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chloearit · 9 months ago
// discussion of csa and other potentially distressing things
One day I'd found myself alone with nothing to do. I noticed my father's old piano, off in the corner of the living room. It hadn't been used in well over a year, not since I played for him when I turned 14 shortly before his death.
I pulled it out of the corner and sat down in front of it. Started pressing some keys. Memories flashed through my mind. I started playing. After a couple failed starts I managed to play one of the pieces I'd learned almost without error. Then another. Then I just started playing freely.
I almost didn't notice when Nikita walked in the room.
I trailed off and turned to them.
They looked surprised. "You play? ... It sounds good."
"Just messing around... my father made me learn it."
They smiled and walked up to me. "You just keep revealing new skills I never knew you had."
"I didn't get to do much as a kid other than study."
Nika pressed a key. Then a couple more.
I joined in. "Father would make me play for him." I scoffed. "Not to make things weird..."
"Don't ever worry about making things weird," they muttered, tapping away at the keys.
"He made me undress, and then play. I think he got off to it."
"People get off to all kinds of weird things."
That made me pause. I stayed their hands. "How do you know that?"
"Long story." They returned to pressing keys.
"You should get a chair." I looked around the room.
They nodded, and quickly left to get one from another room.
For a moment, there was silence again. I felt Father's hands on my body.
The sound of a chair being pulled up next to me got me out of it. I made room and looked Nikita up and down as they sat.
"Do you know how to play?"
"No," they answered with a smile.
"I'll teach you."
I showed them some chords to play. They learned quickly. After a couple of repetitions, they started speaking while continuing to practice: "I had to find ways to make money after I got away from my parents. You meet a lot of weird people like that, and you hear stories. Obviously I got a lot of the creepier weirdos, but there's a lot of people who are just freaks."
"Like who?"
"One guy I heard of apparently makes his 'partners' play out elaborate death scenes with him. He comes every time without ever once touching himself. And then he just leaves. He's not a pedo though, just a freak, so I've never met him."
"He... acts out killing his partners?"
"No, no, he has them act out killing him."
"I kinda get it though, to be honest."
"Have you never thought about what it would be like to get killed?"
I didn't respond. Of course I had, but... "Not like that."
They laughed. "You're so straightlaced."
"I don't think that's a word anyone's ever used to describe me."
"You're not a freak."
"You don't know that."
"What's your secret, then?"
"Huh?" I looked around the room, and paused. "Is anyone else here?"
"For real?" They smiled. "Just you and me."
I took a deep breath. "I get these intrusive... experiences sometimes. I don't know what to call them."
"No. They're not things that ever actually happened to me. Not like that." I shook my head.
"Weird ones. Scenes of being... raped. Being a little kid and having horrible things done to me. And. I don't know... sometimes they don't feel all that bad? They feel almost nice. I don't... like it but I do... I do get off on it... is that... wrong?"
"Well, if it is, we're both marked for damnation."
"Lu. You literally kill people for a living. I think that's more morally questionable than whatever you're worried about."
"But, I- I do it because-"
"Because of what they do, right? What they did to you, to me, to other children."
"Not because of whatever odd fantasies they might have. Because of what they chose to do."
"But what if I become like them-"
"You're stronger than that. That's what makes you different from them. You don't just give into your base urges. You care too much to ever hurt someone who's innocent."
"You don't know that."
"Using someone like that is an extremely callous, selfish thing to do. Every normal human recoils at the thought. That's why you're so ashamed of it. That's good. But you're not a bad person if you allow yourself to stop worrying so much about it. There's a big difference between an impure thought and an evil action. I think most people are very aware of where that line is, and they will never cross it, no matter how much they like to indulge in the fantasy. I've known you for a while now, believe me when I tell you, I don't think you would ever cross that line. But if you need my help to feel more secure, I'll help you with that."
"I think I'd appreciate that."
"It's your actions that define if you're a good person or not, and the impact you have on the world. You've helped a lot of people lead better lives. You're a good person, Lúcia."
// by Lúcia and Chloe
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anaflorisbelo · 4 years ago
– Nosso mundo é Nárnia – soluçou Lúcia. – Como podemos viver sem vê-lo? – Você há de encontrar-me, querida – disse Aslam. – Está também em nosso mundo? – perguntou Edmundo. – Estou. Mas tenho outro nome. Têm de aprender a conhecer-me por esse nome. Foi por isso que os levei a Nárnia, para que, conhecendo-me um pouco, venham a conhecer-me melhor.
C.S.Lewis - As Crônicas de Nárnia - Vol. V - A Viagem do Peregrino da Alvorada
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robertafr2 · 5 years ago
Lúcia - Castro Alves
Lúcia – Castro Alves
Na formosa estação da primavera Quando o mato se arreia mais festivo, E o vento campesino bebe ardente O agreste aroma da floresta virgem… Eu e Lúcia, corríamos — crianças — Na veiga, no pomar, na cachoeira, Como um casal de colibris travessos Nas laranjeiras que o Natal enflora.
Ela era a cria mais formosa e meiga Que jamais, na Fazenda, vira o dia … Morena, esbelta, airosa… eu me lembrava Sempre…
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chloearit · 1 year ago
more Lúcia art (also an update)
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this was commissioned from honaki. they also sent us this adorable bonus sketch:
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// by honaki.
<Chloe> as for us, the holidays were really stressful this year and the dry winter air is making our asthma worse so we're out of commission for the time being. currently we're also more interested in working on our long-form projects so it may be a while till we post new stuff on here again. we also got cast in a little audio thing a friend of ours is making, so look forward to that! until then, consider checking out some of our previous work: https://chloearit.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/fiction
if you're not sure where to start, our favourite pieces we've written are tagged with #personal favourites.
we'll see you around!
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soneysiney · 5 years ago
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Dío Smileheart y Lúcia Smileheart
creadores del universo A perfect world
son los menores y no se sienten tan especiales.
Ellos son hermanos, su universo es común para ellos pero para otros dioses es como una escuela llena de locos, por influencia de Lúcia pero la influencia de Dío hace que la gente intente divertirse sin hacer daño a alguien.
Dío no es muy social, es muy timido y no habla con otras personas solo con su hermana y Yesid.
Lúcia es muy obsesiva con Gerald y es muy imperactiva, no le gusta el silencio y le gustan los juegos de mesa para no sentirse mal.
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unicornoflovee · 5 years ago
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Nada acontece duas vezes da mesma maneira.
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dailylatingifs · 6 years ago
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silenciocinza · 6 years ago
O homem desliza a língua por trás dos dentes ressecados e pensa naquele estado de graça, com Lúcia, mais contagiosa que qualquer doença, e naquela maneira secreta de saber dos acontecimentos ainda não acontecidos: aquela capacidade que tinham para recordar de antemão as horas e os dias que iam chegar, quando estavam juntos e eram invencíveis.
Eduardo Galeano. Vagabundo. Onde ela estava acontecia o verão.
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avozdepetropolis · 7 years ago
Cármen Lúcia regulamenta regras de acessibilidade em prédios
Cármen Lúcia regulamenta regras de acessibilidade em prédios
Todos os novos empreendimentos residenciais no país deverão incorporar recursos de acessibilidade em todas as áreas de uso comum. Já as unidades habitacionais devem ser adaptadas de acordo com a demanda do comprador. Os condomínios terão prazo de 18 meses para se adaptar às novas regras, previstas em decreto assinado hoje (26) pela presidente em exercício, Cármen Lúcia. O texto…
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beau-draws-and-cries · 7 years ago
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Have you ever considered that Phoenixes could be lesbians
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chloearit · 1 year ago
Merry Christmas!
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// commissioned from warren
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allium-silk · 7 years ago
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Beautiful queens. —- Lindas rainhas
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plantarportugal · 7 years ago
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avozdepetropolis · 7 years ago
Cármen Lúcia assume novamente a Presidência da República
Cármen Lúcia assume novamente a Presidência da República
Com a viagem do presidente Michel Temer ao México, hoje (23), a presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), Cármen Lúcia, assumiu interinamente a Presidência da República. Pela segunda semana seguida ela assume o comando do país. Como o presidente Temer tem agenda na África do Sul para a 10ª Cúpula do Brics, que ocorre entre os dias 25 e 27, Cármen Lúcia deve permanecer no cargo…
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