, pero la intransigencia de Agustina con respecto a darle a Charlie un territorio para representar, le sirve para hacerla sentir culpable y responsable del destino del niño. "¿Así que prefieres proteger tu orgullo y tus ambiciones, antes de hacer un sacrificio que salve la vida de tu hijo? Menuda madre resultaste ser. Tal vez no lo amas tanto como crees."
Y en parte, Arthur tiene razón. Tina descubre, con Charlie, que la maternidad no es ese cuento maravilloso de amor infinito e incondicional que ella siempre idealizó. Ella ama a su bebé, pero le duele reconocer que su existencia es un gran problema para ella, y un terrible error. Que su vida sería más sencilla si el pequeño no existiera. Eso la hace sentirse una mierda de persona, porque no logra conciliar el amor por su hijo con su egoísmo esencial, natural para todos los inmortales como ella.
Si para el año 2029 no existe una solución, el niño está destinado a morir. En un escenario donde él muere, Tina cae en una profunda depresión que le cambia el semblante por meses, tal vez años. Arthur es mucho más fuerte y sobrelleva el luto y el dolor con más gracia, lo que no significa que no lloró por su hijito cuando estuvo a solas. Pero indudablemente el impacto emocional caló más hondo en Agustina, que fue la que lo llevó en su vientre y la que lo crió. Si ella hubiese tenido elección, habría querido que Charlie sea su hijito por el resto de su vida, acompañándola siempre, dándole su amor y compañía, sin tener que representar ningún territorio, simplemente ser Charlie y ya. Pero eso no será posible.
Creo que Arthur no es tan monstruoso como para que no le conmueva el dolor que Agustina lleva después de esa pérdida. Se siente responsable de causarle tanto sufrimiento, y le pesa en el corazón. Es difícil, porque en sus discusiones por el niño se acusaron el uno al otro de cosas muy crueles, pero luego intentará acercarse a ella para darle ánimos, intentar consolarla un poco, o por lo menos, acompañarla en el dolor.
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brakingpoint · 1 year
someone said “most normal verstappen championship win” in the meme way but this really is the most normal max wdc lmao
next year he’ll win before the race even starts because his closest competitor had a dns
i genuinely believe at this rate that his final championship will come after he gets bored and retires mid season but nobody else manages to catch up to him in the remaining races and he only finds out that he won through twitch comments while he's streaming a sim race at the exact same time as the 2029 las vegas murdersprint (10 lap pvp enabled replacement for the sprints that they introduced in 2028 in an attempt to counteract accusations of the sport becoming boring)
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nataliademarquis · 8 months
lol i'm gonna be 100% honest and say i prob wont have time to write goodbye starters <3 perhaps i'll be able to get the 2029 life update together for my charas buttttt listen my life has changed ok
but this is my chummy little message:
honestly i've quite literally grown up in my time being in HSHQ, i've quite literally been apart of it on and off since i was 16 which is so crazy to me. i'm 22 now and i can't thank you guys enough for giving me an outlet to write and be creative. u guys are the creme de la creme of writing and have honestly contributed to my skills. i'm not sure what else to say, but if you ever want to keep up with me OOC just dm me and i'll hook u up with my ig. i know i've been absent the past year, life's been crazy but i really will miss having this here and . i've made so many friends here <3 truly will always hold a special place in my heart
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Planet of the Apes (2001, Tim Burton)
Planet of the Apes is a 2001 film directed by Tim Burton.
It is a remake of the 1968 film of the same name, based on the novel Planet of the Apes (La Planète des singes) di Pierre Boulle.
In the year 2029, the daring astrounat Leo Davidson works in the Oberon space base in close contact with primates trained to carry out space missions; His favorite is Pericles, a chimpanzee. Once inside, Leo loses all contact with the Oberon and ends up crash-landing in the swamp of the alien planet of Ashlar, in the year 5021.
Leo will soon discover that this planet is populated by talking, evolved anthropomorphic apes who treat humans like slaves. The astrounat, captured by the apes, is later bought by a human trader named Limbo, a greedy and inept orangutan.
Due to a series of circumstances Leo manges to escape from prison and frees other humans and slaves, including the gorilla ex-soldier Krull, whose military career was destroyed by the evil general Thade, a chimpanzee, who manages the hunt to humans since the death of his father Zaius and is assisted by the ferocious gorilla Colonel Attar. The destination of the escape is "Calima", a sacred place for the monkeys, the temple of their god Seamus: according to their religion, in that place the god gave rise to the life of the monkeys.
In the finale, Leo reaches Earth in what he believes is his time, crashing near Washington. Walking inside the Lincoln Memorial, Leo is horrified to discover that the giant statue of the president possesses the face of General Thade.
The film came to light after a very intense development hell: ideas for a remake of Planet of the Apes date back to the 1980s, when Adam Rifkin was brought to 20th Century Fox studios with the desire to make a new film about apes. His film was to be called Return to the Planet of the Apes and described apes in Greco-Roman customs and habits fighting against a society of intelligent humans, the lineage of the protagonists of the 1968 classic, inspired by films such as Spartacus.
Peter Jackson later wanted to adapt a similar project in which the ape society was modeled after Renaissance culture and Roddy McDowall, the actor who had played Cornelius and Caesar in the original films, was open to the idea of having a part in the role of a monkey with an appearance inspired by Leonardo da Vinci. Jackson, however, dedicated himself to the creation of heavenly Creatures and only decided to resume the project in 1998, only to abandon it again when McDowall's death took away his enthusiasm.
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2024 L'an guille sous roche
2025 L'an brigadement
2026 L'an douille
2027 L'an paffé
2028 L'an bivalent
2029 L'an lisement
2030 L'an buage
2031 L'an terrement
2032 L'an nivrement
2033 L'an guirlande
2034 L'an fermement
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Une idée pour la suite
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🎬 “FANTASMA EN EL CAPARAZÓN” [Ghost in the Shell / Kokaku Kidoutai]
🔎 Género: Animación / Ciencia Ficción / Acción / Crimen / Robots / Película de Culto / Cyberpunk / Thriller Futurista
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⌛️ Duración: 83 minutos
✍️ Guión: Kazunori Itô
📕 Manga: Masamune Shirow
🎼 Música: Kenji Kawai
📷 Fotografía: Hisao Shirai
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🗯 Argumento: Año 2029, en la ficticia New Port City, una mujer robot policía -cyborg- Motoko Kusanagi investiga las siniestras actividades del misteriososo hacker/fantasma Puppet Master, supercriminal que está invadiendo las autopistas de la información. Los datos fluyen a través de redes corporativas y el cerebro puede recibir todo el flujo de información. Es en este universo, el comandante y su equipo deben combaten los delitos de ciberterrorismo y detener al maestro títiritero.
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👥 Reparto en Voces: Motoko Kusanagi (Atsuko Tanaka, Mimi Woods), Batou (Akio Ōtsuka, Richard Epcar), Project 2501 (Tom Wyner, Iemasa Kayumi), Togusa (Kōichi Yamadera, Christopher Joyce), Daisuke Aramaki (William Frederick Knight, Tamio Ōki), Shiki-kan (Atsushi Gotō) y Daita Mizuho (Mitsuru Miyamoto).
📢 Dirección: Mamoru Oshii
© Productoras: Bandai Visual, Kodansha, Manga Video & Production I.G.
🌎 Países: Japón-Estados Unidos
📅 Año: 1995
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📆 Sábado 17 de Agosto
🕗 8:00pm.
🎦 Cine Caleta (calle Aurelio de Souza 225 - Barranco)
🚶‍♀️🚶‍♂️ Ingreso libre
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🙂 A tener en cuenta: Prohibido el ingreso de bebidas y comidas. 🌳💚🌻🌛
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