#L of the3Ss
silverskye13 · 5 years
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Whether near or far I am always yours Any change in time We are young again
Lay us down We’re in love
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Oh sweet jeezums this turned out so cute! I guess we'll call this my personal congrats to myself for making it a year on this dumb story ahaha. Happy CR birthday everyone!
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silverskye13 · 5 years
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Shadows The creeping paranoia of a quiet night
A piece for class :V everyone seemed to like how it turned out which is neat ! Me and the professor butted heads on it for awhile but eh, it turned out okay int he end.
Wish it didn’t turn out so purple though =/
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silverskye13 · 5 years
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Keep in mind that a mans just as good as his word. It takes twice as long to build bridges you burn. And there is hurt you can cause time alone cannot heal. Keep your nose on the grind stone and out of the pills.
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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This poor boy, he needs a break.
[ the story anon is talking about can be found here, by the way ]
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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“Oh Phoenix, your wings of smoke that choke the dying, when did you fall? That immortality ran cold in the hands of monsters, undying you turn the fields to ash.”  - Excerpt from Lament of the Phoenix, Monster-Human war, ca. 1436
me and @theninjamouse started laughing over Telegram about Scottish Kilt!Grillby hijinx >:D I just had to draw some of them. Also, kilts. And then Ninja posted a WIP of their boy’s lovely wartime design and I I have a weakness Anyway, been a long time since I did some OoF doodles!
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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@lockholmes @undertalesecretsanta
Merry Christmas Jess! From your Secret Santa! Gotta say this is the first time I’ve ever participated in an event like this, and it was a ton of fun! I hope you have a happy holiday season bro, and I hope you enjoy the piece ^_^ 
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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Tell me honey, what’s a dagger without a cloak?
This idea struck me as really cute the other day and I decided to go ahead ‘n finish it tonight ^_^
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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* Grillby offers you a warm drink
The temperature dropped to a heavenly level after it rained yesterday and now it feels very fall-ish! It’ll be back up in the 80s by tomorrow probably, but for now, i’m enjoying it.
Still fiddling around with art styles. I still don’t like mine, but we’re getting closer.
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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When it walks on the wood pile, the dead limbs bleed.
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silverskye13 · 6 years
Grillster request! A soulweaver looking very tired at his desk and a firefly perhaps bringing him a hot mug of personal choice goodness so he can stay up "one hour more, no longer"?
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This was adorably fun to work on heck!
Also: spot the incredibly obvious easter egg
@valorousowl not sure if you want to be tagged in everything I do for grillstertember or not? Imma just tag it as the grillstertember thing and then if you wanna search it later you can
Lol imma forget tags at some point anyway
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silverskye13 · 6 years
-pokes head in here- wouuullld you be down to draw some space gays my dude? perhaps an /out of this world/ kiss? *fingerguns*
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By now, I should have it all figured outBut you’ve pulled my Outer space apartIf Gravity is embrace, And time the love we chase,Well my darling,You must be a star
// The Pulls // Steam Powered Giraffe //
I love these two so much.Also! Heck yeah first outertale grillster art ever!
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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Hey y'all. Not to be that guy but i could use some help!
The short of it is, I have a friend who's in a really bad spot as far as their family goes. I'm not going to go too far into it [ mostly because there’s a chance the offending people might see this and be tipped off ], but it's absolutely terrible everything they're being forced to deal with. So to help out, me and a group of friends are getting together to send them to live with one of us. I'm kinda tight on money right now because of the school semester, so I figured the best thing I could do to help is opening up some discounted commissions. Any little bit helps, no matter what. And if you can't do the full $5 for the smallest thing there but would like to donate, message me and I'll get something made for you regardless, no matter what you can give. Seriously all, it would mean the world of me. Standard rules for commissions apply. Feel free to message me or email me at [email protected] if you're interested.  Also! If you see something in my art tag you'd prefer to get but don't see it offered here, still message me and we can discuss a discounted price. Thank you all in advance!
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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Gift for @glowingmooncreations of their dragon Midnight because they’re a saint and have been bearing with while I took for-heckin’-ever with my half of our collab.
Thanks for being awesome! 
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silverskye13 · 6 years
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