#Ky Latimer
graveyardbard · 2 years
Don’t Look Back \ Opaque Intentions
*does a really sick kick flip while fighting off a mental breakdown*
OI IS connected to @sedated-smiles series, Explicit Colors. While the two stories are separate, they take place at the same time and place.
Rating: NSFW Legnth: 3.1K Fandom: Opaque Intentions (Webcomic)                                            Characters: Jedrick'Gath, Kynte Latimer, Jesse Mavens, Lele Noble, Ernesto Meza, Hazel Alpine Warnings: Stalking, Obsession, Strong Language, Horror Elements, and Manipulations
The green-eyed man had kept a good distance between himself and Ky. He didn’t have any ill-intentions, not towards them in the least. That was the man he wanted, the man he knew  to be his soulmate if the brilliantly glowing string from his finger was any indication. When the chance he would be seen occurred, he ducked behind a person or a corner until the short block of walking was complete. 
When they got to the housing district, Ky knocked patiently on the front door of a large wood paneled house. Maybe he’s visiting someone? Jed asked himself, before taking in the burrow they were in. He knew this place well, it was far off from the main strip but he had a few people in the area since the prices were still pretty affordable. He turned his attention back to the man as the front door opened to reveal a larger, older man. The man had a warmth to his leathery skin, and his hair fell delicately around his squared face. The white stripes down the sides caught Jeds eye as they stood out against the mousey brown of the rest of the mane.
Ky dug around his bag and held up a small paper wrapping to him, and the man laughed with a gentleness that Jed had only imagined was possible. He loathed it. He loathed that it was directed at his soulmate. He wanted to run over and snatch Ky away from the man. He took the wrapped item and held it in his hand as he crossed his arms over his broad chest. He smiled and gave Ky a nod and asked something that Jed couldn’t really make out. The two spoke for a moment, Ky awkwardly scratching at the back of his head as he spoke about something that really got under his skin Jed assumed. It was cute. How this man seemed to crumble when asked simple things, or may even flinch away from touches… Jed couldn’t describe it properly. It was like everything that would annoy him in anyone else, made his heart throb and swell when it was Ky. 
Ky gave the older man a small wave and turned around to walk back down the small amount of stairs, Jed ducked quickly in the darkness behind him. He couldn’t be seen, not by Ky. He wanted to preserve what he could, not that anything had been built up yet. He watched closely as the dark skinned man walked around the house, stretching up to unlock the fence and enter the backyard. 
“That makes sense…” Jed mumbled and made his way across the street in a silent flash.  
The gate closed with a click, just as Jed made it to the entrance. He pursed his lips and swore under his breath. He could easily jump the fence and see what the back of the house looked like but he decided to call it a day. He’d gotten a lot of information, and tomorrow was a new day. He could arrange for Vita to come up and take care of the alley, and he wasn’t really needed at the grocery store so it’d be okay to spend the week learning more about Ky, and making sure he could adopt Chief. Little bastard was perfect, and Jed wasn’t going to miss out on bringing him home.
Ky twisted the small metal ball back onto the accompanying horseshoe in his nose. It was his first day off of the week and he wanted nothing more than to spend it doing what he loved. He placed the lobster hook earring in his stretched lobe and fluffed his hair quickly before turning around and making his way into the large open living space of his apartment. His plans were simple, that tip from the day before that he’d received from Jed – The tall, handsome man that sent lightning through his veins, with the hypnotizing green eyes and the goofy crooked smile. – He snapped out of that train of thought and shook his head. That tip would help him get a few things he’d been wanting for a while now. He walked around the kitchen area, pulling out a few things that he’d need for a quick brunch. He was careful about the food he ate so it wasn’t surprising to see him pull out a few eggs, and a small pot for some rice. He began his cooking routine, starting with the rice. He meticulously rinsed and pressed at the grains until the water ran clear. The most important part, he thought, if the rice isn’t clean it won’t come out right and then he’ll have wasted a good bit of food. 
Lele entered the kitchen with a loud yawn, her arms stretched far above her head. Her hair draped down around her bare freckled face, as she made her way toward Ky. She leaned down to him, pressing a kiss to his lips and walking to the fridge, pulling out a hyperbeast energy drink. “Good morning, Fluff. You’re going out today?” 
Ky hummed and nodded, a part of him wanted so badly to groan at the nickname. He didn’t particularly like it, but it's one of those things he’d gotten used to.  “Have some running around I gotta do, and then I’m meeting up with a friend at the cafe to get some work done. What about you?”
“Nothing special, got some videos to shoot for this sponsorship I landed. Won’t be back until late.” Lele finished her drink and tossed the can in the sink. The woman was a successful influencer and streamer, her looks helping bolster a demographic and her wit keeping them around. “Need me to get anything for you?” Ky moved from the stove to the bowl he’d prepared and slid his eggs onto the awaiting rice. “I’m probably gonna stop by the candy store, if you need something from there.” “Nope, I’m good this time. You just have a good day, you little cutie.” She responded quickly, gripping Ky’s jaw and pressing a few kisses to his face before leaving to take one of her long showers. As soon as the door clicked closed, the man wiped the uncomfortable lingering feeling from his face. 
He finished up his brunch and grabbed his things, including the generous tip before heading out the door. He heard a familiar song blaring in the distance and looked up to the building behind him. Smiling at the song, he nodded and left the yard to start his day.
Just behind the house, where the familiar song blared, was an apartment building. It was humble, the apartments themselves were small and well loved by their tenants. Single parent families and young adults dwelled in them for the most part. Which was fine by Jed, he knew a few of the local punks that stayed in the place. He was surprised to find that Ky lived so close to one of the buildings after tailing him home from work the night before. 
Jed sat on the roof of the apartment building, eyes trained on the back of the house he’d visited the night before. He had the perfect view through the sheer black curtains, an average person would struggle to see through the fabric but he had no difficulties watching his soulmate's trained hands rinse the rice he’d carefully measured. He was impressed, he knew that Ky could make a few drinks but cooking was something he’d not thought to consider for him. He smirked to himself and continued watching as the rowdy group of day drunk punks called out to him. 
“Come oooon Jed, you didn’t come over here to stare at that house all day did you?” One whined in a voice that chilled Jeds bones. 
“Yeah man, grab a drink and come hang out.” Another griped, causing Jed to look at them with enough venom to take down an elephant. 
“No. I’m doin’ somethin’ so just lay offa me alright?” He returned his focus to Ky, currently cooking himself eggs and a few strips of bacon. 
“Whose that?” A small quiet punk was sat next to him, chest pressed to the barrier and sleep laten eyes turned to the window that held Jeds attention in a vice. “They must be important if you’re turning down free booze…”
“What's it to ya, ‘Louse?” Toulouse Javier, a punk he’d known since his days in the cult. They had followed Jed to the city shortly after the “incident”, and did their best to stay under the radar. They didn’t have a family in the area because of the cultists. Their skin was tan, even with the obvious washed-out it's adapted from the years of isolation. “Ain’t like ya ever cared before, why do ya care now?” “Because you’ve never had your heart set on something before… ‘less it was money related… or your family…” They turned their grey eyes to Jed and quirked an eyebrow. “You can talk to me, you know.”
“And what's that gonna help? I know ya wanna help but this ain’t somethin’ ya can help me wit’.” Jed stood up and pushed his fists in his pockets. He didn’t want to hurt Toulouse, they were good people. In fact, they were the only people that stuck by him after learning more about him. “I… don’t need ya gettin mixed up in my shit. Yer too good for it.”
“If that's how you feel, I won’t fight you.” Toulouse turned and rested their arms up on the barrier. “Just be sure you want them mixed up in it.”
That was the last thing Jed heard before sinking into the crowd. He didn’t care what Toulouse meant by that last statement, he knew what he was doing. He didn’t have many things in his life that he was definite on, but this– Someone like him being Jeds soulmate? – was one of them. He refused to lose Ky, and was prepared to do anything and everything to make him his own. 
By the time Jed rounded the corner he had noticed Ky was already on the move. He dipped back behind the fence on the corner, peaking around it he could see Ky dressed in some early era punk outfit. A black tshirt, a few leather bracelets, a pair of straight leg jeans, An asymmetrical skirt, a pair of chucks, and a backpack slung over his shoulder. Something told Jed that if the weather were colder there would be a chunky long sleeved shirt somewhere in the mix. A smile curled across the man's face as he watched, his heart thrumming in double time against his ribs. How could someone like this, someone so perfect, make Jed feel like his very soul was melting? He couldn’t understand it. 
Ky was focused on his phone, typing away as he stood in front of the humble house. It was like he was typing out a novel on the device. His lips pulled into a crooked smile at the sizable screen and he shoved the device into a pocket within the skirt. He turned to the corner where Jed was standing, causing the man to quickly duck back out of his sight. That was close… Jed thought to himself, his chest heaving a few times from the idea of being caught. His attention snapped back when he noticed Ky walking across the street, towards the shopping district. He quickly lifted the hood of his sweater and began tailing the other man. Where are you off to, Devildust?
The walk wasn’t terrible, but he’d noticed Ky falter a bit as they traveled, almost as if his legs couldn’t carry him any further. He stopped at a small bench on the sidewalk for a moment, sighing deeply and rubbing his right leg. Jed furrowed his brow, resisting the urge to dash up to him and help him sit comfortably on the bench, and instead ducked behind a corner of a nearby building, peeking out and watching as Ky rested. The man pulled out his cellphone and clicked the screen a few times before perking up and speaking. 
“Hey! Are you at Bean There?” He paused and waited for a response. “Yeah, Yeah I have my laptop. Want me to grab you anything from– Pffff of course. I’ll see you in a bit!” Ky shoved his phone back in his pocket and stood up, slinging his backpack over his shoulder and looking around. He paused, squinting in Jeds direction curiously. He wasn’t sure but he thought he saw something shifting a little ways down. He shook it off as one of the many people on the street going about their day and began heading further into the shopping district. 
Jeds face was hot, he wasn’t sure if Ky had seen him or just something caught his eye but he was staring directly at him. His brown eyes pierced through him straight down to his rotten soul. He bit down hard on his lip and snaked out of his hiding spot, keeping pace with the other man. He couldn’t risk losing sight of him just yet, he needed to know everything. Everything that made him smile and made his heart swell with joy. Everything that made him who he is. 
There weren’t many stops but there were enough that Jed was able to get an understanding of him. He loved chewy candies. They had entered a small candy shop and he had picked up a bunch of chewy sticks in various flavors– Watermelon, Mango, Cherry, and so on– as well as a few small bags of gummy bears and candy ropes. His haul fit well into his backpack and he took his leave. It was a short visit that made Jed chuckle, seeing his very dark, brooding, gunk soulmate in what was essentially a bubblegum saloon. 
The next stop was the book store, Bunch A’ Books, where he flitted around the manga section and YA section for a good while. He took his time, browsing as many books as he could before settling on a few he liked. Jed circled behind Ky and picked up a few of the books he’d looked at with plans to hand them off to him as gifts soon. He bounced on his heels and leaned around the patron in front of him as Ky checked out with his stuff. He gave the cashier a nod and began heading out the door. Jed shoved in front of the other person and slammed his stuff on the counter. “Hey hurry the fuck up alright. Don’t got time to play around with you dick holders.” He gestured to the cashier to hurry with his check out. They grimaced but complied, if only to get him and his rudeness out of the store sooner, putting all of his books in a bag. Jed snatched the plastic from the counter and quickly exited the store, checking in both directions for Ky. But nothing, the man was gone from sight. He growled and clutched the plastic bag in his hand. The string attaching them was slack and faded in the general direction that Ky headed towards. It would take Jed a while to catch back up with him. 
“Fuck.” He huffed and stormed back towards Ky’s house. The man had another plan in mind. He could have gone home, or he could have just gone back to relaxing at the party. But now he had a goal, he had a reason to return to that little house. The man needed to know everything, everything that made Ky tick. He needed to smell him and understand his life, inside and out. 
It didn’t take long for him to make it back to the small house. Just as he made it to the corner, he saw a woman leaving the backyard. She was tall, even without the platform shoes she was tall and curvy. Her outfit was light, a black tank top and pale blue shorts with an orange panel, all piled on top of fishnets, and finished off with loose fitting thigh high socks. He sucked his teeth and sneered, that must be the “babe”  Ky was talking to the day before. She didn’t look special, she didn’t look like anything to Jed. She looked like a pathetic whelp that used people for her own personal gain. A car stopped in front of the house with a gentle screech. 
She started crawling into the car but paused, looking directly at Jed and raised an eyebrow curiously. Did she know him from somewhere? Jed wished deeply to wipe that smug arrogant look from her face, to make sure she’s kept far away from Ky. He was going to remove her from the picture entirely. He stood still in his place watching her climb into the car and drive off, eyes never breaking from her. 
Once the car was long gone, he refocused his attention on the house. He could get in, dig around and get out. Easy. He walked up to the fence, reached over the wooden slats and pulled the latch open. The backyard was small and comfortable just as he’d seen from his friend's rooftop. He spared a glance up to the top of the building, no one was there now. It seems they’d all moved to somewhere else. He looked back down to the space he was standing. There was a small path leading to a front door and a patio with lawn furniture, a decent bit of grass, and a shed. He hummed, placed the bag of books on the glass top table. 
Jed has never been shy about using his abilities, he was able to do things that normal people wouldn’t be able to do in their mortal lifetime. The ability wasn’t something he was able to use naturally, but something he’d learned out of necessity. He wasn’t always in the best living situation and getting out of places quickly and undetected was part of his survival. He walked up to the door, pulling the screen door open and his hand hovered just away from the lock. 
The door unlocked with ease and he tapped it open, letting the door swing slowly open. 
“Aight, Devildust, Lets see what ya got.” The tall man entered the apartment and took in the space. There were bookshelves from the floor to the ceiling, each shelf covered in books, games, movies, and trinkets. It was easy to identify most of them; Various iterations of slashers and some of their survivors, A few from cartoons that Jed had seen in passing while hanging out with his sister, and some witchcraft statuettes. He couldn’t pinpoint the others, probably from shows he’d never seen. There was also a row of shelves at the very top stuffed full with plush toys, some vibrant and some dark. He smiled, this was definitely his soulmates doing. It was far too specific and tended to, to belong to that bitch. 
Jed reached a hand up, and grabbed a small blue plush alpaca. He smiled and brushed the squishy face of the plush. It reminded him of Ky, its eyes turned down in a constant sleepy pleasure. He glazed over the books and various media, noting each and every item before walking off towards the rest of the living room. There was a large flat screen television mounted on a heavy glass entertainment center. He noticed the particular way that the game systems were arranged on the console; The smallest controllers lined up carefully first, then the larger controllers, finally there were more small figures– an octopus looking kid, a silverback gorilla with a cheesy grin, and a dinosaur-dragon thing. He chuckled to himself and moved on to the desk in the back of the living room. 
It was a simple L-shaped desk with a large screen on one side and a smaller lifted screen next to it. He noticed a few things about the area. There were notes everywhere, There was a large- almost comical- water bottle and a glass half full with water, and a large sketchpad with some confusing doodles on it. Jed grabbed the glass and began gulping down the water, while flipping through the notes. They weren’t all that interesting to Jed, but Ky had some lovely handwriting. He licked his chops and sighed, sitting the glass back where he’d grabbed it from. “Looks like some techno-babble ta me… Is that what he does on the side?”
Jed left the notes where they were and made his way towards the short hallway that led to three rooms; A moderately sized bathroom, a bedroom that was well decorated, and another room that seemed rather empty. He looked between the room, plotting out a route in his mind. He checked his wristwatch and hummed. It was still only mid afternoon. He could spend some time digging around the used bedroom before checking out the other spaces. He turned right and entered the bedroom.
It was similarly decorated to the larger living space– a fancifully framed french painting accompanied by large scale movie posters of animated films littered the walls. On one wall were four tall bookshelves, two tall ones on the outside and shorter in the middle. Each shelf housed more books–mostly fictional novels–and old DVDs of movies that all seemed to be off color horror flicks. He brushed a finger over them before looking up at the large surface of the shelves that housed a massive flat screen television. 
The kid must really like watching movies. Jed thought to himself before turning opposite the shelves. There was a large queen sized bed that was piled high with fluffy blankets, and a large black dinosaur…ball… creature? It was clearly a pillow of some sort but Jed couldn’t be bothered to dig deeper than that. He moved to a nightstand on one side of the bed, It was covered in chargers and a tablet. He picked the device up and turned the screen on, only to be greeted by Leles face. Well less so her face and more so her body, the angle hid her face well but not enough that you couldn’t tell it was her. The demon scoffed and sat the electronic back where he’d found it and moved to the other side, It was… messy. But not in an unmanaged way– In a, I like these things and want to keep them close by kind of way. He noticed two things off the top, A leather bound book and A stack of chewy candy sticks. He picked up the candy and shoved it deep into his pockets before picking up the book. It was a journal, Ky’s presumably. Jed thick, gray fingers flipped the pages open as he began reading;
`XX01-XX__ Journal Day 01 Hi. I guess. My mom is making me write this so I stop fighting in school. It's not gonna work.
Day 387 Graduating is exhausting, I don’t think I want to sit out in the sun all day to grab a piece of paper. Especially not in front of a billion people. Kill me.
Day 404 Sticks broke up with me. Said I was a poser and pathetic because I applied for college. He was…is… I don’t fucking know I hate this shit. I hate myself for not being enough.
Day 567 College is … something. I met a lot of people, but I think the best person I met is gonna be around for a while. At least I hope so.
Day 1090 I did it. I finished school. I have debt up the ass but I’m officially a college grad! Nothing feels different and I guess that's okay but I still have friends and people cheering me on. Now to land a job and get out of this hellscape of a house.
Day 2145 I met someone new, she’s sweet, kind, and she has such a big personality. It's amazing how she makes me try just a little harder for myself. I think things can work out with her.
Day 2362 My mind is racing right now. Sticks texted me, said he wanted to talk. After all this time and all the hurtful shit he’s said he wants to try talking again…
Day 3739 Lele wants to try being exclusive…
Day 4000 I guess this journaling thing worked out after all. I can’t tell anyone about this but things with Lele aren’t… good. She makes her own money and everything but I’ve been paying for everything in the apartment… This sucks.
Day 4536 I’m getting more and more tired of this shit. I think it’s time we went our separate ways but… I don’t want to regret splitting up.`
That's where it ends. Jed was confused– If Ky wasn’t happy in the relationship why not just end things? He shouldn’t have to stay in a situation he’s not happy with. He huffed and made his way out of the bedroom, making a note in his mind to pour over the pages when he got home. The man glanced around the space again, snatching the small plush he’d been playing with and a few smaller trinkets he was sure wouldn’t be missed. He made a final loop through the kitchen, taking in the small details that felt so welcoming and familiar. Things he knew were his soulmates. On the wall that created the “hallway” space there was a large whiteboard calendar. It was decorated with small bats, spiderwebs, moons, stars, planets with rings, and so on. Jed took a second to look at today's date; ‘Meet with Dawn’. He must’ve made it out to the cafe he was talking about by the time Jed grabbed those books. He checked the coming dates and saw a name that stuck out to him. ‘Go to Herbs’ on a date for the upcoming weekend. Herbs, like the grocery store? He turned on his heels and pulled the fridge door open. Herbs, the grocery store. Jed smirked to himself once again. 
“Perfect…” He muttered before making his way out of the apartment all together, shoving his collected goodies in the plastic bag he’d left outside and making his way out of the yard. Jed had to make it home and make a few calls.
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murfreesboronews · 1 year
History-Making MTSU Equestrian Team Wins First Western National Championship
Middle Tennessee State University equestrian team members, from left, Audrey Ferrie, Sadio Barnes, Mackenzie Latimer, Jordan Martin and Jessie Kauffman hoist the Intercollegiate Horse Shows Association Western championship trophy into the air May 7 at Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington, Ky. It marks the first national championship for MTSU riders. (Photo by Danielle Dunn) For the first time in…
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lookintomyeyeblog · 5 years
California hứng chịu cơn địa chấn kỷ lục 6,9 độ Richter, sức hủy diệt bằng hàng trăm nghìn tấn TNT
Một vụ động đất  6,9 độ Richter, vừa xảy ra tại nam California (Mỹ) có cường độ mạnh nhất trong 20 năm qua. Có thể giải phóng năng lượng hủy diệt bằng hàng trăm nghìn tấn thuốc nổ TNT.
Tuổi Trẻ dẫn tin từ AP, một trận động đất mạnh 6,9 độ Richter đã làm rung chuyển miền Nam bang California (Mỹ) vào tối thứ Sáu (5/7, giờ địa phương).
[caption id="attachment_1177604" align="alignnone" width="738"] Ảnh minh họa.[/caption]
Đây là trận động đất thứ hai gần thị trấn Ridgecrest (hạt Kern, bang California) trong vòng chưa đầy 2 ngày.  
Theo Cơ quan khảo sát địa chất Mỹ (U.S. Geological Survey - USGS), trận động đất xảy ra với tâm chấn nằm cách thành phố Ridgecrest (thuộc hạt Kern, bang California) nơi vừa xảy ra trận động đất mạnh 6,4 độ Richter chỉ một ngày trước đó, ngày 4/7 khoảng 11 dặm.
Các nhà nghiên cứu địa chấn cho biết đã ghi nhận 1.700 dư chấn sau cơn địa chấn kỷ lục. Hiện chưa có thông tin ngay về những thiệt hại cụ thể về người và tài sản.
Trước đó, hôm thứ Năm (4/7, giờ địa phương) vừa xảy trận động đất cường độ 6,4 Richter làm rung chuyển toàn bang California - và được ghi nhận là trận động đất mạnh nhất trong gần 2 thập kỷ qua với  hơn 1.400 cơn dư chấn.
Năng lượng động đất có sức phá hủy tương đương hạt nhân
Một trận động đất được đo như thế nào và sự chênh lệch sức mạnh giữa các trận khác nhau như thế nào, tờ LATimes ghi nhận những đúc kết nghiên cứu của các nhà địa chất học.
Trên Trái Đất, ước tính cứ sau 30 giây lại có một trận động đất. Nhưng đại đa số chúng quá yếu không thể nhận biết được nếu không có thiết bị đo cực nhỏ. Các trận động đất lớn, từ cường độ 6 trở lên, xảy ra hơn 100 lần một năm, mặc dù không phải lúc nào chúng cũng xảy ra ở những khu vực đông dân cư, Science.howstuffworks thông tin.
Các trận động đất (địa chấn) được đo bằng cường độ (Magnitude) năng lượng mà trận động đất đó tạo ra. 
Với mỗi số tăng cường độ, năng lượng địa chấn (sức tàn phá của 1 cơn động đất) được giải phóng tăng gấp 32 lần. Điều đó có nghĩa là: Một trận động đất cường độ 7 (magnitude 7 earthquake) tạo ra năng lượng gấp 32 lần (hoặc mạnh gấp 32 lần) so với một trận động đất cường độ 6 (magnitude 6 earthquake).
Theo dữ liệu nghiên cứu của Trung tâm Nghiên cứu và Thông tin động đất cùng Cục Khảo sát Địa chất Mỹ:
Có thể tưởng tượng, 99 triệu tấn TNT là quá đủ để phá hủy bất cứ thứ gì trên Trái Đất, và nó tương đương với năng lượng phát nổ của khoảng 25.000 quả bom hạt nhân cùng một lúc.
Như vậy, trận động đất cường độ 6,9 ở miền Nam bang California (Mỹ) vào tối thứ Sáu có thể đã giải phóng năng lượng hủy diệt bằng hàng trăm nghìn tấn thuốc nổ TNT.
Tâm Tuệ (Tổng hợp)
Video xem thêm: California hứng động đất mạnh nhất hai thập kỷ trong ngày quốc khánh. Video: NBC.
[videoplayer link="https://video3.dkn.tv/california-hung-dong-dat-manh-nhat-hai-thap-ky-trong-ngay-quoc-khanh-video-nbc_122bd6b52.html"]
from Đại Kỷ Nguyên - Feed - https://ift.tt/2XRv8HW via IFTTT
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arerue4pic · 6 years
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Savannah Latimer (vanni) on Instagram: “Sp👀ky Cocktails 🍸 recipe on my blog! LINK IN BIO”
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doublewee · 7 years
Young Gods;
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✧*;; 𝓐s ⊹mulheres lhes parecem✿ fracas- porque você não⇇ conhece a ╰verdadeira força╮delas*ᴗ☾・+ 
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━☪▸ 𝓝𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝓒𝔬𝔪𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔱𝔬:
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𝓝irvana 𝓢kylynn 𝓚enith.
Nirvana é um nome feminino de origem grega e tem como significado “aquela que possui quietude Perpétua”. Seu significado indica um nome feminino, Perpétua, que foi originado do latim “perpetuus” e que quer dizer que dura para sempre.
Skylynn é um nome feminino do inglês moderno variante dos nomes “Skylar” e “Skye”. Este nome é a mistura do nome Sky, que do inglês simplesmente significa “céu”, elaborado com o sufixo popular lynn. Derivado do nórdico antigo pode também significar “nuvem”.
Kenith, seu sobrenome, é um nome masculino de origem escocesa cujo tem como significado “nascido do fogo” no gaélico. Este foi o nome do primeiro rei dos escoceses no século IX. Muitas vezes é anglicizado como “Kenneth”.
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━☪▸ 𝓐𝔭𝔢𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔬𝔰:
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𝓝ir • 𝓢ky • ℒyn;
⊱ Nir ━ ⊱ Sky ━ ⊱ Lyn ━
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━☪▸ 𝓘𝔡𝔞𝔡𝔢:
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A semi-deusa recentemente completou dezoito primaveras, sendo nascida do dia vinte e dois de outubro do ano dois mil. Foi numa madrugada de sexta-feira que a mesma teve seu primeiro contato com a vida, mais especificamente em torno das seis da manhã. 
É do signo de Libra♎, com ascendente em Sagitário♐, e apesar do próprio saber um pouco sobre esse tipo de assunto, tampouco acredita em astrologia ou derivados.
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━☪▸ 𝓢𝔢𝔵𝔲𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔞𝔡𝔢:
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A pansexualidade é caracterizada pela atração sexual ou amorosa entre pessoas, independentemente do sexo ou identidade de gênero. Ela não possui uma preferência.
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━☪▸ 𝓗𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬́𝔯𝔦𝔞:
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━☪▸ 𝓟𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔞𝔡𝔢:
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❝Então ela comeu flores, pois ouviu aqueles que diziam: “você é o que você come”. E ela queria ser perfeita, mas vomitou todas as pétalas até ser sufocada pelos espinhos.❞ 
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━☪▸ 𝓐𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔢̂𝔫𝔠𝔦𝔞:
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Nirvana é sem dúvida uma mulher muito atraente. Possui um rosto angelical, dotado de vários traços delicados e juvenis. Com certeza, o que chama muita atenção em Sky é o seu sorriso, tão espontâneo. Seu nariz é de um tamanho mediano, um tanto que empinado e arrebitado. Seu rosto é arredondado, por causa de suas maças do rosto aparentes, suas bochechas possuem uma coloração um pouco mais rosada, o que lhe dá um toque especial de fofura. O seu rosto não apresenta nenhum cravo ou espinha, sendo completamente liso. Seus lábios são grandes e carnudos, alvos de batons de cores diversas, tanto claras como escuras.
Seus olhos são uma das coisas mais bonitas em Nirvana: são puxados, possuem um tom de castanho amendoado. São contornados por cílios compridos e negros, bem chamativos no modo geral, e suas sobrancelhas são arqueadas e muito bem desenhadas. Sua pele é alva e bem cuidada, surpreendentemente macia, com alguns sinais aqui e ali, como aquele acima do seu olho direito. Dona de um corpo esbelto e elegante, de cintura fina e pernas longas. Ela mede 1.63m e pesa 47kg, possuindo um porte magro.
Já tingira os seus fios de cabelo diversas vezes: em loiro, ruivo, preto, rosa, inclusive madeixas e californianas coloridas, mas atualmente estão tingidos num tom de castanho-escuro. Seus fios são sedosos e macios, bons de pegar. Na raiz eles nascem bem lisos, mas da linha das bochechas para baixo vão adquirindo diversas ondulações. Estão sempre bem tratados, já que ela cuida muito bem deles.
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                                        Mais 𝙸𝙼𝙰𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚂 e\ou 𝙶𝙸𝙵𝚂?
Representada por Kim Yongsun a.k.a Solar do girl group sul-coreano Mamamoo.
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━☪▸ 𝓒𝔥𝔞𝔩𝔢́:
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ℋ𝒆́𝓬𝓪𝓽𝒆, a deusa da bruxaria e da magia negra. 
Deusa das terras selvagens e dos partos, era geralmente representada segurando duas tochas ou uma chave, e em períodos posteriores na sua forma tripla. Estava associada a encruzilhadas, entradas, fogo, luz, a lua, magia, bruxaria, o conhecimento de ervas e plantas venenosas, fantasmas, necromancia e feitiçaria. Ela reinara sobre a terra, mar e céu, bem como possuía um papel universal de salvadora, Mãe dos Anjos e a Alma do Mundo Cósmico. Ela era uma das principais deidades adoradas nos lares atenienses como deusa protetora e como a que conferia prosperidade e bênçãos diárias à família.
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━☪▸ 𝓗𝔞𝔟𝔦𝔩𝔦𝔡𝔞𝔡𝔢𝔰 𝔫𝔬 𝔞𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔬 (𝔄𝔯𝔪𝔞𝔰 𝔬𝔲 𝔩𝔲𝔱𝔞𝔰):
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━☪▸ 𝓒𝔬𝔪𝔬 𝔡𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔬𝔟𝔯𝔦𝔲 𝔮𝔲𝔢 𝔢𝔯𝔞 𝔰𝔢𝔪𝔦-𝔡𝔢𝔲𝔰?:
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━☪▸ 𝓓𝔢 𝔮𝔲𝔞𝔩 𝔩𝔞𝔡𝔬 𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔞́?:
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━☪▸  𝓢𝔢 𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔞́ 𝔫𝔬 𝔢𝔵𝔢́𝔯𝔠𝔦𝔱𝔬 𝔡𝔢 𝓡𝔢́𝔦𝔞, 𝔮𝔲𝔞𝔩 𝔣𝔬𝔦 𝔬 𝔪𝔬𝔱𝔦𝔳𝔬 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔞 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔬𝔰 𝔇𝔢𝔲𝔰𝔢𝔰 𝔢 𝔬 𝔄𝔠𝔞𝔪𝔭𝔞𝔪𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔢 𝔰𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔳𝔬𝔩𝔱𝔞𝔯 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔱𝔯𝔞 𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔰?:
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━☪▸ 𝓡𝔢𝔩𝔞ç𝔬̃𝔢𝔰:
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⊱ Amigos ━ ⊱ Par ━   ⊱ Pessoas do acampamento ━ ⊱ Pai/Mãe olimpiano ━
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━☪▸ 𝓐𝔩𝔤𝔬 𝔞 𝔪𝔞𝔦𝔰?
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━☪▸ 𝓒𝔦𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢 𝔮𝔲𝔢 𝔞𝔬 𝔢𝔫𝔳𝔦𝔞𝔯 𝔞 𝔣𝔦𝔠𝔥𝔞, 𝔬 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔰𝔬𝔫𝔞𝔤𝔢𝔪 𝔪𝔢 𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔢 𝔢𝔲 𝔭𝔬𝔡𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔦 𝔣𝔞𝔷𝔢𝔯 𝔬 𝔮𝔲𝔢 𝔢𝔲 𝔟𝔢𝔪 𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔡𝔢𝔯 𝔠𝔬𝔪 𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔢 𝔫𝔞 𝔥𝔦𝔰𝔱𝔬́𝔯𝔦𝔞?
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Claro, dona Frequência (:v). Confio em você para fazer o que achar mais conveniente com a Nir. 
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Peace out;・゚✧
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