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wolfman75 · 7 months ago
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Rati (nome di fantasia), aveva solo 14 anni quando le furono somministrate iniezioni di ormoni in modo che sembrasse più adulta. E’ stata costretta a prostituirsi con decine di uomini al giorno. I suoi clienti? Da conducenti di risciò a impiegati e manager. Quando la polizia ha fatto irruzione nel postribolo nel quale era rinchiusa ha arrestato gli sfruttatori mentre i clienti sono stati rilasciati con un semplice avvertimento. E il giorno dopo, tutto è ricominciato come prima. A Nagpur, popolosa città dello Stato centro-occidentale di Maharashtra, una coppia è accusata di aver comprato una neonata di appena 12 giorni. Secondo gli inquirenti, a vendere la piccola è stata la stessa madre attraverso un’intermediaria. Il prezzo? 50.000 rupie, poco più di 600 euro. Mohammad Kalam (25 anni), di Lucknow, nello Uttar Pradesh, componeva a caso numeri di telefono alla ricerca di possibili “prede”. Nell'ottobre scorso è riuscito a convincere una ragazza di 16 anni ad incontrarlo. Una volta in casa, la giovane è stata sequestrata dall'uomo con la complicità della moglie. Kalam è stato fermato dalla polizia mentre cercava di vendere la sedicenne lungo una strada che conduce a Delhi.
Ogni anno in India si verificano migliaia di rapimenti e casi di traffico di minori. Accade ovunque, nelle metropoli come nelle piccole città. Bambini sequestrati mentre si trovano a casa oppure nelle stazioni dei treni e degli autobus. Ridotti alla schiavitù di lavori umilianti, avviati alla prostituzione o costretti a mendicare per la rete di criminali. Dai dati diffusi dal National Crime Records Bureau indiano emerge che nel 2016 sono stati rapiti 54.328 minori. Di questi, più di 21mila hanno meno di 16 anni. Se sommati ai bambini scomparsi negli anni scorsi si arriva ad un numero ancora più impressionante: 85.100. La polizia è riuscita a ritrovarne quasi la metà, ma oltre 41mila bimbi indiani sono tuttora dispersi. Secondo l’agenzia governativa responsabile di raccogliere e analizzare i dati relativi ai crimini commessi in India, tra le cause dei rapimenti spiccano il lavoro forzato, la prostituzione minorile e altre forme di sfruttamento sessuale infantile. Tra i più colpiti dal fenomeno del traffico di bambini ci sono il Bengala Occidentale e il Maharashtra, uno degli Stati più popolosi che compongono la federazione indiana. L’anno scorso sono stati più di 15mila le vittime di questo odioso commercio, di cui quasi la metà minorenni.
“Dietro alla maggior parte dei rapimenti o dei casi di bimbi dispersi ci sono racket organizzati”, ha dichiarato Rishi Kant, attivista dell'Ong Shakti Vahini. “C’è un intermediario che chiede al rapitore di sequestrare un determinato numero di bambini. Una volta individuati – ha spiegato Kant – i piccoli vengono prelevati in diverse zone del Paese e poi consegnati ad un’altra persona che effettua il pagamento”. Un giro d’affari milionario che non si ferma di fronte a nulla. Il destino dei bimbi rapiti è terribile: quasi l’80% delle vittime delle tratta finisce stritolato negli ingranaggi della prostituzione o della pornografia infantile; per costringerli a vendere il proprio corpo i piccoli subiscono violenze brutali, compresi gli stupri. Come ha denunciato Shaina Nana Chudasama, portavoce del Partito del Popolo Indiano, nelle case chiuse gli uomini pagano 100 rupie (poco più di un euro) a cambio di relazioni sessuali con i minori. Per punire severamente anche i clienti, Chudasama ha lanciato una raccolta firme su change.org che ha già raggiunto oltre 100mila adesioni.
Gli abitanti dei villaggi rurali sono i soggetti maggiormente vulnerabili. I criminali sfruttano proprio la povertà e la mancanza di posti di lavoro come “esca” per attirare le loro vittime. Un altro dei metodi usati dai trafficanti sono le finte promesse di matrimonio. Molte ragazze, una volta accettata la proposta di lavoro, di solito come collaboratrice domestica, semplicemente svaniscono nel nulla, inghiottite in una spirale di sfruttamento e abusi. Gli effetti sui minori rapiti e costretti alla prostituzione sono tremendi: lesioni fisiche, un alto rischio di gravidanze indesiderate, tubercolosi, contagio di malattie sessualmente trasmissibili che spesso risultano fatali.
Le notizie dei rapimenti e delle violenze sessuali sui bambini trovano un grande risalto sulla stampa indiana e la popolazione è indignata per i casi che continuano a venire alla luce. L’ultimo episodio risale solo a pochi giorni quando una bimba di sei anni è stata rapita da casa sua, violentata, torturata e poi uccisa da un ignoto aggressore a Hisar, nello stato di Haryana. Il governo indiano, da parte sua, ha lanciato nel 2015 un sito web dove i cittadini possono segnalare la sparizione di un minore così come dare informazioni utili al suo ritrovamento. E da due anni è in discussione un progetto di legge che prevede pene fino a 14 anni di carcere per i trafficanti nonché la riabilitazione delle vittime. La legislazione attuale, infatti, non distingue tra chi è responsabile dello sfruttamento e il minore sorpreso prostituendosi, considerandoli entrambi come criminali. La creazione di un fondo contro il traffico, la registrazione obbligatoria delle agenzie di collocamento che reclutano i lavoratori domestici e la possibilità di dare una nuova identità ai minori abusati completano il pacchetto di misure.
In India, in soli 6 anni i reati contro i minori sono aumentati di quasi il 300%. Per Stuti Kacker, presidente della commissione nazionale per la protezione dei diritti dell'infanzia, è necessario affrontare questioni come la povertà, la disoccupazione e le disparità economiche e di genere, che sono le principali ragioni di ogni forma di traffico di esseri umani. “Abbiamo bisogno di proteggere i nostri bambini dalla violenza e dalla criminalità – ha aggiunto Kacker – individuare e colmare il divario economico che consente ai trafficanti di operare e formulare un piano d'azione multi settoriale per combattere il traffico di bambini”.
Mentre i politici indiani cercano di contrastare il fenomeno, ogni giorno a Mumbai 5 bambini sono rapiti e ogni ora di 10 minorenni indiani si perdono completamente le tracce. La metà di loro non verranno più ritrovati.
Autore: @fanpage
Fonte Articolo: https://www.fanpage.it/esteri/india-l-inferno-delle-bimbe-rapite-riempite-di-ormoni-e-stuprate-da-decine-di-uomini/
In relazione sempre all'argomento: https://youtu.be/MFaDHgXPbUg?si=ya5rslA4j-uZk_a3
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smritisingh123 · 2 years ago
5 amazingly built Indian homes under 1000 square feet by Livspace
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What is a small house like in different parts of the world? In the United States, anything less than 1000 square feet of house interior design would be considered small. However, Hong Kong apartments can only be 500 square feet or less.. In India, the size of apartments varies across different cities. Compared to Mumbai residents who are accustomed to living in cramped quarters, Delhi residents have more spacious homes.
In India, we all know that anything under 1000 square feet of house interior design is regarded as compact. Small house design necessitates a certain level of expertise in order to make the most of the available space. I  was amazed when I saw these 5 tiny Livspace’s under 1000 square feet home interior design that will make anyone wonder how  it's even possible. 
Space-saving techniques used by Livspace in this 500 square foot Mumbai home.
I observed the architecture of this house which was renovated by Livspace to make the most of previously unutilized space and to increase utility. The living room, a casual lounge, and a bar area are the three zones that make up the living area. Each piece of furniture was altered to fit the space that was created for it. 
,as I imagined myself in this home, I noticed a glass partition dividing the bedroom, which allows light to enter when hosting guests. Roller  blinds installed over the partition ensure privacy. I am able to use rich, opulent fabrics (velvet and tufted fabrics) and deep jewel tones without overpowering the small space thanks to the extensive use of glass in the expansion of the space. 
How Livspace creates the look of space in a small 800 sq. feet home like this Pune residence.
Mumbai homes are smaller than those in Pune. However, when I saw the design, I observed that Taruna Sharma's two-bedroom home had only 800 square feet!. Livspace's main objective in designing the interior of an 800-square-foot home is to create the illusion of more space.This was accomplished by designer Prerna Jain using a combination of astute planning and design knowledge.
A minimal amount of furniture (all refurbished) used by Livspace ensures that the living room looks uncluttered and spacious. Mirrors in the dining room and foyer create the appearance of more room. An L-shaped kitchen was converted by Livspace into a U-shaped one to increase storage and workspace.
Despite being only 900 square feet, this Delhi 3 BHK has many decor ideas.
Imagine a 1000-square-foot home with three bedrooms. When I first moved into one such Delhi home, I discovered a kitchen and wardrobes which were not designed by hand but by heart. Livspace has designers, and experts in designing small houses, so they were tasked with giving a design that would go with the current furniture. 
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I'm amazed when I saw, instead of taking up floor space, their walls became  the house's focal point with the help of wall treatments and accent walls done by Livspace. The simplest way Livspace adopted to ensure comfort and utility is to upholster the bed headboard and add wall storage.
A 1BHK in Bengaluru built by Livspace with wow elements  around every square.
I got to know that when Uday Kumar bought his 1-bedroom apartment in Bengaluru, he said that  the only thing he wanted was a comfortable place to unwind after a long day at work. The interior designer from Livspace only used white and blue, which expanded the 1000 square feet interior design and gave each room a wow factor. 
I found that the house didn't have a foyer at first. Livspace created a temporary foyer by dividing the living room and entrance with a shoe rack. The dining room's mirrored wall creates the appearance of a spacious room.
A compact Mumbai house built by Livspace providing a ton of storage without making the room appear clumsy.
When I first came to know that the minimalism in this Mumbai apartment is impressive without sacrificing beauty, I can't even imagine how the experts from Livspace made this difficult task look so easy. The entire house has a monochromatic colour scheme; soft neutrals, like cool grey floors and sandy-coloured walls, work together to create a feeling of openness and space. 
I observed from the architecture that the living room's focal point is a wall of large glass windows that, surprisingly, don't have grilles and look out onto a lush view. These windows let in a ton of light while also bringing the outdoors inside. The ceiling features evenly spaced slats and track lighting to warmly illuminate the room. The kitchen, which occupies a corner of the living room, is distinguished by floating shelves and a foldable dining table and chairs that can be used as needed. 
My Livspace review
Making a house feel like your own is harder than it seems! Finding people who can manage them, make them happen, express your ideas, and complete the interior design is not simple. It can be a bit of a gamble to build a house with nice interiors because owners or tenants initially have trouble locating the right professionals. 
These were my initial thoughts before I saw these magnificently constructed under 1000 square feet home interior designs by Livspace. I was so excited that  I got in touch with them and signed a contract to have my own house rebuilt after being solely inspired by the architecture and skill they put into each home.  Livspace has an excellent website where you can view their portfolio and services, and the Livspace reviews on platforms like Trustpilot speak for themselves. I'll  sum up by saying that you will get value for every Rupee you spend with LIVSPACE.
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lasafarisindia · 1 day ago
Top 5 Safari Tours for the Ultimate Wildlife Adventure
For the adventurous and animal lover, very few travel experiences can beat a safari. Be it Bengal tigers you are looking to catch a glimpse of, spotting elephants in their natural habitat, or just basking in fantastic scenery, India boasts some of the most exciting safari tours around the world. For visitors from or near Delhi, these destinations offer easily accessible yet unforgettable excursions. Here's a guide to the top five safari tours in India that promise a journey into the heart of the wild. If you're on the hunt for the best tiger safari tours from Delhi, here's your list.
1. Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan
Ranthambore is famous for Bengal tigers and is considered one of the greatest locations in India to spot these leopards. The dry deciduous forests, grasslands, and lakes of this park set against the magnificent backdrop of Ranthambore Fort attract several species of animals. Jeep or canter safari (open truck ride) provides a close-up view of tigers, leopards, sloth bears, and a wide variety of birds. It is an easy weekend trip from Delhi, a few hours' drive away, and accessible to all those wildlife enthusiasts.
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2. Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand
Jim Corbett is India's oldest national park and heaven for tiger enthusiasts as well as nature lovers. Located in the Himalayan foothills, this diversified topography of forests, rivers, and grasslands offers an abundance of flora and fauna: regularly sighted are tigers, elephants, leopards, and deer; on the Ramganga River, a delightful abundance of birdlife as well as crocodiles can also be seen. Corbett is only a six-hour drive from Delhi and the perfect weekend destination for a quick, immersive getaway. You have several zones here, but Dhikala is the most popular because there is always a great chance that you might spot some tigers there.
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3. Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh
One of India's places with the highest density of tigers, Bandhavgarh is a must-visit destination if you want to maximise your chances of sighting a tiger. The steep ridges, open meadows and dense forests of the park prove to be an ideal setting for a safari tour. Jeep safaris are the two primary ways of touring Bandhavgarh, and you will also find opportunities to see leopards, wild boars, and jackals. For those who especially take an interest in a Leopard Safari tour in Delhi and other places, Bandhavgarh will prove a great experience as there are often frequent sightings of leopards.
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4. Kaziranga National Park, Assam
Kaziranga is undoubtedly the one place where the 'one-horned rhinoceros' exists in abundance, making it rather an unparalleled destination to witness the unique and diverse wildlife of India's northeast region. Kaziranga, an UNESCO World Heritage Site, unites Jeep and elephant safaris to assist you in viewing rhinos, tigers, elephants, and swamp deer in the floodplains and tall grasslands of this park. A longer drive from Delhi, Kaziranga has a lot of rewarding sights for passionate travelers because of its richness in biodiversity and its uniqueness in species.
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5. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh
 Sal and bamboo forests, grasslands, and streams form a beautiful landscape that had inspired Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book. This park is not only for its tiger population but also for the rare swamp deer or barasingha. Jeep safaris in Kanha offer a good possibility of tigers, leopards, sloth bears, and several species of birds. Situated within easy commuting distance from Delhi, Kanha is the best choice for someone looking to fully experience the jungle with a guarantee of tiger sightings.
The best safari tours provide incredible, never-to-be-forgotten wildlife adventures, each having unique landscapes and species. These tours are excellent choices whether as a resident of Delhi or just passing through to experience India's rich biodiversity.
For those interested in tigers and their habitats, likely candidates will be Ranthambore, Jim Corbett, or Bandhavgarh. Each offers easy access from Delhi and thus presents an ideal prospect for the best tiger safari tours from Delhi.  LA Safaris India specialise in organising these experiences, ensuring travellers get close views of these magnificent creatures while also immersing in India's rich and full-bodied natural diversity on one of these adventures.
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hanshyundaiindelhi · 2 days ago
Hyundai Creta Price in Delhi: Features, Variants, and Value
The Hyundai Creta has become an iconic choice in the SUV segment, celebrated for its stylish design, high-performance features, and advanced technology. Its popularity is further fueled by its attractive pricing, making it accessible to a wide range of customers. If you’re interested in this SUV, understanding the Creta price can help you make an informed decision, and Hans Hyundai Showroom in Delhi offers the latest on-road Creta price details along with exclusive offers.
Overview of Hyundai Creta Price in Delhi
The Creta price varies based on the model variant, fuel type, and specific features. Starting from Rs. 10.99 lakh and reaching up to Rs. 20.14 lakh (ex-showroom), the Creta caters to diverse budgets and needs. With competitive pricing and a range of features, Hyundai ensures the Creta remains an affordable yet luxurious option.VariantCreta Price (Ex-showroom)1.5 l MPi Petrol 6-Speed Manual – ERs. 10,99,9001.5 l MPi Petrol 6-Speed Manual – SX(O)Rs. 17,27,3001.5 l Turbo GDi Petrol 7-Speed DCT – SX(O)Rs. 19,99,9001.5 l U2 CRDi Diesel 6-Speed Automatic – SX(O)Rs. 20,14,900
For the exact Creta price on-road in Delhi, Hans Hyundai Showroom provides the latest updates and any applicable discounts.
Hyundai Creta Engine Specifications
The Creta offers multiple engine options to suit different driving preferences, enhancing both power and fuel efficiency. Here’s a summary of the Creta’s key engine specifications:
Petrol Engine: 1.5L MPi producing 115 PS and 143.8 Nm torque
Diesel Engine: 1.5L U2 CRDi with 116 PS power and 250 Nm torque
Turbo Petrol Engine: 1.5L GDi Turbo providing 160 PS and 253 Nm torque
These engine options ensure the Creta is well-suited for both city and highway driving. Plus, with a 50L fuel tank capacity, the Creta delivers an optimal range.
Hyundai Creta Features
The Creta comes packed with both exterior and interior features that elevate comfort and convenience. Some key highlights include:
Exterior: Black chrome radiator grille, dual-tone color options, skid plates, integrated roof rails, and side sill garnishes contribute to its bold look.
Interior: Dual-tone interiors, rear seat headrest cushions, ambient lighting, and a spacious design make the Creta a delight for passengers and drivers alike.
Convenience and Safety: The Creta offers advanced features such as a panoramic sunroof, ventilated front seats, dual-zone climate control, and a suite of safety technologies. Anti-lock braking, stability management, hill assist, and a tire pressure monitoring system ensure a secure driving experience.
Why the Hyundai Creta is a Value-Packed SUV
Given the Creta price and its range of features, the Hyundai Creta provides an excellent balance of performance, style, and technology. Its affordability, combined with luxurious interior and exterior designs, makes it a standout in the SUV segment. The various trims and engine options available mean there’s a Creta for everyone, whether you prioritize fuel efficiency, comfort, or power.
Get the Best Creta Price at Hans Hyundai Showroom in Delhi
If you’re interested in the Hyundai Creta, visit Hans Hyundai Showroom in Delhi. Here, you can get the latest Creta price updates, on-road cost breakdowns, and explore any ongoing promotions. Hans Hyundai also provides test drives and a comprehensive look at each variant, so you can make an informed choice about which Creta model best suits your lifestyle.
Whether you're a long-time SUV enthusiast or a first-time buyer, the Hyundai Creta offers unbeatable value. With the Creta price starting at an accessible rate, it’s no surprise that this SUV has become a top choice in India.
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renaultsindia · 3 months ago
Exploring India’s Top Cars Below 10 Lakhs
Are you looking for a car that fits your pocket yet delivers an unforgettable driving experience? Then, here are India’s top cars below 10 lakhs you should review while making the right choice for your needs.
Note: The features and information about the vehicles discussed below may vary with the variant you choose. Please visit the website of the respective vehicle for the latest information.
Renault Kiger
Muscular yet stunning, with performance that exemplifies excellence, the Kiger is a true masterpiece that redefines class with its charm. The vehicle flaunts a robust SUV design and plush interiors that make driving an experience to reckon with. 
Some of Kiger’s striking features include spacious and ergonomic seats, a 20.32 cm display link floating touchscreen, wireless smartphone replication and charger, a generous 405-litre boot space, a powerful 1.0 L turbocharged engine, premium semi-leatherette seats, and multi-sense drive modes. 
Additionally, it has various safety features like an electronic stability program, traction control system, tyre pressure monitoring system, hill start assist and more. Renault Kiger price starts at ₹ 5.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Renault Triber
Renault Triber is considered as one of India’s safest 7-seaters with a Global NCAP 4-star safety rating for adult occupant safety and 3-star child occupant safety. 
Renault Triber also offers a range of features, including 20.32 cm  touchscreen mediaNAV with Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM, up to 625-litres of boot space, ultra modular with 100+ seating combinations, 17.78 cm TFT instrument cluster, plush interiors with room for all seven people, 6-way adjustable driver’s seat with armrest. 
Above all, it is a high-performing 1.0L that gives you the adrenaline rush while driving and makes every drive remarkable. 
The Renault Triber price starts at ₹ 5.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi). 
Tata Altroz
Tata Altroz is a compact car featuring an aerodynamic design and a plethora of features contribute to success. Some highlights of Tata Altroz include a 90-degree opening door, dual chamber projector headlamp, multi-drive modes, air purifier, voice-assisted sunroof, and rain-sensing wipers. 
The vehicle is also armed with a power-packed 1.2L petrol engine with manual displacement. Additionally, some safety features like ISOFIX, ABS, EBD and overspeed warning make Tata Altroz a fabulous vehicle.
Tata Altroz price starts at Rs. 6.65 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Hyundai i10 Grand NIOS
Hyundai i10 Grand NIOS is a much more stylized and sleeker version of its predecessors. The vehicle offers a solid 1.2L engine with a range of features, including an 8-inch touchscreen, rear camera and parking sensors, a 3.5-inch speedometer with Multi-Information Display (MID), ABS with EBD, a tyre pressure monitoring system and more. 
Hyundai Grand i10 NIOS price starts at Rs. 5.92 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi). 
Mahindra XUV 3XO
Remember Mahindra XUV 300? Yes. The compact car has received a fabulous facelift making it more elegant, sportier and trendier. Mahindra XUV 3XO redefines the driving experience with features like a panoramic sunroof, 10.25-inch infotainment screen, dual-zone climate control, electronic parking brake, ADAS, digital instrument cluster and more. The vehicle is available in multiple engine variants ranging from 1.2L to 1.5 L. 
Mahindra XUV 3XO price starts at Rs. 7.49 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi).
So, that was about five trusted cars below 10 lakhs in India. Of course, there can be many others on the list. However, if you are looking for an economical choice with the latest features and top functionalities, you may consider Renault Kiger or Triber. 
Visit us https://www.renault.co.in/cars/renault-kiger.html 
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carracegame · 4 months ago
Building the Future: The Ultimate Guide to Infrastructure Development Provider in India
Hey there! Ever wondered what goes into the roads you drive on, the bridges you cross, or the power that lights up your city? Welcome to the world of infrastructure development provider in India, the unsung heroes turning blueprints into bustling urban landscapes. From mega highways to smart cities, these companies are the backbone of our nation’s progress. Buckle up as we dive into the dynamic world of infrastructure development, showcasing how these providers are not just building structures but crafting the future of India!
The Pulse of Progress: Understanding Infrastructure Development
What Is Infrastructure Development?
Infrastructure development is a fancy term for all the big stuff that keeps a country running smoothly — roads, bridges, railways, airports, seaports, power plants, and more. It’s like the skeleton of a nation, providing the framework that supports everything else. When we talk about an infrastructure development provider in India, we’re referring to companies that design, build, and maintain these essential facilities.
Why Is It Crucial?
Imagine trying to live without roads, electricity, or clean water. Impossible, right? Infrastructure is vital for economic growth, social development, and overall quality of life. It connects people, supports businesses, and enables efficient movement of goods and services. In India, with its rapidly growing population and economy, top-notch infrastructure is more critical than ever.
The Giants of the Industry: Top Infrastructure Development Providers in India
INKEL: Pioneers of Modern Infrastructure
One of the standout names in the industry is INKEL. Known for their innovative approach and cutting-edge projects, INKEL has been at the forefront of transforming India’s infrastructure landscape. From smart cities to eco-friendly industrial parks, they’re redefining what’s possible in infrastructure development.
L&T Construction: A Legacy of Excellence
Larsen & Toubro, or L&T, is a name synonymous with quality and reliability. With decades of experience under their belt, they’ve handled some of the most challenging and high-profile projects across the country. Their expertise spans various sectors, including transportation, power, and urban development.
GMR Group: Shaping Skylines
If you’ve ever flown in or out of India, there’s a good chance you’ve seen GMR’s work. They’re the masterminds behind some of the country’s busiest airports. But their reach doesn’t stop there; GMR is also heavily involved in energy and urban infrastructure projects.
The Blueprint for Success: Key Projects and Their Impact
The Golden Quadrilateral
One of the most ambitious projects undertaken by an infrastructure development provider in India is the Golden Quadrilateral. This massive network of highways connects Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata, facilitating seamless travel and trade across major economic hubs. It’s a testament to what’s possible with visionary planning and flawless execution.
Mumbai Metro
The Mumbai Metro is a game-changer for the city’s notorious traffic woes. Developed by several key players, including Reliance Infrastructure and L&T, this project has revolutionized public transport in India’s financial capital, offering a fast, reliable, and eco-friendly alternative to traditional commuting.
Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC)
The DMIC is another landmark project, designed to create a high-tech industrial zone spanning six states. This mega project aims to boost manufacturing, create jobs, and enhance the overall economic landscape of the regions it covers. It’s a shining example of how infrastructure development providers in India are driving growth and prosperity.
The Road Ahead: Future Trends in Infrastructure Development
Smart Cities: The Next Frontier
With urbanization on the rise, the concept of smart cities is gaining traction. These cities leverage technology to enhance the quality of life, improve efficiency, and reduce environmental impact. Infrastructure development providers in India are at the forefront of this revolution, incorporating smart solutions in their projects to build cities of the future.
Sustainable Development: Building Green
Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. As the world grapples with climate change, infrastructure providers in India are adopting green building practices. From using eco-friendly materials to incorporating renewable energy sources, the focus is on creating infrastructure that’s not only functional but also environmentally responsible.
Digital Infrastructure: The Backbone of a Connected India
In today’s digital age, infrastructure isn’t just about physical structures. Digital infrastructure, including high-speed internet, data centers, and communication networks, is equally important. Companies are investing heavily in this sector to ensure that India stays connected and competitive on the global stage.
Challenges on the Path: Obstacles Faced by Infrastructure Development Providers
Regulatory Hurdles
Navigating the complex web of regulations and approvals can be a daunting task for infrastructure development provider in India. Delays in obtaining necessary clearances can stall projects and escalate costs, posing a significant challenge.
Funding and Financing
Infrastructure projects require massive investments, and securing adequate funding is often a hurdle. Providers rely on a mix of government funding, private investments, and public-private partnerships (PPPs) to finance their ventures. However, economic fluctuations and policy changes can impact these funding sources.
Land Acquisition Issues
Acquiring land for infrastructure projects is another major challenge. Legal battles, compensation disputes, and resistance from local communities can delay projects and increase costs. Ensuring fair and transparent land acquisition processes is crucial for smooth project execution.
A Day in the Life: Inside an Infrastructure Development Provider
The Planning Phase
Every infrastructure project begins with meticulous planning. Teams of engineers, architects, and project managers come together to create detailed blueprints, conduct feasibility studies, and assess environmental impacts. This phase is all about laying a solid foundation for the project.
The Construction Phase
Once the plans are set, it’s time to bring them to life. Construction crews, heavy machinery, and a flurry of activity transform empty plots into bustling construction sites. Safety and quality control are paramount during this phase to ensure the project meets all standards and specifications.
The Completion Phase
The final phase involves thorough inspections, testing, and fine-tuning. Once everything is in place and up to code, the project is officially completed and handed over for use. This phase marks the culmination of months, sometimes years, of hard work and dedication.
Bridging the Gap: The Role of Technology in Infrastructure Development
Cutting-Edge Construction Techniques
Modern infrastructure development providers in India are leveraging advanced construction techniques to enhance efficiency and precision. Technologies like Building Information Modeling (BIM), drones, and 3D printing are revolutionizing the way projects are designed and executed.
Smart Infrastructure Solutions
From smart traffic management systems to intelligent energy grids, technology is playing a pivotal role in infrastructure development. These smart solutions not only improve functionality but also contribute to sustainability and cost-effectiveness.
The Power of Data
Data is the new oil, and infrastructure providers are harnessing its power to optimize their operations. Through data analytics, companies can monitor project progress, predict maintenance needs, and make informed decisions, ensuring timely and efficient project delivery.
The Human Element: Stories from the Field
The Unsung Heroes
Behind every grand infrastructure project are countless individuals working tirelessly to make it happen. From engineers to laborers, these unsung heroes bring their skills, dedication, and passion to the table, often working in challenging conditions to deliver world-class infrastructure.
Stories of Triumph
Every project has its share of hurdles, but it’s the stories of overcoming these challenges that truly inspire. Whether it’s completing a project ahead of schedule or innovating to solve a complex problem, the triumphs of infrastructure development providers in India are a testament to their resilience and ingenuity.
Lessons Learned
Each project also offers valuable lessons, contributing to the continuous improvement of processes and practices. Learning from past experiences, infrastructure providers in India are constantly evolving, adopting best practices, and striving for excellence in every endeavor.
Partnering for Progress: Collaboration and Cooperation
Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Public-private partnerships have emerged as a successful model for infrastructure development in India. These collaborations combine the strengths of both sectors, leveraging government support and private sector expertise to deliver high-quality infrastructure projects.
International Collaborations
India is also forging partnerships with international players to bring global expertise and innovation to its infrastructure projects. These collaborations enhance knowledge transfer, foster innovation, and contribute to building world-class infrastructure.
Community Involvement
Engaging with local communities is crucial for the success of infrastructure projects. By involving community members in the planning and execution stages, providers can address concerns, ensure transparency, and build trust, leading to smoother project implementation.
A Bright Future: The Vision for Tomorrow
Transforming Rural India
While urban areas often get the spotlight, rural infrastructure development is equally important. Providers are focusing on improving rural connectivity, access to clean water, and energy supply, ensuring that the benefits of infrastructure development reach every corner of the country.
Embracing Innovation
The future of infrastructure development lies in embracing innovation. From adopting new construction materials to exploring cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and blockchain, providers are poised to push the boundaries of what’s possible.
Building Resilient Infrastructure
In an era of climate change and natural disasters, building resilient infrastructure is paramount. Providers are incorporating resilience into their designs, ensuring that structures can withstand extreme weather events and continue to function effectively.
Crafting Tomorrow’s India Today: The Indispensable Role of Infrastructure Development Providers in Shaping Our Nation’s Future
The journey of an infrastructure development provider in India is one of ambition, innovation, and resilience. These companies are not just building structures; they’re crafting the very foundation of our nation’s future. From urban skyscrapers to rural roads, their work touches every aspect of our lives, driving economic growth and improving quality of life. As we look ahead, the vision for infrastructure development in India is bright and promising, with endless possibilities on the horizon.
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shreeganeshestate · 9 months ago
Commercial Property for Sale and Rent in Dwarka, Delhi: Your Gateway to Thriving Business Opportunities
Finding the perfect commercial property is crucial for the success of any business. In the bustling city of Delhi, Dwarka stands out as a promising destination for entrepreneurs and investors alike. With its strategic location, excellent connectivity, and a wide range of commercial properties available, Dwarka has become a preferred choice for many businesses. In this blog post, we will explore the commercial property options offered by SG Estate Real Estate Consultant in Dwarka, Delhi, and highlight why this could be the ideal place for your business endeavors.
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Prime Location: Situated in South-West Delhi, Dwarka enjoys exceptional connectivity to key areas of the city. It is conveniently located near the Indira Gandhi International Airport, making it easily accessible for national and international visitors. Accessibility is further enhanced by the presence of the Dwarka Sector 21 Metro Station, which connects the sub-city with the rest of Delhi through the Delhi Metro network. This prime location ensures that your business will benefit from a constant flow of customers, clients, and employees.
Diverse Commercial Property Options: SG Estate Real Estate Consultant offers a wide range of commercial properties for sale and rent in Dwarka. Whether you are searching for an office space, retail outlet, warehouse, or any other commercial establishment, they have the perfect solution to meet your unique requirements. With their in-depth knowledge of the local market and extensive network, SG Estate can assist you in finding the right property for your business needs.
Modern Infrastructure and Amenities: Dwarka, known for its modern infrastructure, offers a well-planned and organized environment for conducting business activities. Numerous commercial complexes and buildings boast state-of-the-art facilities, including ample parking space, power backup, and high-speed internet connectivity. The availability of these essential amenities ensures a smooth and hassle-free operation for your business.
Thriving Business Environment: Dwarka has evolved into a bustling commercial hub, attracting a diverse range of businesses. From multinational corporations to startups and local businesses, the area offers a vibrant business environment with ample scope for growth and networking opportunities. The presence of educational institutions, healthcare facilities, shopping centers, and entertainment zones further enhances the overall appeal of this locality.
Expert Guidance from SG Estate: SG Estate Real Estate Consultant is a trusted name in the real estate industry, known for its professionalism and commitment to client satisfaction. Their team of experienced real estate consultants understands the specific needs of businesses and can provide valuable guidance throughout the property buying or rental process. With their assistance, you can navigate the complex real estate market with ease and secure a commercial property that suits your budget and objectives.
Conclusion: Dwarka, Delhi, offers a conducive environment for businesses, with excellent connectivity, modern infrastructure, and diverse commercial property options. SG Estate Real Estate Consultant provides a seamless experience, helping businesses find the perfect commercial property in this thriving locality. If you're looking to establish or expand your business in Delhi, Dwarka should be at the top of your list. Reach out to SG Estate today and unlock the immense potential that this area has to offer. For More Information
Visit: https://sgestate.in/ Contact: +91 9811470867 / +91 8920761975 Mail At: [email protected] Vardhaman Prakash Plaza, Shop No.103-104, Plot No.56, 1st Floor, Rd Number 226, Sector 20 Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi 110075 C-37 A, Northern Peripheral Rd, Block - L New Palam Vihar Phase 2, Sector 110 Gurugram, Haryana 122017
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realestateindianyy · 9 months ago
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In order to invest in a promising niche if we talk about investment, it is important that you conduct thorough research as to where you want to invest exactly.
MY SAY? The Real Estate Sector is the best kind of investment as there are incredible benefits that one yields out of their investment in terms of ROI all the while receiving the incredible opportunity to own a beautiful home. 
It is a well-established fact that every investor seeks to look for a sumptuous home where they can experience a 100% transformative lifestyle. 
Noida is that one incredible city, a significant part of Delhi NCR where you can think of buying an affluent household unit at the best prices. 
Today, you are going to learn some useful insights with respect to one such incredible development. This garden-fresh housing project will be a part of a highly prestigious area of Noida. 
Before getting you to know about the significant benefits with respect to this city. Noida has evolved at a very swift rate, resulting in being one of the most appropriate choices for every Indian Family. 
Whether it is the infrastructure sector or the realty sector, Noida has passed with flying colors in terms of advancement. Along with being the best area to own the best kind of residence, you will also adore the connectivity with several top employment hubs. 
Noida is a hub for top multi-national corporations, corporate spaces, business towers, IT firms, and start-ups that pay its employees with great salary packages. Some excellent companies that are a part of this city are:
Correnthum Tower
Dell Technologies
HCL Technologies
Adobe Systems Incorporated
Samsung Electronics
Noida Corporation
EXL Service
Wipro Limited
Numerous metro stations are located in proximity to residential as well as employment hubs, resulting in very easy accessibility as working professionals can easily travel, i.e. 10-12 minutes of walking distance from metro stations. 
Other than this, facility of different public transportation modes are also available to you. For instance, autos, rickshaws, and buses are available outside every metro station in case you do not want to walk to your office. 
If you want to reside in a sumptuous home, then you can definitely consider the brand new residential project that is coming soon in sector-128, Noida. L&T Green Reserve is a high-rise development, offering 3,4, and 5 BHK apartments. 
Investing in this property will not just offer flexibility in terms of configuration but also offer an extensive range of amenities and services for you to enjoy. 
Gym, Business Centres, Library, Swimming Pool, Clubhouse, Party Lawn, Alfresco Dining, Spa, Salon, Meditation Room, Yoga Zone, Jogging & Walking Pathway, Cycling Track, Open Barbeque, Theatre, Sports Court, Playground, Garden, and many other top-notch amenities. 
If you want to inculcate several high-end amenities, Noida is the perfect place for you as well as your loved ones. L&T Green Reserve Noida is the best kind of accommodation that is going to be an ideal choice for every investor. 
If you further want more details, then you should definitely read my upcoming articles. I will some more unique and detailed information. 
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propertyservicesncr · 2 years ago
Reliance Met Industrial Plots at Met City Jhajjar
Reliance Met Industrial Plots at Met City Jhajjar
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Welcome to Reliance Industrial Plots at Reliance Met City Jhajjar.
India is constructing a 90 billion dollar industrial corridor between Delhi and Mumbai. This industrial park will boost India’s economy and transform local economies. The Delhi Mumbai industrial zone was first introduced in 2006.
This industrial estate was planned for the 2008 Beijing Olympics to feed the infrastructure requirements for the games. India’s iron ore exports were shifted from Japan to China, efforts were made to obtain ore for Japan from other areas of India.
However, due to the non-existent infrastructure it was logistically difficult and not cost effective to solve this problem for future cases. Then the Japanese ambassador came to India to raise the idea of an efficient freight corridor, similar to the Tokyo Osaka corridor in Japan.
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The Delhi Mumbai industrial corridor or DMIC will be 1483 kilometers long. This Industrial corridor will be connecting Delhi India’s national capital to Mumbai its financial hub and largest port city.
The corridor will have 24 investments in industrial sectors with the investment regions being a minimum of 200 square kilometers and the industrial sectors being a minimum of 100 square kilometers.
There will be eight new industrial smart cities, two brand new international airports, an eight lane highway and two mass transit bus systems. India’s first high-speed rail line, several power projects and three logistics hubs, these investments will be spread along the western dedicated freight corridor(WDFC) a massive freight train route that will serve as the corridor’s backbone.
There will also be numerous smaller rail linkages feeding into the larger freight line. India hopes that the DMIC will serve as a high-tech industrial zone, providing 3 million new jobs and increasing the share of manufacturing in the Indian GDP to 25% by 2025.
For reference in 2018, manufacturing contributed only 14.8. The DMIC will be 90% funded through public-private partnerships with companies investing in industrial plots, industrial land and projects that will appreciate in value and the other 10% will come from foreign investment.
Japan has already loaned 4.5 billion dollars the DMIC, and it will spread across six states as well as Delhi, which is a small federal territory.
The first state is Uttar Pradesh, which will include one investment region and one industrial area both within 80 kilometers from new Delhi along with a 3500 megawatt power plant and a smart city in Noida which will have a logistics sub and a new international airport.
The second is Haryana, it will include two investment regions and two industrial areas in addition and there will be a smart city along with a rapid transit bus system in Gurgaon.
The third is Rajasthan, it will include two investment regions and three industrial areas a smart city with a logistics hub and the Bivari dry port and logistics hub.
The fourth is Madhya Pradesh, it will include two investment regions and two industrial areas along with a smart city called Vikram Industrial Township outside Ujjain.
The fifth is Gujarat, it will include two investment regions and three industrial areas a rapid transit bus system in Ahmedabad and the largest new city in India called Dollara. Dollara will be a massive brand new smart city that will cover 920 square kilometers and include one of the corridor’s new international airports.
Lastly the sixth state is Maharashtra, it will include two investment regions and two industrial areas including the Digi port Industrial area along with three new smart cities, including the Aurangabad industrial city, a green smart city that will cover 40 square kilometers.
The eight lanes 15 billion dollar Delhi Mumbai Expressway will connect the two megacities, reducing the current 24-hour travel time to12 hours, in addition a recently approved 17 billion dollar high-speed rail line will connect to Mumbai and Ahmedabad.
It will be India’s first high-speed rail line since the MOU in 2006, the corridor has progressed significantly in 2007 during Abe Shinzo’s visit to India. He and Manmohan Singh were presented with the final project concept in 2008.
The DMIC development corporation a government-owned company in charge of establishing and promoting the corridor was founded in 2011. The project was officially approved, since then construction has started on many projects as of July 2020.
The western dedicated freight corridor was 56% finished; it is on track for completion in December 2021. The 1250 kilometer Mumbai-Delhi Expressway is under construction and is expected to be completed by 2023.
Since 2016 the Aurangabad Industrial city has been under construction. Satellite footage from 2019 reveals the 4.5 square kilometer first phase with many roads constructed.
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Reliance Industrial Plots In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar, Reliance Industrial Plots Price, Reliance Industrial Plots Price In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Projects Gurgaon, Reliance Met Industrial Plots in Gurgaon, Reliance MET Industrial Plots Price, Reliance Met Jhajjar, Reliance Model Economic Township, Reliance Plot
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Reliance Industrial Plots In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar, Reliance Industrial Plots Jhajjar Haryana, Reliance Industrial Plots Price In Gurgaon, Reliance Industrial Projects Gurgaon, Reliance MET Industrial Plots Price, Reliance Met Jhajjar, Reliance Model Economic Township, Reliance Plot, Reliance Plot Delhi, Reliance Plot Delhi NCR
Reliance Plot For Sale, Reliance Plot For Sale Gurgaon, Reliance Plot Gurgaon, Reliance Plot Near Delhi, Reliance Plot Near Delhi NCR, Reliance Plots, Reliance Plots Delhi, Reliance Plots Delhi NCR, Reliance Plots For Sale, Reliance Plots For Sale Gurgaon, Reliance Plots Gurgaon, Reliance Plots Near Delhi, Reliance Plots Near Delhi NCR
On 7th September 2019, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the city. The government of Madhya Pradesh has set aside five square kilometers for Vikram Smart City between Ujjain and Divas footage from June 2020 reveals finished roads, a water treatment plant, a sewage treatment plant, an electric substation and a water tower.
Once these utilities are complete, residential buildings will be constructed in Greater Noida and integrated Industrial Township near Delhi is being developed. It will have many high-tech industries and residential areas.
The first phases of all these new cities have received over 2 billion dollars in investment and are planned to be completed in 2025. The Ahmedabad rapid transit bus system was completed in 2009 and is fully operational.
Lastly the Mumbai-Ahmedabad high-speed rail line is supposed to begin construction soon. As of July 2020 60% of the required land have been acquired. Due to the coronavirus pandemic a lot of construction has halted but deals are still being made once restrictions are lowered.
Projects will continue the larger corridor is planned to be completed by 2037 costing a total of 90 billion US dollars whether it will succeed in boosting the Indian economy and providing millions of jobs, we will just have to wait.
If you are looking for any Industrial Plots in Delhi NCR Visit out website https://www.industrialplots.co.in/industrial-area/reliance-industrial-plots.html
Note- info may be differ as we gathered it from internet.
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indianewsstream · 2 years ago
Delhi’s excise policy that led to Manish Sisodia’s arrest
New Delhi:Why did the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) arrest Delhi’s Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia? After all, what is this ‘liquor scam’ that has created a political storm in the country’s capital and finally led to his resignation.
Sisodia has been accused of committing irregularities in the old liquor policy for political gains of his Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). He has been accused of providing undue favors to liquor licensees in return for “kickbacks” and “commission” , which was reportedly used by AAP in the Punjab Assembly elections in February 2022.
The story begins from July 2022, when Delhi Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar submitted a report to Lieutenant Governor Vinay Kumar Saxena about these charges against Sisodia.
Earlier, the Economic Offences Wing of the Delhi Police, which reports to the BJP-ruled Centre also took note of the ‘reforms’ in the policy. The Enforcement Directorate (ED) also launched a separate probe into the Delhi liquor scam.
According to the report submitted to the #LG and the #chiefminister, Sisodia allegedly made changes in the excise policy without the approval of the LG, such as allowing exemption of Rs 144.36 crore on tender license fee. The report said, “The Excise Department, under the direct orders of Sisodia, decided to give a waiver of Rs 144.36 crore to the liquor cartel alone on the tender license fee, on the pretext of the Covid pandemic.”
Officials said if any changes are made to a policy that has already been implemented, the excise department will have to place them before the cabinet and send them to the lieutenant governor for final approval. Any change made without the approval of the cabinet and the L-G is illegal, and in violation of the Delhi Excise Rules, 2010 and the Trade Rules, 1993.
The report also alleged that Sisodia extended undue favor to liquor licensees by revising the rates of foreign liquor and doing away with the import pass fee of Rs 50 per case of beer. As per reports, this made foreign liquor and beer cheaper for retail, leading to loss of revenue to the exchequer.
But before we go any further let us first know what was the excise policy.
The proposal of this policy came in 2020 and it came into force in November 2021. Delhi was divided into 32 zones, with each zone having 27 liquor vends. Under this policy, the government will have nothing to do with the sale of liquor, only private liquor shops will run in the city, and there will be 2-3 contracts in each municipal ward. Its objective was to eliminate liquor mafia and black marketing, increase revenue and improve consumer experience and ensure equitable distribution of liquor shops.
The government also made rules flexible for licensees, such as allowing them to offer discounts and set their own prices instead of selling at the government-fixed MRP. After this, the shopkeepers offered discounts, due to which the crowd gathered. Following protests from the opposition, the Excise Department withdrew the exemption for some time.
The CBI has named 15 persons in its #FIR filed in connection with the Delhi Excise Policy 2021-2022, in which Sisodia is on top. Citing allegations in a memorandum issued by the L-G, the FIR states that Sisodia, Delhi’s then Excise Commissioner Arva Gopi Krishna, and two other senior Excise Department officials had “played a key role in making recommendations and decisions relating to the policy.
There is another allegation against Sisodia. The CBI is probing the deputy #CM in a case related to alleged setting up of a ‘feedback unit’ to collect political intelligence against AAP’s political opponents. On 22 February, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) sanctioned prosecution of him under the Prevention of Corruption Act in connection with the case.
The political war between the #AAP and the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has escalated after Sisodia’s arrest. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said, “He is innocent…this is dirty politics”. . He tweeted and said, ‘There is a lot of anger among the people due to the arrest of Manish. Everyone is watching. The public is understanding everything. People will respond to it.”
Sisodia was arrested on Sunday after nearly eight hours of questioning. He was questioned about various aspects of the excise policy, his alleged links with Dinesh Arora and other accused named in the FIR, and details of exchange of messages from several phones.
CBI officials said the arrests were made after the deputy CM did not cooperate with the probe and avoided the clarifications sought by him.
Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) #mla Saurabh Bhardwaj said, ‘#CBI is completely at the behest of the Centre. We always knew that Manish Sisodia would be arrested.
Meanwhile, in a set back to #Sisodia, the Supreme Court on Tuesday refused to entertain his plea by challenging his arrest. The court told him to approach a lower court or High Court. – INDIA NEWS STREAM
Source: https://www.indianewsstream.com/look-at-more-stories/explained-delhis-excise-policy-that-led-to-manish-sisodias-arrest/
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rnewspost · 2 years ago
'L-G, BJP hatched plan': AAP cries foul over appointments of MCD aldermen, presiding officer
‘L-G, BJP hatched plan’: AAP cries foul over appointments of MCD aldermen, presiding officer
Alleging the BJP-LG nexus of fraud, AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj said that the saffron party and L-G Saxena hatched a plan to delegate BJP associates, the control of zone committees. New Delhi ,UPDATED: Jan 8, 2023 22:46 IST AAP MLA from Greater Kailash Saurabh Bhardwaj. (File Photo) By Pankaj Jain: The Aam Aadmi Party on Monday alleged that Delhi’s L-G VK Saxena illegally appointed BJP workers as…
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realestateguys1 · 2 years ago
Best Residential Duplex, Villas, & Apartments in Sector 112 Gurgaon: Experion Windchants
The Experion Windchants project in Sector-112 by Experion Developer is close to both Delhi and Gurgaon. The project is close to NH-8, Delhi, the International Airport, and the most popular part of Gurgaon. This makes it easy for people to get to the area from either Delhi or Gurgaon.
Starting at Rs. 2.74 cr*, Experion Windchants is selling 2,3,4 BHK apartments, duplex villaments, and villas in sector 112 of Gurgaon.
Enjoy your hobbies in more than 2,500 square feet of activity space, which includes a luxury clubhouse, barbeque, lap pool, bio-diversity pond, outdoor games, etc.
Got ideas from the Indian mythology-related constellation Saptarishi.
The towers are set up so that they get the most light and air from the sun.
Highlights from Experion Windchants
Green was set aside for Delhi.
Quality of the building: This is a "turnkey project," which means that L&T built it and finished it. The apartment is good for the weather because it has sandwich walls and double-glazed windows.
What went into making the building: Inspiration for Windchants came from the constellation Saptrishi. The way the towers are set up takes advantage of sunlight and cross ventilation.
Skywalk: One of Asia's largest residential elevated skywalks is on the 7th floor. This is a great place for active living. All of the towers are connected through the Skywalk on the 7th Floor. The Dwarka Expressway (NPR) Lowest Density Project has about 572 units on 23.43 acres of land (25 units per acre).
Layout: In Windchants, every unit was made with the needs of the player in mind. The rooms, living and dining areas, bathrooms, and other parts of the property are the biggest of any in Gurgaon. Delhi Reserve Greens: The Delhi Reserve Greens Zone is made up of acres of land next to the Property. One might feel more connected to the calm and peaceful nature around them.
Amenities: You can do your hobbies in a space that is more than 250,000 square feet and has a luxury clubhouse, barbecue, lap pool, bio diversity pond, outdoor games, and more.
Experion Windchants Amenities:
Playground for kids.
Tennis Court.
Court for squash.
AV Room.
Swimming pool.
Room for cards.
A half-court for basketball.
Scenery of a river in a city.
Banquet facilities.
Room to play.
Experion Windchants Location:
The project is about 400 meters from the Dwarka Expressway.
Right next to the Delhi Reserve Green Area, which is the city's green lung and away from the noise and pollution of the city.
It takes 10 minutes to drive to T3 at the International Airport.
It's 4 km to the Sector 25 Metro Station (Dwarka).
Within 3 to 4 km, there are 3 hospitals.
There are at least 8 schools within 4-5 km, includng DPS, Eros International, Gyananada School, and more.
Within 2 to 3 km, there are 5 malls, entertainment centers, and other places to go.
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famaluxuryofficial · 2 months ago
Explore the Latest Modular Kitchen Designs in Delhi for a Stylish and Functional Home
The heart of every home is the kitchen, and modern homes in Delhi are embracing the trend of modular kitchen designs and Modular wardrobe manufacturers in Delhi and   Luxury Wardrobe Manufacturing Company Delhi NCR. Modular kitchens are gaining immense popularity due to their sleek designs, functionality, and space efficiency. These kitchens are designed to offer a seamless cooking experience while adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the interiors. Let’s explore some of the latest modular kitchen designs trending in Delhi.
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1. L-Shaped Modular Kitchen
One of the most popular Explore Top Modular Kitchen Designs in Delhi and Bar Furniture Manufacturers & Suppliers in Delhi is the L-shaped layout. This design is perfect for homes with limited space, allowing for maximum utilization of the available area. The L-shaped kitchen is ideal for small to medium-sized homes in Delhi, providing ample counter space and storage options. With this design, you can efficiently divide the kitchen into cooking, cleaning, and storage zones, making the workflow smooth and efficient.
2. U-Shaped Modular Kitchen
The U-shaped modular kitchen design is perfect for larger homes and families. This design offers a lot of storage and counter space, with cabinets along three walls. It creates an efficient work triangle, making cooking a breeze. In Delhi’s spacious homes, this design is a favorite as it allows for easy movement and multi-tasking. The U-shaped kitchen also provides ample space for adding modern appliances and accessories.
3. Island Modular Kitchen
An island kitchen design is ideal for homes with open floor plans. In this layout, the island acts as both a workstation and a social hub. It provides additional counter space for meal preparation and can be used as a breakfast bar or for casual dining. Delhi homeowners looking for a modern, luxurious kitchen often opt for this design as it adds a contemporary vibe to the interiors.
4. Parallel Modular Kitchen
For narrow spaces, the parallel modular kitchen design is an excellent option. This design features two parallel counters, offering plenty of storage and workspace. It’s a popular choice in urban areas of Delhi where kitchen space is often limited. The parallel kitchen design allows for an efficient workflow, with easy access to all work zones.
5. Straight Modular Kitchen
The straight and  Latest Modular Kitchen Designs in Delhi is ideal for compact homes or studio apartments in Delhi. This design consists of a single countertop along one wall, providing a streamlined and efficient cooking space. Though minimalistic, the straight kitchen design can be highly functional with the right combination of cabinets and modern appliances.
Best Modular Kitchen & Interior Designer in Delhi NCR are becoming an essential feature of modern homes in Delhi. With designs that suit every home size and personal style, homeowners can create a kitchen that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing. Whether you prefer the space-saving L-shaped kitchen or the luxurious island design, there is a modular kitchen layout to meet your needs. Stay updated with the latest trends and invest in a modular kitchen to transform your cooking space into a stylish and efficient part of your home.
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renaultsindia · 4 months ago
Exploring India’s Top Cars Below 10 Lakhs
Are you looking for a car that fits your pocket yet delivers an unforgettable driving experience? Then, here are India’s top cars below 10 lakhs you should review while making the right choice for your needs.
Note: The features and information about the vehicles discussed below may vary with the variant you choose. Please visit the website of the respective vehicle for the latest information.
Renault Kiger
Muscular yet stunning, with performance that exemplifies excellence, the Kiger is a true masterpiece that redefines class with its charm. The vehicle flaunts a robust SUV design and plush interiors that make driving an experience to reckon with. 
Some of Kiger’s striking features include spacious and ergonomic seats, a 20.32 cm display link floating touchscreen, wireless smartphone replication and charger, a generous 405-litre boot space, a powerful 1.0 L turbocharged engine, premium semi-leatherette seats, and multi-sense drive modes. 
Additionally, it has various safety features like an electronic stability program, traction control system, tyre pressure monitoring system, hill start assist and more. Renault Kiger price starts at ₹ 5.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Renault Triber
Renault Triber is considered as one of India’s safest 7-seaters with a Global NCAP 4-star safety rating for adult occupant safety and 3-star child occupant safety. 
Renault Triber also offers a range of features, including 20.32 cm  touchscreen mediaNAV with Apple CarPlayTM and Android AutoTM, up to 625-litres of boot space, ultra modular with 100+ seating combinations, 17.78 cm TFT instrument cluster, plush interiors with room for all seven people, 6-way adjustable driver’s seat with armrest. 
Above all, it is a high-performing 1.0L that gives you the adrenaline rush while driving and makes every drive remarkable. 
The Renault Triber price starts at ₹ 5.99 lakh* (ex-showroom Delhi). 
Tata Altroz
Tata Altroz is a compact car featuring an aerodynamic design and a plethora of features contribute to success. Some highlights of Tata Altroz include a 90-degree opening door, dual chamber projector headlamp, multi-drive modes, air purifier, voice-assisted sunroof, and rain-sensing wipers. 
The vehicle is also armed with a power-packed 1.2L petrol engine with manual displacement. Additionally, some safety features like ISOFIX, ABS, EBD and overspeed warning make Tata Altroz a fabulous vehicle.
Tata Altroz price starts at Rs. 6.65 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi).
Hyundai i10 Grand NIOS
Hyundai i10 Grand NIOS is a much more stylized and sleeker version of its predecessors. The vehicle offers a solid 1.2L engine with a range of features, including an 8-inch touchscreen, rear camera and parking sensors, a 3.5-inch speedometer with Multi-Information Display (MID), ABS with EBD, a tyre pressure monitoring system and more. 
Hyundai Grand i10 NIOS price starts at Rs. 5.92 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi). 
Mahindra XUV 3XO
Remember Mahindra XUV 300? Yes. The compact car has received a fabulous facelift making it more elegant, sportier and trendier. Mahindra XUV 3XO redefines the driving experience with features like a panoramic sunroof, 10.25-inch infotainment screen, dual-zone climate control, electronic parking brake, ADAS, digital instrument cluster and more. The vehicle is available in multiple engine variants ranging from 1.2L to 1.5 L. 
Mahindra XUV 3XO price starts at Rs. 7.49 lakhs* (ex-showroom Delhi).
So, that was about five trusted cars below 10 lakhs in India. Of course, there can be many others on the list. However, if you are looking for an economical choice with the latest features and top functionalities, you may consider Renault Kiger or Triber. 
Visit us https://www.renault.co.in/cars/renault-kiger.html 
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newdwarkaresidency-blog · 6 years ago
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l-zone-delhi · 6 years ago
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